Evaluation of Eye Lens Doses Received by Medical Staff Working in Interventional Radiology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital M.Sc. Thesis Viktor Sandblom gussanvi@student.gu.se Supervisors: Charlotta Lundh Åke Cederblad Pernilla Jonasson Department of Radiation Physics University of Gothenburg Gothenburg, Sweden January 2012 ABSTRACT Background: The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recently lowered their recommended occupational eye lens dose limit from 150 mSv in a year to 20 mSv in a year, averaged over a defined period of 5 years. Aim: The main aim of the present study was to investigate the eye lens doses received by the interventional staff at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Another aim was to evaluate whether the dose recorded by the PDM, a dosimeter worn at thorax height, could be used as an indicator of eye lens dose. Material and Methods: To prepare for the personnel eye lens dose assessments, phantom measurements were carried out. These preparations included deciding the optimal position of an eye lens dosimeter, evaluation of different models of lead glasses and estimation of a ratio between the eye lens dose and the dose recorded by the PDM. Personnel eye lens doses were assessed using TL-dosimeters held by individual headbands worn by staff members at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology and at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital for one month. Staff members also wore a PDM at thorax height outside their lead apron. Results and Discussion: Materials with an equivalent lead thickness of 0.75 mm block over 95% of incident radiation but the lead glasses evaluated (0.75 mm) reduced the eye lens dose by only 30-88% due to radiation back scattered in the head and oblique incident radiation. Many operators reported annual eye lens doses of over 10 mSv. The eye lens doses of nurses were generally much lower. The ratios between equivalent doses recorded by TLD and PDM were as expected higher for nurses than for operators but the ratios varied also between different operators. Conclusions: Even though the estimations of annual doses have uncertainties, it can be seen that the lens doses of operators are high enough for concern. Based on the results of the present study, operators might be recommended to wear lead glasses in the future. Estimating eye lens dose from the dose recorded by the PDM is difficult. This method includes large uncertainties. The PDM should instead be used to indicate whether a more precise measurement is necessary. ABBREVIATIONS dm The number of days of the measurement period for a given staff member DTLD The equivalent dose recorded by the TLD, for a given staff member, during the measurement period DAS DoseAware system EDD Educational Direct Dosimeter ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection ICRU International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements ISO International Organization for Standardization nm The number of procedures, when the PDM (and headband) was worn, performed by a given staff member during the measurement period ny The number of procedures performed by a given staff member during the last year ORAMED Optimization of Radiation Protection for Medical Staff PDM Personal Dose Meter PSC Posterior subcapsular cataract SDD Source-to-detector distance SSD Source-to-skin distance SSM Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority) TLD Thermoluminescent dosimeter TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Aims..........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 New recommendations from the ICRP.................................................................................... 1 1.3 Previous eye lens dose estimations.......................................................................................... 2 1.4 Cataract.....................................................................................................................................2 1.4.1 Mechanisms of radiation cataractogenesis.......................................................................3 1.5 Definition of the personal dose equivalent Hp(d).................................................................... 3 1.6 The interventional radiology procedure................................................................................... 4 1.7 Parameters influencing personnel eye lens doses.....................................................................5 1.7.1 Tube potential and tube current........................................................................................ 6 1.7.2 Patient size and projection angle...................................................................................... 6 1.7.3 Source-to-detector and source-to-skin distance................................................................6 1.7.4 Collimation and magnification......................................................................................... 7 1.7.5 Factors connected to the working method of the operator............................................... 7 1.8 Radiation detection instruments............................................................................................... 7 1.8.1 The EDD-30...................................................................................................................... 7 1.8.2 The DoseAware system......................................................................................................8 1.8.3 Thermoluminescent dosimeters.........................................................................................8 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS 8 2.1 Phantom measurements............................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 Position of the dosimeter...................................................................................................8 2.1.2 Lead glasses.................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Angular response of the PDM and the EDD-30..............................................................12 2.1.4 Phantom based assessment of the ratio between doses at eye and thorax height...........13 2.2 Personnel eye lens dose assessments......................................................................................15 2.2.1 The Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology.................................16 2.2.2 The division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology...16 2.2.3 Data analysis...................................................................................................................16 3 RESULTS 17 3.1 Phantom measurements.......................................................................................................... 17 3.1.1 Position of the dosimeter.................................................................................................17 3.1.2 Lead glasses.................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.3 Angular response of the PDM and the EDD-30..............................................................20 3.1.4 Phantom based assessment of the ratio between doses at eye and thorax height...........21 3.2 Personnel eye lens dose assessments......................................................................................22 3.2.1 The Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology.................................23 3.2.2 The division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology...23 4 DISCUSSION 24 4.1 The use of Hp(0.07) for measuring lens dose.........................................................................24 4.2 Phantom measurements.......................................................................................................... 25 4.2.1 Position of the dosimeter.................................................................................................25 4.2.2 Lead glasses.................................................................................................................... 26 4.2.3 Angular response of the PDM and the EDD-30..............................................................27 4.2.4 Phantom based assessment of the ratio between doses at eye and thorax height...........28 4.3 Personnel eye lens dose assessments......................................................................................29 4.3.1 Systematic errors and stochastic uncertainties in the DTLD values..............................29 4.3.2 Uncertainties in the annual eye lens dose estimations....................................................29 4.3.3 Recommendation of lead glasses.................................................................................... 