Revision - 00 เล่มที่ 35/37

บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552
เลมที่ 35/37
คําคน :
National park management
Reactive power [Electrical engineering]
หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552
เลมที่ 35/37
คําคน :
National park management
Reactive power [Electrical engineering]
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
[หนา ii]
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552
บรรณานุกรมงานวิจัยเลม 194,903 ระเบียน ภายใตแตละคําสําคัญและหัวเรื่อง 182,394 ชื่อ และทําเนียบผูนิพนธ จัดทําเพื่อ
เผยแพรการมีองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ และเกียรติคุณของผูนิพนธ
196 ถนนพหลโยธิน เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10900
โทร 0 2561 2445 ตอ 468 โทรสาร 0 2579 3402
โทร 0 2561 2445 ตอ 478
หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
[หนา iii]
หองสมุดงานวิจัย สวนหนึ่งของศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย ในสํานักงาน
คณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ เปนศูนยกลางของประเทศในการรวบรวมรายงานวิจัย
และวิทยานิพนธไทย เผยแพรอางอิงในหองสมุดงานวิจัย สืบคนไดภายใน
หองสมุดงานวิจัยและผานอินเตอรเน็ต หองสมุดงานวิจัยไดจัดทําบรรณานุกรม
รายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธแบบ eBook เผยแพร เพื่อกระจายการเขาถึงการมี
องคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ บรรณานุกรมถูกจัดทําตามคําคนทั้งหมดและ
เรียงตามตัวอักษร สืบคนไดงาย ละเอียด รวดเร็ว เขาถึงการมีขอมูลทั้งหมด และ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 ถูกจัดทําและเผยแพร
ตามรอบปงบประมาณ ครอบคลุมตัวเลมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธที่อางอิงใน
หองสมุดงานวิจัย 194,903 ระเบียน (01 เม.ย. 52) แบงเปนรายงานวิจัย 58,973
ระเบียน และวิทยานิพนธ 135,930 ระเบียน เรียงบรรณานุกรมภายใตคําคน
จัดเรียงคําคนตามลําดับอักษร รวมคําคนทั้งหมด 182,394 ชื่อ จัดทํา eBook ไว
แบบ PDF เพื่อความสะดวกในการอาน และแบบ XML เพือคนหาและคัดลอกได
รวมบรรณานุกรมทั้งหมด 25,566 หนา แบงเปน 37 เลม
คําคนทั้งหมดในบรรณานุกรมเลม ประกอบดวยหัวเรื่อง (subject
heading) และคําสําคัญ (keyword) ถูกแยกออกมารวมเปนเลมดัชนีคําคน การที่
ผูสืบคนจะพบรายงานวิจัยที่ตองการได หมายถึงตองคิดคําคนสําหรับหนังสือเลม
นั้นไดตรงกับที่บรรณารักษบันทึกไว หองสมุดงานวิจัยไดจัดทํา eBook รวมคําคน
ทั้งหมดเพื่อชวยในการตรวจเลือกชื่อคําคน แตละคําคนกํากับไวดวยเลขเลมและ
เลขหนาของเลมบรรณานุกรมที่แสดงรายละเอียดบรรณานุกรมของคําคนนั้น หรือ
สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ ขอขอบคุณหนวยงานวิจัย
หนวยงานวิชาการ และนักวิจัย ที่ไดอนุเคราะหสงรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธมา
เผยแพรในหองสมุดงานวิจัย ทําใหหองสมุดงานวิจัยเปนศูนยกลางอางอิง และ
สืบคนการมีองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและ
วิทยานิพนธนี้ นอกจากเปนที่รวมการสืบคนองคความรูงานวิจัย ยังรวมและแสดง
รายชื่อหนวยงานวิจัยและนักวิจัย ผูรวมสรางองคความรูงานวิจัยของประเทศ ให
Download บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552
หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
[หนา iv]
ตารางบรรณานุกรมเลม แบงตามลําดับอักษรของดัชนีคําคน
ก. สุรางคนางค [นามแฝง]
การศึกษาขั้นมัธยม--ไทย [เขตการศึกษา 4]
Abused children
Chiefs of Health Centers
English language--Written English--Error analysis
In flight particle
National park management
Reactive processing
Tissue typing antisera
การศึกษาขั้นมัธยม--ไทย [เขตการศึกษา 3]
ทฤษฎีสัญญาณ [โทรคมนาคม]
พระราชบัญญัติองคการบริหารสวนจังหวัด พ.ศ.2540
Chief of health centers
English language--Written English
National Occupation Skills Standards
Reactive power [Electrical engineering]
Tissue plasminogen activator
หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
[หนา v]
หมายถึง คําคน
บรรณานุกรมเลมที่ 04
334 ของเลม 04
หนาดัชนีคําคน ระบุเลมที่ และหนาของดัชนีคําคนดวยเลขหนาเฉพาะที่ดานบน
“................ เลมที่ 02
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x5]”
หมายถึง หนาที่ 5 ของดัชนีคําคนของบรรณานุกรม เลมที่ 02
กรณีเปน eBook จะเปนหนาที่ x5 ของ Acrobat pdf ของบรรณานุกรมเลม 02
สามารถใสเลขหนา “x5” เพื่อไปสั่งใหไปที่หนาดัชนีคําคน หนาที่ 5 ได
เรียงคําคนตามลําดับอักษร และรายการบรรณานุกรมของคําคนนั้น
หนาของสวนบรรณานุกรม ระบุหนาดวย คําคนแรก - คําคนสุดทาย ของเลม และเลขหนา
“บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 เลมที่ 04
การฝกอบรม--การบริหาร - การเลือกตั้ง--เชียงใหม [หนา 187]”
หมายถึง สวนบรรณานุกรม
คําคนแรกในเลม 04
คําคนสุดทายในเลม 04
187 ของบรรณานุกรม ของเลม 04
ถาเปน eBook จะเปนหนา 187 ของ Acrobat pdf ของบรรณานุกรมเลม 04
สามารถใสเลขหนา “187” เพื่อไปสั่งใหไปที่หนาบรรณานุกรมเลม หนาที่ 187 ได
แบบจัดพิมพเปนเลม เพื่อการใชงานภายในหองสมุดงานวิจัย
แบงออกเปน 2 ตอน (เลม) เลมละประมาณ 750 หนา
ตอน 1 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 01 - 22
ตอน 2 รวมคําคนในบรรณานุกรมเลม 23 – 37
แบบ eBook
รวมคําคนทั้งหมดเปนเลมเดียว ประมาณ 1,500 หนา
หองสมุดงานวิจัย ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจยั แหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x1]
National park management...35-1
National parks and reserves...35-1
National parks and reserves--Administration...35-1
National parks and reserves--Chiang Mai...35-1
National parks and reserves--Law and legislation...35-1
National reserved forest rehabilitation...35-1
National resources--Management...35-1
National Science Centre for Education in Bangkok...35-1
National Science Week...35-1
National Securities Company...35-1
National security...35-1
National security--Law and legislation...35-1
National skill standard--Testing--Decision-making...35-1
National sports development...35-1
National state...35-1
National Statistical Office...35-1
National strategy...35-1
National surveillance...35-2
Nationality of ship...35-2
Native chickens...35-2
Native chickens--Culture...35-2
Native chickens--Food...35-2
Native chickens--Khon Kaen...35-2
Native chickens--Reproduction...35-2
Native chickens--Thailand, Northeastern...35-2
Native language...35-3
Native pines...35-3
Native plants...35-3
Native plants web database system...35-3
Native starch industry...35-3
Natritional promotion program...35-3
Natrual foods...35-3
Natural adsorbent...35-3
Natural adsorbents...35-3
Natural attenuation...35-3
Natural bacterial inhibitors...35-3
Natural brine pumping...35-3
Natural childbirth...35-3
Natural circulation...35-3
Natural colors...35-4
Natural colours...35-4
Natural compounds...35-4
Natural convection dryer...35-4
Natural crisis...35-4
Natural dyes...35-4
Natural enemies...35-4
Natural enemy complex...35-4
Natural environment...35-4
Natural fiber...35-4
Natural fibers...35-4
Natural filtration material...35-4
Natural food...35-4
Natural food resources...35-4
Natural foods...35-4
Natural forest...35-4
Natural gas...35-5
Natural gas fields...35-5
Natural gas industry...35-5
Natural gas liquids...35-5
Natural gas pipelines...35-5
Natural gas pipelines--Design and construction...35-5
Natural gas reserves...35-5
Natural gas vehicles...35-5
Natural gas--Economic aspects...35-6
Natural gas--Utilization...35-6
Natural gasoline...35-6
Natural hazard...35-6
Natural heritage...35-6
Natural immunity...35-6
Natural killer cells...35-6
Natural language...35-6
Natural language processing...35-6
Natural language processing [Computer science]...35-6
Natural light...35-7
Natural materials...35-7
Natural numbers...35-7
Natural organic matter...35-7
Natural oscillation...35-7
Natural pesticides...35-7
Natural phenomena...35-7
Natural polymers...35-7
Natural products...35-7
Natural quartz...35-7
Natural resource change...35-7
Natural resource management...35-7
Natural resource management areas...35-7
Natural resource management areas--Chiang Rai...35-7
Natural resource management areas--Udon Thani...35-7
Natural resources...35-7
Natural resources management...35-8
Natural resources, Communal--Citizen participation...358
Natural resources--ASEAN...35-8
Natural resources--Chanthaburi--Management...35-8
Natural resources--Environmental aspects...35-8
Natural resources--Environmental aspects--Information
Natural resources--Kanchanaburi...35-8
Natural resources--Law and legislation...35-8
Natural resources--Management...35-8
Natural resources--Management--Planning...35-8
Natural resources--Thailand, Northern...35-8
Natural rubber...35-8
Natural rubber blends...35-12
Natural rubber databases system...35-12
Natural rubber latex...35-12
Natural rubber membrane...35-12
Natural rubber--Databases...35-12
Natural selection...35-12
Natural shell...35-12
Natural sweeteners...35-12
Natural ventilation...35-13
Natural-draft stack...35-13
Nature interpretation...35-13
Nature interpretive--Handbooks, manuals, etc...35-.13
Nature study--Phuket--Handbooks, manuals, etc...35-.13
Nature trail guide book...35-13
Nature--Study and teaching--Handbooks, manual,
Nauclea cadamba...35-13
Nauclea cordifolia...35-13
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x2]
Nausea and viomiting...35-13
Nausitora dunlopei...35-13
Naval officers...35-14
Navel orange...35-14
Navier-Stokes equations...35-14
Navier-stokes equations...35-14
Navigational tools...35-14
NC code...35-14
NC simulation...35-14
Nd-YAG lasers...35-14
Nd:YAG laser...35-14
Near infrared spectroscopy...35-14
Near-wellbore damage modeling...35-14
Near-zero shrinkage...35-14
Nearest neighbor algorithm...35-15
Nearest neighbor analysis [Statistics]...35-15
Nearest neighbor rule...35-15
Nearly codeless miner...35-15
Necessity to maintain the system...35-15
Neck cancer...35-15
Neck pain...35-15
Neck pain--Physical therapy...35-15
Nectarivorous bat...35-16
Nedelsky's method...35-16
Nederlandse bedrijven...35-16
Need factor...35-16
Need of care...35-16
Need salience...35-16
Need [Psychology]...35-16
Needle biopsy...35-16
Needs analysis...35-17
Needs assessment...35-17
Neem extract...35-18
Neem extracts...35-18
Neem flower extracts...35-19
Neem oil...35-19
Negative charge polymer...35-19
Negotiatuon sexual power...35-19
Neighbouring countries...35-19
Neisseria gonorrhoeae...35-19
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Diagnosis...35-20
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Effect of antimicrobial on...35-20
Nelumba nucilera...35-20
Nelumbo nucifera...35-20
Nematode diseases of plants...35-20
Nemipterus hexodon...35-20
Neo-humanism philosophy...35-20
Neochetina bruchi...35-21
Neochetina eichhorniae...35-21
Neodymium-YAG lasers...35-21
Neodymium-yag lasers...35-21
Neomycin phosphotransferase...35-21
Neonatal death...35-21
Neonatal hearing screening...35-21
Neonatal infections...35-21
Neonatal intensive care...35-21
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit...35-21
Neonatal intensive care unit...35-21
Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis...35-21
Neonatal patients...35-22
Neonatal respiration monitor...35-22
Neonatal screening program...35-22
Neonatal sepsis--Diagnosis...35-22
Neonate transferred...35-22
Neopentyl glycol...35-22
Neoprene adhesive...35-22
Neoprene rubber...35-22
Neospora caninum...35-22
Nepa mantis shrimp...35-23
NEPA standard...35-23
Nepal--Economic conditions...35-23
Nepal--Manufacturing processes...35-23
Nepenthes thorelii...35-23
Nephelium lappaceum...35-23
Nephelium melliferum...35-23
Nephrectomized rats...35-23
Nephrolepis cordifolia...35-23
Nephromopsinic acid...35-24
Nephrotic syndrome...35-24
Nephrotic syndrome in children...35-24
Nephrotic syndrome in children--China...35-24
Neptunia oleracealour...35-24
Nerium indicum...35-24
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x3]
Nerosurgical patients...35-24
Nerve fibers...35-24
Nerve ganglia...35-24
Nerve injury...35-24
Nerve regeneration...35-25
Nerves, Cranial...35-25
Nerves, Peripheral...35-25
Nerves, Peripheral--Diseases--Diagnosis...35-25
Nervous system...35-25
Nervous system,...35-25
Nervous system--Blood-vessels...35-25
Nervous system--Degeneration...35-25
Nervous system--Diseases--Patients...35-25
Nervous system--Surgery--Patients...35-25
Nested PCR...35-25
Net present value...35-25
Net radiation...35-25
NETS method...35-26
Netscape Browser...35-26
Netware 5.1...35-26
Network analysis...35-26
Network analysis [Planning]...35-26
Network backbone design...35-26
Network based intrussion detection system...35-26
Network computers...35-26
Network design...35-26
Network devices management program...35-26
Network drive...35-26
Network file system [Computer network protocol]...3526
Network for industrial Environment management...35-26
Network interface card...35-26
Network interface subsystem...35-26
Network links...35-27
Network management...35-27
Network Management Center...35-27
Network security...35-27
Network system...35-27
Network system of electrical consumption
Network system--Prevention and control...35-27
Network systems...35-27
Network technology...35-27
Network theory...35-27
Network Traffic...35-27
Neuman system model...35-27
Neumann algebras...35-27
Neural coding...35-27
Neural computers...35-28
Neural crest...35-28
Neural fuzzy networks...35-28
Neural network...35-28
Neural network model...35-28
Neural network [Neurobiology]...35-28
Neural networks...35-28
Neural networks [Computer Science]...35-28
Neural networks [Computer science]...35-28
Neural networks [computer science]...35-30
Neural networks [Computer]...35-30
Neural networks [Neurobiology]...35-30
Neural stimulation...35-30
Neural transmission...35-30
Neural tube defects...35-30
Neuro-dynamic programming...35-30
Neuro-fuzzy control...35-30
Neuro-surgical Intensive Care Unit--Cost...35-30
Neurodegenerative disorders...35-30
Neuroendocrine organs...35-30
Neurohumoral control...35-31
Neurolinguistic programming...35-31
Neurologic examination...35-31
Neurological patients...35-31
Neuromuscular block agents...35-31
Neuromuscular function...35-31
Neuromuscular junction...35-31
Neuronal adaptation...35-31
Neuronal cell...35-31
Neuronal cell--Death...35-31
Neuronal circuitry...35-31
Neuronal survival...35-31
Neuropathic pain...35-32
Neuropeptide Y...35-32
Neuropsychological tests...35-32
Neurosurgical patients...35-32
Neurotoxic agents...35-32
Neurotransmitter receptors...35-33
Neurotransmitter transporter...35-33
Neuton monitor...35-33
Neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase...35-33
Neutralization assay...35-33
Neutralizing antibody...35-33
Neutralizing epitopes...35-33
Neutrino-nucleon scattering...35-33
Neutron activation...35-33
Neutron activation analysis...35-33
Neutron capture...35-33
Neutron collimator...35-33
Neutron imaging scope...35-34
Neutron scattering...35-34
Neutron techniques...35-34
Neutropenic fever...35-34
Neutropenic patients...35-34
Nevanlinna, R...35-.34
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x4]
Nevirapine interaction...35-35
New Albany Shale...35-35
New borrowing...35-35
New chromo...35-35
New cities--Asia...35-35
New employees...35-35
New encoding scheme...35-35
New entrance...35-35
New expressway projects--Evaluation...35-35
New information center...35-35
New Jersey...35-35
New product development...35-36
New product development process...35-36
New products...35-36
New residential place...35-36
New social order policy...35-36
New system fo university entrance examination...35-36
New theory...35-36
New ventures...35-36
New warehouse project...35-36
New York Institute of Technology...35-36
Newborn infants...35-36
Newborn pig...35-37
Newcastle disease...35-37
Newcastle disease virus...35-37
Newly formed mudflat...35-37
Newly industrializing countries...35-37
News clipping...35-37
News photo...35-37
News production process...35-37
News sources...35-37
News systems...35-37
Newspaper reading...35-38
Newspapers--Sections, columns, etc.--Editorials...35-38
Newton method...35-38
Newton's function...35-38
Newton's law...35-39
Newton-Raphson method...35-39
Nezara viridula...35-39
NGOs [International agencies]...35-39
NH4 NO3...35-39
NH4 [H2 PO4]...35-39
Nhong Hoi Development Center, Chiang Mai...35-39
Nhue river...35-39
Ni-Base superalloys...35-39
Ni/Al2O3 catalysts...35-39
Niacin--Therapeutic use--Testing...35-39
Niche [Ecology]...35-40
Nickel adsorbent...35-41
Nickel aluminate...35-41
Nickel catalysts...35-41
Nickel cobalt alloy...35-41
Nickel compounds...35-41
Nickel over alumina catalyst...35-41
Nickel over aluminum catalyst...35-41
Nickel plating...35-41
Nickel reagents...35-41
Nickel titanium alloy wire...35-41
Nickel-alumian alloys...35-42
Nickel-titanium alloys...35-42
Nickel-titanium alloys--Dynamic testing...35-42
Nickel-titanium arch wire...35-42
Nickel-titanium wires...35-42
Nickel/alumina catalysts...35-42
Nicking activities...35-42
Nicking endonuclease...35-42
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia...35-42
Nicotiana tabacum...35-42
Nicotine--Therapeutic use...35-43
Nicotinic acid...35-43
Nicotinic acid amide...35-43
Nicotinic ligands...35-43
Nicotinyl amide...35-43
Nicotinyl amide--Derivatives--Synthesis...35-43
NIDDM [Diabetes]...35-43
Nidhi Eoseewong--Attitude...35-43
Nielsen family--Grown...35-43
Night bazaar...35-44
Night bezaar...35-44
Nikel and palledium leadframe...35-44
Nikom Rayawa...35-44
Nilaparvata lugens...35-44
Nile tilapa...35-44
Nile tilapia...35-44
Nile tilapia--Effect of triphenyltin hydroxide on...35-45
Nile Tilapia--Food...35-45
Nile tilapia--Reproduction...35-45
Niloparvata lugens...35-45
Nimbic acid...35-45
Nimbolide acid...35-46
Nine-square training...35-46
Nineteenth century...35-46
Niobium oxide...35-46
Nipaecocus viridis...35-46
Nipah virus...35-46
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x5]
Nipple pain...35-46
Nitrate compound...35-47
Nitrate compounds...35-47
Nitrate reductase...35-47
Nitrate removal...35-47
Nitrate uptake...35-47
Nitrates--Physiological effect...35-48
Nitric oxide...35-48
Nitric oxide synthase...35-50
Nitric oxides...35-50
Nitric-oxide synthase...35-50
Nitridation process...35-50
Nitrifying activated sludge...35-50
Nitrifying bacteria...35-50
Nitrilc oxide...35-50
Nitrile rubber...35-51
Nitrite rubber...35-51
Nitrogen compounds...35-54
Nitrogen cycle...35-54
Nitrogen dioxide...35-54
Nitrogen fertilizers...35-54
Nitrogen fertilizers--Chiang Mai...35-55
Nitrogen fertilizers--Control...35-55
Nitrogen fertilizers--Vietnam...35-55
Nitrogen fixation...35-55
Nitrogen fixation genes...35-55
Nitrogen heterocycles...35-55
Nitrogen in agriculture...35-55
Nitrogen in agriculture--Vietnam...35-55
Nitrogen mass...35-55
Nitrogen monooxide...35-55
Nitrogen monoxide...35-55
Nitrogen oxides...35-55
Nitrogen rato...35-55
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria...35-56
Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms...35-56
Nitrogen-fixing plants...35-56
Nitrogenous compounds...35-56
Nitrosated products...35-57
Nitroso compounds...35-57
Nitrous oxide...35-57
NK cells...35-58
NMR imaging systems...35-58
NMR titration...35-58
No confidence debates...35-58
No smoking tobacco...35-58
No-confidence debate...35-58
No-tillage cultivation...35-58
Nociceptin receptor...35-58
Noctiluca scintillans...35-58
Noctiluca scintillants...35-59
Nocturnal emissions...35-59
Nocturnally subperiodic...35-59
Nocturnallyt periodic wuchereria bancrofti...35-59
Nodax Copolymer...35-59
Nodulation genes...35-59
Noh plays...35-59
Noise control...35-59
Noise hazard...35-60
Noise induced hearing loss...35-60
Noise level...35-60
Noise pollution...35-60
Noise pollution--Control...35-60
Noise processing...35-60
Noise protection equipment...35-60
Noise reduction...35-60
Noise-induced hearing loss...35-60
Nom Sao...35-61
Nominal group technique...35-61
Nominal rate of protection...35-61
Nomuraea rileyi...35-61
Non essential drugs...35-61
Non nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase
Non resorbable...35-61
Non viable cells...35-61
Non-accelerating inflation rate unemployment...35-61
Non-acoustic factors...35-61
Non-binding constraints...35-61
Non-biodegradable organic contaminants...35-62
Non-commissioned officers...35-62
Non-commissioned patrol officers...35-62
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x6]
Non-commissioned police...35-62
Non-commissioned Police Officer--Bangkok...35-62
Non-commissioned police officers...35-62
Non-commutive geometry...35-62
Non-conventional media...35-62
Non-decimal bases...35-62
Non-destructive analysis...35-62
Non-destructive testing...35-62
Non-destructive testing systems...35-62
Non-enzymatic browning...35-62
Non-Euclidean space...35-62
Non-follower force...35-62
Non-formal education...35-62
Non-formal education students...35-63
Non-formal education--Bangkok...35-63
Non-formal education--Chon Buri...35-63
Non-formal education--Khon Kaen...35-63
Non-formal education--Maha Sarakham...35-63
Non-formal education--Nonthaburi...35-63
Non-formal education--Sukhothai...35-63
Non-formal education--Thailand, Eastern...35-63
Non-gaussian distribution...35-63
Non-gaussian fading model...35-63
Non-governmental organizations...35-64
Non-governmental organizations--Thailand,
Non-Halal food producer...35-64
Non-HIV patients...35-64
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma...35-64
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma patients...35-64
Non-homomorphic compression...35-65
Non-insulin-depedent diabetes...35-65
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes...35-65
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus...35-65
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients...35-65
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Patients...35-65
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Patients--Nutrition...3566
Non-integer bases...35-66
Non-lairy imitation beverage...35-66
Non-life insurance broker...35-66
Non-linear equivalent capacity functions...35-66
Non-linear grid tool path optimization...35-66
Non-linear problems...35-66
Non-linear static method...35-66
Non-literal translation...35-66
Non-meat proteins...35-66
Non-mitoghondrial carboxylase...35-66
Non-native english speaking...35-66
Non-Neuronal cells...35-66
Non-newtonian fluids...35-66
Non-oxidative conversion...35-67
Non-oxidative methane coupling...35-67
Non-parametric statistics...35-67
Non-performing loans...35-67
Non-ploar solvent...35-67
Non-price competitions...35-67
Non-primary key attribute...35-67
Non-reactive mercury...35-67
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents...35-67
Non-surgical periodontal therapy...35-67
Non-surgical periodontal treatment...35-67
Non-timber forest products...35-67
Non-traded goods...35-67
Non-transferrin bound iron...35-67
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria...35-67
Non-use value assessment...35-67
Non-vascular plants...35-67
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis...35-67
Nonbook materials...35-68
Noncommissioned officers...35-68
Noncommutative space-time...35-68
Nonconforming behaviors...35-68
Nondestructive fruit inspection...35-68
Nonequilibrium growth models...35-68
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics...35-68
Nonexpansive mappings...35-68
Nonexpansive nonself-mappings...35-68
Nonezymatic browning...35-68
Nong Khai...35-68
Nong Khai--Population...35-68
Nong Sanuan village...35-68
Nong Tao village...35-68
Nong Teng-Chakkarat...35-68
Nong Yao Oilfields...35-68
Nongmuangkai Agricultural Cooperative...35-69
Nonionic surfactant...35-69
Nonisotopic gene detection...35-69
Nonlinear analysis...35-69
Nonlinear boundary value problems...35-69
Nonlinear coefficient...35-69
Nonlinear control theory...35-69
Nonlinear damping...35-69
Nonlinear diffential equations...35-69
Nonlinear differential equations...35-69
Nonlinear dynamic...35-69
Nonlinear dynamic method...35-69
Nonlinear equations...35-69
Nonlinear equations of evolution...35-69
Nonlinear functional analysis...35-69
Nonlinear model...35-69
Nonlinear optics...35-69
Nonlinear optimization prablems...35-69
Nonlinear partial differential equation...35-70
Nonlinear prediction...35-70
Nonlinear programming...35-70
Nonlinear regression...35-70
Nonlinear regression analysis...35-70
Nonlinear separable programming...35-70
Nonlinear sigma model...35-70
Nonlinear static analysis...35-70
Nonlinear static anlysis...35-70
Nonlinear systems...35-70
Nonlinear theories...35-70
Nonlinear triangular systems...35-70
Nonlinear viscoelasticity...35-70
Nonlinear water waves...35-70
Nonlinear waves...35-70
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x7]
Nonocrystalline titanias...35-70
Nonogold probe...35-70
Nonparameter estimation...35-71
Nonparametric estimotion...35-71
Nonparametric maximum likelihood...35-71
Nonphagocytic cells...35-71
Nonprinted materials services...35-71
Nonprofit organizations...35-71
Nonprofit organizations--Nakhon Pathom...35-71
Nonresponse problem...35-71
Nonribosomal peptide...35-71
Nonribosomal peptied synthetase...35-71
Nonstandard analysis...35-71
Nonstandard mathematical analysis...35-71
Nonstandard method...35-71
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents...35-71
Nonstructural protein...35-72
Nonthaburi Public Housing Project...35-72
Nonthaburi--Population--Health and hygiene...35-72
Nonthavej hospital. Diabetic Clinic...35-72
Nontrivial statistical models...35-72
Nontuberculous mycobacterium...35-72
Nonuniform traffic...35-72
Nonverbal communication...35-72
Nonverbal communication on television...35-72
Nonwoven fabrics...35-73
Noodle products...35-73
Noodles factory...35-73
Noodles--Shelf-life dating...35-73
Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital...35-73
Nopparatrajathanee Hospital--Admission and
Norbisabolane glycoside...35-74
Nork design...35-74
Normal approximation...35-74
Normal children...35-74
Normal distribution...35-74
Normal saline...35-74
Normal spaces...35-74
Normal subskewmodules...35-74
Normal value...35-74
Normal values [Medicine]...35-75
North Atlantic Treaty Organization...35-75
North Dakota public school...35-75
Northeast of Thailand...35-75
Northeastern Thai inscriptions...35-75
Northeastern Thailand...35-75
Northeastern Thailand Archaeological Project...35-75
Northern Agriculture and Forestry College...35-75
Northern Bangkok Teachers' Council Group...35-75
Northern Khmer...35-75
Northern refined products pipeline project...35-75
Northern Region Industrial Estate--Environmental
Northern Thai language...35-75
Northern Thailand...35-75
Northern Women...35-76
Norway fish flour...35-76
Nosal polyps...35-76
Nosocomial infections...35-76
Nosocomial infections--Databases...35-76
Nosocomial infections--Prevention...35-76
Nosocomial urinary tract infection...35-76
Nostoc paludosum...35-76
Notch receptor...35-77
Notch signaling...35-77
Notopterus blanci...35-77
Notopterus chitala...35-77
Notopterus notopterus...35-77
Noun phrase...35-77
Novel oxalate method...35-77
Novel printing process...35-77
Novel temperature sensor...35-77
Novice auditors...35-77
Novozyme 435...35-77
NR-NBR blends...35-78
NS2B protein...35-78
Ns2b protein...35-78
NS2B-NS3 protease...35-78
NS3 protease activity...35-78
NS3 protein...35-78
Ns3 protein...35-78
NSAIDs [Pharmacology]...35-78
NSO myeloma cells...35-78
Ntric oxide...35-78
NU-Trim OB...35-78
Nuan noi grass...35-78
Nucellus tissue...35-78
Nucellus tissue culture...35-79
Nuchal arch...35-79
Nuclear accident...35-79
Nuclear activation analysis...35-79
Nuclear energy...35-79
Nuclear interaction...35-79
Nuclear magnetic resonance...35-79
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x8]
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy...35-79
Nuclear magnetic resonance, Pulsed...35-80
Nuclear medicine...35-80
Nuclear modifier...35-80
Nuclear polyhedrosis virus...35-80
Nuclear power plants...35-80
Nuclear power plants--Refueling...35-80
Nuclear reactors...35-80
Nuclear reactors--Design and construction...35-80
Nuclear receptors...35-80
Nuclear research reactor...35-80
Nuclear ribosomal RNA genes...35-80
Nuclear spectroscopy...35-80
Nuclear spin...35-80
Nuclear techniques...35-80
Nuclear technology...35-80
Nuclear tracking chemicaletching...35-80
Nuclear transfer...35-81
Nucleic acid hybridization...35-81
Nucleic acid probes...35-81
Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification...35-81
Nucleic acids...35-81
Nucleic acids--Synthesis...35-81
Nucleon and antinucleon annihilation...35-81
Nucleophilic reactions...35-82
Nucleoside analog mutations...35-82
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase...35-82
Nucleotide excision repair...35-82
Nucleotide sequence...35-82
Nucleus accumbens...35-83
Nucleus Estate Smallholder project...35-83
Nuisance standard...35-83
Num wa fiber...35-84
Number model...35-84
Number of children everborn...35-84
Number [Grammar]...35-84
Numbers, Natural...35-84
Numbers, Real...35-84
Numeric rating discomfort scale...35-84
Numerical analysis...35-84
Numerical analysis--Acceleration of convergence...35-85
Numerical calculations...35-85
Numerical controllability...35-85
Numerical design...35-85
Numerical eco-load total standard...35-85
Numerical inference ability...35-85
Numerical integration...35-85
Numerical method...35-85
Numerical methods...35-85
Numerical model...35-85
Numerical prediction...35-85
Numerical simulation...35-85
Numerical solution...35-86
Numerical taxonomy...35-86
Numerical techniques...35-86
Numerical weather forecasting...35-86
Numerical weather prediction...35-86
Nurse administration skill...35-86
Nurse administrators...35-86
Nurse and patient...35-86
Nurse and patient--China...35-87
Nurse and patient--Chon Buri...35-87
Nurse and physician...35-87
Nurse caring behaviors...35-87
Nurse directors...35-87
Nurse managers...35-87
Nurse practitioners...35-87
Nurse scheduling...35-87
Nurse supervisors...35-87
Nurse-assistant students...35-87
Nurse-client relationship...35-87
Nurse-patient relations...35-87
Nurses performance...35-90
Nurses--Ang Thong...35-90
Nurses--Bangkok--Job satisfaction...35-90
Nurses--China--Job satisfaction...35-90
Nurses--China--Mental health...35-90
Nurses--In-service training...35-91
Nurses--Indonesia--Job satisfaction...35-91
Nurses--Job satisfaction...35-91
Nurses--Job stress...35-91
Nurses--Khon Kaen--Job satisfaction...35-91
Nurses--Mental health...35-91
Nurses--Nepal--Job satisfaction...35-91
Nurses--Nong Khai...35-92
Nurses--Phitsanulok--Job satisfaction...35-92
Nurses--Rayong--Health and hygiene...35-92
Nurses--Supply and demand...35-92
Nurses--Surat Thani...35-92
Nurses--Thailand, Northern...35-92
Nurses--Training of...35-92
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x9]
Nursing administration...35-94
Nursing and Midwifery Professional Act B.E.2528...35-95
Nursing audit...35-95
Nursing care...35-95
Nursing care during labour and delivery...35-95
Nursing Care Quality Management System...35-95
Nursing career...35-95
Nursing college...35-95
Nursing college administrators...35-95
Nursing colleges...35-95
Nursing colleges--Management...35-95
Nursing diagnosis...35-95
Nursing documentation...35-95
Nursing education...35-95
Nursing graduates...35-95
Nursing homes...35-95
Nursing human resources...35-96
Nursing indicators...35-96
Nursing information...35-96
Nursing information system...35-96
Nursing institutes...35-96
Nursing instructors...35-96
Nursing intervention...35-96
Nursing management...35-96
Nursing management minimal data set...35-96
Nursing midwife students--Laos--Attitudes...35-96
Nursing outcomes classification...35-96
Nursing personel...35-97
Nursing personnel...35-97
Nursing practice...35-97
Nursing predictive model...35-97
Nursing process...35-97
Nursing profession...35-97
Nursing professional...35-97
Nursing quality assurance...35-97
Nursing record forms...35-97
Nursing records...35-97
Nursing records--Databases...35-97
Nursing research...35-97
Nursing schools...35-97
Nursing schools--Admission...35-97
Nursing Science--Curricula...35-97
Nursing services...35-98
Nursing services--Administration...35-98
Nursing services--Costs...35-98
Nursing services--Planning...35-98
Nursing standards...35-98
Nursing students...35-98
Nursing students--America...35-99
Nursing students--Attitudes...35-99
Nursing students--Bangkok...35-99
Nursing students--Chiang Mai...35-100
Nursing students--China...35-100
Nursing students--Health and hygiene...35-100
Nursing students--Nakhon Ratchasima...35-100
Nursing students--Nepal...35-100
Nursing students--Nepal--Attitudes...35-100
Nursing students--Surin...35-100
Nursing supervisors...35-100
Nursing team...35-100
Nursing therapeutics...35-100
Nursing units...35-100
Nursing--Ability testing...35-100
Nursing--Chiang Mai...35-100
Nursing--Computer-assisted instruction...35-101
Nursing--Social aspects...35-101
Nursing--Study and teaching...35-101
Nursing-sensitive quality indicators...35-101
Nusselt number...35-101
Nutrient budgets...35-102
Nutrient composition...35-102
Nutrient cycles...35-102
Nutrient elements...35-102
Nutrient intake...35-102
Nutrient requirements...35-102
Nutrients derived...35-102
Nutrients loss...35-102
Nutrion labelling...35-102
Nutrition and dental health...35-104
Nutrition counseling...35-104
Nutrition counseling program...35-104
Nutrition counseling--Suphan Buri...35-104
Nutrition disorders...35-104
Nutrition disorders in children...35-104
Nutrition health promotion...35-104
Nutrition labeling...35-104
Nutrition policy...35-104
Nutrition policy--Rwanda...35-104
Nutrition promotion...35-104
Nutrition promotion activities...35-105
Nutrition surveys...35-105
Nutrition Training program...35-105
Nutrition--Chiang Mai...35-105
Nutrition--Chiang Mai--Evaluation...35-105
Nutrition--Immunological aspects...35-105
Nutrition--Psychological aspects...35-106
Nutrition--Thailand, Northeastern...35-106
Nutrition--Thailand, Northern...35-106
Nutrition--Thailand, Northern--Requirements...35-106
Nutrition--Ubon Ratchathani...35-106
Nutritional anemia...35-106
Nutritional behaviors...35-106
Nutritional education...35-106
Nutritional knowledge...35-106
Nutritional problems...35-106
Nutritional promoting behavior...35-106
Nutritional promoting group program...35-106
Nutritional promoting program...35-107
Nutritional promotion training...35-107
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x10]
Nutritional quality...35-107
Nutritional status...35-107
Nutritional status masurement...35-107
Nutritional status measurement...35-107
Nutritional training program...35-107
Nutritionally induced diseases...35-107
Nutritive value...35-107
Nutritive values...35-107
Nutural gradient...35-107
Ny1on6 blends...35-107
Nyah Kur language--Phonetics...35-107
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis...35-108
Nycticion mycticora...35-108
Nyen language--Phonetics...35-108
Nylon 6...35-108
Nylon 6 reactor...35-108
Nylon fibers...35-108
OA [Disease]...35-108
Oats--Diseases and pests...35-108
Ob-Luang Gneiss rocks...35-108
Obesity in adolescence...35-109
Obesity in children...35-109
Obesity in children--Bangkok...35-109
Obesity--Diet therapy...35-110
Obesity--Drug therapy...35-110
Obesity--Nakhon Pathom...35-110
Object color...35-110
Object indentification...35-110
Object modeling technique...35-110
Object oriented technology...35-110
Object query...35-110
Object recognition...35-110
Object shape recognition...35-110
Object tracking...35-110
Object-oriented data model...35-110
Object-oriented databases...35-110
Object-oriented design...35-111
Object-oriented methods [Computer Science]...35-111
Object-oriented methods [Computer science]...35-111
Object-oriented paradigm...35-111
Object-oriented programming [Computer science]...35111
Object-oriented software...35-111
Object-oriented software requirements specification...35111
Object-oriented software--Maintenance and repair...35111
Object-oriented system development...35-111
Object-oriented technology...35-111
Objective analysis...35-111
Objective Function...35-111
Oblique magnetic field confiquration...35-112
Obscene media...35-112
Observation and Protection Center...35-112
Observation robot...35-112
Observation room...35-112
Obstetrical emergencies--Vietnam...35-112
Obstetrics gynaecoligy...35-112
Obstracles effect...35-112
Obstructive sleep apnea...35-112
occam 3 [Computer program language]...35-112
Occlusal splints...35-112
Occlusion [Dentistry]...35-112
Occlusion [Dentistry]--Thailand, Northern...35-113
Occupation selection...35-113
Occupational accidents...35-113
Occupational asthma...35-113
Occupational development...35-113
Occupational diseases--Prevention...35-113
Occupational exposure...35-113
Occupational group development project...35-113
Occupational groups...35-113
Occupational health and safety...35-113
Occupational health nursing...35-113
Occupational health services...35-113
Occupational hygiene...35-113
Occupational injuries...35-113
Occupational medicine physician...35-113
Occupational minority...35-113
Occupational mobility...35-114
Occupational promoting policy...35-114
Occupational risk...35-114
Occupational safety...35-114
Occupational safety and health...35-114
Occupational stress...35-114
Occupational training...35-114
Occupational training--Phitsanulok...35-115
Occupations--Thailand, Northern...35-115
Ocean colour algorithms...35-115
Ocean currents...35-115
Ocean currents--Climatic factors...35-115
Ocean currents--Forecasting...35-115
Ocean currents--Mathematical model...35-116
Ocean-atmosphere interaction...35-116
Oceanographic buoys...35-116
Oceanograpic characteristics...35-116
Ochna integerrima...35-116
Ochra integerrima...35-116
Ocimum basilicum...35-116
Ocimum canum...35-116
Ocimum canum--Seeds...35-116
Ocimum sanctum...35-116
Octane number...35-117
Octane sulfonic acid...35-117
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x11]
Octopamine receptor...35-117
Octyl methoxycinnamate...35-117
Ocular toxicology...35-117
Oder-reducing substances...35-117
Odontogenic keratocyst...35-118
Odontoglossum ringspot virus...35-118
Odontotermes feae...35-118
Oestrous cycle...35-118
Oeuvre romanesque...35-118
Of mice and men...35-118
Off-farm activity...35-118
Off-farm income...35-118
Off-road passenger vehicle...35-118
Offenses against property...35-119
Offenses against the person...35-119
Office buildings...35-119
Office buildings--Laos--Energy conservation...35-119
Office of Accelerated Rural Development...35-119
Office of Central Rubber Market...35-119
Office of Foreign Workers Administration...35-119
Office of Professor Emeritus Dr.Natth
Office of the Civil Service Commission of Thai
Office of the Ombudsman...35-119
Office of the Royal Thai Police...35-119
Office women--Bangkok...35-119
Official Information Act 1997...35-120
Official Information ACT, 1997...35-120
Official Information Act, B.E.2540...35-120
Officials of the Electricity Generating Authority of
Offset ink...35-120
Offset printing...35-120
Offset-printing houses...35-120
Offshore structures...35-120
Og4C3 ELISA...35-120
Ogang laut...35-120
Ohmic contacts...35-120
Ohmic heating...35-120
Oil agglomeration...35-121
Oil analysis...35-121
Oil crops...35-121
Oil fields--Chiang Mai--Surveys...35-121
Oil in water...35-121
Oil industries--Environmental aspects...35-121
Oil industries--Production control...35-121
Oil palm...35-121
Oil palm ash...35-121
Oil palm fibers...35-121
Oil palm meal...35-121
Oil palm--Investments...35-121
Oil palm--Krabi--By-products...35-122
Oil palm--Krabi--Classification...35-122
Oil palm--Malaysia...35-122
Oil products...35-122
Oil pump shaft...35-122
Oil refineries...35-122
Oil Refinery Company...35-122
Oil resistance...35-122
Oil sorbent...35-122
Oil spills...35-122
Oil tankers...35-122
Oil transportation...35-122
Oil well drilling rigs...35-122
Oil wells--Thailand, Northern...35-122
Oil-degrading bacteria...35-122
Oil-immersed distribution transformer...35-123
Oil-immersed transformer...35-123
Oil-soluble vitamins...35-123
Oil-water separation...35-123
Oils and fats...35-123
Oils and fats--Prices...35-124
Oilseed plants...35-124
Oilseed plants--Thailand, Northeastern...35-124
Oilseed products...35-124
Oilseed products--Ohio...35-124
Oilseeds--Ohio--Economic aspects...35-124
Oily sludge...35-124
Oily waste sludge...35-124
Oily wastewater...35-124
Oka varicella vaccine...35-124
Okra--Diseases and pests--Control...35-125
Olax scandens...35-125
Old age...35-125
Old age homes...35-125
Old age pension system...35-125
Old age--Bangkok...35-125
Old city...35-125
Old-Age Pension Fund for Private Sector...35-125
Old-age social security system...35-125
Older adults...35-125
Older patients...35-125
Older patients--Care...35-125
Older persons...35-125
Older prisoners...35-125
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x12]
Olefin metathesis...35-126
Olefin polymerization...35-126
Oleic acid...35-126
Olive oil...35-127
Omega-3 fatty acids...35-127
Omkai Wildlife Sanctuary...35-128
Omphisa fuscidentalis...35-128
Ompok bimaculatus...35-128
On screen display...35-128
On the Springboard...35-128
On the springboard...35-128
On-farm diagnosis...35-128
On-line analytical processing...35-128
On-line approximator...35-128
On-line barrier system...35-128
On-line optimal control...35-128
On-line system...35-128
On-line transaction processing...35-128
On-lined filtration...35-128
Onchocerca volvulus...35-129
Oncohynchus mykiss...35-129
Oncomelania quadrasi...35-129
Oncorhynchus mykiss...35-129
Oncosperma Tigillarium...35-129
One cycle control...35-129
One dimensional plasma...35-129
One Tambon One Product...35-129
One tambon one product...35-130
One Tambon One Product enterprises...35-130
One Tambon One Product products...35-130
One Tambon One Product Project...35-130
One tambon one product--Government policy...35-130
One tambon one product--Marketing...35-130
One Tambon One Product--Pattani...35-130
One time password...35-130
One-Dimensional white noise model...35-130
One-man bridge operation...35-130
One-sided multivariate test...35-130
One-Step RT Real-Time PCR...35-130
One-time password...35-130
ONIOM method...35-130
Onion chicken soup...35-130
Online activities...35-131
Online analytical processing...35-131
Online analytical processing system...35-131
Online arithmetic...35-131
Online bibliographic searchings...35-131
Online bidding...35-131
Online chat groups...35-131
Online commercial transactions...35-131
Online database...35-131
Online databases...35-131
Online discussion...35-131
Online English learning...35-131
Online English placement testing system...35-131
Online information retrieval...35-131
Online inventory management...35-131
Online learning...35-131
Online newspapers...35-131
Online project...35-131
Online public access catalog...35-132
Online public access catalogs...35-132
Online purchase...35-132
Online registration system...35-132
Online shopping...35-132
Online social communication...35-132
Online writer recognition...35-132
Only children...35-132
ONTOM method...35-132
Oocyte maturation...35-133
Oolong tea...35-133
Open boundary...35-133
Open channel flow...35-133
Open clusters...35-133
Open database connectivity...35-133
Open economy...35-133
Open heart surgery...35-133
Open learning system...35-133
Open reading frame...35-133
Open source software...35-133
Open space development...35-133
Open spaces...35-133
Open university...35-134
Open wound dressing...35-134
Open-angle glaucoma...35-134
Open-heart surgery...35-134
Open-heart surgery patients...35-134
Operant conditioning Theory...35-134
Operating cost...35-134
Operating efficiency...35-134
Operating room...35-134
Operating rooms...35-134
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x13]
Operating systems [Computers]...35-134
Operation control application...35-135
Operation control information system...35-135
Operation executive...35-135
Operation nurses...35-135
Operation parameters...35-135
Operational control factors...35-135
Operational goal system...35-135
Operational planning...35-135
Operational transconductance amplifien...35-135
Operational transconductance amplifier...35-135
Operations research...35-135
Operative pain...35-135
Operator theory...35-135
Ophicephalus striatus...35-136
Ophiomyia phaseoli...35-136
Ophiophagus hannah...35-136
Ophiopogon intermedius...35-136
Ophiusa janata...35-136
Ophthalmic drugs...35-136
Ophthalmic solutions...35-136
Opical signal...35-136
Opimal control...35-136
Opinion analysis...35-139
Opinion articles...35-139
Opinion leader...35-139
Opioid receptors...35-140
Opioids Receptors...35-140
Opisthorchia viverrini...35-140
Opisthorchis viverrine...35-141
Opisthorchis viverrini...35-141
Opisthorchis viverrini--Infection...35-142
Opium poppy...35-142
Opium poppy--Analysis...35-142
Opium trade--Burma...35-142
Oprx gene...35-142
Opti system...35-142
Optic disc topography...35-142
Optic lobes--Anatomy...35-142
Optic lobes--Penaeus monodon...35-142
Optic nerve...35-142
Optical absorption...35-143
Optical activity...35-143
Optical amplifiers...35-143
Optical beam steering devices...35-143
Optical biosensor...35-143
Optical brighteners...35-143
Optical characters recognition...35-143
Optical coherence tomography...35-143
Optical communications...35-143
Optical contact...35-143
Optical equipment for satellite image interpretation...35143
Optical fiber communication...35-143
Optical fiber current sensors...35-143
Optical fiber line interface circuits...35-143
Optical fiber transmission system...35-143
Optical fibers...35-143
Optical instruments--Design and construction...35-144
Optical phase conjugation systems...35-144
Optical radiology...35-144
Optical sensor...35-144
Optical signals...35-144
Optical switching...35-144
Optical tracking...35-144
Optical transmission system...35-144
Optical tweezers...35-144
Optical Uetwork...35-144
Optical wireless communication systems...35-144
Optically active...35-144
Optimal capacity...35-144
Optimal control...35-144
Optimal experimental design...35-145
Optimal planning method...35-145
Optimal policies...35-145
Optimal power flow...35-145
Optimal routing...35-145
Optimal temperature control...35-145
Optimization method...35-145
Optimization techniques...35-145
Optimization [Mathematics]...35-145
Optimum combining systems...35-145
Optimum currency areas...35-145
Optimum reserve level evaluation...35-145
Optimum solution...35-146
Option value...35-146
Option [Finance]...35-146
Oracle form 6...35-146
Oral cancer...35-146
Oral candidosis...35-146
Oral care...35-146
Oral care services...35-147
Oral cavity...35-147
Oral cephalexin...35-147
Oral communication...35-147
Oral contraception...35-147
Oral contraceptive use...35-147
Oral contraceptives...35-147
Oral contraceptives, Male...35-148
Oral contraceptives--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...35-148
Oral diseases...35-148
Oral English communication...35-148
Oral epithelial cells...35-148
Oral examinations--Phuket...35-148
Oral fluid...35-148
Oral health...35-148
Oral health behaviors...35-148
Oral health behaviour...35-148
Oral health care...35-148
Oral health delivery system...35-149
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x14]
Oral health promotion...35-149
Oral health promotion program...35-149
Oral health service...35-149
Oral health services...35-149
Oral health status...35-149
Oral history...35-149
Oral hygiene...35-149
Oral hygiene promotion...35-149
Oral ibuprofen...35-149
Oral inflammatory diseases...35-149
Oral leukoplakia...35-150
Oral lichen planus...35-150
Oral lichenoid lesions...35-150
Oral literature...35-150
Oral malodor...35-150
Oral manifestations of general diseases...35-150
Oral medicine--Laos...35-150
Oral microflora...35-150
Oral mucosa...35-150
Oral mucosal cell...35-150
Oral mucositis...35-150
Oral pathogen...35-150
Oral poliovirus vaccine...35-150
Oral presentation skills...35-150
Oral reading miscues...35-150
Oral rehydration salt...35-150
Oral rehydration solution...35-151
Oral rehydration therapy...35-151
Oral rehydration therapy for children...35-151
Oral rehydration therapy--Srisaket...35-151
Oral squamous cell...35-151
Oral Squamous cell carcinoma...35-151
Oral squamous cell carcinoma...35-151
Oral surgery...35-151
Oral task presentations...35-151
Oral thrush...35-151
oral ulcer healing...35-151
Orange jasmine leaves...35-151
Orange juice...35-151
Orange juices--Preservation--Quality...35-151
Orange plantation expansion...35-152
Orbital apertures...35-152
Orcaella brevirostris...35-152
Orchard plantation...35-152
Orchard prunning machine...35-152
Orchid export...35-152
Orchid farms...35-152
Orchids--Diseases and pests...35-152
Orchids--Postharvest technology--Diseases and
Order to delivery...35-153
Order tracking...35-153
Order-preserving transformation semigroups...35-153
Ordered structure...35-153
Ordered subset expectation maximization...35-153
Orders transcription...35-153
Ordinary crime prevention...35-153
Ordinary shower...35-153
Ordination [Buddhism]...35-153
Ordnance Department...35-153
Ore deposits--Loei...35-154
Oream's the general theory of nursing...35-154
Oreochromis aureus...35-154
Oreochromis mossambicus...35-154
Oreochromis niloticus...35-154
Oreochromis niloticus--Generative organs...35-155
Oreochromis nilsticus...35-155
ORF76 gene...35-155
Organ donation...35-155
Organi ligands...35-155
Organic acids...35-155
Organic additives...35-155
Organic aerosols...35-155
Organic amendments...35-156
Organic anion...35-156
Organic anion transporter...35-156
Organic anion transporters...35-156
Organic cation transporter...35-156
Organic chemical wastes...35-156
Organic chemicals...35-156
Organic composting...35-156
Organic Compounds...35-156
Organic compounds...35-156
Organic compounds--Absorption and adsorption...35-157
Organic compounds--Analysis...35-157
Organic compounds--Biodegradation...35-157
Organic compounds--Synthesis...35-157
Organic dust...35-157
Organic dyes...35-157
Organic enrichment...35-157
Organic farming...35-157
Organic fertilizer...35-157
Organic fertilizers...35-157
Organic hybrid...35-158
Organic hydroperoxide...35-158
Organic hydroperoxide resistance...35-158
Organic hydroperoxides...35-158
Organic ligands...35-158
Organic light emitting devices...35-158
Organic manures...35-158
Organic matter...35-158
Organic matter in soil...35-158
Organic molecular markers...35-158
Organic molecules...35-158
Organic pasture...35-159
Organic pigments...35-159
Organic soils...35-159
Organic solvents...35-159
Organic substances...35-159
Organic synthesis...35-159
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x15]
Organic volatile...35-159
Organic waste...35-159
Organic wastes...35-159
Organic wastes as soil amendments...35-160
Organic wastes--Degradation...35-160
Organic water pollutants...35-160
Organics molecues...35-160
Organization attitude...35-161
Organization climate...35-161
Organization commitment...35-161
Organization development...35-161
Organization effectiveness...35-161
Organization effectiveness evaluation...35-161
Organization of securitization management...35-161
Organization Royalty...35-161
Organization structure...35-161
Organizational behavior...35-161
Organizational capabilities...35-161
Organizational change...35-161
Organizational chimate...35-162
Organizational citizenship behavior...35-162
Organizational Climate...35-162
Organizational climate...35-162
Organizational clinate...35-162
Organizational commitment...35-163
Organizational conmitment...35-163
Organizational culture...35-163
Organizational development...35-163
Organizational effectiveness...35-163
Organizational environment...35-164
Organizational forms...35-164
Organizational image...35-164
Organizational learning...35-164
Organizational management model...35-164
Organizational performance...35-164
Organizational structure...35-164
Organizational values...35-164
Organized crime...35-164
Organochlorine compounds...35-165
Organochlorine pesticide...35-165
Organochlorine pesticides...35-165
Organochlorine pesticides residues...35-165
Organocobalt reagents...35-165
Organolithiation reaction...35-166
Organolithium compounds...35-166
Organolithium reagents...35-166
Organomercury compounds...35-166
Organometallic chemistry...35-166
Organometallic compounds...35-166
Organometallic compounds--Oxidation...35-166
Organometallic reagents...35-166
Organophilic clay...35-166
Organophosphate compounds...35-166
Organophosphate hydrolase...35-167
Organophosphate insecticides...35-167
Organophosphorus compounds...35-167
Organophosphorus hydrolase...35-167
Organophosphorus sensors...35-167
Organosilicate glass...35-167
Organosilicon compounds...35-167
Organosulphur compounds...35-167
Organosulphur compounds--Analysis...35-167
Organotin compounds...35-167
Orgnizational climate...35-168
Orientably balanced graph...35-168
Oriental fruit fly...35-168
Oriental fruit fly--Genetics...35-168
Oriental pear...35-168
Oriental persimmon...35-168
Oriental region...35-168
Oriental slicing melon...35-168
Orientation and mobility...35-169
Orientation program...35-169
Orientia tsutsugamushi...35-169
Origin and destination traffic...35-169
Origin and destination traffic surveys--Bangkok...35-169
Original antigenic sin...35-169
Orlicz sequence spaces...35-169
Orlicz spaces...35-169
Orlistat, Wight loss...35-169
Ornamental birds...35-169
Ornamental fishes--Disease...35-169
Ornamental fishes--Phuket...35-169
Ornaments [Jewelry]...35-169
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale...35-169
Ornithogalum saundersiae...35-169
Oroendotracheal tube...35-170
Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase...35-170
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase...35-170
Orotidylate decarboxylase...35-170
Orphans--Chiang Mai...35-170
Orseolia oryzae...35-170
Ortho dichlorobenzene...35-170
Ortho hydroxy acetophenoximes...35-170
Ortho metalation...35-170
Orthodontic anchorage...35-170
Orthodontic appliances...35-170
Orthodontic magnets...35-170
Orthodontic wires...35-171
Orthodontics elastomeric chains...35-172
Orthodontics, Corrective...35-172
Orthodontics--Sakon Nakhon--Diagnosis...35-173
Orthodontics--Treatment--Cost effectiveness...35-173
Orthognathous spiders...35-173
Orthogonal array...35-173
Orthogonal group...35-173
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x16]
Orthogonal polynomials...35-173
Orthogonal projection approach...35-173
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst...35-173
Orthonormal set...35-173
Orthopaedic equpment manufacturer...35-173
Orthopedic fixation devices...35-173
Orthopedic nursing...35-173
Orthopedic patients...35-173
Orthopedic surgery...35-174
Orthorhombic distortion...35-174
Orthosiphon grandiflorus...35-174
Oryza minuta...35-175
Oryza Officinalis...35-175
Oryza sativa...35-175
Oryza sativa--Genetics...35-176
Oryza sative...35-176
Oryzias mekongensis...35-176
Oryzias minutillus...35-176
Oryzias minutillus--Variations...35-177
Oscillating chemical reactions...35-177
Oscillator circuits...35-177
Oscillatoria jasorvensis...35-177
Oscillators, Microwave...35-177
Oscillotome--Design and construction...35-177
Osmotic adjustment...35-178
Osmotic Dehydration...35-178
Osmotic distillation...35-178
Osmotic fragility...35-178
Osmotic pump...35-178
Osmotic pump tablet...35-178
Osmotolerant yeast...35-178
Osphronemus goramy...35-178
Osteoarthritis patients...35-179
Osteoarthritis--Exercise Therapy...35-179
Osteoporosis--Patients--Health hygiene...35-181
Osteoporosis--Prevention and control...35-181
Osteoporosis--Risk factors...35-181
Ostracoda, Fossil--Geographical distribution...35-181
Ostrich-meat yor...35-181
Ostrinia furnacalis...35-181
Ostrinia furnacalis--Ecology...35-182
Ostrinia nubilalis...35-182
OTA inductor simulation...35-182
Otoacoustic emissions...35-182
Otolaryngologists--Nakhon Nayok--Supply and
OTOP products...35-182
Otop products...35-182
Ouality management...35-182
Ouality system...35-182
Ouline public access catalog...35-182
Our own n-layered integrated molecular orbital and
molecular oechanics...35-182
Out-patient Department...35-182
Out-patient service...35-182
Outcome assessment [Medical care]...35-182
Outdoor education...35-183
Outhouses--Khon Kaen...35-183
Outhouses--Suphan Buri...35-183
Outlier diagnostics...35-183
Outlining technique...35-183
Outpatient department...35-183
Outpatient medical care...35-183
Outpatient services...35-183
Outpatient social security...35-183
Outpatient Unit...35-183
Outpatients medical care...35-184
Output factor...35-184
Output factors...35-184
Output shared buffer...35-184
Output shared buffer ATM switch...35-184
Outside directors of corporations...35-184
Ovarian cancer...35-184
Ovarian cystic teratomas...35-184
Ovarian function...35-184
Ovarian morphology...35-184
Ovariectomized mice...35-184
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x17]
Over weight and obese dieting program...35-185
Over wide area network...35-185
Overactive bladder...35-185
Overall English achievement...35-185
Overall thermal transfer value...35-185
Overdrive guitar contest...35-185
Overflow metabolism...35-186
Overhead costs...35-186
Overhead electric lines...35-186
Overhead transmission...35-186
Overheat prevention equipment...35-186
Overjet reduction...35-186
Overland flow...35-186
Overseas construction projects...35-186
Overuse injuries...35-186
Overvoltage protection...35-186
Overweight elderly...35-186
Overweight persons...35-186
Overweight persons--Nutrition aspects...35-187
Overweight women...35-187
Ovis aries...35-187
Ovule culture...35-187
Ovum pick-up...35-187
Oxidation ponds...35-190
Oxidation process...35-190
Oxidation processes...35-190
Oxidation property...35-190
Oxidation reaction...35-190
Oxidation-reduction condensation...35-191
Oxidation-reduction reaction...35-191
Oxidative catalyst...35-191
Oxidative catalysts...35-191
Oxidative coupling...35-191
Oxidative damage...35-191
Oxidative degradation...35-191
Oxidative polymerization...35-191
Oxidative reancidity...35-191
Oxidative sress...35-191
Oxidative status...35-191
Oxidative stress...35-191
Oxidative stress in blood...35-192
Oxide catalysts...35-192
Oxidizing agents...35-193
Oxidizing gas...35-193
Oxidoreductive enzymes...35-193
Oxiranyl anion...35-193
Oxiranyl anions...35-193
Oxo-peroxo molybdenum...35-193
Oxolinic acid...35-193
Oxyeleotris marmoratus...35-194
Oxyeleotris Marmoratus Bleeker...35-194
Oxygen heterocycles...35-194
Oxygen monitoring...35-194
Oxygen partial pressure...35-194
Oxygen permeation...35-194
Oxygen saturation...35-195
Oxygen sensor...35-195
Oxygen sensors...35-195
Oxygen separation membrane...35-195
Oxygen therapy...35-195
Oxygen uptake...35-195
Oxygen--Physiological effect...35-195
Oxygen-containing compound...35-195
Oxygenated gasoline...35-195
Oxymyoglobin layer depth...35-195
OxyR gene...35-195
Oyono, Ferdinand...35-196
Oyster mushroom...35-196
Oyster plant...35-196
Ozonation process...35-196
Ozone generator...35-197
Ozone generator by solar energy...35-197
Ozone oxidation process...35-197
Ozone sensor...35-197
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x18]
P 16 protein...35-197
P controller...35-197
P-3E10 molecule...35-197
P-hydroxybenzoic acid...35-198
p-hydroxyphenylacetate hydroxylase...35-198
P-hydroxyphenylacetic acid...35-198
P-medium problem...35-198
P-menthane monoterpenes...35-198
P-methoxy-trans-cinnamic acid...35-198
P-methoxycinnamic acid...35-198
P. Phibulsongkhram, Field marshal...35-198
P1 gene...35-199
P19 cells...35-199
P24 antigen...35-199
P2P networks...35-199
P53 gene...35-199
P53 mutation...35-199
P53 protein...35-199
Pa Dong Lann movement...35-199
Pa Khlong Nua Khlong mangrove forests...35-199
Pa-O [Taungthu] language...35-199
Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae...35-199
Pachyrhizus erosus...35-200
Pacific Basin...35-200
Pacific yew--Therapeutic use...35-200
Pacifiers [Infant care]...35-200
Pack bed colum...35-200
Pack carburizing...35-200
Packable resin composite...35-200
Package courier...35-200
Package goods industry...35-200
Package tracking...35-200
Packaged program...35-200
Packaging films...35-200
Packaging industry...35-200
Packaging machinery...35-201
Packaging printing factory...35-201
Packaging--Preservation Basil...35-201
Packed absorber...35-201
Packed bed...35-201
Packed bed external loop airlift bioreator...35-201
Packed bed reactor...35-201
Packed Cage RBC...35-201
Packed cage RBC...35-201
Packed capillary...35-201
Packed egg tofu...35-201
Packed towers...35-201
Packed-bed reactor...35-201
Packet based calculation...35-201
Packet-switched networks...35-201
Packing powder...35-201
Pad Thai flavor...35-202
PAD [Computer system]...35-202
Padaung language...35-202
Padaung women...35-202
Padaung [Burmese people]...35-202
Paddy dryer...35-202
Paddy drying...35-202
Paddy field...35-202
Paddy field culture...35-203
Paddy fields...35-203
Paddy fields--Pathum Thani...35-203
Paddy rice...35-203
Paddy separator...35-203
Paddy spikelets...35-203
Paddy [Plant]...35-203
Padina japonica...35-204
Padoux, Georges...35-204
Paecilomyces lilacinus...35-204
Paederus fuscipes...35-204
Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus...35-204
Paganini, Niccolo...35-204
PAH [Chemicals]...35-205
Paholpolpayuhasena Hospital--Outpatient services...35205
PAHs [Chemical]...35-205
Pain coping behavior...35-207
Pain coping behaviors...35-207
Pain experience...35-207
Pain in children...35-207
Pain in infants...35-207
Pain in newborn infants...35-207
Pain in old age...35-207
Pain level...35-207
Pain management...35-207
Pain modulation...35-207
Pain reduction...35-207
Pain response...35-207
Pain score...35-207
Pain, Postoperative...35-207
Paint business--Administration...35-208
Paint factory...35-208
Paint industrial workers...35-208
Paint industry and trade...35-208
Paint manufacturing...35-208
Paint product...35-208
Paint, Antifouling...35-208
Painting, Thai...35-208
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x19]
Pair potential function...35-208
Paired survival data...35-209
Pak Chong soil series...35-209
Pak Mun Dam...35-209
Pak Mun Dam [Thailand]...35-209
Pak Nam political group...35-209
Pak Phanang Basin...35-209
Pak Phanang River...35-209
Pak-Meng Beach--Citizen participation...35-209
Pak-Panang river basin...35-209
Pak-Panang watersheds...35-209
Pakchong series soil...35-209
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. Out Patient
Pakistan--Economic conditions...35-209
Pakistan--Politics and government...35-209
Palaeographical study...35-210
Palaeozoic carbonate rocks...35-210
Paleodietary change--Thailand, Northeastern...35-210
Paleogeographical location...35-211
Paleolithic period--Thailand, Northern--Surveys...35-211
Paleomagnetism--Nong Khai...35-211
Pali language...35-211
Pali language--Machine translating...35-211
Pali language--Translating into English...35-211
Palitical information...35-211
Palladium catalysts...35-212
Palladium catalyzed reaction...35-212
Palladium-silver catalysts...35-212
Pallegoix, Mgr...35-.213
Pallet wood--Recycling...35-213
Palm diesel...35-213
Palm fatty acid...35-213
Palm oil...35-213
Palm oil fuel ash...35-214
Palm oil industry...35-214
oil industry--Government policy...35-214
oil industry--Microbiology...35-214
oil methyl ester...35-214
oil milling process...35-214
oil mills...35-214
oil plants...35-214
oil shell...35-215
oil shell ash...35-215
oil--Economic aspects...35-215
oil--Economic aspects--Mathematical models...35215
Palm oil--Malaysia--Economic policy...35-215
Palm olein...35-215
Palm olein oil...35-215
Palm products--Economic aspects...35-215
Palm shell...35-215
Palm stearin...35-215
Palmitic acid...35-215
Palms--Diseases and pests...35-216
Palmyra palm...35-216
Palymer modified bitumen...35-216
Palynology--Mae Hong Son...35-216
Palythoa caesia--Ecology...35-216
Pameing village...35-216
Panax ginseng...35-216
Pancreatic beta cells...35-216
Pancreatic duct--Anatomy...35-216
Pancreatic islets...35-216
Pandanus amaryllifolius...35-217
Panel method...35-217
Panel reactive antibody...35-217
Panel regression...35-217
Pang-Nga Wildlife Breeding Research Center...35-217
Pangasianodon gigas...35-217
Pangasiidae family...35-217
Pangasins sutchi...35-217
Pangasius conchophilus...35-217
Pangasius gigas...35-217
Pangasius gigas, Chevey...35-217
Pangasius sutchi...35-217
Panic attacks...35-217
Panic diorders...35-218
Panicum maximum...35-218
Panicum miliaceum...35-218
Panitidine hydrochoride...35-218
Pannasa Jataka...35-218
PANORAMA technique...35-218
Pant extracts...35-218
Pantius gonionotus...35-218
Pap smear...35-218
Pap test...35-218
Papaver somniferum...35-218
Papay peels...35-218
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x20]
Papay pollen...35-218
Papaya fruit-fly...35-219
Papaya glace...35-219
Papaya industry...35-219
Papaya juice...35-219
Papaya latex...35-219
Papaya puree...35-219
Papaya ringspot virus...35-219
Papaya rinqspot potyvirus...35-220
Papaya--Diseases and pest resistance...35-220
Papaya--Diseases and pests...35-220
Papaya--Economic aspects...35-220
Papaya--Germplasm resources...35-220
Papaya--Propagation--In vitro...35-221
Paper and packagine business...35-221
Paper defect...35-221
Paper drying process...35-221
Paper industry...35-221
Paper industry--Chiang Mai--Waste disposal...35-221
Paper mill industry...35-221
Paper mills...35-221
Paper mulberry...35-221
Paper mulberry--Thailand, Northern...35-221
Paper products...35-222
Paper pulp...35-222
Paper test kits...35-222
Paphia undulata...35-222
Paphia [Protapes] irrediviva...35-222
Paphiopedilum concolor...35-222
Papillomavirus diseases...35-222
Papor recycling...35-223
Paprika oleoresin...35-223
Para rubber...35-223
Para Rubber Industrial...35-223
Para rubber wood...35-223
Para sight-F test...35-223
Para wood...35-223
Parabolic antennas...35-223
Paracellular transport...35-223
Paracervical block...35-223
Paracetamol tablet...35-224
Paradigm shift process...35-224
Paradise Lost...35-224
Paraffin wax...35-224
Paraffin waxe...35-224
Paragonimus heterotremus...35-224
Paralichthys olivaceus...35-224
Paralled line plots...35-224
Paralled virtual database...35-224
Parallel algorithm...35-224
Parallel AntNet...35-224
Parallel baffles...35-225
Parallel computation...35-225
Parallel computers...35-225
Parallel corpus...35-225
Parallel coupled-line...35-225
Parallel database system...35-225
Parallel flow...35-225
Parallel multi-resolution...35-225
Parallel processing [Electronic computers]...35-225
Parallel processing [Etectronic computers]...35-225
Parallel processors...35-225
Parallel programming [Computer science]...35-225
Parallel scout search...35-225
Parallel simulated annealing...35-225
Parallel simulation...35-225
Parallel simulation model...35-225
Parallel simulation program...35-225
Parallel text processing...35-226
Paralytic shellfish poisoning...35-226
Parambassis siamensis...35-226
Paramedical education...35-226
Parameter design...35-226
Parameter estimation...35-226
Parameter identification...35-227
Parameter-sweep application...35-227
Parameters analysis...35-227
Parametric discriminant analysis...35-227
Parametric pumping...35-227
Parametric wind model...35-227
Paranormed sequence spaces...35-228
Paraoxonase 1...35-228
Parapenaeopsis hungerfordi...35-228
Paraplegic patient...35-228
Pararubber information system...35-228
Paraserianthes falcataria...35-228
Parasite antigens...35-229
Parasitic diseases...35-229
Parasitic diseases--Thailand, Northeastern...35-229
Parasitic insects...35-229
Parasympatholytic agents...35-230
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x21]
Parathion methyl...35-230
Parathyroid hormone...35-230
Parathyroid hormone-related protein...35-230
Parathyroid hormone-related protein receptor...35-230
Paratransit services...35-230
Parcel delivery business...35-230
Parcel express delivery company...35-230
Parcel theory...35-230
Parcel tracking...35-230
Parchasing information system...35-230
Parecoxib sodium...35-230
Parenchyma, Plant...35-230
Parent and adult child...35-230
Parent and Child...35-230
Parent and child...35-230
Parent and child image...35-231
Parent and child--Bangkok...35-231
Parent and child--Chiang Mai...35-231
Parent and child--Chiang Rai...35-231
Parent and child--Myanmar...35-231
Parent and child--Songkhla...35-231
Parent and children...35-231
Parent education program...35-231
Parent participation...35-231
Parent satisfaction...35-231
Parent trees...35-231
Parent-child communication...35-232
Parent-teacher relationships--Pattani...35-232
Parental hypertension...35-232
Parental readiness...35-232
Parenteral feeding...35-232
Parenteral feeding of children...35-232
Parenteral microemulsions...35-233
Parenteral nutrient solutions...35-233
Parenteral nutrition...35-233
Parenteral nutrition-related complications...35-233
Parenteral product...35-233
Parenteral solutions...35-233
Parenternal nutrition...35-233
Parenting style...35-233
Parenting--Study and teaching...35-233
Parents of AIDS patients...35-234
Parents--Mental health...35-234
Parents--Training of...35-234
Paris polyphylla...35-234
Park management...35-234
Park management planning process...35-234
Parkia speciosa...35-234
Parkia speciosa--Seedlings...35-234
Parkia timoriana...35-234
Parking choice models...35-234
Parking garages...35-234
Parking lots...35-234
Parkinsion's disease...35-234
Parkinson' disease...35-235
Parkinson's disease...35-235
Parkinson's disease--Patients...35-235
Parks--Public use...35-235
Parliamentary teaching...35-235
Parlimentary practice...35-235
Parous rate...35-235
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia...35-236
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria...35-236
Pars distalis...35-236
Parsers [Computer grammar]...35-236
Parsing [Computer grammar]...35-236
Part-time health care service...35-236
Partial decompression...35-236
Partial dentures, Removable...35-236
Partial differential equation...35-236
Partial discharge...35-236
Partial discharge analyzer...35-236
Partial discharges...35-236
Partial exchange transfusion...35-236
Partial least squares regression...35-236
Partial least-squares...35-236
Partial melting...35-236
Partial selection scheduling...35-236
Partially deregulated...35-237
Partially saturated soils...35-237
Partially signted...35-237
Participant observation...35-237
Participation community...35-239
Participation in patient care...35-239
Participation in rural development...35-239
Participation of Community...35-240
Participation of female labour...35-240
Participative management...35-240
Participatory action research...35-240
Participatory communication...35-240
Participatory communications...35-240
Participatory development communication...35-240
Participatory interaction modes...35-240
Participatory learning...35-240
Participatory learning and action method...35-241
Participatory lerning...35-241
Participatory media production...35-241
Participatory research...35-241
Participatory training...35-242
Particle acceleration...35-242
Particle board...35-242
Particle bombardment...35-242
Particle bombardment technique...35-242
Particle diffusion current...35-242
Particle imaged velocimetry...35-242
Particle residence time...35-242
Particle segregation...35-242
Particle size...35-242
Particle size control...35-242
Particle size distribition...35-242
Particle size distribution...35-242
Particle transport...35-242
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x22]
Particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...35243
Particles [Nuclear physics]...35-243
Particulate bed...35-243
Particulate composite...35-243
Particulate materials...35-243
Particulate matter...35-243
Particulate matters...35-243
Partitioning coefficient...35-244
Partupangan irrigation system...35-244
Parvovirus B 19...35-244
Pasak basin...35-244
Pasakjolasid dam...35-244
Pasakorn Suwanphan, Captain...35-244
Paseejareun Police Station...35-244
Paspalum atratum...35-244
Passage-based retrieval...35-244
Passenger satisfaction...35-244
Passenger ships...35-244
Passiflora foetida...35-245
Passive hemagglutination...35-245
Passive meaning...35-245
Passive millimeter wave...35-245
Passive samplers...35-245
Passive sampling...35-245
Passive sampling devices...35-245
Passivity theorem...35-245
Passivity [Chemistry]...35-245
Pastenrized beverage...35-245
Pasteurella multocida...35-245
Pasteurization process...35-246
Pasteurization system...35-246
Pasteurized beverages...35-246
Pasteurized milk...35-246
Pasteurized-mixed vegetable juice...35-246
Pasture animals...35-246
Pastures--Thailand, Southern--Management...35-246
Patch-clamp techniques [Electrophysiology]...35-246
Patellofemoral pain...35-247
Patent laws and legislation...35-247
Paternal Development...35-247
Paternal support program...35-247
Paternal-fetal attachment perinatalloss...35-247
Paternal-infant attachment...35-247
Paternity testing...35-247
Path analysis...35-247
Path integral...35-247
Path integrals...35-247
Path integration...35-248
Path loss...35-248
Pathalung agricultural college...35-248
Pathogen-derived resistance...35-248
Pathogen-plant relationships...35-248
Pathogenesis-related proteins...35-248
Pathogenic bacteria...35-248
Pathogenic fungi...35-248
Pathogenic leptospira...35-248
Pathogenic microorganisms...35-248
Pathogenic microorganisms--Identification...35-248
Pathogenic naegleria...35-249
Pathogenic organisms...35-249
Pathogenic yeast...35-249
Pathologic fever...35-249
Pathological laboratories...35-249
Pathology, Experimental...35-249
Pathology, Surgical...35-249
Pathum Thani...35-249
Pathum Thani--Population--Health and hygiene...35-250
Pathumthani Hospital...35-250
Pathumthani hospital--Staff...35-250
Pathumthani University--Students...35-250
Pathway reconstruction...35-250
Patiarchy and women rights...35-250
Paticulate materials...35-250
Patient care...35-250
Patient compliance...35-250
Patient dose...35-250
Patient education...35-250
Patient medication records...35-250
Patient monitoring...35-250
Patient outcomes...35-250
Patient rediness...35-250
Patient rights protection...35-251
Patient satisfaction...35-251
Patient satisfaction--Indonesia...35-251
Patient satisfaction--Maldives...35-251
Patient satisfaction--Nakhon Sawan...35-251
Patient skin dose...35-251
Patient teaching...35-251
Patient treatment statistics...35-251
Patient's participation...35-251
Patient's rights...35-251
Patient-controlled analgesia...35-251
Patient-controlled epidural analgesia...35-252
Patients on ventilator...35-257
Patients undergoing chemotherapy...35-257
Patients with abdominal surgery...35-257
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x23]
Patients with limited activity...35-257
Patients' carers...35-257
Patients' rights...35-258
Patients--Drug use...35-259
Patients--Drug use--Evaluation...35-259
Patients--Drug utilization...35-259
Patients--Exercise--Physiological aspects...35-259
Patients--Health and hygiene...35-259
Patients--Khon Kaen...35-259
Patients--Kinship--Mental health...35-259
Patients--Legal status, laws, etc...35-.259
Patients--Loei--Domestic relations...35-260
Patients--Mental health...35-260
Patients--Mental health--China...35-260
Patients--Nakhon Ratchasima--Care...35-260
Patients--Nong Bua Lumphu...35-260
Patients--Nong Khai...35-260
Patients--Nutrition aspects...35-261
Patients--Thailand, Northern...35-261
Patients--Udon Thani--Health and hygiene...35-261
Patriarchal society...35-261
Patrol police officers...35-261
Patron-client relationship...35-261
Patron-client relationships...35-262
Pattana Medical Center--Administration...35-262
Pattani Basin...35-262
Pattani basin...35-262
Pattani Bay...35-262
Pattani dialect [Thailand]...35-262
Pattani dialect [Thailand]--Consonants...35-262
Pattani Malay...35-262
Pattani river [Thailand]...35-262
Pattani--Economic conditions...35-262
Pattani--Social conditions...35-262
Pattaya city--User satisfaction...35-262
Pattaya--Description and travel...35-263
Pattern matching...35-263
Pattern of land use...35-263
Pattern of life...35-263
Pattern perception...35-263
Pattern recognition...35-263
Pattern recognition systems...35-263
Patterned ground shield...35-263
Patterned keyword in phrase...35-263
Patumwan shopping area...35-264
Paul cezanne's techniques...35-264
Paulownia taiwaniana...35-264
Pavement design...35-264
Pavement materials--Recycling...35-264
Pavement recycling...35-264
Pavements brick...35-264
Pavements Evaluation Method...35-264
Pavements, Asphalt concrete...35-264
Pavements, Asphalt concrete--Ohio...35-264
Pavements, Bituminous--Nepal...35-264
Pavine alkaloids...35-264
Pavo muticus...35-264
Pavo muticus imperator...35-264
Pavo--Thailand, Northern...35-264
Pawer availability diagram...35-264
Pawo muticus...35-265
Pay for wastewater treatment...35-265
Pay-TV systems...35-265
Payap University, Faculty of Business
Payap University. Department of English Language-Students...35-265
PC-based virtual reality system...35-265
PCI interface logic core module...35-265
PCR cloning...35-266
PCR technology...35-266
PCR [Biochemistry]...35-266
PCR-SSO technique...35-266
PCR-SSP technique...35-266
PCR/ElISA technique...35-266
Pd-Ag catalyst...35-267
Pd-Ni catalysts...35-267
Pd-Ni/SiO2 catalysts...35-267
PDE6A gene...35-267
PDFF controller...35-267
PDL cell...35-267
PDMS membrane...35-267
Peace journalism...35-267
Peace movements--Bangkok...35-267
Peacekeeping forces...35-267
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x24]
Peak bone mass...35-267
Peak demand controler...35-267
Peak hand velocity...35-267
Peak load model...35-267
Peanaeus monodon...35-267
Peanut bud necrosis virus...35-267
Peanut hull...35-268
Peanut mottle virus...35-268
Peanut products--Thailand, Northeastern...35-268
Peanut stripe disease...35-268
Peanut stripe potyvirus...35-268
Peanut stripe virus...35-268
Peanut tempeh...35-268
Peanut--Growth--Models and modelmaking...35-268
Peanuts--Diseases and pests...35-268
Peanuts--Energy consumption...35-269
Peanuts--Host plants...35-269
Peanuts--Thailand, Northeastern...35-269
Peanuts--Thailand, Northeastern--Economic
Pear juice...35-269
Pearl oysters...35-269
Pearl S. Buck Foundation...35-270
Peasant movement...35-270
Peasants in literature...35-270
Peat as fertilizer...35-270
Peat bog plants--Chiang Mai...35-270
Peat gasification...35-270
Peat mosses...35-270
Peat soils--Narathiwat...35-270
Pechini method...35-270
Pecteilis sagarikii...35-270
Pecteilis sagarikii--Growth...35-270
Pectin matrix...35-271
Pectinophora gossypiella...35-271
Pedagogic reading tasks...35-271
Pedagogical content knowledge...35-271
Pediatric AIDS...35-271
Pediatric epidemiology--Pathum Thani...35-272
Pediatric intensive care...35-272
Pediatric Intensive care Unit...35-272
Pediatric intensive care unit...35-272
Pediatric intensive care units...35-272
Pediatric nursing...35-272
Pediatric nursing--Indonesia...35-272
Pediatric nursing--Suphan Buri...35-272
Pediatric patient...35-272
Pediatric patients...35-272
Pediatric radiation...35-272
Pediatric respiratory diseases...35-272
Pediatric urology--Indonesia...35-272
Pediatric ward...35-272
Pediatrics Patients...35-273
Pedigree method...35-273
Pedilanthus tithymaloides...35-273
Pedinomonas noctilucae...35-273
Pediococcus pentosaceus...35-273
Pediococcus pentosaceus BT520...35-273
Peer adjustment scale...35-273
Peer feedback...35-273
Peer gorups...35-273
Peer Group...35-273
Peer influence...35-273
Peer pressure...35-274
Peer relationship...35-274
Peer review...35-274
Peer-2-Peer systems...35-274
Peer-to-Peer system...35-274
Peer-to-peer systems...35-274
Pekin ducks...35-274
Pelagic fish...35-274
Pelleted feed...35-274
Peltien element...35-275
Peltier element...35-275
Peltophorum pterocarpum...35-275
PEM fuel cell electrode...35-275
Penacus monodon...35-275
Penaeidae--Virus diseases...35-275
Penaeus esculentus...35-275
Penaeus merguiensis...35-275
Penaeus merguiensis--Growth...35-276
Penaeus monodon...35-276
Penaeus monodon fabricius...35-280
Penaeus monodon ponds...35-280
Penaeus monodon--Anatomy...35-280
Penaeus monodon--Culture...35-280
Penaeus monodon--Diseases...35-280
Penaeus monodon--Food...35-281
Penaeus monodon--Genetics...35-281
Penaeus monodon--Growth...35-281
Penaeus monodon--Physiological aspects...35-281
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x25]
Penaeus monodon--Spawning...35-281
Penaeus monodon--Sri Lanka--Microbiology...35-281
Penaeus monodon--Surat Thani--Culture...35-281
Penaeus semisulcatus...35-281
Penaeus vannamei...35-281
Penaeus vannamei--Diseases...35-281
Pencid prawns...35-282
Pencil grip...35-282
Pender, N.J...35-.282
Pendulum controllers--Design and construction...35-282
Peneaus monodon...35-282
Penetration resistance...35-282
Penetration resistanse...35-282
Penetration technique...35-282
Peng robinson equation...35-282
Penicillin acylase...35-283
Penicillin G...35-283
Penicillin G acylase...35-283
Penicilliosis marneffei...35-283
Penicillium expansum...35-283
Penicillium marneffei...35-283
Penile erection...35-284
Peninsular Malaysia...35-284
Pennac, Daniel...35-284
Pennisetum glaucum...35-284
Pennisetum purpureum...35-284
Pennisetum purpureum--Varieties...35-284
Pentane isomers...35-285
Pentose phosphate pathway...35-285
People living with HIV/AIDS...35-285
People participation...35-285
People with disabilities...35-285
People with disabilities--Education...35-285
People with HIV/AIDS...35-285
People with physical disabilities...35-285
People's participation...35-286
Peoples opinion...35-286
Pepper [Spice]...35-286
Pepper [Spice]--Diseases and pests...35-286
Peppers--Diseases and pests...35-286
Peptic ulcer...35-286
Peptic ulcer diseases...35-286
Peptidase E...35-286
Peptide antibiotics...35-287
Peptide design...35-287
Peptide drugs...35-287
Peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay...35-287
Peptide hormones...35-287
Peptide nucleic acid...35-287
Peptide nucleic acids...35-287
Peptide substrates...35-287
Peptide vaccine...35-287
PERB 11.2...35-288
Perceived barriers...35-288
Perceived barriers to health-promoting behavior...35-288
Perceived benefits...35-288
Perceived benefits of health-promoting behavior...35289
Perceived self-efficacy...35-289
Perceived self-efficacy promoting program...35-289
