HerdMASTER 4 Using a Gallagher TSI Device There are several steps to using a TSI device with HerdMASTER 4. First we need to upload our animal list from HerdMASTER to the TSI with all the information we need for the data input at the crush. Then we need to get the data back from the TSI into HerdMASTER in an appropriate format. There are two ways to do this, the first and simplest uses the export function from the TSI then we import directly into HerdMASTER, the second uses Gallagher’s APS software. This manual assumes you have a working knowledge of how to use the TSI and the APS software it ships with, if you have any questions about the TSI or how the Gallagher software works, please contact Gallagher: http://www.gallagher.com.au/ CONTENTS Exporting from HerdMASTER to TSI ....................................................................................................................... 2 Export from HerdMASTER .................................................................................................................................. 2 Using APS as a go-between ................................................................................................................................ 4 Import into APS............................................................................................................................................... 4 Export from APS for TSI .................................................................................................................................. 5 Importing into the TSI ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Method 1. Using the Restore Option (when you have used APS) .................................................................. 6 Method 2. Using the Import Session File (CSV) .............................................................................................. 7 Exporting from the TSI to HerdMASTER ................................................................................................................. 7 Exporting from the TSI ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Method 1. Using the Backup Function (APS) .................................................................................................. 7 Method 2. Using the Export Function (CSV) ................................................................................................... 8 Using APS to export a TSI Session to HerdMASTER ............................................................................................ 8 Importing from a TSI File ................................................................................................................................ 8 Exporting from APS ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Importing into HerdMASTER ............................................................................................................................ 10 When you have Recorded Procedures/Treatments on the TSI .................................................................... 11 EXPORTING FROM HERDMASTER TO TSI We can export our animal list to the APS first so that we have already setup our traits and when we scan an animal on the TSI it either finds it immediately or we can attribute it to a particular animal quickly and accurately. If you decide you wish to use the CSV more directly you can save the CSV file from the Export from HerdMASTER section to a USB key that you can use with the TSI device and import it directly to the TSI device using method 2 in the Importing into the TSI section. EXPORT FROM HERDMASTER 1. Click on Utilities | Export | To Device 2. For this example I am exporting to a TSI over version 1.4 so I select the option as shown in the image to the right. 3. The Image below is shown and I create a template that should do for my current needs, please note that exporting weights to the TSI can be problematic at the moment as you have to import each set of weights into a separate session in APS to log it as a ‘live weight’ at the time of weighing or import them as user created Traits. 4. Here I have included everything I need for the time being, I have included Group 1 and sire and dam tags for any use I may have within the TSI. Choose where the file will be saved in the export folder and hit process when you are ready. 5. Now select your animals that you are going to upload to the TSI, making sure to use the arrow to move them into the correct column, and hit OK. 6. Now your export is done, make sure you know the location you saved the file to. USING APS AS A GO -BETWEEN IMPORT INTO APS If you wish to use Gallagher’s APS software as a go-between follow these next two sections, please note that this step is NOT necessary and adds another layer of complexity to the process. We recommend importing the HerdMASTER csv file directly into the TSI and importing the TSI output files directly into HerdMASTER without using the APS program in between, but if you prefer to use it, follow the instructions below. 1. Open the Gallagher APS program and click on Import/Export 2. Browse to your file and hit the import button. 3. The columns that HerdMASTER exported are listed on the far left, now you just need to attribute them to data that Gallagher products will understand as shown below. 4. If you do not have fields available (I did not originally have Society ID in APS), go to the Configure tab and select Setup Fields. Create any fields you are missing. See Gallagher documentation for further information on this. 5. When you have all the fields you wish to import hit the Next button. Set how you wish to identify the animals (I am using Tag number), and whether you wish to add notes, change the session name, or update the session date to the current date. Notes are useful if you use them to identify the import session. 