iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg l¥riR¦ and l¥rR© z§ d¦ Present Tense and Infinitive iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg l¥riR¦ zFçç© § çn§ miç¦ ç© § çn§ z¤çç¤ ç© n§ çç¥ ç© n§ çç¥ ç© §l l¥rR© z§ d¦ zFçç© § çz§ n¦ miç¦ ç© § çz§ n¦ z¤çç¤ ç© z§ n¦ çç¥ ç© z§ n¦ çç¥ ç© z§ d§ ¦l l¥riR¦ oiï§pA¦ : Fill in the blank the verbs in present tense. To practice more, you can change the verbs from Singular to Plural and from Plural to Singular .l`ipc mr¦ _________________ (xac) inrp .1 .uEgA© __________ (lih) md¥ y¤ dpyeyl ________________ (xtq) ipce dpic .2 ?qi¦ph¤ __________________ (wgU) z§ `© ,lkin .3 .z¦ia-ixEriy ¥ _________________ (law) epgp` meid .4 .xc¤g¤ d© z` _____________ (xcq) ozpei .5 .dïaEh § z` ____________________ (xwa) dclebe dkxA§ .6 .dcilb§ ______________ (ywa) ip`e l ¥̀ ipc mr¦ ______________ (xac ,ip`) .7 .l¤kF`l xlec drAx` __________________ (mly) oexd`e dpyey .8 iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg .dzikl zeklede _________________ (xdn) od¥ .9 .z¦iA© d© z ¤̀ _________________ (owz) md¥ .10 .hx¤qd ¤ lr© lkinl __________________ (xtq) dpyey .11 ?zEpga __________________ (Utg) dn ,ipc .12 Translate the following sentences into Hebrew: 1. Who is talking to (“with”) Klilah? _________________________________________________________ 2. What is Yoseph looking for? _______________________________________________________________ 3. They are repairing the house. _______________________________________________________________ 4. I am asking Yonatan to read. _______________________________________________________________ 5. Klilah is talking with Golda. ________________________________________________________________ 6. He is organizing the room. 7. What do you want tell? __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 8. Dalia is telling a joke (dg̈ic¦ A§ ). _____________________________________________________________ 9. Who wants to play soccer (l¤bxEc ¤ M© ) ________________________________________________________ 10. Do you want to visit (“in”) Israel? _________________________________________________________ 11. I need to organize (make order) the room. 12. Who is paying for the pizza? 13. They are paying. ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 14. I am looking for the book. 15. I speak Hebrew! _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg 16. He is going for a walk with the dog. _______________________________________________________ 17. You want to organize the classroom? 18. Are you looking for flowers? ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 19. Why are telling (“to”) Yoseph about (lr© ) the trip? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20. How much do I need to pay? _______________________________________________________________ l¥rR© z§ d¦ oiï§pA¦ : Fill in the blank the verbs in present tense. To practice more, you can change the verbs from Singular to Plural and from Plural to Singular ._________________ (yal)e xwFA ¤ A© dnw dpic .1 .mei lFM ________________ (ugx) md¥ .2 .qilFR`pina © mi¦ig© © l __________________ (lbx) oexd` .3 .ogFA © d© llb§ A¦ _________________ (ybx) dï§lc̈e iq¦ x§n© .4 .xweaa zay meia _____________ (llt) ipc̈ .5 .dAiq¦ na § zecwex od .____________________ (yia) `Ÿl dpice dpyey .6 .dp̈ig¦ Ad § llb§ A¦ ______________ (ybx ,ip`) .7 .ce`n§ __________________ (adl)e l¤bxEc ¤ M© miwgU© n§ md .8 .zixara ¦ cF`n§ dtï ¤ _________________ (mcw) od¥ .9 .xwea lM̈ _____________________ (lnr) lkine dpyey .10 iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg Translate the following sentences into Hebrew: 1. I work out in the morning. __________________________________________________________________ 2. I wonder why he doesn’t play. 3. They are praying for peace. ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. We are making progress in Hebrew. 5. Who wants to work out? 6. He is getting dressed. _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. She is embarrassed to dance. ________________________________________________________________ 8. Are you working out today? ________________________________________________________________ 9. You need to make an effort. ________________________________________________________________ 10. Are you practicing soccer today? 11. Spring is getting closer! ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 12. They fall in love with (“in”) Israel! 13. I need to contact (call) Golda. ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 14. I wonder why he is singing. ________________________________________________________________ 15. Why are you getting angry? ________________________________________________________________ 16. The soup (wx¨n̈) is getting cold! 17. She is taking a shower. ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 18. You need to compromise! __________________________________________________________________ 19. Klilah corresponds with Yoseph. 20. We are making progress! __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ iel awri x"c ly xeriyl xfr xneg Glossary - milin xve` be enthusiastic, become excited adlz§ n¦ work out, exercise lnrz§ n¦ wonder `¥lR© z§ n¦ pray llR© z§ n¦ compromise xy¥ R© z§ n¦ be accepted (to college etc.) visit xw¥ a© n§ ask (for) yw¥ a© n§ speak, talk xA¥ c©n§ look for, search UR¥ g© n§ go for a walk, trip li¥ih© n§ hurry, rush xd¥ n© n§ lawz§ n¦ play (musical instrument) advance, move forward, make progress mcwz§ n¦ take a shower g¥ © lw© z§ n¦ repair, fix ow¥ z© n§ o¥bp©n§ (make) order, organize xc¥q© n§ tell xR¥ q© n§ receive, accept lA¥ w© n§ come closer axw ¥ z§ n¦ play (sport) wg¥ U© n§ become cold; catch a cold xxwzn pay m¥lW© n§ contact, get in touch with, call (phone) xy¥ w© z§ n¦ (l`) fall in love ad`z§ n¦¦ train, practice on¥ `© z§ n¦ make an effort un¥ `© z§ n¦ be ashamed, be shy, be embarrassed yi¥iA© z§ n¦ correspond (with) az¥ M© z§ n¦ get dressed yalz§ n¦ get (be) angry f¥bx©z§ n¦ get used to lbxz§ n¦ get excited; be agitated, get nervous ybxz§ n¦ wash oneself, take a shower ugxz§ n¦