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Gartsman c a b c Department of River and Harbor Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, No. 2, Beining Road, Keelung 202, Taiwan, ROC Geotechnical Engineering Research Center, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Basement No.7, Lane 26, Yat-Sen Road, Taipei City 110, Taiwan, ROC Pacific Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 14 October 2008 Received in revised form 5 January 2009 Accepted 17 January 2009 This manuscript was handled by K. Georgakakos, Editor-in-Cheif. Keywords: Scaling relationship Transition break Stream network structure Watershed geomorphology Kinematic-wave-based geomorphologic model Nonlinearity s u m m a r y The primary objective of this study was to investigate the cause of the transition break in the scaling relationship graph of peak discharge vs. drainage area. Watershed geomorphologic and hydrological data from eleven nested watersheds in the Komarovka River Basin in Russia were collected for analysis. A series of numerical experiments were conducted using a digital elevation model and a geomorphologybased runoff model to investigate the variation of the upstream drainage areas and peak discharges at specified sampling locations on the stream network. The results indicated that when a large tributary flowed into the mainstream, an abrupt increase in the drainage area was observed in the graph of drainage area vs. distance to mainstream outlet. The reason is that the drainage area of the tributary relative to the drainage area of the mainstream at the location which the tributary joins in is large. The abrupt change corresponded to the transition break shown in the graph of peak discharge vs. drainage area, which was an indication of the scaling relationship transferring from linearity to nonlinearity. The cause of the transition break had been verified by using hydrological records obtained from the Komarovka River Basin and successfully simulated by applying the geomorphology-based runoff model. Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Introduction Previous studies have shown that power law relations between the hydrological response and watershed drainage area can be divided into two groups. One is the regional quantile analysis regarding the relationship between flood frequency curves of watersheds at different locations, and the other is related to the peak flood discharge and its frequency for a single watershed. The peak discharge is always expressed as a power function of the drainage area as Q p ¼ aAh ð1Þ where Qp represents the peak discharge and A is the drainage area. The exponent h is the scaling exponent. The transfer of information across scales is called scaling (Blöschl and Sivapalan, 1995). These regressed power law equations can be described as a ‘‘scaling relationship” (Sivapalan et al., 2002) and the regressed exponent h remains invariant when the drainage area changes. The scaling relationship for individual rainstorms has been examined to understand the transfer of information (peak discharge) across spatial scales (drainage area). Gupta et al. (1996) studied scaling under idealized rainfall and river network conditions in individual rainstorms and illustrated how the scaling exponent could be predicted in terms of Peano network geomorphology * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (K.T. Lee). 0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.021 and rainfall. Scaling analyses for individual storm events using the hydrological data from Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed were conducted by Ogden and Dawdy (2003) as well as Furey and Gupta (2005). They reported that a nonlinear relationship was observed in the scaling relationship for individual storm events. The exponents for 2-yr and 20-yr peak discharges in Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed showed h = 0.77 ± 0.04 (Ogden and Dawdy, 2003). The observed scaling exponent was found varying with transition region gradually across scales (Sivapalan et al., 2002). This was caused by the scaling behavior of the ratio of storm duration to watershed response time or by a change in runoff process and the interaction between storm duration and watershed residence time (Huang and Willgoose, 1993; Robinson and Sivapalan, 1997; Blöschl and Sivapalan, 1997). Two-segment power law regression was applied by Goodrich et al. (1997) using the data from Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed to investigate the scaling relationship between the peak discharge and drainage area. They discovered that a transition break existed in the two-segment power law relations, and the break corresponded to the drainage area approximately in the range of 3.7 105 