Electrochemical Capacitors Utilizing Low Surface Area Carbon Fiber Stephen M. Lipka Florida Atlantic University ABSTRACT The performance of electrochemical capacitors containing different commercial carbon fibers is reviewed. High specific capacitance (ca. 300 F/ is obtained with low surface area carbon fiber (< 1 m /g) using a proprietary activation process. Capacitance is primarily achieved through pseudocapacitance resulting from surface functional groups. The performance of these devices is dependent on the type of carbon fiber, its carbon content, aspect ratio and microstructure. These devices can achieve high cycle life (ca. 100k) without significant loss in capacitance. CARBON POWDER. FIBER, FOAM (AEROGELS) OR MESOBEADS 4' ELECTROLYTE SEPARATOR INTRODUCTION SUPERC.WACITOR Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) or supercapacitors are devices that develop their capacitive behavior either through charge separation at the electrode/electrolyte interface (electric double-layer) or pseudocapacitance resulting from charge transfer reactions. Most double-layer capacitors use high surface area carbonaceous materials to achieve high capacitance. These materials can have specific surface areas of several Author's Current Address: Florida Atlantic University, Department of Ocean Engineering, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Based on a presentation at the 1996 Battery Conference. 0885-89851971$10.00 0 1997 IEEE IEEE AES Systems Magazine, Jiily 1997 I-zv Fig. 1. Schematic of Electrochemical Capacitor thousand m2 per gram. Pseudocapacitative behavior in carbons can be achieved through the attachment of a variety of surface functional groups using either thermal, chemical or electrochemical treatments. Typical carbons that have been investigated for use in electrochemical capacitors (ECs) include glassy carbon [l],powders [2], fibers [3,4], aerogels [5],films 161 and foams prepared from the pyrolysis of polymeric precursors. These materials can achieve high specific surface areas either through the synthesis or activation processes or both. A schematnc representation of an electrochemical capacitor unit cell is shown in Figure 1. 27 Typically, it is composed of two porous electrodes separated by a thin, porous nonconductive separator. The electrolyte may be either aqueous (e.g., H2so4) or nonaqueous (e.g., TEABF4 in propylene carbonate). ECs containing aqueous electrolytes arc limited to 1V per cell while devices containing organic electrolytes can achieve 3 to 4 V. Some applications for ECs include power and memory backup, load-leveling, pulse power and microactuators. Electrochemical capacitors have relatively low energy density (1-10 Wh/kg) and very high power density (1000-2000 Wkg) compared to batteries [7]. In addition, charge/discharge cycles > 100k with coulombic efficiencies up to 95% can be obtained readily [7]. Nominal charge/discharge times for ECs range from 1 to 30 s. In this paper, we present some of the basic characteristics of electrochemical capacitors containing IOWsurface area carbon fiber. The performance of ECs containing carbon fiber prepared from different precursor materials and having various degrees of graphitization are compared. Table 1. Carbon Fiber Properties Fiber df Carbon SurfaceArea Type (pm) Content (%o) (m2/g) dooz Lc (13, PitchA 10 Pitch B 10 Pitch C 11 99 99 97 0.40 0.35 0.70 3.40 169 3.48 139 3.44 24 PANA PANB 92 94 0.45 <1 3.44 15 3.54 14 7 8 3.0 i r II - 2.0 +PITCH -PITCH -PITCH -PAN e A 1 1 B C A 0 E c 0 v 1.0 Carbon fiber in the form of continuous tow was obtained from several commercial vendors. Three of the carbon fiber samples were prepared from mesophase pitch (PITCH A, B, C ) while two other fiber samples were prepared from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor (PAN A, B). The specific surface area of the as-received carbon fiber samples was less than 1 m2 per gram [SI. Powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the degree of crystallinity of the as-received carbon fiber. The carbon fibers were activated using a proprietary process developed in our laboratory. After activation, the fibers were chopped by hand to lengths averaging approximately 0.5 cm. In some instances, the carbon fibers were chopped to shorter lengths ranging from 100 to 300 pm. Once chopped to the desired length, the carbon fibers were assembled into cells using the same procedure described previously [9]. Each unit cell contained two carbon electrodes 1.9 cm in diameter and 0.05 cm thick. Each electrode contained 220 mg of mass which included both the electrolyte (38 wgt % H2SO4) and carbon fiber. It was assumed that one-half of the electrode mass was composed of active material. Each electrode was separated by a single layer of nonconductive porous polymer. Three-cell devices were fabricated for each type of carbon fiber by stacking each of the unit cells in series. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to evaluate the performance of the double-layer devices. A 5 mV sinusoidal waveform ranging in frequency from 500 kHz to 1 mHz was applied to each three-cell device that was biased at 0.01 and 3 V. The capacitance of the device was measured at 1 mHz for each bias voltage. 28 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2' ( o h m s ) Fig. 2. Nyquist Plots for Carbon Fiber Capacitors Biased at 0.01 V (0 Cycles) Cycle tests were also conducted on selected electrochemical capacitors in order to determine their ability to store charge after continuous charge and discharge. Capacitors were charged to 3 V for 30 s at 200 mA. The capacitors were then discharged through a fixed resistor for 30 s to 1.5V. On average, the current during discharge was 80 mA. After completion of a specified number of cycles, impedance measurements were conducted in order to measure the capacitance and equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the device. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results from powder XRD are shown in Table 1 along with some of the physical properties of the as-received carbon fibers. Lc, the crystallite size along the c-axis direction, was estimated from the Scherrer equation [lo]. In general, the pitch fibers were more graphite than the PAN-based fiber as evidenced by the L values and the sharp, intense (002) XRD peaks. As expected, the pitch fiber had a higher carbon content (or greater carbon yield) IEEEAES Systems Magazine, July 1997 2.5 Table 2. Performance of Carbon Fiber Electrochemical Capacitors i 1 2 Fiber Type Specific Capacitance Volumetric Capacitance (Fk)* (F/C@)# 1.5 -E O ‘ 1 0.5 Pitch A Pitch B Pitch C @O.OlV 275 310 190 @3V 78 130 76 @O.O%V 216 244 149 @3V 61 102 60 PAN A PAN B 60 47 8.6 47 37 6.8 - - * Capacitance per gram of carbon for single electrode # Capacitance per sinRle electrode volume 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 , 2.0 2 ,uhm than the PAN-based fiber materials. do02 spacings were comparable for all the fibers except for the PAN B fiber which had the largest c-spacing. The data show that the pitch A fiber had the highest degree of structural order followed by pitch B, pitch C, PAW A and PAN B which was the least ordered carbon fiber. After activation, there was only a two-fold increase in the specific surface area of the carbon fibers [S, 91 which means that the fiber still maintained a very low surface area (< 2 m2/g). Nyquist plots for freshly assembled carbon fiber double-layer capacitors biased at 0.01 V are shown in Figure 2, on previous page. As can be seen, devices containing pitch A and B fibers displayed superior capacitive behavior when compared to devices containing less ordered carbon fiber (pitch C , PAN A and PAN B). In general, charge saturation (frequency at which the Nyquist curve starts to become vertical) for the pitch A and pitch B devices occurred at ca. 12 mHz. ESR values (high frequency intercept with the real axis) for devices containing fiber having lower carbon content (pitch C, PAN A and PAN B) were also higher when compared to the more highly ordered carbon fiber materials. Similar behavior was observed when the devices were biased at 3 V. In some cases (e.g., for specific carbon fibers), the response of the double-layer device was faster in the charged state (3 V) than in the discharged state. The electrochemical performance for each of the carbon fiber devices is summarized in Table 2. The data in Table 2 indicate that the best performing capacitors were those containing more crystalline (or graphite) carbon fiber and that, in general, the more graphite the carbon the higher the capacitance for the device. As seen, the highest capacitance was achieved for the pitch B capacitor which has less structural order than the pitch A fiber. This behavior has been attributed to the greater degree of disruption in the radially oriented graphene planes that has been observed IEEE AES