APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO Application of the Instantaneous Power Theories in Load Compensation with Active Power Filters Patricio Salmerón Revuelta, M. Reyes Sánchez Herrera Universidad de Huelva. Dpto. Ingeniería Eléctrica y Térmica. Ctra. Palos de la Frontera s/n. Palos de la Frontera (21819)., Key words Active filters, Harmonics, Power Quality, Three phase systems. Abstract Today, the main theory for the design of APF (Active Power Filter) control for non-linear three-phase loads compensation has been the instantaneous reactive power theory. Since 1983 when p-q original theory appeared, there have been proposed many different formulations applied to the APF control. However, the compensation strategies derived from the different instantaneous reactive power formulations present a different behaviour when unbalanced and non-sinusoidal source voltages are applied to three-phase four-wire systems. In this paper, the behaviour of different APF control algorithms got from the five most relevant instantaneous reactive power formulations, according to the outstanding publication, is analysed. They are p-q original, d-q transformation, modified or cross product formulation, p-q-r reference frame and vectorial formulation. A platform of simulation with control + APF + load to test the different algorithms has been built. The results got in the following three cases were compared: balanced and sinusoidal, unbalanced and sinusoidal, and balanced and non sinusoidal source voltage. The analysis of results from the five formulations proved that only the vectorial one allows to get balanced and sinusoidal currents after compensation. 1. Introduction Twenty five years ago the named instantaneous reactive power theory appeared with the objective of finding an effective control strategy to compensate three-phase non-linear loads by mean of active power filters APF, or its more correct denomination, APLC (Active Power Line Conditioner). The original theory was the p-q formulation and it was applied to three-phase three-wire non-linear systems with a symmetrical constitution and an ideal supply of sinusoidal voltages, [1]. The control strategy got from the p-q formulation resulted efficient in the target proposed: sinusoidal source currents after compensation with the same characteristics than the voltages. This is the formulation which has been applied in a systematic way to approach the three-phase non-linear loads compensation till nowadays. Nevertheless, at the end of the eighties other formulations were proposed with identical results than p-q one in balanced non-linear systems with sinusoidal voltages [2-6]. A comparative evaluation of some of those formulations was carried out when they were applied to get APLCs control algorithms for unbalanced three-phase systems with non-sinusoidal voltage. At these conditions, such formulation produces different results, without obtaining the opportunity to establish in a general way the superiority of any of them over the others, [7-8]. After that, in the nineties, the interest was specially focus on the study of three-phase four-wire systems at the most general conditions: unbalanced and non sinusoidal source and non-linear unbalanced load. A basic objective was to find control strategies which allow to cancel the neutral current with a null average power transferred by the compensator. Nevertheless, there is not an adequate solution to get APLCs control algorithms based on the mentioned formulations when it is being treated the distorted and unbalanced systems compensation. EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.1 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO In this paper, it is being analysed the strategies got from five instantaneous power theory formulations applied to unbalanced and non-linear systems: the original p-q, [1], the Park transformation or d-q coordinates, [7], the modified or cross product, [3-6], the new proposition named p-q-r, [9-10], and the vectorial, [11]. It is being carried out a comparative study about its performance in the compensation by mean of two indexes measured in the source currents after compensation: the THD value and