Gate-Drain Capacitance Behaviour of the DMOS Power Transistor under High Current Flow Christoph Deml1 and Kurt Homann2 1 Siemens AG, Semiconductors, St.-Martin-Str. 76, 81541 Munich, Germany 2 University of Bundeswehr Munich, Institute of Electronics, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany Abstract The gate-drain capacitance of a power DMOS transistor was measured under high current conditions of up to 250 A. Depending on VGS a strong nonlinear characteristic was observed. Using the measured capacitance data the characteristics of the inner MOS transistor and the epi region have been determined separately for parameterisation and modelling. Introduction The characteristic of the gate-drain capacitance has, due to the Miller -eect the most signicant inuence on the transient behaviour of power DMOS transistors. This capacitance is normally specied in data sheets without current ow. To our knowledge, it is not yet known how this capacitance behaves under high current. The reason for this is that this cannot easily be determined because of thermal overload and destruction of the device. To avoid this, a circuit has been designed to signicantly reduce self-heating. Measurement of the Gate Drain Capacitance at High Current Flow The basic idea is to apply a constant gate voltage VGS and a saw-tooth drain voltage VDS (t) to the device and measuring the gate current IG (t) (Figure 1). Using the measurement circuit of Figure 2 the gate-drain capacity can be determined by (1) CGD (VGS ; VDS (t)) = C IIG ((tt)) : C DUT REpi 0 CGD ;ox 0 () VD S t () A IG t () VDS t CGB;ox VGS CGS;ox Figure 1: Basic idea of the measurement set-up. The gate current can be described by IG V GS =const ,CGD0 ;ox dVdtD0 S D0 S dVDS = ,CGD0 ;ox dV dVDS dt (2) where VD0 S is the eective drain voltage of the inner MOS-transistor as shown in Figure 1 which can be determined Z 1 V 0 = V 0 dA (3) DS AGD0 ;ox A 0 DS GD ;ox as the average voltage at the surface between gate oxide and n, epi region (Figure 3). The gate oxide capacitance (Figure 3) can be divided into the components Cox = CGS;ox + CGB;ox + CGD0 ;ox (4) overlapping the source, bulk and drain regions of the transistor. CGS;ox is not eected by the changing drain voltage and only to a very small extent Nominal Derivative High-Pass-Filter Integrator 2 3 (Differentiator) A V A IC DUT G C GS V VDS ,CGD [nF] I I A GB;ox GS DS p V 0 V D0 S n, n+ DS 10 ID [A] Figure 3: Gate oxide capacitances and eective voltages. VDS [V] 20 12 gate-drain capacitance can be expressed by =const : (5) 100 With this equation it becomes obvious that the nonliniarity of the gate-drain capacitance is caused by the DC-behaviour of the inner MOS transistor's effective drain voltage VD0 S in respect to the applied one VDS . Since dVdt is known and the gate current is measured, the capacitance CGD (VGS ; VDS ) (equations 2 and 5) DS CGD = dVIG dt DS V =const (6) GS can be determined. This has been done for a dVdt of 2 Vs and is shown in Figure 4. DS 0 9 VGS [V] 6 CGB;ox. Since furthermore CGD0 ;ox CGB;ox the GS 30 200 Drain D0 S CGD ,CGD0 ;ox dV dVDS V 20 A strong VGS dependence { this means current dependence { exists. The capacitance behaviour at VGS = 0V corresponds to the data sheet value. The respective transfer characteristic of the device is shown in Figure 5. ox +5V dV GD 0 ;ox n+ 20 0 Figure 4: Measured gate-drain capacitance of the BUZ 103 SL. C Gate GS;ox Source V 12 G C C V 9 1 0 Figure 2: Basic structure of the measurement circuit. +2V VGS [V] 6 0 10 3 0 20 VDS [V] 30 Figure 5: Measured transfer characteristic of the BUZ 103 SL. As is obvious by the slight decrease in current, self-heating was not completely avoided. In order to validate the measurements two dimensional device simulations have been performed on the structure of Figure 6. Source n+ Gate V 2 VGS [V] 4 5 0 6 10 0 20 30 VDS [V] Figure 8: Calculated gate-drain capacitance using dV 0 of the device simulation. dV D0 S p CGD0;ox dVdVDDS0S [fF] Validation by Device Simulation 1 D S DS V R Epi n, E pi Seperation of MOS and Epi Characteristics The capacitance CGG is dened by CGG = dVIG Drain dt V =const GS ,CGD [fF] The capacitance characteristic could be simulated and veried (Figure 7). 