1081.1 Scope. This specification covers coating new and existing bridges and structures
made of structural steel and miscellaneous metals.
1081.2 Systems of Coatings. The required system and color or choice of systems and color
will be specified on the plans. Each coat of the specified system shall be applied to all
structural steel, unless the contract specifically delineates otherwise. The system and color of
coating to be shop-applied shall be shown on the shop drawings. All coatings shall comply
with local VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) regulations where the paint is applied. The
system and color shall not vary for any portion of the entire structure, including material for
field repairs and shall be compatible products of a single manufacturer. The contractor shall
coordinate the various items of work to ensure compliance with the requirements of this
section. Approved material specifications and dry film thickness for the coating systems shall
be as indicated in the following table:
Paint Systems for Structural Steel
System G (High Solids, Inorganic Zinc Silicate-Epoxy-Polyurethane)
Dry Film Thickness, mils
Prime Coat
3.0 min. to 6 max.
Epoxy Intermediate Coat
3.0 min. to 5 max.
Polyurethane Finish Coat, Gray or 1045.5
2.0 min. to 4 max.
System H (High Solids, Inorganic Zinc Silicate-Waterborne Acrylic IntermediateWaterborne Acrylic Finish)
Dry Film Thickness, mils
Prime Coat
3.0 min. to 6 max.
Waterborne Acrylic, Intermediate 1045.6
2.0 min. to 4 max.
Waterborne Acrylic, Finish Coat, 1045.6
2.0 min. to 4 max.
Gray or Brown
System I (High Solids, Inorganic Zinc Silicate-Polysiloxane)
Dry Film Thickness, mils
Prime Coat
3.0 min. to 6 max.
Polysiloxane Finish Coat
3.0 min. to 6 max.
Calcium Sulfonate System
Dry Film Thickness, mils
Calcium Sulfonate Rust Penetrating 1045.10.2
1.0 min.
Calcium Sulfonate Primer
4.0 min.
Calcium Sulfonate Topcoat
5.0 min.
Aluminum & Gray Epoxy-Mastic Primer
Dry Film Thickness mils
Aluminum Epoxy-Mastic Primer
5.0 min.
Gray Epoxy-Mastic Primer
5.0 min
1081.3 Protective Coating of Structural Steel.
1081.3.1 Scope. This specification covers the preparation of previously uncoated structural
steel surfaces, furnishing and applying specified coatings, protection and drying of coatings,
furnishing protection from coating spatter and disfigurement, and final cleanup.
1081.3.2 Surface Preparation.
1081.3.2.1 Cleaning. Oil, grease and other contaminants shall be removed in accordance
with procedures from Steel Structures Painting Council specification SSPC-SP1 prior to blast
cleaning. Where high strength bolts are installed prior to blast cleaning or finish coat, the
lubricant on high strength bolt assemblies shall also be removed in accordance with
SSPC-SP1. Surfaces to be prime coated shall be blast cleaned with abrasives in accordance
with SSPC-SP10, producing a height of profile 1.5 mils minimum and 3.0 mils
maximum for all systems. The appearance of the final blast cleaned surface shall be in
accordance with SSPC-Vis1, Photograph A SP-10, B SP-10, C SP-10, or D SP-10.
Conformance with the corresponding SP-5 photographs will also be acceptable. The blast
profile shall be assessed with replica tape per ASTM D 4417, Method C. The contractor shall
make available to the engineer access to all SSPC specifications referenced for cleaning and
coating operations.
1081.3.2.2 Preparation for Coating. After blast cleaning, all surfaces shall be cleaned to
remove any trace of blast products, dust or dirt from the surface and from all pockets and
corners. The blast-cleaned surfaces shall be given the specified prime coat as soon as
practical, but within 24 hours after blast cleaning. If blast cleaned surfaces rust before coating
is accomplished, the surface shall be reblasted by the contractor at the contractor's expense.
All rusted, damaged or uncoated areas, including ungalvanized nuts, bolts and washers to be
prime coated in the field, shall be blast cleaned to the same degree as specified above for the
applicable coating system. Care shall be exercised to ensure the blasted steel remains free of
grease and oil during handling.
1081.3.2.3 Recleaning. When there is contamination of any blast-cleaned surface to be
coated, the material shall be recleaned to the requirements of SSPC-SP10.
1081.3.3 Limits of Coating Application. Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, the
application of the intermediate and finish coats for Systems G and H, and the application of
the finish coat for System I, hereinafter referred to as field coats, shall be applied to the
structure within the following limits.