the neutral current rms value. Taking into account the five formulations, only the vectorial one allows to get a compensation strategy which makes the source current sinusoidal and balanced (null THD) in phase with the positive-sequence voltage source (null reactive power); besides it makes null the neutral current. This control strategy is designed to maintain null the average power transferred by the compensator. In this work, they have been used the mentioned five formulations in three operational conditions: supply of an unbalanced and non-linear load in a three-phase four-wire system with 1) balanced sinusoidal, 2) unbalanced sinusoidal and 3) balanced non-sinusoidal voltage. Table I. Five Formulations on the Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory. Voltages p-q Modified p-q-r v0 2 vα = v 3 β 1 v0 2 v = α v 3 β 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 − 1 2 1 − 2 3 2 u p v0αβ u = 0 q 0 ur v0αβ = v02 + vα2 + vβ2 Vectorial 1 2 u 1 1 u 2 − 2 u 3 3 − 2 1 2 u 1 1 u 2 − 2 u 3 3 − 2 i0 i = 2 iα 3 β i0 i = 2 iα 3 β v0 i p 1 i = 0 q v 0αβ i r vαβ v0 v1 u1 3 u1 v u = u2 ; v = v2 = u2 − 0 3 v3 u3 v u3 0 3 Powers 1 1 1 2 2 2 [T ]= 2 cosϑ cosθ − 2π cosθ + 2π 3 3 3 2π 2π 0 sinθ − sinθ + 3 3 i0 i1 i = [ T ] i d 2 i i 3 q d-q p-q Currents − 1 1 2 i 1 1 i2 − 2 i 3 3 − 2 1 2 i 1 1 i2 − 2 i 3 3 − 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 − 1 0 1 2 2 1 − 2 3 2 1 0 vα v 0α β v β vαβ v 0 vα − vαβ v0 p0 p = 2 0 3 q 0 pu v0 q0 0 q = v α β qβ − vα vβ v 0α β vα v 0 − vα vαβ v β v0 v β − vαβ pu q =v qr p q 0 vα −vβ vα − vβ 0 v0 0 i0 v β iα vα i β vβ i vα 0 iα − v0 iβ 0 1 0 0 i p 0 1 0 i q 0 0 −1 i r vαβ = vα2 + vβ2 i1 i = i 2 i 3 pu (t ) = u.i p0 (t ) = v 0 .i p (t ) = pu (t ) − p0 (t ) = v.i 2. Different Approaches about Instantaneous Reactive Power Theories. In three phase systems, instantaneous phase voltages and currents can be transformed to another reference frame by mean of a mathematical transformation represented by an orthogonal matrix, T. When the matrix T is defined as the included within the Table I, with the arbitrary function θ(t)=ωt where ω is the voltage angular frequency, T is the Park transformation. The application of Park transformation to three generic three-phase quantities, gives their components in 0-d-q coordinates. EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.2 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO If θ(t) is considered as θ(t)=0, then, it obtains the Clarke-Concordia components on the 0, α, β reference frame. These last are the coordinates used by the original and modified formulations. P-q-r makes up a further rotating reference frame while only the vectorial uses phase coordinates (fourth and fifth row in table I). Table I shows the voltages and currents space vectors for the five formulations. Besides, they include the power terms. In a three-phase four-wire system, the real instantaneous power is defined as: p u (t ) = u1 i1 + u 2 i 2 + u 3 i3 = vα iα + v β i β + v0 i0 = p (t ) + p 0 (t ) (1) In the instantaneous reactive power theory, it is usual to define two instantaneous real power, p0(t) and p(t), and other power variables as the instantaneous imaginary power, q(t), or instantaneous reactive power components, q0(t), qα (t), qβ(t), table I. Table II presents the instantaneous currents defined through the power variables. It is very important to recall that, in the instantaneous power theory domain, an instantaneous active current and an instantaneous reactive current appear. These currents are different from Fryze´s active and reactive currents. Table II. Instantaneous Currents from the Power Terms. p-q Instantaneous current components 2 0 0 p0 v αβ i0 1 0 i = −v v p v v α 0 α 0 β v v 2αβ q i 0 0 v v v v β 0 β 0 α p-q Modified i0 i = 1 iα v 2 0αβ β p-q-r i p i = 1 q vp ir Vectorial v0 v α v β 0 − vβ vα vβ 0 − v0 p − vα u q v0 0 q α 0 q β 1 0 0 pu 0 1 0 q r 0 0 −1 q q i1 v1 v 0 v 2 − v3 i = p v + 1 p0 v + 1 q v − v 0 3 1 2 v2 2 3 v02 3 v2 i3 v3 v0 v1 − v 2 From each formulation, control strategies to compensate a non-linear three-phase load by mean of an APLC are derived in Table III. Compensation currents equations that are obtained after the correspondent