f", Name orsruden,, h4*qld &yozu tLle:,b igpa;1:n S*-* rij Physics Teacher: Physics A OCR AS S-vilabus H15B rePlacing 3BB3 Module: G482 Electrons, Waves and Pttotons and Exanr qttestions on electricity overlap the topic boundaries than so the selection of questions here may cover other topics thst stated. Topic: 2.3.7-2.3.2 't Circuits Including Kirchoff These questions have been taken from recent papels up to 2A09, based on specification 3883 The o1d specification is a close but not perfect match and some parts of the new specification are not covered' Remember a separate formul aldatasheet is available in the examination. You may need to look at this to answer these questions For Examina Use (a)ti}Placeatick{/)intheboxforanalternativeunitforthevolt. JC Js-l JC-1 (ii) u T V0 0^a- Act otr$ l1l The sta tement below is that for Kirchhoff's second law' a circuit is equalto the algebraic The algebmic sum of the e.m.f.s around a toop in sum of the P.d.s around the looP' Fig.5.1 shows an electrical circuit' 1.5 4.5 V v Fig.5.1 Use this law to determine the p'd' V' o Z ar{ -- +'S - l'5^ = 3'c i V = $'O-O'*L F n \J JT.B V_ 2AzlJuNoz 3:8 v [2] For Examine(s Use (b) Fig.5.2 shows a potential divider circuit' 5.0v ! Fig.5-2 battery may be assumed to have The voltmeter has a very large resistance and the negligible internal resistance. of the LDR is 2'4kc')' The variable For a particular intensity of light, the resistance k{2' resistor is set on its maximum resistance of 4'7 (i) Calculate the reading on the voltmeter' v* d;"""'::'n"'""'d{'' A = u/r- NLq = 8,+e-L C) O lr- ;.^ =1.o+).rd\o6 tt"o z t+'1 1S'9 [ ilt '- ' 3'3\V O (ii) how the answer I - 3'3\ = "u""1-"t"'readins="'"3':'3' vtsl to$fi) changes when the light intensity is decreased' . d-qcreo"a2,- O. nU- Ogp\nraho: .. d, -- ' "' ^gSd4 9""""' tR k lDA ir*cxan"e5..- se...v'--'6esn>;""'tD ftbO*. lt.f.\elgAr)1;).,.... .Y..ftcspg;- VA,*.4h!*..... \C$:'nrr '= OA -q"t -State ...... - . . -- -- t1 l . [Total:7] [Turn over Fo Exani Us Fig.3-1 X' (i) Name the comPonent marked 4toet*^*h(, O currents (ii) Determine the magnitude of the 0 3\ tZ.o = 5\ 3\ - z2)o tPt =l o =a t1l 1.,, 1, and 1,. 1. =....... .sl .01 ;,= 3 (t ,"=..... 'Afl-@ *n mA *o [Total:6] rul Examinef s Use rconnected to a variable resistor' Fig.3.1 shows a cell of e.m.f. Eand internal resistance v/V I El,r t.u 1.2 I 0.8 l___-l 0.4 0 Fig' 3'2 Fig.3.1 y terminals of the cell with the current Fig.3.2 shows the variation of the p.d. across the drawn from the cell. {a) V' Explain how Fig' 3'2 shows that the e'm'f' E is 1 '4 (f,-,..:...1.f.,..**..",..'...'..'j.;":-':""""i""''';';-r'$'*"""" \ fl*t\ { r*\ I \! ' ,# 1 f .'. u tt.' p '":""" '1''"::""""""Y{ ""'l':""""" t1I .:..,..',r..iJ..::,s,:.,i.....i.....,.1,.....ir,....+.......,...............,,....;...,;.:;:.r,*.'..9=...'."""""' (l ':: {3 's" '" l "' ;" - rii ''' '* 'i"; '' ' ' be crawn from c.--.n that (i) use Fid.5.zio o"tulrinB th; maximum possible currenf the cellt,:.,,r.