Iªjh« tF¥ò Ïu©lh« gUt« bjhF 1 jäœ ENGLISH é‰gid¡F m‹W Ô©lhik kåjneak‰w braY« bgU§F‰wK« MF« eh£L¥g© #d fz kd mÂehaf #a nA ghuj gh¡a éjhjh gŠrhg ìªJ F#uhj kuh£lh Âuhél c¤fy g§fh éªÂa ïkhry aKdh f§fh c¢ry #y ju§fh jt Rg ehnk #hnf jt Rg MÁ[ khnf fhnA jt #a fhjh #d fz k§fs jhaf #a nA ghuj gh¡a éjhjh #a nA #a nA #a nA #a #a #a #a nA! - kfhfé ÏuŪÂuehj jhT® eh£L¥g© - bghUŸ ϪÂa¤ jhna! k¡fë‹ Ï‹g J‹g§fis¡ fâ¡»‹w Úna všyhUila kd¤ÂY« M£Á brŒ»whŒ. ã‹ ÂU¥bga® gŠrhigÍ«, ÁªJitÍ«, T®¢ru¤ijÍ«, kuh£oa¤ijÍ«, Âuhél¤ijÍ«, xçrhitÍ«, t§fhs¤ijÍ« cŸs¡ »s®¢Á mila¢ brŒ»wJ. ã‹ ÂU¥bga® éªÂa, Ïkakiy¤ bjhl®fëš vÂbuhè¡»wJ; aKid, f§if MWfë‹ Ï‹bdhèæš x‹W»wJ; ϪÂa¡ flyiyfshš tz§f¥gL»wJ. mit ã‹dUis nt©L»‹wd; ã‹ òfiH¥ guλ‹wd. ϪÂahé‹ Ï‹g J‹g§fis¡ fâ¡»‹w jhna! bt‰¿! bt‰¿! bt‰¿! iii cd¡F THE NATIONAL ANTHEM iv j䜤jhŒ thœ¤J ÚuhU§ flYL¤j ãyklªij¡ bfêbyhGF« ÓuhU« tjdbkd¤ Âfœguj¡ f©läš bj¡fzK« m‰Áwªj Âuhéleš ÂUehL« j¡fÁW ÃiwEjY« jç¤jeWª ÂyfKnk! m¤Âyf thridnghš mid¤JyF« Ï‹gKw v¤ÂirÍ« òfœkz¡f ÏUªjbgUª jäHz§nf jäHz§nf! c‹Óçsik¤ Âw« éaªJ braškwªJ thœ¤JJnk! thœ¤JJnk! thœ¤JJnk! - ‘kndh‹kâa«’ bg. Rªjudh®. njÁa xUik¥gh£L cWÂbkhê ‘eh£o‹ cçik thœitÍ« xUik¥gh£ilÍ« ngâ¡ fh¤J tY¥gL¤j¢ bra‰gLnt‹' v‹W cskhu eh‹ cW TW»nw‹. ‘xUnghJ« t‹Kiwia ehnl‹' v‹W«, rka«, bkhê, t£lhu« Kjèait fhuzkhf vG« ntWghLfS¡F« óršfS¡F« Vida muÁaš - bghUshjhu¡ FiwghLfS¡F« mik be¿æY« muÁaš mik¥Ã‹ têæY« ã‹W ԮΠfh©ng‹' v‹W« eh‹ nkY« cWÂaë¡»nw‹. cWÂbkhê ϪÂah vdJ ehL. ϪÂa® midtU« v‹ cl‹ Ãwªjt®fŸ. v‹ eh£il eh‹ bgçJ« neÁ¡»nw‹. Ϫeh£o‹ gH«bgUik¡fhfΫ g‹Kf kuò¢ Áw¥ò¡fhfΫ eh‹ bgUäj« mil»nw‹. Ϫeh£o‹ bgUik¡F¤ jFªJ és§»l v‹W« ghLgLnt‹. v‹Dila bg‰nwh®, MÁça®fŸ, vd¡F taš _¤njh® midtiuÍ« kÂ¥ng‹; všyhçlK« m‹ò« kçahijÍ« fh£Lnt‹. v‹ eh£o‰F« v‹ k¡fS¡F« ciH¤Âl KidªJ ã‰ng‹. mt®fŸ eyK« tsK« bgWtÂnyjh‹ v‹W« k»œ¢Á fh©ng‹. v vi bghUsl¡f« Ïaš 1. jäœ ( 1 -41 ) ghl¤ jiy¥ò ÂU¡FwŸ g¡f« 1 fiy cy»š fiythz® bt‰¿æ‹ Kj‰go 2. bg©fšé czΤ ÂUéHh 15 x‰Wikna gy« 3. F«äao bg©nz F«äao Á¤Âiu¥ bghU£fh£Á fhilæ‹ E©z¿Î Ï¥ghlüèš Ï›ÎL¡F¿æ£l ghlšfŸ kd¥ghl¥gF vii vii 29 CONTENTS ENGLISH ( 42 - 78) UNIT 1. TITLE PAGE No. Prose – Health is Wealth 47 Poem – Keeping clean 2. Prose – The Nightingale of India Poem – The Flag goes by viii 63 jäœ Iªjh« tF¥ò Ïu©lh« gUt« IX X ÂU¡FwŸ brŒÍŸ Ïaš – 1 éid¤Â£g« 1 . brhšYjš ah®¡F« vëa mçath« brhšèa t©z« braš. ghlšbghUŸ Ï¢braiy Ï›thW brŒJ Ko¡fyh« vd¢ brhšYjš vt®¡F« vëJ ; Mdhš, brhšèago brŒJ Ko¤jš mçJ. brhšbghUŸ : brhšèat©z« - brhšèago m¢rhâ m‹dh® cil¤J. ghlšbghUŸ xUtç‹ njh‰w¤ij¡ bfh©L Ïfœjš TlhJ ; Vbdåš, cU©nlhL« bgç a njiu¡ fh¥gJ, mj‹ Á¿a m¢rhâna. brhšbghUŸ cUÎ - cUt« vŸshik - ÏfœªJ ngrhik m‹dh® - ngh‹wt® bgUik 1 . gâÍkh« v‹W« bgUik ÁWik mâÍkh« j‹id éaªJ. ghlšbghUŸ bgUªj‹ikahd Fz« bfh©lt‹, všyhçlK« v¥bghGJ« gâthf elªJbfhŸth‹. Ïêªj Fz« cilat‹, v¥nghJ« j‹id¤ jhnd ghuh£o¥ òfœªJ bfhŸth‹. 1 jäœ 2 . cUÎf©L vŸshik nt©L« cUŸbgUªnj®¡F brhšbghUŸ gâÍkh« - gâthf el¥g® ÁWik - Ïêªj Fz« 2. bgUik cilat® M‰Wth® M‰¿‹ mUik cila braš. ghlšbghUŸ bgUik cilat® Ãwuhš vëš brŒa Ïayhj mça brašfis, élhKa‰ÁÍl‹ brŒJ Ko¡F« M‰wš cilat® jäœ Mt®. brhšbghUŸ M‰Wth® - brŒth® mUik - vëš brŒa Ïayhj mça braš gæ‰Á m. Ãç¤J vGJf. 1. cUÎf©L = ______________________________ 2. bgUªnj® = ______________________________ M. brh‰bwhlçš mik¤J vGJf. 1. Ïfœjš : _________________________________ 2. ghuh£L : _________________________________ 3. éU¥g« : _________________________________ 4. ÁWik : _________________________________ Ï. éil vGJf. 1. xUtç ‹ cUt¤ij¡ f©L Ïfœjš TlhJ, V‹? 2. mç a braiy¢ brŒJ Ko¥gj‰F ek¡F¤ njitahdJ vJ? 2 ÏizªJ brŒnth« m. cça éilia¤ bjçÎbrŒJ rç¡F¿ ( ) ÏLf. m. bgUik¡ Fz« cilat® ah®? 1. midtU¡F« cjé brŒgt®. 2. ahU¡F« cjthjt®. 3. Ão¤jtU¡F k£L« cjé brŒgt®. M. Ïêªj Fz« cilat® ah®? 1. Ãw® bghUis vL¤J¡bfhŸgt®. 3. mjid¥nghynt x‹wid th§»¡ bfhŸsyh« vd ãid¥gt®. Ï. gâÎ v‹gJ 1. ah® vjid¡ T¿dhY« m¥gona V‰W¡bfhŸSjš. 2. ah® vjid¡ T¿dhY« kW¤J¥ ngRjš. 3. cçat‰iw V‰W¡bfhŸSjš. jtW våš, j‹ fU¤ij és¡fkhf¡ TWjš. ÁªÂ¡fyhkh? M«, mjdhšjh‹ gy Á¿a gwitfŸ, j§fSila T£il, fç¢rh‹ FUéæ‹ T£o‰F mU»š mik¤J¡ bfhŸS«. Á¿a gwitahf ÏUªjhY« j‹id¤ jh¡f tU« bgça gwitia v®¤J¥ nghuhL« j‹ik bfh©lJ fç¢rh‹ FUé cUt¤ij¡ f©L xUtiu kÂ¥Ãlyhkh? c‹ fU¤ij¡ TWf. 3 jäœ 2. cçatç‹ x¥òjnyhL vL¤J¡bfhŸgt®. ciueil fiy cy»š fiythz® jäœ m‹W, ehlf« KoªjJ« k¡fŸ T£l«, nkilia neh¡» XoaJ. mªehlf¤Âš äf¢ Áw¥ghf eo¤ÂUªj ÁWtD¡F¥ ghuh£LfŸ Féªjd. éHhé‰F¤ jiyikna‰w rjhtjhå brŒF¤j«Ã¥ ghty®, “Ï¢ÁWt‹ tU§fhy¤Âš khbgU« nkijahf és§f¥ngh»wh‹; Ïtdhš, jäœehnl bgUikaila¥ ngh»wJ” v‹W ghuh£o¥ ngÁdh®. mªj msé‰F midtç ‹ ftd¤ijÍ« <®¤j m¢ÁWt‹ ah® bjçÍkh? ehŠÁš ehL vd miH¡f¥gL« Fkç kht£l«, v©z‰w fiyP®fisÍ«, brªjäœ m¿P®fisÍ« eš»aJ. m«kht£l¤ÂYŸs xG»dnrçæš, 1908M« M©L et«g® §fŸ 29M« ehŸ, RliyK¤J-Ïr¡»a«khS¡F kfdhf¥ Ãwªjt®, gh®ngh‰W« fiythz® v‹.v°.»UZz‹. Ïs« taÂnyna fšé f‰F« thŒ¥ig ÏHªj mt®, FL«g¤Â‰F cjél, ehlf mu§Ffëš Fë®ghd§fŸ é‰wh®. mtuJ ešy Fuš tsK«, ghL« ÂwD«, eif¢Rit¥ ng¢R« ehlf¤Âš eo¡F« thŒ¥ig¥ bg‰W¤ jªjd. mt® Áç¥ò eofuhf k£Lkšyhkš, Áªjid¡Fça brŒÂfis¢ brhšgtuhfΫ és§»dh®. mtUila eif¢Rit¥ ng¢R go¤jt® k£LkšyhJ, ghkuU« k»œªJ ngh‰W«t©z« ÏUªjJ . mt® ghLth®, MLth®, vGJth®, ciuah‰Wth®, eo¥gh®, eo¡fΫ it¥gh®, Áç¡f¢ Áç¡f¥ ngÁ k¡fis¢ ÁªÂ¡fΫ it¥gh®. Ãw® kd¤ij¥ ò©gL¤jhkš g©gL¤J« eif¢Ritia¡ ifahŸtš, mt® ÁwªJ és§»dh®. v‹.v°. »UZz‹, vG¤jhs® khehL x‹¿š ngÁdh®. m§F¡ ToæUªjt®fis¥ gh®¤J, “Ï‹W vG¤jhs®fŸ vGJnfhèš v¥go¥g£l ikia¤ bjh£L vGJ»wh®fŸ bjçÍkh? Áy®, bgUik bjh£L vGJ»‹wd®; gy®, j‰bgUik bjh£L vGJ»‹wd®; ntW Áy®, bghwhik bjh£L vGJ»‹wd®; k‰W« Áy®, giHik bjh£L vGJ»‹wd®. 4 Ït‰iwbašyh«Tl V‰W¡bfhŸsyh«. "Mdhš, ahU« bjhlnt Tlhj, Ôik ju¡Toa Áy “ik”fŸ cŸsd. mit v‹bd‹d bjçÍkh?" vd¡ nf£lh®. T£l¤Âd® éil bjçahkš, v‹d brhšy¥ngh»wh® vd M®t¤Jl‹ c‹å¥ghf¡ ftå¤jd®. “faik, bghŒ«ik, klik, nt‰Wik M»aitjh« mit” v‹wh®. midtU« ifbahè vG¥Ã k»œ¢Áia¤ bjç é¤jd® . "thŒé£L¢ Áç¤jhš nehŒé£L¥ nghF«", “Áç¡f¤ bjçªjt‹ kåj‹ k£Lnk! Áç¤J thH nt©L«” vd¡ T¿a mt®, Âiu¥gl¤Âš Áç¥Ã‹ Áw¥ig és¡»... Áç¥ò g‰¿a gHbkhêfis¤ Âu£L§fŸ Áç ¥ò ... Ïj‹ Áw¥ig¢ Ó®ö¡»¥ gh®¥gnj ekJ bghW¥ò. ÁªÂ¡f¤ bjçªj kåj Ïd¤Â‰nf brhªjkhd ifæU¥ò vªj ÉtuhÁÍ« brŒa Koahj brayhF« Ϫj¢ Áç¥ò kd« fW¥gh btS¥gh v‹gij vL¤J¡ fh£L« f©zho Áç¥ò ... fis¥ig Ú¡»¡ ftiyia¥ ngh¡» _is¡F¤ jU« RWRW¥ò ... v‹D« ghliy¥ gho¢ Áªjidia¤ ö©L»wh®. mtuJ eif¢Rit cz®it¥ ghuh£o K¤j䜡 fhty® ».M.bg. éRtehj«, 'eif¢Rit muR' v‹D« g£l¤ij tH§»dh®. 