30 4.3.4 Using the PDM as an eye lens dose estimator................................................................30 4.3.5 Lens doses in relation to current dose limits...................................................................31 4.3.6 Consistency with other studies........................................................................................ 31 5 CONCLUSIONS 32 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 33 REFERENCES 34 1 INTRODUCTION Medical staff working in interventional radiology have relatively high exposure to radiation compared to other occupational groups working with X-rays [1]. Naturally, radiation protection is a matter of interest in interventional radiology. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recently made a statement about their recommendation of the maximum eye lens dose, due to new insights about radiation-induced cataract. The recommended equivalent dose limit for the eye lens is now 20 mSv in a year, averaged over a defined period of 5 years, with no single year exceeding 50 mSv. The previous recommendation given in ICRP Publication 103 was 150 mSv/year. Also the estimation of a threshold lens dose for radiation-induced cataract have been lowered. For acute exposures the threshold is now considered to be 0.5 Gy instead of previously 5 Gy [2]. 1.1 Aims The main aim of the present study was to investigate the eye lens doses received by the interventional staff at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and from this evaluate whether additional radiation protection, e.g. lead glasses, could be necessary. Another aim was to evaluate whether the dose recorded by the PDM, in Philips DoseAware system, could be used as an indicator of eye lens dose. This would be of great use for future monitoring of eye lens doses. 1.2 New recommendations from the ICRP The ICRP has reviewed recently published studies indicating a lower eye lens threshold dose for cataract than previously used. For example, a study published in 2009 has reviewed eight epidemiological studies that estimated odds ratios or relative risk for developing cataract after an absorbed eye lens dose of 1 Gy or 1 Sv [3]. These eight studies are based on atomic bomb survivors [4, 5], Chernobyl clean-up workers [6] and pilots but also clinical or occupational exposure. All studies indicate an increased risk of developing cataract at 1 Gy. The studies that presented threshold doses for developing cataract all presented values far below the previous ICRP threshold of 5 Gy [7]. These recently published studies have longer follow-up periods than previous studies and could therefore show that the latency period depends on absorbed lens dose. The lower the 1 lens dose, the longer the latency period (given that cataract will be developed). The latency period is approximately inversely proportional to the radiation dose [3, 7]. Earlier studies that influenced the ICRP recommendations were based on too short follow-up periods and thus indicated a higher threshold dose for developing cataract; the latency period for individuals developing cataract after receiving low doses were longer than the follow-up periods [8]. In Sweden, occupational dose limits are set by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM). The regulations of SSM have not yet been affected by the new ICRP recommendation. The equivalent dose limit for the lens of the eye of medical staff working with ionizing radiation in Sweden is 150 mSv in a year [9]. However, it is likely that SSM will lower the dose limit and that the new dose limit will follow the recommendation of the ICRP. 1.3 Previous eye lens dose estimations An estimation of eye lens doses of interventional staff at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, was made in 2005. From this estimation it was concluded that the doses were far below 150 mSv/year and that no more precise measurement was necessary. However, when the ICRP lowered their recommended dose limit a more thorough investigation of eye lens doses at Sahlgrenska became necessary. Furthermore, an Europe-wide project called the ORAMED project investigated eye lens doses of interventional staff at 34 European hospitals and, for example, it was concluded that 7 out of 15 operators performing cardiac angiographies and angioplasties (two commonly performed procedures at the department of Cardiology) exceeded an annual eye lens dose of 20 mSv [10]. 1.4 Cataract Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye causing impaired vision. It is one of the most common causes of blindness worldwide and is usually classified into three main forms: nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular cataract (PSC) [8]. Symptoms associated with cataract are blurry vision, reduced night vision, sensitivity to light, seeing halos around objects or lights, reduced contrast sensitivity and double vision. Possible causes of cataract are diabetes, exposure to ultraviolet light, the use of steroids, exposure to ionizing radiation, high body mass index, age, tobacco use, alcohol use, 2 previous eye injuries and premature birth. The only possible treatment for cataract is surgery, where the lens is replaced by an artificial intraocular lens. In the United States the success rate for such an operation is about 98% [11, 12]. 1.4.1 Mechanisms of radiation cataractogenesis Age related cataract rarely appears in the form of PSC. Instead this form of cataract is often associated with radiation exposure. In addition, relatively minor PSC can have great effect on vision impairment [8]. A single layer of epithelial cells is located on the anterior of the lens. These cells divide and some cells differentiate into mature lens fibre cells. Lens transparency is mainly dependent on the fact that this layer of epithelial cells is intact and correctly can differentiate into lens fibre cells. It is likely that disruption of this epithelial cell layer leads to cataract [7]. It has been shown in animal studies that radiation-induced cataract will not form if the lens epithelial cells are completely inhibited from cell division. This is one indicator that cataract is not caused by cell killing but rather that genomic damage results in altered cell division causing cataract over time. The lens epithelial cells with radiation-induced DNA damage is believed to be a first step to cataractogenesis. However, more research is necessary for concluding the true mechanism of radiation induced cataract [7]. The question remains whether radiation-induced cataract is a deterministic or stochastic effect. Historically it has been considered a deterministic effect [7]. Many recently published studies have questioned the existence of a threshold dose and instead suggested that radiation-induced cataract is of a stochastic nature [6, 13 - 16]. There are also studies 14 15 supporting the theory of it being a deterministic effect [17 - 19]. 14 18 Radiation-induced lens cataract is currently considered a deterministic effect with a low dose threshold by the ICRP, who in their latest publication on the subject stated: “Lastly, although the lower 95% confidence interval in some threshold calculations includes zero dose, there is no direct evidence that a single damaged progenitor lens epithelial cell can produce a cataract, and hence radiation-induced lens cataract is still considered a tissue reaction (deterministic effect) with a dose threshold albeit small” [7]. 1.5 Definition of the personal dose equivalent Hp(d) The personal dose equivalent, Hp(d), is an operational quantity defined by the equivalent 3 dose in ICRU soft tissue material at the depth d (mm) of the human body below the point of the dosimeter. For assessments of the effective dose, H p(10) is used. To determine equivalent skin dose, Hp(0.07) is used. For measuring equivalent eye lens dose, H p(3) is recommended by the ICRP and the ICRU [20, 21]. 1.6 The interventional radiology procedure During an interventional radiology procedure multiple medical conditions can be diagnosed and/or treated. A small incision is made in which catheters are inserted and advanced to the source of the condition via blood vessels. An X-ray unit and monitors are used to visualize the position of the catheter and the anatomy of the patient (other imaging modalities can also be used). An interventional procedure is minimally invasive and the disease can be diagnosed and/or treated non-surgically. There are usually three staff members in the room, one operator and two nurses. The operator and one of the nurses are dressed in sterile aprons. They are standing close to the patient table. The operator is standing closest to both the irradiated part of the patient and the catheter insertion site (the operator is handling the catheters). The second nurse, who is not dressed in a sterile apron, is assisting both the patient and the other staff members. This nurse moves around in the room or is stand-by just outside the room during the procedure. The number and the position of staff members can vary with different procedures, although the operator handling the catheters is always closer to the irradiated part of the patient than the nurses. A standard angioplasty procedure (commonly performed at the department of Cardiology) can be seen in Figure 1.1. 