- 1"- l"r.,.l,u i-. \,,._. :. , s*"1- n It' Y current = ............,*.1..."......' (ii) - Calculate the internal resistance rof the cell' - /r t \t A i1l The statements below are either laws of physics or definitions of physical quantities or units. ln the space provided, name the law, quantity or unit being stated. (a) The sum of the e.m.f.s in a loop of an electrical circuit is equal to the sum of the p.d.s in that loop. rhis is a statemen, (b) "t The current in a metallic conductor kept at a constant temperature is directly proportional to the potentialdifference across its ends. /l\ This is a sratement of (c) .kifclrrhs$t...$4SSnfL. r"*. .......Sh*^* . rr*. U t1I The potential difference divided by the current. rhis is rhe definition tor ..f.€*hJ-gb*sr* (d) The energy transformed by an electron travelling through a potential difference of one volt. rhis is the derinition ror the ...€,1.L$,-CS* . m.il..f { V U I1l fiotal:4] o I I I llilffiilr ilril ililt ltilt ltil ililI ilil ililt til ilil '! it r tr g A t* ta t;1 t* l* t{ o f':-"* t ti *-t t \^ 0 i',.*tf 'e c I resistance wire Fig.4.1 The battery has e.m.f. 4.5V and has negligible internal resistance. The resistance wire has resistance 4.0f), length 15cm and cross-sectional area2.3 x 10-8m2. (i) Suggest how you can arrange switches circuit has a total resistance of 12f). S' and 52 (e.9. opened or closed) so that the ') f-r_ .......>r:.1...'.'l;.i**;,.,.)............Yi.i;T3....:',',=1*.'.*hr..-'F.........U. "".'".'"""""'t,' . ....... I lililt |ilil illll il|il-90472121}', fiilt lilil ilil| ilil| lill illl lill ...... i1l calculate (iii) When both switches are closed' circuit the total resistance of the 1 e :A+A €' Ru R : .,L r?-/-{tfl]-r +'o 2 o I ar OR: R.8t €,.€r- delivered bY the the total electrical power p=Ys0 -gf o -E rr'o '10 + l'K' 3 batterY fif =o'hfirft tY ()"p,I-P sr f = 1\r *fq5 -L N 6.+oti ro'qs4Drlt _U'w : l.rr{J":'*"""" A? Uir! power = --.'. .l -{\," =, t3l the ratio \ =YL current in the 12fl resistor the resistance wire "wrent'ln Vt^.o / lt-e-**-4 v/ry'o y" = o,33 l2'o ratio = e. 73 I fTotal:1 rn over lllllllllllilllllruuullu[llllllllllllllllllll For Examinet' Use Fig.4.1 shows an electrical circuit' 600f, B 360f) Fig.4.1 The battery has negligible internal resistance' (a) Show that the current 1is 25 mA' + )oe] €. : = €'.t B :t=ya;#;* tlL\ = 32el O u)ry h+& \ cr:t so'li\a- \'o lt\-a# 6oD I [Turn over (a) Fig. 4.1 shows an electricalcircuit' 0.60A 1.8C) Fig.4.1 the cell is resistance r' The current drawn {rom The cell has e.m.f. 1.5V and internal resistance o{ the cell' 0"60 A. Calculate the internal ;i = .^ t* L;' 8- E-*,*f,:r@ l,r*f ^'***l..i--t'-l G,Ur---,ry^.,,.,f VilL\C luwv'" I\tLl ^P "' ,- =.f-tu f.t{.-:'t,* =, _l.; **,r=_ *.,- = j,.tJ 1 r.., ^-fL' r=&Llcruo-}.;--otsl (b)F\g.4.Zshowsafilamentlampandtworesistorsconnectedto"fd.c.supply. 