01330 Submittal Procedures

A. Section includes general requirements and procedures related to preparation and
transmittal of Submittals to include Schedules, Contractor's Drawings, Samples,
Manuals, Methods of Construction, and Record Drawings to Contract Manager
demonstrating performance of Work.
1. Other requirements for submittals are specified under applicable sections of
Standard Specifications and Special Provisions.
A. General.
1. Submit each under separate cover or transmittal.
2. Furnish neat, legible, and sufficiently explicit detail to enable proper review for
compliance with the Contract Documents.
3. Show complete and detailed fabrication; assembly and installation details; wiring
and control diagrams; catalog data; pamphlets; descriptive literature; and
performance and test data.
4. Include calculations or other information sufficient to show comprehensive
description of structure, machine, or system provided and its intended manner of
a. With each submission, furnish Contract Manager specific written notation
and justification of each variation in Contractor's Submittals from
requirements of Contract Documents.
b. Fabrication, purchase or delivery of materials to the site, and installation of
materials or Work performed before approval, or not conforming to approved
submittals, shall be at Contractor's risk.
5. Contract Manager’s review and approval of submittals shall not relieve Contractor
from responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents,
unless Contract Manager has received specific written notice of each variation
and has given specific written approval.
6. Contractor assumes all risks of error and omission.
7. Contract Work, Materials, Fabrication, and Installation: Following approved
B. Process and Requirements.
1. Not later than 3 days after preconstruction conference, submit written list of
materials and equipment to be purchased, giving name, address, and telephone
number of Supplier, Manufacturer, or processor.
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July 2013
a. Submit updated material and equipment list when changes are made.
Coordinate and schedule submittals with Contract Manager.
With the first submittal, but not later than 30 days after issuance of System
Extension Permit, submit a complete submittal schedule, listing as near as
practicable and by Specification Section number, submittals required and
approximate date submittal will be forwarded.
a. Arrange submittals schedule so that related equipment items are submitted
To each submittal affix the following signed Certification Statement:
a. "Certification Statement: By this submittal, we hereby represent that we have
determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria,
materials, dimensions, catalog numbers and pertinent data and we have
checked and coordinated each item with other applicable approved drawings
and all Contract requirements."
a. Submit identification data, as applicable, contained thereon or permanently
adhered thereto:
1) The Commission Project Number.
2) Project name and location.
3) Submittal Numbers:
a) Number sequentially as submitted.
b) Resubmittals shall bear original submittal number and be
sequentially lettered.
4) Product identification.
5) Drawing title, drawing number, revision number, and date of drawing
and revision.
6) Applicable Drawing Numbers and Specification Section and Paragraph
7) Subcontractor's, Vendor's and/or Manufacturer's name, address and
phone number.
8) Contractor's Certification Statement.
b. Identify on exterior, catalog product data or brochures submitted in packages
of multiple items. Include page and catalog item numbers for items
1) Highlight catalog, product data, or brochures containing various
products, sizes, and materials to show particular item submitted.
2) Mark items not applicable to Project "not applicable" or cross out.
3) If one or more items in catalog submittal are not approved, resubmit only
unapproved items.
Stamp Space: Blank space of approximately 2-1/2 inches high by 4 inches wide
adjacent to the identification data to receive Contract Manager's status stamp.
Number of Copies: See requirements in Submittals specified herein.
Approval Process:
a. Follow submittal schedule provided to Contract Manager. Contract Manager
will return submittal within 30 days.
b. Submittals will be returned, marked with one of following classifications:
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1) APPROVED: Requires no corrections, no marks.
2) APPROVED AS NOTED: Requires a few minor corrections. Items may
be fabricated as marked without further resubmission. Resubmit 2
corrected copies to the Contract Manager.
3) APPROVED AS NOTED - RESUBMIT: Requires corrections. Items
not marked may be fabricated. Resubmit entire submittal following
original submission with corrections noted. Allow 30 days for checking
and Contract Manager’s appropriate action.
4) REJECTED: Requires major corrections or is otherwise not following
Contract Documents. No items shall be fabricated. Resubmit entire
submittal following original submission with corrections noted. Allow
30 days for checking and Contract Manager’s appropriate action.
5) INFORMATION ONLY: Items specified by Contract Documents.
C. Electronic Submittals: PDF Format, as approved by Contract Manager.
A. Shop Drawings.
1. For original submittal and each subsequent resubmittal required, submit 1 each
reproducible transparency and 6 legible prints. Contract Manager will return 3
copies of shop drawing prints.
2. Show types, sizes, accessories, and layouts, including plans, elevations, and
sectional views; component, assembly, and installation details; and all other
information required to illustrate how applicable portions of Project requirements
will be fabricated and/or installed.
