Cutting-edge Technology

Cutting-edge Technology
Innovation as the Key to Success
All About Know-How
Increasing Knowledge
Sources of Inspiration
the latest trends, evaluate them
management, interdisciplinary
conceivable attribute of which is
tects and the functionality for the
Being the European market leader
Much of our inspiration comes
and formulate new project propo-
teams and state-of-the-art lab and
inspected in our labs. This means
end-user – or we integrate our
in the field of sanitary technology
directly from our customers. We
sals whenever they meet viable
testing facilities. The comprehensive
we not only guarantee security for
knowledge into groundbreaking
is a distinction, an honour and an
make sure we are always aware
ideas. This thorough research
knowledge and capability of our
our planners but we also optimise
new developments. That’s what
obligation all at once. To be able to
of our customers’ needs and
procedure makes us what we are
specialists is implemented into
the simplicity of assembly for the
we mean by Know-How Installed.
offer our customers innovative
expectations, and of any issues
– one of the most innovative
every single product, every
installers, the design for the archi-
quality products year after year,
they might be experiencing. This
sanitary companies in Europe.
we have to keep on investing in
two-way communication is a lucra-
new developments and continually
tive source of new ideas. Our
Integrated Know-How
optimise our existing systems. To
marketing experts and product
Our leading position has been
this end, Geberit has been highly
managers also observe and
achieved thanks to a unique
active in research and develop-
analyse market developments.
combination of core compe-
ment for decades.
Technology scouts track down
tences, professional project
Sources of Inspiration for Innovative Products and Systems
Internal Input
Core Competences
Product Development
External Input
Customer Needs
Technological Trends
The Innovation Factory
At the Top
• Fluid Mechanics
Innovation Process Development
Geberit is a future-oriented, inno-
• Process Engineering
Innovation Process Development
vative sanitary company, which
• Future Technology
(IPD) is a model we use to structure
not only perceives and takes on
• Sanitary Technology/Labs
and enhance many of our develop-
challenges, but also goes out
• Materials Technology/Labs
ment and optimisation projects. The
looking for them. To maintain our
• Acoustics/Construction Labs
model ensures that the creative
innovative strength at a consistently
• Constructional Fire Protection
potential of our ideas is fully exploited
high level, we have established our
• Electronics
and that developmental activities are
very own “Innovation Factory”. This
• Drinking Water Hygiene
aligned to market demands. IPD
factory consists of development
• Standards/Patents/Approvals
consists of six phases: ideas
departments, competency centres
• Design/Applications Technology
development, concept, development,
and labs, which all work together to
• Prototype Construction
realisation, optimisation and marke-
produce trend-setting new develop-
• Product Management
ting. As part of the internationalisation
ments and product optimisations.
• Marketing and Sales
process, individual competency
The Innovation Factory consists of
centres were established in China
the following units:
and the USA for research and
development in order to best meet
market-specific needs.
Geberit Core Competences and Innovation Process Development (IPD)
and Sales
Ideas development
Constructional Fire
Wild Ideas or Promising Products?
Interdisciplinary Project Teams
After the ideas have been generated and the scope of the project
sketched out, project leaders establish interdisciplinary teams including
engineers, technicians and designers from development and production
as well as specialists from the procurement and product & quality
management departments. This team pools its know-how and begins
to address how to carry out the project successfully. If necessary, the
development teams also exchange ideas with accredited universities,
testing institutes and standard committees.
Development and Design
The Design Department is responsible for the design and development
of technically well-engineered sanitary products and systems. In this
department, the most modern 3-D CAD systems will be used to create
new products from the first idea right on up to the start of production.
By the Pros, for the Pros
Application technology represents the interests of the installer in the
project team. In cooperation with the product managers and development engineers, the application specialists analyse the construction
techniques of various countries, discover trends and implement their
knowledge into every phase of the development process.
Before the launch of each and every new Geberit product, the prototypes and pilot series parts undergo comprehensive testing. By doing
this, Geberit ensures the simplicity of installation, coordinated interfaces
and ensures system compatibility. Learnings from these tests are
incorporated in user-friendly installation instructions.
Everything Flows
Powder or Resin?
The Miracle of Fluid Mechanics
Thanks to these progressive
The flow characteristics of sanitary
developmental methods, Geberit
equipment and systems are a
can produce quiet, water-saving
major factor in warranting their
and unprecedented products.
reliability and consistent, flawless
performance. The department of
With these virtual development
sanitary technical groundwork
methods, fluid technicians have
works with fluid mechanics to
contributed to a new generation of
optimise the flow characteristics
traps, which are more compact,
of all of our sanitary equipment.
more capable, cleaner and quieter
Using the latest computer-supported
than their predecessor models.
simulation techniques (as used in
Geberit also supports leading
the automotive and space travel
producers of ceramics with fluid-
industries), fluid processes, water
technical product optimisation,
pressure and distribution speed
providing fluid mechanical enhan-
can be virtually reproduced and
cements across the entire bath-
research carried out. The flow is
room solution.
calculated and optimised even in
a complex filling valve before the
first prototype is manufactured.
