Nov/Dec 2004 - Passive Component Industry Magazine

An affiliate publication of the
Electronic Industries Alliance
A sector of the Electronic Industries Alliance
The Only Magazine Dedicated Exclusively To The Worldwide Passive Electronic Components Industry
Cathode/Anode Potentials
Q & A: Rubycon America Inc.
CARTS Europe 2004
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TT electronics Components Division manufactures a comprehensive range of electronic components, hybrids, sensors and assemblies.
Question & Answer
High Performance
Q & A: Rubycon America Inc.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Raw Material Usage and Supply
CARTS Europe 2004 — Nice, France
4Letter from the Publisher
The Latest Passive
Marketplace Product Releases
People Watch
Capacitor & Resistor Marketing Seminar Update:
Nice, France – October
Who’s Who in Passives
5Letter from the ECA
The Latest Deals and Happenings in
the Passive Component Marketplace
2004: A
6Technical Paper
Cathode and Anode
Potentials During Charge
and Discharge Processes
in High Energy Density
Market Pulse
Mixed Signals for the Fourth Quarter
Cover Photo Credit:
Evox Rifa, Inc.
Product Watch
Capacitor & Resistor Marketing Seminar
Update: Nice, France - October 2004
or-pay” contracts initiated by Cabot
in 2000. It was in their opinion the
Gwalia “situation” would straighten
itself out long before they would
he Capacitor & Resistor
need engineered powder. Paumanok
Marketing Seminar held on
encouraged each company to beOctober 18th, 2004, in Nice,
come more actively involved in the
France revealed some interesting
re-organization process of Gwalia in
trends and directions in the passive
any way they could.
component marketplace.
In the speech given at CARTS Europe, Paumanok stated the $100 milHinting at 4Q 2004 Revenues
lion USD valuation placed on the
It was noted during the seminar
Wodgina mine by Cabot Corporaby EPCOS, Vishay, Kemet and KOA
tion (who has publicly expressed inthat fourth quarter revenues for
terest in purchasing it) was too low.
these companies in the United
A better valuation is $150 million
States and European markets would
with a minimum of $120 million.
be down on a quarter-to-quarter
Cabot would not respond
basis; each agreed that
about this figure. Their
Asian sales would be up
approach has been to conon a quarter-to-quarter basider their minor percentsis (emphasized most noage ownership in Gwalia
tably by KOA and
as consolidated in the
EPCOS). The increase in
Wodgina mine, which
Asian sales would not be
would enable them to
robust enough to guaranpurchase it for less than
tee noted increase in overtheir $100 million USD
all sales for these compvaluation.
nies on a quarter-to-quarPaumanok encouraged
ter basis. A robust fourth
H.C. Starck to become
quarter for passive compo- Dennis M. Zogbi
more actively involved in
nent sales on a global basis
the process of either buying the
is in doubt. From an investment
Greenbushes and Wodgina mines,
point of view, publicly traded passive
or attempting to control of them.
component manufacturers with great
Paumanok noted Gwalia counts
exposure in the West will report lower
Starck as a major customer, contrary
than expected revenues for fourth
to the public announcement they
quarter 2004. Those companies with
rely on chemically produced tantalarger exposure in Asia (like Yageo
lum from tin slag. Starck has the
and SEMCO) should report better remost to lose should Cabot obtain
sults than their counterparts.
control of the Wodgina Mine.
Coupled with Cabot’s control of the
Turmoil at Gwalia
Tanco Mine in Canada, this would
The turmoil at Sons of Gwalia (a
give Cabot significant capability to
tantalum ore miner in Australia)
lower production costs for capacitor
created little interest on behalf of the
grade powder and undercut price
tantalum capacitor manufacturers inon Starck when long-term taketerviewed- Kemet, AVX, Vishay and
or-pay contracts are coming up for
EPCOS. Some senior level managereview.
ment at the meeting appeared to be
Paumanok has been contacted by
completely unaware that Gwalia was
Gwalia’s major creditors and has
in administration. Lack of concern
been conducting research, advising
from capacitor producers stemmed
each creditor on the true value of
from the fact that they all had signifiGwalia’s tantalum mines. Paumanok
cant quantities of tantalum powderin-inventory, left over from the “takeContinued on page 18
Director of Advertising
Art Director
Research Editor
Advisory Board
Glyndwr Smith
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.
Ian Clelland
ITW Paktron
Pat Wastal
Jim Wilson
MRA Laboratories
Michael O’Neill
Heraeus Inc.
Bob Gourdeau
Vishay BCcomponents
Bob Willis
ECA President
Editorial and Advertising Office
130 Preston Executive Drive, Suite 101
Cary, North Carolina 27513
(919) 468-0384 (919) 468-0386 Fax
The Electronic Components – Assemblies – Materials –
Association (ECA) represents the electronics industry
sector comprised of manufacturers and suppliers of passive and active electronic components, component arrays
and assemblies, and commercial and industrial electronic component materials and supplies. ECA, a sector of the
Electronic Industries Alliance, provides companies with a
dynamic link into a network of programs and activities
offering business and technical information; market
research, trends and analysis; access to industry and government leaders; standards development; technical and
educational training; and more.
The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) is a federation of
associations and sectors operating in the most competitive and innovative industry in existence. Comprised of
over 2,100 members, EIA represents 80% of the $550 billion U.S. electronics industry. EIA member and sector
associations represent telecommunications, consumer
electronics, components, government electronics, semiconductor standards, as well as other vital areas of the
U.S. electronics industry. EIA connects the industries
that define the digital age.
ECA members receive a 15% advertising discount for
Passive Component Industry. For membership information, contact ECA at (703) 907-7070 or;
contact EIA at (703) 907-7500 or
2004: A Good, Solid Vintage
f 2004 in the electronic components industry could be compared to a wine, it
would have good balance, decent finish and fair potential for maturing in the
future. Not a spectacular vintage, but a solid one.
This year continued the transition from industry turbulence to stability and
growth. Despite fluctuations in the market noted in ECA’s monthly index, overall order growth in 2004 is up by several percentage points over 2003. That
makes 2004 a significant year in continuing the industry’s steady march upward.
Here are some of the significant developments in 2004 from ECA’s perspective.
Rockin’ Steady
Electronic component orders took a big leap in January, with the percent
dollar change vs. January 2003 increasing by nearly 60%. After that, the market calmed down to fairly steady growth. Manufacturers didn’t report any single segment driving the market, just increases in practically every area, including digital cameras, flat-panel displays, DVDs and car cockpit electronics.
Trade Shows Surge
Following the industry derailing in 2001, manufacturers, distributors and
buyers started to get out more, taking greater advantage of education and networking events. ECA purchased CARTS in January 2004 and worked with
Components Technology Inc. (CTI) to make the U.S. show the second largest
in the event’s 24-year history. CARTS Europe, held in October, bolstered
ECA’s presence in the international passive components industry. ECTC attendance was among the best in 50 years, and EDS fared well in its switch from
the Las Vegas Hilton to the Paris Hotel.
Better International Data
At the World Capacitor/Resistor Trade Statistics meetings in Japan, ECA
presented a proposal to expand market reporting activities to all major manufacturers worldwide. This will extend reporting to manufacturers of capacitors and resistors in Southeast Asia, including those in Korea, Malaysia and
Taiwan/China. The inclusion of companies from this key region will provide
a more accurate account of the global market.
Engineering Takes Action
ECA’s engineering summits provide forums for discussion and new action.
A central issue is tin whiskers resulting from lead-free solders. Other issues include automated component handling standards and mechanical outlines for
electronic components. The EIA Environment Issues Council is in the closing stages of developing a standardized materials composition declaration
guide. The proposed standard, developed with participation of 250 companies, is aimed at minimizing the different types of reporting requirements
suppliers receive from their customers.
Focusing on Innovation
In its booklet The Technology Industry at an Innovation Crossroads, EIA
declared that outsourcing is not a problem, but a natural part of a global
economy. The real challenge is encouraging innovation. The booklet was
Continued on page 39
Cathode and Anode Potentials During
Charge and Discharge Processes in High
Energy Density Capacitors
By Joachim Hossick Schott
Medtronic Energy and Component Center
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators are devices that treat very fast and
potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias.
Electrolytic capacitors are used exclusively throughout the industry inside
these devices. Aluminum and tantalum
are currently used for the high voltage
anode. For the cathode, etched aluminum and ruthenium oxide are used.
Activated carbon, titanium dioxide and
oxides of the platinum metals group
have also been considered as cathode
materials. In this study, the potentials at
the anode and cathode were measured
during charge and discharge processes.
A microelectrode inserted into the capacitor housing served as a reference
for potential measurements. Cathodes
were constructed using a sheet metal
coated in native oxide, etched aluminum, ruthenium oxide on Ti and a
carbon coating on Ti. It was found discharging the capacitor within a time
frame of about 10ms, potential at the
cathode might increase sharply. The
salient features of this potential increase
will be discussed. Proton migration and
trapping processes occurring at the
cathode during charging and chargehold processes are identified as a necessary pre-condition for the potential increase to take place.
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators are designed to provide a life saving electronic pulse upon detecting potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias.
The pulse delivers up to 40 J of energy
directly into the fibrillating heart
muscle tissue in order to restore a
normal rhythm.
Liquid electrolytic capacitors are
used exclusively throughout the industry inside these devices. Aluminum and
tantalum are two materials currently
used for the high voltage anode. Etched
aluminum and a coating of ruthenium
oxide on titanium are currently in use
as cathode materials. The potential difference between pulse delivering and
counter electrodes are typically between
600 and 800V to deliver effective therapy. A high voltage capacitor assembly,
battery and printed circuit board constitutes the three main parts within an
implantable defibrillator.
Typically, 2-4 high voltage capacitors are connected in series to establish this potential difference. Two capacitors with individual surge
potentials between 300 and 400V are
used with aluminum anodes and
three to four with individual surge potentials around 200V are used for tantalum anode based systems.
Properties of the anode in the electrolytic capacitor are of paramount
importance for functional integrity.
They are defined by a number of
processes. The forming process (1) is
the most critical. Properties of the
cathode typically receive much less attention. A malfunctioning or poorly
designed cathode may release solid or
gaseous materials, which could lead to
degraded performance. Therefore,
the cathode requires careful consideration when designing the defibrillator
In a defibrillator capacitor, cathode
capacitance is about two to three orders of magnitude larger than anode
capacitance. Capacitance values typi-
cally range between 50 and 500mF,
when measured in the vicinity of open
circuit potential. Cathode materials
capable of providing sufficient capacitance may be divided into two groups:
a group where a regular electrochemical double forms, and one where oxidation state changes. (2)
In the group where a regular electrochemical double layer forms upon
charging the electrode/electrolyte interface, charge is stored at the surface
electrostatically and capacitance is
largely a function of surface area accessed by the electrolyte. Etched aluminum- and carbon-based electrodes
fall into this category. In the group
where oxidation state changes in conjunction with charge transfer across
the electrode, electrolyte interface
generate a significant charge storage
capability. TiO and other non-stochiometric titanium oxides, RuO2 and
other oxides of the platinum metals
belong to this group.
This paper provides a closer look at
electrochemical properties of several
cathode materials. The materials were
chosen to invoke both oxidation-statechange and electrostatic-type charge
storage mechanisms. Potentials at the
cathode and anode were characterized during charging and discharging
of the defibrillator capacitor. A microreference electrode was placed into
the electrolyte inside the capacitor
housing to obtain a reference point
for measuring the potentials. Titanium coated with a native TiO2 layer
(the “Ti system”), etched aluminum
coated with a thin Al2O3 layer (the “Al
system”), titanium coated with a
ruthenium oxide layer (the “Ti/RuO2
system”) and titanium coated with a
carbon layer (the “Ti/C-system”) have
been investigated as cathode layers.
Aluminum sheet-based anodes were
used for the Al system and tantalum
powder-based anodes were used for
the Ti, Ti/C and Ti/RuO2 systems.
between 200 and 300V.
The Ti case’s inside surface was
used as the cathode. For the Ti system,
it was left uncoated. For the Ti/C
system, it was coated with 5 to 10 mi-
crometers of activated carbon, following a proprietary procedure. For the
Ti/RuO2 system, RuO2 was generated
on the inside of the Ti case surface
from a RuCl3 pre-curser (Alfa Aesar),
Experimental Section
Capacitors based on the Al-system
were constructed in the stacked-plate
manner described by Breyen et al.
[3]. The stacked-plate design is indicated in Figure 1. Each stack is assembled from sets of anode layers, each
Large Capacitance
Aluminum Electrolytic
Figure 1: The Stacked Plate Al Based
Capacitor Design
• Up to 2.2F
• Extended voltage
up to 550VDC
set enveloped by two sheets of separator material and two cathode plates.
The cathode plates consist of aluminum foil etched to enlarge surface
area. The oxide layer on etched aluminum foil is estimated to be about
10nm thick. The anode-cathode stack
is inserted into an Al case.
