A Combined Series-Parallel Active Filter System Implementation Using Generalized Non-Active Power Theory Mehmet Ucar, Sule Ozdemir and Engin Ozdemir Kocaeli University, Faculty of Technology, 41380, Umuttepe, Kocaeli, Turkey e-mails: {mucar, sozaslan, eozdemir}@kocaeli.edu.tr Abstract—In this paper, a generalized non-active power theory based control strategy is implemented in a 3-phase 4-wire combined series-parallel active filter (CSPAF) system for periodic and non-periodic waveforms compensation. The CSPAF system consists of a series active filter (SAF) and a parallel active filter (PAF) combination connected a common dclink. The generalized non-active power theory is valid for singlephase and multi-phase systems, as well as periodic and nonperiodic waveforms. The theory was applied in previous studies for current control in the PAF. In this study the theory is used for current and voltage control in the CSPAF system. The CSPAF system is simulated in Matlab/Simulink and an experimental setup is also built, so that different cases can be studied in simulations or experiments. The simulation and experimental results verify that the generalized non-active power theory is suitable for periodic and non-periodic current and voltage waveforms compensation in the CSPAF system. I. INTRODUCTION The widespread use of non-linear loads and power electronic converters has increased the generation of nonsinusoidal and non-periodic currents and voltages in electric power systems. Generally, power electronic converters generate harmonic components which frequencies that are integer multiplies of the line frequency. However, in some cases, such as controlled 3-phase rectifiers, arc furnaces and welding machines are typical loads, the line currents may contain both frequency lower than the line frequency and frequency higher than the line frequency but not the integer multiple of line frequency [1]-[4]. These currents interact with the impedance of the power distribution system and disturb voltage waveforms at point of common coupling (PCC) that can affect other loads. These waveforms are considered as non-periodic for the period of the currents is not equal to the period of the line voltage [1], [2]. The effects of non-periodic components of voltages and currents are similar to that caused by harmonics. They may contribute power loss, disturbances, measurement errors and control malfunctions, thus degradation of the supply quality in distribution systems [2]. Additionally, voltage sags are one of most important power quality problems in the distribution system and usually caused by fault conditions or by the starting of large electric motors [5]. Various non-active power theories in the time domain have been discussed [6]. The generalized non-active power theory was applied compensation of the non-sinusoidal and non-periodic load current for parallel active filter (PAF) [7], [8] and static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) [9]. This paper presents the application of the generalized nonactive power theory for the compensation of periodic (but non-sinusoidal) and non-periodic currents and voltages with the combined series-parallel active filter (CSPAF) system. The simulation and experimental results showed that the theory proposed in this paper is applicable to the non-active power compensation of periodic load currents and source voltages with harmonics and non-periodic load currents and source voltages in 3-phase 4-wire systems. The CSPAF system consists of back-to-back connection of the series active filter (SAF) and the PAF with a common dclink. The CSPAF system function is to compensate for all current related problems such as reactive power compensation, power factor improvement, current harmonic compensation, and load unbalance compensation. It regulates the dc-link voltage using the PAF. Besides, it can compensate all voltage related problems, such as voltage harmonics, voltage sag, flicker and regulate the load voltage using the SAF [10], [11]. Fig. 1 shows the general power circuit configuration of the CSPAF system. This work is supported by TUBITAK Research Fund., (No. 108E083) 978-1-4244-4783-1/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE 367 LL CSPAF system LS 3∼ Source vS iS PCC + vSF – N1/N2 RSF