Reactive components for pseudo-resistive networks transconductance G* = IS,,[( VG-Vm)/nUT]/Vo. It is worth noting that a saturated transistor corresponds to a pseudo-grounded (v* = 0) pseudo-conductance. The pseudo-ground is noted O*. E. Fragnih-e, A. van Schaik and E. Vittoz Indexing terms: Compandors, Resistors A transcapacitance with a linear relationship between its input current and the derivative of its logarithmically compressed output voltage is proposed. It is designed to be compatible with conductances implemented by single transistors. Compact circuits Principle of pseudo-capacitance: Transistors TI and & in Fig. 2a have the same gate voltage. Assuming that they are saturated, they can be considered as fpeudo-) grounded pseudo-conductances having the same value G* = i/v,* imposed by T, and imposing i, = V,G* by T2(Fig. 2b). The voltage vc follows the linear capacitance law -dvc/dt = iJC = (Vdv,*)(i/CJ. The voltage shift V,, between v, and vc is constant, thus (dvA/dt= dv,/dt and, using the definition (eqn. 2) of the pseudo-voltage: can be implemented using these elements, such as the current mode resonator shown as an example. Introduction: Linear networks based on transistors [l] are a very convenient approach for analogue computation of physical or biological systems modelled by large networks of resistances, because each resistance is implemented by a single MOS transistor. Each transistor has a linear relationship between its drain-source current and the difference between a function of its drain voltage and the same function of its source voltage. This function of the physical voltage is called the pseudo-voltage.The transistor therefore implements a pseudo-conductance which ensures the linearity of the currents and the pseudo-voltages in the entire network. To extend the potential of such linear networks to systems which include dynamic properties, in this Letter we propose a compact implementation of a pseudo-transcapacitor which can be used as building block for several frequency dependant circuits linear in current and pseudo-voltage. describes the pseudo-capacitance law in terms of current and pseudo-voltage using the pseudo-transcapacitance P = CUJ V,. Note that PMOS transistor voltages are defined from ground (instead of substrate) to terminal, so that v* = V, when v = 0. The voltage shift is needed to adjust v, close to the ground (vA* . V,) in order to maximise the dynamic range of the input current i by keeping the capacitor current ic within the same order of magnitude as i. Moreover, if the pseudo-voltage vc* is considered as the pseudo-transcapacitor's ouput instead of v,*, the value of the pseudo-transcapacitance is increased by a factor exp(VJUT), which can be adjusted by V,. A IVGmvB m7 7 ' &G* a vA* 4-w 'E* T GovG b C 12 m Fig. 3 Dqferential current iizput pseudo-transcapacitance and its symbol a NMOS b PMOS c Pseudo-conductance a Differential current input pseudo-capacitance b Symbol Q :I!* G* i4 +C V-' V- a b Fig. 2 PMOS single current input pseudo-transcapacitor and its equivalent with pseudo-conductances a PMOS single current input . 11 b LI Fig. 1 N M O S and PMOS implementation of pseudo-conductance . pseudo-transcapacitor Implementation of pseudotranscapacitor: The circuit of Fig. 2 can only charge capacitor C. The pseudo-transcapacitor of Fig. 3 solves this problem using a differential input current. The input il charges capacitor C according to eqn. 3, implemented by the transistors TI and T,, whereas the input i2, through T, and T4, discharges it similarly using ithe mirror TrT6. Using the followers T9TI,and T,-T,, with T, = TI, and T, = T8,the output pseudo-voltage is the capacitor voltage shifted by E,, whereas voltage v, at the source of transistors TI and T, was shifted by V,,, resulting in vc* = v,*exp(V,,/U,), where V, = Voic- V,,,. The circuit therefore implements b Equivalent with pseudo-conductances (4) with a pseudo-transcapacitance Pseudo-conductance and pseudo-voltage in weak inversion: In an MOS transistor in weak inversion, the channel current, defined positive when flowing from terminal A to terminal B (Fig. 1), is given by V B / u T - e-VA/U'T) iAB= &Ise(VG-"Tll)/"UT (e(+ for NMOS, - for PMOS) (1) where I,, V, and n are the specific current, threshold voltage and slope factor of the transistor, U, = k,T/q is the thermodynamic voltage and vG, v, and vB are the voltages referred to the local substrate at the gate and the terminals A and B. They are positively defined from the gate and terminals A and B to the substrate for NMOS transistors (Fig. la), and inversely for PMOS transistors (Fig. lb). Defining the pseudo-voltage: + U* = (- for NMOS, for PMOS) (2) where 6 is an arbitrary scaling constant, the transistors in Fig. 1 impose the pseudo Ohm's law i = G*(v,*-v,*), with a pseudo- ELECTRONICS LETTERS 6th November 1997 Vol. 33 II The voltage biases Kh, and V,,, must be large enough so that the followers can drive a load without affecting v,* and vc*. In practice, V,,, and V,,, should set T,-T, and T,-T,, in strong inversion. It can be shown that the effect of current ILleaking from capacitor C corresponds to a pseudo-conductance g,* = (IL/V,)exp( Kh/ U,) in parallel with the pseudo-capacitance P. The mismatches q2, and in the transistor pairs T,-T,, T,-T, and Ts-Thresult in a current source (E12-E34*56)(il-i2) in parallel with e. Building blocks based on pseudo-transcapacitors:The pseudo-transcapacitor of Fig. 3 is transformed into a grounded pseudo-capacitor by imposing its output pseudo-voltage on its input with a current conveyor, as shown on Fig. 4a. With constant current Z, added to the pseudo-capacitor current i, as well as imposed on the pseudo-transcapacitor input i2,this circuit implements: No. 23 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. Downloaded on January 27, 2010 at 23:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1913 