Journal of General Micvobiology (197 I ) , 67,33-46 Printed in Great Britain 33 Taxonomy of the Clostridia : Wall Composition and DNA Homologies in Clostvidium butyricum and Other Butyric Acid-producing Clostridia By C. S. C U M M I N S A N D J. L. J O H N S O N Anaerobe Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 2406 I , U.S.A. (Acceptedfor publication 22 April 1971) SUMMARY Strains designated as Clostridium butyricum were found to constitute two distinct groups on the basis of wall sugar patterns, nucleotide-sequence similarities of DNA preparations and nutritional requirements. Organisms in homology group I had walls which contained only glucose and would grow in a mineral salts-glucose medium with 0.05 pg./ml. biotin, although growth was improved by the addition of amino acids. Some strains labelled C. multvermentans and C.fallax belonged to this group. Organisms in homology group I1 had glucose and galactose as wall sugars and would not grow in mineral salts-glucose medium with amino acids and 10 vitamins unless yeast extract was also added. Strains of C. amylolyticum, C. rubrum, C. beijerinckii, C. lacto-acetophilum and some strains labelled C. multifermentans belonged to group 11. It is recommended that the name Clostridium butyricum be retained for the organisms in group I, while C. beijerinckii is suggested for group 11. Some of the strains labelled C. fallax and the strains of C. acetobutylicum, C. aurantibutyricum, C. pasteurianum and C. tyrobutyricurn did not belong to either group. INTRODUCTION Although many of the recognized species in the genus Clostridium produce butyric acid as one of the major products of carbohydrate fermentation (McCoy, Fred, Peterson & Hastings, 1930; Moore, Cato & Holdeman, 1966) this property has been used as a distinguishing characteristic for the type species of the genus, Clostridium butyricum, and for other nonpathogenic clostridia. These have at times been employed for the commercial production of butyric acid, butanol and acetone and are known as the ‘butyric acid group’ (McCoy et al. 1926, 193o).Representatives of this group that are listed in the seventh edition of Bergey’s Manual include C. butyricum, C. butylicum, C. beijerinckii, C. multvermentans, C. iodophilum, C.fallax, C. tyrobutyricum, C. pasteurianum, C. amylosaccharobutylpropylicurn, C. madisonii, C. muelleri, C. amylolyticum, C. acetobutylicum, C. saccharoacetoperbutylicum, C. roseum, C. aurantibutyricum, C. rubrum, C. lacto-acetophilum and C. felsineum. McCoy et al. (I 926, I 930) have subdivided the butyric acid group into those that produce chiefly butyric and acetic acids and those that produce largely neutral end products, mainly butanol and acetone. The first group was referred to as the ‘butyric’ organisms and the latter as the ‘butyl’ organisms. Other phenotypic characteristics that have been used to differentiate species within the butyric acid group of bacteria are the formation of an iodophilic substance, gelatin liquefaction, fermentation of lactose and lactate, nitrate reduction 3-2 Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 34 C . S. C U M M I N S AND J. L. JOHNSON and nitrogen fixation. However, Richard (1948)found these traits to vary considerably, not only from strain to strain but also with the same strain when tested at different times. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether analyses of wall composition and determination of DNA/DNA homologies could be used to characterize Clostridium butyricum more accurately and to distinguishit more clearly from other butyric acid producing clostridia. An outline of the wall and DNA homology results for strains of C . butyricum has already been published (Cummins, 1970; Johnson, 1970). METHODS Strains of organisms The origins and designations of the strains investigated are given in Table I. The VPI numbers are from the culture collection of the Anaerobe Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and the strains will be referred to by these numbers and by the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) number where available. All of the strains in our culture collection that were received labelled as Clostridium butyricum and which fitted the description of the species were used in the study. There is some duplication in this list of strains; for example, 2681 has the same origin as 2981 and 2968, and 2969 has the same origin as 3266.However, since these strains came to this laboratory from different sources at different times, they have been treated separately. The history and particular characteristics of some strains showing high homology to the reference strains of Clostridium butyricum, but bearing other names, are described in the section on Results and Discussion. Phenotypic characteristics of the other strains of Clostridium (Table 2) were determined in the Anaerobe Laboratory and conform to those for the species