1081.3.3.1 Bridges over Roadways. This section will not apply to bridges over railroads.
1081. The intermediate field coat for beam and girder spans shall be applied to the
surfaces of all structural steel, except that areas of steel to be in contact with concrete shall not
receive the intermediate coat. The intermediate coat shall also be applied to the bearings,
except where bearings will be encased in concrete. The finish coating for beam and girder
spans shall include the facia girder or beams. The limits of the facia girders or beams shall
include the bottom of the top exterior flanges, top of the bottom exterior flanges, the exterior
web area, the exterior face of the top and bottom flange and the bottom of the bottom flange.
Areas of steel to be in contact with concrete shall not receive the finish coat. The finish coat
shall also be applied to the exterior bearings, except where bearings will be encased in
1081. The surfaces of all structural steel located under expansion joints of beam and
girder spans shall be field coated for a distance of 1 1/2 times the girder depth, but no less than
10 feet from the centerline of the joint. Within this limit, the items to be field coated shall
include all surfaces of beams, girders, bearings, diaphragms, stiffeners and miscellaneous
structural steel items. Areas of steel to be in contact with concrete shall not receive the field
coats. The limits of the field coatings shall be masked to provide crisp, straight lines and to
prevent overspray on adjacent areas.
1081. For all truss or steel box girder spans, the above limits will not apply and all
structural steel for these span types shall be field coated, except the areas of steel to be in
contact with concrete.
1081. Straps for steel stay-in-place forms shall be removed in areas where field coating
shall be required in accordance with this Specification. Flame cutting will not be permitted.
The contractor shall take care not to damage the structure or the shop coating during strap
removal. Any damage to the shop coating as a result of the contractor's operations shall be
repaired by the contractor in accordance with this Specification. Any damage to the rest of the
structure shall be repaired as approved by the Engineer.
1081. When System I is specified on the plans for beam and girder spans, a System G
intermediate coat shall be applied similarly in accordance with Sec 1081. intermediate
field coating requirements except that an intermediate coat will not be required to be applied
to the beams and girders where the System I finish coat is to be applied. The contractor shall
have the option to substitute the System I finish coat in place of a System G intermediate coat.
1081.3.3.2 Bridges Over Streams or Railroads.
1081. The field coating for beam and girder spans shall include the facia girders or
beams. The limits of the facia girders or beams shall include the bottom of the top exterior
flanges, top of bottom exterior flanges, the exterior web area, the exterior face of the top and
bottom flange and the bottom of the bottom flange. Areas of steel to be in contact with
concrete shall not receive the field coats. The field coatings shall also be applied to the
exterior bearings, except where bearings will be encased in concrete. The interior beams or
girders shall only have the prime coat applied with no other field coating required.
1081. The surfaces of all structural steel located under expansion joints of beam and
girder spans shall be field coated for a distance of 1 1/2 times the girder depth, but no less than
10 feet from the centerline of the joint. Within this limit, the items to be field coated shall
include all surfaces of beams, girders, bearings, diaphragms, stiffeners and miscellaneous
structural steel items. Areas of steel to be in contact with concrete shall not receive the field
coats. The limits of the field coatings shall be masked to provide crisp, straight lines and to
prevent overspray on adjacent areas.
1081. For all truss or steel box girder spans, the above limits will not apply and all
structural steel for these span types shall be field coated, except the areas of steel to be in
contact with concrete.
1081. Straps for steel stay-in-place forms shall be removed in areas where field
coating shall be required in accordance with this Specification. Flame cutting will not be
permitted. The contractor shall take care not to damage the structure or the shop coating
during strap removal. Any damage to the shop coating as a result of the contractor's
operations shall be repaired by the contractor in accordance with this Specification. Any
damage to the rest of the structure shall be repaired as approved by the Engineer.
1081.3.4 Coating Thickness Measurement. The dry film thickness of the coatings will be
measured by magnetic-type gauges in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council,
specification SSPC-PA2. At the option of the engineer, the adhesion of the prime coat will be
measured in accordance with ASTM D 3359, Test Method A. When the adhesion is tested,
each test result shall equal or exceed scale 3A. Locations for adhesion tests shall be randomly
selected. Test locations shall be in areas of least visibility in the completed structure and shall
be touched up in an approved manner after completion of the test. When satisfactory test
results are not obtained, additional adhesion tests shall be taken to determine the area of
insufficient adhesion. For these areas, the surface shall be prepared in accordance with
Sec 1081.3.2.1 and the area recoated in accordance with these specifications. If additional
prime coat is required to provide the specified minimum thickness, the prime coat shall be
applied as soon as possible, but within 24 hours of the initial application.