Perception in infants...35-290
Perceptions and blood screening for thalassemia...35291
Perceptual attributes...35-291
Perceptual structure...35-291
Percolation process...35-291
Percussion music...35-291
Percutaneous absorption...35-291
Percutaneous ballon valvuloplasty...35-291
Percutaneous balloon coronary angioplasty...35-291
Percutaneous mitral valvotomy...35-291
Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty...35-291
Percutanous transluminal coronary angioplasty...35-291
Perennials--Thailand, Northeastern...35-291
Perfermance measurement...35-291
Perfomance measurement...35-291
Perforated plate...35-292
Perforated synapses...35-292
Perforator flap...35-292
Performance analysis...35-293
Performance consequences...35-294
Performance efficiency...35-294
Performance evaluation...35-294
Performance index...35-294
Performance Indicators...35-294
Performance indicators...35-294
Performance management...35-294
Performance measurement...35-294
Performance measurement system...35-294
Performance scores...35-294
Performance standards...35-294
Performance test...35-295
Performance [Law]...35-295
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x26]
Performance-based optimization...35-295
Performer rights...35-295
Performing compliance behaviors...35-295
Performing duties...35-295
Peri-urban agriculture system...35-295
Periandra dulcis...35-295
Perilla frutescens...35-295
Perinatal death...35-295
Perinatal loss...35-295
Perinatal Transmission...35-295
Perineal dermatitis...35-295
Perinereis nuntia...35-296
Perineum--Care and hygiene...35-296
Period films...35-296
Periodic acid...35-296
Periodic acid schift...35-296
Periodic distribution...35-296
Periodic operation...35-296
Periodic precipitation...35-296
Periodic solutions...35-296
Periodontal disease...35-297
Periodontal disease--Nutrition aspects...35-297
Periodontal disease--Patients...35-297
Periodontal disease--Treatment...35-297
Periodontal dressings...35-298
Periodontal ligament...35-298
Periodontal ligament fibroblast...35-298
Periodontal ligament--Cytology...35-298
Periodontal pockets...35-298
Periodontal pockets--Measurement...35-298
Periodontal probe...35-298
Periodontal splints...35-298
Periodontal therapy...35-298
Periodontal treatment...35-298
Periodontitis lesion...35-299
Perioperative nurses...35-299
Perioperative nursing quality...35-299
Peripheral arterial disease--Risk factors...35-300
Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor...35-300
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells...35-300
Peripheral blood stem cells...35-300
Peripheral lymphocytes...35-300
Peripheral nerve stimulator...35-300
Peripheral nervous system...35-300
Peripheral neuropathy...35-300
Peripheral parenteral nutrition...35-300
Periplaneta americana...35-300
Perishable item...35-300
Peristatlic pump...35-300
Peristimuslus frequencygram...35-300
Peristimuslus time histogram...35-300
Peritioneal cavity--Surgery--Patients...35-300
Peritoneal cavity...35-300
Peritoneal dialysis...35-300
Peritrophic membrane...35-301
Perlite concrete...35-301
Permanant colostomy...35-301
Permanent income theory...35-301
Permanent magnet synchronous motor...35-301
Permanganic etching...35-301
Permeability cell...35-301
Permeability measurement...35-301
Permeation rate...35-302
Permian carbonate rocks...35-302
Permian rocks...35-302
Permutation polynomial...35-302
Permutation polynomials...35-302
Perna viridis...35-302
Peroneal nerve...35-302
Peronosclerospora sorghi...35-303
Peronosclerospora sorghi--Effect of light on...35-303
Peronospora manshurica...35-303
Peronospora parasitica...35-303
Perovskite membrane...35-303
Peroxidase genes...35-304
Peroxidase-antibody conjugate...35-304
Peroxodisulfate digestion...35-304
Peroxy acid...35-304
Persian lilac--Seeds--Quality...35-305
Persistent infection...35-305
Persistent organic pollutants...35-305
Persistent polite aggressive method...35-305
Personal administrators...35-305
Personal air pollution protection...35-305
Personal autonomy...35-305
Personal care products...35-305
Personal characteristics...35-305
Personal Communication Telephone...35-305
Personal communication telephone...35-305
Personal Communication Telephone [PCT] System...35306
Personal computer...35-306
Personal computers...35-306
Personal cordless telephone...35-306
Personal digital assistance...35-306
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x27]
Personal factors...35-306
Personal growth group...35-306
Personal health promoting behavior project...35-306
Personal Home Page [Computer program
Personal hygiene...35-307
Personal information system...35-307
Personal interest...35-307
Personal media...35-307
Personal protective devices...35-307
Personal protective equipment...35-307
Personal radiation dosimeter...35-307
Personality development...35-308
Personality disorders...35-308
Personality tests...35-308
Personality traits...35-308
Personality-job satisfaction relations...35-308
Personel factors...35-308
Personnel administration information...35-309
Personnel database program...35-309
Personnel development...35-309
Personnel development administration...35-309
Personnel Division...35-309
Personnel information system...35-309
Personnel management...35-309
Personnel management libraries...35-309
Personnel Officers...35-310
Personnel officers...35-310
Personnel section chiefs...35-310
Persons with mental retardation...35-310
Persons with visual impairment...35-310
Persons--Health and hygiene...35-310
Perspective grid...35-310
Persuasion [Psychology]...35-310
Pertussis toxin...35-310
Pertussis vaccines...35-310
Pest management...35-311
Pesticidal plants...35-311
Pesticide applicators [Persons]--Thailand, Northern-Attitudes...35-311
Pesticide contamination...35-311
Pesticide residues...35-312
Pesticide residues in food...35-312
Pesticide residues in soil...35-312
Pesticide residues in vegetables...35-312
Pesticide resistance...35-312
Pesticide-free vegetable...35-312
Pesticides and wildlife...35-314
Pesticides--Chiang Mai...35-314
Pesticides--Environmental aspects...35-314
Pesticides--Nakhon Pathom...35-314
Pesticides--Songkhla--Environmental aspects...35-314
Pests--Biological control...35-315
Pests--Effect of botanical pesticides on...35-315
Pests--Integrated control...35-315
Pet bottles...35-315
Pet fiber...35-315
Petch pra Uma...35-316
Petch Sai Rung fraded...35-316
Petchabun Basin [Thailand]...35-316
Petchaburi sub-watershed...35-316
Petersen method...35-316
Petition, Right of...35-316
Petreleum chemicals...35-316
Petrified woods...35-316
Petrochemical complex...35-316
Petrochemical industry...35-316
Petrochemical plant...35-316
Petrochemical plant--Design and construction...35-316
Petrogenetic relationship...35-317
Petrol pump workers--Chiang Mai...35-317
Petrol station...35-317
Petroleum as fuel...35-318
Petroleum Authority of Thailand...35-318
Petroleum business...35-318
Petroleum chemicals...35-318
Petroleum chemicals industry...35-318
Petroleum chemicals--Tariff...35-318
Petroleum companies...35-318
Petroleum concession...35-318
Petroleum exploration...35-318
Petroleum exploration and production industry...35-319
Petroleum fraction...35-319
Petroleum fuel...35-319
Petroleum geology...35-319
Petroleum hydrocarbon...35-319
Petroleum industry and trade--Government policy...35319
Petroleum markers...35-319
Petroleum pipelines...35-319
Petroleum plants...35-319
Petroleum product...35-319
Petroleum products...35-319
Petroleum products--Prices--Government policy...35-319
Petroleum refineries...35-319
Petroleum refineries--Administration...35-319
Petroleum waste...35-319
Petroleum--Distillation process--Mathematical
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x28]
Petroleum--Economic aspects...35-320
Petroleum--Environmental aspects...35-320
Petroleum--Reserves--Computer programs...35-320
Petrology--Chiang Mai--Geology...35-321
Petrology--Chiang Rai...35-321
Petrology--Nakhon Sawan...35-321
Petrology--Thailand, Central...35-321
Petrology--Uthai Thani...35-321
Petty officer students...35-321
Petunia hybrida...35-321
Pexider type...35-321
pH control system...35-322
pH controller...35-322
pH oscillations...35-322
pH,ionic strengh...35-322
pH-parametric pumping...35-322
Pha Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Description and travel...35322
Pha Ngan Island...35-322
PHA synthase...35-322
Pha-Mai rockshelter...35-322
Phachi River...35-322
Phaeoisariopsis griseola...35-322
Phaeoisariopsis personata...35-322
Phage display...35-322
Phage display system...35-322
Phage display technique...35-322
Phage display technology...35-323
Phagocytic cells...35-323
Phakopsora pachyrhizi...35-323
Pham-Hoang Ho...35-323
Phamacist participation...35-323
Phanerochaete chrysosporium...35-323
Phaneropsolus bonnei...35-323
Phangnga bay...35-324
Phanom Rung festival...35-324
Phanom Rung Lintel controversy...35-324
Phantoms [Rediology]...35-324
Phanyak recitation...35-324
Pharmacentical manufacturers...35-324
Pharmaceutical care...35-324
Pharmaceutical care plans...35-325
Pharmaceutical chemistry...35-325
Pharmaceutical industry...35-325
Pharmaceutical microbiology...35-325
Pharmaceutical policy...35-325
Pharmaceutical polymers...35-325
Pharmaceutical preparation...35-325
Pharmaceutical products...35-326
Pharmaceutical services...35-326
Pharmaceutical services--Cost...35-326
Pharmaceutical technology...35-326
Pharmacists--Job satisfaction...35-327
Pharmacists--Khon Kaen...35-328
Pharmacit community networks...35-328
Pharmacognostic evaluation...35-328
Pharmacognostic rpecification...35-328
Pharmacologic activities...35-332
Pharmacology laboratory...35-333
Pharmacology, Experimental...35-333
Pharmacology--Computer-assisted instruction...35-333
Pharmacy education--Curriculum...35-334
Pharmacy intervention...35-334
Pharmacy laboratory...35-334
Pharmacy management...35-334
Pharmacy management--Cost of operation...35-334
Pharmacy management--Rate of return...35-334
Pharmacy students...35-334
Pharmacy technicians...35-334
Pharmacy--Information services...35-334
Pharmacy--Information services--Prachin Buri...35-334
Pharmacy--Study and teaching...35-334
Pharmcognostic properties...35-334
Phase angle...35-334
Phase behavior...35-334
Phase change material Solar dryer...35-335
Phase change materials...35-335
Phase coordinates...35-335
Phase diagrams...35-335
Phase doppler anemometer...35-335
Phase equilibrium...35-335
Phase modulation...35-335
Phase noise...35-335
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x29]
Phase noises...35-335
Phase partition...35-335
Phase separation...35-335
Phase shift [Nuclear physics]...35-335
Phase shifter...35-335
Phase size...35-335
Phase structure...35-335
Phase transfer...35-335
Phase transfer technique...35-336
Phase transformation...35-336
Phase transformations...35-336
Phase transformations [Statistical physics]...35-336
Phase transition...35-336
Phase transition [Statistical physics]...35-336
Phase transitions [Statiscal phyics]...35-336
Phase transitions [Statistical physics]...35-336
Phase-change thermal storage...35-336
Phase-locked loops...35-336
Phase-transfer catalysis...35-336
Phase-transfer catalysts...35-336
Phase-transfer technique...35-336
Phasealus wlgaris...35-336
Phased array antennas...35-337
Phaseoli oxyr...35-337
Phaseolinic acid...35-337
Phaseolus calcalatus...35-337
Phaseolus vulgaris...35-337
Phathalung Hospital...35-337
Phatogalvanic cells...35-337
Phaya Mai...35-337
Phaya Thai 3. Emergency department--Databases...35337
Phayathai Palace...35-337
Phe Bay...35-337
Phenanthridone alkaloid...35-338
Phenobarbital drug...35-338
Phenol-formaldehyde resins...35-338
Phenolic acids...35-339
Phenolic antioxidant...35-339
Phenolic componds...35-339
Phenolic compound...35-339
Phenolic compounds...35-339
Phenolic content...35-339
Phenolic diazacrown ethers...35-339
Phenolic enones...35-339
Phenolic resins...35-339
Phenolic resins--Thermal properties...35-340
Phenolics resins...35-340
Phenology--Chiang Mai...35-340
Phenoxy acids...35-341
Phenoxyacetic acid...35-341
Phenyl butenol...35-341
Phenyl compounds...35-341
Phenyl urea herbicide...35-342
Phenylacetic acid...35-342
Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase...35-342
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase...35-342
Phenylalanine dehydrogeanase--Fixation...35-342
Phenylalanine dehydrogenase...35-342
Phenylarsine oxide...35-342
Phenylglyoxylic acid...35-342
Phenylion compounds...35-342
Phenylmercuric acetate...35-343
Phenytion compounds...35-343
Phenytoin--Side effects...35-343
Phetchabun Teachers College--Students...35-344
Phetchaburi riverbank areas...35-344
Phetchaburi watershed...35-344
Phetchaburi--Description and travel...35-344
Phetchaburi--Rural population...35-344
Phichit Health programing Hospital...35-344
Philadelphia chromosome...35-344
Philik Canal...35-344
Philippines--Economic conditions...35-345
Philips SL 15 linear accelerator...35-345
Philosamia ricini...35-345
Philosopher King...35-345
Philosopher's stone...35-345
Philosophy of criminology...35-345
Philosophy of education...35-345
Philosophy, Buddhist...35-345
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x30]
Philosophy, Oriental...35-345
Phisanulok basin...35-345
Phisical education colleges...35-345
Phitsanulok basin...35-345
Phitsanulok Hotel...35-346
Phitsanulok Irrigation Project...35-346
Phitsanulok--Manners and customs...35-346
Phitsanulok--Social conditions...35-346
Phlai oil...35-346
Phlebotomine sand files...35-346
Phleng Chin Rajchasan Thao Thai classical music...35346
Phleng Dok Mai Sai Tow...35-346
Phleng pracham...35-346
Phleomycin resistant gene...35-346
Phnom Penh Heart Center...35-347
Pho Karen...35-347
Phoenix dactylifera...35-347
Phoma lingam...35-347
Phomopsis mangiferae...35-347
Phonetic system...35-347
Phophoglucose isomerase...35-348
Phophorus fertilizers...35-348
Phormidium angustissimum...35-348
Phosphate buffer...35-348
Phosphate compounds...35-348
Phosphate hydrates...35-348
Phosphate rock...35-348
Phosphate salts...35-348
Phosphatic fertilizers...35-349
Phosphatidylinositol phosphates...35-349
Phospholipase A2...35-350
Phospholipase c...35-350
Phospholipid polymer...35-350
Phosphoprotein phosphatases...35-350
Phosphor screens...35-350
Phosphoric acid...35-350
Phosphorus cycle [Biogeochemistry]...35-351
Phosphorus fertilizers...35-351
Phosphorus in agriculture...35-351
Phosphorus in agriculture--Vietnam...35-351
Phosphorus--Physiological effect...35-352
Phosphotransacetylase gene...35-352
Phosphotungstic acid...35-352
Photharam Hospital...35-352
Photharam Hospital. Academy and Quality Management
Photo frame factory...35-352
Photo-fenton processes...35-352
Photocatalytic activity...35-353
Photocatalytic decomposition...35-353
Photocatalytic degradation...35-354
Photocatalytic oxidation...35-354
Photocatalytic process...35-354
Photocatalytic reaction...35-354
Photocatalytic reactor...35-354
Photocatalytic reduction...35-354
Photochemical reactor...35-354
Photocurrent spectroscopies...35-355
Photodiode array...35-355
Photoelastic technique...35-355
Photofunctional materials...35-355
Photographic dosimetry...35-355
Photographic process wastes...35-355
Photography--Computer-assisted instruction...35-355
Photoinduced alignment...35-355
Photoinduced hydrophilic...35-356
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x31]
Photon beams...35-356
Photon correlation...35-356
Photon correlator...35-356
Photon dose calculation algorithm...35-356
Photopositive pelagic fishes...35-357
Photosensitized film...35-357
Photosensitizing compounds...35-357
Photosynthesis--Study and teaching...35-358
Photosynthetic bacteria...35-358
Photosynthetic bacterial pond system...35-358
Photosynthetic light...35-358
Photosynthetic systems...35-358
Photosystem I...35-358
Photosysterm II...35-358
Phototransposition reaction...35-358
Photovaltaic power car...35-358
Photovoltaic cells...35-359
Photovoltaic effect...35-359
Photovoltaic grid counected system...35-359
Photovoltaic module...35-359
Photovoltaic Power Plant...35-359
Photovoltaic power systems...35-359
Photovoltaic power systems--Designs...35-359
Photovoltaic solar tracking--Design and
Photovoltaic system...35-359
Photovoltaic systems...35-359
Photovoltaic water pumping...35-359
Photovoltaic-Diesel hybrid system...35-359
Photovoltaic-diesel hybrid system...35-359
Photovoltaic-diesel hybrid systems...35-359
Phou Kao Khouay National Park...35-360
Phou Khao Khoay National Biodiversity
PHP [Computer program language]...35-360
Phra Ajahn Chah--Lineage...35-360
Phra Aphaimani...35-360
Phra Dhammapitaka [P.A.Payutto]...35-360
Phra Isaramuni...35-360
Phra Malai...35-360
Phra Nakhon Kiri...35-360
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya...35-360
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Description and travel...35360
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Manners and customs...35360
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Politics and government...35360
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya--Rural population-Employment...35-360
Phra Narai Ratchaniwet Royal Place...35-360
Phra Phutthabat Noi community forest...35-361
Phra Racha Wang Derm...35-361
Phra Ram Ratchanivej...35-361
Phrae basin...35-361
Phrae fault system...35-361
Phrae language...35-361
Phragmites karka...35-361
Phrai system...35-361
Phramongkutklao Hospital...35-361
Phramongkutklao Hospital. Inpatient Orthopedics
Phrao Cooperative Land Settlement Project...35-361
Phrapokklao Hospital...35-361
Phrase transfer model...35-361
Phrom water resource development project...35-361
Phromlok waterfall...35-361
Phrukanthulee wetland...35-361
Phthalate esters...35-362
Phthalic anhydride...35-362
Phthalimide derivative...35-362
Phthalimide derivatives...35-362
Phthaloyl chitosan...35-362
Phu Hin Rongkla National Park...35-362
Phu Jong Na Yoi Nation Park...35-362
Phu Khieo...35-363
Phu Kradung National Park--Environmental aspects...35363
Phu Miang-Phu Thong Wildlife Sanctuary...35-363
Phu Phan mountain...35-363
Phu Thab Fah gold deposit...35-363
Phu Thai...35-363
Phu thok formation...35-363
Phu Wiang National Park...35-363
Phuan language...35-363
Phuhin Rongkla National Park...35-363
Phuket Island...35-363
Phuket island...35-363
Phuket vegetarian festival...35-363
Phuket--Description and Travel...35-364
Phuket--Description and travel...35-364
Phuluang Wildlife Sanctuary...35-364
Phutthathat Phikhu...35-364
Phyathai 2 Hospital...35-364
Phyathai2 Hospital...35-364
Phycocyanin biosynthesis...35-364
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x32]
Phyically handicapped...35-364
Phyllanthus acidus...35-364
Phyllanthus amarus...35-364
Phyllanthus amarus--Therapenuic use...35-365
Phyllanthus emblica...35-365
Phyllanthus oxyphyllus...35-365
Phyllanthus polyphyllus...35-365
Phyllanthus reticulatus...35-365
Phyllanthus toxodiifolius...35-365
Phyllanthus urinaria...35-365
Phyllocnistis citrella...35-365
Phyllocopteuta oleivora...35-365
Phyllodes tumors...35-365
Phylogenetic analysis...35-366
Phylogenetics relationship...35-366
Phylogeny [Botany]...35-366
Physcomitrella patens...35-366
Physical activity...35-366
Physical activity questionnaire...35-367
Physical aging...35-367
Physical and thermodynamic properties...35-367
Physical anthropology...35-367
Physical carrying capacity...35-367
Physical characteristics...35-367
Physical development...35-367
Physical disabilities...35-367
Physical disability persons...35-367
Physical distribution of goods...35-367
Physical education and training...35-367
Physical education and training--Study and
Physical education colleges...35-367
Physical education games...35-368
Physical education program...35-368
Physical education students...35-368
Physical education teachers...35-368
Physical education teachers--Attitudes...35-368
Physical environment...35-368
Physical environment design...35-368
Physical fitness...35-368
Physical fitness for children...35-369
Physical fitness for men...35-369
Physical fitness for the aged...35-369
Physical fitness for women...35-369
Physical fitness--Nutrition aspects...35-369
Physical fitness--Testing...35-369
Physical functioning...35-369
Physical geography--Chanthaburi...35-369
Physical integrated circuits design...35-369
Physical interface...35-369
Physical laws...35-370
Physical measurements...35-370
Physical organic...35-370
Physical performance...35-370
Physical plant...35-370
Physical process...35-370
Physical properties...35-370
Physical property...35-370
Physical quality...35-370
Physical stability...35-370
Physical structure...35-370
Physical therapists...35-371
Physical therapists--Attitudes...35-371
Physical therapy...35-371
Physical therapy unit...35-371
Physical therapy--Equipment and supplies...35-371
Physically disabled...35-371
Physically disabled students...35-371
Physically handicapped students...35-371
Physically handicapped women...35-371
Physician shortages...35-372
Physician's orders...35-372
Physician-patient relation...35-372
Physician-pharmacist cooperation...35-372
Physicians--Job satisfaction...35-372
Physicians--Thailand, Northeastern--Behavior...35-372
Physicochemical changes...35-372
Physicochemical properties...35-372
Physicochemical property...35-373
Physics teachers...35-373
Physics--Computer programs...35-373
Physics--Computer-assisted instruction...35-373
Physics--Study and teaching...35-373
Physics--Teaching--Aids and devices...35-373
Physiochemical properties...35-373
Physiologic changes...35-373
Physiological adaptation...35-373
Physiological aspects...35-373
Physiological changes...35-373
Physiological characteristics...35-373
Physiological recovery...35-374
Physiological response...35-374
Physiologically based pharmacokinetics model...35-374
Physiology, Pathological...35-374
Physiotherapy--Computer-assisted instruction...35-374
Physter macrocyphalus...35-374
Phytase C...35-374
Phytic acid...35-375
Phytochemical study...35-375
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x33]
Phytopathogenic bacteria...35-376
Phytopathogenic fungi...35-376
Phytopathogenic microorganisms--Biological control...35376
Phytophthora infestans...35-376
Phytophthora palmivora...35-376
Phytophthora parasitica...35-376
Phytosteryl glucoside...35-377
Phytosteryl glycosides...35-377
Phytotoxic activity...35-377
Piaget's theory...35-377
Piano music--Analysis, appreciation...35-378
Piano students...35-378
Piano teachers...35-378
Piano--Study and teaching...35-378
Piaraclus brachypromus...35-378
PICA test...35-378
Pichia pastoris...35-378
Pichia stipitis...35-379
Pickled foods...35-379
Pickled vegetable factory...35-379
Pickled vegetables...35-379
Pico hydro system...35-379
Picocellular radio systems...35-379
Pictet spengler...35-379
Pictorial labeling system...35-379
Picture book for children...35-379
Picture books...35-379
Picture dictionaries, English...35-379
Picture of Thailand...35-379
Picture quality scale...35-379
PID controllers...35-380
Piecewise linear interpolation...35-380
Pierre et Jean...35-380
Piezoelectric arc stator...35-380
Piezoelectric biosensors...35-380
Piezoelectric ceramics...35-380
Piezoelectric materials...35-380
Piezoelectric meterials...35-380
Piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalances...35-380
Pig brain...35-381
Pig farms...35-381
Pig manure...35-381
Pigeon pea...35-381
Pigeon pea--Diseases and pests...35-381
Pigeon pea--Planting...35-381
Pigeon pea--Seeds...35-381
Piggery wastewater...35-381
Piggery wastewater treatment...35-381
Pigmented inkjet ink...35-382
Pigments [Biology]...35-382
Pigs--Chiang Mai...35-383
Pikulthong Royal Development Study Centre...35-383
Pilates training...35-383
Pile cap...35-383
Pile foundation...35-383
Pile group...35-383
Pile tip...35-384
Pileated gibbon...35-384
Pilgrim's Progress...35-384
Pilice officers...35-384
Piling [Civil engineering]...35-384
Pillored clay...35-384
Pilot plants...35-384
Pilot project on the holistic administration...35-384
Pilot schools...35-384
Pilot-pervaporation system...35-384
Pinacol rearrangement...35-384
Pinacol rearrangements...35-384
Pinch analysis...35-385
Pinch technology...35-385
Pine forest...35-385
Pineal gland...35-385
Pineal gland--Blood-vessels...35-385
Pineapple core osmotic dehydration...35-385
Pineapple fibre...35-386
Pineapple glace...35-386
Pineapple juice...35-386
Pineapple peel...35-386
Pineapple powder...35-386
Pineapple waste...35-386
Pineapple wastes...35-386
Pineapple--Diseases and pests...35-386
Pineapple--Thailand, Northern--Planting...35-386
Ping basin...35-386
Ping River...35-386
Ping river...35-386
Ping River [Thailand]...35-387
Ping River [Thailand]--Environmentas aspects...35-387
Pink bollworm...35-387
Pink zinnia...35-387
Pinus Kesiya...35-387
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x34]
Pinus kesiya...35-387
Pinus kesiya--Loei...35-387
Pinus merkusii...35-387
Pinus merkusii--Genetics...35-387
Pinus merkusii--Seeds...35-387
Pinus taeda...35-387
Pipe heat exchanger...35-388
Pipe networks...35-388
Pipe supports--Design...35-388
Pipe system...35-388
Pipe tee...35-388
Pipe, Asbestos-cement...35-388
Pipe--Mathematical models...35-388
Pipeline scheduling...35-388
Pipelines--Design and construction--Computer
Piper aurantiacum...35-388
Piper betle...35-388
Piper nigrum...35-388
Piper nigrum--Analysis...35-388
Piper pedicelatum...35-388
Piper retrofractum...35-389
Piper ribesoides--Analysis...35-389
Piper rostratum...35-389
Piper sarmentosum...35-389
Piper [Genus]...35-389
Piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenase...35-389
Pipette shaker...35-390
Piping system...35-390
Piracy [Copyright]...35-390
Pirate music...35-390
Pirimiphos methyl...35-390
Piroxicam gel...35-390
Piroxicam--Therapeutic use--Testing...35-391
Pisa structure...35-391
Pistia stratiotes...35-391
Pistol shooting...35-391
Pisum ksativum...35-391
Pit and fissure sealants [Dentistry]...35-391
Pitch contour...35-391
Pitee rumpee...35-391
Pitfall trap...35-391
Pithi Sampeah Kru...35-391
Pitting corrosion...35-391
Pitting potential...35-391
Pituitary gland...35-391
Pituitary hormones...35-391
Pityriasis versicolor...35-392
Pityrogramma reland...35-392
Pivallic acid...35-392
Pizza public co...35-.392
PK xA. Lu [green]lotus...35-392
PK xA. Lu [green]slip...35-392
Pla duk bigoui...35-392
Pla duk-oui...35-392
Pla duk-tes...35-392
Pla nil...35-392
Placebo [Medicine]...35-392
Placental hormones...35-393
Placental malaria...35-393
Plague vaccines...35-393
Plai oil...35-393
Plai Pong Pang Thai villages...35-393
Plain tiger...35-393
Plakmailai community...35-393
Plam oil...35-393
Plam oil mill effluent...35-393
Plan taxonomy...35-393
Plan technique...35-393
Planar frame...35-393
Planar lipid bilayers...35-393
Planar neea-field measurement system...35-393
Planar source...35-393
Planar steel trusses...35-393
Plane frames...35-394
Plane linear elastic...35-394
Planetarium shows...35-394
Planetary boundary layer...35-394
Plang ethnic group...35-394
Plang language--Usage...35-394
Plankton hyperiids...35-394
Plankton--Chiang Mai...35-394
Planning process...35-395
Planning--Chiang Mai...35-395
Plant biochemical genetics...35-395
Plant biomass...35-395
Plant breeding...35-395
Plant canopies...35-395
Plant cell culture...35-395
Plant cell microbodies...35-395
Plant cells and tissues...35-395
Plant communities...35-396
Plant community...35-396
Plant defences...35-396
Plant diseases...35-396
Plant diseases bacteria...35-397
Plant diseases--Diagnosis...35-397
Plant diseases--Genetic aspects...35-397
Plant diseases--Prevention and control...35-397
Plant diversity...35-397
Plant ecology...35-397
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x35]
ecology--Thailand, Northern...35-397
extracts--Toxicity testing...35-401
fibers--Philippines--Supply and demand...35-401
filtration method...35-401
growing media...35-401
growing media, Artificial...35-401
growth inhibiting substances...35-402
growth promotion substances...35-402
growth regulation...35-402
growth regulators...35-402
materials centers...35-403
molecular biology...35-403
of latex industries...35-403
parasitic nematodes...35-403
pathogenic fungi...35-403
phenology--Chiang mai...35-404
physiology--Environmental aspects...35-404
polyketide synthese...35-404
propagation--In vitro...35-404
strain test...35-405
tissue culture...35-405
tissue culture room...35-406
Plant varieties...35-406
Plant variety protection...35-406
Plant viruses--Genetics...35-406
Plant-pathogen relationships...35-406
Plant-soil relationships--Thailand, Northern...35-406
Plant-water relationships...35-406
Plant-water relationships--Malaysia...35-406
Plantago major...35-406
Plantago ovata...35-406
Plantago ovata Forsk...35-406
Plantago psyllium...35-406
Plantar blood flow...35-406
Planthoppers--Insecticide resistance...35-407
Planting materials...35-407
Planting [Plant culture]...35-407
Planting [Plant culture]--Suphan Buri...35-407
Planting [Plant culture]--Vietnam...35-407
Plants extracts...35-408
Plants genetically modified organisms...35-408
Plants, Cultivated...35-408
Plants, Edible...35-408
Plants, Edible--Manufactures--Appropriate
Plants, Edible--Thailand, Northeastern...35-408
Plants, Effect of acids on...35-409
Plants, Effect of air pollution on...35-409
Plants, Effect of arsenic on...35-409
Plants, Effect of boron on--Genetic aspects...35-409
Plants, Effect of cadmium on...35-409
Plants, Effect of detergents on...35-409
Plants, Effect of floods on...35-409
Plants, Effect of gibberellins on...35-409
Plants, Effect of heavy metals on...35-409
Plants, Effect of herbicides on...35-409
Plants, Effect of lead on...35-409
Plants, Effect of nitrates on...35-409
Plants, Effect of phosphorus on...35-409
Plants, medicinal...35-409
Plants, Ornamental...35-409
Plants, Ornamental--Research...35-409
Plants, Useful--Thailand, Northeastern...35-409
Plants--Economic aspects...35-410
Plants--Genetic aspects...35-410
Plants--Insect resistance...35-410
Plants--Lead content...35-410
Plants--Thailand, Northern...35-410
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x36]
Plantwide control...35-411
Plantwide process...35-411
Plantwide process control...35-411
Plaque assay technique...35-411
Plaque fluoride...35-411
Plaque PH...35-411
Plaque reduction assay...35-411
Plaque reduetion assay...35-411
Plasma antioxidant...35-412
Plasma chemistry...35-412
Plasma cortisol...35-412
Plasma diagnostics...35-412
Plasma diagnotics...35-412
Plasma EBV DNA...35-412
Plasma etching...35-412
Plasma focus...35-412
Plasma generators...35-412
Plasma glucose...35-412
Plasma homocysteine...35-412
Plasma iron...35-412
Plasma lipids...35-412
Plasma magnesium...35-413
Plasma membrane...35-413
Plasma membranes...35-413
Plasma nitriding...35-413
Plasma oestradiol-17 beta...35-413
Plasma Proteins...35-413
Plasma proteins...35-413
Plasma treatment...35-413
Plasma vascular endothelial growth factor...35-413
Plasma [Ionized gases]...35-413
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition...35-413
Plasmepsin II...35-413
Plasmid DNA...35-414
Plasmid profile...35-414
Plasminogen activators...35-414
Plasmodium berghei...35-415
Plasmodium berghei--Analysis...35-415
Plasmodium chabaudi...35-415
Plasmodium falciparum...35-415
Plasmodium falciparum--Effect of quinine on...35-419
Plasmodium falciparuum...35-419
Plasmodium falcuparum...35-419
Plasmodium knowlesi...35-419
Plasmodium vivax...35-419
Plasmodium yoelii...35-420
Plassive film...35-420
Plastenated brain slices...35-420
Plastering mortar...35-420
Plastic analysis [Engineering]...35-420
Plastic bottles industry...35-420
Plastic cards...35-420
Plastic composite...35-420
Plastic containers...35-420
Plastic corrosion cast technique...35-420
Plastic films...35-421
Plastic films--Conducting...35-421
Plastic grinding machine...35-421
Plastic hinge...35-421
Plastic injection mold...35-421
Plastic injection molding manufacture...35-421
Plastic injection process...35-421
Plastic lenses...35-421
Plastic meterials...35-421
Plastic molding...35-421
Plastic mould factory...35-421
Plastic packaging...35-421
Plastic Packaging Company...35-421
Plastic packaging manufacturer...35-421
Plastic recycle industry...35-421
Plastic recycling industry...35-421
Plastic resins...35-422
Plastic roofing...35-422
Plastic sacks...35-422
Plastic scrap...35-422
Plastic scrap--Recycling...35-422
Plastic scrap--Separation...35-422
Plastic shrinkage cracks...35-422
Plastic structure...35-422
Plastic thermoforming process...35-422
Plastic utensil processing line...35-422
Plastic wares...35-422
Plastic waste...35-422
Plastic wastes...35-422
Plasticizer blend...35-422
Plastics industry and trade...35-423
Plastics industry and trade--Location...35-423
Plastics plants--Management...35-423
Plastics--Magnetic properties...35-423
Plate bending...35-424
Plate system...35-424
Platehet-derived growth factor...35-424
Platelet activation...35-425
Platelet activation markers...35-425
Platelet aggregation...35-425
Platelet antibodies...35-425
Platelet rich plasma...35-425
Platelet-associated IgG...35-425
Platelet-associated IgM...35-425
Platelet-bindable IgG...35-425
Platelet-bindable IgM...35-425
Plates [Engineering]...35-425
Plates [Engineering]--Analysis...35-426
Plates [Engineering]--Analysis--Computer programs...35-
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x37]
Plates [Engineering]--Computer programs...35-426
Platforming unit...35-426
Platinized carbon paper...35-426
Platinum alloys...35-426
Platinum catalysts...35-426
Platinum compounds...35-426
Platinum electrocatalyst...35-427
Platinum electrodes...35-427
Platinum nanoparticles...35-427
Platinum on carbon support...35-427
Platinum recovery...35-427
Plation--Waste disposal...35-427
Platoon dispersion...35-427
Platycerium coronarium...35-427
Platycerium ridleyi...35-427
Platydema waterhousei...35-427
Plau Yai...35-427
Plaunotol analogues...35-428
Playground--Design and construction...35-428
Playing cards...35-428
Plea bargaining...35-428
Pleng Korat...35-428
Pleng Napat...35-428
Pleng Oh...35-428
Plenum chamber...35-428
Pleural effusions...35-428
Pleuro ganglion...35-428
Pleuropulmonary complication...35-428
Pleurotus cystidiosus...35-428
Pleurotus erosus...35-428
Pleurotus ostreatus...35-428
Pleurotus sajor-caju...35-428
Pleurotus sapidus...35-428
plied linguistics--Curricula...35-428
Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary...35-429
Plometics training...35-429
Plotosus canius...35-429
Pluchea indica...35-429
Plug flow system...35-429
Plumbago indica...35-429
Plumbago zeylanica...35-429
Plumeria obtusa...35-429
Plural mangement...35-430
Pluronic F-127 gel...35-430
Plutella sylostella...35-430
Plutella xylostella...35-430
Plutella xylostella--Biological control...35-431
Plutella xylostella--Control...35-431
Plutella xylostella--Insecticide resistance...35-431
Plutella--Thailand, West...35-431
Plygesal gel...35-431
Plymeric drug delivery systems...35-431
Plyometric training...35-431
Pneumatic conveyer...35-432
Pneumatic cylinders...35-432
Pneumatic dryers...35-432
Pneumatic-tube transportation...35-432
Pneumatics system...35-432
Pneumocystis carinii...35-432
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia...35-433
Pneumonia in children...35-433
Pneumonia in children--Bangkok...35-433
Pneumonia--Prevention and control...35-433
Pneumonia--Risk factors...35-433
Pocillopora damicornis...35-433
Pocket switching [Data transmission]...35-433
Podocarpus neriifolius...35-434
Poe, Edgar Allan...35-434
Poecilia reticulata...35-434
Poetic messages...35-434
Poetry, Medieval--16th century...35-434
Pogostemon cablin...35-434
Poincare dise...35-434
Point of care testing...35-434
Point-of-sale systems...35-434
Point-to-point radio telephone...35-434
Pointwise bound...35-434
Poisoning materials...35-434
Poisonous agricultural chemicals...35-434
Poisonous animals...35-434
Poisonous plants...35-434
Poisonous plants--Toxicology...35-435
Poisonous shellfish...35-435
Poisonous snakes...35-435
Poisonous snakes--Thailand, Northern...35-435
Poisonous snakes--Venom...35-435
Poisonous substance containers...35-436
Poisonous substances...35-436
Poisson distribution...35-436
Pol gene...35-436
Polar coordinates...35-436
Polar solvent...35-436
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x38]
Polarimetry of the scattered waves...35-436
Polarization mode coupling control...35-436
Polarization [Electricity]...35-436
Polarization [Light]...35-436
Polder system...35-437
Pole-zero placement technique...35-437
Polical news...35-437
Police administration--Citizen participation...35-438
Police administration--Taiwan...35-439
Police Aviation Division...35-439
Police Cadet Academy...35-439
Police cadet academy...35-439
Police Cadet Acadency...35-439
Police cadets...35-439
Police chiefs...35-439
Police constabel students...35-439
Police constable trainees...35-439
Police culture...35-439
Police ethics...35-439
Police for people project...35-439
Police General Hospital...35-439
Police hospital--Emergency medical services...35-439
Police investigator...35-439
Police officers...35-439
Police organization...35-440
Police patrol...35-440
Police patrol officers...35-440
Police patrol--Bangkok...35-440
Police patrol--Work...35-440
Police private students...35-440
Police recruits...35-440
Police reform...35-440
Police schools...35-440
Police Sciences...35-440
Police sciences...35-440
Police shootings...35-440
Police station...35-440
Police station for people development project...35-441
Police stations--Loei--Services...35-441
Police student...35-441
Police traffic...35-441
Police training...35-441
Police, Rural...35-441
Police, Rural--Work...35-441
Police--Job satisfaction...35-441
Police--Job stress...35-442
Police--Mental health...35-442
Police--Nakhon Nayok...35-442
Police--Nakhon Pathom...35-442
Police-community relations...35-442
Policy analysis...35-442
Policy and plan analysis officer...35-442
Policy cancellation...35-442
Policy formulation...35-442
Policy implementation...35-442
Policy makers...35-443
Policy research...35-443
Policy sciences...35-443
Policy scientists...35-443
Policy-making process...35-443
Polio immunization...35-443
Poliomyelitis vaccine, Oral...35-444
Poliomyelitis--Chiang Mai...35-444
Political accusation...35-444
Political actor...35-444
Political attitudes...35-444
Political behavior...35-444
Political corruption...35-444
Political culture...35-444
Political development...35-444
Political economics...35-444
Political economy...35-444
Political economy analysis...35-445
Political efficacy...35-445
Political entrepreneurship...35-445
Political events...35-445
Political faction...35-445
Political impact...35-445
Political impacts...35-445
Political Information Research Center...35-445
Political interaction...35-445
Political intergration...35-445
Political leadership...35-445
Political legitimation...35-445
Political news...35-445
Political oratory...35-446
Political participation...35-446
Political participation--Latin America...35-446
Political parties...35-446
Political philosophy...35-446
Political power...35-446
Political pressure groups...35-446
Political recruitment...35-446
Political reform...35-446
Political science...35-446
Political science students--Political activity...35-446
Political science--History...35-446
Political sociology...35-447
Political space...35-447
Political succession...35-447
Political thought...35-447
Political violence...35-447
Political vision...35-447
Politics and governmen...35-449
Politics, Practical...35-449
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x39]
Politics, Practical--Thailand, Central...35-449
Politics--International cooperation...35-449
Politics--Study and teaching...35-449
Pollen analysis...35-449
Pollination by insects...35-450
Polluter pays principle...35-450
Pollution control industry...35-450
Pollution control industry--Indonesia...35-451
Pollution good...35-451
Pollution prevention...35-451
Pollution--Environmental aspects...35-451
Pollution--Law and legislation...35-451
Poloxamer 188...35-451
Poly alpha ester...35-451
Poly butadiene...35-451
Poly ethyl methacrylate...35-451
Poly [1,4-butadiene-b-cis-1,4-isoprene]...35-452
Poly [1,4-phenylene vinylene]...35-452
Poly [2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate]...35-452
Poly [3,4-dialkoxythiopene]...35-452
Poly [3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene]...35-452
Poly [3-alkylthiophene]...35-452
Poly [3-hexylthiophene)...35-452
Poly [3-hexylthiophene]...35-452
Poly [3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate]...35-452
Poly [Acrylamide-co-itaconic acid]...35-452
Poly [Acrylamide-co-methacrylic acid]...35-452
Poly [Dimethylsiloxane]...35-452
Poly [dimethylsiloxane]...35-452
Poly [ester-amide]s...35-452
Poly [ether urethane urea]...35-452
Poly [Ethyl methacrylate]...35-452
Poly [Ethylacerylate methylmethaery late]...35-452
Poly [ethylacrylate]...35-453
Poly [Ethylene oxide]...35-453
Poly [ethylene terephthalate]...35-453
Poly [isoprehe-b-methyl methacrylate]...35-453
Poly [isoprene-b-styrene]...35-453
Poly [L-lactic acid]...35-453
Poly [L-lactic acil]...35-453
Poly [L-lactide-block-glycidol]...35-453
Poly [Lactic acid]...35-453
Poly [lactide-co-caprolactone]...35-453
Poly [methyl methacrylate-co-2-ethylhexyl acrylate]...35453
Poly [methyl methacrylate-co-acrylamide]...35-453
Poly [Methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid]...35-453
Poly [Methyl methacrylate]...35-453
Poly [methyl methacrylate]...35-453
Poly [Methylmethacrylate-co-acrylonitrile]...35-453
Poly [Meth] aerylate...35-454
Poly [N-phenylmaleimide-co-p-epoxystyrene-costyrene]...35-454
Poly [phenyl vinyl ketone]...35-454
Poly [Potassium acrylate-co-acrylamide]...35-454
Poly [pyrrole]...35-454
Poly [Sodium 4-styrene sulfonate]...35-454
Poly [Styrene sulfonate]...35-454
Poly [Styrene-co-acrylamide]...35-454
Poly [Styrene-co-acrylonitrile]...35-454
Poly [styrene-co-butylacrylate]...35-454
Poly [styrene-co-maleic anhydride]...35-454
Poly [Styrene-co-methyl methacrylate]...35-454
Poly [Vinyl aclohol]...35-454
Poly [Vinyl chloride]...35-454
Poly [vinyl chloride]...35-454
Poly-O-aminobenzoic acid...35-454
Polyacrylamide gel...35-455
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis...35-455
Polyacrylanide gel electrophoresis...35-455
Polyacrylic acid...35-455
Polyalthia debilis...35-455
Polyalthia evecta...35-455
Polyalthia jucunda...35-455
Polyaluminium chloride...35-455
Polyaluminum chloride...35-455
Polyamide 6...35-456
Polyamide nucleic acid...35-456
Polyamidoamine dendrimers...35-456
Polyaza tris-ferrocene dinuclear cryptates...35-457
Polybutadiene rubber...35-457
Polycaprolactone diol...35-458
Polycavernosa changii...35-458
Polycavernosa fisheri...35-458
Polychlorinated biphenyls...35-458
Polyclonal antibodies...35-459
Polyclonal antibody...35-459
Polyclonal antisera...35-459
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x40]
Polycyclic aromatic compounds...35-459
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon...35-459
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...35-459
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons--Analysis...35-460
Polycystic kidney disease...35-460
Polydex trose...35-461
Polydimethyl siloxane...35-461
Polydisperse aerosols...35-461
Polyelectrolyte complex...35-461
Polyelectrolyte multilayer...35-461
Polyester fabric...35-461
Polyester fabrics...35-461
Polyester fibers...35-461
Polyester films...35-461
Polyester resin...35-462
Polyethylene film...35-465
Polyethylene foam...35-465
Polyethylene glycol...35-465
Polyethylene oxide...35-466
Polyethylene pellet industry...35-466
Polyethylene pipes...35-466
Polyethylene plants...35-466
Polyethylene plastic...35-466
Polyethylene terephthalate...35-466
Polyethylene terephthalate--Recycling...35-466
Polyethylene-poly [ethylene terephthalate]...35-466
Polygenic diseases...35-467
Polygonal plate structures...35-467
Polyhedrosis virus...35-467
Polyhistidine affinity tag...35-467
Polyhydroxy ecdysteroids...35-467
Polyinyl chloride...35-468
Polyketides synthase...35-468
Polylactic acid...35-469
Polymer alloy...35-469
Polymer alloys...35-469
Polymer bead...35-469
Polymer blend...35-469
Polymer Blends...35-469
Polymer blends...35-469
Polymer brush...35-470
Polymer butadiene...35-470
Polymer composite...35-470
Polymer composites...35-470
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells...35-470
Polymer electrolytes...35-470
Polymer fibers...35-471
Polymer film...35-471
Polymer films...35-471
Polymer liquid crystals...35-471
Polymer Marketing and Trading Company...35-471
Polymer matrix...35-471
Polymer melting...35-471
Polymer membranes...35-472
Polymer modified bitumen...35-472
Polymer nanocomposite...35-472
Polymer nanocomposites...35-472
Polymer networks...35-472
Polymer resins...35-472
Polymer rheology...35-472
Polymer solar cells...35-472
Polymer solutions...35-472
Polymer-clay nanocomposite...35-472
Polymer-clay nanocomposites...35-472
Polymerase Chain reaction...35-472
Polymerase chain reaction...35-473
Polymerase chain reaction--Diagnostic use...35-478
Polymerase chian reaction...35-478
Polymerases chain reaction...35-478
Polymeric composites...35-478
Polymeric drugs...35-478
Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor...35-478
Polymeric matrix...35-478
Polymeric MDI...35-478
Polymeric nanoparticles...35-478
Polymeric salen...35-478
Polymeric sponge...35-478
Polymerized toner...35-481
Polymers bead...35-485
Polymers in medicine...35-485
Polymers--Electric properties...35-485
Polymers--Thermal properties...35-485
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x41]
Polymethacrylate ester copolymer...35-485
Polymethyl methacrylate...35-485
Polymicin B...35-486
Polymorphic DNA...35-486
Polymorphic interaction...35-486
Polymorphic transformation...35-486
Polymorphism [Grystallography]...35-487
Polymorphism [Zoology]...35-487
Polynomial coefficients...35-488
Polynomial funtions...35-488
Polynomial regression model...35-488
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons...35-488
Polynuclear aromatics...35-488
Polynuclear copper [II] complexes...35-488
Polyol ester...35-488
Polyolefin blends...35-488
Polyoma virus...35-489
Polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether...35-489
Polyoxyethylene sorbitan...35-489
Polypedates leucomystax...35-489
Polyphagotar sonemus...35-489
Polyphagotarsonemus latus...35-489
Polyphenol oxidase...35-489
Polyphenolic compounds...35-489
Polyphosphate kinase...35-490
Polypropylene composites...35-493
Polypropylene fibers...35-493
Polypropylene foams...35-493
Polypropylene fumarate...35-493
Polypropylene/clay nanocomposit...35-493
Polyprotein processing...35-493
Polysaccharide gel...35-494
Polysaccharide gel film...35-494
Polysaccharide hydrolyzing enzyme...35-494
Polysemnatic words...35-495
Polystyrene foam...35-496
Polystyrene plastic...35-496
Polystyrene resin...35-496
Polysulfone ultrafiltuation membrane...35-496
Polysyllabic words...35-496
Polytechnic colleges...35-497
Polytene chromosomes...35-497
Polytetramethylene glycol...35-497
Polyunsaturated fatty acids...35-497
Polyurea microcapsules...35-497
Polyurethane elastomers...35-497
Polyurethane foam...35-497
Polyurethane nanocomposites...35-497
Polyvinyl acetate...35-498
Polyvinyl alcohol...35-498
Polyvinyl chloride...35-499
Polyvinyl chloride foam...35-500
Pomacea canalicalata...35-500
Pomacea canaliculata...35-500
Pomacea canaliculata--Control...35-500
Pomacea caniculata...35-500
Pomegranate peel...35-501
Pometia pinnata...35-501
Pomprabsatruphai District...35-501
Pond soils...35-501
Pondoh school...35-501
Pong River...35-501
Pontine nuclei...35-502
Pooled DNA...35-502
Pooling of sparse clinical trials...35-502
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x42]
Poor--Economic conditions...35-502
Poor--Medical care--Needs assessment...35-502
Pop songs...35-502
Popa, Mount [Burma]--Simulation methods...35-502
Popalar music...35-502
Popular Music, Thai...35-503
Popular wisdom...35-503
Population and community development
Population biology...35-503
Population density...35-503
Population development...35-503
Population distribution...35-503
Population dynamics...35-504
Population education through rural and agricultural
development networks...35-504
Population education--Study and teaching...35-504
Population genetics...35-504
Population indicators...35-504
Population means...35-504
Population model...35-504
Population policy...35-504
Population research...35-504
Population research--Asia, Southeastern...35-504
Population size estimator...35-504
Population variance...35-504
Population--Bangkok--Health and hygiene...35-505
Population--Environmental aspects...35-505
Population--Health and hygiene...35-505
Population--Health and hygiene--Research...35-505
Population--Law and legislation...35-505
Porcelain fused to metal restorations...35-505
Porcelain fused-to-metal crown...35-505
Porcelain insulators...35-505
Porcelain pottery...35-505
Porcelain surface...35-505
Porcine Blood Curd...35-505
Porcine blood curd...35-505
Porcine cirovirus type 2...35-505
Porcine lymphocyte...35-506
Porcine oocyte...35-506
Porcine pancreas...35-506
Porcine renal cortex...35-506
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome...35-506
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
Pore reduced cement technique...35-506
Pore size distribution...35-506
Pore water pressure...35-506
Pore-forming fragment...35-506
Porites lutea...35-506
Pork flavor...35-506
Pork quality...35-506
Pork--Nutrition aspects...35-507
Porous film...35-507
Porous glass...35-507
Porous material...35-507
Porous materials...35-507
Porous materials--Combustion...35-508
Porous materials--Diffusion--Mathematical models...35508
Porous medium driven...35-508
Porous silicon...35-508
Porous superabsorbent...35-508
Porphyra vietnamensis--Culture...35-508
Porphyromonas gingivalis...35-508
Porphyromonas gingivalis-specific T cells...35-509
Port health service center--Indonesia--Utilization...35509
Port scaning...35-509
Portable audio players...35-509
Portable emergency eyewash...35-509
Portable mobile telephone...35-509
Portable vibration analyzer...35-509
Portfolio assessment...35-509
Portfolios in education...35-510
Portland cement...35-510
Portland cement--Market...35-510
Portland pozzolan cement...35-510
Portunus pelagicus...35-510
Positional information handoff...35-511
Positive skewed distribution...35-511
Positive temperature coefficient of resistivity...35-511
Positive thinking...35-511
Positively spanning...35-511
Positron annihilation...35-511
Pospitals, Proprietary...35-511
Post abdominal operation...35-511
Post abdominal operative pain...35-511
Post abdominal operative patients...35-511
Post abortion...35-511
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x43]
Post and core technique [Dentistry]...35-511
Post cardiac valvular replacement patients...35-511
Post cyclone...35-512
Post extubation care...35-512
Post-abdominal surgery...35-512
Post-marketing study...35-512
Post-mortem investigations...35-512
Post-operative pain...35-512
Post-registration handoff...35-512
Post-tension concrete flat slabs...35-512
Post-tensioned prestressed concrete--Computer
Post-verbal qilai...35-512
Post-weaning period...35-512
Postal counter automation system project...35-512
Postal service--Chinese--Letter carriers...35-512
Postcoital contraceptives...35-512
Posterior segment [Foot]...35-512
Posteroanterior cephalogram...35-512
Postgraduate students...35-513
Postharvest diseases and injuries...35-513
Postharvest physiology...35-513
Postharvest quality...35-513
Postmastectomy patient...35-513
Postmastectomy patients...35-513
postmastectomy patients...35-513
Postmenopausal women...35-513
Postmenopause women...35-513
Postmortem changes...35-513
Postmortem examination...35-513
Postnatal care...35-513
Postnatal care--Chiang Rai...35-514
Postnatal diagnosis...35-514
Postnatal handling...35-514
Postnatal mother...35-514
Postnatal mothers...35-514
Postoparative patients...35-514
Postoperative abdominal patients...35-514
Postoperative care...35-514
Postoperative care--Nutritional aspects...35-514
Postoperative complication...35-514
Postoperative complications--Prevention...35-514
Postoperative duration...35-514
Postoperative pain...35-515
Postoperative patients...35-515
Postoperative recovery...35-515
Postpartal mothers...35-515
Postpartum adaptation...35-515
Postpartum checkups...35-515
Postpartum complications...35-515
Postpartum depression...35-515
Postpartum mothers...35-516
Postpartum period...35-516
Postpartum women...35-516
Postural control...35-516
Postural sway behavious...35-517
Posture disorders--Physical therapy...35-517
Posture in daily...35-517
Postweaning pigs...35-517
Postweld solution annealing...35-517
Potable water...35-517
Potamgeton malaianus...35-517
Potanical chemistry...35-517
Potassium carbonate...35-518
Potassium channels...35-518
Potassium Chlorate...35-518
Potassium chlorate...35-518
Potassium chloride...35-518
Potassium deficiency diseases...35-519
Potassium depletion...35-519
Potassium ferrate...35-519
Potassium ferricyanide...35-519
Potassium fertilizers...35-519
Potassium hydroxide...35-519
Potassium in the body--Control...35-519
Potassium iodate...35-519
Potassium iodide...35-519
Potassium ion...35-519
Potassium oxalate...35-519
Potassium periodate...35-519
Potassium permanganate...35-519
Potassium persulfate...35-519
Potassium sulphate...35-520
Potassium thiocyanate...35-520
Potato chips--Drying--Quality...35-520
Potatoes--Chiang Mai...35-520
Potatoes--Diseases and pests--Biological control...35-520
Potatoes--Glycoalkaloid content...35-520
Poteintial of hydrogen...35-520
Potential acidity...35-521
Potential energy surfaces...35-521
Potential evaluation...35-521
Potential functions...35-521
Potential ingredient...35-522
Potential theory [Mathematics]...35-522
Potentiodynamic polarization...35-522
Potentiometric hysteresis...35-522
Potentiometric titration...35-522
Potitical inclination...35-522
Potted plants...35-523
Potter horn...35-523
Pottery, Thai...35-523
Pottery, Thai--Guide books...35-523
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x44]
Pottery--Thailand, Northeastern--Design...35-523
Poultry farms...35-523
Poultry house...35-523
Poultry, Effect of aflatoxins on...35-523
Poultry--Feeding and feeds...35-523
Pound sterling...35-523
Pouteria cambodiana...35-523
Pouzolzia prntandra...35-524
Poverty--Sri Lanka...35-524
Poverty--Thailand, Southern...35-524
Povidone-iodine solution...35-524
Powder activated carbon...35-524
Powder for intramuscular injections...35-524
Powder injection moulding...35-524
Powder material...35-525
Powder metallurgical...35-525
Powdery mildew diseases...35-525
Power capacitor...35-525
Power control...35-525
Power distribution...35-525
Power electronics...35-525
Power factor meter circuit...35-525
power flow...35-525
Power flow--Control...35-525
Power generation...35-525
Power generation reliability...35-525
Power generation system...35-525
Power generation systems...35-525
Power line comnunication services...35-526
Power line remote control system...35-526
Power measuring instruments...35-526
Power of momentum...35-526
Power of test...35-526
Power of the test...35-526
Power plant...35-526
Power plant construction project...35-526
Power plants...35-526
Power relation...35-526
Power resources...35-526
Power resources--Analysis...35-527
Power resources--Databases...35-527
Power resources--Economic aspects...35-527
Power resources--International cooperation...35-527
Power saving materials...35-527
Power steering systems...35-527
Power system monitoring...35-527
Power system security...35-527
Power system stability...35-527
Power systems...35-527
power systems...35-527
Power [Mechanics]--Design...35-527
Power [Social sciences]...35-527
Power [Social sicences]...35-528
Power-decimal system...35-528
Power-law fluids...35-528
Powerade industry...35-528
Powerpoint program...35-528
Pozzolanic material...35-528
Pozzolanic materials...35-529
Pozzolanic process...35-529
Pozzolanic reaction...35-529
Pozzuolanas-cement composites...35-529
PP/EPR blends...35-529
Praboramarajchanok Institute...35-529
Prachin Buri...35-529
Prachin Buri--Khao Yai Highway...35-529
Prachin Buri--Population...35-529
Prachinburi-Bangpakong Rever...35-529
Prachomklao Hospital--Emergency medical services...35529
Prachuap Khiri Khan...35-529
Practical nursing...35-530
Prader-Willi syndrome...35-530
Pragmatic competence...35-530
Pralidoxime chloride...35-530
Pramongkutklao Hospital...35-530
Pranakhon Si Ayutthaya...35-530
Pranangklao Hospital...35-530
Pranee Training Center...35-530
Prasae river basin...35-530
Prasat Neurological Institute...35-530
Prasat Sambor Prei Kuk...35-530
Prasat Ta Prohm...35-531
Pratu Tao formation...35-531
Pratumthani--Population--Health and hygiene...35-531
Pre-cardiac surgery...35-531
Pre-connected spaces...35-531
Pre-Cooling system...35-532
Pre-dispersal seed predation...35-532
Pre-elementary school...35-532
Pre-hospital care service...35-532
Pre-menopausal women...35-532
Pre-normal spaces...35-532
Pre-operative information...35-532
Pre-operative patients...35-532
Pre-registration handoff...35-532
Pre-release program...35-532
Pre-retired people...35-532
Pre-retirement nurses...35-532
Pre-service teacher education...35-532
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x45]
Pre-stressed ceramics...35-532
Pre-task planning processes...35-532
Preah ko preah keo...35-532
Preah-Kossamak Polytechnic Institute...35-532
Precancerous conditions...35-533
Precast concrete--Parts...35-533
Precast segmental box girder bridge...35-533
Precede framework...35-533
Precedence networks...35-533
Precious stones...35-533
Precious stones--Lampang...35-533
Precipitated silica...35-533
Precipitation [Chemistry]...35-533
Precipitation [Meteorology]...35-533
Precision casting...35-534
Precolumn derivatization...35-534
Precursor cell...35-534
Pred Nai community forestry...35-534
Predaceous coccinellid...35-534
Predation [Biology]...35-534
Predation [biology]...35-534
Predator-prey system...35-534
Predatory animals...35-534
Predatory insects...35-534
Predicate [Logic]...35-535
Predicted mean vote...35-535
Predicted percentage of dissatisfied...35-535
Predicting equation...35-535
Prediction equations...35-535
Prediction model...35-535
Prediction score sheet...35-535
Predictive environmental model...35-535
Predictive model...35-535
Predictive score...35-536
Predictors of exercise activity...35-536
Prefabricated floor...35-536
Prefabricated structural...35-536
Preferred values...35-536
Prefix code...35-536
Pregelatinized rice flour...35-536
Pregnancy and postpartum...35-538
Pregnancy loss...35-538
Pregnancy period...35-538
Pregnancy, Unwanted...35-538
Pregnancy--Effect of contraceptive drugs on...35-539
Pregnancy--Nutritional aspects...35-539
Pregnancy--Prachin Buri...35-539
Pregnancy--Ratchaburi--Nutrition aspects...35-539
Pregnant man [Tale]...35-539
Pregnant nurses...35-539
Pregnant rats...35-539
Pregnant women...35-539
Pregnant women--Bangkok...35-543
Pregnant women--Bangkok--Sexual behavior...35-543
Pregnant women--Behavior...35-543
Pregnant women--Bhutan...35-543
Pregnant women--Cambodia...35-543
Pregnant women--China--Anxiety...35-543
Pregnant women--China--Surgery...35-543
Pregnant women--Diseases...35-543
Pregnant women--Effect of iron on...35-543
Pregnant women--Effect of monosodium glutamate
Pregnant women--Effect of zinc on...35-543
Pregnant women--Health and hygiene...35-544
Pregnant women--Immunology...35-544
Pregnant women--Indonesia...35-544
Pregnant women--Kalasin--Nutrition...35-544
Pregnant women--Khon Kaen--Care...35-544
Pregnant women--Laos...35-544
Pregnant women--Mental health...35-544
Pregnant women--Nutrition...35-544
Pregnant women--Phitsanulok...35-544
Pregnant women--Ratchaburi...35-544
Pregnant women--Saraburi...35-544
Pregnant women--Vietnam...35-545
Pregnant women--Weight gain...35-545
Prehistoric ornaments museums...35-545
Preimplantation embryo...35-545
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis...35-545
Prekindergarten children--Language...35-545
Preliminary compensation...35-545
Preliminary investigations...35-545
Premarital health examination...35-545
Premarital sex...35-545
Premarital sex--Vietnam...35-546
Premature infants...35-546
Premature labor pain...35-546
Prenatal attachment...35-546
Prenatal care...35-546
Prenatal care--Bhutan...35-547
Prenatal care--Indonesia...35-547
Prenatal care--Nepal...35-547
Prenatal care--Ratchaburi...35-547
Prenatal diagnosis...35-547
Prenatal expression...35-547
Prenatal loss...35-547
Prenatal period...35-547
Preneoplastic lesions...35-547
Preoperative assessement...35-547
Preoperative care...35-548
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x46]
Preoperative nursing service...35-548
Preoperative teaching program...35-548
Preparation for aging...35-548
Preparation for the retirement...35-548
Preparatory information...35-548
Prepubertal children...35-548
Preqnant women--Nepal...35-548
Presbytis obscura...35-548
Presbytis phayrei...35-548
Preschool children...35-548
Preschool children--Bangkok--Behavior...35-549
Preschool children--Care...35-549
Preschool children--Chiang Mai...35-549
Preschool children--Chiang Mai--Care...35-549
Preschool children--Chiang Mai--Nutrition...35-550
Preschool children--Education...35-550
Preschool children--Health and hygiene...35-550
Preschool children--Kalasin--Nutrition...35-550
Preschool children--Khon Kaen...35-550
Preschool children--Nakhon Sawan--Health and
Preschool children--Nepal...35-550
Preschool children--Nutrition...35-550
Preschool children--Pattani...35-550
Preschool children--Phatthalung...35-550
Preschool children--Phrae...35-550
Preschool children--Songkhla...35-550
Preschool children--Songkhla--Nutrition...35-550
Preschool children--Thailand, Northern...35-550
Prescribing of drugs...35-550
Present simple Tense...35-550
Presentation techniques...35-551
Preservation of organs, tissues, etc...35-.551
Preservative solutions...35-551
Preservice teacher...35-551
Preservice teachers...35-551
Presidents--United State--Oratory...35-551
Press and politics...35-551
Pressing machine factories...35-551
Pressure container manufacturing company...35-551
Pressure distribution...35-551
Pressure gages...35-552
Pressure intertacing circuit...35-552
Pressure loss...35-552
Pressure measuring instrument...35-552
Pressure pain threshold...35-552
Pressure sensors...35-552
Pressure sores...35-552
Pressure swing adsorption...35-552
Pressure swing adsorption process...35-552
Pressure swing reactor...35-552
Pressure transducers...35-552
Pressure transient analysis...35-552
Pressure ulcers...35-552
Pressure vessel...35-552
Pressure vessels...35-552
Pressurized liquid extraction...35-552
Prestressed concrete...35-553
Prestressed concrete beams...35-553
Presupposed items...35-553
Presupposing items...35-553
Preterm infant...35-553
Preterm labor...35-553
Preudoalteromonas flavipulchra...35-553
Prevalence in cattle...35-553
Prevention and control of iodine deficiency program...35554
Prevention appraisal and failure cost...35-554
Prevention behavior...35-554
Preventive behavior...35-554
Preventive behaviors...35-554
Preventive dentistry...35-554
Preventive health service for children--Chon Buri...35554
Preventive maintenance...35-554
Prevotella intermedia...35-555
Priacanthus macracanthus...35-555
Priacipal components analysis spectrum analysis...35555
Price adjustment...35-555
Price computing scale...35-555
Price Fixing and Antimonopoly Act B.E.2522...35-555
Price indexes...35-555
Price marks...35-555
PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS...35-555
PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS--Employees...35-555
Pricing--United States...35-555
Priest hospital--Accreditation...35-555
Priests, Buddhist...35-555
Priests, Buddhist--Education...35-556
Priests, Buddhist--Sex customs...35-556
Priests, Buddhist--Thailand, Northern...35-556
Primaquine dihydrophosphate...35-556
Primary care...35-556
Primary care services...35-556
Primary Care Unit...35-556
Primary care unit...35-556
Primary care unit--Thailand, Northeastern...35-556
Primary Care Units...35-556
Primary care units...35-556
Primary Care Units--Administration...35-556
Primary care [Medicine]...35-556
Primary education...35-556
Primary forest...35-556
Primary health care...35-557
Primary health care programme...35-557
Primary health care--Citizen participation...35-557
Primary health care--Laos...35-557
Primary health care--Management...35-557
Primary health care--Nakhon Pathom...35-557
Primary health care--Suphan Buri...35-557
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x47]
Primary hypertension...35-557
Primary lipid exposure...35-557
Primary molars...35-557
Primary nursing system...35-558
Primary open angle glaucoma...35-558
Primary school children...35-558
Primary school committees...35-558
Primary school committes...35-558
Primary school students...35-558
Primary schools...35-558
Primary sludge...35-558
Primary teeth...35-558
Primase small subunit...35-558
Prime end...35-558
Prime ministers...35-559
Primitive equation...35-559
Primordial germ cells...35-559
Primorsky honeybee...35-559
Primrose oil...35-559
Prince of Songkla University...35-559
Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Education-Students...35-559
Prince of Songkla University--Students...35-560
Princess Sirindhorn Neutor Monitor...35-560
Princeton ocean model...35-560
Principal component analysis...35-560
Principal component regression...35-560
Principal components analysis...35-560
Principal nodes...35-560
Principal-superintendent relationships...35-560
Principally injective modules...35-560
Principally V-modules...35-560
Principles of buddhism...35-560
Prined circuit board...35-560
Print circuit board...35-560
Print mottle...35-560
Print qualities...35-560
Print quality...35-560
Printe circuit board...35-561
Printed circuit board assembly...35-561
Printed circuits...35-561
Printed media...35-561
Printed media business...35-561
Printers, Black...35-561
Printing business...35-562
Printing ink...35-562
Printing Innovation Co...35-.562
Printing machinery and supplies--Maintenance and
Printing paper industry...35-562
Printing proof system...35-562
Prion protein...35-562
Priority setting...35-562
Prismatomeris filamentosa...35-562
Prismatomeris fragrans...35-562
Prismatomeris sessiliflora...35-562
Prison administration...35-562
Prison commander...35-562
Prison officers...35-562
Prisoner visiting system...35-563
Prisoners--Conduct of life...35-563
Prisoners--Mental health...35-563
Privacy preserving...35-563
Private armed forces...35-563
Private automatic branch exchange system...35-563
Private branch exchange...35-564
Private business...35-564
Private clinic--Costs...35-564
Private education...35-564
Private employees...35-564
Private enterprise...35-564
Private General Hospitals...35-564
Private health club--Bangkok...35-564
Private Health Promotion Center...35-564
Private hospitals...35-564
Private housing projects...35-564
Private investigation...35-564
Private kindergarten schools...35-564
Private land...35-564
Private language school--Cambodia...35-564
Private motorcycle inspection centers...35-564
Private officers--Retirement...35-564
Private organizations...35-565
Private publisher...35-565
Private schools...35-565
Private schools--Study and teaching...35-565
Private sectors...35-565
Private security guards...35-565
Private security services--Employees...35-565
Private slum...35-565
Private Surveyors Act, B.E.2535...35-565
Private technical colleges--Bangkok...35-565
Private universities and colleges...35-565
Private universities and colleges--Administration...35-565
Private universities and Colleges--Bangkok...35-565
Private universities and colleges--College graduates-Statistics...35-566
Private universities and collegls...35-566
Private vocational education...35-566
Private vocational schools...35-566
PrM protein...35-566
Pro-oxidative activity...35-566
Pro/II program...35-566
PRO/II with PRO vision...35-566
Probabilistic models...35-566
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x48]
Probability proportional to size sampling...35-567
Probarbus jullieni...35-567
Probation officers...35-567
Probe method...35-567
Probe tone frequency...35-567
Probe vehicle system...35-567
Probiotic bacillus toyoi...35-568
Probiotic bacteria...35-568
Probiotic E26...35-568
Problem alleviations...35-568
Problem management system...35-568
Problem oriented screening instrument for
Problem soliving skill...35-569
Problem solving...35-569
Problem solving ability...35-569
Problem solving ability in science...35-569
Problem solving exercise...35-570
Problem solving laboratory sheet...35-570
Problem solving--Sri Lanka...35-570
Problem-based learning...35-570
Problems, Exercises, ete...35-.570
Proboscis monkey...35-570
Proboscis monkey--Environmental aspects...35-570
Process control...35-570
Process control--Statistical methods...35-570
Process design...35-570
Process development...35-571
Process efficiency...35-571
Process flow...35-571
Process improvement...35-571
Process of quality system management...35-571
Process of transmitting skills...35-571
Process safety...35-571
Process simulator...35-571
Process standard...35-571
Process synchironization...35-571
Process variables...35-571
Processed agricultural products...35-571
Processed food industry...35-571
Processed longan...35-571
Processing order...35-571
Processing properties...35-571
Prochiral azidodiketones...35-572
Procurement behavior...35-572
Procurement deregulation...35-572
Produce trade...35-572
Produce trade--China...35-572
Produce trade--Pakistan--Government policy...35-572
Produce trade--Rwanda--Government policy...35-572
Producer cooperatives--Thailand, Northeastern...35-572
Producer cooperatives--Thailand, Northern...35-572
Producer gar...35-572
Producer gas...35-573
Producers price indexes...35-573
Product classification...35-573
Product coding...35-573
Product consumption...35-573
Product data management...35-573
Product data management system...35-573
Product design...35-573
Product development...35-573
Product innovation...35-573
Product line systems...35-573
Product management...35-573
Product placement...35-574
Product safety...35-574
Product spaces...35-574
Product time...35-574
Product yield...35-574
Production activity tracking controlled...35-574
Production and sale of electric current business...35-574
Production control...35-574
Production efficiency...35-574
Production engineering...35-574
Production function...35-574
Production group...35-574
Production loss...35-574
Production management...35-574
Production management--Data processing...35-575
Production mechanics...35-575
Production of line art...35-575
production parameters...35-575
Production performance...35-575
Production performence...35-575
Production planning...35-575
Production problems...35-575
Production process of regional news...35-575
Production processes...35-575
Production scheduling...35-576
Production system...35-576
Production technology...35-576
Production traceability...35-576
Production [Economic theory]...35-576
Production-line methods...35-576
Productive participation...35-576
Productivity accounting...35-576
Productivity change--Bangladesh...35-577
Productivity enhancement...35-577
Productivity growth...35-577
Productivity improvement...35-577
Products and services...35-577
Products Manufactures--Environmental aspects...35-577
Products prepared...35-577
Professional accreditation model...35-577
Professional advancement...35-577
Professional commiment...35-577
Professional commitment...35-577
Professional competencies...35-578
Professional development...35-578
Professional education...35-578
Professional education--Chon Buri--Curricula...35-578
Professional nurse...35-578
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x49]
Professional nurses...35-578
Professional performance...35-578
Professional value instillation...35-578
Professionalism model...35-578
Progessive signal systems...35-579
Prognostic factors...35-579
Program aided instruction for C++...35-579
Program compression of speech...35-579
Program correctness prove...35-579
Program correctness [Computer science]...35-579
Program design...35-579
Program evaluation...35-579
Program for developing emotional intelligence...35-579
Program for enhancing critical thinking ability...35-580
Program for enhancing perception art of preschool
Program for payment calculation...35-580
Program of Higher Diploma in Technology...35-580
Program security...35-580
Program sponsors...35-580
Program verification...35-580
Program's impacts analysis...35-580
Programmable logic controller...35-580
Programmatic factors...35-580
Programmed instruction...35-580
Programmed lesson...35-581
Programmed Lessons...35-581
Programmed lessons...35-581
Programming language [Electronic computers]...35-581
Programming languages [Electronic computers]...35-581
Programming mathematics...35-581
Programming [Electronic computers]...35-581
Programming [Mathematics]...35-581
Progressive die...35-581
Progressive muscle relaxation...35-581
Progressive retinal atrophy...35-581
Prohibited foods...35-582
Project "Thai Education in the Era of Globalization"...35582
Project analysis...35-582
Project campaign for food...35-582
Project control system...35-582
Project evaluation...35-582
Project evaluation and review technique...35-582
Project feasibility...35-582
Project feasibility studies...35-582
Project in constructing material symbol for representing
the identity of Ubonratchathani...35-582
Project management...35-582
Project monitoring system...35-583
Project of entrusting homes to police...35-583
Project of fining trash throwers in public places...35-583
Project of the New Theory water using promotion...35583
Project of the watergate of Thajeen river...35-583
Project on the acceleration of mathematics
undergraduate production and development...35583
Project planning...35-583
Project Renewal Dindaeng...35-583
Project scheduling...35-583
Project school for life and community...35-583
Project selection...35-583
Project work...35-583
Project work instruction...35-583
Project-based language learning...35-583
Project-based learning...35-583
Project-based learning approach...35-583
Projection plaster...35-584
Projection profile...35-584
Proleolytic enzymes...35-585
Proliferative diabetic retnopathy...35-585
Proliferative lymphocytes...35-585
Prolonged cough...35-585
Prolonged pregnancy...35-585
Promethazine hydrochloride...35-585
Promote access...35-585
Promoter recognition...35-585
Promoters [Chemistry]...35-586
Promoters [Genetics]...35-586
Promotion environment education...35-586
Promotion of no smoking tobacco...35-586
Promotional campaign...35-586
Prone position...35-586
Proofs [Printing]...35-586
Propagation of uncertainties...35-586
Propagator matrix method...35-586
Propane dehydrogenation...35-587
Proper nouns...35-588
Proper orthogonal decomposition...35-588
Property crimes...35-588
Property estimation...35-588
Property management system...35-588
Property market...35-588
Property sale...35-588
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x50]
Property tax...35-588
Property valuation...35-588
Property [H]...35-588
Prophenoloxidase aetivating system...35-588
Prophocarpus tetragonolobus...35-588
Propionibacterium acnes...35-589
Propionic acid...35-589
Propionicbacterium jensenii...35-589
Proportion method...35-589
Proportional election...35-589
Proportions estimators...35-589
Proposal writing in research...35-589
Proposed model...35-590
Proposed Nam Nga Gnai project...35-590
Proposed program...35-590
Propoxyphene napsylate...35-590
Propranolol hydrochloride...35-590
Propranolol hydrochloride pellets...35-591
Propranolol hydrocholride...35-591
Proprietary hospitals...35-591
proprietary hospitals...35-591
Proprietary software...35-591
Proprioceptive training...35-591
Propylene block copolymer...35-591
Propylene glycol...35-592
Propylene grafted maleic anhydride...35-592
Propylene oxide...35-592
Prosodic analysis [Linguistics]...35-592
Prosodic analysis [Linguistics]--Asia, Southeastern...35592
Prosodic phonology...35-592
Prospective payment system...35-592
Prostaglandin J2...35-593
Prostaglandins F2 alpha...35-593
Prostate carcinoma...35-593
Prostate specific antigen...35-593
Prostatic hyperplasia...35-594
Prostatic hypertrophy...35-594
Prostatic volume...35-594
Prostitution policy...35-595
Prostitution--Law and legislation...35-595
Protease assay...35-595
Protease enzyme...35-595
Protease inhibitors...35-595
Protection for investors...35-596
Protection for motor vehicle accident victims act...35-596
Protection motivation...35-597
Protection motivation theory...35-597
Protection motivaton theory...35-598
Protection of child abuse...35-598
Protection of the global commons...35-598
Protection of the unit holders...35-598
Protective atmospheres...35-598
Protein adsorption...35-598
Protein allergens...35-598
Protein binding...35-598
Protein C...35-598
Protein degradation...35-598
Protein engineering...35-599
Protein extract...35-599
Protein extraction...35-599
Protein film...35-599
Protein flexible docking...35-599
Protein folding...35-599
Protein hydrolysates...35-599
Protein intake...35-599
Protein interactions...35-599
Protein kinase C...35-599
Protein Kinases...35-599
Protein kinases...35-599
Protein kinases--Inhibitors...35-599
Protein libraries technique...35-599
Protein marker...35-599
Protein markers...35-599
Protein metabolism...35-599
Protein phosphatase 1...35-600
Protein profiles...35-600
Protein solubility...35-600
Protein structure...35-600
Protein substrates...35-600
Protein supplementation...35-600
Protein-calorie malnutrition...35-600
Proteins in animal nutrition...35-603
Proteins in human nutrition...35-603
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x51]
Proteins--Nutrition aspects...35-604
Proteins--Toxicity testing...35-604
Proteolytic enzyme...35-604
Proteolytic enzyme inhibitors...35-604
Proteolytic enzymes...35-604
Proteus mirabilis...35-605
Proteus mirabilis--Genetic aspects...35-605
Proteus retigeri...35-605
Protfolio assessment...35-605
Protic solvent...35-606
Protien patterns...35-606
Protine-rich motif...35-606
Proto-Loloish language...35-606
Protoberberine alkaloid...35-606
Protoberberine alkaloids...35-606
Protoberberine ring system...35-606
Protocal analysis...35-606
Protocal conversion program...35-606
Protocols in medicine...35-606
Protoconstipatic acid...35-606
Protocorm-like bodies...35-606
Proton affinity...35-607
Proton and antiproton annihilation...35-607
Proton antiporter...35-607
Proton exchange membrane...35-607
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell...35-607
Proton NMR titration...35-607
Proton transfer reactions...35-607
Proton-proton scattering...35-607
Protoplast fusion technique...35-608
Prototype development...35-608
Prototype of control system...35-608
Prototypes, Engineering...35-608
Prototyping system design tool...35-608
Prou, Suzanne--Characters...35-609
Provenance trials...35-609
Proverbial verse...35-609
Proverbs, Chinese...35-609
Proverbs, Thai...35-609
Provial DNA...35-609
Provident fund...35-609
Providing information...35-609
Providing palliative care...35-609
Province websites...35-609
Provincial Administrative Organization...35-609
Provincial chief medical officers...35-609
Provincial cultural councils...35-609
Provincial Electricity Authority Area 2...35-610
Provincial Electricity Authority. Training Division...35610
Provincial environmental office...35-610
Provincial environmental quality management action
Provincial Health Office...35-610
Provincial Health Office--Personnel management...35610
Provincial Integrated Administration Committee...35-610
Provincial non-formal education centers--Staff...35-610
Provincial palice stations...35-610
Provincial Police Region 1. General Staff Division...35610
Provincial Police Region 7...35-610
Provincial primary education committees...35-610
Provincial public welfare officers...35-610
Provisional release...35-610
Provocation tests [Medicine]...35-610
Proximal femur...35-610
Proximal tubule...35-610
Proxy caching...35-611
Proxy server...35-611
PRRSV vaccines...35-611
Prune dwarf virus...35-611
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus...35-611
Pseudocanthotermes militaries...35-611
Pseudodendrothrips mori...35-611
Pseudodon vondembuschianus...35-611
Pseudoginsenosides isolated...35-611
Pseudolatex base...35-611
Pseudomonas aeromonas hydrophila...35-612
Pseudomonas aeruginosa...35-612
Pseudomonas cepacia...35-613
Pseudomonas fluorescens...35-613
Pseudomonas infections...35-613
Pseudomonas J-45...35-613
Pseudomonas mallei...35-613
Pseudomonas maltophilia...35-613
Pseudomonas oleovorans...35-613
Pseudomonas pseudomallei...35-613
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x52]
Pseudomonas putida...35-614
Pseudomonas solanacearum...35-614
Pseudomonas stutzeri...35-614
Pseudopotential method...35-614
Pseudorabies virus...35-614
Pseudotsuga menziesii...35-614
Psidium guajava...35-614
Psilocybe cubensis...35-615
Psilocybe samuiensis...35-615
Psophocahpus tetragonolobus...35-615
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus...35-615
Psoriasis vulgaris...35-615
Psorospermum febrifugum...35-615
Psttylia fletcheri...35-615
Psychiatric care...35-615
Psychiatric epidemiology...35-615
Psychiatric hospital patients...35-615
Psychiatric nurses...35-615
Psychiatric nursing...35-616