designated. Wherever possible, we have included the type, neotype or holotype strain. Growth Anaerobic culture techniques as described by Cat0 et at. (1970)were used. The cultures were maintained in chopped-meat medium and were grown in peptone-yeast extractglucose medium (PYG) for the inoculation of large cultures. Large cultures of the organisms used for the preparation of walls and for the isolation of DNA were grown in a medium containing mineral salts (Moore & Cato, 1965), 0.7 % peptone (Difco), 0.3 % trypticase (BBL), 0.5 % yeast extract (Difco), I % glucose, 0.05 % cysteine .HCl and 0.5 % NaHCO,. The medium was prepared in 2.5 1. quantities in 3 1. Erlenmeyer flasks. Each flask was fitted with a rubber stopper having right-angled inlet and outlet tubes. The inlet tube protruded to approximately 2 in. from the surface of the medium, and to its outer end was attached by rubber tubing another short section of glass tubing filled with cotton. The outlet tube started flush with the bottom of the stopper, and its outer end was capped with a Bunsen valve. The purpose of these arrangements was to enable gas passed in through the inlet tube to flush air from the neck of the flask. The stopper was held in place with a clamp consisting of a rubber-covered metal collar that extended around the neck of the flask. At opposite sides of the collar were attached two eye-bolts which held a horizontal bar across the top of the stopper. The medium was sterilized without the cysteine and the NaHCO,. Immediately after sterilization the inlet tube was attached to a COz cylinder and the flask was flushed with oxygen-free C02. The outlet tube was then clamped off and the medium allowed to cool under I to 2 lb/in.2 of C02. A sterile solution of cysteine. HCl(1o ml. of 12.5%) and dry sterile NaHCO, (12.5g.) were then added. After equilibration between dissolved and gaseous COz the inlet tube was clamped off. Oxygen-free C 0 2was again flushed through the Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 Taxonomy of the butyric acid clostridia 35 Table I . Sources and designations of organisms belonging to the two homology groups of Clostridium butyricum and of other strains in the butyric acid group VPI no. I536 1622 1718 2089 2389 2399 2400 2402 2403 2404 2408 2417 2419 268 I 2697 2781 2783 2793 2965 2966 2968 2969 2980 298 I 2982 2983 3005 3006 3266 4213 4419 4420 4635 4668 5481 5982 4633 2673 2675-1 2774 3 I 63-1 2766 2791-1 2670 4215 24 15-A 5729 6010 ATCC no. 859 860 6015 6014 19398 I4949 11914 17778 11914 I7777 824 &I 3 19400 Source, other numbers and designations” CDC, KA45; C. butyricum McClung, 2296; Kluyver, E.VI 3.2.1 ; C. butyricum (C.pectinovorum) ATCC; Kluyver E.VI 3.6.1 ; C. butyricum (C. saccharobutyricum) CDC, 1667; C. butyricum Beerens, M. 6; C.multifermentans Beerens, 1375, M. 13; C. multiferrnentans Beerens; C. multifermentans Beerens, 3027 ; C. multifermentans Beerens, 71-351, ~ 1 2C. ; fallax Beerens, F 1-1325; C. fallax Prevot ; C. multifermentans Prevot ; 713, C. multifermentans Prevot; CKII, C. butyricum McClung, I 672 ; McCoy, A 79 ; C. butyricum Prevot, VA 6; C. amylolyticum McClung, 2823 ; C. rubrum McClung, 2978 ; Clostridium sp.; identified as C. butyricum McClung, 3319 ; Clostridium sp. ;identified as C. butyricum McClung, I I 84; E. Hellinger, Palestine; C. butyricum McClung, I I 85 ; E. Hellinger, Palestine; C.butyricum McClung, I 672 A ; McCoy, A 79 ; C. butyricum McClung, 2391; NCTC, 7423; C. butyvicum ATCC; McCoy, 75; Kral collection; C. butyvicum ATCC; McCoy, 79; Kral collection; C. butyricum Prevot, 7423; C. butyricum Prevot, A 9 E I ; C.butyricum Prevot, 962; C. butyricum Prevot, Meb 125; C. butyricum NCTC, 7423; McClung, 2391; C. butyricum ATCC; H. Ng, 34; c.rubrum ATCC ; Barker; C. lacto-acetophilum ATCC ; McClung, I 67I ; C. beijerinckii McClung, I 190; C. aurantibutyricum ATCC; Barker; C. lacto-acetophilum Hobbs, 9362; C. beijerinckii Govoni, Baltimore City Hospital; identified as C.fallax, it was toxic upon receipt ATCC; McClung, 2038; C.auvantibutyricum McClung, 633 ; C. acetobutylicum McClung, 634; C. acetobutylicum McClung, 2449 ; C. acetobutylicum ATCC; Weyer (McCoy & McClung strain w); C. acetobutylicum McClung, 557; C. felsineum McClung, 541; C. felsineum McClung, 308 ; McCoy, 5 ; C. pasteurianum ATCC; McCoy, 5 ; C. pasteurianum Prevot, ~ 2 5 C.