新 民 中 学 - Xinmin Secondary School

Opt-in Programmes
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新 民 中 学
Talent Development Programmes
A Word to Students
Dear students,
Secondary school experience is a time where you learn to discover more of yourself and your potential. Therefore,
take charge of your own learning by looking out for opportunities to challenge and develop yourselves. Only then,
can you truly discover what you can be good at, where your interests lie, and hopefully, by the end of your
secondary school education, have some ideas of what and how you can pursue these experiences at a deeper level
in the next stage of your education.
To do this, you must believe that you have the potential to be a leader and seek to develop it. The school believes
that it has set up the right environment to help you discover your talent by exposing you to a myriad of programmes
and activities. Take the time to look through them in this booklet and then take the initiative to sign up for them.
With each experience that you participate whole-heartedly, you will gain knowledge and skills and become a welldeveloped individual who will embrace life and embrace learning.
Happy Learning!
Mrs Ong Hong Peng
Mr Hardev Singh Sidhu
Dean Student All-Round Devt.
At Xinmin, we ignite passion, fuel trailblazers and groom leaders for the global community. Our school’s vision
“Leading Hearts, Leading Minds” encapsulates the desire of the community to shape the Leader and Learner who
would thrive in the workplace with 21st-century skills and mind-sets.
This booklet contains information on the various talent development programmes in Xinmin, sorted according to
their key domains and levels of service. Details on our Talent Development Framework, as well as the Science,
Mathematics and Leadership academies, are also provided.
Level 1 programmes have been built in as part of the curriculum for all students; Levels 2, 3 and 4 programmes are
available on an opt-in basis. The Leader and Learner should recognise the progressive nature of the various
programmes, and take charge by making plans for and keeping track of his own development. In Xinmin, we
emphasise that learning and growth is achieved not just through participation in these programmes, but also
through personal reflection using the e-careers platform.
“Talent is cheaper than table salt.
What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a
lot of hard work.”
 Stephen King
Talent Development Framework
Recognition Process
Levels of Service
Level 3
Level 2
Tracking Process
Development Process
Level 4
Level 1
Identification Process
In our Xinmin Talent Development Framework, we classify talent into four domains: Cognitive, Leadership,
Aesthetics and Psychomotor. Within each domain, the various programmes are further structured into four levels of
service, in accordance to Dr. Donald Treffinger’s Levels of Service Model. Levels I and II programmes are broad-based
and highly-inclusive, while Levels III and IV programmes place greater emphasis on needs and characteristics of
smaller groups of students.
Level 1: Services for ALL students
The emphasis is on expanding learning opportunities for all students. They are built in as part of the curriculum,
and it is compulsory for all students in the respective levels or streams to go through these programmes, such
as the leadership curriculum which comprise a series of in-house lessons covering basic leadership knowledge.
Level 2: Services for MANY students
There is a shift towards extending experiences for students beyond basic exploration. Participation is usually
voluntary and interest-based, and virtually any student might become involved in Level II activities. Examples
would include programmes like the ACS(I) Life Sciences Symposium.
Level 3: Services for SOME students
The focus here is on extending work to provide an appropriate challenge for students who exhibit interest and
ability. Level III programmes include specialised exposure programmes and competitions, such as Singapore
Mathematical Olympiad Training, the Bicultural Immersion and Exchange Programme and the Science and
Technology Research Programme.
Level 4: Services for IDENTIFIED (FEW) students
Level 4 services are put in place to meet the idiosyncratic needs of talented students. Examples include work
attachments at national research institutes, as well as training and empowering students to take charge of
major school programmes such as the Xinmin Adventure Camp.
The Leadership Academy
In line with the school’s vision – Leading Hearts, Leading Minds, the Student Leadership Academy was set up in 2009
to support the school’s strategic thrust to develop leaders with character. In 2011, after a review and consultation
with both staff and students, a consensus was agreed upon to stipulate our desired outcome as developing Xinmin
students into leaders with hearts, and in accordance with our ASK outcomes.