3. In case of fixed mechanical and electrical equipment, submit layout drawings
drawn to scale, to show required clearances for operation, maintenance, and
replacement of parts. Include manufacturer's certified performance curves, catalog
cuts, pamphlets, descriptive literature, installation, and application
recommendations, as required. Submit together shop drawings for closely related
items such as a pump and its motor. Additional shop drawings and information
required for electrical and mechanical equipment are listed in appropriate
Specification Sections.
4. Shop drawings for continually furnished items such as pipe, fittings, valves,
precast structures and metal work will be waived provided Contractor submits
letter naming manufacturer who will furnish these items. Manufacturer shall have
on file certified drawing(s) containing above information approved by the
Commission, and items furnished shall be as described on certified drawing(s). If
Standard Details or Specifications change after certified drawings are approved,
new submittals are required.
B. Catalog Data.
1. For original submittal and each subsequent resubmittal required, submit 12 copies
of catalog data. Contract Manager will return 3 copies.
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July 2013
Manufacturer's Catalog, Product, and Equipment Data: Certified and include
material type, performance characteristics, voltage, phase, capacity, and similar
a. Furnish wiring diagrams when applicable.
b. Indicate catalog, model, and serial numbers representing specified equipment.
c. Submit complete component information to verify specified required items.
C. Working Drawings.
1. For original submittal and each subsequent resubmittal required, submit 1 each
reproducible transparency and 6 legible prints. Contract Manager will return 3
2. Submit working drawings as required for changes, substitutions, Contractor
design items, and Contractor designed methods of construction. Requirements for
working drawings are listed in appropriate Specification Sections or in Special
3. Include with drawings calculations or other information to completely explain
structure, machine, or system described and its intended use. Review or approval
of drawings by Contract Manager shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility
for fulfillment of requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor assumes
risks of error, and Contract Manager shall have no responsibility.
4. Submit working drawings and calculations sealed, dated, and signed by
Professional Engineer registered in State of Maryland and experienced in the
work or discipline involved.
D. Method of Construction.
1. For original submittal and each subsequent resubmittal required, submit 12 copies
of data detailing method of construction. Contract Manager will return 3 copies.
2. When Contract Manager specifies or directs, submit proposed method of
construction for specific portions of Work.
a. Include detailed written description of phases of construction operation to
fully explain to Contract Manager proposed method of construction.
b. If required by Specifications, submit working drawings to supplement
3. Review will follow the process herein and shall not relieve Contractor from
responsibility for fulfillment of the requirements of the Contract Documents.
Contractor assumes risks associated with proposed method.
4. After review, submit requests for modifications in detail, including justification
for them. Do not implement modifications prior to Contract Manager’s review.
E. Manufacturer's Installation Recommendations.
1. For original submittal and each subsequent resubmittal required, submit 12 copies
of manufacturer’s installation recommendations. Contract Manager will return 3
2. Furnish written detail for step by step preparation and installation of the materials
and products, including recommended tolerances and space for maintenance and
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July 2013
F. Samples.
1. General: As soon as practicable after issuance of the System Extension Permit,
submit samples required by Specifications or at Contract Manager’s request.
Unless otherwise specified, submit 3 samples of each item as original submittal.
2. Obtain approval before delivery of material to Project site.
3. Samples: Representative of actual material proposed for use in project and of
sufficient size to demonstrate design, color, texture, and finish when these
attributes will be exposed to view.
a. If samples deviate from Contract Documents, advise Contract Manager in
writing with submittal and state reason.
4. Identification.
a. Permanently attach to each sample:
1) The Commission Project Number.
2) Project Name and Location.
3) Product Identification.
4) Applicable Drawing and Specification Section Number.
5) Subcontractor's, Vendor's and/or Manufacturer's Name, Address and
Phone Number.
b. Mail under separate cover a letter submitting each shipment of samples
containing identification information listed herein. Enclose copy of this letter
with shipment.
5. Approval Process.
a. Allow 30 days for Contract Manager’s checking and appropriate action.
Certain samples may be required to be tested at an approved independent lab
for specified requirements by the Commission before approval. Failure of
sample to pass tests will be sufficient cause for refusal to approve.
b. Samples of various material or equipment delivered to site or during
placement may be required to be tested by Contract Manager. Samples
failing to meet Contract Document requirements will automatically void
previous approvals, and resubmittal of samples will be required.
G. Record Drawings (As-builts).
1. Applicant will prepare and furnish sewer and water main as-builts and service
connection finals to the Contract Manager. As-builts and service connection finals
are to be submitted by the Applicant or their designated representative. The asbuilt information package is to be submitted to the Contract Manager allowing 2
weeks for review. Their approval is part of the WSSC requirements for obtaining
a Certificate of Substantial Completion and water meter release(s).