~pseudofallax ; ATCC; NCTC 8380; Inst. Pasteur, Paris (TRACOL); C. fallax PrCvot, TRACOL; C. fallax * The first name is the person or institution from which the culture was received. €3. Beerens, Institut Pasteur, Lille, France; A. R. Prkvot, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; G. Hobbs, Torry Research Station, Aberdeen, Scotland; E. McCoy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. ; L. S . McClung, Indiana University,Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. ;NCTC, National Collection of Type Cultures, Colindale, London ; ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland, U.S.A. ; CDC, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 C. S . C U M M I N S A N D J. L. JOHNSON 36 flask when 20 ml. of inoculum was added. After the initiation of growth, the clamp was removed from the Bunsen valve to allow the release of fermentation gas. The cultures were mixed with a Teflon-coated magnetic stirring bar during incubation at 37". Labelled DNA was obtained from the reference organisms by growing them in the BMAA medium (see section below on methods for determination of nutritional requirements) containing biotin and 3H adenine (250 pCi/200 ml., New England Nuclear, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.). About 5 to 10ml. of PYG medium were also included for reference strain 2983 which had complex growth requirements. Preparation and analysis of walls Growth was stopped in late log phase by adding 2 % (vjv) formalin. The bacteria were centrifuged, washed once with distilled water and again resuspended in distilled water. Twenty ml. amounts of 0.1mm./diam. glass beads and 20 ml. volumes of bacterial suspension were placed in 50 ml. bottles and shaken for 5 min. at 4000 cyc./min. in a Braun mechanical cell homogenizer. The disrupted bacteria were separated from the glass beads by fiItration through a no. 2 porosity sintered glass filter. Pronase (Calbiochem) was added to the bacterial material (about 50 pg./mL) and the mixture incubated at 56" for I to 2 h. The walls were pelleted by centrifuging at 48,000 g for 20 min., washed twice by resuspending in distilled water and centrifuging, checked microscopically, and preparations showing intact organisms were shaken and digested again. When a preparation of thoroughly disrupted bacteria was obtained, debris was removed by slow-speed centrifugation (480 g , 10 min.), and the walls lyophilized. Wall amino acids were detected by hydrolysis and paper chromatography. Five mg. amounts of walls were suspended in 6 ml. of 6 N-HCl and hydrolysed in sealed tubes for 18 h. at TOO to 105". The hydrolysates were filtered, evaporated to dryness and the residue taken up in 0-25 to 0.3 ml. of distilled water. Two-dimensional ascending chromatography was done on 8 in. squares of Whatman no. I paper in a Shandon DDH 8 in. Chromatank. Normally 10pl. of hydrolysate (equivalent to approximately 200 pg. of original wall) was applied at the origin. The first solvent was n-butanol + acetic acid +water (120 :30 :50) and the second solvent phenolfwater (go: 10)with I ml. of NH,OH ( 0-880)/200ml. of solvent. The spots were made visible by dipping the papers in a solution of 0.1% ninhydrin in 95 % acetone containing a few drops of pyridine and heating them at 80 to 100' for I to 2 min. Permanent preparations were made by dipping the ninhydrin-treated papers in 5 yo NiSO,. 6H20, blotting and drying. The isomeric forms of a-s-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) were determined by one-dimensional chromatography using Schleicher and Schuell paper no. 2043A and the methanol + pyridine HCl+ water solvent (80 :10:2.5 :17'5) of Rhuland, Work, Denman & Hoare (1955). The sugars were determined by hydrolysing 10mg. amounts of walls in 5 ml. of 2 s-H,SO, for 2 h. at 100'. After cooling, the acid was neutralized with solid BaCO, to a pH of approximately 7.0. The mixture was centrifuged, the barium sulphate deposit washed with 2 ml. distilled water and the combined supernatants evaporated to dryness in vacuo over phosphorus pentoxide. The soluble material was taken up in 0.25 to 0.3 ml. of distilled water, and if necessary centrifuged to remove residual barium sulphate or other insoluble material. The hydrolysates (25 PI.) were spotted on Whatman no. I paper and developed wing an ethylacetate pyridine + water solvent (80 :20 :10).The sugars were detected by the aniline hydrogen phthalate method or with alkaline silver (Trevelyan & Harrison, I 952). + + Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 Taxonomy of the butyric acid clostridia 37 Determination of nutritional requirements The basal medium (BM) used for testing nutritional requirements contained the mixture of salts described by Pittman & Bryant (1964) to which was added 0.05 % cysteine, 1-0% glucose and 0.5 % NaHCO,. The medium was adjusted to pH 7.0, dispensed in 5 ml. amounts into tubes flushed with CO, and stoppered before autoclaving at 15 lb/in.2 for 15 min. Basal medium + amino acids (BMAA) included vitamin-free, salt-free acid hydrolysed casein (Difco) and 0.0033 % tryptophane. The vitamin solutions (Pittman & Bryant, 1964) were made separately in distilled water at x I ooo concentration and included thiamine-HCI, Ca-D-pantothenate, nicotinamide, riboflavin and pyridoxal at 2 mg./ml.; p-aminobenzoic acid at I mg./ml.; biotin, folic acid and DL-thioctic acid at 0.5 mg./ml.; and vitamin B,, at 0.2 mg./ml. For use, the desired vitamin solutions were mixed, diluted tenfold, and