FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF A SRC FRAME-TUBE STRUCTURE WITH SETBACK IN ELEVATION Kun Ding1, Ying Zhou1, Xilin Lu1, Xuefeng Chen1, Ningfen Su1 ABSTRACT In this paper, shaking table test on a 1/35 scale model of an irregular steel reinforced concrete (SRC) frame-tube tall structure with setback in elevation is briefly described. The structural dynamic property and displacement response under frequent earthquakes of intensity 7 are analyzed by Ansys finite element procedure. Seismic behavior and weak position of structure are discussed by pushover analysis. The analytical results are compared with test ones. It is shown that the first three vibration modes of structure are translation in X direction, translation in Y direction and torsion, respectively. The inter-story drifts of the structure under frequent and rare earthquakes of intensity 7 satisfied the provision of Chinese code. The setback story is the weak position because the sudden change of stiffness. The ductility of the setback and adjacent stories should be improved. INTRODUCTION Setback in elevation is very normal in tall buildings and it includes setback in upper structure and setback in the top of podiums. It is researched that setback in elevation would cause incontinuity in vertical stiffness, the inter-story drifts will change suddenly in setback and the internal forces in vertical members will increased. It is very disadvantageous for seismic resistance. Many setback buildings had been damaged severe in Kobe earthquake. Analysis results also indicate maximum inter-story drift is tended to appear in setback story which became the weak region of earthquake resistant buildings. In this paper, finite element analysis of a steel reinforced concrete (SRC) frame-tube tall building in Shanghai is performed. Dynamic property and displacement response on structure are analyzed. The structural seismic performance is evaluated and weak region is discussed by pushover analysis. Mechanical performance and response characteristics of the structure are revealed and some suggestions for improving the structural seismic behavior are given. DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE The South tower is a 58-story building composed of upper 24 stories hotel area, lower 23 stories office area, refuge stories, podiums and basement. The building has a total structural height of 244.8m and architectural height of 260m. The building has a lateral load resistant system of SRC concrete frame and tube. The rectangular plan dimension decrease from 60.0m×60.0m in lower office area to 28.5m×54.0m in upper hotel area and the tube dimension change from 28.4m×29.1m to 10.5m×29.1m. Steel braces are set up for load transmission between frame columns and tube. Inclined columns are arranged in two 1 State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 1 positions (five inclined columns with 11.5° in story 16-21, three with 13.2° in story 21-22) and the SRC beams are connected with inclined columns. In addition, belt trusses are installed to form strengthened story in story 46. Figs. 1-2 show the typical plan layouts and structural illustration model. D D A A C B B N N (a) Office area plan (b) Hotel area plan Fig. 1. Typical plan layouts (a) 3D model (b) Concrete tube Fig. 2. Structural model view 2 According to the Chinese design code-Technical Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building (TSCSTB, JGJ3-2002), the building height clearly exceeds the stipulated maximum height of 190m for a mixed frame-core wall structure. Moreover, the building has a 50% setback nearly at 41.7% structural height. Setback will brings to a problem for rational arrangement of vertical members. So, the south tower is an especially irregular building. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL Two element types were adopted to analyze the seismic response on prototype structure in Ansys procedure. Element beam188 were selected for columns, beams and trusses, and element shell143 were used for shear walls, coupling beams and floors respectively. The calculating model including 14696 beams, 19375 shells, 35797 nodes and weight 2.69×105 T (dead loads + 0.5*live loads). Figs. 3-4 show the analytical model. Fig. 3. Overall structural model Fig. 4. Inclined columns model SHAKING TABLE TEST VERIFICATION Besides the finite element analysis of prototype structure, a 1/35 scale model shaking table test was performed in the State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering at Tongji University. Fine-aggregate concrete and fine iron wire were selected to substitute the concrete and rebar. And steel members were simulated by copper. In consideration of the size of shaking table, construction, lifting and material property, the final