Psychiatric Patients...35-616
Psychiatric patients...35-616
Psychiatric rating scales...35-616
Psychiatric social work...35-616
Psychiatric wards...35-616
Psycho-educational program...35-616
Psycho-social indicators...35-617
Psycho-somatic impact...35-617
Psychoacoustic model...35-617
Psychological child abuse...35-617
Psychological distress...35-617
Psychological domain...35-617
Psychological modernity test...35-617
Psychological process...35-617
Psychological reactance...35-617
Psychological resources...35-617
Psychological screening inventory...35-617
Psychological self-care behavior...35-617
Psychological states...35-617
Psychological status...35-617
Psychological tests...35-617
Psychology texts...35-618
Psychology--Latin America--Research...35-618
Psychometric testing...35-618
Psychomotor disorders...35-618
Psychomotor performance...35-618
Psychophysical approach...35-618
Psychosocial adjustment...35-618
Psychosocial care...35-618
Psychosocial factors...35-618
Psychosocial needs...35-618
Psychosocial work factors...35-618
Psychotherapist and patient...35-618
Psychotherapy patients...35-619
Psychotherapy patients--Care...35-619
Psychotherapy patients--Nursing...35-619
Psychotherapy patients--Thailand, Northeastern...35-619
Psychotherapy patients--Thailand, Northern...35-619
Psychotherapy patients--Thailand, Southern...35-619
Psychotic disorders...35-619
Psychotic Patients...35-619
Psychotic relapse...35-619
Psychotic screening test...35-619
Psychotropic drugs...35-619
Psychrotrophic bacteria...35-619
Psyllaephagus yaseeni...35-620
Pt loading...35-620
Pt-Co/SiO2 catalysts...35-620
PTEE/PP membrane...35-620
Pteria penguin...35-620
Pteris ensiformis burm...35-620
Pteris multifida...35-620
Pteris tripartita...35-620
Pteris vittata...35-620
Pterocarpus indicus--Morphology...35-620
Pterocarpus indicus--Physiology...35-620
Pterocarpus macrocarpus...35-621
Pterocarpus macrocarpus seedlings...35-621
Pterocaulon redolens...35-621
Pteropus lylei...35-621
Pterygoid muscles...35-621
Pterygopalatine ganglion...35-621
PTHRP [Protein]...35-621
Pua fualt...35-621
Pubic health officers...35-621
Public accountability...35-621
Public administration...35-621
Public awareness...35-621
Public buildings--Thailand, Northeastern...35-622
Public cleaning workers...35-622
Public companies...35-622
Public company...35-622
Public conscious...35-622
Public construction project...35-622
Public DOTS centers...35-622
Public DOTS treatment center...35-622
Public duty...35-622
Public economics...35-622
Public energy enterprise...35-622
Public enterprise reform...35-622
Public enterprises...35-622
Public express boats...35-622
Public forums...35-622
Public health...35-623
Public Health Act, B.E.2535...35-623
Public Health Act,B.E.2535...35-623
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x53]
health Act. B.E.2535...35-623
health administration...35-623
health administrators...35-623
health competency...35-623
health dentistry...35-623
health graduate education...35-623
health laws...35-623
Health Ministerial Regulation on infectious waste
disposal, B.E.2545...35-623
health nursing...35-624
health officers...35-624
health officials...35-624
Health personnel...35-624
health personnel...35-624
health personnel--Buri Rum...35-625
health personnel--Indonesia--Job satisfaction...35625
health personnel--Job satisfaction...35-625
health personnel--Kamphaeng Phet...35-625
health personnel--Mental health...35-625
health personnel--Nepal...35-625
health personnel--Nong Khai...35-625
health personnel--Ratchaburi...35-625
health personnel--Training of...35-625
health personnel--Work...35-625
health problems...35-625
health region 1...35-625
health service...35-625
health service models...35-625
health supervision...35-625
health supervisor...35-626
health surveillance...35-626
health surveillance--Quality...35-626
health--Chiang Mai...35-626
health--Economic aspects...35-626
health--Kamphaeng Phet...35-626
health--Thailand, Northeastern...35-626
hospitals--Khon Kaen...35-627
key infrastructure...35-627
lands--Khon Kaen...35-627
library users...35-627
motorcycle drivers...35-627
office holders...35-628
officers--Job satisfaction...35-628
officers--Leaves absence...35-628
officers--Political activity...35-629
opinion--Kamphaeng Phet...35-629
Park management system...35-629
park officers...35-629
park user...35-629
participation for projects...35-629
policy--Citizen participation...35-629
relation administration...35-630
relations media...35-630
relations news release...35-630
relations performance evaluation...35-630
relations personnel...35-630
relations personnel--Training of...35-630
relations strategies...35-630
relations--Chiang Mai...35-631
relations--Energy conservation...35-631
relations--Nong Khai...35-631
sector rightsiging...35-631
sector standard management sustem and
Public servant's housing...35-631
Public servants--Mongolia--Training of...35-631
Public service...35-631
Public service advertising...35-631
Public service centers...35-631
Public service concession...35-631
Public service--Bangkok...35-632
Public services...35-632
Public speaking--Employees--Training of...35-632
Public specialized university--Vietnam...35-632
Public sphere...35-632
Public stations--Nakhon Pathom--Government
Public swimming pools...35-632
Public switched telephone network...35-632
Public transportation system...35-632
Public universities...35-632
Public universities and colleges...35-632
Public universities and colleges--Administration...35-632
Public university...35-632
Public welfare...35-632
Public welfare activities...35-632
Public works...35-632
Public Works Department. Rehabilitation and
Maintenance Division...35-633
Public-private cooperative organization...35-633
Public-private mix DOTS treatment center...35-633
Public-private sector cooperation...35-633
Publication distribution system...35-633
Publish/subscribe systems...35-633
Puccinia arachidis...35-633
Puddy rice...35-633
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x54]
Pueraria candollei...35-633
Pueraria lobata...35-633
Pueraria mirifca...35-633
Pueraria Mirifica...35-633
Pueraria mirifica...35-633
Puffed snacks...35-635
Puffers [fish]...35-635
Pulic officials...35-635
Pull strength of...35-635
Pullulan Polymer...35-635
Pulluted insulators...35-635
Pulmonart function test...35-635
Pulmonary artery...35-636
Pulmonary artery pressure--Measurement...35-636
Pulmonary diseases...35-636
Pulmonary function...35-636
Pulmonary function deterioration...35-636
Pulmonary function impairment...35-636
Pulmonary function test...35-636
Pulmonary function tests...35-636
Pulmonary function tests--Bangkok...35-636
Pulmonary hypertension...35-636
Pulmonary manifestations of general diseases...35-636
Pulmonary rehabilitation nursing...35-636
Pulmonary toxicology...35-636
Pulmonary toxicology--Lampang...35-637
Pulmonary tuberculosis...35-637
Pulmonary tuberculosis patients...35-637
Pulmonary vasculature...35-637
Pulp mills...35-637
Pulp mills--By-products...35-637
Pulpal blood flow...35-637
Pulping waste liquor...35-637
Pulsator clarifier...35-638
Pulse circuits...35-638
Pulse field gel electrophoresis...35-638
Pulse field gradient-nuclear magnetic resonance...35-638
Pulse generators...35-638
Pulse height ADC...35-638
Pulse oximeters...35-638
Pulse shape design...35-638
Pulse width modulation converters...35-638
Pulse-width modulation...35-638
Pulsed amperometric detection...35-638
Pulsed beam prompt gamma-ray technique...35-638
Pulsed column...35-638
Pulsed laser deposition...35-638
Pulsed sinusoid signal...35-638
Pulsed sinusoid signal sources...35-638
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis...35-638
Pulsed-field gel lelctrophoresis...35-639
Pultellidae--Insecticide resistance...35-639
Pulverzied fly ash...35-639
Pumping machinery...35-639
Pumpkin caterpillars...35-639
Pumpkin nectar...35-639
Pumpkin--Seeds--Therapeutic use...35-640
Pumpwell irrigation project...35-640
Punctured convolutional code...35-640
Puncturevien planthopper...35-640
Punica granatum...35-640
Punica grandtum...35-640
Punishments--Public officers...35-640
Puntioplites proctozysron...35-640
Puntius gonionotus...35-641
Puntius gonionotus--Mortality...35-641
Puntius orphoides...35-641
Puntius schwnenfeldii...35-641
Puntius stoliczkanus...35-642
Pupil-center instruction...35-642
Puppet performing song...35-642
Purchase accounting...35-642
Purchase behavior...35-642
Purchase intention...35-642
Purchasing behavior...35-642
Purchasing decision...35-642
Purchasing power parity...35-642
Purging nut oil...35-643
Purification enzymes...35-643
Purified protein derivative...35-643
Purified terephthalic acid project...35-643
Purkinje cells...35-643
Purple acid phosphatases...35-643
Purple nutsedge...35-643
Purshia tridentata...35-643
Push-pull movement...35-643
Push-pull systems...35-643
Putative disulphide...35-643
PV grid-connected system...35-644
PV module...35-644
PV public lighting system...35-644
PV system...35-644
PV-diesel generator hybrid power plant system...35-644
PV-Diesel hybrid system...35-644
PVA film...35-644
PVC industry...35-644
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x55]
PVC Leather and Plastic Company...35-644
PVC plastics...35-644
PVC resin...35-644
PVC [Chemical]...35-644
Pwo Karen community...35-645
Pycnarrhena lucida...35-645
Pyioelectric sensor...35-645
Pyramid weight...35-645
Pyranonaphtoquinone compound...35-645
Pyranose 2-oxidase...35-645
Pyrenophora teres...35-646
Pyricularia grisea...35-646
Pyricularia grisea--Classification...35-646
Pyricularia oryzae...35-646
Pyridinium chlorochromate...35-647
Pyridinocalix [4] arene...35-647
Pyridoacridine alkaloids...35-647
Pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone...35-647
Pyridoxal Isonicotinoyl hydrazone [PIH]...35-647
Pyrite oxidation...35-647
Pyroelectric sensor...35-648
Pyrrole alkaloids...35-648
Pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase gene...35-648
Pyrrosia eberhardtit...35-649
Pyrus pyrifolia...35-649
Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai...35-649
Pyruvate carboxylase...35-649
Pyruvate Kinase...35-649
Pyruvate kinases...35-649
Pythium aphanidermatum...35-649
Pythium insidiosum--Diagnosis...35-649
Pythium insidisum...35-649
QDI controllers...35-650
QF-3 rings...35-650
QFD technique...35-650
Qiant tiger shrimp...35-650
Qigong meditation exercise...35-650
Qingdao Technical University...35-650
QS 9000...35-650
Qsar model...35-650
QSAR [Biochemistry]...35-650
Quadratic integers...35-651
Quadriceps femoris...35-651
Quadruplybonded molybdenum...35-651
Qualification recognition...35-651
Qualifications required...35-651
Qualitative angles...35-651
Qualitative evaluation...35-651
Qualitative methods...35-651
Qualitative model...35-651
Qualitative reasoning...35-651
Qualitative research...35-651
Quality assessment...35-652
Quality assurance...35-652
Quality assurance in education...35-652
Quality assurance of higher...35-652
Quality assurance system...35-652
Quality audit system...35-653
Quality circle...35-653
Quality circles...35-653
Quality control...35-653
Quality control circles...35-653
Quality control system...35-653
Quality control--Charts, diagrams, etc...35-.653
Quality control--Standards...35-653
Quality cost...35-653
Quality development...35-653
Quality evaluation...35-653
Quality function deployment...35-653
Quality function matrix...35-654
Quality improvement...35-654
Quality indicator...35-654
Quality Leadership Process...35-654
Quality management...35-654
Quality management system...35-654
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x56]
Quality of audited financial statements...35-654
Quality of care...35-654
Quality of College graduates...35-654
Quality of drinking water...35-654
Quality of Life...35-655
Quality of life...35-655
Quality of life development...35-657
Quality of life--Bangkok...35-657
Quality of life--Chiang Mai...35-657
Quality of life--China...35-657
Quality of life--Chon buri...35-657
Quality of life--Measurement...35-657
Quality of life--Ranong...35-657
Quality of life--Research...35-657
Quality of life--Thailand, Northeastern...35-658
Quality of life--Ubon Ratchathani...35-658
Quality of nursing care services...35-658
Quality of products...35-658
Quality of Service...35-658
Quality of service...35-658
Quality of services...35-658
Quality of sleep...35-658
Quality of work life...35-658
Quality planning...35-659
Quality system...35-659
Quality system management...35-659
Quality--Nakhon Si Thammarat...35-659
Quantification theory...35-659
Quantitative analysis...35-659
Quantitative assessment...35-659
Quantitative forecasting...35-659
Quantitative models...35-659
Quantitative structure-activity relationships...35-659
Quantitative structure-activity relationships
Quantitative trait loci...35-660
Quantitative ultrasound...35-660
Quantitative ultrasound measurement...35-660
Quantitive structure-activity relationships
Quantity measurement...35-660
Quantum chaos...35-660
Quantum chemical calculation...35-660
Quantum chemical calculations...35-660
Quantum chemistry...35-660
Quantum complex-valued backpropagation neural
Quantum computation...35-661
Quantum cryptography system...35-661
Quantum dot molecule...35-661
Quantum dot molecules...35-661
Quantum dots...35-661
Quantum entanglement...35-661
Quantum field theory...35-661
Quantum Hall effect...35-661
Quantum hall effect...35-661
Quantum hall system...35-661
Quantum mechanical...35-662
Quantum mechanics...35-662
Quantum neural network...35-662
Quantum optics...35-662
Quantum pharmacology...35-662
Quantum physics...35-662
Quantum statistics...35-662
Quantum theory...35-662
Quantum transport...35-662
Quantum well intermixing...35-662
Quantum wells...35-662
Quarry mill...35-663
Quarry wills...35-663
Quartz crystal microbalances...35-663
Quasi-brittle materials...35-663
Quasi-mininjective modules...35-663
Quasi-normal modes...35-663
Quasi-principally injective module...35-663
Quasi-principally injective modules...35-663
Quasi-principally projective modules...35-663
Quaternary ammonium...35-664
Quaternary ammonium compounds...35-664
Quaternary ammonium salt...35-664
Quaternary deposits...35-664
Quaternary Geology...35-664
Quaternary geology...35-664
Quaternary sequences...35-664
Quaternary-product column...35-664
Quaternory ammonium herbicides...35-664
Quatitative analysis...35-664
Queen Sirikit Central Hospital--Libraries...35-664
Queen Sirikit Hospital--Staff...35-664
Queen Sirikit Institute of Child Health...35-664
Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health...35-664
Quenching processes...35-665
Query expansion...35-665
Query processing...35-665
QUERY [Information retrieval system]...35-665
Query [Information retrieval system]...35-665
Querying systems...35-665
Question comprehension and response abilities...35-665
Question-answering system...35-665
Questioning strategies...35-666
Questions and answers...35-666
Queueing system...35-666
Queuing technique...35-666
Queuing theory...35-666
Quezon city [Philippines]--Social conditions...35-666
Quinate dehydrogenase...35-666
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x57]
Quinine--Therapeutic use--Testing...35-667
Quinoline antimalarials...35-667
Quinolone antibacterial agents...35-667
Quinolone antibacterial agents--Pharmacokinetics...35667
Quinolone antibiotics...35-667
Quinolone sensing...35-667
Quintic field...35-667
Quorum sensing...35-667
Quorum sensing genes...35-667
Quotient rings...35-667
Qusiconformal mapping...35-668
r DNA...35-668
Rabbit embryo...35-668
Rabbit meat--Quality...35-668
Rabbit renal Proximal tubules...35-668
Rabies vaccine...35-669
Rabies vaccines...35-669
Rabies virus...35-669
Rabies--Preventive inoculation...35-669
Race horses...35-669
Race horses--Food--Carbohydate content...35-669
Racemic menthol...35-669
Rachvinit Bangkhen School...35-670
Rachycentron canadus...35-670
Racine, Jean...35-670
Racine, Jean--Drama...35-670
Radermachera glandulosa...35-670
Radial basis function...35-670
Radial deformation...35-670
Radial tire components...35-670
Radiant barrier...35-670
Radiation dose...35-671
Radiation dosimetry...35-671
Radiation dosimetry--Computer programs...35-671
Radiation force balances...35-671
Radiation leakage...35-671
Radiation monitoring...35-671
Radiation pattern...35-671
Radiation preservation of food...35-671
Radiation protection...35-671
Radiation protection devices...35-671
Radiation sterilization...35-671
Radiation therapy...35-671
Radiation treatment planning system...35-671
Radiation--Effect of animal...35-672
Radiation--Safety measures...35-672
Radical scavenger...35-672
Radical scavenging...35-672
Radical scavenging activity...35-672
Radicals [Chemistry]...35-672
Radio astronomy...35-672
Radio audiences...35-672
Radio broadcasters--Communication...35-672
Radio broadcasting...35-672
Radio broadcasting policy...35-672
Radio broadcasting programs...35-673
Radio ferquency identification device...35-673
Radio frequency...35-673
Radio frequency identification system...35-673
Radio immunoassay...35-673
Radio in agriculture...35-673
Radio in medicine...35-673
Radio industry...35-673
Radio journalism...35-673
Radio network...35-673
Radio programs...35-673
Radio receiver and transmitter system...35-673
Radio resource management...35-673
Radio telescopes...35-673
Radio TV and communication equipment related
Radio waves...35-673
Radio-opaque markers...35-673
Radioactive laboratories...35-673
Radioactive pollution...35-673
Radioactive tracers...35-674
Radioactive waste disposal...35-674
Radioactivity--Computer programs...35-674
Radiocarbon dating...35-674
Radiochemical analysis...35-674
Radiochromic film...35-674
Radiofrequency ablation...35-674
Radiographic duplicator...35-674
Radiography, Medical...35-674
Radiography, Medical--Digital techniques...35-675
Radiography, Medical--Image quality...35-675
Radioisotopes in botany...35-675
Radioisotopes in medical diagnosis...35-675
Radioisotopes--Therapeutic use...35-675
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x58]
Radiolaria, Fossil...35-675
Radioligand assay...35-675
Radioligand binding...35-676
Radiological contamination...35-676
Radiometric in vitro measurement...35-676
Radon--Chiang Mai...35-677
Rafflesia kerrii...35-677
Rafting tourism...35-678
Railroad police...35-678
Railway lines...35-678
Railway termini...35-678
Railway wheelset...35-678
Rain and rainfall...35-678
Rain and rainfall--Attenuation...35-678
Rain and rainfall--Chiang Mai...35-678
Rain and rainfall--Nan--Research...35-678
Rain and rainfall--Thailand, Northern...35-678
Rain attenuation...35-678
Rain forest ecology...35-678
Rain forest plants...35-678
Rain forest plants--Chiang Mai...35-679
Rain forests...35-679
Rain forests--Chanthaburi...35-679
Rain forests--Phetchaburi...35-679
Rain-water [Water supply]--Analysis...35-679
Rain-water [Water-supply]...35-679
Rain-water [Water-supply]--Thailand, Northern...35-679
Rainbow Trout...35-679
Rainbow trout...35-679
Rainfall gaging station...35-679
Rainfall gaging station networks...35-680
Rainfall intensity duration frequencies...35-680
Rainfall prediction...35-680
Rainfall reliability...35-680
Rainfall-runoff behavior...35-680
Rainfall-runoff modeling...35-680
Rainfed lowland rice--Chachoengsao...35-680
Rainfed lowland rice--Drought tolerance...35-680
Rainfed lowland rice--Laos...35-680
Rainfed lowland rice--Thailand, Northeastern...35-680
Rainfed uplands...35-680
Rainfed-rice farmers...35-680
Rainy seasons...35-680
Raised bed crop...35-680
Rajabhat Institute Loei--Teachers...35-680
Rajabhat Institute Nakhon Si Thammarat...35-681
Rajabhat Institute Phetchaboon--Students...35-681
Rajabhat Institute Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya-Teachers...35-681
Rajabhat Institute Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya...35-681
Rajabhat Institute Phuket...35-681
Rajabhat Institute Phuket--Students--Attitude
Rajabhat Institute University...35-681
Rajabhat Institute University--Students...35-681
Rajabhat Institute University--Thailand, Northern...35681
Rajabhat Institute--Thailand, Northern...35-681
Rajabhat Institutes...35-681
Rajabhat Institutes information system...35-681
Rajabhat Institutes--Administration...35-681
Rajabhat Institutes--Information services...35-681
Rajabhat Institutes--Students...35-682
Rajabhat Institutes--Teachers--Thailand, Northern...35682
Rajabhat Institutes--Thailand, Northern...35-682
Rajabhat Iustitute Buriram...35-682
Rajabhat Universities--Thailand, Central...35-682
Rajabhat University...35-682
Rajamangala Institute of Technology...35-682
Rajamangala Institute of Technology Chotiwet Campus-Students...35-682
Rajamangala Institute of Technology-Administration...35-682
Rajamangala Institute of Technology--Students...35-682
Rajamangala University of Technology...35-682
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna...35-682
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi...35682
Rajavaramuni, Phra [Prayudh Payutto]...35-682
Rajavithi Hospital...35-682
Rajavithi Hospital--Management...35-683
Rajavithi Hospital. Outpatient pharmacy...35-683
Rajburana Health Centre...35-683
Rajini Bon School...35-683
Rajjaprabha dam--Environmental aspects...35-683
RAKE receiver...35-683
Ralstomia solanacearum...35-683
Ralstonia eutropha...35-683
Ralstonia solanacearum...35-683
Ram Chui-Chai Pram...35-683
Ram Intra-Ad Narong Expressway project...35-684
Ram Khamhaeng controversy...35-684
Rama Gradens Hotel...35-684
Rama V., King Siam...35-684
Rama [Hindu deity]...35-684
Ramallah Hospital. Catheter Unit--Costs...35-684
Raman spectrometry...35-684
Raman spectroscopy...35-684
Ramathibodi Hospital...35-684
Ramathibodi Hospital--Drug distribution systems...35-
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x59]
Ramathibodi Hospital. Emergency Department...35-685
Ramathibodi hospital. Faculty of Medicine-Personnel...35-685
Ramathibodi Hospital. Division of Nutrition and
Ramathibodi linear accelerator...35-685
Rambach agar...35-685
Rambutan--Effect of Paclobutrazol on...35-685
Ramdom Amplified Polymorphic DNA...35-685
Ramdom fixed point theories...35-685
Ramdom noise...35-685
Ramdom oracle model...35-685
Ramdom walks [Mathematics]...35-685
Ramdomly amplified polymorphic DNA...35-685
Ramhamhaeng University community...35-686
Ramie--Supply and demand...35-686
Ramkhamhaeng University...35-686
Ramkhamhaeng University Library...35-686
Ramkhamhaeng University--Students...35-686
Ramsey numbers...35-686
Rana blythii...35-686
Rana catesbeiana...35-686
Rana rugulosa...35-686
Rana tigerina...35-687
Rana tigerina--Generative organs...35-687
Rana tigerina--Physiology...35-687
Randia siamensis...35-687
Random amplified polymorphic...35-687
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA...35-688
Random amplified Polymorphic DNA...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA assay...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA techinque...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA technique...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA techniques...35-688
Random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR technique...35688
Random amplified polymorphic technique...35-688
Random approximations...35-688
Random bidrent models...35-689
Random bivariats...35-689
Random effect model...35-689
Random peptide libraries...35-689
Random peptide library...35-689
Random potentials...35-689
Random sampling...35-689
Random sequential adsorption...35-689
Random sums...35-689
Random utility models...35-689
Random variables...35-689
Random walk hypothesis...35-689
Randomised controlled trial...35-689
Randomized cliuical trials...35-689
Randomized complete block design...35-689
Randomized controlled...35-689
Randomized controlled trails...35-690
Randomized controlled trial...35-690
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA...35-690
Randomly distributed traps...35-690
Randon permutation...35-690
Raney nickel catalyst...35-690
Rang Jued...35-690
Range image...35-690
Rangsit Prayoonsak Canal--Environmental aspects...35690
Rangsit Series...35-690
Rangsit University. Faculty of Communication Arts-Students--Attitudes...35-690
Rangtubtap Canal...35-691
Rankine cycle...35-691
Ranque-Hilsch vortex...35-691
Rantal bookshop...35-691
RAPD technique...35-692
RAPD-PCR technique...35-692
Rape myth acceptance...35-692
Rape oil...35-692
Rapeseed oil...35-692
Raphanus sativas...35-692
Raphanus vulgaris...35-692
Rapid dehydration...35-692
Rapid detection...35-692
Rapid expansion of supercritical solution...35-692
Rapid maxillary...35-692
Rapid methods [Microbiology]...35-692
Rapid mixing...35-692
Rapid prototying systems...35-692
Rapid prototype techniques...35-692
Rapid prototyping...35-693
Rapid railway vehicles...35-693
Rapid thermal processing...35-693
Rare earth ion...35-693
Rare earth ions...35-693
Rare Earth Research and Development Center...35-693
Rare earths...35-693
Rare plants...35-693
Rare plants--Conservation...35-693
Rarleria strigosa...35-693
Ras gene...35-693
Ras oncogenes...35-693
Rasami International School...35-693
Raster image...35-693
Raster to vector conversion...35-693
Rat Epididymis...35-693
Ratanakiri zircon...35-693
Ratchaburi Hospital...35-694
Ratchaburi Power Plant...35-694
Ratchaburi Regional Hospital...35-694
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
ดัชนีคําคน [หนา x60]
Ratchaburi--Population--Health and hygiene...35-694
Ratchathani asoke community...35-694
Rate constant...35-694
Rate of attachment...35-694
Rate of return...35-694
Rating agency standard...35-694
Rating scales...35-694
Rating scales, Psychiatric...35-695
Ratio and proportion...35-695
Rational appeal...35-695
Rational arithmetic...35-695
Rational functions...35-695
Rational-emotive behavior therapy...35-695
Rats as laboratory animals...35-695
Rats--Nakhon Ratchasima...35-696
Rattan helmet...35-696
Rattanakosin Island...35-696
Rattanakosin island...35-696
Rattanakosin Island--Conservation...35-696
Rattanakosin period...35-696
Rattus argentiventer...35-696
Rauvolfia sumatrana...35-697
Raw cotton...35-697
Raw fish...35-697
Raw fish products...35-697
Raw materials...35-697
Raw materials--Management...35-697
Raw materials--Quality control...35-697
Raw materials--System development...35-697
Raw milk...35-697
Raw milk fat globules...35-697
Raw mixing...35-697
Raw water...35-697
Rawalpindi [Pakistan]--Planning...35-697
Rawang language--Morphology...35-697
Rawang language--Noun...35-697
Rawang language--Verb...35-697
Rayong Bay...35-698
Rayong Observation and Protection Center...35-698
Rayong River...35-698
Rayong--Population--Health and hygiene...35-698
RBC model...35-698
RBC models...35-698
Re engineering...35-698
Re-afforestation techniques...35-698
Re-refined used oil...35-698
Reaction control...35-698
Reaction mechanism...35-698
Reaction rate [Chemistry]...35-698
Reaction time...35-699
Reactive batch distillation column...35-699
Reactive distillation...35-699
Reactive dye...35-699
Reactive dyes...35-699
Reactive extraction...35-700
Reactive extrusion...35-700
Reactive flow analysis program...35-700
Reactive mercury...35-700
Reactive oxygen...35-700
Reactive oxygen species...35-700
Reactive power...35-700
Reactive power [Electrical engineering]...35-700
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 1]
National park management
สฤษฏ แสงอรัญ. ศักยภาพและแนวทางการจัดการอุทยานแหงชาติเพื่อการทองเที่ยวเชิงอนุรักษ : กรณีศึกษาอุทยานแหงชาติ
อาวพังงา จังหวัดพังงา = Potentials and national park management guidelines for ecotourism : a case study
of Ao Phang-nga Nation park, Changwat Phang-nga. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 210 หนา.
(วพ 102740)
National parks and reserves
Adhikari, Bhim Prasad. Relationship between forest regeneration and ground flora diversity in deforested gaps in
Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 111 p. (T E10120)
National parks and reserves--Administration
Benjawan Aransawan. An application of geographic information system on national park management : a case
study of Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park, Prachuap Khiri Khan province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1993. viii, 113 p. (T E7994)
National parks and reserves--Chiang Mai
Dachanee Emphandhu. Land use conflict and public participation as a conflict management tool in park
management planning process : a case study of Doi Inthanon National Park in Thailand. Washington, D.C.
: University of Washington, 1992. viii, 196 p. (T E7265)
National parks and reserves--Law and legislation
Noppawan Tanakanjana. Analysis of nonconforming behaviors of local people in the national park system of
Thailand. Colorado : Colorado State University, 1996. 156 p. (T E10362)
National reserved forest rehabilitation
วุฒิพล หัวเมืองแกว. การฟนฟูปาสงวนแหงชาติโดยระบบหมูบานปาไม : กรณีศึกษาโครงการหมูบานปาไม โปงกอนเสา ตําบล
ทามะปราง อําเภอแกงคอย จังหวัดสระบุรี = National reserved forest rehabilitation by forest village system : a
case study of Pong Kon Sao forest village, Tambon Ta Maprang, Amphoe Kang Koy, Changwat Saraburi.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 62 หนา. (ว 111453)
National resources--Management
Prapart Pintobtamg. Community rights sitution to natural resources management in global circumstances, 20042005. Bangkok : National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, 2006. 89 p. (R E34910)
National Science Centre for Education in Bangkok
การศึกษา กรุงเทพมหานคร = Survey on the needs and ideas of people in regard towards the activities held
at the National Science Centre for Education in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : กรมการศึกษานอกโรงเรียน, 2541. 93
หนา. (ว 99386 ฉ.1; 104655 ฉ.2)
National Science Week
มะลิวัลย ถุนาพรรณ. การสรางคลังขอสอบทางวิทยาศาสตร-คณิตศาสตร เพื่อใชในงานสัปดาหวิทยาศาสตรแหงชาติ ภาค
ตะวันออก = A construction treasury of test in science and mathematics for the national science week of the
east. ชลบุรี : มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2543. 57 หนา. (ว 110578 ฉ.1; 110579 ฉ.2)
National Securities Company
Karnjanee Prugsanuwongse. Factors relating to job satisfaction of employees in National Securities Company
Limited (NATSEC). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 76 p. (T E23168)
National security
Kuboon Charumanee. Impacts and implications of non-traditional security issues on Greater Mekong Subregion
cooperation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 129 p. (T E39312)
National security--Law and legislation
วิบูลย สุนทรพันธุ. การปรับปรุงกฎหมายเกี่ยวกับความมั่นคงของประเทศไทย : ศึกษากรณีพระราชบัญญัติกฎอัยการศึก พ.ศ.
2457 พระราชบัญญัติวาดวยการบริหารราชการในสถานการณฉุกเฉิน พ.ศ.2495 และพระราชบัญญัติปองกันการกระทํา
อันเปนคอมมิวนิสต พ.ศ.2495 = The rectification of the Thai security law : case study in the Martial Law
Declaration Act B.E. 2457, the Act Prescribing Government Administration During Period of Emergency B.E.
2495 and the Prevention of Communism Act B.E. 2495. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 258 หนา.
(วพ 98482)
National skill standard--Testing--Decision-making
Saroj Changpien. The study of factors affecting labors' decision making to enrol in the national skill standard test
: case study of labors in the accredited garages. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 143 p. (T E33407)
National sports development
Numpung Rungchot. A study of the national sports development program management at Chulalongkorn
University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 160 p. (T E18049)
National state
Sadao Kudo. The social network beyond the boundary of nation-state : a case study of Thai-Lao boundary.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 90 p. (T E18592)
National Statistical Office
Nitaya Danviriyagul. GIS and Web application in National Statistical Office's basic data dissemination. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E18224)
National strategy
Supachai Lorlowhakarn. Establishment of Thailand's national organic agriculture strategies : a case study in
organic asparagus production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 258 p. (T E41202)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 2]
National surveillance
Pramuan Sunakorn. National surveillance of antimicrobial resistance of S.pneumoniae and H.influenzae in
Thailand. [Bangkok : Department of Communicable Disease Control], 2000. 46 p. (R E17262)
Baechtold, Philip A.. From subjects of a king to citizens of a nation : the attempt of Field Marshal P.
Phibulsongkhram to change the mind and behavior of the people during his first term (1938-1944).
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 96 p. (T E35553)
Barme, Scot. Luang Wichit Wathakan : official nationalism and political lecitimacy prior to world war II. Australia :
Australian National University, 1989. vi, 168 leaves. (T E5599c.1; E11708c.2)
Chajabhol Choopen. Nationalism in contemporary Thai society : a case study of period films from 1997 to 2005.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E40888)
Panutat Yodkaew. The impact of trans-state ethnic Mon nationalism upon Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 97 p. (T E10646)
Solvang, Oystein. Timorese nationalism : a blessing and a curse. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 91 p.
(T E31471)
Dao, Minh Trung. The formation and development of nationalism in Vietnam as reflected in literature during
1900-1954. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 116 p. (T E30219)
Nationality of ship
สิริวิภา อารียสมาน. เขตอํานาจรัฐเหนือเรือที่ชักธงของรัฐภายใตอนุสัญญาสหประชาชาติวาดวยกฎหมายทะเลป 1982 : ศึกษา
กรณีเรือไทย = Flag state jurisdiction under the United Nations convention on the law of the sea : the case
study of Thai vessels. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 103 หนา. (วพ 104254)
Native chickens
ชโลบล วงศสวัสดิ์. ผลกระทบของ helminths ที่พบในไกบาน (Gallus gallus domesticus) ในเชียงใหม = The effects of
helminths in domestic fowls (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Chiang Mai. เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2537. 120 หนา. (ว 99401)
เทอดชัย เวียรศิลป. การศึกษายีนที่ตานทานตอโรคในไก : เปรียบเทียบความผันแปรทางภูมิคุมกันของไกปา ไกพันธุพื้นเมือง
และไกสายพันธุทางการคา = Study of gene disease resistance in chicken : comparative immunological
variation of red jungle fowl, native chicken and commercial chicken. เชียงใหม : คณะเกษตรศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 12 หนา. (ว 100533 ฉ.1; 100534 ฉ.2)
ไพโชค ปญจะ. การศึกษาระดับโปรตีนที่เหมาะสมตอการเจริญเติบโตของไกพื้นเมืองชวงอายุ 0-6, 7-12 และ 13-18 สัปดาห =
A study on the appropriated level of protien on the performance of indigeneous chickens during 0-6, 7-12
and 13-18 weeks. ปทุมธานี : คณะวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2542. 17 หนา. (ว
อุไรวรรณ นิลเพ็ชร. การใชแมลงธรรมชาติเปนแหลงโปรตีนสําหรับไกพื้นเมือง 1. การศึกษาชนิด ปริมาณ และคุณคาทางอาหาร
ของแมลง = Protien source from natural insect for native hen 1. study on kinds and nutritive values of
insect. อุบลราชธานี : มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี, [2539]. 10 หนา. (ว 95841)
Native chickens--Culture
Farmers' knowledge and some aspects of Thai native chickens and crossbred Thai native chickens in
Nakorn Phanom province. นครพนม : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีนครพนม, 2539. 81 หนา. (ว 98623)
Native chickens--Food
โฉม บุญจันทร. การใชใบกระถินปนเปนแหลงอาหารโปรตีนสําหรับไกพื้นเมือง = Effect of leucaena leaves meal for
substitution in protein source on native chickens. ยโสธร : วิทยาลัยเกษตรกรรมยโสธร, 2539. 24 หนา. (ว
ราชันทร บัวบาน. ผลการใชใบผักตบชวาแหง ใบฮามาตาแหงทดแทนใบกระถินปน เปนอาหารไกลูกผสมพื้นเมืองไทย =
Replacing dried leucaena leaf meal in crossbred Thai native chickens diet's by dried water hyacinth or
dried leaf meal. นครพนม : วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีนครพนม, 2542. 31 หนา. (ว 98624)
Native chickens--Khon Kaen
บัญญัติ เหลาไพบูลย. การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการผลิตไกพื้นเมืองในหมูบานของอําเภอเมือง จังหวัดขอนแกน = Study on native
chickens production in the villages of Amphur Muang, Changwat Khon Kaen. ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 22 หนา. (ว 99762)
Native chickens--Reproduction
รัตนา โชติสังกาศ. การเจริญเติบโตและพัฒนาการทางการสืบพันธุของไกพื้นเมืองเพศผู : ตอนที่ 2 พัฒนาการและความสามารถ
Reproductive development and performance of male native chickens raised under natural day length and
photoperiod of fifteen hours a day. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 16
หนา. (ว 98325)
Native chickens--Thailand, Northeastern
บัญญัติ เหลาไพบูลย. การศึกษาการปรับปรุงการเลี้ยงไกพื้นเมืองในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ : 1. การปรับปรุงสมรรถนะการ
ผลิต = Study on native chicken improvement in the north-east : I Productive performance. ขอนแกน : คณะ
เกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 17 หนา. (ว 99763)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 3]
Native language
Sumalee Sawatdirakpong. Native language and differential dimensionality of English as a second language test
proficiency : an exploratory study. Urbana : University of Illinois, 1993. vii, 204 p. (T E7258)
Native pines
Toonsak Wanyaphet. Seasonal variations in the cambial activity of the two native pine (Pinus merkusii and P.
kesiya) in Chiangmai province, Northern Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 88 p. (T E21406)
Native plants
Chulanee Kovittaya. The development of native plants web database system of the Botany and Weed Science
Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18411)
Native plants web database system
Chulanee Kovittaya. The development of native plants web database system of the Botany and Weed Science
Division. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 99 p. (T E18411)
Native starch industry
Sukumal Ahingsako. Application of cleaner technology to reduce starch and electrical energy losses in native
starch industry case study : Tang Song Chua Flour Mill Limited Partnership at Rayong province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18023)
Yupaporn Chaiseha. Neuroendocrine regulation of the female native Thai chicken reproductive cycle. Nakhon
Ratchasima : School of Biology Suranaree University of Technology, 2008. 16 p. (R E40988)
ศศิธร รักษแกว. บทบาททางดานความมั่นคงขององคการสนธิสัญญาแอตแลนติกเหนือ (นาโต) ในยุคหลังสงครามเย็น =
NATO's security roles in the post-cold war era. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 99 หนา. (วพ
ศิโรตม ภาคสุวรรณ. นโยบายรัสเซียที่มีตอเนโต : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี การขยายตัวเนโตไปทางตะวันออก = Russian policy
towards NATO : a case study of NATO's eastward enlargement. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะรัฐศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 82 หนา. (ว 110809 ฉ.1; 131322 ฉ.2)
Natritional promotion program
Patcharaporn Aree. Enhancing care by a nutritional promotion training program toward food consumption and
lipid status among hyperlipidemic elderly in urban Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai
University, 2002. 83 p. (R E19029)
Natrual foods
Soemaryono, Yoes. The potential role of meiobenthos as natural food for the black tiger shrimp (Panaeus
monodon Fabricius) postlarvae. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 83 p. (T E22922)
Mongkol Samanya. Histological studies on the intestinal villi in chickens fed dietary useful substances and bacillus
subtilis var. natto. Matsuyama : Ehime University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19133)
Okada, Noriyuki. Identification and utilization of useful microorganisms for the improvements of Tua-Nao or Natto
in Thailand. [S.l.] : Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, 1994. 114 p. (R E8847;
E12655 c.2)
Natural adsorbent
Bordesorn Mungasatkit. Natural adsorbents in oil spill cleanup. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 168 p. (T
Natural adsorbents
Peeyanun Noyrod. Efficiency of natural adsorbents for the adsorption of aflatoxin B1. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2008. 77 p. (T E39692)
Natural attenuation
Roongnapa Tongarun. Natural attenuation, biostimulation and bioaugmentation in 4-chloroaniline contaminated
soil. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 108 p. (T E35096)
Natural bacterial inhibitors
เกรียงศักดิ์ สายธนู. ความสําคัญของสารยับยั้งแบคทีเรียในธรรมชาติ ลัยโซซัยมและแล็คโตเฟอรริน ตอชุดการตรวจสอบยา
ปฏิชีวนะ "เคเอส 9" = The significance of natural bacterial inhibitors, lysozyme and lactoferrin on antibiotic
residue screening test kit "KS-9". กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 35 หนา. (ว 112998)
Natural brine pumping
Rittikrai Bhavabhutanonda Na Mahasarakham. Risk management of subsidence in the salt producing area, Huai
Bo Daeng sub-watershed, Amphoe Ban Muang, Changwat Sakon Nakhon, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 144 p. (T E24145)
Natural childbirth
Jitra Saisorn. Effect of preare labour of the lamaze theory on pain coping behavior during labour, perception of
the childbirth experience and attachment behavior during 2 hours after birth of primigra vidarum in
Lumsonthi hospital and Chaibadan hospital Lopburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E18596)
Natural circulation
Chaiwat Muncharoen. The effect of flow loop conditions on stabilities of two-phase natural circulation caused by
boiling. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 131 p. (T E20217)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 4]
Natural colors
Paitoon Aobchey. Production of natural pigments by callus cultures of roots of Morinda angustifolia Roxb. and
leaves of Indigofera tinctoria Linn.. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai Univerity, 2007. 120 p. (T E38559)
Natural colours
สุริยา สาสนรักกิจ. การผลิตสารสีธรรมชาติจากสาหรายเพื่อใชในอุตสาหกรรมอาหาร = Production of natural colours from
algae for food industry. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2543. 89 หนา. (ว
111204 ฉ.1; 111430 ฉ.2)
Natural compounds
สนั่น ศุภธีรสกุล. การตรวจสอบเบื้องตนของสารธรรมชาติจากสมุนไพรในทองถิ่นภาคใต ที่มีผลตอ T-cell proliferation =
Preliminary study of natural compounds from southern Thailand medicinal plants on T-cell proliferation.
สงขลา : ภาควิชาเภสัชเวทและเภสัชพฤกษศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2544. 29 หนา. (ว 112879)
Natural convection dryer
Chungu, Abdallah Swalehe. Performance analysis of a natural convection grain dryer. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1985. 45 p. (T E22718)
Guarte, Roberto Carino. Design and development of a natural convection dryer for rice. Bangkok : Asian Institute
of Technology, 1984. 72 p. (T E22723)
Natural crisis
Sumalee Suaysaard. Gender differences in natural crisis impacts and their implications for problem allevations : a
case study of flooding in lower central Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development
Administration, 2006. 188 p. (T E35406)
Natural dyes
ไพศาล คงคาฉุยฉาย. การพัฒนาเทคนิคการยอมไหมดวยสีธรรมชาติจากครามและครั่ง = Development of techniques for
silk dyeing with natural dyes from indigo and lac. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมเคมี มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2543. 59 หนา. (ว 110603)
อนันตเสวก เหวซึ่งเจริญ. การพัฒนากระบวนการยอมสีธรรมชาติสําหรับอุตสาหกรรมครอบครัว = Natural dyes dyeing
process development for small scale industry. เชียงใหม : ภาควิชาเคมีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม,
2543. 314 หนา. (ว 110601)
Natural enemies
Siriwan Tunkhumtong. Ecological study of the sugarcane moth borer, Chilo tumidicostalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera
: Pyralidae) and its natural enemies. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 75 p. (T E21915)
Natural enemy complex
Oraphan Kern-asa. Natural enemy complex of citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera :
Phyllocnistidae), in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 63 p. (T E16652)
Natural environment
Maneerat Sukkasem. A study of international tourists' attitude towards the natural environment on Khaolak
beach, Phang-nga provinee. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 119 p. (T E29040)
Natural fiber
ปยชาติ ไตรสารศรี. การศึกษาอนุกรมวิธานของพืชใหสียอมเสนใยธรรมชาติในประเทศไทย = Taxonomic study of dye
plants for natural fiber in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 288 หนา. (วพ 95273)
Natural fibers
Paritta Rotwiroon. Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from runoff by natural fibers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 58 p. (T E31455)
Natural filtration material
ชุตินุช สุจริต. การศึกษาตัวกรอง โดยใชวัสดุธรรมชาติซึ่งมีผลตอคุณภาพน้ําในตูปลา = Efficiency of natural filtration
material on the water qualities of fresh water aquarium. ตรัง : คณะวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีการประมง
สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล, 2543. 21 หนา. (ว 113928 ฉ.1; 121962 ฉ.2)
Natural food
Soemaryono, Yoes. The potential role of meiobenthos as natural food for the black tiger shrimp (Panaeus
monodon Fabricius) postlarvae. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 83 p. (T E22922)
Natural food resources
Thitima Neiamsampao. Learning to manage natural food resources : a case study of a women's group in
Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E32976)
Natural foods
Hansa Katipagdeetham. Effect of nitrite on mutagenicity of health foods using the AMES test. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10641)
Kanyarat Wirotpong. Developing a healthy eating policy for preschool children : effects on diet and school policies
in Phrae province, Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 289 p. (T E38552)
Lily Rirermvanich. Hematological and biochemical studies in blood of healthy volunteers and diabetes mellitus
patients consuming royal jelly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 129 p. (T E7149)
Wongtip Titayastan. Thai food-health food. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 132 p. (T E14024)
Natural forest
Somawan Sukprasert. Soil microarthropod diversity in natural and disturbed forests. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 134 p. (T E32980)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 5]
Natural gas
Anchalee Sawangphanyangkul. Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium of natural gas using a molecular
thermodynamic approach = การทํานายสมดุลไอ-ของเหลวของกาซธรรมชาติโดยใชแนวทางโมเลกุลเทอรโม
ไดนามิกส. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 3 microfiches (141 fr.). (T MF20330)
Busarakum Tanomthap. Perception of risk taking by local inhabitants towards the Yadana gas pipeline project by
Petroleum Authority of Thailan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (T E17725)
Chaiyot Damrongkijkosol. An experiment study on influence of compression ratio for performance and emission of
natural gas retrofit engine. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 55 p.
(T E39819)
Jutarat Noppuang. Adsorption of hydrogen sulfide from natural gas using copper containing zeolite. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 81 p. (T E37917)
Khanitta Udomrat. Simulated distillation for characterization of gas condensate. London : University of London,
1993. x, 107 p. (T E6077)
Kitiphat Srimanont. Natural gas reservoir simulation. [S.l. : s.n.], 2007. 96 p. (R E35940c.1; E35941c.2)
Kittipong Chernwattanachai. Treatment of wastewater from natural gas wells by a filtration process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 120 p. (T E16690)
Kwansuporn Apichartpraculp. Study on the corrosion of carbon steel in natural gas environments. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 164 p. (R E21992)
Nattapon Nampratchayakul. Evaluation of perforation strategies of gas wells in the Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 189 p. (T E38679)
Polpipat Suthichoti. Subsurface water management of multi-stacked gas reservoirs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 141 p. (T E40880)
Prateep Chouykerd. Technical and economic assessments of compressed natural gas for diesel vehicle in
Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 155 p. (T E40630)
Somchai Chanchaona. Cyclic variability in a natural gas fuelled spark ignition engine. Auckland : University of
Auckland, 1990. 187 p. (T E40239)
Somsak Chamnanthongpaivanh. A prefeasibility study on an ammonia plant utilising natural gas as raw material.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1981. 135 p. (T E2050)
Suphanai Jamsutee. Optimal injection and production strategy for gas recycling in gas condensate reservoir.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 107 p. (T E39311)
Sureerat Sriputtiban. Comparison of radon concentrations in dwellings and concrete product factories in
Ubonratchathani. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 126 p. (T E13673)
Thitiroj Rergsumran. Alternative energy : an analysis of natural gas utilization policy implementation. Bangkok :
National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 264 p. (T E35401)
Tongchit Leesomboon. Scaling down of flash calculations of natural gas with the aid of pseudocomponents = การ
ลดปริมาณการคํานวณแฟลซของกาซธรรมชาติโดยอาศัยองคประกอบตัวแทน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1986. xix, 147 leaves. (T E4456)
Natural gas fields
Kamalaporn Phumradab. Life cycle assessment of natural gas power plant : case study at Bang Pakong Power
Plant. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 82 p. (T E39386)
Natural gas industry
นันทนิตย วานิชาชีวะ. การทําปรอทจากอุตสาหกรรมกาซธรรมชาติใหบริสุทธิ์ และผลกระทบตอสภาวะแวดลอมในหองปฏิบัติการ
= Purification method for mercury from natural gas industry and environmental impact on laboratory site.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 95 หนา. (วพ 108621)
Natural gas liquids
Pornsawan Prommart. Aromatization of natural gas liquid using fluoride doped platinum catalyst. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 109 p. (T E19479)
Somyot Bannakarnboworn. Isomerization of nutural gas liquid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 94 p.
(T E14655)
Natural gas pipelines
ชาคริต ตันพิรุฬห. ผลกระทบทางการเมืองของโครงการทอสงกาซธรรมชาติจากแหลงยาดานา : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีตําบลวัง
กระแจะ อําเภอไทรโยค จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี = The political impact of "Yadana" natural gas pipeline project : a
case study of Wangrajae subdistrict, Saiyok district, Kanchanaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 118 หนา. (วพ 111134)
Natural gas pipelines--Design and construction
Warasak Phuangcharoen. Controversy in Thailand over natural gas pipeline construction. New South Wales :
University of New South Wales, 2004. 338 p. (T E30266)
Natural gas reserves
Ruengsak Panichakul. Reserve evaluation for multi-layered gas reservoirs using material balance methods.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 177 p. (T E12427)
Natural gas vehicles
Chedthawut Poompipatpong. Effects of intake valve timing and injection timing in a natural gas dedicated diesel
engine. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 107 p. (T E39036)
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli. Removal of H2S and CO2 from natural gas and biogas for utilization in NGV
and fuel cell. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 137 p. (T E39605)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 6]
Natural gas--Economic aspects
Bunluasak Pussarungsri. Impact of the uncertainty of input supply on the demand for the input : a case study of
natural gas curtailment. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1991. 55 p. (R
Bunluasak Pussarungsri. Impacts of uncertainty of input supply on production of manufacture : a case study of
natural gas curtailments. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1990. 50 p. (R
Natural gas--Utilization
Noppanan Nopsiri. Utilization of associated gas from onshore oil field production of Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 227 p. (T E41215)
Natural gasoline
Somsaluay Suwanprasop. Production of aromatic hydrocarbons from n-hexane and natural gasoline over Pd/ZSM5 zeolite and oxidation of phenol on fixed bed of active carbon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004.
203 p. (T E26674)
Natural hazard
Hathaithip Thassanapak. Potential landslide assessment of Changwat Phuket. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2001. 119 p. (T E17206)
Natural heritage
Arana, John. Site diagnostic and visitor facilities improvement recommendations, at Khao Yai National Park.
Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2006. 143 p. (R E37438)
Natural immunity
Jarunee Chiayvareesajja. Indirect selection parameters to improve disease resistance in Nile tilapia and Atlantic
salmon. [S.l.] : Agricultural University of Norway, 1996. 1 vol(in various pagings). (T E12639)
Puttharat Baoprasertkul. Characterization of innate immune genes of catfish : cxc chemokines and toll-like
receptors. Auburn : Aubarn University, 2006. 118 p. (T E36361)
Rachana Santiyanont. Studies of innate resistance and effect of humoral factors in falciparum malaria. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1982. 3 แผน (155 เฟรม). (T MF05540; MF05508; MF09373)
Natural killer cells
Duriya Fongmoon. Effect of bitter melon [Momordica charantia Linn.] on level and function of natural killer [NK]
cells in cervical cancer patients with radiotherapy. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 64 p. (T
Jiraporn Jaroenpool. Development of a new technique for natural killer [NK] cell activity assay using nonradioactive material. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 125 p. (T E17514)
Sahapat Barusrux. Functional polymorphism of MICA and NK cell activation. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Associated
Medical Sciences Khon Kaen University, 2007. 29 p. (R E36974)
Surat Jongrakthaitae. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-flow cytometric assessment of natural killer
(NK) cell function in HIV-1 infected individuals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 137 p. (T E21631)
Natural language
Pornpimon Teekayuphun. A hybrid approach for natural language database query translation. Bangkok : National
Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 46 p. (T E38414)
พงษปญญา จงจักรพันธ. ระบบคืนคนขอมูลสารสนเทศโดยใชภาษาธรรมชาติ = An information retrieval system using
natural language. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 75 หนา. (วพ 110277)
Natural language processing
Rungsiya Chanchuar. Message organizer agent. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2005. 27 p. (R E35838)
Siriwan Thongruangrat. Natural language description for object identification. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 35 p. (R E31419)
Natural language processing [Computer science]
Jaruwan Sa-Ngium. Processing natural language queries for web information access. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 28 p. (R E25155)
Krisda Khankasikam. Thai word segmentation : a lexical semantic approach. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University
of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 87 p. (T E33792)
Lalida Boonmana. Thai semantic analyzer using conceptual graphs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 263 p. (T
Prachya Boonkwan. Performance analysis of SLR-based parsing method on Thai lexical-functional grammar.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 80 p. (T E38645)
Punprapa Karnjana-o-past. Weather forecasts and reports multilingual generator for air transportation. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 48 p. (R E21989)
Saowalak Sangkae. Question-answering in Thai language using syntactic analysis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 82 p. (R E21598)
Sunee Pongpinigpinyo. A distributional semantics and latent semantics approach for word sense disambiguation.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 82 p. (T E25104)
Thatsanee Charoenporn. A constraint-based approach for computational lexicon construction. Pathumthani :
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2006. 58 p. (T E37407)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 7]
Natural language processing [Computer science] (ตอ)
Wiphada Wettayaprasit. Rule extraction from a trained neural network using principle interval projection with
certainty factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 60 p. (T E23219)
Natural light
เบญจพร ศักดิ์เรืองแมน. การปรับปรุงการใชแสงธรรมชาติในอาคารพิพิธภัณฑจันเสน = The improvement of the utilization
of natural light in Chansean museum. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 292 หนา. (วพ 112487)
Natural materials
Sumrit Mopoung. Method of reducing arsenic mobility in contaminated soil using natural materials. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 109 p. (T E23277)
Tanapong Kasamsuk. Community textile wastewater decolorization by immobilized Coriolus versicolor RC3 cells on
natural materials. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 109 p. (T E38530)
Natural numbers
Jiraporn Chalermchai. Some representations of natural numbers. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 30 p. (T
Natural organic matter
San Chaithiraphant. Polyelectrolyte-modified nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) particles to degrade (I) TCE as
nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) at the interface and (2) aqueous TCE in humic acid. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 90 p. (R E40678)
Vasuree Jiarsirikul. Relationships between trihalomethane formation potential and natural organic matter
surrogates in raw water and coagulated water of shallow wells near a closed unsanitary solid waste
dumping site. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 152 p. (T E23286)
Natural oscillation
Chaiwat Muncharoen. The effect of flow loop conditions on stabilities of two-phase natural circulation caused by
boiling. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 131 p. (T E20217)
Natural pesticides
Sudsiri Katatikorn. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on bradyrhizobium species cultures and on Bradyrhizobium
species nitrogen firation and nodulation of yard-long bean (Vigna sinensis Var. Sesquipendalis). Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 73 p. (T E13719)
Natural phenomena
Nuttachai Tipprasert. An interactive rendering method for water-side scene with caustics using level map method.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 106 p. (T E35812)
Natural polymers
Passakorn Tesavibul. Development of novel biomedical materials for 3DP machine based on natural polymers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 50 p. (T E24659)
Natural products
Isaka, Masahiko. Natural products chemistry in Thai microorganisms. Pathumthani : National Center for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology, 2005. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E35491)
Panadda Tansupo. Reducing of heavy metals toxicity from contaminated soil by bacterial natural products. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 102 p. (T E21110)
Natural quartz
Staporn Klomkaew. The feasibility study of using natural quartz as a radiation dosimeter. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 81 p. (T E19866)
Natural resource change
ฐิติมา ตะโกพร. ผลกระทบจากการขยายตัวของธุรกิจสนามกอลฟที่มีตอชุมชนชนบท อําเภอชะอํา จังหวัดเพชรบุรี = The
impact of the golf business on a rural community in Cha-Am district Phetchaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 166 หนา. (วพ 107215)
Natural resource management
ศักดิ์พิชิต จุลฤกษ. ศักยภาพในการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติของชุมชนทองถิ่นรอบแนวเขตอุทยานแหงชาติน้ําตกพลิ้ว จังหวัด
จันทบุรี = Natural resource management potential of local communities surrounding Nam Tok Pliew
National Park, Chanthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 106 หนา. (ว 100498)
Natural resource management areas
Matsumura, Masaki. Community characteristics, individual attributes, and participation in natural resource
management among highlanders in Thailand : a cross-village comparison. Ithaca : Cornell University,
1997. 174 p. (T E17195)
Natural resource management areas--Chiang Rai
Janpanit Surasin. Indigenous knowledge in natural resource management : the case of two villages in Thailand.
Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. 408 p. (T E11019)
Natural resource management areas--Udon Thani
Janpanit Surasin. Indigenous knowledge in natural resource management : the case of two villages in Thailand.
Wisconsin : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. 408 p. (T E11019)
Natural resources
Phahol Sakkatat. The role of Tambon Administrative Organizations, community organizations and individuals in
natural resources and environmental conservation. Bangkok : National Institute of Development
Administration, 2003. 202 p. (T E22254)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 8]
Natural resources (ตอ)
Sawaeng Jongsutjarittam. Knowledge and opinions of the youths on natural resources and environment : a case
study of Romklao Srakeo Rajamangalapisek School, Amphoe Wattana Nakhon, Changwat Srakeo. Bangkok
: Kasetsart University, 1996. 114 p. (T E10224)
Songkoon Chantachon. Indigenous knowledge edification of soil water and forest resources among the Kaloeng
ethnic group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 256 p. (T E17166)
Suchart Prasith-rathasint, editor. Thailand's national development : policy issues and challenges. [S.l.] : Thai
University Research Association, 1987. 204 p. (R E11510)
Wallapak Polasub. Natural resource damage policy : political economy and optimal assessment accuracy. Urbana :
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005. 140 p. (T E36406)
Yoshida, Toshimi. Natural resources development and processed development for their microbial utilization.
Bangkok : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2005. 2 vols. (R E24364v.1; E24365v.2)
ธนพรรณ สุนทระ. นโยบายรัฐ : บทบาทผูนําทองถิ่นดานการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดลอม ศึกษากรณีจังหวัด
พระนครศรีอยุธยา = Policy of state : the role of community leader in natural and environmental
management, case study Changwat Pra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยสภาวะแวดลอม
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 100071)
Natural resources management
O'Brien-Kelly, Martin J.. The role of natural resources in the Khmer Rouge-Royal Government of Cambodia peace
negotiations and reinegration process. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 147 p. (T E35901)
Natural resources, Communal--Citizen participation
Kulvadee Boonpinon. Institutional arrangements in communal resource management : a case study of a Karen
village in a protected area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 219 p. (T E10867)
Natural resources--ASEAN
Vute Wangwacharakul. Natural resource, production and environmental linkages in ASEAN, with emphasis on
Thailand. Pasir Panjang : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, [n.d.]. 204 p. (R E39897)
Natural resources--Chanthaburi--Management
ศักดิ์พิชิต จุลฤกษ. ศักยภาพในการจัดการทรัพยากรธรรมชาติของชุมชนทองถิ่นรอบแนวเขตอุทยานแหงชาติน้ําตกพลิ้ว จังหวัด
จันทบุรี = Natural resource management potential of local communities surrounding Nam Tok Pliew
National Park, Chanthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 106 หนา. (ว 100498)
Natural resources--Environmental aspects
Suriya Chinnapong. Factors affecting resources utilization of households in non-hunting area at Buang-Boraphet,
Nakhon Sawan Province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. x, 75 p. (T E8098)
Natural resources--Environmental aspects--Information services
Aem-on Phitthayayon. The construction and evaluation of training curriculum on environmental information
resource services for academic librarians. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 145 p. (T E6597)
Natural resources--Kanchanaburi
Pongsakorn Ooppapong. The role of Tambon administrative organizational committee for sustainable natural
resources management in Kanchanaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (T E18213)
Natural resources--Law and legislation
Surakiart Sathirathai. Laws and regulations concerning natural resources, financial institutions and export : their
effects on economic and social development. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1987. 133 p. (R
Natural resources--Management
Bussabong Chaijaroenwatana. Ecological planning for sustainable natural resource management : a case study of
Nakhon Si Thammarat, southern Thailand. Washington D.C. : Washington State University, 2000. 152 p.
(T E16040)
Kaneungnit Tubtim. Common property as enclosure : a case study of a community backswamp in southern Lao
PDR. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 219 p. (T E18134)
Natural resources--Management--Planning
Bundit Limmeechokchai. Integrated resource planning with cool storage application : a case study of commercial
sector in Thailand. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 1998. 1 vol (in various
pagings). (R E19613)
Natural resources--Thailand, Northern
Enters, Thomas. Land degradation and resource conservation in the highlands of Northern Thailand the limits to
economic evaluations. [S.l.] : Australian National University, 1992. 248 p. (T E5952)
Natural rubber
Agustin, Melissa B.. Utilization of palm oil mill wastes in the production of natural rubber antioxidant. Chiang Mai :
Maejo University, 2008. 125 p. (T E39578)
Amornrat Chanmanit. A study of variability in processing properties of Thai natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 109 p. (T E14507)
Arisara Visetsillapanont. Studies on compatibilization of natural rubber and ethylene propylene diene rubber and
effect on their vulcanizate properties. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiii, 34 p. (T E7212)
Aungsutorn Mahittikul. Structure and properties of hydrogenated natural rubber latex using
OsHCI(CO)(O2)(PCy3)2 as a catalyst and diimide reduction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005.
222 p. (T E35437)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 9]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Bamrung Jadsadaphongphaibool. A study of preparation of high quality natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. x, 73 p. (T E7175)
Bunthoon Laongsri. Development of natural rubber product containing carbon black for ready using. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 150 p. (T E19626)
Chaiyapong Yaovapak. Coprocessing of lignite and natural rubber using sulfated zirconia catalysis in hydrogen
atmosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 85 p. (T E19083)
Chantima Deeprasertkul. A study of the addition reaction of photosensitive acid onto epoxidised liquid natural
rubber (ELNR) and its photosensitivity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 107 p. (T E7316)
Chidruthai Boonyanate. Mechanical properties of Thai orthodontic elastics. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004.
125 p. (T E24357)
Chuleekorn Tangjai. A study of temperature cycling effect on the viscoelastic behaviour of natural rubber.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 113 p. (T E24655)
Chuntip Kumnuantip. Investigation into the properties of tire tread reclaimed rubber blended with the different
grades of natural rubber. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 142 p. (T
Daranee Nuntivanich. Silica reinforcement of natural rubber by sol-gel process in latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 59 p. (T E31475)
Daranee Visitnonthachai. Characterization of lipids and their effects on mixing properties of unrulcanizedraw
natural rubber. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 106 p. (T E28904)
Dararat Mekkriengkrai. Biosynthesis study of natural polyisoprenes -initiation step of rubber formation-. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 240 p. (T E33452)
Jarunee Thunyarittikorn. A study of relationship between mechanical properties, oil resistance, rheological
properties and phase size of rubber dispersed in NR/NBR blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121
p. (T E17545)
Jirachai Mingbunjerdsuk. Organically-modified layered silicates as reinforcing fillers for natural and synthetic
rubbers. Loughborough : Loughborough University, 2005. 223 p. (T E36490)
Jirawan Siramanont. Reinforcement of natural rubber by silica generated from sol-gel process of silanes in latex.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 57 p. (T E34999)
Jitlada Sansatsadeekul. Origin of colloidal behavior of natural rubber particles. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 131 p. (T E35535)
Jittima Deeprasertwong. Photooxidative degradation of natural rubber by titanium dioxide. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (T E35362)
Jutarat Phanmai. A study of effect of modified natural rubber on adhesion properties of epoxy resin. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1995. 154 p. (T E8964)
Kamalin Kanyawararak. In vitro rubber biosynthesis from fresh bottom fraction formation of polyprenol and
rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33490)
Kamolmart Chombanpaew. Surface modification of natural rubber by graft copolymerization of hydrophilic
monomers to improve blood compatibility. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 85 p. (T E34537)
Kanchana Eawsuwan. Natural rubber grafted styrene/methyl methacrylate as impact modifier for poly (Cvinyl
chloride). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 101 p. (T E22760)
Kanjanee Nawamawat. Effect of non-rubber cumponents on basic characteristics and physical properties of
natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 228 p. (T E40332)
Kanjanee Nawamawat. Properties and structural characterization of small rubber particles in natural rubber latex.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T E21049)
Kannaporn Pooput. A study to improve oil and thermo-oxidative resistances of natural rubber by blending with
acrylic rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 99 p. (T E24256)
Kanokwan Insongjai. Preparation of deproteinized natural rubber by saponification. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 84 p. (T E15936)
Kesinee Rattanakaran. Formation and reduction of mal-oder from natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E20558)
Kitikorn Charmondusit. Hydrogenation of cis-1, 4-poly (isoprene) and natural rubber catalyzed by OsHC1 (CO)
(O2) (P Cy3)2 and [Ir (COD) py (PCy3)] PF6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 115 p. (T
Kittinan Komolpis. Effect of some non-rubber constituents on discoloration and cure characteristic of natural
rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 112 p. (T E8571)
Kornpat Wattanakul. Pervaporation membrane from epoxidized natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 90 p. (T E21547)
Kornteenee Pairpisit. Natural rubber/ethylene propylene diene blends for high insulation iron crossarm. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 111 p. (T E22837)
Lalita Rodthongkum. Modification of natural rubber with cashew nut shell liquid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 141 p. (T E16730)
Linda Thiraphattaraphun. Natural rubber-G-methyl methacrylate/poly (methyl methacrylate) blends. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 98 p. (T E14631)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 10]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Lucksanaporn Tarachiwin. Structural characterization of natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis determination of
alpha-terminal group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 179 p. (T E23883)
Nantida Niyompanich. Effects of silane coupling agent on in situ silica reinforcement of natural rubber by sol-gel
reaction in latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 65 p. (T E34755)
Napida Hinchiranan. Hydrogenation of natural rubber catalyzed by OsHCI(CO) (O2) (PCy3)2 and [Ir (cod) (PCy3)
(py)]PF6. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 157 p. (T E29025)
Narisa Na Lumpoon. Controlled degradation of natural rubber by microparticles containing titanium dioxide.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 56 p. (T E19417)
Natthira Thongnoi. Study of preparation of carbon black/compounded natural rubber masterbatch from natural
rubber latex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 112 p. (T E15911)
Nilobon Phewthongin. Rheological and mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated polyethylene and
natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 196 p. (T E33838)
Nittaya Rattanasom. Further study to improve variability of natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993.
xii, 100 p. (T E7163)
Niyom Thamrongananskul. Grafting of prevalcanized natural rubber latex with ethyl methacrylate by gamma
irradiation for using as soft lining denture base material. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 145 p.
(T E34862)
Oranoot Haowuttikul. Effect of gamma radiation on water extractable protein content and physical properties of
concentrated latex and vulcanized rubber film. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 139 p. (T
Orathai Sroysom. A study of characterisation and homogenisation of natural rubber/nitrile rubber blend. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1999. 134 p. (T E13887)
Pairoj Kriengchieocharn. A study of the influence of modified natural rubber on polyamide 6/natural rubber
blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 142 p. (T E7157)
Pathomchat Polachan. Monitoring vulcanisation level in natural rubber by ultrasonic measurement. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 85 p. (T E34329)
Pattnaporn Phonpiboon. Preparation of chlorinated rubber from epoxidized natural rubber and sodium chloride.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 100 p. (T E40943)
Pawin Ngamlert. Development of test kit for protein allergens in natural rubber latex and rubber products.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 127 p. (T E21548)
Phairat Punyacharoennon. Preparation of functional polymers from natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 118 p. (T E17823)
Pimsuda Heamtanon. Improvement of adhesion between natural rubber and nitrile rubber by using adhesion
promoter compound based on chlorosulfonated polyethylene and chlorinated natural rubber. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 170 p. (T E33281)
Piyawan Surunchanajirasakul. Cassava starch-natural rubber blends as shock absorbing foam. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 84 p. (T E16742)
Prachid Saramolee. Factors influencing shrinkage of natural rubber/EPDM blend. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 90 p. (T E35227)
Prachya Satraphan. Reinforcement of natural rubber and methyl methacrylate grafted natural rubber films by In
Situ silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 70 p. (T E40751)
Pramoch Rangsunvigit. Silica surface modification by admicellar polymerization with a continuous stirred tank
reactor for natural rubber property improvement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 55 p. (R
E35960c.1; E35961c.2)
Rakpao Ponerattana. Viscosity index improving property of low molecular weight polyisoprene from natural rubber
in lubricant. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 97 p. (T E40937)
Rattaporn Thonggoom. Surface characterisation of modified natural rubber using atomic force Microscopy : new
correlation between friction coefficient and surface morphology of rubber. Bangkok : Department of
Chemistry Mahidol University, 2008. 1 vol (in various paging). (R E40970)
Rungaroon Saelim. Preparation of natural rubber/polypyrrole composites by chemical oxidative polymerization.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 91 p. (T E34975)
Rungnapa Tangthongkul. hydrogenation of synthetic rubber cis-1, 4-polyisoprene and natural rubber catalyzed by
ruthenium (II) complex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 140 p. (T E34552)
Sa-ad Riyajan. Controlled degradation of cured natural rubber by encapsulated benzophenone as photosensitizer.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 192 p. (T E17285)
Sarocha Khamwijit. Degradation of natural rubber during hydrogenation using RuCl2(PPh3)3. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 71 p. (T E20245)
Sawanit Anuntathanawanich. Natural rubber-polystyrene interpenetrating polymer networks as impact modifier.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 116 p. (T E14910)
Sirichai Pattanawanidchai. A study of relationships of phase morphology, oil resistance, ageing properties and
mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated polyethylene and natural rubber blends. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 145 p. (T E24328)
Sirina Thawornwisit. Properties of styrene-methacrylate copolymer sheet containing modified natural rubber.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 113 p. (T E37929)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 11]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Sirinthorn Thongsang. Material design and processing of fly ash filled natural rubber vulcanizates. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 256 p. (T E39674)
Sirisak Suksujaritporn. Characterization and recovery of small rubber particles from skim natural rubber latex.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 101 p. (T E15330)
Siriwat Radabutra. Surface modification of vulcanized natural rubber and its adhesion to synthetic rubbers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 176 p. (T E40357)
Somporn Swasdison. Grafting of natural rubber copolymer with ethyl methacrylate by gamma irradiation for using
as soft lining denture base material. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 70 p. (R E36964c.1;
Sunanta Chuayprakong. Control of film formation and defects of thin film prepared from sulphur vulcanised NR
latex by straight dipping process. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 125 p. (T E33489)
Supanee Chantippimarn. Composite material from natural rubber and sticky rice flour. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 77 p. (T E18922)
Suphannipha Nimsuwan. A study of peroxide vulcanization of purified natural rubber and its properties. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 122 p. (T E14058)
Surakit Tuampoemsab. Control of the degradation of natural rubber : analysis and application of naturally
occurring anti- and pro-oxidants in natural rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 256 p. (T E40343)
Susawee Ondam. Degradation of natural rubber by oxidation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 93 p. (T
Suthasinee Pengnarapat. Network formation at Squalene/vinyl-containing silica interfaces. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 93 p. (T E34739)
Suwadee Kongparakul. Modified natural rubber latex by graft copolymerization with methyl methacrylate or
styrene and hydrogenation using OsHCI(CO)(O2)(PCy3)2 as a catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 167 p. (T E40873)
Teeranuch Kochthongrasamee. The effect of redox initiator on graft copolymerization of methyl methacrylate onto
natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 131 p. (T E18932)
Thanunya Saowapark. Reinforcement of natural rubber with silica/carbon black hybrid filler. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 148 p. (T E35637)
Thitinat Srisuwan. Preparation of compounded rubber from natural rubber grafted with vinyl acetate. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 112 p. (T E16729)
Thitiporn Tanunchai. A study of y-radiation vulcanised natural rubber and skim latices for encapsulation of urea
fertiliser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 132 p. (T E13916)
Tibhawan Sajjayanukul. A study of factors affecting bulk properties of layered rubber vulcanisates. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 160 p. (T E24329)
Uraiwan Thammasiripong. Mechanical properties of gum and black-filled deproteinized natural rubber in
comparison with synthetic cis-1, 4-polyisoprene vulcanizates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p.
(T E33454)
Valee Likitbannakorn. Natural rubber-polymethyl methacrylate interpenetrating polymer networks as impact
modifier for polypropylene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 96 p. (T E16904)
Vipavee P. Hoven. Analysis and study of method to reduce mal-odor from natural rubber. [S.l. : s.n.], 2003. 33 p.