to 6.0 105 m2. For watersheds smaller than the transition break, the scaling exponents were 0.85 and 0.90 for the 2-yr and 100-yr return periods, respectively. For watersheds larger than the transition break, the exponents were 0.55 and 0.58 for the two specified return periods, which implied that the hydrological response became more nonlinear. As reported by Goodrich et al. Author's personal copy 284 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 (1997), the transition break resulted from the increasing importance of ephemeral channel losses and partial storm area coverage. A decrease in percent cover of the storm core further contributed to the decrease in watershed yield and nonlinearity in basin response beyond the transition region. However, no detailed analysis related to the network structure of the watershed has been reported. Sivapalan et al. (2002) adopted a simple, linear and lumped model to simulate watershed response. They pointed out that the scaling exponent of Qp with respect to drainage area A changed from 1.0 (unity) for small watersheds to 0.5 for large watersheds. Instead of a transition break, a transition zone with various exponents was found in their study because a lumped model was applied to simulate the hydrological response of the watershed, and in such a case the stream network could not be taken into account. This study aims to provide physical interpretations for the transition break in the scaling relationship graph through investigating the stream sampling locations and network structure. The transition break means an abrupt change in scaling exponent from small to large scales which originates physically. Hydrological records from eleven flow gauging stations in the Komarovka River Basin in Russia are collected to study the trend of scaling relationship movement. In order to determine the location of the transition break in the scaling relationship precisely, a digital elevation model (DEM) and a kinematic-wave-based geomorphologic IUH (KWGIUH) model (Lee and Yen, 1997; Lee et al., 2008) are adopted as auxiliary tools to calculate the geomorphologic factors and to generate the peak discharges at ungauged sites. We hope that the analytical approach adopted here can simplify the scaling problem through investigating the stream network structure in watersheds. This will also reveal a new statistical issue when using hydrological recorded data for scaling analysis needs to understand the location and magnitude of the transition break. Watershed scaling Q p ¼ f ðR; S; land cover; stream network structrueÞ where R represents the rainfall characteristics; S is the watershed slope. For mid-size nested watersheds, the slope is less sensitive to other parameters. If the spatial variation of land cover in the nested watersheds is comparatively small, the influence of land cover on peak discharge may be negligible. The role of stream network is to deliver water from hillslopes to the basin outlet. For a specified sampling location on the stream network, the main influence of the network structure on peak discharge can be represented by watershed flow length L and drainage area A. Since the watershed flow length and drainage area have been shown to be closely related (Gray, 1961; Mesa and Gupta, 1987), the peak discharge can be simply expressed as a function of rainfall characteristics and drainage area as follows: Q p ¼ f ðR; AÞ ð3Þ where A is the drainage area. When focusing on exploring the scaling relationship for individual storm events or for a specified magnitude of rainstorm (equivalent to a specified return period condition), Eq. (3) can be further simplified as follows: Q p ¼ f ðAÞ ð4Þ Let k be a scale ratio (=Ai/Aj), then scaling invariance can be defined as d QðkAÞ ¼ gðkÞQ ðAÞ ð5Þ d where g(k) is a random function; ¼ implies that the probability distributions of Q(kA) and g(k)Q(A) are the same. The probability distribution of Q(kA) for any watershed can be determined from the distribution of Q(A). Two arbitrary scalars, k1 and k2, are added into Eq. (5), and then the equation can be expressed iteratively as d d d fQ ðk1 k2 Þg ¼ gðk1 ÞfQ ðk2 Þg ¼ gðk1 Þgðk2 ÞfQ ð1Þg ¼ gðk1 k2 ÞfQ ð1Þg Peak discharge generated by a rainstorm can be expressed by a functional relation of rainfall characteristics and geomorphologic properties as ð2Þ ð6Þ where Q(1) is the peak discharge for a unit reference watershed. The functional equation gðk1 Þgðk2 Þ ¼ gðk1 k2 Þ can be obtained using Eq. Saharny Zavod Sadovoy Dalny rain gauging station flow gauging station 0 5 10 km Fig. 1. Location map of the hydrological gauging stations in the Komarovka River Basin. Author's personal copy 285 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 (6). If f ðlog kÞ ¼ log gðkÞ can be defined, taking