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A ZCS Full-Bridge PWM Converter with SelfAdaptable Soft-Switching Snubber Energy Qian Sun1, Huai Wang 2, Student Member, IEEE, River T.H. Li2, Henry S.H. Chung2, Senior Member, IEEE, Saad Tapuchi3, Nianci Huang1, and Adrian Ioinovici4, Fellow, IEEE 1 Sichuan University, Chengdu, China City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 3 SamiShamoon College of Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israel 4 Holon Institute of Technology, Israel 2 Abstract - A new soft-switching full-bridge current-driven DC-DC converter is proposed for high voltage and high power applications: its power transistors turn-on/off with ZCS, what is suitable for IGBT switches. An active snubber formed by two active switches and one capacitor is inserted in the primary side of the converter. The snubber's accumulated energy is proportional to the input current, what allows ZCS at a very wide line and load range, by minimizing the required energy: for each value of the input current and load, the snubber's capacitor is charged only at the minimum voltage necessary for achieving ZCS. Thus, the level of the snubber energy necessary for soft-switching is self-adaptable. The duration of the resonant stages required for achieving the ZCS conditions are very short and independent of the values of the input current and load. No resonant current peaks appear. The experimental results obtained on a 3 kW prototype, built for the input voltage of 250V and output voltage of 15kV, confirmed the expected performances. I. MOTIVATION In order to operate the full-bridge (FB) DC-DC converters at a high switching frequency, with high efficiency, soft-switching was proposed. A rich literature of zero-voltage-switched (ZVS) and zerovoltage-zero-current-switched (ZVZCS) converters is available, of particular interest being those solutions which realize soft-switching even at light load, by using snubbers whose energy is load-adaptable, i.e. more resonant energy is available only when needed at light load [1]. In ZVS converters, one uses MOSFETs as primary-side switches. One of the disadvantages of the ZVS operation is the primary current circulation during the freewheeling stage, which leads to unnecessary conduction losses. This problem is solved in ZVZCS converters, where, by bringing the primary current to zero during the freewheeling stage, the lagging-leg switches turn-on/off with ZCS. Consequently, the lagging-leg switches can be implemented with IGBT transistors, which can withstand a higher voltage. However, as the leading leg's switches turn-on/off with ZVS, they have to be MOSFETs, in order to use their parasitic parallel _______________________________________________ The work described in this paper was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No.: CityU 112406). 978-1-4244-1668-4/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE capacitance. This limits the use of the ZVZCS converters. In high-input voltage applications, such as medical X-ray imaging equipment, traveling wave tubes, RF generation, it is preferable to use only IGBTs, or other minoritycarrier devices for all the primary switches ,as they can withstand the high line voltage. The best soft-switching way for these transistors is ZCS. Very little research has been devoted to FB-ZCS converters: in [2] and [3], ZCS is obtained in currentdriven converters, by using a passive snubber [2], or an active one [3]. Boost-type input FB converters have many applications, for example in high-power single-phase PFC designs as that described in [4] for an electric vehicle inductive charging, etc. ZCS was obtained due to a resonance process in a snubber formed by a resonant inductance Lr, which includes the leakage transformer inductance, and a resonant capacitor Cr, which includes the reflected winding capacitance. ZCS is lost at high input current. In order to extent the ZCS range, the