The Leadership Academy adopts a two-pronged approach to developing student leadership in Xinmin:
1. All students to be schooled in basic knowledge of leadership concepts and applications.
2. Student leadership holders to be given more customised and in-depth training, and also a variety of
platforms to practice their leadership skills, which includes class committees, CCA committees, house
committees, and the Student Council.
The nature of the programmes under the Leadership Academy can be described as follows:
 Multi-level – in line with the Xinmin Talent Development Framework, and
 Progressive – in which prerequisites are set for each level of training. For example, to qualify for the Level 3
Leadership Workshop, participants must have completed Level 2 workshop and hold positions such as a Student
Councillor, a CCA committee member or a key member of the Class Committee.
The Science Academy
The Science Academy houses a wide array of intensive and stimulating research programmes beyond the secondary
school curriculum. In our Biomedical Research Laboratory, students can extract DNA and culture bacteria. The
Science Academy awakens every student’s curiosity and deepens their knowledge, particularly in the Life Sciences.
Strong partnerships with tertiary institutions provide our students with opportunities to sharpen their research skills
under the mentorship of lecturers. Prestigious platforms are made available for young scientists to showcase their
findings – at the annual Singapore Science & Engineering Fair (SSEF) and the school’s Science and Technology
Symposium. At The Science Academy we fuel passion and nurture the inquiring mind to explore new frontiers.
1. Services for all students Providing foundational skills and exposure
2. Services
for many
students “Discovering
and Building”
Engaging and verifying interests
3. Services for some students “Curious and Exploring”
Meeting the need for alternative opportunities
4. Services for a few students -Responding to
“Enthusiastic and Performing”
blossoming expertise and the need for highly
individualized services
“Passionate and Soaring”
The nature of the programmes under the Science Academy can be described as follows:
 Multi-faceted – The Academy offers differentiated programmes in the various domains of Science & Technology
to maximize learning opportunities for all students and to develop the talents in them.
 Multi-level – In line with the Xinmin Talent Development Framework, the Academy structures its science-based
programmes using the Treffinger’s Four Levels of Service, taking into consideration the unique attributes of each
level of service.
Training at Level 1 centres mainly on providing exposure. Level I deals with appropriate and challenging content and
process for all learners, and emphasises the importance of the need to guide students in learning specific process
tools as well as content skills, such as creative thinking tools (for generating options) and critical thinking tools (for
evaluating options), problem solving, basic research and inquiry skills.
Level 2’s uniqueness arises from deliberate efforts to engage and stimulate students to test or apply their strengths,
through invitational opportunities, to explore new topics and “dig deeper” into one or more scientific domains. Level
II helps students to verify their emerging talent possibilities.
Level 3 offers group-oriented services, within the school or in collaboration with other agencies, to help students
reach a higher level of accomplishment and build their competence and commitment in a particular talent area or
Level 4 recognises and responds to an individual’s “blossoming expertise”, providing individually tailored services
that help the student rise to an outstanding level of talent development, expression and productivity.
The Mathematics Academy
The Mathematics Academy organises a wide variety of activities and programmes beyond the Mathematics
curriculum with the objective to nurture Mathematics talents with inquiring minds.
LEVEL 4 Providing challenges
beyond abilities
LEVEL 3 Providing differentiated and
specialised teaching
LEVEL 2 Stretching analytical and thinking skills
LEVEL 1 Extending learning opportunities beyond the classroom
The nature of the programmes under the Mathematics Academy can be described as follows:
Level 1 activities and programmes are planned and executed to involve most of the student population with the
objective of extending learning opportunities beyond the classroom. Examples include the Maths Trail which all
Secondary One students to expose them to the fun elements in applying what they have learnt in the classroom in
real life situations, and the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Mathematics competition
which all Secondary One and Two students participate in to benchmark their standards internationally.
Level 2 activities and programmes are planned and executed for some students to stretch their analytical and
thinking skills. Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) is opened to all lower secondary Express stream students
and the top 50-percent of upper secondary Express stream students to benchmark them to international standards
and to provide exposure to a different Mathematical problem solving curriculum.
