JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, VOL.14, NO.6, DECEMBER, 2014 SiC Based Single Chip Programmable AC to DC Power Converter Rajendra Pratap, Vineeta Agarwal, and Ravindra K. S Abstract—A single chip Programmable AC to DC Power Converter, consisting of wide band gap SiC MOSFET and SiC diodes, has been proposed which converts high frequency ac voltage to a conditioned dc output voltage at user defined given power level. The converter has high conversion efficiency because of negligible reverse recovery current in SiC diode and SiC MOSFET. High frequency operation reduces the need of bigger size inductor. Lead inductors are enough to maintain current continuity. A complete electrical analysis, die area estimation and thermal analysis of the converter has been presented. It has been found that settling time and peak overshoot voltage across the device has reduced significantly when SiC devices are used with respect to Si devices. Reduction in peak overshoot also increases the converter efficiency. The total package substrate dimension of the converter circuit is only 5 mm × 5 mm. Thermal analysis performed in the paper shows that these devices would be very useful for use as miniaturized power converters for load currents of up to 5-7 amp, keeping the package thermal conductivity limitation in mind. The converter is ideal for voltage requirements for sub-5 V level power supplies for high temperatures and space electronics systems. Index Terms— Silicon carbide MOSFET, modelling, system miniaturization, system package, silicon carbide diode Manuscript received Oct. 18, 2013; accepted Nov. 4, 2014 MNNIT Allahabad, India E-mail : I. INTRODUCTION Increasing demand for continued miniaturization of electronic device components in today’s analog/digital circuits has raised the power supply voltage requirements to programmable sub-5 V levels with minimized reverse recovery and forward recovery current. Some of the specific applications could be as power supply to industrial electronic circuits used under high temperature conditions and space applications [1]. Mass production can trigger SiC manufacturing cost reduction which will enable its use as common direct plug-n-play power supply for domestic electronic devices which operate at 5V-10A range. The supply voltage to integrated circuit devices are provided by alternating current to direct current AC-DC converters, which convert high frequency ac voltage to a conditioned dc output voltage at a given power level [2]. Conventional Low-voltage AC-DC converters generally consist of a big transformer and diode bridge rectifier, which is often composed of several diodes, an inductor and capacitor with a voltage regulator U1 as shown in Fig. 1 [3-5]. The critical feature of the AC-DC diode converter is its transformer followed by rectification, which allows large current to flow only in one direction or for positive phase of the ac input [6]. The bill of material (BOM) list is high due to which the complete board size is not less than 2 × 4 cm. Out of the list of material, transformer consumes more than 40% of the area and hence is the biggest road block in miniaturizing the complete supply circuit. SiC devices have very high material band gap (7eV) as compared to Si devices (1.1eV). Wide band gap material such as Silicon Carbide can operate at higher temperature up to 400°C and has a lower thermal resistance than 698 RAJENDRA PRATAP et al : SIC BASED SINGLE CHIP PROGRAMMABLE AC TO DC POWER CONVERTER U1 External Supply Load IN D1 D2 V1 GND C3 470mF D3 OUT D4 C4 0.1m F R1 C1 470 pF C2 100 k 0.1pF Fig. 1. Conventional rectifier based on AC-to-DC power converter. Silicon, allowing better cooling [7]. SiC device technology has entered a new era with the commercialization and acceptance with 1700V/26A diodes and 1200V/20A MOSFET available in the marketplace [8, 9]. These MOSFETs have found applications in high voltage and high temperature power circuits. Use of SiC allows miniaturizing complete solution into a single package [10]. Because of the requirements of high voltage and current withstanding devices and high frequency response, single package acto-dc programmable power supply was being built using transformers earlier. In this paper, the authors have tried to miniaturize the sub-5V DC supply circuits by resolving some of the conventional circuit issues like requirement of transformer, heat dissipation and overall operational efficiency of the circuit elements. SiC based device selection is helping by allowing to directly connect high voltage AC sources to the circuit with much better peak performance of the elements as compared to their Si counterparts. For the first time, theoretical analysis and feasibility of single integrated circuit package arrangement of SiC diode based on high voltage ac supply full bridge rectifiers followed by SiC MOSFET based on buck converter, to achieve single package ac-todc power supply is demonstrated. The key benefits are : system miniaturization which means much smaller board size (has become possible due to the availability of miniaturized bare die SiC devices), high efficiency operation due to zero reverse recovery and zero forward recovery currents of SiC devices, no requirement of bulky inductors due to