Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering DAC Architectures Vishal Saxena, Boise State University ( Vishal Saxena -1- Static Performance of DACs –2– Vishal Saxena -2- DAC Transfer Characteristics ref n out • N = # of bits 1 Digital input Analog output • VFS = Full-scale range • Δ = VFS/2N = 1LSB • bi = 0 or 1 Vout N-1 N-1 bi = VFS N-i = Δ bi 2i-N i=0 2 i=0 Note: Vout (bi = 1, for all i) = VFS - Δ = VFS(1-2-N) ≠ VFS –3– Vishal Saxena -3- Ideal DAC Transfer Curve out FS FS 000 001 010 011 100 –4– 101 Vishal Saxena 110 111 in -4- Offset out FS FS Vos 000 001 010 011 100 –5– 101 Vishal Saxena 110 111 in -5- Gain Error out FS FS 000 001 010 011 100 –6– 101 Vishal Saxena 110 111 in -6- Monotonicity out FS FS 000 001 010 011 100 –7– 101 Vishal Saxena 110 111 in -7- Differential and Integral Nonlinearities out FS ith Step Size - Δ DNLi = Δ FS 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 in • DNL = deviation of an output step from 1 LSB (= Δ = VFS/2N) • INL = deviation of the output from the ideal transfer curve –8– Vishal Saxena -8- DNL and INL out FS i INLi = DNL j FS j=0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 in INL = cumulative sum of DNL –9– Vishal Saxena -9- DNL and INL Vout Vout VFS-Δ VFS-Δ VFS 2 VFS 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Din 000 Smooth 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Noisy • DNL measures the uniformity of quantization steps, or incremental (local) nonlinearity; small input signals are sensitive to DNL. • INL measures the overall, or cumulative (global) nonlinearity; large input signals are often sensitive to both INL (HD) and DNL (QE). – 10 – Vishal Saxena -10- Din Measure DNL and INL (Method I) out FS FS Endpoint stretch 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 in Endpoints of the transfer characteristic are always at 0 and VFS-Δ – 11 – Vishal Saxena -11- Measure DNL and INL (Method II) out FS FS Least-square fit and stretch (“detrend”) 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 in Endpoints of the transfer characteristic may not be at 0 and VFS-Δ – 12 – Vishal Saxena -12- Measure DNL and INL Vout Vout VFS-Δ VFS-Δ VFS 2 VFS 2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Din 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Method I (endpoint stretch) Method II (LS fit & stretch) Σ(INL) ≠ 0 Σ(INL) = 0 – 13 – Vishal Saxena -13- Din DAC Architectures – 14 – Vishal Saxena -14- DAC Architecture • Nyquist DAC architectures – – – – • Binary-weighted DAC Unit-element (or thermometer-coded) DAC Segmented DAC Resistor-string, current-steering, charge-redistribution DACs Oversampling DAC – – – – Oversampling performed in digital domain (zero stuffing) Digital noise shaping (ΣΔ modulator) 1-bit DAC can be used Analog reconstruction/smoothing filter – 15 – Vishal Saxena -15- Binary-Weighted DAC – 16 – Vishal Saxena -16- Binary-Weighted CR DAC CP Cu = unit capacitance Vo VX 8Cu 4Cu 2Cu Cu Cu VR b3 b2 b1 b0 • Binary-weighted capacitor array → most efficient architecture • Bottom plate @ VR with bj = 1 and @ GND with bj = 0 – 17 – Vishal Saxena -17- Binary-Weighted CR DAC N bN j 2N j Cu j1 V Vo N R N j Cp Cu 2 Cu j1 N b 2N Cu VR N- j Vo j C 2N C 2 j 1 p u N bN j 2N j Cu j1 V R Cp 2N Cu • Cp → gain error (nonlinearity if Cp is nonlinear) • INL and DNL limited by capacitor array mismatch – 18 – Vishal Saxena -18- Stray-Insensitive CR DAC 2N Cu Vo N Cp 2N1Cu Cu 2 Cu A N V bN- j j R j1 2 Large A needed to attenuate summing-node charge sharing – 19 – Vishal Saxena -19- MSB Transition Code 0111 Code 1000 C C C V 1 2 3 Vo 0111 4 R 4 j Cp C 2 C j1 C V 4 Vo 1000 4 R 4 j Cp C 2 C j1 Assume : C 4 C1 C2 C3 Cu δC, DNL Vo 1000 Vo 0111 1LSB 1LSB δC C Cu δC Cu C Largest DNL error occurs at the midpoint where MSB transitions, determined by the mismatch between the MSB capacitor and the rest of the array. – 20 – Vishal Saxena -20- Midpoint DNL δC < 0 δC > 0 • δC > 0 results in positive DNL • δC < 0 results in negative DNL or even nonmonotonicity – 21 – Vishal Saxena -21- Output Glitches • Cause: Signal and clock skew in circuits • Especially severe at MSB transition where all bits are switching – 0111…111 → 1000…000 • Glitches cause waveform distortion, spurs and elevated noise floors • High-speed DAC output is often followed by a de-glitching SHA – 22 – Vishal Saxena -22- De-Glitching SHA 1 o N SHA samples the output of the DAC after it settles and then hold it for T, removing the glitching energy. SHA output must be smooth (exponential settling can be viewed as pulse shaping → SHA BW does not have to be excessively large). – 23 – Vishal Saxena -23- Frequency Response HZOH jω e j ωT 2 sin ωT ωT 2 HSHA jω 2 – 24 – Vishal Saxena 1 1 j ω ω 3dB -24- Binary-Weighted Current-Steering DAC N Vo IR j1 bN- j 2j • Current switching is simple and fast • Vo depends on Rout of current sources without op-amp • INL and DNL depend on matching, not inherently monotonic • Large component spread (2N-1:1) – 25 – Vishal Saxena -25- R-2R DAC N Vo IR j1 bN- j 2j X o 3 2 1 0 • A binary-weighted current DAC • Component spread greatly reduced (2:1) – 26 – Vishal Saxena -26- Unit-Element DAC – 27 – Vishal Saxena -27- Resistor-String DAC • Simple, inherently monotonic → good DNL performance • Complexity ↑ speed ↓ for large N, typically N ≤ 8 bits – 28 – Vishal Saxena -28- Code-Dependent Ro VR Di b0 b0 b1 b1 Vo Co Signal-dependent RoCo causes HD Ro • Ro of ladder varies with signal (code) • On-resistance of switches depend on tap voltage – 29 – Vishal Saxena -29- DNL ΔR 0, σ R j1 Vj R j1 k 1 N R 1 k VR j 1R ΔRk 1 N NR ΔR k j 2 VR Vj-1 1 Vj Vj-1 j 2R ΔRk 1 N NR ΔRk VR 1 R ΔR j1 N NR ΔRk VR ΔR j1 VR VR N NR 1 V DNL j Vj Vj-1 R N VR ΔR j1 N R – 30 – Vishal Saxena DNL 0, σDNL σR R -30- INL j1 Vj R k 1 N R 1 j1 j1 k VR j 1 R ΔRk 1 N NR ΔRk VR j 1 VR N N N - j 1 ΔRk j 1 ΔRk 1 j 2 NR VR 1 j 1 N - j 1 σR 2 2 j 1 2 VR , σ Vj VR Vj 3 2 N N R 1 σR 2 2 N N 2 V , when j 1 σ Vj max R 4N R2 2 2 j -1 INL j Vj VR N VR N INL 0, σINL max – 31 – Vishal Saxena N σR 2 R -31- INL and DNL of Binary-Wtd DAC A Binary