sterilized by filtration through a cellulose acetate filter (0.22 pm. pore size, Millipore). One drop of the x IOO sterile solution was added aseptically by Pasteur pipette to 5 ml. of BM or BMAA medium. This gave an approximately I/IOOO dilution of the original vitamin stock solutions. The amount and rate of growth at 37" was estimated with a Spectronic 20 spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 560 nm. D N A isolation The bacteria from late log phase cultures were suspended in 0.15 M-NaCl and 0.01 M-EDTA (pH 8-0) and incubated with lysozynie (Marmur, 1961). One yo sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) was then added to complete the lysis. Some of the clostridial species were not susceptible to lysozyme and were disrupted mechanically. After a preliminary extraction with chromatography-grade liquid phenol, the DNA was isolated according to the method of Marmur (1961). Base ratios The base compositions of the DNA preparations were determined by their thermal melting point (T,) using an automatic recording spectrophotometer (Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Oberlin, Ohio, U.S.A.). Escherichia coli B DNA was used as the standard and the percentage guanine + cytosine (% GC) was calculated from the equation of Marmur & Doty (1962). DNA 12 om0 logy experiments The methods employed in the DNA homology experiments have been described (Johnson & Ordal, 1968; Johnson, Anderson & Ordal, 1970). The small filters were 3 x 9 mm. and held 7 to 8 pg. of immobilized DNA. One pg. amounts of 3H DNA were used and competitor levels of 75 and 150 pg. were employed. The incubation temperature was 56". RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Strains labelled Clostridium butyricum were tested by the routine methods used in the Anaerobe Laboratory and conformed to the description of the species in that they were Gram-positive, anaerobic, sporing bacilli which were actively saccharolytic and produced large amounts of gas in media containing fermentable carbohydrate. The main products of fermentation with all strains were butyric and acetic acids. No strain produced indol or showed proteolytic activity in chopped meat, and none produced detectable amounts of Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 C. S . CUMMINS A N D J. L. J O H N S O N Table 2 . Wall sugars, DNA base composition and DNA homology values Name as designated Homology group I C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. butyricum C. multifermentans C. multifermentans C. rnultifermentans C. multijermentans C. multifermentans C. fallax C. fallax C.fallax ATCC VPI no. no. DAP isomer Wall sugars r p Glc A - Gal > Rha Man "/o ?& Homoiogy GC 1718 3266 2983 I00 I00 17 34 24 Clostvidium butyricum and butyric acid clostridia 1718 3266 I536 I 622 2089 2419 2969 3005 3006 4752 2398 2399 2400 2402 2417 2403 2404 5982 860 19398 19398 Homology group I1 C. butyricum 2983 2681 C. butyricum C. butyricum 2783 C. butyricum 2793 C. butyricum 2798 C. butyricum 2965 C. butyricum 2966 C. butyricum 2968 C. butyricum 2980 C. butyricum 298 I 6014 C. multifermentans 2408 C. rnultifermentans 5708 C. amylolyticum 2697 C. beijerinckii 548 1 25751 C. beijerinckii 4420 17778 C. rubrum 4123 I4949 C. rubrum 2781 C. lacto-acetophilum 4419 11914 C. lacto-acetophilum 4668 E-I 1914 C. aurantibutyricum 4635 Other strains in 'the butyric acid group ' C. aurantibutyricum 4633 17777 C. pasteurianum 42 I 5 6013 C. pasteurianum 2670 C. acetobutylicum 2673 C. acetobutylicum 2675-1 . C. acetobutylicurn 2774 C. acetobutylicum 3I 63-1 824 C. tyrobutyricum 5392 25755 C. pseudojallax 2410 C. pseudofallax 2415-A . C.felsineum 2791-1 . C. felsineum 2766 C. fallax 5729 C. fallax 6010 meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso meso L meso meso meso L L + + 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 3+ + + 2+ 2+ 28 28 28 28 28 28 27 28 I00 92 88 96 91 85 I00 89 2+ 28 I00 + 2+ 2+ k k & + + +_ 2+ I + + + I + + 3+ + -t + + + i: 2+ 3+ 2 f 2 f 2+ + + + 2 + t + Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 84 78 98 77 79 31 23 29 I00 + 3+ 3+ 85 80 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 27 28 28 26 28 27 27 26 28 27 26 28 29 28 28 28 28 26 26 26 22 38 20 45 37 34 35 40 40 35 41 87 86 85 LOO 88 72 80 85 47 37 13 22 I00 15 20 21 26 30 26 25 25 I8 22 25 29 21 28 22 23 21 I8 I7 2 I 6 6 I4 0 78 77 78 76 80 82 87 98 81 79 84 80 91 79 93 90 79 79 92 20 I0 0 I 4 3 4 15 I 22 9 7 24 5 21 I2 5 27 2 5 Taxonomy of the butyric acid clostridia Table VPI Name as designated no. C. putri’cum C. putrificum C. perfringens C. perfringens C. novyi (type A) C. novyi (type A) C . botulinum (type A) C. botulinum (type B) C. pectinovorum C. sporogenes C. sordellii C. haemolyticum C. haemolyticum C. tetani C. septicum C. septicum C. paraputrijkum C. paraputri8cum C. tertium C, tertium C. innocuum C. innocuum 2720 4440-1 I537 5694 1619 1626 2 I 30 2 I 3I 4269 3046 2027 2 I 67 0566 2010 1526 2017 1584 I 586 1565 2033 1614 2019 ATCC no. DAP isomer 2 (cunt.) Wall sugars meso meso meso meso L I 2464 . . . . meso meso meso meso meso NoDAP NoDAP NoDAP NoDAP . NoDAP 14501 NoDAP . NoDAP + “/o yo Homology < p h , Glc Gal Rha Other strains of Clostridium meso 25784 meso L L 39 - + Tr - + + + + 2 f + + ++ + + + + - - + + Tr - Tr + + Tr - + + +- - - - + - - + + + - GC 1718 3266 2983 22 16 24 23 26 28 22 2 8 I2 I4 24 I1 I1 25 9 17 18 15 21 I1 21 I3 29 I4 25 24 0 I1 13 27 26 26 24 43 43 29 I9 23 16 I 23 I4 21 26 0 2 0 0 Tr = trace. 