School of Administrative Studies, Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies, York University Fall 2014 Course Outline AP/ADMS2510 3.0 Introduction to Management Accounting Course website: Pleasenote:IfthislinkisbrokenyoucanaccessthecoursewebsitebygoingthroughMoodle,MyCourses anddrillingdowntothecourseidentifiedasAP/ADMS2510 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H - Introduction to Management Accounting (Fall 2014-2015) Term Section A B C D Fall E F G H Course Type On Campus On Campus Cancelled On Campus Internet On Campus On Campus On Campus Day Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Any day Thursday Monday Monday Time 4pm – 7pm 4pm - 7pm 7pm – 10pm 11:30am – 2:30pm Any time 11:30am–2:30pm 4pm – 7pm 8:30am – 11:30am Location Catalogue # HNE 038 H65A01 HNE 038 B12J01 RS 137 Home ACW 006 CLH H ACE 002 Y06D01 E53M01 V00U01 Z47G01 G28V01 IMPORTANT INFORMATION BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO ENROL NOTE 1 ADMS 2510 is one of the largest enrolment classes on campus (approximately 1,500 students per year). This regrettably necessitates a very legalistic and inflexible approach to course administration. This course outline has been designed to provide you in advance with detailed guidance on every conceivable rule and regulation in the course. It represents a contract between you the student and the Course Director and there can be no deviations by either party from these rules. There will be no exceptions to quizzes requirements, exam dates and grade weighting. If you cannot abide by the requirements of this contract, take the course somewhere else under letter of permission. You should print out this document and keep it handy for reference throughout the course. NOTE 2 This course offers students a seamless interface between attending lectures on-campus and basing their learning experience via Internet. Students have access to identical learning resources on a common website, including the on-campus lectures which will be streamed for viewing online. The only important consideration is that home study takes a much higher level of self-discipline and maturity to stay up-to-date, so we urge you to attend all on-campus lectures. Since exams are identical across all sections, you can migrate back and forth freely between the two learning styles. A real benefit of having streamed lectures is that if you cannot make a particular class, there is always the comfort of having it viewable “on demand” from the course website. NOTE 3 While there are mechanisms for transferring the weight of missed exams, there is no possibility of passing the course without writing the in class quizzes. The dates of the three in-class quizzes are known at the beginning of the term in this same course outline, and ensure that you can write at least two of them. No course grade will be given if you miss all the three quizzes. 1 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Enrolment Deadline All sections for this course normally fill months in advance so early registration is important. Because this is a required BAS course and it fills up quickly there are only a handful of students who drop in the open enrolment period the first two weeks of classes. If you do not get into the course before classes start, your chances are very slim of successfully enrolling. However, you can request the receptionist at room 282 Atkinson to add your name to a list that is maintained with the only purpose of estimating the unsatisfied demand of the course. This is not a waitlist; students are not contacted when vacancies occur. The Course Director is not involved in the registration process in any way and cannot assist you with this process. Because of the high volume of material covered (3 chapters in the first two weeks and because of early dates of quizzes and exams, no registration under any circumstances is permitted after the “last date to enroll without permission date”. For Fall 2014, this date is Monday September 22nd. Be aware of the important dates that apply to this course by checking the following site: Exam Dates Midterms: As a multi-section course, the midterm exams in ADMS 2510 are scheduled outside of class on Sunday mornings. You should not take this course if you are unable to attend these exams. Midterm 1: Sunday October 5th; 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Midterm 2: Sunday November 16th; 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Final exams: Scheduled by the York Registrar in the formal exam period between December 9th and 22nd. You should not book travel plans in this period. Exact date is published around November 1st. Consult the York University website for official timetable information. Course Directors & TA contact information Section Course Director Email contact A Robert Murison Moodle Messaging B&F Mary Ma C Section cancelled for Fall 2014 D&E Marcela Porporato G Alison Beavis H Lawrence Shum Moodle's messaging Course Description This first course in management accounting introduces students to the use of management accounting information for decision-making, planning and control in a wide range of organizations. Specifically, students learn the basic techniques of management accounting and, to a lesser extent, learn to apply those techniques through quantitative questions and cases. The pre-requisites for this course are: MATH: 12U or equivalent, ADMS 2500 3.0 and ECON 1000 3.0 You will be dropped from the course if you are missing any one of the prerequisites. 