high frequency switching possible with SiC devices and highly programmable system because of the MOSFET gate triggering control it provides to its users. II. PROPOSED CONVERTER SYSTEM Fig. 2 shows the proposed AC to DC converter circuit in its simplest form. The circuit consists of four SiC diodes D1 to D4 connected in full wave rectifier configuration. Because of their capability to withstand high voltage, they are directly being used to rectify the AC power supply into high voltage DC which is then being filtered using two on-board electrolytic capacitors. The SiC MOSFET, MOS1 and diode D5 are being used in buck-converter configuration to reduce the voltage to sub-5V externally programmable DC ranges [11]. Inductor L1 is included which is due to component bonding and package leads. The parasitic extraction of the device package shows it to be in the range of 5nH to 15nH which is sufficient to sustain the continuity of the DC current required at the output because SiC MOSFETs are capable of switching at very high frequencies. The total gate charge of SiC MOSFET is 47.1 nC which helps in achieving almost zero forward recovery and reverse recovery current when SiC MOSFET is switching from ON to OFF and again ON state. As per datasheet the SiC MOSFET is capable of switching at approximately maximum of 4MHz range with rise time of 14 ns and fall time of 37 ns, turn on delay of 7ns, turn off delay of 46ns and reverse recovery time of 138ns. The die dimensions of SiC MOSFET are 3.1mm x 3.1mm. The SiC diodes on the other hand have zero reverse recovery and zero forward recovery current with total capacitive charge of 17nC and total capacitance of 340pF. The die dimensions of SiC diode (bare die) are 1.5mm × 1.5mm. With commercialization and demand for further reduction, even smaller bare-dies can be manufactured to cater to this application. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, VOL.14, NO.6, DECEMBER, 2014 3 699 5 mm Filter Cap 1 AC IN DC Out L1 D1 D4 6 MOS1 MOS 1 5 mm D3 D1 Gate D5 D2 AC IN Source Source D2 DC GND 2 4 5 MOS Trig 4 DC GND Fig. 2. Package Circuit Details. III. PACKAGE DIE AREA ESTIMATION Die packaging plays an important role in connecting die to the external circuit of the board, creating a path to remove the heat generated by the devices during its electrical operation, and protecting the die from the external environment such as moisture, dust, etc [12]. Many of the reliability issues of power devices are either related to excessive temperature or thermal fatigue due to electrical cycling. Study has been currently done to improve the cooling performance, reduce the thermal resistance and reduce thermal expansion difference by closely matching the coefficient of thermal expansion of the package to that of the electrical die material which in our case is SiC, increase the maximum operating temperature of the packaging material by reducing the thermal resistance and providing enough ways to cool the package in shortest time [13]. Some of the most common types of power semiconductor packages are TO-220, TO247, TO-262, TO-3, D2Pak, etc. The total package substrate dimension of the converter circuit is 5 mm × 5 mm as shown in Fig. 3. Normal bond-wired packages D3 D4 Fig. 3. Package substrate floor plan. impose several limitations on power device applications in electrical, thermal, volumetric and reliability performance. In order to alleviate these issues, innovative interconnect approaches of packaging technique which has higher current carrying capability and handling high thermal loads are required. All the components together are housed in ceramic package. This package offers a variety of benefits including a small sized "near chip scale" footprint, thin profile and low weight. It also uses perimeter I/O pads to ease PCB trace routing, and the exposed copper die-pad technology offers good thermal and electrical performance. These features make the ceramic package an ideal choice for many new applications where size, weight, thermal and electrical performance are important. Bottom side connections to die happen through bumps and top side are bonded with thick metal strips as shown in Fig. 4. Ceramic base is cut from top side to allow housing of individual die components. Thin copper film, on top of ceramic base, acts as die-to-die interconnect. upper side thick copper Thicker Polymide Copper Shim Thin Film copper Device Epoxy Lower side thick copper Fig. 4. Die package assembly details. D5 Ceramic Base 700 RAJENDRA PRATAP et al : SIC BASED SINGLE CHIP PROGRAMMABLE AC TO DC POWER CONVERTER Ptotal = PMOS + 5 ´ Pdiode Ptotal = 35 + 5 ´ 40 @ 235 (5) (6) The heat dissipation capacity of the package would determine the current rating of the AC-to-DC converter [16]. The temperature based operating parameter variation of SiC diodes [17] is given by Eqs. (7)-(9) Fig. 5. IDS vs VGS characteristic curve for SiC MOSFET. V fwdT = VT + I fwd ´ RT (7) VT = 0.99 + ( T j ´ ( -1.5 ´ 10-3 )) (8) RT = 0.03 + (T j ´ ( 0.5 ´ 10-3 )) (9) Thicker copper film is used for die to outside package connections. The large solder balls with 300 μm solder width and 250 μm solder height can be used for bottom side copper film to package and board connections. These have high current carrying capability. The