1081.3.5 Coating Material Storage. All coating material shall be stored in accordance with
the coating manufacturer’s recommendations. Exposure to storage temperatures outside the
range recommended in the manufacturer's specifications will be considered cause for rejection
of the coating material.
1081.3.6 Weather Conditions.
1081.3.6.1 Temperature Limitations. The prime coat shall be applied in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations, except that the minimum air and steel temperature shall
be no less than 34 F. Finish and intermediate coats applied over the prime coat shall be
applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, which shall be furnished to
the engineer. The minimums and maximums or additional requirements established by the
coating manufacturer’s written specifications for recommended air or metal temperature or
relative humidity will apply if those requirements are more restrictive than those specified in
the contract documents.
1081.3.6.2 Moisture Limitations. Coatings shall not be applied in rain, snow, fog or mist, or
when the steel surface temperature is less than 5 F above the dew point. The dew point shall
be determined in accordance with MoDOT Test Method TM 38. Coatings shall not be applied
to wet, damp, frosted or ice-coated surfaces.
1081.3.6.3 Application in Protected Areas. When coatings are applied in a protected area to
eliminate the weather conditions, the coated steel shall remain in the protected area until the
coatings are cured.
1081.3.6.4 Damaged Coatings. Any uncured coatings exposed to freezing, excess humidity,
rain, snow, condensation or curing temperatures outside the range recommended by the
manufacturer will be considered damaged. Damaged coatings shall be permitted to dry, then
shall be removed and the surface blast cleaned and recoated at the contractor’s expense.
1081.3.7 Thinning. Thinners will be permitted as recommended by the manufacturer's
recommendations, provided VOC limits are not exceeded.
1081.3.8 Application. Coatings shall be applied in accordance with the Steel Structures
Painting Council specification SSPC-PA1, unless otherwise specified by the product
manufacturer. The manufacturer's written specifications for application, upon request, shall be
submitted to the engineer for review prior to application.
1081.3.8.1 Application Repairs. If deficiencies in the quality of work or material result in
rejection, the contractor shall submit a repair proposal for approval by the engineer.
1081.3.8.2 Curing of Coatings. Curing time for recoating shall be within the limits of the
manufacturer's recommendations. Application of the finish coat over the intermediate coat
shall be accomplished within the recoat time for proper adhesion established by the
manufacturer's recommendations.
1081.3.9 Shop Coating. All surfaces of fabricated structural steel, including areas that will
be inaccessible after assembly, contact surfaces of high strength bolted connections and all
surfaces to be in contact with concrete in the completed structure shall be coated in the shop
with the prime coat. The primer shall be of the type and thickness specified, except as
modified by Secs 1081.3.9.1 and 1081.3.9.2. Structural steel sway bracing for the substructure
may be prepared and coated in the field.
1081.3.9.1 Contact Surfaces. Contact surfaces of high strength bolted field splice and
diaphragm connections shall be prime coated to produce a dry film thickness no less than
1.5 mils or more than 2.5 mils. The limits of the coating thickness for these surfaces shall be
shown on the shop drawings. The maximum limit of 2.5 mils may be increased provided
acceptable test results in accordance with the Testing Method to Determine the Slip
Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints (AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using
ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts, Appendix A) are submitted and approved by the engineer.
Revised shop drawings will not be required upon acceptance of the test results. The tests shall
meet the requirements for the slip coefficient and creep resistance for Class B coatings and
shall be performed by a nationally recognized independent testing laboratory. Any change in
the formulation of the coating will require retesting, except when thinned within the limits of
manufacturer's recommendations. At the contractor's option, the contact surfaces of
connections for all non-slab bearing diaphragms on non-curved girders may be prime coated
with a dry film thickness of no less than 3.0 mils or more than 6.0 mils, unless noted otherwise
on the plans.
1081.3.9.2 Inaccessible Surfaces. Surfaces that will not be in contact, but that will be
inaccessible after assembly, shall be prime coated to produce a dry film thickness of no less
than 3.0 mils and no more than 6.0 mils. Dry film thickness on surfaces that will be in contact
with concrete may be reduced to 2.0 mils provided thorough and complete coverage is
obtained. Although shear connectors need not be coated, protection of the connectors from
overspray when coating other parts of the beam or girder will not be necessary. Coating
thickness measurements will not be made on shear connections.