logarithms in the above functional equation can produce the following: f ½log ðk1 Þ þ log ðk2 Þ ¼ f ½log ðk1 Þ þ f ½log ðk2 Þ ð7Þ A solution of Eq. (7) is f ðlog kÞ ¼ h log k for a constant h (Parzen, 1967). Therefore, g(k) is given by a power law as gðkÞ ¼ kh ð8Þ where the scaling exponent h is a fundamental parameter. Take k1 ¼ Ai =Aj and k2 = Aj into Eq. (8), then the relation is expressed as Q ðAi Þ ¼ ðAi =Aj Þh Q ðAj Þ ð9Þ where Q(Ai) and Q(Aj) are the peak discharges of the ith and jth watersheds with areas of Ai and Aj, respectively. Eq. (9) implies that the peak discharge from a watershed can be indexed by the drain- Table 1 Geomorphologic factors of the watersheds: i, stream network order; S, watershed slope; L, watershed flow length; A, drainage area. Subwatershed River i S (m/m) L (km) A (km2) Dokovsky Verhny Egersky Mostovoy Dalny Lesnichy Komarovsky Nizhny Centralny Sadovy Saharny Zavod Semenovskaya Pad Volha Komarovskaya Pad Gluhovka Uchkhozny Klyuch Barsukovka Komarovska Volha Komarovska Komarovska Komarovska 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 0.1195 0.1269 0.1440 0.0396 0.1297 0.0729 0.1286 0.1253 0.1246 0.1081 0.0896 4.350 4.844 9.104 6.835 11.257 15.111 13.809 16.097 26.268 35.428 53.400 5.64 17.60 24.00 31.10 36.20 36.80 60.30 69.50 157.00 395.00 616.00 age area. If Aj is equal to unity, Q ðAi Þ ¼ Q ð1ÞðAi Þh can be obtained. Therefore, in the expression of Q ðAÞ ¼ aAh , the coefficient a = Q(1) and Ah is normalized by a unit area raised to the power h. The slope of the scaling relationship h is equal to 1.0 as the runoff equilibrium state is reached, and it is a scale indicator to describe the degree of nonlinearity between the peak discharge and drainage area. Empirical values of the scaling exponent have been found to exist in the range of 0.5 < h < 1 (Leopold et al., 1964; Benson, 1962, 1964; Alexander, 1972). As the statistical property follows Eq. (1), the relation is nonlinear except in the case of h = 1. Description of study nested watersheds The Komarovka River Basin is located in Southern Primorye of Russia. Hydrological records from eighteen rain gauging stations and eleven flow gauging stations are collected in this study to investigate the scaling relationship in the nested basin. The areas of the gauged subwatersheds in the Komarovka River Basin range from 5.64 km2 to 616 km2. Most of the areas in the basin are composed of sedimentary, metamorphic and eruptive rocks. They are upland forest watersheds with heavy brush cover, brush banks and channels filled with large boulders. The elevation of the watershed ranges from 17 m to 697 m above mean sea level. The watershed average slope is 0.0896 and the mainstream length is approximately 53.4 km. The locations of the hydrological gauging stations, the watershed boundary as well as stream network are shown in Fig. 1. Detailed geomorphologic factors of the subwatersheds correspond to the eleven flow gauging stations are listed in Table 1, which are calculated by applying a DEM developed by the first author (Lee, 1998) using a 30-m resolution raster elevation data set. Hydrological records show that high rainfall intensity 10000 10000 16 Aug. 1968 Qp,rec(Saharny Zavod) = 400.00 m3/s Qp,rec = 3.70A0.77 (R2=0.864) 1000 100 Qp (m3/s) Qp (m3/s) 1000 6 Aug. 1971 Qp,rec(Saharny Zavod) = 163.72 m3/s Qp,rec = 1.21A0.80 (R2=0.966) 10 100 10 Qp,rec Qp,rec 1 θ rec =0.80 1 θ rec =0.77 θ equ =1.0 θ equ =1.0 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1 10 A (km2) 1000 10000 10000 9 Aug. 1972 Qp,rec(Saharny Zavod) = 199.98 m3/s Qp,rec = 1.15A0.79 (R2=0.899) 1000 22 Aug. 1990 Qp,rec(Saharny Zavod) = 518.50 m3/s Qp,rec = 1.33A0.92 (R2=0.971) 1000 100 Qp (m3/s) Qp (m3/s) 100 A (km2) 10 100 10 Qp,rec Qp,rec θ rec =0.79 1 θ rec =0.92 1 θ equ =1.0 θ equ =1.0 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 A (km2) 1000 1 10 100 1000 A (km2) Fig. 2. Recorded peak discharges (Qp) vs. drainage areas (A): Qp,rec, recorded peak discharge; hrec, regressed scaling exponent for data from mainstream; hequ = 1.0, a slope of 1.0 passes through the point at A = 1 km2. Author's personal copy 286 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 caused by typhoons and thunderstorms occurs mostly between June and September in the basin. Scaling analysis based on recorded data This study investigates the variability of the scaling relationship between peak discharge and drainage area in the Komarovka River Basin. Four rainstorm events with peak discharges ranging from 164 m3/s to 519 m3/s measured at the basin outlet (Saharny Zavod flow gauging station) are collected for analysis. The peak discharges vs. drainage areas for individual rainstorms are plotted in Fig. 2 together with corresponding regression curves (as represented