CSF vL iL iPF LL CPF RPF Non-linear loads LPF LSF Sensitive loads CDC VDC SAF PAF Fig. 1. General power circuit configuration of the CSPAF system. II. GENERALIZED NON-ACTIVE POWER THEORY The generalized non-active power theory [7] is based on Fryze’s definition of non-active power [12] and is an extension of the theory proposed in [13]. Voltage vector v(t) and current vector i(t) in a 3-phase system, v(t ) = [v1 (t ), v2 (t ), v3 (t )]T , (1) i (t ) = [i1 (t ), i2 (t ), i3 (t )]T . (2) The instantaneous power p(t) and the average power P(t) is defined as the average value of the instantaneous power p(t) over the averaging interval [t-Tc, t], that is 3 p(t ) = v T (t ) i (t ) = ∑v p (t ) i p (t ), (3) p =1 P (t ) = 1 Tc t ∫ p(τ ) dτ . (4) t − Tc The instantaneous active current ia(t) and instantaneous non-active current in(t) are given in (5) and (6). i a (t ) = P(t ) V p2 (t ) v p (t ) in (t ) = i (t ) − ia (t ) However, in other cases, such as a 3-phase load with subharmonics, or a non-periodic load, Tc has significant influence on the compensation results, and the power and energy storage rating of the compensator’s components [7]. III. The 3-phase 4-wire CSPAF system is realized two 3-leg voltage source inverter (VSI) with split dc-link capacitor and used the generalized non-active power theory based current and voltage control techniques. A. SAF Control Technique Control block diagram of the SAF is shown in Fig. 2. In the method the positive sequence detector generates auxiliary control signals (ia1+, ib1+, ic1+) used as a reference current ip(t) for the generalized no-active power theory. The source voltages are input of the positive-sequence detector that includes a phase locked loop (PLL) function [14]. The output signals of the positive-sequence detector are ia1+, ib1+ and ic1+, which have unity amplitude and are in phase with the fundamental positive-sequence component of the source voltages (vSa1+, vSb1+, vSc1+). Effective value of the reference current Ip(t) is given in (10). I p (t ) = (5) 1 Tc t ∫i p T (τ ) i p (τ ) dτ (10) t −Tc (6) vS In (5), voltage vp(t) is the reference voltage, which is chosen on the basis of the characteristics of the system and the desired compensation results. Vp(t) is the corresponding rms value of the reference voltage vp(t), that is 1 V p (t ) = Tc CONTROL OF THE CSPAF SYSTEM Positive i1+ sequence detector * V Lm Referance va voltage calculation (11) Vam (12) X ÷ vS1+ - + v*SF ∑ 1 ∫v p (τ ) v p (τ ) dτ . (7) t − Tc The instantaneous non-active power pn(t) and average nonactive power Pn(t) are defined by averaging the instantaneous powers over time interval [t-Tc, t], m pn (t ) = v T (t ) in (t ) = ∑v p (t ) inp (t ), (8) p =1 Pn (t ) = 1 Tc t ∫ p (τ ) dτ . n (9) Qabc X vSF t T Improved SPWM voltage controller Fig. 2. Control block diagram of the SAF. The average power calculated given (4) by using the reference currents and the source voltages. The sinusoidal load voltage (va(t)) is derived by using (11) [15]. As clearly shown in Fig. 2, the va(t) is divided by their amplitude (Vam) calculated by (12) and multiplied the desired load voltage magnitude (VLm) for converting the va(t) to the desired load voltage (vS1+). Then, the compensation reference voltages of the SAF are derived by (13) and compared SAF voltages. Thus SAF switching signals are obtained by using the improved sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) [11]. t − Tc In the generalized non-active power theory, the standard definitions for an ideal 3-phase, sinusoidal power system use the fundamental period T to define the rms values and average active power and non-active power. If there are only harmonics in the load current, Tc does not change the compensation results as long as it is an integral multiple of T/2, where T is the fundamental period of the system. 