5 jäœ vG¤jhs®fŸ rKjha¡ flikahf¤ bjh£L vGj nt©oa “ik”fŸ v‹bd‹d? vd, mitnahiu¥ gh®¤J¡ nf£lh®. mitnah® éê¡f, mtnu éil T¿dh®. “e‹ik ju¡Toa ne®ik, òJik, br«ik, c©ik” v‹wh®, mt®. mu§f¤Âš ifbahè ml§f btF neukhæ‰W. nkY« mt®, “k¡fŸ kd¤ÂèUªJ” Ú¡f nt©oa "ikfŸ" tWik, ViHik, klik, fšyhik, m¿ahik vd¢ brh‹dnghJ, mitnah® milªj k»œ¢Á¡F msntæšiy. ‘ik’ v‹D« brhšiy¡bfh©L v‹.v°.»UZz‹ M‰¿a brªj䜢brhš éisahlš, midtiuÍ« éa¥Ãš Mœ¤ÂaJ. ehlf¥ nguhÁça® g«kš r«gªjdh® jiyikæš eluh#h fšé¡fHf« V‰ghL brŒj éHhéš, 'fiythz®' v‹D« g£l« mtU¡F tH§f¥g£lJ; 'ehfçf¡ nfhkhë' v‹D« g£lK« c©L. v®fhy¤Âš cy»š m¿éaš ts®¢Á v¥goæU¡F« v‹gjid jäœ m¡fhy¤Ânyna Âiu¥gl§fëš, éŠPhd¤ij ts®¡f¥ nghnw©o – nkdh£lhiu éUªJ¡ fiH¢R¡ fh£l¥ nghnw©o ......................................................... bešY F¤j khtiu¡f Úçiw¡f äÁD mšY« gfY« M¡» miu¡f mJ¡bfhU äÁD . . . vd¥ ghoÍŸsh®. M«, Ï‹W eh« ga‹gL¤J« ä‹ miuit ÏaªÂu§fis¥ g‰¿ m‹nw T¿æU¥gJ éa¥ÃY« éa¥ò. eif¢Rit¢ Áªjid cz®Î¡F, m¥gh‰g£L¤ J‹g¥gLnthU¡F cjΫ mça g©ò mtçl« ÏUªjJ. xU Kiw, Jiz eof® xUt® clnd C® ÂU«g nt©oæUªjJ. gz« Ïšyhjjdhš mt® tU¤j¤Jl‹ ÏUªjh®. Ïjid m¿ªj fiythz® Jiz eofiu miH¤jh®. “v‹ bg£oæš gz« ÏU¡»wJ; vL¤J¡bfh©L C® nghŒ¢nr®” v‹wh®. e‹¿ T¿¢ br‹w Jiz eof® Û©L« ÂU«Ã tªjh®. c‹ e©gçl« cd¡F¥ Ão¤j g©ò vJ? 6 “Iah! gz¤ij vL¤J¡bfhŸs¢ brh‹Ü®fŸ, Mdhš, bg£o¢ rhéia¤ juéšiyna?” vd¡ nf£lh®. fiythz® Áç¤jh®. “bg£o¢rhéah? eh‹ v‹ bg£oia v¥nghJ ó£ond‹? mJ v¥bghGJ« ÂwªJjh‹ ÏU¡F«; nghŒ cd¡F nt©oajid vL¤J¡bfhŸ” vd¡ T¿dh®. gz« it¤ÂU¡F« bg£oia k£Lkšyhkš, kd¤ijÍ« v¥nghJ« mt® Âwªnj it¤ÂUªjh®. Ï›thwhf, ' Ïšiy' vd tUnthU¡F mŸë tH§F« tŸsyhf¤ Âfœªjh® fiythz®. ϤjF bgUik thŒªj fiythzU¡F¥ bgUiknr®¡F« t©z« jäHf muR br‹idæš Áiy ãWéÍŸsJ. jäœ gæ‰Á m. mfuKjèia¥ gh®¤J¥ bghUŸ vGJf . nkij - eš»aJ - gh® - ghku® - faik - klik - M. Ãç¤J vGJf. 1. jiyikna‰w = ______________________ 2. tU§fhy¤Âš = ______________________ 3. it¤ÂU¡F« = ______________________ 4. v‹bd‹d = ______________________ 7 jäœ Ï. nr®¤J vGJf. 1. thŒ¥ò + më¤jd® = ______________________ 2. if + MŸtš = ______________________ 3. To + ÏUªjt®fŸ = ______________________ 4. it¤J + ÏU¡F« = ______________________ 5. m + fhy¤Ânyna = ______________________ <. v®¢brhš mik¤J¢ brh‰bwhliu ãu¥òf. 1. Ïsikæš f‰gJ vëJ; ____________ f‰gJ mçJ. 2. x‰WikÍl‹ thœtJ e‹W; nt‰Wikia ts®¥gJ ________. 3. eh« òJikia V‰ngh«; ____________ fh¥ngh«. 4. ešbyhG¡f« bgUik nr®¡F«; ÔbahG¡f« ______nr®¡F«. 5. FHªijfis¥ òfœjš nt©L«; ____________TlhJ. 6. gfèš bjçtJ fÂut‹; ____________bjçtJ é©Û‹. 7. eh‹ c©ik ngRnt‹ ; ____________ngrkh£nl‹. c. éil vGJf. 1. vG¤jhs®fŸ v¥go¥g£l ikia¤ bjh£L vGjnt©L« vd v‹.v°.»UZz‹ TW»wh®? 2. Áç¥Ã‹ Áw¥ig v‹.v°.»UZz‹ v›thW és¡F»wh®? 3. fiythz® kåjnea®- és¡Ff. 4. m¿éaš ts®¢Ág‰¿¡ fiythz® T¿ait ahit? 8 ÏizªJ brŒnth« m. tF¥giwæš ngRf. e©g®fSl‹ ÏizªJ VnjD« eif¢Rit ciuahliy eo¤J¡ fh£Lf. M. eif¢Rit ciuahliy vGJf. ahid : eh‹ éiuthf Xo¡ filæš v‹d th§» ÏU¥ng‹? Fu§F : bjçaiyna! ahid : ntW v‹d? _¢Rjh‹! x£lf¢Á駻 : mâš : kh‹ : gh«ò : Ú®ahid : fh©lhäUf« : 9 jäœ Áç¡fyh« th§f! Ï. ng¢R tH¡»š mikªj brh‰bwhl®fis Ïy¡»a tH¡»š vGJf. nfS§f ...! bfhHªijfsh...! mªj¡ fhy¤Jy v§fS¡F bttu« g¤jhJ. mjdhy bgh«gy òŸisa gŸë¡Tl« mD¥gy. gŸë¡Tl« xU fdth ÏUªJ¢Á. Mdh Ï¥g M«gs bgh«gs všyhnk x‹Djh‹. ahUnk xrªjt§f jhœªjt§f v‹D« ng¢Á¡nf Ïläšiy. (v.fh.) nfS§f ...! bfhHªijfsh...! - ng¢R tH¡F nfS§fŸ ...! FHªijfns...! jäœ - Ïy¡»a tH¡F <. Ñœ¡fhQ« bjhl®fis cça xè¥òl‹ Û©L« Û©L« brhšè¥ gHF §fŸ. ÃiHæ‹¿ ah® gyKiw TW»wh®fnsh? mt®fns bt‰¿bg‰wt®fŸ. ngh£oæL§fŸ, btšY§fŸ. 1. flš t‰w£L« fUthL ‹¿lyh« vd¡ Flš t‰¿ Ïis¤jjh« nfhoa¡fiu¡ bfh¡F. 2. t©zt©z¥ ó¡fŸ f©iz¡ ftU«, v©zbkšyh« f‹dyhŒ Ïå¡F«. 3. cUSJ òuSJ cyf« RHYJ, XLJ MLJ TLJ FiwÍJ, ÏuΫ gfY« ÏU£LJ äu£LJ. 10 c. ãu¥òf. nt‰Wik bghwhik faik Ôik jU« ' ik' klik bghŒ«ik jäœ ÁªÂ¤J ãu¥òf. ne®ik ãw§fëš 'ik' e‹ik jU« ' ik' 11 FGthf¢ brŒnth« 1. f£Liu vGJnth« 1. ghl¥gFÂæ‹ Kjš g¡f¤ij¥ go¤J¥ gh®¡f. 2. m¥gFÂæš Ïl« bg‰WŸs K¡»a¡ fU¤Jfis mo¡nfhoLf. 3. mt‰iw¥ g£oaè£L¡ Ñœ¡fhQ« f£Liuæ‹ bghUSiuæš vL¤J vGJf. jäœ fiythzç‹ Ïsik¥ gUt« K‹Diu gh®ngh‰W« fiythz® v‹. v°. »UZz‹ mt®fë‹ Ïsik¥ gUt« g‰¿ Ï¡f£Liuæš fh©ngh«. bghUSiu ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ KoÎiu Ãwç‹ kd« ò©glhkš Áç¡fΫ ÁªÂ¡fΫ it¤j fiythziu ehK« Ëg‰Wnth«. 2. nk‰f©l f£Liuia¥nghš ghl¥gFÂæ‹ Ïu©L k‰W« _‹wh« g¡f§fS¡F¡ FGthf ÏizªJ f£LiufŸ vGJf; jFªj jiy¥ÃLf. c‹ Å£oš cŸst®fŸ ngR« ng¢RtH¡F¢ brh‰fisÍ« mt‰W¡fhd Ïy¡»a tH¡F¢ brh‰fisÍ« vGJf. 12 Jiz¥ghl« bt‰¿æ‹ Kj‰go “m«kh! Ï‹W kht£l mséyhd éisah£L¥ ngh£ofŸ eilbgw cŸsd. eh‹ X£l¥ gªja¤Âš fyªJbfhŸs¥ ngh»nw‹. vd¡F¤jh‹ Kj‰gçR »il¡F«. mj‰fhf¥ gy ehshf¥ gæ‰Á vL¤JtU»nw‹” v‹wh‹ brªÂš. “kfnd! cd¡F¤jh‹ gçR. c‹id btšy vt® ÏU¡»wh®! e«Ã¡ifÍl‹ Ka‰Á brŒ” vd thœ¤Âdh®, mt‹ jhŒ. v®gh®¤jgona brªÂY¡F Kj‰gçR »il¤jJ. mt‹ bt‰¿¡ nfh¥igÍl‹ Å£L¡F tªjh‹. m«kh éUªJ rik¤J¡bfh©L bjçé¤J ÏU¡»wh®fŸ. mjid¡ bfh©lhl¤jh‹ m«kh éUªJ brŒ»wh® vd ãid¤jh‹. jhia miz¤J¡ bfh©l brªÂš, “m«kh! eh‹ bt‰¿ bg‰wJ c§fS¡F v¥go¤ bjçÍ«?” nf£lh‹. vd¡ `kfnd! Ú bt‰¿ bgWthŒ vd vd¡F cWÂahf¤ bjçÍ«. Ϫj m£ilia¥ gh®' v‹wh®, m«kh. “kfnd! c‹ bt‰¿¡F thœ¤JfŸ. mj‰fhf¤jh‹ Ϫj éUªJ” vd mš vGÂæUªjJ. FL«g¤ÂdUl‹ brªÂš éUªij äf k»œ¢ÁÍl‹ Rit¤J¢ rh¥Ã£lh‹. 13 jäœ ÏUªjh®. jh‹ bt‰¿ bg‰w brŒÂia ahnuh m«khé‰F K‹djhfnt Á¿J neu¤Â‰F¥Ã‹ m«kh bfhL¤j mªj m£ilia¢ brªÂš ifæš vL¤jh‹; Ëg¡fK« Vnjh vG ÏU¥gJnghy¤ bjçªjJ; jäœ ÂU¥Ã¥ gh®¤jh‹. mš, `m‹ò kfnd! njhšé V‰g£lj‰fhf tUªjhnj; vjidÍ« k»œ¢Áahf V‰W¡bfhŸ; njhšéna bt‰¿æ‹ Kj‰go; Ka‰Á brŒ; bt‰¿ n t jhš ` m k Uª é ‹ V » j V ò n ‰ œ h n j ‰g£ k f K jhš W ¢ ; lj n d j b ‰ é ¡ Á v i ‰f ! m t go na b a j hf é j ‰ ‰ ¿ ; K btf h h Í « U fh ªJ f b a‰Á ‰¿ Ÿ f ' ¤ j g W b æ‹ ; h‹ t r h Œ Œ; Ï ! ªj bgWthŒ! mj‰fhf¤jh‹ Ϫj éUªJ' vd vGÂæUªjJ. brªÂš k»œ¢ÁnahL j‹ m«khit¤ ÂU«Ã¥ gh®¤jh‹. . . m£ilæ‹ ÏUòwK« ÏUntW fU¤JfŸ vGÂa brªÂè‹ m«khit¥ g‰¿ ÁªÂ¡fyhkh? v‹d ãid¡»whŒ? Ïu©lhtjhf Xo tªj ôR¥, mªnjhâia¤ ö¡»é£ljdhš bt‰¿ bgwéšiy. X£l¥gªja¤Âš Kjèš éiuªJ Xoa mªnjhâ ÑnH éGªjjdhš Ïu©lhtjhf Xo tªj ÏUtçš, éšèa« Kjèl« bg‰Wé£lh‹. gçR ahU¡F? c‹ fU¤ij¡ TWf. 14 brŒÍŸ bg©fšé Ïaš - 2 jiythç¥ ó¢No c‹id¥ - ghl rhiy¡F¥ nghv‹W brh‹dhŸ c‹ m‹id! jäœ Áiynghy Vd§F ã‹whŒ? – Ú Áªjhj f©Ùiu V‹ÁªJ »‹whŒ? éiyngh£L th§fth KoÍ«? – fšé ntisnjh W«f‰W tUtjhš goÍ«! kiythiH mšynth fšé? – Ú thahu c©QthŒ nghv‹ òjšé! goahj bg©zh æUªjhš – nfè g©Qth® v‹id Ï›ñuh® bjçªjhš fofhu« XL«K‹ XL! – v‹ f©zšy? m©il Å£L¥ bg©fnshL fojhŒ ÏU¡Fä¥ nghJ! – fšé f‰¿l¡ f‰¿l¤ bjçÍk¥ nghJ! flšNœªj Ϥjäœ ehL – bg© fšé bg©fšév‹ »‹wj‹ nghL. - ghntªj® ghuÂjhr‹ MÁça® F¿¥ò bga® - ghuÂjhr‹ Ïa‰bga® - R¥òu¤Âd« C® - òJ¢nrç bg‰nwh® - fdfrig, Ïy¡Fä m«ikah® fhy« - 29-04-1891 Kjš 21-04-1964 tiu Áw¥ò¥ bga®fŸ - ghntªj®, 15 òu£Á¡féP® gæ‰Á m. mfuKjèia¥ gh®¤J¥ bghUŸ vGJf. m‹id ghlrhiy goÍ« òjšé m©il ÅL fojhŒ - jäœ M. Ãç¤J vGJf. 1. ó¢No = ____________________ 2. Vd§F = ____________________ 3. Ï›ñuh® = ____________________ 4. f©zšy = ____________________ FGthf¢ brŒnth« m. bg©fšéæ‹ Áw¥ig vL¤J¡ TW« éšY¥gh£L x‹wid mik¤J , c‹ e©g®fSl‹ ÏizªJ ghLf. M. fyªJiuahLf. ãfœÎ-1 njé _‹wh« tF¥Ãš go¡F« ÁWä. mtS¡F¤ j«Ã Ãwªjjhš, j«Ãia¥ gh®¤J¡bfhŸtj‰fhf¥ gŸë¡F¢ bršy nt©lh vdbg‰nwhuhš ãW¤j¥g£lhŸ. 16 ãfœÎ-2 kâkhyh, Iªjh« tF¥Ãš go¤J¡ bfh©oUªjhŸ. mtŸ m«kh, Áy ÅLfëš Å£Lntiy brŒJ gz« <£o tªjh®. m«khΡF¤ ÂObud clš ey« rçæšiy; mjdhš kâkhyh gŸëæèUªJ ãW¤j¥g£L ntiy¡F mD¥g¥g£lhŸ. bg© FHªijfŸ fšé bgw v‹d brŒayh« vd¡ fyªJiuahLf. braš £l« bg©fšéæ‹ Áw¥òfis¡ TW« ghlšfis¤ Âu£Lf; mt‰W¡F V‰w gl§fis tiuªnjh x£onah gl¤bjhF¥ò mik¡f. ÁªÂ¡fyhkh? Ïjid kâ Vsd« brŒ»wh‹ Å£Lntiyfëš eªÂå, mtŸ j«Ã, m¥gh _tU« g§nf‰gh®fŸ Å£Lntiyfis v›thW Ãç¤J¡bfh©L brŒayh«? c‹ fU¤Jfis¡ TWf. 17 jäœ nk‰T¿a ãfœÎfëèUªJ Ú bjçªJ bfh©lJ v‹d? ÏJngh‹w fiyÍ« ift©zK« jäœ ghÂ¥gl« ϧnf, ÛÂ¥gl¤ij tiuªJ k»œf. c‹ éU¥g«nghš brŒJ k»œf. 18 ciueil czΤÂUéHh ghuÂjhr‹ FoæU¥ò m‹W éHh¡nfhy« ó©oUªjJ. m¡FoæU¥Ãš, M©LnjhW« k¡fS¡F éê¥òz®Î V‰gL¤J« tifæš éHhit¤ nj®Î brŒt®. Ϫj M©L, ' czΤÂUéHh' bfh©lhl V‰ghLfŸ brŒa¥g£oUªjd. fyh, jdJ e©g®fshd Ïukâ, K»y‹ M»nahiu¤ j‹ Ïšy¤Â‰F miH¤ÂUªjhŸ. éHh ehs‹W, F¿¤j neu¤Â‰F K‹dnu mt®fŸ ÏUtU« tªJé£lh®fŸ. fyh, mt®fis k»œ¢ÁÍl‹ tunt‰W miH¤J¢ br‹whŸ. fyh : Ïukâ, K»y‹ ... Ú§fŸ Ï U t U « t ª j  š ä ¡ f k»œ¢Á. thU§fŸ, f©fh£Á mu§Ffis¡ fh©ngh«. Ïukâ: v§fS¡F« k»œ¢Á, fyh. czÎ¥ bghUŸfëš Ï¤jid tiffsh? gh®¡f¥ g h ® ¡ f é a ¥ g h f ÏU¡»wnj....! fyh: czΤ ÂUéHh v¤jid tifahd czÎ tiffŸ v‹gjidél, Ϫj czÎ tiffis V‹ eh« c©z nt©L« v‹gJjh‹ Ï‹¿aikahjJ. x›bthU tif czitÍ« c©gjdhš ek¡F¡ »il¡F« r¤JfŸ, kU¤Jt¥ ga‹fŸ g‰¿ és¡fkhf¡ TW»wh®fŸ; és¡f¥ gyiffS« it¤ÂU¡»wh®fŸ. Ïukâ: njD« ÂidkhΫ ÏJtiu nfŸé¥g£oU¡»nwnd jéu, rh¥Ã£lJ Ïšiy. Âid, tuF, rhik, FÂiuthè Kjèa mçÁ tiffëš eh®¢r¤J«, c殢r¤J«, jhJc¥òfS« äFÂah«. Ïitjh« e« k¡fŸ jiyKiw jiyKiwahŒ c©LtU« czth«. 