solder pads are distributed over the package substrate surface. So, the solder balls become the electrical, thermal and mechanical connections for the power device. Here TJ is diode junction temperature in Degree Celsius In conventional transformer based circuits, thermal calculations for voltage regulator are done using virtual junction temperature as given in Eq. (10) IV. THERMAL ANALYSIS where Tjn is operating virtual junction temperature and is generally 1500C and θjA is rated at 230C/W. If the transformer efficiency is assumed to be 87% operating at 230 V AC input supply voltage and 1500C temperature and similarly diode rated for 5A range having power consumption of 0.1 W/0C range, then total power for the transformer based power supply assembly for 230V input AC, 5A load, 1500C operating virtual junction temperature, would come in the range of Thermal analysis has been performed for the proposed converter and compared with the conventional converter consisting of a transformer and Si based devices. Total power is calculated for the proposed converter which will get dissipated at 10A steady state forward current ratings for MOSFET and diodes. The RON of the MOSFET used in the circuit CPMF-1200-S080B is 80 mΩ and the MOSFET has negative temperature coefficient as shown in Fig. 5, which means as the temperature rises, faster response and higher IDS current can be obtained at lower gate voltage. MOSFET is rated for steady state 30A forward current at 1000C. The total power dissipation rated at 250C is 313W. For 10A load current, the power dissipation in the MOSFET [14] would be ≈ 35W. The diodes used in the circuit are rated for 26A forward current [15]. Total Power dissipation per device is 377W at 250C and 163W at 1100C at full load current. For a load current of 10A, the power dissipation at 250C would be ≈40W per diode. So the total power which is getting dissipated in the form of I2R heat for 10A load current can be calculated from Eqs. (5) and (6) PD = T jn(max) - TA q jA (10) PD = PTransformer + 4 ´ Pdiode + Pregulator (11) 150 = 216 W 23 (12) PD = 150 + 4 ´ 0.1´ 150 + Thus for worst case rated operating temperature of 1500C and 5A load, a conventional transformer based AC-DC converter, power consumption (~216W) would almost fall in the same range (~235W) as for SiC based miniaturized converter. But SiC based converters can be designed to operate for much higher power flow and temperature ratings with much better reliability parameters. The notable difference is that transformer based converter would be operating at its peak stressed operating conditions whereas SiC based converter would JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, VOL.14, NO.6, DECEMBER, 2014 701 470 mF FUSE 5 A AC in Filter Cap DC out FUSE 5 A L O A D 230 V, AC Mains 470 mF 0.01 mF DC GND AC in MOS Trig Pulse Width Modulator (VCO) + - Ramp Generator Vref Ramp Comparator Driver Fig. 6. Typical Use Case Circuit. be operating under least stress conditions. Thus operating life of SiC based system would be longer as compared to its silicon based counterpart. V. ELECTRICAL ANALYSIS Fig. 7. VDCOUT plotted against time. IDiode (A) For electrical analysis, the performance is obtained by simulating the proposed converter as well as the conventional converter. Fig. 6 shows the circuit where proposed package is used to supply a load. Fuse breakers connected at the input and the output pins are used as protection elements to avoid any damage in case of any failure in the circuit operation. The fuse rating can be adjusted to the load requirements as against 5A shown in the diagram. Four diodes used in the package are CSD04060 and SiC MOSFET CMF20120D. By tuning the MOSFET driver circuit pulse width, voltages as low as 0.70 V can be obtained at the DC Out+ pin as shown in Fig. 7, when an AC supply of 230V is used at the input side. Simulation waveform in Fig. 7 shows power supply net transients with pure resistive load and stable output voltage of 5.4V which can be used as DC input for any electronic digital circuit. The minimum stable DC voltage which can be obtained using MOSFET gate control is 0.07 V. Conventional DC power supply circuits cannot generate stable supply below approximately 0.7V. A typical usage may use the circuit at voltages viz., 5, 4.2, 3.6, 3.3, etc. Fig. 8. Reverse recovery current through Si Diode. Fig. 8 illustrates the reverse recovery current through SiC based diode which is used in the proposed converter. The reverse recovery current through Si diodes used in conventional converter circuit is displayed in Fig. 9. Large spikes appear in Si diodes which degrade the turnon time as well as power efficiency of the converter. Fig. RAJENDRA PRATAP et al : SIC BASED SINGLE CHIP PROGRAMMABLE AC TO DC POWER CONVERTER IDiode (A) 702 Fig. 11. Converter Circuit used for spice and hardware measurement. IDrain (A) Fig. 9. Reverse recovery current through SiC DIODE. Fig. 10. MOSFET drain current during turn-on period. 