4 Figure 1.1: Image showing a typical angioplasty procedure set-up and position of the operator (the person behind the ceiling suspended shield on the right). The nurse dressed in a sterile apron can not be seen in the image but is usually standing directly next to the operator. Photography by Curt Warås. Staff members at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology almost exclusively perform angiographies and angioplasties; the set-up and operator position rarely differ from what can be seen in Figure 1.1. Staff members at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology on the other hand use different positions, both in relation to the patient and the X-ray tube, for almost every procedure. 1.7 Parameters influencing personnel eye lens doses Most parameters influencing patient doses also influence personnel doses and consequently also personnel eye lens doses. When considering personnel eye lens dose, the 5 irradiated part of the patient can be seen as the radiation source; photons contributing to this dose that are not scattered in the patient can be neglected. Both an increased amount of photons scattered in the patient and the energy of these photons will contribute to a higher eye lens dose. Minimizing the patient dose is important both in consideration to patient and personnel. 1.7.1 Tube potential and tube current Tube potential and tube current are closely related due to automatic output adjustment. The X-ray unit can automatically adjust the tube current and tube potential setting. The X-ray unit is set at a fixed “dose to image detector” value. This is important to get sufficient image quality for the body part examined. Either the tube current, the tube potential or both can be changed to achieve this. How this is done is dependent on several factors, e.g. X-ray unit settings. Nevertheless, both increased tube current and increased tube potential result in increased personnel eye lens dose due to an increased amount of scattered radiation and an increased energy of these photons, respectively. 1.7.2 Patient size and projection angle The amount (and the energy) of scattered photons, and thus also personnel eye lens dose, are strictly related to the radiation penetration distance for a given projection angle. Three factors that influence this distance are patient size, irradiated body part and projection angle. The greater the radiation penetration distance, the higher the personnel eye lens dose due to an increased output. Another aspect of projection angle should also be taken into account. For X-ray energies, most of the radiation is back scattered. The radiation exposure will therefore be much higher if the operator is next to the X-ray tube instead of next to the image detector. For example, an over couch X-ray tube configuration can mean as much as 27 times higher eye lens dose than an under couch X-ray tube configuration [22]. 1.7.3 Source-to-detector and source-to-skin distance The inverse-square law explains why the dose delivered to the image detector will decrease with increased source-to-detector distance (SDD). This means that for an increased SDD, due to automatic output adjustment, the tube current and/or the tube potential will be increased. Another consequence of an increased SDD is collimation of the X-ray field to still fit the image detector. These two effects will cancel and the personnel eye lens dose and effective dose of the patient will remain unaffected. The maximum skin dose of the patient, on the other hand, will be increased. 6 If the source-to-skin distance (SSD) decreases while SDD remains constant the patient will be moved further away from the image detector. Photons scattered in large angles in the patient will then not reach the image detector and the dose delivered to the image detector will decrease. The personnel eye lens dose will then increase, due to automatic output adjustment. 1.7.4 Collimation and magnification When a collimated X-ray field hits the image detector it can either be projected onto the full area of the monitor or onto a reduced area, proportional to the reduced X-ray field area, of the monitor. The first of these two options will result in a magnified image. To maintain the same image quality, the output will automatically be increased. This will result in an increased maximum patient skin dose while the patient effective dose and the total amount of scattered photons will be somewhat unchanged, depending on fluoroscopy system. The second of these two options will result in a collimated image, i.e. a smaller image with some information simply cut out. The output will then not be increased and the amount of scattered photons will be reduced proportionally to the reduced X-ray field area. In summary, collimation of the X-ray field will decrease personnel eye lens dose while magnification has minor effect. 1.7.5 Factors connected to the working method of the operator Three factors that are more intuitive to understand and therefore perhaps easier to forget when considering parameters influencing personnel eye lens dose are fluoroscopy time, distance from patient and the use of radiation protection, e.g. lead glasses or ceiling suspended shields. The personnel eye lens dose increases linearly with fluoroscopy time and decreases with the square of the increased distance from irradiated part of the patient, according to the inverse-square law. 1.8 Radiation detection instruments Various kinds of radiation detection instruments were used for the present study. This section contains a short description of these instruments. 1.8.1 The EDD-30 The Unfors EDD-30 (Educational Direct Dosimeter) consists of a display unit and a sensor 7 connected with a cable. It is calibrated in terms of H p(0.07) and can measure equivalent dose, equivalent dose rate and exposure time. 1.8.2 The DoseAware system The DoseAware system (DAS), developed by Philips and Unfors Instruments, is installed in five interventional radiology rooms at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The detector unit of this system is called Personal Dose Meter (PDM) and is worn on the torso outside the lead apron. The equivalent dose at a depth of 10 mm (i.e. an estimation of the effective dose if no lead apron is used), H p(10), is measured and the dose rates are available to the interventional staff live on a monitor. Also the accumulated personal dose is recorded. 1.8.3 Thermoluminescent dosimeters The TL-dosimeters1 used for personnel eye lens dose assessments consists of a polyimide film (Kapton) containing a LiF:Mg, Ti TLD-chip (3 mm 2, 0.38 mm thick). When used for dosimetry, these films are put into a thin protective bag. These TL-dosimeters are normally used for extremity dosimetry at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Compared to other available TL-dosimeters, the design and casing of these dosimeters made them best suited for the present study. After exposure, the TLDs were read out in the TLD-reader Harshaw Model 6600 plus, Thermo Scientific. 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1 Phantom measurements In order to prepare for the personnel eye lens dose assessments at Sahlgrenska University Hospital phantom measurements were carried out. These preparations included deciding the optimal position of the dosimeter used for the eye lens dose assessments, evaluation of different models of lead glasses and estimation of a ratio between the eye lens dose and the dose recorded by a dosimeter worn at thorax height. 2.1.1 Position of the dosimeter The position of the TLD is an important matter when measuring eye lens dose. For example, a dosimeter positioned on the eyebrow ridge on the side of the X-ray tube can measure a dose 3-5 times higher than a dosimeter between the eyes [20]. 