2. The package will include:
a. Three (3) Green Line copies of Water As-built Drawings, showing the most
current revisions to the Drawings and Profile, including connection permit
numbers with the water survey final as-built data, as specified below.
b. Three (3) Red Line copies of Sewer As-built Drawings, showing the most
current revisions to the Drawings and Profile, including connection permit
numbers with the sewer survey final as-built data, as specified below.
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c. Three (3) copies of the Fire Hydrant Summary Sheet.
d. Three (3) copies of the Sewer As-built Data Work Sheet.
e. One (1) copy of the water and sewer grade notes sheets, including field notes.
The As-Built Record Drawings (plan and profile) shall be completed in
accordance with the following:
a. All field changes will be shown on as-built drawings. Manhole to manhole
distances and swing tie measurements shall be carried to the nearest tenth.
Manhole depths shall be carried to the nearest hundredth. The as-built
information will be submitted on the most current, revised Drawings. A
Registered Surveyor or Engineer will certify the as-built.
b. As-built coordinates for manholes, fire hydrants and water valves shall be
shown in a table on the as-built drawing where space permits or on a separate
sheet, in accordance with NAD 83/91 datum. Coordinates may be placed on
the profile view above each manhole, fire hydrant and water valve station in
lieu of a table.
c. Complete the as-built data box on Sheet 1 of the Drawings:
1) Contract Manager – WSSC Contract Manager on the job
2) Contractor – who installed
3) Inspector – site inspector for WSSC
4) L&G – surveyor
5) Dated started
6) Date completed – substantial date per CM
7) Type of pipe W – water main type of pipe
8) Date Finaled
9) Finaled by – name of the Survey company preparing the as-built
Sewer Main As-built information
a. Provide the following information on the horizontal plan sheet in RED type:
1) Three swing ties to the center of each manhole cover (see Swing Tie
2) When manholes are built over an existing sewer, provide a distance from
the center of the upstream and downstream manhole covers to the center
of the built over manhole cover.
b. Provide the following information on the profile in RED type:
1) On the profile view, place a check next to those elevations and stations
that were built per Drawings. Where they have changed, cross out with a
single line and write the as-built elevation and station in red.
2) Depth of the manhole (in vertical feet) from top of rim to channel
3) Sewer line lengths (in linear feet) from centerline of manhole cover to
centerline of manhole cover.
4) Drop connection elevation at the centerline of manhole and inside wall
of manhole.
5) Manhole rim elevations.
6) Percent of sewer line grade to be calculated from centerline of manhole
to centerline of manhole except for those lines built @ .50% of grade or
less. In those cases the lines are to be calculated and indicated on the as-
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built from the incoming invert at the inside manhole wall to the next
upstream manhole’s outgoing invert at the inside manhole wall.
Water Main As-built Information
a. Three swing ties shall be provided to the center of each water fitting listed
below (see swing tie requirements) in a tie box on the horizontal plan using
Green type:
1) Caps/plugs (include depth in vertical feet)
2) Valves
3) Test stations
b. Provide fire hydrant data, listed below in a tie box on the horizontal plan
using Green type:
1) Fire hydrant station
2) Street name
3) Measurements from center of fire hydrant valve to fire hydrant
4) Height (in vertical feet) of fire hydrant
5) Fire Hydrant Manufacturer
6) Operating nut (top of hydrant) elevation
c. Note all changes in Green on profile.
1) If station on water main is the same, put a check next to it.
2) 0+00 never changes.
The Service Connection Final shall be completed in accordance with the
a. Provide two (2) copies of the Service Connection Certification form (found in
the Attachments Section) and two complete sets of Drawings showing all
revisions and connection permit numbers.
The Service Connection
Certification form will show the following information:
1) Lot, block and connection permit number.
2) Mainline sewer tee station when both water and sewer connections are in
the same location, measuring from the downstream manhole.
3) Mainline water station when there are no sewer connections.
4) Linear footage of the service connections from the centerline of the
main[s] to the property line.
5) Depth (in vertical feet) of each connection at the cleanout stack and/or
curb stop.
6) Ties: Three swing ties from the green board and/or cleanout stack.
When water service is in different trench than sewer service, three swing
ties to the water meter or curb stop.
Swing Tie Requirements are as follows:
a. Swing ties, preferably under 100-feet, are to be taken from above ground
structures provided in the following order of preference and are to be labeled.
1) Manholes (sewer, water, storm drain) (taken at the center of the cover)
2) Telecommunications and electric manholes or structures (C&P, PEPCO,
BG&E) with the location plotted on as-built drawings and the
measurement taken at the center of the structure.
3) Fire hydrants.
4) House or building corners.
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Valve Box
Telephone poles (pole number must be included on as-built drawings).
Curb box or cleanout stack, which are located on a different property.
Retaining wall corners.
Point on line from the downstream manhole to upstream manhole (use
only one point on line tie per water main fitting)
10) Property corners, if nothing else exists.
H. Substitutions: See Section 01630.
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July 2013