Starter Motors and Generators Bosch starter motors – the power packs in miniature for reliable engine start Invented for life Starter motors: reliable, light and compact Bosch starter motors for passenger cars are available in a wide variety of series and sizes, and are successfully employed worldwide in an enormous variety of vehicles with gasoline and diesel engines. To increase their efficiency and performance, Bosch has constantly been improving the key starter motor components, making them ever smaller. Our Series C, R, and S starter motors have convincing performances of up to 2.5 kW, combining reliable operation and a long lifetime with low weight and compact design. The minimal space requirements of these reduction-gear starter motors offer additional design freedom for vehicle developers. Product description Output up to 2.5 kW Bosch starter motors stand for high performance, Further development work on the permanent long life, outstanding quality, and reliability. Our magnets en-abled the starter motor to be designed product portfolio comprises a wide range of for output powers up to 2.5 kW. This is appropriate innovative starter motors for passenger cars. for gasoline engines with displacements in excess Robust, technologically mature solutions for gas- of 6.2 l and for diesel engines up to 4.0 l. oline and diesel engines which fulfill the requirements of vehicle manufactures and offer the best Advantages of Bosch starter motors: possible starting reliability – even in the toughest ▶ Lower fuel consumption thanks to reduced weight of conditions. Thanks to their lightweight, com- ▶ High torques for high power outputs pact design, our starter motors help to reduce ▶Reliable operation throughout the vehicle’s fuel consumption and emissions, while their service life small size gives automotive engineers additional ▶ Quiet operation design freedom. Based on these reduction-gear ▶ Maintenance-free starter motors we offer starting solutions to ▶ Low installation-space requirements match every kind of passenger car – with a high ▶ Reliable functioning even at very low temperatures power-to-weight ratio and the highest build quality. ▶ Corrosion-resistant In addition to these conventional starter motors, Bosch supplies efficient start-stop starter motors for especially economical and environmentallyfriendly start-stop systems. Starter Motors and Generators | Bosch starter motors – the power packs in miniature for reliable engine start Innovative design: for universal use Start-stop starter motors: Bosch start-stop starter motors offer a wide range lower fuel consumption, fewer emissions of functions and performance. They are suited to Ideally, conventional starter motors can contribute use in a variety of vehicles, gasoline or diesel, man- toward small reductions in fuel consumption and ual or automatic. Due to their compact dimensions, emissions via lightweight construction. But start- they are as easy to install in the vehicle as a con- stop starter motors from Bosch reduce both CO₂ ventional starter motor. output and fuel consumption in real urban traffic by up to 15 % – and thanks to their robust con- Robust technology: for a vehicles entire life struction, they last a whole vehicle life. Our experi- The number of starting operations performed by ence in series utilization impressively confirms this. the starter motor, its lifetime in other words, has been considerably increased for this special appli- The operating principle behind start-stop systems cation. Greater design strength has enabled the is as simple as it is efficient: when the vehicle starter motor to survive the more frequent starts comes to a stand and providing the battery charge throughout the lifetime of the vehicle without suf- is adequate, the combustion engine is switched fering damage. off and automatically restarted when needed by The following measures have been undertaken: releasing the brake pedal. So when traffic comes to a stop, in jams or at a red light, for instance, no fuel is consumed nor any CO₂ emitted. And noise ▶Strengthening of bearings subjected to heavy emissions also drop to zero. loading ▶Further improved planetary gear ▶Use of strengthened pinion-engaging mechanics ▶Optimization of commutator system Application Start-stop starter motor type Output class Gasoline Diesel Type Diameter (mm, D) Length (mm, L) Weight (kg) 1.0 kW ~ 1.6 l ~ 1.2 l SC60-M 61 149 2.0 1.2 kW ~ 2.0 l ~ 1.4 l SC70-S 70 166 2.8 1.4 kW ~ 3.0 l ~ 1.6 l SC70-M 70 170 2.9 1.7 kW ~ 4.0 l ~ 2.0 l SC70-L 70 180 3.1 2.2 kW ~ 6.2 l ~ 3.0 l S74-E+ 74 183 3.5 2.5 kW — ~ 4.0 l S78-M 78 188 4.3 Main dimension – Start-stop starter motor SC70-M ⌀D Robert Bosch GmbH Starter Motors and Generators (L) © 2013. Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. Postfach 30 02 40 70442 Stuttgart Germany