Use the arrow keys and enter to select the menu options

Use the arrow keys and enter to select the menu options "Software Installation And Management" and
"Install and Update Software" and "Install and Update All Available Software",
Enter a full stop into "INPUT device / directory" (avoid F4 for now) and then press Enter.
Now with "SOFTWARE to install" selected press F4.
The list of software available for installation appears.
Use up and down arrow keys to navigate. When on a line which starts with a '+' press F7 to make that
selection, e.g.
· WebSphere MQ Base Kit for Client and Server
· WebSphere MQ Runtime for Client and Server
· WebSphere MQ Samples
· WebSphere MQ Client for AIX
· WebSphere MQ Java Client, JMS and Web Services support
· WebSphere MQ Java Runtime
· WebSphere MQ Server
Press Enter to return to the previous screen.
Use the up and down arrows to navigate. You need to set "PREVIEW" to yes, then set "ACCEPT" to yes
and then set "PREVIEW" to no. When on a selection press F4 to list the options ("yes" and "no") and up and
down and enter to select an option.
Finally press Enter to confirm the selection and the software should now be installed.