2 Course Objectives The overall objectives of the course are to: 1. Meet the academic requirements of an honours level course as part of a business degree program at university. 2. Meet all requirements to be counted by the ICAO, MAC and CGAC towards professional certification under the new amalgamated brand of CPA. In particular this course aims to: a) Help students learn to gather and develop information and ideas. b) Help students learn to draw conclusions and form opinions from a set of data. c) Introduce students to an entity's strategic plan and the planning process. d) Assist students in understanding how to evaluate the entity's performance management and the internal reporting system. e) Introduce students to the concept of the entity's risk management process. f) Help students understand and be able to identify management information sources and needs. g) Assist students in understanding how to prepare an entity's budget and how to relate this to the entity's planning process. Required Texts Garrison, Chesley, Carroll, Webb and Libby (2012). “Managerial Accounting - 9th Canadian Edition”. McGraw-Hill. Students are advised to utilize the online learning centre at: Richardson, Alan J. (2007). “Cases and Active Learning Exercises in Managerial Accounting, First Canadian Edition”. Nelson Education Ltd. Computing Requirements. This course has an extensive computer interface and you will need access to a multi-media computer with a high speed Internet connection. The most recent versions of Adobe Reader and Apple QuickTime are required to view course materials, available by free download from and respectively. A computer and speakers (or headphones) will be required to read and listen to the recorded material that complements the text. ‘Adobe Reader’ and ‘QuickTime’ are needed to view the multimedia clips that illustrate and explain the concepts. There are free computer labs on campus for registered students who do not possess these computing resources. Campus computers do not have speakers so you will have to supply your own headphones. ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSE Lectures There is a 3 hour lecture each week. On-campus sections will have their lecture in the designated lecture hall at York. Also, all sections will have access to the recorded version of the voice of an in-class lecture synched to a slideshow. It is usually available on the course website by Sunday each week. These lecture recordings are random access, so you can jump to any point in the lecture and repeat any component of the broadcast you wish to view again. Since these streamed lectures can be viewed multiple times and are ideal for course review, they are available to all 2510 students on the course website. Each week the lecture slides will be available 3 several days before class. It is suggested you download and print these slides as they constitute an excellent set of lecture notes. You can then add annotations as you listen to the lecture. In the rare event of technical recording difficulties the lecture will not be available, but an announcement will be posted including an update of any additional comments/changes during the current semester. Making the lectures available on the website to all students begs the question ….. ”Why come to class since all lectures can be viewed from home?” Viewing from home is quite appropriate for some students. However, pedagogical research has shown that only about one student in three has the intellectual maturity to stay up to date in web based courses. Internet failure rates tend to be higher than campus failure rates specifically because of this. Internet study requires far more self-discipline than being an on-campus student. Internet study is not for everyone. Attending class has the very huge benefit of forcing you to stay up to date each week. If you fall more than a week behind in an accounting course, failure is almost a certainty. Cramming is not an option in 2510. The other benefit of coming to class is that you can ask questions in real-time. Attendance is not taken in class so pick the study mode that works best for you, but be realistic in your self-assessment. To summarize: if good grades are important to you, you maximize your chances of good learning and good grades by both attending class and watching the streamed