3 , 2 4, etc. indicate the relative amounts present. lecithinase or lipase on McClung-Toabe egg-yolk agar. In addition, the walls of all these strains contained the meso-isomer of DAP, and the DNA from all of the strains was 27 to 28% GC (Table 2). The wall sugar compositions and the DNA homology results agree in showing that strains labelled Clostridium butyricum fall into two groups, one containing glucose as the only wall sugar, and the other glucose and galactose (Table 2). The group I organisms (wall sugar: glucose) showed from 7 2 to 100% homology with reference DNA prepared from two strains in that group (1718 and 3266). Similarly, DNA preparations from group I1 strains (wall sugars : glucose and galactose) showed 77 to 98 % homology with the reference DNA from a group I1 strain (2983). However, when competitor DNA preparations from each group were tested against reference DNA from the other, the degree of homology was much lower, usually of the order of 25 to 35 yo with extremes of 15 and 47 yo. As well as strains originally designated as Clostridium butyricum, strains labelled C. multifermentans, C .fatlax, C . amylolyticum, C. beijerinckii, C. lacto-acetophilum, C. rubrum and C. aurantibutyricum fell clearly into one or the other of the two C. butyricum groups. The important question regarding these cultures, and a difficult one to answer, is whether they are characteristic of the species whose name they bear, or are mislabelled cultures. A great deal of phenotypic similarity has long been recognized among these organisms, and there has been a corresponding degree of uncertainty about their nomenclature. As far as possible, we have tried to determine the origins and authenticity of those organisms, belonging to the two homology groups, that bear specific epithets other than C. butyricum. This information is given below: Clostridium multifermentans. It is usually stated (Breed, Murray & Smith, I 957; Beerens, Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 C . S . C U M M I N S A N D J. L. J O H N S O N 40 Caste1 & Put, 1962) that C. multifermentans ferments glycerol but not mannitol, while C. butyricum ferments mannitol but not glycerol. Furthermore, C. multifermentans is said to be haemolytic, while C. butyricum is not. All except one (5708) of our seven strains of C. multifermentans did ferment glycerol (pH of less than 5-90 after I week) and none fermented mannitol. However, only eight out of 20 strains of C. butyricum fermented mannitol, while four were found to ferment glycerol, so that the distinction between the two groups on this basis was difficult to apply. Moreover, eight out of 20 strains of C. butyricum on horse blood agar produced either slight clearing of the blood under the colony, or some degree of greenish discoloration. In fact, it was not possible to detect any consistent difference between strains of ‘butyricum’ and those of ‘multifermentans’. Clostridium fallax. The taxonomic position of C. fallax is complicated by many phenotypic similarities with C. butyricum. The major characteristic that differentiates it from C. butyricum is toxicity, but this is rapidly lost after isolation. Two strains labelled C. fallax (2403 and 2404) were obtained from H. Beerens; however, both wall results and the homology data demonstrate that they belong to C. butyricum homology group I (Table 2). Prkvot & Loth (1941) determined the fermentation products produced by three strains of C. fallax including the Tracol strain which was used by Weinberg & Skguin (1915) to describe the species. Prkvot & Loth (1941) found the phenotypic characteristics of the Tracol strain to be identical with the original description and identified the major fermentation products as acetic, valeric and lactic acids. We have received transfers of the Tracol strain from the ATCC ( A T C C I ~ ~ VPI5729) OO, and from Prevot (VPI~OIO). Both contain L-DAP, have the same wall sugars and show low levels of DNA homology with the reference organisms (Table 2). Analysis of the fermentation products in the Anaerobe Laboratory showed that both strains produced acetic and lactic acids but butyric instead of valeric acid. One strain labelled C. pseudofallax (2410) appears to be similar to the Tracol cultures (Table 2). Clostridium rubrum. The two strains of C. rubrum represent two subcultures of the original strain 