1081.3.9.3 Touch-up of Galvanized Bolts. The galvanized coating of nuts, bolts and
washers damaged during shop installation shall be shop repaired in accordance with
Secs 1081.3.10.1 and 1081.
1081.3.9.4 Inspection Prior to Coating. No coatings shall be applied before shop inspection
of fabrication has been completed. Surfaces of steel within 2 inches of edges to be field
welded shall not be coated in the shop.
1081.3.9.5 Erection Match Marks.
completed structure.
Erection match marks shall not be visible in the
1081.3.10 Field Coating. Intermediate and finish coats for the specified coating system shall
be applied in the field. The contractor shall be responsible for final cleanup and field touch-up
of any shop applied coating, including surface preparation and coating of field connections,
welds or bolts, areas masked in the shop and all damaged or defective coating and rusted
areas. Surface preparation for field touch-ups shall be performed in accordance with
Sec 1081.3.2, unless otherwise approved by the engineer. The touch-up field coat shall consist
of the same coating used for the shop-applied coat. Contact surfaces of high strength bolted
connections shall be protected from the intermediate and finish coats. Damage to the coating
of galvanized bolts, nuts and washers where bare steel is exposed shall be repaired in
accordance with these specifications or, the connection may be prepared as specified in
Sec 1081.3.2, followed by a touch-up field coat application of the required coating system.
1081.3.10.1 Field Touch-up of Galvanized Bolts. The galvanized coating of nuts, bolts and
washers damaged during installation shall be repaired. Lubricants shall be removed in
accordance with SSPC-SP1. Rust shall be removed in accordance with SSPC-SP-2 or
SSPC-SP-3. Touch-ups shall consist of the application of an approved gray epoxy mastic.
The touch-up material shall be compatible with and from the same manufacturer as the coating
system to be used for the structure. Prior to field coating operations, the contractor shall
submit information on the specific products to be used, including compatibility data and
applicable recoating times, to the engineer for review. Subsequent coatings shall be applied
within the recoat time recommended by the manufacturer.
1081. Touch-up Color. For areas of the structure that will not receive a field coat,
the color of the touch-up material for bolts specified in Sec 1081.3.10.1 shall be similar to
galvanized metal.
1081. Previously Repaired Material. If repairs to the galvanized coating of shopinstalled nuts, bolts and washers have previously been performed in accordance with
Sec 1081.3.9.3 or if epoxy mastics are otherwise shop-applied to structural steel, the
contractor shall be responsible for any special field preparation required for proper adhesion of
subsequent field coats to the epoxy coating. Prior to field coating operations, the contractor
shall submit the manufacturer's recommendations to the engineer.
1081. Masking. Previously coated or adjacent areas shall be masked or otherwise
protected from material used to touch-up the galvanized coating of fasteners.
1081.3.10.2 Sequence of Work. Field coatings, except for touch-up and coating of
inaccessible surfaces, shall not be applied until the concrete deck has been placed, the forms
removed and all concrete spatter, foreign material and contaminants are removed from
existing coatings, unless otherwise approved by the engineer. Prior to submittal of alternative
application methods, the contractor shall present methods to be used to prevent damage to the
intermediate and final field coatings. The sequence of work shall be arranged to provide
ample time for each coat to cure before the next coat is applied. The intermediate field coats
shall be free of all oil, grease, dust or dirt prior to application of the next coat. Intermediate or
prime coats that have been exposed to chlorides used in snow removal operations shall be
cleaned by power washing as defined in Sec 1081. prior to application of the
subsequent intermediate or final coats. In no case shall a coat be applied until the previous
coat has been approved by the engineer. Excessive rust streaks or coatings on concrete
masonry shall be removed by sandblasting or by other approved methods without damage to
the masonry.
1081.3.10.3 Work Under Stage Construction Contracts. If complete field coating is not
included in the contract for erection of structural steel, the touch-up coating of newly erected
work and the coating of surfaces that will be inaccessible after erection shall be included as
part of the work to be performed under the contract for erection. Field coating under any
contract that does not include the erection shall include cleaning, preparation of any previously
applied coatings, repairs and spot application of coatings required at the time the work is
performed. Prior to field coating structural steel that was erected under a previous contract,
the contractor shall submit the manufacturer's recommendations to the engineer, outlining
requirements for cleaning and preparation of all existing coatings. The manufacturer’s
recommendations shall include requirements for preparation of epoxy mastics previously
applied for touch-up or other purposes.