Level 3 activities focus on providing differentiated and specialised teaching for a small group of students who are
mathematically inclined. Singapore Mathematical Olympiad Training is conducted to hone mathematical skills in
selected students in preparation for the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad.
Level 4 activities focus on a few students who have strong passion for Mathematics and a keen interest in
Mathematical Research, providing challenges beyond their abilities. Students will be exposed to Mathematical
concepts beyond their curriculum. They will do research and use these concepts in real life situations. Singapore
Mathematics Project Festival participation provides an opportunity for mathematically-inclined and talented
students to showcase their abilities.
Overview of Programmes
Domain of Talent
 Mother Tongue
Language Festival
 Sec 1 Drama Enrichment
 Sec 2 Public Speaking
 Reading Programme
 Theatre Visits
 Cultural And Aesthetic
Programme (CAEP)
 News in Education
Programme (MTL)
 ACE Learning
 Oral Presentation in
 Applied Science
 Analytical Thinking Skills
 Maths Trail
 D&T Bridge Competition
 In-house Leadership
 Service-Learning Project
 Drama in Curriculum
(Sec 1, 10 hrs)
 CAEP (Mother Tongue,
Sec 1 and 2 - 10 hrs)
 Post Mid-Year Exam
Visual Arts Activities (Sec
1 and 2 – 4hrs)
 Aesthetics Day (Sec 1 to
3 – 4hrs)
 3N Camp
 3E Level Camp
 Swim Safer Programme
 Multi-Sports Carnival
 Sec 1 -5 Inter Class
 Cross Country
 Sailing
 Dragon Boat
 Talks by Invited writers
and journalists
 Sec 3E Critical Thinking
 English Festival
 Author-in-residence
 Xinmin Budding
 Xinmin Budding
Journalists – School
Based (MTL)
 Emcee Training
 Science Competitions
 Elementz Science
 Read About Science
 ICAS (English &
 UNSW ICAS English,
Math & Science
 Level 2 Leadership
Programmes –
Leadership Workshops &
Xinmin Leadership
Adventure Camp
 Community Outreach
Art Learning Journey
PRIDE Programme
 Chinese Creative Writing
 Model United Nations
 Singapore Mathematical
 Science & Technology
Research Programme
 Singapore Junior Physics
 Business@School
 Level 3 Leadership
Programmes –
Leadership Workshops &
Xinmin Leadership Level
3 Camp
 Student Council
 Overseas Service
 Dikir Barat Performance
& Competition
 *Xinfony
 *Xinthesis IV
 *Melizo VI
 *Drama Night
 Xinmin’s Got Talent
 *Combined UG Camp
 North Zone Sports
 Inter School Combined
Sports Meet
 Swim Safer Customized
Overview of Programmes
 Bicultural & Immersion
 National Annual Chinese
Literature Camp
 Xinmin Budding
Jounalists Programme –
 National Language Based
 Bull’s Eye Competition
 Commonwealth Essay
 National Literature
 Future Problem Solving
Programme (FPSP)
 Chinese Reading Report
 Creative Arts
Programme, CAP (CL and
 Debate competitions
 National Annual
Language Symposiums
 Science research and
work attachment
 National Science
 Level 4 Leadership
 Student Council
Executive Committee
 Campus Change Makers
 *Sports CCAs:Badminton, Volleyball,
Rockclimbing, Shooting
* For students in the respective Aesthetics, UG or Sports CCAs
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 2
Author-in-residence Programme
Xinmin Budding Translators
Level 2
Level 2
3E Critical Thinking Course
Level 2
This enrichment provides students with the basics of critical
thinking and also teaches them the finer nuances – criticality,
creativity, reflexivity and sophisticated abilities to deal with and
process verbal and non-verbal information. This enrichment
promises to be highly interactive and fun.
Interested in Chinese Language literary writing? Participate in
the author-in-residence programme in which you will be taught
writing skills by renowned local writers.
This is an on-job training
selected students will be
guided by teachers to do
English – Chinese or
translation of articles.