Capacitors based on the Ti, Ti/C
and Ti/RuO2 systems were constructed with a porous, sintered tantalum
anode slug inserted into a titanium
case, as sketched in Figure 2. The anode slugs were coated with an anodic
oxide capable of holding potentials at
• High ripple current
• English and metric
screw terminals
• Sample availability
and engineering
• For motor controls‚
UPS devices‚ energy
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United Chemi-Con is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Chemi-Con, Inc.
Figure 2: The Ta Sintered Slug
The Cathode Surface is on the Inside of
the Titanium Case.
United Chemi-Con‚ Inc. 9801 W. Higgins Rd‚ Rosemont‚ IL 60018
Tel: 847-696-2000 Fax: 847-696-9278 E-mail:
following the process given by Trasatti et al. (4) and Evans (5). RuCl3 was
dissolved in iso-propanol and brushed
onto the Ti surface with a paintbrush,
then heated in air to about 350˚C.
Brushing and heating cycles were
repeated until a RuO2 coating of
about 5 micrometers in thickness was
generated. Alternatively, RuO2 was
sputtered onto the Ti surface using a
ruthenium target and reactive sputtering technique. The sputtered RuO2
layer was about 2 microns thick.
An Ag/AgCl microreference electrode (Cypress Systems, Model
EE009, diameter:
73mm) was inserted into a
hole with a diam- Ta Sintered Slug
eter of 3mm Capacitor
drilled into the The Cathode Surface
capacitor hous- is on the Inside of the
ing near the Titanium Case.
area. The tip of the reference electrode
was placed carefully inside the capacitor case so that it was about flush with
capacitor case wall. The ohmic potential drop between anode and cathode,
which might theoretically be as large as
2V, influences the measured potential
values. The positioning of the electrode
is important, as the variation in placement may introduce an absolute error
of about +/-1V in potential readings.
Reported potential values were reproducible within about +/- 0.25V.
For the Al system, the capacitor was
flood-filled with an electrolyte with
breakdown voltage in excess of 400V
and conductivity of less than 10mScm.
The Ti, Ti/C and Ti/RuO2 systems
were flood-filled with an electrolyte of
about a 3x higher conductivity and lower breakdown voltage of less than 300V.
An Agilent 6035 power supply,
computer-controlled through a GPIB
interface, was used as a constant current/constant voltage source. Two
Agilent 34401A multi-meters, also
remotely controlled through GPIB in8
terfaces, were used to record the
charge current, leakage current and
potentials at the cathode and anode.
With the 34401A, potentials were
recorded during charging and after
the discharge process. Rapidly changing potentials at anode and cathode
during the discharge process were
recorded using a Tektronix TDS 550D
digital oscilloscope, also remotely
controlled through a GPIB interface.
A proprietary switch design, remotely
controlled through a digital-analog
converter, was employed to initiate
the short circuit. All discharges were
through a 20Ω serial resistor. For all
capacitance-frequency and cyclic
voltammetry measurements, a Solartron SI 1260 impedance/gain
phase analyzer, in conjunction with
the SI 1287 electrochemical interface
was used. All electrochemical potentials were measured and are stated
with respect to the Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl) reference electrode. All
experiments were performed at room
temperature (20-24˚C).
Results and Discussion
Cathode Capacitance and Cathode
In the double layer region, the relationship between cathode capacitance and potential in a charged electrolytic
determined by Eq. 1:
Ca Ua = Qa = - Qc = - Cc Uc (Eq. I)
In this equation, Ca is anode capacitance, Ua is potential at the anode, Qa
is charge at the anode, Qc is charge at
the cathode, Cc is cathode capacitance and Uc is potential at the cathode. Figure 4 illustrates that equation
4 holds: upon removal of half the carbon cathode, potential at the cathode
almost doubles. The small deviation
from expected doubling is due the
fact that one half of the cathode was
replaced with plain Ti material,
which, as will be shown below, devel-
Figure 4: Potentials at the Cathode
While Charging a Tantalum Anode to
Two different Cathode Capacitance
Values were used; 50 and 100mF. The
50mF cathode was realized by removing
half the carbon cathode and relacing it
with bare Ti.
ops significant capacitance in the potential region below –0.5V vs.
Ag/AgCl. Figure 4 also hints at the
relevant potential ranges for cathodes: upon charging, potential at the
cathode will drop from the open
circuit potential (OCP) and then
become negative with respect to the
reference electrode.
Cyclic Voltammetry Results
It is instructive to study cyclic voltammograms of cathode materials in the
relevant potential range. Figure 5
shows the voltammograms of the Ti, Al,
Ti + RuO2 and Ti + C systems while immersed in the corresponding working
electrolyte formulation.
Figure 5 reveals potential ranges in
which all currents are small and reversible. This so-called double layer
region is the potential range in which
the cathode is useful as a capacitor.
Going further, the cathode will result
in an ever-increasing amount of hydrogen evolution, with obvious consequences for the capacitor. It is important to note that a small amount of
hydrogen evolution may be tolerated,
provided that the time in which the
capacitor cathode resides at hydrogen
evolution potentials is short (on the
order of seconds), and provided the
potentials are not too far outside the
double layer region. The approximate
hydrogen evolution potentials are
summarized in Table 1:
Ti +
~-0.75 V ~- 0.75 V ~-0.5 V ~-1V
Table 1: Approximate Hydrogen
Evolution Potentials of the Fourth
Cathode System
All potentials are stated with reference to
Ag/AgCl in the corresponding working
The Role of Hydrogen in the Charged
Cathode Systems
Hydrogen adsorption is generally
regarded as the pre-cursor for the
hydrogen evolution reaction (6). In all
four-cathode systems under investigation, protons accumulate at the surface
under cathodic polarization, likely in
the form of H3O+ ion or related proton-water complexes.
Figure 5: Cyclic Voltammograms of
the Four Cathode Systems Ti, Al, Ti +
C in the Cathodic Potential Al Range
Scan Rate: 25mV/sec. Note the different
The Ti System
Much work has been done on the
electrochemistry of titanium electrodes in the cathodic potential region (7-14). In essence, studies show
that protons migrate through a native
or anodic oxide layer at the surface.
The strength of proton migration depends upon the potential and pH of
the electrolyte (13). At moderately
acidic pH values and for potentials in
excess of about –0.75V vs. Ag/AgCl,
protons saturate the oxide layer.
Atomic hydrogen is generated at the
metal-oxide interface and some hydrogen becomes absorbed in the bulk
of the Ti substrate to form a metal
hydride layer (10). At moderately
acidic pH values and in the potential
range between about –0.5V and 0.75V vs. Ag/AgCl, protons may undergo a reversible reaction within the
metal-oxide layer according to the
reaction type Eq. II (13):
MO + H+ + e- ↔ MOH (Eq. II)
This reaction manifests itself in
Figure 5 as a noticeable faradaic current at about –0.7V vs. Ag/AgCl,
which results in a significant increase
in pseudo-capacitance at this potential (see “Capacitance in Cathodic
Region”). Therefore, the native oxide layer effectively acts as a medium
for hydrogen and proton storage.
Upon leaving the electrode in open
circuit condition after cathodic polarization, the oxide layer has been
shown to completely recover within
about two hours as protons are
pushed out of the oxide layer (12).
Applying a brief anodic charge can
speed up recovery (12).
Interestingly, it is migration of protons through the oxide and their subsequent discharge which explains why
the term “valve metal” was coined for
the group of metals consisting of Ti,
Zr, Al, Nb, Ta, W and others (13). For
“valve metals” with an anodic oxide
layer, valve action means that very little
current flows in the anodic potential
region and substantially more current
flows in the cathodic region, largely
due to proton migration. Significant
proton migration can only occur when
protons are supplied from a reservoir,
i.e., in the liquid electrolyte environment. Consequently, no valve action is
observed for “valve metals” in a metalanodic oxide-metal structure (14). In
this case, both anodic and cathodic
current are equal and very low. The
small current is largely due to protons
stored in the anodic oxide during the
anodization process (15, 16).
The Al System
The role hydrogen plays in Al electrodes at cathodic potentials is analogous to its role in Ti electrodes
(17–21). The double layer region
extends to about –0.75V vs. Ag/AgCl.
The capacitance in this region should
be fairly independent of the potential
(see “Capacitance in Cathodic Region”), because the voltammogram is
flat and featureless. For cathodic potentials beyond the double layer
region, it is thought that hydrogen migrates through the metal oxide where
it may form hydroxide complexes according to Eq. II, generate atomic hydrogen and hydrogen gas at the metal-oxide interface or, to an extent,
dissolve in the bulk of the metal (1719). The presence of hydrogen in the
Al2O3 layer on the surface following
exposure to cathodic polarization has
been directly confirmed using secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS)
(17) and related techniques (18). Up
to 106 mol/m3 of hydrogen were detected in the anodic oxide after cathodic polarization. The highest concentration was found near the
metal-oxide interface (18).
The Ti + RuO2 System
RuO2 under cathodic polarization
behaves in some ways much like the Ti
and Al systems discussed previously
(2, 22). However, on RuO2 electrodes,
hydrogen will start to absorb and
evolve at significantly lower cathodic
potentials. It is thought that proton
discharge and hydrogen adsorption
will start at potentials somewhat below
+0.2V vs. Ag/AgCl. Reactions of the
type Eq. II will start to occur (22), but
most likely only at the surface, not in
the bulk of the oxide (23). Tuning the
potential more cathodic finally results
in hydrogen evolution at the comparatively low over-voltage potential of
about –0.5V vs. Ag/AgCl. Ruthenium
may undergo changes in its oxidation
state from +2 to +6 upon tuning the
electrochemical potential from the
cathodic into the anodic region (23).
It is this property in conjunction with
a high surface area that makes the
material useful as a capacitor (2).
Faradaic current surges are expected
at each oxidation state change, resulting in the uptake or emission of electronic charge. In the cathodic potential range between 0 and –0.5V vs.
Ag/AgCl, at most two oxidation states
appear to be accessible, namely Ru2+
and Ru3+ (22). Capacitance of the Ti
+ RuO2 system is not only reduced in
this potential range. It is expected to
decay with increasing cathodic potentials because the metal-oxide is apparently reduced to bare Ru metal (23)
(see “Capacitance in Cathodic Region”).
It should be noted there are many
implementations of this electrode
(24–26). Other implementations may
well perform slightly different from
the one discussed here.
The Ti + C System
Activated carbon is thought to consist of oxygenated carbon species (27 32). Under sufficiently high cathodic
polarization, reduction of the oxygenated species is expected at about
–1V vs. Ag/AgCl in pH neutral electrolytes (28). Again, no proton migration into the carbon bulk is expected in
this case. At less cathodic potentials, the
voltammogram in Figure 5 is essentially
flat, that is, the current is essentially
capacitative and non-faradaic in nature, except for the region around
–0.75V, where a small increase in the
current is noticeable. Capacitance in
the cathodic regions is expected to be
largely independent of the electrode
Capacitance in the Cathodic Region
The capacitance-frequency behavior
of the four-cathode systems at different
potentials in the cathodic region is
shown in Figure 6. The capacitance in
the low frequency region is relevant
during charging the capacitor, which
takes about 10 seconds for all devices
discussed here. The capacitance at
about 100Hz is utilized during the
discharge, as this process takes about
10 milliseconds. All cathode systems
behave as expected from the cyclic
voltammogram in Figure 5. The capacitance of the Ti system increases significantly in the potential region around
–0.75V vs. Ag/AgCl, most likely due to
faradaic currents leading to pseudo-capacitance. Since the Ti electrode is essentially non-porous, capacitance drops
by about one order of magnitude upon
Figure 6: Capacitance-Frequency
Behavior of the Four Electrode
Systems as Function of Potential
The capacitance values are for 1cm2, the
potential is Volt vs. Ag/AgCl.
Continued on page 14
High Performance for Ballasts
By Norton Brissac
Product Development Manager,
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors at EPCOS
ighting installations are currently being re-equipped
as part of a worldwide energy-saving program.
Conventional incandescent lamps have a luminous
efficacy of 5% and the figure for fluorescent tubes is as
high as 25%. Until recently, these tubes operated using
magnetic ballasts with chokes. Replaced successfully with
electronic ballasts, they save 25% more energy and offer
added benefits. When operated at high frequencies, electronic ballasts have three advantages. They reduce flicker
(allowing immediate starting), prevent stroboscopic
effects (a safety/ health compliance) and enable lamps
In almost no other application are aluminum
electrolytic capacitors exposed to such high stress
as in electronic ballasts: high ripple current capability must be combined with an extended temperature range in a minimum amount of space.
It’s not magic, it’s EPCOS
electronica 04 Munich,
November 9 to 12, Hall B5
just everywhere ...
to be dimmed.
Selecting capacitors with the correct rated voltage and
capacitance is essential to efficient performance of electronic ballasts. The capacitance selected should be based
on current ripple of the application and service life
required for the circuit. The useful life of aluminum electrolytic capacitors is critically effected by operating temperature from equivalent series resistance, which should
be as low as possible over the entire frequency range. If
the electrical and thermal properties of an electronic ballast are known, it is easy to select a suitable
capacitor for lighting applications.