1081.3.10.4 Partial Applications. If partial applications of the field finish coats to a
structure as provided in Sec 1081.3.3 is required or permitted, the contractor shall perform
field touch-up coating to areas of the structural steel outside the limits to receive the
intermediate and finish coats. Touch-up shall be in accordance with in Sec 1081.3.10 and at
the contractor’s expense.
1081.3.11 Identification. The contractor shall, at the completion of the coating application,
stencil in black paint on the structure the number of the bridge, the word "COATED", the
system used and the month and year the coating was completed. The letters shall be capitals
approximately 3 inches high. The legend shall be stenciled on the outside face of an outside
stringer or girder near each end of the bridge as directed by the engineer.
1081.3.12 Property and Traffic Protection. The contractor shall protect pedestrian,
vehicular, railroad and other traffic, persons and property, upon, beneath and in the vicinity of
the structure and all portions of the bridge against damage or disfigurement by blast media,
blast residue, coatings, coating material, equipment or by any other operations.
1081.4 Recoating of Structural Steel (System G , H or I).
1081.4.1 Scope. This specification covers the field preparation of structural steel surfaces to
be recoated, furnishing and applying specified coatings, protection and drying of coatings,
furnishing protection from coating spatter and disfigurement, and final cleanup.
1081.4.2 Systems of Protective Coatings. All structural steel shall be recoated by the
contractor in the field using one of the complete systems, including prime coats, in accordance
with Sec 1081.2, unless noted otherwise. Recoating of structural steel, including surface
preparation, weather conditions, application, touch-up and protection, shall be in accordance
with all requirements of Sec 1081.3 unless in conflict with Sec 216, which shall control.
1081.4.3 Surface Preparation. Cleaning and coating of structural steel shall proceed in
areas or sections as approved by the engineer, usually consisting of one or more complete
spans. The cleaning and application of the coatings for each specified section shall be entirely
completed and accepted by the engineer prior to proceeding with additional cleaning or
coating. Surface preparation shall be in accordance with Sec 1081.3.2. All existing coatings
and paint shall be removed by blast cleaning unless specifically indicated otherwise in the
1081.4.3.1 Approved Blast Media. Approved blast media materials, such as silica sand and
steel abrasive, shall be used to remove lead and non-lead paint. This approved blast media can
be sent to a lead smelter for recycling and is not considered a solid or hazardous waste in
accordance with 40 CFR 261.2(e)(1)(ii). The use of other blast media shall be approved in
writing by the receiving lead smelter prior to use to determine if the smelter can recycle the
blast media. A copy of the smelter approval letter shall be submitted to the engineer and to the
Environmental Section in Design Division. Only blast media approved by the receiving lead
smelter will be permitted. Surface preparation areas cleaned with unapproved blast media
shall be at the contractor’s expense. The collected residue shall consist of media no larger
than one inch and removed paint chips.
1081.4.3.2 Environmental Regulations. The paint removal operation shall comply with all
local, state and federal regulations, including but not limited to, the EPA,
OSHA Standards 29 CFR 1910 and 1926.62, and the Missouri Code of State Regulations,
including 10 CSR 10 Air Conservation Commission, 10 CSR 20 Clean Water Commission,
10 CSR 25 Hazardous Waste Commission, and 10 CSR 80 Solid Waste Management. The
contractor shall have all necessary licenses and certifications as required by the Missouri
Department of Health including necessary licenses and certification for lead
abatement/removal workers prior to commencement of the cleaning operation. If hazardous
waste will be generated at the site, the contractor shall notify the engineer and Environmental
Section in Design Division and comply with all applicable hazardous waste generator
1081.4.3.3 Collection of Blast Residue. The contractor shall collect the lead contaminated or
non-lead blast residue from the cleaning operations for recycling or disposal. Blast residue
shall be managed as a recyclable material or hazardous waste. Container management shall be
in accordance with Sec 1081. Analytical testing required for the disposal of blast
residues shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
1081. Hazardous Waste Notification. The contractor shall request the Environmental
Section in Design Division to obtain an EPA identification number and inform the engineer
that the request has been made. The Environmental Section in Design Division will submit a
“Notification of Regulated Waste Activity” form to MDNR Hazardous Waste Program to
obtain the EPA identification number. Requests shall be submitted as soon as hazardous
waste is determined or at least 30 days prior to shipping hazardous waste. The cost of
obtaining the EPA identification number will be considered as part of the surface preparation
cost and the engineer will subtract the cost from the contract. Hazardous waste will not be
permitted to be shipped offsite until the EPA identification number has been received. The
Environmental Section in Design Division will file the quarterly and annual hazardous waste
reports in accordance with 10 CSR 25-5.262(2)(D)1 and will deactivate the EPA identification
number when the project is finished.