Efficient Prototype Construction
Geberit also makes use of laser
During the developmental phase,
sintering (SLS) and stereo lithography
Optimisations to virtual models
the project team works with proto-
(SLA) to create the prototypes.
• Simulations of flow processes
via CFD (Computational Fluid
types and analyses their behaviour.
For all of these procedures, the
For this reason, prototypes should
prototype is designed layer by layer
be constructed to resemble the
using cured powder or cured resin.
• Structure-mechanical analysis
via FEM (Finite Elements
• Consideration of fluid-induced
component movements (Fluid
Structure Coupling)
Examination using real
• Flow visualisation with highspeed cameras (up to 140 000
• Analysis of fluid dynamics
using dynamic pressure and
acoustics metrics
project product as closely as
possible. The prototype construction department forms the interface
between the prototype and the
serial part and works closely with
the project leaders and the design
In addition to conventional mechanical processing procedures, the
company’s in-house 3-D printer
ensures quick and flexible prototype allocation, which speeds up
the developmental process.
• Rapid prototyping: generative
manufacturing procedure for
which the available CAD data is
directly converted into work
pieces. Geberit makes use of
stereo lithography, laser
sintering and 3-D printing
• Rapid tooling uses generative
technologies to create brand
new tool designs for pilot- and
low-volume production
• 3-D printing: with the company’s
in-house 3-D printer, prototypes
are designed layer by layer and
every layer (0.016 mm) is cured
with UV light
• Conventional manufacturing
procedures (veering, milling,
silicon casting) are always used
in cases where requirements
on lab testing are high
50 Years in 3 Months
Efficient Sanitary Lab
Tested a Million Times
systems and the Pluvia roof
In the Geberit sanitary lab, new
In the endurance testing labs,
drainage system are tested under
products are tested to ensure
cisterns, filling valves, actuator
real conditions. In addition, in
functionality, user-friendliness and
plates and taps are subjected to
specially designed labs, Mepla and
conformity to a variety of global
computer-controlled lifecycle
Mapress pipes, taps, fittings and
standards. The sanitary technology
testing. During this procedure, the
connection elements are not only
department works in close co-
data from the flushing process, for
subjected to extreme temperature
operation with product development,
example, of up to 150 cisterns is
fluctuations, but also to high
universities, testing institutes and
simultaneously evaluated at a rate of
pressures and enormous force in
standards boards.
at least 200 000 flushes per cistern.
order to test their strength and
The results of short and long-term
• 800 square metres of laboratories including standardised test setups, multifunctional test stands with custom-made testing software, temperature cycle
facilities, endurance testing equipment and special facilities for measuring the
susceptibility to fouling and limescale
• Central water preparation (6 levels) for circulation water (maximum performance
2600 m3 testing water/day, testing pressure 0.1-12.0 bar)
• More than 20 pumping facilities (pressure range 0.1-210 bar) for supplying the
test stands
• 4 facilities for temperature change testing for long-term evidence for drinking water
systems, instruments and drainage pipes (up to 5000 cold/hot water cycles 93°/20°)
• 500 testing devices (volume flow, pressure, temperature, force, paths, measurement systems), 150 of which are quality-relevant, all of which are recorded and
maintained in the testing device monitoring system
High Demands
testing serve as a guideline for
If standards are not yet established,
production release and country-
the sanitary technology department
specific approvals.
• Video evaluation with handycams and high-speed cameras (up to 140 000
conduct specific product and
Put to the Test
• Ceramics stock with 600 sanitary instruments from all over the world
durability tests. The demands we
In 24 metre high testing towers –
have for our products are often more
the same height as eight standard
stringent than the standards in place
building storeys – the resilience and
in many of our markets.
dependability of Geberit drainage
works with the project team to
The Stuff Quality Products
are Made of
The Right Materials
Intensive Inspection
The Materials Technology depart-
In our state-of-the-art labs, we
ment supports product develop-
conduct inspections such as
ment by selecting suitable materials
tensile tests, decamping and
and carrying out technical inspec-
pressure tests, as well as tests
tions of Geberit product materials
for chemical consistency. Our lab
before production release. In the
employees search for solutions to
materials lab, synthetics and other
ensure our products retain their
materials are tested with the latest
original functionality and aesthetics,
examination methods for their
even after many years of use. The
chemical and technical attributes in
consistency and performance of
order to compile reports on their
adhesives and caulks, such as
durability, deformability and service
those used in Mepla pipes, are also
life. Should the performance of
thoroughly tested.
standard materials not be sufficient,
• Compounding lab with BussKokneter for proprietary
development of synthetic
• Accelerated service life
inspection of pipe materials via
pressurised water autoclaves
• Long-term inner pressure
inspection facility with 70
stations, pressures up to 100
bar, temperatures up to 110°C
• Thermoanalysis and spectroscopic methods such as FTIR
for the characterisation of
material attributes and material
the department will develop its own.