20f) 12v,36w 12v 10f, Fig' 4'2 resistance' The d.c' supply has negligible internal ,12V, 36W,. Calculate the resistance of the filament The {ilament lamp is rated as (i) ' lamp when used in this circuit' ril^ .4t,: & ! t .. t - l flri' ?=o7e c{ o -|. =:t.= L-':'{; - .,L ? .._+ ,"f R?UtPA '*e, '. rr + . f| ra l-t : 5 ,f'- ^ \\ ,i € Jg' a $fup' v ;i t ;;:.*0 ';*, r *r' .'.. .t2l O t2] i-.--^^tf ,",1;tunce-= .........:i:. I' C"\''\ uT'ric\ ixqft"ccl" I [Turn over For Exaninefs (ii) calcutate the total resistance of this cu(,b^l , ct *^ h '"- 3E: \Y circuit- 1 Rn- : Sm t t] 4.- -F, I w K=-€.€r* -\- g,rg' R= *"L fft d+'.q- F S.y3 resistance =........-*.:..fY....... r, t.t R = 9*n R' s-^", : g R* c,__ 1 0 3* -'r*tr* {iii) Galculate the ratio . ll- ^ 1a,r.g ?/ : Bb = 3,c H /g -tn lL h \, = O.+oi} : -l'5 .--\ \q 5*,* .ll u)v i'u*-rt* current in the filament lamp current in the 20 CJ resistor 't : 3'e rn \-'' , \j.La ! ratio=......T.:.r O .' n, [Totat: 10] Use - For Examinefs Use a sma* dryer used to brow warm air. rl shows an erectricar circuit for Fig.4.lshowsanetectricalcircuitforasmatldryerusedtoblowwarmatr. Fig.4.1 \" I \ *":"andran t\ motor and fan --L I I -.A={,ff""\l I ;:JX 12v ':JT I of 2 oQ and 6 0" \ L$1,ff'1?ifl?1Tl,T1,"1":lfi;lm*T*1[,j;:5'.""'"'. | (a)Calculatethetotalresistanceofthecircuitwithbothswitchesclosed.ll ai\ k.*r*.= ,oG R' F.;. = = b't ^12.':u= \'Ss- I the I ,-o i ""-"\-\ with onty switch A closed' power dissipated by the coil X resistance = (b) catcutate '+ i \ t=:{=J'(=9eO ").0 a'a 0 power = O_\ *fl,t., ..-..:7'Z unit I \l fE,O \ \J t4l = """' rr.,a:7, \ \ I 2A22lJUNO2 [Turn over | I I For Examine I Use 5 (a) (i) ptace a tick .JC Js-l JC-l (ii) {t} inthe box for an alternative unit for the volt- n l V CI'9 h-cL Oilt 0 11I The s tatement below is that for Kirchhoff's second lawThe algebraic sum of the e.m.f.s around a loop in a circuit is equal to the algebraic sum of the p.d-s around the looP- Fig.5.1 shows an electrical circuit. 4.s -z_ e r*f - 1.5 V v ,<lL'J - 3.o = 2-g l' , O - Qt' \J U 'L 0 V_ .6 v [21 I 5 (a) (i) Place a tick .JC Js-l JC_1 {ii} l {/J inthe box for an alternative u V 0 For Examin Use unit for the volt. Oot lrcP CI'g t1l The statement below is that for Kirchhoff's.second law. The algebraic sum of the e.m.f.s around a loop in a circuit is equal to the algebnic sum of the p-d.s around the loap- Fig.5.1 shows an electrical circuit. i ! 1.5 V 4.5 V Use this law to determine the p.d- V. 2r-.I = /f.s- ,'f .: 3'o 0 i o'L l. i 0 V_ .6 v [2] three resistorsFig. 3.1 shows an electrical circuit including Fig.3-1 of 20 ft. (a) The variable resistor is set on its maximum resistance Calculate the resistance between Points (i) B and C R --)- r \ -L RK,K. R .r- r! -b : €3l - $o c: R.- R-*€.- - Soleo 9o+sc .U resistance = (ii) i.g,-................ o [2] A and C. {-- f;'* R,. '- rD+rL = LL resistance=......-!