1081. Container Management.
1081. The blast residue from cleaning operations shall be stored in contractor
furnished, watertight 55-gallon steel drum containers stacked on wooden pallets with labels
facing outward. The containers shall be free of structural defects and all other materials
including but not limited to construction debris, solvents, flammables, aluminum, magnesium,
aerosol cans, rags and any ferrous or non-ferrous metals larger than one cubic inch. The
containers shall have removable lids complete with a bolt ring, bolt and nut. Containers shall
remain closed at all times, except when necessary to add blast residue. Material other than the
blast residue from the cleaning operations shall not be placed in the containers. At the end of
each day’s work, the containers shall be stored outside the 100-year floodplain in a secure area
as approved by the engineer. Containers of approved blast residue destined for recycling, shall
be marked with a “Blast Residue” label provided by the engineer or Environmental Section in
Design Division and marked with the following information:
(a) Blast Residue.
(b) Marked with one of the following:
(1) Contains Heavy Metals/Lead Compounds.
(2) Contains Non-Lead Compounds.
(c) Generator: MoDOT.
(d) Bridge Site Number.
(e) Date Container was Filled.
1081. Containers of hazardous waste, such as unapproved blast media, shall be
packaged, marked and labeled according to hazardous waste regulations
10 CSR 25-5.262(2)(C)1. Containers of hazardous waste shall be stored separate from
containers of non-hazardous waste and approved blast media destined for recycling. The
contractor shall maintain an inventory of the quantity of the containers stored at the site and
the quantity delivered to an approved facility. All containers shall be delivered to the
approved facility within 30 days upon completion of the surface preparation. Copies of
container inventories, all test results, shipping papers, hazardous waste manifest signed by the
receiving facility, solid waste disposal request, recycling certificates and any other disposal
documentation shall be submitted to the engineer with a copy to the Environmental Section in
Design Division within 30 days upon delivery to the approved facility.
1081. Shipment of Residue. Approved blast media residue containing heavy
metals/lead or non-lead residue shall be shipped with a bill of lading to a lead smelter for
recycling. Heavy metal/lead contaminated residue determined to be a hazardous waste shall
be transported by a Missouri licensed hazardous waste transporter with a hazardous waste
manifest and land ban forms, if required, to an approved lead smelter or approved hazardous
waste treatment, storage and disposal facility. The contractor shall obtain appropriate shipping
papers (bill of lading), hazardous waste manifest forms and land ban forms, if required, from
the engineer or Environmental Section in Design Division. These shipping forms shall be
completed prior to shipment. The lead smelter or approved hazardous waste treatment,
storage and disposal facility will reject any shipment received without the proper shipping
paper or hazardous waste manifest. The contractor shall notify the receiving facility at least
2 days prior to shipment to ensure the receiving facility will be able to accept the load.
1081. Personal Protective Equipment. Clothing, tarps, hoses and other cleaning
material containing lead and lead blast residue shall be managed as a hazardous waste unless
determined non-hazardous. Personal protective equipment being disposed, such as tyvek suits,
respirator cartridges, boots, etc. but not tarps, shall be placed into 55-gallon steel drums.
Spent tarps shall be placed into DOT approved cardboard boxes and stacked on wooden
pallets. Container management shall be in accordance with Sec 1081.
1081. Invoices and Payment. The contractor shall dispose of all lead and non-lead
based residue and personal protective equipment in accordance with all Federal and State
regulations at the approved lead smelter or hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal
facility. Transporting and disposal cost shall be the contractor’s responsibility. A copy of the
disposal manifest and paid receipt shall be given to the engineer. Failure to provide proper
documentation will result in withholding payment.
For more information concerning
management of blast residue, approved lead smelters or approved hazardous waste treatment,
storage and disposal facilities, contact the Environmental Section in Design Division.