(R E22953c.1; E22954c.2)
Vipavee P. Hoven. Controlled degradation of natural rubber by microparticles containing titanium dioxide.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 70 p. (R E24561c.1; E24562c.2)
Vorapong Pimolsiriphol. A study of thermal oxidative ageing in natural rubber (NR). Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 108 p. (T E37757)
Wannee Aupaiboon. Natural rubber/methyl methacrylate graft copolymer membrane for used lubricating oil
separation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 78 p. (T E21590)
Wannipha Amatyakul. Photo-degradation of natural rubber films for natural gas application. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 93 p. (T E38255)
Wanniya Channarong. Study on fabrication of artificial wood from poly (vinyl chloride) mixed with natural rubber
fiber. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2002. 120 p. (T E20598)
Wanvimon Arayapranee. Grafting of styrene and methyl methacrylate onto natural rubber in batch emulsion
process. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 183 p. (T E16872)
Warawut Tungprasutadol. Silica reinforcement of natural rubber by sol-gel process in latex. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 36 p. (R E30250c.1; E30251c.2)
Warunee Klinklai. Polymer electrolyte prepared from highly purified natural rubber. Nagaoka : Nagaoka University
of Technology, 2003. 82 p. (T E22111)
Wilairat Chuafak. Mechanical properties of natural rubber/nanocalcium carbonate composites. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 75 p. (T E30145)
Wirach Taweepreda. A study of production parameters affecting consistency in processing properties of natural
rubber. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 148 p. (T E16558)
Wiwat Suaysom. Studies on thermal, ultraviolet irradiation and ozone resistance of natural rubber for outdoor
application. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 136 p. (T E27863)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 12]
Natural rubber (ตอ)
Wiyong Kangwansupamonkon. Modification of natural rubber by grafting with hydrophilic vinyl monomers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 161 p. (T E30134)
Yodthong Baimark. A study to elucidate surface structure of rubber particles in natural rubber latex. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 117 p. (T E12501)
Mathematical modeling of urea fertilizer transport through a natural rubber coat. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 150 หนา. (วพ 95527)
กิตติศักดิ์ ณีศะนันท. การศึกษาคุณสมบัติการเกิดผลึกของยางธรรมชาติและของผสมที่อุณหภูมิต่ํา = Study on crystallization
properties at low temperatures of natural rubber and blends. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี,
2540. 91 หนา. (วพ 95252)
ชุติมา โชติเวศยศิลป. กระบวนการทัศนภาพเพื่อการประเมินการถายโอนไฮโดรคารบอนเหลวเขาไปในยางธรรมชาติ = Image
processing for evaluation liquid hydrocarbons transfer into natural rubber. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 93 หนา. (วพ 97131)
ปรีชา สุนทรเรืองยศ. การกราฟตสไตรีนและเมทิลเมทาคริเลตบนยางธรรมชาติในกระบวนการอิมัลชันแบบกะและกึ่งกะ =
Grafting of styrene and methyl methacrylate onto natural rubber in batch and semi-batch emulsion
process. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 106 หนา. (วพ 106532)
ไพโรจน กลิ่นพิทักษ. การเตรียมผลิตภัณฑยางเหลวจากยางธรรมชาติอีพอกไซดเหลวและกรม 2,4 ไดคลอโรฟนอกซีอะซีติก =
Preparation of liquid rubber product from epoxidized liquid natural rubber and 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
acid. ปตตานี : มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2540. 29 หนา. (ว 95343)
วาทิต ศาสตระวาทิต. การแตกตัวดวยความรอนของยางธรรมชาติโดยใชตัวเรงปฏิกิริยาเหล็ก-คารบอน = Thermal cracking of
natural rubber using iron-carbon catalyst. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 90 หนา. (วพ 106529)
วิไลพร ลักษมีวาณิชย. สมบัติพลวัตเชิงกลของยางธรรมชาติในสถานะหลอม = Dynamic mechanical properties of natural
rubber in molten state. ปตตานี : ภาควิชาวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร วิทยาเขตปตตานี, 2543. 61
หนา. (ว 109240)
สมคิด อาจเอื้อ. การศึกษาโครงสรางโมเลกุลและขนาดผลึกลาเมลลาของพอลิไอโซปรีน โดยปฏิกิริยาการยอยสลาย = Study
on molecular structure and their lamellar crystals of polyisoprenes by means of degradation reactions.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 89 หนา. (วพ 94161)
Natural rubber blends
Thanit Treepichetkul. Reinforcement of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and poly(vinyl chloride) blends by in situ
silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 95 p. (T E21565)
Weeradej Silpsamrith. Effect of cassava starch on physical properties of natural rubber blends. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 103 p. (T E16868)
Natural rubber databases system
Chariya Mongkonrattanasiri. An analysis and design of a pararubber information system : a prototype system for
economic development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 148 p. (T E16996)
Natural rubber latex
Am-orn Ruenrengkan. A study to improve characterisation of prevulcanised natural rubber latex. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 102 p. (T E14509)
Kamolchat Charungchitaree. In situ silica reinforcement of radiation prevulcanized natural rubber latex. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 62 p. (T E39018)
Philaiwan Aiamsen. Study of phase transfer/suspension polymerization technique for preparation of high impact
polystyrene [HIPS] based on natural rubber latex. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 84 p. (T E18130)
Pornchai Kengpanyadee. Peelable solder mask from natural rubber latex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1999. 107 p. (T E19553)
Umawasi Buranabunya. A study of preparation of core-shell latex particles by heterocoagulation technique.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T E14510)
Natural rubber membrane
อัศณี ชลมาตร. สภาพใหน้ําซึมเยื่อแผนยางธรรมชาติ = Water permeability of natural rubber membrane. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 85 หนา. (วพ 112482)
Natural rubber--Databases
Chariya Mongkonrattanasiri. An analysis and design of a pararubber information system : a prototype system for
economic development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 148 p. (T E16996)
Natural selection
Chadawan Kosaisaevee. Evaluation of food and drug administration campaign for food selection and rational drug
use. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 180 p. (T E11715)
Chompunuch Virunanon. Conversion of crystalline cellulose to solvent by naturally selected and recombinant
Clostridia. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 182 p. (T E40704)
Natural shell
Pawanee Rodboon. Study on shell selection and growth rate of hermit crab (Clibranarius longitarsus) in natural
and artificial shells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 88 p. (T E33206)
Natural sweeteners
Chaiyong Arunsuriyasak. Effects of stevioside, a natural sweetener from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni., on function
and morphological change in golden hamster kidney. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 120 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 13]
Natural sweeteners (ตอ)
Chutima Srimaroeng. The interactions and transport of the natural sweetener, stevioside, and its metabolite,
steviol, by renal organic anion transporters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 148 p. (T E33164)
Natural ventilation
Sompong Chaima. Investigation of performance of roof solar collector. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology Thonburi, 1997. 67 p. (T E12209)
Sopin Wachirapuwadon. An adapted model of passive roof solar collector for new houses with respect to
traditional Thai style. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1996. 68 p. (T E12297)
Natural-draft stack
Sutida Phitakwinai. Numerical analysis of pressure loss and heat transfer in a natural-draft stack. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 78 p. (T E40656)
Chaninthon Sawanaphakdi. The Thai naturalization of Lahu people in Chiang Rai province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 96 p. (T E21714)
Nature interpretation
Pramote Orakit. Nature interpretation guide book in Khao Noi-Khao Pradu non-hunting area. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 144 p. (T E20830)
ชลลดา สิทธิฑูรย. แนวทางพัฒนาการสื่อความหมายธรรมชาติ ในเขตอุทยานแหงชาติแกงกระจาน = Nature interpretation
guideline development in Kangkrajan National Park. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 133 หนา. (วพ
Nature interpretive--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Witoon Chotikulpisarn. The development of a nature interpretive guidebook of Thalae Noi non-hunting area for
the tourists. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 190 p. (T E33432)
Nature study--Phuket--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Supitcha Kiatprajak. The development of the Khao Pra Taew nature study handbook for tourists in Phuket
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 174 p. (T E33449)
Nature trail guide book
สรอยทิพย สมัครเขตรการณ. การพัฒนาคูมือศึกษาธรรมชาติเพื่อการทองเที่ยวเชิงนิเวศประจําเสนทางศึกษาธรรมชาติ อุทยาน
แหงชาติน้ําหนาว = The development of nature trail guide book for ecotourism in Numnao National Park.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 142 หนา. (วพ 111208)
Nature--Study and teaching--Handbooks, manual, etc.
Nakhon Suwantha. The creation of a nature learning handbook for Laleung-Roiru forest in Dong-Yai wildlife
sanctuary, Buriram province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 167 p. (T E33819)
ฐิติรัตน รัตนจรัสโรจน. สุนทรียศาสตรในคัมภีรนาฏยศาสตร = Aesthetics in the Natyasastra. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 80 หนา. (วพ 108995)
Nauclea cadamba
Dammrong Santiarworn. Chemical constituents and biological activities of some Rubiaceae. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2005. 106 p. (T E34841)
Nauclea cordifolia
Dammrong Santiarworn. Chemical constituents and biological activities of some Rubiaceae. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2005. 106 p. (T E34841)
Ampai Poompu. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy in pediatric cancer
patients and caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E19649)
Jatuporn Phankein. The effect of music therapy on nausea and vomiting in pediatric cancer patients receiving
chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 73 p. (T E35615)
Pattiya Chainakin. Effects of hand reflexology on nausea, retching and vomiting in cancer patients receiving
chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 85 p. (T E34257)
Usa Rujiraviroj. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 97 p. (T E14524)
Nausea and viomiting
Ampai Poompu. Symptom management of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy in pediatric cancer
patients and caregivers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E19649)
Li, Lei. Acupoint injection with 0.9 percent saline for the prevention of nausea and vomiting after total abdominal
hysterectomy : a randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 62 p. (T E20214)
Nausitora dunlopei
อภัย รณะนันทน. การศึกษาอันตรายจากเพรียงที่มีตอไมอัดน้ํายาซีซีเอ ในทะเล = Marine borers attack on some timbers
treated with CCA wood preservative in sea water. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2528. 1
แผน (24 เฟรม). (ว MF21378)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 14]
Naval officers
ประดับ เปรมดิษฐ. การมีสวนรวมทางการเมืองของขาราชการทหารเรือ : ศึกษากรณีการมีสวนรวมในการปฏิวัติ พ.ศ.2475 =
Political participation of naval officers : a case study of a revolution in 1932. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 271 หนา. (วพ 113107)
Navel orange
Supatana Sakpiyaphan. Modelling consumer quality of oranges. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2004. 137 p. (T E25160)
ลิขิต ชูชิต. การเตรียมแพลงคตอนพืชในสกุล Navicula และ Nitzschia เพื่อใชเปนอาหารหอยโขงทะเลวัยออน = Some
technique on preparing of navicula and nitzschia for young abalone feed. นครปฐม : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนา
แหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร1 แผน (10 เฟรม). (ว MF21091)
Navier-Stokes equations
Meleshko, Surgey V.. Invariant and partially invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Nakhon
Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2002. 2 vols. (R E19618 v.1; E19619 v.2)
Navier-stokes equations
Sudaporn Nimma. Predictability of climate and nonlinear dynamics. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology Thonburi, 1996. 78 p. (T E12740)
Wetchayun Pratoomchart. The preparedness of the Royal Thai Navy's personnel for intranet use : a case study of
Institute of Advanced Naval Studies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 51 p. (T E18628)
Suwimon Sanguansat. A case study of independent use of the real English CD-ROM. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 94 p. (R E14884)
Thiti Tingmai. The development of training and practice of navigation for advanced ships. Hambury : World
Maritime University, 1998. 102 p. (T E13612)
Yaovares Phainpanitporn. Development of shipment status tracking system via the internet [case study : food
ingredients Department Diethelm Trading Co., Ltd.]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 46 p. (T E33347)
ชัชวาลย ชาติไทย. ระบบเฝาตรวจการณทางทะเลไทย = Thailand's territorial sea defense system. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 147 หนา. (วพ 99742)
Navigational tools
Wasu Chaopanon. Semantics, complexity and capability : the use of integrated navigational tools for information
finding in hypertext document space. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, 2001. 164 p. (T E16231)
Nongpan Srisai. Factors influencing the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
167 p. (T E34461)
Yaninee Srisuwan. Vulcanization and properties of hydrogenated nitrile rubber/nitrile rubber blends. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 133 p. (T E37802)
NC code
เฉลิมชนม ไวศยดํารง. การพัฒนาไฟล NC สําหรับเครื่องกัดชนิด 3 แกนจากไฟล STL = Developing an NC file for a
vertical milling machine from STL file. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 105 หนา.
(วพ 100006)
NC simulation
สมเกียรติ โสภาจารีย. การสรางและหาประสิทธิภาพชุดการสอน วิชาเอ็นซีซิมมิวเลชั่น หลักสูตรประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพชั้นสูง
พุทธศักราช 2540 สาขาวิชาเทคนิคการผลิต กรมอาชีวศึกษา = The construction and experimentation of
instructional package on NC simulation for curriculum of higher vocational certificate, 1997 in production
technology division, Department of Vocational Education. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนคร
เหนือ, 2542. 132 หนา. (วพ 111009)
Nd-YAG lasers
Sajee Sattayut. A comparative study of the coagulative and cutting effect of Nd-YAG laser and electrosurgery.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 94 p. (R E19611)
Supasil Phoungphung. Q-switch pulse Nd : YAG laser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121 p. (T E17705)
Nd:YAG laser
Jintawat Tanamatayarat. The measurement of the focal length of the thermal lens in the slab laser medium.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 89 p. (T E33659)
Near infrared spectroscopy
Nattaporn Suttiwijitpukdee. Determination of chemical compositions and pulp yield of Eucalyptus camaldulensis
wood by near infrared spectroscopy. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 161 p. (T E34379)
Near-wellbore damage modeling
Supalak Parn-anurak. Modeling of fluid filtration and near-wellbore damage along a horizontal well. Mexico : New
Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2003. 129 p. (T E24764)
Near-zero shrinkage
Sujitra Wongkasemjit. Study of synthetic method and properties of spirosilicate/benzoxazine resin. Bangkok : The
Petroleum and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 77 p. (R E19999)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 15]
Nearest neighbor algorithm
Teesid Korsrilabutr. Pseudometrics for time series data classification using the nearest neighbor algorithm.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 54 p. (T E39858)
Nearest neighbor analysis [Statistics]
Narong Boonyopakorn. Nonlinear sigma model of spin chain with next nearest neighbor interactions. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 53 p. (T E18348)
Nearest neighbor rule
Thanapant Raicharoen. A divide-and conquer approach to the Pairwise Opposite Class-Nearest Neighbor (POCNN) algorithm for classification and regression problems. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 67 p.
(T E27749)
Ruanglak Jongchotinon. Linear transformation semigroups admitting nearring structure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 36 p. (T E40931)
Nearly codeless miner
Pitchaya Kanhaphala. NCM : a visual programming environment for data classification. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2003. 84 p. (T E21178)
Ngarmcherd Danpattanamongkon. Semigroups admitting nearring structure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 31 p. (T E35893)
Wee Patanaperadej. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by thermal reduction of sprayed silver salt. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 85 p. (T E40932)
Sangnapa Rangkasiri. Determinants of capital inflows to Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 86
p. (T E11334)
Necessity to maintain the system
Patarachit Glomchim. Necessity for industries to maintain environmental management system (ISO 14001) in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 70 p. (T E19282)
Phonnipha Boriboonsuksree. Workstation improvement for waterwork cashiers to reduce neck and shoulder
muscular fatique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 156 p. (T E35656)
Porntip Catiput. The arterial supply of the head and neck of the fat (Lylei's slying fax). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1981. 3 แผน (144 เฟรม). (T MF09090; MF09124)
Tuangrak Nantawisarakul. Life dosimetry of scattered radiation to the gonads during head and neck treatments.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1977. 1 แผน (60 เฟรม). (T MF09603)
Neck cancer
Tharin Wattanatornnan. Effects of integrated nursing intervention on side effects in head and neck cancer
patients receiving radiotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 80 p. (T E15413)
Neck pain
Rapepan Uppagan. Pain management in patients with cervical cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 70 p.
(T E14582)
Rungrudi Jarumanokul. Pressure pain threshold at posterior neck and upper back in normal sedentary Thai
females aged 15-24 and 25-34 years. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 92 p. (T E10111)
Neck pain--Physical therapy
Roongtiwa Chanpitayanukulkij. A study of the effects of rotatory manipulation during cervical traction in patients
with painful limited neck movement. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 172 p. (T E6749)
Chidchanok Leethanakul. Pattern of gene expression in squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 139 p. (T E16609)
Patchariya Khantapura. Polymorphisms in the matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue inhibitor of
metalloproteinase-2 gene promoters : implication in susceptibility and aggressiveness of head and neck
cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 109 p. (T E33565)
Wirawat Jalayondeja. Effect of chloroform-methanol extraction and periodic acid oxidation on performance of the
lipid associated sialic acid assay in detection of head and neck cancers. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 54 p. (T E16550)
Aimorn Saejew. Fatigue, related factors, and self-care actions to manage fatigue of head and neck cancer
patients receiving radiation therapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E17038)
Siripun Komolprasert. The effects of providing information on oral ulcer healing in the patients with head and
neck cancer during hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 65 p. (R E17854)
Tunyakarn Surakupt. Effect of enteral medical food on nutritional status in head and neck cancer patients during
chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E19290)
Anuttra Wunnasawega. Food belief in head and neck cancer patients undergoing irradiation treatment at
Ubonrachathani Cancer Center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 106 p. (T E23736)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 16]
Nantaporn Naiyanet. Measurements of patient's setup variation in intensity modulated radiation therapy of head
and neck cancer using electronic portal imaging device. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 71 p.
(T E37832)
Nuntawat Ou-dee. The study of dose at the junction field in head and neck cancer treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 68 p. (T E33317)
Tanaphon Maipang. Combination chemotherapy as induction therapy for advanced resectable head and neck
cancer. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 1995. p 80-85 . (R E9402)
Prapas Pothongsunun. A comparative study of strength training with concentric and isometric neck exercise
regimens. New York : New York University, 1992. 90 p. (T E17194)
Dent, Wolfgang. Sequential level of TNF alpha and clinical manifestations in severe, non-severe falciparum and
vivax malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 73 p. (T E17679)
Helbok, Raimund. Sequential level of tumor necrosis factor alpha and clinical manifestations in severe, non-severe
falciparum and vivax malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 65 p. (T E17669)
Kornnika Khano. Morphological and biochemical studies of giant black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon infected
with yellow-head virus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 117 p. (T E14477)
Senee Yingprasertchai. Studies on the effects of hyaluronidase inhibitors and antivenom antibody on the local
tissue damage caused by Naja kaouthia and Colloselasma rhodostoma venoms. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 160 p. (T E18336)
Thidaporn Senachan. Effects of synthetic sulfuric acid rain on growth of Petunia hybrida. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18685)
Watcharaporn Devakul Na Ayutthaya. Hepatotoxicity studies of barakol in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 141 p. (T E23204)
Aroonrat Anantathas. Characterisation of protein markers for indicating the maturity stages of plum and nectarine
fruits by HPLC. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 112 p. (T E38456)
Nectarivorous bat
Sara Bumrungsri. The role of the nectarivorous bat, Eonycteris spelaea Dobson, in pollination of economic food
plants [durian, sator, and riang] in southern Thailand. Songkhla : Department of Biology Prince of Songkla
University, 2007. 61 p. (R E37873)
Nedelsky's method
วิภารัตน ศรีบุตรตา. การเปรียบเทียบความสอดคลองในการตัดสินคะแนนจุดตัดระหวางวิธีของแองกอฟ วิธีของนีเดลสกี และวิธี
ของอิมพาราและเพลค = A comparison of consistency index for judging the cut-off score among Angoff's
method, Nedelsky's method and Impara and Plake's method. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 139
หนา. (วพ 101918)
Nederlandse bedrijven
Ritzema, Marieke. Nederlandse bedrijven in Thailand : een verkennende studie naar het belang van de
Nederlandse bedrijven in de Thaise economie. Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1988. 80 p. (T
อมรทิพย อมราภิบาล. การใชเทคนิคสนทนากลุมและระเบียบวิธีคิวในการประเมินความตองการของเด็กตางชาติชาวพมา :
กรณีศึกษาชุมชนผูยายถิ่นชาวพมาในจังหวัดระนอง = Using focus group technique and Q-methodology in
assesing the needs of migrant children from Myanmar : a case study of immigrant communities in Ranong
province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 192 หนา. (วพ 109989)
Need factor
Saneekan Seemanee. The factors related to the clients' satisfaction in primary care unit, Saraburi province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 100 p. (T E21640)
Need of care
Arunsri Chanpradit. Need of care and customer satisfaction from eldercare workers in Metropolitan Bangkok.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E20361)
Need salience
Yubol Chandruang. Life events, need salience and audiences use of television. Columbus : Ohio State University,
1985. 164 p. (T E40259)
Need [Psychology]
Saravadee Sangsook. Needs of employees for English communication in careers at Bangkok Produce
Merchandising Public Company Limited. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 47 p. (R E38064)
Needle biopsy
Pichet Sampatanukul. Usefulness of tuberculin test in diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis when fine needle
aspiration cytology is inconclusive : Is the combined test efficient?. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2001. 43 p. (T E18929)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 17]
บํารุง เพชรสถิตย. อนุกรมวิธานของปลาเข็ม-ปลากระทุงเหว ในนานน้ําไทย. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2535. ฑ,
187 หนา. (วพ 56177)
Jaruwan Sawangsri. Needs and response to needs of parents of children with congenital heart disease. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 123 p. (T E17229)
Kanda Chuangsakul. Police constable students' needs of English. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 105 p.
(T E15833)
Sakul Ariyachotima. Welfare needs of table tennis athletes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 83 p. (T E24250)
Thirapol Vatanapradith. Faculty perception of needs for faculty development programs of selected colleges in
Ramkhamhaeng University. Denton : Texas Woman's University, 1990. 123 p. (T E40209)
Needs analysis
Apiraporn Vasavakul. Business English oral communication (BEOC) for customer-services staff at international
banks : translating needs analysis to a course development. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006.
263 p. (T E35875)
Muntana Meemark. An analysis of needs and problems of English for tourist police. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 174 p. (T E19310)
Nantaporn Naruenatwatana. Needs analysis of medical students at Rangsit University in the use of academic
English. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 145 p. (T E15734)
Nunnida Sungnim. A study of the needs of English for military organization : a case study of Royal Aide de Camp
Department (RADC). Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 45 p. (R E38045)
Tiraporn Sriboonyong. A survey of the needs and problems of business administration students and of employees
as a basis for materials selection for the English for business course at Ubon Ratchathani University.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 235 p. (T E20363)
Needs assessment
Apakorn Malison. English language needs of Thai students during their participation in the work and travel USA
program in 2005. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 119 p. (T E36300)
Aranya Kengkunchorn. An assessment of the needs for higher education of Karen refugees along the ThaiMyanmar border : a case of Nu Poe camp. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 125 p. (T E39315)
Buppha Sirirassamee. Assessment of needs and supply availability for survival and basic services for mothers and
children in remote are of Thailand. Nakhon Pathom : Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol
University, 1998. 28 p. (R E19011)
Darinthorn Inthapthim. A survey of academic English language needs in relation to problems and wants of
Naresuan University M.B.A. students. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2000. 69 p. (T E14943)
Laura M.Brahmakasikara. The bases of designing an English course for nursing students. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 105 p. (T E11307)
Nantaporn Naruenatwatana. Needs analysis of medical students at Rangsit University in the use of academic
English. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 145 p. (T E15734)
Saneha Deekawong. A case study : a technical English syllabus design for Aeronautical Engineering students of
the Air Technical Training school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 123 p. (T E15223)
Sompong Sucompa. A survey study of current needs and problems in using technical English for tourism for the
higher certificate level students of Rajamangala Institute of Technology (RIT). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 191 p. (T E11785)
Sudsuang Yutdhana. A survey of English language needs of businesspersons in Chiang Mai. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2000. 88 p. (T E14737)
Tiraporn Sriboonyong. A survey of the needs and problems of business administration students and of employees
as a basis for materials selection for the English for business course at Ubon Ratchathani University.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 235 p. (T E20363)
Tran, Van Hien. Needs assessment of malaria practice among housewives, in Longan province, Vietnam. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 79 p. (T E17918)
Yongtanit Pimonsathean. Training needs assessment and training design for decentralised physical and urban
development in Thailand. [Rotterdam : International Housing and Urban Development Studies], [1999]. 1
vol. (R E16177)
Abdullah, MD.. Resistance development and effects of cypermethrin, neem extract and Bacillus thuringiensis on
Spodoptera exigua [Hubner] on vegetable soybean. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 173 p. (T
Adisai Thongtawat. A studies on the efficacy of neem seed extracts and the mixture of neem seed, galanga and
lemon grass in controlling the American boltworm (Heliothis armigera Hubner). Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 1991. (iv), 56 p. (T E8265)
Adisak Choeikamhaeng. Application of Thai neem extracts from pilot plant for the control of major insect pest of
asparagus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 57 p. (T E9136)
Aksorn Tipyaduangdee. Efficacy test of Thai neem seed extracts from KU pilot plant for the control of tomato
whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 86 p. (T E9970)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 18]
Neem (ตอ)
Araya Ajchariyapagorn. Simulation of nimbin extraction process by using AspenPlus. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 71 p. (T E23157)
Bangon Tangtong. Haematological alteration of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus after long-term low level
exposure to neem Azadirachta indica seed extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 186 p. (T
Chuleemas Boonthai. Toxicity and residual effects of Azadirachta indica var. siamensis extract and cyhalothrin on
Apis florea and Apis cerana. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xvi, 173 p. (T E7860)
Duangdean Cheramakara. Management of neem extracts compared to the other insecticides for diamondback
moth [Plutella xylostella L.] control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 196 p. (T E18793)
Hatairatana Boonchaleo. Effect of accelerated aging and osmoconditioning on germination of Melia azedarach
linn. Seeds.. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1986. 2 microfiches (99 fr.). (T MF20550)
Hathaitip Sritanaudomchai. Induction of quinone reductase in hepa 1C1C7 murine hepatoma cell line by neem
[Azadirachta indica A. uss var, siamensis valeton] flower constituents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
109 p. (T E17426)
Jirarach Srijunngam. Subchronic effects of neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seed extract on female reproductive
system of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 124 p. (T E13938)
Kaew Kangsadalampai. Application of neem extract to prevent housefly worms on salted fish = การประยุกตใชสาร
สกัดจากสะเดา เพื่อปองกันหนอนแมลงวันในการผลิตปลาเค็ม. Bangkok : Institute of Nutrition.
University, [1992]. 57 p. (R E10327)
Ladawan Atipanumpai. Effect of soil moisture content on growth and development of Melia azedarach linn..
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1982. 2 แผน (102 เฟรม). (T MF09517)
Lop Phavaphutanon. Effects of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi on drought resistance of neem trees
(Azadirachta indica A. Juss). Texas : Texas A&M University, 1996. 166 p. (T E10364)
P. Hormchan. Integration of resistant mutants with neem extract in cotton insect control. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, [2000]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E14748)
Pathumthip Tonthubthimthong. Supercritical extraction - a comprehensive experimental and modeling study.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 163 p. (T E19803)
Pornrutsami Jintaridth. Application of neem seed extracts on the reduction of housefly worms on dried salted fish.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 100 p. (T E8968)
Roungthip Masmeatathip. Effect of neem tree crude-extracts (Azadirachta indica A. Juss. var. siamensis Valeton)
on house fly (Musca domestica Linnaeus). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 54 p. (T E20306)
Sureeporn Kerdkankaew. Annual CO2 uptake in the two tropical tree species : Azadirachta indica A. Juss. var.
siamensis Valeton and Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz.. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2003. 129 p. (T E23459)
Worapun Kuakulkiat. Cancer chemopreventive components from Azadirachta indica A.Juss flowers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E15878)
จรรยา จริยานุสรณ. ปฏิกริยาของสารจากสะเดา [Azadirachta indica Juss.] ในการควบคุมไสเดือนฝอยรากปม [Meloidogyne
incognita Chitwood] ของมะเขือเทศ. กําแพงเพชร : วิทยาลัยเกษตรกรรมกําแพงเพชร, 2533. (5), 77 หนา. (ว
ถวิล แสนตรง. การศึกษาทางกายวิภาคของเลี่ยนผลเล็กและเลี่ยนผลโต. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2533. (4),
132 หนา. (วพ 61954)
Neem extract
Abdullah, MD.. Resistance development and effects of cypermethrin, neem extract and Bacillus thuringiensis on
Spodoptera exigua [Hubner] on vegetable soybean. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 173 p. (T
Adisak Choeikamhaeng. Application of Thai neem extracts from pilot plant for the control of major insect pest of
asparagus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 57 p. (T E9136)
Akanit Siripassaraporn. The application of neem extracts in the controlling of insect pests of okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus (L.) Moench) on farmer's field. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 55 p. (T E9137)
Handule, Ismail Mohammed. The effect of crude neem extract on cattle tick (Phipicephalus pulchellus, Gerstacker,
1873) in Eastern Ethiopia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 51 p. (T E20086)
Phouvong Keomony. Management of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hiibner), on pepper by
nucleopolyhedrovirus, neem extract and cypermethrin. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 45 p. (T
มานิตย นาคสุวรรณ. ประสิทธิภาพของสารสกัดสะเดาและน้ํามันสะเดาตอยุงลาย Aedes aegypti (L.) = The efficacy of neem
extracts and neem oil on aedes aegypti (L.). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 73 หนา. (วพ
ศักดา พรรณา. การยอมรับของเกษตรกรที่มีตอการใชสารสกัดสะเดาในการปองกันกําจัดแมลงศัตรูพืช ในเขตจังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี
= Adoption of farmers to use neem extract for insect pest control in Changwat Suphan buri. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 74 หนา. (วพ 109837)
Neem extracts
Duangdean Cheramakara. Management of neem extracts compared to the other insecticides for diamondback
moth [Plutella xylostella L.] control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 196 p. (T E18793)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 19]
Neem extracts (ตอ)
Sirisuda Siriwattanarungsee. Effect of neem extract against housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae)
and blowfly, Chrysomya megacephala (F.) (Diptera : Calliphoridae). Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2008. 135 p. (T E39548)
Neem flower extracts
Buncha Chewasantikan. Effects of neem flower extracts on hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme activities involved in
carcinogenic activation in rats and mice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T E16457)
Neem oil
สุมาลัย ศรีกําไลทอง. การผลิตกรดสเตียริกและกรดโอเลอิกจากน้ํามันสะเดาในระดับหองปฏิบัติการ = Production of stearic
and oleic acids from neem oil on laboratory ale. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศ
ไทย, 2542. 11 หนา. (ว 101065 ฉ.1; 105318 ฉ.2)
Kanutcharee Thanispong. Study on the efficacy of alcohol neem extract (Azadirachta indica var. siamensis
Valeton) and its suitable formulation in the control of its suitable formulation in the control of the red
spider mite (Tetranychus hydrangeae Pritchard and Baker). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. (vii), 68
p. (T E6382)
Noppadol Thapphan. The application of neem seed extracts in the controlling of insect pests of Chinese Kale on
farmer's field. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (vi), 55 p. (T E7101)
Dayin Mongkholkhajornsilp. Supercritical CO2 extraction of nimbin from neem seeds : process modelling and
optimisation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 130 p. (T E25071)
Jeeranoot Eak-amnuay. Comparison of the efficacy of neem seed kernel extracts and spraying methods for
controlling cabbage insect pests. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. 2 microfiches (82 fr.). (T MF20445)
Sudsiri Katatikorn. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on bradyrhizobium species cultures and on Bradyrhizobium
species nitrogen firation and nodulation of yard-long bean (Vigna sinensis Var. Sesquipendalis). Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 73 p. (T E13719)
Sutep Sahaya. Study on neem seed products utilization for cotton insect pests management. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 1999. 103 p. (T E15011)
Weerasak Gesnara. Increasing the efficacy of methanol neem seed extract against american bollworm (Heliothis
amigera Hubner). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. (iii), 43 p. (T E7585)
Negative charge polymer
Pimjai Amornsiriratanakul. Microencapsulation of Andrographis paniculata with water-soluble biopolymers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 104 p. (T E16660)
Waraporn Boonkaewwan. Sweets & children : senses, consumer culture, and society. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 154 p. (T E37710)
Negotiatuon sexual power
Penprapa Kreeyindee. Male participation in contraceptive use behavior. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 132
p. (T E17807)
Kasemsarn Chotchakornpant. Interracial friendship and racial tolerance among African and White American high
school students in integrated schools and neighborhoods. [S.l.] : Saint Louis University, 2003. 159 p. (T
Thorranin Thansri. Topology of neighborhood complexes of random graphs. Tsukuba : University of Tsukuba,
2007. 49 p. (T E36982)
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย. โปรแกรมการนําเสนอขอมูลในระดับตําบลจาก กชช. 2ค ป พ.ศ.2539. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย,
2541. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลขหนา). (ว 98257)
Neighbouring countries
รังษิมา เสถียรกิจ. การรวมกลุมทางเศรษฐกิจของไทยกับประเทศเพื่อนบานในโครงการสามเหลี่ยมเศรษฐกิจ = The economic
integration between Thailand and the neighboring countries in the IMT-GT. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 257 หนา. (วพ 113362)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Chantana Chantawong. The effect of temperature, transport time on the recovery of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 3 microfiches (161 fr.). (T MF20002)
Chariya Chomvarin. Virulence associated proteins of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Victoria : Monash University, 1993.
vi, 176 p. (T E7736)
Sirichai Pookkapund. Establishment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis detection by using Inhouse TaqmanR-based multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2008. 117 p. (T E39689)
Siriwan Kachornchaiyakul. Rapid detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood by using DNA hybridization assay
and PCR. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 190 p. (T E12159)
Suchart Chanama. The determination of purified gonococcal pili antigen in clinical isolated neisseria. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xvi, 153 p. (T E6981)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 20]
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (ตอ)
Sumruay Pinkaew. Rapid identification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by fluorescent monoclonal antibody and
fluorescent wheatgerm agglutinin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 137 p. (T E7213)
Thumanut Kongsawadi. Coconut water as an enrichment for cultivation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (96 เฟรม). (T MF09642)
Watana Ditsataporncharoen. The transmission of gonococcal infection from infected husbands to wives. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1983. 85 p. (T E1152c.2)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Diagnosis
Yingrit Chantarasuk. Assessment of laboratory diagnosis of chlamydia and gonococcal infection and development
of ELISA for Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 176 p. (T E12158)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae--Effect of antimicrobial on
Somroeg Kabklang. Comparison of the E-test to agar dilution susceptibility technique and antimicrobial
susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 107 p. (T E8527)
Nelumba nucilera
ณราวุฒิ ปยโชติสกุลชัย. ผลของสารควบคุมการเจริญเติบโต ที่มีการเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อบัวหลวง (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
ในสภาพหลอดทดลอง. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 82 หนา. (วพ 82396)
Nelumbo nucifera
Kanjana Jittiporn. Effect of Nelumbo nucifera G.embryo extract on cardiovascular system in rats. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 122 p. (T E18257)
Sudharat Phoolphithayadhorn. Antimutagenicity of products derived from lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) on
urethane induced somatic mutation and recombination in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 97 p. (T E20022)
Luechai Arayarungsarit. Relationships between upland rice varieties and root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus zeae
graham. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. 2 microfiches (115 fr.). (T MF20269)
Pokkwan Hutangura. Development and use of in vitro culture of plant parasitic nematodes to study host feeding
cell formation and function. Perth : Murdoch University, 1999. 227 p. (T E16114)
Praphathip Eamsobhana. Immunological studies on the rat lung-worm Angiostronoylus cantonensis (Nematoda :
Metastrongylidae). Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya, 1994. iii, 244 p. (T E7867)
Wanlop Kaewkes. Acetylcholinesterase of the two nematodes, Rhabditis maupasi and Angiostrongylus
contonensis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1979. 2 แผน (102 เฟรม). (T MF09423)
Nematode diseases of plants
Anan Hirunsalee. Population dynamics of root-knot nematode species in mixed populations on selected crop
sequences and genotypes. [S.l.] : North Carolina State University, 1993. xi, 133 p. (T E6048)
Pongpan Thienhirun. Efficacy of Trichoderma spp. in controlling root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita).
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 99 p. (T E10996)
Patchareewan Chongchitmate. Bionomics of entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema siamkayai stock, somsook
and reid (n.sp.) and its efficacy against Helicoverpa armigera hubner (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae). Bangkok :
Kasetsart University86 p. (T E29019)
Pokkwan Hutangura. Development and use of in vitro culture of plant parasitic nematodes to study host feeding
cell formation and function. Perth : Murdoch University, 1999. 227 p. (T E16114)
สุภาภรณ เสียงศรี. การศึกษาการทําใหเกิดโรคของไสเดือนฝอย Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) ในแมลงวันผลไม
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) = Pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae
(Weiser) in fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 67 หนา. (วพ
Nemipterus hexodon
Nisanarth Krasaechol. Characteristics and functional properties of sarcoplasmic proteins from ornate threadfin
bream Nemipterus hexodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 182 p. (T E36090)
สนธยา บรรลือโชคชัย. การออกแบบและสรางเครื่องวัดการตอบสนองประสาทกลามเนื้อ = Design and consturction of an
electromyograph. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตรประยุกต สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2539. 25
หนา. (ว 92728)
Neo-humanism philosophy
วัชรยุทธ บุญมา. การจัดการศึกษาตามแนวปรัชญามนุษยนิยมแนวใหม = A study of educational practices in accordance
with the new-humanism philosophy. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 214 หนา. (วพ 108969)
สมศักดิ์ เจริญศรี. ผลการสอนตามแนวคิดนีโอฮิวแมนนิสที่มีตอการเห็นคุณคาในตนเองของนักศึกษาการศึกษานอกโรงเรียนแบบ
ทางไกล = Effects of teaching by neohumanist's concept on self-esteem of non-formal distance education
learners. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 144 หนา. (วพ 112495)
Feigenblatt, Otto Von. Japan and human security : gaps of realities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007.
143 p. (T E40400)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 21]
Neochetina bruchi
Srijumnun Pichidsuwanchai. Comparative studies on biology of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and Neochetina
bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), biological control agents of waterhyacinth, Eichhornia
crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Liliales : Pontederiaceae), in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1996. 62 p. (T E10591)
Neochetina eichhorniae
Srijumnun Pichidsuwanchai. Comparative studies on biology of Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and Neochetina
bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera : Curculionidae), biological control agents of waterhyacinth, Eichhornia
crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Liliales : Pontederiaceae), in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1996. 62 p. (T E10591)
จิตรลดา ผลนิมิตร. การรูจําลายมือเขียนตัวเลขไทยดวยนีโอคอคนิตรอน = Thai numeric handwritten character
recognition by the neocognitron. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 141
หนา. (วพ 99740)
Onanong Prombut. The efficiency of neodymium-iron-boron magnet as a retention unit after casting process.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 96 p. (T E15433)
Supakorn Boonyuen. Effect of some rare-earth doping on the piezoelectricity of lead zirconate titanate ceramics.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 160 p. (T E15916)
Neodymium-YAG lasers
Supasil Phoungphung. Q-switch pulse Nd : YAG laser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121 p. (T E17705)
Neodymium-yag lasers
ชมนเจริญ ทิพยสุวรรณ. การศึกษาและการสรางนีโอดีเมียมแยกเลเซอร = A study and construction of neodymium YAG
laser. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 107 หนา. (วพ 95429)
Aranya Jutiviboonsuk. Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Barringtonia maunwongyathiae W. Chukul
and Bursera tonkinesis Guillaum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 238 p. (T E36029)
Thavatchai Kamoltham. Siriraj Tulle : the preparation of neomycin-polymixin B tulle gras and its in vitro and in
vivo efficacy test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (67 fr.). (T MF20003)
Neomycin phosphotransferase
นุจรี สุวรรณมังกูล. การแสดงออกของเอ็นพีทีจีนที่ถูกยับยั้งดวยเมลธิลเลชัน โดยการใช 5-อะซาไซติดีน = Expression of
neomycin phosphotransferase gene being repressed by methylation via the application of 5-azacytidine.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. 126 หนา. (วพ 107238)
Neonatal death
Aboobakur, Maimoona. Influence of maternal and service factors on neonatal deaths and still births in the
Maldives. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 50 p. (T E35075)
Neonatal hearing screening
Arun Suwannapak. Parental anxiety and attitudes to neonatal hearing screening. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 110 p. (T E24101)
Neonatal infections
Sujitra Jantarakana. Efficacy and safety of the administration of gentamicin adjusted dose base on gestational
age in Thai neonatal patients at the Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai hospital. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2004. 70 p. (T E23362)
Neonatal intensive care
Thidarat Buachuen. Serratia marcescens from a neonatal intensive care unit at Siriraj hospital : pulsotyping and
antimicrobial susceptibility test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 122 p. (T E18952)
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Atchariya Wonginchan. Relationship between coping strategies and well-being of parents whose newborn infants
were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T
Supreeda Kurdrit. The physiological and sleep-wake behavioral responses of premature infants to the neonatal
intensive care unit environment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E19560)
Neonatal intensive care unit
ปาริชาต ศิลประเสริฐ. ผลของการพยาบาลระบบสนับสนุนและใหความรูตอการเผชิญความเครียด และความวิตกกังวลของบิดา
มารดาทารกแรกเกิด ในหนวยบําบัดวิกฤตทารกแรกเกิด = Effect of supportive educative nursing system on
parents' coping and anxiety in neonatal intensive care unit. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 99 หนา.
(วพ 103749)
Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
Akkrapol Mungnirandr. Neonatal necrotising enterocolitis Results of treatment and developments in diagnosis and
therapy during a 25 year period. Mainz : Johanues Gutenberg-University of Mainz, 2004. 1 vol (in various
pagings). (T E36930)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 22]
Neonatal patients
Sujitra Jantarakana. Efficacy and safety of the administration of gentamicin adjusted dose base on gestational
age in Thai neonatal patients at the Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai hospital. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2004. 70 p. (T E23362)
Neonatal respiration monitor
ประสงค ธูสรานนท. การออกแบบและสรางมอนิเตอรการหายใจของทารก = Design and construction of a neonatal
respiration monitor. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตรประยุกต สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 22
หนา. (ว 99777 ฉ.1; 99902 ฉ.2)
Neonatal screening program
กฤติกา ศรีอําไพ. การวิเคราะหตนทุน/ผลไดของโครงการคัดกรองสุขภาพทารกแรกเกิด จากโรคพรองธัยรอยดฮอรโมนแต
กําเนิดในประเทศไทย (กรณีศึกษา : จังหวัดนาน) = Cost-benefit analysis of neonatal screening program for
congenital hypothyroidism in Thailand : a case study at Nan province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542.
103 หนา. (วพ 101717)
Neonatal sepsis--Diagnosis
Husada, Dominicus. Predictive model for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 146 p.
(R E39468)
Neonate transferred
Laor Jansuta. The referral system of parturients and neonates in community hospitals in Ubon Ratchathani
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17619)
Amporn Narongsanti. Once daily versus twice daily dosing of gentamicin in Thai neonates. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 112 p. (T E13766)
Chanokporn Boonthariksiri. Pharmacokinetics of amikacin in premature neonates at Phramongkutklao hospital.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 91 p. (T E21851)
Malee Urharmnuay. Effect of a training program on knowledge and practice regarding developmental care of
neonates among nurses. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University, 2004. 86 p. (R E24895)
Preedawan Boonmark. Nuchal arch and holder : an invention for better securing endotracheal tubes in neonates.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E14516)
Thiraporn Manon. A comparison of tympanometry by using probe tone frequency 226 and 660 Hz in normal full
term neonates. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (T E18246)
Neopentyl glycol
Supaporn Suansawat. Synthesis of lubricating product from palm oil and neopentyl glycol using alkaline earth
metal oxide catalysts. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 89 p. (T
Neoprene adhesive
นิคม นครเรียบ. การศึกษาสมบัติการยึดเกาะระหวางโฟมพอลิเอทธิลีนกับวัสดุเหล็ก สําหรับระบบฉนวนความรอน = Studies on
peel properties between polyethylene foam and steel for thermal insulating system. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 125 หนา. (วพ 109658)
Neoprene rubber
Nuengruthai Parajai. Effects of carbon black on conductivity of neoprene rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 67 p. (T E40895)
Viriya Nitteranon. Cloning and expression of enzymes from glycosyl hydrolase family (xylanase and
neopullulanase) from the sediments of Bor Khlueng hot spring. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 116 p.
(T E34214)
Neospora caninum
Aran Chanlun. Epidemiology of neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle in Thailand. Uppsala : Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, 2006. 44 p. (T E36551)
Than Kyaw. Identification of Neospora caninum and its impact on reproductive performance in Thai dairy herds.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 59 p. (T E30159)
Than Kyaw. Seroprevalence of antibodies and diagnosis of abortion related to Neospora caninum in dairy cattle.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 45 p. (T E21537)
Kitti Khaowiset. Neotectonics along the Pua Fault in Changwat Nan, northern Thailand : evidence from remote
sensing and thermoluminescence dating. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 220 p. (T E40720)
Krit Won-in. Neotectonic evidences along the Three Pagoda Fault Zone, Changwat Kanchanaburi. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 167 p. (T E14669)
Mongkol Udchachon. Neotectonics of the southeastern segment of the Phrae fault system, Phrae basin, northern
Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 231 p. (T E21786)
Viriya Danphaiboonphon. Neotectonics of the thoen fault system, Lampang basin, northern Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 101 p. (T E34978)
Monnipha Sila-asna. An in vitro angiogenesis : a new model for medical use. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998.
115 p. (T E12164)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 23]
Nepa mantis shrimp
อดิสรณ มนตวิเศษ. การพัฒนาของกั้งตั๊กแตน Oratosquilla nepa (Latreille, 1825) วัยออนจากไขของแมพันธุที่กระตุนให
วางไขโดยวิธีทําลายกานตา = Larval development of nepa mantis shrimp Oratosquilla nepa (Latreille, 1825)
from eggs masses spawned by eyestalk ablation method. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 100
หนา. (วพ 101763)
NEPA standard
Prarop Maison. A study on the evaluation of electrical safety and testing according to NFPA standard for hospitals
under Bureau of Medicine, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 133
p. (T E18480)
Basnet, Puspa. A study of government family planning program on the use of contraception in Nepal. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E19343)
Dhakal, Megha Raj. Factors related to unmet need for family planning among women in reproductive age groups
in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 62 p. (T E17750)
Gnawali, Devendra Prasad. Cost-effectiveness analysis of public and public-private mix dots treatment centers in
Nepal : a case study of Kathmandu metropolitan city. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 122 p. (T
Pantha, Ritu. Socio-demographic differentials and the level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS among currently married
women in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20037)
Pariyar, Bhim Bahadur. The roles of NGOs in the adult education promotion in Nepal. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2001. 171 p. (T E18510)
Pokhrel, Subhash. Cost-effectiveness of early case detection for visceral leishmaniasis in Nepal. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 83 p. (T E15502)
Rana, Sobit Bahadur. Factors influencing contraceptive methods choice in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 85 p. (T E19313)
Sharma, Bharat Raj. Factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services in Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 77 p. (T E20096)
Nepal--Economic conditions
Ojha, Pustak Raj. Determinants of household food security under subsistence agriculture in the mid hills of
eastern Nepal. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 156 p. (T E15783)
Nepal--Manufacturing processes
C., Kishore K.. Labor market segmentation in the manufacturing sector of Kathmandu urban area. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 1991. (vii), 115 p. (T E7892)
Karki, Sujan. Utilization of skilled birth attendants during childbirth in Nepal : an evaluation based on the 2001
and 2006 Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 50 p. (T E40397)
Nepenthes thorelii
Rawiwun Kaewamatawong. Phytochemical study of Nepenthes thorelii lec.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1996. 315 p. (T E11840)
กิตติศักดิ์ ลิขิตวิทยาวุฒิ. สารตานมาลาเรียจากน้ําเตาลม = Antimalarial agents from Nepenthes thorelii Lec.. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 56 หนา. (ว 91499)
Nephelium lappaceum
Panumas Posuya. Changes of abscisic acid and polyamines during fruit development and low temperature storage
of rambutan fruits. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 126 p. (T E17535)
Sali Chinsathit. Effect of paclobutrazol on shoot growth flowering fruit set and yield of rambutan (Nephelium
lappaceum L.) VAR. Rongrien. Los Banos : University of Philippines Los Banos, 1995. 139 p. (T E10338)
Supatra Parnrong. Leaf processing rates in three tropical streams of southern Thailand : the influence of land-use.
Songkhla : Department of Aquatic Science, Prince of Songkla University, 2000. 12 p. (R E15687)
Surachai Muchjajib. Flower initiation, fruit set and yield of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) var. 'roengrean'
sprayed with SADH, paclobutrazol and ethephon. Los Banos : University of the Philippines at Los Banos,
1988. 143 p. (T E40264)
พนิดา บุญฤทธิ์ธงไชย. ผลของกาซคารบอนไดออกไซดที่มีตอการยืดอายุการเก็บรักษาผลเงาะพันธุโรงเรียน = Effect of
carbon dioxide on prolong storage life of 'Rong-rien' rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum Linn.). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 190 หนา. (วพ 109617)
Nephelium melliferum
Pimpanas Vimuktayon. The ecology of seed dispersal in wild rambutan [Nephelium melliferum] by white-handed
gibbons [Hylobates lar] and other frugivores in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 144 p. (T E17407)
Nephrectomized rats
Nlin Arya. Effects of cereal supplement on renal functions and structural alterations in 5/6 nephrectomized rats.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 56 p. (T E19078)
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Nattaporn Sonphueak. Phytoremediation of fuel oil contaminated soil. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 155 p.
(T E37764)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 24]
Somchai Chutipongtanate. Identification of urinary trefoil factor 1 as a novel calcium oxalate crystal growth
inhibitor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 103 p. (T E35005)
Nephromopsinic acid
Wacharee Harnying. Reactions of vicinal dianions of succinic ester derivatives. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 154 p. (T E14589)
Narisa Futrakul. Endothelial cell cytotoxicity induced by nephrotic serum : role of oxidant and antioxidant
imbalance and its therapeutic implication. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 80 p. (T E18833)
Nephrotic syndrome
Narisa Futrakul. Endothelial cell cytotoxicity induced by nephrotic serum : role of oxidant and antioxidant
imbalance and its therapeutic implication. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 80 p. (T E18833)
Nephrotic syndrome in children
Orarat Maneelert. Factors influencing health status of Thai school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 121 p. (T E17676)
Temduang Choyhirun. The effects of computer-assisted instruction in supportive-educative nursing system on self
care practices in school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p.
(T E18056)
Nephrotic syndrome in children--China
Zhimin, Luo. Self-care practices among Chinese school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1998. 88 p. (T E12713)
Boonyium Kumsorn. Protective effects of fosfomycin on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in patients with lung
cancer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 58 p. (T E16443)
Jittawadee Kamonput. Evaluation of nephrotoxicity, infusion-related adverse reactions and effectiveness of
amphotericin B deoxycholate administered over 24-hour infusion. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 156
p. (T E33396)
Saisamorn Wongjongjaihan. Monitoring efficacy and nephrotoxicity of gentamicin once-daily treatment compared
to every 8-hour treatment for Thai patient in Rajavithi hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996.
178 p. (T E10732)
Boonyium Kumsorn. Protective effects of fosfomycin on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in patients with lung
cancer. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 58 p. (T E16443)
Saisamorn Wongjongjaihan. Monitoring efficacy and nephrotoxicity of gentamicin once-daily treatment compared
to every 8-hour treatment for Thai patient in Rajavithi hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996.
178 p. (T E10732)
Neptunia oleracealour
เลอลักษณ บูรณกาล. การศึกษาบักเตรีตรึงไนโตรเจนในปมรากผักกระเฉด (Neptunia oleracea lour). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2522. 3 แผน (139 เฟรม). (วพ MF02837)
Nerium indicum
Sujitra Wanput. Adulticidal effect of Nerium indicum Mill. Azadiracta indica A. Juss and Annona squamosa Linn.
leaf extracts on Musca domestica Linn.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 56 p. (T E24018)
Napaporn Thavanapong. The essential oil from peel and flower of Citrus maxima. Bangkok : Silpakorn University,
2006. 122 p. (T E37431)
Nerosurgical patients
Siriluk Suddhichupaiboon. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for positioning reduced
intracranial pressure in post-operative neurosurgical patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 70 p. (R
Somsmorn Chittrakarn. Effects of Kratom leaf extract on sciatic nerve and neuromuscular junction. Songkhla :
Faculty of Science Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 24 p. (R E39233)
Nerve fibers
Nualnoi Wechbanjong. Cat's vallate papilla. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 22 p. (R E8746)
ปานสิริ พันธุสุวรรณ. เสนประสาทชนิด neuropeptide Y ในตอมไพเนียลของกระแต = The Existence of neuropetide Y
nerve fibers in pineal gland of tree shrew (Tupaia glis). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิ
โรฒ, [253-]. 28 หนา. (ว 83697)
Nerve ganglia
Praphaporn Laimek. Structure and development of nerve ganglia, peripheral nervous system and special sensory
organs in Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 151 p. (T E15083)
Nerve injury
Noppadol Phasukdee. Effects of Pueraria mirifica on axonal regeneration in sciatic nerve crush injury in rats.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 71 p. (T E33062)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 25]
Nerve regeneration
Pornpen Chaiworakul. Estrogenic effect of phytoestrogen (Genistein and Pueraria mirifica) on rat sciatic nerve
regeneration mediated via extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 141 p. (T E34038)
Nerves, Cranial
Suda Saosudchat. Neuronal origin of cerebellar afferents from motoneurons innervating muscles for head and
neck movements. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 69 p. (T E20417)
Nerves, Peripheral
Praphaporn Laimek. Structure and development of nerve ganglia, peripheral nervous system and special sensory
organs in Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 151 p. (T E15083)
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Differences in peripheral nerve innervation, inflammation and nociception in reticular or
hypertrophic type of oral lichen planus and in erosive or atrophic type of oral lichen planus. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 25 p. (R E22346)
Somluk Kongstaponkit. Microvascularization in trigeminal ganglion of the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. ix, 50 p. (T E7194)
Nerves, Peripheral--Diseases--Diagnosis
Rattiya Tiabteera. Reaction time and overall signal speed in neuronal circuits of patients with brain spinal cord
and peripheral nerve damage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 149 p. (T E6769)
Nervous system
Chalalai Suwattanasophon. The role of 5-HT 1B/1D and 5-HT 2A/2C receptors in neurovascular response to nitric
oxide in rat trigeminovascular system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 161 p. (T E17254)
Julaporn Srinha. Adenosine and the neurotoxicity of dichlorvos in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 133 p.
(T E19600)
Pasinee Sanguansit. Neurovascular anatomy of the deep inferior epigastric perforator flap for breast
reconstruction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 45 p. (T E34964)
Supin Menayotin. Ultrastructural and histochemical studies of the nervous system of adult liver fluke, Opisthorchis
viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 233 p. (T E8557)
Thanakul Wannaprasert. Neurovascular anatomy of the penis for sex reassignment surgery. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 55 p. (T E29024)
ประเสริฐ โศภน. การศึกษาโครงสราง หนาที่ และความสัมพันธของระบบประสาทและระบบสืบพันธุของหอยเปาฮื้อพันธุพื้นเมือง
Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. = Studies of the structures, roles and relationships between the nervous and
reproductive systems of a tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus.. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2540. 128 หนา. (ว 99048)
Nervous system,
Siriphun Kongsawasdi. Cardiovascular autonomic function tests in Thai diabetics. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1993. viii, 114 p. (T E7181)
Nervous system--Blood-vessels
Supawadee Mankhetwit. Dorsal root ganglion microvasculature in the common tree shrew (Tupaia glis) as
revealed by SEM of plastic corrosion cast. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiii, 59 p. (T E8028)
Nervous system--Degeneration
Pornprot Limprasert. Molecular and linkage studies in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxlas. Louisiana :
Louisiana State University, 1995. 175 p. (T E11054)
Nervous system--Diseases--Patients
Aree Buranakul. Pressure ulcer risk factors among hospitalized neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18630)
Nervous system--Surgery--Patients
Permsin Sathiropas. Hemostatic alteration and platelet ultrastructure in patients undergoing intracranial surgery.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xxii, 340 p. (T E7880)
ณัชพงศ รูตระกูล. อิทธิพลของความเปนกรด-ดาง และความเค็มที่มีตอการวัดปริมาณแอมโมเนียมในน้ําโดยวิธีเนสเลอไรเซซัน
และโซเดียมไนโตรปรัสไซด = The effect of pH and salinity on water ammonium determination by
nesslerization and sodium nitroprusside methods. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 115 หนา. (วพ
Nested PCR
Sompoj Chalermtaranukul. Prevalence of human herpesvirus type 6 in periodontitis lesion in Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 79 p. (T E21018)
Net present value
Kriangsak Rukachantarakul. A feasibility study of investing bunker oil equipment for oil company's customers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 86 p. (T E13879)
Net radiation
Anurat Saringkarnphasit. Estimation of mixing height using surface meteorological data in Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 138 p. (T E37810)
Patcharee Vanakrairotj. Netilmicin ; in vitro study and clinical evaluation of therapy in pediatric patients with
serious gram negative infections. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 3 microfiches (132 fr.). (T MF20178)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 26]
NETS method
Viganda Varabuntoonvit. Life cycle assessment for power generation systems in Thailand using nets method.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 141 p. (T E20084)
Netscape Browser
ชุลีรัตน จรัสกุลชัย. ซอฟตแวรสงเสริมทักษะการเรียน Netscape Browser = Self tutorial software for Netscape Browser.
กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 11 หนา. (ว 111216)
Netware 5.1
Malaya Puengkeo. Computer assisted instruction for NetWare 5.1 (Administration). Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 50 p. (T E16567)
Network analysis
Nanta Changthongkham. GEO-informatics for wild elephant living space at Kuiburi National Park, Prajuabkirlkhan
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 113 p. (T E33320)
Panatda Kasikitwiwat. Capacity reliability and capacity flexibility of a transportation network. Logan : Utah State
University, 2004. 206 p. (T E36309)
Rachanee Phuwapathanapun. Network analysis with fuzzy and stochastic data. Innsbruck : Leopold-FranzensUniversitat Innsbruck, 2000. 126 p. (T E16060)
เตือนใจ อาชีวะพนิช. การสรางและหาประสิทธิภาพชุดการสอน วิชา การวิเคราะหวงจรขายหลักสูตรครุศาสตรอุตสาหกรรม
บัณฑิต สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล = Constructing and finding an efficiency of an instructional package for
network analysis. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 290 หนา. (วพ 110871)
Network analysis [Planning]
Boo, Teo Chok. A study of Lead-Lag Precedence Network Technique in construction industry. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1981. 2 แผน (80 เฟรม). (T MF09411)
Hung-Jen, Chang. Construction network compression programming. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology,
1975. 52 p. (T E22729)
Satit Tantivattanasatien. Improvement of the project control system : a case study of an interior decoration
company. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 147 p. (T E15859)
Network backbone design
Chaiwat Praphanawarat. Network design for a new Government House master plan. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 100 p. (T E18492)
Network based intrussion detection system
Chaivat Jirapummin. A visual intrusion detection system using self-organizing maps. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 125 p. (R E18850)
Network computers
Pakaket Wattuya. Solving the syllable segmentation problem in connected-Thai-Digit speech recognition using
multiple-instance learning. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 64 p. (T E22270)
Uchot Jitpaisarnsook. An efficient static task mapping model on cluster system and computational grid system.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 44 p. (T E19488)
Network design
Eakkaluck Tangprasert. Multi-objective design and optimization of outdoor wireless LAN system. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 35 p. (R E37383)
Montree Wongsri. Resilient heat exchanger network design. Saint Louis : Sever Institute of Washington
University, 1990. 234 p. (T E40233)
Narongchai Ungurawanich. Wireless LAN system design and optimization considering average path loss
minimization. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 33 p. (R E24378)
Network devices management program
ชัยวัฒน ฉัตรศิริชัย. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมจัดการอุปกรณทางระบบเครือขายผานบราวเซอรบนระบบปฏิบัติการวินโดวสเอ็นที =
Development of a browser-based network devices management program on the Windows NT. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 79 หนา. (วพ 110034)
Network drive
เชิดวงศ หงษศรีจินดา. การพัฒนากลวิธีสืบคนฐานขอมูลซีดีรอมผานระบบเครือขายระยะไกล = A development of CD ROM
database searching technique over wide area network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 48 หนา.
(วพ 104560)
Network file system [Computer network protocol]
O-larn Suriyabhumi. SDFS-a design and architecture of highly scalable distributed file system for linux cluster.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 45 p. (T E16796)
Network for industrial Environment management
Chaiyuth Klinsukont. Testing the niem environmental monitoring guideliness at a Thai pulp and paper mill :
receiving water quality. Bangkok : TISTR, 2000. 89 p. (R E15096 c.1; E15586 c.2)
Network interface card
วราห ธีระปุญโญ. การปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพของระบบเชื่อมตอเครือขาย = Performance improvement of network interface
subsystem. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 61 หนา. (วพ 110766)
Network interface subsystem
วราห ธีระปุญโญ. การปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพของระบบเชื่อมตอเครือขาย = Performance improvement of network interface
subsystem. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 61 หนา. (วพ 110766)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 27]
Network links
Kiettipong Jierranaitanakit. An application of logit modeling to the classification of network links for hourly traffic
patterns in emission inventories. Davis : University of California, 2005. 176 p. (T E24729)
Network management
Pham, Huu Nghia. Distributed network management using combination of web services and mobile agents.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2005. 102 p. (T E24287)
Saishon Labchumsri. Local area network resources information monitoring system via web browser. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E18203)
Witoon Reewarabundith. Software usage monitoring system for workstations on local area network managing
from web browser. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 92 p. (T E17581)
พฤณฑาภรณ แสงดารา. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมแบบเว็บเพื่อชวยการบริหารคอมพิวเตอรสวนบุคคลในเครือขาย = A web base
program development for management of networked desktop computers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 155 หนา. (วพ 112450)
Network Management Center
มงคล บรรยง. การสรางระบบการรับ-สงขอมูลรายงานแจงเหตุเสียเขาหาศูนยรวมขอมูลดวยโปรแกรมการเชื่อมตอแบบออนไลน
= On line single point of contact for network event report distribution. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2541. 248 หนา. (วพ 104924)
Network security
Labhidhorn Pangphuthipong. A prototype system in network security for intrusion detection using a decoy.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 84 p. (T E34472)
Network system
Boonmee Wattananon. On optimal paths in time constrained networks. [S.l.] : Curtin University, 2002. 168 p. (T
Network system of electrical consumption measurement
บุญยงค ภูนันทพงษ. การออกแบบและสรางระบบโครงขายการวัดปริมาณไฟฟา = Design and construction of the network
system of electrical consumption measurement. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ,
2536. 32 หนา. (ว 92910)
Network system--Prevention and control
Voravud Santiraveewan. A graph-based methodology for analyzing IP spoofing attacks. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 39 p. (T E22817)
Network systems
Aparat Mahakhant. Specification for management and network systems of culture collection of microalgae.
Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 2001. 17 p. (R E17192 c.1)
Network technology
Sanphet Chunithipaisan. The development of generic, topology aware spatial datasets and models. Newcastle :
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2004. 187 p. (T E24740)
Tavicha Phadvibulya. A development of Hybrid Network Technology-Enhanced Language Learning model based
on social constructivism approach for promoting EFL learner autonomy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 230 p. (T E38961)
Network theory
Sompong Lertpolpairoj. An improvement of realistic performance of a haptic system with an adaptive virtual
coupling. Bangkok : King Mongkut' University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 69 p. (T E16985)
Network Traffic
Mahanta, Anjan Kumar. A comparative study of P2P system architectures. Bangkok : Thammasat University,
2006. 60 p. (T E35215)
Tun Lin Moe. Managerial networking of public and private sector Thai executives. Bangkok : National Institute of
Development Administration, 2003. 218 p. (T E38434)
Witsanuchai Srijariya. Study of computer networking system at Nakorn-Thai Crown Prince hospital, Phitsanulok :
the aspect of management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 106 p. (T E14073)
Neuman system model
วรรณสตรี รัตนลัมภ. ผลของการเยี่ยมบานโดยประยุกตแบบจําลองระบบของนิวแมนในมารดาที่มีบุตรอายุ 1-3 ป ปวยดวยโรคติด
เชื้อเฉียบพลันระบบทางเดินหายใจสวนบน อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดนครนายก = The effects of home visit with
application of the Neuman system model, on mother with 1-3 year old children suffering from acute upper
respiratory tract infection in Muang district, Nakhonnayok province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541.
207 หนา. (วพ 98547)
Neumann algebras
Theeradech Mookum. Finite difference methods for finding a control parameter in two-dimentional parabolic
equation with Neumann boundary conditions. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 36 p. (T E23349)
Neural coding
Somphop Chatchavong. Temporal ensemble of supervised visually-related neurons in lateral hypothalamus.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 96 p. (T E18307)
Uttapon Eiamratanawong. Responsiveness of spiking neurons in lateral hypothalamus to visual stimuli after
dipsogenic agent administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (T E18308)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 28]
Neural computers
Sutat Saetang. Thai type styles recognition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 59 p. (T E12502)
Neural crest
Promjit Jutabha. Determination of urinary homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid in children for the diagnosis
of neural crest tumors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 132 p. (T E7117)
Neural fuzzy networks
Nam, Dinh Thi. Forecasting and trading stock using technical analysis and neural fuzzy network. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 103 p. (T E38320)
Neural network
Araree Jirapornanan. Development of an artificial neural network module for enzymatic reaction rate prediction
(I)/computational analysis of mutational sequence variance in VP1 capsid protein of polyomavirus (II).
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 93 p. (T E34727)
Chawat Siwaranon. A neural network modeling and control for etherification hybrid process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 87 p. (T E34750)
Hataitep Wongsuwarn. Computational intelligence to gait generation for biped dynamic walking robot. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 191 p. (T E35851)
Neural network model
Pirapun Juangaroon. Dynamic dispersion model based on neural network for predicting sulfur dioxide impact at
the Mae Moh thermal power plant. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 100 p. (T E13987)
Neural network [Neurobiology]
Maytee Bamrungrajhirun. Modeling and visualizing the quantitative and allometric relationship of individual parts
of rice by an integrated neural network. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 104 p. (T E40757)
Neural networks
Atchara Mahaweerawat. Software fault prediction by fuzzy logic and neural network techniques. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 164 p. (T E35803)
Busagarin Rurkhamet. Forecasting of new issued banknotes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 212 p. (T
Jurairat Phromjai. Prediction of the extent of protein secondary structures using neural networks. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 240 p. (T E13716)
Kitisak Ngamjaruskochakorn. Modeling of temperature change of liquid steel in BOF by neural network. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 71 p. (T E12472)
ปราโมทย พิมเสน. วิธีการรูจําภาพธนบัตรไทยโดยใชสัญญาณ 2 ยานความถีแ
่ ละนิวรอลเน็ตเวิรค = A method of Thai note
picture recognition by using two frequency bands of signal and neural network. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2539. 119 หนา. (วพ 95928)
Neural networks [Computer Science]
Sainatee Champirat. A development of artificial neural network for the rapid assessment of subsurface
contamination. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 117 p. (T E38958)
Neural networks [Computer science]
Adhikari, Naba Raj. Some applications of artificial neural network in Geo-engineering. Pathumthani : Sirindhorn
International Institute of Technology, 2002. 51 p. (T E18896)
Akanit Waiyakarn. Phoneme-based Thai leading consonant recognition using neural network and hidden markov
model. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 88 p. (R E24398)
Ananta Srisuphab. The development of Quantum Complex-valued Backpropagation Neural Network [QCBPN].
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E18235)
Anocha Rugchatjaroen. Generalization of an elliptic radial basis function neural network. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 50 P. (T E20203)
Aungsana Duangkaew. Backpropagation neural network simulator tool. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 219
p. (R E16151)
Bui, Van Bien. Teleoperation system using neural network based multiple model adaptive predictive control.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 75 p. (T E39045)
Chidentree Treesatayapun. Adaptive controller with fuzzy rules emulated structure. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2004. 99 p. (T E23257)
Ekawat Pasomsub. Qualitative phenotypic resistance prediction from genotypes for human immunodeficiency type
1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitors using neural networks. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 109 p. (T
Jun Srisutapan. An application of inductive logic programming, fuzzy set, and artificial neural networks to Thai
printed character recognition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 50 p. (T E18963)
Jutatip Petcherdsak. Use of multilayer feedforward networks for system identification, function approximation,
and advanced control. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 194 p. (T E14664)
Juthatip Chuchuen. Soil temperature forecasting using neural network. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 122
p. (T E18147)
Kitiporn Plaimas. A technique for predicting an ambiguous nucleotide symbol in a DNA sequence. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 53 p. (T E27753)
Linda Thanasinthana. Neural network-based optimal control strategy for a batch crystallization. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 86 p. (T E40172)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 29]
Neural networks [Computer science] (ตอ)
Nachol Chaiyaratana. Thalassaemia classification by neural networks and genetic programming. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2008. 51 p. (R E40617)
Nachol Chaiyaratana. The use of neural networks and evolutionary computation in time-optimal control. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 165 p. (R E17318)
Nam, Dinh Thi. Forecasting and trading stock using technical analysis and neural fuzzy network. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 103 p. (T E38320)
Nantawan Therdthai. Study of consumer acceptance in Bakery products by using modeling approach. Bangkok :
Department of Product Development Kasetsart University, 2006. 30 p. (R E39229)
Oranit Panprasitwech. Short-term electrical load forecasting using an artificial neural network. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 87 p. (T E24384)
Pirawat Watanapongse. Fault tolernt neural network classifiers. Louisiana : University of Southwestern Louisiana,
1998. 119 p. (T E13654)
Pisit Phokharatkul. Invariant Thai printed characters recognition. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology Ladkrabang, 2002. 188 p. (T E20601)
Piyamas Kanuan. Prediction of time series using wavelet transform and neural network. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 34 p. (T E40934)
Piyanuch Thitiyasook. Use of neural networks for the control of pervaporative membrane reactor. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 146 p. (T E24978)
Piyawadee Srithip. Neural network solving container loading problem. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 149
p. (T E18456)
Polpipat Suthichoti. Subsurface water management of multi-stacked gas reservoirs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 141 p. (T E40880)
Poonpat Poonnoy. Using artificial neural network approach for modeling of microwave-vacuum drying of plant
materials. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 101 p. (T E37475)
Rachaneewan Talumassawatdi. Imputing large missing rain data by neural networks, similarity measure, and time
synchronization prior to estimation of Ze-R relation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 51 p. (T
Rapee Supradish Na Ayudhya. Water demand forecasting using the artificial neural network. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 65 p. (T E19632)
Ruttapone Chanlongsawaitkul. An intelligent system to recommend appropriate correlations for vertical
multiphase flow. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 197 p. (T E39307)
Saichon Jaiyen. Weight adjusting for a self-organizing artificial neural network in non-Euclidean space. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 47 p. (T E23063)
Santisouk Phimphachanh. Using artificial neural networks for long term peak load forecasting "a case study in
Vientiane capital of Lao PDR". Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 84 p.
(T E25063)
Sathit Nakkrasae. Software component identification specification and classification using formal method and
artificial neural networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 102 p. (T E26625)
Sathit Wanitchaikit. Learning by imitation for mobile robot applications. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2005. 91 p. (T E31310)
Shutinun Limpanakorn. Voice articulator for Thai speaker recognition. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001.
103 p. (T E18144)
Somchat Jiriwibhakorn. Transient stability assessment of power systems using neural networks. London :
University of London, 2001. 277 p. (T E16108)
Sutat Saetang. Thai type styles recognition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 59 p. (T E12502)
Sybounheng Rassavong. Lao printed characters recognition by using associative neural network. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 1997. 139 p. (T E10809)
Teraphan Ornthammarath. ANNs-based identification of dynamical systems. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn
International Institute of Technology, 2002. 73 p. (T E18746)
Thanapol Intravesn. Classification of mammographic masses using 3D surface texture. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19580)
Thitinan Tantidham. An application of neural networks to optimal path computation in computer networks.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 74 p. (T E11660)
Wachira Daosud. Neural network based model predictive control for a steel pickling process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 148 p. (T E37515)
Wanlop Visithamakun. Artificial neural networks prediction of PM10 case study : Bangkok area. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 86 p. (T E34172)
Wanyok Atisattapong. Identifying non-binding constraints in linear programming problems using supervised
learning neural networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 90 p. (T E27785)
Watcharin Monpengpinit. Nonlinear prediction with neural network for speech coding. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 115 p. (T E17359)
Werachai Watcharabusaracum. Developed system for identification of pathogenic enterobacteriaceae and related
organisms using artificial neural network. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 81 p. (T E16627)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 30]
Neural networks [Computer science] (ตอ)
Wimalin Sukthomya. Manufacturing process improvement using design of experiments and neural networks with
historical data. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, 2004. 278 p. (T E24701)
Wiphada Wettayaprasit. Rule extraction from a trained neural network using principle interval projection with
certainty factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 60 p. (T E23219)
Wongsapat Chokananporn. Artificial neural network models for determining surface area and volume of fruit :
application to guava. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 105 p. (R
Worawit Saetung. Simulation of metabolic network using artificial neural network. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 83 p. (R E22929)
Yupaporn Thanyakriengkrai. Neural networks for structural design optimization using genetic algorithms. Pathum
Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2002. 66 p. (T E18747)
Yuthana Phimolsiripol. Effects of freezing rate and fluctuating storage temperature on quality of frozen bread
dough and applications of artificial neural network for quality prediction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 247 p. (T E39002)
Neural networks [computer science]
Yutthana Lila. Region depth ordering in monocular single image using statistical blurring measure. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 79 p. (T E41263)
Neural networks [Computer]
Orawan Tinnungwattana. Statistical feature selection from Chaos game representation for promoter recognition.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 47 p. (T E38637)
Neural networks [Neurobiology]
Prapaphan Pan-O. A stock price prediction model by the neural network approach. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2003. 118 p. (T E21243)
Neural stimulation
Vipa Verawatnapakul. The mechanism of sympathetic-induced lacrimal secretion in rabbits = กลไกการกระตุนการ
คัดหลั่งน้ําตา ในกระตายโดยระบบประสาทอัตโนมัติซิมพาเตพิค. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 12 p. (R
Neural transmission
Sutisa Nudmamud. Post-mortem investigations into indicators of gutamatergic neurotranmission in schizophrenia
and affective disorders. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2002. 252 p. (T E19178)
Neural tube defects
วัชรี อัตถทิพพหลคุณ. การหาดัชนีจําเพาะเพื่อชวยวินิจฉัยกอนคลอดสําหรับโรค neural tube deffect = Investigation of
specific indices for prenatal diagnosis of neural tube defects. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเทคนิคการแพทย
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2535]. 23 หนา. (ว 97357 ฉ.1; 127785 ฉ.2)
Nakachi, Shogo. Outcome of treatment in leprosy reactions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 59 p. (R
Neuro-dynamic programming
Piyawadee Srithip. Neural network solving container loading problem. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 149
p. (T E18456)
Neuro-fuzzy control
Watcharin Po-ngaen. Neuro-fuzzy control in tele-robotics. Tyne : University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2006. 274 p.
(T E36559)
Neuro-surgical Intensive Care Unit--Cost
Siriporn Gatanyatapong. Cost and unit cost analysis of neuro-surgical intensive care unit in Ratchaburi hospital,
fiscal year 2002. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 121 p. (T E24019)
Supin Menayotin. Ultrastructural and histochemical studies of the nervous system of adult liver fluke, Opisthorchis
viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 233 p. (T E8557)
Panida Chutsrinopkun. Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in N18 neuroblastoma cells. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1997. 96 p. (T E11204)
Neurodegenerative disorders
Pornprot Limprasert. Molecular and linkage studies in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxlas. Louisiana :
Louisiana State University, 1995. 175 p. (T E11054)
Neuroendocrine organs
Viyada Seehabutr. Study on the structure and function of neuroendocrine organs in giant Afrigan snail, Achatina
fulica. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 365 p. (T E6444)
Yupaporn Chaiseha. Neuroendocrine regulation of the female native Thai chicken reproductive cycle. Nakhon
Ratchasima : School of Biology Suranaree University of Technology, 2008. 16 p. (R E40988)
Nualnoi Wechbanjong. Cat's vallate papilla. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 22 p. (R E8746)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 31]
Piyanuch Wonganan. Effects of piperine on lipopolysaccharide-induced injuries and oxidative changes in rat brain
glial cell cultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 83 p. (T E21508)
Neurohumoral control
Orawan Wongmekiat. Neurohumoral control of kidney function in diabetes and obesity. Birmingham : University
of Birmingham, 2000. 261 p. (T E16225)
Neurolinguistic programming
Gandour, J.. Neurolinguistic investigation of speech prosody in Thai. [S.l. : s.n.], 1991. 9 p. (R E9066)
Neurologic examination
Supawadee Bolisutthikul. Neuropsychological and neurological alterations in Thai boxers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 124 p. (T E10025)
Neurological patients
Aree Buranakul. Pressure ulcer risk factors among hospitalized neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 142 p. (T E18630)
Jaitip Chaiyarungrot. A survey of nursing activities for preventing and manipulating constipation in neurological
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (R E18523)
Nuchjaree Kidjawan. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for prevention and management of
perineal dermatitis in neurological patients with incontinence. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 117 p.
(R E33401)
Nuchsara Bejraputra. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for swallowing screening in
neurological patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 111 p. (R E34354)
Sadudee Rattanajarasroj. Neuroprotective effects of quercitrin on beta-amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in rat
hippocampal neuronal cultures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 151 p. (T E36082)
Neuromuscular block agents
Datten Bangun. The nature of the neuromuscular block produced by kanamycin. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1975. 2 แผน (71 เฟรม). (T MF09713)
Neuromuscular function
Chusri Talubmook. The influence of elevated glucose levels and the diabetic state on neuromuscular function in
the gut. Hertfortshire : University of Hertfortshire, 2002. 247 p. (T E19162)
Neuromuscular junction
Somsmorn Chittrakarn. Effects of Kratom leaf extract on sciatic nerve and neuromuscular junction. Songkhla :
Faculty of Science Prince of Songkla University, 2007. 24 p. (R E39233)
Tulaporn Wongtawatchai. Effects of tibial nerve injury on rat neuromuscular junction with or without electrical
stimulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 89 p. (T E34037)
Neuronal adaptation
Supalak Khemthong. Psychomotor effects of exercise in blind, deaf, and non-handicapped adolescents. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 152 p. (T E14039)
Neuronal cell
Oraphan Wanakhachornkrai. Effects of N-(2-propylpentanoyl) urea on impairment of learning memory and
neuronal cell death after bilateral common carotid arteries occlusion in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 65 p. (T E37574)
Neuronal cell--Death
Wimon Ninyaporn. Effects of Phyllanthus emblica fruits extract on memory impairment and neuronal cell death
induced by bilateral occlusion of common carotid artery in mice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 53 p. (T E39575)
Neuronal circuitry
Wipaporn Santiwiwat. Interference by dynamic motor activity on psychomotor neuronal function. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 130 p. (T E12489)
Neuronal survival
Anchukorn Jaroinsiri. Effects of insulin-like growth factor I on hypoxia-induced cellular injuries in cultured rat
cerebellar granule neurons. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19761)
Kodchakorn Na Nakornphanom. Fault immunization for the central vector of a radial basis function neuron.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 51 p. (T E18927)
Lalipat Chatdarong. The degeneration of sensory and motor neurons after axotomy in young adult rat and
prevention by leukemia inhibitory factor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 69 p. (T E16849)
Nongnut Uabundit. Neuroprotective and central nervous system activities of Ham (Coscinium fenestratum). Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 182 p. (T E28982)
Peenaraya Sunartpin. Neuronal origin of cerebellar afferents from motoneurons innervating extraocular muscles.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E33614)
Prasit Opas. Effects of piperine on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death in neuronal cell line cultures. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 76 p. (T E39336)
Puckprink Sangdee. Toxicity of mercuric chloride in cultures of neurons and non-neuronal cells derived from
embryonic chick sympathetic ganglia. Utah : University of Utah, 1973. 60 p. (T E22376)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 32]
Neurons (ตอ)
Suriyaphun Sukhchai. The responsiveness to ingestive stimuli of neurones in the zona incerta and lateral
hypothalamus of conscious sheep depleted of sodium. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 200 p. (T
Sutthichai Tia. Developmental changes of inhibitory synaptic currents in cerebellar granule neurons. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 172 p. (T E10647)
Yawadee Maneesub. The effect of AF64A on cholinergic neurons in different regions of rat brain. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1991. xiii, 123 p. (T E7435)
Neuropathic pain
Somsak Mitrirattanakul. Site-specific increases in cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands in a model
of neuropathic pain. Los Angeles : University of California, 2005. 173 p. (T E36389)
Neuropeptide Y
ปานสิริ พันธุสุวรรณ. เสนประสาทชนิด neuropeptide Y ในตอมไพเนียลของกระแต = The Existence of neuropetide Y
nerve fibers in pineal gland of tree shrew (Tupaia glis). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิ
โรฒ, [253-]. 28 หนา. (ว 83697)
Nanthika Panchan. Production of monoclonal antibody against eyestalk neuropeptide hormones in the black tiger
prawn Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 122 p. (T E30170)
Sarita Pramaulkijja. Immunocytochemical study of amino acids transmitter and neuropeptide in pineal gland.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 107 p. (T E6300)
Jintanaporn Wattanathorn. Influence of glucocorticoid on the alteration of cholineacetyltransferase (CHAT)
enzyme in various brain areas of adult male rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 144 p. (T E9030)
Supath Srisawat. Effects of cholinotoxin on rotational movement in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vii,
78 p. (T E6774)
Supalak Khemthong. Psychomotor effects of exercise in blind, deaf, and non-handicapped adolescents. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 152 p. (T E14039)
Apirada Sucontphunt. Protection of HT-22 neuronal cells against glutamate toxicity mediated antioxidative activity
of Pueraria candollei var. mirifica extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 93 p. (T E40810)
Boonrat Chantong. Effects of valproic acid and valproyl urea on beta amyloid protein-induced cytotoxicity in P19
embryonal carcinoma cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 107 p. (T E34545)
Maleeruk Utsintong. Design and synthesis of amides of phenolic derivatives as radical scavenging agents.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 114 p. (T E20814)
Neuropsychological tests
Somchai Teaukul. Apolipoprotein E genotypes and neuropsychological test performances in patients with probable
alzheimer disease as compared to other types of dementia and normal aging people in Thailand. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1998. 159 p. (T E12525)
Supawadee Bolisutthikul. Neuropsychological and neurological alterations in Thai boxers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 124 p. (T E10025)
Nattatinee Sirimachan. Biological study of green lacewing, Mallada basalis (Walker) (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae)
and mass rearing technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 64 p. (T E27862)
Neurosurgical patients
Nuntawan Buddhawan. Factors influencing health status of caregivers of postoperative neurosurgical patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 134 p. (T E18366)
Neurotoxic agents
Sunisa Chaiklieng. The neurotoxic effects of acrylonitrile and nicotine in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
184 p. (T E15340)
Supa Chamapisit. Purification and immunochemical reactivity of the King cobra Ophiophagus hannah postsynaptic
neurotoxins. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 82 p. (T E10932)
Wandee Sirapat. Behavioral and neurobiochemical effects of chronic exposure to low dose of paraquat in rats.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 107 p. (T E7818)
Julaporn Srinha. Adenosine and the neurotoxicity of dichlorvos in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 133 p.