368 va (t ) = P(t ) I p2 (t ) i p (t ) (11) 2 2 2 2 vaa + v ab + vac 3 (12) v *SF (t ) = v S (t ) − v S1+ (t ) (13) Vam = iL B. PAF Control Technique The average power calculated given (4) by using load currents and fundamental positive sequence source voltages (vSa1+, vSb1+, vSc1+) over the averaging interval [t-Tc, t]. Desired sinusoidal load currents (iLa1+, iLb1+, iLc1+) is derived by using (5) and instantaneous non-active current in(t) is calculated as in (6). Also, the additional active current ica(t) required to meet the losses in (14) is drawn from the source by regulating the dc-link voltage vDC to the reference VDC. A PI controller is used to regulate the dc-link voltage vDC. The error between the actual dc voltage and its reference value is treated in the PI controller and the output is multiplied by a sinusoidal fundamental template of unity amplitude for each phase of the three phases. In addition, as shown in Fig. 3, the difference between Vdc1 and Vdc2 is applied to the PI controller. Thus, equal voltage sharing between the capacitors is accomplished. The compensation reference currents of the PAF are obtained by (15). The reference currents are compared the PAF currents and applied to hysteresis current controller. Thus, the PAF switching signals are obtained. Control block diagram of the PAF is shown in Fig. 3. 1 ∫ (v + + − V + ∑ + dc voltage control DC − ∑ PI2 Fig. 3. Control block diagram of the PAF. IV. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The CSPAF system prototype is designed and developed in laboratory to validate the generalized non-active power theory proposed in the paper. The power circuit and control block diagram of the CSPAF system implementation is given in Fig. 4. The non-linear load-1 (which contains a 3-phase half controlled thyristor rectifier with firing angle 30˚ and a single-phase diode rectifier are used as nonlinear loads) is the load that requires ideal source voltages. The non-linear load-2 (which contains a 3-phase diode rectifier) is connected to the PCC to create source voltage distortion and imitates the effect of other loads on a radial network. The 3-phase source voltages with distortion are synthesized by increasing system impedance from 59 µH to 2.2 mH and connecting the nonlinear load-2 to PCC as shown in Fig. 4. − v DC 2 ) dt ) (15) Single-Phase Transformers 3-phase Source iLa iSa Δ-Y Step-down Transformer and Single-Phase Sag Generator CS iSb iSc iSn iLb Non-linear Load-1 (Three-Phase iLc Thyristor Rectifier and iLn Single-Phase Diode LL Rectifier) Non-linear Load-2 (Three-Phase Voltage Measurement Board VS iLa iLb iLc Current Measurement Board Pre-charge Resistors Diode Rectifier) iPFc vSa vSb vSc iPFb iPFn VS iPFa vSabc ica Qabc dc voltage unbalance control 0 * i PF (t ) = in (t ) − ica (t ) + + PI1 ∑ ∑ vDC2 (14) DC1 X vDC1 ∫ + ( K P 2 (v DC1 − v DC 2 ) + K I 2 − Hysteresis current controller iPF t 0 vS1+ * iPF ∑ + 1/Vm ica (t ) = (v S1+ [ K P1 (VDC − v DC ) + K I 1 (VDC − v DC ) dt ]) t Referance current in calculation (5)-(6) DC Voltage Measurement Board vSFa vSFb vSFc Series AF QAH Voltage Measurement Board QBH Parallel AF QCH iPFa iPFb iPFc CS QAH QBH QCH QAL QBL QCL Current Measurement Board VDC1 IA CS: Hall-Effect Current-Sensor VS: Hall-Effect Voltage Sensor IA: Isolation Amplifier LSF RSF QAL QBL QCL LPF RPF VDC2 CPF CSF QAH QAL QBH QBL QCH QCL IGBT Driver Board (gate driver-isolation-short circuit-high current protection) QAH QAL QBH QBL QCH QCL Reset IGBT Driver Board High Current-Voltage Protection Board Reset (gate driver-isolation-short circuit-high current protection) vDC1 vDC2 vSabc vSFabc iPFabc iLabc Voltage-Current Signal Conditioning Interface Boards dSPACE DS1103 PPC Controller Board Fiber-Optic Connection vDC1 PC Fig. 4. Power circuit and control block diagram of the CSPAF system implementation. 369 vDC2 vSFbc iPFabc LL R dSPACE DS1103 controller board Tektronix DPO3054 oscilloscope TABLE I THE CSPAF SYSTEM PARAMETERS Components Voltage, frequency Impedance Capacitors DC-link Reference voltage Filter PAF Swithching frequency Filter SAF Swithching frequency Injection transformer Non-linear 3-phase thyristor loads 1-phase diode (rectifiers) 3-phase diode Power source Symbol VSabc, fs, Ls C 1, C 2 VDC LPF, RPF, CPF fSWp LSF, RSF, CSF fSWs N1/N2, S LL, LDC, RDC LL2, CDC, RDC CDC, RDC Parameters 110V, 50Hz, 59µH 4700µF, 4700µF 400V 3mH, 5Ω, 30µF 8kHz 2.5mH, 2Ω, 150µF 10kHz 2, 5.4kVA 3mH, 5.7mH, 12Ω 2mH, 330µF, 45Ω 8800µF, 15Ω 20A/div 35A/div 35A/div 35A/div A. Unbalanced Non-linear Load Current Compensation The experimental results of unbalanced non-linear load current compensation under ideal source voltages are shown in Fig. 6. iSa iSb iSc iSn 10ms/div (a) Source currents before compensation. 