19 K»y‹: nfhJik khÎ, mçÁ khÎ njhirfŸjh« ÏJtiu rh¥Ã£oU¡»nwh«. ϧnfnah, f«gªnjhir, nfœtuF¤njhir, nrhs¤ njhir, Kl¡f‰wh‹ njhir vd¥ gyéjkhd njhirfŸ. f«ò gh®¤jJnk Rit¡f¤ ö©L»‹wdnt! f«gªnjhir k£Lkšyhkš f«g§Tœ, fë, f«ò khÎ cU©il vd¥ gytif czÎfŸ it¡f¥g£LŸsdnt. f«ò eh®¢r¤J« kh΢r¤J« äFªjjh«. fyh: M«, K»y‹. Ïit Rit¡f k£Lk‹¿¢ Óuhd clšey¤Â‰F« njit, eh« Ï¥nghbjšyh« Ït‰iw Å£oš M¡Ftjidna kwªJ é£nlh«. Ïukâ: nrhs khéš k£L« v¤jid czÎ tiffŸ ghnu‹! nrhs¢nrhW,nrhs¥Ã£L nrhskhÎ c¥òkh, všyh« Rl¢Rl¤ jU»wh®fŸ. nrhs¤Âš c殢r¤J 'V' äFÂah«. nrhs« òuj¢r¤J äFªJŸsjdhš, clš ts®¢Á¡fhd M‰wiy¤ jU»wjh«. 20 nrhs« K»y‹ : nfœtuF¥ gyfhu§fë‹ bga®fis¡ nf£lJnk ‹d Mirahf ÏU¡»wJ. nfœtuF¡ Tœ, fë, fŠÁ, mil, til, mÂur«, gâahu« všyh« RitÍ« gaD« ä¡fit. clY¡F¤ njitahd fhšÁa« r¤Jä¡f czÎ, nfœtuF v‹»wh®fŸ. nfœtuF fyh: Mé_y« ntf it¡f¥gL« czÎfëš jh‹ v¤jid tiffŸ ghU§fŸ? v¤jid t©z§fŸ? v¤jid tot§fŸ? Át¥gçÁ¥ ãL, bfhG¡f£il, Ïoah¥g«, bt©Ã£L, ntf it¤j Óå¡»H§F,gd§»H§F, kutŸë¡»H§F Ïitbašyh« òuj¢r¤J ä¡fitah«; nehŒ v®¥ò¢r¤J¡F cjλ‹wdth«. nfœtuF¡ Tœ K»y‹: g¡f¤J mu§»ny ghU§fŸ. R©lš kz« e«ik¢ R©o ÏG¡»wnj! òuj¢r¤J ä¡f, clš ts®¢Á¡F cjλw Kisf£oa ghÁ¥gaW, R©lš, etjhåa¢ R©lš, bfh©il¡ fliy, j£il¥gaW, bkh¢ir vd¥ gaW tiffëš g¡Ftkhd ‹bghUŸfŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd. thU§fŸ, x›bthU if mŸë¤ R©lš ‹Dnth«. 21 fyh: Ïnjh, Ñiu tiffë‹ ÃçÎ. Ñiu tifÍ«, Ñiu¤njhirÍ« kz¡»‹wd. Ñiufëš ÏU«ò¢ r¤J«, jhJ c¥òfS« äFÂahf cŸsd ; b j ë t h d f © g h ® i t ¡ F ¡ ÑiufŸ cjλ‹wd; Ïu¤j¤Âš Át¥gQ¡fŸ cUthf cjλ‹wd. Ñiu Ïukâ : Ï n j h g h ® , K » y h ! c ‹ i d k h  ç c l « ò Ïis¤jt®fS¡F, `vŸS' V‰w czÎ vd jäœ vGÂæU¡»wh®fŸ; vŸSzÎ bfhG¥ò¢ r¤J¤ jutšyJ; Fl‰ò©fis M‰wΫ Toajh«. vŸSU©il, vŸS¥gâahu«, vŸSkhÎ, vŸS¥bgho vd tiftifahd czÎfŸ ÏU¡»‹wdnt. K»y‹: fyh... Ϫj czΤÂUéHh mu§»š R‰¿¢ R‰¿¡ fhšfŸ XŒªJ é£ld... bfhŠr« Nlhf VjhtJ Fo¤jhš e‹whf ÏU¡Fnk... fyh: Ïnjh, Ϫj mu§F¡F¥ nghfyh«, th! eh« kwªnj nghŒ é£l Ïa‰ifahd ÚU« rhW« ÏU¡»‹wd. vŸSU©il Nlhd R¡FÚ®, F뮪j gjÚ®, ãidth‰wš jU« tšyhiu¢ rhW, F뮢Á jU« gd§f‰f©L¢ rhW, fhkhiy nehŒ Ô®¡F« ÑHhbešè¢rhW, mWf«òš rhW, ÏsÚ® Ït‰WŸ v‹d nt©Lnkh? mjid¥ gUF§fŸ. . . 22 K»y‹: mUikahd nfœtuF¡ fŠÁ! Nlhd Ritahd R¡F Ú®...! Ϫj mça czΤ ÂUéHhΡF v§fis miH¤jj‰F äfΫ e‹¿, fyh. fyh: Ú§fŸ ÏUtU« ϧnf tªjš vd¡F« mWf«òš rhW bk¤j k»œ¢Á, e‹¿. Ïånkš, Ϥjifa Ïa‰ifahd, r¤jhd czÎ tiffisna c©z¥ gHFnth«! clšey« fh¥ngh«! m. mfuKjèia¥ gh®¤J¥ bghUŸ vGJf. mu§F Kl¡f‰wh‹ - M. Ãç¤J vGJf. 1. éê¥òz®Î = _____________________ 2. czΤÂUéHh 3. Fl‰ò© = _____________________ = _____________________ 4. Át¥gQ¡fŸ 5. vŸSU©il = _____________________ = _____________________. Ï. éil vGJf. 1. Ñiu c©gjdhš »il¡F« ga‹fŸ ahit? 2. Méæš ntf it¡f¥gL« czÎ tiffŸ Áyt‰iw vGJf. 3. c‹ Cçš éisÍ« r¤jhd czÎ¥ bghUŸfŸ ahit? 23 jäœ gæ‰Á ÏizªJ brŒnth« m. F¿¥òfis¥ ga‹gL¤Â¤ j‹ tuyhW vGJf. v‹ bga® Ï£lè. mçÁ k‰W« cSªij¥ ga‹gL¤Â¢ brŒa¥gL»nw‹. v‹id Méæš ntfit¥gjdhš clY¡F ešyJ brŒnt‹. njitahd bghUŸ vŸS, btšy«. M. és«gu§fŸ cUth¡fyhkh? « nf nfhil btæY¡F s FS FS Tœ Ÿ jäœ vŸSU©il: eh‹ Ïå¥ghf ÏU¥ng‹. c .. h®.. # Ln hg ¢r Fo 24 £F nkh®... .. nj Ï. fU¤J tiugl¤ij ãiwÎ brŒf. eh®¢r¤J, kh΢r¤J f«g§Tœ fë f«gªnjhir nfœtuF f«ò f«òkhÎ cU©il jäœ r¤jhd czÎ tiffŸ nrhs« tuF 18 FGthf¢ brŒnth« m. Ïiz¥ò¢ brhšiy mo¡nfho£L vL¤J vGJf. fhiy czÎ v‹gJ äfΫ Ï‹¿aikahjJ. Vbdåš, ÏuÎ czΡF¥ Ë VG, v£L kâneu« cw¡f« xUtU¡F¤ njit. Mfnt, MœªJ cw§F»nwh«; mªj neu« KGtJ« czÎ VJ« c©gJ Ïšiy. vdnt, fhiy czit¤ j鮤jš TlhJ. Mdhš, e«äš gyU« fhiy czit c©gšiy; mjdhš, jtwhkš fhiy czÎ c£bfhŸSjš nt©L«. 25 M. tF¥giwæš ngRf. khzt®fis¢ ÁW FG¡fshf¥ Ãç¡fΫ. x›bthU FGéš cŸst®fisÍ« xU thu¤Âš j§fŸ Å£oš brŒj czÎfis¥ g£oaèl¢ brŒaΫ. g£oaèš Ïl«bg‰w r¤jhd czÎfis¤ jåna vL¤J vGÂ, tF¥giwæš go¤J¡ fh£l¢ brhšYf. Ï. bjhl® cUth¡Ff. FHªijfis t£lkhf c£fhu¢ brŒaΫ. xU FHªijia éid¢brhšiy¡ bfh©L KoÍ« bjhliu¡ Tw¢ brŒaΫ. mL¤j jäœ FHªij, m¢brhšiy Kjyhf¡bfh©L bjhliu cUth¡f¢ brŒaΫ. Ï›thW bjhl®ªJ éisaho k»HΫ. ( vL¤J¡fh£L) ó§FHè, njh£l¤Â‰F¢ br‹whŸ. br‹W kšèif¥óit¥ g¿¤jhŸ. g¿¤j .......... m¿ªJ bfhŸnth« m. cæbuG¤Âš X® vG¤J xU bkhê M - gR V - m«ò < I - jiyt‹ - njÜ C - jir X - k»œ¢Á M. bjhif¢brh‰fis éç¤j¿nth«. K¡få - kh, gyh, thiH ÏUÂiz - ca®Âiz, m~¿iz K¤jäœ - Ïaš, Ïir, ehlf« eh‰¿ir - »H¡F, nk‰F, tl¡F, bj‰F IªÂy¡fz« - vG¤J, brhš, bghUŸ, ah¥ò, mâ mWRit - Ïå¥ò, Jt®¥ò, fr¥ò, òë¥ò, ct®¥ò, fh®¥ò 26 Kisf£oa jhåa¡ fyitia¢ brŒJgh® njitahd bghUŸfŸ: g¢ir¥ gaW, JUéa nj§fhŒ, eh£L¢r®¡fiu. brŒKiw: g¢ir¥ ga‰iw¤ j©Ùçš fhiyæš Cw it¡fΫ. khiyæš mjid xU Jâæš f£o¤ bjh§félΫ. mJ kWehŸ Kisé£oU¡F«. mjid xU gh¤Âu¤Âš bfh£o, mjDl‹ nj§fhŒ¤JUtš, eh£L¢r®¡fiu nr®¤J¡ »swΫ. Ï¥bghGJ Ritahd jhåa¡ fyitia¢ brŒÂU¥Õ®fŸ. jäœ braš £l« nfhil¡fhy« tªjJnk jäœeh£L¢ Á‰ù®fŸ mid¤ÂY« Tœ th®¡F« ÂUéHh¡fŸ eilbgW»‹wd. nfhilæ‹ bt«ikia¡ Fiw¥gj‰fhd X® czthf ÏJ ga‹gL»wJ. Ïnjnghš, fhyãiy¡nf‰w czÎ¥ gH¡f§fis Cçš cŸs bgçat®fël« ne®fhzš brŒJ brŒÂfis¤ Âu£lΫ. ÁªÂ¡fyhkh? RitÍl‹ clY¡F¢ r¤jhdij k£Lnk c©znt©L« v‹»wh®, féjhé‹ m«kh. éiuÎ cztf¤Âš cŸs czÎfŸjh« äfΫ Ritahdit. Ritahdij k£Lnk c©ng‹ v‹»whŸ, féjh. Ú c©z éU«ò« czÎ vJ vd¡ fyªJiuahLf. 27 Jiz¥ghl« x‰Wikna gy« xUehŸ khiy¥bghGJ. ky®éê éisah£lhŒ¤ j‹ IªJ éuèY« Kf§fis tiuªjhŸ. Á¿J neu¤Âš mit ngr¤ bjhl§»d. jäœ ifæYŸs IªJ éuY¡FŸ 'ah® Áwªjt®' v‹D« ngh£o! ' Úah? ehdh?' v‹D« fU¤jhlš. mJ thŒ¢r©ilahf kh¿aJ. “v‹ cjéæ‹¿¢ Á‹dŠÁW bghUis¡Tl c§fshš ö¡f KoahJ”, vd¢ brU¡Fl‹ T¿aJ f£il éuš. ‘R«kh »l! j‰bgUik bfhŸshnj. mt‹, mtŸ, mJ, ÏJ vd¢ R£o¡ fh£LtJ eh‹ jhnd.' ‘ehnd Áwªjt‹' v‹wJ, R£L éuš. “eh« všyhU« tçirahf ã‰ngh«. caukhdt® ah® vd¥ gh®¤Jélyh«” vd¢ `NSiu¤jJ' eLéuš. “éiyÍa®ªj nkhÂu« mâé¥gJ ahU¡F? vd¡F¤jh‹' v‹ bganu, `nkhÂuéuš'. c§fŸ ehštçD« bršth¡Fä¡ft‹ ehnd!” vd¥ `bgUik ngÁaJ' nkhÂuéuš. “ifT¥Ã tz¡f« brhšY«nghJ, Kjèš ã‰gt‹ eh‹. vd¡F¥Ã‹jh‹, Ú§fŸ všyhU«. vdnt, 'ehnd bgçat‹' ” v‹wJ, R©Léuš. m¥nghJ, 'bršngÁ' xè¤jJ. “ky®éê... mjid vL¤Jth!” v‹wh®, m«kh. ÏJtiu fU¤jhlš brŒJ bfh©oUªj IªJ éuY« j§fis kwªJ x‹W nr®ªjd; x‹iwbah‹W gh®¤J¡bfh©ld. mit v‹d ngÁæU¡F«? FGthf¢ brŒnth« bfh£ilfŸ, f‰fŸ, kâfŸ M»a bghUŸfis¡ fyªJ it¡fΫ. FHªijfis¡ FG¡fshf¥ Ãç¡fΫ. x›bthU FGédçlK« m¡fyit¥ bghUŸfis¡ bfhL¡fΫ. vªj¡ FG Kjèš m¥bghUŸfis¤ jå¤jåahf¥ Ãç¤J vL¡»wnjh m¡FGnt bt‰¿ bg‰w FG. x›bthU FGΫ jh§fŸ m¥bghUŸfis¥ Ãç¤bjL¡f vªj Kiwia¥ Ëg‰¿dh®fŸ v‹gjid¡ Tw¢brŒaΫ. midtU« ÏizªJ brašg£l FGnt bt‰¿ailªÂU¡F«. mjid¡ F¿¤J¡ FHªijfSl‹ ngR§fŸ. 28 brŒÍŸ F«äao bg©nz F«äao Ïaš - 3 jäœ F«äao! jäœehL KGJ« FY§»l¡ ifbfh£o¡ F«äao! e«ik¥ Ão¤j ÃrhRfŸ nghæd e‹ik f©nlh bk‹W F«äao! ( F«äao ) V£ilÍ« bg©fŸ bjhLtJ Ôikba‹W v©â æUªjt® khŒªJ é£lh® Å£L¡FŸns bg©iz¥ ó£oit¥ nghbk‹w éªij kåj® jiy f霪jh®. ( F«äao ) g£l§fŸ MŸtJ« r£l§fŸ brŒtJ« ghçåš bg©fŸ el¤j tªnjh« v£L« m¿éåš MQ¡ »§nfbg© Ïis¥ Úiy fhbz‹W F«äao! ( F«äao ) - kfhfé R¥Ãukâa ghuÂah® ghliy¡ FGthf Ïåa bk£lik¤J¥ ghL§fŸ. 29 MÁça® F¿¥ò bga® C® bg‰nwh® Áw¥ò¥bga® fhy« - R¥Ãukâa ghuÂah® v£laòu« Á‹drhä, Ïy¡Fä m«ikah® njÁa¡fé, kfhfé 11.12.1882 Kjš 11.09.1921 tiu F«ä – és¡f« F«ä¥ghlš eh£L¥ ghlšfëš xU tif MF«. bg©fŸ t£lkhŒ ã‹W ifbfh£o¥ gho, MLtJ F«ä¥ ghlš. bg©fŸ mâªÂU¡F« tisaè‹ XirÍ«, ifbfh£L« XirÍ« gh£L¡F¤ jhskhf miktJ F«ä¥ ghlè‹ Áw¥ò MF«. jäœ gæ‰Á m.mfuKjèia¥ gh®¤J¥ bghUŸ vGJf. VL khŒªJ ghçåš Ïis¥Ãšiy - M.