1 Single chipstrate EXT-RAD, Type TLD-100, Thermo Scientific 8 A standard interventional procedure at the department of Cardiology was simulated using a Philips BV 300 X-ray unit (image detector diameter 31 cm), an anthropomorphic abdominal phantom2 simulating a patient and a head phantom on a tripod simulating the operator, see Figure 2.1. The head phantom consisted of a human cranium and tissue equivalent plastic to simulate a human head. The fluoroscopy time was 60 s, the tube potential was 82 kV and the tube current was 2.82 mA. A circular field with a diameter of 31 cm (at the image detector) was used. The same X-ray unit settings were used for all phantom measurements (with exception for the fluoroscopy time in section 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 ). The head phantom was angled straight forward, simulating an operator looking at the monitor, with an angle of approximately 60º relative to the irradiated part of the abdominal phantom. No lead glasses were used. Figure 2.1: The set up used for dosimeter position measurements both seen from the front (a) and from above (b). The equivalent doses at 8 different positions across the forehead, see Figure 2.2, were 2 Transparent abdominal phantom, RSD Model RS-113T, Gammex RMI, USA 9 assessed using an Unfors EDD-30. Figure 2.2: Image showing the 8 different EDD-30 positions used. The different positions are represented by the dots. 2.1.2 Lead glasses The dose reduction ability of 12 different models of lead glasses, 11 provided by Scanflex Medical and one provided by Mediel, was investigated, see Table 2.1 and Figure 2.3. All of the lead glasses had a specified equivalent lead thickness of 0.75±0.05 mm. Lead glasses number 11 and 12 can be worn with a pair of regular glasses underneath, although when worn without they also fit well. The same measuring set up as in section 2.1.1 was used with exception for the abdominal phantom. An anthropomorphic thorax phantom 3 (of the same height as the abdominal phantom) was instead used to simulate a patient, the distances in Figure 2.1 still applies. The EDD-30 was placed at position 1 (in Figure 2.2). Measurements were made for two different head phantom angles; one when the head phantom was angled straight forward, simulating an operator looking at the monitor, one when the head phantom was angled obliquely down and to the left, simulating an operator looking at the irradiated part of the patient. Equivalent doses were recorded with and without each of the 12 models of lead glasses. For number 11 and 12, the equivalent dose was measured both with and without space for regular glasses underneath. The dose reduction ability (%) was then calculated for each of the 12 lead glasses, using equation (2.1). Dose reduction ability=(1− Dose recorded with lead glasses )⋅100 Dose recorded without lead glasses 3 RSD Torso Imaging Phantom, Radiology Support Devices, Inc., Long Beach, USA 10 (2.1) Table 2.1: List of models of lead glasses evaluated. All models had a specified equivalent lead thickness of 0.75±0.05 mm. Number as referred to in Product name of model this report 1 APX Ray BX04 (Scanflex) 2 APX Ray TX01 (Scanflex) 3 APX Ray TX07 (Scanflex) 4 APX Ray AX06 (Scanflex) 5 APX Ray AX10 (Scanflex) 6 9935 Ultralite Small (Scanflex) 7 9935 Ultralite Large (Scanflex) 8 9941 Ultralite (Scanflex) 9 99 Ultralite (Scanflex) 10 58 Jarrod (Scanflex) 11 89 Fitover (Scanflex) 12 Vista (Mediel) Figure 2.3: Image showing the designs of the different models of lead glasses. Lead glasses number 11 and 12 can be worn with a pair of regular glasses underneath. To determine whether 0.75 mm equivalent lead thickness is enough to block incident radiation the influence on the equivalent dose of photons penetrating the lead glasses was investigated. An additional 5 mm lead was added for measurements with lead glasses 11 number 1. The 5 mm lead was manufactured to fit the lead glass part of the glasses only. The head phantom was angled towards the irradiated part of the patient. The 60 s measurement was repeated 10 times and mean values of equivalent doses with and without an additional 5 mm lead were calibrated. The effect on dose reduction ability of changing the tube potential was also investigated. The head phantom was angled towards the irradiated part of the patient. The EDD-30 was used to record equivalent doses from the lowest tube potential that gave a measurable signal to the highest possible tube potential of the X-ray unit. Measurements were made with and without lead glasses number 12 at 77, 80, 82, 85, 90, 95, 100 and 110 kV. At tube potentials 82 and 110 kV an additional four measurements were made to statistically test the difference in dose reduction ability. An approximation of the actual equivalent lead thickness of each pair of the lead glasses was measured using a collimated 241 Am radiation source and a Geiger counter (Scaler ratemeter type 6-90) calibrated for different thicknesses of lead at a fixed SDD of 10 cm. 2.1.3 Angular response of the PDM and the EDD-30 During an interventional procedure, the upper body of a staff member is not always facing towards the irradiated part of the patient. This means that the incident angle of scattered radiation hitting the PDM will vary and the angular response of the PDM is a matter of interest. According to Unfors Instruments the PDM has a specified horizontal angular response of ±5% within ±5°, ±30% within ±50° and +200%/-100% within ±90°. Since the EDD-30 was used for phantom measurements containing oblique incident angles it was also included in the angular response measurements. A lead apron was wrapped around the thorax phantom to make the amount of back scattered photons as realistic as possible. Both a PDM and an EDD-30 was placed on the thorax phantom outside the lead apron at approximately the same height as the abdominal phantom (which was simulating a patient). A fluoroscopy time of 30 s was used here and in section 2.1.4 . Equivalent doses were recorded for 11 different incident angles of scattered radiation hitting the thorax phantom from -90° to 90°. The angles used were -90°, -80°, -70°, -60°, -30°, 0°, 30°, 60°, 70°, 80° and 90°. To acquire these incident angles, both the dosimeters and the thorax phantom were rotated around the point of the dosimeters. For the incident angles -90° and 90°, the radiation was hitting the dosimeters straight from the right and from the left, respectively. For the incident angle 0°, both the thorax phantom and 12 the dosimeters was facing the abdominal phantom. The distance from the center of the primary field hitting the abdominal phantom to the dosimeter was 80 cm for all incident angles. Relative equivalent doses were calculated as the equivalent dose for a given incident angle relative to the dose recorded at 0°. Measurements in the 11 incident angles were also made when the PDM and the EDD-30 were turned 90° counterclockwise to investigate the vertical angular response of the dosimeters rather than the horizontal. Two measurements were made for each incident angle and dosimeter rotation, the mean value and the standard deviation were calculated. 2.1.4 Phantom based assessment of the ratio between doses at eye and thorax height As mentioned in section 1.1 one of the aims of the present study was to evaluate whether the PDM from Philips DoseAware system could be an indicator of personnel eye lens dose. A ratio between equivalent doses at eye and thorax height was estimated by phantom measurements. The abdominal phantom was placed on the table to simulate a patient with the same patient table and X-ray unit height as in Figure 2.1(a). To simulate a staff member, the thorax phantom was set up with the head phantom on top, see Figure 2.4. A lead apron was wrapped tightly around the thorax phantom. Figure 2.4: Image showing the measurement set up. 13 Dosimeters were placed at eye and thorax height. One EDD-30 was placed on the left eye of the head phantom and at thorax height on the left side one EDD-30 and one PDM was placed. The difference in sensitivity of the two EDD-30s were tested and corrected for. As mentioned under section 1.8 the EDD-30s were calibrated to measure H p(0.07) while the PDM was calibrated to measure Hp(10). During an interventional procedure, the operator adjusts the table height to an ergonomic working height. This means that the distance from the patient to the eyes of the operator is approximately the same for any operator height. The eyes of a nurse, who is shorter or taller than the operator, will then either be closer to or further away from the patient. To evaluate the influence of the nurse height on the ratio, two different nurse heights, in addition to the operator height, were used during the measurements. A normal operator working situation was set up with a vertical distance of 30 cm from the abdominal phantom to the EDD-30 placed on the eye of the head phantom. To simulate a nurse, shorter or taller than the operator, standing at the operator's position, the height of the phantoms simulating a staff member was changed. The same patient table and X-ray unit height was used for all three staff member heights. The three different staff member phantom heights used resulted in a vertical distance between the abdominal phantom and the EDD-30 placed on the eye of 20, 30 and 40 cm, respectively. These three staff member phantom heights will hereafter be referred to as “short nurse”, “operator” and “tall nurse”. Equivalent doses were recorded at four different distances from the irradiated part of the patient, see Figure 2.5. In addition to the three different staff member heights two different head angles were also used for each of these four distances, simulating the staff member looking at the catheter insertion site (see Figure 2.4) and at the monitor. To simulate the staff member looking at the monitor, the wedge between the head phantom and the thorax phantom was removed. For each distance, the staff member was assumed to stand directly in front of the catheter insertion site. 14 Figure 2.5: Image showing the four different staff member positions used; 0, 25, 50 and 150 cm from the irradiated part of the patient. 