characteristic impedance of the resonant tank has to be decreased, either by decreasing Lr, or by increasing Cr. The first solution leads to an increasing current stress in the primary switches, the second one leads to an increase of the duration of Cr discharge interval, and consequently to a loss of duty-cycle. Voltage-driven FB ZCS converters are proposed in [59], using snubbers inserted in the primary side [5, 7, 8] or in the secondary side [6, 9]. In [5] and [8], two auxiliary resonant active snubbers are used. In [5], a resonant cell, formed by a transistor, an inductor, a capacitor and a diode, is placed in parallel with each lower primary-side switch. For turning- off the lower switch with ZCS, the snubber’s transistor is turned-on with ZCS, and the primary current is deviated to the auxiliary path. However, the auxiliary switch is then turned- off with hardswitching. A similar cell is placed in parallel with each upper switch in [8], creating ZCS for that switch. The lower switches turn with ZCS without the help of the resonant cells. ZCS is lost at high input current. The rectifier diodes are submitted to double the output voltage. In [7], a single snubber formed by two uni-directional transistors, a resonant inductor and a resonant capacitor is used. The primary current is brought to zero following a resonant process in the snubber, the resonant current must reach a value higher than the primary current. The resonant capacitor voltage also reaches a value larger 3001 than the input voltage. In these circuits, the interaction problem between the leakage inductance and the rectifier parasitic capacitances is not solved. The secondary-side solutions make use of a single resonant snubber, which contains a uni-directional transistor, an inductor, a capacitor and a diode. Soft commutation for the rectifier diodes is assured, such that parasitic oscillations are avoided. Compared with the solution presented in [6], in [9] the reverse recovery problem of the anti-parallel diode of the auxiliary switch is solved. As the resonant inductor current has to overpass the output current in order to bring to zero the primary current, the secondary resonant current peak implies a high peak in the primary current, which leads to extra conduction losses in the primary-side switches. The voltage stress across the rectifier diodes reaches three times the output voltage at light load condition (when the resonant capacitor voltage reaches two times the output voltage). ZCS is lost at low line voltage and heavy load current, as then the resonant inductor current could not reach the output current in a reasonable time duration, i.e. without a serious duty-cycle loss. In all available solutions, the energy used for getting soft-switching is independent of the line and load values. A trade-off between the ZCS range and duty-cycle loss has to be accomplished, meaning a loss of the ZCS at certain line voltage or load variation end. Current and/or voltage resonant peaks lead to additional conduction losses. This paper proposes a new snubber that is inserted in the primary side of a current-driven FB converter. ZCS of the power switches is obtained at a very wide line and load range, starting from a low value of the input current, by always using the minimum necessary energy. The snubber's transistors are turned on/off with ZVS. Section II presents the circuit and its switching operation. Section III is devoted to a DC analysis. The ZCS conditions are discussed, conducting to the design of the circuit. The self-adjustability of the ZCS-purpose energy accumulated in the snubber is explained. The control circuit is described in Section IV, followed by experimental results. II. PROPOSED ZCS FB CONVERTER WITH ADAPTIVE SOFT-SWITCHING ENERGY The current-driven FB converter is shown in Fig. 1. The snubber is formed by two uni-directional transistors Sa1, Sa2, and one capacitor Cr. The switching diagram is given