*.:l "OI1I (b) and an e'm'f' has negligible internal^resistance ln the circuit shown in Fig. 3.1, the battery carcurate the ammeter set on iti rowest reslstance of 0 e. 5.0 v. The variabre resistor is now reading. t t 'to.g='-"e- s9- \u-g'**legi-*. \t\fr\ L J:" YK &*L': o ",rr- D 3 \Q -ro) { t J } -a ,s* .1.-n ic reading = *.9 fi ......*.-:fl{t-."' " "A [Total:5] ffurn over I llilll filil lllll ffi ffi t2l lllll lllll lllll lllil llll llll Both electromotive force (e.m.f-) and poiential difference (p.d.) may be defined as 'energy per unit charge'- With reference to energy transfers, state one major dif{erence between e.m-f. and potential difference. ry (c) Fig. 5.1 bhows an electrical circuit in which the voltmeter has an infinite resistance. O.BOA Fig.5-1 Calculate (i) the current I in the fJ = o'8o (ii) the voltmeter reading \r^ 1B f) resistor -o'Zo = O'60 = T.R = O. ": t\\ {<rO \o'8 /( r80 reading = ........1.Q.:P........ " n, For Examinefs Use {iiii the resistance of the diode R=Yt =Jgi = O .2-s (iv) the power dissipated "p = -ln*f R. "j dto&r-+fu"t1"* by the diode- t=lv=q=r'K0 -L t = 0'lotT ('o power= .Q.:.3.{D wt2l flotal: Question 6 is over the Page a- I I L I 111 (a) .F?s,r? i,{r } 1 I Fig.3.1 (i) is not equal The voltmeter has an infinite resistance. Explain why the voltmeter reading to the e.m.f. o{ the batterY. '* 1 ,. 1.r, \ ri t,.l"r' :' {T'Ss. v-r rx"si* r* - *..**OY (i i) \6= ^ irilgffi r B*X*,""ffmt"+.e voltmeter resistance of wire X is four ti*". s,"lt", lrln potential the to calculate reading is 6.0V. Use your knowledge of potential divider circuits difference across the wire Y' g.*^ fl j1 A t rhe \7 f) ft,,tKtil ' ..fu." o *'* 0 ff+hK € i'?'1 CR t) r"l 'Jt :ht ."? ,7 tr' t {o=' Ji I\L ?," L,S n @ ry \"ld \'zv potential difference = .. .. . ......!.1.!. A vo\ruc6 bPh\a 4:t Sp-p-c^.J tc\)L - al\0".: Q \ ooc*zoos t oL[u^r grffi {* - PS, aAilfloili - Ii,,'r* ].qrt*.r']*rJ t"1*hf:**' ;:H* .....tv- . . - . v of, +'(V b \o LU _.,-; X 'J PA t's"cl I3l (iii) tw:- - +v, .)a1 .rfu;.)l ) L- ,l,rr [Total: B] Turn over o ocR 2009 Fig. 1.1 shows an electrical circuit. t) il l, Fig. 1-1 potential difference Fig. 1.1, show how a voltmeter may be connected to measure the t1l tf-t" component W.ft"ri,tl on X- ""t*" the position state the effect, if any, on the ammeter reading when the ammeter is moved from shown to position P in the circuit- ; ;";;' (c) ;;",.';'-*" ";"";r:;;; ;,' ";;;;;";';; "' (i) 1 J Name the comPonent X. tbRf HgU,t fuPsft-ds"k t.e-u\sW-O ;;; " t1l is State how the resistance of X changes as the intensity of visible light (ii) "' increased an . I*,ubhne.* dscr-<ffi*a ia" ngXf lolcA*{3 in(}3r'Aqsl-rir (iii) State the range o{ the wavelength of visible light' U* hrsl?:lntu' *. 3:5;-;;,t1 . I ililil lllil ffillllll illll lilll lllllllill ilil lil llil _*-, f^ (d) component X The current measured by the ammeter is 4.8 x 10-3 A when the p.d- across the is 1.BV- (i) Calculate the resistance of component X' (: LL+' =,l.k,rro \L} resistance (ii) = For a time interval of 30 s, calculate 1 -; *\ -F .......-':.f..