Ãç¤J vGJf. 1. Ôikba‹W = ______________________ 2. v©âæUªjt® = ______________________ 3. MQ¡»§nf = ______________________ Ï . éil vGJf. 1. ghuÂah® g‰¿¡ F¿¥ò tiuf. 2. F«ä¥ghlš cz®¤J« fU¤JfŸ ahit? 3. ghlèš c§fS¡F¥ Ão¤j mofŸ vit? V‹? FGthf¢ brŒnth« m . ghliy ãiwÎ brŒf. 1. F«äao bg©nz! gŸë KGtJ« FY§»l¡ ifbfh£o¡ F«äao e« gŸë¤ öŒikia¡ fh¤ÂLnth« vd e«Ã¡if¡ bfh©o§F¡ F«äao . . . M. Å£oš M©, bg© FHªijfS¡F¢ rk cçikfŸ më¡f¥gL»‹wd. 'M«' ' Ïšiy' v‹D« jiy¥Ãš g£ok‹w« el¤Jf. 30 ciueil Á¤Âiu¥ bghU£fh£Á m¥gh, m«kh, j«Ã, j§if midtUlD« Mjt‹ vG«ó®¤ bjhl®t©o ãiya¤Â‰F tªJ nr®ªjh‹. mtD¡F¡ nfhil éLKiw bjhl§»é£lJ. kJiuæš Mjtå‹ khkh ÏU¡»wh®. vdnt, midtU« k»œ¢ÁÍl‹ òw¥g£L¤ bjhl®t©o ãiya« tªJŸsd®. vG«ó®¤ bjhl®t©o ãiya thæèš mt®fŸ EiHªjh®fŸ. bjhl®t©o òw¥gL« r¤j« nf£lJ. “m¥gh, bjhl®t©o nghŒél¥ ngh»wJ . . .” gj£l¤Âš brh‹dh‹, Mjt‹. 09:15 kâ¡F¤jh‹ òw¥gL«. mnjh gh®! gaz m¿é¥ò¥ gyif. mš bjhl®t©oæ‹ bga®, t©o v©, ã‰F« Ïl« M»ad F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸsd” v‹wh®, m¥gh. Mjt‹ M®t¤Jl‹ m¿é¥ò¥ gyifia¥ gh®¤jh‹. t©o v© t©oæ‹ bga® òw¥gL« neu« eil nkil 2661 br§nfh£il bghÂif éiuÎ t©o 20:05 6 2631 bešiy mÂéiuÎ t©o 20:50 5 2637 kJiu gh©oa‹ mÂéiuÎ t©o 21:15 4 6701 ÏuhnkRtu« éiuÎ t©o 21:40 3 31 jäœ “Mjt‹, eh« bršy nt©oaJ ' gh©oa‹ mÂéiuÎ t©o.' mJ ' “m¥gh,' gh©oa‹ mÂéiuÎ t©o òw¥gL« neu« ÏuÎ 09:15 kâ vd¢ brh‹Ü®fŸ. Mdhš, gyifæš 21:15 vd vG cŸsnj; x‹Wnk òçaéšiyna?” vd Mjt‹ nf£lh‹. mj‰F mt®, Ïuæšnt Jiwæš neu« 24 kâ mo¥gilæšjh‹ fz¡»l¥gL»wJ. mjdhšjh‹, ÏuÎ 09:15 v‹gjid 21:15 vd vGÂÍŸsd®. “m¥goahdhš, 20:05 kâ v‹whš ÏuÎ 08:05 jhnd m¥gh?” vd¡ nf£lh‹, Mjt‹. “rçahf¢ brh‹dhŒ. rç thU§fŸ. eh« bršynt©oa bjhl®t©oæ‹ fjÎfŸ Âw¡f¥g£Lé£ld; jäœ V¿¡bfhŸnth«” v‹wh®, m¥gh. bjhl®t©o òw¥g£lJ; btFéiuthf¢ br‹wJ. ma®ªJ ö§»a Mjt‹, f© éê¤J¥ gh®¤jh‹; kJiu¢ rªÂ¥ò vd vGj¥g£l bga®¥gyif bjçªjJ; midtU« Ïw§»d®. kJiu¢ rªÂ¥Ã‹ thæèš bgça és«gu¥gyif x‹W it¡f¥g£L ÏUªjJ. mjid MjtD« k‰wt®fS« gh®¤jh®fŸ. mªj és«gu¤Âš... Á¤Âiu¥ bghU£fh£Á Ïl« : jK¡f« ikjhd«, ehŸ : 03.05.2012 – 30.05.2012 üšfŸ iféid¥ bghUŸfŸ éisah£L¥ bghUŸfŸ if¤j¿¤ JâfŸ bghGJngh¡F ãfœ¢ÁfŸ midtU« tUf! f©L k»œf! MjuÎ jUf! “m«kh, bghU£fh£Á äf e‹whf ÏU¡F« nghèU¡»wnj, m§F¥ 6:30 . nghfyhkh?” vd¡ nf£lh‹Mjt‹. mj‰F 7:00 . m«kh, “Ï¥bghGJjh‹ tªÂU¡»nwh«; 7:15 . ehis m§F¥ nghfyh«. Ï¥bghGJ khkh 7:30 . Å£o‰F¢ bršnth«” vd¡ T¿dh®. 7:35 . 32 mt®fŸ òö® brštj‰fhf¥ bgçah® ngUªJ ãiya¤ij milªjh®fŸ. Mjt‹, m§F it¡f¥g£oUªj ngUªJ¡ fhy m£ltizia¢ R£o¡ fh£odh‹. “m¥gh, òö® bršY« ngUªJ v©Q«, òw¥gL« neuK« F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸsd” vd¢ brh‹dh‹. m¥bghGJ, òö® bršY« 2M« v© ngUªJ tªjJ. mš V¿, midtU« khkh Å£il milªjd®. kWehŸ Mjt‹, khkhÎl‹ ÏU r¡fu t©oæš bghU£fh£Á¡F¢ br‹wh‹. EiH΢ӣil khkh th§»dh®. ÏUtU« cŸns br‹wd®. ÏUtU« bghU£fh£Áia¢ R‰¿¥ gh®¤jd®; Ïuh£od¤Âš R‰¿d®. üš é‰gid ika« ÏUªjJ. mš gaDŸs m¿éaš üšfisÍ«, bghGJngh¡F¡ fij¥ò¤jf§fisÍ« mtD¡F khkh th§»¤ jªjh®; gªJ, bgh«ikfŸ, if¡F£il M»at‰iwÍ« th§»dh®. ÏUtU« Á‰W©o c©lË Å£o‰F¥ òw¥g£ld®. Mjt‹, kJiu efç‹ xG§fhd bjU¡fisÍ« és«gu§fisÍ« gh®¤jthnw ÅL br‹W nr®ªjh‹. gæ‰Á m. tF¥giwæš ngRf. 1. ãaha éiy¡filæš vGÂit¡f¥g£oU¡F« m¿é¥òfisÍ« éiy¥ g£oaiyÍ« go¤J m¿f. 2. gŸë M©L éHh, ÂUkz éHh miH¥Ãjœfis¤ Âu£o¥ go¤J tUf. 33 M. Ãç¤J vGJf. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. bjhl®t©o t©oæèUªJ bghU£fh£Á EiH΢ӣL vGÂæUªjJ = = = = = ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ = = = = ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Ï. nr®¤J vGJf. 1. fz¡F 2. ga‹ 3. th§» 4. if + + + + Ïl¥gL« cŸs jªjh® F£il jäœ <. édh¡fS¡F éil vGJf . 1. Mjt‹ bjhl® t©oæš v§F¢ br‹wh‹? 2. Á¤Âiu¥ bghU£fh£Á vªj Cçš v¥bghGJ eilbg‰wJ? ÏizªJ brŒnth« m .brŒÂ¤jhŸ go¤J¡ fU¤J tiugl« mik¡f »‹dR¢ rhjid br‹id: #&‹-10 neU cŸéisah£L mu§»š cyf¢ Rfhjhu mik¥ò rh®Ãš xnu neu¤Âš 15,115 khzt®fŸ if fGéa ãfœ¢Á, `»‹dR¢ rhjid¥' ò¤jf¤Âš Ïl« bg‰WŸsJ. ÏJ F¿¤J¤ jäHf ešthœÎ¤Jiw Kj‹ik¢ b r a y h s ® btëæl¥g£l m¿¡if. iffŸ R¤jkhf Ïšyhkš ÏU¥gjdhš, FHªijfS¡F tæ‰W nehŒ V‰gL»wJ. czÎ c©gj‰F K‹ò«, fêtiwæš ÏUªJ tªj Ëò«, nrh¥ò¥ngh£L¡ if fGÎtJ äfΫ e š y J . Ï j d h š FHªijfS¡F V‰gL« nehŒfis 25 rjÅj« jL¡fyh«. Ïjid¡ fU¤Âš bfh©L cyf¢ 34 Rfhjhu ãWtd« x›nth® M©L«, m¡nlhg® 15M« ehis, `cyf¡ if fGΫ ehŸ' vd m¿é¤JŸsJ. cyf¢ Rfhjhu ãWtd« rh®Ãš eilbg‰w if fGΫ ãfœ¢Áæš br‹id khefuh£Á k‰W« jåah® gŸëfis¢ nr®ªj 15,115 khzt, khzéfŸ xnu neu¤Âš iffis¡ fGé¢ rhjid gil¤jh®fŸ. Ï›thW m¿¡ifæš Tw¥g£LŸsJ. M. jiy¥ò¢ brŒÂfis éçthd brŒÂfshf kh‰¿¢ brŒÂ thÁ¥ghs® nghš thÁͧfŸ. ãyeL¡f¤jhš f£ll§fŸ FY§»d ... fd kiH ... cHt® k»œ¢Á fgo ϪÂah éa¤jF bt‰¿ ... Ï. c§fS¡F¥ Ão¤j ãfœ¢Á x‹wD¡F miH¥Ãjœ cUth¡Ff. jäœ f©fh£Á fiyÍ« if t©zK« v§fŸ gil¥òfŸ 1. cæ®bgW«Xéa« 2. t©z¤jhëš t©z¥ ó¡fŸ 3. F¢Áfëš Föfy« 4. Ïiyfëš fiyfŸ nkY« gy ... midtU« tUf! Mdªj« bgWf.! ehŸ: 14-11-2012 neu«: fhiy 10 Ïl«: ÔΤÂlš, br‹id Ï‹iwa brŒÂahs® xUehŸ KGtJ« gŸë mšyJ R‰W¥òw¤Âš eilbgW« ãfœÎfis c‰Wneh¡Ff. mt‰¿š c‹id¡ ft®ªj mšyJ gh¤j ãfœÎfis¢ brŒÂahf kh‰Wf. mL¤j ehŸ fhiy¡ T£l¤Âš go¤J¡fh£Lf. gŸëæ‹ fhy m£ltizia Ïuæšnt neu¤Âš kh‰¿ mik¤J vGJf. 35 Jiz¥ghl« fhilæ‹ E©z¿Î X® mWtil¡ fhy«. beš taèš gæ®fŸ e‹F ts®ªJ f®fŸ K‰¿æUªjd. mªj taY¡FŸ, fhil¥gwit x‹W TLf£o¤ j‹ FŠRfSl‹ thœªJ tªjJ. FŠRfS¡F Ï‹D« KGikahf ÏwFfŸ tsuéšiy. xUehŸ, jhŒ¥gwit Ïiu njLtj‰fhf btëæš br‹¿UªjJ. m¥nghJ, taè‹ brhªj¡fhu® taiy¢ R‰¿¥ gh®¤jh®. `f®fŸ e‹whf K‰¿é£ld; ehisna m©il mayh® cjéÍl‹ mWtil brŒa jäœ nt©L«' vd¤ jd¡F¤jhnd T¿¡bfh©nl br‹wh®. m¢rkilªj FŠRfŸ, jhŒ¥gwit T£L¡F¤ ÂU«ÃaÎl‹ elªjjid¡ T¿d. jhŒ¥gwit, “v‹ bršt§fns ... ftiy¥glhÔ®fŸ! m©il mayh® x›bthUtU« j§fŸ ntiyfëš <Lg£oU¥g®. vdnt, ehis taè‹ brhªj¡fhu® mWtil brŒa tukh£lh®; bghW¤ÂU¥ngh«” vd¡ T¿aJ. 36 kWehŸ fhiy taY¡F tªj taè‹ brhªj¡fhu®, äfΫ ftiyÍl‹, `ehŸfŸ jŸë¥ nghdhš beš Åzh» éLnk! R‰w¤jhiu¡ bfh©lhtJ ehisna mWtil brŒa nt©L«' vd ãid¤J¡bfh©nl br‹wh®. khiy, T£L¡F¤ ÂU«Ãa jhŒ¥gwitæl« FŠRfŸ Û©L« Kiwæ£ld. m¥nghJ« jhŒ¥gwit, “v‹ mt® mWtil brŒakh£lh®; f©kâfns... ehisÍ« Vbdåš, R‰w¤jhU¡F« beštašfŸ ÏU¡F«. mt®fŸ tUtJ« Ia«jh‹; vdnt, bghW¤ÂU¥ngh«” vd¡ T¿aJ. e«Ã¥ gaåšiy. ehisna FL«g¤ÂdUl‹ tªJ mWtil brŒJél nt©oaJjh‹' vd v©âathnw br‹wh®. khiyæš T£L¡F¤ ÂU«Ãa jhŒ¥gwit elªjjid m¿ªjÎl‹, “FHªijfns, eh« clnd ghJfh¥ghd ntW X® Ïl¤J¡F¢ bršy nt©L«” vd¡ FŠRfis¥ ghJfh¥ghd Ïl¤Â‰F miH¤J¢ br‹wJ. fhilæ‹ KoÎ g‰¿¡ FGéš fyªJiuahL§fŸ; fU¤Jfis btëæL§fŸ. ÏizªJ brŒnth« ntWghLfis¡ f©LÃo¡f. 37 jäœ kWehŸ taiy¥ gh®¡f tªj taè‹ brhªj¡fhu®, `Ïå, ahiuÍ« jäœ mfuKjè m©il ÅL - g¡f¤J ÅL mu§F - Tl« m‹id - jhŒ Ïis¥Ãšiy - jhœéšiy cUÎ - cUt« vŸshik - ÏfœªJngrhik VL - ò¤jf« fojhŒ - éiuthŒ faik - ÑnHhuJ j‹ik brhšèat©z« - brhšèago 38 - bfhL¤jJ goÍ« - mikÍ« ghlrhiy - gŸë¡Tl« ghku® - go¡fhjt® gh® - cyf« òjšé - kfŸ klik - m¿é‹ik khŒªJ - ÏwªJ Kl¡f‰wh‹ - xU tif _èif nkij - m¿thë 39 jäœ eš»aJ Âw‹ / Âw‹ gF Ïaš v© 1. nf£lš 1.1 éê¥òz®Î¥ ghlšfis¡ nf£L¥ òçªJbfhŸSjš 1.2 fyªJiuahliy¡ nf£L¥ òçªJbfhŸSjš 2. ngRjš 2.1 cça xè¥òl‹ ngRjš 2.2 Ïašghf ciuahLjš 3. go¤jš 3.1 vëa v© étu§fis¥ go¤j¿jš Ïaš-3 ciueil 3.2 brŒÂ¤jhŸ go¤jš Ïaš-3 gæ‰Á 4. vGJjš 4.1 4.2 4.3 bghUŸ cz®Î¡nf‰g Ïilbtëé£L vGJjš mid¤J ÏašfŸ g¤Âia¥ go¤J édh¡fS¡F éil vGJjš gæ‰Á f£Liu / ciuahlš vGJjš Ïaš-1, 2 5. gil¥gh‰wš 5.1 5.2 ghlš vGJjš, ghLjš brašÂ£l« 6. eilKiw Ïy¡fz« 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 ng¢R tH¡F Ïy¡»a tH¡F Ïiz¥ò¢ brh‰fis m¿ªJ ga‹gL¤Jjš kuò¤ bjhl®fŸ m¿jš m¿ªJbfhŸnth« 7. jhnd f‰wš 7.1 Jiz¥ghl« , ÁWÁW fijfis¥ go¤jš mid¤J ÏašfŸ 7.2 mfuKjèia¥ ga‹gL¤Â¥ bghUs¿jš Ïaš-2, 3, brŒÍŸ jäœ Ïaš-2, 3 ciueil Ïaš-2 Ïaš-1 Ïaš-1 gæ‰Á Ïaš-2 gæ‰Á mfuKjè 8. brhšyh£Á¤ Âw‹ brŒÍŸ gFÂfŸ k‰W« 8.1 brh‰fsŠÁa« bgU¡Fjš mid¤J ÏašfŸ 40 jäœ 41 ENGLISH STANDARD FIVE TERM II 42 Note to the Teacher: This textbook in English for class five is an innovative, activity-based, competence oriented, learner and teacher-friendly resourceful reader. It has seven units. Each is a collage on one central theme which is presented through different genres like stories, fantasies, dialogues, factual prose, poems, letters and reports. To facilitate easy learning, each unit is divided into six areas Listening, speaking, reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing. Prior preparation and planning will be required to impart all these skills effectively in the classroom 43 1. Let us listen : Speaking a language starts with listening, that is, listening with understanding. To develop this skill, students need a lot of listening sessions. You are their role model. You need to read aloud. Your oral reading with correct pronunciation, stress, intonation and pause will help the students to acquire this skill. Activities like listening to rhymes, songs and stories and involving them in discussions will ENGLISH facilitate speaking skill also. 2. Let us speak : Every student likes to speak in English but not enough opportunities are given to them. Here in this coursebook, many situations and contexts are designed wherein students will be prompted to speak in English with ease and confidence. 44 3. Let us read : Our students must be helped to develop a love for reading as it opens to them various treasures of knowledge. At the primary level, the students take interest in reading for fun and amusement. Stories, fantasies, adventures, dialogue and personal reports will naturally promote a taste for reading. 4. Let us buildup vocabulary : A good amount of vocabulary empowers learners and keep them self-confident and self-reliant. The learner is able to (i) Recognise it during communication. (ii) Use it in appropriate situations. (iii) Pronounce and spell it correctly and (iv) Understand their relationship with other words. similes and metaphors will enhance their word power. 5. Let us write : Writing is a creative process as well as an essential tool for communication. So, instead of limiting the students to conventional way of guided and controlled compositions, teachers can encourage them in free and unrestricted activities like writing simple poems, projects, informal letters and developing stories. 45 ENGLISH Exercises on compound words, kinship terms, homophones, 6. Let us learn grammar : In place of learning grammar rules for doing stereo typed exercises, let us focus our attention and efforts on using grammar for better and effective communication. The following steps of teaching – learning would bring in desired results : a) Presentation through illustrations and situations. b) Identification and explanation of rules. c) Practice d) Application 7. Underlying themes : Learning at school prepares the students for a better future. They are to have footing in good human values. Each lesson is centered on a specific theme. The coursebook is designed on the ENGLISH following themes. Saving our earth and environment. Nurturing good human values. Inculcating healthy habits. Promoting patriotic feelings. Developing spirit of inquiry and discovery. Encouraging sportive spirit and co-operation. Advocating fanciful imagination and creativity. 46 UNIT 1 - PROSE Let us discuss : 1. Why do people go to hospitals? 2. Why do people fall sick? 3. Do you fall sick often? 4. When is World Health Day celebrated? HEALTH IS WEALTH ENGLISH School has reopened after the first term. Children are cheerful, sharing about their vacation. The teacher enters the classroom and they greet her in unison. Students : Good morning mam! cheerful - happy unison - together Teacher : Good morning children. It is nice to see you all again. Please take your seats. (Notices that Rahul's place is empty) Hmm.. Rahul seems to be absent! Does anyone know why he has not turned up? 47 Ajay : Yes mam, Rahul is suffering from Typhoid. Teacher : I am sorry to hear that. Our first lesson in English in this term is about “Healthy Living”; and I am sad to observe that we are not starting on a very healthy note. Well, why do you think Rahul is suffering from typhoid? Vijay He often eats snacks sold outside the school. I think this is the reason for his illness. : Teacher : Rightly said Vijay. Flies, dust and germs sit on uncovered food. Eating such food will make us fall ill. Let us congratulate Ajay and John. They were not absent even for a single day during the last term. ENGLISH John : Thanks to my parents, I have been following healthy habits. Teacher : That's good John. Children, how do we cultivate healthy habits ? typhoid - an infectious fever Rahim : We must get up as early as a snacks - small quantity of food eaten lark in the morning. between meals Teacher : That's true! “Early to bed germs - micro organisms and early to rise, makes us healthy, wealthy and wise!” Archana : I brush my teeth both in the morning and at night. Without brushing, I do not eat breakfast. I rinse my mouth after every snack or meal. Only then my teeth will be as pretty as pearls. 48 Teacher : What else must you do to keep yourselves clean? Divya : I wash my hair regularly. Ajay : I clip my nails every week and keep it short. Vijay : I wear clean clothes. Rahim : I wash my hands before I eat food or snack. Teacher : That's nice! With what should you wash your hands and how often? John : I wash my hands with soap, before and after every meal. Archana : I wash my hands with soap after using the rest room. : I wash my face, hands and feet when I return home from school and after playtime. Teacher : Well! What is a healthy diet? Archana : Eating the right food at the right time is good for our health. Teacher : Fine! How do we take care of our health? Ajay : We must also drink plenty of water–pure clean water, six to eight glasses per day. Teacher : Good that you mentioned clean water…water should as clear as crystal. 