DELAY-ON-REVERSE MODIFICATION K-LINE 71-9092061 FOR T, GT, J, H, GH, SD & GSD STANDARD DOOR OPERATORS WITH 24V CONTROL CIRCUITS MODELS WARNING WARNING CAUTION WARNING To prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH, disconnect electric power to operator BEFORE installing. ALL electrical connections MUST be made by a qualified individual. APPLICATION This modification is standard on Model GH-300. Not for use with solid state logic control boards (L). • The operator must have C2/B2 wiring (not for medium duty operators). • Recommended for heavy doors and where frequent reversing may be expected due to high usage. FUNCTIONS Modifies the operator control circuit so the the door must stop for one second before reversing, in either direction. This delay allows the door and operator to come to a more complete stop than would happen if there was no delay. • Prevents shock loading of the door and operator especially if a safety device or other open override is activated during closing, resulting in a longer life of the operator. • This delay has no effect on starting an operator that has been stopped for longer than 2 seconds. PREPARATION Unpack kit to verify the parts listed at right are included. Refer to installation instructions on reverse side. PACKING LIST DESCRIPTION Delay-on-reverse instruction Sheet 1PH operators Delay-on-reverse 1PH wiring diagram Relay, small TPDT, 115V* Relay, 3PDT (IR)** Relay, 24VDC COIL, DPDT Wire ties Time delay assembly Pan head phillips screw, #6-32 x 3/8" #6 Tinnerman Blue wire, 11" 16GA. .250" Fork x .187" INS. faston Orange wire, 4" 18GA. .187" Faston x .187" INS. faston Purple wire, 4" 18GA. .187" Faston x .187" INS. faston * Used on 115V operators **Used on 230V operators QTY 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 1 1 1 1. Disconnect power to operator. 2. Locate the IR (instant reverse) relay-line voltage coil with 6 wires: 2 black, 1 red, 1 purple, 1 orange and 1 yellow. Exchange this relay with the 3PDT relay provided. Be sure that the new relay has the same coil voltage as the existing relay. Connect the wires from the original relay to the new relay (Figure 1). 6. Unplug the red wire from the IR relay and plug it into the normally closed (NC) terminal of the TD relay. Install a purple jumper from the common (C) terminal of the TD relay, that corresponds to the red wire, to the normally open (NO) terminal of the IR relay where the red wire was. 7. Plug the TD module onto the two coil terminals of the TD relay. Connect the white wire into the wire nut that contains 1 yellow from transformer, 1 orange from open limit and 1 purple from close limit there may also be one or two red wires in this wire nut. Be sure the other wires all remain in the wire nut. 8. Connnect the orange wire to the center of the normally closed (NC) terminal of the IR relay. 9. Connect the blue wire from terminal 3 to the center common (C) of the IR relay - this terminal corresponds to the orange wire just installed that came from the TD module. 10. Reconnect power to the operator. Whenever the operator is running and the open override is activated-safety edge or radio control or open button, etc. the delay provides for a delay before the operator will open. This delay does not delay the stopping action, just the restart. This delay does not cause a delay on starting an operator from rest as long as the operator has been stopped for longer than 2 seconds. FIGURE 1 Purple Red Black NC NO C Instant Reverse (IR) Relay Coil Voltage Same As Line Voltage Coil NC NO C Black Yellow Orange 3. Install the 24VDC relay in a convenient location, if possible install close to the IR relay from step 2. This is the TD relay. 4. Use figure 2 to assist with the rest of the installation instructions. 5. Unplug the yellow wire from the IR relay and plug it into the normally closed (NC) terminal of the TD relay. Install an orange jumper from the common (C) terminal of the TD relay, that corresponds to the yellow wire, to the normally open (NO) terminal of the IR relay where the yellow wire was. FIGURE 2 Terminal #3 Red Orange Purple Yellow New Purple Jumper Existing Wire Nut Purple Red From IR White Black Blue NC NO C TD Relay Coil IR Relay NC NO NC NO C Black Yellow From IR Orange New Orange Jumper Orange 01-11721E © 2007, The Chamberlain Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved C Coil TD Module