w\i$^/northwarksgov ulJplanning Teli018277153{1 uk Emall:planningcontrol@northwarks-gov. oi_ar:,!'i::r I The CouncllHouse South Street Ather6tone Warwi.kshire CVglDE NorthWarwickshi Borough Council to a dwelling orksor extension TownandCountry Planning Act1990 Householder Application fo You cen completeand submit thls folm electroni(ally via the Plannlng Portal by visiting wurw.plannlngportal.gov.uUapply Publicationof applicationson planningauthority websiteJ Please note that the Informationprovldedon this applicationform and in supportingdocumentsmay be publishedon the lutho]ity's websile. lf you require any further clarification,pleasecontact the Authority's pl.nning department, )leasecompleteusingblockcapitals andblackink. t is importantthatyou readthe accompanying guidancenotesasincorrect ofyourapplication. completionwilldelaythe processing L ApplicantNameand Address Tirle: Title: altdri"'nu'u'F-----l Lastname: [-l K*Oa< lFirstname:l O' rar.'ro.-,e-r'\' ffm,,f qo -l Company (optional): Pocvv.r il,"#i: [-l House name: Unit: r-r.r.^, -{1g e g41, 611 - f----_-l li"#i: [ + l is,l'r". I House name: Cc u<-e,u r.-r- Addressl: 'l: -TarDe^JT Address Ra*t> Address 2i Address 2: Address 3: Address 3: Town: l-rATet'?- County: 6,P-. OZTo'< trr./CHAryt Country: Hc,l-rrz.tq^..r Town: hJLrN€-A-Tor^J County: 1,{Ae(S Country: Postcode: B+t- tR-D. Postcode: 3. Descriptionof ProposedWorks Please describe the proposedworks: e:k I UeS Jor..l€s Company (optional): Unit: 2. Agent Nameand Address Terzr..rAL t^vA Ll- J^1 gerr{-Tto,\, Cvtt t+ P'v BLr3 | FJ€S.S t^.JA:/ t. DescnPtion ol ProPosed works lcontanued, ! ves d^. las the workalready started? I f Yes,pleasestatewhenthe work wasstarted(DD/MM/YYYY): las th€ workalreadybeencompleted? ! Yes ffio f Yes,oleasestatewhenthe workwascompleted(DD/MM/YYYY): 4. SiteAddressDetails -l tleaseprovidethefull postaladdress of the application site. Unit: f-l ffit* foo ii,'#i: [-l House name: A<.:'P.D C6r-e.SFrru-- (datemustbe pre-application submission (datemustbe pre-application submission) Roadsand Rightsof Wa) and VehicleAccess, 5. Pedestrian vehicle access lsa neworaltered proposedto or fromthe publichighway? ! ves Bruo ls a new or alteredpedestrianaccess proposedto or fiom the publichighway? ! ves requireanydiversions, Oothe proposals and/or creationof public extinguishments rightsof way? ! ves [ftuo Eflno pleaseshowdetailson yourplansor lf Yesto anyquestions, numbe(s)ofthe plan(s)/ state the reference drawings and drawing(s): V\J ^ae!Z_ County: Postcode (optional): o e_-T6.-J - @ r4ra,r./ 8r+t- C r' Arua | 2D. Advice 6. Pre-application 7. Treesand Hedges las assistance or prior advicebeen sought from the local ruthorityabout this application? l-l yes Are there any treesor hedgeson your own property or on adjoining properties which are within fallingdistanceof your proposed _ development? L-l Yes f Yes,pleasecompletethe followinginformation aboutthe advice will help the authority to deal with this were /ou 9iven.Ohis mor€efficiently). rpplication )leasetickif thefull contactdetailsarenot <nown,andthencompleteasmuchpossible: lf Yes.pleasemarktheirpositionon a scaled planandstatethe r€ference numberof anyplansor dtawings: Officername: DAIE(DDMM YYYY): submission) .mustbe pre-application Willanytreesor hedgesneed to be removedor orunedin orderto carryout yourproposal? lf Yes,pleaseshowon yourplanswhichtleesby givingthem numberofthe plan(s)/ numberse.g.T'1,T2etc,statethe reference drawinq(s)and indicatethe scale. B, Parking 9. Authority Employee/ Member flill the proposedworksaffect rxistingcarparkingarrangements? I am: Withrespectto the Authority, (a) a memberof staff (b) an electedmember (c) relatedto a memberof staff (d) felatedto an electedmembel Doanyof these statements applyto you? ! ves W" lf Yes,pleaseprovidedetailsof the name,relationshipand role I o. Materials f applicable,pleasestatewhat materialsare to be used externally.Includetype, colourand name for each material: Don't Know Existing (whereapplicable) --Fe-AD,.1, Walls -T€.-rucEo c'v Ar- 8..;ru! R-el'.roeze.D f, ,_t r g,A Roof Windows Doors treatments Boundary (e.9.fences, walls) Vehicleaccess and hard-standing Lighting Others (pleasespeci!) statement? andaccess additionalinformation on submittedplan(s)/drawing(s)/design Areyou supplying for the planG)/drawinq(s)/design andaccess statement: lf Yes,pleasestatereferences Dto I l. 9wnership certiticates OneCertlficateA, B,C,or D, must be completed,togetherwlth th€ AgriculturalHoldingsCertificatewith this appllc.tlontorm - CERTIFICATE A OFOWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE ManagementProcedure)(England)Order2010CertiflcateunderArtlcle12 Town and CountryPlanning(Development wasthe nobodyexceptmyself/the applicanl that;n the dai 21 daysbeforethe dateof thisapplication I certiry/The applicantce;tifies )wnet'(ownetis o personwitha freeholdintereitor leaiehotdintercstwithot leoslTyea$ leftto run)of any part of the landor buildingto /vhichthe application relates. DAIC(DDlMM/YYYY): Signed- Applicant: CER Managem.ntPro(edure)(England)Order2010Certifi(ateunder Article12 fown and CountryPlanning(Devetopment else(aslistedbelow)who,on the da) I certify/Theapplicantc6rtifies tha-tI have/tlieapplicanthis giventhe requisitenoticeto everyone pplication,was ot leaseholdinterestwithat leost7 yeat: was the owner owne lowneris o personwith o freeholdinterest daysbe{ore be{orethe date date te of tthis this application, hisa llfl dayi relates. eft to run)of of the land or buildinq to which this Date Notice SeNed Nameof Owner Signed- Applicant: or signed- Agent: Date(DD/MM/YYYY): C OFOWI{ERSHIP- CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE ManagcmentPro(edure)(EnglandlOrd€12010Certiticateundel Atiicle 12 Town and CountryPlanning(Development certify/Theapplicanlcertifiesthat: . NeitherCertificate A or B canbe issuedfor thisapplication . of the otherowners(ownetis o pe6onwith.ofrcehold All reasonable stepshavebeentakento find out the namesand addresses intercstwithot least7yeotsleft to run)ol the landor building,or of a part of it , bul I have/the applicanlhas interest or leasehoid been unablelo do so. hasbeenpublishedin the followingnewspaper Noticeof the application in the areawherethe landis Signed- Applicant: Or signed- Agent: ,,1 On thefollowingdate(whichmustnot beearlier than2 l daysbeforethe dateof the application): DAIE(DD/MM/YYYY): I 1 . Ownershap Certiticates lcontinued, . CERTIFICATE D CERTIFICATE OFOWNERSHIP ManagementProcedure)(England)Order20l O(ertificateunderArti(le 12 Town and CountryPlanning(Development that: I certiry/Theapplicanlcertifies . for thisapplication Certificate A cannotbe issued beforethe . on the day21 d_ays . €lse.who, of everyone All reaso nable stepshavebeentaken t6 iind out the namesandaddresses intetestwi.thot leost7yeor leftto run) dat€ of