2.2 Personnel eye lens dose assessments At Sahlgrenska University Hospital several departments are using interventional radiology. The personnel eye lens dose assessments in the present study were carried out at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology and at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology. The staff at these two departments perform most of their interventional procedures in the thorax and abdominal region of the patient. Due to the large patient size in these areas the staff are exposed to high levels of scattered radiation. In addition, it can be seen from the legal dosimetry measurements that the highest annual accumulated personal doses are reported from these two departments. Individual headbands holding TL-dosimeters were fashioned. The TL-dosimeters were calibrated in terms of Hp(0.07) in a N-80 spectra using a slab phantom. The calibration spectra was found in ISO 4037-1 [23]. The calibration set-up and the conversion coefficients were found in ISO 4037-3 [24]. These headbands were worn by interventional staff for one month during all work containing radiation. The design of the headbands differed depending on clinical role of staff member and department, see section 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 . No staff member wore lead glasses during the measurement period. One PDM was also worn, at thorax height outside the lead apron, during the same period of time as the headbands by all personnel participating in the measurements. Three TL-dosimeters were placed at each of the two departments to measure the dose contribution from background radiation. These were placed close to the daily work but fully shielded from the X-ray units. 15 2.2.1 The Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology Seven operators and four nurses, with the highest number of procedures performed per month, were selected for measurements. The headbands worn by operators held two TLdosimeters to record the maximum potential eye lens dose for all possible incident angles of scattered radiation. These dosimeters were placed at position 2 and 5 (in Figure 2.2). The headbands worn by nurses held one TL-dosimeter at position 5. 2.2.2 The division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology The same method of selection, as used for interventional staff at the Catheterization Laboratory, was used to select seven operators and seven nurses for measurements. The headbands worn by operators held three, instead of two, TL-dosimeters due to the large variation of incident angles. These dosimeters were placed at position 2, 5 and 8 (in Figure 2.2). The headbands worn by nurses held one TL-dosimeter at position 5. 2.2.3 Data analysis From the PDM data, the number of procedures can be acquired. By assuming that the headband and PDM were always worn together the numbers of procedures performed with a headband worn by a given staff member could be acquired. For each staff member, the TLD with the highest dose recorded was selected for data analysis. For operators, the accumulated doses recorded by the TLD during the measurement period (with the contribution from the background radiation subtracted), DTLD (mSv), were extended to an estimation of the annual dose in two ways by using equation (2.2) and equation (2.3). Annual dose= DTLD⋅ ny nm (2.2) ny is the number of procedures performed by a given staff member during the last year and nm is the number of procedures, when the PDM (and headband) was worn, performed by a given staff member during the measurement period. 365−42 Annual dose= DTLD⋅ dm (2.3) dm is the number of days of the measurement period for a given staff member (days when no work was done included). The number of days in a year is 365 and 42 is the number of days subtracted due to vacations. Data on the total numbers of procedures a nurse assisted at in a year (ny) were unavailable 16 and thus only equation (2.3) was used for nurses. Also the average lens dose contribution per procedure (DTLD/nm) and ratios between the dose recorded by the TLD and the PDM were calculated for each staff member. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Phantom measurements 3.1.1 Position of the dosimeter The doses recorded at different dosimeter positions across the forehead varied with approximately a factor 6, see Table 3.1. The results are presented as equivalent dose at a given position relative to the equivalent dose at position 1, i.e. the position when the EDD30 was placed on the eye of the head phantom. Table 3.1: Equivalent doses at different positions of the EDD-30 dosimeter relative to the dose at position 2. Position of the EDD-30 Relative equivalent dose 1 1.00 2 1.07 3 1.00 4 0.85 5 0.74 6 0.63 7 0.33 8 0.17 3.1.2 Lead glasses When the head phantom was angled towards the patient, i.e. the scattered radiation source, minor difference could be seen between different models of lead glasses. A greater difference in dose reduction ability was seen when the head phantom was angled towards the monitor and in this angle lead glasses number 11 most efficiently shielded the EDD-30 from scattered radiation, see Table 3.2. For this angle, the same model also reported the lowest shielding efficiency when space for regular glasses was given underneath. 17 Table 3.2: Dose reduction ability for each of the 12 models of lead glasses. Lead glasses model number Dose reduction ability (%) Head phantom angled Head phantom angled towards monitor towards patient 1 81 85 2 79 85 3 67 83 4 75 83 5 79 83 6 48 81 7 66 82 8 71 85 9 67 83 10 38 86 11 82 88 11* 30 87 12 71 87 12* 54 86 * With space for a pair of regular glasses underneath. With an additional 5 mm of lead added to the lead glasses no statistically significant difference in dose reduction ability was seen (p=0.48). The mean value of the 10 measurements with and without 5 mm lead added was 85.2% and 85.0%, respectively. The dose reduction ability was practically independent of tube potential, see Figure 3.1. 18 Dose reduction ability (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Tube potential (kV) Figure 3.1: Dose reduction ability as a function of tube potential. The repeated measurements at 82 kV and 110 kV resulted in a small but statistically significant difference in dose reduction ability with a mean value of 83.9% and 84.6%, respectively (p<0.006). The results from the measurement of the equivalent lead thickness varied from 0.68 to 0.82 mm and can be seen in Table 3.3. All glasses had a specified equivalent lead thickness of 0.75±0.05 mm. Table 3.3: Measured equivalent lead thickness for each of the 12 models of lead glasses. Lead glasses model number Equivalent lead thickness (mm) 1 0.73 2 0.68 3 0.71 4 0.78 5 0.74 6 0.71 7 0.73 8 0.75 9 0.77 10 0.80 11 0.82 12 0.77 19 3.1.3 Angular response of the PDM and the EDD-30 The horizontal angular response of the PDM (measured when the PDM was correctly placed on the thorax phantom) was not symmetrical. For example, the relative equivalent dose at 60° was 1.12 while the corresponding value at -60° was 0.45. The vertical angular response (measured when the PDM was turned counterclockwise 90°) had a less asymmetrical shape, see Figure 3.2. The values here, at 60° and -60°, were instead 0.96 and 1.04, respectively. 1.2 Relative equivalent dose 1 0.8 Horizontal Vertical 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Incident angle (degrees) Figure 3.2: Angular response of the PDM presented as equivalent doses relative to the dose recorded at 0°. The standard deviation of the two repeated measurements for each angle and PDM rotation is shown as error bars. For large angles the relative angular response of the EDD-30 was higher than the angular response of the PDM, see Figure 3.3. 