*................... f) [2] N 38C the charge passing through the ammeter qb=I"e O -yE -3 FIL' rh \) F \- '3. ' i -1"-I charge = ....J.:.IS.V .-c I3l the electrical energy transformed by the component X' 2 *\ r 3 u+J v; f\t l,[\{q'' \-' -l t-t = ,i*, . !* j'"r \rr,.\ r- i -E r} = L<-u 0I\&lJ q* U .,4:.,- ;'" .{}*l = a- ,], - ir.. energy flotal: 13] 0 Qnu- = C OCSb \^J ffurn over [-.-. I ffilll illil ilil Iilil ilil ililt illlt lllll ffiI llll llil 6 The statements below are either laws of physics or definitions of physical quantities or units. ln the space provided, name the law, quantity or unit being stated. {a} The sum of the e.m.f.s in a loop of an electrical circuit is equal to the sum of the p.d.s in that loop. rhis is a statement (b) kic$h{{.l) $f$aql ,"*. U "r t1] sr The current in a metallic conductor kept at a constan t temperature is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends. This is a statement of (c) o ......,....0hf4s. The potential difference divided by the current. rhis is the definition for....t$hkq$Sg (d) . law. t1I ,n U i l1I The energy transformed by an electron travelling thrgugh a potential difference of one volt. rhis is the derinition ror the ....g\eCh00* rfOlh..{..g.V t O t1I [-otal:4] I iltilt ililt iltil iltil iltililffi ililt ilil iltil til ilil '334190906. Fig.6.1 shows an electrical circuit' // J Fig.6.2 lilrill lllll lllil lll[ullll$llll lllil lllil ilil llil Calculate the total resistance between points A and B. , A*..* .\-,--k \.$ \c; e.q\ ,!*"tr*t-Fa u t Io g' t.,,' t\ (c) t'€*e;ri {.. {\t 96? q' .* frr_ !s g ':f,€l t'+*;*l;t.: r,c *& s*:*; * b'f, 0 u!,\ ".,;.,\E"r e e'0 s 1's 0 c* resistance = .,..1.1..*.......... kO I3l The circuit shown in Fig. 6.3 is used to monitor the variation of light intensity in a room. Fig" 6.0 The battery of e.m'f. 5.0v has negrigibre internar resistance. The voltmeter has a very large resistance and it shows a reading ot\.ZV.Calculate (i) the potential difference across the 1 .5 ke resistor (t) A potential difference = \v ... *..:.5........ ".. V l1l j. [Turn over I lltilt Iilil tilil ill{il|l,f[il,tjil Iilil ilfit ilil lill (ii) the resistance F of the component X' t\F-*,W^oC ) ?.R K*ft* ,? '. , .l -l vI ft {6 J -f,- x 5'* D i.L = f;,+ + i'+ -= ff= i's [Total: 11] j t+.tt'*e* v\I \. \i r.l tr- \-u T\\ 3 \1 ; o i t* /\\ *,,> r.(- i) F- l) .;- *i c.'\"'s'-* \ O-l t* t\ .t 4<&e :rt ,.i t* ,r1-* \P i'e r: I * :- t r*;r r I J rqC, o .*5 l*t -t .-.a I >tC,'-} t J*' :.-*' {r, I o lllilt ilffi lllil lt[lllillllilllll lllil ilil ltil lllt For Exaninefs 3 (a) Calculate the total resistance between the points X and Y for the circuit shown in Fig. 3.1. 100f) Fig.3.1 \_ R So R= -L+-I R. R'. G' R,tR,. R", \ t0 K\20 t6o + \2-C L= \sD r.1)- = o = m Cns q" 'l2.tr-. 'l \ NL , ltu t r"bq-rd lcJu<: I Glw \-/ , ANUrt 0 0 11> resistance = t-}2...........o ral Use For Exaniner's Use (b) lnthisquestion,onemarkisavailableforthequaliiyofwrittenCommunication. a water bath used to monitor the temperature of circuit thermometer electrical A simple is shown in Fig. 3.2. 