in Fig. 2, and the switching topologies in Fig. 3. ip(t) is the primary current and vCr is the voltage across Cr. 1st Topology [t0, t1] [Fig. 3(b)] – Before t0, the circuit topology is shown in Fig. 3(a). The input energy is transferred to the load via diode D2. At t0, a new cycle begins by turning-off Sa1 with ZVS. The energy transfer continues (this Mode does not lead to a loss of dutycycle), and Cr is charged Let’s define i p (t ) I in (1a) vCr (t ) I in (t t0 ) Cr (1b) VCr ' vCr (t1 ) I in (t1 t0 ) Cr CrVCr' I in t 01 (1c) The duration of this topology is determined as explained in Section III in order to obtain the minimum capacitor voltage vCr (t1 ) necessary to achieve ZCS for each value of the line and load currents. ZCS is obtained even at high input current, without increasing unnecessary the capacitor's accumulated energy at lower input current, i.e., the snubber's accumulated energy is self adjustable depending on the value of the input (and implicit load) current. 2nd Topology [t1, t2] Fig. 3(c) - At t1, S3 turns on with ZCS, the primary current starts reducing. i p (t ) Llk , Z Cr Zp vCr (t ) Iin cos Zt 1 ,n Llk Cr n Vo VCr ' sin Zt Zp (2a) N p / Ns . I in Z p sinZ t t1 VCr' nVo cosZ t t1 nVo (2b) The topology ends when the primary current drops to zero, giving the duration of this stage 1 t12 vCr (t 2 ) Z V ' Cr tan 1 I in Z p (2c) VCr' nVo 2 2 nVo I in Z p nVo (2d) According to (2a), at a large Iin, one needs a larger VCr' to bring to zero the primary current. At a low Iin, a smaller VCr' is needed. Consequently, the duration of the first and second intervals is only slightly dependent on the value of Iin, no loss of duty-cycle arises from the large ZCS range. 3rd Topology [t2, t3] Fig. 3(d) - At t2, ip reached zero, S4 is switched off with ZCS .As a result, the secondary current reaches zero, and the rectifier diode turns-off naturally (ZCS).The load voltage is assured by the output capacitor (freewheeling stage) i p (t ) th 0 (3a) vCr (t )˙vCr (t2 ) (3b) vCr (t3 )˙vCr (t2 ) (3c) 4 Topology [t3, t4] Fig. 3(e) - The PWM will dictate the instant t3 when S2 is turned on with ZCS. The Cr 3002 energy is transferred to the load. ip goes negative and increases in absolute value , the presence of Llk in the ip path assures the turn-on of the rectifier diode D1 with ZCS. The current through S1, iS 1 (t ) I in i p (t ) , decreases v (t ) n V o s inZ Cr 3 Z p i p (t ) t t3 (4a) (4b) vCr (t ) nVo V nVo cosZ t t3 ' Cr The stage ends when the primary current reaches the input current, giving the duration of this topology Ts / 2 Ts / 2 DTs S1 S2 DTs S3 S4 S a1 Sa 2 vCr VCr' ' 1 t34 Z (4c) I in Z p sin 1 vCr (t 2 ) nVo (4d) vCr (t4 ) nVo VCr' nVo cosZ t4 t3 VCr ip I in I in io nI in th 5 Topology [t4, t5] Fig. 3(f) - At t4, ip reaches -Iin, the current through S1 dropped to zero, so S1 turns-off with ZCS. The energy is transferred from the line to the load. Cr is discharged to the load, thus recuperating the energy i p (t ) vCr (t ) vCr (t 4 ) t45 (5a) I in (5b) I in t t4 Cr (5c) Cr vCr (t 4 ) I in 6th Topology [t5, t6] Fig. 3(g) - At t5, Cr is completely discharged, Sa2 turns on with ZVS, and the circuit operates in this transfer-energy mode until a new halfcycle begins by turning off Sa2 i p (t ) vS1 nVo iS 1 I in vS 3 nVo VCr' nVo iS 3 I in vSa1 VCr iSa1 I in t 0 t1 t2 (6b) vCr (t ) 0 It can be noticed that the primary current in all the stages never overpasses the input current, keeping thus the conduction losses in the primary-side switches at their nominal value. S1 S2 NP : Ns S a1 S1 NP : Ns S a1 S3 Co Llk Vin Cr D1 R S3 S4 S4 Sa2 D2 Cr (a) Before t0 Sa 2 Fig. 1 Circuit diagram 3003 D1 Vo ip Llk I in Lin S2 t9 t10 t11 t12 Fig.2 Timing diagram for the converter (6a) I in t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 D2 S1 S2 NP : Ns ip Llk I in * Vo * NP : Ns Cr S3 Sa2 Sa2 (b) [t0, t1]. (f) [t4, t5]. S2 NP : Ns S2 * * Vo D2 Cr D2 S4 S3 + - Sa2 + - S4 * Vo D1 * ip Llk I in