(T E19600)
Worawan Boonyo. Effects of bergenin on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in cultured rat cerebellar granule cells.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 71 p. (T E21812)
Khanitta Sunonta. Neurotoxicity of acrylonitrile and paraquat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 99 p. (T
Sutisa Nudmamud. Post-mortem investigations into indicators of gutamatergic neurotranmission in schizophrenia
and affective disorders. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2002. 252 p. (T E19178)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 33]
Neurotransmitter receptors
Chetsada Pothiratana. Molecular cloning of a putative octopamine/tyramine receptor from Penaeus monodon.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 165 p. (T E33709)
Neurotransmitter transporter
Jitra Kasisith. Determination of an alteration of neurotransmitter transporter gene and protein expression during
rabies virus infection in mouse model. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 90 p. (T E32919)
Chutcharin Ungsuparkorn. Correlations between level of consciousness of head injury patients and
neurotransmitters in cerebrospinal fluid plasma, urine and physiological parameters. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1982. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20198)
Chutcharin Ungsuparkorn. Correlations between level of consciousness of head injury patients and
neurotransmitters in cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, urine and physiological parameters. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1982. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20231)
Panapa Lekphoo. Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of N-(4-amino-2-methylphenyl) phthalimide. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 105 p. (T E23115)
Pornnarin Kittisophon. Measurement of amino acid neurotransmitters in vestibular nucleus in albino rat by
microdialysis and high pressure liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xv, 98
p. (T E6815)
Saisunee Lertkratoke. Alterations of plasma neurotransmitters in heroin and amphetamine-addicted subjects.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 114 p. (T E18081)
Surisak Prasarnpun. Physiological roles of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on isolated human fallopian tube
smooth muscle activities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xii, 62 p. (T E6928)
Yaowaluck Roshorm. Molecular cloning and characterization of a putative serotonin receptor cDNA from black
tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 150 p. (T E35007)
Rungtip Soiampornkul. The reduction of neurotrophin-3-induced signal transduction by interleukin-1beta cultured
cortical neurons : a model of alzheimer's disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 127 p. (T E33901)
Neuton monitor
Kanin Aungskunsiri. Simulation of physical phenomena in the neutron monitor of the Princess Sirindhorn Neutron
Monitor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 107 p. (T E27747)
Neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase
นงพร โตวัฒนะ. การทําบริสุทธิ์ การศึกษาคุณสมบัติและการนําไปประยุกตใชในการศึกษาชีวโมเลกุลที่มีปริมาณนอยของ
Neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase จากน้ํายางพารา = Purification, characterization and applications for
detecting biomolecules in small amount of neutral cytoplasmic phosphatase from rubber latex (Hevea
brasiliensis). สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 47 หนา. (ว 92896)
Neutralization assay
Verapong Paungcharoen. Development of a green fluorescent reduction-based HIV-1 neutralization assay.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 78 p. (T E17144)
Neutralizing antibody
Thippawan Chuenchitra. Humoral immune responses and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) evolution
during the course of infection in Thai individuals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 257 p. (T E19889)
Neutralizing epitopes
Sirilak Teeraputon. Mutations in ENV gene of HIV-1 that affect sensitivity to neutralizinc antibody. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 131 p. (T E33180)
Neutrino-nucleon scattering
Narumon Suwonjandee. The measurement of the quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleon scattering cross section at the
Tevatron. Cincinnati : University of Cincinnati, 2004. 143 p. (T E24171)
Neutron activation
อาภรณ บุษมงคล. การพัฒนาวิธีวิเคราะหหาปริมาณสารหนูในแรวุลแฟรมดวยเทคนิคนิวตรอนแอคติเวชั่น โดยผานกรรมวิธีทาง
เคมี = Development of method to determination the arsenic in wolfram by radiochemical neutron activation
analysis. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักงานพลังงานปรมาณูเพื่อสันติ, 2540. 16 หนา. (ว 96354)
Neutron activation analysis
Chaidan Pachanon. A study of the elements in Aloe vera powder by neutron activation analysis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 58 p. (T E33708)
Siri Putaraporn. Determination of arsenic in contaminated soil by neutron activation analysis. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18070)
Neutron capture
Somsak Wanwilairat. Dosimetry in a 252Cf neutron field for application in boron neutron capture therapy. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 89 p. (T E16432)
Teerasak Veerapaspong. Study on the keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of
143, 145, 146Nd. Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1999. 144 p. (T E16142)
Neutron collimator
ทิพาพร อติกานตกุล. การพัฒนาเทคนิคการถายภาพดวยนิวตรอนสําหรับเทอรมัลนิวตรอนความเขมต่ํา = Development of
neutron radiographic techniques for low thermal neutron flux. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541.
142 หนา. (วพ 102547)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 34]
Neutron imaging scope
นพดล นาคเงิน. การพัฒนาระบบถายภาพดวยรังสีแกมมาและนิวตรอน โดยใชกลองมองภาพนิวตรอน = Development of a
gamma-ray and neutron radiography system using a neutron imaging scope. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 100 หนา. (วพ 104726)
Neutron scattering
Duangmanee La-Orauttapong. A neutron study of relaxor ferroelectric (1-x)Pb (Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3(PZNxPercentPT). Bangkok : Faculty of Science Srinakharinwirot University, 2006. 1 vol. (R E35937)
Neutron techniques
พรรณี เสถียรศรี. การวิเคราะหธาตุหลักบางชนิดในดิน ณ พื้นที่โดยใชเทคนิคนิวตรอน = In situ analysis of some major
elements in soil using neutron techniques. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 121 หนา. (วพ 110257)
Chanoknan Banglieng. Solar neutron statistical concepts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 52 p. (T E34444)
Nirapai Daenchote. Clastogenic effects of fast neutrons on human lymphocytes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1989. xiii, 79 leaves. (T E4835)
Somsak Wanwilairat. Measurement of thermal neutron enhance does using 10B implanted thermoluminescence
dosimeters. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 40 p. (R E14236 c.1; E14237 c.2)
Sonobe, Taro. Study of the pyrolysis characteristics of Thai lignite and agricultural residues for effective energy
conversion. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 150 p. (T E39388)
Udomrat Tippawan. Secondary particle spectra from neutron induced nuclear reaction in the 14-100 MeV region.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 128 p. (T E23266)
อุดมรัตน ทิพวรรณ. การศึกษาการปลดปลอยนิวตรอนทุติยภูมิ สําหรับการประยุกตการออกแบบเตาปฏิกรณปรมาณูแบบฟวชัน =
Study on secondary neutron emission for the design of fusion reactors. เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 59 หนา. (ว 100054 ฉ.1; 100055 ฉ.2)
Somsak Wanwilairat. Dosimetry in a 252Cf neutron field for application in boron neutron capture therapy. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 89 p. (T E16432)
Teerasak Veerapaspong. Study on the keV-neutron capture cross sections and capture gamma-ray spectra of
143, 145, 146Nd. Tokyo : Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1999. 144 p. (T E16142)
Kulvadee Surayuthpreecha. Implementing protocols for neutropenic patient care in a pediatric ward using
participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17026)
Neutropenic fever
Montira Tantasawat. The development of extended-interval amikacin nomogram for Thai pediatric patients with
neutropenic fever. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 149 p. (T E33171)
Neutropenic patients
Kulvadee Surayuthpreecha. Implementing protocols for neutropenic patient care in a pediatric ward using
participatory action research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17026)
Chuleegone Sornsuvit. Parenteral glutamine-dipeptide supplementation in acute myeloid leukemia patients
receiving chemotherapy : effects on neutrophil functions, prevention of chemotherapy-induced side-effects
and impact on cost-effectiveness. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 119 p. (T E40379)
Boonyanit Thaweboon. Neutrophil chemotaxis and chemiluminescence in patients with juvenile periodontitis.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. vii, 75 p. (T E6346)
Kalaya Techapirunpan. Opsonophagocytosis and intracellular killing activities of neutrophils in patients with
human immunodeficiency virus infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 100 p. (T E7209)
Pahol Sansomchai. Stimulatory effects of plant extracts on phagocytosis intracellular killing and oxidative stress
on neutrophils in normal people. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 127 p. (T E35145)
Sakorn Kaewmoon. Flow cytometric assessment of neutrophil functions from peripheral blood of thalassemia
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 128 p. (T E33742)
Nevanlinna, R.
Waraporn Chatanin. Elementary proof of the Second Main Theorem of Nevanlinna and some applications to
differential equations. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 79 p. (T
Kannika Pongthranggoon. Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of 200-mg nevirapine tablet in healthy Thai male
volunteers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 141 p. (T E21434)
Maneerat Luangwattanawilai. Pharmacokinetics of stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine in a combined
formulation GPO-vir S30 compared to three single original brands and assessment of officacy and safety of
GPO-vir S30 in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 117 p. (T E23038)
Saw Eindani Aung. Incidence and predictors of toxicity among AIDS patients treated with nevirapine based
regimen at Bamrasnaradura Institute, Nonthaburi, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 75 p. (R
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 35]
Nevirapine (ตอ)
Singha Komkham. Synthesis of molecular imprinted polymers for nevirapine detection. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2006. 97 p. (T E38659)
Thanomsak Anekthananon. The efficacy and safety of fixed-dose combination of stavudine plus lamivudine plus
nevirapine in the treatment of HIV infection in adults. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 40 p. (T
Thaw Htwe Min. Evaluate the efficacy of nevirapine based regimen and boosted PI based regimen followed by
nevirapine based regimen in treatment naive advanced HIV infected patients at Chonburi hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 77 p. (R E34296)
Usawadee Maleewong. Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of Efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy compared with
Nevirapine-based therapy among Thai HIV/AIDS patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 131
p. (T E38917)
Weeranuch Karuehanon. Development of molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction for the rapid detection of
nevirapine levels in biological samples. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 97 p. (T E38475)
Nevirapine interaction
Mayuso Kuno. Theoretical investigation on HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and nevirapine interaction. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2003. 137 p. (T E21921)
New Albany Shale
Cluff, Robert M.. The new albany shale group of Illinois. Champaign, Illinois : State Geological Servey Division,
Illinois Institute of Natural Resource, 1981. 83 p. (R E21260)
New borrowing
แสวง จันทราทิพย. การอางขาวของหนังสือพิมพไทยจากแหลงขาวตางประเทศและความเชื่อถือของผูรับสาร = The news
borrowing from foreign news sources and audiences' perception of their credibility. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 131 หนา. (วพ 108967)
New chromo
Yupadee Samorn. Development of new chromo- and fluorogenic probes. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology North Bangkok, 2000. 48 p. (T E15231)
New cities--Asia
Su, Cherng-Tyan. Land use scenarios for planning new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology,
1972. 138 p. (T E22482)
Tuan, Ching-Hao. Planning and programming of new cities in Asia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1972.
197 p. (T E22494)
New employees
ระดับกลางกับผูปฏิบัติงานใหม การไฟฟาฝายผลิตแหงประเทศไทย = Comparative study of the relationship
between work values and organizational commitment of middle managers and new employees in EGAT.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2543. 100 หนา. (วพ 111750)
New encoding scheme
Kasemsant Kuphanumat. Advanced machine learning method for prediction of protein secondary structure.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 67 p. (T E37788)
New entrance
จีรพร ศรีวัฒนานุกูลกิจ. เอนทรานซระบบใหม : ความคิดเห็น การเตรียมพรอม และการปรับตัว = New entrance : opinions,
preparation, and adaptation. เชียงใหม : สถาบันวิจัยสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2544. 190 หนา. (ว 111566 ฉ.
1; 111567 ฉ.2)
มานพ รวยลาภ. การจัดทําผลการเรียนตลอดหลักสูตรระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย เพื่อใชในการคัดเลือกบุคคลเขาศึกษาใน
สถาบันอุดมศึกษาระบบใหม ปการศึกษา 2542 ของโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดกรมสามัญศึกษา เขตการศึกษา 6 =
Conducting of students' overall upper secondary education achievement as criterion for the new higher
education institution entrance selection in 1999 of secondary school under the Department of General
Education, educational region 6. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 140 หนา. (วพ 112547)
วิไลลักษณ บุญเคลือบ. ความคิดเห็นของบุคลากรเขตการศึกษา 8 เกี่ยวกับการคัดเลือกบุคคลเขาศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษา
ระบบใหม ปการศึกษา 2543 = The opinions of educational region 8 personnel on the new system of
university entrance examination in 2000. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2544. 100 หนา.
(ว 111929)
New expressway projects--Evaluation
Preda Pichayapan. A study on evaluation of new expressway projects using real option approach. Hokkaido :
Hokkaido University, 2004. 170 p. (T E36952)
New information center
เขมิกา กมลโชติ. บทบาทของศูนยขอมูลหนังสือพิมพในกระบวนการผลิตขาวในสังคมสารสนเทศ = Role in news production
process of the newspaper information center in information society. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2540. 160 หนา. (วพ 94419)
New Jersey
Nares Chuersuwan. New Jersey PM 2.5 : issues pertaining to the development of effective control strategies. New
Jersey : University of New Jersey, 2001. 298 p. (T E16073)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 36]
New product development
Chittipa Ngamkroeckjoti. Environmental scanning, technology strategy, and new product development among
SME exporters in Thailand. Bangkok : Graduate School of Business Assumption University, 2004. 1 vol (in
various pagings). (R E26578)
Pisit Dhamvithee. Determinants of success in new product development in Thai food industry. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 123 p. (T E38644)
Prisana Suwannaporn. New product development competencies in the Thai food industry. Bangkok : Department
of Food Science and Technology Kasetsart University, 2000. 42 p. (R E20894)
New product development process
Busayawan Ariyatum. New conceptual model for design development of smart clothing. Brunel : Brunel
University, 2005. 232 p. (T E36489)
New products
Apiradee Metharom. Capabilities and new product proactive and reactive strategies of Thai exporters. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 177 p. (T E15572)
Parkinai Mangkalee. The new venture performance : linking legitimation and product innovation. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 136 p. (T E39513)
Peerasut Thirakomen. Improvement of double skin Air Handling Unit design for using and manufacturing in
Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 180 p. (T E15200)
Pisit Dhamvithee. Determinants of success in new product development in Thai food industry. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2005. 123 p. (T E38644)
Prisana Suwannaporn. New product development competencies in the Thai food industry. Bangkok : Department
of Food Science and Technology Kasetsart University, 2000. 42 p. (R E20894)
Prisana Suwannaporn. New product development in the Thai food industry. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1999. 150 p. (T E13137)
Somdee Hongphisanvivat. Modeling consumer adoption of new foods. Washington, D.C. : Washington State
University, 1993. xiii, 208 p. (T E7269)
Sujitra Luangvangpho. Study of success factors for new product introduction process of electronics manufacturing
service provider. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 185 p. (T E31468)
New residential place
Manop Limkayan. Attitudes of people towards moving into a new residential place. Bangkok : Thammasart
University, 2007. 38 p. (R E38014)
New social order policy
Hatsanee Suriyakul Na Ayuthaya. Students' attitude toward the new social order policy : a case study of the
communication arts students, Rangsit University. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 98 p. (T E24863)
New system fo university entrance examination
วิไลลักษณ บุญเคลือบ. ความคิดเห็นของบุคลากรเขตการศึกษา 8 เกี่ยวกับการคัดเลือกบุคคลเขาศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษา
ระบบใหม ปการศึกษา 2543 = The opinions of educational region 8 personnel on the new system of
university entrance examination in 2000. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2544. 100 หนา.
(ว 111929)
New theory
Kaesarin Vanavichial. The impact of the royal "new theory" on managing agricultural land on the socio-economic
well being of the farmers in Kaowong district, Kalasin, Thailand. Los Banos : University of the Philippines
Los Banos, 2001. 46 p. (T E36979)
Porntip Yenjabok. Agricultural development communication for new theory concept of His Majesty King Bhumibol
Adulyadej. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 129 p. (T E34400)
New ventures
Parkinai Mangkalee. The new venture performance : linking legitimation and product innovation. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 136 p. (T E39513)
New warehouse project
Duangkhae Vetchasart. Inventory control and storing equipment design : a case study of the Telephone
Organization of Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 148 p. (T E11845)
New York Institute of Technology
Choomjai Sanpiboon. Orientation program on work authorization for F-1 Thai student at NYIT. New York : New
York Institute of Technology, 1990. 198 p. (T E22430)
Newborn infants
Atchariya Wonginchan. Relationship between coping strategies and well-being of parents whose newborn infants
were hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T
Jiraporn Sanguanklin. Effects of newborn interactive bath teaching on maternal attachment, role satisfaction, and
competency in infant behavioral learning of first-time mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p.
(T E19355)
Prakaitip Promasoot. Maternal-newborn attachment in primiparous adolescent mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 130 p. (T E23979)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 37]
Newborn infants (ตอ)
Supakarn Sirikarna. Relationships among personal factors, social support, perception of maternal competence,
perception of newborn behaviors and maternal role adaptation of postpartum mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 107 p. (T E15056)
Thitima Hanchokchaiskul. A study of normative characteristics of auditory brainstem respons to bone-conduction
in normal newborns. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 101 p. (T E15241)
Usa Sukhaphan. Marital relationship, newborn behavior, and role stress of first-child mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 100 p. (T E17025)
Newborn pig
Sarunyoo Songkro. Evaluation of action of p -menthane monoterpenes and related compounds on the
percutaneous absorption of propranolol hydrochloride across newborn pig skin. Dunedin : University of
Otago, 2003. 275 p. (T E22102)
Newcastle disease
ธานีรัตน สานติวัตร. การตรวจหาคา Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) titer ตอโรค Newcastle Disease ในไกกระทงอายุ
ตาง ๆ. [ม.ป.ท. : ม.ป.พ.], [252-]. 33 หนา. (ว 032948ฉ.1; 032949ฉ.2; 032950ฉ.3)
Newcastle disease virus
Atthachai Homhuan. Virosomes and ISCOMs as subunit Newcastle disease vaccine candidates : preparation,
physicochemical characterization and immunological responses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 126
p. (T E24106)
Newly formed mudflat
Thatinant Sristhita. Effect of barnacle attachment on survival and growth rate of mangrove seedlings in the
newly-formed mudflat at Klong Kone, Samut Songkram province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 93
p. (T E20493)
Newly industrializing countries
Prapant Svetanant. Management of waste and water pollution in Tokyo Metropolitan area : the model example of
NIC's. Tokyo : Institute of Developing Economies, 1996. 82 p. (R E16334)
Patarawadee Chongyingsiri. An internet-based prototype system for data servicing agency. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 86 p. (T E17525)
กัญญา เลิศฤดีวัฒนวงศ. การศึกษาความพึงพอใจในการรับขาวสารการโฆษณาประชาสัมพันธของผูใชรถยนต ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี
บริษัท โตโยตา มอเตอร ประเทศไทย จํากัด. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 120 หนา. (วพ 99439)
จิตรา กออมรทรัพย. การแพรกระจายขาวเหตุการณสําคัญของพนักงานตอนรับบนเครื่องบิน : กรณีศึกษาการสิ้นพระชนมของเจา
หญิงไดอานา = The diffusion of important news among cabin crew : a case study of the death of Princess
Diana. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 121 หนา. (วพ 94890)
นันทวัน กิจธนาเจริญ. การแสวงหาขาวสาร การใชประโยชน ความพึงพอใจจากขาวสารและการปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมการบริโภค
ในชีวิตประจําวันของประชาชนกรุงเทพมหานคร ในภาวะวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ = Information seeking, uses and
gratifications and consumption behavior adaptation of Bangkok residents during the economic crisis.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 181 หนา. (วพ 100707)
วิมลพรรณ ตั้งจิตเพิ่มความดี. ปจจัยและวิธีการที่สื่อหนังสือพิมพคัดเลือกขาวและบทความประชาสัมพันธ ของสถาบันเทคโนโลยี
ราชมงคล. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 128 หนา. (วพ 97879)
สุภัทรา พันธุจันทร. การเปดรับขาวสาร ความพึงพอใจ และความคิดเห็นของเยาวชนที่มีตอวารสารและนิตยสารในโครงการ
สงเสริมผลงานสื่อมวลชนดีเดนเพื่อเยาวชน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 99 หนา. (วพ 100018)
News clipping
Patarawadee Chongyingsiri. An internet-based prototype system for data servicing agency. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 86 p. (T E17525)
News photo
กิ่งปรางค สมจิตต. ปจจัยและแนวทางที่มีอิทธิผลในการคัดเลือกภาพขาวอาชญากรรมที่มีเนื้อหาความรุนแรง = Factors and
guidelines affecting violence criminal news photo selection. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 228
หนา. (วพ 110369)
News production process
เขมิกา กมลโชติ. บทบาทของศูนยขอมูลหนังสือพิมพในกระบวนการผลิตขาวในสังคมสารสนเทศ = Role in news production
process of the newspaper information center in information society. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2540. 160 หนา. (วพ 94419)
News sources
นรพล ผาเจริญ. ความสัมพันธแบบไมเปนทางการระหวางนักขาวและแหลงขาวกับผลที่มีตอองคการสื่อสารมวลชนแหงประเทศ
ไทย (อ.ส.ม.ท.) = The informal relationship between news reporters and news sources and its impact on
organizational rewards to Mass Communication Organization of Thailand (M.C.O.T.). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 248 หนา. (วพ 113014)
News systems
ศิริพร รัตนบรรเทิง. การจัดการระบบขาวภายในเครือขายสถาบันอุดมศึกษา = News system management in a campus
network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 73 หนา. (วพ 108806)
Pussadee Thanomsak. An analysis of front page news in an English daily newspaper : a case of Bangkok Post.
Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1998. 194 p. (T E13398)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 38]
Sirithida Thammakul. The study on the loaded lexicon in case of war coverage in newspaper. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 116 p. (T E37409)
Newspaper reading
Tassanee Ounvichit. A comparison of the reading perceptions of Thai and North American raters on some
selected Thai and American newspaper editorials. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xiii, 154 p. (T
Angvara Chanyiew. An analysis of feature articles presenting research on health and fitness in the Bangkok Post.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 148 p. (T E36245)
Areerat Sanya-arj. Newspaper's political information types needed by undergraduated political science students in
Bangkok. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 90 p. (T E19519)
Arunsri Chansmuch. L'etude stylistique des titres de journaux concemant l'election presidentielle en France en
1988. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. viii, 116 p. (T E6872)
Duangruthai Mankhong. The effectiveness of one tambon one product (OTOP) news and information through
Thai daily newspapers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 159 p. (T E33919)
Natthawan Kawprapan. A comparative study of front-page headlines in the Nation and Bangkok Post. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2003. 258 p. (T E21901)
Puttanee Kangkun. The representation in the Thai press of the Burmese Embassy and Ratchaburi hospital
hostage crises. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 102 p. (T E24502)
Sugiyama, Shoko. Mass media and national identity in Thailand : newspapers and opinions on national
development (1910-32). Tokyo : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000. 125 p. (R E16308 c.1; E16309
Supadtra Kohkaew. Cohesion in economic articles from the Thai newspaper 'Phujatkan'. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 233 p. (T E21188)
Tassanee Puttana. Mechanical properties improvement of polypropylene/surface modified newspaper pulp
composites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 138 p. (T E17218)
Waraporn Somboonwanna. The role of Thai newspapers in "public journalism". Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2004. 99 p. (T E22925)
ขวัญรักษ เมงตระกูล. ภาพลักษณของกองทุนการเงินระหวางประเทศ (ไอเอ็มเอฟ) ที่ปรากฏในหนังสือพิมพรายวันฉบับ
ภาษาไทย = Image of international monetary fund appeared in Thai daily newspapers. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 205 หนา. (วพ 100481)
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 134 หนา. (วพ 99140)
บุบผา เมฆศรีทองคํา. ความสนใจของเยาวชนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานครในการอานขาวสารความรูดานภาษาไทยจากหนังสือพิมพ
ในปรณรงควัฒนธรรมไทย = Bangkok's youth's interest in the knowledge of the Thai language will be
challenged through their exposure to newspapers during the Thai cultural promotion year. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
นิเทศศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพ, 2540. 159 หนา. (ว 98838 ฉ.1; 99892 ฉ.2)
พิศาล อินทรทอง. การสรางบทเรียนอานเสริมจากหนังสือพิมพภาษาอังกฤษ สําหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 6 โรงเรียน
ปรางคกู จังหวัดศรีสะเกษ = The construction of English supplementary reading comprehension materials
from English newspapers for Matthayomsuksa six students in Prangku school, Si Sa Ket province. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 414 หนา. (วพ 100097)
วิมลพรรณ ตั้งจิตเพิ่มความดี. ปจจัยและวิธีการที่สื่อหนังสือพิมพคัดเลือกขาวและบทความประชาสัมพันธ ของสถาบันเทคโนโลยี
ราชมงคล. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 128 หนา. (วพ 97879)
สุรสิทธิ์ วิทยารัฐ. บทบาทของผูสอนวิชาหนังสือพิมพในสถาบันราชภัฏ ตอการใชอินเตอรเน็ตในการเรียนการสอน. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 148 หนา. (วพ 99204)
Busba Tonthong. An analysis of communicative functions and grammatical forms of headlines in tourism
advertisement in English printed media from 1986-1988. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 105 p. (T
Nisarat Boonchockhirunmetha. An experiment in using headlines and lead paragraphs to generate pre-reading
questions. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 120 p. (T E13734)
Newspapers--Sections, columns, etc.--Editorials
Adisa Teo. Analysis of newspaper editorials : a study of argumentative text structure. Illinois : University of
Illinois, 1995. 202 p. (T E9563)
Pensri Namprasert. Chemi-thermomechanical pulping of acacia auriculaeformis for newsprint. Shikoku :
Government Industrial Research Institute, 1982. 15 p. (R E40269)
Newton method
Prapart Pue-on. Sufficient conditions for a Newton method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 41 p. (T E23360)
Newton's function
Piyapong Niamsup. Functional relation and dynamical relation of Newton's functions, successive approximations
and Halley's functions. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 1 vol(in various pagings). (R E15126)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 39]
Newton's law
Thitiwan Vijitranuch. The impact of gas production on biomass distribution in high rate anaerobic digester.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 100 p. (R E20970)
Newton-Raphson method
Aungkana Kitichattraporn. A technique for finding and initial approximation to the solution of a system of
nonlinear equations by Newton's iteration. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
1997. 69 p. (T E13159)
Jutanon Kaewmanee. AC-DC power flow analysis with fact devices by unified Newton-Raphson method. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 107 p. (T E40655)
Nezara viridula
Kamala Juwuttanasumran. Crop loss assessment of soybean due to southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula L.
(Hemiptera : pentatomidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1988. 2 microfiches (94 fr.). (T MF20380)
NGOs [International agencies]
Pandey, Shashi Ranjan. Emerging gender issues and NGOs in Thailand. Madison : University of Wisconsin, 1999.
62 p. (R E15715 c.1; E15716 c.2)
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli. Removal of H2S and CO2 from natural gas and biogas for utilization in NGV
and fuel cell. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 137 p. (T E39605)
พีรพงษ แสงวนางคกูล. การหาแหลงไนโตรเจนทดแทน NH4 NO3 ในสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อตนกลวยหอมพันธุวิลเลียมส
= Nitrogen sources sa an NH4 NO3 replacement in tissue culture medium for "Williams" banana. กรุงเทพฯ
: คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (18 เฟรม). (ว MF22093)
เยาวลักษณ โชติชัยธนากร. การใช NH4 (H2 PO4) และ KNO3 แทน NH4 NO3 ในสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อของตนกลวย
พันธุวิลเลียมส = NH4 (H2 PO4) and KNO3 as a NH4 NO3 substitute in a tissue culture medium for
"Willams" banana. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (20 เฟรม). (ว MF21178)
NH4 [H2 PO4]
เยาวลักษณ โชติชัยธนากร. การใช NH4 (H2 PO4) และ KNO3 แทน NH4 NO3 ในสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อของตนกลวย
พันธุวิลเลียมส = NH4 (H2 PO4) and KNO3 as a NH4 NO3 substitute in a tissue culture medium for
"Willams" banana. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (20 เฟรม). (ว MF21178)
Apichart Intarawongchot. Evaluation of Nham fermentation model and development of interface software.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 119 p. (R E31412)
Rungtiwa Chiwprasertphol. Bacteriocin of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis from Nham. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18862)
Sukun Kunawasen. Molecular typing of lactic acid bacteria isolated during Nham fermentation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 162 p. (T E14487)
Walairut Chantarapanont. Survival and growth of E. coli O157:H7 in Nham, and effectiveness of thermal
inactivation. Bangkok : Dipartment of Product Development Kasetsart University, 2005. 1 vol. (in various
pagings). (R E40850)
Yanee Srimarut. Mathematical model for predicting fermentation rates of Nham using Lactobacillus sakei.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 104 p. (T E25151)
Sasithorn Limsuwan. Effects of starter cultures and temperatures on evolution of biogenic amines in nham during
fermentation and storage. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 97 p. (T
มัทนา แสงจินดาวงษ. การผลิตแหนมปลาและจุลินทรียที่เกี่ยวของในกระบวนการหมัก = Processing and microbiology of
Nham-Pla. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะประมง มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 10 หนา. (ว 100259)
Nhong Hoi Development Center, Chiang Mai
Woottipong Jantarapratin. System dynamics approach for agricultural sustainability analysis : a case study of
Nhong Hoi Development Center Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 207 p. (T
Nhue river
Tuan, Tong Anh. Industrial wastewater management of Nhue river, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
103 p. (T E34083)
Ni-Base superalloys
บุญเลิศ ทองยินดี. คุณสมบัติตานแรงตึงที่อุณหภูมิสูงของนิกเกิลเบสซุปเปอรอัลลอยดเกรด INCONEL 718 ที่ผลิตจาก
กระบวนการอัดขึ้นรูปรอน = High temperature tensile properties of hot-pressed INCONEL 718 ni-base
superalloy. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 69 หนา. (วพ 103888)
Ni/Al2O3 catalysts
Jirachon Maruthajinda. Surface property comparison of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts from metal cluster and metal salt. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 58 p. (T E19412)
Niacin--Therapeutic use--Testing
Kingkaew Pattarakarn. Effect of nicotinic acid derivative on plasma lipoprotein composition in type II
hyperlipoproteinemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 128 p. (T E9132)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 40]
Angkana Kanyanucharat. Determination of the thermal stability of CoAl2O4, ZnAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 single
nanocrystals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E18785)
พระมหาแกนเพชร แฝงสีพล. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบทรรศนะเรื่องโมกษะในคัมภีรอุปนิษัทกับนิพพานในคัมภีรพระสุตตันตปฎก =
A comparative study of the concept of Moksa in the Upanisads and Nibbana in the Suttantapitaka.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 114 หนา. (วพ 101162)
Kamonate Pukdeebamroong. Prevention of cardiovascular complications by nicardipine and cilazapril in diabetic
rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 99 p. (T E12826)
Niche [Ecology]
Somchai Isichaikul. Studies on the environmental factors influencing on microhabitat and wing polymorphism in
the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera : Delphacidae). Matsuyama : Ehime
University, 1994. 84 p. (T E7760)
Atsadayut Kaewsaiyoy. Hydrocracking of used lubricating oil on Ni-Mo/Al2O3 and HZSM-5 catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 137 p. (T E23411)
Benjama Ounok. Spectrophotometric determination and flow-injection analysis of nickel (II) as 2(2/-thiazolylazo)p-cresol complex. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 84 p. (T E23178)
Boonyawan Yoosuk. Unsupported transition metal sulfide catalysts for deep hydrodesulfurization of hydrocarbon
fuels. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 156 p. (T E39567)
Buppa Ounsangchan. Removal of nickel from metal plating wastewater with iron scrap column. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 72 p. (T E20250)
Busarawan Sriwanthana. Genetics of nickel ion incorporation into proteus mirabilis urease. Maryland : University
of Maryland, 1995. 122 p. (T E9510)
Chansak Sukkaew. Synthesis of nickel/megnesium/zirconium mixed oxide catalysts by co-precipitation method.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 70 p. (T E34918)
Choprayoon Chulamanee. Application of hexadentate schiff base nickel complex in the synthesis of nickelcontaining polyurethanes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 58 p. (T E34790)
Chutimun Chanmuang. Interfacial phenomena in borosilicate glass and iron-nickel-cobalt alloy joints. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2008. 204 p. (T E39351)
Eakkapon Promaros. Carbon dioxide reforming of methane under periodic operation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 69 p. (T E34989)
Jirachon Maruthajinda. Surface property comparison of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts from metal cluster and metal salt. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 58 p. (T E19412)
Krongkaew Jujun. Adsorption and absorption of Cd, Ni, and Zn by top soils = การดูดซับและการปลดปลอยแคดเมียม
นิเกิลและสังกะสีของดินชั้นบน. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (120 fr.). (T
Maetee Sujiwatthana. Analysis of accretions from the settler of a nickel flash smelting furnace. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 101 p. (T E11839)
Mali Hunsom. Recovery of copper, chromium and nickel from electroplating effluent by electrochemical technique.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 257 p. (T E19076)
Nonglak Boonrattanakij. Oxidation of aniline by fluidized-bed Fenton process in the presence of calcium and nickel
ions. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 63 p. (T E37267)
Nuchanad Aroonjarattham. Nickel recovery from electroplating sludge by using bioleaching of Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans in batch reactor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 103 p. (T E23992)
Padewradda Lohsuwan. The quality of root canal preparation with nickel-titanium files in mesiobuccal canals of
mandibular molar teeth. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 81 p. (T E24641)
Paitip Tantiwachwuttikul. Recovery of nickel from low grade laterites by Biohydrometallurgy. London : University
of London, 1992. xiv, 223 p. (T E7926)
Pan Tongraung. Synthesis of metal-containing epoxy polymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 89 p.
(T E11800)
Patummart Chewha. Impact of nickel and zinc on degradation of organic waste. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 131 p. (T E23319)
Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. Preliminary study on the use of chitosan in nickel coated pet paper. Bangkok :
Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1996. 25 p. (R E12223 c.1; E13195 c.2)
Phattra Phokasuntarangkoon. The formation of some cobalt and nickel complexes on clay surface. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1995. 116 p. (T E9602)
Phimphaka Harding. Synthesis and electrochemical studies of nickel and cobalt paddlewheel complexes. Nakhon
Si Thammarat : Department of Chemistry Walailak University, 2006. 30 p. (R E34640)
Pisit Apichayakul. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiCr and stainless steel coatings prepared by flame
and are spray processes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 140 p. (T E35400)
Piyaporn Waranusantigul. Treatment of heavy metals [nickel and lead] and biosorption of basic dye [methylene
blue] by using giant duckweed [Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid.]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
157 p. (T E17014)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 41]
Nickel (ตอ)
Pongsaton Amornpitoksuk. Etudes des transformations de phases et des proprietes magnetiques dans le systeme
ternaire Fe-Co-Sb. [S.l.] : University Montpellier II, 2007. 121 p. (T E36466)
Sangrawee Naksawas. Lead and nickel removal from battery industry wastewater using ground fish scales.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 124 p. (T E23850)
Shayapa Jainim. Synthesis of polyurethanes containing manganese and nickel 4,4'-dihydroxysalcyclohexane
complexes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 64 p. (T E37953)
Sonruporn Wongnonoi. Activity and selectivity of nickel supported on natural silicates for hydrogenation of
soybean oil. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 109 p. (T E16977)
Surudee Treetepvijit. Modification of boron-doped diamond thin film electrodes by nickel implantation for the
determination of tetracyclines. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 137 p. (T E34759)
Suthasinee Junsavang. Removal of chromium (VI) and nickel (II) in wastewater by modified fine coconut coir.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E24653)
Tanwawan Duangthongyou. Complexation of nickel (II) with 4, 4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine and 4,4'-bipyridine.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 136 p. (T E27868)
Thussanee Mananunsap. Synthesis of thermally stable polyureas containing zinc and nickel schiff base complexes.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 95 p. (T E24984)
Wanwisa Aiumwichean. Corprocessing of HDPE, used tires and coal with nickel-molybdenum on alumina for fuel
oils production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18913)
Nickel adsorbent
Udomchai Krisaneepaiboon. Application of different forms of nickel adsorbent for adsorption of mercury
compounds from a liquid hydrocarbon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17226)
Nickel aluminate
Angkana Kanyanucharat. Determination of the thermal stability of CoAl2O4, ZnAl2O4 and NiAl2O4 single
nanocrystals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 93 p. (T E18785)
Nitikon Wongwaranon. Effect of Ni-modified Al2O3 on the properties of Pd/Al2O3 catalyst in selective acetylene
hydrogenation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 118 p. (T E38358)
Nickel catalysts
Ketthat Sutthitavil. Synergistic effect in catalytic hydrogenation on modified supported nickel catalyst by platinum.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 103 p. (T E9439)
Niti Leangjan. Continuous hydrogenation of methyl ricinoleate using Ni/Al2O3 catallyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 103 p. (T E19777)
Sanguan Srivarahakul. Effect of palladium on activity and selectivity of nickel catalyst in hydrogenation of castor
oil = ผลของแพลเลเดียมตอความวองไวและการเลือกเกิดของตัวเรงปฏิกิริยานิเกิลในไฮโดรจีเนชันของน้ํามันละหุง.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. 2 microfiches (119 fr.). (T MF20400)
Tianchai Phrukrungsri. Effect of activated clay on hydrogenation of castor oil by nickel catalyst. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1989. viii, 92 p. (T E7011)
Nickel cobalt alloy
ชูเกียรติ ชัยศรีรัตนกุล. การศึกษาการเตรียมผิวเคลือบวัสดุผสมนิเกิลโคบอลตอัลลอยด-ซิลิกอนคารไบดดวยไฟฟา = Study of
nickel cobalt alloy-silicon carbide electrodeposited composite coatings. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 76 หนา. (วพ 94202)
Nickel compounds
Datchanee Krisiri. Synthesis of polyurethane-ureas containing nickel and zinc 4, 4'-dihydroxysaltrien complexes.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 78 p. (T E35295)
Nickel over alumina catalyst
Thitiporn Nuam-Nuam. Catalyst improvement for coke reduction in ethanol steam reforming process. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 105 p. (R E16758)
Nickel over aluminum catalyst
Wachira Chaiboonruang. Hydrogen production from palm oil. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2007. 91 p. (R E40104)
Nickel plating
Peesamai Jenvanitpanjakul. Study on Ni and Ni-Cu electroless plating on polyester papers for EMI shielding.
Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, 1998. 25 p. (R E12344 c.1; E12345
Nickel reagents
Arunee Soponrattanapokin. Rearrangement of epoxides by nickel reagents. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 85 p. (T E37528)
Nickel titanium alloy wire
ครรชนะ จรัณยานนท. การศึกษาการเปลี่ยนแปลงอุณหภูมิของการเปลี่ยนเฟสของลวดโลหะนิกเกิลไทเทเนียมที่ผานการอบชุบ
ดวยความรอน = The study of transitional temperature change in heat treated nickel titanium alloy wire.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 73 หนา. (วพ 96713)
Panyawat Wangyao. High temperature properties of wrought nickel base superalloy EI 698 VD in creep fatigue
conditions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 94 p. (T E12777)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 42]
Panyawat Wangyao. High temperature properties of wrought nickel base superalloy EI 698 VD in creep fatigue
conditions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 94 p. (T E12777)
Nickel-alumian alloys
Sulaor Athisonbodee. The improvement of catalyst used in ethanol steam reforming process to produce hydrogen.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 82 p. (R E15244)
Ponsak Pongponpriwon. Effects of sulfur compounds on hydrodenitrogenation of quinoline. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 112 p. (T E10569)
Korakot Thaisawat. The recycling of used electroless nickel-phosphorus steel plating solution. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 96 p. (T E20035)
Thanit Veriyaprom. Synthesis and catalytic activity of nickel-silicoaluminophosphate-34 and nickelsilicoaluminophosphate-44 in conversion of methanol to olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002.
97 p. (T E21753)
Thanit Veriyaprom. Synthesis and catalytic activity of nickel-silicoaluminophosphate-34 and nickelsilicoaluminophosphate-44 in conversion of methanol to olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002.
97 p. (T E21753)
Nickel-titanium alloys
Thanit Raungthurakit. Flexural strength of nickel-titanium alloy wire after clinical recycling. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 81 p. (T E10166)
Nickel-titanium alloys--Dynamic testing
Boonrat Sattapan. Dynamic properties of nickel-titanium instruments. Melbourne : University of Melbourne, 1997.
81 p. (T E12310)
Nickel-titanium arch wire
Rutchadakorn Isarapatanapong. Study of composition, phase transformation and mechanical properties of nickeltitanium orthodontic arch wire. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 113 p. (T E34348)
Nickel-titanium wires
Kosit Wattanasukchai. Force-deflection properties of forming spookd nickel-titanium wires. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2004. 173 p. (T E28928)
Subongkoch Tongkoom. Mechanical properties of commercial nickel-titanium orthodontic wires. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 165 p. (T E33652)
Nickel/alumina catalysts
อภิสิทธิ์ สายสาหราย. ผลของตัวแปรที่มีตอการเตรียมตัวเรงปฏิกิริยานิกเกิล/อะลูมินา โดยวิธีอิมเพรกเนชัน = Effects of
variables on nickel/alumina catalyst preparation by impregnation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542.
62 หนา. (วพ 106180)
Nicking activities
Lumpueng Raingwong. In vitro study of binding and nicking activities of the replication-associated protein of
tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 61 p. (T E22279)
Nicking endonuclease
Somchai Pornbunluelap. Identification and purification of novel restriction endonuclease from two hundred
species of unidentified Streptomyces. Bangkok : Department of Biochemistry Kasetsart University, 2003.
35 p. (R E20893)
นรุณ วรามิตร. การใช nicosulfuron ควบคุมหญาโขยง (Rottboellia cochinchinensis) ในขาวโพด = Application of the
nicosulfuron for itchgrass (Rottboellia cochinchinensis) control in maize (Zea mays). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 121 หนา. (วพ 104017)
รังสิต สุวรรณเขตนิคม. การควบคุมหญาโขยงโดยนิโคซัลฟูรอนในขาวโพดที่ปลูกแบบไมไถพรวน = Itahgrass (Rottboellia
cochinchinensis) control with nicosulfuron in no-till corn. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2540. 35 หนา. (ว 93991)
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia
นุจรี สุวรรณมังกูล. การแสดงออกของเอ็นพีทีจีนที่ถูกยับยั้งดวยเมลธิลเลชัน โดยการใช 5-อะซาไซติดีน = Expression of
neomycin phosphotransferase gene being repressed by methylation via the application of 5-azacytidine.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2537. 126 หนา. (วพ 107238)
Nicotiana tabacum
Pritsana Chomchan. Study of DNA methylation and transgene expression in transgenic plant. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 214 p. (T E12887)
Somsuda Setaphan. Molecular markers for determining tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. varieties. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 116 p. (T E39569)
Supachitra chadchawan. Gene expression of Arabidopsis TGGl promoter in tobacco plant [Nicotiana tabacum L.].
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 58 p. (R E17180)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 43]
Nicotiana tabacum (ตอ)
Suriya Sarnkhuankaew. Response of three varieties of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) to varying rates
of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation frequencies in northern Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon
State University, 1992. xvii, 168 p. (T E6282)
Chanida Pongsanguansin. Formulation of piroxicam injection using cosolvents and complexing agent. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xiv, 141 p. (T E6861)
Orawan Monthakantirat. Synthesis and antiradical activity of prodrugs of chroman amide and coumarin amide.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 136 p. (T E13881)
Anutep Lerdsakulthong. Use of snake skin as a model membrane for in vitro skin permeation studies of nicotine.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 106 p. (T E7129)
Pilaiwanwadee Hutamekalin. Nicotine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modulate junctional proteins and
paracellular permeability of rat cerebral endothelial cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 105 p.
(T E37997)
Praneet Opanasopit. In-vitro study of the release and permeation kinetics of nicotine from transdermal delivery
system with rate-limiting membrane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 136 p. (T E9777)
Roongnapha Apinan. Genetic and environmental factors influence cytochrome P450 2A6-mediated nicotine
metabolism. Pathumthani : Thammasat University, 2006. 161 p. (T E37419)
Sunisa Chaiklieng. The neurotoxic effects of acrylonitrile and nicotine in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
184 p. (T E15340)
Thaned Pongjanyakul. Development of acrylic adhesive type nicotine transdermal patches. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 233 p. (T E15318)
Valaiporn Tanapermsook. Development of a method for simultaneous determination of nicotine, propylene glycol
and glycerine in tobacco. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 111 p. (T E37411)
Orawan Deekaew. The study on relationship between cigarette smoking and cervix cancer in Thai women : case
study at Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. ix, 71 p. (T E7692)
Nicotine--Therapeutic use
Usanee Tovichakchaikul. The development of nicotine transdermal patches. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995.
89 p. (T E8982)
Nicotinic acid
Kingkaew Pattarakarn. Effect of nicotinic acid derivative on plasma lipoprotein composition in type II
hyperlipoproteinemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 128 p. (T E9132)
Nicotinic acid amide
Orawan Monthakantirat. Synthesis and antiradical activity of prodrugs of chroman amide and coumarin amide.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 136 p. (T E13881)
Nicotinic ligands
Arada Chaiyanurakkul. New approaches to nicotinic ligands based on bicyclic heterocycles. Bristol : University of
Bristol, 2007. 171 p. (T E36430)
Nicotinyl amide
Chantana Boonyarat. Synthesis of nicotinyl amide and chroman amide derivatives as inhibitors of lipid
peroxidation II. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 96 p. (T E9997)
Nicotinyl amide--Derivatives--Synthesis
Suwanna Toasaksiri. Synthesis of chroman amide and nicotinyl amide derivatives as inhibitors of lipid
peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. xi, 73 p. (T E7243)
Vinida Srikusalanukul. Effect of metformin on plasma homocysteine in non insulin dependent diabetic mellitus
patients. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2001. 89 p. (T E19494)
NIDDM [Diabetes]
Chaweewan Deechauy. Effect of Tai Chi Chaun exercise on glycemic control and aerobic capacity in NIDDM
patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 74 p. (T E15507)
Phantipa Sakthong. Cost-effectiveness analysis of an ACE-inhibitor for delaying progression of diabetic
nephropathy in NIDDM patients with microalbuminuria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 69 p.
(T E13492)
Wilailak Seekhaow. Non-medical factors determining blood sugar level in NIDDM patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 79 p. (T E16557)
Nidhi Eoseewong--Attitude
Chatchadaporn Klumdee. Nidhi Eoseewong's views on Thainess in globalization. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2006. 89 p. (R E37393)
Nielsen family--Grown
Shiozaki, Aya. Family variation in early growth performances of Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen grown at
Lad Krating Plantation, Chachoengsao, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 88 p. (T E13543)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 44]
Arom Tattawasart. Development of nifedipine transdermal drug delivery system using gelling agents as matrics.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 225 p. (T E22800)
Assadang Polnok. Effect of surfactants on nifedipine release from pluronic F-127 gel. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1994. xiii, 87 p. (T E8296)
Chutima Sinsuebpol. Controlled release of nifedipine from combined carriers between Eudragit and povidone K30
prepared by spray drying technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 237 p. (T E14641)
Gunyarat Viratyosin. Development of nifedipine transdermal delivery system via matrix diffusion technique using
hydrophilic polymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xiv, 110 p. (T E7042)
Khanittha Pongpaln. Study of photostability of nifedipine in pluronic F-127 gel using sodium bisulfite. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xiv, 103 p. (T E6940)
Monthip Adunyanon. Enhancing permeation of nifedipine transdermal patch by various surfactants and in vivo
evaluation in rabbits. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 119 p. (T E12136)
Nicha Khusakul. Enhanced dissolution of nifedipine by solid dispersion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998.
345 p. (T E20161)
Panaya Banpho. Effects of formulation, light and relative humidity on solid-state stability of nifedipine spray dried
microspheres. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 242 p. (T E19551)
Watcharee Netisingha. Screening of some potential candidates for antihypertensive transdermal therapeutic
system. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 96 p. (R E10271)
แมทริกซ. [กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย], 2539. 51 หนา. (ว 99793)
Darawan Klangwarnwong. Pharmacokinetics of oral lidocaine and nifedipine in patients with liver cirrhosis. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 82 p. (T E9253)
Night bazaar
Pinthong Kamsaen. English sales talk in Chiangmai : communication strategies of Night Bazaar stall vendors.
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2001. 97 p. (T E15498)
Night bezaar
Pinthong Kamsaen. English sales talk in Chiangmai : communication strategies of Night Bazaar stall vendors.
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2001. 97 p. (T E15498)
Nikel and palledium leadframe
เฉลิมศักดิ์ สรุจิกําจรวัฒนะ. การศึกษาระยะเวลาการคืนทุนของกระบวนการผลิตไอซีโดยใชนิเกิลพาเรเดียมหลีดเฟรม = The
study of pagback period in an integrated circuit manufacturing by using nikel and palledium leadframe.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 139 หนา. (วพ 111267)
Nikom Rayawa
Puckpan Tipayamontri. Symbolism and cultural history in Nikom Rayawa's fiction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 100 p. (T E16512)
Nilaparvata lugens
Duangdean Cheramakara. Laboratory investigation on efficacy of extract from sweetflag (Acorus calamus Linn.)
rhizomes on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 63 p.
(T E8027)
Monpop Tripop. Variation of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), population from the four geographical
regions of Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 85 p. (T E10648)
Parinya Korsriphithakkul. Searching for brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens [Stal] control agents from Thai
plants. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 100 p. (T E37812)
Sungwarl Somboon. Predation efficiency of the mirid egg predators Cyrtorhinus lividipennis reuter and Tytthus
chinensis tal (Hemiptera : Miridae) on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 1999. 61 p. (T E14165)
Thanatip Jansiri. Insecticides resistance monitoring and mapping for brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal)
in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. (V), 65 p. (T E8307)
ขจาริน ศิริหงษสุวรรณ. การใชเชื้อราสองชนิดในสกุล Paecilomyces เพื่อควบคุมเพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ําตาล (Nilaparvata lugens)
ในสภาพนาขาว = Application of two fungus species in the genus Paecilomyces to control rice brown
planthopper Nilaparvata lugens under paddy field condition. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 78
หนา. (วพ 112481)
นฤมล ศุภวนานุสรณ. การใชราในการควบคุมปริมาณเพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ําตาลศัตรูขาว Nilaparvata lugens. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 75 หนา. (วพ 90236)
Nile tilapa
Carandang, Rogelio P.. Effect of Butea superba and 17-alpha-methyltestosterone (MT) on sex reversal and some
growth parameters in three strains (Red, Ghana and Chitralada) of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L.).
Chiang Mai : Maejo University, 2007. 49 p. (T E35912)
Nile tilapia
Bangon Tangtong. Haematological alteration of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus after long-term low level
exposure to neem Azadirachta indica seed extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 186 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 45]
Nile tilapia (ตอ)
Chalida Khemvaranan. Acute toxicity of synthetic : basic and direct dyes in juvenile Nile tilapia [Oreochromis
niloticus] and their copper bioaccumulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18007)
Jarunee Chiayvareesajja. Indirect selection parameters to improve disease resistance in Nile tilapia and Atlantic
salmon. [S.l.] : Agricultural University of Norway, 1996. 1 vol(in various pagings). (T E12639)
Jassada Sakulku. Histopathology of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus liver after long-term exposure to Derris trifoliata
leaves extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 165 p. (T E12478)
Jirarach Srijunngam. Subchronic effects of neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seed extract on female reproductive
system of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 124 p. (T E13938)
Lim Choon Kwang. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a pond input for Nile tilapia culture. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1985. 69 p. (T E22469)
Nacario, Evelyn N.. Sex reversal of Nile tilapia fry in cages in ponds. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology,
1987. 110 p. (T E22470)
Penpun Srisakultiew. Synchronous spawning of Nile tilapia through hypophysation and temperature manipulation.
Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1986. 70 p. (T E22640)
Piyanut Peebua. Ecotoxicological assessment of pesticides and heavy metals in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 235 p. (T E34023)
Sirikul Vongsirisopak. Effects of water hardness and temperature on the toxicity of detergents to Puntius
gonionotus Bleeker and Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 163 p. (T
Sirinnapa Pumchae. Histopathology of nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus liver and kidney after long-term low level
exposure to distilled liquors 30 degree. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 104 p. (T E27761)
Sotida Boonsomboone. A selection of appropriate test conditions for whole effluent toxicity testing with juvenile
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 146 p. (T E23983)
Verapong Vuthiphandchai. Effect of dietary carbohydrate levels on growth, feed conversion efficiencies and body
composition of nile tilapia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1986. 68 p. (T E22479)
Wang, Shusen. Nutritive value of leucaena leaf meal in pelleted feed for tilapia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1985. 50 p. (T E22480)
Wannee Jiraungkoorskul. Histopathological and biochemical effects of roundup, a glyphosate herbicide, to Nile
tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 263 p. (T E19362)
ณรรฐพล วัลลียลักษณ. ผลกระทบของผงซักฟอกบางชนิดตอการเจริญเติบโตของปลานิล = Effects of some detergents on
growth of Nile tilapia (Tilapia nilotica Linn.). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2529. 1 แผน
(21 เฟรม). (ว MF21368)
ประภาส โฉลกพันธรัตน. การศึกษาการเจริญเติบโตของปลานิลที่เลี้ยงดวยอาหารสําเร็จสูตรตางๆ = Study the growth the
Nile tilapia fed with various artificial feed. ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2537. (2), 15
หนา. (ว 66576)
ศิริภาวี ศรีเจริญ. การศึกษาระดับอุณหภูมิและเวลาที่เหมาะสมในการเกิดเจลและคุณภาพของซูริมิจากเนื้อปลานิล = Study on
optimum time and temperature for gelation and quality of Surimi for nile, Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
(Linn.). ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 68 หนา. (วพ 97609)
สุพิมพ ศิริสายัณห. การเจริญเติบโตของปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) ในบอบําบัดน้ําเสียชุมชนเทศบาลเมือง
เพชรบุรี = Growth of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) in lagoon treatment of Petchaburi
Manucipality. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 269 หนา. (วพ 105113)
Nile tilapia--Effect of triphenyltin hydroxide on
Teerada Thamamaruitkun. Study on the effects of triphenyltin hydroxide on Pla Nil (Oreochromis nilotica).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 190 p. (T E8665)
Nile Tilapia--Food
Ek Rakyuttithamkul. Utilization of fermented faether meal replacement of fish meal in fish feed. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 99 p. (T E33188)
Nile tilapia--Reproduction
Penpun Srisakultiew. Studies on the reproductive biology of areochromis niloticus L.. Scotland : University of
Stirling, 1993. xix, 310 p. (T E6050)
Niloparvata lugens
Somchai Isichaikul. Studies on the environmental factors influencing on microhabitat and wing polymorphism in
the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera : Delphacidae). Matsuyama : Ehime
University, 1994. 84 p. (T E7760)
Nimbic acid
Rosenee Somjaree. Acute toxicity of nimbolide and nimbic acid in several animal species. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1984. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20122)
Araya Ajchariyapagorn. Simulation of nimbin extraction process by using AspenPlus. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 71 p. (T E23157)
Dayin Mongkholkhajornsilp. Supercritical CO2 extraction of nimbin from neem seeds : process modelling and
optimisation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 130 p. (T E25071)
Pathumthip Tonthubthimthong. Supercritical extraction - a comprehensive experimental and modeling study.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 163 p. (T E19803)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 46]
Nimbin (ตอ)
อาภรณ สุราฤทธิ์. การศึกษาการสกัดนิมบินจากน้ํามันสะเดาโดยวิธีสกัดของเหลวดวยของเหลว = A study of nimbin
extraction from neem oil by liquid-liquid extraction. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี,
2543. 58 หนา. (วพ 110906)
Hathaitip Sritanaudomchai. Induction of quinone reductase in hepa 1C1C7 murine hepatoma cell line by neem
[Azadirachta indica A. uss var, siamensis valeton] flower constituents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
109 p. (T E17426)
Nimbolide acid
Rosenee Somjaree. Acute toxicity of nimbolide and nimbic acid in several animal species. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1984. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20122)
Punnee Jitkhatonyu. Effect of nimodipine on attenuation of neuronal damage in global cerebral ischemia in rats.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. ix, 102 p. (T E7308)
Sasitorn Roojanavech. The efficacy of metronidazole and nimorazole 2 grams given orally in a single dose for
trichomoniasis at Bangrak hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. vii, 85 p. (T E7139)
Nine-square training
เพสยันดร ทิพรส. ผลของการฝกโดยวิธีเกาจตุรัส ที่ระดับความเร็ว 120 และ 130 ครั้งตอนาที ตอความอดทนของระบบ
ไหลเวียนโลหิต และระบบหายใจ = The effects of nine-square training in the speed level of 120 and 130
beats per minute on cardiorespiratory endurance. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 64 หนา. (วพ
Nineteenth century
Somporn Boonyabancha. The status of women in nineteenth century British society in the novels of Charlotte
Bronte. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 88 p. (T E16573)
Uraiwan Intatha. Dielectricity of barium iron niobate based materials. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008.
148 p. (T E39358)
Domdeat Sripinpoach. Strength improvement of Nb-Ti microalloyed steel by thermomechanical treatment.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 92 p. (T E12745)
Narumol Vachirapatama. Separation and determination of niobium (V) and Tantalum (V) by reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography. Tasmania : University of Tasmania, 2000. 160 p. (T E16085)
Pornsawat Suwimonprecha. Tin and niobium-tantalum deposits associated with granites and pegmatites, Phuket,
Thailand. Bonn : Rheinisch-Westfalischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen, 1989. 246 p. (T E40221)
Niobium oxide
Sirachaya Kunjara Na Ayudhya. Liquid phase syntheses of niobium oxide and zinc oxide with controlled
morphology. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 163 p. (T E39864)
Nattanan Chuansanit. Preparation and characterization of retinyl palmitate niosomes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 173 p. (T E19423)
Nittaya Rungphanichkul. Preparation and characterization of curcuminoids niosomes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 70 p. (T E33694)
Plookchit Chetratanont. Effects of formulation and preparation method on drug entrapment of Minoxidil niosomes.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 89 p. (T E35333)
Tasaneeya Supaperm. Effect of charged and non-ionic membrane additives on physicochemical properties and
stability of salicylic acid niosomes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 161 p. (T E33224)
Waraporn Suwakul. Factors affecting topical delivery of propylthiouracil from niosomal system. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 212 p. (T E39870)
Nipaecocus viridis
Adulrat Klaewklad. Biological studies of Anagyrus dactylopii (Howard) (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae), the important
parasite of the spherical mealybug, Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) (Homoptera : Pseudococcidae).
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 47 p. (T E24782)
Nipah virus
Supaporn Wacharapluesadee. Survey for Nipah virus infection among bats in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 126 p. (T E34961)
Nipple pain
Ratchaneekorn Santitham. The effects of supportive-educative nursing system on capability of breastfeeding,
nipple pain, frequency and duration of breasfeeding. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T
Rungtiwa Chiwprasertphol. Bacteriocin of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis from Nham. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18862)
Wissanee Supraditaporn. Effect of nisin on the keeping quality of orange juices cv. Sai Nam Pung and cv. Khieo
Waan. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 105 p. (T E38687)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 47]
สุมาลี วงศจันทร. การพัฒนาและประยุกตโลหะผสมจํารูปไนไทนอล = Development and application of nitinol memory
alloys. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 44 หนา. (ว 95473)
Faissa, Teklu Baissa. Assessment of micronutrient status of Nitisols and Andisols in some selected areas of
Ethiopia for maize production for maize production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 181 p. (T
Kittiya Wongkhan. The kinatic study of iodide catalysed reaction between iron (III)-thiocyanate complex ion by
nitrate and nitrite in sulfuric acid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 62 p. (T E20961)
Nuchnoi Prapaso. Lead, cadmium, nitrate and nitrite content in Nakhonpathom drinking rainwater. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 126 p. (T E32994)
Surasak Laloknam. Effect of salt stress on choline transport into halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece
halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 214 p. (T E35240)
Nitrate compound
Jongchai Vasaruchtragul. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds as cetane number improver. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1997. 71 p. (T E19478)
Nitrate compounds
Chayaporn Pongthanomsak. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from vegetable oils as cetane improver. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 108 p. (T E24068)
Mahidol Phasorn. Synthesis of nitrate compounds from coconut oil as cetane improvers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 90 p. (T E23425)
Nitrate reductase
Soraya Thaivanich. Purification and partial characterization of nitrate reductase from halotolerant cyanobacterium
Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 100 p. (T E27728)
Nitrate removal
กนกวรรณ ศุกรนันทน. การศึกษาคุณภาพน้ํา และการกําจัดไนเตรทดวยกระบวนการไบโอโลจิคอล ดีไนตริฟเดชั่นในพื้นที่
โครงการสรางปาตามแนวพระราชดําริ และปาพันธุกรรมพืช จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = Study on water quality and
removal of nitrate by biological denitrification process at forest-reviving as the royal suggestions and plant
germplasm forest project, Nakhon Ratchasima province. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 131 หนา.
(วพ 108940)
ผกาวดี นารอง. การตรึงแบคทีเรียเพื่อกําจัดไนเตรทในน้ําดี โดยใชถังปฏิกรณแบบตัวกลางไมเคลื่อนที่ = The immobilization
of bacteria for nitrate removal in water supply by using fixed bed reactor. ขอนแกน : ภาควิชา
เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 74 หนา. (ว 111987)
สมเพลิน คําศรี. การกําจัดไนเตรทในถังกรองไรอากาศแบบไหลขึ้น ที่มีกิจกรรมดีไนตริฟเคชัน เมธาโนเจเนซิส และแอมโมนิฟ
เคชัน = Nitrate reduction in anaerobic upflow filter with denitrification methanogenesis and
Ammonification. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 107 หนา. (วพ 110851)
Nitrate uptake
Jutakae Wangsupa. Nitrate uptake by halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18829)
Amphika Poowanasatien. Nitrate and nitrite contents in various types of vegetables from conventional, hygienic
and organic cultivations. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 152 p. (T E34235)
Aran Incharoensakdi. Nitrate transport of the halophilic cyanobacterium, Aphanothece halophytica grown under
normal and salt stress conditions. Bangkok : Department of Biochemistry Chulalongkorn University, 2003.
60 p. (R E20581)
Charnya Teerapittayanon. Changes in nitrate and nitrite levels in home and commercially processed pickled
mustard greens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 73 p. (T E12129)
Jirasak Threeprom. Microbial conversion study of nitrate to nitrite by modern liquid chromatography. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19292)
Jutakae Wangsupa. Nitrate uptake by halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18829)
Montri Kerdprom. Development of mathematical model for prediction of detinning in canned pineapple caused by
nitrate. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 89 p. (R E31314)
Nantawan Wongwongsri. Effect of vegetable eating on the levels of nitrate and nitrite in urine and saliva.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 175 p. (T E14713)
Nualchavee Roongtanakiat. The behaviour of ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers applied to soils of different
pH values for corn as indicated by 15N. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (xxix), 184 p. (T E7619)
Nuttira Kongsingha. Comparison of PdCl2 and Pd(No3)2 precursors in catalytic CH4/CO2 reforming. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 92 p. (R E16502)
Orawan Tue-ngeun. Development of flow injection analysis systems for the determination of phosphate nitrite
nitrate chromium and calcium. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 129 p. (T E11346)
Prapaporn Savaraj. Effect of cooking processes on the level of nitrate and nitrite in vegetables. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 75 p. (T E13227)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 48]
Nitrates (ตอ)
Rossukon Tongsri-on. Nitrate and nitrite contents in organic, hygienic and conventional Chinese kale. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E24048)
Sarayut Onsanit. Physiological responses of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon to nitrate in seawater. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 93 p. (T E23429)
Sarintad Kwanmeung. Geographic information system for assessing land and subsurface water sensitivity to
nitrate and phosphate contamination from swine farms in Muang district, Nakhon Pathom province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19792)
Sukanya Eksakulkla. Effect of short term exercise on serum nitrite/nitrate concentration in postmenopausal
women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 73 p. (T E22593)
Wanlop Benjachokchai. Nitrates and nitrites in tightly closed container fruit juice available in Thailand and their
daily intake. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17605)
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116 fr.).
(T MF19991)
Wasana Eksuwanjaroen. Effects of nitrate and pH on detinning of canned model food. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 111 p. (R E25173)
Worasaung Klinthong. Diffusion of nitrate from pineapple indicated by total soluble solids. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 81 p. (R E25146)
Tewee Bodhiphala. Factors affecting the nitrate content of foods. Columbia : University of British Columbia, 1969.
2 แผน(102 เฟรม). (T MF09398)
Nitrates--Physiological effect
Anchanee Utaipatanacheep. Nitrate in green leafy vegetables and its role on the possible in vivo formation of Nnitroso proline in school children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 196 p. (T E7479)
Choosak Boonlaksiri. Synthesis of diol nitrate compounds from fatty acid wastes as cetane improvers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 91 p. (T E23293)
Jongchai Vasaruchtragul. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds as cetane number improver. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1997. 71 p. (T E19478)
Sangsom Siraprapakit. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds from alkane diols as cetane improvers. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 85 p. (T E16663)
Theerawat Khankasikham. Synthesis of cycloalkyl nitrate compounds from cycloaliphatic monoalcohos as cetane
improvers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 98 p. (T E19068)
Tinnagon Kaewin. Synthesis of endoperoxide of anthracene derivatives and their biological activities and
chemistry of 4, 6-dimethoxyindole derivatives : photooxidation and nitration. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 323 p. (T E33801)
Jongchai Vasaruchtragul. Synthesis of dinitrate compounds as cetane number improver. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1997. 71 p. (T E19478)
Nitric oxide
Benjamat Nunthaithaweegon. Cobalt catalysts supported on zeolite beta prepared by solid state ion exchange for
nitric oxide reduction. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 80 p. (T E22896)
Chalalai Suwattanasophon. The role of 5-HT 1B/1D and 5-HT 2A/2C receptors in neurovascular response to nitric
oxide in rat trigeminovascular system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 161 p. (T E17254)
Chareeporn Sukwattanapun. Effect of nitric oxide synthesized by inducible nitric oxide synthase on replication and
pathogenesis of rabies virus infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 122 p. (T E12109)
Chatchai Kunyawut. Reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia on cation-exchanged zeolite catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1993. x, 93 p. (T E7624)
Choowong Chaisuk. Study of reaction mechanism of the reduction of nitric oxide by hydrocarbon in excess oxygen
over a platinum catalyst via the investigation of surface species. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2001. 222 p. (T E18841)
Chorchat Soonthornpalin. Selective catalytic reduction of NOx over nanostructured catalysts. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2004. 69 p. (T E23367)
Chutima Udom. Changes in renal functions during acute L-arginine loading in dogs. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1995. 57 p. (T E9781)
Duangporn Plasen. The roles of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase on acute effects of lipid component
activated endothelial cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 186 p. (T E17840)
Jakrit Rungsimanop. Role of Pd on Cu/HZSM-5 for selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide using n-octane
under severe condition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 93 p. (T E15596)
Jintana Tanyong. Role of angiotensin system on renal nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide production in
unilateral ureteral obstructive rat. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 93 p. (T E23388)
Jitreuthai Srepawatakul. Nitric oxide and fibrinolytic activity after arterial occlusion and electrical stimulation.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17495)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 49]
Nitric oxide (ตอ)
Juntima Pattamanont. Role of nitric oxide and serotonin in modulation of cortical spreading depression-evoked
neurogenic vascular inflammation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 129 p. (T E20207)
Kittipong Saenbandit. The proposed structure model of Fe-ZSM-5 zeolite for nitrous oxide decomposition reaction.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 74 p. (T E24960)
Krongkan Nasee. Modulatory effect of estrogen on microglial activation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 57 p. (T E37572)
Laddawal Phivthongngam. Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in
rabbits. Hannover : Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Hannover Medical School, 1997. 131 p. (T E11563)
Nakarin Mongkolsiri. Effect on remaining cations in copper ion-exchanged ZSM-5 zeolite for selective reduction of
nitric oxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 180 p. (T E13710)
Napaporn Limpitisathaporn. Oxidative strese in beta-thalassemia/HbE. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 169 p.
(T E21000)
Natthaya Kiattisirikul. Characteristics and roles of surface species in C3H6-SCR of NO over A Ag/Al2O3 catalyst by
temperature programmed technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 79 p. (T E23229)
Nipon Kanongchaiyot. Effect of tungsten and potassium on the V2O5/TiO2 catalyst for selective catalytic
reduction of no with NH3. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 130 p. (T E13745)
Noparat Promthep. Synthesis of novel neuroprotective compounds : the dual inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis
and lipid peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 181 p. (T E24637)
Paisarn Vejchapipat. Role of nitric oxide in biliary atresia. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University,
2006. 28 p. (R E34647)
Panida Chutsrinopkun. Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in N18 neuroblastoma cells. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1997. 96 p. (T E11204)
Pattarin Sridulyakul. Effect of vitamin C on endothelial nitric oxide synthase in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
: quantitative comparison image using analysis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 99 p. (T
Pattarin Sridulyakul. Reversal effect of vitamin C on diabetes induced endothelial dysfunction in rats : roles of
reactive oxygen species, tetrahydrobiopterin, and nitric oxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007.
160 p. (T E40294)
Pithi Chanvorachote. The role of nitric oxide in apoptotic susceptibility of human lung cancer and normal lung
cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 188 p. (T E35565)
Piyarat Sreesawang. The lack of nitric oxide activity modulates renal hemodynamics and renal handling of water
and electrolytes following ischemia/reperfusion in rat. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 155 p. (T
Pongphrom Chalermvanapong. Study of coke formation in selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with
propylene on MFI catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 98 p. (T E12717)
Pornsawan Kanchanawanichkun. The durability improvement of Co/HZSM-5 catalyst under hydrothermal
pretreatment for selective catalytic reduction of NO by methane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2001. 156 p. (T E18791)
Puangrat Yongvanit. Host factor associated cholangiocarcinogenesis : xenobiotic enzyme activities and level. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 50 p. (R E20992)
Ratree Takhampunya. Antiviral mechanism of nitric oxide, mycophenolic acid and ribavarin on dengue virus type
2 infection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E34021)
Sirima Thongruay. The role of nitric oxide in swamp buffalo oocyte maturation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 129 p. (T E29094)
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Effect of nitroglycerin on the animal model of temporomandibular pain. Chiang Mai :
Department of Odontology and Oral Pathology Chiang Mai University, 2007. 24 p. (R E36998)
Smith Teratrakoonwichaya. The development of nitric oxide removal catalysts for exhaust gases from stationary
source. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 89 p. (T E11842)
Suchart Powattanasatiant. Development and characterization of NO reduction and CO oxidation catalyst for
catalytic cleaning of diesel engine exhaust emissions. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 39 p. (T
Sukanya Eksakulkla. Effect of short term exercise on serum nitrite/nitrate concentration in postmenopausal
women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 73 p. (T E22593)
Tapanee Dangsawai. Effect of severe condition on activity of copper ion-exchanged MFI and cobalt-silicate in
nitric oxide removal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 114 p. (T E15012)
Teonchit Nuamchit. Serum nitric oxide levels in patients with coronary artery disease in comparison with normal
subjects. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 116 p. (T E19379)
Thiraporn Anuntasethakul. Hyposerotonin-induced nitric oxide supersensitivity of trigeminovascular system in rat :
a hypothetic mechanism of migraine pathogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 238 p. (T
Thitirut Tangam. Effect of nitric oxide on water and electrolyte transport in cauda epididymis of the rat. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E18481)
Umarat Srisawat. The role of nitric oxide, angiotensin II and endothelin on renal function after
ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 235 p. (T E23648)
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 50]
Nitric oxide (ตอ)
Wanwarang Hiriote. The effect of different forms of nitric oxide radical on rabies virus replication. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 106 p. (T E15353)
Weerawan Charnsilpa. The effect of nitric oxide on dengue virus serotype II replication, in vitro. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 104 p. (T E19322)
Wittaya Engopasanan. Performance of ion-exchanged zeolite and metallosilicate catalysts on nitric oxide
decomposition. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 172 p. (T E14612)
Woraratana Pattaraprakorn. Cu ion-exchanged copper aluminosilicate catalysts for nitric oxide removal under
excess oxygen atmosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 137 p. (T E19550)
Yuyen Seujange. Renal nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide production in renal ischemic reperfusion : effects of
angiotensin system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 85 p. (T E21535)
Nitric oxide synthase
Chantana Boonyarat. Design and synthesis of novel compounds as neuroprotective agents : a dual action of
radical scavenger and nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 189 p. (T
Duangporn Plasen. The roles of cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase on acute effects of lipid component
activated endothelial cells. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 186 p. (T E17840)
Nitric oxides
Ruechakorn Chantawee. Associations between angiotensinogen and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene
polymorphisms and coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2008. 156 p. (T E40317)
Nitric-oxide synthase
Jureeporn Kampan. Expression of nitric oxide synthase and activities of cytochromes P450 in cholangiocarcinoma
liver tissue. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2001. 118 p. (T E17150)
Nitima Chanarat. The association of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and endothelial nitric oxide
synthase (eNOS) gene polymorphisms with homocysteine levels and carotid intima-media thickness in Thai
chronic hemodialysis patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 123 p. (T E40368)
Yuyen Seujange. Role of angiotensin in renal dihydrofolate reductase, gtp-cyclohydrolase 1 and nitric oxide
synthase expression in renal ischemic reperfusion. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 79 p. (T
Kanoksak Luyjew. Porous silicon nitride synthesis via the carbothermal reduction and nitridation of silica/RF gel
composite. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 80 p. (T E37989)
Varong Pavarajarn. Effects of residual metals on mechanical properties of sintered silicon nitride articles. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 36 p. (R E26564)
Nitridation process
Kittichai Sopunna. Improvement of surface properties of MJ12 and MJ47 alloys by high temperature nitridation
process. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 129 p. (T E35150)
Ladda Saengduan. A comparative study of glotamine synthetase in free-living Klebsiella R15 and in Klebsiella R15
associated with rhizosphere of rice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 74 p. (T E8572)
Nareerat Plylahan. Development of a low-temperature biofilter for the rainbow trout farm. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 60 p. (R E40691)
Nucharee Rasrikrangkrai. Comparative evaluation fluidized bed airlift bioreactor with conventional systems for
nitrification of seawater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 114 p. (T E22950)
Siriwan Silapakul. Nitrogen compounds removal in closed recirculating seawater system shrimp pond by external
loop airlift bioreactor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 97 p. (T E34816)
Slil Siripong. Diversity assessment of nitrifying bacterial populations in wastewater activated sludge. Evanston :
Northwestern University, 2005. 341 p. (T E36308)
Somanat Somprasert. Enhanced nitrification and denitrification in combined subsurface flow constructed wetland
system. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 215 p. (T E39393)
Suttikarn Sutti. Effects of biofilter on water quality in closed recirculating system for black tiger shrimp. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 101 p. (T E27719)
Nitrifying activated sludge
Panida Sermwaraphan. Degradation of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) by nitrifying activated sludge containing
different ammonia-oxidizing bacterial communities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 99 p. (T
Nitrifying bacteria
Phayan Tansakul. Removal of ammonia-nitrogen from a recirculation system using immobilization of nitrifying
bacteria into PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) gel beads. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 130 p. (T E24537)
Nitrilc oxide
Attawut Ruangsri. Synthetic methodology of isoxazole derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 61
p. (T E27751)
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 51]
Nitrile rubber
Jarunee Thunyarittikorn. A study of relationship between mechanical properties, oil resistance, rheological
properties and phase size of rubber dispersed in NR/NBR blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121
p. (T E17545)
Orathai Sroysom. A study of characterisation and homogenisation of natural rubber/nitrile rubber blend. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1999. 134 p. (T E13887)
Paiboon Tepumnoysuk. Physical properties of PVC/nitrile rubber blends. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1992. 130 p. (T E9428)
Pairote Jittham. Study of dielectric properties of mixtures of nitrile rubber and liquid crystals. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 108 p. (T E9986)
Thanit Treepichetkul. Reinforcement of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and poly(vinyl chloride) blends by in situ
silica. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 95 p. (T E21565)
Vanida Choomuenwai. The ritter reaction of some nitrogen heterocycles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 220 p. (T E20045)
Yupayao Srikirin. Decarboxylation of sodium glycidate salts via lead tetraacetate and chemistry of alpha
aminonitriles. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 3 แผน (143 เฟรม). (T MF09355)
Nuchnoi Prapaso. Lead, cadmium, nitrate and nitrite content in Nakhonpathom drinking rainwater. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 126 p. (T E32994)
Nitrite rubber
Pimsuda Heamtanon. Improvement of adhesion between natural rubber and nitrile rubber by using adhesion
promoter compound based on chlorosulfonated polyethylene and chlorinated natural rubber. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 170 p. (T E33281)
AK., Ujang Kamarudin. Acute toxicity of nitrite to Penaeus monodon (Fab.) and Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) at
low salinity levels. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 100 p. (T E22265)
Amphika Poowanasatien. Nitrate and nitrite contents in various types of vegetables from conventional, hygienic
and organic cultivations. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 152 p. (T E34235)
Atcharaporn Limprasertkul. Effect of some herbal drinks on the mutagenicity of nitrite treated menstrual
regulatory and heamatinic traditional preparations, using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 86 p. (T E20246)
Chaniphun Ieamworapong. Effect of a food preservative nitrite on mutagenicity of Thai medicinal plants using the
Ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 137 p. (T E6545)
Chanyud Kritsunankul. Nutrient removal by using nitrite as an electron acceptor in biofilm reactor. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 156 p. (T E31358)
Charnya Teerapittayanon. Changes in nitrate and nitrite levels in home and commercially processed pickled
mustard greens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 73 p. (T E12129)
Chatchawin Petchlert. Effect of sprouts from some kinds of bean and rice seeds on the mutagenicity of the
nitrosated beef extract in Ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E16463)
Hansa Katipagdeetham. Effect of nitrite on mutagenicity of health foods using the AMES test. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 69 p. (T E10641)
Hataitip Sroysa-ard. Genotoxicity testing of emmanagogues with and without nitrite using the wing somatic
mutation and recombination test (SMART) in Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1997. 98 p. (T E11682)
Jeerapa Lukcompun. Nitrite scavenging activity of four plant fibers incorporated into four different heat-processed
flour-based foods. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 123 p. (T E13230)
Jirasak Threeprom. Microbial conversion study of nitrate to nitrite by modern liquid chromatography. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2002. 167 p. (T E19292)
Kalyarat Kruawan. Selective inhibition on different direct mutagens by Thai herbal drinks. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 93 p. (T E17484)
Kanocvan Manoonphol. Direct mutagenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) treated with nitrite
in simulated gastric condition : comparison between authentic PAHs and PAH-containing fraction derived
from smoked and charcoal-broited foods using ames assay. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 108 p. (T
Kanokwan Peerawong. Mutagenic potential of various chicken extracts sold in Thailand after treatment with
excess nitrite in the acid condition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 77 p. (R E11551)
Kittiya Wongkhan. The kinatic study of iodide catalysed reaction between iron (III)-thiocyanate complex ion by
nitrate and nitrite in sulfuric acid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 62 p. (T E20961)
Kullanart Tongkhao. Comparison of mutagenic and antimutagenic activities between the extract of processed and
raw Gracilaria sp.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E20029)
Le, Hong Dung. In vitro antimutagenic studies of some sticky rice cooked with ivy gourd leaves, Momordica
cochinchinensis and pumpkin fruits, mungbean and black bean seed. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
75 p. (T E17107)
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 52]
Nitrites (ตอ)
Linna Tongyonk. Mutagenicity modification of oolong tea on nitrite treated filtrate of five-spice seasoned pork :
studies on precursor formed during cooking and on mutagenic product in acid solution using ames test.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 161 p. (T E17170)
Naiyana Thongsaeng. Effect of young leaves obtained from Vigna radiata, Vigna umbellata and Vigna unguiculata
seeds on the mutagenicity of nitrite treated aminopyrene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 95 p. (T
Nantawan Wongwongsri. Effect of vegetable eating on the levels of nitrate and nitrite in urine and saliva.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 175 p. (T E14713)
Nattha Pattanakul. Comparison and prevention on mutagenicity presented after nitrite treatment between Chicken
soup prepared in the presence and absence of Chinese herb recipes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
77 p. (T E21050)
Nattinee Jitnarin. Nutritive evaluation and mutagenic modification activity of dietary seaweeds. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 109 p. (T E15005)
Nisita Komsakorn. Effect of some vegetable extracts on mutagenicity of nitrite treated standard mutagen and
beef extract using Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 93 p. (T E35099)
Oranuch Wongwattanasathien. Assessment of the mutagenicity of instant noodles and their seasonings, using
Ames test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 91 p. (T E16976)
Orathai Toobuntherng. Mutagenicity of anabolic-androgenic drugs after nitrite treatment and effect of drugs on
mutagenicity of aminopyrene (AP)-nitrite model : studies on the formation of direct mutagens during 4H
AP-nitrite incubation and on the mutagenic product of 4H AP-nitrite reaction. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 98 p. (T E15168)
Orawan Srimuangboon. Antimutagenic potential of methanol extract from soybean tempe on the mutagenicity of
nitrite treated aminopyrene in ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 111 p. (T E16283)
Orawan Tue-ngeun. Development of flow injection analysis systems for the determination of phosphate nitrite
nitrate chromium and calcium. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 129 p. (T E11346)
Pornphan Wuthikornwanit. Nitrite scavenging activity and antiformation of mutagens from aminopyrene treated
with nitrite by polysaccharides currently used in food industries. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996.