Outstanding translators
may be selected to
participate in national
Quick Facts
 Vacancies: Open to all 3E
 Duration: End of Term 1
 Teacher in charge: Mrs Amy
 Vacancies: 20, Sec 2E or 2NA
 Duration: May – Sep 2014
 Teacher -in-charge: Ms Li
Hongyan & Ms Lee Jia Min
 Vacancies: 10, Sec 1 to 3, Exp/NA
 Duration: Mar – Nov 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Tang
Chun Chieh
Emcee Training Programme
The Assembly Presenters Programme moulds confident
speakers who are able to helm school and even community
events. They are put through rigorous public speaking training
that hones their verbal articulation and stage confidence.
Students will have to attend preparatory training sessions
regularly before events.
 Vacancies: 10, Sec 1 to 5 students
 Duration: Jan – Nov 2014
 Preparatory training during June
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Liang
Qiang and Mdm Norliza for MT
and Ms Gwyneth Chua for EL
Level 2
Level 2
The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
(ICAS) are independent skills-based assessments with a
competitive element. The English tests the school organises are
the English Comprehension and Writing. Students who opt in
would need to pay for the tests. They will receive
comprehensive reports on their performance level. Students
who perform well also receive a certificate to recognise their
Level 2
 Vacancies: Open to all levels
 Duration: June - July
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Anny
 Vacancies: Open to all Sec 1 and
 Duration:July
 Teacher-in-charge:
Sec 1 – Mdm Abbey, Sec 2 – Ms
Cindy Beh
Talks by Invited Writers and Journalists
The English Festival is an annual event held in line with the
Speak Good English Movement in Singapore. The objective is to
raise awareness of the importance of English Language, and to
encourage students to speak and write standard English
throughout the year. Students are encouraged to participate in
the host of fun English activities which are organised, such as
the Drama and Debate Competitions, Spelling Bee, and MBS
(Movies, Books and Songs)
Level 2
English Festival
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
These talks are held in conjunction with English Festival. The
objective is to bring writers into school to meet and interact
with students and teachers. It is a great chance for students and
teachers to delve into the world of literature outside of the
school curriculum, and all Upper Sec Literature students are
strongly encouraged to participate.
Xinmin Budding Journalists Programme
(School Based)
This programme aims to help students appreciate editorial
decisions, equip students with basic skills to gather news and
package it for print media, help students use these newly
acquired skills to generate news, help students to appreciate
rapidly changing technology that affects journalism.
Science Overseas Learning Journey to Curtin
This is a 7 day learning trip to Australia and promises
to be an exciting and enriching learning journey for
students keen in learning more about Science and
going beyond the textbooks.
 Vacancies: Open to all levels
 Duration: July
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Anny
 Vacancies: 30 students Sec 1 to 4
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Joanne
Chan & Mr Effendy
 Vacancies: 20 places for lower
secondary students only
 Duration: Nov/Dec 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Chiew
Ying Sy
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Elementz Science Competition
Continue your research in projects from the Applied Science
Curriculum by taking part in the Elementz Science Project
Competition. The areas of research may be based on herbs,
hydroponics, extraction and analysis of vitamins, caffeine etc.
 Vacancies: Selected groups from
Sec 1 Applied Science
 Duration: 20 – 30 hrs of research
work in Sem 1
 Teacher-in-charge: Mrs May
Ms Kasmawati
Bull’s Eye Competition
Organised by the Mechanical Engineering Division of Ngee Ann
Polytechnic, This exciting event is designed to inspire a passion
for science and engineering, and afford students the
opportunity to demonstrate their ability to creatively apply
their skills and knowledge of design and technology, mechanics,
electricity, motor and drive system.
 Vacancies: 10 -15 students, (Sec 2
& 3 students)
 Duration: Jun to Nov 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Jackson
Ng & Mr Roslee
Chinese Creative Writing Competition
This is an inter-school competition that challenges your ability
to clearly express your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
 Vacancies: 2, Sec1E to 4E
 Duration: Mar – Sep 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Li
National Annual Chinese Literature Camp
Organised by RGS, this camp allows students who are
interested in Chinese Literature to Further their Interests
through the various organized workshops and seminars.
