Part One Test Saturation Voltage to Achieve High Efficiency Build a low-cost saturation tester to measure the saturation voltage of switching transistors accurately in the presence of high switching voltages or noise. E fficiency is the name of the game in the design of power supplies. This is a major reason why switch-mode power supplies (SMPSs) are chosen for power-supply designs. However, even SMPSs have their own losses, which are associated with their switching transistors, be they MOSFETs, bipolar transistors or insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). Understanding these losses via accurate measurements can minimize the losses and increase efficiencies even further. This is the first part of a two-part article series on understanding saturation losses in SMPSs. Part one discusses the contribution of saturation losses to power-supply inefficiency, how those losses are a function of a transistor’s saturation voltage, and techniques for measuring saturation voltage. The second part, to appear in the next issue, describes in detail how to build a novel low-cost tester for accurately measuring saturation-voltage losses in the presence of high switching voltages or noise. Forms of Inefficiencies These inefficiencies generally take three forms: switching losses, saturation losses and the power required to drive the By Richard Dunipace, Principal Technical Marketer, Standard Products Group, Fairchild Semiconductor, Irving, Texas transistors. Let’s examine each in more detail. Switching losses result from the time it takes the transistor to switch from a high to a low level and back again, and are affected by the parasitic capacitances of the circuit and transistor. When switching, the transistor is in a linear mode and hence highly inefficient. These inefficiencies are typically controlled by making sure the switching device transitions quickly and cleanly from one level to the other, and by keeping the duty cycle of the transitions low versus the switching period. Parasitic capacitances are those present in the circuit, but do not contribute to the power output from the power supply. These are controlled by careful layout and selection of the switching transistor and power-supply topology. Saturation losses are the main sources of inefficiency of the three types of losses mentioned. The saturation voltage is one of the key items that determine the efficiency of SMPSs. Saturation losses are a function of the voltage dropped across the transistor due to the on-resistance of the switching transistor when conducting and the current flowing through the switching transistor. Saturation losses are controlled by selecting a switching transistor with the lowest saturation or on-resistance possible given other VCC +VCLAMP C1 2 mA Input amplifier Input +400 V 0V R1 R2 Sampling diode Switching transistor C C2 B –VCLAMP Fig. 1. When an oscilloscope is set to a high input-voltage range of say 200 V to 500 V, its typical input circuit can’t discern the low saturation voltage of 0.5 V to 3 V for an accurate measurement to be made. 32 Power Electronics Technology March 2008 Figure 1 +9 V E (+) (–) +Clamp +9 V D2 D1 UF4007 Q1 Output amplifier D3 –Clamp (+) 10 mA –9 V Output (–) Fig. 2. In this diagram, diode D1 can withstand up to 1 kV. This enables accurate measurement of low saturation voltages when an oscilloscope’s input is set to a comparatively much higher voltage. 803PET23_fig2 constraints such as cost, and by properly driving the switching device. Saturation probe The power required to drive the switch(+) (+) High-voltage ing transistor does not contribute to the High-side To oscilloscope’s Floating inputs Input Output differential probe input overall power output from the power supswitch (-) (-) ply and thus lowers the overall efficiency Load of the power supply. These drive losses Saturation probe (+) (+) vary depending on the specific transisGround-referenced Low-side tor used, the operating frequency of the Input Output To oscilloscope’s input inputs switch ( ) ( ) supply and the type of transistor. Driving losses associated with MOSFETs and IGBTs are largely due to the input and Miller capacitances of these transistors. Half-bridge Thus, these losses are a function of the required switching and drive voltage, Fig. 3. A high-voltage differential probe is needed for accurate measurements of saturation and power-supply switching frequency. voltage using a saturation probe in high-side switches. Low-side switches do not require There is no constant bias required to keep such a probe. MOSFETs or IGBTs conducting. Figure 3 Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are different. They C-B forward require a constant bias and specialized drive waveforms to C-E C C C bias saturation turn them on and off efficiently. This is the reason MOSFETs voltage B B B B-E BJT BJT BJT and IGBTs have largely displaced BJTs in recent