by the dashed lines) to provide a preliminary attempt for inferring the scaling relationship based on existing data. As shown in Fig. 2, the peak discharge increases as the watershed size increases for the storm events. In addition, the regressed scaling exponents (hrec = 0.77–0.92; R2 = 0.864–0.971) vary in different storm events, which corresponds to the findings reported by Furey and Gupta (2005). As shown in Fig. 2, if runoff equilibrium state can be reached for drainage area larger than 1 km2, then a solid line with a slope of 1.0 passes through the point at A = 1 km2 given by the regression dashed line (hequ = 1.0) can be drawn to represent the equilibrium condition in the watershed. In regard to a specified rainstorm, it is difficult to reach equilibrium because runoff response is delayed when the watershed size increases. As a result, a comparatively low peak discharge was generated by the rainstorm in a large watershed. It indicates that the data set deviates from the runoff equilibrium runoff condition as the watershed size increases. Furthermore, the smallest deviation is shown for the largest storm event recorded on 22 August 1990. It demonstrates that a rela- 10 20 Scaling analysis based on model generated data KW-GIUH model calibration and verification Recorded data for scaling relationship analysis is usually limited. To overcome this difficulty, a kinematic-wave-based geomorphologic IUH (KW-GIUH) model (Lee and Yen, 1997; Lee et al., ie (mm) i e (mm) 0 tively consistent hydrological response can be observed in watersheds of different sizes during a large storm event, and the scaling relationship between peak discharge and drainage area approximates to linearity. Peak discharge is functions of spatial distribution of watershed properties as well as temporal and spatial distributions of rainfall. Either geomorphologic or hydrological properties may play an important role to affect the runoff generation according to the watershed scale. In small watersheds, hydrological response is dominated by rainfall, interception and infiltration. As to mid-size and large watersheds, routing and channel effect become more important and should not be neglected. Previous studies have reported that if the condition of whole watershed contributing to runoff can be attained in a storm event, the rainfall–runoff relationship approximates to linearity, whereas the rainfall–runoff relationship is nonlinear if the condition of whole watershed contributing to runoff cannot be reached (Leopold et al., 1964; Ogden and Dawdy, 2003). In Fig. 2, the data points from the eleven flow gauging stations are scattered around the regression line. Neither clearly defining a transition break nor dividing the data points into linear and nonlinear groups is easy. Therefore, more data are required in order to examine how the scaling relationship changes across the spatial scales in the Komarovka River Basin. 16 Aug. 1968 Recorded KW-GIUH 300 0 2 4 6 8 6 Aug. 1971 Recorded KW-GIUH 160 Q (m 3/s) Q (m 3/s) 120 200 80 100 40 0 0 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 0 24 48 ie (mm) ie (mm) 0 2 4 6 9 Aug. 1972 Recorded KW-GIUH 160 96 120 144 0 8 16 22 Aug. 1990 Recorded KW-GIUH 400 120 300 Q (m3/s) Q (m3/s) 72 Time (hr) Time (hr) 80 40 200 100 0 0 0 24 48 72 96 Time (hr) 120 144 168 0 24 48 72 96 Time (hr) Fig. 3. Simulated and recorded hydrographs of four rainstorms in Sadovy subwatershed. 120 144 168 Author's personal copy 287 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 0 10 20 16 Aug. 1968 30 also applied to nine other flow gauged sites and verified by using the recorded data. The simulated and recorded peak discharges for the four rainstorms at the eleven gauging stations are compared in Fig. 5. A paired t-test has been performed and the level of significance is set to be 0.05 with a t0.05 for 10 degrees of freedom equal to 2.228. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted except for the rainstorm on 6 August 1971 (the paired t-test value is 2.718). It showed that deviations between the simulated and recorded peak discharges for the rainstorm events were almost insignificant. Scaling analysis using model generated data In order to acquire sufficient data for analysis, control points were designated from the most upstream point along the mainstream to the basin outlet. At each control point, a DEM model was used to calculate the geomorphologic factors, and then the KW-GIUH model associated with the spatial average rainfall was performed to obtain the simulated flow hydrographs. Fig. 6 illustrates the schematic procedure for the calculation of the geomorphologic and hydrological information at several designated locations using DEM and KW-GIUH models along the mainstream of the watershed for