49 ENGLISH Murali Rahim : Regular exercise also keeps us fit as a fiddle; walking is good exercise. John : My mom always talks about healthy diet. Teacher : Well, what is a healthy diet? John : Carbohydrate, protein and vitamins make a balanced diet. Archana : Ha ha ha .. John is quoting straight out from the Science book mam. Teacher : Shhh Archana, anyway, he is right. Food that contains all of these have to be consumed regularly. ENGLISH Murali : Fresh vegetables and vitamins - essential food components fruits are full of vitamins minerals - inorganic and minerals. substances needed for good health. Teacher : Yes it is. But make sure you wash them in clean water, before eating them raw. Now let us discuss how we can keep our surroundings clean. Ajay : We should not soil the place. Teacher : You are right. A messy place is a sore sight. Rahim : We must use the garbage bin and must also learn to cover it. John : Why should we cover the garbage - rubbish or waste scatter - throw in all directions bins, mam? 50 Teacher : Can anyone answer John's question? Archana : Yes I can. Sometimes, birds and animals scatter the rubbish everywhere and make the place dirty. Rahim : We need to wash our hands every time we use the garbage bin. Ajay : Mam, I have seen people spit everywhere and throw rubbish all around. Teacher : We must never do that. We must always keep our surroundings clean. ( The bell rings.) Thank you children. You have learnt a lot on health and hygiene today. I hope you will follow these habits and lead a healthy and happy life ! Let us understand I. Answer the following questions : Why do you get typhoid? What is a balanced diet? Why should we cover garbage bins? How often should one wash his/her hands? Why do you think we should rinse our mouth after every meal? II. Fill in the blanks : (a) __________________________________________________ makes us healthy, wealthy and wise. (b) (c) (d) (e) We need to drink ________________ glasses of water. We need to clip our nails ___________. After using restrooms, we need to wash our hands with ______. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of _____________ and ______________. 51 ENGLISH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Activity : I. Learning can be fun. List any five good and five bad habits from the lesson. Good habits Bad habits 1. ____________ 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 5. ____________ II. Let us look at the picture and answer the questions. ENGLISH 1. What does the picture convey? 2. What would you like to change in the picture? 52 Let us build vocabulary I. Choose the correct meaning of 1. cultivate a) develop b) call c) clean b) seating c) throw everywhere b) rash c) rose b) use c) scream b) rubbish c) bag 2. scatter a) scale 3. rinse a) wash 4. consume a) eat 5. garbage a) garage II. Shall we find out the opposites? (Antonyms) x dir_ _ 2. healthy x _ _ healthy 3. covered x op _ _ ed 4. early x l_ t_ 5. right x w_ on_ ENGLISH 1. clean Let us learn : Read the poem and answer the questions : Gathering leaves Spades take up leaves No better than spoons And bags full of leaves Are light as balloons. 53 I made a great noise Of rustling all day Like rabbit and deer Running away. - Robert Frost. Questions 1. How do spades look like? .................. 2. What is as light as balloons? ................. 3. What is the rustling sound compared to? ........................... These comparisons are called Similes. Simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another using the words 'as' or 'like'. Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word stands for something else. 'Spades are spoons'. They do similar work of taking up things. So the sentence is a metaphor. ENGLISH Give your examples of similes and metaphors. Let us read How are the underlined words used? As white as snow As tiny as ants Let us learn Can you pick out the similes from the lesson? Eg: as early as a lark. (1) ______________________________ (2) ______________________________ (3) ______________________________ (4) ______________________________ 54 I. Listen carefully to your teacher, when he / she says the following sentences. Observe the tone. If it is a question, use ? If it is a statement, use . 1. We want a pair of scissors 2. Where are the scissors 3. Didn't you find it in the thread box 4. No, it is not there 5. Where did you keep it Note : This exercise also can be done on a separate sheet of paper. Let us speak Rani : Hello Raji! How are you? Raji : I am fine. Thank you. How do you do? Rani : I am fine. Yesterday was a holiday, what did you do? Raji : I went to the Merry World theme park. We went for many water rides. How did you spend your time yesterday? Rani : I went to the exhibition. The ride in the giant wheel was frightening. I visited many stalls. I bought some books. Nice meeting you Raji. We'll talk later, bye! 55 ENGLISH This is a dialogue between two friends Let us take turns and practise the dialogue. questions like : Ask some more a) What did you buy in the exhibition? b) Where did you have your lunch yesterday? c) How did you go to the exhibition? The words underlined are used for comparison. As we have learnt, these comparisons are similes. Simile is a figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another using the words 'as' or 'like'. Let us make comparisons using the adjectives in the box. a. As ________ as a giraffe dark sweet red tall slow b. As ________ as a tortoise ENGLISH c. As ________ as honey d. As ________ as a rose e. As ________ as night Fill in the blanks, using adjectives: 1. He is six feet. He is ___________ 2. The mango is very tasty It is ___________ 3. Electricity went off. The room became ___________ 4. The PM was given a grand welcome. He walked on the ____________ carpet. 5. The gardener has become old. He is ________ in his work. 56 ACTIVITY The letters 'a, e, i, o, u,' are the vowel letters and all the other letters are consonants Can you think of a word that has all the vowel letters? Clue: It is related to your studies. It ends with a syllable – tion. Let us learn something new : a. We drop the silent 'e' at the end of a word when we add a syllable beginning with a vowel. Example : live + ing = living move + ed = moved b. We double the last letter and add 'ing' Example : run + ing = running cut + ing = cutting Example : skill + ful = skilful will + ful = wilful Shall we try? Drive + er = ________________ Give + ing = ________________ Come + ing = ________________ take + ing = ________________ rinse + ed = ________________ hope + ed = ________________ 57 'll', the second 'l' ENGLISH c. When we add 'ful' to words which have is dropped. The vowels 'a,e,i,o,' appear in many words but 'u' is rare. Of all the vowels the use of 'u' is only 8% . Fill in the pie-chart with the given data. u-8, a-21, e-32, i-19, o-20 1. There is a seven letter word which has three 'U's. What is it? unusual 2. Make as many words as you can from EDUCATION. – Put them in the table below. ENGLISH Words with One letter Two letters Three letters Four letters I on cat note Let us write : Do you know how to write a letter to a friend or relative? A letter of this type is known as a friendly or an informal letter. 58 Rahul is inviting Ravi to spend his holidays with him. D, 40. 7th street, New colony, Salem - 20. 12.10.2011 Dear Ravi, How are you? How did you write your examinations? As our school is now closed for the pooja holidays. we are planning to go to Yercaud. Would you like to join us? Convey my regards to all at home. Yours friendly, S. Rahul Address on the envelope : P. Ravi B, 21, 2nd street, Gandhinagar, Chennai-20. Help Ravi to write a reply to Rahul. Grammar You have already learnt how to make statements (Declarative) and questions (Interrogative) Let us learn two more kinds of sentences in this class. They are Imperatives and Exclamatory sentences. Imperatives are sentences which give suggestion, instruction, request and commands. Suggestions : You will find these words 'Let us' in all the exercises in your book. These words 'let us' make suggestions. Write four suggestions. 