Weighted DAC is typically constructed using unit elements, the same way as that of a Unit Element DAC, for good component matching accuracy. INL 0, σINL max N σR 2 R σ DNL 0, σDNL max 2 INL N R R – 32 – Vishal Saxena -32- Current-Steering DAC Io I I I Binary-to-Thermometer Decoder b1 bN • Fast, inherently monotonic → good DNL performance • Complexity increases for large N, requires B2T decoder – 33 – Vishal Saxena -33- Unit Current Cell o N j j 1 • 2N current cells typically decomposed into a (2N/2×2N/2) matrix • Current source cascoded to improve accuracy (Ro effect) • Coupled inverters improve synchronization of current switches – 34 – Vishal Saxena -34- Segmented DAC – 35 – Vishal Saxena -35- BW vs. UE DACs Binary-weighted DAC Unit-element DAC • • Pros – Min. # of switched elements – Simple and fast – Compact and efficient • – Good DNL, small glitches – Linear glitch energy – Guaranteed monotonic Cons • – Large DNL and glitches – Monotonicity not guaranteed • Pros Cons – Needs B2T decoder – complex for N ≥ 8 INL/DNL • – INL(max) ≈ (√N/2)σ – DNL(max) ≈ 2*INL INL/DNL – INL(max) ≈ (√N/2)σ – DNL(max) ≈ σ Combine BW and UE architectures → Segmentation – 36 – Vishal Saxena -36- Segmented DAC • MSB DAC: Mbit UE DAC … • LSB DAC: L-bit BW DAC • Resolution: N = M+L • 2M+L switching elements • Good DNL • Small glitches • Same INL as BW or UE – 37 – Vishal Saxena -37- Comparison Example: N = 12, M = 8, L= 4, σ = 1% Architecture σINL σDNL # of s.e. Unit-element 0.32 LSB’s 0.01 LSB’s 2N = 4096 Binaryweighted 0.32 LSB’s 0.64 LSB’s N = 12 Segmented 0.32 LSB’s 0.06 LSB’s 2M+L = 260 Max. DNL error occurs at the transitions of MSB segments – 38 – Vishal Saxena -38- Example: “8+2” Segmented Current DAC Ref: C.-H. Lin and K. Bult, “A 10-b, 500-MSample/s CMOS DAC in 0.6mm2,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, pp. 1948-1958, issue 12, 1998. – 39 – Vishal Saxena -39- MSB-DAC Biasing Scheme Common-centroid global biasing + divided 4 quadrants of current cells – 40 – Vishal Saxena -40- MSB-DAC Biasing Scheme – 41 – Vishal Saxena -41- Randomization and Dummies – 42 – Vishal Saxena -42- Current-Steering DAC Unit Cell – 43 – Vishal Saxena -43- Current-Steering DAC Calibration – 44 – Vishal Saxena -44- References 1. 2. 3. Y. Chiu, Data Converters Lecture Slides, UT Dallas 2012. Rudy van de Plassche, “CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters,” 2nd Ed., Springer, 2005.. B. Boser, Analog-Digital Interface Circuits Lecture Slides, UC Berkeley 2011. D. K. Su and B. A. Wooley, JSSC, pp. 1224-1233, issue 12, 1993. C.-H. Lin and K. Bult, JSSC, pp. 1948-1958, issue 12, 1998. K. Khanoyan, F. Behbahani, A. A. Abidi, VLSI, 1999, pp. 73-76. K. Falakshahi, C.-K. Yang, B. A. Wooley, JSSC, pp. 607-615, issue 5, 1999. G. A. M. Van Der Plas et al., JSSC, pp. 1708-1718, issue 12, 1999. A. R. Bugeja and B.-S. Song, JSSC, pp. 1719-1732, issue 12, 1999. A. R. Bugeja and B.-S. Song, JSSC, pp. 1841-1852, issue 12, 2000. A. van den Bosch et al., JSSC, pp. 315-324, issue 3, 2001. Vishal Saxena -45-