Two Classes of Ballast
Electronic ballasts demand high performance and
reliability from aluminum electrolytic capacitors. They
are exposed to high ripple current with various frequencies, operate with great voltage fluctuations and must ensure long service life. In some cases, they are also exposed to surge voltages. Electronic ballasts can be divided
up into two classes: those with and without power factor
Ballasts Without Power Factor Correction
Ballasts without power factor correction are used predominantly for low-power applications. In these circuits,
the capacitor acts directly as a filter for the rectified
voltage. A low-frequency current is applied during
charging and a high-frequency current during discharging. In this type of circuit, the capacitor is designed
for a rated voltage of 350 or 400V at the usual 230V line
Figure 1: Section Through Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
Active area is significantly increased by the etched anode foil.
High volumetric capacitance can then be obtained.
Ballasts With Power Factor Correction
Electronic ballasts with power factor correction contain
an active harmonic filter between the diodes and capacitor
filter. The power factor is close to 1, if the harmonics
content is very small. The filter circuit eliminates high voltage peaks in the charging circuit and blocks low-frequency
content by means of the capacitor. Thanks to active harmonic filters, AC voltage peaks cannot impair the capacitor. As a rule, the capacitor in this circuit is designed for a
rated voltage of 400 to 450V.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors With Improved Technology
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors consist of two electrically conducting layers arranged opposite each other, the
anode and cathode. A dielectric layer is inserted between
them. The anode consists of an aluminum foil whose surface has been roughened, increasing the area. An oxide
layer (Al2O3) deposited on the anode forms the dielectric.
The cathode consists of an aluminum foil whose large
contact area is used to conduct electrical charge to the
The electrolyte is a liquid, which fills the finely etched
recesses of the anode’s structured foil. Paper spacers separate the various layers of foil. They contain the electrolyte,
prevent short circuits and ensure required dielectric constant between the anode and cathode foil (Figure 1).
Technological improvements relating to purity of the
aluminum foil, the etching process and a new electrolyte
have opened a wide range of applications to aluminum
electrolytic capacitors. If aluminum electrolytic capacitors
are to be used in electronic ballasts, the anode must have a
particularly stable oxide layer, must remain stable even at
high voltage peaks, have a suitable paper design and effective
sealing (Figure 2).
These properties do not ensure long useful life and
desired charging and discharging characteristics; production technology must also be improved. In recent years,
Anode Foil
Very Stable
Oxide Layer
High Stability
High Density
Higher Dielectric
Low Permeability
Rubber and Low
Chloride Contents
High Reliability
advances have been made in winding, impregnation, sealing and tempering.
Analyses have shown that a combination of innovative
materials with matching product and process design makes
considerable improvements possible. This is the only way
of satisfying the extreme demands of electronic ballast
Other areas of interest are in the lighting ballast markets for automotive headlamps, which are moving toward
xenon bulbs and HID lamps. In Europe, the major brands
using these designs include Mercedes, BMW, and in Japan
we see the Lexus and Acura cars also with such lamps.
There is a steady trend at major ballast companies to adopt
these new designs as well. Ballast manufacturers note that
the automotive sector for lighting and lighting ballasts
have represented the fastest growth segment of the market
since 1999.
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cialie Wires
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Lead tions foession
Am Großen Teich 33
D-58640 Iserlohn, Germany
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Figure 2: Properties of an Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
for Electronic Ballasts
Continued from page 10
increasing the frequency to 1kHz.
In the Al system, capacitance is constant over the double layer potential
region of this electrode. The capacitance drop with frequency is larger
than in the Ti system because the Al
electrode is porous due to etching, leaving not as much capacitance accessible
at higher frequencies.
Capacitance of the Ti + RuO2 system
drops significantly as the hydrogen
evolution potential at about –0.5V vs.
Ag/AgCl is approached. The absolute
values are still large in comparison to
the Ti and Al systems, even in the vicinity of hydrogen evolution potential.
True capacitance at 0.1Hz in this potential region is likely much below the
value indicated in Figure 6 because
hydrogen evolution has set in. From
the voltammogram [Figure 5], low-frequency capacitance can be calculated
from the ratio of current over scanrate. It turns out to be about 5mF/cm2.
The RuO2 electrode is highly porous,
resulting in drop of capacitance with
increasing frequency. In the Ti+C electrode system [bottom of Figure 6], as
expected from the voltammogram in
Figure 5, capacitance-frequency curves
are largely independent of potential
within the double layer region. The
drop in capacitance with frequency is
moderate, less than two orders of magnitude upon increasing frequency
from 0.1 to 100Hz.
In summary, it appears that all four
systems are good cathode candidates
for high voltage defibrillator capacitors.
Cathode and Anode Potentials During
Charging and Discharging of the
Figures 7a and 7b show traces of anode and cathode potentials during
charging and discharging. Upon charging the Ta anode to about 250V, the potential of the Ti cathode drops to almost
–1V vs. Ag/AgCl. Charge-and-hold experiments [Figure 8] demonstrate that,
if given time, the cathode potential stabilizes around –0.75V vs. Ag/AgCl,
Figure 9: Cathode Potential Trace of
the Ti System During the Entire
Charge Discharge Cycle.
Note the logarithmic time scale.
Figure 7a, b: Charge (a) and Discharge
(b) Potential Traces of the Ti System
Anode potentials are plotted to the left
ordinate, cathode potentials on the right
ordinate. Note the different time scales in
a and b.
Figure 8: Potential Traces of the Ti
System During a Charge-and-Hold for
9 Minutes
which is close to the capacitance maximum [Figure 6].
Upon short-circuiting the capacitor through a 20Ω load, potential at
the anode rapidly decays towards zero
within about 10ms as expected [left
scale in Figure 7b]. Much more interesting is discharge potential trace of
the cathode [Figure 7b, open circles,
right ordinate and Figure 9]. The
cathode actually becomes positive vs.
the reference electrode during the
discharge! Upon short-circuiting the
capacitor, potential at the cathode
jumps by about 13V to +12V vs.
Ag/AgCl. At first sight, this might
seem surprising. However, in light of
the discussion on proton migration
and proton discharge (see “Role of
Hydrogen in the Charged Cathode
System”), a possible explanation for
this phenomenon is straightforward:
upon charging the capacitor, protons
migrate into native oxide on the surface of the Ti, where they become discharged to form atomic hydrogen.
The charge between anode and cathode is no longer in balance; the cathode contains less electronic charge
than required to fully discharge the
anode. Upon discharging (short-circuiting) the capacitor, the positive
charge on the anode distributes itself
on cathode and anode. The charge
distribution should be given by the ratio of cathode to anode capacitance.
The potential of cathode vs. reference
electrode increases rapidly. The potential increase is followed by a rapid
decay. The cathode potential trace in
Figure 7b suggests that there is a fast
component in this decay and a slower
component. Rapid decay likely corresponds to the re-ionization of adsorbed atomic hydrogen by a field
emission process, since the electric
field at the metal-oxide layer is of the
order of 10V/10nm at 109V/m on the
Ti electrode, where the potential
increase is about 10V [Figure 7].
The slow rate likely corresponds to
growth of anodic oxide consuming
positive charge. In Figure 9, potential at the cathode is plotted before,
during and after the discharge
On the Al system, very similar results were found. Figure 10 shows
an entire charge-discharge cycle of
an Al cathode. Upon charging the
Figure 10: Cathode Potential Trace
of the Al System Before, During and
After a Discharge Event
anode to about 390V (trace not
shown), the cathode potential rises
to about -1.5V vs. Ag/AgCl. During
the rise, protons may migrate into
the oxide layer and become discharged at the metal-oxide interface. The rapid potential increase
by about 4V to +2V is a consequence of positive charge on the
anode distributing itself on cathode and anode upon short-circuiting the capacitor. Again, and this
time more clearly, at least two
decay rates can be discerned in
Figure 10. A rapid decay rate, likely
corresponding to the re-ionization
of adsorbed atomic hydrogen accumulated at the metal-oxide interface by a field-emission-type
process, and a slow rate likely corresponding to a positive charge
consuming anodic oxide growth at
the oxide-electrolyte interface.
Absolute value of the potential increase is significantly less than that
measured on the Ti system.
Using Eq. I, the amount of elec-
tronic charge deficiency on the
cathode may be estimated from the
product of potential spike amplitude with the cathode capacitance.
Charge on the anode is equal to the
product of charging current and
time. In a typical defibrillator capacitor, a charge current of about 10mA
flows for about 10 seconds. Therefore, the positive charge is about
0.1C. From Figure 6, the capacitance
of the Ti cathode is estimated to
0.5mF at -0.75V and at 100Hz.
100Hz is the relevant frequency
since the positive charge rushes into
the cathode with currents of 10A for
10ms. Considering that total area inside the capacitor case is 10cm2, the
total capacitance is 5mF. The anode
capacitance was about 0.3mF. About
94% of the positive anode charge of
0.1C should transfer to the cathode
upon discharge if all (or at least a
significant portion) of the electronic
cathode charge has been consumed
for the discharge of protons during
charging. Using potential spike amplitude of 13V and Eq. I, actual
capacitance of the Ti cathode as
“seen” by the inrushing positive
charge is estimated: 0.09C/13V at
7.5mF, in reasonable agreement
with measured capacitance of 5mF
at -0.75V and at 100Hz. It may be
assumed that the entire electronic
charge on the cathode is indeed
consumed to discharge protons during the charging process. For the Al
cathode, a capacitance of 0.25mF is
measured in Figure 6 at 100Hz and 0.75V. Considering the total surface
area of the cathode was about
100cm2, total capacitance was 25mF.
Anode capacitance was about 0.2mF.
Almost 100% of positive charge on
the anode transfers to the cathode.
Using potential spike amplitude of
4V and Eq. I, effective capacitance
of the Al cathode as “seen” by inrushing positive charge is again
estimated: 0.1C/4V at 25mF, in
good agreement with the measured
capacitance of 25mF at –0.75V and
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at 100Hz. It may be concluded that at
least a significant portion of
electronic charge on the cathode is
consumed for discharging protons
during charging the capacitor anode.
Some of the hydrogen at the metaloxide interface may be released from
the surface as hydrogen gas. Neglecting this amount, the maximum number of hydrogen atoms and protons
that may be trapped inside the oxide
after charging is obtained by dividing
the capacitor charge by the elementary charge. A maximum of
atoms may be stored inside the Ti and
Al electrode surfaces. From dimensions of the cathodes, the hydrogen
density may then be estimated as follows: Geometric surface area of the Ti
cathode is about 10cm2, area of the Al
cathode is about 100cm2. Assuming
an oxide layer thickness of about
10nm in both cases, the available oxide volume is calculated to be 10-11 m3
for the Ti system and 10-10m3 for the
Al system. About 6*1028 hydrogen
atoms per m3 could be trapped in case
of the Ti system and 6*1027 per m3 in
case of the Al system. These density
values are in good agreement with reported experimental results (18),
which place the hydrogen density between 104 to 106 mol/m3 (=6*1027 to
A somewhat similar picture emerges
for the Ti + RuO2 system [Figure 11]. A
sharp potential increase by 2V is followed by rapid decay of the cathode potential upon discharging the capacitor.
The potential spike is likely also due to
protons becoming discharged at the
surface of the cathode system to form
atomic hydrogen. Again, a certain
amount of electrons is missing at the
time of discharge. The cathode becomes positively charged, which, in
turn, will result in re-ionization of
atomic hydrogen and anodic oxide
growth. The potential spike is considerably lower in amplitude than in the Ti
and Al cases, discharging a smaller
amount of protons. Only a very low
Figure 11a, b: Cathode and Anode
Potential Traces of the Ti+RuO2
System Before and During a
Discharge Event
amplitude potential spike is observed
during discharging the Ti + C system
[Figure 12]. Protons are not effectively
discharged at the carbon surface, at
least within potential ranges encountered on the activated carbon surface
during charging. Rather, protonic
charge appears to stay in the inner
Helmholtz layer of the double layer at
the activated carbon-electrolyte interface. This is likely due to high over-voltage of the carbon cathode and the fact
that capacitance of the C electrode remains high enough during charging to
prevent potential from reaching the
region in which significant hydrogen
adsorption could take place.
The main conclusion from this work
is oxide covered cathode systems in defibrillator capacitors may take up protons during charging. The protonic
charge may become discharged inside
the cathode structure and cause substantial potential fluctuations upon discharging the capacitor. The practical
consequences of such potential fluctuaNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004
Figure 12a, b: Cathode and Anode
Potential Traces of the Ti+C System
Before and During a Discharge Event
capacitor designer, as long as the
absolute height and time-duration of
the potential spike is low 1–2V and several tens of milli-seconds. Depending
upon the specific design, all investigated cathode materials may be useful.
However, for the Ti system investigated
here, the cathode potential spike may
contribute to a reduction of the delivered energy, because the delivered energy is proportional to the square of
the potential difference between anode
and cathode at the time of discharge.
Such a reduction has been verified
experimentally. Increasing surface area
of the Ti electrode would likely remedy
the reduction.
(1) J. Hossick Schott and A. Belu, Capacitor and Resistor Technology
Symposium, CARTS Europe, pp.
197 – 202, 2003.