Students will have the opportunity to meet some of the famous
authors in person.
 Vacancies: 20 students, Sec 3 - 4
 Duration: June 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Lee Jia Min
Level 3
Level 3
National Language Based Competitions
Level 3
Level 3
Level 3
Xinmin Budding Journalists (SPH)
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Students selected will have a chance to attend specialized
workshops by SPH.
Interested students should register with the MT teachers.
 Vacancies: 3 students for ML and
CL each Sec 1 to 4
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Joanne
Chan & Mr Effendy
 Commitment: Weekly training
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Tang, Mr
Effendy and Mdm Gwee
Model United Nations
Be among tomorrow's leaders
engaging in debates and
discussions on today's issues,
simulating conferences held
by various councils of the
United Nations!
Sign up for this prestigious and
reputed programme.
 Vacancies: 10 students
 Duration: 2 months
 Commitment: Students will have
to attend training sessions in
preparation for the competition,
totalling 30 hours.
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Nicholas
NUS Geography Challenge
Students who are keen to explore Geography beyond the
textbook and the classroom should sign up for this.
 Vacancies: 10 students
 Duration: 2 months
 Commitment: Students will have
to attend training sessions in
preparation for the competition,
totalling 30 hours.
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Nicholas
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad
 Vacancies: 60, Sec 1E to 4E
 Duration: 8 Saturdays of training
from Feb – Jun 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Lillian
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 3
Level 3
LAMDA/Trinity Oral Assessment
Students can put up their projects for presentation
to other schools. This is a good chance to explore Science
beyond the classroom.
This is an extension of the Sec 2 Public Speaking enrichment.
Interested students would need to prepare a short oral
presentation and pay for their assessment by LAMDA/Trinity
assessors. Students who do well would receive certification by
the renowned institutions.
 Vacancies: Open to all students
 Duration: 11 March 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Yip Ming
 Vacancies: Maximum 80
vacancies for Sec 2 students
 Duration: June
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Cindy Beh
Commonwealth Essay Competition
The commonwealth Essay Competition aims to nurture the
creative talents of young people and promote literacy,
expression and creativity among students by celebrating
excellence and imagination. The Essay Competition topics are
built into the sec2 and 3 English curriculums, and students who
write well are encouraged to send in their essays to participate
in the essay competition.
 Vacancies: Selected Sec 2 & 3
students only
 Duration: April
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Ten Yu
National Schools Literature Festival
Level 3
Science And Technology Symposium
Level 3
The Singapore Mathematical Olympiad is the largest and oldest
mathematics competition in Singapore. Students will undergo a
rigorous selection process to be admitted into this prestigious
competition, after which they will be required to attend weekly
training sessions on Saturdays.
The National Schools Literature Festival is an annual event
organised by MOE in collaboration with Lit Up Singapore,
 Vacancies: Open to all levels and
Emerging Writers and Performers Festival. Various competitions
all students
are held during the festival: Upper Secondary Set Text Debate,
 Duration: July
Upper Secondary Unseen Poem Debate, Lower Secondary
 Teacher-in-charge: Mrs Amy
Poetry Slam, Lower Secondary Drama Book Trailer, and
Literature Book Parade. Students will be selected to participate
in the festival by their respective English and Literature
Level 3
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Science & Technology Research Programme
 Vacancies: 40 places for Sec 2E
and 3E students
 Duration: Mar 2013 – Mar 2014
 Commitment: At least 100 hours
of research work throughout
the year.
 Teacher-in-charge: Mrs May
Level 3
The Science & Technology Research Programme was launched in 2008 as a strategic partnership between
Xinmin Secondary School and Nanyang Polytechnic. This is an opportunity for you to develop your
research skills under the guidance of supervisors from Nanyang Polytechnic, with 18 challenging projects
for you to choose from, covering a wide range of fields including health science, food science, engineering
and infocomm. Outstanding projects may be selected to participate in the Singapore Science and
Engineering Fair competition. This programme will culminate in a Symposium in March 2013, when you
will present the results of your research projects to distinguished guests.
Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad
The Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO) is a Physics
competition organized by the Institute of Physics Singapore.
This is an annual competition to encourage the study and
appreciation of Physics among all secondary school students.
 Vacancies: Upper Sec Express
Students only
 Duration: Jul – Aug 2014
 Commitment: Four training
sessions of about 3 hours each.
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Chua Qing
Level 3
Bicultural Exchange & Immersion Programme
Want to develop a greater awareness of the nuances of
different cultures of various groups of people in other societies,
as well as better understand the social, economic and political
developments of their countries?
Sign up for the bicultural trips by seeing the teacher in charge!
 Tentative outgoing dates (and
no. of vacancies in brackets):
 Shanghai: 26 May – 8 Jun
(Sec 2s only)
 India: 14 Nov to 23 Nov 2014
(Sec 3s only)
 Teachers-in-charge:
India: Ms Ten Yu Ping
Mr Gabriel Tay
Mr Matthias Chan
Shanghai: Mr Lee Kin Meng
Ms Kee Bee Wah
Level 4
 Vacancies: 5 Sec 3 students only
PESA is a programme organised by YMCA of Singapore, in
partnership with MOE, the National Library Board and Speak
 Duration: May to August
Good English Movement. The competition trains students to
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Gwyneth
sharpen their speaking skills and to build confidence in public
presentation. Selected students will be trained for 2 compulsory
components in the competition – Prepared Speech and
Impromptu Speech.
Level 4
Chinese Reading Report Competition
This is an international competition
which requires you to make critical
analyses of books, and evaluate on their
quality, meaning and significance.
 Vacancies: 4, Sec 3E or 4E HMT
students nominated by teachers
 Duration: Mar – May 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Xiao
Creative Arts Programme (CL & ML)
Level 4
PESA (Plain English Speaking Awards
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Interested students need to submit a writing portfolio and
selected students will have the opportunity to work under the
guidance of a local author. Interested students must have
attended and completed the Author In Residence Programme
in Level 2.
 Vacancies: 5 students, Sec 3/4
 Duration: Mar – Nov 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Li
Hongyan and Ms Lee Jia Min
Level 4
Creative Arts Programme (EL)
Level 4
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Interested students would need to prove their flair for writing
and submit a writing portfolio and selected students would
have the opportunity to learn from established Singapore
National Annual Bicultural Symposium or
National Language Based Symposium
Students will get to be among students from various schools
and engage in debates and discussions on issues regarding the
East and West cultures, or the different social issues. Students
have to be effectively bilingual and will have to attend training
 Vacancies: 20 students, Sec 2
and 3 only
 Duration: Submission of
portfolio Nov 2014, Residential
Camp June 2015
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Ten Yu
 Vacancies: 20 students, Sec 2 - 4
 Duration: Mar – Sep 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Tang Chun
Level 4
Science research and work attachment
Level 4
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
National Science Challenge
Level 3
Develop your passion in science and
cutting-edge research by signing up
for research and work attachments at
the Institute of Bioengineering and
Nanotechnology, and the Singapore
Science Centre.
Use your Science wits and
knowledge, together with
creativity, to battle and outdo
teams from other schools in
challenges posed!
Before you qualify for the funfilled game show on TV, you
first have to get through an
audition in the prelimary
 Vacancies: 5, Sec 3E and 4E
 Duration: Nov and Dec 2013
 Commitment: Students are
required to report for work as
assigned by their mentors during
the school holidays.
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Lim Boon
 Vacancies:10 Sec 3E and 10 4E
 Duration: Mar – Sep 2013
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Lim Boon
Quick Facts
Overseas Service Learning Trips
The overseas service-learning trips aim to broaden
students’ perspectives of the world around them and to
appreciate cultural diversity through interaction with the
local community. Personal involvement in planning and
executing meaningful and beneficial
overseas community service projects also seeks to
develop sound character and important life skills in the
 Vacancies: Cambodia (25),
Thailand (20). Open to Sec 3E,
3NA, 3NT & 4NA only
 Duration: 10 days in Nov
 Commitment: Fund-raising for
project costs, at least 5
preparation sessions before
departure, at least 3 post-trip
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Elias Loo
Level 2
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 2 Leadership Workshop
 Vacancies:160, Sec 1 – 3 students
nominated by teachers
 Duration:
First run: Beginning of Term 2
Second run: End of Term 2
 Commitment: Participants are
required to complete all core
modules and 2 elective modules.