6. Hit next then import when ready. 7. Now your main window should show the sessions and you can see the animal details, note that it has a date for scan. EXPORT FROM APS FOR TSI Now that you have set up the new session and have got the traits and extra fields it is time to export so we can load the information into the TSI. METHOD 1. USING THE COPY DATA FEATURE 1. The easiest way to export all the information to the TSI is to use the Copy Data feature in the Configure tab. 2. Make sure a USB key you can use for the TSI device is plugged into your computer and then in the area mentioned above select from APS -> To USB Memory Stick. 3. Hit the Tick button to proceed. METHOD 2. USING THE EXPORT SESSION FEATURE 1. On the Download/View Sessions tab click on the Import/Export button, select your session and use the file browser to choose your USB key that you can use with the TSI. 2. Click on the button to copy the session to the drive. 3. The program will give you a further option to choose the location and whether to export the session info, life data etc. Choose the session info and hit the Export button. IMPORTING INTO THE TSI Make sure the USB key you used to export your data is plugged into the TSI. Use Method 2. If you are just importing animals themselves with no existing weight or trait data into the TSI or if you are loading a CSV file direct from HerdMASTER (without using APS). METHOD 1. USING THE RESTORE OPTION (WHEN YOU HAVE USED APS) 1. Hit the Options button then in the Database Options section, hit the Restore button. 2. Select the session you just recorded with the new animals and hit Restore Now METHOD 2. USING THE IMPORT SESSION FILE (CSV) 1. Hit the Office button 2. Click on Database | Import a Session File, browse for your file and follow the prompts to import the file, view the data if you need to check on the validity of fields. 3. If you are just importing animals from HerdMASTER to use the TSI to record against you may just use the IDs (Animal Tag, EID, and NLIS) 4. Make sure you have assigned each field correctly then hit next and Import when you are ready 5. Select the Session from your main options window and you can start scanning tags and weights. EXPORTING FROM THE TSI TO HERDMASTER Again there are two ways to do this, you can use the APS program as an in-between method or just export the CSV files from the TSI and import them directly into HerdMASTER. EXPORTING FROM THE TSI METHOD 1. USING THE BACKUP FUNCTION (APS) 1. With the USB key plugged into the TSI go to the options screen and hit Backup. METHOD 2. USING THE EXPORT FUN CTION (CSV) 1. Click on the Office button in the TSI. Make sure you have the USB key plugged into the TSI. 2. Select Database | Export APS Sessions. 3. Select the session you wish to export. In this case I only scanned 7 animals. 4. Hit next and follow the prompts to export to the USB key. USING APS TO EXPORT A TSI SESS ION TO HERDMASTER IMPORTING FROM A TSI FILE 1. Open the APS program to the Configure tab and click on the Copy Data button. 2. Make sure you set it as From USB Memory Stick and To APS the same as below. 3. Hit the Tick button ready to import. when you are 4. On the next window select the date/time of the file you wish to import and hit OK. EXPORTING FROM APS 1. Now if you view Sessions you will see all the sessions from that backup. 2. Click on Import/Export and choose what folder you wish to save the files into. 3. Select the appropriate session/s you wish to export for HerdMASTER. 4. Hit the button when you have chosen the session/s and the window below will open, you may change where to save the file on this screen and what format to output, leave it on Session information (CSV). Hit Export when you are ready. 5. The following window will tell you the filename of the exported information. IMPORTING INTO HERDM ASTER Whether you are importing the file that we exported directly from the TSI or from the APS program, the methodology is almost the same. Using the UFIU (Universal File Import Utility) you create a template against the file, please read the Universal File Import Utility Manual for more instructions on how to do this. In the following screens I have set up a file exported directly from the TSI device on the top image and on the bottom a file that was exported from the APS program. As you can see they are almost identical, the only thing that needs to be done is naming the columns with the correct data as I have done above, when importing add the weight observation code (w4 in this case) as a new column. The same methods can be used when you have observed traits just remember that traits need their own date. WHEN YOU HAVE RECORDED PROCEDURES/TREATMENTS ON THE TSI The safest method to get procedure or treatment data into HerdMASTER is to do it through Data Entry | Procedures instead of importing them from the TSI. This method allows HerdMASTER to run certain checks and updates to batches etc. When Importing a TSI file, add a worksheet column so all animals are added to a particular worksheet, this will also be useful if, at a later date, you want to know exactly which animals you ran through on that session and apply movements or other controls to them. In this way you can setup any procedures you applied to all of them in the Data Entry | Procedures window and then select the worksheet and process the treatments. If you feel you really need to be able to import this data from the TSI, make sure the data recorded in the TSI is EXACTLY what HerdMASTER requires when entering a treatment and that the names, types and batches of treatments already exist in HerdMASTER and have the exact same capital letters and spelling. Needed: Treatment/Procedure name, Treatment Type, Batch, units used, any notes and date.