0 Quality of Written Communication [1] [Total: 8] a. [Turn over f,. 2 (a) On Fig. 2.1, sketch the variation wit h temperature of the resistance of a pure metallic conductor. resistance temperature/"C 100 letrlperalul 9.2.1 (b) lzJ Fig.2.2 shows a circuit used to monitor the changes in the temperature of a room. Fig.2.2 The thermistor is connected in series with a resistor of fixed value 1200Q. The battery has e.m.f. 5.OV and negligible internal resistance. Assume that the ammeter has negligible resistance and the voltmeter has very high resistance. o ocR 2007 ililt ililt ffiil ilililililil ililt ililI.904721206- ililt ilililil fit +* *\ '{ $ 't + \& .I tli t 'L) irr i: s 4 (i i) E * \'. s,\ ...3 rl a,q- i\ R F H H \l -r- it l}l Ti E J. tiH \& !i tt i3 n ix lj u>Jr-\ --.\J I -:> t H zob \-- )l ,|\ u 0 .ftr' ItoTl I,J \"1c.-; t -:'5 r /-\ \\i r-i i? [Total: 9] ii ii #: in fi $ Ii }{ i:1 i *. *l -^*'! II t fr =* h'\ rI\ \t' IE Fr- ti:,ab .' t- \'t :r> arlq t ,x-? *i f:i ni }l ii {? {.ri :!l 5t i! #.1 # # # f 't i '!-* t.r* rf- U i1 x +r I lr-€"F 31 # t:1 ai #i ,a? w urn over Ri d; is1 trt r.+: Fa F.: I lillll llil llil llilHil!xlilJlll lllil llil llil llll Fig. 5.1 shows a potential divider circuit designed as a touch-sensor. Fig.5.1 The battery has negligible internal resistance and the voltmeter has infinite resistance. (a) Explain why the voltmeter reading is zero when there is nothing connected between the contacts X and Y. r....No rrr\rs$y. Gn ise*rit)I gS*^ dcg,.'bi ..S n*h,sn/, X...:jt...--.h......S..:ay....ocontact between X and Y, the voltmeter reading changes from OV to 3.4V because of the electrical resistance of the skin. Use this information to calculate the electrical resistance of the skin between the two contacts- (b) When the finger makes v"& {; o R*R, \log * Rt = (: \bt 3.+ = \bE xs.o R-t [u8 r S-o a.+ &\1^ \bP [Total:4] 4naL= &sD K-^'- @ = -?1. \eeoPv \ \c"L\c't nMl^oc[ [Turn over A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor is connected across the terminals of a battery of e.m.f. 6.0V and of negligible internal resistance. Fig. 3.1 shows the variation of current 1 with time f from the moment the thermistor is connected to the battery. 1/10-3A Fig.3.1 (a) Calculate the power dissipated by the thermistor at time f = 0. T*+*rt*-3 ff=3/ O f = i# nr**h rc*? = l'r-1 (b) Q[.\ G o L.o"r ,?Ett.5 roon I llltil ilil lllil lllil lllil lllll lllll lllil lllll llil llll - 5021 83308 - (a) A student is given three resistors of resistances 10 Q, 1 2Q and 22{1. (i) ta Draw a sketch to show how all three resistors can be connected to give maximum resistance. Calculate the maximum resistance. Arrangement: i=F# 6 _) - a() r' ts- fi-" n '*-I"-a ed- **-f* q -.*r ;A Ej* t* {:- ; ; s1^r\rA Nvw U I) \\- M u')i{C' r K-i.Srshn' \DJcrar nrt nuEdec( vt) *j /E I Calculation for maximum resistance: {. [\ A.