lecture. This constitutes a wonderful review opportunity. Not many courses at York offer such an opportunity…..take advantage of it. Tutorial Groups and Sessions Attendance to tutorial sessions is not mandatory. Tutorial sessions are designed to cover a set of problems and exercises, but beyond them, they are largely unstructured. In general, after the mandated exercises have been covered, you come with your questions and T/A’s are simply there to help you. When the T/A is getting multiple questions on a single theme, this will usually turn into a group teaching moment. The best feature of these tutorials is that if you wish to get extra help, you are invited to attend all the sessions offered each week. With 2 hours of tutorials a week, there is no need to spend money on expensive outside tutors. The detail of tutorials and themes for each session can be found later in this course outline. For Fall 2014, the scheduled on campus tutorials are: Saturday 10am to 12pm (every week from September 20th and ends on December 6th) in location TBA. Email Protocol If you want help with a problem it is important that your email be properly labeled and show the calculations you have made. Make sure to include your name, student number, and section number in all your emails. Messages without this information will remain unopened. Students in 2510 are required to obtain and use a email account for course email. For security reasons we will not respond to Gmail/Hotmail etc. Who do I email for what?….(all computing issues) Your professor……….(all questions related to course content, course administration and grades) Course coordinator for Fall 2014 (all questions/concerns not properly addressed by the Course Director and/or the Teaching Assistants): 4 Practice Problems There are lots of practice problems and solutions in your textbook. The course website will contain practice exams before each actual exam. For students who absolutely insist on an ‘A’ in the course, there are numerous intro management accounting textbooks in the business library containing a wealth of worked examples. The formula for success in a “problems” course such as accounting is always to work as many problems as time permits. Whenever a student asks their accounting professor how to improve their grade, the automatic answer is to work more problems. Course Website Moodle, My Courses shows one course web site for all sections that contains all the course material and announcements: AP/ADMS2510 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H - Introduction to Management Accounting (Fall 20142015). This ensures all sections get consistent information at the same time. It also facilitates our objective of making the learning experience identical for both on campus and off campus students. The website contains: This course outline Announcements on all important matters in the course. You should check these several times a week and especially before class in case there is a class cancellation Recorded lectures Lecture slides to print as course notes Information on completing the term project Exam information Practice exams and practice problems Exam results Moodle, My Courses will also show the particular section that you are enrolled in. Please check with your professor if he/she will be using it to send announcements only to his/her section or open a forum for discussion. The links to each course section that might be used as a communication tool only (no course content) are as follows: Section A: Section B: Section D: Section E: Section F: Section G: Section H: Access to the course web sites are restricted to students enrolled in the course. You will have to log in with your York Passport account in the Moodle @York University link. 5 WEEKLY TIMETABLE AND DUE DATES Note: Dates and coverage are subject to change as circumstances dictate. You should check the announcements section of your course website several times a week for updated information. Week Section& Date 1 G : Mon Sep 8 H: Mon Sep 8 A: Tue Sep 9 D : Wed Sep 10 B: Thur Sep 11 F: Thur Sep 11 E: Sep 8-13 2 G : Mon Sep 15 H: Mon Sep 15 A: Tue Sep 16 D : Wed Sep 17 B: Thur Sep 18 F: Thur Sep 18 E: Sep 15-20 3 G : Mon Sep 22 H: Mon Sep 22 A: Tue Sep 23 D : Wed Sep 24 B: Thur Sep 25 F: Thur Sep 25 E: Sep 22-27 4 G : Mon Sep 29 H: Mon Sep 29 A: Tue Sep 30 D : Wed Oct 1 B: Thur Oct 2 F: Thur Oct 2 E: Sep29-Oct4 Location CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home Textbook Chapters Chapter 1: Managerial Accounting & the Business Environment; Chapter 2: Cost Terms, Concepts & Classifications Case Analysis: An Introduction Problem Solving Techniques CLASS WORK Exercise 2-9 Problem 2-17 Chapter 3: Job Order Costing Problems 3-15 & 3-21 Case 2-28 Case: Trybee Inc September 22nd : last date to enroll in the course without permission Chapter 4: Process Costing Quiz #1 – Chapters 1 to 3 (5%) To be written in class. Internet: Assignment #1 – Chapters 1 to 4 (5%) Due Saturday Sep 27th midnight. Chapter 5: Activity-Based Costing Exercise 4-4 Problem 4-10 Exercise 5-14 Problems 5-18 & 5-20 Case: Union Ville Heart Centre Sunday October 5th Common first mid term exam - Chapters 1 to 5 (25%) - All sections 5 6 G : Mon Oct 6 H: Mon Oct 6 A: Tue Oct 7 D : Wed Oct 8 B: Thur Oct 8 F: Thur Oct 8 E: Oct 6-10 G : Mon Oct 20 H: Mon Oct 20 A: Tue Oct 14 D : Wed Oct 15 B: Thur Oct 16 F: Thur Oct 16 E: Oct 14-18 CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home Chapter 6: Cost Behaviour Chapter 7: Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships Exercises 6-6 & 6-7 Problem 7-18 Case 7-34 Chapter 8: Variable Costing Exercises 8-5, 8-6 & 8-9 Problem 8-15 (case) 6 Week Section& Date 7 G : Mon Oct 27 H: Mon Oct 27 A: Tue Oct 21 D : Wed Oct 22 B: Thur Oct 23 F: Thur Oct 23 E: Oct 20-25 October 29th to November 2nd All Sections 8 9 G : Mon Nov 3 H: Mon Nov 3 A: Tue Nov 4 D : Wed Nov 5 B: Thur Nov 6 F: Thur Nov 6 E: Nov 3-8 November 10th to 14th All sections Location CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home Cocurricular days CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home Home Textbook Chapters Chapter 9: Budgeting Quiz #2 – Chapters 5 to 8 (5%) To be written in class. Internet: Assignment #2 – Chapters 5 to 8 (5%) Due Saturday Oct 25th midnight. No classes CLASS WORK Exercise 9-1 Problem 9-18 Case Summer Dreaming Frozen No tutorials Friday November 7th – last date to drop Fall term courses without receiving a grade. Chapter 10: Standard Costs & Overhead Analysis Exercises 10-9, 10-11 & 10-13 Case Sparky Inc Chapter 11: Reporting for Control There is no on campus class Exercises 11-10 & 11-12 Problem 11-21 Case Enteron Corporation Sunday November 16th Common second mid-term exam - Chapters 6 to 11 (30%) All sections 10 11 12 G : Mon Nov 17 H: Mon Nov 17 A: Tue Nov 18 D : Wed Nov 19 B: Thur Nov 20 F: Thur Nov 20 E: Nov 17-22 November 24 to November 28th All sections G : Mon Dec 1 H: Mon Dec 1 A: Tue Dec 2 D : Wed Dec 3 B: Thur Dec 4 F: Thur Dec 4 E; Dec 1-6 CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home Home CLH H ACE 002 HNE 038 RS 137 HNE 038 ACW006 Home Chapter 12: Relevant Costing For Exercises 12-8, 12-11 & decision Making 12-12 Chapter 13: Capital Budgeting Decisions There is no on campus class Case study analysis and course Review Case: Bidco Foods Inc.* Case: Meridian Telescopes Exercises 13-3, 13-4, 135 & 13-6 Problem 13-28 Cases: Justa Co* York University* Quiz #3 – Chapters 9 to 12 (5%) To be written in class. Internet: Assignment #3 – Chapters 9 to 12 (5%) Due Saturday Dec 6th midnight. December 9th to 22nd On campus Final Exam Comprehensive Chapters 1 to 13 * The cases to be analyzed in weeks 10 and 12, will be posted to the course websites (the other cases are available in any of the textbooks recommended for this course). 7 Tutorials: There will be a weekly two-hour tutorial. The TA will go through worked examples of textbook problems and assist students in areas where they have concerns. The time and location will be announced in the course web site. Attendance to tutorial sessions is not mandatory. Tutorial sessions are unstructured as there is no prepared agenda beyond the list provided below and TA’s are there simply to help you with any questions you have on accounting theory, study techniques, practice problems, labs and the project. If you wish to get extra help, you are invited to attend all the sessions offered each week, and there is no need to spend money on expensive outside tutors. The following problems will be worked through in the tutorials: Week & Date Take up in tutorial th 1 Sep 13 No tutorial – look for announcement of time and location th 2 Sep 20 Problems 2-20 & 2-22; Problems 3-17, 3-18, 3-20 & 3-29 3 Sep 27th Exercises 4-1 & Problem 4-11 - Extra 4.10 FIFO (not required) th 4 Oct 4 Exercises 5-15, 5-17 & Problem 5-21 th 5 Oct 11 No tutorial – Thanksgiving long weekend 6 Oct 18th Problems 6-14, 6-18 & Problem 7-19 – Extra 7-18 as multiple choice th 7 Oct 25 Exercises 8-14, 8-16 & Problem 8-19 st Nov 1 No tutorial – Co-curricular days 8 Nov 8th Exercises 9-6, 9-8 & Problem 9-12 9 Nov 15th Exercises 10-18, 10-22 & Problem 10-23 nd 10 Nov 22 Exercises 11-5, 11-7 & Problem 11-20 11 Nov 29th Exercises 12-6, 12-16 & Problems 12-19, 12-24 th 12 Dec 6 Exercise 13-11 & Problems 13-21, 13-29 Comprehensive course review Course Evaluation: Quiz #1 Quiz #2 Quiz #3 Mid Term 1 Mid Term 2 Final Examination Total 5% 5% 5% 25% 30% 30% 100% Note: Instead of the three quizzes, the internet section will have 3 assignments due on September 27th (covering material of chapters 1 to 4), October 25st (covering material of chapters 5 to 8) and December 6th (covering material of chapters 9 to 12) respectively. Each assignment will be posted in the course web site of section E no later than two days before the deadline for submission. There can be no deviations from this published grading scheme. A deviation represents a “deal” and in fairness such deal would have to be offered to every student. This is simply not possible in this course. The most common request is “If I do better on the final, can I count the midterm less?” The answer is no, so plan on doing well on the midterm and quizzes. No student can miss the final exam and receive a grade in the course. Deferred status is available for authorized absence. 