years. This C-E forward trend has slowed recently and, in some cases, reversed itself reverse voltage E E E voltage B-E as competition has forced many manufacturers to reduce reverse the cost of their power supplies. voltage (a) (b) (c) BJTs are the lowest-cost switching transistors on the market. They also offer better saturation performance Fig. 4. A saturation probe can be used for accurate saturation-voltage than MOSFETs, especially at high voltages, assuming that measurements for the collector-to-base (a), the base-to-emitter (b) and comparable transistors are evaluated. BJTs thus offer good the collector-to-emitter junctions of bipolar junction transistor (BJT). value but with increased drive losses and complexity. Interestingly, drive losses often can be fully offset by so large that it damages the input attenuator and that the the power savings realized from the improvement in clamp adequately 803PET23_fig4 protects against continuous overload. A saturation performance and by using drive circuits that saturation probe provides a way to ignore the high-voltage maximize drive efficiency (e.g., proportional drive). Note switching waveform, while producing an accurate look at that the increased complexity is generally due to the lack the saturation voltage (Fig. 2). of power-supply chips specifically designed to drive BJTs. As shown in Fig. 2, the voltage across the collector to Some newer power-supply chips offer high drive efficiency emitter, or drain to source (MOSFET) of the switching with minimum complexity. transistor, is sampled by diode D1, a UF4007, which has a 75-ns maximum switching time and will withstand 1 kV. Measuring Voltage It also has relatively low capacitance (17 pF at 4V). D1 is An SMPS’s switch can have a high voltage across it in forward biased by a 2-mA current source when the input comparison to the saturation voltage, which makes it difvoltage is below 5.2 V. The diode disconnects the circuit ficult to get an accurate saturation-voltage measurement. from the switching transistor when the voltage across the This is especially true in off-line supplies. If you use an switching transistor is greater than 5.2 V, protecting the oscilloscope and set it to a range that does not overload the probe circuit. oscilloscope’s input, then the 0.5-V to 3-V saturation voltage Diodes D2 and D3 clamp any leakage currents or tranis lost in comparison to the 200-V to 500-V (or more) signal sients. Note that the 5.2-V input limit was chosen to be across the switching transistors in off-line supplies. If the high enough to capture most reasonable saturation voltages, oscilloscope is set to a low range to get the needed resoluwhile low enough to limit the maximum output swing to tion, then the input is overloaded and may be damaged, or allow 0.5-V/div input scaling on the oscilloscope without will simply produce an inaccurate answer (Fig. 1). overloading the oscilloscope’s input. Fig. 1 shows a typical input circuit for an oscilloscope. When D1 conducts, the voltage at the base of Q1 is apIf a large voltage is applied, causing the clamp diodes to proximately one diode junction above the actual sampled conduct, the input attenuator (all-pass network) will take voltage. Output amplifier transistor Q1 (emitter-follower) a charge and produce an input offset voltage on the wavedrops the voltage at its base-one junction to restore the form. Of course, this assumes that the input voltage is not sampled voltage at the output. Both the sampling diode 33 Power Electronics Technology March 2008 smps efficiencies Fig. 5. An oscilloscope image of the reverse base-emitter voltage signal for a lamp-ballast switching BJT. This measurement is important because many manufacturers do not properly limit this voltage as per most application notes that specify no more than -6 V or so (n-p-n devices). and the output amplifier transistor are biased with current sources so that the current and offset for both devices remain constant as the sampled voltage changes. This gives good X1 dc Fig. 6. An oscilloscope image of the reverse collector-emitter voltage of a lamp-ballast BJT plus the saturation voltage. The saturation voltage waveform is not a flat slope as would normally be expected because the lamp-ballast is semiresonant. coupled performance from -7 V to 5.2 V. Each device also thermally compensates the other to give good thermal tracking over laboratory temperature ranges. Note that the 2-mA sampling current flows through the switching transistor. This is well below the current that normally flows through the switching transistor in most applications and can be ignored. The current IXYS GenX3 IGBT TM IXYS Power Evolution of the Designer 0.46 2008 1982 1958 1948 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 PointContact Silicon IXYS GenX3TM *Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area IXYS POWER Efficiency through Technology IXYS IXGH100N30C3 yielded the highest maximum power dissipation as well as the lowest thermal resistance and gate charge in comparison to other major competitor MOSFET devices. Competitive analysis of the devices were completed with all devices rated with following parameters. Vces/Vdss = 300V, Id/Ic = 75A (Tc @ 110C), standard TO-247 Packaging. 