a specified rainstorm input, in which roughness values in the KW-GIUH model at ungauged sites can be referred to the values of the neighboring gauged sites. A total of 1590 locations were assigned to the mainstream of 53.4 km in length. Graphs of peak discharge vs. drainage area for the four example rainstorms based on the data from the 1590 locations in the basin are presented in Fig. 7, in which the open circles are the data points generated by using the models and the triangles are the recorded data from the eleven flow gauging stations. Since the 1590 locations are designated to the continuous DEM grids ie (mm) ie (mm) 2008) is adopted in this study to generate corresponding flow hydrographs at desired points in which the rainfall data is taken as the model input. In the KW-GIUH model, the IUH of a watershed can only be derived by using information obtained from a topographic map or from a digital elevation data set. Results obtained by the KW-GIUH model have been shown to be in good agreement with records collected from different countries of various climatic– topographic conditions (Lee and Yen, 1997; Yen and Lee, 1997; Chen et al., 2007; Shadeed et al., 2007; Chiang et al., 2007). To demonstrate the capability of the KW-GIUH model producing runoff hydrographs in the Komarovka River Basin, rainfall records from the eighteen rain gauging stations are collected to perform runoff simulations. The spatial average rainfall is obtained by using the Thiessen polygons method (Thiessen, 1911) according to locations of nearby rain-gauging stations and boundaries of the subwatersheds. The effective rainfall hyetograph is determined by deducting the abstractions from the spatial average rainfall using the Horton infiltration equation (Horton, 1939). Flow hydrographs from the eleven flow gauging stations are used to calibrate the overland-flow roughness coefficient (no) and channel-flow roughness coefficient (nc) in the KW-GIUH model. Figs. 3 and 4 show the simulated and recorded hydrographs of four verification cases in Sadovy subwatershed (A = 395 km2) and Dalny subwatershed (A = 36.2 km2) in the Komarovka River Basin. The figures have indicated that the simulated and recorded hydrographs are in good agreement based on the four rainstorms recorded in the two subwatersheds. In these simulations, the value of the coefficient of efficiency (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) ranges from 0.81 to 0.97 and the error of peak discharge is within ±12%. To confirm the applicability of the KW-GIUH model regarding watersheds of different scales for runoff simulation, the model is Recorded KW-GIUH 80 6 Aug. 1971 Recorded KW-GIUH 16 12 Q (m3/s) 60 Q (m3/s) 0 2 4 6 8 40 8 4 20 0 0 0 24 48 72 96 0 120 24 ie (mm) ie (mm) 0 2 4 6 8 48 72 Time (hr) Time (hr) 9 Aug. 1972 Recorded KW-GIUH 20 0 10 20 22 Aug. 1990 Recorded KW-GIUH 30 Q (m 3/s) Q (m3/s) 16 12 8 20 10 4 0 0 0 24 48 72 Time (hr) 96 120 144 0 24 48 Time (hr) Fig. 4. Simulated and recorded hydrographs of four rainstorms in Dalny subwatershed. 72 96 Author's personal copy 288 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 1000 1000 16 Aug. 1968 6 Aug. 1971 Error of Qp ± 15% Qp,sim (m3/s) Qp,sim (m3/s) Error of Qp ± 15% 100 10 100 10 1 1 1 10 100 1 1000 10 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 22 Aug. 1990 9 Aug. 1972 Error of Qp ± 15% 100 Qp,sim (m3/s) Qp,sim (m3/s) 100 Qp,rec (m3/s) Qp,rec (m3/s) 10 1 Error of Qp ± 15% 100 10 1 1 10 100 1000 Qp,rec (m3/s) 1 10 Qp,rec (m3/s) Fig. 5. Comparison of model estimated peak discharges (Qp,sim) vs. recorded peak discharge (Qp,rec). Q Qp1 A1 t Q Qp2 A2 Qp3 Q t A3 Peak discharge, Qp t Q p3 Q p2 Q p1 A1 A2 A3 Drainage area, A Fig. 6. Illustration of contributing area (A) vs. peak discharge (Qp) along the mainstream. along the mainstream, the open circles are too close to be identified. An enlarging graph for A = 45.51–62.05 km2 is added into the figure for the 22 August 1990 storm to show the detail of the data points. As shown in Fig. 7, the tendency toward scaling relationship can be separated into two regressed segments. Regressions are developed for both the lower and the upper segments by sequentially including more points in the lower regression and fewer points in the upper regression (Goodrich et al., 1997). The separation criterion for the lower segment and upper segment is that the computed residual from the two-segment regression is minimized. Consequently, there are 731 data points on the lower segment and 859 data points on the upper segment for regression analyses. The regressed exponent of the relationship between the peak discharge and drainage area shows close to unity ðhS1 ¼ 0:80 0:90Þ for the lower segment corresponding to small watersheds; the exponent shows less