1081.4.4 Joints. All seams and joints that cannot be satisfactorily sealed or coated shall be
adequately caulked with compounds compatible with the coating system being applied.
Caulking material shall be in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendations
and shall meet the approval of the engineer. Caulking shall be satisfactorily completed for an
entire joint or seam after application of the prime coat and before application of any specified
finish or intermediate coats.
1081.4.5 Identification. At the completion of recoating, the contractor shall stencil in black
paint on the structure the number of the bridge, the word "RECOATED", the system used and
the month and year the coating was completed. The letters shall be capitals approximately
3 inches high. The legend shall be stenciled on the outside face of an outside stringer or girder
near each end of the bridge as directed by the engineer.
1081.4.6 Property and Traffic Protection. The contractor shall provide protection in
accordance with Sec 1081.3.12.
1081.5 Overcoating of Structural Steel (Calcium Sulfonate System).
1081.5.1 Scope. This specification covers the field preparation of structural steel surfaces to
be overcoated, disposal of paint residues and power washing water, furnishing and applying
the specified coatings, protection and drying of the coatings, furnishing protection from
coating spatter or disfigurement and final cleanup.
1081.5.2 System of Protective Coatings. All exposed and accessible surfaces of structural
steel and steel bearings shall be coated with the Calcium Sulfonate paint system in accordance
with Sec. 1081.2 unless otherwise noted. The color of the topcoat shall be as shown on the
plans. Overcoating of structural steel shall be in accordance with all requirements of Sec
1081.3 except surface preparation and unless in conflict with Sec 216, which shall control.
Surface Preparation.
Surface preparation shall be in accordance with
Sec 1081.4.3, except that blast cleaning will not be required.
1081.5.3.1 Removal of Existing Paint. The existing steel shall be cleaned by approved
methods in accordance with Sec 1081.5.3.2.
1081. Environmental Regulations. The paint removal operation shall be in
accordance with all local, state and federal regulations, including those defined in
Sec 1081.4.3.2.
1081. Water for Power Washing. The water used for power washing shall be clean,
potable water, free from contaminants. Non-hazardous wastewater shall be collected and
disposed of in accordance with all applicable state, local and federal clean water regulations.
Wastewater determined to be hazardous waste in accordance with Sec 1081. shall be
collected and disposed of in accordance with Sec 1081. The wastewater shall not be
discharged onto the ground or into waters of the state without a permit. If no permit is
obtained, the wastewater shall be collected and transported to a qualified wastewater plant or
other facility that can dispose of it in accordance with applicable wastewater regulation.
Water collected from the power washing operation shall not be reused in the power washing
1081. Collection of Residue. Collection of lead or non-lead based residue shall be in
accordance with Sec 1081.4.3.3 with the addition of the following requirements. The
containers shall remain closed at all times, except when necessary to add additional residue or
wastewater. Material other than the residue or wastewater from the cleaning operations shall
not be placed in the containers. Wastewater collected during cleaning operations shall be
tested in accordance with 40 CFR 261.24. Wastewater that test results indicate is a hazardous
waste as determined by 40 CFR 261.24 shall be handled as hazardous waste in accordance
with the 10 CSR 25. The contractor shall keep an inventory of the quantity of heavy metal
contaminated wastewater generated and delivered to the storage site and the quantity of heavy
metal contaminated wastewater that has been disposed. Wastewater that has been tested and
determined to be non-hazardous shall be handled in accordance with Sec 1081. Any
remaining hazardous or non-hazardous residues shall be disposed of in accordance with
Sec 1081.4.3.3. Any testing required for the disposal of the wastewater or residues shall be
the responsibility of the contractor. Copies of the inventory, all testing data, required
certifications and shipping manifests shall be provided to the engineer and to the
Environmental Section in Design Division in accordance with Sec 1081.
1081. Testing of Water Samples. At the conclusion of the power washing operation,
the contractor shall obtain samples of the wastewater in the presence of the engineer. The
samples shall be analyzed by an independent testing laboratory for total metals, oil and grease,
biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, pH and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
Procedure (TCLP) heavy metals. Samples shall be collected and analyzed in accordance with
EPA approved methods. Copies of all test reports shall be supplied to the engineer and the
Environmental Section in Design Division. Additional testing required to comply with any
federal, state or local regulations shall be provided by the contractor.
1081.5.3.2 Cleaning of Structural Steel. All exposed steel surfaces shall be mechanically
cleaned in accordance with Sec 1081. and in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s
recommendations prior to application of the coating. Power washing will not be required.