similitude relationship of model structure are determined as indicated in Table 1. The fine iron wire area was designed based on the principle of equivalent flexural and shear capacity and the steel were designed based on the principle of equivalent stiffness. In general, the model would have some distortion, but the errors can be acceptable after careful consideration. The completed model has a height of 7.729m and weight of 25 tons. Seventy-two sensors were installed to measure displacement, acceleration and strain of structure under earthquakes. The input signals to the shaking table modeled acceleration are histories of the 1940 El Centro record, the 1952 Pasadena record and Shanghai artificial accelerogram. More detailed information can be found in the work by Su et al. (Su, Lu, Zhou et al., 2009) 3 Table 1. Similitude relationship of model structure Variable Scaling factor Variable Scaling factor Length (Sl) 1/35 Damping (Sc) 8.36E-04 Strain (Sε) 1.00 Period (ST) 0.10 Stress (Sσ) 0.30 Frequency (Sf) 10.25 Density (Sρ) 3.50 Acceleration (Sa) 3.00 Mass (Sm) 8.16E-05 Gravity acceleration (Sg) 1.00 SEISMIC RESPONSE ON PROTOTYPE STRUCTURE Dynamic Property Natural vibration periods and modes were acquired by modal analysis considering 50 modes. The analytical and test results are compared in Table 2. The results indicated test model are rigid than analytical one. The reason may be explained that the smaller members are difficult to construct entirely match the scaling factor and the hinge joints are very hard to achieve. So the natural vibration periods of test results smaller than analytical results. The period ratios of the first two translation modes in both directions and the first torsion mode are less than 0.85 stipulated in the Chinese design code-Technical Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building (TSCSTB, JGJ3-2002). Table 2. Natural vibration periods and modes (Units: s) Dynamic property 1 2 3 4 5 Test 3.000 3.000 1.615 1.105 0.954 Periods Analysis 3.632 3.415 2.390 1.532 1.484 Vibration modes Translation in X Translation in Y Torsion Translation in X Translation in Y 6 0.777 1.051 Torsion Displacement Response Three earthquake waves of El Centro record, Pasadena record and Shanghai artificial accelerogram were selected for elastic time history analysis input. The peak acceleration of three earthquake waves was set to be 0.035g corresponding to frequently occurring earthquake based on the Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (CCSDB, GB50011-2001) and the damping ratio is 0.05. Figs. 5-6 show the displacement and inter-story drift curves under different earthquake waves. It is shown that the inter-story drift increased suddenly above the setback story in elevation and obvious decreased in strengthened story. The displacement diagram has an increased trend above the setback and appears clearly flexure type. 4 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 55 55 55 55 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 25 25 El - Cent r o 25 20 SHW2 20 15 Pasadena 15 10 10 5 5 0 El - Cent r o SHW2 Pasadena 40 80 120 160 displacement in direction X(mm) 0 40 80 120 160 20 SHW2 15 0 0 25 El - Cent r o 20 10 5 5 0 0 0 displacement in direction Y(mm) 4 8 12 16 20 drift in direction X (1/10000) Fig. 5 Analytical displacement curves El - Cent r o 15 Pasadena 10 SHW2 Pasadena 0 3 6 9 12 15 drift in direction Y (1/10000) Fig. 6 Analytical inter-story drift curves Table 3-4 shows the maximum displacement and inter-story drift results of analysis and test under frequent earthquake of seismic intensity 7. It is shown that the displacement responses in direction X are closed, but those in direction Y have bigger errors. Generally, the test results smaller than analytical ones which are in accord with the fore-mentioned rigid model. The maximum inter-story drifts are both less than 1/500 required in Chinese design code- Technical Specification for Concrete Structures of Tall Building. In additional, the maximum inter-story drifts gained by shaking table test are 1/207 in direction X and 1/308 in direction Y under rare earthquake of seismic intensity 7. Both drifts are less than 1/100 that needed to meet in TSCSTB. Table 3. Maximum displacement in frequent earthquake of seismic intensity 7 (Units: mm) Location Roof Story 47 Story 38 Story 31 Story 21 Story 16 Story 10 Story 5 Base Direction X Test Analysis 152.17 97.13 68.93 52.24 33.48 23.43 12.26 5.54 0.00 158.6 103.3 65.9 43.4 22.8 15.6 7.7 2.7 0.0 5 Direction Y Test Analysis 93.16 64.54 55.39 42.11 24.52 19.78 12.95 6.31 0.00 137.1 102.0 75.5 54.1 24.7 14.6 5.9 1.7 0.0 Table 4. Maximum inter-story drift in frequent earthquake of seismic intensity 7 Location Roof – Story 47 Story 47-38 Story 38-31 Story 31-21 Story 21-16 Story 