Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System Melvyn THONG and Adrian Cheong Abstract The Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) comprises the North South, East West and North East lines, linking seamlessly to Light Rail Systems, namely, Bukit Panjang, Sengkang and Punggol LRTs. After the Circle Line Extension opened in Jan 2012, the total rail length in Singapore has reached 178km. The transport sector is one of the major energy consumers in Singapore. With increasing global energy demand, greater effort is thus required to make effective use of energy. In addition, the Singapore RTS network will double by year 2020. Hence, it is crucial that every effort is made in the design of the RTS to improve energy efficiency in order to achieve a sustainable land transport system. This paper describes the various strategies adopted in the design of the Singapore RTS to reduce energy demand during operations. Introduction emphasis on effective use of resources. Greater awareness of environmental issues and rising fuel costs have made energy efficiency the subject of much interest in Singapore. In addition, ‘environmental protection’ and ‘sustainable development’ are buzzwords today in many global governmental organisations. With ever growing demand for natural resources in the face of economic development, many environmental issues have started to preoccupy countries around the world. Efforts are being devoted to enhance awareness of the importance of environmental protection in both private and public sectors. In Singapore, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has always been promoting the use of public transport and supporting the green movement, particularly in RTS. According to the vision in the Land Transport Master Plan (LTMP) in 2007, the RTS network will be doubled by 2020 and this has placed greater 38 In Singapore, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has always been promoting the use of public transport as supporting the green movement, particularly in RTS. While most metro systems around the world are essentially electric driven, there is a global trend towards ‘greening’ the railways by adopting measures, such as, renewable energy sources for the train, avoiding ecologically sensitive areas, ease of recycling train materials, the use regenerative braking and the use of composite materials for trains. Over the years, various measures have been put in place in the RTS design to make effective use of scarce energy resources (Chew, T.C. and Chua, C.K. 1998), (Windle, C J. 1986), (Thong, T.L., Ho, H.C. and Sim, S.P. 2005). Technological innovations are also analysed and meticulously mined for their JOURNEYS | May 2012 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System energy conservation benefits. Such measures have also resulted in reducing operating costs in the long run. The following sections depict the major strategies adopted by LTA in the design of its RTS network to improve energy efficiency and make the land transport system sustainable. The areas where these strategies are adopted include: In the Singapore context, the DC traction system (nominal voltage of 750VDC and 1500VDC) is adopted due to short interstation distances. Transmission of traction power along the track is achieved by means of a third (conductor) rail laid close to the running rails or via an overhead catenary line. The running rails serve as the return rails (negative rails) for the traction network to the various traction power substations located along the RTS. 600VAC systems with multiple conductor rails have also been utilised for Singapore’s LRT systems. The traction network for the RTS is supplied via the internal AC HV network through the use of diode rectifier systems. As the train accelerates, or during coasting mode, power is delivered to the train from the rectifiers via the third rail or the overhead catenary line. 1. Electrical systems Ideally, the most efficient type of train service 2. Lighting systems pattern consists of rapid acceleration, coasting period and period for braking at a high deceleration rate. This type of service pattern gives rise to the opportunity to save energy and at the same time operate at the highest possible speed. The regenerated energy from the trains (when braking) comes in short bursts of high intensity which greatly exceed the power requirements of the train’s own auxiliaries and quite often is not utilised by trains within the vicinity. As such, the regenerated energy results in excess energy which dissipates as heat. Measures to improve energy efficiency require a holistic approach as it spans multiple disciplines and systems (for eg., mechanical and electrical systems, rolling stock, civil design, etc.). To this end, LTA has instituted many design efforts in maximising energy efficiency and these measures have been implemented across our RTS infrastructure. 