than unity ðhL1 ¼ 0:49 0:70Þ for the upper segment corresponding to large watersheds. As mentioned earlier, the 1590 data points in Fig. 7 were derived by using DEM and KW-GIUH models along the mainstream of the Komarovka River Basin. In order to acquire a complete view of the scaling relationship, data points from other flow paths were also included. As shown in Fig. 8, a total of eight flow paths are delineated in the stream network in which the starting point of each flow path is numbered as a specified path. These flow paths include the mainstream path (Path I) and other major tributaries in the watershed. Following the analytical procedures performed along the mainstream as mentioned previously, 2643 control points in total were assigned to the eight flow paths for subsequent analyses. Fig. 9 is a graph of peak discharge vs. drainage area using the 2643 data points from the eight flow paths. Two-segment anal- Author's personal copy K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 289 Fig. 7. Estimated peak discharge (Qp,sim) vs. drainage area (A) and two-segment power law regression. The two figures also show that the lower segment (for small watersheds) approximates to a linear relationship between the peak discharge and watershed size, and the scaling exponent for the upper segment (for large watersheds) is less than unity. Moreover, the scaling exponents vary with rainstorm characteristics especially for large watersheds (see Table 2). It is because that runoff equilibrium state is rarely achieved as the watershed size increases. Nonlinearity increases when rainfall duration and rainfall intensity decrease (Sivapalan et al., 2002; Furey and Gupta, 2005). Physical interpretations for transition break in the scaling relationship Fig. 8. Flow paths in the Komarovka River Basin. ysis is also used to investigate the variability of the exponent of the scaling relationship. A comparison between Figs. 7 and 9 shows that only slight changes are found in the regressed exponents for the lower segment, but no change is detected for the upper segment. It is because that the additional flow Paths II–VIII considered in Fig. 9 does not add any additional points to the upper segment. In Figs. 7 and 9, the scaling relationship of the model generated data points presents two distinct regressed segments. The data points are generated from either along the mainstream or along the eight flow paths. The lower segment approximates to a linear relationship for peak discharge vs. drainage area and the slope of upper segment declines less than unity. It should be noted that the scaling relationship transferring from the lower regressed segment to the upper ones corresponds to a range of drainage areas between 157 km2 and 294 km2 for all four rainstorms. The cause of the transition break corresponding to a specific interval of watershed size should be further examined. The bold line in Fig. 10 represents the 53.4 km mainstream. The distribution of the distance for a specified location along the mainstream to the basin outlet (L) and the drainage area (A) corresponding to that specified location is shown in Fig. 10a. In this figure, discontinuous segments are found. The most significant break is shown at the location where its distance to the mainstream outlet is 26,310 m (referred to Point a in Fig. 10 on the stream network), Author's personal copy 290 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 Fig. 9. Estimated peak discharges (Qp,sim) vs. drainage area (A) for the control points along eight flow paths. and a large tributary joins the mainstream at Point b. The drainage areas at Point a and Point b are 156.7 km2 and 294.4 km2, respectively. The difference for the drainage area between Point a and Point b is 137.7 km2, which is just the drainage area of the largest tributary (as shown in the gray-shaded area). Fig. 10b shows distance to mainstream outlet (L) vs. peak discharge (Qp) by combining the results from Figs. 10a and 7 for the rainstorm event on 22 August 1990. It is not surprising that a significant difference for the estimated peak discharge is also observed between Point a and Point b because the drainage area is the dominant factor for peak discharge as presented in Eq. (4). Table 2 Selected storm records in the Komarovka River Basin: Qp,rec (Saharny Zavod), recorded peak discharge at the Saharny Zavod basin outlet; T, discharge return period; D, rainfall duration; P, total rainfall depth; hS1 , scaling exponent for data from mainstream (lower segment – for small watersheds); hL1 , scaling exponent for data from mainstream (upper segment – for large watersheds); hS2 , scaling exponent for data from all flow paths (lower segment – for small watersheds); hL2 , scaling exponent for data from all flow