0.43 0.35 0.27 Qg (µC) RthJC Pd (kW) 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.162 Pd (kW) RthJC IXYS - IGBT IXGH100N30C3 IGBT 0.45 ST - MOSFET STY60NK30Z Qg (µC) IR - MOSFET IRFP4242PbF Part Number Vces Ic Tc=110C Vces(sat) IXGH42N30C3 300V 42 1.8V RBSOA* 84A IXGH60N30C3 300V 60 1.8V 170A IXGH85N30C3 300V 85 1.9V 170A IXGH100N30C3 300V 100 1.85V 200A IXGH120N30C3 300V 120 2.1V 240A For more information, call the Milpitas office at (408) 457-9000 34 Power Electronics Technology March 2008 smps efficiencies was chosen to give moderate speed while conserving battery power. Notice that this circuit is intended for use with ground-referenced powersupply switch transistors and directly interfaces the input of an oscilloscope. It is run by two 9-V batteries for safety and isolation. If measurement of the high-side transistor is required, the output from the saturation probe can be connected to the input of a highvoltage differential probe. The differential probe output is then connected to the oscilloscope (Fig. 3). The top of this figure shows how the saturation probe can be used with a high-voltage differential probe to make high-side measurements. A few of the possible measurements that can be made with the saturation probe are shown in Fig. 4. Remember, the measurements can be performed on MOSFETs, IGBTs, BJTs or diodes. Figs. 5 and 6 are some pictures taken from a lamp ballast evaluation. Fig. 4a illustrates how the probe can be used to make collector-base voltage measurements on BJTs. Fig. 4b shows forward- and reverse-voltage measurements on the base-emitter junction, and Fig. 4c illustrates how the probe might be used to measure both saturation voltage and base-emitter (and for FETs, drain-source) reverse voltage. Fig. 5 shows both the forward and reverse base-emitter voltage for a lamp-ballast switching BJT transistor. The reverse-voltage measurement is important with BJTs because many manufacturers do not properly limit this voltage as per most application notes that specify no more than -6 V or so (n-p-n devices). This allows some margin for overshoot. In fact, the reverse voltage can be limited to -0.7 V with excellent results. Beyond -6 V, there is evidence that the safe operating area (SOA) of the BJT starts to degrade. The reason for the reverse voltage is to rapidly turn off the transistor and to be able to use the reverse-bias SOA breakdown voltage (VCBO) rather than the forward-bias SOA (VCEO). If the emitter-base is zenered, the transistor can avalanche, producing very high current flow and catastrophic failure in most applications. This is especially true for half-bridge applications. Fig. 6 illustrates the reverse collectoremitter voltage of a lamp-ballast BJT plus the saturation voltage. As noted, the saturation voltage is one of the main inefficiencies in an SMPS. The lower the saturation voltage, the better the power-supply efficiency. Note that the saturation-voltage waveform is not a flat slope as would normally be expected, because the lamp ballast is semi-resonant. Measurement of the reverse collector-emitter (or drain-source) voltage is important in BJTs or FETs. With BJTs, the reverse voltage indicates the possibility that the collector base could be forward biased during switching. If this happens, the forward current can extend the time it takes to turn off the transistor (extend storage time) and could potentially cause transistor failure if the discharge time constant is large enough to allow the transistor that’s off to still conduct when the alternate transistor turns on. Under these conditions, the full power-supply voltage would be shorted through the half-bridge transistors, resulting in very high instantaneous power and possible catastrophic failure in microseconds. This issue could be of particular interest if a lamp-ballast output is opened momentarily due to a bad connection or simply when lamps are changed out without turning off the power, as can occur in normal lampfixture maintenance. This is the reason that freewheeling diodes are placed across the collector-emitter junction in most applications. With both MOSFETS and BJTs, freewheeling or reversal diodes provide a path for an inductive or resonant tank current during transistor turnoff. These diodes provide a discharge path to avoid forward biasing the collector-base junction of BJT switching transistors (reverse current protection), or gate breakdown and possible catastrophic failure with MOSFETs. The diodes should be very fast-acting types. 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