Author Agreement

Author Agreement
First author: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Manuscript title: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Full names of all authors: __________________________________________________________________________________
Name and address of corresponding author: ___________________________________________________________________
Tel:_________________________ Fax: _________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Terms and Conditions
Copyright Assignment:
The undersigned author (and if applicable author’s employer) hereby assigns copyright ownership of the article, including rights to
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See Definitions of terminology on page 3.
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©[Year article was published] American Society for Enology and Viticulture. Catalyst [Volume in which article appears]:
[Page numbers of article].
Example statement:
©2015 American Society for Enology and Viticulture. Catalyst 10:14-22.
Example citation:
Bisson, Linda. Title of Article. 2016. Catalyst. 10:14-22,
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Example citation:
Bisson, Linda. Title of Article. 2016. Catalyst. 10:14-22,
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Example citation:
Bisson, Linda. Title of Article. 2016. Catalyst. 10:14-22,
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©[Year article was published] American Society for Enology and Viticulture. Catalyst [Volume in which article appears]:
[Page numbers of article].
Example statement:
©2015 American Society for Enology and Viticulture. Catalyst 66:14-22.
Example citation:
Bisson, Linda. Title of Article. 2016. Catalyst. 10:14-22,
Author responsibilities and warranties:
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________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________
Print name of corresponding author
Corresponding author’s signature and date
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________________________________________________________________________________ Date___________________
Print name of representative, name of company/institution, title, and phone number
Signature of authorized representative of author’s employer.
Rev. 4/5/2016
Mail, fax, or email this form to: Raquel Abad, Catalyst
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