3. Air Conditioning systems 4. Platform screen doors 5. Rolling stock 6. Alignment – utilisation of hump profile 7. Escalator & Lift systems 8. Green Mark for RTS LTA has instituted many design efforts in maximising energy efficiency and these measures have been implemented across our RTS infrastructure. Electrical Systems Both DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) traction systems are widely available. Ideally, the most efficient type of train service pattern consists of rapid acceleration, coasting period and period for braking at a high deceleration rate. JOURNEYS | May 2012 39 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System In Singapore, inverters are installed in the RTS to recover the excess regenerative energy from the braking of trains. This excess energy is channelled back into the internal AC HV network, which is then utilised by the station auxiliary loads. The inverter consists of double full wave thyristor bridge circuits which convert the DC supply into AC supply. Computer simulations are performed to determine the optimum location of the inverters (highest global energy recovered as compared to the number of units of inverter installed). Based on actual operation figures, the inverters recover up to 5% of the total energy used in the RTS, as shown in (Figure 1). As an added advantage, the use of inverters in Singapore’s RTS improves the receptivity of the traction network and consequently reduces the rate of wear on the train’s mechanical brakes. This decreases the costs for train maintenance. Lighting System In the development of lighting concept within a station, the importance of functional lighting generally takes precedence over other aesthetic requirements. The design of the station lighting is in line with Singapore Standard SS530 “Energy Efficiency Standard for Building Services”. Strict lighting power budgets are generally stipulated within the RTS for different functional areas, which ensure that energy efficient lighting is employed. In the development of lighting concept within a station, the importance of functional lighting generally takes precedence over other aesthetic requirements. In general, direct lighting through the use of more energy efficient lighting source is preferred over indirect lighting. In areas where lighting is required due to architectural considerations, energy efficient lighting, such as, T5 fluorescent technology or the fast emerging Light Emitting Diode (LEDs) lighting source are considered. At areas such as station entrances, the possibility of utilising natural lighting is often explored to reduce the lighting energy consumption. Within the public areas, such as, the concourse and platform, different lighting control levels are implemented to cater for different operational needs. This allows the appropriate level of lighting to be selected at different periods in order to minimise energy consumption. Figure 1: Percentage of Overall Total Energy Traction Load -26.5% 40 Regeneration Load -2.0% Traction Load -50.5% Regeneration Load -4.6% Station Load -71.5% Station Load -44.8% North East Line North South East West Lines JOURNEYS | May 2012 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System for example, Service Transformer, 22Kv switchroom, etc., to cut-in and cut-out the fans so that the fans only run when necessary, thus leading to further energy savings (Table 1). ...the possibility of utilising natural lighting is often explored to reduce the lighting energy consumption. Table 1: Comparison of ECS Design Concepts Air Conditioning System Given the prevailing hot and humid weather conditions throughout the year, air-conditioning is introduced at underground stations to provide Singapore’s commuters with a level of comfort during their daily travel. ECS Concept Estimated Station Air conditioning Load per Station, kW Estimated ECS yearly Electricity Consumption for 15 Underground Stations MWhr/year Open System 2027 Closed System 1490 73,300 PSD System 490 36,500 Platform Screen Doors As chillers are generally one of the major energy-consuming equipments, efficiency better than that stipulated in SS530 is specified for the RTS projects. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sensors are provided to regulate outdoor air supply to the stations. Installation of CO2 sensors automatically adjust fresh air supply rates to the station public areas while ensuring CO2 level is below 1000ppm. This measure reduces energy consumption of the air-conditioning system without compromising air quality. The estimated reduction in energy is up to 0.36% of a typical station’s power consumption. Variable Speed Drives are also provided for Chilled Water Pumps and Cooling Towers. The use of variable speed drives helps to reduce the energy consumption of chilled water pumps and cooling towers during part load operation, with estimated reduction of up to 0.4% in station power consumption. Temperature sensors are provided in some mechanically-ventilated plant rooms, With the installation of platform screen doors (PSDs) along the entire length of the station platform, a separation is introduced between the station and the tunnel. The heat from the trains and warm, humid tunnel air are thus prevented from entering the station, which leads to the reduction of cooling load in the station. In addition, PSDs act as barriers to intrusions into the tunnels and isolate the stations from the heat, dust