constrains imposed to the power terms are included. In p-q and p-q modified formulations a constant source power eliminating neutral line current as control strategy is adopted, [6]. The method called Reference Power Control eliminating neutral line current is used from p-q-r reference frame, [10]. In d-q transformation, reference current control is considered, [7]. Finally, a source current with a time average equal to the load power collinear with a reference voltage (fundamental positive-sequence) is considered by vectorial formulation. With regard to the notation in table III, for example, pL(t) is a load instantaneous real power, PL is the pL(t) time-average value. The previous magnitudes with the symbol ~ represent the waveform ac component. Table III third column includes the zero-sequence current; all the formulations attain a null neutral current except the modified one. The fourth column includes the instantaneous power time average of the compensator, that is null in all the formulations except in the d-q one. EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.3 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO In this last case the compensator would need an external power source to obtain the compensation current. Table III. Instantaneous Compensation Currents. APLC Currents p-q iC 0 1 iCα = 2 iCβ v0 vαβ 2 vαβ 0 0 p-q-r Compensator Power 0 PC = 0 0 PC ≠ 0 p L0 − v0 v β ~ p L − PL 0 v0 vα q L 0 v0 vα v0 v β iC 0 i L 0 ~ iCd = iLd iCq ~ iLq d-q p-q Modified 0 Zero Comp Current iC 0 1 iCα = 2 iCβ v0αβ v0 iC 0 i = 1 v Cα i v 0αβ α Cβ v β v0 vα v β 0 vβ − vβ vα 0 − v0 0 − v 0αβ v β vαβ v 0αβ vα vαβ p Lu ~ − vα q L0 v0 q Lα 0 q Lβ is 0 = ~ p Lu vαβ vp v 0 vα q Lr − vαβ vp v 0 v β − q Lq v 0 p Lu ) val ( − + vαβ v p vαβ v p + v11 iC1 v1 i = p L v − PLu v + + 1 p L 0 Vectorial C 2 2 21 2 v 2 V1+ 2 + 3 v0 iC 3 v3 v31 v0 v 2 − v3 v + 1 q L v − v 3 1 2 0 3 v v0 v v − 1 2 v0 PLu v02αβ PC = 0 0 PC = 0 0 PC = 0 3. Simulation Results Evaluation. To carry out a comparative analysis among the five compensation strategies got from the five formulations presented, it has been designed a simulation platform to implement the five APLC control algorithms, at three operation conditions. The power system is a three-phase four-wire load, built by two bi-directional SCRs and a serial resistor in each phase. Different values have been assigned to the resistors in each phase to make up an unbalanced load. Three different source voltages have been applied to the load: balanced sinusoidal, unbalanced sinusoidal, balanced non-sinusoidal. Figure 1 shows the load and source currents after compensation for the five control strategies in the case of balanced and sinusoidal voltage. In this case the five control algorithms get sinusoidal and balanced source current although the Park’s one is not in phase with the voltage. It must be considered that id and iq dc components represent the positive-sequence first harmonic current and not the active current component. EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.4 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 5 4. 5 10 4 8 3. 5 3 6 2. 5 4 2 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 p-q d-q Modified p-q-r Vectorial Before comp. Figure 1: Source current before and after compensation in Case 1: Sinusoidal and Balanced Source Voltage. Figure 2 presents the phase-one currents in the case 2: sinusoidal unbalanced voltages. There is a considerable difference among the results got from such formulation. Only two of them, vectorial and d-q formulations achieve to get a sinusoidal current waveform. Nevertheless, d-q formulation still presents a phase difference respect to the voltage due to the reasons mentioned above. 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 5 10 4. 5 4 8 3. 5 6 3 4 2. 5 2 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 p-q d-q Modified p-q-r Vectorial Before comp. Figure 2: Source current before and after compensation in the Case 2: Sinusoidal and Unbalanced Source Voltage. EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.5 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO Figure 3 presents the phase-one currents in the case 3: non-sinusoidal balanced voltages. In this case, in a clearer way than in case 2, it can be observed that only vectorial and d-q formulations achieve to get a sinusoidal current. Once more, d-q formulation presents a phase difference respect to the voltage. 