4324MN0011-V1636 REV A OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THE ORE OFFSHORE MODEL 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON BATTERY CHARGER ORE Offshore, 4 Little Brook Road, West Wareham, MA 02576 USA Phone: 508-291-0960 Fax: 508-291-0975 http://www.ore.com Copyright ©2001 ORE Offshore All Rights Reserved 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON CHARGER TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Specifications 2.0 Operation And Maintenance 2.1 Operation Overview 2.2 Configuring Charger For Single Internal Battery Pack Beacons (See Table 1) 2.3 Configuring Charger For Dual Internal Battery Pack Beacons (See Table 1) 2.4 Maintenance 3.0 Current Switch Position 4.0 Figures 5.0 Battery Charger Outline i 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON CHARGER 1.0 BATTERY CHARGER SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions of enclosure: 6.3"l x 3.6"w x 2.5"h Input: fused 0.5 amp (2 each) Input voltage: selectable, 100, 120, 220 VAC +10% 50/60 Hz Input current: 32mA AC @ No Load Output current: switch selectable 150mA or 300mA Output: Short circuit protection (current limited) Input connector: i.e.c. Type enclosure mounted Output connector: Two screw terminals mounted on case Temperature rating: -10° to 55° c 2.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 The Model 4324C-V1636 is a desk top NiCad battery charger. It is designed to work at 110/120/220 volts AC 50/60Hz This is manually selected (see Figure 1). This charger is compatible with both the 4370 series Multibeacons. The 4324C-V1636 is switch selectable to provide either 150mA or 300mA for either one or two NiCad battery packs. The 4324C-V1636 will fully charge one Model 4370 or Model 4376 in 14-16 hours at the 150mA settings and or two Model 4370 or Model 4376 beacons in 14-16 hours at the 350mA setting. It will also fully charge one 4377 or 4378 telemetry beacon in 14-16 hours at the 300mA setting. The 4324C-V1636 has internal short circuit protection, however, it is not recommended to maintain a short for any extended period of time. 2.2 CONFIGURING THE CHARGER FOR SINGLE INTERNAL BATTERY PACK MULTIBEACONS (SEE TABLE 1) 2.2.1 Select the proper AC input voltage, 100/120/220VAC, reference Figure 1 for details. 2.2.2 If charging one beacon select the 150mA position on the current selection switch (see Figure 1). 2 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON CHARGER 2.2.3 If charging two beacons select the 300mA position on the current selection switch (see Figure 1). 2.2.4 Connect the pigtail(s) as specified in Table 1 to the terminal screw on the charger. The red lead of the pigtail goes to the plus screw terminal, and the black lead goes to the minus screw terminal. 2.2.5 If charging two beacons, parallel pigtail connectors onto the screw terminals. Put both red leads onto the plus screw terminal and put both black leads to the minus screw terminal. 2.2.6 Plug the other end of the connector into the MultiBeacon (s). 2.3 CONFIGURING CHARGER FOR DUAL INTERNAL BATTERY PACK MULTIBEACONS (SEE TABLE 1) 2.3.1 Select proper AC input voltage 100/120/220VAC, reference Figure 1 for details. 2.3.2 Select the 300mA position on the current selection switch (see Figure 1). 2.3.3 Connect the pigtail(s) as specified in Table 1 to the terminal screw on the charger. The red lead of the pigtail goes to the plus screw terminal, and the black lead goes to the minus screw terminal. 2.3.4 Plug the other end of the connector into the MultiBeacon. 2.4 MAINTENANCE 2.4.1 A quick test to see if the charger is operating is to put a (VOM) Volt/Ohm Meter across the plus and minus output screw terminals (with no load) and measure approximately 17.5 Volts +1 Volt. 2.4.2 With the charger connected to the Multibeacon measure the Voltage at the screw terminals and Voltage measured will provide an indication of the battery’s charge. If around 17V then battery is close to fully charged, if under 12V then cells will require a full 14-16 hour charge. 2.4.3 The 4324C has two internal in-line fuses. If there is no output as tested in 2.41, check to see if the fuses are open, reference Figure 1. 3 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON CHARGER CURRENT SWITCH POSITION CHART BEACON TYPE INTERNAL BATTERY PACKS PIGTAIL REQUIRED SWITCH POSITION TIME FOR FULL CHARGE 4370A 1 4324-0010 150mA 14-16hrs 4376A 1 4324-0010 150mA 14-16hrs 4377A 2 4324-0010 300mA 14-16hrs 4378A 2 4324-0010 300mA 14-16hrs *NOTE: Any two multibeacons can be charged with one charger if each beacon has only 1 Internal Battery Pack. To do this, connect both pigtails to the charger and configure the current switch to 300mA. The Multibeacons with two Internal Battery Packs must be charged alone. TABLE 1 4 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON CHARGER 300mA 170 85 100 120 Remove From Outer Module the Inner Module and Position the Proper AC Voltage Setting to Appear in the Modules W indow 150mA 120 120 Current Selector Switch 220 Squeeze Tabs and Pull Out Module to Select Input Voltage Ranges FIGURE 1 5 Model 4324C MultiBeacon Battery Charger 4324C-V1636 MULTIBEACON CHARGER THIS DRAW ING IS LOANED W ITHOUT OTHER CONSIDERATION THAN THE AGREEMENT AND CONDITION THAT IT IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, OR OTHERW ISE DISPOSED OF, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY AND IS NOT TO BE USED IN W HOLE OR IN PART ANY TO ASSIST IN M AKING OR TO FURNISH ANY INFORMATION FOR THE MAKING OF DRAW INGS, PRINTS, APPARATUS, OR PARTS THEREOF. REVISIO NS DESCRIPTIO N LTR DATE APPROVED 37 CABLE REF FOR 4320 SERIES RED + O R E INT E RNA T IO NA L P .O. B o x 7 0 9 / F A L MI O nU T cH . F alm outh, M A P HON E ESI A G H T S R O A D FA X : (508) 0 2 5 4 1 HU 5 0 8 -5 4 8 / 540-3835 5 8 0 0 RED + M ODEL 4324C MA D E IN USA + - BLK - OR B AT TE RY CHA RGE R 4324-0009 4324-0010 CABLE REF FOR 4330 SERIES BLK - 3.81 6.37 0.5 150mA 85 300mA 170 2.75 V1636 UNLESS OTHERW ISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES CO NTRACT NO . TOLERANCES ON DRAW N DECIMALS .XX .XXX ±___ ±___ ANGLES ±___ deg ___' CHECKED CTA ORE Offshore 1/4/94 25 Bernard St. Jean Dr E. Falm outh, MA 02536 USA T EL: 508-495-3200 FAX: 508-495-4500 NAME MLE 1/11/94 ENG INEER MLE 1/11/94 APPROVED DW F 1/11/94 MODEL 4324C BATTERY CHARGER OUTLINE FRAC ±_____ SURF ROUGHNESS NEXT ASSY USED ON MATERIAL APPLICATION SIZE A SCALE 6 CO DE IDENT NO. DW G. NO. REV. 4324AE0012 25993 A1 W T .LBS SHEET 1 OF 1