59 ENGLISH Activity : Example : Let Let Let Let us us us us do the work. not waste time. all be united. share our ideas. Request : You have been practising it every day. Write 4 requests. Example : Ask for a thing from your friend. Give me your pen please. Ask your neighbour to do something for you. Please close the window. Command : What do you do in your Physical Education / Yoga class? What are the commands your teacher gives? Write 4 commands. Example : Stand straight. ENGLISH Instruction : What instruction does your teacher give at the exam hall? Write 4 instructions. Example : Write the question number clearly. Write 4 instructions you will give to your friend to draw the picture of a cat or human face. Exclamatory Sentences (!) : We use these sentences to express our feelings like joy, shock, sorrow etc. Examples : How beautiful the lotus is! What a pity! The poor man is lying in the gutter. How serious pollution is! But what a pity! Nobody cares! Write four exclamatory sentences. 60 UNIT 1 - POEM KEEPING CLEAN Every morning we get up There are things that we must do! Keeping clean can be much fun For you and everyone! We wash our hands, we rub and rub We wash our faces as you can see. Brush up and down, up and down Come brush your teeth with me! - Anonymous How do we wash our face and hands? What do you do in the morning? What can be much fun? How do we brush our teeth? 61 ENGLISH Let us answer the questions given in speech bubbles. What is rhythm? Rhythm is the regular sound or movement in a poem. In the nursery rhyme “Twinkle, twinkle little star” the rhythm goes like this - 'tumti tumti tumti tum'. With this rhythm in mind let us read the poem 'Tiger’. TIGER TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? ENGLISH In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? - William Blake 62 UNIT 2 - PROSE Let us discuss : 1. Have you heard about our national leaders? 2. Name a leader you like most. 3. Mention any woman leader you like. “Oh, women of India! Let us join Gandhiji in his freedom struggle.” Do you know, who gave this call? Was it Nehru? No. Was it Patel? No. It was a woman! Yes, you are right. It was Sarojini Naidu. Sarojini Naidu was a great patriot. She was a renowned poet and an orator. She was a popular heroine of the 20th century. She is fondly called “The Nightingale of India”. Her birthday is celebrated as National Women's Day. Patriot Sarojini was born on February 13, 1879 in Hyderabad. Her father was century Dr. Aghornath Chattopadhyaya and he was a scientist. Her mother was Mrs. Barada renowned scientist Sundari Devi and she was a Bengali poet. 63 - a lover of mother land - a hundred years - famous - an expert in science ENGLISH THE NIGHTINGALE OF INDIA ENGLISH Young Sarojini was a bright girl. She was tenderhearted and full of love for the motherland. Her father wished her to become a mathematician or a scientist. But she liked orator - a good speaker poetry. Once she fondly - lovingly was working out an nightingale - a song bird algebra problem. solution - answer She was unable to willingly - eagerly find the solution. accompanied - went along She took a break. During the break, problem - sum she wrote poems in English. Then she encouraged - supported - clearly wrote a long poem, titled as “The Lady vividly - devoted of the Lake.” Her father understood dedicated struggle - fight for a cause that she was interested in poetry. He encouraged her to write poems. She wrote poems vividly with simple ideas. Her poems could be sung easily. Her famous collections were “The Bird of Time” and “The Broken Wings”. Sarojini got married to Dr. Govind Naidu, when she was a nineteen-year-old girl. In 1916, Sarojini Naidu met Mahatma Gandhi. She joined willingly the freedom movement and non-cooperation movement. She dedicated herself to the freedom struggle of her homeland. In 1931 she accompanied Gandhiji to England for the Round Table Conference for Indian – British cooperation. In 1942, Sarojini Naidu took part in the freedom protest. She was arrested for her anti-British activity and put in jail for 21 months along with Gandhiji. 64 She fought vigorously for the rights and well-being of the Indian women and she was responsible for their awakening. She was successful in re-establishing selfesteem among the women of India. After independence, she became the Governor of Uttar Pradesh and she was the first woman governor in India. She passed away on vigorously - actively March 2, 1949. The nightingale of self-esteem - what one India became immortal leaving us thinks of oneself with her poems and songs. passed away - died Let us understand : 1. Who is fondly called the Nightingale of India? 2. What is special about her poetry? 3. What are her famous collections of poems? 4. When did she join the freedom movement? 5. What did she do for the women of India? Let us choose: 1. Sarojini Naidu's birthday is celebrated as a) Children's day b) Teachers' Day c) Women's Day 2. Sarojini Naidu was born in a) Bangalore b) Hyderabad c) Mumbai 3. Sarojini Naidu's father was a a) pilot b) scientist 65 c) lawyer ENGLISH 6. You are the children of Mother India. How will you show your love to India? Let us fill in the blanks with suitable words given below : fondly renowned accompanied patriot tender-hearted 1. Subash Chandra Bose was a great __________. 2. Rabindranath Tagore was a ____________ poet. 3. Mother Teresa was a __________ lady. 4. Suresh ________ his grandfather to hospital. 5. The mother looks after the child _________. Let us do : 1. Here is a glass jar. There are no sweets in it. But it is full of letters. Take the letters from the glass jar and make words for the meanings given below. The words are taken from the lesson. ENGLISH Example : One who writes poems - poet 1. An expert in science _____________. 2. One who loves his/her own country ______________. 3. Fight for a cause ____________. 4. A hundred years _____________. 5. An expert in mathematics __________. 2. Collect pictures of various women leaders of India and prepare an album. Write a paragraph about them under the pictures. 66 Let us listen : The teacher reads the rhyme with rhythm. Listen to the teacher carefully. ONCE in the dream of a night I stood Lone in the light of a magical wood, Soul-deep in visions that poppy-like sprang; And spirits of Truth were the birds that sang, And spirits of Love were the stars that glowed, And spirits of Peace were the streams that flowed In that magical wood in the land of sleep. - Sarojini Naidu. Let us do : Each should give words which rhyme with the words said by the teacher. Example : Teacher : Ball Group A : Tall Group B : Fall Group A : ………. wood, star, light, dream, sang, glow, make The teacher reads out words from the list in a random manner. Each group gets one point for each rhyming word. Each group can give rhyming words in turns. 