16-10 Story 10-5 Story 5-1 Roof drift Direction X Test Analysis 1/838 1/1134 1/1702 1/2430 1/2189 1/2256 1/3201 1/3970 1/1609 1/835 1/907 1/1266 1/2214 1/3049 1/3201 1/4287 1/8084 1/1544 Direction Y Test Analysis 1/1611 1/2499 1/2069 1/2521 1/3716 1/3337 1/3236 1/3487 1/2628 1/1312 1/1284 1/1327 1/1550 1/2173 1/2904 1/5071 1/13171 1/1785 Seismic Performance Evaluation A pushover analysis is performed by subjecting the structure to two load patterns of equivalent lateral force (ELF) distribution and SRSS distribution in direction X and Y for seismic performance evaluation. Figs. 7-8 show the relationship between base shear and peak displacement in the two lateral load distributions. Because the two curves were so close that only ELF distribution discussed in later. Fig. 7 Pushover curves in X direction Fig. 8 Pushover curves in Y direction Based on the pushover analysis, an improved capacity spectrum method was used to evaluate the seismic capability of prototype structure under rare earthquake. Firstly, POA curves have been transformed to the capacity diagram. Then, the elastic and inelastic demand spectra that ductility demand μ equal to 1, 1.5, 2 are established respectively. Both the demand spectra and the capacity diagram have been plotted in the same graph (Figs. 9-10), so the seismic demand for equivalent SDOF system can be determined by using the graphical procedure. The objective displacements were 85.2cm, 52.3cm, 38.6cm when the ductility demand μ equal to 1, 1.5, 2 respectively under the earthquake action in direction X in equivalent lateral force distribution. When the earthquake acts in direction Y, the objective displacements were 75.8cm, 43.6cm, 23.6cm when the ductility demand μ equal to 1, 1.5, 2 respectively. It is clear that the structure has better seismic behavior and structural stiffness in direction Y is greater than that in direction 6 X. Spect r al Accel er at i on, Sa( m/ s^2) 6 5 μ = 1.0 4 3 μ = 1.5 2 μ = 2.0 μ = 3.0 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 Spect r al Di spl acement , Sd( cm) 100 Fig. 9 Elastic and inelastic demand spectra versus capacity diagram in direction X Spect r al Accel er at i on, Sa( m/ s^2) 6 5 μ = 1.0 4 3 μ = 1.5 2 μ = 2.0 1 μ = 3.0 0 0 20 40 60 Spect r al Di spl acement , Sd( cm) 80 100 Fig. 10 Elastic and inelastic demand spectra versus capacity diagram in direction Y In order to find out the elastoplastic mechanical properties on the tube under earthquake, two states of roof drift equal to 1/500 and 1/100 were selected to research stress distribution in tube. The analytical results indicated the compression stresses at the bottom of tube obviously higher than other place and huge tension stresses occurred in the setback wall. Although the bottom tube have large compression stresses, but no crack founded in there according to the test results. It could be explained that abundant shaped steels embedded at the bottom of tube increased the ductility of wall. Whereas diagonal crack to be seen in the setback tube and numerous cracks occurred in frame columns. It is obvious that the setback in elevation is the location of structural weakness. Moreover, horizontal and vertical cracks are observed in columns above the inclined columns in story 21-22 based on shaking table test, it shows that the stresses in there are influenced by inclined columns. 7 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS The following conclusions can be drawn from finite element analysis and shaking table test on the structural system with setback in elevation. (1) The first three vibration modes are translation in direction X, translation in direction Y and torsion, respectively, the structural stiffness in direction Y is greater than that in direction X. (2) Peak inter-story drift meets the requirement of China code CCSDB. (3) Setback story is the weak region of structure, some methods improving the ductility in this story and adjacent region should be adopted. (4) The inclination of the columns in story 21-22 may be larger, steps reducing column inclination or increasing cross-section capacity should be taken. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful for the financial support from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No.90815029) and National Key Technology R&D Program (Grant No.2006BAJ13B01). REFERENCES Lu, X. L. 2007. Seismic theory and application on complex high-rise buildings. Science Press, Beijing, China. Lu, X. L, Zhou, Y., and Lu, W. S. 2007. Shaking table model test and numerical analysis of a complex high-rise building. Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build. 16, 131–164 Bahram, M. S., and Jcak P. M. 1990. Seismic response and design of setback building. 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