The materials lab contributed
The materials lab works closely
significantly to the development of
• Complete mechanical and
chemical inspection labs
together with suppliers, external
the 3-layer Mepla composite pipe
• Thin-film microscopy
specialists, universities and testing
as well as the Silent-db20 drainage
system with acoustic insulation.
Solid, Fireproof and Quiet
Acoustics and Statics
For the structural analysis tests in
Consistent Fire Protection
In our construction lab, which is
which the resilience and deform-
The fire performance of Geberit
unique in Europe, we test both
ability of Geberit products are
products and systems is checked in
individual components and entire
tested, we have again produced
cooperation with external inspection
installation systems for their
custom-made facilities and
offices. The “Constructional Fire
acoustic and static attributes.
equipment. Tests conducted in
Protection” department determines
Highly qualified engineers and
special installation boxes show
the technical foundations of fire
specialists apply their expert
that Geberit prewall systems can
protection and demonstrates the
knowledge and experience to the
withstand static strain of over 100
efficiency of fire protection measures
research and the optimisation of
kg for urinals, over 150 kg for wash-
to development engineers and
Geberit products. In specially
basins and more than impressive
designers. It tests and evaluates
constructed labs, we can, for
400 kg for wall-hung toilets.
prototypes and serial products. In
example, simulate noise trans-
addition, fire inspections in relation
mission, as it would occur in a
We also test the resilience and
to material class and fire resistance
multi-storey apartment building.
deformability of Geberit partition
ratings are carried out in respect to
This means we can test and
walls under a weight of 20 tons with
the fire protection regulations in place
improve the acoustic characteristics
a force framework custom-made
in various countries.
of not only individual components,
for this purpose.
but also entire installation systems.
All for Hygiene
Increasing Comfort
with remote control where users
and Cleanliness
can communicate with the tap via
Geberit Electronics ensures the
customary hand-held computers.
continuous improvement of hygiene
We also predict a variety of
in sanitary rooms, whilst also
enhancements to remote control
increasing comfort for Geberit
options in sanitary facilities, which
customers. Even in the areas of
are equipped for handicapped
sensors and actuator engineering,
users. Geberit is also active in
research into innovative solutions
microelectronics and continually
is constantly being conducted in
attempts to simplify electronic
order to integrate the technology
circuitry so that it can be more
into new products. While comfort
easily integrated into compact,
With the opening of this internationally
is paramount in the private sector,
elegant and progressive products.
unique demonstration building in
protection against vandalism and
2005, Geberit set a milestone in
maintenance of hygiene are the
Drinking Water Hygiene is
customer information and training.
highest priorities in the public
Increasingly Important
In the training centre, installers,
sector. Automatic flush actuators
People are also becoming more
planners, operators and other
and touchless washbasin taps in
aware of drinking water hygiene and
interested parties can be instructed
busy public toilet facilities are
standards are becoming stricter. In
practically in numerous aspects of
increasingly popular.
the drinking water hygiene depart-
drinking water hygiene which are to
ment, experience and information
be observed with the installation of
Advanced Electronics
on this topic are being exchanged
supply systems in single-family and
Geberit mainly employs active
nationally and internationally via a
multiple-family housing as well as in
infrared sensors for touchless
variety of channels. The department
public buildings.
control of bathroom facilities.
of drinking water hygiene is in close
Short-wave infrared emissions
and constant contact with markets
The dissemination of basic and
detect the presence of people
and customers, conducts training
applied know-how is a decisive
within a precision-defined area.
seminars, produces publications
competitive factor in today’s business
Electronics in sanitary technology
and advises the development
world and an advantage that Geberit
necessitate a great deal of technical
uses by bringing its hygiene compe-
skill because of the wet room
tences into service for customers and
conditions. In this respect, Geberit’s
Training Seminars based on
experience is hard to beat.
Practical Experience
The drinking water hygiene depart-
Trend-Setting Optimisations
ment contributed significantly to the
A glance into the future sees the
development of the “drinking water
use of electronic washbasin taps
tower” in Langenfeld, Germany.