Cr S3 NP : Ns S a1 * S a1 D1 * ip Llk I in D2 + - S4 S3 S1 S1 * Vo Cr + - S4 * S a1 D2 D1 * ip Llk I in * S a1 S2 S1 D1 Sa2 (g) [t5, t6]. Fig.3 Modes of operations (c) [t1, t2]. S1 S2 I in NP : Ns * ip Llk * S a1 * III. DC ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED CONVERTER D1 In order to insure soft-switching of the primary switches, two conditions have to be fulfilled: in Stage 2, ip has to drop to 0, and in Stage 4, ip given by (4a) has to reach - Iin. Taking into account (2d), which guarantees the fulfillment of the Ist condition, and (3c), from (4a) it results D2 Cr S3 + - S4 3.1 ZCS Conditions Vo Sa2 V cr' (d) [t2, t3]. S1 S2 NP : Ns ip Llk I in * S a1 Cr S3 S4 + - * 2 Z p 2 nV o I in Z p nV o 1 1 C r ( vCr ( t 3˅ nV o ) 2 t Llk I in2 2 2 Vo D2 2 in (7) It can be noted that to say that ip in (4a) has to reach - Iin is equivalent to saying that D1 * I ق8ك i.e. there is enough energy in Cr for decreasing the primary current from 0 to - Iin . It is possible to see from (7) that VCr' depends on the value of Iin, i.e. the resonant energy used to get ZCS is self-adaptable. Sa2 3.2 DC Conversion Ratio (e) [t3, t4]. A phase-shift control is used. The energy transfer is controlled by the delay between S1 and S3 in the first halfcycle, and S2 and S4 in the second half-cycle. By assimilating the shift angle with a duty-cycle D, and similar with the boost converter where the on-topology is characterized by the charging of the input inductor, one can define 3004 DTs t12 t 23 t34 0.05 (9) In order to get the formula of the DC conversion ratio, a current-second balance written for a half- cycle is obtained 6 ³ 0.035 tk tk 1 0.005 0 0 15 Iin (A) 20 (Vo=15kV, Llk=10uH, n=1/40, f=20kHZ) 0 200 IS 4 Cr I in Z p IS 5 C r nV o 160 (1 2 D )T s I in C rVCr' C r nVo 2 140 180 Hard-switching FB boost converter M 120 100 ­° ª Cr nVo 2 I in Z p VCr' º ½° »¾ nI in ®1 2 « D I inTs « »¼ ¿° ¬ ¯° 80 ­ ª § Cr ¨ 2nVo 2 I in Z p °° « nI in ®1 2 « D © « ° «¬ ¯° 40 Proposed converter 60 2 2 · º½ Z p 2nVo I in Z p ¸ » ° ¹ »° ¾ I inTs »° »¼ ¿° I 10 Fig.4. Duty cycle loss as a function of Iin which replaced in (10), together with (9), give Io 5 C r I in Z p nVo VCr' IS3 IS 6 Cr=33pF Cr=22pF 0.01 CrVCr' IS1 Cr=100pF Cr=68pF 0.015 into IS 2 0.025 0.02 (10) Ip(t ) dt account that t23˙DTs t12 t34 , t56 Ts / 2 DTs t01 t45 , and using 1(a, c) - 5(a, c) and (7), one gets Taking Cr=220pF 0.03 Dloss k 0 Cr=470pF 0.04 Ts Io 2 n¦ IS k ISk 0.045 in 0 0.1 0.2 D 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fig.5 DC voltage conversion ratio as a function of duty-cycle (Vo=15kV, Llk=10uH, Cr =100pF, Iin=12A, n=1/40, f=20kHZ) M Vo Vin 1 ­ ª § Cr ¨ 2nVo 2 I in Z p °° « n ®1 2 « D © « ° °¯ ¬« 2 2 · º½ Z p 2nVo I in Z p ¸ » ° ¹ »° ¾ I inTs »° ¼» °¿ I in (11) 975 Comparing with the conversion ratio formula for a boost hard-switching FB: Vo = 1/ [n (1-2D)], it results that the ZCS-purposed intervals lead to a loss of regulation capability (i.e. DTs cannot be reduced to zero, if so required for regulation purpose, but its lower limit is t12+t34 ). This loss of regulation is expressed by Dloss § Cr ¨ 2nVo 2 I in Z p Dloss © I 2 in 2 Vcrmax (V) 775 675 575 · 475 ¹ 375 Z p 2nVo I in Z p ¸ I inTs Llk=5uH Llk=10uH Llk=15uH Llk=20uH 875 and it is represented in Fig.4. It can be noticed that Dloss increases with the value of Cr, however it has a very small value. Eq. 11 is represented in Fig. 5 as a function of D, for Llk=10uH, Cr=100pF, Iin=12A, n=1/40, f=20kHZ. According to Eq. (5c), ZVS of turning-on of the auxiliary switch is lost at very low input current. 