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Duncan
Level 4
Develop communication and project management skills in this
leadership programme targeted at grooming leaders for small
group settings. There will be two 4-hour sessions of core
modules, and six 2.5-hour sessions of elective modules, out of
which you choose two which best meet your needs.
Campus Change Makers
This platform aims to address the calls of students who wish to
carry out meaningful projects for their community, but may lack
of funds, resources and guidance to do so. In collaboration with
National Youth Council’s Campus Changemakers programme,
students get the opportunity to propose and implement a
project to serve an area of community’s needs. Through
proposing their proposal to a group of student panelists,
students can apply for funding and resources. A teacher mentor
will also be attached to each project group to guide students
through the planning and implementation process.
Complementing the existing Values-in-action (VIA) initiatives,
this programme seeks to promote meaningful community
participation. Interested students may register through our
Xinmin Change Initiators E Portal on our Website.
 Vacancies: Open to all students.
 Duration: Term 2 onwards
Commitment: Presentation of
proposal to student panel,
preparation sessions before actual
project, implementation of project
 Teachers-in-charge: Ms Jane Toh
Mr James Tan
Ms Cindy Oh
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 3
Quick Facts
Level 3 Leadership Workshop
There will be six modules conducted in this programme,
including proposal writing, delegation, public speaking and
conflict resolution skills. To qualify, you must have completed
Level 2 workshop and hold leadership positions such as Student
Councillor, Class Chair/Vice-chairperson, or CCA Executive
Committee member.
 Vacancies: 70,
Sec 2 – 3 students
 Duration:
2D1N camp in Term 4 2014
 Commitment: Participants are
required to complete all
 Teachers-in-charge: Ms Cheryl
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 3
Quick Facts
Xinmin Leadership Adventure Camp
Potential student leaders from
Student Council and CoCurricular Activity Groups will
undergo an adventurous
experience that includes the
Ropes Course,
Abseiling, a communication
workshop and various teambuilding games. You will build
confidence and resilience, as
well as practice teamwork and
potential. All budding leaders
are highly urged to attend this
Level 3
 Vacancies: 150, Sec 2 potential
CCA leaders nominated by
 Duration: 9 - 12 Jun 2014
 Venue: MOE Labrador Adventure
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Cheryl
Lie/Mr Duncan Hiew
Student Council
Being the school’s pinnacle student leadership body, the
Student Council (SC) takes charge of organising major school
events including the Secondary 1 Orientation programme for
their juniors, the Leadership Adventure Camp for Secondary 2
potential CCA leaders, and Teachers’ Day concert for their
teachers. There are seemingly countless opportunities for every
Student Councillor to hone their leadership skills throughout
the year.
The Executive Committee, and all Student Councillors work
closely with the school administration, teachers, CCA leaders
and students to serve the long-term interests of the schools and
realise their dreams.
 Vacancies: 10 – 20 students
from all streams and levels for
this year only
 Recruitment period:
Term 2 and Term 3
 Commitment: Student
Councillors are committed to the
Council throughout their years
of study in Xinmin
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Cheryl Lie
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 3
Under the guidance of a teacher/coaches, teams of four
students in grades 4-12 use the FPSP six-step model to explore
challenges and propose action plans to complex societal
Internet and genetic engineering.
Level 4
Quick Facts
Future Problem Solving Programme (FPSP)
problems, such as fads, financial security, amateur sports, the
 Vacancies: Open to selected Sec 3
students (8-12 students)
 Duration: Training from January
to August
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Lin
Minglei, Ms Jane Toh
Level 4 Leadership Workshops
Level 4 leadership workshop focus on equipping our top leaders
with mentoring and succession planning skills. As the heads of
all CCAs and the top leaders of Student Council, our Level 4
leaders are to inspire all students in working towards a shared
vision. To qualify, you must have completed the Level 3
Leadership programme, and you hold top leadership positions
in the school.