(2)“Electrochemical Supercapacitors,”
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Plenum Publishers, New York,
Boston, Dordrecht, London,
Moscow (1999).
ABCO is one of the leading manufactures
to supply subminiature SMD power inductor
and wire wound chip inductor.
All of ABCO's SMD inductors are contrived to
(3) M. Breyen, A. Rorvick, P. Skarstad, Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium (CARTS), pp. 197 – 202, 2002.
(4) S. Trasatti and G. Buzzanca, J. Electroanal. Chem., 29, App. 1-5,
(5) D.A. Evans, 11th Annual Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors,
Deerfield Beach, FL, (2001).
(6) “Modern Electrochemistry,” J.O’M. Bockris and A.K.N. Reddy,
Plenum Press, New York, (1970).
(7) L.A. Harris, J. Electrochem. Soc., 127 (12), 2657, (1980).
(8) V. Zwilling et al., Surf. Interface Anal 27, 629 (1999).
(9) C.K. Dyer and J.S.L. Leach, J. Electrochem. Soc., 125 (1), 23,
(10)K. Azumi, Y. Asada, T. Ueno, M. Seo and T. Mizuno, J. Electrochem.
Soc., 149 (9), B 422, (2002).
(11) T. Ohtsuka, M. Masudo and N. Sato, J. Electrochem. Soc., 134 (10),
2406, (1987).
(12) C.K. Dyer and J.S.L. Leach, Electrochim. Acata, 23, 1387 (1977).
(13) “Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren,” A. Günther-schulze, H. Betz, M. Krayn
publisher, Berlin, 1937.
(14) J.L. Stevens, M.A. Moore, X. Jiang, C.R. Feger and T.F. Strange, Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium (CARTS), pp. 249 –
254, (2004).
(15)H. Kliem, IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul., 24, 185, (1989).
(16)W. Lanford, R.S. Alwitt and C.K. Dyer, J. Electrochem. Soc., 127 (2),
405, (1980).
(17)A.F. ABD Rabbo, J.A. Richardson and G.C. Wood, ElectrochimicaActa, 22, 1375, (1977).
(18) J.H. Seo and D.N. Lee, J. Electrochem. Soc., 150 (7), B329, (2003).
(19)C.F. Lin and K. Hebert, J. Electrochem. Soc., 141 (1), 104, (1994).
(20)T. Takahashi, K. Fujiwara and M. Seo, Corrosion Science, 36 (4),
689, (1994).
(21) A.R. Despic, D.M. Drazic, J. Balaksina, Lj. Gajic-Krtstajic and R.M.
Stevanovic, Electrochimica Acta, 35 (11/12), 1747, (1990).
(22)D. Galizzioli, F. Tantardini and S. Trasatti, J. Appl. Electrochem., 4,
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(23) K. Doblhofer, M. Metikos, Z. Ogumi and H. Gerischer, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 82, 1046, (1978).
(24) J.P. Zheng, P.J. Cygan and T.R. Jow, J. Electrochem. Soc., 142 (8),
2699, (1995).
(25) Y. Takasu, T. Nakamura, H. Ohkawauchi and Y. Murakami, J. Electrochem. Soc., 144 (8), 2601, (1997).
(26)J.P. Zheng and T.R. Jow, J. Electrochem. Soc., 142 (1), L6, (1995).
(27)H.P. Boehm, Carbon, 32 (5), 759, (1994).
(28)R.M. Hernandez, J. Marquez, O.P. Marquez, M. Choy, C. Ovalles, J.J.
Garcia, and B. Scharifker, J. Electrochem. Soc., 146 (11), 4131,
(29)T. Nagaoka, Y. Uchida, and K. Ogura, Anal. Chim. Acta, 220, 127
(30 I. F. Hu, D. H. Karweik, and T. Kuwana, J. Electroanal. Chem., 188,
59 (1985).
(31)K. Kepley and A. J. Bard, Anal. Chem., 60, 1459 (1988).
(32)J. Mattusche, K. H. Hallmeier, K. Stulik, and V. PacáKová, Electroanalysis, 1, 405 (1989).
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Continued from page 4
believes the entire high-tech economy
depends on them. Paumanok has encouraged these major creditors to
make payroll and keep the mines operational. The creditors also feel
Cabot’s $100 million valuation on the
Wodgina Mine is too low.
Paumanok has fielded two phone
calls from major mining operations in
South Africa directly involved in mining of platinum group metals (palladium, ruthenium, platinum), who have
expressed an interest in buying 100%
of Gwalia. These miners understand
the gold portion of the Gwalia business, not the tantalum side and need
rapid education on the subject and
supply chain. Both SA mining operations suggested it was not out of the
question for them to raise tantalum
ore prices, should contracts allow to
cover costs associated with the loss in
Gwalia gold operations, or to shut
down one of the tantalum mines entirely until they could create greater
value in the overall tantalum supply
chain by limiting availability.
Automotive Requirements Become
Onerous for Passives
In other news, Paumanok discovered a serious issue regarding automotive manufacturers. Manufacturers
are demanding chip resistor and
MLCC suppliers who offer parts rated
at 150˚C for under-the-hood applications to be financially responsible for
any recall a car manufacturer might
have to undertake, should a problem
be traced back to failure of a specific
passive component because it did not
operate as defined. This was a major
issue with both chip resistor and
MLCC manufacturers because failure
rates for these parts at such high operating temperatures are a major
issue for many component vendors.
Paumanok suggested they work with
car companies on this issue to find a
common ground. Paumanok believes
common ground should be a “cap” on
the amount of money a passive
component company would have to
pay in the event of a recall. Should no
limit be placed on how much a passive
component company would have to
pay, one single recall could put an
entire passive component manufacturer out of business. Paumanok suggested the passive component vendors counter with a limit to the
amount of money a passive supplier
would have to pay should their parts
fail in 150˚C environments and to
make sure their parts do not fail. The
combination of these requirements
will limit competition and if handled
correctly, could mean greater operating profits for specific companies
selling passives to the automotive
Will Silicon Replace Individual Discretes?
When asked whether it was in my
opinion that silicon based active components (on-Chip) would replace 80%
of all discrete capacitors, resistors and
inductors over the next five years as
had been heralded by a technical
paper at the conference and a recent
article in Electronic Business on-line, I
responded with an emphatic “No!”
Silicon solutions have been suggested to replace large volumes of
discrete passive components, including digital implementation of filtering using analog-to-digital converters
coupled with DSP technology (Texas
Instruments, Philips) and embedding
capacitors into silicon structures
using ion implantation devices
(Philips, California Micro Devices).
Alternative suggestions to the
use of discrete passive components
have been to use co-fired integral
passive materials in LTCC modules
(DuPont), or integral passive substrates
for FR4 modules (DuPont, 3M).
The reason for my adamant
rejection of silicon solutions replacing passive electronic components is
one of history. I have seen similar
predictions made by the National
Report (NEMI) published in 1996.
This report stated 80% of all discrete
passive component functions (filtering, decoupling, resistance and inductance) would be replaced with active
component solutions by 2003. This, of
course, did not happen. Between
1996 and 2003, global unit shipments
for core discrete passive components
(capacitors, resistors and inductors)
grew from 655 billion pieces to 1,607
billion pieces; an average annual unit
growth rate of 13.5% per year over
seven years. The NEMI report (primary contributors were IBM Corporation and Motorola) concluded that by
2004, 70% of all handheld devices
(phones, pagers, digital audio and
video), 60% of all telecommunications infrastructure (routers, servers)
and 35% of all computers would
accomplish capacitance, resistance
and inductance by methods other
than discrete passive devices, with emphasis upon integral passive substrates
and embedded (silicon-on-chip) solutions. We note the NEMI report suggested that by 2004, 450 billion individual discrete passive components
would not be needed any more (35%
of the forecasted market). The report
forecasted limited overall unit growth
for individual discrete components to
less than 4% per year between 1996
and the end of 2003.
In 2004, Paumanok notes that less
than 2% of all discrete component displacement can be traced to silicon
solutions or integral passive substrates
and global unit demand for individual
passive components increased by
13.5% per year during this time period
(not less than 4%, as had been
predicted by the NEMI report).
The forecasts of the report were
wrong, even though its assumptions
were sound.
The NEMI Report Assumed That:
1)End-use products would get
smaller and would be required to
perform a larger degree of
increasingly more advanced functions (this was an
accurate assumption).
2)Better product performance and more functionality
would require displacement of passive components
with active solutions in the interest of volumetric efficiency. The success of this was dependent upon cost
per end-use product. The assumptions that volumetric
efficiency and cost would determine the C, R and L solutions were correct. The fundamental mistake was
that individual discrete components got continually
smaller (now down to 01005 case size), and performance of individual discrete components improved by
employing nanotechnology and various other technical advances. The passive component solution continued to be the most cost effective, while allowing for increased volumetric efficiency.
the collective cost per product to achieve better volumetric
efficiency and performance in a board. The report suggests
an increase in price per board of those using integral or embedded passive component technology instead of individual
discrete components. The use of integrated passives would
increase through-put of manufacturing, shorten test times
per board and lower inventory costs. The report was wrong
about the cost model. No premium was going to be paid;
the opposite was expected- more for less, and only the
established discrete component market could accomplish
this. Individual passive component demand grew at a rate
exceeding wildest expectations of the NEMI panel.
It appears nothing has changed in the model for 2004
and Paumanok does not expect any massive switch away
from individual discrete passive components in favor of onchip or integral solutions any time soon. Our research has
concluded that regardless of the roadmap, price rules the
Continued on page 34
3)The report concluded the percentage of passive components required for RF function of handsets would
decrease, which did happen in many instances. The
report did not foresee the dramatic increase in functionality (like camera phones), which created an even
greater demand for passive components per phone
lost to more efficient RF modules.
4)The report assumed that polymer (FR4) would continue to be the preferred choice for printed wiring
boards in the future and only harsh environment
applications would require non-polymer boards. This
was a correct assumption and was necessary to state
because of the assumption that C, R, and L integrated
into the FR4 process would be used to replace individual discretes. Individual discretes were not replaced
in favor of integral passive substrates.
All of the NEMI report’s assumptions were correct but
the conclusions were wrong. The report failed to note massive investments made by OEM and EMS companies in
individual discrete component pick-and-place equipment.
This limited the use of alternative methods to create C, R
and L to new product launches only. The report also underestimated the ability for individual discrete passive component companies to continually improve performance of
their products (lower ESR and lower ESL, for example) in
increasingly smaller case sizes (the report does not envision
an 01005 case size part by 2004, which is now available). The
report does not assume individual discrete passive component producers could continue to create added value at
increasingly lower prices.
Perhaps the greatest error made in the 1996 NEMI
report was assuming many major customers in wireless,
telecom and computers would pay a 20% premium over
Q & A: Rubycon America Inc.
ennis M. Zogbi, publisher of Passive Component
Industry Magazine discussed the outlook of flash
aluminum capacitors with Rubycon’s Dan Cusick.
PCI: Rubycon claims a 70% global market share in the
flash capacitor market and must know a lot about the
global still camera market. Do manufacturers of singleuse cameras recycle the flash capacitors? Are they a constant customer for Rubycon?
Cusick: This is a good question. When the single
use cameras were truly disposable, the answer
was yes. The correct terminology now is
“reusable cameras.” After the consumer has the
film processed, the merchant typically sends the
camera back to a service center. They usually
take the board out and run diagnostic tests to
see if it is still good. They then mark the board
to keep track of how many times it has been
recycled. Generally speaking, the board (including capacitor) can be recycled 7-10
times. I think camera manufacturers
boast around 60-70% of the recyclable
cameras are actually recycled. We have
around +90% market share on digital
cameras and are offering our flash caps
for cell phone camera flash. This is new
in Japan and will not take off in NAFTA
for some time.
installed closer to the heart but has a limit on how much
energy can be sent. Unfortunately, due to the size,
electrolytics will not find a home in this type of design.
We are investing in newer technologies (beyond electrolytics) that may be suitable for such applications.
PCI: Please describe trends in SMD V-Chip aluminum
including expansion, introduction or use of polymer
cathode in your parts. Is there a shortage of VChip aluminum in Asia due to demand from flat
panel display?
Dan Cusick of
America, Inc.
Cusick: I think some of your studies are
consistent with what we are finding in the
industry. We are closing in on 20% of our
production for SMD V-Chip and are planning
to double output in our Batam-Indonesia facility. I know when we spoke a while ago, the
demand was hot for flat panel displays. I will
need to re-confirm what the market outlook is
and if there are shortages now.
PCI: Do you have any emerging markets
for flash capacitors, or is it all steady
work in camera and medical? Based
upon Paumanok research in lighting ballasts, I think there would be some opportunity in strobe lighting for runways,
buoys and beacons.