0 400 600 Fig.6. vCr,max as a function of Cr for different Llk ( Vo=15kV, Iin=12A, n=1/40, f=20kHZ) maximum value of the voltage across Cr, vCr,max , one gets Cr t 3.3 Circuit Elements Design Cr is designed such that to get ZCS in the 4th topology at the largest value of the input current, I in , max , i.e., according to (8), and taking into account that vCr(t3) is the 200 Cr (pF) Llk I in,max 2 (vCr ,max nVo )2 (12) As the voltage stress on the auxiliary switch, VSa , max is given by vCr,max, Cr is designed such that to limit this stress to 1.35 times of nVo. In Fig. 6, vCr,max is represented as a function of Cr and Llk.. 3005 Fig. 7 Block diagram of the control system The second design condition comes for limiting the resonant period Tr to less than 15% of Ts Tr 2S The experimental waveforms are shown in Fig. 9it can be seen that the primary transistors S1, S3 turn-on/off at zero current, and the snubber’s transistors turn-on/off with ZVS. Experimentally, the efficiency was measured at 89.5 % Llk C r (13) Accordingly, Llk=10uH, Cr=100pF, giving vCr', calculated for the maximum input current, equal to 486.7 V. Main switches. The primary switches have to withstand a maximum stress voltage given by vCr(t2) plus nVo, the maximum current through these switches is Iin. For Vo=15kV, Iin,max =12A, it results Vsmax=870V, Ismax=12A. Transistors of type IGBT IRG4PH50UD have been chosen (VCES=1200V, Ic=24A) Auxiliary switches. These switches turn-on/off with ZVS, and have to withstand the voltage vCr(t2) calculated for the upper end of Iin range, the maximum current through them being the input current. Vsa,max=495V, Isa,max=12A. Transistors of type MOSFET SPW20N60C3 have been chosen (VDS=650V, ID=20.7A). D1 D2 C D3 IV. SELF-ADAPTIVE CONTROL CIRCUIT AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Figure 7 represents the block diagram of the control circuit. A sensor measures Iin (which is variable due to changes in the supply or load). An analogue device calculates VCr ' according to (7) by using the measured value of Iin. A sensor measures vCr. When the measured voltage of the resonant capacitor reaches the calculated value, S3 is turned on, thus practically determining the instant t1 as a function of the input current / load. Consequently, the energy accumulated in the snubber is the minimum one necessary to get ZCS for the actual input/load current. The maximum vCr(t1) for getting ZCS is reached at the upper limit of the range of the input current. This value is used when selecting the switches according to the voltage stress they have to withstand. At any other input/load current, the actual stress is smaller. A prototype was built for Vin = 250V, Vo = 15kV, output power Po = 3kW, f = 20kHz, Cr =100pF, Llk = 10PH. To ensure safe operation of the rectifier, ten modules are employed to make up the secondary-side rectification circuitry, as illustrated in Fig.8. D4 Fig.8. Schematic of the rectifier stage Gate signal of Sa1 Gate signal of Sa2 vcr Gate signal of Sa1 and Sa2: 20V/div. vcr: 500V/div. Timebase: 20Ps/div 3006 achieving soft-switching, is self-adaptable: it is larger when needed (at high input current). The design allows using the minimum necessary energy to get ZCS, such that the actual voltage stress on the switches is kept at the minimum. Unlike the available solutions, no resonant current peaks appear, never the current through the switches overpasses the input current. The durations of the resonant stages required to achieve the ZCS conditions are short. The soft-switching conditions are achieved for a very wide line and load range, starting from a low value of the input current. The experimental results confirmed the good features of the proposed solution, an efficiency of 89.5 % being measured. vS1 iS1 REFERENCES vS1: 500V/div. iS1: 20A/div. Timebase: 10Ps/div [1] Y. Jang, M.M. Jovanovic, and Y.M. Chang, “A new ZVS PWM full-bridge converter,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 18, pp. 1122-1129, Sept. 2003. [2] C. Iannello, S. Luo and I. Batarseh,“Small-signal and transient analysis of a full-bridge, zero-current-switched PWM converter using an average model,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol.18, pp. 793-801, May 2003. [3] A. Leung, H. Chung, and K. 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