and air blast generated by the train movement. While the idea of providing full height PSDs is not new, issues regarding reliability of the door operating mechanisms and accuracy in train stopping positions in the stations are some of the major obstacles to its widespread adoption. With technological advancements, these issues no longer hinder the implementation of the PSDs and these are now a standard feature within Singapore’s underground RTS stations. PSDs act as barriers to intrusions into the tunnels and isolate the stations from the heat, dust and air blast generated by the train movement. JOURNEYS | May 2012 41 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System With the adoption of PSDs, the station’s cooling load and ECS electricity consumption is reduced by more than 50% as compared to those without PSDs. Table 1 gives a summary of the estimated station cooling load and annual ECS electricity consumption for the different ECS concepts evaluated. Apart from substantial savings in the electricity costs, savings in capital cost associated with providing smaller plants and station footprint are also realised with the adoption of PSDs. Rolling Stock There are two major factors which contribute to effective energy usage in Singapore’s trains. They are: a. Lightweight cars, which can be achieved through lighter carbody shells, bogies, electrical propulsion and auxiliary equipment. b. Intensive use of regenerative braking and enhanced efficiency of traction equipment. This can be achieved through improved system design, optimisation of traction motor design and providing need based energy storage arrangement. In the following sections, it is shown how weight management of the passenger vehicle, coupled with improved traction and auxiliary systems and energy efficient driving, together with energy regeneration, contribute to effective energy usage in rolling stock. • Weight Management As energy consumption is in direct proportion 42 to train weight, every effort has been made to keep the train weight as low as possible. Studies have been conducted to explore advancement in rolling stock technology, especially those on weight reduction of passenger vehicles for the future rail projects. As energy consumption is in direct proportion to train weight, every effort has been made to keep the train weight as low as possible. Therefore, it is effective to focus on weight reduction of these sub-systems in order to improve energy efficiency. i Carbody and Miscellaneous Equipment The carbody is a major weight contributor of the passenger vehicle, as seen in Figure 2. It constitutes about 21% of the Motor-car weight. Therefore, the choice of material plays a vital role in determining the energy consumption pattern of a vehicle. With the adoption of aluminum alloy in the MRT trains, significant improvement is noted in the weldability, mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of the train body. This has also helped manufacturers to reduce the carbody weight significantly. For the Singapore Circle Line (CCL) vehicles, weight reduction of the carbody were also reaped on other different aspects, namely, by reducing the amount of glass; utilising skeletal cable trays, aluminium diffusers and aluminium body side interior plates; and providing lighter seats which required less underside reinforcements. Through JOURNEYS | May 2012 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System With the adoption of aluminum alloy in the MRT trains, significant improvement is noted in the weldability, mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of the train body. this carbody optimisation, the weight of the trailer car and motor car have been trimmed by 3.6% and 4.6% respectively. Besides this, huge weight savings were also reaped from the auxiliary inverters, battery boxes and gangways as a result of improved configurations (Figure 2). Figure 2: Breakdown of train weight CCL Train Weight Breakdown (M Car) 10% Bogie Mounted Wheel Set 19% Car Body Structure Car End Pneumatic Air Conditioning 6% 11% 6% 2% 3% iii Auxiliary Power Converter The conventional APS galvanic isolation between the DC line voltage and the 3-phase AC 400V output is realised by a 50Hz output transformer, which is big and heavy. These transformers also have high losses at low frequencies. Bogie Frame 8% 14% traction drives with IGBT based power electronics for our newer fleets of trains, there has been a significant weight saving with enhanced performance and power, as compared to conventional DC drives GTO choppers used in the older stock. The IGBT technology is expected to remain as the undisputed state-of-the-art choice for inverters in the near future. Doors and Windows Electrical and Electronics Equipment 21% Interior and Exterior Fittings ii Train Propulsion Enhanced efficiency of traction equipment also plays an important role in the energy efficacy of passenger vehicles. Over the last 30 years, traction technology has moved rapidly through diode rectifiers, thyristor choppers, GTO choppers and inverters, and most recently, the IGBT inverters and permanent-magnet motors. With the development of asynchronous With the Medium