paths (upper segment – for large watersheds). Date (m3/s) 16 August 1968 6 August 1971 9 August 1972 22 August 1990 Qp,rec T (yr) D (min) P (mm) hS 1 hL1 hS 2 hL2 Zavod) 400.00 45 220 151.9 0.89 0.55 0.95 0.55 163.72 5 230 51.2 0.90 0.49 0.98 0.49 199.98 6 440 116.9 0.80 0.66 0.91 0.66 518.50 50 410 188.5 0.89 0.70 0.98 0.70 (Saharny In regard to the data points shown in Figs. 7 and 9, we learn that the drainage areas for the data points on the upper regressed segment are all larger than 294.4 km2 for the four rainstorms, and the areas are smaller than 156.7 km2 for the data points on the lower regressed segment. This means that the transition break in the scaling relationship in the Komarovka River Basin is mainly the result of stream network structure. As the largest tributary flows into the mainstream, it causes the most significant abrupt change both on drainage area and peak discharge. The selected severe rainstorms with long rainfall duration result in a linear scaling relationship in small watersheds in which the time of concentration of the watershed is less than the rainfall duration. In contrast, a flow equilibrium condition may not be easily attained in large watersheds. Consequently, a significant transition break is shown on the scaling relationship graph when the largest tributary with a considerable size of drainage area flows into the mainstream. In natural watersheds, drainage areas along different flow paths starting from the upper stream to the lower stream exhibit different levels of increases based on the structure of a stream network. The distribution of the drainage area for a specified flow path can show abrupt changes at confluences in the flow path. The size of these abrupt changes is determined by the drainage area of the tributary flowing into the stream. Since the most dominant geomorphologic factor for hydrological response is drainage area, the most significant transition break is inevitably observed in the graph of peak discharge vs. drainage area when the largest tributary flows into the mainstream. Given that there are sufficient samples along the mainstream and near the mainstream outlet, then the break will occur as presented in the paper. However, if only a few samples are taken along the mainstream and if most Author's personal copy K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 291 1000 Ab = 294.4 km 2 Aa = 156.7 km 2 A (km2) 100 10 1 0.1 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 L (m) (a) 1000 22 A ug. 1990 Qp,rec(Saharny Zavod) = 518.50 m3/s Qp (m3/s) 100 10 1 0.1 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 L (m) (b) Fig. 10. (a) Distance to mainstream outlet (L) vs. drainage area (A) in the Komarovka River Basin; (b) distance to mainstream outlet (L) vs. peak discharge (Qp) in the Komarovka River Basin. A0 is the size of the subwatershed as shown in the gray-shaded area in the upper figure. samples are in other parts of the basin, then plots like those in Fig. 2 will not show a definitive scale at which the break occurs. The discontinuity in the scaling relationship graph identified in this study provides a physical explanation for the location of the tran- sition break and links the tendency of the scaling relationship observed in the recorded hydrological data. The analytical approach adopted in this study simplifies the scaling problem by means of assigning a most dominant factor while neglecting other variables Author's personal copy 292 K.T. Lee et al. / Journal of Hydrology 367 (2009) 283–292 of less sensitivity in the hydrological response system of the Komarovka River Basin. Conclusion The purpose of this study is to explore the stream sampling locations and river network structure impact the transition break of peak flows. Instead of solely depending on recorded data analysis, data generated by using a DEM and a geomorphology-based runoff model are adopted to provide physical interpretations for the variability of scaling relationship. In the stream network of Komarovka River Basin, 2643 control points were assigned to produce a graph of drainage area vs. distance to mainstream outlet (A–L graph as shown in Fig. 10a). The graph showed that abrupt changes were found when tributaries flowed into the mainstream, and the most significant abrupt change was the result of the largest tributary flowing into the mainstream. The A–L graph was then transformed into a graph of peak discharge vs. distance to mainstream outlet (Q–L graph as shown in Fig. 10b) by using the KW-GIUH model. The Q–L graph confirmed the finding of the transition break (or transition zone) in the scaling relationship graph was mainly the result of the stream network structure in the Komarovka River Basin. 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