SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chairman: K. Zakrzewski, Łódź University of Technology, Poland Honorary Chairman: J. Przygodzki, Kielce University of Technology, Poland ORGANIZERS Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering Częstochowa Branch SMMM 2016 Members: J. Bajorek, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland L. Borowik, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland A. Bieńkowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland M.F. de Campos, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil K. Chwastek, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland A. Demenko, Poznań University of Technology, Poland J. Gromek, Tele & Radio Research Institute, Poland O. Guzman, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia G. Haneczok, University of Silesia, Poland R.G. Harrison, Carleton University, Canada A. Kapłon, Kielce University of Technology, Poland A. Kityk, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland I. Kityk, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland K. Kluszczyński, Silesian University of Technology, Poland M. Leonowicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland A. Mendoza, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia Y. Melikhov, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland W. Minkina, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland R. Nadolski, Kielce University of Technology, Poland A. Nowakowski, Tele & Radio Research Institute, Poland R. Nowosielski, Silesian University of Technology, Poland M. Pasko, Silesian University of Technology, Poland Y. Pinhasi, Ariel University, Israel A. Rusek, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland K. Sokalski, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland J. Szczygłowski, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland B. Ślusarek, Tele & Radio Research Institute, Poland S. Tumański, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland M. Vázquez, Institute of Material Science of Madrid, Spain A. Wac-Włodarczyk, Lublin University of Technology, Poland W. Wilczyński, Electrotechnical Institute, Warsaw, Poland J. Wysłocki, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland A. Yahalom, Ariel University, Israel S.E. Zirka, Dnepropetrovsk National University, Ukraine XII Symposium of Magnetic Measurements & Modeling Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czestochowa University of Technology Częstochowa - Siewierz, Poland 17-19 October 2016 Tele & Radio Research Institute Warsaw Organized under the auspices of Ariel University Israel Polish Academy of Science Committee of Electrical Engineering Institute of Materials Science University of Silesia in Katowice Organized in the jubilee year of Stalprodukt S.A. Bochnia 55th anniversary of Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering & 15th anniversary of Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering, Częstochowa Branch and Electrotechnical Institute Warsaw th 50 anniversary of Faculty of Electrical Engineering Częstochowa University of Technology DEADLINES VENUE The XII Symposium of Magnetic Measurements & Modeling will be held in Hotel Natura Residence**** Business & SPA, Siewierz , from 17th to 19nd October 2016. The Hotel is located in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, surrounded by beautiful nature - forests and lakes. The hotel easy accessible - it is only 5 minutes drive from the Katowice-Warsaw route, 20 minutes from the A1 motorway and 15 minutes form the Pyrzowice Airport. The Hotel Water SPA is free for quests. Hotel website: THEMATIC SCOPE The XII Symposium of Magnetic Measurements & Modeling provides an excellent opportunity for scientists and engineers dealing with magnetic measurements and modeling of magnetic properties to present and discuss results of their research. Since 2014 the Symposium is organized under the auspices of Polish Academy of Science, Committee of Electrical Engineering. English will be the official language of the Symposium. Thematic scope of the Symposium includes theoretical and practical issues related to magnetic measurements and modeling: - measurements of magnetic quantities, - indirect measurements of physical quantities using magnetic measurements, - measurement techniques in high frequency range, - nondestructive evaluation of materials, - modeling of magnetic properties, - hysteresis modeling and loss prediction, - structure and properties of magnetic materials, - sensors and actuators, - magnetic circuits in electrical machines, - design of mechatronics systems, - computer-aided visualization of electromagnetic fields. POST-CONFERENCE PUBLICATION All submitted papers will be evaluated by reviewers. Selected papers presented at the Symposium will be published in scientific journals: Acta Physica Polonica A, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny and Archives of Electrical Engineering. 01.03.2016 20.05.2016 31.05.2016 30.06.2016 15.09.2016 10.10.2016 17-19.10.2016 starting the registration registration, payment of conference fee digest submission (via the website) full text submission final schedule of Symposium Symposium SMMM 2016 COST OF PARTICIPATION The Symposium fee includes accommodation (2 nights), board, social events and proceedings (1 paper): 1 500 PLN - accommodation in a double room 1 700 PLN - accommodation in a single room 600 PLN - additional paper 250/150 PLN - extra night 16/17.10.2016 (single/double room) PTETiS Oddział Częstochowa BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. Oddział w Częstochowie Al. Najświętszej Maryi Panny 43, 42-202 Częstochowa IBAN: PL19 2030 0045 1110 0000 0418 3470 SWIFT: GOPZPLPW Refers to: SMMM 2016, name of participant ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Jan Szczygłowski (Head) Mariusz Najgebauer, Adam Jakubas CONTACT AND INFORMATION Organizing Committee for SMM&M 2016 dr inż. Mariusz Najgebauer Wydział Elektryczny, Politechnika Częstochowska al. Armii Krajowej 17, 42-200 Częstochowa, phone: + 48 34 3250806 WEBSITE OF THE SYMPOSIUM