20 1.2 Relative equivalent dose 1 0.8 0.6 Horizontal Vertical 0.4 0.2 0 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Incident angle (degrees) Figure 3.3: Angular response of the EDD-30 presented as equivalent doses relative to the dose recorded at 0°. The standard deviation of the two repeated measurements for each angle and EDD-30 rotation is shown as error bars. 3.1.4 Phantom based assessment of the ratio between doses at eye and thorax height Equivalent eye lens dose rates decreased with increasing distance and with increasing staff member height, see Figure 3.4. Equivalent eye lens dose rate (μSv/h) 2500 2000 1500 0 cm 25 cm 50 cm 150 cm 1000 500 0 Short nurse Operator Tall nurse Figure 3.4: Equivalent eye lens dose rates for the different distances (0, 25, 50, 150 cm shown in Figure 2.5) and staff member heights when the head phantom was angled towards the catheter insertion site. 21 The ratios between equivalent doses recorded by the two EDD-30s were closer to 1 the further away the staff phantom was moved from the patient phantom, see Table 3.4. Table 3.4: Ratio between equivalent doses recorded by the two EDD-30s, at eye and thorax height, for different phantom measurement set ups. The distances (0, 25, 50 and 150 cm) specified refer to the different distances shown in Figure 2.5. Head angle Towards monitor Towards patient Staff member height Ratio 0 cm 25 cm 50 cm 150 cm Short nurse 0.27 0.24 0.36 1.04 Operator 0.21 0.26 0.39 0.88 Tall nurse 0.20 0.27 0.50 0.85 Short nurse 0.38 0.29 0.43 1.13 Operator 0.28 0.33 0.48 0.99 Tall nurse 0.26 0.33 0.62 0.93 The ratios between equivalent doses recorded by the EDD-30 placed on the eye relative to equivalent doses recorded by the PDM placed at thorax height were, for small distances, generally lower than the ratios presented in Table 3.4, see Table 3.5. Table 3.5: Ratio between equivalent doses recorded by EDD-30 and PDM, at eye and thorax height, for different phantom measurement set ups. The distances (0, 25, 50 and 150 cm) specified refer to the different distances shown in Figure 2.5. Head angle Towards monitor Towards patient 3.2 Staff member height Ratio 0 cm 25 cm 50 cm 150 cm Short nurse 0.19 0.18 0.31 2.30 Operator 0.15 0.20 0.35 1.35 Tall nurse 0.14 0.26 0.50 1.34 Short nurse 0.26 0.22 0.41 2.49 Operator 0.19 0.28 0.43 1.47 Tall nurse 0.18 0.31 0.65 1.47 Personnel eye lens dose assessments Staff members who wore headbands and PDMs have been assigned a random number for 22 the presentation of the results. Operators 1-7 and nurses 1-4 are working at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology. Operators 8-14 and nurses 511 are working at the division of Peripheral International Radiology at the department of Radiology. Four operators (operator 3, 5, 11 and 14) out of the total 14 operators selected for measurements did not wear their headbands or PDMs during any procedure and have been excluded from this section. 3.2.1 The Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology The results from the personnel eye lens dose assessments showed that the annual lens dose of no staff member at the Catheterization Laboratory exceeded the new ICRP recommendation of 20 mSv, see Table 3.6. However, one operator reported an annual lens dose of 19.1 mSv. The ratios between accumulated equivalent doses recorded by the TLD and the PDM during the measurement period were closer to 1 for nurses than for operators. Table 3.6: Estimated annual lens doses, average lens dose contribution per procedure during measurement period, number of procedures (both during measurement period when the PDM was worn, nm, and total number during the last year, ny) and ratio between equivalent doses recorded by TLD and PDM for staff members at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology. n/a means not available. Staff member Estimated annual Average lens dose equivalent eye lens per procedure dose (mSv) (µSv) nm ny Ratio Equation Equation (2.2) (2.3) Operator 1 19 11 49 20 387 0.63 Operator 2 12 2.3 28 7 410 0.55 Operator 4 7.5 8.7 24 31 305 0.41 Operator 6 7.5 8.3 22 32 335 0.54 Operator 7 12 9.2 35 23 345 0.58 Nurse 1 n/a 1.1 2.8 33 n/a 1.37 Nurse 2 n/a 4.6 10 39 n/a 0.90 Nurse 3 n/a 2.8 5.6 43 n/a 0.85 Nurse 4 n/a 4.6 11 39 n/a 0.73 3.2.2 The division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology One operator at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology reported an estimated annual lens dose that exceeded the new ICRP recommendation, see Table 3.7. Ratios between accumulated equivalent doses recorded by the TLD and the PDM were generally 23 lower for operators at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology than for operators at the Catheterization Laboratory. The average lens dose contribution per procedure differed greatly between different operators. Table 3.7: Estimated annual lens doses, average lens dose contribution per procedure during measurement period, number of procedures (both during measurement period when the PDM was worn, nm, and total number during the last year, ny) and ratio between equivalent doses recorded by TLD and PDM for staff members at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology. n/a means not available. Staff member Estimated annual Average lens dose equivalent eye lens per procedure dose (mSv) (µSv) nm ny Ratio Equation Equation (2.2) (2.3) Operator 8 12 14 68 17 183 0.44 Operator 9 14 16 83 16 164 0.80 Operator 10 4.4 1.9 32 5 136 0.49 Operator 12 8.5 7.3 36 17 237 0.47 Operator 13 33 13 350 3 93 0.30 Nurse 5 n/a 4.0 12 28 n/a 0.90 Nurse 6 n/a 1.2 3.1 32 n/a 0.89 Nurse 7 n/a 1.7 8.9 16 n/a 0.78 Nurse 8 n/a 2.1 5.0 35 n/a 0.83 Nurse 9 n/a 6.4 36 15 n/a 0.54 Nurse 10 n/a 4.4 11 33 n/a 1.03 Nurse 11 n/a 4.0 19 18 n/a 0.85 4 DISCUSSION 4.1 The use of Hp(0.07) for measuring lens dose As mentioned in section 1.5 , when measuring eye lens dose, dosimeters calibrated in terms of Hp(3) is recommended by the ICRP and the ICRU. The dosimeters used here for measuring personnel eye lens dose were instead calibrated to measure H p(0.07) using a slab phantom. No conversion coefficients for Hp(3) were available in ISO 4037-3 (from where the conversion coefficients used were taken). If the radiation measured consists of photons, which is the case for interventional radiology staff member lens dose measurements, H p(0.07) adequately assesses eye lens dose. 24 Behrens et al. used Monte Carlo simulations trying to quantify the error of using H p(0.07) instead of Hp(3) for eye lens dose measurements in interventional radiology and found that for scattered photons from photon fields emerging from tube potentials above 30 kV, the eye lens dose was overestimated by only 10% or less (depending on photon energy) when Hp(0.07) was used. For tube potentials below 30 kV, the eye lens dose was overestimated by a factor 1.1 to 5.0 [21]. Since tube potentials of below 30 kV are never or extremely rarely used in interventional radiology, Hp(0.07) is considered to adequately estimate the eye lens dose. The use of Hp(0.07) to estimate eye lens dose has even been recommended by the European Commission [25]. In addition, TLD:s calibrated in terms of Hp(0.07) was used in the ORAMED project [10] and in a Norwegian study investigating eye lens doses of interventional staff [26]. 4.2 Phantom measurements 4.2.1 Position of the dosimeter A dosimeter should be positioned where it can give an indication of the maximum potential eye lens dose. Thus for operators using a standardized method when performing their procedures, e.g. operators at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology who almost always have the X-ray tube on their left hand side, position 2 in Figure 2.2 (on the side of the X-ray tube) should be used. This applies for the conditions used in the phantom measurements, i.e. that the operator is looking at the monitor. If the operator instead is looking at the irradiated part of the patient, position 5 should be used. This is why headbands used by operators at the Catheterization Laboratory at the department of Cardiology had TL-dosimeters in position 2 and 5. For operators using different positions in relation to both the patient and the X-ray tube for every procedure, e.g. operators at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology at the department of Radiology, the matter of dosimeter positioning is more complicated. For the personnel lens dose assessments here, both position 2 and 8 were used, as well as position 5, to record the maximum potential eye lens dose for all possible incident angles. Nurses assisting the operator during procedures stand further away from the irradiated part of the patient. Therefore the incident angle for scattered radiation does not vary as much for nurses as it does for operators. Even when nurses look at the monitor, the scattered radiation strikes them relatively frontal. This is why a sufficient nurse eye lens dose 25 assessment could be made with only one TL-dosimeter, in position 5. 