Cusick: We have looked at some flat caPCI: The implantable defribillator marpacitor designs for cameras but this does
ket has been a source of great income Batam, Indonesia Facility
not appear to be taking off, due to cost.
for Rubycon. Paumanok has stated in
The next-generation technology that we are developing
the past that your flash quality is superior. However, now
may be applicable to certain high-end applications. LightI see a new design for flash capacitors based upon Evans
ing ballast designs have always been a strong market for
pseudocapacitor design (tantalum wet slug with titanium
us. Generally speaking, the electrolytic requires a long life
cathode), modified by Medtronics now in use. Please
and low ESR capacitors for the electronic circuit. This is
compare flash aluminum to flash tantalum wet-slug.
an area we pioneered. We were the first to offer a 10K
miniature electrolytic at 105˚C and we are now up to 12K
Cusick: The medical implant defribrillator has evolved
hours after our competitors caught up to 10K. I see some
over the years. Originally, the electrolytic capacitor was
of the ballast industry supplementing designs into more
bulky and used on patients with more advanced heart
automotive applications with “high end” lighting. Another
conditions. This type of surgery was more complicated
market that is being considered is the solar powered baland costly, usually requiring a hospital stay. Some of the
last design. Beyond this, we have worked with other
newer technology is less invasive and performed as outpatient surgery. The newer technology is generally
Continued on page 40
We’ve got lots of
new products...and you get
the same great service
• Ultra precision thin film
resistors in sizes 0201-1210
• Inductors in wirewound, multilayer,
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protecting thermistor devices
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EMI/EMC Filters
• Multilayer ferrite beads ideal for reducing
noise at high frequencies
Current Sensing
• Three-terminal capacitor, capacitor/resistor
and inductor/capacitor components for a
variety of applications
• Surface mount and non-inductive types
• Metal alloy and Ru02 types available
• Inductances below 10nH
• UL94-V-0 ratings
• Capacitor/resistor chips designed for
high-speed clock circuits
• Ferrite bead arrays for noise suppression
in signal I/O lines
Raw Material Usage and Supply
By Paumanok Publications, Inc.
The primary raw material consumed in aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturing is thin, highpurity aluminum foil. This foil must be
etched and electrochemically formed
before it can be wound as the dielectric
support material for the finished aluminum electrolytic capacitor. The
etching process is the single most
expensive process in production of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Most
major world manufacturers of aluminum electrolytic capacitors attempt
to control processing costs by owning
and operating their own foil processing plants. No major manufacturers of
aluminum electrolytic capacitors own
aluminum foil feedstock plants, so the
general starting point in the supply
chain is the purchase of thin, highpurity foil direct from the merchant
market [Figure 1].
Foil Supply to the Aluminum Electrolytic
Capacitor Industry
As Figure 2 illustrates, there are
Figure 1
approximately eight thin foil suppliers, 20 anode and cathode foil etchers
and 100 winders of aluminum electrolytic capacitors globally.
Thin foil suppliers produce solidcore and porous foils to the etchers,
who expose the foil to an electrochemical process where the metal is
dissolved to increase surface area by
creating a dense, interconnecting network of small channels. This process
Thin Aluminum Foil (Porous & Solid
Thin aluminum foil costs approximately $2.50 to $2.80 per pound from
Asian, European and American merchant suppliers. Prices are per pound
and not per square meter. Price
difference depends upon the foil’s
thickness, weight and purity level.
These prices do not differ between
cathode or anode foils.
Thin Aluminum Foil Etching
Thin foils must be electrochemically etched before being used in
fixed capacitors. Aluminum foil etching costs approximately $7 to $13 per
pound. Since the etching process is
the most expensive process in manufacturing aluminum electrolytic
Figure 2
involves running the thin aluminum
foil stock through a chloride solution
with an AC, DC or AC/DC voltage
applied the etch solution and aluminum foil. The increase in surface
area is known in the industry as “foil
gain.” Low-voltage foil gains can be as
high as 100 times, and high-voltage
foil gains can be 25 times.
Continued on page 24
NIC Components,
the perfect partner
for your board
Polymer Cathode • High Cap MLCCs • LOW ESR • Solid Aluminum • Hybrid Electrolyte
NIC is a global leader in passive components. Our
comprehensive portfolio is the efficient designers dream
providing all the passive components you need from one
The capacitor range (Aluminum E-Cap, Tantalum E-Cap,
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specifically we offer the widest available range of
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Complementing the product range is exceptional levels of
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So, NIC really is the PERFECT PARTNER!
SOLID Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
HYBRID Electrolyte Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
LIQUID Electrolyte Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Polymer Cathode Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors
Mn02 Cathode Low ESR Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitors
High Capacitance [up to 100µF] X5R / X7R MLCCs
N e w
Y o r k
S a n
J o s e
S i n g a p o r e
T a i p e i
T o k y o
L o n d o n
Continued from page 24
capacitors, most of the large capacitor
manufacturers attempt to control
these costs by etching their own foils
in-house. Still, a large merchant market for etched foil exists to supply
smaller aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturers and to “fill in the
blanks” at larger capacitor houses.
As is the case with most other fixed
capacitor dielectric materials, aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturers will look toward merchantmarket
technology in etched aluminum foil.
Competitive Advantage of In-house
By etching thin aluminum foil inhouse, a capacitor manufacturer will
have better control over the finished
prices for its capacitors. A capacitor
manufacturer that etches its own foil is
subject to the same capital equipment
costs as a merchant supplier, but is not
exposed to the mark-up. This gives a
significant competitive advantage to
large aluminum electrolytic capacitor
manufacturers with the capability to
supply their own etched foil.
Thin foil etching is typically
accomplished in accordance with the
intended end-use application of the
finished capacitor, which depends on
a combination of voltage rating,
capacitance, performance, and case
size. Foil that is etched for use in a
photoflash or motor-start capacitor is
different than foil used for filtering
in a computer power supply, an
audio speaker or a telecommunications switch.
Competitive Advantages of Anode Foil
According to primary etchers, one
of the most costly value-added services
they supply is anodization of anode
foils, which requires application of a
continuous voltage to the foil in a
chemical bath. This process is very
expensive because of associated electricity costs. This is why many anode
foil etchers will locate primary or offshore plants in locations offering
attractive costs per kilowatt hour for
electricity. For example, most foil
etchers in the Americas will locate
their facilities in the southern United
States (like Tennessee or South Carolina), or in the Pacific Northwest
(like Washington state). These areas
can offer kilowatt charges as low as
$0.02 per hour.
The desire for less expensive electricity has encouraged European and
Japanese foil etchers to set up subsidiaries around the world where they
can reduce total cost of the
anodization process.
Aluminum Foil Processing Considerations
Processing costs for aluminum foil
used in an anode are less than processing costs for foil used in a cathode
because foil winding for the anode is
much faster.
The key to all fixed capacitors, regardless of dielectric, is to create higher capacitance values in smaller case
sizes. By doing so, a manufacturer can
limit raw material consumption and
increase sales value because price is
based on capacitance (price per
farad). Profits are increased because
raw material consumption is decreased and the end-user gets the
same capacitance value in a smaller
case size, increasing volumetric efficiency on the printed-circuit board.
In aluminum electrolytics, this is
accomplished through:
1) Better etching techniques
2) Better oxide layers
3) Capacitors that do not derate as
Cathode Foils (the Negative Connection)
Cathode foils are generally 20 to
60µm thick and are much thinner
than anode foils. One-half less material is used in the industry by weight.
The majority of low-voltage foils are
between 50 and 60µm thick; mediumNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004
voltage cathode foils are between 30
and 50µm thick; and high-voltage
cathode foils are generally 20 to 30µm
thick. Low-voltage cathode foils weigh
between 0.14 and 0.28lbs/m2; medium-voltage cathode foils weigh between 0.12 and 0.24lbs/m2; and highvoltage anode foils weigh between 0.09
and 0.22lbs/m2. The average thickness
for a cathode foil used in the aluminum electrolytic capacitor industry
is about 40µm, and the average weight
is 0.19lbs/m2.
Anode Foils (the Positive Connection)
Anode foils are much thicker than
cathode foils. Low-voltage anode foils
are from 65 to 100µm thick on average,
medium-voltage anode foils are between 100 and 110µm thick, as are
high-voltage anode foils (100 to 110µm
on average). Anode foils weigh more
than cathode foils, with low-voltage
anode foils weighing 0.21 to
0.44lbs/m2; medium-voltage anode
foils weighing 0.40 to 0.37lbs/m2; and
high-voltage anode foils weighing 0.31
to 0.49lbs/m2. The average thickness of
an etched anode foil used in aluminum
electrolytic capacitors is about 98µm
thick; the average weight is 0.37lbs/m2.
Etched Foil Feedstock
The feed stock market, comprised
of high purity aluminum foil, sold to
merchant vendors or capacitor manufacturers and etched in the merchant
market or by captive capacitor operations, was 52 million pounds in 2002;
worth about $139 million USD worldwide. That high purity foil is etched
and formed by engineered material
producers (KDK, Satma, Becromal)
and converted into capacitor foil in
anode and cathode form, with a combined market value of $494 million.
Anode foils represent the larger
market (65% of the value) because
they are more difficult to produce
and have higher prices.
Separator Paper
Separator paper, used between the
layers of aluminum foil in aluminum
electrolytic capacitors, is typically
manufactured from Kraft paper,
manila paper or hemp. There are variations in the types of papers used,
where combinations of Kraft and
hemp, Kraft and Esparto, or specialty
“duplex” Kraft papers are employed.
In some instances, the two may be
used in a hybrid structure, or may be
combined with a synthetic material.
The paper is very thin, and supply is
very narrow in scope.
In Japan, the two largest suppliers
of capacitor-grade paper are Japan
Pulp & Paper (JPP) and NKK. NKK
works with Boyd Converting of Lee,
Mass., in the United States.
In the United States, M-H
Dielectrics of Mount Holly Springs,
Pa., is a supplier of Kraft and special
high-density grades of paper for the
aluminum electrolytic and metallized
polypropylene capacitor industry.
M-H Dielectrics is the former KimberlyClark Plant. M-H distributes papers for
Suzuki Techno Consultants and vice
versa. Suzuki gets its separator paper
from Daifuku in Japan, which makes
it specifically for them.
There are two primary suppliers in
Europe. Spezial Papierfabrik in
Germany makes low, medium and
high-density-grade paper for aluminum electrolytic and metallized
polypropylene capacitors. Tudor Paper
is a U.S. distributor of these papers.
The other large European supplier of
capacitor paper is Papierteries de Cascadec in France, the former Bollore
paper operation.
Separator paper is a small cost of
the finished capacitor. According to
primary suppliers, Kraft and manila
paper represents only 4% of total production costs.
Primary suppliers suggest average
selling prices for separator paper
should run between $0.90 and $2.70
per pound, depending on the grade
and whether or not it is a hybrid structure. Suppliers indicate that approximately 8.6 million pounds of paper
were consumed by the aluminum
Ceramic/Tantalum Capacitors • Deadline December 29
Buyer’s Guide • Deadline February 25
Circuit Protection • Deadline April 26
Mark Your
Raw Materials • Deadline June 24
Linear/Non-Linear Resistors & Inductors • Deadline August 25
Aluminum/Film Capacitors • Deadline October 25
To Place an Ad or Submit Editorial Content, Call Mitch Demsko at (919) 468-0384 or email:
electrolytic capacitor market in 1997.
The value of paper shipments to the
aluminum electrolytic market was about
$8 million globally.
Separator papers average from 10 to
60µm in thickness, but weigh only 0.5
to 1.2g/cm3. Between 10 and 30 square
meters of paper equals approximately
one pound, indicating that about 190
million square meters of separator paper was sold into the capacitor industry.
Electrolytes are usually considered to
be organic acid, typically boric acid
and salt, or organic ethylene glycol
(EG) and salt. The electrolyte mixture
varies among aluminum electrolytic
capacitor manufacturers, since each
tends to mix its own proprietary formulations from base chemicals
in-house. According to primary suppliers, base formulations required to
make electrolytes have remained
stable in price within the past year.
The new product being used by the
entire electrolytic industry is polypyrole, which is a development of the
polymerization of pyrole.
Prices for electrolytes vary. According to primary suppliers, the majority
of electrolytes sell for $2 to $3 per
pound, with specialty formulations
selling for $20 to $40 per pound.
Electrolytes are composed of organic solvents and solutes that provide ionic conductivity. The electrolyte in an
aluminum electrolytic capacitor provides the following attributes:
• Low resistivity
• No reaction with aluminum, aluminum oxide or packaging materials
• Low toxicity
• Low flammability
• Stability at maximum operating
• No breakdown at surge voltage
• Help in the formation of oxides
during capacitor aging
of electrolytes are listed below.
EG is the most commonly used
electrolyte in the aluminum electrolytic capacitor industry because of
its low cost and good electrical properties. EG costs between $0.50 and
$0.60 per pound.
Butrolactone (BL) is very popular
in Asia for low-voltage miniature capacitors with low ESR requirements.
Dimethylformamide (DMF) is used
in some military capacitors that
require very wide operating temperature ranges.
In high-voltage applications where
EG solvents are used, a solute of ammonium salt, boric acid and organic
Electrolytes contain a very low quantity of water. Some water is required for
formation of the oxide layer (which
provides capacitance), but too much
water is dangerous because it will degrade the foil. Approximately 3% of
the electrolyte content is water for
applications up to 105˚C.