106 p. (T E11297)
Pranee Kiatsurayanont. Mutagenic and antimutagenic potential of monosodium glutamate production waste (Bx
liquid) treated with nitrite in the ames test and the wing spot test using Drosophila melanogaster. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2000. 173 p. (T E15186)
Prapaporn Savaraj. Effect of cooking processes on the level of nitrate and nitrite in vegetables. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 75 p. (T E13227)
Prapasri Laohavechvanich. Nitrite scavengina activity of fibers derived from fruits and vegetables and their
antimulagen formation of aminopyrene and nitrite in simulated gastric condition using ames test. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1994. 99 p. (T E8521)
Ratchadaporn Potiyun. Utilization of lignite fly ash as a substitute for lime materials and ammonia & nitrite
reduction in shrimp pond water. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 75 p. (T E23844)
Renu Chongmankongcheep. Effects of Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) on mutagenicity of nitrite-aminopyrene
reaction product : studies on formation of mutagen and on final product. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1999. 94 p. (T E13413)
Rossukon Tongsri-on. Nitrate and nitrite contents in organic, hygienic and conventional Chinese kale. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p. (T E24048)
Siriyakorn Onbunma. Mutagenicity of different juices of meat boiled with herbs treated with nitrite. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17056)
Sukanya Eksakulkla. Effect of short term exercise on serum nitrite/nitrate concentration in postmenopausal
women. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 73 p. (T E22593)
Sunisa Daengniam. Antiformation of toxic compound by some antioxidants : matagenicity of 1-aminopyrene
treated with nitrite and occurrence of n-nitrosomorpholine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 102 p. (T
Suphaphan Soiphet. Mutagenicity of 4-hexylresorcinol and its modification effects on other mutagens in two
shorts term assays. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 132 p. (T E14729)
Vasana Jitima. Hazard of beverages interacted with nitrite in the present of vitamin C : direct mutagenic potential
and nitroso compound formation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 111 p. (T E7130)
Wanlop Benjachokchai. Nitrates and nitrites in tightly closed container fruit juice available in Thailand and their
daily intake. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17605)
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116 fr.).
(T MF19991)
Wuttichai Kattubtim. Mutagenic potential of organophosphate insecticides treated with nitrite in and acid solution
using ames test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 77 p. (T E14491)
Poonsakdi Ploypradith. Nitroalkenes and their applications in organic synthesis and total synthesis of natural
products. Bangkok : Chulabhorn Research Institute, 2003. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E21100)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 53]
Paweena Ekkaphan. Quantitative analysis of marker dyes from cardanol and nitro aniline in diesel using high
performance liquid chromatography. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 73 p. (T E38381)
Noparat Promthep. Synthesis of novel neuroprotective compounds : the dual inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis
and lipid peroxidation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 181 p. (T E24637)
Ladaporn Khunikakorn. Oxidation of aniline and nitrobenzene in fluidized-bed fenton process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 141 p. (T E35999)
Nara Toyam. Competitive degradation behavior between aniline and nitrobenzene in fenton process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 76 p. (T E30214)
Somboon Chintitanun. Oxidation of nitrobenzene by fluidized-bed fenton process in the presence of chloride ions.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 124 p. (T E39857)
Amnuaysilpa Suksri. Effects of varying planting distances, nitrogen and potassium rate on growth, yield and
fodder qualities of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench] grown on Yasothon soil series. Khon Kaen :
Faculty of Agriculture Khon Kaen University, 2001. 45 p. (R E19574)
Warawut Tiyapongpattana. Gas chromatographic methods for analyses of nitrofuran in animal tissue and fatty
acid methyl esters in biodiesel. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 174 p. (T E40308)
Amnart Chinchest. The effects of water regimes and nitrogen rates on nitrogen uptake and growth of rice
varieties. Cornell : Cornell University, 1981. 204 p. (T E22544)
Apichat Suratanee. Simulation and visualization of soybean growth affected by different amount of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 57 p. (T E23138)
Aung Moe Myo Tint. Sugarcane yield response to water and nitrogen management system. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2002. 147 p. (T E19293)
Chairoj Wongwiwatchai. Effects of nitrogen and potassium on growth, yield and soluble carbohydrate content of
cassava = อิทธิพลของไนโตรเจนและโปตัสเซียมที่มีตอการเจริญเติบโต ผลผลิต และปริมาณคารบอไฮเดรทของมัน
สําปะหลัง. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1985. 2 microfiches (113 fr.). (T MF20105)
Chanan Phonprapai. Effect of rapeseed oil on the nitrogen balance of laboratory and pilot-scale fermentations of
Saccharopolyspora erythraea. London : University of London, 2002. 292 p. (T E22151)
Chatchai Srinitiwarawong. Magnetic properties of Smn Com Nx from hysteresis graph. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 79 p. (T E10787)
Duangrath Sareephawong. Medium improvement for biomass production of Pediococcus pentosaceus BT520.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 142 p. (T E17080)
Hamman, Bryan Roderick. Nitrogen dynamics during rice culture using Sesbania rostrata as green manure in
Northeast Thailand. Edmonton, Alberta : University of Alberta, 1991. 96 p. (T E5984)
Ishida, Hiroshi. Behavior of nitrogen in the upland soils in Thailand. [S.l.] : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, 1980. 32 p. (R E858)
Kamoltip Promnares. Regulation of phycobilisomes expression of Spirulina platensis C1 by nitrogen deprivation.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 112 p. (T E18813)
Mayadi, Lalu. Nitrogen budget in sea bass (Lates calcarifer Bloch) culture with different level protein diets.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 63 p. (T E21904)
Mengesha, Yihenew G.Selassie. Modeling of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer recommendations for maize (Zea
mays L.) grown on alfisols of northwestern Ethiopia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 217 p. (T
Mohammed, Tesfaye Ertebo. Influence of soil moisture content, soil texture and quantity of plant residues applied
to soil on nitrogen mineralization. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 94 p. (T E27879)
Narin Ruangpanit. Evaluation of seed storage protein profile of high protein soybeans influencing by nitrogen and
sulfur supply. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 84 p. (T E26630)
Nataya Pariyaprasirt. Gaseous fuels storage on adsorbents part I : ethane. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1995. 41 p. (T E9417)
National Research Council of Thailand. Ecology of nitrogen economy in tropical and temperate paddy soil as
affecting the efficient use of lowland soil : agriculture production section NRCT-JSPS cooperative research
project. Bangkok : NRC, 1981. 37 leaves. (R E1021)
Patma Vityakon. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability as influenced by litter of various agroforestry trees of
northeast Thailand : relationship to litter quality. Khon Kaen : Department of Land Resources and
Environment, Khon Kaen University, 2002. 23 p. (R E18700)
Pawinee Klangtakai. Optical and structural characterization of GaAsN thin film and GaAsN/GaAs multiquantum
well with high nitrogen concentration grown by MOVPE. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 80 p.
(T E38631)
Ponlakit Jitto. A study of acid deposition in the central region of Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2004. 189 p. (T E25081)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 54]
Nitrogen (ตอ)
Pornlert yoovatana. Ratoonability of selected rice genotypes as affected by nitrogen management of the main
crop. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1993. xxx, 163 p. (T E6097)
Prateep Krasaesindhu. Nitrogen, potassium, and calcium nutrition effects on ion and dry matter accumulation in
rice (Oryza sativa L.). Lexington : University of Kentucky, 1975. 142 p. (T E22546)
Putth Songsangjinda. The role of suspended oyster culture on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles in
Hiroshima Bay. Hiroshima : Hiroshima University, 1998. 133 p. (T E11927)
Ratiporn Haruenkit. The use of waste water from tapioca starch industry as a growth medium for nitrogen fixing
bacteria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (120 เฟรม). (T MF09643)
Songkiat Visuttipitakul. Accumulation of residual soil nitrogen and its relation to yield and nitrogen content of red
beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in the lockyer valley. [S.l.] : University of Queensland, 1976. 111 p. (T E22674)
Suparb Paramee. Estimation of regional biogeochemical fluxes of nitrogen in the Chao Phraya river basin.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 250 p. (T E23002)
Tanuwong Sangtiean. Nitrogen source utilisation of ectomycorrhizal fungi, myrtaceous host plants and cluster
rooted Hakca from subtropical Australian plant communities. Brisbane : University of Queensland, 1999.
153 p. (T E19131)
Vithaya Suriyapananont. Nitrogen requirements for container-grown schefflera (Schefflera actinophylla Harms) in
Bank growth mix. Mississippi : Mississippi State University, 1979. 93 p. (T E22398)
ไตรเทพ วิชยโกวิทเทน. การดูดซับสารประกอบไนโตรเจนในรูปธาตุอาหารในน้ําของหญาทะเล (Enhalus acoroides) =
Absorption of nitrogen compounds as nutrient in water by seagrass (Enhalus acoroides). ชลบุรี : สถานีวิจัย
ประมงศรีราชา สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [2542]. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลขหนา). (ว
Nitrogen compounds
Apichart Srisirikulwattana. Effects of nitrogen compounds on catalytic reforming of n-hexane. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 121 p. (T E10557)
Jirdsak Tscheikuna. Influence of nitrogen compounds on hydrogenation of Benzene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1994. 64 p. (R E9365)
Jumras Limtrakul. H-bond affinities of some nitrogen heterocycles. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. 7 p. (R
Kanchana Watla-iad. Spectrophotometric sequential injection systems for the determination of some nitrogen
compounds. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 139 p. (T E39359)
Narisara Intrachandra. Effects of nitrogen compounds on hydrogenation of benzene using raney nickel catalyst.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 88 p. (T E6809)
Simorn May. An investigation of wet deposition of nitrogen compounds associated with rainfall in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 106 p. (T E40626)
Sutida Chantalaka. Influence of nitrogen compounds on hydrodesulfurization of thiophene. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 95 p. (T E6838)
Wanlop Benjachokchai. Nitrates and nitrites in tightly closed container fruit juice available in Thailand and their
daily intake. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17605)
Weeraya Lertwanitch. Identification of a nitrogen-containing compound in flowers of Aglaia odorata Lour. and
synthesis of 1-methyl-2-piperidone derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xx, 165 p. (T
Nitrogen cycle
Uehara, Yoichi. Improvement of soil fertility through nitrogen cycle in upland soil of Thailand. Bangkok :
Department of Agriculture, 1985. 195 leaves. (R E2409)
Nitrogen dioxide
Apaphan Silprasert. An evaluation of UK-ADMS model for a prediction of NO2 concentration over Map Ta Phut
area. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 96 p. (R E13474)
Shakya, Kabindra Man. Passive sampling of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide in ambient air. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 81 p. (T E24907)
Wacharapol Boonsiri. A prediction of ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration over Map Ta Phut area.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 231 p. (R E13460)
Warangkhana Khaodee. Development of passive samplers for determination of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide
and ozone in ambient air. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 169 p. (T E35149)
Woraphan Puchanyaporn. Development of empirical modeling for nitrogen dioxide prediction in Thailand. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2006. 147 p. (T E35746)
Nitrogen fertilizers
Dinh, Tran Thi. Nitrogen fertilizer management for soybean in oxisol. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997.
102 p. (T E12288)
Gan, Yinbo. Nitrogen fertilizer management in vegetable soybeans. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1993. xii,
113 p. (T E7977)
Manas Sanmaneechai. Nitrogen fertilization in sequential cropping. Pullman : Washington State University, 1980.
131 p. (T E40556)
Nualchavee Roongtanakiat. The behaviour of ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers applied to soils of different
pH values for corn as indicated by 15N. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (xxix), 184 p. (T E7619)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 55]
Nitrogen fertilizers (ตอ)
Somchit Opastrakul. Effect of genotype, nitrogen fertilizer rate and time of drainage on yield, milling quality and
economic returns of rice production. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 132 p. (T E10155)
Suriya Sarnkhuankaew. Response of three varieties of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) to varying rates
of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation frequencies in northern Thailand. Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon
State University, 1992. xvii, 168 p. (T E6282)
Xiagming, Fan. Grain yield assessment of quality protein maize in different environments using a modeling
approach. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 144 p. (T E9608)
ประพฤติ พรหมสมบูรณ. อิทธิพลของเชื้อไรโซเบียมและอัตราปุยไนโตรเจนตอการเจริญเติบโตและการตรึงไนโตรเจนของถั่ว
เขียว พันธุกําแพงแสน 1 = Effects of rhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer rates on growth and
nitrogen fixation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek ; var. Kamphaengsaen I). [ชลบุรี : คณะ
เกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล], 2540. 80 หนา. (ว 100616 ฉ.1; 103071 ฉ.2)
Nitrogen fertilizers--Chiang Mai
Budsara Limnirankul. Assessing nitrogen fertilizer management for red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in
highland. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 102 p. (T E11749)
Nitrogen fertilizers--Control
P. Pannangpetch. Model of N allocation and synthesis of dry matter. [S.l. : s.n.], [19--]. 87 p. (R E9146)
Nitrogen fertilizers--Vietnam
Tran, Thi Thu Ha. Nitrogen fixation of soybean as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application at different growth
stages in Central Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 84 p. (T E12729)
Nitrogen fixation
Boontariga Wongwaitayakul. Purification and characterization of glutamine synthetase in klebsiella spp. r15.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xiii, 87 p. (T E6955)
จารุรัตน เอี่ยมศิริ. การคัดเลือกแบคทีเรียตรึงไนโตรเจนบนผิวใบขาว = Selection of nitrogen fixing bacteria on rice
phyllosphere. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 111 หนา. (วพ 104569)
บุญฤทธิ์ สินคางาม. บทบาทของเชื้อแบคทีเรียตรึงไนโตรเจนและสารควบคุมการเจริญเติบโตของพืชตอหญาแฝก = Effect of
associative nitrogen fixing bacteria and plant growth regulators on vetiver grass. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยแม
โจ, 2542. 140 หนา. (วพ 99333)
Nitrogen fixation genes
Duangporn Emampaiwong. Development of primers for identification of fast- or slow- growing bacteria isolated
from soybean root nodules. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 90 p. (T E35888)
Nitrogen heterocycles
Vanida Choomuenwai. The ritter reaction of some nitrogen heterocycles. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 220 p. (T E20045)
Nitrogen in agriculture
Adhikary, Bishnu Hari. Enhancing effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on Azolla (Azolla microphylla) in rice
production in acid sulphate soil. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1997. 157 p. (T E11348)
Nitrogen in agriculture--Vietnam
Tran, Thi Thu Ha. Nitrogen fixation of soybean as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application at different growth
stages in Central Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 84 p. (T E12729)
Nitrogen mass
Vikanda Thongnuckhang. Nitrogen removal from concentrated latex wastewater by land treatment. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 110 p. (T E23476)
Nitrogen monooxide
Woraratana Pattaraprakorn. Cu ion-exchanged copper aluminosilicate catalysts for nitric oxide removal under
excess oxygen atmosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 137 p. (T E19550)
Nitrogen monoxide
Janthawan Pincharoenthaworn. Effects of hydrocarbons on the performance of Cu/Na-MFI catalyst for NOx
removal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 128 p. (T E19534)
Nitrogen oxides
Chatchai Kunyawut. Reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia on cation-exchanged zeolite catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1993. x, 93 p. (T E7624)
Sirinkan Isarangura na ayutthaya. Roles of NOx on the formation and the removal of an intermediate of the NOx
reduction by hydrocarbons on zeolite catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 98 p. (T
Nitrogen rato
Parinya Noomnual. Factors affecting treatment efficiency and growth of Chlorella sp. in treated septage. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 150 p. (T E20175)
Boontariga Wongwaitayakul. Purification and characterization of glutamine synthetase in klebsiella spp. r15.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xiii, 87 p. (T E6955)
Chanikarn Koomnok. Diazotroph endophytic bacteria in cultivated and wild rice in Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2006. 161 p. (T E35250)
Chetsadaporn Pitaksutheepong. Association effect of nitrogen-fixing klebsiella sp. and rice on rice lectin. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 76 p. (T E6844)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 56]
Nitrogen--Fixation (ตอ)
Fuglie, Keith. The performance of biological nitrogen fixation technology in the tropics : evidence from northeast
Thailand. Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 1988. 49 p. (R E13050)
Malee Saeguay. Nitrogen fixation and ammonium assimilation in rice inoculated with Klebsiella oxytoca R15.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 87 p. (T E8491)
Netnaphis Chinanonwait. Homology of nod genes in associative nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1994. 107 p. (T E8504)
Patcharee Jearanaikoon. Selection and characterization of salt-tolerant strains of Rhizobium phaseoli = การ
คัดเลือกสายพันธุและการศึกษาคุณสมบัติของ Rhizobium phaseoli ที่ทนเค็ม. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1985. 2 microfiches (119 fr.). (T MF20028)
Patcharin Tanya. Locating SSR marker linking to QTLs association with N2 fixation components in soybean.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 85 p. (T E34102)
Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern. Nitrogen fixation of leguminous trees and nutrient cycling under agroforestry system of
the northeast. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, [2000]. 6 p. (R E15696)
Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern. Nutrient cycling of leguminous tree species through litter fall I. Nitrogen fixation of
leguminous tree species in the Northeast of Thailand. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen
University, [1998]. 7 p. (R E13176)
Sawai Pongkao. Effect of juvenile leaf removal on symbiotic N fixation and yield of Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.)
wilezek). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1994. vol. (R E8753)
Siras Sulanchupakorn. Expression of nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes in 6 strains of Bradyrhizobium
japonicum under different temperatures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 56 p. (T E36099)
Somchoke Kala. Selection of TnAraOut mutants from nitrogen-fixing and heat tolerant Sinorhizobium fredii S174.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 86 p. (T E27729)
Sudsiri Katatikorn. Effects of neem seed kernel extract on bradyrhizobium species cultures and on Bradyrhizobium
species nitrogen firation and nodulation of yard-long bean (Vigna sinensis Var. Sesquipendalis). Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 73 p. (T E13719)
Suwanna Suthisukon. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with
rice (Oryza sativa L.). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 82 p. (T E7373)
Tran, Thi Thu Ha. Nitrogen fixation of soybean as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application at different growth
stages in Central Vietnam. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 84 p. (T E12729)
Wang Guofa. Evaluation of soybean in saturated soil culture related to its adaptation and nitrogen fixation = การ
ปรับตัวและการตรึงไนโตรเจนในถั่วเหลืองปลูกในสภาพดินอมน้ํา. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1990. 2
microfoches (114 fr.). (T MF20504)
ประทีป เอี๊ยบเจริญ. อิทธิพลของการใสเชื้อแบคทีเรียตรึงไนโตรเจน ตอการเจริญเติบโตของหญาแฝก = Effect of associative
nitrogen fixing bacteria inoculation on the growth of vetiver grass. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2542. 148
หนา. (วพ 99622)
ประพฤติ พรหมสมบูรณ. อิทธิพลของเชื้อไรโซเบียมและอัตราปุยไนโตรเจนตอการเจริญเติบโตและการตรึงไนโตรเจนของถั่ว
เขียว พันธุกําแพงแสน 1 = Effects of rhizobium inoculation and nitrogen fertilizer rates on growth and
nitrogen fixation of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek ; var. Kamphaengsaen I). [ชลบุรี : คณะ
เกษตรศาสตรบางพระ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราชมงคล], 2540. 80 หนา. (ว 100616 ฉ.1; 103071 ฉ.2)
Mothinee Aopreeya. Removal of total nitrogen and phosphorus in shrimp farm effluent by burned blood cockle
shell. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 91 p. (T E40322)
Weeraya Lertwanitch. Identification of a nitrogen-containing compound in flowers of Aglaia odorata Lour. and
synthesis of 1-methyl-2-piperidone derivatives. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xx, 165 p. (T
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Sompong Meunchang. Utilization of sugar mill by-products, N2-fixing bacteria and rhizobacteria in plant
production. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 152 p. (T E23034)
Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms
Ladda Saengduan. A comparative study of glotamine synthetase in free-living Klebsiella R15 and in Klebsiella R15
associated with rhizosphere of rice. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. 74 p. (T E8572)
Nitrogen-fixing plants
Poontariga Harinasut. Isolation and characterization of some nitrogen fixing aerobic diaz trophic bacteria from rice
rhizosphere. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1981. 2 แผน (114 เฟรม). (T MF09067)
Somporn Choonluchanon. Preservation of azolla-anabaena symbiotic system as nitrogen fixing biofertilizer in Thai
paddy fields. Fukuoka : Kyushu University, 1995. 163 p. (T E10380)
Piengporn Loratsachan. Performance comparison between cobalt aluminosilicate and cobalt ion-exchanged MFI
catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogenmonoxide with methane in the presence of excess
oxygen. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 151 p. (T E12843)
Nitrogenous compounds
Ongart Pipitharome. Determination of nitrogenous compounds in common cold medicines by capillary
electrophoresis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 177 p. (T E20032)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 57]
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Effect of nitroglycerin on the animal model of temporomandibular pain. Chiang Mai :
Department of Odontology and Oral Pathology Chiang Mai University, 2007. 24 p. (R E36998)
Thiraporn Anuntasethakul. Hyposerotonin-induced nitric oxide supersensitivity of trigeminovascular system in rat :
a hypothetic mechanism of migraine pathogenesis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 238 p. (T
Chalermchai Ruangchainikom. Regeneration of 4-nitrophenol-adsorbed activated carbon by Fenton's reagent.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 75 p. (T E21955)
Subuntith Makekhayai. Biodegradation of methyl parathion, p-Nitrophenol and p-Aminophenol under anoxic
conditions. New Jersey : University of New Jersey, 2000. 162 p. (T E16246)
Pradit Tungskul. Genotoxicity of five nitrosamines and their inhibition by moist snuff extract in the drosophila wing
spot assay. Illinois : Illinois State University, 1993. ix, 165 p. (T E6056)
Nitrosated products
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products using the
somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T E21127)
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products using the
somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T E21127)
Pannee Hankimhun. Mutagenic potential of raw and pickled fruits and vegetables treated with nitrite. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1997. 59 p. (T E11536)
Ratiya Charoensakdi. Mutagenic potential of Thai fermented soy bean products and their nitrosated products.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. x, 102 p. (T E7124)
Suppakit Wattanasillapapreecha. A study of antimutagenic and antineoplastic effects of processed and nonprocessed teas in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 102 p. (T E12482)
Somchai Pinlaor. Oxidative and nitrosative DNA damage in hamsters infected with Opisthorchis viverrini during
acute, chronic and re-infection. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 62 p. (R E24082)
Nitroso compounds
Kanocvan Manoonphol. Direct mutagenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) treated with nitrite
in simulated gastric condition : comparison between authentic PAHs and PAH-containing fraction derived
from smoked and charcoal-broited foods using ames assay. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 108 p. (T
Naranin Markman. Trypsin inhibiting effect and possible formation of nitroso compound of conventional Thai
mushrooms. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xi, 106 p. (T E8247)
Pensri Pipatchollatee. Determination of volatile N-nitrosamines in industrial air. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1989. xvii, 106 p. (T E6608)
Vasana Jitima. Hazard of beverages interacted with nitrite in the present of vitamin C : direct mutagenic potential
and nitroso compound formation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 111 p. (T E7130)
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116 fr.).
(T MF19991)
Pensri Pipatchollatee. Determination of volatile N-nitrosamines in industrial air. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1989. xvii, 106 p. (T E6608)
Pradit Tungskul. Genotoxicity of five nitrosamines and their inhibition by moist snuff extract in the drosophila wing
spot assay. Illinois : Illinois State University, 1993. ix, 165 p. (T E6056)
Philaiphark Choomark. Effect of rice, guava and tangerine on the formation of some volatile N-nitroso compounds
from broiled cuttle fish in simulated gastric condition. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 194 p. (T
Pisamai Kijkuokool. The effects of genistein on NMU-induced tumorigenesis and mammary tumor growth in adult
female rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 123 p. (T E38636)
Nopamart Trakranrungsie. Evaluating the effect of naturally occurring organosulfur compounds on peroxynitrite
induced oxidative stress in milk-derived polymorphonuclear neutrophills by using intracellular F2isoprostane and introtyrosine levels as biomarkers. Nakhon Pathom : Faculty of Veterinary Mahidol
University, 2006. 24 p. (R E34678)
Nitrous oxide
Kruamas Smakgahn. Empirical model and process base model application on methane and nitrous oxide
emissions from Thai Rice Fields. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 159
p. (T E31360)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 58]
Nitrous oxide (ตอ)
Kunawut Boonyanopakun. Emission fluxes of nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and dimethyl sulfide from various
vegetation areas. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 128 p. (T E20799)
Nipat Peamaroon. Studies of N2O decomposition on Fe-ZSM5 zeolite catalysts. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2004. 87 p. (T E22274)
Panida Prompinit. Study of Fe-ZSM-5 preparation technique and room temperature N2O decomposition reaction.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 61 p. (T E26662)
Songphol Aungkapipattanachai. Effect of regeneration on the properties of palladium-silver catalysts in selective
hydrogenation of acetylene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 71 p. (T E34766)
Suwat Pabchanda. Reaction mechanisms of nitrous oxide decomposition and methane to methanol conversion
over modified zeolites. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 89 p. (T E29035)
Thanchanok Thongpaisanwong. Part 1 : Exploratory studies on the generation and the chemistry of 1, 1-difluoro1-phenylsulfanylmethyl radical Part 2 : New initiators for nitroxide-mediated living free radical
polymerization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 383 p. (T E33042)
ลิขิต ชูชิต. การเตรียมแพลงคตอนพืชในสกุล Navicula และ Nitzschia เพื่อใชเปนอาหารหอยโขงทะเลวัยออน = Some
technique on preparing of navicula and nitzschia for young abalone feed. นครปฐม : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนา
แหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร1 แผน (10 เฟรม). (ว MF21091)
NK cells
Sahapat Barusrux. Functional polymorphism of MICA and NK cell activation. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Associated
Medical Sciences Khon Kaen University, 2007. 29 p. (R E36974)
NMR imaging systems
Phisit Damrongkijkarn. Digital signal processor-based signal averager for NMR imaging systems. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiv, 120 p. (T E7444)
NMR titration
Thawatchai Tuntulani. Calix [4] arenequinone dimers as sensing agent for alkali and alkaline earth metal ions.
Bangkok : Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 166 p. (R E24174)
Pisamai Kijkuokool. The effects of genistein on NMU-induced tumorigenesis and mammary tumor growth in adult
female rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 123 p. (T E38636)
No confidence debates
Savitri Gadavanij. Discursive strategies for political survival : a critical discourse analysis of Thai no-confidence
debates. Leeds : University of Leeds, 2002. 294 p. (T E22159)
No smoking tobacco
กําธร ไพจิตต. การพัฒนาหลักสูตรฝกอบรม เรื่อง "สงเสริมการไมสูบบุหรี่" สําหรับอาสาสมัครสาธารณสุขประจําหมูบาน เขต
เทศบาล จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี = The development of training curriculum "The promotion of no smoking tobacco"
for village health volunteers in the municipal limits of Suphanburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร,
2542. 179 หนา. (วพ 107697)
No-confidence debate
สวัสดิ์ ศรลัมพ. การกลาวหาทางการเมืองของนักการเมืองไทย ศึกษาจากฐานขอมูลการอภิปรายทั่วไป = Political accusation
in Thai politics : a case study from the no-confidence debate of 1996. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกริก, 2542.
205 หนา. (ว 106445 ฉ.1; 110661 ฉ.2)
Turkelboom, Francis. On-farm diagnosis of steepland erosion in northern Thailand : integrating spatial scales with
household strategies. Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1999. 309 p. (T E14395)
No-tillage cultivation
ชัยสิทธิ์ อินทรไพบูลย. การศึกษาการปลูกพืชแบบไมมีการไถพรวนในระบบการปลูกพืชแบบตามลําดับของจังหวัดพิษณุโลก =
Study on no-tillage in sequential cropping systems in Phitsanulok province. พิษณุโลก : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีราช
มงคล วิทยาเขตพิษณุโลก, 2542. 36 หนา. (ว 108252)
Nongnuch Sripathomswat. A typical mycobacterium and nocardia species isolated from clinical specimens and
their in vitro sensitivity test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 19 p. (R E45c.1; E46c.2)
Nociceptin receptor
Saknan Bongsebandhu-phubhakdi. Roles for nociceptin in synaptic transmission and plasticity in the CA1 region of
the hippocampus. [S.l. : s.n.], 2006. 70 p. (T E36570)
Maroot Kaewwong. Effect of serotonin depletion and chemically-induced inflammation on nociceptive behavior
and expression of 5-HT2A receptor in rat central nervous system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2005. 175 p. (T E30102)
Noctiluca scintillans
ธีรพร สุรตระกูล. ผลของความเค็ม ความเปนกรด-เบสและความเขมขนของไนเตรตกับฟอสเฟตที่มีตอการเจริญของ Noctiluca
scintillans. ชลบุรี : มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2540. 81 หนา. (วพ 91439)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 59]
Noctiluca scintillans (ตอ)
วิบูลย รักเสรี. การเติบโตของ Noctiluca scintillans และผลของความหนาแนนเซลลตออัตราการตายของกุงกุลาดําวัยออนและ
ปลากะพงขาววัยรุน = Growth of Noctiluca scintillans and effect of cell concentrations on mortality rate of
black tiger shrimp larvae and juvenile sea bass.. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 96 หนา. (วพ
Noctiluca scintillants
Katanchalee Nampuksa. Genetic variation of Noctiluca scintillans in the inner Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 207 p. (T E40795)
Choosang Pangwangthong. Seasonal abundance and life tables of the cotton bollworm, heliothis armigera
(Hubner) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae), at Kamphaeng Saen campus, Nakhon Pathom.. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 1994. (vii), 74 p. (T E7067)
Kunnika Dejchaiyasak. Ecological study of the castor semilooper, Ophiusa janata (L.) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae),
and its parasites in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. (vi), 77 p. (T E7647)
Potchana Marasri. Monitoring for insecticide resistance in Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner) (Lepidoptera :
Noctuidae) at Dum Noen Saduak, Ratchaburi. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1999. 61 p. (T E14889)
Saritchai Titawattanakul. Population dynamics of castor semilooper (Achaea janata Linn.) (Noctuidae :
Lepidoptera) and its control. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1991. (vii), 57 p. (T E6389)
Sawai Buranapanichpan. Ecological study on the cotton bollworm, Heliothis armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera :
Noctuidae), and its natural enemies in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. (x), 146 p. (T
Watana Sakchoowong. Effects of entomopathongenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and
Metarhizium anisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin on teak defoliator (Hyblaea puera Cramer) (Lepidoptera :
Noctuidae). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1998. 56 p. (T E13534)
Nocturnal emissions
Chandrika Subasinghe. Determinants of knowledge on reproductive and sexual health among Sri Lankan youth.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 60 p. (T E12392)
Nocturnally subperiodic
เวช ชูโชติ. การศึกษาเพื่อคนหาชนิดของยุงที่อาจเปนพาหะนําโรคพยาธิฟลาเรีย ชนิด nocturnally subperiodic Wuchereria
bancrofti ในจังหวัดเชียงใหมของประเทศไทย. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2533. iv, 17 หนา. (ว 50114)
Nocturnallyt periodic wuchereria bancrofti
กัญญา ยวงทอง. ประสิทธิภาพของยา Diethylcarbamazine citrate ตอการตรวจหาพยาธิชนิด nocturnallyt periodic
wuchereria bancrofti เวลากลางวันในแรงงานชาวเมียนมาร จังหวัดระนอง. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 65
หนา. (วพ 91489)
Nodax Copolymer
Adchara Padermshoke. The thermally induced phase transformation of Nodax copolymer monitored by twodimensionalinfrared spectroscopy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 144 p. (T E24973)
Nodulation genes
Duangporn Emampaiwong. Development of primers for identification of fast- or slow- growing bacteria isolated
from soybean root nodules. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 90 p. (T E35888)
Saranya Khumwongsa. Endophytic fungi isolated from Morinda citrifolia L. leaves and twigs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 154 p. (T E25118)
Kanokporn Changtong. Generalization of some theorems in module theory to skewmodules. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 37 p. (T E16665)
Noh plays
Saowalak Suriyawongpaisal. The parent-child image in Noh plays. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 40
p. (R E35958c.1; E35959c.2)
Krittika Lertsawat. Prediction of noise emission from power plant by a mathematical model. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 131 p. (T E11329)
Nipaporn Iumsungwan. Relationship between acoustic and non-acoustic factors and the degree of annoyance of
people nearby a metal product factory in Prapradang district, Samutprakarn province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 127 p. (T E20176)
Nongluk Eksuwan. Effects of noise and organic solvent exposure on upper limit of hearing in male workers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T E21709)
Rawid Banchuin. Noise analysis of the 6th order Bessel-Thomson low-pass ladder filter using practical 4-OTA
simulated floating inductors. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 161 p. (R
Sitthichok Puangthongthup. A study of noise attenuation efficiency in earplugs modified by inserting lead capsules
into their stems. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 81 p. (T E14032)
Noise control
Marupong Tansatcha. Utilization of GIS platform for uninterrupted flow traffic noise forecasting. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 153 p. (T E39373)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 60]
Noise control (ตอ)
Suthichai Noppanakeepong. Study of shot noise control for high reliability optical communication. Tokyo : Tokyo
Institute of Technology, 1996. 97 p. (T E11037)
Vichai Rairat. Design and fabrication of plenum chamber silencer for noise attenuation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 99 p. (T E21043)
Noise hazard
Krisada Asawarungsaengkul. Analytical design of effective industrial noise hazard prevention strategy and
auditory warning system for adequate audibility. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn International Institute of
Technology, 2007. 105 p. (T E38017)
Noise induced hearing loss
Darunee Daungrussami. Noise-induced hearing loss among Royal Thai Air Force pilots. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 88 p. (T E14208)
Wandee Boonhai. A study of the hearing in the Royal Thai Navy Cadets of Royal Thai Naval Academy. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 67 p. (T E21189)
Noise level
กลา มณีโชติ. การศึกษาระดับเสียงและระดับการไดยินของพนักงานขับรถดีเซลไฟฟา ของการรถไฟแหงประเทศไทย = Study
on noise level and hearing threshold of diesel locomotive driver of the State Railway of Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 132 หนา. (วพ 98128)
Noise pollution
Chamnong Thanapop. Relationship between industrial noise level and community subjective response. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 126 p. (T E13922)
Khan, Malik Mohammad Saeed. Acceleration noise as a measure of traffic operations on arterials in Bangkok.
Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1970. 114 p. (T E22652)
Nantawan V.Singhakachen. The factors influencing Bangkok residents' annoyance regarding noise. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 127 p. (T E33593)
Parinya Mungkung. Knowledge and practice on air pollution and noise pollution in Bangkok : a case study of subinspector traffic polices in Metropolitan Police Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 180 p. (T
Paweena Jongpaiboonkit. A study of the noise pollution impact, caused by the behaviors of rafting tourism in
Amphoe Muang, Kanchanaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 137 p. (T E17388)
Saijai Pinijvechakarn. Effect of noise to workers in textite factory. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 3 แผน (168
เฟรม). (T MF09194)
Somkiat Lainumcharoen. Factors affecting self-protection behavior from noise pollution by officers of Airports of
Thailand Public Company Limited. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 118 p. (T E20931)
Thanyawat Pothisiri. Structural damage detection and assessment from spatially sparse and noise-polluted modal
response. Urbana : University of Illinois, 2001. 126 p. (T E15966)
จํารูญ จิรัฏฐิติ. การศึกษามลพิษอากาศและเสียงในสถานศึกษาจังหวัดนนทบุรี. นนทบุรี : ศูนยอนามัยสิ่งแวดลอมเขต 1 กรม
อนามัย, 2541. 45 หนา. (ว 99513)
Noise pollution--Control
Kittisak Prukkanone. An information system for selection single-leaf partitions for noise control. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 167 p. (T E33596)
Noise processing
Sanya Mitaim. Adaptive stochatic resonance and noise processing in nonlinear systems for cross-relation
performance measure. Pathum Thani : Faculty of Engineering Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus,
2002. 1 vol(in various pagings). (R E19610)
Noise protection equipment
กัณวีย ตระกูลแสง. ความรู บุคลิกภาพ ทัศนคติ ตอการใชอุปกรณปองกันเสียงดังของพนักงานในโรงงานอุตสาหกรรม =
Knowledge, personalities and attitudes towards the use of noise protection of employees in industry.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 207 หนา. (วพ 105667)
สุภาพ ไชยนิตย. ผลของโปรแกรมการสงเสริมพฤติกรรมการใชอุปกรณปองกันเสียงเพื่อปองกันอันตรายจากมลพิษทางเสียง
ของตํารวจจราจรในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = Effectiveness of behavioral promotion programme of using ear
protective equipment for noise protection among policemen in Bangkok Metropolitan area. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 117 หนา. (วพ 105648)
Noise reduction
Snitnard Lertmanokul. Traffic noise reduction in telephone conversation hearing with non-linear spectral
subtraction method. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 55 p. (R E31418)
Vichai Rairat. Design and fabrication of plenum chamber silencer for noise attenuation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 99 p. (T E21043)
Noise-induced hearing loss
ณัฐญา มาประดิษฐ. ความชุกและพฤติกรรมในการปองกันโรคหูตึงเหตุอาชีพ ของผูปฏิบัติงานฝายผลิตและฝายบํารุงรักษาใน
โรงไฟฟาพลังความรอนและโรงไฟฟาพลังความรอนรวม การไฟฟาฝายผลิตแหงประเทศไทย = Prevalence and
preventive behaviors against occupational noise-induced hearing loss in product and maintenance workers
of thermal power plants and combined cycle plants of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 118 หนา. (วพ 108779)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 61]
Nom Sao
กฤษณา มงคลพุทธรักษา. ผลของปุยยูเรียและโปแตสเซียมไนเตรทตอการเจริญเติบโตของตนกลากลวยพันธุนมสาวที่ไดจาก
การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อ = Effect of urea and potassium nitrate on growth of banana (MUSA AAB group) cv.
"Nomsao" planlets from tissue culture. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (28
เฟรม). (ว MF21193)
่ = Effect of hardening period on growth of banana (Musa. spp (AAB group) cv. Nom Sao)
from tissue culture propagation. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2537. 1 แผน (29 เฟรม). (ว
Thitima Kuljarachanan. Evolution of antioxidant compounds during drying of lime residues. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 103 p. (R E40700)
Nominal group technique
ศิริรัตน ศรีสอาด. การศึกษาประเภทของบุคลิกภาพของสมาชิก และขนาดของกลุมที่สงผลตอการประเมินความตองการจําเปน
โดยใชเทคนิคกลุมสมมตินัย = A study of personality types of group members and group sizes affecting
needs assessment by using nominal group technique. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 151 หนา.
(วพ 109110)
Nominal rate of protection
อัครพงษ อั้นทอง. ตนทุนการใชทรัพยากรภายในประเทศของอุตสาหกรรมไทย = Domestic resource cost of Thai
industries. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 168 หนา. (วพ 113150)
Khemmarin Boonprakong. Study of nominalization in subordinate clause beginning with que from the corpus in
the french contemparary press. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2002. 200 p. (T E18671)
Ubolrat Thengtrirat. A study of nominals in scientific texts. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 1 แผน (54 เฟรม).
(T MF09361)
Montira Tantasawat. The development of extended-interval amikacin nomogram for Thai pediatric patients with
neutropenic fever. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 149 p. (T E33171)
Ratchadaporn Wisai. Pharmacokinetics of gentamicin and nomogram of high dose and extended dosing interval
gentamicin. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 122 p. (T E20658)
Nomuraea rileyi
Chutarat Charoensiripolkit. Study on the toxicity of Nomuraea rileyi in rats and guinea pigs. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 134 p. (T E17629)
Pannipa Prompiboon. Investigation of the toxic metabolites produced by Nomuraea rileyi. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 112 p. (T E20444)
Phornpoj Srisukchayakul. Studies on pathogenicity of local isolate of Nomuraea rileyi against Spodoptera litura.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 103 p. (T E20067)
Non essential drugs
Cheraporn Ruangcherachuporn. Implementation of essential drug policy in public hospitals. Bangkok : National
Institute of Development Administration, 2001. 225 p. (T E18713)
Non nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Chutitorn Ketloy. Genotypic resistance to nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HIV-1
infected patients by duplex selective polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001.
68 p. (T E19627)
Non resorbable
Strietzel, Frank P.. Healing pattern of bone defects covered by different membrane types-a histologic study in the
porcine mandible. Berlin : Department of Oral Surgery and Dental Radiology Humboldt-University, [2003].
25 p. (R E20898)
Non viable cells
ภาวิณี คณาสวัสดิ์. การผลิตซอรบิทอลและเอทานอลโดยเอนไซมตรึงจากเซลลไรชีวิต ของ Zymomonas mobilis =
Production of sorbitol and ethanol by immobilized enzymes from non viable cells of Zymomonas mobilis.
เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2537]. 89 หนา. (ว 99403)
Non-accelerating inflation rate unemployment
Taweewan Sidthidet. Estimates of the NAIRU in Canada. Waterloo : University of Waterloo, 2000. 62 p. (T
Non-acoustic factors
Nipaporn Iumsungwan. Relationship between acoustic and non-acoustic factors and the degree of annoyance of
people nearby a metal product factory in Prapradang district, Samutprakarn province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 127 p. (T E20176)
Non-binding constraints
Wanyok Atisattapong. Identifying non-binding constraints in linear programming problems using supervised
learning neural networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 90 p. (T E27785)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 62]
Non-biodegradable organic contaminants
Pramoch Rangsunvigit. Photocatalytic degradation of non-biodegradable organic contaminants in wastewaters.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 79 p. (R E20252)
Non-commissioned officers
Chatpimon Choonprasan. An application of social marketing to promote dietary consumption and exercise
behaviors in decreasing hyperlipidemia among non-commissioned officers in Fort Suranaree,
Nakornrajasima province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 122 p. (T E17595)
Non-commissioned patrol officers
Chanchai Natsonamai. Factors in performance of the patrol police officers in Ampher Muang provincial police
station in Nakhonpathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T E17815)
Non-commissioned police
Nuttaphol Sitanonth. Factors affecting and protection against motorcycle accidents : a case study of Kanchanaburi
non-commissioned police. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 105 p. (T E17817)
Non-commissioned Police Officer--Bangkok
Withee Phoosit. The influencing factors on job stress of non-commissioned police officers in metropolitan police
stations in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 130 p. (T E23812)
Non-commissioned police officers
Thanuthep Ritiluechai. Factors affecting non-commissioned police officers in Drug Investigation Subdivision,
Metropolitan Police Bureau. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 139 p. (T E19731)
Non-commutive geometry
Bertozzini, Paolo. Modular spectral triples in non-commutative geometry and physics. Bangkok : Department of
Mathematics and Statisics Thammasat University, 2005. 22 p. (R E30242)
Nisarat Yoosook. Non-compliance behavior of tuberculosis patients in marginalized living contexts. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 86 p. (T E34158)
Non-conventional media
Threerapong Theppakorn. Production, stability and behavior in non-conventional media of cysteine proteases
from papaya (Carica papaya L.) latex. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 129 p. (T E21496)
Non-decimal bases
เพ็ญจันทร เงียบประเสริฐ. การศึกษาประสิทธิภาพของปฏิบัติการบลอกแบบรวมแรงรวมใจที่มีตอการเรียนรูคณิตศาสตร เรื่องเลข
ฐานอื่น = The effects of multi-base blocks laboratory with cooperative learning in mathematics on nondecimal bases. ภูเก็ต : คณะครุศาสตร สถาบันราชภัฏภูเก็ต, 2543. 170 หนา. (ว 108792)
Non-destructive analysis
Development of a nondestructive method for elemental analysis by pulsed beam prompt gamma-ray
technique. เชียงใหม : ภาควิชาฟสิกส มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2543. 84 หนา. (ว 108280ฉ.1; 167411ฉ.2)
Non-destructive testing
นิธิ บุรณจันทร. หัวตรวจสอบพื้นผิวสําหรับการตรวจสอบดวยกระแสไหลวน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา
ธนบุรี, 2541. 45 หนา. (ว 99704)
วชิระ มีทอง. เครื่องจักรกลสําหรับการตรวจสอบดวยผงแมเหล็กในระบบงานอุตสาหกรรม. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยี
พระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 41 หนา. (ว 99705)
Non-destructive testing systems
Widjaja, Joewono. Joint transform correlator by using compressed reference images for non-destructive testing.
Nakhon Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2007. 17 p. (R E37391c.1; E37392c.2)
Non-enzymatic browning
Marisa Rattanathanalerk. Effect of thermal processing on the quality loss of pineapple juice. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 88 p. (R E22139)
Non-Euclidean space
Saichon Jaiyen. Weight adjusting for a self-organizing artificial neural network in non-Euclidean space. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 47 p. (T E23063)
Rigg, Jonathan. Rural life and economy in an integrating world : a study from Thailand. [S.l. : s.n.], 2000. 25 p.
(R E19232)
Non-follower force
Pisuttawan Sripirom. Large deflections of a cantilever beam using intrinsic coordinate finite elements. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 91 p. (T E18572)
Non-formal education
Armstrong, Gregory. Some aspects of policy formulation, implementation and decentralization in the Thai
nonformal education development project : part 1. Toronto : University of Toronto, 1981. 423 p. (T
Armstrong, Gregory. Some aspects of policy formulation, implementation and decentralization in the Thai
nonformal education development project : part 2. Toronto : University of Toronto, 1981. p.424-745. (T
Bernard, Anne Kathleen. System evaluation : a case study of the Thai Department of Nonformal Education; part
1. Toronto : University of Toronto, 1981. 237 p. (T E11889)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 63]
Non-formal education (ตอ)
Boonlert Songsawang. Non-formal education and rural development along Thai-Kampuchean border. Manila :
Technological of the Philippines, 1989. 157 p. (T E40245)
Pitak Sritawan. State and problems in operating of formal and nonformal education in Krabikrabong organization.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 196 p. (T E24539)
Sannipa Chotikapanich. The development of non-formal English language education in Thailand : a case study of
English conversation schools. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 175 p. (T E18662)
Sanun Karnka. Local participation in small video format production for rural quality of life improvement in
northeast Thailand : a participatory message development model approach. Malaysia : University Pertanian
Malaysia, 1994. xxii, 279 p. (T E7791)
นิรมล สุธรรมกิจ. บทบาทของภาคเอกชนในการจัดการศึกษานอกระบบโรงเรียนสายอาชีพ หลักสูตรระยะสั้น = The role of
private sector on short-term non-formal vocational education. [ม.ป.ท. : ม.ป.พ.], [2540]. 187 หนา. (ว
98856ฉ.1; 153493ฉ.2)
รัชนี บุญเรือง. การศึกษานอกโรงเรียนสําหรับแรงงานเด็ก : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีโครงการแรงงานเด็ก มูลนิธิเพื่อการพัฒนาเด็ก.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 204 หนา. (วพ 99151)
เสกสรรค ธรรมวงศ. ความพึงพอใจของนักศึกษาผูใหญที่มีตอการใหบริการดานการเรียนการสอน สายสามัญ ระดับประถมศึกษา
: ศึกษากรณี โรงเรียนผูใหญสตรีบางเขน ทัณฑสถานหญิงกลาง = Adult learners' satisfaction toward primary
education service : a case study of Bangkhen Woman Adult school, Central Women Corrections Office.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร, 2541. 125 หนา. (วพ 98955)
Non-formal education students
พิมพลักษณ ดีสวัสดิ์. ความตั้งใจยายถิ่นเพื่อหางานทําของนักศึกษาผูใหญ หลักสูตรการศึกษานอกโรงเรียนในพื้นที่ที่มีระดับการ
พัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมแตกตางกัน ในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือตอนลาง. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 183
หนา. (วพ 93202)
Non-formal education--Bangkok
Malee Intarasook. Factors associated with the effectiveness of the functional literacy program in Klong-toei
community, Bangkok Thailand, 1986-1987. Quezon City : University of the Philippines, 1987. 108 p. (T
มัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย สังกัดศูนยการศึกษานอกโรงเรียนกรุงเทพมหานคร 2 = A study of the achievement of
population and quality of life subject of high school adult learners in non-formal education center area 2 in
Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 156 หนา. (วพ 99490)
Non-formal education--Chon Buri
ศักดาพงศ ระพิพันธุ. การศึกษาประสิทธิผลการนําความรูไปใชของผูจบวิชาชีพการศึกษานอกโรงเรียนหลักสูตรระยะสั้น ในเขต
อําเภอพนัสนิคม จังหวัดชลบุรี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 134 หนา. (วพ 99235)
Non-formal education--Khon Kaen
เอกราช ตรันเจริญ. การศึกษาการบริหารงานของโรงเรียนเอกชนที่จัดการศึกษานอกระบบโรงเรียน สาขาคอมพิวเตอร ในจังหวัด
ขอนแกน = A study of management in private non-formal computer schools in Khon Kaen province.
ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 151 หนา. (วพ 100139)
Non-formal education--Maha Sarakham
Srisawang Leowarin. Nonformal education in Thailand : a community based learning system for neo-literates and
rural poor analysis and case studies in Mahasarakham province. Leuven : Katholieke University Leuven,
1992. xvii, 368 p. (T E6648)
Non-formal education--Nonthaburi
กิ่งกาญจน ตั้งศรีไพร. วิธีการเรียนรูดวยการนําตนเองของนักศึกษาการศึกษานอกโรงเรียนสายสามัญ ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอน
ปลาย วิธีเรียนทางไกลในจังหวัดนนทบุรี = Self-directed learning method of distance non-formal upper
secondary education students in Nonthaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 146 หนา.
(วพ 100886)
Non-formal education--Sukhothai
Srisopar Mejaroen. Participation of village headmen in the non formal education program of Sukhothai, Thailand.
Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1993. xvii, 144 p. (T E7268)
Non-formal education--Thailand, Eastern
Salinee Somtopjaruenkul. Effectiveness of the beneficiaries of non-formal education short-term programs in
eastern region, Thailand. Manila : Technological University of the Philippines, 1993. xiii, 124 p. (T E6093)
Usa Thanasoonthornroek. Non-formaldehyde durable press finishing of cotton fabric using acrylic acid/maleic acid
copolymer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 130 p. (T E16662)
Non-gaussian distribution
Termpong Soithong. The exact analysis of optimum combining with interference and noise in non-Gaussian fading
channels. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 51 p. (T E39676)
Non-gaussian fading model
Sirichai Hemrungrote. Performance study of optimum combining systems with an SIRP channel and multiple
cochannel interferers. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 76 p. (R
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 64]
Ekapong Hirunsirisawat. Wavelet analysis of cosmic microwave background anisotropy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 68 p. (T E27710)
Non-governmental organizations
Amara Pongsapich. Philanthropy, NGO activities and corporate funding in Thailand. Bangkok : Social Research
Institute Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 146 p. (R E8915 c.1; E12378 c.2)
Amara Pongsapich. Thailand nonprofit sector and social development. Bangkok : Social Research Institute,
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 187 p. (R E11953 c.1; E12388 c.2)
Arpapat Mungthanya. Understanding NGOs and their roles in development : an analysis of role and status of
development NGOs in Bangkok. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2005. 468 p.
(T E35458)
Chantana Banpasirichote. People's participation : a comparative study of Tambon council and non-governmental
organizations Bang Fang district and Muang district, northeast Thailand. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1982. 109 p. (T E22472)
Costa, LeeRay M.. Developing identities : the production of gender, culture and modernity in a northern Thai nongovernmental organization. Hawaii : University of Hawii, 2001. 508 p. (T E19036)
Knoll, Nathan. An evaluation of model village development programs in northern Thailand implemented by nongovernment organization : a case study of the Mckean Rehabilitation Institute villages extension service =
การประเมินผลหมูบานพัฒนาตัวอยางในภาคเหนือของประเทศไทยที่ดําเนินการโดยองคการพัฒนาเอกชน : กรณีศึกษา
่ การฟนฟูสภาพ. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 1997. 112 p.
(R E11365)
Pandey, Shashi Ranjan. Emerging gender issues and NGOs in Thailand. Madison : University of Wisconsin, 1999.
62 p. (R E15715 c.1; E15716 c.2)
Pariyar, Bhim Bahadur. The roles of NGOs in the adult education promotion in Nepal. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen
University, 2001. 171 p. (T E18510)
Pisanu Sangiampongsa. Governmental and nongovernmental organizations in Thailand : similarities and
differences in their characteristics and roles within public services and public policy. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 76 p. (R E17179)
ปรีดา ยันตพิเศษ. การศึกษาภาพลักษณขององคกรพัฒนาเอกชนตอการสรางจิตสํานึกของประชาชน : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี
สถาบันสิ่งแวดลอมไทย. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 182 หนา. (วพ 99188)
ภาวี กรีใจวัง. การสื่อสาร ทัศนคติและการมีสวนรวมขององคกรพัฒนาเอกชนในโครงการ "นักเรียนนายรอยตํารวจสัมผัสปญหา
ชุมชน" = Communication attitude and participation of NGOs in "Police Cadet Academy students and
community relation" project. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 122 หนา. (วพ 100488)
วิศิษฐ เอมประณีตร. ความพรอมในการปฏิบัติงานรวมระหวางองคกรพัฒนาเอกชนกับตํารวจในการแกปญหาอาชญากรรม =
Joint operation readiness between the police and non-governmental organization in the crime problem
solving. กรุงเทพฯ : กองวิจัยและพัฒนา กรมตํารวจ, 2540. 127 หนา. (ว 100151)
สุชินต ดรุณพันธ. การพัฒนากฎหมายในสวนของการมีสวนรวมขององคกรพัฒนาเอกชนในการพิทักษสิ่งแวดลอม = Law
development on the NGO paticipation for environmental protection. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2541. 242 หนา. (วพ 100474)
อภิชาติ เกตุทัต. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบปจจัยที่มีผลตอการตัดสินใจเลือกทํางานในองคกรพัฒนาเอกชนระหวางนักพัฒนารุนใหม
กับนักพัฒนารุนเกา : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีองคกรพัฒนาเอกชนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานครและปริมณฑล. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 161 หนา. (วพ 98831)
Non-governmental organizations--Thailand, Northeastern
Ikeuchi, Chigusa. The changing role of women in rural development and in constructing an NGO in Northeastern
Thailand : a case study of Panmai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 134 p. (T E21941)
Non-Halal food producer
Shibayama, Shinjiro. Comparative study of socio-economic conditions between members of housewife groups
engaging in Halal food and non-Halal food production in Pattani province. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2001. 115 p. (T E16949)
Non-HIV patients
Piam Soukhanouvong. Causes of fever in non-HIV patients in Chonburi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 82 p. (T E17697)
Uzzaman, Salim. Causes of fever in non-HIV patients in Chonburi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 83
p. (T E17668)
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma
Rajapat Khokkaseam. The risk factors associated with lymphoma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T
Tanin Intragumtornchai. Comparison of up-front high-dose therapy and autologous peripheral blood progenitor
cell transplantation with standard chemotherapy regimen (CHOP) in patients with poor prognosis advanced
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma : a randomized controlled trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 93 p.
(T E12797)
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma patients
Chadarat Somthong. A study of symptom management, symptom evaluation and management outcome in nonhodgkin's lymphoma patients receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 103 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 65]
Non-homomorphic compression
Sirinthorn Cheyasak. XPAQ : an XML packing and querying tool. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 110 p. (R
Non-insulin-depedent diabetes
Nichkamol Wunggasorn. The development of a type 2 diabetes mellitus prevention program in high risk
population. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 156 p. (R E37702)
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Boonsong Ongphiphadhanakul. Glycogen synthase and glycogen-targeting subunit of protein phosphatase 1
genes in Thai non-insulin-department diabetes mellitus. Bangkok : Faculty of Medicine Rama Thibodi
Hospital Mahidol University, 2000. 19 p. (R E18599)
Buntana Phumleng. The effectiveness of an educative-supportive program on improving perceived self-care
efficacy and diabetic control in uncontrolled type 2 diabetic patients : a case study of a rural hospital in the
south. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 128 p. (T E17648)
Chudee Rittichu. Patient adherence to regiments and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 98 p. (T E20028)
Samean Khanman. The effects of foot massage as a complementary nursing intervention on numbness in noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 87 p. (R E17830)
Sang-arun Isaramalai. Developing a cross-cultural measure of the self-as-carer inventory questionaire for the Thai
population. Missouri : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2002. 94 p. (T E19120)
Sathaphorn Pimprom. Educational and counseling program for health behavior modification to improve glycemic
control for people with type 2 diabetes. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 143 p. (T E40356)
Sirirut Posirisuk. Development of a measuring instrument for the quality of life of type 2 diabetes mellitus
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 134 p. (T E17118)
Sujitra Santativongchai. The influential factors on health promoting and compliance behaviors among type 2
diabetic patients attending Ban Pong hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 133 p. (T E17043)
Supatra Chaikaew. Factors associated with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 97 p. (T E23761)
Tongpean Putaseub. Alteration of fat metabalism in NIDDM patients after long-term intake of different glycemic
diets = การเปลี่ยนแปลงของเมตาโบลิซึมของไขมัน ผูปวยเบาหวานที่ไมตองพึ่งอินสุลินหลังการกินอาหารที่มีดัชนี
น้ําตาลระดับตาง ๆ เปนระยะเวลานาน. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. 3 microfiches (128 fr.). (T
Vinida Srikusalanukul. Effect of metformin on plasma homocysteine in non insulin dependent diabetic mellitus
patients. Bangkok : Silpakorn University, 2001. 89 p. (T E19494)
Wariya Boonchauy. The effectiveness of an educative-supportive program on perceived self-care efficacy and
diabetic control in elderly women with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes : a case study at the general hospital
in the central region of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E17650)
Watchara Muangkae. The effectiveness of an educative-supportive program on improving perceived self-care
efficacy and diabetic control in uncontralled type2 diabetic patients : a case sutdy of a rural hospital in the
north. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T E17625)
Wipawan Kiatpojjanajinda. The effectiveness of a health education program on complication prevention behavior
of type 2 diabetic patients at Nakhonchaisi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 135 p. (T
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Chaweewan Deechauy. Effect of Tai Chi Chaun exercise on glycemic control and aerobic capacity in NIDDM
patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 74 p. (T E15507)
Phantipa Sakthong. Cost-effectiveness analysis of an ACE-inhibitor for delaying progression of diabetic
nephropathy in NIDDM patients with microalbuminuria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 69 p.
(T E13492)
Zhu, Mingxia. Quality of life of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1997. 92 p. (T E11728)
[Boonsong Ongpipatanakul]. Glycogen synthase and glycogen-targeting subunit of protein phosphatase 1 genes
in Thai non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. [Bangkok : Mahidol University], 2000. 19 p. (R E14387)
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients
Samean Khanman. The effects of foot massage as a complementary nursing intervention on numbness in noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 87 p. (R E17830)
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Patients
Jiraganya Boondarick. Blood glucose prediction model for type 2 diabetic patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 74 p. (T E40918)
Ketrut Kraiwong. The effectiveness of applying the roy adaptation model program on non-insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus, Koh Samui hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 122 p. (T E23986)
Sunanta Upaniad. The effectiveness of a health education program for changing behaviors related to blood sugar
control among type 2 diabetic patients at Muang district, Samuthsongkram province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 83 p. (T E17716)
Wilailak Seekhaow. Non-medical factors determining blood sugar level in NIDDM patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 79 p. (T E16557)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 66]
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes--Patients--Nutrition
Patcharavee Chantaradee. Understanding and usage of nutrition labeling among type 2 diabetes patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 67 p. (T E23735)
Sasithorn Saiwong. The effectiveness of a health promotion program on behavioral modification for dietary
control and exercise among type 2 diabetic patients at Pathumthani hospital, Pathumthani province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 142 p. (T E23755)
Non-integer bases
Danita Chunarom. Expansions of real numbers in non-integer bases. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 37 p.
(T E36289)
Thanida Pongsritasana. Isolation and identification of fetal nucleated red blood cells from maternal blood for
prenatal diagnosis. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 107 p. (T E15923)
Non-lairy imitation beverage
สมฤดี วิบูลพัฒนะวงศ. การผลิตเครื่องดื่มเลียนแบบนมจากปลายขาวเจา = Production of non-dairy beverage from broken
rice. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 147 หนา. (วพ 94174)
Non-life insurance broker
พีรพัฒน ปนปรีชา. การพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศสําหรับบริษัทนายหนาประกันวินาศภัย = Development of an information
system for non-life insurance broker. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 158 หนา. (วพ 109046)
Non-linear equivalent capacity functions
Chaodit Aswakul. Performance analysis of routing in ATM networks with non-liner equivalent capacity functions.
London : University of London, 2000. 201 p. (T E16092)
Non-linear grid tool path optimization
Kawin Sonthipermpoon. Adaptive non-linear grid tool path optimization for five-axis machining. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1998. 54 p. (T E17196)
Non-linear problems
Wattana Toutip. The dual reciprocity boundary element method for linear and non-linear problems. Hertford :
University of Hertfordshire, 2001. 179 p. (T E15963)
Non-linear static method
Arthit Vathanathorn. Safety comparison of current regulation to non-linear static method for high-rise buildings
subjected to earth quake. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 90 p. (T E27870)
Udomchai Rungwongpanich. Consequence of non-linearity of gravitation in the early universe. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 43 p. (T E17383)
Non-literal translation
Kantima Techadisai. The effects of comparing literal and non-literal translation in written work. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 90 p. (R E15986)
Non-meat proteins
Thawatchai Supavititpatana. Effects of high pressure on physicochemical properties of ostrich-meat yor (Thai
sausage) blended with non-meat proteins. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 120 p. (T E38647)
Buppachart Potduang. Isoprenoid biosynthesis in callus cultures of Croton sublyratus. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 88 p. (T E16823)
Sirivimol Srisawasdi. Molecular loci and glycosylation of dehydro-histidinohydroxymerodesmosine in nonmineralized type I collagen fibrils. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 104 p. (T E16873)
Non-mitoghondrial carboxylase
Tarinee Arkaravichien. Determination of the glutamate sensitive non-mitochondrial carboxylase and effects of
glutamate in pyridoxine-or acrylamide-induced neuropathy in rats. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University,
2004. 170 p. (T E23455)
Non-native english speaking
Duenden Viboolphant. The needs for the English communicative competence of non-native English speaking
front-line staff of international airlines in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 105 p. (T
Non-Neuronal cells
Puckprink Sangdee. Toxicity of mercuric chloride in cultures of neurons and non-neuronal cells derived from
embryonic chick sympathetic ganglia. Utah : University of Utah, 1973. 60 p. (T E22376)
พรศักดิ์ อรรถวานิช. การวิเคราะหสมรรถนะของกาบรองลื่นเพลากลมชนิดหุมเพลาไมเต็มวงหลอลื่นดวยสารหลอลื่นชนิดนันนิวตอเนียน = Performance analysis of hydrodynamic partial journal bearing with non-newtonian lubricants.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2541. 182 หนา. (วพ 104733)
Non-newtonian fluids
Vimolrat Ngamaramvaranggul. Numerical simulation of non-newtonian free surface flows. Wales : University of
Wales, 2000. 220 p. (T E16239)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 67]
Non-oxidative conversion
Araya Kittivanichawat. Conversion of methane over ZSM-5[MFI] and Y zeolites containing a transition metal.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 85 p. (T E17006)
Non-oxidative methane coupling
Waraporn Markpoon. Non-oxidative methane coupling over metal-containing Y-type zeolite catalysts. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 95 p. (T E13899)
Non-parametric statistics
Suphatchara Chaitiamras. A software package for non-parametric statistics. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
116 p. (T E19897)
Non-performing loans
Lancaster, James. Credit outreach impact on non-performing loans of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural
Cooperatives. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2005. 132 p. (T E35403)
Pairin Vijitjaroenmuang. Simulation of dispersion of air pollutant over non-planar topography using 3-dimensional
generalized coordinate system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 260 p. (T E18800)
Non-ploar solvent
Tippawan Tephassadinnaayuttaya. Desorption of mixed organic solvents from activated charcoal by DMSO/CS2
mixture. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 116 p. (T E17177)
Non-price competitions
Dusanee Kesavayuth. Market shares and non-price competition strategy in oligopoly market : a case study of
instant noodle market. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001. 106 p. (T E16355)
Non-primary key attribute
กัญมน รินทะวงศ. การพัฒนาเครื่องมือที่ใชในการเขาถึงฐานขอมูลโดยใชแอตทริบิวตที่ไมใชคียหลัก = Development of a
tool for accessing database using non-primary key attributes. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 103
หนา. (วพ 105234)
Non-reactive mercury
Sittipun Sirirattanachai. Geochemistry of mercury in the Chao Phraya river estuary. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E17255)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
Kingkaew Pajareya. Effectiveness of physical therapy in combination with NSAIDs and NSAIDs alone in patients
with adhesive capsulitis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 78 p. (T E19628)
Non-surgical periodontal therapy
Grindwit Sastravaha. Effects of locally delivered combined extracts from Centella asiatica and the pericarp of
Punica granatum as an adjunct in non-surgical periodontal treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
83 p. (T E17604)
Non-surgical periodontal treatment
Pawinee Muangmingsook. Clinical and microbiological effects of Garcinia mangostana pericarp gel as an adjunct
in non-surgical periodontal treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 71 p. (T E20455)
Non-timber forest products
Anocha Pichaisiri. Factors influencing the utilization of non-timber forest products in communities around
Phuluang Wildlife Sanctuary. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 157 p. (T E32992)
Non-traded goods
Thiti Khatphitthaya. Tariff equilibrium and non-trades goods. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 67 p. (T
Non-transferrin bound iron
Somdet Srichairatanakool. Determinants of removal and reappearance in plasma non-transferrin bound iron.
London : University College London, 2000. 300 p. (T E16012)
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria
Naiyanawan Prasong. Studies of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in AIDS patients : 16S rRNA gene sequence,
phenotype and drug susceptibility. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 112 p. (T E21096)
Non-use value assessment
ธนาภรณ กระสวยทอง. การประเมินมูลคาจากการมิไดใชของทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดลอม : กรณีศึกษาเขตรักษาพันธุ
สัตวหวยขาแขง = A non-use value assessment of natural resources and environment : a case study of Huai
Kha Khaeng wildlife sancturary. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 143 หนา. (วพ 112818)
Non-vascular plants
วิไลวรรณ สุภาพพันธุ. การศึกษาและรวบรวมพืชที่ไรทอลําเลียงและพืชชั้นต่ําที่มีทอลําเลียงบนดอยสุเทพ = Studies and the
collection of non-vascular plants and the lower vascular plants on Doi Su-thep. เชียงใหม : ภาควิชาชีววิทยา
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2540. 18 หนา. (วพ 106220)
เฉลิมเดช เกษตรสมบูรณ. หลักเกณฑและวิธีการเกี่ยวกับสภาพบังคับของบุคคลที่ไมไปใชสิทธิเลือกตั้งที่เหมาะสม สําหรับ
ประเทศไทย = Appropriate rules of and methods for sanctioning non-voters in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 203 หนา. (วพ 107956)
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Suchittra Samuhasaneeto. Effects of n-acetylcysteine on oxidative stress in rats with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 94 p. (T E37811)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 68]
Nonbook materials
มะลิวัลย นอยบัวทิพย. ความพึงพอใจในการใชบริการสื่อสารสนเทศประเภทวัสดุไมตีพิมพ ในสํานักวิทยบริการ มหาวิทยาลัย
มหาสารคาม = Users' satisfaction of using non-printed material services in the Academic Resource Center,
Mahasarakham Univeristy. มหาสารคาม : สํานักวิทยบริการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม, 2541. 70 หนา. (ว 97970)
Noncommissioned officers
Apichat Hongpiboon. Factors relating to the morale of noncommissioned officers in the Police Cadet Academy.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E19882)
Noncommutative space-time
Pitayuth Wongjun. Inflationary model within noncommutative space-time. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2005. 103 p. (T E34998)
Wanchan Punyawantanee. Noncompliance of antihypertensive drugs used among out-patients at Surat-thani
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 100 p. (T E11903)
Nonconforming behaviors
Noppawan Tanakanjana. Analysis of nonconforming behaviors of local people in the national park system of
Thailand. Colorado : Colorado State University, 1996. 156 p. (T E10362)
Nondestructive fruit inspection
Pichai Thongsom. Durian maturity identification using X-ray. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2006. 44 p. (R E35844)
Nonequilibrium growth models
Patcha Punyindu. Understanding kinetic surface roughening using local, discrete, nonequilibrium growth models.
Maryland : University of Maryland, 2000. 213 p. (T E16208)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics
Patcha Punyindu. Understanding kinetic surface roughening using local, discrete, nonequilibrium growth models.
Maryland : University of Maryland, 2000. 213 p. (T E16208)
Nonexpansive mappings
Atid Kangtunyakarn. Strong convergence theorem for nonexpansive mapping with error member. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2005. 50 p. (T E25193)
Yaowaluk Saesor. On the approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 33 p. (T E16981)
Nonexpansive nonself-mappings
Rattanaporn Punpaeng. Strong convergence of an implicit iteration process of nonexpansive nonself-mappings.
Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2005. 54 p. (T E29018)
Nonezymatic browning
Roungdao Maungma. Study on the maillard reaction in Thai soy sauce. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 158
p. (T E14838)
Nong Khai
Paul, Shakti R.. Cross-border transportation infrastructure development and HIV/AIDS vulnerability at NongkhaiVientiane friendship bridge. Bangkok : Institute of Asian Studies Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 61 p. (R
Wasinee Meekrua-iam. A phonological and lexicon study in food and consumption of Vietnamese in Sukhaphiban
Thabo district, Nongkhai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 132 p. (T E18858)
Nong Khai--Population
นพดล เมืองสอง. ความรูความเขาใจของประชาชนเรื่ององคการบริหารสวนตําบลในเขตอําเภอพรเจริญ จังหวัดหนองคาย กรณีศึกษา = The people's knowledge and understanding of sub-district self-management organization in
Amphur Pornchareon Changwat Nongkhai - a case study. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 95 หนา.
(วพ 98707)
Nong Sanuan village
Warunthorn Boonkok. Solar pumping system at Nong Sanuan village. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2001. 97
p. (T E15726)
Nong Tao village
Masuda, Chinatsu. The roles of the educated young Karens in a changing Karen village : a case study of Nong
Tao village, Changwat Chiang Mai. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 109 p. (T E30201)
Nong Teng-Chakkarat
เสวย ศรีคําแท. ชนิดและการใชประโยชนของนกในปาเต็งรัง และสวนปายูคาลิปตัส ในบริเวณโครงการพัฒนาตามพระราชดําริ
ปาหนองเต็ง-จักราช จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = Bird species composition and their utilization in dry dipterocarp
forest and eucalyptus plantation at a Royally Initiated Development Project : Nong Teng-Chakkarat,
Changwat Nakhon Ratchasima. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 84 หนา. (วพ 109295)
Nong Yao Oilfields
สุวิภาดา โรจนโพธิ์. การวิเคราะหลักษณะปรากฏของหินยุคเทอรเชียรีในแหลงน้ํามันแมสูน และแหลงน้ํามันหนองยาว แองฝาง
ภาคเหนือของประเทศไทย = Facies analysis of tertiary rocks in Mae Soon and Nong Yao oilfields Fang basin
northern Thailand. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 282 หนา. (วพ 102528)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 69]
Nongmuangkai Agricultural Cooperative
อภิชาต มนัสตรง. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอการมีสวนรวมในกิจกรรมของสมาชิกสหกรณการเกษตรหนองมวงไข จํากัด อําเภอหนองมวง
ไข จังหวัดแพร = Factors affecting of members' participation in the activities of Nongmuangkai Agricutural
Cooperative Limited Nongmuangkai district Phrae province. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยแมโจ, 2542. 106 หนา.
(วพ 101607)
Nonionic surfactant
Nattanan Chuansanit. Preparation and characterization of retinyl palmitate niosomes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 173 p. (T E19423)
Niyaporn Aroonrat. Formulation and hemolysis study of nonionic oil-in-water microemulsion. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 224 p. (T E19671)
Nonisotopic gene detection
Supaporn Wacharapluesadee. Development of hapten labeled nucleotide triphosphate for nonisotopic gene
detection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 95 p. (T E7182)
Nonlinear analysis
Nirat Tansawat. Non-linear analysis of planar frame by Microcomputer. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1983.
5 microfiches (246 fr.). (T MF20097)
Nonlinear boundary value problems
Somkid Inthap. Existence of multiple solutions of nonliner boundary value problems. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2003. 46 p. (T E20750)
Nonlinear coefficient
Jatuporn Thongsee. Effective nonlinear coefficient of strongly nonlinear spherical dielectric composites. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University80 p. (T E27896)
Nonlinear control theory
Rawichote Chalodhorn. Nonlinear control of a two-link planar manipulator. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 1998. 91 p. (T E13103)
Nonlinear damping
Suppression of structural vibroton by the optimal TMD with liquid damper. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2543. 49 หนา. (ว 109138)
Nonlinear diffential equations
Nairat Kanyamee. The effect of migrant workers on the transmission of malaria. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 108 p. (T E21086)
Nonlinear differential equations
Ratchanee Muangjai. The effect of social cannibalism on a structured predator-prey system. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 56 p. (T E23722)
Nonlinear dynamic
Jarun Srechai. Dynamic response of knee braced moment frames under earthquake excitations. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 162 p. (T E39667)
Nonlinear dynamic method
Preecha Sakarung. Nonlinear analysis of ferroresonance in power systems. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of
Technology North Bangkok, 2006. 129 p. (T E38322)
Nonlinear equations
Asawathep Cuntavepanit. Solutions of the nonlinear equations of product of the operators +k and (+ + m2)k.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 35 p. (T E38614)
Netchanok Kongchovy. More on Modified Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2002. 135 p. (T E20589)
Prapart Pue-on. Sufficient conditions for a Newton method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 41 p. (T E23360)
Prathana Wettasak. Multivariate secant method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2003. 147 p. (T E20597)
Nonlinear equations of evolution
Kalaya Maneeboon. Solving systems of nonlinear equations without using partial derivatives. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2003. 129 p. (T E21968)
Nonlinear functional analysis
Atiwat Vimuttasoongviriya. A study of the non-linear analysis of jack-up structures. [S.l. : s.n.], 2005. 1 vol (in
various pagings). (R E36526)
Nonlinear model
Piyawan Massa-ard. Nonlinear autoregressive moving average based modeling of autonomic control of heart rate.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 99 p. (T E35523)
Nonlinear optics
Paladorn Suwannapho. Application of group analysis to three-wave equations in nonlinear optics. Nakhon
Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2001. 103 p. (T E20562)
Nonlinear optimization prablems
Patcharaporn Washiraphan. Solving constrained nonlinear optimization problems using Tabu search. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 107 p. (R E21990)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 70]
Nonlinear partial differential equation
Patcharin Tragoonsirisak. Numerical solutions to mullins equation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 80
p. (T E21820)
Nonlinear prediction
Watcharin Monpengpinit. Nonlinear prediction with neural network for speech coding. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 115 p. (T E17359)
Nonlinear programming
Krung Sinapiromsaran. Practical optimization of simulations : computation and tools. Madison : University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2000. 116 p. (T E16041)
Nonlinear regression
Sureeporn Saknaphawuth. Role of water vapor in photocatalytic oxidation of ethylene over titanium dioxide in gas
phase. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 89 p. (T E35426)
Nonlinear regression analysis
เสาวรภย ภารัญนิตย. การหาคาพารามิเตอรสําหรับสมการที่ดัดแปลงจากสมการคาน-ฮิวลารด (สมการแลงเกอร-บารออน-มิล
เลอร) โดยใชวิธีวิเคราะหแบบนอนลิเนียร = Calculated parameters from modified Cahn-Hilliard equation
(Langer, Bar-on and Miller equation) by nonlinear regression. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 105
หนา. (วพ 109514)
Nonlinear separable programming
Rosa, Gregorio T. de la. Solving multicriterion nonlinear separable progsamming problems. Bangkok : Asian
Institute of Technology, 1976. 159 p. (T E22499)
Nonlinear sigma model
Narong Boonyopakorn. Nonlinear sigma model of spin chain with next nearest neighbor interactions. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 53 p. (T E18348)
Nonlinear static analysis
Tinnakorn Monprapussorn. Influence of axial and radial deformations and fluid transportation on behaviors of
marine risers with large displacements. Bangkok : King Mongkut' University of Technology Thonburi, 2001.
192 p. (T E16983)
Nonlinear static anlysis
Somtawin Khunkhat. Nonlinear static analysis of an inextensible membrane. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University
of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 82 p. (T E21163)
Nonlinear systems
Duangrat Gansawat. Novel approaches for two-dimensional signal modelling. London : University of London,
2006. 197 p. (T E36392)
Peerayot Sanposh. Global output regulation and semiglobal stabilization of nonlinear systems. Saint Louis :
Washington University, 2001. 101 p. (T E16245)
Somboon Niyom. Asymptotic stability of nonlinear systems described by difference equations with multiple delays.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2001. 43 p. (T E18038)
Yongwimon Lenbury. Modeling of nonlinear systems in biology and medicine : theory and applications. Bangkok :
Department of Mathematics Mahidol University, 2005. 452 p. (R E31377)
Nonlinear theories
Jack Asavanant. Nonlinear free surface flow under a gate and flow over an obstruction. Bangkok : Faculty of
Science Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 89 p. (R E21400)
Nonlinear triangular systems
Radom Pongvuthithum. Time-varying control design for nonlinear triangular systems. Chiang mai : Department of
Mechanical Engineering Chiang Mai University, 2007. 40 p. (R E37977)
Nonlinear viscoelasticity
Arisara Chaikittiratana. Improvement of a constitutive model for describing deformation behaviour of glassy
polymers. Bangkok : Faculty of Engineering King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2003.
40 p. (R E20887)
Nonlinear water waves
Wantana Panupintu. The propagation of nonlinear water waves over variable depth with shear flow. Newcastle :
University of Newcastle, 2002. 155 p. (T E19179)
Nonlinear waves
Wantana Panupintu. The propagation of nonlinear water waves over variable depth with shear flow. Newcastle :
University of Newcastle, 2002. 155 p. (T E19179)
Duangrat Gansawat. Novel approaches for two-dimensional signal modelling. London : University of London,
2006. 197 p. (T E36392)
Nonocrystalline titanias
Lakkana Nakkararuang. Selective hydrogenation of acetylene on palladium catalysts supported on solvothermalderived titanium dioxide. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 127 p. (T E26623)
Nonogold probe
Tosapol Chatvarapitag. Development of nonogold particles for detection of white spot syndrome virus. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E18239)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 71]
Naparat Siripitakchai. Control of the number of dots in InAs quantum dot molecules for quantum computing.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 69 p. (T E38368)
Nonparameter estimation
วิริยา นิ่มนวล. การประมาณคาฟงกชันการอยูรอดในกรณีที่ขอมูลมีการตัดปลายดวยวิธีนอนพาราเมตริก = Nonparametric
estimation of the survival function with censored data. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 212 หนา.