34 of Ng & Vaughn (1963)~one of which (4213) came to us from the ATCC (ATCC 14949) while the other (2781) came from McClung’s collection (MCCLUNG 2823). The phenotypic characters of both as determined in the Anaerobe Laboratory were essentially the same, except that 2781 did not produce pigment, while 4213 did produce a distinct pinkish sediment in fermentation tubes where growth was good (i.e. where carbohydrate had been utilized). Clostridium amylolyticum. This strain (2697) came from the collection of Professor Prkvot, and appears from our copy of his records to be the original strain isolated by him (Prkvot & Saissac, 1950). Apart from the fact that our culture of it appears to be nonmotile, the characteristics of the strain agree with those given by Prevot. Clostridium aurantibutyricum. The two strains of this species (4633 and 4635) appear from our records to have been derived from the original w45 strain of Hellinger (1947). However, they now differ rather sharply in their reactions. Strain 4633 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 7 7 7 7 ; MCCLUNG2038) is almost certainly authentic, since it is motile, produces gelatinase, and was found by McClung in 1955 to give a deeply pigmented growth in maize mash and colonies with pigmented centres on yeast extract dextrose agar (L. S. McClung, personal communication), although it does not now produce pigment. The other strain (4635) is non-motile, and does not produce gelatinase, and so has presumably become mislabelled at some point. It is of interest that the two strains also differ markedly in the degree of homology to the reference DNA from 2983 and in wall composition (Table 2). One of the Clostridium lacto-acetophilum strains (4668) studied by Bhat & Barker (1947) Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 Taxonomy of the butyric acid clostridia was obtained through the ATCC. The phenotypic characteristics of this strain, obtained in the Anaerobe Laboratory, were similar to those in the original description. In summary, it seems that the properties of Clostridium rubrum 4213 and 2781, C. amylolyticum 2967, C. aurantibutyricum 4633 and C. lacto-acetophilum 4668 correspond sufficiently closely to the original descriptions to make it reasonable to accept them as representative strains. In the case of the seven strains of C. rnultifermentans it appears that in terms of fermentation pattern at least six of the seven strains agree with previously published descriptions of C. multijermentans, although it must be mentioned that the characters used would not, from our results, have made it possible to distinguish clearly between ‘mult$ermentans ’ and ‘butyricum ’. The results in Table 2 show that there are a number of ‘butyric acid group ’ organisms which are distinct from either group of Clostridium butyricum. For example, most of the strains listed as C. pasteurianum, C. acetobutylicum, C. aurantibutyricum, C. fallax and C. pseudofallax show a relatively low degree of homology to the reference C. butyricum strains. In some cases, as with the two strains of C. pusteurianum, the degree of homology is very low indeed. Most of the strains also show differences in wall sugar patterns, which in some cases appear to be well defined and distinctive (e.g. C . pasteurianum) and in two strains the L-isomer of DAP was found instead of the meso-isomer. In short, the wall results suggest that further investigation would show distinctive groups, but the number of strains examined is so far too small to identify these clearly. As well as other ‘butyric acid’ clostridia, we have examined representatives of other species, many of which are predominantly proteolytic rather than saccharolytic and might therefore be regarded as less closely related to Clostridium butyricum. Many of these strains do in fact produce butyric acids as a major end product of fermentation, but may do this from nitrogenous sources rather than from sugars. The results obtained on these strains are given in the second part of Table 2. The wall sugar patterns of these organisms are variable, and in most cases quite distinct from those of either of the Clostridium butyricum groups. More interesting is the variation in diamino acid of the mucopeptide. It has been well established that strains of C. perfringens have L-DAP in place of the meso-isomer (Hoare & Work, 1957; Salton & Ghuysen, 1957; Haythornthwaite, 1968) and the presence of the L-isomer has been previously reported in C. pectinovorum (Glendenning, 1958). As mentioned above, it appears from the present results that other species may also contain the L-isomer. The most unexpected finding was that a group of strains, representing several different species, have no DAP in their vegetative walls. A qualitative examination of formamide-extracted wall fractions from the two strains of C. innocuum and one of C. tertium showed only alanine, glutamic acid and lysine, so