For more information on the aluminum electrolytic raw material supply chain, please refer to Aluminum
Electrolytic World Markets, Technologies and Opportunities: 2003-2008.
If interested in submitting
an article, contact
Mitch Demsko by
December 29, 2004 at
or call (919) 468-0384
The basic components and functions
acids is typically added.
With DMF and BL solvents, the
solutes usually consist of amine salts
because ammonium salts have low solubility and are unstable in EG.
Make sure your company’s passive component products are listed in the 2005
Buyer’s Guide. This issue will be read by decision makers in the Passive
Component Industry...purchasing managers, buyers, R&D managers, research
scientists, technical directors and
senior management that drive the
industry. For organizations that deal in
passives, PCI is an essential marketing
Sample Listing
Thin-Film Power Resistors
ABC Company offers its new series of thin-film wire-bondable resistor chips featuring exceptional power handling in a compact design. Intended for power supplies and high-power circuits in amplifiers where increased
power loads require a more specialized resistor, the new resistor chips come with available ratings of 500mW and
1W, respectively, in dimensions of 0.030in. x 0.045in. and 0.07in. x 0.07in. In addition to good power-handling
capacity, the new resistor chips feature two large bonding pads that allow for greater design flexibility in compact hybrid circuits – and smaller end products – while providing room for Kelvin connections in low-value precision applications. ABC resistor chips are rated for 0.5W and are available in a resistance range of 0.3Ω to 1MΩ.
The resistor chips have a power rating of 1W and are available in a resistance range of 0.3Ω to 2kΩ.
Contact: John Smith, Sales Director Company: ABC Corporation 123 Main Street, New York, NY USA;
Phone: 1-234-567-8910; E-mail: ; Web:
Have Your Product Seen By the
World’s Top Passive Component Buyers for $395 a Listing
For additional information and to reserve your space, contact Mitch Demsko: or 919 • 468 • 0384
Listings will be featured in the March/April 2005 Issue of PCI Magazine
CARTS Europe 2004—
Nice, France
Bob Willis, President of the ECA
Leo Liljeroos, Nokia Corporation
Dennis Zogbi, President of
Paumanok Publications Inc.
at Marketing Seminar
Dr. Yuri Pozdeev-Freeman of
Vishay Intertechnology
Attendees of Paumanok’s Marketing Seminar
Professor Dan Goia of
Left to Right: Doug Lorenz of Lord Corporation; Greg Melso of Metech; Dennis Zogbi of Paumanok
Publications; Bob Hodges of Metech
World's leading technical conferences
for the passive components industry
March 21—24, 2005—Wyndham Palm Springs Hotel
Palm Springs, California
CARTS USA is the annual forum for information on new components, improved applications,
and solutions to current problems. The conference enables information exchange among
manufacturers, users and academia involved with the following components:
Embedded and Other Passives
Integrated Devices
Complete information on the call for papers, conference program, and exhibit opportunities is
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CARTS USA is organized by Components Technology Institute Inc.
CARTS conferences are sponsored by the Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association
2500 Wilson Blvd * Arlington, VA 22201 * 703.907.8024 * 703.875.8908
Bruce Moloznik Appointed Global Director of Product Management at Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials Group
Bruce Moloznik was recently appointed global director of
product management for Cookson Electronics Assembly
Materials Group (CEAMG). In this position, he will direct the
global product management team responsible for all Alpha
branded products and the execution of product line strategies, including product technology road
mapping, new product development and the Global Lead-Free
Knowledge Network Initiative.
“ A s s e m b l y e l e c t r o nics technology is evolving rapidly as the
move to lead-free processing accelerates globally,” said Moloznik. “It
is during this type of fundamental
shift in technology that the power
of Cookson Electronics’ applications expertise and breadth of leadfree product technology will provide the greatest value to our Bruce Moloznik
Moloznik has been with CEAMG in marketing for 7 years,
serving in a variety of product, regional and strategy management roles. He is located in the company’s global headquarters in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Ferro Names James F. Kirsch President and Chief Operating
Ferro Corporation announced James F. Kirsch has been
named president and chief operating officer, effective
October 18, 2004. He will be responsible for Ferro’s global
operations and a member of the newly formed Office of
the Chairman.
“We are pleased to attract an executive of Jim’s caliber,”
said Hector R. Ortino, Ferro’s chairman and chief executive
officer. “As president and COO, Jim will oversee global business operations as we look to improve profitability and grow
our business. This will allow me, as chairman and CEO, to
concentrate on Ferro’s strategic opportunities as we continue to implement the Leadership Agenda Strategy.”
Kirsch, 47, joins Ferro after serving as president of
Premix Inc. and Quantum Composites Inc., manufacturers
of thermoset molding compounds, parts and sub-assemblies
for the automotive, aerospace, electrical and HVAC industries. Prior to that, he served as president and director for
Ballard Generation Systems and vice president for Ballard
Power Systems in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Kirsch started his career with Dow Chemical Company,
where he spent nineteen years and held various positions of
increasing responsibility, including global business
director of Propylene Oxide and derivatives and global vice
president of electrochemicals.
Ortino said the appointment of Kirsch as president and
COO is a component of Ferro’s formal executive succession planning process. “I am forming a new Office of the
Chairman, of which Jim will be an integral part. The Office
of the Chairman formalizes the structure of our top management team and will facilitate the development of the
current and future leaders of our Company.”
Kirsch received a bachelor’s degree in marketing from
Ohio State University.
Angelo Bonini Named CEO of the Kendeil Group
Kendeil, an Italian manufacturer of high quality large
aluminium can electrolytic capacitors, is pleased to announce
the appointment of Mr. Angelo Bonini to CEO of the Kendeil
Group. Mr. Bonini founded the capacitor company 25 years
ago. His tremendous experience in the electronic market
will be key to continued success
of the company.
According to Mr. Bonini, continuous improvement in
building technology and automatic computerized
machinery will improve component reliability and drive
competitive prices.
Mike Murphy Appointed Americas Region Marketing Manager
at Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials Group
Mike Murphy was recently appointed regional marketing manager for Cookson Electronics Assembly Materials
Group (CEAMG). In this role, he will be responsible for all
aspects of marketing new and existing products, as well as
identifying opportunities for new
product development in the
Americas region.
“Given Cookson Electronics’
industry leading lead-free product portfolio and process knowledge, I’m very excited to be involved,” said Murphy. “No single
company offers a wider selection
of soldering solutions for
either tin-lead or lead-free applications in the Americas or around
the world.”
Murphy will work with
CEAMG’s field sales organization
in the areas of training and prodMike Murphy
uct support, particularly on
strategic accounts. He has been
with Cookson for eight years in various roles, including
process re-engineering, business analysis and product
management. He is located in CEAMG’s Jersey City,
New Jersey office.
Reach the global
passive component
industry decision makers
by marketing in the only
magazine dedicated exclusively to the global passive
component industry —
Passive Component Industry Magazine
Passive Component Industry Magazine
is read by key players in all aspects of the
passive industry; from raw materials,
to manufacturers, to end-users
For more information on Passive Component Industry
contact Mitch Demsko at
AVX Corporation Receives Annual Supplier Excellence Award
From Medtronic
BIDDEFORD, M.E. — AVX Corporation Tantalum Division has received the Annual Supplier Excellence Award from
Medtronic, the world’s leading medical technology company dedicated to providing lifelong solutions for people with
chronic disease. An awards banquet was held recently to
formally recognize AVX in Biddeford, Maine.
AVX Tantalum Division was the only company to receive
the award from Medtronic this year. They received the
award in 2000 as well. AVX’s Tantalum Division in
Paignton, England will also receive the Medtronic Supplier
Excellence Award later this month.
The Medtronic Supplier Excellence Award was initiated
to recognize outstanding supplier relationships and performance. Award recipients must provide a quality product
with on-time delivery and offer superior technical support
in addition to overall solutions.
ECA Monthly Order Index Rebounds in October
ARLINGTON, Va. — The monthly order index compiled by the Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association (ECA) continued its roller-coaster ride in
October, rising again after a dip in September. The
index’s 12-month moving average remained relatively flat,
as it has over the last few months after reaching a peak in
“We’re seeing a lot of fluctuation in the monthly index
over the last few months, but the 12-month index has been
fairly stable and positive during the same time period,”
says Bob Willis, ECA president. “The manufacturing execu32
tives I’ve spoken with at recent events such as CARTS
Europe remain upbeat about 2005.”
The EPCOS Competence Center Wins the Styrian Research
Prize for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
DEUTSCHLANDSBERG, Austria — The EPCOS competence center for ceramic components in Deutschlandsberg,
Austria, has been awarded the Styrian Research Prize 2004 for
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the economic applications category. EPCOS’ scientists and engineers convinced
the jury with a trailblazing concept for optimizing the base
material for multi-layer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs).
MLCCs are distinguished by their high volumetric
capacitance. They consist of several hundred layers of
ceramic material only a few micrometers thick. The particles
of which these layers are composed must have diameters
much smaller than one micrometer.
To increase volumetric capacitance of the ceramic
material further, it was essential for EPCOS to apply nanotechnology, since the internal structure of the core and
shell of the small ceramic particles has a decisive impact on
the electrical properties and reliability of the capacitors. EPCOS researchers wetted the ceramic particles with a special
ultra-thin layer of glass less than 100 nanometers thick, improving electrical properties of the material significantly.
The resulting nanocoated ceramic powder makes it possible
to develop MLCCs of even higher capacitance for many applications of modern microelectronics like mobile phones,
car navigation systems and notebooks.
This is the second time the Austrian state of Styria has presented awards for outstanding work in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is regarded as a key technology of the future
and steadily gaining in importance for the production, examination and application of structures, molecular
materials, internal boundary areas with critical dimensions
and production tolerances to 100 nanometers.
Evox Rifa to Streamline and Develop its Operations
KALMAR, Sweden — Evox Rifa has initiated trade union
consultations for its production unit in Kalmar, Sweden.
The company proposes to close the factory by the end of
2005. The Evox Rifa plant in Kalmar employs approximately 220 persons.
Kalmar operations have long been unprofitable, even in
a strong market. The company believes significant savings
and improvement in the competitiveness of Evox Rifa can
be achieved by combining the current production of
Kalmar with that of other plants in the business area.
The film and paper business area of Evox Rifa has manufacturing units in Sweden, Indonesia and Finland, and an
engineering company, Dectron AB, in Sweden. Evox Rifa
plans for all business area products to be supplied by the
remaining plants, using either existing or improved production technology. At the same time, the company plans
to strengthen Dectron AB as a center of excellence specializing in EMC/EMI technologies with increased resources
and know-how for designing customized products.
Yageo to Participate at PT/EXPO COMM China 2004 in Beijing
BEIJING, China — Yageo Corporation, one of the
world’s leading suppliers of passive components products
and services, announced its participation at PT/EXPO
COMM CHINA 2004 in Beijing – the largest international
information and telecommunications exhibition in Asia, exhibiting its full line of products and advanced technology.
During the exhibition, Yageo announced its strong performance in Mainland China this year, with significant growth
in market share and approval of products from their
Suzhou plant by leading customers in Japan, Korea, China,
Europe and America.
In 2005, Yageo’s production strategy will focus on highend products and capacity expansion, continuing to grow
its business in telecom, digital consumer electronics, notebooks and wireless telecommunication devices. With its
enhanced production capability of high-end products, innovative technology and its unique “time-to-market”
service, Yageo is positioned to continue its leadership role
as a passive components services supplier.
Yageo demonstrated strong momentum this year, with
strong growth in market share. Yageo expects to
become the No. 2 MLCC vendor in Mainland China, with
over 20% market share. They will continue to be the No. 1
chip resistor vendor, with over 40% market share, outperforming this year’s 38% market share in Mainland China.
In Q4 2003, Yageo launched the first full MLCC production line in China and its Suzhou plant. Today, the Suzhou
plant has a full line capacity of two billion pieces per
Yageo has made significant strides in new client
development in Mainland China, including China mainstream mobile manufacturers. In addition, Yageo has
extended its supply to leading consumer electronics and
notebook manufacturers in Japan. Strong product recognition in Japan is a testament to high quality production
from Yageo’s Mainland China plant.
Yageo has demonstrated strength in special product
development. Its self-developed, ceramic antenna products have gained one third of the global market share,
securing its position as the leading global supplier. Currently, Yageo is dedicated to integrating and applying
broadband technology into consumer electronics, mobile
communications and mobile operations products.
AVX Corporation Earns ISO 14001 Certification
PAIGNTON, United Kingdom — AVX Corporation Tantalum Division has received ISO 14001 certification for its
factories in Paignton, UK and Lanskroun, Czech Republic.
This certification indicates these facilities have met all
requirements of the ISO 14001 international standards for
developing and implementing an Environmental Management System which complies with the requirements of BS
EN ISO 14001:1996 for the design and manufacture of
tantalum capacitors.
AVX underwent thorough reviews of their current environmental management system, including environmental
objectives, impact procedures, employee training and
docmentation, records and commitment to continual improvement, prevention and compliance.
AVX has taken a proactive approach when it comes to the
environment. Receiving this certification confirms that AVX
environmental policies and planning, as well as how policies
are operated and implemented, are recognized and meet
with the approval of ISO.
