
iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg
l¥rR© z§ d¦
Present Tense
and Infinitive
iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg
§ çn§
miç¦ ç©
§ çn§
z¤çç¤ ç© n§
çç¥ ç© n§
çç¥ ç© §l
l¥rR© z§ d¦
§ çz§ n¦ miç¦ ç©
§ çz§ n¦
z¤çç¤ ç© z§ n¦
çç¥ ç© z§ n¦
çç¥ ç© z§ d§
l¥riR¦ oiï§pA¦ : Fill in the blank the verbs in present tense. To practice
more, you can change the verbs from Singular to Plural and from Plural
to Singular
.l`ipc mr¦ _________________ (xac) inrp
.uEgA© __________ (lih) md¥ y¤ dpyeyl ________________ (xtq) ipce dpic
?qi¦ph¤ __________________ (wgU) z§ `© ,lkin
_________________ (law) epgp` meid
.xc¤g¤ d© z` _____________ (xcq) ozpei
§ z` ____________________ (xwa) dclebe dkxA§
.dcilb§ ______________ (ywa) ip`e l ¥̀ ipc mr¦ ______________ (xac ,ip`)
.l¤kF`l xlec drAx` __________________ (mly) oexd`e dpyey
iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg
.dzikl zeklede _________________ (xdn) od¥
.z¦iA© d© z ¤̀ _________________ (owz) md¥ .10
¤ lr© lkinl __________________ (xtq) dpyey .11
?zEpga __________________ (Utg) dn ,ipc .12
Translate the following sentences into Hebrew:
1. Who is talking to (“with”) Klilah?
2. What is Yoseph looking for?
3. They are repairing the house.
4. I am asking Yonatan to read.
5. Klilah is talking with Golda.
6. He is organizing the room.
7. What do you want tell?
8. Dalia is telling a joke (dg̈ic¦ A§ ). _____________________________________________________________
9. Who wants to play soccer (l¤bxEc
¤ M© ) ________________________________________________________
10. Do you want to visit (“in”) Israel?
11. I need to organize (make order) the room.
12. Who is paying for the pizza?
13. They are paying.
14. I am looking for the book.
15. I speak Hebrew!
iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg
16. He is going for a walk with the dog. _______________________________________________________
17. You want to organize the classroom?
18. Are you looking for flowers?
19. Why are telling (“to”) Yoseph about (lr© ) the trip?
20. How much do I need to pay?
l¥rR© z§ d¦ oiï§pA¦ : Fill in the blank the verbs in present tense. To
practice more, you can change the verbs from Singular to Plural
and from Plural to Singular
._________________ (yal)e xwFA
¤ A© dnw dpic
.mei lFM ________________ (ugx) md¥
© l __________________ (lbx) oexd`
© d© llb§ A¦ _________________ (ybx) dï§lc̈e iq¦ x§n©
.xweaa zay meia _____________ (llt) ipc̈
.dAiq¦ na
§ zecwex od .____________________ (yia) `Ÿl dpice dpyey
.dp̈ig¦ Ad
§ llb§ A¦ ______________ (ybx ,ip`)
.ce`n§ __________________ (adl)e l¤bxEc
¤ M© miwgU© n§ md
¦ cF`n§ dtï
¤ _________________ (mcw) od¥
.xwea lM̈ _____________________ (lnr) lkine dpyey .10
iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg
Translate the following sentences into Hebrew:
1. I work out in the morning.
2. I wonder why he doesn’t play.
3. They are praying for peace.
4. We are making progress in Hebrew.
5. Who wants to work out?
6. He is getting dressed.
7. She is embarrassed to dance.
8. Are you working out today?
9. You need to make an effort.
10. Are you practicing soccer today?
11. Spring is getting closer!
12. They fall in love with (“in”) Israel!
13. I need to contact (call) Golda.
14. I wonder why he is singing.
15. Why are you getting angry?
16. The soup (wx¨n̈) is getting cold!
17. She is taking a shower.
18. You need to compromise!
19. Klilah corresponds with Yoseph.
20. We are making progress!
iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg
Glossary - milin xve`
be enthusiastic, become
adlz§ n¦
work out, exercise
lnrz§ n¦
`¥lR© z§ n¦
llR© z§ n¦
xy¥ R© z§ n¦
be accepted (to college etc.)
xw¥ a© n§
ask (for)
yw¥ a© n§
speak, talk
xA¥ c©n§
look for, search
UR¥ g© n§
go for a walk, trip
li¥ih© n§
hurry, rush
xd¥ n© n§
lawz§ n¦
play (musical instrument)
advance, move forward,
make progress
mcwz§ n¦
take a shower
© lw© z§ n¦
repair, fix
ow¥ z© n§
(make) order, organize
xc¥q© n§
xR¥ q© n§
receive, accept
lA¥ w© n§
come closer
¥ z§ n¦
play (sport)
wg¥ U© n§
become cold; catch a cold
m¥lW© n§
contact, get in touch with,
call (phone)
xy¥ w© z§ n¦
fall in love
ad`z§ n¦¦
train, practice
on¥ `© z§ n¦
make an effort
un¥ `© z§ n¦
be ashamed, be shy, be
yi¥iA© z§ n¦
correspond (with)
az¥ M© z§ n¦
get dressed
yalz§ n¦
get (be) angry
f¥bx©z§ n¦
get used to
lbxz§ n¦
get excited; be agitated, get
ybxz§ n¦
wash oneself, take a shower
ugxz§ n¦