20A/div 35A/div 35A/div 35A/div Additionally, the voltage-sag generator was employed to simulate the single-phase source voltage sag for phase-a in the laboratory. The 3-phase step-down transformer is used for supply voltage to the CSPAF system and testing the experimental voltage sag problem. The power circuit configuration of the CSPAF system combines 3-phase 4-wire SAF and PAF. Two voltage source 3-leg IGBT converters sharing a common dc-link are used. The dc-link includes two capacitor with the midpoint connected to the neutral wire of the supply system. The dc-link voltage is adjusted at 400 V. The ac side of the SAF is connected through single-phase injection transformers in series with the input supply lines. The PAF is connected in parallel with the output of the system through an inductor. The CSPAF system parameters are given in Table I. Both AF are digitally controlled using a dSPACE DS1103 controller board, includes a real-time processor and the necessary I/O interfaces that allow carry-out the control operation. Owing to the switching of the parallel and the series VSI’s, the compensating currents and voltages have unwanted high-order harmonics that can be removed by small high-pass passive filters represented by RPF, CPF and RSF, CSF. The generalized non-active power theory based compensation system is simulated and an experimental setup is also built, so that different cases can be studied in simulations or experiments. The first three cases for periodic current and voltage compensation (subsections A–C) are tested in the experimental setup and the last two cases for (subsections D and E) are simulated in Matlab/Simulink software since they are difficult to be carried out in an experimental setup. The compensation of periodic currents and voltages with fundamental period T, using a compensation period Tc that is a multiple of T/2 is enough for complete compensation [7]. iSa Fluke 434 Power quality analyser iSb iSc iSn CLP1103 connector led panel Split dc-link capacitors 10ms/div PAF and SAF passive filters (b) Source currents after compensation. Control boards IGBT driver board PAF and SAF Power stages 100V/div 40A/div 100V/div 40A/div vSb iLb vSb iSb Non-linear loads 10ms/div SAF injection transformers Fig. 5. The experimental test setup photograph. (c) Reactive power compensation. Fig. 6. Experimental results: Unbalanced compensation under ideal source voltages. 370 non-linear load current Fig. 6(a) shows the unbalanced non-linear source currents before compensation. After compensation choosing the period as Tc=T/2 source currents are almost sinusoidal, balanced and have very low total harmonic distortion (THD) as shown in Fig. 6(b). Moreover, the neutral line current is obviously diminished. Fig. 6(c) shows the experimental waveforms of the phase difference between source voltages and source currents for the reactive power compensation; source voltage and load current (upper waveform) and source voltage and current (lower waveform). The PAF compensates the load reactive power, thus source currents are in phase with its phase voltage and making the unity power factor source current. The compensation results are summarized in Table II. Non-linear loads draw highly distorted currents from the utility as well as causing distortion of the voltages. The 3phase distorted load voltages before compensation are demonstrated in Fig. 7(a). After compensation choosing the period as Tc=T/2, the source voltages with distortion is compensated to the sinusoidal waveforms are shown in Fig. 7(b). The THD of the load voltages, which was approximately 9.3% before compensation, is approximately 4.4% after compensation. The compensation results are summarized in Table III. TABLE III SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR THE DISTORTED SOURCE VOLTAGE COMPENSATION Load voltages (vL) Before phase-a 104.1 phase-b 103.4 phase-c 104.2 phase-a 9.2 THD phase-b 9.1 (%) phase-c 9.6 RMS (V) TABLE II SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR THE LOAD CURRENT COMPENSATION After 14.2 14.2 14.1 1.2 4.4 4.1 4.5 0.99 200V/div vLb vSa 200V/div vLa 200V/div B. Source Voltage Harmonic Compensation Fig. 7 shows the experimental results of the distorted source voltages compensation, while the load currents