2 0 0 20 0 (8) where Vox denotes the eective oxide voltage which equals the average voltage across the oxide. Z 1 V = V dA (9) Aox A ox ox 6 20 VDS [V] dVox V DS 30 Figure 7: Device simulation of the gate-drain capacitance. Furthermore it could be veried that the product 0 CGD0 ;ox dV dV (Figure 8) corresponds well with the D S simulation. Therefore it can be assumed, that the drain voltage VD0 S at the end of the MOS-channel behaves similar to the eective one VD0 S of Figure 3. DS IG = Cox dVdtox The eective oxide voltage can be approximated by 5 10 (7) In general the gate current can be described as the displacement current through the gate oxide ox VGS [V] 4 : DS Figure 6: MEDICI structure for device simulation and typical subcircuit model. 1 d(VGS , VD0 S )V =0 DS (10) =0 because this simplication has only a minor eect on equation 13. Equations 7, 8 and 10 result in CGG V DS =0 Cox D0 S 1 , dV dVGS V ! DS =0 : (11) At VGS = VDS = 0 the eective drain voltage of the inner MOS-transistor is the sum of the contact voltages from the n, epi region to the source metal. VD0 S V GS =VDS =0 Nn, = kT q ln Nn+ + n ;metal (12) + Starting with these voltages equation 11 is integrated up to VGS while VDS remains zero. Then VGS is held constant and equation 5 is integrated up to VDS . This results in VD 0 S , C 0 GD ;ox VZ DS 0 + VGS , C1 ox + VD0 S CGD (VGS ; VDS ) dVDS VZ GS 0 V =V =0 GS DS CGG(VGS )V DS =0 dVGS : 9 VD0S [V] 10 VGS [V] 6 30 4 20 2 10 20 0 VDS [V] VGS [V] 6 100 0 10 0 12 (13) Using the data of the measured capacitance behaviour (Figure 4) the eective drain voltage VD0 S has been derived by equation 13. Neglecting the contact voltages the result is shown in Figure 9 and correlates well with device simulation [1]. 0 20 200 ID [A] 1 0 3 0 3 6 9 VD0S [V] Figure 10: Calculated transfer characteristic of the inner MOS using the measured data of Figure 5 and 9. Figure 9: Calculated drain voltage of the inner MOS using the measured data of Figure 4. Using the data of Figure 9 and the measured transfer characteristic (Figure 5), the inner MOS (Figure 10) and epi (Figure 11) characteristics have been determined separately for parametrisation used in compact circuit models. 20 200 Summary Reference [1] C. H. Kreuzer, N. Krischke, P. Nance: Physically Based Description of Quasi-Saturation Region of Vertical DMOS Power Transistors. International Electron Devices Meeting. Technical Digest. IEEE: 1996. Pages 489 - 492. 9 ID [A] The gate-drain capacitance of a power DMOS transistor was measured under high current conditions of up to 250 A. Depending on VGS a strong nonlinear characteristic was observed. It has been shown that this characteristic is caused by the DCbehaviour of the inner MOS transistors eective drain voltage VD0 S . Conversely this internal voltage was determined by capacitance measurements. Using the measured capacitance data the characteristics of the inner MOS transistor and the epi region have been determined separately for parameterisation and modelling. 12 100 0 VGS [V] 0 10 20 VEpi [V] 6 3 0 30 Figure 11: Calculated characteristic of the epi region using the measured data of Figure 5 and 9.