this application,wasthe owne| (ownetisa pe$onwitha frceholdintercstot leosehold r€iates, but I have/the applicanthasbeenunableio do so. of anypartoi ihe landto whichthisapplication hasb€€npublishedin the followingnewspaper Noticeof the application (circulatinq in the areawherethe landis situated): Onthe followingdat€(whichmustnot be earlier than2| daysbeforethe dat€of the appli(ation): DAtE(DD/MM/YYYY) Or signed- Agent: Signed- Applicant: I t||l 12. AgliculturalLandDeclaration AGRICULTURAL LANDDECLARATION Townand CountryPlanning(DevelopmentManagementProcedurel(England)Order20r 0 CertificateunderArticlel2 - YouMustComPl€te EitherA or B Declaration AgricultulalLand (A)Noneof the landto whichthe application holding. lelatesis,oI is partol an agricultural DAIE(DD/MM/YYYY who,onthe day21 daYs (B)| have/Theapplicanthasgiventhe requisite noticeto everypersonotherthanmyself/theapplicant relates, biforethe datebi thisapplicition,wasa ienantof an agriculturilholdingon all or partof the landto whichthisapplication aslistedbelow: DateNoticeServed Or signed- Agent: Signed- Applicant: t Date(DD/MM/YYYY rl il - Checklist 13. PlanningApplicationRequirements to submitall in supportof yourproposal.Failure to makesureyou havesentallthe information Please readthe followingchecklist required information requit by untilall information validuntil not be be considered consideredvalid yourapplicatiol will not invalid. lt will resultin your wiii result applicatidn beingdeemedinvalid. required requiredwill information information the LocalPlanningAuthority hasbeen submitted. ofr a The lhe o original r l g l n aa and l n d J3 ccopies o p l e so T h eo r i q i n a la n d 3 c o p i e s o f a form: anooatedapplication compteieJ ! Theoriginaland3 copiesof a planwhich identifies the landto whichtheapplication relates drawnto an identifiedscale n andshowingthe directionof North' plans Theoriginaland3 copiesof other necessary to anddrawingsor information th6subjectofthe application: l-l describe Thecorrectfee: if !::iglll9.:_._l:l:;tat€m_ent proposed worksfallwithina conservationareaor WorldHeritage Site,or relateto a ListedBuilding: T-J tr Theorioinaland3 copiesof the comoleied,datedOwnershiP tr-.1 (A,B,C or D -asapplicable):u Certificate Theoriginaland3 copiesofthe l2 Certificate compleled,da.ted.Article n | 4. Declaration plans/drawinqs andadditional in thisformandthe accompanying asdescribed /we herebyapplyfor planningpermission/consent , nformation.t/we corifirmthatl io the bestof my/our knowledge,anyfactsstatedaretrue andaccurateand any opinionsgivenarethe givingthem. Jenuineopinipnsofthe person(s) DAIE(DD/MM/YYYY): (datecannotb( pre-application I q, lr f z",'z t 5. ApplicantContactDetails 16. Agent ContactDetails Telephonenumbers numbers Telephone Extension :lHtt#^ code: Narionat country number: 8".;@ Countrycode: Mobilenumber(optional): countrycode: Faxnumber(optional): (optional): Emailaddress d.Clrv'r i-. C2 locvv-Ja'lv1 t 7, Site Visit -/ Co' el' :an the sitebe seenfrom a publicroad,publicfootpath,bridlewayor other publicland? f:l{es E"o f the planningauthorityneedsto makean appointmentto (arry Other(if differentfrom the selectonlyone) ! npplicanttr agent/applicant's {es"nt )ut a sitevisit,whomshouldthey contacl?(Pleose details) fOther hasbeenselected,pleaseprovide: number: TeleDhone Contactname: l{ *a-e'=r cl ^,^ AzA Emaifaddress:I o.d.r' ir. @ r ocv "-)a / 'Y1 O2\}-?(- 3+SSStJ-'