duC* c=dt = 2 1 - 22 = (2 + Io) - 10 =2 (6) The mismatch between the two current sources I , , as well as the internal mismatches of the pseudo-transcapacitor, result in an offset current source in parallel with the pseudo-capacitor which will came a DC pseudo-voltage offset on the pseudo-conductance loading the terminal vc*. However, the parasitic pseudo-conductance g,* of the pseudotranscapacitors due to their leakage current IL would limit the quality factor and the peak gain to Gg*/(2g,*), as well as moving the zero of the transfer function (eqn. 9) from zero to (g,*IG,*)IT, (assuming that Cc* = CL* and gL* < G,*). As illustrated above by the very simple implementation of G* and G,*, the main advantage of the proposed log-domain reactive elements resides in their compatibility with linear conductances implemented by a single transistor. Large resistive networks combined with few reactive elements can thus be implemented very efficiently. 22 August 1997 0 IEE 1997 Electronics Letters Online No: 19971348 E. Fragnikre, A. van Schaik and E. Vittoz ( M A N T R A Centre for Neuromimetic Systems, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, DI-EPFL Ecublens, CH 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland) a b Fig. 4 Grounded pseudo-capacitor and companding integrator pseudotransinductance a Grounded pseudo-capacitor b Companding integrator References and ARREGUIT, x : 'Linear networks using transistors', Electron. Lett., 1993, 29, pp. 297-299 2 SEEVINK, E : 'Companding current-mode integrator: A new circuit principle for continuous-time monolithic filters', Electron. Lett., 1990, 26, pp. 2046-2047 1 VITTOZ, E A , Pseudo-transcapacitors are closely related to companding integrators [2], which are based on a compression of the input current, integration of the compressed current by a linear capacitor and an expansion of the resulting capacitor voltage. Our pseudo-transcapacitor compresses and integrates, but the expansion is not required since we want to output a pseudo-voltage. Nevertheless, as shown in Fig. 4b, the expansion is easily performed by a pseudo-conductance G*, resulting in: Half volume dielectric resonator antenna designs M.T.K. Tam and R.D. Murch where T = PIG*. Furthermore, controlling inputs i, and iz with pseudo-voltages v,* and v2* through identical pseudo-conductances G* yields a pseudo-transinductor imposing: where a gyrator made from three pseudo-conductances G* transforms the pseudo-capacitance c"" into a pseudo-inductance L* = PIG*=. Indexing terms: Dielectric-loaded antennas, Antennas The authors demonstrate that the volume of a conventional dielectric resonator antenna can be reduced by approximately half. The technique relies on employing an additional conducting plate in the DRA, whch acts as an electric wall. Experimental and simulation results are provided for cylindrical and rectangular dielectric resonator antenna designs. Introduction: Recently, dielectric resonators have been shown to be practical elements in antenna applications and have several merits including high radiation efficiency, flexible feed arrangement, simple geometry and compactness [l, 21. In this Letter, we demonstrate that the volume of the dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) can be approximately reduced by half. We perform this by utilising a metal plate perpendicular to the conducting ground plane. The additional plate acts as a shorting post for the electric field and allows part of the DRA to be removed if certain field symmetry exists. The use of the metal plate can be likened to the shorting post used in patch antennas to reduce their length from U2 to U4. Two different kinds of DRA geometry are investigated: cylindrical and rectangular. a Fig. 5 Current-mode resonator and A C equivalent a Current-mode resonator b AC equivalent Antenna structure: The structure of a probe fed cylindrical DRA on a ground plane is shown in Fig. la, where the diameter 2r = 72 Example of application: parallel-LC resonator: A current-mode res- onator can be implemented using a pseudo-transcapacitor, a pseudo-transinductor and an (optional) pseudo-conductor, as shown in Fig. 5a. The pseudo-voltage v* across the resonator is imposed by the pseudo-transcapacitor C controlled by its input current ic = iin-iciL. The currents iG and iL in the pseudo-conductor G* and at the output of the pseudo-transinductor L* = CL*/ Gg*2are in turn both controlled by v*. The output current io,, is proportional to v* through pseudo-conductance G,* of the gyrator, resulting in where z2 = CL* and l / p = G*L*/C"*.Without the pseudo-conductor G*, the resonator has an infinite Q-factor and peak gain. 1914 mm, height h = 3 4 m , dielectric constant = 13, and the coaxial probe has length 2 = 24mm. Typical expected electric field lines for the fundamental HEMl, broadside mode have also been included in Fig. l a and these have been obtained from [3]. By applying approximate boundary conditions the resonant frequency can also be calculated approximately and is -950MHz for this example [l]. From the electric field lines drawn in Fig. l a it becomes clear that a line of symmetry exists along the centre line AB. By including an electric wall in the form of a conducting plate along the centre line A B and removing the undriven side of the DRA (that part to the left of the line AB) we can still maintain the same field distribution in the driven side (right of line A B ) of the DRA as shown in Fig. 16). Because the field distribution remains the same we can expect the resonant frequency to remain the same and therefore we have effectively reduced the volume of the DRA by half. We refer to this structure as the half cylindrical DRA. It is ELECTRONICS LETTERS 6th November 1997 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. Downloaded on January 27, 2010 at 23:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Vol. 33 No. 23