(วพ 94243)
Nonparametric estimotion
บุษยมาส นันตสุคนธ. การประมาณคาฟงกชันอัตราภาวะภัยสําหรับขอมูลสมบูรณ = Estimation of hazard rate function for
complete data. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 177 หนา. (วพ 94312)
Nonparametric maximum likelihood
Umaporn Siangphoe. The use of mixture models for identifying high risks in disease mapping of AIDS occurrence
in Thailand 1996-2000. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 172 p. (T E19323)
Nonphagocytic cells
Pongsak Utaisincharoen. Pathogenesis of Burkholderia pseudomallei : in vitro study of the host cells modulated
bacteria. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 79 p. (R E23940)
Nonprinted materials services
ลัดดาณี ทรงผาสุข. การใหบริการวัสดุไมตีพิมพในหองสมุดสถาบันอุดมศึกษาของรัฐ = A study of nonprinted materials
services in state academic libraries. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักหอสมุดกลาง มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 83 หนา. (ว
Nonprofit organizations
Amara Pongsapich. Philanthropy, NGO activities and corporate funding in Thailand. Bangkok : Social Research
Institute Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 146 p. (R E8915 c.1; E12378 c.2)
Amara Pongsapich. Thailand nonprofit sector and social development. Bangkok : Social Research Institute,
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 187 p. (R E11953 c.1; E12388 c.2)
Nonprofit organizations--Nakhon Pathom
Chutima Rujirachoon. The organizational culture and inappropriate pre-hospital care of rescue team : a case
study of the non-profit foundation in Nakhon Pathom municipality. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 72
p. (T E36005)
Supalak Tualamoon. Factors associated with the abundance of dust mites in bedrooms. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 91 p. (T E18030)
Jarunee Saetang. The study of factors effecting to juvenile's nonrecidivism : a case study of Karuna Training
Center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 121 p. (T E33930)
Nonresponse problem
Taweesak Siripornpibul. Survey designs and compensation methods for nonresponse problems. Christelurch :
University of Canterbury, 2001. 264 p. (T E18985)
Nonribosomal peptide
Porntip Paungmoung. Molecular cloning and analysis of nonribosomal peptide synthetase genes from Xylaria sp.
BCC 1067. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 145 p. (T E37484)
Nonribosomal peptied synthetase
Porntip Paungmoung. Molecular cloning and analysis of nonribosomal peptide synthetase genes from Xylaria sp.
BCC 1067. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 145 p. (T E37484)
Nonstandard analysis
Boobphachard Chansawang. Proofs of theorems in calculus by nonstandard methods. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 73 p. (T E14898)
Nonstandard mathematical analysis
Boobphachard Chansawang. Proofs of theorems in calculus by nonstandard methods. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 73 p. (T E14898)
Rakporn Dokchan. A nonstandard method for proving theorems in vector calculus. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 41 p. (T E15919)
Yupa Sirisinudomkit. A nonstandard method for teaching basic real analysis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute
of Technology Thonburi, 1997. 47 p. (T E12414)
Nonstandard method
Rakporn Dokchan. A nonstandard method for proving theorems in vector calculus. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 41 p. (T E15919)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents
Buanus Wongsud. Evaluation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as ligand of peroxisome proliferator
activated receptor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 89 p. (T E13688)
Darinee Sae-Tang. Theoretical investigation and molecular modeling study on cyclooxygenase-2/inhibitors
interactions. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 101 p. (T E23078)
Komate Harnchaitavekit. studies on the release of piroxicam from topical preparations. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1990. xvii, 154 p. (T E6524)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 72]
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (ตอ)
Mayuree Tangkiatkumjai. The prediction of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
users. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 60 p. (T E18655)
Roongtiwa Chanpitayanukulkij. A study of the effects of rotatory manipulation during cervical traction in patients
with painful limited neck movement. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii, 172 p. (T E6749)
Sudarat Chaisrisawasuk. Investigation of patient self-reporting of potential adverse drug reactions : non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 180 p. (T E21225)
Sunisa Konghom. Fabrication of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory transdermal patch. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2000. 94 p. (T E15938)
Suparat Chanluang. A study of the choleretic effect of acetophenones and its interactions with organic anion
transporters in comparison with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
172 p. (T E20909)
Nonstructural protein
Kroong Yoosook. Production and screening of hybridoma clones producing monoclonal antibodies specific to
dengue virus proteins. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 79 p. (T E39411)
Jarunee Chaicharncheep. An application of participatory learning program to Aedes aegypti larvae control among
sixty grade students in Muang district, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T
Kaesinee Junthasiriyakorn. An application of participatory learning approach to Aedes aegypti larvae control via
family health leaders in Pakkred district, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 112 p.
(T E16339)
Samak Suwansrinon. Factors affecting job of private security guards : a case study of Amphur Muang Nonthaburi.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 104 p. (T E17813)
Siribhun Pantumaopas. The implementation in primary health care of Tambon Administration Organizations in
Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 173 p. (T E16927)
Suchada Gerdmongkolgan. An application of protection motivation theory in promotion of safety helmet use
during motorcycle driving among male students of Sainoi Industrial and Community Education College,
Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 141 p. (T E18197)
Tarinee Navanuja. An appropriate management by using infectious waste incinertor : a case study of hospital
under Ministry of Public Health in Nonthaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T E17814)
Nonthaburi Public Housing Project
วัชราภรณ ฤทธิพงษ. การประเมินความพึงพอใจของผูอยูอาศัยในโครงการเคหะชุมชนนนทบุรี = The evaluation of residents
satisfaction with the Nonthaburi Public Housing Project. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 137 หนา.
(วพ 104364)
Ladda Pimjan. Knowledge and awareness of Mathayomsuksa III students of participation on Chao Phraya river
conservation in Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 79 p. (T E24254)
Nonthaburi--Population--Health and hygiene
Worapan Pisutthanon. Health risk behaviors of personnel and local residents involved in solid waste disposal site
of Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 166 p. (T E24519)
Nonthavej hospital. Diabetic Clinic
Ratchadaporn Jintanamaneerat. An application of protection motivation theory to blood sugar control among type
2 diabetic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 135 p. (T E19378)
Nontrivial statistical models
Eab, Chai Hok. Renormalization group transformation of some nontrivial statistical models on a lattice. [S.l. :
s.n.], 1988. iv, 66 p. (R E9151)
Nontuberculous mycobacterium
Wiyada Kwanhian. Interleukin-12 and interferon-gamma response in nontuberculous mycobacterium infection.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 141 p. (T E20856)
Nonuniform traffic
ชีวโรจน นวลประเสริฐ. การปรับปรุงการจัดสรรชองสัญญาณแบบพลวัติเชิงเรขาคณิต สําหรับทราฟฟกไมสม่ําเสมอ ในโครงขาย
โทรศัพทเคลื่อนที่แบบเซลลูลารระบบจีเอสเอ็ม = Improvement of geometric dynamic channel allocation for
nonuniform traffic in the GSM cellular mobile telephone network. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541.
91 หนา. (วพ 103477)
Nonverbal communication
Chutiwan Kaewsai. Learning performance of mentally retarded children by using symbols in augmentative and
alternative communication system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 73 p. (T E24625)
Nungruethai Torsuwan. Current situation of sign language interpreters in Bangkok and the vicinity. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 122 p. (T E23516)
Nonverbal communication on television
Khetsirin Knithichan. The use of nonverbal messages associated with sexual suggestiveness in TV commercials.
Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2000. 97 p. (R E15352)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 73]
Nonwoven fabrics
Kachamas Tumrongsak. Nonwoven fabric production using waste silk. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995.
117 p. (T E9828)
Pattaraporn Singsatit. Use of medical gown nonwoven fabric manufacturing waste as a filler in high density
polyethylene. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 99 p. (T E27738)
Pluemchit Techathammarak. The structural properties of nonwoven fabric in relation to sound absorption. Leeds :
University of Leeds, 2002. 254 p. (T E19000)
Ratchanoo Kaewget. Degradation of nonylphenol by indigenous microorganisms from canal sediments. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 60 p. (T E39664)
Noodle products
ณัฐญา โกมลมณี. การทดแทนแปงบางสวนดวยเสนใยอาหารในผลิตภัณฑประเภทอาหารเสน = Supplementary use of
dietary fiber in noodle products. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 130 หนา. (วพ 101839)
Jiraporn Sonyim. Effect of instant noodles preparation and identification of the proper critical control points for
controlling Bacillus cereus contamination in instant noodle seosoning. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
106 p. (T E20391)
Lalana Chewangkul. Wheat based instant noodles : microstructure and related properties. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2002. 141 p. (T E18885)
Piya-anong Prairahong. Formulation of dietary fiber-enriched instant noodles. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
101 p. (T E20122)
Prapapan Promhirangul. Study of aflatoxin content in noodle dishes sold in three areas of Bangkok. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 123 p. (T E14272)
Noodles factory
พาลาภ สิงหเสนี. การสํารวจและศึกษาเพื่อจัดทํามาตรฐานเหตุรําคาญดานกลิ่น ฝุนละออง และเสียงดังจากกิจการที่เปนอันตราย
ตอสุขภาพประเภท การผลิตเสนหมี่ กวยเตี๋ยวและขนมจีน = Study project and survey of noodle factory to set
standards for public health exposure levels of odor particulate and noise. กรุงเทพฯ : ไทย เซ็นเตอร ฟอร เอ็น
ไวรอนเมนทอล เฮลท, 2543. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 113867)
Dusanee Kesavayuth. Market shares and non-price competition strategy in oligopoly market : a case study of
instant noodle market. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001. 106 p. (T E16355)
Noodles--Shelf-life dating
Siriporn Toma. Fortification of iodine, iron and vitamin A in instant noodles : stability and their effects on product
qualities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 111 p. (T E14558)
Nawitcha Onjai-uea. Common fixed point of modified Noor iterations with errors for non-lipschitzian mappings in
banach spaces. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 65 p. (T E39754)
Iwasawa, Takako. The dance ethnography of the traditional performing arts, Nooraa in the southern part of
Thailand. [S.l.] : Hiroshima University, 2002. 52 p. (R E20780)
Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital
Supa Promtussananon. The integrated approach of health promoting hospital model : a case-study of Nopparat
Rajathanee hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 262 p. (T E16547)
Nopparatrajathanee Hospital--Admission and discharge
Piyachat Silprakhom. Study of knowledge, practice, problems, and barriers in discharge planning of professional
nurses in Nopparatrajathanee hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 80 p. (T E21733)
Chollada Buranakard. Sympathetic activity in genetically hypertensive dogs. Pennsylvania : University of
Pennsylvania, 1995. 245 p. (T E9591)
Chollada Buranakarl. Study of norepinephrine kinetics in dogs with 2K2C-renovascular hypertension. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 41 p. (R E19615)
Sudpranorm Smuntavekin. Norepinephrine and renal functions in dogs given russel's viper venom. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xiii, 71 p. (T E6993)
Yodwaree Thongborisute. Effects of tetrachlordecaoxide (TCDO) in norepinephrine induced acute renal failure in
dogs = ผลของเตตราคลอเดคาออกไซด ในขณะเกิดไตวายเฉียบพลัน จากการเหนี่ยวนําโดยนอรอีบีเนฟรินในสุนัข.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 2 microfiches (81 fr.). (T MF20580)
Apichat Terapasirdsin. Novel CCII-based Tow-thomas low-pass filters using nullator and norator relocations.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 271 p. (R E14875)
Sathit Niratisai. Synthesis of 14beta-amino isosteric analogs of naltrindole and norbinaltorphimine : role of
14beta-amino group and its acyl substituents on delta-and kappa-selective opioid receptor antagonism.
Minnesota : University of Minnesota, 2003. 147 p. (T E22301)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 74]
Norbisabolane glycoside
Kampanart Chayajarus. Bioactive compounds from Phyllanthus emblica Linn., Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. and
Ellipanthus tomentosus Kurz tomentosus ssp. tomentosus var. tomentosus. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 133 p. (T E17517)
Apiradee Khotdee. Copolymerization of ethylene and norbornene with zirconocene/methylaluminoxane catalyst.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 95 p. (T E23325)
Nonglak Triprom. Effect of acetaminophen, diazepam and nordiol on free thyroxine index in human serum.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1980. 2 แผน (120 เฟรม). (T MF09501)
Chollada Buranakarl. Study of norepinephrine kinetics in dogs with 2K2C-renovascular hypertension. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 41 p. (R E19615)
Suvaporn Panasjaroen. Effects of renin-angiotensin blockade on renal function, renal norepinephrine contents and
oxidative stress in cyclosporine induced nephrosis rats. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 62 p. (T
Ampawan Srivilai. Phytochemical study of dysoxylum grande hiern leaves. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1993. xi, 144 p. (T E6853)
Chompoonut Tiansiripipat. Development of sequential injection analysis method for determination of norfloxacin
and chloramphenicol. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 310 p. (T E39541)
Naiyana Padma. Pharmacokinetics of pefloxacin and its main active metabolite, norfloxacin, in healthy Thai
volunteers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 121 p. (T E18113)
Prapimpuk Thaunsukon. Norfloxacin pharmacokinetics determined by microbiological analysis and pathogenic
bacterial susceptibity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 113 p. (T E10899)
Uthai Suvanakoot. Pharmacokinetics of norfloxacin tablet = เภสัชจลนศาสตรของยาเม็ด นอรฟลอกซาซิน. [S.l. : s.n.],
1990. x, 57 p. (R E9154)
Anong Taechanukulchai. Bioavailability of norfloxacin tablets commercially available in Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1990. 3 microfiches (137 fr.). (T MF20599)
Nork design
Preechaya Sittipunt. A designer's tool kit conceptual and methodological issues. Berkeley : University of California
at Berkeley, 1994. xi, 325 p. (T E7871)
Wathanyoo Khaisongkram. The worst-case norm of uncertain linear systems under inputs with magnitude bound
and rate limit. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 141 p. (T E37919)
Normal approximation
Petcharat Rattanawong. Bounds on a normal approximation for Latin hypercube sampling. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 79 p. (T E40708)
Soontorn Boonta. Bounds in a normal approximation of an infinite urn model. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2005. 40 p. (T E28968)
Normal children
Nongyouw Srinangyam. The comparative study of characteristics of P300 in normal children and children with
learning disabilities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 82 p. (T E18110)
Normal distribution
Roumporn Ruangroj. A comparison on power of tests for normality among Chi-square, Shapiro-wilk W statistic
and Shapiro-francia W statistic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 156 p. (T E15443)
นพรัตน กระตายทอง. การแปลงขอมูลใหมีการแจกแจงแบบปกติ = Data transformation to normal distribution. กรุงเทพฯ
: จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 303 หนา. (วพ 112161)
Normal saline
Kusuma kumjorn. A comparison study of the foot ulcer healing between dressing with mangostin cream and
normal saline wet dressing in diabetic patient. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 121 p. (T E21142)
Normal spaces
Sawat Chantamontree. Generalization of regular and normal spaces. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 52
p. (T E16427)
Normal subskewmodules
Kanokporn Changtong. Generalization of some theorems in module theory to skewmodules. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 37 p. (T E16665)
Normal value
Somkiat Asawaphureekorn. Normative data of optic disc topography in Thai population : a study in Ubolrat
district, Khon Kaen province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 41 p. (T E19055)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 75]
Normal values [Medicine]
Preecha Wanichsetakul. Normal value of bone mineral density of lumbar spine, proximal femur, and distal forearm
of women in different age groups. Bangkok : Department of Radiology Thammasat University, 1998. 33 p.
(R E31388)
Rungnapa Malasao. Analyses of genogroups and genotypes of Norovirus, Sapovirus and Astrovirus isolated from
children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2007. 111 p. (T E38508)
Sanigan Thongsawad. Prevalence survey of norovirus in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in Thailand.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 66 p. (T E35251)
Pradhan, Peden P.. Factor influencing acceptance of Norplant. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 69 p. (T
Areerat Suedee. Phytochemical study of Polyalthia jucunda stem bark. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006.
81 p. (T E35788)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ศศิธร รักษแกว. บทบาททางดานความมั่นคงขององคการสนธิสัญญาแอตแลนติกเหนือ (นาโต) ในยุคหลังสงครามเย็น =
NATO's security roles in the post-cold war era. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 99 หนา. (วพ
North Dakota public school
Thosapol Arreenich. A study of factors influencing the burnout syndrome as perceived by North Dakota public
school classroom teachers. Grand Forks : University of North Dakota, 1981. 120 p. (T E39899)
Northeast of Thailand
Rochana Tangkoonboribun. Preliminary studies on soil properties, soil erosion and losses in runoff after burning in
various land-use types in the Northeast of Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 176 p. (T
Northeastern Thai inscriptions
พระมหาสุเทพ พรมเลิศ. คํายืมในจารึกไทยอีสาน = Loan words in northeastern Thai inscriptions. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2542. 372 หนา. (วพ 107941)
Northeastern Thailand
Rattana Jantao. Code-mixing between central Thai and Northeastern Thai of the students in Khon Kaen province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E19900)
Northeastern Thailand Archaeological Project
Suriya Sudsawad. Archaeologists' fieldwork in the Northeastern Thailand archaeological project. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 163 p. (T E19642)
Northern Agriculture and Forestry College
Bounkieng Souliyasack. Satisfaction of vocational certificate students towards learning-teaching management of
northern agriculture and forestry college, Luang Prabang province, Lao people's democratic republic. Khon
Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 109 p. (T E34564)
Northern Bangkok Teachers' Council Group
สุคนธ ธาระพุทธ. ความคิดเห็นของครูผูสอนที่มีตอการบริหารงานวิชาการของโรงเรียนเอกชนระดับประถมศึกษา กลุมคุรุสภา
กรุงเทพฯ เหนือ = Teachers's opinion towards academic affairs administration of private primary schools,
Northern Bangkok Teachers' Council Group. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 142 หนา. (วพ
Northern Khmer
Pornpen Sujinpram. Morphemes to clauses in Northern Khmer (Surin). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. xvii,
376 p. (T E6574)
Northern refined products pipeline project
Thunyarat Attaprecha. Pre-feasibility study of the northern refined products pipeline project. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 150 p. (T E15247)
Northern Region Industrial Estate--Environmental aspects
Gotchagorn Sannarm. Biological surveillance using macroinvertebrate communities of the quality of the Mae
Kwuang river the Northern Region Industrial Estate. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1993. viii, 108 p.
(T E7743)
Northern Thai language
Kotchakorn Boontiam. Expressives in Northern Khmer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 191 p. (T E7512)
Solot Sirisai. The phonological description of Lahu Nyi language spoken in Chayi village, Patung sub-district, Mae
Chan district, Chiengrai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 145 p. (T E8176)
Williams, Gwyn. Linguistic variation in Tai-Lue. Auckland : University of Auckland, 1986. 1 vol. (T E5633)
Northern Thailand
ธงชัย จําปาศรี. การศึกษาอนุกรมวิธานของปลาในแมน้ํายม = Systematic studies on fishes of the Yom river. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 455 หนา. (วพ 103220)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 76]
Northern Women
ภักดีกุล รัตนา. ภาพลักษณ "ผูหญิงเหนือ" ตั้งแตปลายพุทธศตวรรษที่ 25 ถึงตนพุทธศตวรรษที่ 26 = Images of "Northern
women" from late 25th to early 26th centuries (B.E.). เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2543. 251 หนา. (วพ
Chanchai Sittipunt. A randomized, controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of nortriptyline plus brief
motivation counseling and motivation counseling alone for smoking cessation in Thai active smokers.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 53 p. (T E35596)
Norway fish flour
วันเพ็ญ มีสมญา. ผลของน้ํามันปลาจากปลาปนนอรเวยตอระดับไขมันในเลือดหนูทดลอง = Effect of edible fish oil from
Norway fish flour on serum lipid in experimental rats. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันคนควาและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑอาหาร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 12 หนา. (ว 111582)
Nosal polyps
Supinda Saengpanich. Expressions of mammaglobins A and B are not different between nasal polyps with and
without allergic rhinitis. Bangkok : Department of Otolaryngology and Pediatrics Chulalongkorn University,
2007. 14 p. (R E36975)
Sirichai Kiattavorncharoen. EinfluB von oberkieferverlagerungsosteotomien auf form und funktion der nase. [S.l] :
Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, 2000. 64 p. (T E16202)
Nosocomial infections
Husain, Norarit. Epidemiological study of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients with
respiratory tract infections in Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 114 p. (T E12894)
Kunlayanee Surasarang. Risk factors of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii nosocomial infection in Siriraj
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 70 p. (T E35774)
Mayteera Dansuputra. Detection and characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases produced by
Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. from clinical specimens of patients with infection in King Chulalongkorn
Memorial hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 106 p. (T E21549)
Nattaya Parikumsil. Nosocimial surgical site infection among patients admitted in surgical words, Photharam
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E17425)
Patchara Chayanon. Nosocomial infection control practices of nursing personnel at the department of medicine,
Somdejprapinklao hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 67 p. (T E14809)
Pintip Pongpech. Incidence and epidemiologic studies of methicillin-Resistant staphylococcus aureus. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 77 p. (R E9794)
Salisa Wisutthipate. Nosocomial pneumonia among intubated patients in Trat hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 103 p. (T E24161)
Siriluk Salukum. Randomized control trial of application of the CDC. control guidelines category I and education
for reduction of nosocomial UTI in CMU. hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xiii, 134 p. (T
Suchada Vongsaard. Urinary tract infection between micropore and rubber-adhesive plaster in urinary catheter
retain patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 88 p. (T E19724)
Thidarat Buachuen. Serratia marcescens from a neonatal intensive care unit at Siriraj hospital : pulsotyping and
antimicrobial susceptibility test. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 122 p. (T E18952)
Yupawadee Rutanawaropas. Isolation and characterization of pseudomonas aeruginosa from hospitalized patients
and wastewater of hospitals and other communities. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 112 p. (T E8993)
นิธิพัฒน ศิริพันธ. โรคติดเชื้อในโรงพยาบาล ทางเดินหายใจสวนลางในหองผูปวยหนัก โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย = Nosocomial
lower respiratory tract infection in intensive care unit at Sukhothai hospital. สุโขทัย : โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย,
2541. 52 หนา. (ว 99586)
ผกากรอง ลุมพิกานนท. การติดเชื้อที่เกิดขึ้นในโรงพยาบาล (Nosocomial infection) ในโรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร. ขอนแกน :
โรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร, 2536. 17 หนา. (ว 97981)
Nosocomial infections--Databases
Narumol Pungnate. The development of nosocomial infections database system for the hospital infection control
unit on the client/server environment : a case study at Charoenkrungpracharuck hospital. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 93 p. (T E24629)
Nosocomial infections--Prevention
Suvatna Chulavatnatol. Disinfectants and their roles in prevention of nosocomial infection. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1987. 129 p. (T E7580)
Nosocomial urinary tract infection
Rachanee Sujijantararat. Nursing-sensitive quality indicators : nosocomial urinary tract infection in a Thai hospital.
Birmingham : University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2001. 153 p. (T E18991)
Nostoc paludosum
Namphung Dungkokkruad. Removal of cadmium and lead in aqueous solution by Nostoc paludosum and
Phormidium angustissimum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18192)
Chayanit Buranaruk. The roles of Notch signaling pathway in regulating macrophage functions. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 111 p. (T E40947)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 77]
Notch receptor
Pimpayao Sodsai. Correlation of Notch1 receptor expression in T lymphocytes from SLE patients with disease
progression. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 65 p. (T E38468)
Notch signaling
Tanapat Palaga. The roles of Notch signaling in regulating macrophage effector functions and apoptosis induced
by mycobacterial. Bangkok : Department of Microbiology Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 31 p. (R E37886)
Pongpan Nujnart. Document management system using lotus notes application case study : Education Service
Division, Police Cadet Academy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 48 p. (T E21088)
Notopterus blanci
ธวัช ดอนสกุล. การศึกษาโครโมโซมของปลาสลาด ปลากรายและปลาตองลายที่พบในประเทศไทย = A chromosome study
on three species of Notopterid fishes, Notopterus notopterus, N.chitala and N.blanci, from Thailand.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ บางเขน, 2533. 17 หนา. (ว 65130)
Notopterus chitala
ธวัช ดอนสกุล. การศึกษาโครโมโซมของปลาสลาด ปลากรายและปลาตองลายที่พบในประเทศไทย = A chromosome study
on three species of Notopterid fishes, Notopterus notopterus, N.chitala and N.blanci, from Thailand.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ บางเขน, 2533. 17 หนา. (ว 65130)
พิมาน เหลาะเหม. ผลของอาหารผสมที่มีโปรตีนตางระดับตอการเจริญเติบโตและจํานวนรอดของลูกปลากราย (Notopterus
chitala (Hamilton-Buchanan)). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2538. 101 หนา. (วพ 77166)
Notopterus notopterus
ธวัช ดอนสกุล. การศึกษาโครโมโซมของปลาสลาด ปลากรายและปลาตองลายที่พบในประเทศไทย = A chromosome study
on three species of Notopterid fishes, Notopterus notopterus, N.chitala and N.blanci, from Thailand.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ บางเขน, 2533. 17 หนา. (ว 65130)
Surasit Sangviroatjanapat. Einschrankungen des notwehrrechts im rahmen ehelicher beziehungen und anderer
enger lebensgemeinschaften nach dem deutschen und thailandischen recht. Munchen : Herbert Utz Verlag
GmbH, 2003. 192 p. (T E22093)
Noun phrase
Yaowalak Soonthornnond. A document representative recommendation approach using noun phrase from
document abstract. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 33 p. (R E24377)
Novel oxalate method
Pitak Youmee. Synthesis and characterization of lead iron niobate powders by novel oxalate method. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2003. 146 p. (T E20714)
Novel printing process
Suphasinee Limpanuphap. Manufacture of biomaterials by a novel printing process. Manchester : University of
Manchester, 2004. 184 p. (T E24733)
Novel temperature sensor
มาณพ ปานะโปย. การออกแบบและพัฒนาชุดทดสอบเพื่อการจัดอุณภูมิของพอลิเมอรหลอมเหลวขณะไหลในเครื่องอัดรีดแบบ
เกลียวหนอนคู = Experimental design and development for measuring melt temperature profiles of flowing
polymer melts in twin screw extruder. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 178 หนา.
(วพ 109131)
Teansawang Prawanich. La peur dans les "contes et nouvelles" de Guy de Maupassant. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 114 p. (T E11745)
Kamonchanok Aphibarnrasd. Etudes des personnages principaux dans La Peste d'Albert Camus. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 2001. 126 p. (T E18123)
Kulkaew Suksalukkhom. Impacts of modernity on family values as represented in Chart Kobjitti's novel Time.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 47 p. (R E39698)
Oranit Rungchaimongkol. Female protagonist depictions and value presentation in chick lit novels. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 170 p. (T E35742)
Ratchanee Piyathamrongchai. A comparative study of the two translations of the novel Animal Farm. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2002. 83 p. (R E19772)
Wasinrat Nualsiri. Ecological awareness in John Steinbeck's novels. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006.
106 p. (T E40174)
Novice auditors
Nitaya Wongpinunwatana. An experimental investigation of the effects of artificial intelligence systems on the
training of novice auditors. Brisbane : University of Queensland, 1998. 256 p. (T E13516)
Novozyme 435
Sawvalak Rittilak. Biodiesel production from rice bran oil soapstock using novozyme 435 catalyst. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 97 p. (T E41249)
Pongwisute Nissaichareon. Study on the drop size distributions of spray through nozzle at various working
pressure. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 138 p. (T E29028)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 78]
NR-NBR blends
Jarunee Thunyarittikorn. A study of relationship between mechanical properties, oil resistance, rheological
properties and phase size of rubber dispersed in NR/NBR blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121
p. (T E17545)
Katzenmeier, Gerd. The dengue virus protease complex NS2B/NS3-a novel target for the structure-based design
of improved antiviral agents. Nakhon Pathom : Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Mahidol
University, 2001. 23 p. (R E16395)
NS2B protein
Pornwaratt Niyomrattanakit. Construction of a constitutively activated single chain protease NS2B[H]-NS3[PRO] of
dengue virus type 2 and biochemical analysis of the NS2B stimulatory effect on protease activity in vitro.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 153 p. (T E18871)
Verawat Champreda. Molecular cloning, expression in E.coli and purification of the serine protease domain of NS3
protein and the NS2B protein of dengue virus serotype 2 strain 16681. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1999. 149 p. (T E13731)
Ns2b protein
Kanyarat Phutthasophit. Effects of amino acid substitutions at the dengue virus NS2B/NS3 junction on cleavage
efficiency of the viral protease. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 134 p. (T E38518)
NS2B-NS3 protease
Rabuesak Khumthong. Development of an in vitro assay system for the analysis of dengue virus type 2 NS2B-NS3
protease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 186 p. (T E21101)
Katzenmeier, Gerd. The dengue virus protease complex NS2B/NS3-a novel target for the structure-based design
of improved antiviral agents. Nakhon Pathom : Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Mahidol
University, 2001. 23 p. (R E16395)
NS3 protease activity
Rungrutai Udomsinprasert. Molecular cloning, expression in E.coli and purification of a native dengue type 2
cleavage site probe for the detection of NS3 protease activity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 108 p.
(T E13934)
NS3 protein
Pornwaratt Niyomrattanakit. Construction of a constitutively activated single chain protease NS2B[H]-NS3[PRO] of
dengue virus type 2 and biochemical analysis of the NS2B stimulatory effect on protease activity in vitro.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 153 p. (T E18871)
Verawat Champreda. Molecular cloning, expression in E.coli and purification of the serine protease domain of NS3
protein and the NS2B protein of dengue virus serotype 2 strain 16681. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1999. 149 p. (T E13731)
Ns3 protein
Kanyarat Phutthasophit. Effects of amino acid substitutions at the dengue virus NS2B/NS3 junction on cleavage
efficiency of the viral protease. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 134 p. (T E38518)
NSAIDs [Pharmacology]
Buanus Wongsud. Evaluation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as ligand of peroxisome proliferator
activated receptor. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 89 p. (T E13688)
NSO myeloma cells
Idsada Lengwehasatit. Involvement of GADD153 in apoptosis in NSO myeloma cells. Manchester : University of
Manchester, 2002. 267 p. (T E18995)
Ntric oxide
Thanasak Teaktong. The effects of Ganoderma lucidum extracts on P388 leukemic cells. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 158 p. (T E14219)
NU-Trim OB
Nednapis Vatanasuchart. Use of oat derivative : Nu-Trim OB as fat substitute for coconut milk in Thai desserts.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute, 1999. 13 p. (R E14406)
Nuan noi grass
อดิศักดิ์ ภักดีไทย. การเฝาระวังปริมาณโลหะหนักในอากาศของกรุงเทพมหานครโดยใชหญานวลนอย (Zeysia mattrella
Merr.) เปนดัชนีทางชีวภาพ = Monitoring of heavy metal concentrations in the air of Bangkok Metropolitan
area using Nuan Noi grass (Zeysia mattrella Merr.) as boiondicator. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 150 หนา. (วพ 103154)
ชูพงษ สุกุมลนันทน. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสสมโชกุน = In vitro culture through nucellus tissue of Citrus
reticulata cv. Shogon. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 18 หนา. (ว 103034)
Nucellus tissue
วิสุทธิ์ พงษศิริศักดิ์. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสและการขยายพันธุสมฟรีมองท ในสภาพปลอดเชื้อ = In vitro
propagation of Citrus reticulata blanco. through nucellus culture. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2543. 70 หนา. (วพ 109638)
ศรีสุดา เจนจารุวงศ. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสสมโชกุน = In vitro culture through nucellus tissue of Citrus
reticulata cv. Shogun. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 65 หนา. (วพ 109637)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 79]
Nucellus tissue culture
วิสุทธิ์ พงษศิริศักดิ์. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสและการขยายพันธุสมฟรีมองท ในสภาพปลอดเชื้อ = In vitro
propagation of Citrus reticulata blanco. through nucellus culture. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2543. 70 หนา. (วพ 109638)
ศรีสุดา เจนจารุวงศ. การเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อนิวเซลลัสสมโชกุน = In vitro culture through nucellus tissue of Citrus
reticulata cv. Shogun. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 65 หนา. (วพ 109637)
Nuchal arch
Preedawan Boonmark. Nuchal arch and holder : an invention for better securing endotracheal tubes in neonates.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 109 p. (T E14516)
Nuclear accident
Raththa Sricharoen. The study of the applicability of countermeasure and remediation techniques for agricultural
areas in Thailand contaminated by radioactivity. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2001. 143 p. (T E19799)
Nuclear activation analysis
Chaidan Pachanon. A study of the elements in Aloe vera powder by neutron activation analysis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 58 p. (T E33708)
Siri Putaraporn. Determination of arsenic in contaminated soil by neutron activation analysis. Chiang Mai : Chiang
Mai University, 2001. 79 p. (T E18070)
Suchat Mongkolphantha. The determination of pesticide residues in local vegetables by means of neutron
activation technique. Bangkok : Office of Atomic Energy for Peace, 1975. 21 p. (R E18611)
Nuclear energy
Wichian Intasi. A study on North Korea's strategy in nuclear disputes : the struggle for survival of a small power.
Hanyang : Hanyang University, 2007. 263 p. (T E36369)
Nuclear interaction
Narumon Suwonjandee. The measurement of the quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleon scattering cross section at the
Tevatron. Cincinnati : University of Cincinnati, 2004. 143 p. (T E24171)
Nuclear magnetic resonance
Amornrat Ratanakietthavorn. Quantitative analysis of codeine phosphate in preparations using 31P-NMR
techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1989. viii, 63 p. (T E6986)
Chaiwat Laowattanakul. Programmable pulse generator for NMR imaging. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1989. xx, 163 p. (T E6951)
Patana Puwanich. Rapid imaging of free radicals using FC-PEDRI. Aberdeen : University of Aberdeen, 1999. 193
p. (T E16111)
Pornsawan Amornsakchai. NMR studies of some solid silver and tin compounds. Durham : University of Durham,
2004. 192 p. (T E24752)
Prasan Tangyuenyongwatthana. Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance of coumarins from clausena cambodiana
guill. root bark. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1988. xv, 135 p. (T E6949)
Sakchai Chomkokkard. Development of an instrument for measuring oil content in corn seeds by means of
nuclear magnetic resonance. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 47 p. (T E23181)
Saksri Supasorn. Development and evaluation of interactive multimedia learning tools in undergraduate chemistry
: caffeine extraction simulated experiment and NMR spectroscopy web-based learning course. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2008. 229 p. (T E40326)
Thanachan Mahawanich. Using NMR to probe solute mobility and its relationship to functionality and sensory
characteristics of carbohydrate-containing systems. Urbana : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
2000. 282 p. (T E16019)
Veeramon Vailikhit. Theoretical multinuclear NMR and IR studies using combined quantum mechanics/molecular
dynamics simulations of solvated nevirapine structure. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 127 p. (T
Witsarut Thungsuntonkhun. Integration of NMR, open-hole logs and core data to improve reservoir description for
sandstone reservoirs. Socorro : New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2003. 183 p. (T E24829)
อนันตสิน เตชะกําพุช. เครื่องมือวัดปริมาณน้ํามันในเมล็ดขาวโพด โดยวิธีนิวเคลียรแมกเนติกเรโซแนนท = Instrument for
measuring oil content in corn seeds by means of nuclear magnetic resonance. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 71 หนา. (ว 99107)
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Chuenchit Bussai. Study of diffusion of guest molecules through zeolite pores using methods of quantum
chemistry, computer simulations and pulse field Gradient-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance experiments.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 189 p. (T E21544)
Panida Lorwongtragool. Simulation of the reference deconvolution processing method for improvement in NMR
signal. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 135 p. (T E29020)
Srisomporn Preeprame. Physicochemical properties of chemical constituents in Andrographis paniculata Nees.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xiii, 167 p. (T E7448)
Wanjana Wannaphahoun. Investigation of oxygen in red blood cells using NMR techniques. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1994. ix, 72 p. (T E7611)
Wisinee Chanmahasathien. Phytochemical study of Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz bark. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 236 p. (T E11361)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 80]
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (ตอ)
Wonnop Visessanguan. Optimization of natural rubber latex deproteinization by enzymes. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xii, 101 p. (T E7450)
Nuclear magnetic resonance, Pulsed
Jantraphon Mantaseviphong. A pulsed gradient NmR study of diffusion of low molecular weight siloxane oligomers
into model PDMS networks. Ohio : University of Akron, 1993. xx, 163 p. (T E7276)
Nuclear medicine
Chumnarn Sangpha. PC-based medical image viewer/brower for nuclear medicine imaging. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 51 p. (T E29063)
Taratip Narawong. Optimal filters for brain imaging in SPECT. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. ix, 102 p. (T
Nuclear modifier
Nopasak Phasukkijwatana. Nuclear modifier for a mitochondrial DNA disorder : leber hereditary optic neuropathy
(LHON). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 165 p. (T E34187)
Nuclear polyhedrosis virus
Natalee R. Jaiyen. Breeding for disease resistance in silkworm by backcross method. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2004. 101 p. (T E22788)
อรรจนสิทธิ สรอยทอง. การศึกษาความเปนไปไดทางเศรษฐศาสตรของโครงการผลิตไวรัสนิวเคลียรโพลีฮีโดรซีส (เอ็นพีวี)
สําหรับการกําจัดหนอนกระทูหอม (Spodoptera exigua Hubner) เชิงการคา = An economic feasibility study on
the production for commercial purpose of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) to control beet armyworm
(Spodoptera exigua Hubner). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 119 หนา. (วพ 104886)
Nuclear power plants
Chaiwat Muncharoen. Simulation of the emergency core cooling system of the CANDU-9 nuclear power plant on a
microcomputer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 127 p. (T E12829)
Nuclear power plants--Refueling
Udorn Youngchuay. Impact of working conditions during refueling outages at nuclear power plants.
Massacachusetts : University of Massacachusetts Lowell, 2004. 104 p. (T E24742)
Nuclear reactors
Ake Sompong. Dynamic simulation of the Thai Research Reactor 1/1 on microcomputer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 92 p. (T E11855)
Udomrat Tippawan. Secondary particle spectra from neutron induced nuclear reaction in the 14-100 MeV region.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 128 p. (T E23266)
Nuclear reactors--Design and construction
อุดมรัตน ทิพวรรณ. การศึกษาการปลดปลอยนิวตรอนทุติยภูมิ สําหรับการประยุกตการออกแบบเตาปฏิกรณปรมาณูแบบฟวชัน =
Study on secondary neutron emission for the design of fusion reactors. เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 59 หนา. (ว 100054 ฉ.1; 100055 ฉ.2)
Nuclear receptors
Roongsiri Muangmoonchai. Regulation of rat CYP2B1 gene expression : the role of nuclear receptors. London :
University of London, 2000. 236 p. (T E16023)
Nuclear research reactor
Nguyen, Thai Sinh. Thermal-hydraulic simulation for normal operation of the dalat nuclear research reactor.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 98 p. (T E13750)
Nuclear ribosomal RNA genes
Supak Laoaroon. Genetic differentiation among Thai honeybees Apis cerana using microsatellite variation and
nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 106 p. (T E13947)
Nuclear spectroscopy
Hudsaleark Neamintara. Signal processing to enhance the energy resolution in nuclear spectroscopy. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 76 p. (T E29061)
Nuclear spin
Piyasak Praditwong. Temperature dependence of spin relation time in pure water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1972. 1 แผน (52 เฟรม). (T MF09537)
Sripen Towta. Nuclear spin relaxation in smectic liquid crystals, pcbav and dadb. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1973. 2 แผน (77 เฟรม). (T MF09543)
Nuclear techniques
พัฒนา อนุรักษพงศธร. การศึกษาและติดตามการเคลื่อนยาย การแพรกระจายและผลตกคางของเอนโดซัลแฟนในดินและพืชใน
การเกษตรของประเทศไทย โดยอาศัยเทคนิคเชิงนิวเคลียร : การศึกษาในขวดไบโอมิเตอร = Fate of 14C endosulfan
in agricultural soil-plant by nuclear techniques : biometer flask study. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาวิทยาศาสตร
สิ่งแวดลอม มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 39 หนา. (ว 111576)
Nuclear technology
Nanthavan Ya-anant. Treatment of low-level radioactive cesium-137 and technetium-99 liquid wastes by inorganic
ion-exchangers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 117 p. (T E6841)
Nuclear tracking chemicaletching
Pornphan Makphon. Preparation of polycarbonate microfilters by nuclear tracking-chemical etching technique.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 135 p. (T E23405)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 81]
Nuclear transfer
Ampika Thongphakdee. In vitro and in vivo development of marbled cat and flat-headed cat embryos derived by
somatic cell nuclear transfer. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 110 p. (T E39887)
Malee Apimeteetumrong. Cloning in cattle and goats : the first DNA replication and the development of nuclear
transfer embryos. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 103 p. (T E27848)
Mongkol Techakumphu. Development of somatic cell nuclear transfer technique for biomedical and agricultural
research (year II). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 40 p. (R E38448c.1; E38449c.2)
Mongkol Techakumphu. Development of somatic cell nuclear transfer technique for biomedical and agricultural
research. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 53 p. (R E24066c.1; E24600c.2)
Ruttachuk Rungsiwiwut. Development of nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cell technology in mouse. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 80 p. (T E40295)
Naruemon Suwattananont. Preparation and characterization of calcium phosphate glass fiber. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 122 p. (T E11313)
Pussana Hirunsit. Particle formation from the rapid expansion of supercritical solution process. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 87 p. (R E22000)
Sasithorn Sae-Jiang. Periodic precipitation of metal compound in agar gel mixed with glass powder. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 128 p. (T E9442)
Kalyanee Makarabhirom. Cerebellar afferents from brainstem nuclei : an experimental study in the rats. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 179 p. (T E19241)
Nucleic acid hybridization
Mala Chutinaswangporn. Characterization of a nucleic acid hybribization procedure and a polymerase chain
reaction amplification procedure for detection of Japanese encephalitis virus in serum and cerebrospinal
fluid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 89 p. (T E6588)
พรทิพย วงศแกว. การศึกษาความสัมพันธทางพันธุศาสตรของเชื้อมายโคพลาสมา สาเหตุอาการโรคยอดพุมฝอยที่ปรากฏในงา
กระดุมใบ และถั่วครามปา โดยวิธีนิวคลีอิกแอซิค ไฮบริไดเซชั่น = Study on genetic relatedness of MycoplasmaLike organisms causing phyllody type symptom in sesame, richardia, crotalaria and indigofera plants by
means of nucleic acid hybridization. ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2540]. 16 หนา. (ว
Nucleic acid probes
Tirasak Pasharawipas. Development of nucleic acid probe for Agmasoma penaci (Microsporidian) infection in
penaeid shrimp. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 130 p. (T E7950)
Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification
Sangchai Yingsakmongkon. Identification of dengue serotypes along the Thai-Laos border using the NASBA
technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 105 p. (T E24013)
Nucleic acids
Sumonmal Uttayamakul. Detection of HIV-1 nucleic acid and p24 antigen from dried blood spot specimens.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 104 p. (T E20475)
Tirayut Vilaivan. Synthesis and properties of novel peptide nucleic acids carrying a hydrophilic side-chain. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 68 p. (R E19689)
Vilaval Pongpituk. Model potentials for Monte Carlo simulations of nucleic acid base-water systems. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 1993. (xiii), 88 p. (T E7421)
Nucleic acids--Synthesis
Suwabun Chirachanchai. Studies on synthesis and applications of hyaluronic acid derivatives conjugated with
nucleic acid bases. Osaka : Osaka University, 1995. 67 p. (T E9552)
Ekachai Khumphant. Effect of ocimum sanctum leaf extract on the micronucleus formation induced by
cyclophosphamide in bone marrow cells of AS-30D hepatoma transplanted rats. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 75 p. (T E20135)
Piyarat Jitrawang. Effect of stevioside and steviol on reproductive capability and micronucleus formation in
hamsters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 162 p. (T E13152)
Suchanuch Ondee. A study of antimutagenicity, antimicronucleus formation and antineoplastic effect of
Ganoderma lucidum [Leyss. ex Fr.] Karst. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 104 p. (T E18866)
Thanee Sukglin. Effect of ocimum sanctum leaf extract on micronucleus formation induced by chemical
mutagents in peripheral reticulocyte of ICR mice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T E20116)
Wandee Sutjit. The antioxidant test, Ames' test and micronuclei test of chemical extract from white kwao krua
Pueraria mirifica, red kwao krua Butea superba, black kwao krua Mucuna collettii and kudzu Pueraria
lobata. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 127 p. (T E37908)
Nucleon and antinucleon annihilation
Yupeng, Yan. Proton-antiproton annihilation at rest into two and three mesons. Nakhon Ratchasima : Suranaree
University of Technology, 2002. 83 p. (R E21294 c.1; E21295 c.2)
Chaisingh PooRakkiat. Relativistic and field theoretic effects in the nuclear many-body problem. Notre Dame :
University of Notre Dame, 1989. 92 p. (T E40262)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 82]
Nucleophilic reactions
Ruchanok Tearavarich. Benzimidazolium-catalysed nucleophilic addition of aldehydes to electrophilic double
bonds. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 143 p. (T E20672)
Phouvong Keomony. Management of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hiibner), on pepper by
nucleopolyhedrovirus, neem extract and cypermethrin. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 45 p. (T
Sirikwan Boonmoh. Molecular cloning and expression of the nucleoprotein gene of influenza A virus. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 92 p. (T E35638)
Nucleoside analog mutations
Chutitorn Ketloy. Genotypic resistance to nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HIV-1
infected patients by duplex selective polymerase chain reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001.
68 p. (T E19627)
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase
Pattama Howhan. Enzymatic synthesis of deoxynucleoside triphosphates : cloning, overexpression, and
purification of cytidine monophosphate kinase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase and pyruvate kinase from
Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 163 p. (T E24070)
Chutima Jaruchoktaweechai. Bioactive constituents from marine Bacillus strains. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1999. 322 p. (T E15558)
Nucleotide excision repair
Prapaipat Klungsupya. Nucleotide excision repair of the plasmid borne MFA2 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Wales : University of Wales Swansea, 2001. 252 p. (T E16004)
Nucleotide sequence
Anchalee La-ard. Species identification of mycobacteria by sequencing of amplified 16s rDNA from hemocultures.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 94 p. (T E18965)
Apanchanid Thepouyporn. Study of nucleotide sequence and expression of chitinase gene from Bacillus circulans
No.4.1 in Escherichia coli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 106 p. (T E14224)
Chamaiphorn Jainog. Structural analysis of unknown beta-globin gene variant by DNA sequencing. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2000. 54 p. (T E16444)
Chompunut Kanjanakorn. Nucleotide sequence of chitinase gene from Pseudomonas maltophilia. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 105 p. (T E12483)
Daoroong Piyasatjaboon. Perinatal transmission of HIV-1 subtype E : diagnosis and nucleotide sequence analysis
of pol gene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 144 p. (T E14482)
Jakree Anantasirisombat. Wavelet analysis of polynucleotides. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 46 p. (T
Jeerasak Tuasakul. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) gene from thermotolerant
acetic acid bacterium, Acetobacter pasteurianus SKU1108. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 111 p. (T
Jittima Chareonpanich. Nucleotide sequencing and cloning of the phenylalanine dehydrogenase gene from
thermotolerant Bacillus badius BC1. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 166 p. (T E18925)
Kamontip Kuttiyawong. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of chitinase gene from Burkholderia cepacia TU09.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 99 p. (T E18930)
Kanchana Weeradechapon. Nucleotide sequence analysis and strain improvement for high expression of penicillin
G acylase gene from bacillus megaterium UN-1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 131 p. (T E7200)
Kannipa Limpiputchai. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of truncated alcohol dehydrogenase [adh] gene from A
thermotolerant acetic acid bacteria, Acetobacter pasteurianus SKU1108. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
2001. 107 p. (T E16951)
Kanokwan Imtawil. Nucleotide sequences of Paragonimus heterotremus specific DNA fragment. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2001. 105 p. (T E16957)
Kanya Anukulthanakorn. The nucleotide suquences of parathyroid gene in new world and old world monkeys.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 108 p. (T E19662)
Natwadee Poomipark. Nucleotide sequencing and cloning of alanine dehydrogenase gene from Aeromonas
hydrophila. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 77 p. (T E15937)
Nuttiporn Vanittananon. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of adhs gene encoding alcohol dehydrogenase
subunit III from Acetobacter pasteurianus SKU1108. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 100 p. (T
Pattama Luangwuthiwong. Hair analysis studies to identify human mitochondrial DNA and forensic application.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 66 p. (T E17493)
Phataraporn Khumphai. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the protease encoding gene from halotolerant
bacterium, pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra MFKU 126. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 94 p. (T
Pravech Ajawatanawong. Analysis of complete nucleotide sequence and molecular phylogeny of a Thai isolate of
hepatitis G virus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 248 p. (T E17077)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 83]
Nucleotide sequence (ตอ)
Rojana Kunkitti. Analysis of the nucleocapsid gene of hepatitis C virus isolated in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 88 p. (T E9716)
Saengchan Senapin. Cloning and DNA sequencing of flagellin genes of Pseudomonas species. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1997. 134 p. (T E10935)
Saisiri Mirasena. Prenatal diagnosis of severe thalassemia syndrome by ARMS and DNA sequencing. Phitsanulok :
Naresuan University, 2008. 95 p. (T E39727)
Siriphan Manocheewa. Combination approach for predicting prokaryotic sigma factor binding sites [I]/Modeling
three-dimensional protein-DNA interactions [II]. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2005. 93 p. (T E37292)
Suttidarak Chaijan. Study on microbial thermostable beta-mannanase. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p.
(T E21305)
Kanlaya Wongworapat. Nucleotide sequence variation of the genital Chlamydia trachomatis MOMP gene. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 99 p. (T E16484)
Pongsatorn Limsiriwong. Chemical constituents from a Thai tunicate, Didemnum sp.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1997. 126 p. (T E11865)
Punnarai Veeraseatakul. Genotyping and nucleotide sequence polymorphism of the VD4-MOMP gene of
Chlamydia trachomatis detected in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 99 p. (T
Salakchit Chutipongvivate. Genotype and nucleotide sequence polymorphism of the 56-kilodalton major protein
gene of Orientia tsutsugamushi in Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003. 107 p. (T E21315)
Sirikan Prasertlux. Identification of single nucleotide polymorphism of genes in ovaries and testes of the giant
tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 145 p. (T E37963)
Siriporn Pongsomboon. Isolation and characterization of tri-and tetranucleotide microsatellite sequences for
application to DNA typing in the black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 192 p. (T E20243)
Supaporn Wacharapluesadee. Development of hapten labeled nucleotide triphosphate for nonisotopic gene
detection. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 95 p. (T E7182)
Tanawan Samleerat. Study of the nucleotide polymorphism of CCR5 promoter, CCR5delta32 and CCR5-m303
mutations and their protein-density expressed on the surface of CD4+ lymphocytes and monocytes from
HIV highly exposed persistently seronegative (HEPS)persons. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2003.
146 p. (T E21469)
Witoon Tirasophon. Signal transduction from the endoplasmic reticulum to the nucleus in mammalian cells.
Michigan : University of Michigan, 1999. 142 p. (T E16031)
Nucleus accumbens
Ekkasit Kumarnsit. Effects of alkaloid extract from Mitragyna speciosa on Fos-like immunoreactivity in rat nucleus
accumbens and striatum. Songkhla : Department of Physiology Prince of Songkla University, [2008]. 16 p.
(R E38598)
Sutisa Thanoi. Effects of acute and chronic pseudoephedrine administrations on the nervous systems and
gametogenesis in rats. Phitsanulok : Department of Anatomy Naresuan University, 2005. 62 p. (R E30258)
Nucleus Estate Smallholder project
Aruan, Christa Tioreni. Impact of the nucleus estate smallholder (NES) project on income distribution of the
participant farmers in Riau province, Indonesia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1993. (vi), 76 p. (T E7096)
Nuisance standard
ชมภูศักดิ์ พูลเกษ. การสํารวจและศึกษาเพื่อจัดทํามาตรฐานเหตุรําคาญดานกลิ่น ฝุนละอองและเสียงดัง จากกิจการที่เปน
อันตรายตอสุขภาพประเภทการประดิษฐ ไม หวาย เปนสิ่งของดวยเครื่องจักร หรือการพน การทาสารเคลือบเงา สี หรือ
การแตงสําเร็จผลิตภัณฑจาก ไมหรือหวาย. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาอาชีวอนามัยและความปลอดภัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
[2544]. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 113866)
บริษัทยูไนเต็ด แอนนาลิสต แอนด เอ็นจิเนียริ่ง คอนซัลแตนท. การสํารวจและศึกษาเพื่อจัดทํามาตรฐานเหตุรําคาญดานกลิ่น
ฝุนละอองและเสียงดัง จากกิจการที่เปนอันตรายตอสุขภาพประเภทการระเบิด การโม การปนหิน ดวยเครื่องจักร =
Survey and study for an establishment of nuisance standard for offensive odor, dust and noise from stone
mine, stone crushing and grinding factories. กรุงเทพฯ : บริษัท, 2543. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 113868)
บริษัทเอเชี่ยน เอ็นไวรอนเมนทัล โปรเทคชั่น. การสํารวจและศึกษาเพื่อจัดทํามาตรฐานเหตุรําคาญดานกลิ่น ฝุนละอองและเสียง
ดัง จากกิจการที่เปนอันตรายตอสุขภาพ ประเภทการเลี้ยงสุกร เปด ไก = Study project and survey of pig and
poultry farms in order to set standards for public health exposure level or oder, particulate and noise.
กรุงเทพฯ : บริษัท, 2543. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 113869)
พาลาภ สิงหเสนี. การสํารวจและศึกษาเพื่อจัดทํามาตรฐานเหตุรําคาญดานกลิ่น ฝุนละออง และเสียงดังจากกิจการที่เปนอันตราย
ตอสุขภาพประเภท การผลิตเสนหมี่ กวยเตี๋ยวและขนมจีน = Study project and survey of noodle factory to set
standards for public health exposure levels of odor particulate and noise. กรุงเทพฯ : ไทย เซ็นเตอร ฟอร เอ็น
ไวรอนเมนทอล เฮลท, 2543. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 113867)
Dacha Wunnapahool. The administration of nuisance sources of public health officers in region II according to
Public Health Act, B.E.2535. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 125 p. (T E17087)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 84]
Apichat Terapasirdsin. Novel CCII-based Tow-thomas low-pass filters using nullator and norator relocations.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 271 p. (R E14875)
Apichat Terapasirdsin. Novel CCII-based Tow-thomas low-pass filters using nullator and norator relocations.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 271 p. (R E14875)
Num wa fiber
Sarawut Pucharachompu. A feasibility study on using banana [Musa abb. "Kluai Nam Wa"] for pulp production.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 80 p. (T E18490)
Nirutt Pipattanajinda. Finding the number of cycle homomorphisms. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 21
p. (T E37325)
Pear Promdee. Finding the number of shortest paths in three dimensional square lattices. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2006. 27 p. (T E37311)
Number model
Teerasak Kittisiriwattanakul. The applicability of GIS and SCS runoff curve number model in estimating total
runoff. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E19380)
Number of children everborn
Rahman, Lima. Factors affecting number of children everborn in ever-married women age 15-49 years in
Kanchanaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 75 p. (T E19305)
Number [Grammar]
Rojana Chommanarth. A study of number from a translated version of Many Lives by Meredith Borthwick.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T E15084)
Tipa Kongsrima. An insert-friendly numbering scheme for XML path expression indexing. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 38 p. (R E39658)
Numbers, Natural
Yupa Sirisinudomkit. A nonstandard method for teaching basic real analysis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute
of Technology Thonburi, 1997. 47 p. (T E12414)
Numbers, Real
Danita Chunarom. Expansions of real numbers in non-integer bases. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 37 p.
(T E36289)
Yupa Sirisinudomkit. A nonstandard method for teaching basic real analysis. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute
of Technology Thonburi, 1997. 47 p. (T E12414)
Samean Khanman. The effects of foot massage as a complementary nursing intervention on numbness in noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 87 p. (R E17830)
ฉวี เย็นใจ. การสังเคราะหอนุพันธของนิมโบไลดและทดสอบความสามารถในการฆาเชื้อมาลาเรีย = Synthesis of nimbolide
derivatives and antimalarial testing. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาเภสัชเคมี มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 42 หนา. (ว
Kritsada Chotiwiriyakun. Solving MILP & MINLP problems with ant colony optimization. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 100 p. (R E20529)
Jiraporn Chalermchai. Some representations of natural numbers. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 30 p. (T
พัชรา อุบลศรี. อินเทอรโพเลชันและการประยุกตในสนามกาลัวส = Interpolation and applications in Galois fields.
กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 99027)
วิเชียร เลาหโกศล. ตัวสวนของพหุนามจํานวนเต็ม = Denomicnators of integer polynomials. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 1 เลม (หนาไมเรียงลําดับ). (ว 99026)
อุษณีย ลีรวัฒน. พหุนามคาจํานวนเต็มเหนือสนามที่ไมใชสนามตรรกยะ = Integer-valued polynomails over fields other
than rational number field. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 12 หนา. (ว 99031)
Numeric rating discomfort scale
Benjawan Sophonratanapokin. Muscle activities of upper trapezius and cervical paraspinal and discomfort during
carrying single strap shoulder bag. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 156 p. (T E33476)
Numerical analysis
Anirut Luadsong. Numerical analysis and simulation of land and sea breeze in the Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1996. 119 p. (T E12294)
Boonlert Archevarahuprok. Numerical modeling of topographical influence on atmospheric condition over the
Chao Phraya River Basin. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1996. 147 p. (T
Nuttaka Homsup. Finite-difference time-domain method for solving electromagnetic field problems. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2000. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E15552)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 85]
Numerical analysis (ตอ)
Sutida Phitakwinai. Numerical analysis of pressure loss and heat transfer in a natural-draft stack. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 78 p. (T E40656)
Numerical analysis--Acceleration of convergence
Suriyan Tishyadhigama. On numerical convergence of implementable conjugate gradient method. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1982. 65 p. (R E288)
Numerical calculations
Montri Thongmoon. A numerical model for an air pollution near roadways. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2007. 88 p. (T E39647)
Numerical controllability
Benjasin Boonthongchan. Application of relative order under lie derivative to classify the control configurations.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 173 p. (R E18807)
Numerical design
Van, Quang Nguyen. Numerical design of retarded fractional delay differential systems by the method of
inequalities. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 47 p. (T E41293)
Numerical eco-load total standard
Kirana Chomkumsri. Life cycle assessment of electricity generating (thermal and hydro power plant) of Thailand
using SimaPro 5.0. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 157 p. (T E21171)
Numerical inference ability
อังคณา ออนธานี. การเปรียบเทียบความสามารถในการอนุมานจํานวนของเด็กอายุ 3 ถึง 5 ป = A comparison of numerical
inference ability in three-to-five year-old children. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 82 หนา. (วพ
Numerical integration
Yodchai Tiaple. Prediction of waveload on ship advancing under non-inertial effect using adaptive numerical
integration of green's function. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2003.
145 p. (T E23018)
Numerical method
Thidaporn Supapakorn. Wind field at 500 hPa. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
2001. 71 p. (T E16675)
อําไพศักดิ์ ทีบุญมา. การสรางสนามเสนเลื่อนไหลและโฮโดรกราฟของการดึงขึ้นรูปผานพิมพรูปลิ่มดวยวิธีเชิงตัวเลข = A
construction of slip-line field and hodograph of sheet drawing through wedge die by using numerical
method. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 75 หนา. (วพ 110897)
Numerical methods
Kanyuta Poochinapan. Numerical methods for an ion transport problem. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2001. 103 p. (T E18419)
Supanee Suwannasilp. Numerical simulation of the monthly mean sea current in spherical coordinates in the
Andaman sea near Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 74 p. (T
Numerical model
Chantawan Noisri. Numerical Simulation of deep convective cloud in the Thai climate. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 92 p. (T E31316)
Porpattama Hammachukiattikul. A Numerical model for convective clouds formation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 108 p. (T E34726)
Somsiri Payakkarak. A numerical model for air flow in street canyons. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2006. 79 p. (T E35863)
Numerical prediction
วรเชษฐ ภิรมยภักดิ์. การทํานายเชิงตัวเลขสําหรับการไหลแบบสภาวะคงที่ของสารทําความเย็นบริสุทธิ์และสารทําความเย็นผสม
ผานทอคาปลลารี่ = Numerical prediction of steady flows of pure refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures
through capillary tubes. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 258 หนา. (วพ 109358)
Numerical simulation
Chainarong Srikunwong. Modelisation du procede de soudage par points. Paris : Ecole Nationale Superieure des
Mines de Paris, 2005. 360 p. (T E36313)
Chawisnach Engchatcharoen. Numerical simulation for motion of one dimensional plasma in an electromagnetic
field. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 86 p. (T E16351)
Mahippong Worakul. Numerical simulation of groundwater resources in King Amphoe Khaen Dong And Amphoe
Khu Mueng Changwat Buri Ram. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 127 p. (T E18755)
Manop Tanulert. Numerical simulations of airflow around elevated expressways over street canyons. Bangkok :
King Monkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 66 p. (T E40816)
Narongrit Kaewbangak. Numerical simulation of the december 26, 2004 : Indian Ocean tsunami. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 72 p. (T E35297)
Phongpat Isarakul. Numerical simulation of the shallow water equations with a new skipped grid. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 61 p. (T E39654)
Suthatsana Homthian. Numerical study of flow and mixing behavior of nanofluids in impinging streams. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 50 p. (R E40121)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 86]
Numerical simulation (ตอ)
Vimolrat Ngamaramvaranggul. Numerical simulation of non-newtonian free surface flows. Wales : University of
Wales, 2000. 220 p. (T E16239)
ธัชพงศ ชูศรี. การจําลองเชิงตัวเลขของเพอรแวปเพอเรชันสถานะไมคงตัวของน้ํา = Numerical simulation of unsteadystate water pervaporation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 85 หนา. (วพ 110337)
Numerical solution
Sureerat Areeraksakul Konglok. A K model for simulating the dispersion of sulfur dioxide in an urban. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 87 p. (T E40699)
Numerical taxonomy
Chukiat Dilokrattanatrakul. Morphological and numerical taxonomy of oysters in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 142 p. (T E12893)
Pankamon Sornsuwan. Numerical taxonomy of some fern species in the genus Thelypteris schmidel sensu lato in
Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 74 p. (T E27838)
Sahanat Petchsri. Taxonomic revision of fern Microsorum punctatum (L.) Copel. complex (Polypodiaceae).
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 114 p. (T E40948)
Numerical techniques
Tanin Nutaro. Solving the Ginzbury-Landau equations by numerical techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1993. xi, 128 p. (T E6821)
Numerical weather forecasting
World Meteorological Organization. Numerical modelling of the tropical atmosphere. Switzerland : World
Meteorological Organization, International Council of Scientific Unions Geneva, 1978. 79 p. (R E20897)
Numerical weather prediction
Chinnawat Surussavadee. Passive millimeter-wave retrieval of global precipitation utilizing satellites and a
numerical weather prediction model. Cambridge : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. 234 p. (T
Sugunyanee Yavinchan. The impact of convective parameterization on heavy rainfall prediction. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 161 p. (T E39603)
Cook, Nerida M.. The position of nuns in Thai Buddhism : the parameters of religious recognition. [S.l.] :
Australian National University, 1981. 245 p. (T E12908)
Falk, Monica Lindberg. Making fields of merit Buddhist nuns challenge gendered orders in Thailand. Goteborg :
Department of Social Antropology Goteborg University, 2002. 281 p. (R E20900)
Nerida, M. Cook. The position of nuns in Thai buddhism ; the parameters of religious recognition. Australia :
Australian National University, 1981. 5 แผน (254 เฟรม). (T MF09648)
สุทธิวรรณา นนทชะสิริ. สถานภาพและบทบาทของแมชีในดานการใหการศึกษา และการบริการสังคม = Status and roles of
Buddhist nuns in promotion of education and social service. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 155
หนา. (วพ 100988)
Nurse administration skill
จริยา ลัทธศักดิ์ศิริ. การฝกอบรมที่พึงปรารถนาเพื่อพัฒนาทักษะการบริหารการพยาบาลของหัวหนาหอผูปวย โรงพยาบาล
จุฬาลงกรณ สภากาชาดไทย = Desirable training to develop nurse administration skill of head nurses, at King
Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital ; The Thai Red Cross Society. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 129
หนา. (วพ 109764)
Nurse administrators
Marisa Krairiksh. The relationship among staff nurses' participation in decision making, nurse managers'
leadership competencies, and nurse-physician collaboration. [S.l.] : Case Western Reserve University,
2000. 169 p. (T E16221)
Nurse and patient
Naruetaya Pakpreo. Selected factors, nurse-client relationship and coping strategies in pregnant women. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 91 p. (T E19599)
Nittaya Ngamdee. The relationship between nurse support selected factors and uncertainty in patient's illness
among the emergency patients' relatives. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 88 p. (T E20051)
Pairote Wilainuch. Communication between nurses and patients in HIV/AIDS counselling, in Thailand. York :
University of York, 2006. 427 p. (T E38544)
Piyarat Sinpisut. The intentions of nurses to take care of HIV-infected patients in Songklanagarind hospital.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 68 p. (T E7855)
Piyathida Duangjai. Effects of collaborative symptom management between an asthmatic patient and a nurse.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 110 p. (T E13961)
Prapaporn Chukumnerd. Effects of collaborative symptom management between and essential hypertensive
patient and a nurse. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 122 p. (T E14002)
Sarintip Chanduaywit. The relationship between personal factors, Buddhist characteristics and organizational
factors and caring behaviors in general and regional hospitals in eastern region. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 122 p. (T E20052)
Sudarat Sittisombut. Quality of nursing care in patient with mechanical ventilator in intensive care unit Maharaj
Nakorn Chiang Mai hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. viii, 114 p. (T E7348)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 87]
Nurse and patient (ตอ)
Tipporn Sae-Choen. Interaction between nurses and patients with endotracheal intubation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 97 p. (T E19872)
Nurse and patient--China
Li, Zheng. Learning needs of myocardial infraction patients as perceived by patients and nurses. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1996. 89 p. (T E10685)
Nurse and patient--Chon Buri
Kamolkan Suriyakrai. Application of general networking model for improving Cholburi hospital nurses' attitude
towards AIDS patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 121 p. (T E9811)
Nurse and physician
Marisa Krairiksh. The relationship among staff nurses' participation in decision making, nurse managers'
leadership competencies, and nurse-physician collaboration. [S.l.] : Case Western Reserve University,
2000. 169 p. (T E16221)
Nurse caring behaviors
Rachinya Jumrernvanit. Nurse caring behavior perceptions and satisfaction with nurses caring in postpartum
mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E17675)
Nurse directors
จริยา พิชญชยะนนท. การพัฒนาแบบประเมินสมรรถนะของหัวหนากลุมงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลชุมชน กระทรวง
สาธารณสุข = Development of competency assessment scale among nursing directors in community
hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 148
หนา. (วพ 109762)
Nurse managers
Marisa Krairiksh. The relationship among staff nurses' participation in decision making, nurse managers'
leadership competencies, and nurse-physician collaboration. [S.l.] : Case Western Reserve University,
2000. 169 p. (T E16221)
Nurse practitioners
Darunee Padungpaen. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for screening and communicating
with aphasic patients : from a synthesis of relevant research. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 129 p.
(T E21083)
Prabha Limprasutr. Evaluation of public health nurse practitioner in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1983.
280 p. (R E1201)
Nurse scheduling
Sasitorn Parinamosot. Nurse scheduling system development case study : Nursery Department Piyavate hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 109 p. (T E21134)
Nurse supervisors
Alisa Chuangaroon. Nursing supervisory development of after hours nurse supervisors, Nursing Division, National
Cancer Institute, Department of Medical services, Thailand, 2005. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 126
p. (T E33806)
Nurse-assistant students
Rachanida Glanarongran. The effectiveness of an application of self-efficacy theory to health promotion program
provided for nurse-assistant students, Faculty of Tropical Medicine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
146 p. (T E18199)
Nurse-client relationship
Naruetaya Pakpreo. Selected factors, nurse-client relationship and coping strategies in pregnant women. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 91 p. (T E19599)
Nurse-patient relations
Wirote Kotchagrit. The effects of nurse-patient collaborative care on facilitating transitional process of patients
with COPD. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E17583)
สุนทร ดุริยะประพันธ. การผลิตแทงเพาะชําจากกากตะกอนบอบําบัดน้ําเสียในอุตสาหกรรมเยื่อกระดาษ = Production of
nursery-block from activated sludge of pulp and paper industry. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและ
เทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2541. 49 หนา. (ว 97633)
AF, Darmansyah. Nursing process utilization among registered nurses in Siriraj hospital Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 70 p. (T E15032)
Akaluck Wong-apai. The relationship between personality, personal factors and sleep quality of the nursing staff
in Srithanya hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 68 p. (T E34041)
Akanit Wangpetch. Moral behavior of nurses under the Act on nursing and midwifery profession B.E.2528 an
empirical study for Siriraj hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 126 p. (T E18344)
Araya Jeranukul. The perception of administrators concerning role expectation and role performance of nurses
with a master's degree in nursing in university hospitals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 142 p. (T
Aree Suwaroporn. Job analysis as a basis for determining needs and problems in the use of English language for
nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 170 p. (T E12171)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 88]
Nurses (ตอ)
Budsaya Wongkittitham. The distribution of nurses with a master's degree in nursing practicing in the university
hospitals and the hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 69 p. (T E21894)
Chanakarn Boonnuch. Professional performance among nurses at accredited hospitals in Bangkok Metropolis.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 204 p. (T E23712)
Chattika Chongtrakul. Role of registered nurse for nursing practice in health risk from industrial pollution problems
: a case study of Pathumthani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E18264)
Chayanuj Chaiyaratana. The effects of pediatric triage training course on nurses' triage knowledge, performance
accuracy and waiting time of pediatric patients in emergency department. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 117 p. (T E15895)
Chiraporn Chammo. Role expectation and role performance perceived by nurses with a master's degree in nursing
in hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 132
p. (T E16587)
Chutchanun Thongthai. Readiness and participation in nursing quality assurance of registered nurses in a hospital
under Department of Medical Service, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 113 p. (T E32942)
Guo, Hong. Perceived benefits of barriers to cardiac rehabilitation and motivation among nurses. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1999. 107 p. (T E15676)
Jamison, Sandra L.. Forces perceived to influence implementation of curricular changes for primary health care in
basic nursing education in Thailand. Indiana : Indiana University, 1988. 246 p. (T E11881)
Jarunan Srijandee. Health teaching competency bases for nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 145 p. (T
Jiranun Ponmafuang. Perceived occupational health hazards, organizational climate, and turnover intention
among nurses : a case study in a hospital under the Thai Red Cross. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
113 p. (T E33858)
Karaked Nukthat. A study of patient teaching of registered nurses at Phrae hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 94 p. (T E14488)
Karuna Sripuanjai. Working postures and low back pain in nursing personnel. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
119 p. (T E19584)
Kunnaree Na Takuatung. Stress and quality of work life of government officials in Srithanya hospital. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 83 p. (T E24417)
Ladda Wudhinitikornkit. A study on using stress relaxation techniques of registered nurses at Rajavithi hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 195 p. (T E18504)
Nadsuda Chotwattanakulchai. A study of a nurse's role in reducing labor pain in delivery units. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 76 p. (T E16894)
Nalinee Taweewal. Relation of moral reasoning ability to empathy and work experience of nurses in Pranangklao
hospital, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 71 p. (T E33629)
Naruemon Sitthilutrakul. Violence against nurses and the consequences. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 129
p. (T E21164)
Natthakun Hnujak. Leadership, organizational climate, job empowerment, and service quality management of
head nurses in regional and ceneral hospitals in the central region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
192 p. (T E28938)
Nipawan Siriprasert. Knowledge regarding hospital accreditation of nurses; a case study at Phaya Thai 3 hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 62 p. (T E14556)
Nitaya Pinyokham. Development of a program for enhancing nurses' capacity in weaning off ventilator. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 196 p. (T E37318)
Njuki, Gerald Mwangi. Factors related to job satisfaction among nurses at Ramathibodi hospital Bangkok,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 68 p. (T E17922)
Nonglak Chuayna. Implementing clinical guidelines in nurse-led primary health care in Thailand : a randomised
controlled trial. Liverpool : University of Liverpool, 2003. 316 p. (T E22202)
Oranit Suwintharakorn. The perception of administrators concerning role expectation and role performance of
nurses with a master's degree in nursing in hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 118 p. (T E24613)
Orasa Silaruk. Evaluation of staff nurses performance in tracheal suctioning in Ramathibodi Hospital. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (113 เฟรม). (T MF09378)
Pananya Borwornnuntakul. Quality of work life of government officials : a case study of professional nurses at
hospitals in metropolitan Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 118 p. (T E20138)
Pawilai Pitakwong. Result of muscle relaxation training to reduce stress of medical nurses at Siriraj hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 73 p. (T E24524)
Piyatida Junlapeeya. Model testing of exercise behavior in Thai female registered nurses in an urban hospital.
Baltimore : University of Maryland, 2005. 223 p. (T E36495)
Piyawan Pokpalagon. Knowledge, attitude, and caring behavior for end of life patients among professional nurses
in governmental hospitals, Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33928)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 89]
Nurses (ตอ)
Pramesiri Chanloha. Role congruence and role satisfaction of nurses with a master's degree in nursing in the
university hospitals and the hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 139 p. (T E18011)
Prapa Chumkamol. An application of self-efficacy theory for health promotion development OPD and IPD nurses
in Ban Laem hospital, Petchburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 123 p. (T E21104)
Prapai Assawapattanakool. The relationship between selected factors and the quality of life among pre-retirement
nurses of Department of Medical Services, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 104 p. (T E20024)
Ratree Oonchai. Relationship between registered nurses' personal factors, leadership behavior of head nurses and
morale of registered nurses, Department of Health, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 111 p. (T E17283)
Saowanee Jampangam. Relationships between selected factors, conflict and conflict management with burnout
among staff nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 85 p. (T E20861)
Sarawin Sittiwongse. The relationship between Buddhist characteristics and behavior in AIDS counseling among
professional nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 115 p. (T E23515)
Sirilak Kitsripisarn. Perspectives of Thai nurses in wisdom-health. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 148
p. (T E39823)
Siriluk Salukum. Randomized control trial of application of the CDC. control guidelines category I and education
for reduction of nosocomial UTI in CMU. hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xiii, 134 p. (T
Siriporn Boonpoon. Factors influencing discharge planning of professional nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 101 p. (T E32910)
Siriwan Kuawiriyapan. Role expectation and role performance perceived by nurses with a master's degree in
nursing in university hospitals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 133 p. (T E18017)
Siriwan Suamapanao. Factors related to role performance in occupational disease prevention of nurses in health
centers, Department of Health, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
113 p. (T E34422)
Sompong Glomkhao. Care provided by nurses for pressure sore prevention. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
60 p. (T E14797)
Somsong Junhom. The readiness of nurses in the Somdejprapinklao hospital for development to hospital
accreditation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 124 p. (T E17292)
Suaysilp Kittmontreechai. The prevalence and factors associtated with low back pain in Bangkok Metropolitan
Administration General hospital nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 69 p. (T E17851)
Suni Kolsatayasmit. Prefessional nurse competency in the universal coverage health insurance in health centers,
the Health Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 117 p.
(T E23988)
Supaluk Chaibunkaew. Holistic nursing perception and practice among registered nurses at community hospitals
in Southern Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E21184)
Supasanong Rattananun. Factors related to job performance of home health care by professional nurses at
regional and general hospitals in the central region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 143 p. (T
Uayporn Pichayamongkol. Nurses' and caregivers' perception on self-care requisites in elderly patients with heart
failure, and caregivers' efficacy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17610)
Ulavanee Petcharat. Factors affecting job competency of professional nurses in Mission hospital. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 95 p. (T E24129)
Yuwayong Yaowapanon. A comparison between community health nursing curricula and expected performance of
community health nurse. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xvi, 231 p. (T E7003)
กรุงเทพมหานคร = Factors influencing the need to change job of nurses in the hospitals under the
Department of Medical Service, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร,
2541. 98 หนา. (วพ 98909)
จรรยาลักษณ สุขแจม. การสรางแรงจูงใจเพื่อสงเสริมการออกกําลังกายในพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลวชิรพยาบาล กรุงเทพมหานคร
= The motivation to promote exercise among nurses in Vajira hospital, Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 154 หนา. (วพ 99112)
พัทธนันท ระเวกโฉม. ศึกษาวิเคราะหจริยธรรมความเอื้ออาทร : กรณีวิชาชีพพยาบาลในประเทศไทย = An analysis of the
ethics of care : a case study of Thai nursing profession. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 107 หนา. (วพ
สุภาภรณ ปรารมย. ศึกษาการบันทึกทางการพยาบาลตามการปฏิบัติของพยาบาลหองฉุกเฉินและอุบัติเหตุ โรงพยาบาลตํารวจ =
A study of documentation of nursing performance in the emergency room, Police hospital. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 96 หนา. (วพ 98757)
อัมภา ศรารัชต. ศักยภาพโรงพยาบาลศูนยและโรงพยาบาลเฉพาะทาง ในการเปนแหลงฝกอบรมความรู ความชํานาญเฉพาะทาง
ในแตละสาขาการพยาบาล = The potentiallities of regional and specialty hospitals for conducting training in
nursing specialties. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 156 หนา. (วพ 97837)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 90]
Nurses (ตอ)
อุทัยวรรณ พงษบริบูรณ. การประเมินหลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต (ฉบับปรับปรุง พุทธศักราช 2533) ของวิทยาลัยพยาบาล
กองทัพบก = An evaluation of the bachelor of nursing science curriculum (revised, B.E.2533), the Royal
Thai Army Nursing collegs. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 196 หนา. (วพ 98676)
Nurses performance
Sountaree Jianvitayakij. The effects of the nurses' weaning competency-promoting program on nurses'
performance and satisfaction in weaning patients from mechanical ventilators. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 77 p. (T E20513)
Nurses--Ang Thong
Supang Thongmun. Factors relating to quality of work life of nurses in community hospitals in Angthong province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 120 p. (T E17357)
Foman-eg, Teresita D.. Knowledge and attitude of doctors and nurses to the Thirty Baht Health Care Scheme in
the community hospitals in Suphan Buri, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 74 p. (T E21036)
Kamolkan Suriyakrai. Application of general networking model for improving Cholburi hospital nurses' attitude
towards AIDS patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 121 p. (T E9811)
Liu, Jun-e. Computer knowledge, attitudes and skills of nurses in people's hospital affiliated to Beijing Medical
University. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 118 p. (T E12631)
Wang, Chenguang. Attitudes of nurses toward clinical nursing research. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000.
89 p. (T E16464)
Duangrat Suwanprateep. Quality of work life of professional nurses in a big private hospital in Bangkok
Metropolis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 65 p. (T E10788)
Panjaitan-Hutapea, Lyna M.N.. The relationship between selected factors and job stress among nurses at
Bangkok Adventist Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 91 p. (T E9128)
Pruksachat Pibulthanavanich. Nurses' resignation from profession in the context of labor process and gender
relations : a case study in a private hospital in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 215 p. (T
Siriluk Suesat. The relationship between readiness and nursing performance for hospital accreditation of
professional nurses in Priest hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 104 p. (T E23853)
Suksiri Prasomsuk. The study of selected factors affecting anticipated turnover among professional nurses in
Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. x, 135 p. (T E7050)
Nurses--Bangkok--Job satisfaction
ศิริรัตน นิตยสุทธิ. ลักษณะระบบบริหารจัดการ กับความพึงพอใจในการทํางานของพยาบาลโรงพยาบาลสมิติเวช สุขุมวิท = The
characteristic management system and nurses' job satisfaction at Samitivej Sukhumvit hospital. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 134 หนา. (วพ 97713)
Nartrudee Krasaetanont. Behavior on infectious waste management of nurses in Bhumibol Adulyadej hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 109 p. (T E16897)
Fang, Jinbo. A model for predicting fatigue in Chinese nurses. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 218 p. (T
Li, Xiaohan. Continuing education needs among nurses in three teaching hospitals of China medical University .