8 This course outline constitutes a contract between you and your instructor. After the first class, there will be no changes by either party with respect to computation of course grades. Quizzes (15%, 5% each) There are three quizzes for the in-class sections each will count for 5% towards the overall grade. Each of them will consist of problems/cases similar to those done in class and recommended for this course. Students must write the quizzes in the section in which they are enrolled. Rooms cannot accommodate additional writers. Note: Instead of the three quizzes, the internet section will have 3 group assignments due on September 30th (covering material of chapters 1 to 4), October 21st (covering material of chapters 5 to 8) and December 2nd (covering material of chapters 9 to 12) respectively. If you miss a quiz (or assignment if in the internet section), no make-up is available. Instead the weight of one missed quiz (5 marks) will be automatically transferred to the final examination weighting. With an attempt at a quiz, the weight of that quiz (5 marks) will no longer be eligible for transfer to the final examination weighting. The grade of record that will be entered will be the results of the attempted quiz on a “No Exceptions” basis. Students will not be allowed to write a final examination worth more than 65% of the final grade, even in the case the student missed the three quizzes and the two mid-term exams, so plan to write one midterm and a couple of quizzes. Mid Terms (first mid-term 25%, second mid-term 30%) There will be two common midterm of three hours in duration that will contribute 55% of the final grade. They will consist of multiple choice questions based on problems similar to those done in class and recommended for this course. Students must write mid-term examinations in the section in which they are enrolled. Rooms cannot accommodate additional writers. If you miss the mid-term exam, no make-up is available. Instead the weight of the missed exam (25 or 30 marks) can be transferred to the final examination weighting. With an attempt at an exam, the weight of that exam (25 or 30 marks), will no longer be eligible for transfer to the final examination weighting. The grade of record that will be entered will be the results of the attempted exam on a “No Exceptions” basis. Final Examination (30%) There will be a common final exam of three hours in duration, sometime within the period December 9th to 22nd. Date and time will be announced later. The date, time and location of the final examination will be announced in class during term as well as listed on the York University main web page. The final examination will include all materials covered in the course. The final exam will include written problems and a short case study. An authorized absence from the scheduled Final Exam allows you to submit a Deferred Standing Agreement (DSA) application for a deferred exam and write it by the end of January 2015. Students are required to read and adhere to the policy on academic honesty, as stated in the University calendar. Students will not be allowed to write a final examination worth more than 65% of the final grade, even in the case the student missed the three quizzes and the two mid-term exams, so plan to write one midterm and a couple of quizzes. 9 RELEVANT UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS Deferred Exams: Deferred standing may be granted to students who are unable to write their final examination at the scheduled time or to submit their outstanding course work on the last day of classes. In order to apply for deferred standing, students must register at Followed by handing in a completed DSA form and supporting documentation directly to the main office of the School of Administrative Studies (282 Atkinson) and add your ticket number to the DSA form. The DSA and supporting documentation must be submitted no later than five (5) business days from the date of the exam. These requests will be considered on their merit and decisions will be made available by logging into the following link No individualized communication will be sent by the School to the students (no letter or e-mails). Students with approved DSA will be able to write their deferred examination during the School's deferred examination period. No further extensions of deferred exams shall be granted. The format and covered content of the deferred examination may be different from that