- *9 ^/ ,2 -' <J )- JY maximum resistance = ..."........"..........#l::....,............... O 121 Draw a sketch to show how all three resistors can be connected to give minimum resistance. Calculate the minimum resistance. \ C\5 Otrc,.u'{_. \d 11 .) 'J ] ,2 \J lJ/ L4 +.l "r-" O. ? o) v / 4 1" Calculation for minimum resistance: A- {*; I. rh. F\' I z l* \-f J ,.i ( +F -!-* -j r.sL b*u* 'i.; $* \T, 1; F-i R= +'S'] +L* -4- d+ fn q minimum resistance = Lto"* roo, r lllll lllll lllll illll lilll lllllill ilililililt ililt il|il .1 96548505" ' ]--\J o t3l [Turn ou". J .fr :.y-..t......,.................. i;g[st ffii$ ffis (b) \-/ resistance different cyrindricar shapes. The putty has some conducting putty is rnourded into oiJoo *r'en it his length / and diameter d' cylinders made from this putty' Complete the tabie belJw for different ffiffi i#d '#iffl sg 1g€ trE ffi,€ ffi.^Gt ffiGl #f'-,,€ it$Et ffi ffi l3l ffi fTotal:8] ffi I Fig. S.1 shows a potential divider circuit used to monitor the temperature of a greenhouse. Fig.5.1 The thermistor T is a negative temperature coefficient type. The voltmeter is placed across the resistor R. Describe andlxplain how the voltmeter reading changes as the temperature of the greenhouse increases.. . - ..[m. Senopnnsu.r*....'r $.henm$ .. I . **smns*. $ ililll illll ililllilil lilil lilll lllll lllll lllll llll llll Jihsrm'.u]hf. I I 0) (a) Fig.4.1 shows components of an incomplete electrical circuit' m*M")n St;rtr wi{\ \ parallel, may be complete the circuit oi Fig.4.1 io show how both lamps, connected in P' lamp in the I2l current lit using the battery. lnclude an ammeter to measure the (b) fan' Fig.a.Zshows a circuit designed to monitor the speed of rotation of a small 5.0 2.2kA fan blade Fis.4.2 For The batiery has negligible internal resistance. The output voltage V trom the circuit is equal to the potentiat difference across the LDR. Fig.4.3 shows the variation of the output voltage Vwith time t v/v Examiner': Use 4.0 3.0 2.O 1.0 0 40 t/ms l3l (i For the maximum value for the output voltage V, calculate i) 1. the potential difference across the 2.2 kO resi$tor f : r'! 't -F" :: g :- potential difference = .....,;,*:.:fl:...'....... 2. the resistance of the LDR. V ill I 3 3 .* * l*- F'-* 1 E F: tf :3 { -& R\" V,rre : .L.o t" E -o"l -si ''-.- Q.-- ,j ?Bz;,uno: \ Ql 1tc= (D over ln this question, one mark is available for the quality of written communication. Draw a circuit diagram to show how a light-dependent resistor, a voltmeter, a variable resistor and a cell may be used as a potential divider circuit to monitor changes in the light intensity in the laboratory. Explain the operaiion of your circuit and sugges"t a reason for using a variable resistor. O cofiac[' Clrc-",,.t'. O Qo$etk sln.no=: + CTLINU ba*iet1 o"- ^ "cuLt' O W e.r-co\rlcmission u"b*.. *}r* fg{trtutde#- i.*r g*S E > oN5 r>\ b/ \WL- 0tqqn:rsa\cr''n $ w*1,\e^ Quality of Written Communication [1] [Total:9] I