4.2.2 Lead glasses Materials of an equivalent lead thickness of 0.75 mm block over 95% of X-ray radiation [27]. The lead glasses however, reduced the dose by only between 30% and 82% of the incident radiation when the head phantom was angled towards the monitor, due to back scatter from the head and incident radiation from the side. When the head phantom instead was angled towards the irradiated part of the patient, the dose reduction ability differed from 81% to 88%, i.e. less dependent of design of the lead glasses. This means that contribution from back scattered radiation in the head is almost impossible to avoid by adjusting the design of the glasses. However, the design is important when considering incident radiation from the side. During interventional procedures, the operators look in many different directions, most commonly at the monitor (depending on procedure). They also look straight at the scattered radiation source, i.e. the irradiated body part of the patient. When their head is angled towards the monitor, the scattered radiation has a small gap beside the glasses to simply pass by and hit the eye lens without penetrating the lead glass. Out of the different head angles commonly used during interventional procedures, the two angles used for measurements are the ones in which lead glasses have the highest and lowest dose reduction ability, respectively. This means that in practice (if the operator has the exact same head shape as the head phantom) the glasses should have a dose reduction ability percentage between the two values measured for each model. Regardless of head angle, the gap between the cheek and the lead glasses needs to be minimized to give as good protection as possible. Lead glasses should be individually tested to optimally fit around the shape of the head. Using lead glasses designed to fit outside a pair of regular glasses, e.g. model 11 and 12, are not recommended due to their low dose reduction ability when regular glasses are worn underneath. Dose reduction ability was not affected by adding an additional 5 mm lead to the area of the glass and thus 0.75 mm equivalent lead thickness is considered enough to block the eye lens from the radiation trying to pass though the glass. This means that even with practically 100% attenuation of radiation hitting the glass, the lead glasses still only reduced the eye lens dose with 30% to 88%, depending on incident angle and design of lead glasses model rather than equivalent lead thickness. However, the question remains 26 whether 0.75 mm is required to fully block incident radiation. Can 0.50 mm (or even less) also be enough? Unfortunately none of the glasses provided by Scanflex and Mediel had and equivalent lead thickness of less than 0.75 mm. Another factor that may influence the differences in dose reduction ability is the actual equivalent lead thickness of the different models. Each of the 12 models of lead glasses had, as earlier mentioned, a specified equivalent lead thickness of 0.75±0.05 mm and the measured values varied from 0.68 to 0.82 mm. Pair number 11, which had the highest dose reduction ability, also had the highest measured equivalent lead thickness. However, the absolute values may not be completely accurate due to the calibration. The results from the effect on dose reduction ability of changing the tube potential can be explained by first assuming that the radiation hitting the lead glass was fully attenuated for all tube potentials used. This would explain the relatively constant dose reduction ability in Figure 3.1 but can also explain the small increase in dose reduction ability when the tube potential was changed from 82 to 110 kV. The head phantom was angled in a way that only photons back scattered in the head contributed to the dose recorded by the EDD-30 (assuming the full attenuation of lead glasses), i.e. there was no gap between the cheek and the glasses for radiation to slip through and hit the EDD-30. For lower tube potentials the photons scattered in the head will be scattered in wider angles than photons emerging from a higher tube potential. This means that the dose reduction ability would be slightly lower for 82 kV (than for 110 kV) due to the greater proportion of back scattered photons for this tube potential. 4.2.3 Angular response of the PDM and the EDD-30 An incident angle of 60° (or even more) to the PDM is not unusual during interventional procedures. The results are therefore not completely satisfying. The estimation of an eye lens dose based on the dose recorded by the PDM will be even more difficult with a poor angular response. However, one should keep in mind that the PDM was designed as a radiation protection instrument rather than a dosimeter and for this purpose the angular response is sufficient. The detector part of the PDM consists of four diods which are located in the upper left corner. This location could explain the non symmetrical shape of the horizontal angular response. For negative incident angles various internal electronics in the PDM could shield the diods from incident radiation. It is also possible that for positive incident angles the 27 radiation can more easily reach the diods than for an incident angle of 0° (in which the calibration was made) which would explain why the relative response is larger than 1 for some positive angles. The same argumentation can be made for the vertical angular response which also show a slight tendency of asymmetry. 4.2.4 Phantom based assessment of the ratio between doses at eye and thorax height The total fluoroscopy time for a standard interventional procedure varies from approximately 10 minutes to over 60 minutes. The equivalent eye lens dose rates measured were for some distances over 1 mSv/h, with a maximum value of 2.25 mSv/h (see Figure 3.4) for the simulated scenario when a nurse shorter than the operator is standing directly in front of the irradiated part of the patient looking at the catheter insertion site hole. Theoretically this means that in a worst case scenario a nurse can exceed the new ICRP recommendation of 20 mSv after only 10 procedures with a total fluoroscopy time of about 60 minutes each. A more realistic time, rather than 60 minutes, a nurse stands directly in front of the irradiated part of the patient would be a few seconds per procedure, which based on the results would mean an annual dose contribution of less than 1 mSv. When the staff member height was increased the eye lens dose decreased not only due to an increased distance from the scattered radiation source but also because the EDD-30 placed on the eye was partially shielded by the image detector of the X-ray unit. When the distance from the patient was increased, this shielding effect had less influence and the equivalent dose did not decrease as markedly with increased staff member height, e.g. the recorded doses at 50 and 150 was almost independent of staff member height. Photons of the energy used to calibrate the EDD-30 and the PDM has a build up effect on the depth dose. The equivalent dose at 10 mm is about 9% higher than the equivalent dose at 0.07 mm [24]. Also the difference in sensitivity of these two dosimeters, which was assessed during the present study, contributes to the fact that the PDM measures an equivalent dose 37% higher than the EDD-30 for a given situation. This explains why the EDD/EDD-ratios were higher than the EDD/PDM-ratios for small distances. However, when the distance was increased, the EDD/PDM-ratios increased more than the EDD/EDD-ratios due to the poor angular response of the PDM (see Figure 3.2) compared to the angular response of the EDD-30 (see Figure 3.3). 28 4.3 Personnel eye lens dose assessments The operators excluded did not wear their headband or PDM for two different reasons. Two of these operators did not perform any procedures at all during the measurement period and the other two were simply not interested in participating. The latter two performed about as many procedures during the measurement period as the operators who wore their PDM and headband. However, this does not exclusively mean that their annual eye lens doses are similar to the doses of the operators participating in the study. 4.3.1 Systematic errors and stochastic uncertainties in the D TLD values As mentioned in section 4.1 , using dosimeters calibrated in terms of Hp(0.07) for measuring eye lens dose results in a systematic overestimation of the eye lens dose by 10% or less. The fact that the TLDs were not placed on, but instead beside, the eye lens results in a systematic error. The phantom measurements indicate that the eye lens dose is overestimated by about 5-10%, but an underestimation is not impossible. The mean energy of photons scattered in the patients, contributing to the DTLD values, are lower or the same as the mean energy of the photons used for calibration of the TLDs. This could possibly lead to a slight overestimation of the eye lens dose, which should be less than 5%. The TL-dosimetry system used (including the calibration, the read out, etc.) is assumed to include a stochastic uncertainty of about ±10% or less. This means that, theoretically in a worst case scenario, it is possible that a DTLD value could be overestimated by 35% or underestimated by 10%. 