of the originally scheduled examination. The deferred exam may be closed book, cumulative and comprehensive and may include all subjects/topics of the textbook whether they have been covered in class or not. Any request for deferred standing on medical grounds must include an Attending Physician's Statement form; a “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted. DSA Form: Attending Physician's Statement form: The deferred examinations for the Fall 2014 term shall be held in the period January Jan 30th to February 1st, 2015. Academic Honesty: The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies considers breaches of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty to be serious matters. The Senate Policy on Academic Honesty is an affirmation and clarification for members of the University of the general obligation to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty. As a clear sense of academic honesty and responsibility is fundamental to good scholarship, the policy recognizes the general responsibility of all faculty members to foster acceptable standards of academic conduct and of the student to be mindful of and abide by such standards. Suspected breaches of academic honesty will be investigated and charges shall be laid if reasonable and probable grounds exist. Students should review the York Academic Honesty policy for themselves at: Students might also wish to review the interactive on-line Tutorial for students on academic integrity, at: Grading Scheme and Feedback Policy: The grading scheme (i.e. kinds and weights of assignments, essays, exams, etc.) shall be announced, and be available in writing, within the first two weeks of class, and, under normal circumstances, graded feedback worth at least 15% of the final grade for Fall, Winter or Summer Term, and 30% for ‘full year’ courses offered in the Fall/Winter Term be received by students in all courses prior to the final withdrawal date from a course without receiving a grade, with the following exceptions: Note: Under unusual and/or unforeseeable circumstances which disrupt the academic norm, instructors are expected to provide grading schemes and academic feedback in the spirit of these regulations, as soon as possible. For more information on the Grading Scheme and Feedback Policy, please visit: 10 In-Class Tests and Exams - the 20% Rule: For all Undergraduate courses, except those which regularly meet on Friday evening or on a weekend, tests or exams worth more than 20% will not be held in the two weeks prior to the beginning of the official examination period. For further information on the 20% Rule, please visit: Reappraisals: Students may, with sufficient academic grounds, request that a final grade in a course be reappraised (which may mean the review of specific pieces of tangible work). Non-academic grounds are not relevant for grade reappraisals; in such cases, students are advised to petition to their home Faculty. Students are normally expected to first contact the course director to discuss the grade received and to request that their tangible work be reviewed. Tangible work may include written, graphic, digitized, modeled, video recording or audio recording formats, but not oral work. Students need to be aware that a request for a grade reappraisal may result in the original grade being raised, lowered or confirmed. For reappraisal procedures and information, please visit the Office of the Registrar site at: Accommodation Procedures: LA&PS students who have experienced a misfortune or who are too ill to attend the final examination in an ADMS course should not attempt to do so; they must pursue deferred standing. Other students should contact their home Faculty for information. For further information, please visit: Religious Accommodation: York University is committed to respecting the religious beliefs and practices of all members of the community, and making accommodations for observances of special significance to adherents. For more information on religious accommodation, please visit: Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities (Senate Policy) The nature and extent of accommodations shall be consistent with and supportive of the integrity of the curriculum and of the academic standards of programs or courses. Provided that students have given sufficient notice about their accommodation needs, instructors shall take reasonable steps to accommodate these needs in a manner consistent with the guidelines established hereunder. For more information please visit the Disabilities Services website at York’s disabilities offices and the Registrar’s Office work in partnership to support alternate exam and test accommodation services for students with disabilities at the Keele campus. For more information on alternate exams and tests please visit Please alert the Course Director as soon as possible should you require special accommodations. 11