7 6. 5 6 5. 5 5 10 4. 5 4 8 3. 5 6 3 4 2. 5 2 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 p-q d-q Modified p-q-r Vectorial Before comp. Figure 3: Source current before and after compensation in Case 3: Non Sinusoidal and Balanced Source Voltage. Figure 4 represents, through a bar diagram the neutral current rms value in the three cases. All the control strategies achieve to eliminate the neutral current except the modified p-q formulation. 9 8 7 RMS 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 p-q d-q Sinusoidal balanced Modified p-q-r Sinusoidal unbalanced Vectorial Before Comp. Non sinusoidal balanced Figure 4: Neutral Current RMS Figures 5 and 6 present, through bar diagrams, a quantitative analysis of the results respect to the distortion. Figure 5 shows the load and source currents after compensation THD (total harmonic distortion) value defined in (3) and got from the five formulations in the three cases considered. The five formulations present a null distortion in the case 1. In cases 2 and 3 only vectorial and d-q formulations present a cero THD value. In case 2 p-q, modified p-q and p-q-r formulations present similar results with a distortion about the 10%. In the case 3 p-q and p-q-r formulations present THDs bellow the 10% and modified p-q over that value. Finally, in figure 6 it has been wanted to represent a EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.6 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO global distortion index which corresponds to the whole three phase system. It includes phase current and neutral current, TDD3φ, defined as: ITDD3φ = ITHD ITHD1φ = 2 L1 I12φ − I12φ1 I12φ1 I L211 I e2 = + ITHD I L221 2 L2 I e2 + ITHD 2 L3 I L231 I e2 + ITHD 2 L4 I L241 (2) I e2 I12φ 2 + I12φ3 + I12φ 4 + ... + I12φ N (3) I12φ1 In case 1 all the formulations obtain a TDD3φ null, as could be wondered. In case 2, only the vectorial and d-q formulations present a distortion value null, although d-q presents a phase difference between source current and voltage as was mentioned above. P-q and p-q-r formulations present values not null and in the same order, whereas modified one presents a bit higher value. In case 3, vectorial formulation is again the only one which presents a null distortion value without phase difference between source current and voltage. The p-q and p-q-r present again values in the same order whereas the modified one presents a much higher value. 0,6 0,5 TDD1F 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 p-q d-q Modified Sinusoidal balanced p-q-r Vectorial Sinusoidal unbalanced Before Comp. Non sinusoidal balanced Figure 5: Phase 1 Current Distorsion Index. 0,8 0,7 ITDD3F 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 p-q d-q Sinusoidal balanced Modified p-q-r Sinusoidal unbalanced Vectorial Before Comp. Non sinusoidal balanced Figure 6: Three-Phase Quality Index. EPE 2003 - Toulouse ISBN : 90-75815-07-7 P.7 APPLICATION OF THE INSTANTANEOUS POWER THEORIES IN LOAD COMPENSATION WITH ACTIVE POWER FILTERS SALMERÓN PATRICIO 4. Discussion and conclusions. After the comparative study carried out they could be fixed the next considerations: • It is considered as compensation target the obtention of sinusoidal source current in phase with the positive-sequence symmetrical component of the applied voltage fundamental harmonic, the configuration used as ideal reference. At this conditions: P-q, modified p-q, p-q-r and vectorial formulation suppose a null compensator average power and d-q requires a compensator average power not null; p-q, p-q-r, d-q and vectorial formulations get a null neutral current and modified p-q does not get to clear the neutral current. • Only vectorial and d-q formulations achieve to get a null distortion in all the cases. P-q and p-q-r allow to obtain control algorithms in cases 2 and 3 with a distortion bellow the 10%. Modified p-q goes over that value in case 3. 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