Gain Experience: Approaching Organisations

Gain Experience:
Approaching Organisations
Experience Matters: Dilani Rasanayagam
Melbourne Careers Centre
Benefits of direct approach
Demonstrates initiative and enthusiasm
Know your options within a field or industry
‘Reality check’ a particular occupation
Get practical advice
Find hidden jobs and gain valuable experience
Tips for approaching people in industry
Ask to meet in person, preferably in the workplace.
Make an specific appointment for a short period of time.
Do plenty of research and think about what you really
want to know.
Dress and conduct yourself professionally.
Aim to leave with a referral and further contact
Preparation – do your research
MCC website - how to approach employers directly
Research thoroughly before making contact
Graduate Careers Australia
University LibGuides
Professional Associations & Career Links
Research organisations online eg: using Yellow Pages
Join professional networks such as LinkedIn
Which approach works best for you?
Email, telephone or in person
Find out name of person if you can
If emailing always follow up with telephone call
If telephone or in person - be prepared for ‘gatekeepers’
Develop your ‘elevator pitch’ before you make contact
Approach via telephone
Prepare and practise your introduction.
Think about a connection to the employer that you can use in your introduction.
Be prepared to talk about why you have contacted the organisation and what you
have to offer.
Think through how you will handle any resistance.
‘Hello. My name is…..I have been given your details by/I read about you in/my
lecturer suggested I…… I am a recent graduate of the University of Melbourne
and I’m looking for opportunities in ……I realise you may not be employing at
present but I’m really keen to find out more about your business…… Do you
have time to talk at the moment? Or perhaps I could make a time to drop by
and talk then?’
Promote yourself
Focus here on two or three key skills or assets which you
believe would appeal to the organisation and relate the sort
of work you are seeking.
‘My skills and experience include:
• Proven ability in writing for a range of media including print,
radio and online sites.
• Experience in working within a busy call centre.
• Well developed skills in using a range of publishing and
communications software including QuarkXpress, InDesign,
Dreamweaver and Photoshop.'
Approach via email
Focused and also attention-grabbing.
Indicate that you will be phoning in a few days to discuss further.
Paragraph 1 -Reason for writing
‘I am writing to inquire about work opportunities with your firm………..I have
been given your details by / I read about your firm in……..’
‘I realise you may have nothing at present but I am very keen on …..I’d really
Paragraph 2 -Introduce yourself - overview of your qualifications and
‘I am a recent graduate.....with an Honours degree in……..’
Link your request to your career plans and motivation for the industry,
organisation ‘I am strongly committed to a career in....and would love the
opportunity to work with...........I am particularly wanting to…..’
Handling your first meeting
What to wear?
What do you want from the ‘meeting’?
Be ready with your ten to twenty second “elevator pitch”
Don’t be aggressive and demanding of the people you meet
Ask questions
Be a good listener
Keep notes – a reflective journal or diary
Questions you might ask
• What is your position / role in your organisation?
• I am interested to know about the culture of your organisation? How do
you think it differs from others in the industry?
• What kinds of projects have you been involved in during your time with
this organisation?
• How is your organisation positioned with regard to its competitors?
• I am very interested in (put in your speciality or area of study). Does your
company work in this area.
• What do you think are the main characteristics of people who are
successful working in this sector.
• What do you think is happening more broadly in the sector that you
operate in?
• Thank you for your insights. I have learnt a lot. I am keen to meet some
more people, would you be able to introduce me or provide with me
more contacts?
More questions you might ask
• How long have you been working for company x
What’s the best thing about working for company x
Tell me more about your role
What do you see as the biggest challenges facing your industry?
How do you see graduates contributing to the future of the organisation?
What advice do you have for students entering the job market?
What are some of the major projects your organisation is currently undertaking
What advice would you have for graduates in their first year into the workforce?
How did you get your start in the organisation/industry?
Where and what did you study?
• What industry information (journals, newsletters, groups) do you think is useful for
students to be accessing while they’re still at university?
Exploring organisations
Graduate Opportunities -
Graduate Careers Australia -
Careers Online -
Victorian Government -
Grad Connection -
UniGrad -
Government Directory -
The Big Meet -
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