that in these strains lysine has replaced DAP as the diamino acid of mucopeptide. We have not yet determined whether DAP is present in the spores from these strains, as in the case of the aerobic aerobic sporing bacillus Bacillus sphaericus (Powell & Strange, 1957 ; Hungerer & Tipper, 1969). The results for GC content and DNA homology for these strains are also given in the second part of Table 2 . In terms of yoGC in the DNA most of them show the characteristically low figures found in clostridia. The DNA from the two strains of Clostridium innocuum, however, have a GC content of 43 %, which is much higher than the rest of the clostridial DNA preparations, but similar to that found in Bacillus. The DNA homology results for the strains listed in the second part of Table 2 show that most of them have a definite, but low, degree of homology to the reference DNAs from the two C. butyricum groups. The figures vary from about 10% to about 30 % homology, which is essentially the same range Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 42 C. S. C U M M I N S AND J. L. J O H N S O N of values as was found when testing the other butyric acid clostridia against the same reference DNA preparations, and is very similar to the range found when the two groups of C. butyricum are tested against each other. In a few cases-for example, the strain of C. tetani (2010) and the two strains of C. innocuum - there appears to be no homology to the reference preparations. This is not surprising in the case of the C. innocuum strains in view of their very different GC content. From all of these results we may conclude that the nucleotide sequences in the DNA of the two groups of Clostridium butyricum differ from each other almost to the same extent as the sequences in either group differ from those in other species of Clostridium. The results do not suggest that the ‘butyric acid group’ of organisms as a whole constitute a distinct homology subgroup within the genus Clostridiurn. Lactate fermentation. Bhat & Barker (I947) chose the acetate-dependent fermentation of lactate as the distinguishing characteristic for differentiating Clostridium Zucto-acetophilum from C. butyricum. Bryant & Burkey (1956) observed the same type of fermentation in several strains of C . butyricum and therefore considered C. lacto-acetophilum invalid. We tested the ability of several strains from each homology group to grow in the lactateacetate medium of Bryant & Burkey (1956) and found that in each group some strains were able to grow well in this medium, while some either failed to grow or showed only marginal growth. We would therefore agree with Bryant & Burkey (1956) that C. lacto-acetophilum should not be regarded as a separate species on the basis of the acetate-dependent fermentation of lactate. Nutritional requirements. Since the phenotypic characteristics that have been used to differentiate the species of the butyric acid bacteria have failed to distinguish the two homology groups, it was considered useful to determine their nutritional requirements. Previous investigators (Snell & Williams, 1939; Lampen & Peterson, 1943; Wiken & Richard, 1952) have found that on media containing amino acids or hydrolysed casein, a majority of the strains of butyric acid bacteria required biotin for luxuriant growth. Some strains required both biotin and p-aminobenzoic acid, and others p-aminobenzoic acid alone. Wiken & Richard (1952) found that occasional strains required no vitamins. In the present investigation strains from each homology group have been tested for their ability to grow in a basal glucose-mineral salts medium (BM) and in the same medium supplemented with amino acids (BMAA), or with amino acids and vitamins. In general, the organisms in homology group I would grow in BM+ biotin (0.5 pg./ml.), but grew much faster when Casamino acids+ tryptophane were included also. Growth curves, through three transfers, for strains 3266 and 1622 are shown in Fig. I . Strain 3266 started to grow rapidly on its first transfer from chopped-meat medium to BM, but when the transmission value had dropped to about 85 % (initially IOO %) growth stopped and subsequent transfers failed to grow. In BM +biotin the initial growth was again rapid to about 80% transmission, but, following a lag period, growth was resumed at a slower rate (Fig. I 6 ) and the two subsequent transfers in BM biotin showed the slower rate of growth. It may be seen from Fig. r b that although the growth rate in BM +biotin was slow, the final density of the cultures approached that found in the complete medium. In BMAA+biotin, however, growth in the first and subsequent transfers was complete in about 8 h., and the results were virtually identical with those found in the peptone-glucose-yeast extract medium. Strain 1622 differed from 3266 in that some growth regularly occurred in BM alone, even at the third transfer, and that in BM +biotin the slowing of growth was less, so that it was complete in 24 h. All of the organisms from homology group I1 which were tested (12 strains) failed to grow, even in the first transfer in BMAA supplemented with 10vitamins (thiamine, panto- + Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 Taxonomy of the butyric acid clostridia 43 thenate, nicotinamide, riboflavin, pyridoxal, p-aminobenzoic acid, biotin, folic acid, thioctic acid and vitamin Biz). The organisms only grew when a complex mixture of growth factors, such as yeast extract, was included. These results demonstrate that previous studies on the vitamin requirements of butyric acid bacteria (e.g. Wiken & Richard, 1952) have dealt with organisms similar to those in our homology group I, i.e. those which will grow luxuriantly in basal medium with amino acids and biotin. It is of interest to note, however, that Bhat & Barker (1947) reported that strains of Clostridium Zacto-acetophilum would not grow unless yeast extract was added to the medium. Results of wall analysis and DNA homology tests on two different subcultures (4419 and 4668) of one of their strains are included in Table 2 and both fall clearly into homology group 11. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 g . 3 10 ._ v) E $ 2 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Incubation time (h.) Fig. I . Growth response of two Clostridium butyricum strains. 0, First transfer; A, second sequential transfer; 0,third sequential transfer. (a) Growth of strain 3266 on mineral salts-glucose medium (BM); (b]same as (a)but medium supplemented with biotin (BM+biotin); (c) growth of strain I 622 on BM; (6) growth of strain 1622 on BM biotin. In (b)and (4, = growth in mineral salts-glucose medium supplemented with biotin, casein hydrolysate and tryptophane (BMAA+ biotin). + To further characterize the butyric acid organisms that have a low level of nucleotide similarity with homology groups I and 11, additional competition experiments were run using reference DNA from Clostridium tyrobutyricum (5392), C . pasteurianum (4215) and C. acetobutylicum (3163-1). It is clear from the results (Table 3) that these organisms, in addition to C. aurantibutyricum, have only a low level of nucleotide similarity with one another. Taxonomic considerations. Because of many phenotypic similarities and the limited original descriptions, two distinct groups of organisms have been included in Clostridium butyricum. We consider that the nutritional requirements, the wall sugar compositions and Downloaded from by IP: On: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 20:56:00 C . S. C U M M I N S A N D J. L. JOHNSON 44 the DNA homology data justify the consideration of them as separate species. Since C. butyricum is the oldest name (Prazmowski, I 880) and designates the type species, it should be retained. For the following reasons it appears reasonable that C. butyricum should be represented by the homology group I organisms. Table 3. Nucleotide similarities among other butyric organisms % Homology VPI no. 5392 4215 2670 3 I 63-1 2673 2774 2675-1 4633 3266 2983 548 1 ATCC no. Name 25755 6013 C. tyrobutyricum C. pasteurianum C. pasteurianurn C. acetobutylicum C. acetobutylicum C. acetobutylicurn C. acetobutylicum C. aurantibutyvicum C. butyricum (group I) C. butyricum (group 11) C. beijerinckii 824 I 7777 19398 2575 1 h I 5392 \ 4215 3163-1 I0 I00 I00 I0 I0 I0 I00 I0 I2 96 92 90 I00 4 I2 7 9 8 12 8 7 I4 I5 18 16 2 18 I0 I I5 4 (I) Because of the ease with which the group I organisms can be cultured, it is more likely that a representative of this type was isolated first. (2) The production of butyric acid during fermentation and the requirement for biotin are common to many of the species within the genus Clostridium. On these grounds, m embers of homology group I would represent a good type species. On the other hand, organisms with more complex requirements may reflect varying degrees of loss in biosynthetic capabilities and would be less typical of the genus as a whole. (3) Previous studies on the vitamin requirements of Clostridium butyricum (Snell & Williams, 1939; Lampen & Peterson, 1943; Wiken & Richard, 1952)indicate that the homology group I organisms were used. Certain strains of C. multifermentans and C .fallax should be considered in this group. Among the organisms which we have found to belong to homology group I1 are strains bearing several specific names other than Clostridium butyricum. These are C. beijerinckii, C. amylolyticum, C. rubrum, C. multifermentans and C. lacto-acetophilum. The on1y specific name which seems suitable for the group is C. beijerinckii. Strains of C. multferment ans have been found in both homology groups, and the names amylolyticum, rubrum and lactoacetophilum describe particular properties not characteristic of homology group I1 as a whole. 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