 Vacancies: 30, Sec 3 students
 Duration: Beginning of Term 1
 Commitment: Participants are
required to complete all modules.
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Cheryl Lie
Level 4
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Xinmin Leadership Adventure Camp (facilitators)
Contribute to organising and leading the Sec 2s in the important
learning journey of theirs. This is one of the most fun ways to
serve others and hone your own leadership skills as well.
 Vacancies: 30, Sec 3 or Sec 4s
 Duration: 9 - 12Jun 2014
 Venue: MOE Labrador Adventure
 Commitment: Training sessions
will be held on Saturdays in the
months before the camp.
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Cheryl
Lie/Mr Duncan Hiew
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 3
Xinmin’s Got Talent
Level 3
Dikir Barat Performance & Competition
This is a platform for you to display your talent. If you think that
you can sing, dance, perform martial arts or a balancing act,
amaze others with your magic tricks or perform any musical
instrument, jump on board!
Students of all races will be given
trainings and exposure in this
traditional performing art form of
the Malay cultures. After that,
they will perform during the
Mother Tongue Language Festival
and represent the school in
national competitions.
Quick Facts
 Duration: Semester 1, 2014
 Finals : 12 Apr 2014
 Commitment: There may be
preliminary rounds, followed by
 Teacher-in-charge: Ms Cindy
Beh/Ms Siti Salihah
 Vacancies: 15
 Duration: Jan – Aug, 2014
 Commitment: Students will meet
4 – 6 hours for training every
 Teacher-in-charge: Mdm Norliza
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
Level 2
Level 3
Swim Safer Customized Programme
Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort
Quick Facts
 Vacancies: 40 students per
gender per level
 Duration: All year Round
 Teacher-in-charge: Mrs Ho Yen
For Students who have completed Stage 1 to 6 in the Swim
Safer Programme in Sec 1.
 Duration: 12 hours
 Vacancies: Any student who
completed stage 1 to 6.
 Commitment: 2 hr session once a
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Jeremy
Level 3
North Zone Sports Carnival
Combined Sports Meet
Level 3
Levels 2 – 4 Opt-in Programmes
The Combined Sports Meet is a collaboration between Xinmin
Secondary, Nan Chiau Secondary and Yishun Town Secondary
School. Boys and girls of all 3 schools will battle it out on the
track over various sprint and middle distance events. Power
and strength will be on display as schools fight for bragging
rights in the Javelin and Shot Put events. But more importantly,
through this healthy competition, it provides a platform for
students from all 3 schools to embody the Olympic values of
Respect, Friendship and Excellence.
Students can form their own teams and participate in a variety
of sports and pit their skills against other teams in the spirit of
fun and enjoyment.
 Vacancies: 150 students
 Commitment: 8 weeks of training
in June to Jul
 Event date: 11 Jul 2014
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Gabriel
 Vacancies: Depends on
Organising School
 Commitment: 4 hours
 Teacher-in-charge: Mr Gabriel
Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi
Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end
finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios
the gods have granted to me or you, Leuconoe. Don't
play with Babylonian
temptaris numeros. ut melius, quidquid erit, pati.
fortune-telling either. How much better it is to endure
whatever will be!
seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam,
Whether Jupiter has allotted to you many more winters
or this final one
quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum:
which even now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the
rocks placed opposite
sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi
— be wise, strain the wine, and scale back your long
spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit invida
to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have
{already} fled
aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future.
Above is a poem in the first of four books of Latin lyric poems by Horace, titled Tu ne quaesieris. It is a short rebuke
to a woman worrying about the future; it closes with the famous line carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
(seize the day, trusting tomorrow as little as possible).
As Theodore Roosevelt puts it, “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst
thing you can do is nothing.”
Take charge – develop your talent to the fullest potential; act now!