67 ENGLISH The class may be divided into two groups. Let us read Activity - 1 Here is an exercise in 'Quick reading' (scanning) One of you can do this : Open your book at any page, read out a name, a new word or a sentence that is important on that page. Ask one of your classmates to find the word and tell the page number, paragraph and line. You can give them clues – 'this is between page ______ and______. This is somewhere in unit - 1. Give a little time. When a student has found out, ask him to wait. Give others a chance – then ask for the answer. Repeat this exercise three or four times with different words / sentences each time. Let us write : ENGLISH 1. Read the following story and complete it. Once there lived a merchant in a village. His name was Ramu. He owned a horse and an ass. He used the ass to carry a heavy load. But the horse always carried a light load. One day the ass fell ill. It became weak. It was not able to do any work. It was not taken out for many days. One day the merchant took the ass and the horse to a fair. The ass carried a heavy load. But the horse did not carry any load. On the way, the ass requested the horse to carry a part of its load for a short distance. 68 The horse refused. The ass became tired. It could not move further. It fell down on the ground. The merchant shifted the load onto the horse and forced it to carry. The horse……………………………………………….. 2. Let us write four sentences about a leader you like most. Grammar Verbs are action words We have learnt about verbs (action words) in Class III & IV A . Let us underline the action words in the sentences given below : 1. (Example) Tom reads a novel. 2. Monkeys jump. 3. We swim in rivers. 4. She drinks tea. 5. Fire burns. Nouns Verbs The sun - blows Girls - roars The wind - bark The lion - shines Dogs - laugh C. Let us look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the suitable verbs : 1. The children _____________. 69 ENGLISH B. Let us match the nouns with the verbs given below : 2. The boys _____________. 3. The ships _____________. 4. They _____________. 5. They _____________. D. Let us learn about 'be' verbs as helping verbs 1. I am drawing a picture. 2. He is reading a book. ENGLISH 3. They are watching TV. 4. I was writing a test. 5. They were playing cricket. 'Be' verbs are 'am, is, are, was, were'. They help us to find out the tense, number and person. E. Let us fill in the blanks with ‘be' verbs : 1. I _______ nine years old. 2. Ramu _________ my friend. 3. He _______ playing. 4. You _________ a player. 5. Balu and Kumar __________ players. 70 Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs A. Let us look at the pictures and answer the questions given below: 1. What is the girl doing? 2. What is Arun doing? 3. What is the boy doing? 4. What is the old man doing? B. Let us read the following sentences to find out how they do things as shown in the picture : 1. The girl is dancing happily. 2. Arun is writing neatly. 4. The old man is walking slowly. C. Let us complete the sentences given below with the right adverbs from the box bravely, merrily, sweetly, clearly, quickly 1. The boys are playing ____________. 2. Birds are singing ____________. 3. The soldiers fight ____________. 4. Basker writes ____________. 5. The old man cannot walk ____________. 71 ENGLISH 3. The boy is crying loudly. D. You've learnt that adverbs tell us more about verbs- when where or how an action happens. Collect verbs and adverbs that go with each other. Prepare grid cards as shown below. Match them and write them in your notebook. Grid Card Adverbs early slowly quickly nearly immediately Verbs arrived walked came replied returned worked ENGLISH Example : arrived early replied immediately E. Collect five advertisements from English newspapers and magazines. Paste them in your English notebook. Write down the adverbs below the pictures. Conjunctions Conjunctions are joining words A. Let us look at the pictures and read the sentences: I bought a pen and a pencil. Suresh is reading and Ashok is writing. 72 Anand and Kumar are friends Rathi and Sita are players. The word 'and' join words and sentences. It is a conjunction. B. Let us look at the pictures and read the sentences : Selvi is short but Latha is tall. Edwin is poor but Mathan is rich. The word 'but' joins sentences. It is a conjunction. C. Let us look at the pictures and read the sentences : You can take an apple or an orange. The word 'or' joins words and sentences. It is a conjunction. D. Let us pick out conjunctions in the following sentences : 1. Saranya and Nalini are going to school. 2. Priya is clever but Sheela is dull. 3. Do you like coffee or tea? 73 ENGLISH Ashok is sad but Siva is happy. Balu is thin but Raju is fat. 4. Anitha is tall and beautiful. 5. Do you like stories or poems? E. Let us fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions given below : and, but, or 1. Devi bought a pen _______ a slate. 2. Is the room big _______ small? 3. Mahesh _______ Muthu work hard. 4. He is tall _______ his wife is short. 5. He is poor _______ his friend is rich. Compound Words ENGLISH Compound words are made of two or more small words. He is a postman. He is a school boy. She is playing football. This is a briefcase. A. Let us understand hand + ball = handball rain coat = raincoat + 74 class + mate = classmate fire + fly = firefly bed + room = bedroom B. Let us match and make compound words. A B 1. post fast 2. black man 3. moon book 4. break board 5. note light 1. I saw a _________ yesterday. 2. My uncle is the ________ of sports club. 3. Spain won the ________ match this year. 4. The students entered the _________ . 5. This _________ is very heavy. 75 suitcase classroom chairman policeman football ENGLISH C. Let us pick out the compound words from the box and complete the sentences : UNIT 2 - POEM THE FLAG GOES BY Hats off! “Along” the street there comes A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, A flash of colour beneath the sky. Hats off! The flag is passing by! Blue and crimson and white it shines, Over the steel-tipped, ordered lines. ENGLISH Hats off! The colours before us fly; But more than the flag is passing by. Sign of a nation, great and strong, To ward her people from foreign wrong; Pride and glory and honour, all Live in the colours to stand or fall. - H.H. Bennet The poet talks about his country's soldiers marching on the street; they are carrying their flags. The poet wants his people to respect the flag and feel proud. The feelings of the poet are the same for all the people throughout the world. 76 Questions : 1. What is passing by the street? 2. What sound do you hear? 3. Who is carrying the flag? 4. Which country does the flag belongs to? 5. Why should we pay respect to our National flag? 6. 'Comes' rhymes with 'drums'. Mention the other rhyming words. ENGLISH 77 78 ENGLISH