ISO 14001 is the most comprehensive set of standards for
environmental management and implementation is
entirely voluntary. AVX is applying for ISO 14001 certification for factories in El Salvador and Biddeford, Maine.
EPCOS Named Best Supplier by SINCOM
BATAM ISLAND, Indonesia — SINCOM-BT, the inductive components division of Matsushita Electronic Components (MACO), has named EPCOS Best Supplier for
ferrite cores. Of the 22 suppliers assessed by SINCOM for
quality, delivery and cost, EPCOS scored the top rating of
98%. The award was presented at SINCOM’s Annual Suppliers Meeting in Batam Island, Indonesia.
The ferrite cores supplied to SINCOM are manufactured
by EPCOS in Kalyani, India. Design-ins take place at MACO
in Japan, while regional customer service and
logistics are handled by EPCOS in Singapore. Matsushita
trades under the Panasonic brand name.
Got News?
Spread the word about what’s happening at your company. If you have
a personnel announcement, email your info to Mitch Demsko at for consideration. Photos should be sent
in high resolution TIFF or JPEG formats.
Mixed Signals for the Fourth Quarter
PCI Magazine collected the following primary
data from various resources in the passive
component industry.
e see sales for the fourth quarter up in the
Americas and Europe, with Asia some what softer (remember our quarter is one month out of
sequence with the calendar year),” said Dick Southworth,
CEO of Spectrum Control. Spectrum Control manufactures
connectors and other products used in application specific
and value-added end-use market segments.
According to Ken Gaglione of Rohm & Haas, “Our Asian
customers are not showing signs of a slowdown, while Europe
and North America appear flat or down for the fourth quarter. Overall, we are forecasting 4Q 2004 consumption of
plating chemicals for the passives industry to be flat, and
we’re no longer as optimistic about growth in 2005.”
“I feel consumer electronics in the states will see a fair
holiday season,” said Eric Schmidt at Audio Command, a
smart home integration company.
According to a representative from one of the three
largest aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturers in
Japan, “China demand continues to increase, but North
America is relatively flat and sales to the distribution market have been down. Gains are typically coming from
market share increases.”
“CAT is doing well. We have had several good quarters
and outlook is strong. We are using more electronics in our
machines, this is a trend that is industry wide and will continue as the technology becomes more cost effective and
durable enough to handle the environments we put it in,”
said Peter Hildner of Caterpillar Corporation.
According to Wendy Ju of Bollore Shanghai Dielectric
Materials Company Limited, “As the price of raw materials is
increasing more quickly this year, capacitor makers couldn’t
bear it starting October 2004 (traditionally, the busy
season in China). The price of capacitors couldn’t be increased following the raw materials price. According to my
observation, the Asian market is flat or down from October December 2004. Everybody is waiting to see. Nobody wants to
increase pricing and lose market share in China.”
“We see demand during 4Q of this year to be flat at best,
due mostly to inventory adjustment made by PC motherboard fabricators in Taiwan. There are some positive activities in Europe and Mainland China, though. Going into
2005, we are a little bit more cautious, at least for the first
half because of business slowdown in general. What is sure
is that price pressure will be tougher,” said a representative
from KOA Corporation in Japan.
According to a representative from a major passive component manufacturer, the Americas are down while Europe
is holding steady. Asia is seeing a blip on the consumer side,
but is leery of what looms in the future up to Chinese New
Year (2nd week in February) if things begin to turn and the
inventory (both end equipment and component inventory)
finally turns.
Another resource indicated to Paumanok that due to inventories of finished products and components being
cleared this quarter, fourth quarter will be flat in comparison to the September quarter. Christmas production has
not been as robust, but a slight positive impulse is expected
for Q1 2005.
Letter from the Publisher
Continued from page 19
day and no one will pay more money for something that can
be achieved using established individual discrete passive
component technology. The massive investment in pick-andplace equipment must be considered going forward.Each
new cell phone and computer we tear down at Paumanok
has more individual discrete passive content than preceding
models, due to increased functionality requirements. The
volumetric efficiency of individual passive components
continues to get smaller and increasingly less expensive due
to massive economies of scale in production for individual
discretes. It has been our experience that even though integral passive substrates have been available for years, their use
has been limited due to cost (why dope polymers with barium titanate when I could buy an MLCC for a fraction of
the cost?). The expensive equipment required to produce
active components will continue to serve the larger solution, while filtering, decoupling, resistance and inductance
will continue to be the smaller, lower cost, individual
discrete solution.
Technology Roundup
In terms of technology trends in the passive component
industry, focus was still on improved nano-technology for
ceramic and metals powders for use in MLCC, the improvement of lower ESR in tantalum and NbO electrolytic
designs, and the movement to lead-free technology in the
industry as a whole.
The Latest in Product Release News from the Passive Component
Medium Power Multi-layer Varistors from AVX Protect Against
Automotive Related Transients
AVX Corporation offers a comprehensive range of multi-layer chip varistors (MLV) for transient voltage protection, ESD protection and EMI suppression. AVX recently
introduced the VC series of medium power varistors to protect against automotive related transients. The new series
offers both EMC filtering and large energy transient suppression in a single package. These devices are capable of
“jump start” and “load dump” conditions, and exhibit little
or no degradation due to repetitive electrical surges.
The VC series medium power MLVs provide complete solutions
to inductively generated transients (ISO
7637). The medium
power varistors are a
natural extension of
AVX’s communication
bus protection series –
the LIN, CAN and
these varistors are ideal
in suppressing transients in hybrid vehicle
applications like regenerative braking, electric
start/stop transition
The VC series is ideal for automotive applications due to
its ability to suppress transients over an extremely broad
speed and energy content range. The VC series features
Pd/Ag terminations and is available in case sizes 1206 to
2220. The MLVs can be specified to different levels of load
dump and jump start test requirements and provide a broad
EMC response as a result of intentional capacitance built into
the varistor. Operating voltages are from 14Vrms to 34Vdc and
the operating temperature range is –55˚C to +125˚C.
MF-SMHT series of polymer PTC resettable fuses can operate up to 125˚C, compared to 85˚C for standard PTC resettable fuse products. The MF-SMHT series has a lower thermal derating factor than standard resettable fuse devices.
The MF-SMHT series has been designed to withstand
high temperatures and humidity, high vibrations, load
dump conditions, jump start conditions and salt spray.
The MF-SMHT series of resettable fuses are designed to
be surface mounted and are offered with operating currents (Ihold values of 1.36 and 1.6A). Customers requiring
alternative operating currents are encouraged to work with
the Bourns’ automotive team to match product specifications to specific demands.
The Bourns Multifuse® product line lists some of the industry’s leading automotive electronic manufacturers
among its customers. Customers like Delphi, Hella, Visteon
and Magneti Marelli rely on Bourns Multifuse® polymer
PTC resettable fuses for both overcurrent and over temperature protection. Bourns polymer PTC resettable fuses
protect numerous automotive electronics and the MFSMHT series furthers development of the Bourns Multifuse® resettable fuse product portfolio dedicated to automotive applications. The MF-SMHT series is packaged in
standard tape and reel packaging. Pricing in quantities of
100,000 pieces is $0.24 per unit.
MLCC Capacitors from Cal-Chip Now Available in
Sizes Ranging From 0201 to 2225
Cal-Chip Electronics Inc. announced their GMC series
of multi-layer ceramic capacitors now includes components
in 10 EIA sizes; ranging from 0201 to 2225. Engineered
specifically for applications where high-density mounting is
required, the capacitors provide high reliability and long
life. They also boast an ultra-stable COG temperature di-
Bourns Multifuse® Product Line Announces New Resettable
Fuses for Automotive Protection
Bourns Multifuse® product line announces the new MFSMHT series of high temperature polymer PTC resettable
fuses. The MF-SMHT series is a specifically engineered
product family designed for automotive applications. The
electric, low dissipation factor and low ESR.
Due to the series’ wide range of case sizes, voltage ratings and capacitance values, the MLCCs are ideal for applications needing high frequency, general-purpose dielectric, critical timing, decoupling and filtering, and surge
suppression. They may be confidently specified for use on
PC boards in such portable devices as notebook computers,
personal digital assistants, camcorders and VCRs, as well as
in automotive and telecommunications equipment.
The series is offered in seven rated voltages from 6.3 to
200, and in nine capacitances ranging from 0.5pF to 100µF.
The MLCCs may be ordered with CG (COG) (NPO), X7R,
Z5U and Y5V dielectrics and are supplied in tape-and-reel,
or bulk packaging to optimize OEMs’ profitability and
throughput objectives.
Prices for Cal-Chip’s GMC series start at $0.003 each in
production quantities. Delivery is from stock to 8 weeks.
New 1mm Surface Mount Wirewound Chip Inductors are Ideal
for High-Frequency Applications
Designed for high frequency applications in a wide
range of consumer, commercial and industrial devices, the
new DR354-1-2-3-4 series surface mount wirewound chip inductors from Datatronic Distribution Inc. combine performance, miniature packaging and economy.
DR354 series SM chip inductors provide reliable protection against challenging EMI problems in high frequency
filtering applications. The miniature series protects electronic circuitry and ensures high performance operation in
a wide range of devices that are shrinking in physical size.
The versatile surface mount DR354 series inductors are
available in a wide range of inductance values to meet the
needs of just about any circuit. They feature compact chip
design with a low-seated profile as low as 0.040in. (1.02mm)
above the circuit board. They are ideal for high-density circuit board designs where space is at a premium.
New 0603 ESDA Electrostatic Discharge Suppressors Offer
Advantages Over Older Models
The 0603 ESDA electrostatic discharge (ESD) suppressor from Cooper Electronic Technologies costs less and is
55% smaller than the 0805ESDA it is replacing. It has a lower typical trigger voltage and capacitance and is made with
friendly, lead-free
solder terminals.
The 0603 ESDA
protects sensitive
electronic devices,
like data lines and
personal computers,
from extensive circuit damage. With
capacitance as low as
0.15pF, the 0603 can
be used on highspeed data lines
(USB2.0, IEEE1394b
and Giga-Ethernet),
without signal distortion at frequencies in excess of 6GHz. Together with a leakage current of 0.1nA, the 0603 is virtually invisible to the
circuit until activated by an ESD pulse.
These surface mount chips are available in small single
and multi-line array formats (as small as 60 X 30mils), with
lead-free plating. These components are bi-directional,
have fast response time and exceed requirements outlined
in IEC61000-4-2. Providing protection against 15kV ESD
threats, the 0603 ESDA can handle peak currents of up to
45A and operate over a temperature range of -40° to +85°C.
Combining high-performance and dependability, the
DR354 series inductors are ideal in appliances, automotive,
consumer electronics, hand-held scanners, instrumentation,
mobile phones and PDAs. Their small size makes them useful in hand-held gear of all types.
Depending on specific model, the DR354 series inductors feature an inductance range from 1.6 to 4,700nH
with a DCR from -030 to 4.3Ω over a maximum current
rating from 0.700 to 0.230A. They are compatible with
extreme temperature environments, ranging from 40 to
With their miniature wirewound chip design, DR354
series inductors come in packages with dimensions of
.044 x.071x.040in. (1.12x1.8x1.02mm). Their flat surface
makes them compatible with high-speed pick-and-place
assembly equipment and they are suitable for high-temperature soldering.
Custom designed DR354 series chip inductor packages
can be specified to meet unique circuit requirements.
The DR354 series inductors are priced from $0.11 each in
typical production volumes. Lead-time is stock to 6 weeks.
Volume OEM pricing is available upon request.
New Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Resist Shock and
EPCOS has developed new aluminum electrolytic capacitors of the large-size series B41605 and B41607
specific for automotive
applications. They are distinguished by high vibrational strength and maximum ripple current
capability at high temperature and frequencies.
Their extraordinary vibrational strength is the result of a special corrugated design, which has
passed all vibration tests
up to 30g and 2kHz, even
after prolonged thermal
stress over 2000 hours at
125˚C. Designs with vibration strength up to 40g can be offered upon request.
The capacitors are designed for maximum operating voltages from 25 to 63V. They cover the capacitance range from
1100 to 6800µF and are specified for a maximum continuous
operating temperature of 150˚C. In addition, they offer high
ripple current capability of 13A at 10kHz and 105˚C. At this
temperature, the components attain a service life of 20,000
hours. These new large-size capacitors are available with snapin terminals and terminal wires suitable for welding and
Orders may be placed immediately. Price depends on
New High Current Inductors for Power Applications
Gowanda Electronics has introduced a new series of
leaded thru-hole toroidal inductors designed for use in
power applications where high current handling capability
and high power capacity are required. This new 083AT
leaded inductor (choke) series provides a cost-effective solution to design engineers looking for higher current and
higher power capacity in power supply applications, where
size is not as important as the current/power capacity.
The 083AT series of high current/power capacity inductors is specifically targeted for use in power supply filtering
and energy storage applications. The large, rugged construction enables the 083AT inductors to be used in power
supply applications where higher current handling capabil-
ity, exceptional power capacity and durability are important.