Systems Magazine, July 1997 , 1.0 I Fig. 3. Nyquist Plots for Bitch B Capacitor Showing the Effect of Fiber Length on Performance I a/.. ?I U I 0.0 f ? I t ‘ 0 I I , 75000 100000 ’ 25000 50000 0.0 NUMBER OF C Y C L E S Fig. 4. Capacitance and ESR vs. Cycle Nwnber for Capacitor Containing Pitch B Carbon Fiber (3V Bias) to occur for pitch B carbon fiber after activation when compared to pitch A fiber [8]. The activation process causes some of the carbon fibers to “split” radially thus exposing a considerable number of graphene planes to the electrolyte. The data in Table 2 also demonstrate that the capacitance is voltage-dependent, that is, capacitance is greater for a device in the uncharged or 0 V condition. This behavior has been shown to exist in other carbonaceous materials [11]. The effect of fiber length on the performance of a carbon fiber capacitor is shown in Figure 3 for a device containing pitch B fiber. The data are shown for the device biased at 0.01 and 3 V and containing two different fiber lengths. The data labeled “chopped” refers to a capacitor containing fibers having lengths ranging from 100 to 300 mm while the data that is not labeled was obtained for a capacitor containing fibers having an average length of 0.5 cm. The device containing the longer length fiber saturated at about 12 mHz. After chopping the fiber to shorter lengths, the device then saturated at 24 mHz. In 29 other words, by merely reducing the aspect ratio of the fiber, the device becomes faster. The performance of a capacitor containing pitch B fiber after 100k cycles is shown in Figure 4, previous page. The data were collected at the 3 V bias and the capacitance was measured at 1 mHz. The data show a 14% loss in capacitance after 100k cycles while data collected at 0.01 V bias showed an 11%loss. Also shown is the ESR which steadily increased with cycling. This is due to the loss of electrolyte resulting evaporation and leakage. This was a common occurrence for these devices’since they were not hermetically sealed. Coulombic efficiencies for the pitch-based carbon fiber capacitors were usually greater than 98%. The performance of electrochemical capacitors prepared from low surface area carbon fiber show great promise. This work has demonstrated that high surface area, highly porous carbons are not required in order to achieve high capacitance. The performance of devices prepared from carbon fiber is greatly dependent on the type of carbon fiber used, its precursor, structural order and aspect ratio. OWLEDGMENT The financial assistance of Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Tim Murphy, Project manager, is gratefully acknowledged. The fabrication of electrochemical capacitors by Dr. John R. Miller of JME, Inc., is also gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES [I] M. Sullivan, R. Kotz and 0. Haas, 1996, in Electrochemical Capacitorsll995, F.M. Delnick and M. 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[8] S.M. Lipka, October 6-11, 1996, Abstract No. 699 presented at the 190th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, TX. [9] S.M. Lipka, December 6-8,1993, “Applicationof Carbon Fiber Materialsfor Double-Layer Capacitors, Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Double-Layer Capacitors and Similar Energy Storage Devices, Deerfield Beach, FL. I’ [lo] L.V. Azaroff, 1968, Elements of X-ray Crystallography, McGraw-Hill, New York. [ 111 F.M. Delnick, D. Ingersoll and D. Firsich, December 6-8, 1993, “DoubleLayer Capacitance of Carbon Foam Electrodes,” Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Double-Layer Capacitors and Similar Energy Storage Devices, Deerfield Beach, FL. Stephen M. Lipka is an Associate Professor in the Ocean Engineering Department a t Florida Atlantic University. He received a B.S. in Materials Engineering from Wilkes College in Wilkes-Barre, PA and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Virginia. Dr. Lipka worked in industry as a Research Electrochemist a t the Chemical Research Division of Amencan Cyanamid in Stamford, CT and a s a Principal Scientist a t Physical Sciences, Inc., in Andover, MA, before joining the Faculty a t Florida Atlantic University in 1989 as a n Assistant Professor. His major research emphases are in energy storage devices such as batteries, electrochemical capacitors and fuel cells with special interest in materials synthesis and carbon chemistry. 30 IEEE AES Systems Magazine, July 1997