Typically LBP pain is divided into 2 categories: Mechanical Pain

The 5 minute Low Back Pain exercise series
Mia Jerritt, MES
30 year veteran of the Fitness Industry
20 years as an ACE Certified Personal Trainer
18 years as a Post Rehab Technician
17 years as a Medical Exercise Specialist
5 years as a Medical Exercise Program Director
Also holds numerous other certifications including Adaptive and
Holistic Nutrition.
Past owner of an 8,000sq foot health and fitness centre, complete
with a physio clinic, in Courtenay, B.C.
Past owner of a 1,000sq foot private post-rehab training facility in
Comox, B.C.
Author of ‘On a Desperate Journey’. A book on dysfunctional eating.
Canfitpro Presenter
Core Chair Representative
In 2002 I developed a 6 week program designed to improve
the quality of life for individuals living with chronic low back
pain. Since then I have taught the program to over 1000
participants with overwhelmingly positive results.
The concept behind the program was to create a core and
flexibility program tailored to each individual in the class.
Once the program is complete, individuals are safely able to
continue with the stretches and exercises in the comfort of
their own home, while travelling or in a gym.
The program is now available on-line.
There is also a Healthy Back Licensing Program for qualified
individuals hoping to teach the program at a Community
For more information, please see me after the workshop or
visit www.thehealthybackprogram.com.
Typically LBP pain is divided into 2 categories:
Mechanical Pain –also referred to as
non-specific back pain.
Neurogenic Pain.
Mechanical pain is classified as normal wear
and tear such as the parts of a car wearing
out over time. This means the source of the
pain could be coming from the facet joints,
the soft tissue surrounding the vertabra or
degeneration of the discs. This is usually
caused by unusual amounts of stress and
strain such as too much digging or raking
OR the ‘weekend warrior’ syndrome, where
an individual does nothing all week and
then too much on the weekend.
Acute –pain which is present for less than 4 –
6 weeks and the individual fully recovers.
Sub-acute –pain lasts beyond the 6 weeks
and may require some sort of intervention.
Chronic –pain lasts longer than 3 months
and can become progressive. Chronic pain
requires some sort of intervention such as
NSAIDS, chiropractics, physical therapy AND
Neurogenic pain refers to pain that is caused
by nerve injury of some sort including
compressed, pinched or inflamed nerves. This
can cause severe radiating pain, numbness,
tingling, weakness and a loss of function.
This can occur for various reasons including,
but not limited to, herniated discs, spinal
stenosis, osteophytes, DDD and tight
The most significant difference between the
two categories is the way pain presents.
TYPICALLY, with mechanical pain the pain
stays around the low back, hips and buttocks.
With neurogenic pain the symptoms follow
the nerve pathway and may not present in the
low back at all. As a result the person may
not have LBP but has numbness and
weakness in the lower leg.
1. Deadbug –1 minute
2. Bridge –2 minutes
3. Side plank –30 sec/side
4. Plank –1 minute
Goal – 1 minute
Goal – 1 minute
Sprains, strains and tears.
Disc degeneration. (thanks to your parents, work or injury)
Herniated (aka prolapse or slipped disc) or bulging discs.
Nerve root impingement.
Spondylolisthesis. (forward displacement of a vertebrae –
most commonly at L5/S1)
Spinal stenosis –central or lateral.
Facet joint arthritis.
Skeletal irregularities such as lordosis and scoliosis.
A traumatic injury.
Annular tears.
Segmental instability.
LBP is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. (Global Burden of
Disease 2010)
Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office,
outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.
Most cases of back pain are mechanical. (ACA)
Americans spent $50 BILLION on back pain in 2010 (GBofD) which is up from
$30 BILLION in 2007 (ACA).
At any given time 115 million people in North America are living with back
pain. (WCB –2010)
Over 5 million people are disabled annually due to back pain. (WCB –2010)
Spinal surgery is the second leading surgical procedure in America. (WCB –
N.E.A.T.” –coined by the Mayo Clinic in 2015.
Goal – 2 minutes
Goal – 30 sec/side
Rectus Abdominis
O: Pubic crest
I: Costal cartilage of ribs 5-7, xiphoid
A: Trunk/lumbar flexion
External Obliques
O: Ribs 5-12
I: Iliac crest, linea alba *
A: Contralateral trunk rotation
Internal Obliques
O: Lumbar fascia, 2/3’s of iliac crest, 2/3’s of inquinal ligament
I: Rectus sheath, pecten pubis, 10-12 th rib *
A: Abdominal compression & vertebral rotation to same side
O: Iliac crest, lumbar fascia, costal cartilages 7-12 *
I: Xiphoid process, linea alba, pubic crest, pecten pubis
A: Abdominal compression and spinal stabilization
O: Sacrum, erector spinae aponeurosis, PSIS,
iliac crest *
I: Spinous processes up to C2
A: Segmental stabilization *
Quadratus Lumborum
O: iliac crest *
I: Bottom rib and transverse processes of
lumbar vertebrae
A: Lateral flexion and extension of the lumbar
Goal – 1 minute
Upcoming Workshops
C om ox, B .C . – S ept
em ber2 3 -2 5 – 9 am – 5 pm
Calgary, AB –October 21-23 –9am –5pm
Penticton, B.C. –June 9-11 th/ 2017–9am –5pm
C om ox, B C – Jan uary 2 0 – 2 2 / 2 0 1 7 – 9 am – 5 pm
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