4.3.2 Uncertainties in the annual eye lens dose estimations The estimations of annual doses have higher uncertainties than the dose values recorded by the TLDs during the measurement period. The higher the number of procedures performed, with the headband and PDM during the measurement period (nm), the more reliable the annual dose estimation based on equation (2.2) is. With a high nm the probability of the “dose per procedure” during the measurement period being representative for the “dose per procedure” the rest of the year is higher. For example, if the procedure with the largest dose contribution all year would take place during the measurement period for an operator with nm=2, the annual dose could be severely overestimated. Also the estimation based on 29 equation (2.3) is more reliable with a higher nm (given that nm is still representative for the number of procedures performed per month the rest of the year). The two different annual dose estimations (for a given operator) are relatively similar for operators with nm larger than 10, with exception for operator 1. It can be seen in Table 3.6 that the average number of procedures per day during the measurement period is not representative for the rest of the year (dm=28 for operator 1). The work load of operator 1 was lower than usual during the measurement period. The annual lens dose estimation based on equation (2.2) is therefore considered to be the most accurate for operator 1. The annual lens dose estimations for operator 2, 10 and 13 (who had a low values of nm) have large uncertainties, which is reflected in the difference of using the two equations. Operator 2 performed 33 procedures during the measurement period but wore the PDM at only seven of them. For this operator the estimation based on equation (2.2) is considered to be the most reliable. The PDM of operator 13 had only three procedures registered, one with a dose contribution of 2.9 mSv (which is about 10 times higher than the average). This means that there is a substantial possibility that the annual lens dose estimation for operator 13, based on equation (2.2), is an overestimation. 4.3.3 Recommendation of lead glasses The estimated annual eye lens doses of operators are high enough to cause concern. It is possible that the actual annual eye lens doses exceed the new ICRP recommendation, due to the uncertainties and the limited length of measurement period. As mentioned in section 1.4.1 , the possibility of cataract being a stochastic effect is not excluded and if so is the case, it means that even if the actual annual eye lens doses are below 20 mSv, they should still be minimized. Operators working at the Catheterization Laboratory and at the division of Peripheral Interventional Radiology might be recommended to wear lead glasses in the future. The lens doses of nurses on the other hand are generally much lower than those of the operators. Wearing lead glasses is not as crucial for nurses as it is for operators. The use of ceiling suspended shield was not closely examined during the present study. It is possible that the eye lens doses could be significantly reduced only by using these shields more correctly and/or more often. 4.3.4 Using the PDM as an eye lens dose estimator As can be seen in the results, both from the phantom measurements and the personnel dose 30 assessments, the ratios between the eye lens dose and the dose recorded by the PDM are strongly dependent on the distance from the irradiated body part of the patient, staff member height, head angle and individual working method of the staff member. For operators, who reported lens doses relatively close to the ICRP recommendation, estimating an eye lens dose using only the PDM is therefore difficult. For operators at the two departments, the PDM should instead serve their original purpose, to work as a radiation protection instrument rather than a dosimeter. The fact that the ratios differed is not as crucial for nurses, as it is for operators, due to their lower lens doses. With a few exceptions the ratios were close to 1 for nurses. The lowest and highest ratio reported were 0.54 and 1.37, respectively. The eye lens doses reported by nurses at the two departments are sufficiently far below the ICRP recommendation for this under- and overestimation to be acceptable for future monitoring. However, with such large uncertainties caution should be taken if a nurse reports an equivalent dose of more than even about 10 mSv (after extension to annual dose). It should also be mentioned that nurse 1 (ratio 1.37) reported the lowest accumulated doses, both from TLD and PDM, of all staff members and therefore the ratio of nurse 1 contains larger uncertainties than the ratios reported by other staff members. When approaching a new department were the personnel eye lens doses are unknown, the PDM can also used. For medical staff with PDMs reporting values of approximately 5-10 mSv (after extension to annual dose) or more, a more precise eye lens dose assessment should be made. Also the ratios between lens dose and PDM recorded dose of these staff members are unknown. However if a PDM of a staff member reports a value of less than 5 mSv it is extremely unlikely that the annual lens dose of that staff member exceeds 20 mSv. 4.3.5 Lens doses in relation to current dose limits The annual eye lens dose estimations are close to or above the new ICRP recommendation of 20 mSv in a year. However, the current dose limit according to Swedish regulations set by SSM is 150 mSv in a year. All personnel eye lens doses measured are far below this dose limit. 4.3.6 Consistency with other studies The eye lens doses assessed within the present study are consistent with those of both the ORAMED project [10] and a similar study at two hospitals in Denmark by the National 31 Institute of Radiation Protection in Denmark [28]. Also a study carried out at all hospitals in Norway where interventional cardiology procedures are performed reported similar eye lens doses per procedure as reported in the present study [26]. 5 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the present study, operators might be recommended to wear lead glasses in the future. Lead glasses should be individually tested to minimize the gap between the cheek and the glasses. One should keep in mind that wearing glasses does not reduce the lens dose with 100%. The phantom measurements indicate that this reduction in practice should be somewhere between 30% and 88%, depending on working method and on how well they fit. If this is not considered the glasses can give a “false” sense of security; minimizing the eye lens dose is still important also when lead glasses are worn. Estimating eye lens dose from the dose recorded by the PDM is difficult. This method includes large uncertainties. The PDM should instead be used to indicate whether a more precise measurement is necessary. With a sufficiently low dose recorded by the PDM, the annual eye lens dose being lower than 20 mSv can be guaranteed, without a more precise measurement. To get higher accuracy in the lens dose estimations the measurement period needs to be extended. For example, during the measurement period (of one month) four operators each performed less than six procedures. Only with a measurement period of one year the true annual eye lens dose can be assessed. 32 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First off, I would especially like to thank my supervisors Charlotta Lundh, Pernilla Jonasson and Åke Cederblad for all your guidance, feedback and encouragements. Many more people have helped me in many different ways during my work with this project and I would also like to thank: • Mikael Bergfjord at Unfors Instruments for all your help with the DoseAware system and for your input about the results from my phantom measurements. It has been very much fun getting to know you. • All personnel at the departments of Cardiology and Radiology. You have all been very helpful and interested in my work, which of course made everything much easier. • Robert Eklund at Scanflex and Ann-Sofie Forsten at Mediel for letting me borrow and evaluate several different models of lead glasses. • Janne, Mats and Anders at our local workshop here at Sahlgrenska for your inventive solutions to my unexpected problems during the phantom measurements. 33 REFERENCES 1. Kim KP, Miller DL, Balter S, Kleinerman RA, Linet MS, Kwon D, Simon SL. Occupational radiation doses to operators performing cardiac catheterization procedures. Health Phys. 2008;94:211-227. 2. International Commission on Radiological Protection. Statement on tissue reactions. ICRP ref. 4825-3093-1464. 2011. Available on http://www.icrp.org/. 3. Ainsbury EA, Bouffler SD, Dörr W, Graw J, Muirhead CR, Edwards AA, Cooper J. Radiation cataractogenesis: a review of recent studies. Radiat. Res. 2009;172:1-9. 4. Nakashima E, Neriishi K, Minamoto A. 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