Defrost Cycles Defrost cycles can be initiated either manually or

 Defrost Cycles Defrost cycles can be initiated either manually or automatically depending on the facilities of the equipment you have. Manual ‐ Either a press button on the control panel to simply turning off the unit. Automatic ‐ This can be scheduled by timer or as in the “Frost Free” freezers it is done without any customer interaction. Timed off‐cycle – is a forced defrost at a planned time and is best suited for less busy times when the door is not likely to be opened Off cycle – is a random defrost that will occur when the refigeration system has enough reserve capacity to cool more than the load requirement. When it does the system will be shut down from time to time by the thermostat and the air in the cabinet willdefrost the ice from the coil. The are two basic methods employed within a defrost cycle. Electrical ‐ Thin wires coiled around the refrigerating elements that have an electrical charge put through them to temporarily heat the elements melting any ice that has formed. Heated gas ‐ The refrigerated element itself has the refrigeration gas temporarily reversed so it is hot instead of cold and so melts any ice that has formed. This document is just a guide, as we could not comment generally on specific models and functions. We would recommend adhering to the manufactures instructions in all cases. 