How to Write the Corrective Action Response In response to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) administrative review, a sponsor must submit corrective action(s). Use the following format to thoroughly describe the corrective action(s) your sponsorship has taken or plans to take regarding each finding cited in the CACFP Summary of Review Findings left by the Nutrition Program Consultant. A separate corrective action plan must be documented for each finding. • Finding: What is the finding and why did it occur? • Action Taken/Who: List the action taken to correct the finding. Include all the processes and/or procedures that will be or have been implemented. List all persons and their titles who will be involved in correcting the finding and maintaining the corrective action(s). • When: Provide the date(s) when corrective action(s) was/were implemented or will be implemented. • Supporting Documentation: If needed, include supporting documentation in your response that validates the corrective actions you have implemented or will implement. For example, you might include copies of staff training documentation, site monitoring reports, attendance/meal count forms, menus, itemized food receipts, etc. To simplify the process of documenting your corrective action(s), use the Corrective Action Response form. Save the form to your local drive on your computer. Complete the form and save the changes before emailing or printing. You can use your own format for documenting the corrective action(s). Return your response to the consultant who conducted the review by email or mail to: Minnesota Department of Education, 1500 Highway 36 West, Roseville, MN 55113. Include your Sponsoring Authority ID number, name and address on all correspondence. When the corrective action response is received at MDE, the consultant will evaluate the response to ensure that it is complete. Each finding must be adequately addressed. If your corrective action plan is adequate, a closeout letter that finalizes the review process will be sent. If the corrective action response is inadequate, the consultant will contact you so you have an opportunity to modify the corrective actions. Examples of a Corrective Action Response Example 1 Finding: Meal counts were not being taken at the point of service. The number of meals “prepared” was incorrectly recorded as the meal count for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. Action Taken/Who: All classrooms will use MDE’s meal count and attendance record, Version 1 to document attendance and meal counts. Attendance and meal counts will be recorded by the lead teacher or assistant in the classroom. Attendance will be taken as the children arrive during the day. Meal and snack counts will be recorded at the point of service when each child has received a complete meal or snack. All components must be given to each child to count as a reimbursable meal or snack. If a child does not take a complete meal or snack, the meal or snack will not be counted. When: All staff were trained on the attendance and meal count form and procedure on June 1, 20XX by Ms. Smith, the director. Classrooms began using the form on June 4, 20XX. Ms. Smith will be checking daily with lead teachers and assistant teachers by visiting the classrooms during meals and snacks to see that the procedure has been implemented correctly. When staff are comfortable with this procedure, Ms. Smith will be spot-checking classrooms to make sure they are recording meals and snacks correctly at the point of service. If staff are not doing it correctly, meals and snack will not be claimed and staff will be retrained. We will not claim meals and snacks for the days when point of service meal counts were not taken. The topic of “point of service” meal counts has been added to our training agenda for new employees and our annual CACFP training agenda. Supporting Documents: I have enclosed the attendance and meal count records for each classroom for June, 20XX. Example 2 Finding: ABC Child Care Center did not have Child Nutrition (CN) labels or product formulation statements for pizza, chicken nuggets and corn dogs. Action Taken/Who: The cook will be responsible for obtaining and keeping CN labels and product formulation statements for combination foods. Food items will be evaluated before they are purchased and if they do not have a CN label or product formulation statement, they will not be purchased. The pizza was removed from the cycle menu because it does not have a CN label. We have obtained CN labels for the chicken nuggets and corn dogs. At the beginning of each month the director will double check that all combination food items on the menu have a CN label or product formulation statement. If the food item does not have either, it will not be served. When: Pizza was removed from the cycle menu the day after the review. Child Nutrition labels were obtained from our food distributor for chicken nuggets and corn dogs on June, 20XX and are kept in a folder in the kitchen. Supporting Documents: Enclosed are the CN labels for chicken nuggets and corn dogs.