cw Name o Before doing this lab, have students read section 25:1 in the text. <0 Class r----- 25-2 Period _ What Changes Occur During Birth? FIGURE 2. • A human baby develops for about 38 weeks inside the mother. Then labor begins and the baby is born. 'What changes take place during and after birth? Why must a doctor sometimes have to perform a caesarean operation to help in delivery? INTERPRETATION Process Skills: interpreting scientific iIIustraOBJECTIVES tions, interpreting data, scientific terminology, In this activity, you will: summarizing a. compare the changes that occur during birth. b. learn why a caesarean delivery may be needed, c. compare a delivery through the birth canal with a caesarean delivery. placenta few minutes after birth during birth KEYWORDS Define the following keywords: caesarean the birth of a baby in which the uterus must be cut open 2. Answer yes or no to each of the following questions in Table l. contractions muscles of the uterus shortening during birth fetus an embryo that has all of its body systems labor contractions of the uterus during birth placenta uterus ----- an organ that connects the embryo to the mother's uterus an organ in which a fertilized egg will develop MATERIALS .. ... ~- - - - _ . "OM _ ••••• Three days before birth Two hours before birth During birth Few minutes after birth Is baby inside the uterus? yes yes yes no Is baby inside the vagina? no no yes no Is baby outside the mother's body? no no no yes yes yes yes no Has the sac broken? no yes yes yes Are contractions occurring? no yes yes .yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no Is the placenta being pushed out? no no no yes Has the vagina opened? no yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes no metric' ruler Is baby inside the sac? PROCEDURE Part A. Stages of Birth 1. Look at the diagrams of four stages of birth shown in Figures 1 and 2. FIGURE 1. Is baby attached to the cord? I.s the cord attached to the placenta? Is the placenta attached to the uterus? .~~ three days before birth Is baby attached to the mother? Has liquid been lost from the sac? Is baby still dependent on the mother? two hours before birth 215 • 216 Narne Class Period _ . __ .- _. - _ · · · ...- · · .. · 3 - - - - - - . - -.. - _ .. __ . . . . . . . . . - _ ...... - _ .•_. Trait Part B. What Is a Caesarean Birth? 1. Look at the diagram in Figure 3 that shows the outline. of the pelvis and the head· of a fetus just before the time of birth. 2. Note carefully that the head must be able to pass through the opening in the pelvis during birth. 3. Measure line a. This represents the width of the opening in the pelvis. 4. Measure line b. This represents the width of the head of the fetus. FIGURE 3. Sizes of pelvis and head of fetus b. width of fetus head 6. Notice that this fetus would not be able to pass through this pelvis opening. 7. A caesarean operation must be done to deliver the baby. 8. Look at how a caesarean birth is done in Figure 4. This is usually done before the mother goes into labor. 9. To compare a birth canal delivery with a caesarean delivery, answer the questions in Table 2. Caesarean Does the fetus pass through opening in the pelvis? yes no Does the fetus pass through the vagina? yes no Does the placenta move through the vagina? yes no Is the fetus lifted from the uterus? no yes Is the uterus cut open? no yes Is the sac cut open? no yes Must the cord be cut to separate the fetus from the placenta? yes yes Do contractions occur? yes no the mother's uterus and the fluid-filted sac 2. What is the job of the placenta? 31 mm 34 mm . . Opening through which fetus and placenta are remOV.d~ _ carries food and oxygen to embryo and carries waste from the embryo 3. What is the job of the cord? connects embryo to placenta -------------4. What is meant by the word labor? contractions of the muscles of the uterus during birth 5. The placenta is sometimes called the afterbirth. Why is this a good name for this part? The placenta is "born" or lea~es the uterus after the baby is bor~_. 6. List several changes that take place several hours before birth. are occurring. (2) The vagina has opened. _ (1) Contractions (3) The liquid is lost from the sac. 7. List several changes that take place a few minutes after birth. (1) The baby is out of the mother's body. (2) The baby is out of the sac. (3) The baby is not attached to the cord or the mother. attached to the uterus. placenta FIGURE 4. Caesarean birth ~ _.~ Birth canal QUESTIONS 1. What two body parts surround and protect the fetus as it develops? a 5. Record your data here: a. width of pelvis opening - _•.• (4) The placenta is not --­