10 illustrates the forward current through SiC based MOSFET. It can be seen that the transient spikes are almost zero which is again a merit of the proposed converter. For experimental measurement and validation of the proposed single package ac-to-dc converter, complete packaged part of SiC MOSFET CMF20120D and Diode CSD04060 is taken from CREE Company and assembled together to show the converter operation and performance efficiency measurements done on the experimental setup as shown in Fig. 11. In this circuit Vi is a AC source and V2 is a high frequency pulse train used to trigger MOSFET gate through a driver circuit. Resistance R2 (10 Ω) in Fig. 11 is used to record the current waveform through SiC MOSFET on DSO. The experimental setup contains two test fixtures, one done using Si diodes (MUR860) and Si MOSFET (IRF510) and the other using SiC diodes (CDS04060) and SiC MOSFET (CMF20120D). Fig. 12(a) shows the input AC voltage Vi and rectified output voltage, Vr, with SiC devices while output load voltage, VO, and regulated voltage across capacitor VC along with gate pulses with duty cycle of 66% are shown in Fig. 12(b). Fig. 13 shows the ripple peak when Si devices were used and Fig. 14 shows ripple peak with SiC devices being used in the circuit. From the figures it is clear that (a) Input voltage (upper trace: 200 V/div, 10 ms/div), Rectified Output voltage (lower trace: 200 V/div, 10 ms/div) (b) Voltage across C (upper trace: 50 V/div, 10 ms/div) and Output voltage across R1 (lower blue trace: 10 V/div, 10 ms/div), Gate pulses to MOSFET (red trace: 5 V/div, 10 ms/div) of AC to DC Converter Fig. 12. Experimental Results. settling time and peak overshoot significantly are reduced when SiC diode CSD04060 is used with respect to Si diode MUR860. Reduction in peak overshoot increases the converter efficiency. Table 1 shows the settling time and peak overshoot comparison of Si (MUR860) with SiC (CSD04060) diode while Table 2 shows the improvement in ripple factor in SiC diode in comparison to Si diode when used in buck converter mode shown in Fig. 11. These data show how SiC devices have better performance as compared to Si devices [18]. SiC devices have negligible turn ON time JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, VOL.14, NO.6, DECEMBER, 2014 703 VI. CONCLUSIONS An attempt has been made to put forward a single chip AC-to-DC converter using SiC diodes and SiC MOSFET to achieve miniaturized single chip solution with higher power efficiency. This reduces the number of discrete components needed on the board thus reducing the bill of material (BOM). The AC-DC modules already available in the market are much bigger in size as compared to the proposed 5 mm x 5 mm package die floor plan presented in this paper. The advantages of the proposed circuit are ability to connect high voltage AC supply directly to the system board, single integrated circuit package having very small footprint, much longer life cycle of the circuit due to its operation under reduced stress conditions and very high power efficiency of the converter circuit. Volume production of SiC based devices would bring down its overall manufacturing cost and would make it comparable to available Si based discrete components. Thermal analysis performed in the paper shows that these devices would be very useful for use as miniaturized power converters for load currents of up to 5-7A keeping the package thermal conductivity limitation in mind. Fig. 13. voltage waveform across Si diode. Fig. 14. voltage waveform across SiC diode. Table 1. Comparison of settling time and peak overshoot for Si and SiC diodes Turn-ON time (Setting Time) Peak Overshoot Si Diode 06 m s 250 Mv SiC Diode 01 m s 10 mV REFERENCES [1] Table 2. Comparison of Ripple Factor for Si and SiC diodes SiC Diode V(rms) V(Avg) V(ref) 2.31 4.01 5.06 2.05 3.48 4.92 2.10 3.49 4.98 Si Diode Ripple Ripple V(rms) V(Avg) V(ref) Factor Factor 0.519 0.572 0.519 2.33 4.05 5.69 2.00 3.48 4.83 [2] 2.10 0.578 3.48 0.618 4.98 0.627 and settling time as compared to Si devices. The large turn ON ripples and large settling time of devices account for most of the power losses incurred during device operation. The board level assembly and simulations show promising results for the proposed single packaged converter device. The SiC MOSFET based AC-to-DC converter has a settling time of 8s to 10s depending on the DC output voltage expected to be achieved as shown in the transient response curve in Fig. 7. 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Vineeta Agrawal graduated from Allahabad, University, India, in 1980, and received Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering in 1984, from the same University. She joined as lecturer in 1982 in Electrical Engineering Department in M. N. R. Engineering College. During teaching, she did her Ph.D. course in Power Electronics. At present she is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Her research interests are in single phase to three phase conversion and AC drives. She has more than 100 papers in Journals and conferences. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, VOL.14, NO.6, DECEMBER, 2014 Ravindra Kumar Singh is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad at Allahabad, India. He is member IEEE, Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India). His areas of interest are DC- DC converter, Electrical Drive & its applications. He has published more than 70 papers in Journals and conferences and supervised number of Doctoral thesis work in different areas. 705