From Sketch to Tool
to Product
The knowledge gained through this
Injection Mould Tools
process is then implemented into
Process Technology develops
the tool design and assures the
and optimises the procedural and
production of flawless material parts.
manufacturing processes for new
products and evaluates facilities,
Geberit has over 20 years of
machinery and tools. It supports
experience in filling image recog-
product development when selecting
nition, multi-component technology
suitable materials and advises the
and the calculation of shrinkage
department on the form and mecha-
and deformation, which facilitates
nical design of the components.
the effective and cost-efficient
production of high-precision
Essential Computer Simulation
injection mould tools.
Before the first injection mould tools
are made, the filling procedure is
Our modern, automated assembly
computer-simulated, with particular
lines then assemble the individual
attention paid to material smelting
components for millions of products.
• Simulation of the filling image
recognition of tool cavities via
specialised FEM calculations
• Thermal tool design
• Optimisation of tool/machine
• Mechanical design of the
components as well as the
calculation of shrinkage and
• Continuous quality monitoring
via internal tool pressure
measurement (PROMON)
and possible form changes after
the cooling of the material parts.
Always One Step Ahead
Groundbreaking Tests and Trends
Functional Surfaces
Sanitary Technology
tomorrow will look different and
Our Future Technologies depart-
By using chemical or physical
of the Future
will need to meet new demands.
ment researches, evaluates and
procedures, construction part
Recognising trends, setting trends,
Sanitary elements may be moved
Groundbreaking tests and trends
develops new materials, surface
surfaces or products can be
actively designing the future: our
away from the wall towards the
technologies and procedures.
modified to attain attributes,
developers and engineers are
middle of the room. The borders
• Abrasion and wear tests as per automotive and electronic device inspection
The results of their applied research
which the untreated surface does
already working meticulously on
between living rooms, bedrooms
and foundational work may be
not have. Such functional surfaces
new technologies for innovative
and bathrooms may well become
implemented into numerous
can provide, for example, enhanced
bathroom concepts because we
less defined. Sanitary elements are
product lines. The department
durability, active dirt and limescale
are certain that the bathroom of
continually developing into more
seeks inspiration directly from
repulsion, easy cleaning or even give
multi-functional furniture units.
customers and markets, but also
the surface germicidal properties.
In order to be able to turn such
conducts its own scientific and
Our future-oriented technicians
concepts into reality, innovative
technological research. For testing
make use of the latest developments
technical solutions are required.
which cannot be carried out in the
from the field of nanotechnology. An
company‘s own labs, the depart-
additional example of trend-setting
ment collaborates with accredited
services from this department is the
universities and testing institutes.
exploration and development of
• Inspection of drinking water after contact with pipeline materials
– Smell inspection with test persons and an electronic nose
– Identification of washed out substances with gas-chromatography/mass
• Work in international work groups on the topic of “European Approval Procedures
for Building Products in Contact with Drinking Water” (European Acceptance
Scheme, EAS)
Functional surfaces
• Chemical functioning of surfaces
• Metrological examinations and mathematical modelling of deposition procedures
innovative metallisation processes.
Patents on
New Developments
Innovative Products
Innovative ideas, dedicated employees, distinctive core competences
and elaborate working processes make Geberit products what they are:
highly developed, dependable, durable and optimally compatible
sanitary and piping systems. The customer benefits and the system
concept rank foremost for numerous new developments and product
optimisations. In addition, Geberit products are only introduced on the
market after they have been inspected for all conceivable functional and
material characteristics, the country-specific standards have been met
and the numerous required approvals have been obtained. This provides
our customers with security when using our products and enhances
their trust in our company.
Taking an Active Hand in Standards Boards
The internationally active department Standards/Patents/Approvals
registers the trademark rights of new products and technical innovations,
monitors the competition and, if necessary, enforces rights in a given
process. It keeps track of product development in all project phases and
can implement respective country-specific requirements into the
development of products at an early stage as a result of its active
participation in national, European and international standards boards.
Geberit files patent applications for an average of 20 new products per
year, and keeps track of worldwide patent activities in the field of sanitary
technology. As such, we can guarantee that the development tendencies
and trends are identified, analysed and implemented in good time.
Know-How Installed
Geberit is the European market leader in sanitary technology. This is no accident. We continuously focus our
knowledge on innovations. We exploit synergies and in
so doing, optimise the performance of entire systems.
In so doing, we set the standard for the entire sanitary
industry with our state-of-the-art products. That’s what
we mean by Know-How Installed.
Geberit AG
Schachenstrasse 77
CH-8645 Jona
P.O. Box 1575
CH-8640 Rapperswil
T +41 55 221 63 00
F +41 55 221 67 47