are non-linear and unbalanced. C. Source Voltage Sag Compensation Voltage sags are one of the most important power quality problems because of its impact on malfunctioning electrical equipment. Voltage sags are typically caused by remote faults such as a single line to ground fault on the power system or due to starting of large induction motors. Fig. 8 shows the experimental waveforms under single-phase voltage sag with a depth of 50% choosing the period as Tc=T/2. In the Fig. 8, from top to bottom, phase-a source voltage, compensated load voltage, compensated source current and load current are showed. The load terminal voltage is regulated and almost constant nominal value during voltage sag of phase-a using the CSPAF system. The required power for the compensation of the load voltage is supplied from the source. Thus, the source currents increased. The compensation results are summarized in Table IV. vLc 30A/div 30A/div 200V/div200V/div Source currents (iS) Before phase-a 14.2 phase-b 17.6 RMS (A) phase-c 14.3 neutral 4.9 phase-a 33.8 THD phase-b 29.8 (%) phase-c 33.6 PF 0.89 After 110.5 110.1 109.2 4.3 4.6 4.4 vLa 10ms/div iSa 200V/div vLb iLa 10ms/div Fig. 8. Experimental results: Source voltage sag compensation: source voltage, load voltage, source current and load current waveforms. TABLE IV SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR THE SINGLE-PHASE VOLTAGE SAG COMPENSATION 200V/div vLa 200V/div (a) Load voltages before compensation. vLc Load voltages (vL) Before phase-a 52.1 RMS phase-b 105.8 (V) phase-c 106.8 10ms/div (b) Load voltages after compensation. Fig. 7. Experimental results: Distorted source voltage compensation. 371 After 108.3 108.8 109.6 D. Sub-Harmonic Current and Voltage Compensation The sub-harmonic currents (frequency lower than fundamental frequency) are typically generated by power electronic converters [7]. The main feature of these nonperiodic currents is that the currents may have a repetitive period. When the fundamental frequency of the source voltage is an odd multiple of the sub-harmonic frequency, the minimum Tc for complete compensation is 1/2 of the common period of both fs and fsub. When fs are an even multiple of fsub, the minimum Tc for complete compensation is the common period of both fs and fsub [8]. In this study, source voltage and load current contains sub-harmonics of 10 Hz frequency and 20% amplitude are given in Table V. The sub-harmonic current and voltage compensation simulation results are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, respectively. TABLE V THREE-PHASE SOURCE VOLTAGE AND LOAD CURRENT VALUES Parameters Freq. (Hz) Currents Voltages Fundamental 50 15 A 110 V Sub-harmonic 10 % 20 % 20 vSabc(V) 200 100 0 -100 -200 t (s) 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 (a) 3-phase sub-harmonic source voltage waveforms. and load voltages are balanced and sinusoidal. The CSPAF system is able to suppress all the sub-harmonic component of the load current and the voltage at the load terminals is constant amplitude after compensation. E. Stochastic Non-Periodic Current and Voltage Compensation The arc furnace load currents may contain stochastic nonperiodic currents (frequency higher than fundamental frequency but not an integer multiple of it). Theoretically, the period T of a non-periodic load is infinite [7]. In a nonperiodic system, the instantaneous current varies with different averaging interval Tc, which is different from the periodic cases. The source current could be a pure sine wave if Tc goes to infinity. However, this is not practical in a power system, and Tc is chosen to have a finite value. The nonactive components in these loads cannot be completely compensated by choosing Tc as T/2 or T, or even several multiples of T. Choosing that period as may result in an acceptable both source current and load voltage which are quite close to a sine wave. If Tc is large enough, increasing Tc further will not typically improve the compensation results significantly [8]. In this work, 3-phase source voltage and load current components are given in Table VI [16]. Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 shows simulation results of the stochastic non-periodic voltage and current compensation choosing the period as Tc=5T. After compensation, load voltages and source currents are balanced and almost sinusoidal with low THD as shown in Fig 11(b) and Fig 12(b). In addition, source neutral current have been reduced considerably. vLabc(V) 200 TABLE VI THREE-PHASE SOURCE VOLTAGE AND LOAD CURRENT COMPONENTS 100 0 -100 -200 t (s) 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Parameters Freq. (Hz) Currents Voltages 0.5 (b) 3-phase load voltages after compensation. Fig. 9. Simulation results: Sub-harmonic voltage compensation. vSa(V) 0 -25 t (s) 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 vSb(V) iLabc(A) 104 30 7.5 Components (%) 117 134 147 40 20 20 10 5 5 250 50 12.5 200 25 0.5 vSc(V) (a) 3-phase sub-harmonic load current waveforms. 25 -25 t (s) 0.15 0 -200 0.1 200 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0 -200 0.1 200 0 -200 t (s) 0.1 0 (a) 3-phase stochastic non-periodic source voltage waveforms. 200 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 vLabc(V) iSabc(A) Fund. 50 15 A 110 V (b) 3-phase source currents after compensation. Fig. 10. Simulation results: Sub-harmonic current compensation. 0 -200 t (s) 0.1 The sub-harmonic component can be completely compensated by choosing Tc=2.5T, and the source currents 372 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 (b) 3-phase load voltages after compensation. Fig. 11. Simulation results: Stochastic non-periodic voltage compensation. iLa(A) ILb(A) iLc(A) compensation are simulated in Matlab/Simulink. The simulation and experimental results showed that the theory proposed in the CSPAF system was applicable to non-active power compensation of periodic and non-periodic waveforms in 3-phase 4-wire systems. 25 0 -25 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 25 0 -25 0.1 VI. 25 [1] 0 -25 t (s) 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 [2] (a) 3-phase stochastic non-periodic load current waveforms. iSabc(A) 25 [3] 0 -25 t (s) 0.1 [4] 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 (b) 3-phase source currents after compensation. [5] iLnabc(A) 12 0 -12 t (s) 0.1 [6] 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 [7] (c) Load neutral current waveforms. iSnabc(A) 12 [8] 0 -12 t (s) 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 [9] 0.3 (d) Source neutral current after compensation. [10] Fig. 12. Simulation results: Stochastic non-periodic current compensation. V. CONCLUSION [11] The presence of non-linear, time-variant, disturbing loads connected to the electric power system is responsible for the presence of periodic and non-periodic disturbances on the line currents and voltages. In this paper, the generalized nonactive power theory, which is applicable to sinusoidal or nonsinusoidal, periodic or non-periodic, balanced or unbalanced electrical systems, is presented. It has been applied to the 3phase 4-wire CSPAF system. This theory is adapted to different compensation objectives by changing the averaging interval Tc. The CSPAF experimental setup system was built and tested in the laboratory. Three cases, unbalanced nonlinear load currents, distorted source voltages and source voltage sag with unbalanced non-linear load currents compensation are tested in the experiments. The subharmonic and the stochastic non-periodic current and voltage [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] 373 REFERENCES E. H. Watanabe and M. Aredes, “Compensation of nonperiodic currents using the instantaneous power theory,” IEEE Power Engineering Soc. Summer Meeting, pp. 994–999, 2000. L. S. Czarnecki, “Non-periodic currents: their properties, identification and compensation fundamentals,” IEEE Power Engineering Soc. Summer Meeting, pp. 971-976, 2000. H. Akagi, “Active filters and energy storage systems operated under nonperiodic conditions,” IEEE Power Engineering Soc. Summer Meeting, Seattle, pp. 965-970, 2000. S. A. Farghal, M. S. Kandil and Elmitwally, “Evaluation of a shunt active power conditioner with a modified control scheme under nonperiodic conditions,” IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 149, no. 6, pp. 726-732, Nov. 2002. M. F. McGranaghan, D. R. Mueller and M. J. Samotyj, “Voltage sags in industrial systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. 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