However, the contractor may use power wash cleaning if desired during surface preparation.
All surfaces cleaned shall be approved by the engineer prior to application of the coating.
1081. Mechanical Cleaning. Exposed structural steel where mechanical cleaning is
required shall be cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP2 or SSPC-SP3. Blast cleaning as a
substitute cleaning method will be acceptable. Mechanical cleaning will be required for areas
of rusted steel, loose, cracked or brittle paint or areas indicated by the engineer. The cleaning
shall be performed 2 inches beyond the areas of rust or defective paint in all direction or until
tightly adhered paint is obtained with no rust or blisters. Edges between the bare steel and the
paint shall be feathered. Collection of the residue removed shall be in accordance with
Sec 1081.
1081. Power Wash Cleaning. The contractor may clean the steel by a low-pressure
power wash to remove loose paint, dirt and other loose deleterious material. The maximum
pressure for the power washing shall be 1,500 psi. If necessary, solvent cleaning in
accordance with SSPC-SP1 shall be employed to augment the power washing. Collection of
the wastewater, solvents and other residues from the power washing operation shall be in
accordance with Sec 1081. After the power washing operation, areas that have
remaining rust or loose paint shall be recleaned in accordance with Sec 1081., except
that vacuum power tools will be required for power tool cleaning. All surfaces washed shall
be completely free of all foreign matter, surface dry and approved by the engineer prior to
application of the coating.
1081.5.4 Application. Coating shall be applied in accordance with Sec 1081.3 and the
manufacturer’s recommendations. The steel shall be free of all cleaning residues prior to
coating. Areas that have been cleaned to bare steel shall be prime coated on the same day as
the cleaning. Any areas that rust prior to application of the prime coat shall be recleaned. The
prime coat and topcoat shall be applied to all steel surfaces with the exception of steel encased
in concrete. Any existing paint that curls or lifts after application of the Calcium Sulfonate
system shall be removed, the area recleaned and the coating reapplied. Application of the rust
penetrating sealer will only be required if specified in the contract documents or as determined
by the engineer. Application of the rust penetrating sealer shall be in accordance with the rust
penetrating sealer manufacturer’s recommendations.
1081.5.5 Identification. At the completion of the final coating application, the contractor
shall, stencil in black paint on the structure the number of the bridge, the words
“OVERCOATED – Calcium Sulfonate” and the month and year the coating was completed.
The letters shall be capitals approximately 3 inches high. The legend shall be stenciled on the
outside face of an outside girder near each end of the bridge as directed by the engineer.
1081.5.6 Property and Traffic Protection. The contractor shall provide protection in
accordance with Sec 1081.3.12.
1081.6 Galvanized Metal. Galvanizing shall be applied after fabrication. Galvanized
material on which the galvanizing has been damaged will be rejected or may, with approval
from the engineer, be repaired in the field by the zinc alloy stick method. Required field
welds and adjacent areas on which galvanizing has been damaged shall be galvanized by this
same method. The area to be regalvanized shall be thoroughly cleaned, including the removal
of slag on welds. Touch-up of galvanizing of sheet material less than 3/16 inch may be
completed by the use of an approved aluminum epoxy mastic coating if the material will not
be in direct contact with concrete or with an approved non-aluminum epoxy mastic coating if
the material will be in direct contact with concrete.
1081.7 Aluminum & Gray Epoxy-Mastic Primer.
1081.7.1 Scope. This specification covers the application of other approved primer coatings
for touch-up and other repair applications.
1081.7.2 Surface Preparation. The epoxy-mastic shall be applied over an SSPC-SP2,
SSPC-SP3 or SSPC-SP6 surface preparation, including removal of all rust scale, loose rust,
loose mill scale and loose or non-adherent paint. Oil and grease shall be removed in
accordance with SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning. Areas adjacent to required areas will not be
required to be masked to prevent overspray.
1081.7.2.1 Environmental Regulations. The surface preparation operation shall be in
accordance with all local, state and federal regulations, including those defined in
Sec 1081.4.3.2.
1081.7.2.2 Collection of Residue. The collection of residue shall be in accordance with
Sec 1081.4.3.3 and 1081.
1081.7.3 Application. Material application methods, air and surface temperatures and
relative humidity shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions and
Sec 1081.3. The most restrictive application and environmental requirements for the epoxymastic shall be used when applying the primer to the steel.