Specific applications include use in medical diagnostic,
monitoring and analysis equipment, electrical/electronic
test and measurement equipment, and commercial and industrial control systems.
Technical specifications for products in Gowanda’s 083AT
inductor series include inductance from 10 to 100µH and
current ratings up to 30A.
The 083AT series is a product line extension to Gowanda’s existing “AT” series, which provides inductance over
the range of 3.9 to 1000µH and current ratings from 1.69
to 14.5A.
Gowanda Electronics offers custom designs in the 083AT
series in order to meet specific requirements of an application. Typical pricing for the 083AT is $5.50/unit in production quantities.
Solder Paste’s Exceptional Humidity Resistance Promises Consistent Global Performance
The electronics group from Henkel has announced the
launch of a new solder paste, Multicore® MP218. A halidefree, no-clean formulation, MP218 is pin-testable and offers
broad process windows for both printing and reflow. It
exhibits very high resistance to humidity, a particular advantage for multinational manufacturers wishing to qualify
a single solder paste that will perform dependably within
assembly environments ranging from arid to humid around
the globe.
Even after 24 hours at 75% relative humidity, Multicore®
MP218 achieves a consistently high degree of coalescence
upon reflow, and in independent testing to IPC ANSI/JSTD-005 and JIS-Z-3284 standards, displays superior slump
resistance to its leading competitor. During printing and assembly, the benefits of specifying MP218 are low paste
wastage – the result of superior tack life and an open time
of more than 24 hours – and resistance to component
movement during high-speed placement, due to its high
initial tack force, measured at 1.6g/mm2.
Multicore® MP218 is suitable for reflow in air or nitrogen, giving excellent solderability on a wide range of surface finishes. Post-reflow, the solder paste leaves colorless
residues to ease visual inspection. Being of soft,
non-stick consistency,
the residues permit reliable in-circuit testing
without clogging test
probes, even after being
subjected to double reflow and many hundreds
of tests.
Multicore® MP218 is
initially available in Sn62
and Sn63 alloys, and
63S4 alloy where anti-tombstoning properties are desirable.
A lead-free version of the solder paste offering similar
process advantages is under development and will be released soon.
Leclanché Capacitors Develops ECCA Series of High Ripple
Current Capacitors
Leclanché has pioneered a new concept in thermal
management of high ripple current electrolytic capacitors.
Traditionally, large can-type electrolytics are delivered either flat-bottom with a clamp, or with a threaded base stud.
Leclanché has created a thermally optimized base, providing electrical isolation. The components have an external clamp that adhere to the capacitor. This heat-management combination allows for easy assembly.
The reduction in thermal resistance allows higher ripple
currents to be achieved and reduces the capacitor’s temperature. This increases operational life. Samples are available on request.
Murata Announces Single and Multi-Layer Microchip Capacitors
Murata Electronics, a world-leading innovator in electronics and the largest global supplier of ceramic passive
components, announced its CLB and CLG series of single
layer microchip capacitors and its GMA series of multi-layer microchip capacitors. All three series feature excellent
characteristics at microwave frequencies because of ceramic
technology and reliable performance from their monolithic construction. In addition, they are designed to minimize
packaging and offer improved performance for microwave
circuit applications.
These single and multi-layer microchip capacitors were
developed for use by design engineers in optical communication circuits, microwave communications circuits, in38
ternally matched power amplifier modules for base stations
and LSI/IC package for built-in applications. They are ideal for makers of FETs, PA modules, microwave communication devices and optical devices.
The CLB/CLG series features an optional pre-coated
gold-tin electrode, which realizes good strength and makes
it easy to mount, making it ideal for microwave circuit
The GMA series has small size and large capacitance
value. In general, the GMA series covers a higher range of
capacitance values than the CLB/CLG series.
The CLB, CLG and GMA series are terminated in gold
for easy wire and die bonding. Mounting of the microchip
capacitor can be done by wire bonding using gold wire and
by die bonding using gold-tin solder.
The CLB, CLG and GMA series of microchip capacitors
are available immediately. Cost varies depending on the
size, series and capacitance value.
Now Available: Raychem’s 2004 Circuit Protection Databook
Raychem Circuit Protection, a business unit of Tyco
Electronics, announces publication of the 2004 edition of
their industry leading Circuit
Protection Databook. Expanded
to include in-depth information
on several new product lines,
the 395-page book presents
technical specifications and application information on PolySwitch® resettable devices,
SiBar® thyristor surge protectors, telecom fuses, and ROV
metal oxide varistors.
Designed to assist users in selecting circuit protection devices, the Databook includes detailed sections on the fundamentals of overcurrent and overvoltage protection and
describes how these devices are used in telecommunications, networking, multimedia, portable electronics, industrial and automotive applications. Circuit diagrams, dimensional drawings and selection guides help design engineers
size and specify the best device for their specific requirements.
The Circuit Protection Databook has been published in
both print and CD versions.
Taiyo Yuden Announces Significant Achievements to Speed
Integration of UWB Technology
TRDA Inc., the US-based R&D arm of Taiyo Yuden Co.
Ltd., announced two significant new achievements that will
continue to speed integration of ultra-wide band (UWB)
technology into a variety of
These achievements center
around successful development of the company’s UWB
band pass filter and balun
components in standard EIA
case sizes; a major step in improving manufacturability
and efficient mounting of
UWB technology components in next-generation designs.
This is the world’s first UWB ceramic band pass filter in
1206 case size. The industry’s smallest UWB ceramic band
pass filter measures just 3.2x1.6x1.15mm, representing a
70% reduction in both size and mounting area compared
to the world’s previously smallest device (4.8x3.0x1.35mm),
introduced by Taiyo Yuden in October 2003. Also a first in
the industry is the UWB broadband balun in 0805 case size.
Rated at 3.1-5GHz, the industry’s smallest UWB broadband
balun measures 2.0x1.25x0.85mm. This represents an
almost 70% size reduction versus the company’s 1210 case
size (3.2x2.5x0.85mm) balun introduced in June 2004.
Rated at 3.1-8GHz, the wider bandwidth 1210 device is
joined by the new 0805 size balun, providing optimized
electrical characteristics required by the first generation of
silicon operating in the 3.1-5GHz frequency band.
Vishay MIL-PRF-55342-Qualified Thin-Film Resistor Chips are
Industry’s First in Standard Package Sizes
Vishay Intertechnology Inc. announced the release of its
E/H MIL qualified resistor chips in three new sizes (the compact 0402, 0603, and 0502 cases), giving designers greater
flexibility in selecting devices for circuits requiring high-performing, high-precision, established-reliability resistors.
Intended for high-reliability military applications with
stringent performance requirements, the new thin-film resistor chips meet MIL-PRF-55342 specifications. Established
reliability is assured through 100% screening and extensive
lot testing, through which the new E/H devices have been
rated for an “R” failure rate level.
These new E/H resistors represent the industry’s first established reliability resistors in standard package sizes, with
ratings from 100Ω to 160kΩ and an established reliability
failure rate of 0.01% per 1000 hours.
An all-sputtered wraparound termination ensures excellent adhesion and dimensional uniformity in the E/H. An
electroplated nickel barrier layer enables operation at temperatures up to 150°C, and a high-purity alumina substrate
allows for high power ratings.
In addition to very low noise (less than -25dB) and a low
voltage coefficient of ±0.5ppm/V, the non-inductive E/H
devices feature an absolute TCR down to ±25ppm/°C,
tolerances down to 0.1%, typical wraparound resistance of
less than 0.010Ω, and in-lot tracking of less than 5ppm/°C.
ECA Letter
Continued from page 5
distributed to legislators and industry
executives around the US. ECA provided the booklet to its membership
and featured it at several meetings
and conferences. The worldwide outsourcing juggernaut keeps on rolling,
with penetration rates expected to
rise from around 22% this year to
28% in 2008.
Waving the Green Flag
The environment continued to
take center stage, especially the issues
of limiting hazardous materials in
electronics production and recycling
electrical and electronic equipment
to limit waste. ECA is working with
members on understanding and responding to EU directives in these areas. ECA conference programs continue to address this critical issue for
component manufacturers.
The Information Magnet
During the past year, ECA revamped
and expanded its Resource Central
website (, extending its
role as the hub for industry information. The site receives some 100,000
hits a week from those who want the latest news and information on engineering initiatives, new technology, market
figures and analysis, and upcoming
events. It also provides one-stop shopping for component manufacturers,
distributors and marketing resources,
like reports, publications and conference proceedings.
A Toast to a Good Year
2004 won’t be the equivalent of a
vintage that wine lovers revere for
decades. But it was a good year; a comforting one, and there’s something to
be said for that. Here’s a toast to 2004,
with wishes for an even better 2005.
—Bob Willis is president of the
Electronic Components, Assemblies and
Materials Association (ECA).
He can be reached at
E/H resistor chips feature a TAMELOX® resistive element with SPM (special passivation methods) and goldover-nickel terminals. They are available in antistatic waffle
pack or tape-and-reel packaging.
Samples and production quantities of the devices are
available now, with a lead time of stock to 10 weeks for
larger orders.
BHC Components Ltd. Introduces New Line of Screw Terminal
Electrolytic Capacitors
BHC Components Ltd., now part of the Evox Rifa Group,
introduces its ALS34 line of
long-life screw terminal electrolytic capacitors. Intended for
power electronics applications
like welding, power generation
and large UPS systems, this new
series offers up to 20,000 hours
life at 85˚C and rated ripple
ALS34 offers capacitance values up to 680,000µF and rated
voltages from 200 to 500V.
These capacitors have excellent
surge voltage performance; from 125% to 175% of rated
voltage, depending on the capacitor. Stud mount is available for easy assembly and good thermal transfer to the
chassis, increasing capacitor life. The series has a flexible
design, allowing for the capacitor to be optimized for a
specific applications.
Series ALS34 is RoHS compliant. Samples of standard
values are available. Price is about $10 each, depending on
the specific capacitor and quantity.
EPCOS Offers Ferrites & Accessories Short Form Catalog 2005
EPCOS has published the Ferrites and Accessories Short
Form Catalog 2005 providing information about EPCOS
ferrites and accessories for telecommunications and data
processing, industrial applications, power supplies, lighting
technology and EMI suppression.
Recent EPCOS advancements include: reduction of core losses, flat and small
cores, new and improved high saturation materials, new
materials for broadband transformers, optimized core
forms, high saturation materials, new materials interference suppression, new magnetic design tool, environmentally compatible lead-free surfaces in accessories, halogenfree plastics and optimized packaging.
Q & A: Rubycon America Inc.
Continued from page 20
strobe applications like emergency
and police vehicle strobes and runway/strobe beacons that you mentioned Some of this market is
going to LED.
PCI: Have you experimented with
other technology like EDLC (doublelayer carbon) supercapacitors? We see
Nissan has an EDLC plant in Japan,
which is amazing to us. Are you working on any electric transport applications or experimenting with EDLC
(double-layer carbon)?
Cusick: I think we have been in the
investigation stage on supercaps.
There may be some joint collaboration efforts taking place in Japan (not
sure). I do know we just recently
received plant/system approvals from
Toyota and will be involved with the
Hybrid Prius vehicle. The “next generation” technology mentioned is primarily being designed for the automotive market. We are still in the R&D
stage, but believe there will be some excellent advantages in this technology
pertaining to broad temperature performance. As automotive UTH requirements continue to increase, engineers
will look for more creative ways to deal
with the higher temperatures and
extremes that lead to capacitor failure.
PCI: Rubycon is still a private company. Why haven’t you gone public? Revenues must be $400 million USD.
Cusick: Yes, we are still private. Our
chairman and founder is still active
in our company and just celebrated
his 87th birthday. Not sure on the
direction towards public offering.
Perhaps this may be part of our chairman’s legacy some day. You are understated on your sales estimate. We
are closing in on $1 billion in consolidated revenues with around $600
million for capacitors.
Before AVX MultiGuard
Attenuate the
positive (EMI),
eliminate the
negative (ESD)
MultiGuard from
(actual size)
After AVX MultiGuard
AVX’s MultiGuard™ transient voltage suppression
arrays deliver the protection you need for compliance
with the European Union’s mandatory ESD standards
for electronic equipment. Based on AVX’s proven
TransGuard® multilayer varistor technology,
MultiGuard arrays provide bi-directional sub-nanosecond response time and withstand thousands of
strikes without degrading.
A four-element MultiGuard array, packaged in a
single 0612 chip, replaces up to 12 discrete devices
(EMI filter capacitors, current-limiting resistors and
back-to-back zener diodes), enabling designers to
save more than 90% of the board space used for
I/O data line protection.
MultiGuard arrays are available in 5.6, 9, 14 and
18 volts with 0.1 joule energy ratings, peak current
capability of 30 amps (@8/20µS) and inductance
values ≤1 nH. StaticGuard low capacitance arrays
offer cap values below 75 pF with energy ratings
of 0.05 joules.
In addition, AVX’s MultiGuard arrays reduce your
component count, manufacturing costs and inventory;
and are compatible with existing automated assembly
equipment and reflow soldering techniques.
AVX Corporation P.O. Box 867 Myrtle Beach, SC 29578