Frequency Transformer proposed for the Downtown Line trains, which can operate at a higher frequency of approximately 20 kHz, it allows for a more efficient and much lighter alternative due to its smaller size and lighter weight, hence improving the energy efficiency of the train by means of reduced body weight. • Energy Efficient Driving With the system designed to work at a schedule speed of 40 km/h, the signalling equipment and the rolling stock have to be capable of achieving end to end speeds with all out running of approximately 44 km/h, depending on which sections and which lines are considered. This gives a margin for operational purposes and also has allowed the introduction of coasting, which in itself saves a very significant amount of energy. JOURNEYS | May 2012 43 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System In order to minimise propulsion energy requirements, the highest possible acceleration and deceleration rates are required, and this leads to a regime in which a high acceleration rate extending over quite a short period is followed by a longer coasting period and then a braking period at a high deceleration rate. This minimises power consumption for a given average speed. The amount of coasting is defined as the difference in time between coasting and all out run as a proportion of the coast run time. Introduction of coasting saves a large amount of energy. But as the proportion of coasting is increased, there are diminishing returns (Figure 3). Figure 3: Relationship between Schedule Speed, Coasting Allowance and Energy Saving Trade-off Between Energy Savings and Schedule Speed Lost Schedule Speed Lost (%) 6.0 Schedule Speed Lost 45.0 Energy Savings Gained 40.0 5.0 35.0 30.0 4.0 25.0 3.0 20.0 2.0 15.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 Energy Savings (%) 50.0 7.0 5.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.0 Coasting Allowance (%) In the case of the MRT, the motors are rated at 145 kW (1 hour rating) and two thirds of the axles are motored. The whole question of schedule speed, proportion of motored axles, peak power available and control regime is very complex, and their optimisation requires careful design and experimentation. 44 • Energy Regeneration Regenerative braking has also produced significant improvements in energy efficiency on our rail systems. From the C651 generation of trains onwards, our passenger vehicles are equipped with threephase induction motors that allow for the recovery of energy while braking. These recovered braking energy, which otherwise would have been lost in brake resistors, can be utilised by an accelerating train nearby. However, the amount of useful energy that can be recovered is strongly influenced by the supply system and traffic density. Hence, in order to make the supply system more receptive for energy recovery, our DC traction network has equipped sufficient substations with thyristor inverters. Alignment – Hump Profile The design of the RTS alignment also takes into consideration the need to reduce energy consumption for the train operation. Whenever feasible, the use of hump profile is considered in the alignment to reduce energy requirements for braking and accelerating by slowing the trains when entering the station on the up-grade and facilitating acceleration when departing on the down-grade. This is achieved by raising the station above the interstation alignment, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Hump Profile Station A JOURNEYS | May 2012 Station B Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System Based on the simulation studies and assuming inter-station distance of 1.5km with a hump profile gradient of 3%, the difference in the energy consumption travelling between stations with and without the hump profile by a 6-car train having a loading of 6 passengers/ m2 is 5.5kWH. The simulation studies have also shown that there is some reduction in the inter-station run times. ...the use of hump profile is considered in the alignment to reduce energy requirements for braking and accelerating by slowing the trains when entering the station on the up-grade and facilitating acceleration when departing on the down-grade. Control of Escalators In the current design of escalators for RTS, an energy saving device, such as, an inverter system, is being provided to conserve energy when the escalator is operated at no load by the reduction of speed (0.75m/s) to standby speed (0.2m/s). During an extended period of no load, the energy saving device will also be able to further reduce the speed from standby speed to stop. This speed reduction is achieved by use of sensor detection at the escalator landings. Provision is also made to allow the escalator to be operated without this energy saving device, for example, by using star/delta starter. Adjusting the speed of the escalator to slow down when not in use can save energy by up to 30%. Green Mark for RTS In recent years, LTA has been working with train manufacturers and system suppliers to improve the energy efficiency of its MRT system. To leverage on the best practices and to ‘go even greener’, the Green Mark for Rail Transit System (RTS) framework was drawn up as a holistic approach to ensure that the design of RTS takes into account environmental and sustainability considerations. The framework covers various aspects of a RTS line from E&M systems and station design, to operational considerations, as well as, assessing areas where green technology or advanced methods can lead to better use of resources from a whole-life-cycle approach. It also provides the necessary benchmark to incentivise continual improvement beyond the current state (Figure 5). Figure 5 Green Mark for Rapid Transit System framework Green Mark for Rapid Transit System framework • Aim • Objective Green Strategy 1 Green Strategy 2 Green Strategy 3 Effective Use of Energy Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Water Conservation The aim of the framework is to enable and to facilitate the design of RTS network to minimise the environmental impact and enhance sustainability. JOURNEYS | May 2012 45 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System The framework was developed with the following objectives: contribution of the particular strategy versus the overall sustainable development effort. a) To promote sustainable and environmental friendly design that meets the performance and operational requirements of RTS networks. With this framework, LTA would be able to assess the energy efficiency of the RTS network more effectively. b) To provide guidance in the formulation of LTA’s engineering standards in the conceptualisation, design and construction of new RTS networks. c) To identify areas for continual improvement. Adjusting the speed of the escalator to slow down when not in use can save energy by up to 30%. In addition, it is supported by three green strategies: a)effective use of energy; b)environmental protection and sustainable development; and c)water conservation. The framework incorporates a scoring system for different criteria defined per strategy. The strategies are in turn weighted based on the Conclusion With an extensive and expanding rail transit network, energy efficiency will always be an important component of environmental impact and operation costs. In addition, LTA recognises that its transport system must not be provided at the expense of the environment and therefore, continues in its pursuit of new technology and innovative ideas to make our rail transit system more energy efficient. As the growth of RTS will have an impact on the environment, LTA has also encouraged practitioners in the planning, design, construction, and operation of the RTS, to take due recognition of any potential environmental impact and for appropriate countermeasures to be taken. References Chew, T.C and Chua, C.K. 1998. Development Of Singapore’s Rapid Transit System And The Environment. Japan Railway & Transport Review, No. 18 1998, 26-30. Windle, C.J. 1986. Electricity saving strategies employed on the. Singapore MRT. International conference on Mass 46 rapid transit, Singapore, 1986, pp. 397-403. Thong, T.L, Ho, H.C, and Sim, S.P. 2005. Energy Conservation Measures For Rapid Transit System In Singapore. Paper presented at the 7th Inetrnational Power Engineering Conference (IPEC), 2005. Singapore. JOURNEYS | May 2012 Energy Efficiency in Singapore’s Rapid Transit System Melvyn Thong is the Director of Mechanical & Electrical Services (MES) for the upcoming Thomson Line (TSL) and existing lines in the Land Transport Authority, Singapore. He has been with the LTA since 1999 with over 20 years experience, and is currently responsible for the design development and implementation of TSL and Eastern Region Line (ERL). In addition, he is also responsible for projects related to the upgrading of Electrical & Mechanical Systems for existing lines that comprise both driver and driverless heavy metro systems. Prior to this appointment, he was the Deputy Director in MES Division, instrumental in the development of in-house design capabilities within the organisation for traction power systems and tunnel ventilation systems for RTS, as well as the development of the BCA-LTA Green Mark for RTS launched in 2010. He is a recognised Chartered Electrical Engineer (UK), Professional Engineer (Singapore) and Licensed Electrical Engineer approved for 22kV switching operations in Singapore. Adrian Cheong is the Deputy Director of Mechanical & Electrical Services at the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and a Senior Consultant in MSI Global Pte Ltd, Singapore. He has been with LTA since 1996. Mr Cheong is responsible for the delivery of the Mechanical and Electrical Services inclusive of Power Supply Systems and Tunnel Ventilation Systems for the railway network in Singapore. He is also involved in areas of consultancy work for overseas projects under MSI Global. Holding a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, Mr Cheong is involved in several Research and Development projects in his division to enhance sustainability in rapid transit projects. He is also one of the key drivers behind the recently launched BCA-LTA Green Mark for RTS in 2010 which is used as a benchmark for sustainability practices within LTA. JOURNEYS | May 2012 47