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 122 p. (T E10470)
Li, Xiaoling. Knowledge and practice of nurses regarding nosocomial infection control in two teaching hospitals of
China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 90 p. (T E10469)
Liu, Ming. Development of competency inventory for registered nurses in the people's republic of China. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 195 p. (T E35247)
Liu, Ying. Nursing competency and organizational climate as perceived by registered nurses in Affiliated
Zhongshan hospital People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 98 p. (T
Zhao, Shihong. Quality nursing care as perceived by nurses and patients in the second teaching hospital of Harbin
Medical University in the People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 136 p. (T
Gao, Feng Li. Knowledge and attitudes toward AIDS and universal precautions practices of nurses at Peking Union
Medical College Hospital. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 125 p. (T E12857)
Nurses--China--Job satisfaction
Cao, Ying. Job satisfaction among nurses in China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 98 p. (T E12757)
Wang, Qun. Conflict and job satisfaction among nurses in the first teaching hospital of Beijing Medical University.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 98 p. (T E12854)
Nurses--China--Mental health
Li, Xiaomei. Job stressors and burnout among staff nurses in four urban Chinese teaching hospitals. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1996. 116 p. (T E10509)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 91]
Wang, Xiaohui. Nurse managers' transformational leadership and job satisfaction among staff nurses in the
second teaching hospital of Harbin Medical University in the People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2006. 126 p. (T E38666)
Hathaichanok Buajaroen. Program characteristics of continuing education in surgical nursing that are of interest
for professional nurses who work in surgical unit of public sectors around Bangkok Metropolitan area.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 127 p. (T E10831)
Jaruwan Wirotanan. An experimental study on the use of readings from science fiction in ESP classes for first year
nursing students, Salaya Campus, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 258 p. (T
Office of the Permanent Secretary for Public Health. Longitudinal evaluation of four year nursing education
programme under the Nursing Colleges Division, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, 1981-1985. Bangkok :
Office of the Permanent Secretary for Public Health, 1987. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E5610)
Nurses--In-service training
Alisa Chuangaroon. Nursing supervisory development of after hours nurse supervisors, Nursing Division, National
Cancer Institute, Department of Medical services, Thailand, 2005. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 126
p. (T E33806)
Nurses--Indonesia--Job satisfaction
Saifuddin. Job satisfaction among nurses in Aceh Timur district, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province, Indonesia.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 91 p. (T E39456)
Nurses--Job satisfaction
Bunpitcha Chitpakdee. Nurse staffing, job satisfaction and selected patient outcomes. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2006. 245 p. (T E38974)
Daungjai Tuanyang. Job satisfaction of professional nurses in community hospitals at Chainat province. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 55 p. (T E17597)
Naowarat Riantawan. A study of the relationship between managerial skills and job satisfaction among nurses of
private hospitals in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 152 p. (T E14685)
Nongnuj Sukphan. Factors affecting job satisfaction among professional nurses of private hospitals in Bangkok.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 130 p. (T E17564)
Piyarat Sinpisut. The intentions of nurses to take care of HIV-infected patients in Songklanagarind hospital.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 68 p. (T E7855)
Pornpimon Taweerat. Relationships between personal characteristics emotional quotient job satisfaction and
professional nurses' ability in primary care units region 2. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 98 p. (T
Yupa Sabmee. Factors affecting job satisfaction of professional nurses in a 500-bed private hospital in Bangkok.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 80 p. (T E14673)
Nurses--Job stress
Ni, Ni. Effects of shift work among nurses working in the hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. viii, 82 p.
(T E8157)
Porntip Coowanitwong. Burnout among professional nurses in Chulalongkorn hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1992. x, 72 p. (T E6870)
Nurses--Khon Kaen--Job satisfaction
ทองสมัย ยุรชัย. ความพึงพอใจในงานของพยาบาลที่ปฏิบัติงานบนหอผูปวย โรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร คณะแพทยศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน = Job satisfaction of nurses in Srinagarind hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khonkaen
University. ขอนแกน : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2536. 29 หนา. (ว 97978)
Amone Sirivong. Factors affecting performance of nurses in Mahosoth hospital, Vientiane, Lao's PDR. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1996. 81 p. (T E10072)
Nurses--Mental health
Amornpun Singhapol. The relationship between sense of humor and occupational stress of pediatric nurses at
Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 103 p. (T E15896)
Arunee Jirakranont. Factors intrinsic to the job : a case study of job stress in the nurses at HRH Princess Maha
Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 80 p. (T E20381)
Shrestha [Malla], Rameswari. The turnover rate and the reasons for turnover among graduate nurses from public
hospital in Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xi, 101 p. (T E7452)
Shrestha, Mohan Devi. The study of supervisory activities of campus chief as perceived by nursing campus chief
and teachers in Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xi, 137 p. (T E7048)
Nurses--Nepal--Job satisfaction
Rai, Hari Deosa. Factors associated with job satisfaction of the staff nurses working in Tribhuwan University
teaching hospital, Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xii, 98 p. (T E7451)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 92]
Nurses--Nong Khai
Orawan Nakamon. Quality of work life and job performance of registered nurses in community hospitals, Nong
Khai province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 73 p. (T E21286)
Matanee Duangjinda. The relationship between perceived self-efficacy, perceived barriers to action and healthpromoting behaviors of professional nurses in Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 63
p. (T E23751)
Hameed, Imran. Human relations among nurses at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 77 p. (T E23796)
Nurses--Phitsanulok--Job satisfaction
หทัยรัตน ประทุมสูตร. ความพึงพอใจในการปฏิบัติงานของพยาบาลโรงพยาบาลชุมชน จังหวัดพิษณุโลก = Job satisfaction of
nurses in the community hospitals Phitsanuloke province. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2542. 152 หนา.
(วพ 98371)
Pham, Duc Muc. Incidence of sharp stick injury and its determinants among nurses at Ratchaburi regional hospital
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 83 p. (T E15162)
Nurses--Rayong--Health and hygiene
Vipaporn Phachiyanukul. The relationship between quality of working life and health status of registered nurses in
government hospital at Rayong province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 113 p. (T E20947)
Shu, Hui Wang. Job satisfaction of staff nurses and their perception on head nurses' leadership : a study in
Sakaeo Provincial Hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 118 p. (T E23794)
Nurses--Supply and demand
Nantiya Chookaew. Factors influencing "Brain Drain" among professional nurses from public to private sector in
Bangkok Metropolitan Area. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 91 p. (T E7858)
Nurses--Surat Thani
Sasipen Homsanit. Correlates of nursing standard infectious control for AIDS precautions through nursing
intervention among professional nurses in Surat Thani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 82 p.
(T E33405)
Nurses--Thailand, Northern
Varaporn Seehom. Exemplary leadership of head nurses affecting job satisfaction and organizational commitment
of staff nurses in general hospitals in the northern of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 122 p.
(T E34205)
Nurses--Training of
Malee Urharmnuay. Effect of a training program on knowledge and practice regarding developmental care of
neonates among nurses. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University, 2004. 86 p. (R E24895)
Pham, Le Hung. Oral health care performance for inpatients among nurses at Hanoi City Hospitals, Vietnam.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 92 p. (T E39461)
Daranee Junjaroenwongsa. Performance of emergency nurses in relation to the standard of emergency nursing,
community hospital, region 2. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p. (T E18139)
Prinyachat Premsawad. Role performance of professional nurses in relation to nursing quality development
strategies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 117 p. (T E34163)
Dowrung Sangchan. Analysis of the process performance appraisal for nurse staff in Siriraj hospital. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 95 p. (T E33250)
Anongnud Sasok. Development of clinical nursing practice guideline for increasing drug compliance in
schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 171 p. (R E33770)
Aree Wongprasert. The effect of therapeutic nursing on the erythema rash in urinary and/or fecal incontinence
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E18228)
Budsaba Klaimook. Nursing practice guidelines to develop emotional intelligence in adolescents. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 191 p. (R E34245)
Chattika Chongtrakul. Role of registered nurse for nursing practice in health risk from industrial pollution problems
: a case study of Pathumthani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E18264)
Chiraporn Chammo. Role expectation and role performance perceived by nurses with a master's degree in nursing
in hospitals under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 132
p. (T E16587)
Chutchanun Thongthai. Readiness and participation in nursing quality assurance of registered nurses in a hospital
under Department of Medical Service, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 113 p. (T E32942)
Ghale, Gyanendra Prakash. Job satisfaction of nursing staff at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital
Kathmandu, Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 155 p. (T E12540)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 93]
Nursing (ตอ)
He, Zhong. Effect of nursing support on the perception of childbirth experience in primigravidas. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 1996. 91 p. (T E10452)
Jaitip Chaiyarungrot. A survey of nursing activities for preventing and manipulating constipation in neurological
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (R E18523)
Jamison, Sandra L.. Forces perceived to influence implementation of curricular changes for primary health care in
basic nursing education in Thailand. Indiana : Indiana University, 1988. 246 p. (T E11881)
Jintana Penchan. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline by utilization of research findings to
prevent constipation among elderly. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 124 p. (R E21416)
Kantana Tangmanustrong. Nursing practice to protect rights of sexually abused children and women in Bangkok
Metropolitan Administration hospitals. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 101 p. (T E32953)
Khamhanh Viphonephom. Attitude toward the nursing profession of nursing midwife students in College of Health
Technology Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T
Khonglao Sawatdesawanee. Nursing intervention for reducing postoperative pain in retinal detachment patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 66 p. (T E17161)
Kurnia, Nia. Different forms of feed and feeding frequencies on nursing of sea bass (Lates calcarifer, Bloch).
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 91 p. (T E22286)
Le, Thi Binh. Utilization of nursing process among nursing students in Bach Mai General hospital, Vietnam.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E16964)
Liu, Ying. Nursing competency and organizational climate as perceived by registered nurses in Affiliated
Zhongshan hospital People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 98 p. (T
Nanta Kaewsook. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for increasing knowledge and skills of
caregivers of persons with dementia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 131 p. (R E34476)
Naowanit Poungjuntaradej. The effects of supportive-educative nursing system on mothers' dependent-care
agency, growth, development and temperament of premature infants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
104 p. (T E21091)
Naree Poomnikom. Nurses' knowledge and practice on pain assessment and pain control in postoperative
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 69 p. (T E14555)
Nareelux Suwannobol. The effects of supportive-education nursing system on anxiety, dependent-care agency of
the mothers and growth of the premature infants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 126 p. (T E15058)
Njuki, Gerald Mwangi. Factors related to job satisfaction among nurses at Ramathibodi hospital Bangkok,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 68 p. (T E17922)
Nongnuch Petchroung. Factors related to the needs for home care of patients with essential hypertension.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E14800)
Nualchan Sonthinen. The development of the precess standards of nursing care for Leptospirosis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 222 p. (T E17634)
Nuchanat Piboonratanakul. Nursing activities to prepare patients for weaning from mechanical ventilator. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2000. 59 p. (T E14733)
Nuntaya Butpo. Study of nurses' knowledge of patients' rights and practice on awareness of patients' rights.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 107 p. (T E14572)
Nuttanicha Baiya. Effect of supportive-educative nursing system on anxiety among parents with children
undergoing cardiac catheterization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 90 p. (T E34474)
Orapen Sukhavulli. The effects of patient's participation in nursing care on pulmonary rehabilitation in chest
injured patients with chest drainage. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E19382)
Orasa Silaruk. Evaluation of staff nurses performance in tracheal suctioning in Ramathibodi Hospital. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1980. 2 แผน (113 เฟรม). (T MF09378)
Ponghatai Pumraya. The effect of nursing intervention utilizing clinical nursing practice guideline on pressure
ulcers prevention in orthopaedic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (R E21254)
Pornpimon Pongputtanaumpai. Nursing work force & tobacco Control & Community health education & schoolbased health program. Tulane : Tulane University, 2001. 12 p. (R E16017)
Pranee Pongrua. Effect of nursing support on anxiety of pregnant women with pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 78 p. (T E15057)
Prateep Sukheeluk. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for management of childhood asthma
in an emergency department. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 134 p. (R E34489)
Prawida Patanun. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for post suicide attempt adults.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 107 p. (R E33767)
Preya Preyachewa. Nursing and care provision needs of E.N.T.patients at the out patient department, Siriraj
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 64 p. (T E14734)
Rasee Leenakul. Development of nursing case management model for patients with myocardial infarction.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 200 p. (T E33946)
Ratchaneekorn Santitham. The effects of supportive-educative nursing system on capability of breastfeeding,
nipple pain, frequency and duration of breasfeeding. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 94]
Nursing (ตอ)
Rujires Thanooruk. A study of time management of nurse educators at Ramathibodi School of Nursing. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 85 p. (T E11786)
Rungrawee Navicharern. Effects of a multifaceted nurse-coaching intervention on diabetic complications and
satisfaction in presoran with type 2 diabetes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 220 p. (T E40831)
Rungtip Chaiyoyingyong. Effects of supportive-educative nursing system on maternal role attainment in the firsttime adolescent mothers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 104 p. (T E17316)
Somkid Panprasert. Effects of informational and emotional support on the anxiety and satisfaction of accidental
patients' relatives during the waiting period at the Accident and Emergency Department. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 104 p. (T E23965)
Sountaree Jianvitayakij. The effects of the nurses' weaning competency-promoting program on nurses'
performance and satisfaction in weaning patients from mechanical ventilators. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 77 p. (T E20513)
Suaysilp Kittmontreechai. The prevalence and factors associtated with low back pain in Bangkok Metropolitan
Administration General hospital nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 69 p. (T E17851)
Sunipa Prachyangpreecha. The relationship between selected factor and nursing performance of registered nurses
in health promotion and prevention for menopausal women in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 113 p. (T E15274)
Supaluk Chaibunkaew. Holistic nursing perception and practice among registered nurses at community hospitals
in Southern Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E21184)
Surat Jornburom. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for pre discharge preparation of
schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 126 p. (R E34475)
Suthada Kunha. The development of clinical nursing practice guideline by utilization of research findings to
facilitate communication among the intubated patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 136 p. (T
Suvaparp Chantarasomboon. I.C.U. nurses' care of the oral thrush patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
76 p. (T E19263)
Thipsuda Chamnansripetch. The effects of nursing intervention on safe swallowing among stroke patients with
dysphagia utilizing a clinical nursing practice guideline. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 91 p. (R
Unchittha Tipayavongvijit. Nursing ethical guideline in caring of terminal cancer patients. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 197 p. (T E35536)
Wannipar Kandee. The development of a clinical nursing practice guideline for reducing stress in patients with
diabetes mellitus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 73 p. (R E33769)
Wipada Kunaviktikul. Development of nursing care quality. [Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University], 2000. 64 p. (R
Yan, Jin. Selected factors associated with medical fear among hospitalized Chinese school-age children. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 89 p. (T E11776)
Zhao, Haiping. Social support and hope in hemodialysis patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 102 p.
(T E11720)
ดวงตา วัฒนะเสน. การนํากระบวนการพยาบาลไปใชในหอผูปวยศัลยกรรมชาย 2 โรงพยาบาลศูนยลําปาง = Nursing process
utilization in male surgical ward 2 Lampang regional hospital. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 95
หนา. (วพ 98782)
ทศมา โรจนประดิษฐ. ผลการสนับสนุนและใหขอมูลตอความวิตกกังวล และความพึงพอใจในการพยาบาลของหญิงเจ็บครรภ
คลอดกอนกําหนด = Effects of support and information giving on anxiety and satisfaction with nursing of
women experiencing preterm labor. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 88 หนา. (วพ 97836)
ทัดทรวง บุญญทลังค. ผลของระบบการพยาบาลสนับสนุนและใหความรู ตอความสามารถในการดูแลตนเองและบุตร และความ
พึงพอใจในการพยาบาล ที่ไดรับของมารดาครรภแรกหลังคลอด = Effect of supportive educative nursing system
on self-care and dependent care agency and satisfaction with nursing care in primipara. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 85 หนา. (วพ 97835)
เนตรนภา กาบมณี. ผลของโปรแกรมการพยาบาลอยางมีแบบแผนตอสุขภาพกาย ขวัญกําลังใจ และการทําหนาที่ในสังคมของ
ผูปวยโรคปอดอุดกั้นเรื้อรัง = Effects of structured nursing intervention program upon somatic health, morale
and social functioning of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน,
2541. 155 หนา. (วพ 98452)
สถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชน = The needs and problems of using English language nursing journals by nursing
students in private higher educational institutions. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 231 หนา. (วพ
สุภาภรณ ปรารมย. ศึกษาการบันทึกทางการพยาบาลตามการปฏิบัติของพยาบาลหองฉุกเฉินและอุบัติเหตุ โรงพยาบาลตํารวจ =
A study of documentation of nursing performance in the emergency room, Police hospital. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 96 หนา. (วพ 98757)
Nursing administration
administration effectiveness of community hospitals in Ang-Thong province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 129 หนา. (วพ 113256)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 95]
Nursing and Midwifery Professional Act B.E.2528
สุรีรัตน พรวัฒนกุล. พฤติกรรมเชิงจริยธรรมของพยาบาลวิชาชีพ ในโรงพยาบาลจังหวัดนนทบุรี (ตามพระราชบัญญัติวิชาชีพการ
พยาบาลและการผดุงครรภ พ.ศ.2528) = Profession nurse ethical behaviors in hospitals in Nonthaburi province
indication in Nursing and Midwifery Professional Act B.E.2528. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 144
หนา. (วพ 105616)
Nursing audit
Pantip Jormsri. Development of moral competence scale in nursing practice. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2004. 255 p. (T E24926)
Nursing care
Vittanee Getupook. Impact of new guideline for central venous catheter care on infectious complications of total
parenteral nutrition : experience in Ramathibody hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 111 p. (T
Nursing care during labour and delivery
พิษณุ ไวพานิชการ. ศึกษาเปรียบเทียบผลของการสอนนักศึกษาพยาบาล เรื่องการพยาบาลในระยะคลอด ระหวางกลุมที่ใชและ
ไมใชเทปโทรทัศน = A comparison study of effectiveness of teaching about providing care in labour and
delivery by using and non using videotape. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 99 หนา. (วพ 109928)
Nursing Care Quality Management System
วิภาดา คุณาวิกติกุล. การพัฒนาระบบการจัดการดานคุณภาพการพยาบาล = Development of nursing care quality
management system. เชียงใหม : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 114 หนา. (ว 100777)
Nursing career
พรนภา หอมสินธุ. รูปแบบการสงเสริมการรับรูตอวิชาชีพพยาบาลในนักเรียน = Promoting model for students' perception
to the nursing career. ชลบุรี : ภาควิชาการพยาบาลชุมชน มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา, 2543. 73 หนา. (ว 110588 ฉ.1;
110589 ฉ.2)
Nursing college
Chuleekorn Montana. Faculty members' opinions on the readiness of the nursing college, Praboromarajchanok
Institute, Ministry of Public Health in training management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T
Nursing college administrators
Bampen Phongphetdit. Factors relating to the success of ISO 9000 implementation at Nursing Colleges of PraBorommarajanock Institute, Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 221 p. (T
Nursing colleges
Krisana Sirivibulyakiti. Performance indicators development for nursing colleges under the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 231 p. (T E24784)
Pimpimol Ruangrit. Baccalaureate nursing students' emotional intelligence in the colleges of nursing under
Praboromarajchanok Institute. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 73 p. (T E17579)
Nursing colleges--Management
Konkanok Lattanand. Formulating strategies for improving the educational management of nursing colleges under
the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health : benchmarking approach. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 195 p. (T E33167)
Nursing diagnosis
Sulee Tongvichean. Effects of the family nursing diagnosis manuals utilization on nursing diagnoses among family
nurses in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 143 p. (T E16543)
Nursing documentation
Somnuk Panchaanon. Applicability of database nursing documentation in Emergency Department, Phaya Thai 3
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 64 p. (R E17863)
Thunyaluck Wajanawisit. Development of a prototype patient care database. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
52 p. (T E15306)
สุภาภรณ ปรารมย. ศึกษาการบันทึกทางการพยาบาลตามการปฏิบัติของพยาบาลหองฉุกเฉินและอุบัติเหตุ โรงพยาบาลตํารวจ =
A study of documentation of nursing performance in the emergency room, Police hospital. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 96 หนา. (วพ 98757)
Nursing education
Siranee Jansing. Student-centered learning in Faculty of Nursing under the Ministry of University Affairs. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2003. 101 p. (T E20999)
Nursing graduates
มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช = Characteristics, educational-success promoting factors, and attitudes of
STOU nursing graduates. นนทบุรี : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนา มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช, 2542. 27 หนา. (ว
98899 ฉ.1; 98900 ฉ.2)
Nursing homes
Chanthonrat Sitthiworanan. Development of pharmaceutical care plans for use in nursing homes for the elderly.
[S.l.] : University of Bradford, 2000. 210 p. (T E16107)
Songyot Rakmeesri. Factors related to selection of main contractor hospital among insured person in Kamphaeng
Phet province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 134 p. (T E18415)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 96]
Nursing human resources
Suwapa Cheeparanai. The development of information system for Nursing Human Resources Training and
Development in Nursing Department, Pranangklao hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 213 p. (T
Nursing indicators
Nuchanad Jeangsawang. Factors predicting length of hospital stay of older patients in medical wards of
Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 127 p. (T E33862)
Nursing information
ศิริลักษณ อุปวาณิช. การวิเคราะหระบบสารสนเทศทางการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย = Nursing information system
analysis, Sukhothai hospital. สุโขทัย : โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย, 2543. 120 หนา. (ว 108903 ฉ.1; 108904 ฉ.2)
สุภาพรรณ สรรพิทยากุล. การใชสารนิเทศดานการพยาบาลของพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร คณะแพทยศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน = Nursing information uses of nurses of Srinagarind hospital Faculty of Medicine,
Khon Kaen University. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 161 หนา. (วพ 109389)
Nursing information system
ประพิม ศุภศันสนีย. การประดิษฐโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอรเพื่อวิเคราะหภาระงานพยาบาล = Computer program for nursing
workload. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 71 หนา. (ว 106940)
ศิริลักษณ อุปวาณิช. การวิเคราะหระบบสารสนเทศทางการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย = Nursing information system
analysis, Sukhothai hospital. สุโขทัย : โรงพยาบาลสุโขทัย, 2543. 120 หนา. (ว 108903 ฉ.1; 108904 ฉ.2)
Nursing institutes
สถาบันการศึกษาพยาบาลในประเทศไทย = Situations, problems and needs of computer for learning and
teaching of nursing institute in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 156
หนา. (วพ 109622)
Nursing instructors
Rangsima Layangkoon. Nursing instructors activities and students perception on student-centered learning.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E20998)
Siranee Jansing. Student-centered learning in Faculty of Nursing under the Ministry of University Affairs. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2003. 101 p. (T E20999)
สถาบันการศึกษาพยาบาลในประเทศไทย = Situations, problems and needs of computer for learning and
teaching of nursing institute in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 156
หนา. (วพ 109622)
วิภาศิริ นราพงษ. ความสัมพันธระหวางปจจัยสวนบุคคล สภาพแวดลอมที่สนับสนุนการใชคอมพิวเตอรกับความสามารถในการใช
คอมพิวเตอรของอาจารยพยาบาล วิทยาลัยพยาบาลสังกัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข = Relationships between personal
factors and environmental support in using computer with ability of computer utilization of nursing
instructors, nursing colleges under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 137 หนา. (วพ 109510)
ฬุฬียา นาชิต. พฤติกรรมการสอนในคลินิกของอาจารยในหองคลอดตามการรับรูของอาจารยและนักศึกษาพยาบาลและผลการ
เรียนรูของนักศึกษาพยาบาล = Clinical teaching behavior of nursing instructors in labor room as perceived by
nursing instructors and nursing students and students learning outcome. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล,
2542. 86 หนา. (วพ 104450)
Nursing intervention
Chutima Arunotayanun. Nursing intervention for reducing fever in head-injured patients with pathologic fever.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 64 p. (R E17832)
Nursing management
สุมาลี จักรไพศาล. ศึกษาการบริหารการพยาบาลของหัวหนาหอผูปวยในยุคภาวะวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจ โรงพยาบาลศูนย = A study
of nursing management of head nurses in the economic crisis situation, regional hospitals and medical
centers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 254 หนา. (วพ 101446)
Nursing management minimal data set
ภัทรมนัส กลอมจันทร. การศึกษาชุดขอมูลพื้นฐานเพื่อการบริหารจัดการทางการพยาบาลสําหรับโรงพยาบาลชุมชน = A study
of nursing management minimal data set for community hospitals. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2542. 135 หนา. (วพ 107922)
Nursing midwife students--Laos--Attitudes
Khamhanh Viphonephom. Attitude toward the nursing profession of nursing midwife students in College of Health
Technology Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T
Nursing outcomes classification
Maneewan Sanubol. Reliability of six outcomes from the nursing outcomes classification (NOC) and the
relationships of organizational, patient and nurse characteristics to these outcomes. Iowa City : University
of Iowa, 2005. 292 p. (T E36311)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 97]
Nursing personel
สายสมร กลยณี. ความสัมพันธระหวางปจจัยคุณลักษณะสวนบุคคล ความรู กับการปฏิบัติตามบทบาท ในการพัฒนาคุณภาพ
บริการของเจาหนาที่ทางการพยาบาลในโรงพยาบาลนพรัตนราชธานี สังกัดกรมการแพทย กระทรวงสาธารณสุข = The
relationship between personal factors, knowledge and role performance on service quality development of
nursing personnel at Nopprarattanarajthani hospital, under Department of Medical Service, Ministry of
Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 165 หนา. (วพ 109067)
Nursing personnel
Sunate Wongthanakit. Factors related to low back pain preventive behavior among nursing personnel in
governmental hospitals, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 165 p. (T E24263)
นริศา ฐีตะธรรมานนท. ความสัมพันธระหวางปจจัยสวนบุคคลและการรับรูการจัดการคุณภาพโดยองครวมกับความพึงพอใจใน
งาน ของบุคลากรพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลสังกัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข = Relationships between personal factors and
perceived total quality management with job satisfaction of nursing personnel, hospitals under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 195 หนา. (วพ 94314)
อัจฉรา สืบสงัด. ผลของกระบวนการกลุมตอการทํางานเปนทีมของบุคลากรทางการพยาบาล = The effect of group process
on team performance of nursing personnel. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 110 หนา. (วพ 94316)
Nursing practice
Sangtien Thamlikitkul. Remolding child : process of nursing practice for sexually abused children. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 152 p. (T E40965)
Nursing predictive model
Ngamnit Ratananugool. Factors influencing breast-feeding behavior among Thai adolescent mothers : a nursing
predictive model. Texas : University of Texas at Austin, 2001. 276 p. (T E19113)
Nursing process
AF, Darmansyah. Nursing process utilization among registered nurses in Siriraj hospital Bangkok, Thailand.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 70 p. (T E15032)
Le, Thi Binh. Utilization of nursing process among nursing students in Bach Mai General hospital, Vietnam.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E16964)
Nursing profession
กมลพรรณ หอมนาน. ทัศนคติตอวิชาชีพพยาบาลของนักศึกษาพยาบาล = Attitude of nursing students toward the
nursing profession. เพชรบุรี : วิทยาลัยพยาบาลพระจอมเกลาเพชรบุรี, 2541. 46 หนา. (ว 108145)
Nursing professional
นิภา มีเครือรอด. การพัฒนาภาวะผูนําดานวิชาชีพการพยาบาลของรองศาสตราจารย ดร.วิเชียร ทวีลาภ = Leadership
development in nursing profession of Associate Professor Dr. Vichien Thavilab. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 185 หนา. (วพ 113198)
Nursing quality assurance
โรงพยาบาลที่ทดลองใชกระบวนการรับรองคุณภาพโรงพยาบาล เขตภาคกลาง = Factors related to the adoption of
nursing quality assurance among nursing personnel in the pilot project hospitals of central region. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 244 หนา. (วพ 104135)
Nursing record forms
Wimolwan Dumklai. The development of in-patient nursing record forms in Narathiwatratchanakarin hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 213 p. (T E17275)
Nursing records
Suleeporn Pittayanon. The development of CPR nurses' record in resuscitation room, emergency department of
Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 143 p. (T E34064)
Wimolwan Dumklai. The development of in-patient nursing record forms in Narathiwatratchanakarin hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 213 p. (T E17275)
Nursing records--Databases
Somnuk Panchaanon. Applicability of database nursing documentation in Emergency Department, Phaya Thai 3
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 64 p. (R E17863)
Nursing research
Waraporn Rungchang. A survey of nursing research about hypertension in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 71 p. (T E16581)
ดวงสมร บูชาชัย. ทัศนคติตอการวิจัย การรับรูเกี่ยวกับทรัพยากรสนับสนุนและการเกี่ยวของกับการวิจัยทางการพยาบาลของ
หัวหนาหอผูปวยโรงพยาบาลศูนยภาคเหนือ = Research attitudes perceived facilitating resources and
involvement in nursing research of head nurses in northern regional centre hospitals. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 83 หนา. (วพ 101821)
Nursing schools
Wichit Srisuphan. Thai autonomous university hospitals : structure and performance indicators development.
Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University, 2002. 84 p. (R E20254)
Nursing schools--Admission
Limbu [Subba], Naramaya. Correlation between the admission criteria and certificate level nursing students'
learning achievement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xii, 109 p. (T E6925)
Nursing Science--Curricula
Irawaty, Dewi. The development of quality indicators of baccalaureate degree in nursing science in Indonesia.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 120 p. (T E35872)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 98]
Nursing services
Arphorn Chuaprapaisilp. A study of the process and outcomes of collaboration between nursing service and
nursing education in Thailand. Songkhla : Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, 1996. 30 p. (R
Benjawan Wongprach. Time spent on nursing activities in Orthopedics Department, Phramongkutklao hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 92 p. (T E33469)
Kesaree Punlee. Relationships between personal characteristics, knowledge, attitudes and application of service
marketing mix concepts among nurse administrators in a university hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 130 p. (T E34256)
Kosum Salee. Nursing service preformance as perceived by head nurses from regional and general hospitals in
public health region V, under the Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T
Krittiya Chitraphan. Patients' opinions regarding the communication between medical staff and patients at the
Orthopedic Clinic, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 65 p. (T
Nataya Kanoonthong. Views of patients with coronary artery disease about nursing services : a case study at the
Medical Department, Chaoprayayomraj hospital, Supanburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
49 p. (T E14538)
Nguyen, Bich Luu. Factors related to the quality of nursing care services as evaluated by patients discharged from
Banpong hospital Ratchaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 88 p. (T E16967)
Patra Kaewjongprasit. A training model on awareness of providing good and appropriate services for health care
providers in hospitals under the Ministry of Defence in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 173
p. (T E18004)
Phiangjai Phalee. The selected factors associated with service quality of nursing units in textile factories in
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 148 p. (T E19722)
Vasinee Singsa. The client's perception of primary care services under universal health insurance policy in
Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 129 p. (T E23811)
Nursing services--Administration
Ni, Ni. Effects of shift work among nurses working in the hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. viii, 82 p.
(T E8157)
Pirom Jaturavittawong. The evaluation of quality of nursing service management in male trauma ward at
Chaoprayayommaraj hospital Suphunburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 81 p. (T E14537)
Nursing services--Costs
Nareerat Cook. Unit cost analysis of general hospital in Thailand : a case of Pranangklao hospital. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 94 p. (T E20249)
Prichavijy Promjak. Cost-recovery of health facilities for foreign patients in Nan province. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 172 p. (T E20244)
Nursing services--Planning
ประนอม โอทกานนท. สภาพแวดลอม ทรัพยากรจําเปนของการพัฒนาคุณภาพการพยาบาลสําหรับผูสูงอายุไทย = The
environment and resources required for the development of quality nursing care for Thai elderly. กรุงเทพฯ
: จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 92 หนา. (ว 99367)
Nursing standards
Monthicha Krisbunchoo. Establishment of head injury nursing standards in the observation room. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 135 p. (T E16168)
Nursing students
Achara Suksamran. Factors related to self-regulated learning of the first year nursing students. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 64 p. (T E23508)
Duangjai Vatanasin. Depression among undergraduate nursing students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 127
p. (T E33859)
Duangvadee Sungkhobol. The influence of nursing curriculum, and social factors on nursing students' choice of
rural practice in Thailand. Los Angeles : University of Southern California, 1981. 327 p. (T E40979)
Hong, Jing Fang. Health-promoting life styles of nursing students in Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 90 p. (T E34091)
Khammanh Philaketh. Nursing student's knowledge, attitude and infection control practice concerning HIV/AIDS :
a case study at the Boromrajchonnani Nursing College, Saraburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2000. 67 p. (T E15141)
Kornsiri Sareepukkana. The use and effectiveness of Thai and English questions and responses in multiple-choice
and open-ended tests of EFL reading comprehension : a comparative study of test results. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1991. ix, 104 p. (T E7511)
Laura M.Brahmakasikara. The bases of designing an English course for nursing students. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 105 p. (T E11307)
Le, Thi Binh. Utilization of nursing process among nursing students in Bach Mai General hospital, Vietnam.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 107 p. (T E16964)
Limbu [Subba], Naramaya. Correlation between the admission criteria and certificate level nursing students'
learning achievement. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1991. xii, 109 p. (T E6925)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 99]
Nursing students (ตอ)
Lu, Yali. Nursing role conceptions among senior baccalaureate and diploma nursing students in three universities.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 82 p. (T E11818)
Munlika Wongrattana. The effectivenss of the cooperative learning program on learning behaviors and teamwork
roles in nursing students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17287)
Nam-oy Pakdevong. Development of the self-regulatory efficacy scale for health-promoting behaviors among
student nurses. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 274 p. (T E16546)
Nouvarat Suknalum. Factors related to adaptation to clinical practice of nursing students at Srimahasarakham
Nursing College. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 66 p. (T E33372)
Panlapa Santavamaitree. Energy, nutrient intake and energy expenditure of nursing students at naval nursing
college. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 112 p. (T E14781)
Patcharee Chaikitkosi. A survey of English needs for academic use of nursing students at Kuakarun Nursing
College. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. xi, 132 p. (T E8141)
Pimpimol Ruangrit. Baccalaureate nursing students' emotional intelligence in the colleges of nursing under
Praboromarajchanok Institute. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 73 p. (T E17579)
Pornpun Oranpattanachai. The effectiveness of the semantic mapping technique on reading achievement of the
first-year nursing students at Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. x, 188 p. (T E7830)
Rachanida Glanarongran. The effectiveness of an application of self-efficacy theory to health promotion program
provided for nurse-assistant students, Faculty of Tropical Medicine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
146 p. (T E18199)
Rangsima Layangkoon. Nursing instructors activities and students perception on student-centered learning.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T E20998)
Saneh Aumpayub. An experimental study of the effectiveness of the student generated question technique on
reading achievement of the first year nursing students at Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1990. v, 191 leaves. (T E5796)
Sombat Riyaphun. Emotional intelligence and adaptation to clinical practice of nursing students at Kuakarun
Nursing College. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 103 p. (T E21435)
Somsiri Wannadilok. The development of an exercise model for first year nursing students in the Naval Nurse
Corps school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 97 p. (T E14543)
Songsri Soranastaporn. A survey study of needs, problems and wants in English language teaching and learning
of nursing students at Nursing Colleges under the control of Nursing College Division, Office of the
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 91 p. (T
Sukda Srisamutnak. The effectiveness of using computer assisted instruction (CAI) subjected on "Development in
prenatal period" to support self-studying of the third year nursing student, Kuakarun College of Nursing.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 81 p. (T E19868)
Supa Promtussananon. The integrated approach of health promoting hospital model : a case-study of Nopparat
Rajathanee hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 262 p. (T E16547)
Surasit Chitpitaklert. Lessons learned from MHSc practicum. [S.l. : s.n.], 2005. 41 p. (R E36527)
วิทยาลัยพยาบาล สังกัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข เขตภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = Factors affecting registered nurses'
preceptorship roles in main northeast teacher hospital of nursing colleges under Ministry of Public Health.
ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 146 หนา. (วพ 100107)
สถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชน = The needs and problems of using English language nursing journals by nursing
students in private higher educational institutions. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 231 หนา. (วพ
วาณี ทองเสวต. การสํารวจพฤติกรรมการใชบริการหองสมุดของนักศึกษาพยาบาล วิทยาลัยพยาบาลเกื้อการุณย = The library
using behaviors of students of Kuakaroon College of Nursing. กรุงเทพฯ : วิทยาลัยพยาบาลเกื้อการุณย, 2540.
87 หนา. (ว 98220)
ศรีกัลยา ภิญโญสโมสร. การศึกษาติดตามการใชแบบทดสอบความถนัดทางการเรียนพยาบาลของนักศึกษาพยาบาล คณะ
พยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร = The follow-up study : using nursing aptitude test in nursing
students, the Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University. สงขลา : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, 2541. 69 หนา. (ว 98218)
Nursing students--America
Wunvimul Benjakul. The assessment of HIV knowledge and attitudes towards caring for HIV/AIDS patients
among senior nursing students in baccalaureate programs in the United States of America and Thailand.
Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006. 146 p. (T E36449)
Nursing students--Attitudes
Sawittree Rattanawong. The effectiveness of knowledge mapping on reading achievement of first-year nursing
students at Mahidol University and their attitudes towards this technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1996. 69 p. (T E10628)
Nursing students--Bangkok
Waraporn Tajan. An experimental study of the use of Thai text in parallel with English text in teaching English
reading comprehension. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xi, 189 p. (T E7329)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 100]
Nursing students--Chiang Mai
Payupol Suthathothon. A survey of needs and problems in the use of English for nursing students at Payap
University and nurses at McCormick hospital. Chiang Mai : Payap University, 1998. 149 p. (T E12727)
Nursing students--China
Haobin, Yuan. Effects of problem-based learning on critical thinking skills and course achievement among Chinese
baccalaureate nursing students. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 204 p. (T E38603)
Nursing students--Health and hygiene
Yosapon Leaungsomnapa. Efficacy expectation and outcome expectation to exercise behavior of nursing students
at Phra-Pok-Klao Nursing College, Chanthaburi. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 86 p. (T E13983)
Nursing students--Nakhon Ratchasima
ยุพดี ไตรติลานันท. ผลของการฝกการคิดอยางมีวิจารณญาณ นักศึกษาพยาบาลชั้นปที่ 1 วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี
นครราชสีมา = The effect of critical thinking training on the first year nursing student, Boromarajonani
College of Nursing Nakornratchasima. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 138 หนา. (วพ 100984)
Nursing students--Nepal
Shrestha [Mulmi], Roshani Devi. Correlation between teacher-student interpersonal relationships and academic
achievement of nursing students in Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xiii, 128 p. (T
Shrestha, Nani Maiya. Interaction between teacher and nursing student in the classroom and the clinical
procedure in the Nursing Campus Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1990. ix, 101 p. (T E7038)
Nursing students--Nepal--Attitudes
Singh, Regina. A survey on student nurses' knowledge and attitude about HIV/AIDS in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 93 p. (T E11625)
Nursing students--Surin
จันทรทิรา ไตรรงคจิตเหมาะ. ผลการจัดการเรียนการสอนวิชาการพยาบาลผูใหญ 4 โดยใชปญหาเปนหลัก ตอความพึงพอใจและ
ผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน ของนักศึกษาพยาบาลศาสตรชั้นปที่ 4 ปการศึกษา 2541 วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี
สุรินทร. สุรินทร : วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี, 2541. 33 หนา. (ว 97594)
Nursing supervisors
ทองสมัย ยุรชัย. ความสัมพันธระหวางพฤติกรรมการกลาแสดงออกที่เหมาะสมกับพลังอํานาจในการปฏิบัติงานของผูตรวจการ
พยาบาลนอกเวลาราชการประจําแผนกการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลศรีนครนิทร = The relationship between assertive
behavior and power in job performance of unofficial time nursing supervisors at nursing department
Srinagarind hospital. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 110 หนา. (วพ 109587)
Nursing team
พนิดา รัตนไพโรจน. ผลของการใชโปรแกรมเสริมสรางพลังอํานาจตอการรับรูผลที่สงเสริมการทํางานเปนทีม และเจตคติตอการ
ปฏิบัติงานของสมาชิกทีมการพยาบาล = Effects of using empowerment program on the perception of outcome
enhancing teamwork and working attitude of nursing team members. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2542. 148 หนา. (วพ 108928)
Nursing therapeutics
Supaluck Parinyavutichai. Effects of nursing therapeutics on dyspnea in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 83 p. (R E16166)
Nursing units
Phiangjai Phalee. The selected factors associated with service quality of nursing units in textile factories in
Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 148 p. (T E19722)
Nursing--Ability testing
Naowanit Poungjuntaradej. The effects of supportive-educative nursing system on mothers' dependent-care
agency, growth, development and temperament of premature infants. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
104 p. (T E21091)
Maneewan Sanubol. Reliability of six outcomes from the nursing outcomes classification (NOC) and the
relationships of organizational, patient and nurse characteristics to these outcomes. Iowa City : University
of Iowa, 2005. 292 p. (T E36311)
Watcharaporn Chewwattana. Opinions of nursing personnel about leadership styles of the administration in
nursing colleges in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 152 p. (T E12527)
มณีรัตน สุดโต. การประเมินการดําเนินงานของกลุมงานการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลชุมชน จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = An evaluation
of work performance of nursing organization at community hospitals in Changwat Nakorn Ratchasima.
ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 129 หนา. (วพ 98497)
Nursing--Chiang Mai
วิภาดา คุณาวิกติกุล. การพัฒนาระบบการจัดการดานคุณภาพการพยาบาล = Development of nursing care quality
management system. เชียงใหม : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 114 หนา. (ว 100777)
Wang, Shiping. Needs of postmastectomy patients in teaching hospital of West China University of Medical
Sciences. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 102 p. (T E10458)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 101]
Nursing--Computer-assisted instruction
Temduang Choyhirun. The effects of computer-assisted instruction in supportive-educative nursing system on self
care practices in school-age children with nephrotic syndrome. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p.
(T E18056)
Duangvadee Sungkhobol. The influence of nursing curriculum, and social factors on nursing students' choice of
rural practice in Thailand. Los Angeles : University of Southern California, 1981. 327 p. (T E40979)
Waranee Dumrongrattana. Community-oriented nursing curriculum and problem-based learning : implications for
nursing education in Thailand. Hawaii : University of Hawaii, 1994. xii, 223 p. (T E7758)
Prinyachat Premsawad. Role performance of professional nurses in relation to nursing quality development
strategies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 117 p. (T E34163)
Wipada Kunaviktikul. Nursing quality indicators : definitions and implications. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing
Chiang Mai University, 2002. 47 p. (R E20256)
Natthaporn Polsen. The relationship between total quality management and quality improvement activities in
Nursing Departments of community hospitals Suphanburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
112 p. (T E21636)
Kattiyaporn Konthieng. A survey of nursing research related to pain in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2005. 126 p. (T E33374)
Wang, Chenguang. Attitudes of nurses toward clinical nursing research. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000.
89 p. (T E16464)
Waraporn Rungchang. A survey of nursing research about hypertension in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 71 p. (T E16581)
Nursing--Social aspects
Ni, Ni. Effects of shift work among nurses working in the hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. viii, 82 p.
(T E8157)
Daranee Junjaroenwongsa. Performance of emergency nurses in relation to the standard of emergency nursing,
community hospital, region 2. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 106 p. (T E18139)
Nursing--Study and teaching
Magdalena Supaporn Daodee. The implementation of teaching strategies for critical thinking development in
nursing education in Thailand : a concerns-based approach. Leuven : Katholieke University Leuven, 2002.
396 p. (T E19012)
Munlika Wongrattana. The effectivenss of the cooperative learning program on learning behaviors and teamwork
roles in nursing students. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 95 p. (T E17287)
Office of the Permanent Secretary for Public Health. Longitudinal evaluation of four year nursing education
programme under the Nursing Colleges Division, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, 1981-1985. Bangkok :
Office of the Permanent Secretary for Public Health, 1987. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E5610)
จันทรทิรา ไตรรงคจิตเหมาะ. ผลการจัดการเรียนการสอนวิชาการพยาบาลผูใหญ 4 โดยใชปญหาเปนหลัก ตอความพึงพอใจและ
ผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียน ของนักศึกษาพยาบาลศาสตรชั้นปที่ 4 ปการศึกษา 2541 วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี
สุรินทร. สุรินทร : วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี, 2541. 33 หนา. (ว 97594)
Nursing-sensitive quality indicators
Rachanee Sujijantararat. Nursing-sensitive quality indicators : nosocomial urinary tract infection in a Thai hospital.
Birmingham : University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2001. 153 p. (T E18991)
Nusselt number
Auttapol Golaka. The utilization of radiation to the sky at night for cooling an underground tank of water in the
climate of Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 160 p. (T
Ahmed, Ali Ibrahim. Some biological aspects of purple nutsedge (cyperus rotundus), its competition, and control
in corn (zea mays). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1993. (12), 116 p. (T E7072)
Sombat Wanauppathamkul. Investigation of antimalarial principles from tubers of Cyperus rotundus Linn.
(Cyperaceae). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiv, 162 p. (T E7234)
Shafeeg, Mariyam. The comparison of knowledge, attitude, practice and social support between exclusive and
non exclusive breastfeeding of maldivian mother. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 86 p. (T
สิรวัลภ เรืองชวย. การศึกษาผลของน้ําฝนตอการเคลื่อนตัวของสารรังสีและธาตุอาหารในดิน = Effects of rain upon
radionuclide and nutrient mobility in soil. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 132 หนา.
(วพ 104583)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 102]
Nutrient budgets
Manop Horthong. Development of nutrient budgets of a rainbow trout farm. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University
of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 131 p. (R E26603)
Nutrient composition
Katharine Polpongse. The nutrient composition of ready-to-cook foods : stir-fried vegetables. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 124 p. (T E14220)
Nutrient cycles
Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern. Nitrogen fixation of leguminous trees and nutrient cycling under agroforestry system of
the northeast. Khon Kaen : Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, [2000]. 6 p. (R E15696)
Nutrient elements
Suthep Thongpae. Alteration of some nutrient elements during the development process of acid sulfate soils =
การเปลี่ยนแปลงของธาตุอาหารพืชที่เกิดขึ้นในระยะตาง ๆ ของขบวนการเกิดดินกรดจัด. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 1984. 4 microfiches (183 fr.). (T MF19976)
Nutrient intake
Panlapa Santavamaitree. Energy, nutrient intake and energy expenditure of nursing students at naval nursing
college. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 112 p. (T E14781)
Piyarat Tunwetchasin. Development of appropriate food menus for local pregnant women in Ubonratchathani
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 124 p. (T E15290)
Punnee Sangperm. Practice and nutrient intake for weight reduction during the last 3 days prior to the
competition in Thai boxers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 89 p. (T E21250)
Snguanrat Yosthumrong. Beverage consumption patterns of high school students in Ratchathewi district. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2001. 73 p. (T E16771)
Sutira Soipet. Energy and nutrient intakes and nutritional status of female Rajamangala Institute of Technology,
Phra Nakorn Tai Campus students. Bangkok : Rajamangala Institute of Technology Phra Nakorn Tai
Campus, [2000]. 19 p. (R E18723)
Nutrient requirements
Saroch Boonyakitsombut. Anaerobic biodegradation of propionate and its precursors : the role of microbial
consortia proximity, reactor configuration and nutrient requirements. Nashville : Vanderbilt University,
2001. 212 p. (T E15960)
Inthong Somphou. Nutrient leaching through unsaturated and saturated zones in cultivated fields of undulating
terrain of northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 106 p. (T E26515)
Nivat Nabheerong. Integrated soil, crop and nutrient management practices in broadcast' seeded flooded tropical
rice. Los Banos : University of the Philippines at Los Banos, 1990. 234 p. (T E39843)
Patcharee Pattanagul. Effect of Monascus strains and their nutrients on the production of Adlay Angkak. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 169 p. (T E38693)
Poonsak Boonyoung. The quantity of specific nutrients related to cardiovascular disease in popular Thai ready to
eat food products. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 84 p. (T E34438)
Samerkae Sangdao. The effects of nutrients and surfactants on the biodegradation of petroleum-contaminated
sludge from the NPC olefins plant, Maptaphut. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 190 p. (T E23884)
Sawanya Sealeum. Utilization of wastewater from biogas ponds in pig farms as nutrients for wastewater algae.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 111 p. (T E21137)
Nutrients derived
Kritapon Sommart. The use of cassava in ruminant diets based on low quality roughages. Newcastle : University
of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1998. 250 p. (T E13502)
Nutrients loss
Weedar Watthanachur. Simulation of nutrients loss during conduction heating of canned food. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 66 p. (R E40106)
Nutrion labelling
Prapasri Puwastein. Research for development of quality food analysis laboratories : part I Food reference
materials for nutrition labelling analytical quality control programme. Nakhon Pathom : Mahidol University,
1999. 226 p. (R E19687)
Amornrat Potivichayanon. A study of health care behavior status after introduction of the nutrition and exercise
program. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 68 p. (T E33590)
Atitada Boonpraderm. Breakfast eating pattern and dietary intake : a case study of personnel at Mahidol
University, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 123 p. (T E11640)
Bateman, Brent. Nutrition intervention : a potential factor for economic growth and development. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 196 p. (T E24255)
Benchaporn Sukprasert. Attitude, knowledge, understanding and use of information on nutrition labeling in
Bangkok residents. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 113 p. (T E11687)
Heuankham Sangsomsak. Change in nutritional status among school children during one academic year in a
boarding school in Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 140 p. (T E12487)
Jinda Kanthatasiri. Effect of soybean-based formula intake on protein-calorie status in healthy adults and patients
on tube feeding. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xix, 159 p. (T E7122)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 103]
Nutrition (ตอ)
Jirapa Prakungpak. Effects of daily consumption of 1,ooo Kcal diets on lipid status in obesity. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 168 p. (T E12553)
Kanjana Anutariya. The effect of health beliefs on nutrition and exercise behaviors of hyperlipidemia persons.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33808)
Karunee Kwanbunjan. Ernahrungsverhalten und gesundheitssituation von rohkostlern. GieBen : Justus-LiebigUniversitat, 1996. 199 p. (T E11098)
Kitti Sranacharoenpong. The development of Thai food based dietary guidance : quantification of food for daily
consumption. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 191 p. (T E12484)
Kritsana Jongsongsrerm. Relationship between pre-pregnancy nutritional status, average weight gain during
pregnancy and preterm delivery in singleton pregnancy : Siriraj Hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1993. h, 84 p. (T E7831)
Kunchit Judprasong. Nutritive value of commonly consumed fish : proximate composition, fatty acids and
cholesterol. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 114 p. (T E10240)
Malaiwon Kumbossya. Fractional calcium absorption from calcium sulfate precipitated tofu and milk in healthy
women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 152 p. (T E11271)
Maliwal Chuaroon. Effects of vitamin administration on thiamin and riboflavin status in adults. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1983. 3 microfiches (153 fr.). (T MF19994)
Monthip Raroengwichit. Development of reference amounts for Tahi nutrition Labelling and food composition data
base of Thai commercial food products. Bangkok : Mahidol Unversity, 1999. 110 p. (T E13089)
Nampetch Engprasert. The nutrient composition of retail chicken and the effect of cooking on fat and vitamin
content. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 85 p. (T E10498)
Netnapit Hussamin. Nutritional quality and heavy metal contamination of street food in some area of Bangkok.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiiii, 107 p. (T E7148)
Nitaya Angpanitcharoen. Formulation of low-fat, cholesterol-free spoonable salad dressing using carbohydratebased fat replacers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 140 p. (T E12488)
Opor Veerapun. Assessment of appropriate proportion of carbohydrate and fat on endurance in rats. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2000. 89 p. (T E16446)
Panida Rattanaprom. Factors affecting nutritional promoting behavior of thalassaemic carrier pregnant women.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 94 p. (T E19853)
Panitda Achariyanont. Lipid status in Ramathibodi Hospital staff. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xxvi, 219 p.
(T E7220)
Pattaya Maruekin. Development of reference recipes for commonly consumed Thai side dishes and their nutritive
values. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 180 p. (T E18359)
Pongtorn Sungpuag. Nutritive value of commonly consumed fish : proximate composition, fatty acids and
cholesterol = คุณคาทางโภชนาการในปลาที่นิยมบริโภค : สารอาหารหลัก กรดไขมัน และโคเลสเตอรอล. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1992. xiv, 114 p. (R E10267)
Pornsiri Panthasee. Alteration of fat metabolism in insulin-requiring patients after long-term intake of different
glycemic diets. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 95 p. (T E7752)
Prasarn Trairatvorakul. The effects on income distribution and nutrition of alternative rice price policies in
Thailand. Washington, D.C. : International Food Policy Research Institute, 1984. 102 p. (R E5884)
Preeya Leelahagul. Protein-caloric and carnitine statuses in surgical patients on total parenteral nutrition. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1983. 102 p. (T E1798)
Roumany Yenn. Participation of village health volunteers in nutritional activities program, Muang district, Sakeo
province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 97 p. (T E34086)
Rujira Sammasut. Effect of soybean supplementation on thiamin and riboflavin status in institutionalized Thai
adolescents = ผลของการเสริมถั่วเหลืองตอภาวะโภชนาการดานวิตามินบีหนึ่ง และบีสอง ในวัยรุน. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (86 fr.). (T MF20088)
Saber, Ahmed. Computer analysis of the relationship between nutrition status and socio-economic indices : a Thai
case study. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1980. 74 p. (T E22707)
Sinee Chotiboriboon. Model development of school lunch activities to improve iron status of primary school
students in the northeast. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 245 p. (T E14483)
Sri Pardina Pudiastuti. An application of linear programming in analysing the rale of nutrition in rural development
planning for west Java, Indonesia. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1985. 4 microfiches (192 fr.). (T
Sujing Wongdacharkul. Thiamin and riboflavin status in thai recruits = ระดับวิตามินบีหนึ่งและบีสองในทหารประจําการ
สามเหลาทัพ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (102 fr.). (T MF20081)
Sutira Soipet. Energy and nutrient intakes and nutritional status of female Rajamangala Institute of Technology,
Phra Nakorn Tai Campus students. Bangkok : Rajamangala Institute of Technology Phra Nakorn Tai
Campus, [2000]. 19 p. (R E18723)
Tasaneewan Phu-aree. Iron and nutritional status, physical and cognitive performance of school adolescents in
Nakhon Chaisri district, Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 223 p. (T E16195)
Thach, Duc Tran. Nutritional status in children under 18 months and associations with community's characteristics
in 5 provinces in Vietnam. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 72 p. (T E38959)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 104]
Nutrition (ตอ)
Tusana Thaweekoon. Effects of high branched-chain amino acid enteral formula on protein-calorie status in burn
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 154 p. (T E11387)
Utaiwan Thamrongyouth. Evaluation of the efficacy of total parenteral nutrition on nutritional status in surgical
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 130 p. (T E9474)
Wanicha Kitvorapat. Weight gain Chart as an educational tool for improving maternal nutritional status. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 106 p. (T E6569)
Wasike, Ronald Walela. Maternal and child care practices related to the nutritional status of under-five year old
children in Banpong hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 117 p. (T E17904)
Wilailuck Tantiwattana. Association between body adiposity, test aqulity for salt and food preference with
hypertension : a study on national saving bank clerks = ความสัมพันธระหวางระดับของความอวน การรับรูรสเค็ม
และการเลือกอาหารบริโภค กับโรคความดันโลหิตสูง : การศึกษาในกลุมพนักงานธนาคารออมสิน ในกรุงเทพมหานคร.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 4 microfiches (106 fr.). (T MF20189)
Wiyada Gubpawattanaworasuk. Nurses' attitudes and social influence toward nurses' activities related to
nutritional care for trauma patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 99 p. (T E14676)
พัชราภรณ อารีย. ภาวะโภชนาการและบริโภคนิสัยของเด็กนักเรียน = Nutritional status and food habits of school
children. เชียงใหม : คณะพยาบาลศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 66 หนา. (ว 100802)
Nutrition and dental health
Yuttana Panya-ngarm. The relationship of the nutritional status to the deciduous tooth eruption and caries
condition of Thai children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. i, 135 p. (T E6740)
Nutrition counseling
Jarunee Thirawitayakom. Effects of dietary counseling on the nutritional status of chronic renal failure patients
undergoing chronic hemodialysis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 221 p. (T E10052)
Jitlada Thawornkul. Effects of dietary counseling with or without fishoil supplement on nutritional and vitamin
status in Thai rheumatoid arthritis patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E18266)
Nutrition counseling program
Molreudee Jitkhaw. The effect of nutrition counseling program on nutritional status in children with congenital
heart disease. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 140 p. (T E35731)
Nutrition counseling--Suphan Buri
Piedad JR., Publio V.. Factors affecting performance of health volunteers in the promotion of nutrition
programmes : a study in Suphanburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. viii, 123 p. (T E7695)
Rahman, Mahmudur. Knowledge attitude and practice of village health workers in nutritional surveillance.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. vii, 76 p. (T E8261)
Nutrition disorders
Dow Mongkolsmai. Trends in malnutrition in Thailand. Bangkok : Thai University Research Association, 1979. 62
p. (R E265c.1; E21066c.2)
Nutrition disorders in children
Laksana Somsook. Identification of local vitamin A rich foods in Northeast of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1994. 143 p. (T E8447)
Worawan Ngamsubphanich. The effect of malnutrition on physical performance in urban male adolescence.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 105 p. (T E7150)
Nutrition health promotion
Boonsri Kittichotpanich. Causal relationship between nutrition promoting behaviors and pregnancy outcome in low
income pregnant women. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 255 p. (T E17742)
Nutrition labeling
Patcharavee Chantaradee. Understanding and usage of nutrition labeling among type 2 diabetes patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 67 p. (T E23735)
Nutrition policy
Kermel-Torres, Doryane. Food security : national food policies and their influence on the evolution of the rural
systems : a comparative study in Haiti, India (Karnataka) and Thailand (North-East). [Paus] : Institute
Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Development en Cooperation, 1994. 49 p. (R E7542)
Mayuree Luksamiwatara. Integration of economic programs to health and nutrition improvement project : the
Nonghai case study. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1981. 2 แผน (120 เฟรม). (T MF09217)
Warunee Khaw-Kum. Sector analysis of nutrition policy in Thailand : a case study in Nakhon Ratchasima province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 68 p. (T E10143)
Nutrition policy--Rwanda
Von Braun, Joachim. Commercialization of agriculture under population pressure : effects on production,
consumption, and nutrition in Rwanda. Washington, D.C. : International Food Policy Research Institute,
1991. 123 p. (R E5881)
Nutrition promotion
Nuchada Nuchanon. The application of school health promotion model on nutrition promotion in primary school
students of Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (T
Piyarach Kullamethee. Effect of nutrition promotion on infant complementary feeding among caregivers. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2004. 141 p. (T E23886)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 105]
Nutrition promotion activities
Pham, Thi Nhuyen. Psycho-social factors affecting the performance of village health volunteers in nutrition
promotion activities for children under five years of age in Haiduong province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 124 p. (T E16160)
Nutrition surveys
Worawan Faikratok. Body weight perception and food consumption patterns of female adolescent. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 108 p. (T E6546)
Nutrition Training program
ความสามารถตนเอง, ในผลการปฏิบัติ และการใหอาหารเด็กกอนวัยเรียนของมารดาที่มีบุตรขาดสารอาหาร ในเขต
เทศบาลจังหวัดขอนแกน = The effects of a food exchange model in nutrition training program on
knowledge, self-efficacy, outcome expectations and feeding practices of mother with undernourished
children in urban areas of Khon Kaen province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 184 หนา. (วพ 104041)
Nutrition--Chiang Mai
Fordeyn, Dirk K.M.. Farming systems nutritional status and socio-economy : a study of the well-being of the
villagers of Maeka, Sanpatong district Chiangmai province, Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Research
Institute for Health Science [RIHES], Chiang Mai University, 1992. iv, 94 p. (R E9770)
Nutrition--Chiang Mai--Evaluation
Chiang Mai University. The nutritive value of locally available foodstuffs and the nutritional status of preschool
children : a study undertaken in Sanpatong district, Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 1992. 219 p. (R E9772)
Pongtorn Sungpuag. Development of database for vitamin A and beta carotene in Thai foods and establishment
of simplified dietary assessment of retinal equivalent consumption. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993.
xix, 217 p. (T E7687)
Budsaya Visuthi. Zinc and copper status in thalassemic children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. xi, 118 p. (T
Chawapornpan Chanprasit. A culturally appropriate nutrition intervention to modify weaning behaviour in northern
Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1998. 186 p. (R E12731)
Fu, Gang. Analysis of nutritional status and food consumption in China. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1999. 94 p. (T E15504)
Fuchs, George J.. Relationship between vitamin A deficiency, nutritional status, and conjunctival impression
cytology in northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 17 p. (R E8763)
Kulwadee Sakulngam. Role of pharmacist in nutritional intervention for medical patients, Paholpolpayuhasena
hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18310)
Pracha Paramadilok. Nutritional evaluation of various protein foods produced at IFRPD. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 1981. viii, 40 p. (R E443)
Pranee Leewiriya. Establishment of parenteral mutrition preparation unit at Lopburi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 121 p. (T E14088)
Sirimon Toungsuwan. The nutrient composition of common Thai-style fast food dishes. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 93 p. (T E10642)
Stolberg, Carolyn. Effects of dietary changes on nutritional status in US peace corps volunteers working in
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xvii, 178 p. (T E7229)
Sutira Soipet. Protein-calorie status and its associated risk factors in Ramathibodi Hospital staff. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1993. xxxi, 277 p. (T E7221)
Tunyakarn Surakupt. Effect of enteral medical food on nutritional status in head and neck cancer patients during
chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E19290)
Upapan Vijitpavan. Iron status of infants [4-6 months] after daily and weekly iron supplementation of mothers
during pregnancy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 122 p. (T E17153)
Uraiporn Chittchang. Development of simple anthropometric tools for growth monitoring in primary school
children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xvii, 168 p. (T E7882)
Uratchat Vichaidit. Effect of Ramathibodi standard total parenteral nutrition on nutritional status in patients at
Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p. (T E20126)
Uthai Pisolyabutra. Evaluation of nutrition in the health development plan of Thailand. Bangkok : Department of
Health, 1993. 44 p. (R E9222)
Vilaiporn Sattayabanphot. Assessment of protein-calorie status in patients with obesity. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1980. 2 แผน (93 เฟรม). (T MF09177; MF09330)
Nutrition--Immunological aspects
Porntip Bunyaratavej. Influence of nutritional status on cellular immunity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 2
แผน (85 เฟรม). (T MF09214)
Sarma, J.S.. Production and consumption of foodgrains in India : implications of accelerated economic growth and
poverty alleviation. Washington, D.C. : International Food Policy Research Institute, 1990. 115 p. (R
E5629c.1; E9904c.2)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 106]
Alderman, Harold. Poverty, household food security, and nutrition in rural Pakistan. Washington, D.C. :
International Food Policy Research Institute, 1993. viii, 108 p. (R E5963)
Nutrition--Psychological aspects
Wanvimol Kittidilokkul. Factors influencing obesity in school children in Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. xi, 176 p. (T E7843)
Saroch Boonyakitsombut. Anaerobic biodegradation of propionate and its precursors : the role of microbial
consortia proximity, reactor configuration and nutrient requirements. Nashville : Vanderbilt University,
2001. 212 p. (T E15960)
Vilaiporn Bagchi. Assessment of nutrition research conducted in Thailand during 1980-1991. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 138 p. (T E8979)
Winai Dahlan. Effects of iron supplementation on iron status and cell-mediated immune response in Thai women.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (95 เฟรม). (T MF09117)
Nutrition--Thailand, Northeastern
Sommai Tangchitpianvit. The effect of preparation techniques on vitamin A content of indigenous foods in
northeast Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 118 p. (T E10483)
Sompong Liammongkolkul. Relationship of nutrient intake, renal stone and distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) in
the north-east of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 120 p. (T E6423)
Nutrition--Thailand, Northern
Boonrawd Supa-Udomlerk. Result of a nutrition survey in Thung Luang, a Karen community in northern Thailand.
Chiang Mai : Maejo Institute of Agricultural Technology, 1992. vol (in various pagings). (R E8827)
Nutrition--Thailand, Northern--Requirements
Boonrawd Supa-Udomlerk. Human energy requirements : activity patterns and energy needs of a Karen
community in northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Maejo Institute of Agricultural Technology, 1992. 63 p. (R
E8828 c.1; E14153 c.2)
Nutrition--Ubon Ratchathani
Tippawan Pongcharoen. Household food acquisition and nutritional status of children 0-5 years old in forest and
nonforest communities : a case study of Pha Taem National Park, Ubon Ratchathani. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1999. 175 p. (T E13122)
Nguyen, Thu Huong. Performance of village health workers in the child malnutrition control program in Thai Binh
province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 113 p. (T E16161)
Chadaporn Pramparmamon. Nutritional status and adequacy of nutritional support among medical patients with
mechanical ventilators. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 117 p. (T E18015)
Pham, Thi Dau. Factors related to nutritional status in children from 2 to 5 years old in Tantru districts, Long An
province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E17600)
Nutritional anemia
Jongdee Pensakul. A study of food consumption behavior and haematocrit levels in nutritional anemic patients
and family. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E19262)
Nutritional behaviors
Saifon Tantayothin. Factors influencing nutritional and exercise behaviors of hypertensive patients in Sainoi
district, Nonthaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 110 p. (T E23870)
Nutritional education
ประนอม ประสงคมงคล. การเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนรูดานโภชนาการศึกษาจากโปรแกรมสไลดชนิดตอเนื่องจบใน
ตอนเดียวแบบมีขั้นตอน กับการสอนปกติที่ใชในปจจุบันของกลุมสตรีมีครรภ ในจังหวัดพะเยา = A comparative study
of learning achievement on nutritional education using dissolove slide-tape program and traditional
approach for the pregnant women in Phayao province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2542. 175 หนา. (วพ
Nutritional knowledge
Patcharaporn Aree. Enhancing care by a nutritional promotion training program toward food consumption and
lipid status among hyperlipidemic elderly in urban Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai
University, 2002. 83 p. (R E19029)
Nutritional problems
Uthaiwan Saleephon. A feasibility study on the food offerings from monks to serve the pupils who have nutritional
problems a case study : Ban Nong Ta Loom Puk primary school, Amphur Nangrong, Burirum province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 149 p. (T E18864)
Nutritional promoting behavior
Panida Rattanaprom. Factors affecting nutritional promoting behavior of thalassaemic carrier pregnant women.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 94 p. (T E19853)
Nutritional promoting group program
Darunee Srisawas. Effect of nutritional promoting group program on nutritional behavior in expected adolescent
primipara. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 112 p. (T E34344)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 107]
Nutritional promoting program
Sununta Krongyuth. Effects of nutritional promoting program on nutritional health promoting behaviors in chronic
renal failure patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 98 p. (T E32974)
Nutritional promotion training
Patcharaporn Aree. Enhancing care by a nutritional promotion training program toward food consumption and
lipid status among hyperlipidemic elderly in urban Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai
University, 2002. 83 p. (R E19029)
Nutritional quality
Netnapit Hussamin. Nutritional quality and heavy metal contamination of street food in some area of Bangkok.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xiiii, 107 p. (T E7148)
Nutritional status
Badrialaily. Nutritional status and related factors among elementary school students in Banda Aceh municipality,
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province, Indonesia. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 97 p. (T E39449)
Fu, Gang. Analysis of nutritional status and food consumption in China. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1999. 94 p. (T E15504)
Fuchs, George J.. Relationship between vitamin A deficiency, nutritional status, and conjunctival impression
cytology in northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 17 p. (R E8763)
Jitlada Thawornkul. Effects of dietary counseling with or without fishoil supplement on nutritional and vitamin
status in Thai rheumatoid arthritis patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 143 p. (T E18266)
Nattiga Silalai. A study on nutritional status of Karen lactating women and the quality of breast milk in vitamin A
deficient areas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 148 p. (T E21135)
Pham, Thi Dau. Factors related to nutritional status in children from 2 to 5 years old in Tantru districts, Long An
province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E17600)
Sutira Soipet. Energy and nutrient intakes and nutritional status of female Rajamangala Institute of Technology,
Phra Nakorn Tai Campus students. Bangkok : Rajamangala Institute of Technology Phra Nakorn Tai
Campus, [2000]. 19 p. (R E18723)
Uratchat Vichaidit. Effect of Ramathibodi standard total parenteral nutrition on nutritional status in patients at
Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p. (T E20126)
Nutritional status masurement
Woraluck Ritsri. Subjective global assessment of nutritional status of medical inpatients at Ramathibodi hospital.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 95 p. (T E20150)
Nutritional status measurement
Upapan Vijitpavan. Iron status of infants [4-6 months] after daily and weekly iron supplementation of mothers
during pregnancy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 122 p. (T E17153)
Nutritional training program
Patcharaporn Aree. Enhancing care by a nutritional promotion training program toward food consumption and
lipid status among hyperlipidemic elderly in urban Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai
University, 2002. 83 p. (R E19029)
Nutritionally induced diseases
Suchada Thophon. Renal responses to acute animal and vegetable dietary protein load. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 134 p. (T E9111)
Nutritive value
Sompit Chuenjitsaowakhon. Isoflavone content and nutritive value of soyfoods in Thai vegetarian diets. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2007. 146 p. (T E37716)
Nutritive values
Suchada Suphanpayak. Development of reference recipes for commonly consumed Thai one-plate dishes and
snacks and their nutritive values. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 185 p. (T E18859)
Sunee Sahaspot. Changes of nutritive values of mungbean during germination = การเปลี่ยนแปลงสวนประกอบของ
สารอาหารในระหวางการงอกของถั่วเขียว. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1985. 2 microfiches (103 fr.). (T
Gocho, Hideo. Some trials for improvement of oil crops suited to northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen : Agricultural
Development Research Center, 1989. 65 p. (R E6697)
Narintra Chawaluechai. Nutritional and antinutritional properties of Ma-king [Hodgsonia heteroclita and Hodgsonia
macrocarpa] and Kra-box [Irvingia malayana] seeds and their use in cookies. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 139 p. (T E19749)
Nutural gradient
Krisana Chinnasarn. Low complexity method for blind source extraction for stationary mixed Kurtosis sign signals.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 66 p. (T E23283)
Ny1on6 blends
Watcharaporn Kirdudom. Comparative studies of the effect of compatibilizers on HDPE/Nylon6 blends. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2000. 85 p. (T E15229)
Nyah Kur language--Phonetics
Diffloth, Gerard. The Dvaravati Old Mon language and Nyah Kur. [S.l. : s.n.], [1982]. 1 vol (in various pagings).
(R E13048 c.1; E13049 c.2)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
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National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 108]
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Prasert Salika. Tissue culture and antimicrobial activity of crude extract from leaf and stem of night blooming
jasmine Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn Univeisity, 2000. 88 p. (T E15652)
Nycticion mycticora
ขจรศักดิ์ จัยวัฒน. อุปนิสัยการกินอาหารและชีววิทยาการสืบพันธุของนกแขวก (Nycticorn nycticora (Linnaeus). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2525. 2 แผน (82 เฟรม). (วพ MF07100)
Nyen language--Phonetics
Taweeporn Suwannaraj. The phonology of the Nyen language. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 3 แผน (148
เฟรม). (T MF09741)
Walailak Ubankhlong. Solid-state mechanical properties and microstructure of polypropylene/nylon-6 clay
nanocomposites. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 76 p. (T E34985)
Nylon 6
Mongkol Tantiviwattanawongsa. Effect of organoclay on mechanical and gas barrier properties of nylon 6/clay
nanocomposite films. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 91 p. (T E38342)
Nylon 6 reactor
Jakapon Veeravong. Simultaneous data reconciliation and gross error detection using a robust function method
for nylon 6 reactor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 77 p. (T E40872)
Nylon fibers
Panittamat Kumlangdudsana. Immobilization of silver nanoparticles on textile fibers using pem technique.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 107 p. (T E37801)
Tankamon Kampangkaew. Electronystagmography : a normative study in normal persons aged 40-60 years.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 121 p. (T E14209)
Chatchai Powthongchin. Anticonvulsant activity of N(2'-propylpentanoyl)-2- pyrrolidinone and its effects on yaminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in rat cerebral cortex. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xi, 88 p.
(T E8304)
ประสงค เคหา. วิธีเก็บและถนอมรักษา H and O antigen = Preservation of H and O antigen. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2533. 26 หนา. (ว 106328)
Chitchamai Larksarp. Palladium-catalyzed cycloaddition reaction of 2-vinyloxiranes, 2-vinyloxetanes, 0iodophenols and 0-iodoanilines with heterocumulenes the efficient methods for the preparation of
heterocyclic compounds. Ottawa : University of Ottawa, 2000. 292 p. (T E16045)
Chitchamai Larksarp. Palladium-catalyzed cycloaddition reaction of 2-vinyloxiranes, 2-vinyloxetanes, 0iodophenols and 0-iodoanilines with heterocumulenes the efficient methods for the preparation of
heterocyclic compounds. Ottawa : University of Ottawa, 2000. 292 p. (T E16045)
Chaiwat Namnak. Positive ordered O-semifields. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 87 p. (T E11336)
OA [Disease]
Narat Pichaiyongvongdee. Comparison of standing balance performance, proprioception and muscle strength
between women with and without symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
178 p. (T E15303)
Oats--Diseases and pests
Dheeraporn Boozaya-Angoon. Inheritance of resistance in oats to two biotypes of the greenbug. Oklahoma :
Oklahoma State University, 1979. 41 p. (T E22422)
Ob-Luang Gneiss rocks
Surake Kongjai. Structure and metamorphism of the Ob Luang gneiss and cover rocks Amphoe Hot Changwat
Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 122 p. (T E19669)
Sirichai Kiattavorncharoen. EinfluB von oberkieferverlagerungsosteotomien auf form und funktion der nase. [S.l] :
Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, 2000. 64 p. (T E16202)
Chirapa Nakhanakhup. Study of physical activity and energy expenditure in obese and non-obese Thai children in
Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 48 p. (T E14777)
Jakee Noiwatana. The evaluation of thigh adipose tissue by computed tomography scan. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 64 p. (T E33707)
Jintana Pratyasanti. Pharmaceutical care for obese schizophrenic patients at somdet chaopraya institute of
psychiatry. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 195 p. (T E27812)
Jirapa Prakungpak. Effects of daily consumption of 1,ooo Kcal diets on lipid status in obesity. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 168 p. (T E12553)
Ladda Mo-suwan. A control-trial of a school-based exercise program on the obesity indices of preschool children.
Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, [1997]. 17 p. (R E12073)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 109]
Obesity (ตอ)
Mizumoto, Kaori. Hypertension and risk factors related to lifestyle among women aged 40 years and over in
Phuthamonthon district, Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 106 p. (T
Mutita Subhadrabandhu. The relationship of waist-hip-girth ratio and plasma glucase, plasma lipids, and blood
pressure in obese women in the Din-Dang area. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. V, 67 p. (วพ E8101)
Nantima Akkamut. Computer based Thai food selection program for weight control. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 105 p. (T E17324)
Nareerat Thammasitchai. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Dexfenfluramine in obese women. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 146 p. (T E13806)
Narisara Sangthien. The effectiveness of the nutrition counseling intervention on weight control program in obese
school-aged children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 150 p. (T E34436)
Onnipa Wongseelashote. Energy balance in Thai woman : comparison between obese and normal women.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 76 p. (T E9987)
Orapin Choothawornchaikul. Effect of ispaghula husk (Fybogel R) on body weight and biochemical profiles of the
obese NIDDM patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 187 p. (T E14728)
Orawan Wongmekiat. Neurohumoral control of kidney function in diabetes and obesity. Birmingham : University
of Birmingham, 2000. 261 p. (T E16225)
Pachara Panyanuan. Effect of mushroom Ganoderma lucidum extract treatment in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 186 p. (T E13820)
Pataraporn Kheawwan. Effects of daily consumption of 1,000 kcal diets on protein-energy status in obesity.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 214 p. (T E12497)
Patima Pornpojamarn. The influence of parental child rearing practices on childhood obesity in primary schools in
urban Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T E20346)
Prapaphorn Kaewboonruang. The optimal cut-off points of body mass index which reflect the risk factors of
cardiovascular disease in urban Thai male population. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 106 p. (T
Rujira Duangsong. The effect of a modified "take PRIDE" program on a weight control project in Nakhonphanom
Municipality. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 228 p. (T E17136)
Rungthiwa Kantawan. Weight reduction by very low calorie diet and the use of diet package control. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 136 p. (T E18387)
S. Viriyayudhakorn. Pharmacokinetics of quinine in obesity. Pathumthani : Thammasat University, [1999]. 15 p.
(R E14455)
Sirimon Chaikate. Serum c-reactive protein, interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, lipid profiles, and
anthropometric assessment in overweight Thais and healthy controls. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
138 p. (T E34035)
Siriporn Yongpanichkul. An application of receiver operating characteristic analysis for obesity indices = การหาดัชนี
ความอวนโดยประยุกตวิธีการวิเคราะหแบบ Receiver operating characteristic analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1984. 3 microfiches (128 fr.). (T MF20110)
Thaveesub Suakrai. Relationship between weight gain and lipid profile among female employees of the
Government Saving Bank. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 71 p. (T E23734)
Vilaiporn Sattayabanphot. Assessment of protein-calorie status in patients with obesity. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1980. 2 แผน (93 เฟรม). (T MF09177; MF09330)
Wanpen Mesomya. Effects of sweet basil seed extract treatment in obese women. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1995. 95 p. (T E9727)
Warasinee Boonprasert. Effects of curcuminoids on insulin resistance and cardiac autonomic status in obese rats.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 89 p. (T E39708)
Obesity in adolescence
Sujantra Ittikusumarn. Behavior modification using self-control technique in weight management among
university students, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 120
p. (T E33702)
Obesity in children
Noppawan Buakong. Self-esteem and factors related to obesity among school children, Bangkok. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 128 p. (T E34186)
Noppawan Charususin. The pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength in Thai obese children. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 88 p. (T E34199)
Thidarat Chotik-anuchid. The efficacy of individual behavioral counseling in life-style training of obese children
with abnormal glucose tolerance test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 162 p. (T E33459)
Uruwan Yamborisut. Comparative study on factors associated with obesity in children from mothers with different
nutritional status. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 181 p. (T E34305)
Obesity in children--Bangkok
Wanvimol Kittidilokkul. Factors influencing obesity in school children in Bangkok Metropolitan. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. xi, 176 p. (T E7843)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 110]
Obesity--Diet therapy
Sanuch Kotchabhakdee. Formulation of reduced-calorie frozen desserts using pectin as fat replacer and
aspartame as sweetener. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 95 p. (T E10147)
Obesity--Drug therapy
Teeranun Narkthongroop. Prevalence, complications and pharmacological intervention obesity. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 186 p. (T E20376)
Obesity--Nakhon Pathom
Nguyen, Thanh. Obesity and related factors among students grade 7-12 in Phuttha Monthon district, Nakhon
Pathom province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 93 p. (T E39460)
Usman, Yunimar. Factors related to obesity in primary school chidren : a case study of Nakhon Pathom province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 103 p. (T E23791)
Sujitra Suphanpayak. A double-blind, randomized comparison of the efficacy and safety of orlistat versus placebo
in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 220 p. (T 21149)
Object color
Nathapong Janchidfah. Color mode change of cathode-ray-tube monitor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 147 p. (T E20153)
Yuwadee Thiangthangtum. Color mode change of color charts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 265 p.
(T E16701)
Object indentification
Supannee Tanathong. Object based change detection after a disaster : the Tsunami case. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 100 p. (T E39653)
Object modeling technique
Pyrush Bunthose. The object-oriented analysis and design for database application development : a case study of
the course registration and education processing system for Sirindhorn College of Public Health Chon Buri.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 206 p. (T E17592)
Object oriented technology
Panchompoo Sangchompoo. Analysis, design, and development of a web-based application using object oriented
technology : a case study of a welding wire purchasing system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 215
p. (T E21051)
Object query
ศิริพร กองอํานวยสุข. การเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการเขาถึงขอมูลเชิงวัตถุ = Object query optimization. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 73 หนา. (วพ 98523)
Object recognition
Kittiwann Nimkerdphol. A modified generalized Hough transform algorithm for image retrieval by contour
matching. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 38 p. (T E16973)
Object shape recognition
เกษตร ศิริสันติสัมฤทธิ์. การจดจําวัตถุที่ถูกปดบังเปนบางสวน = Recognizing partially occluded objects. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
วิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2538. 50 หนา. (ว 97580)
Object tracking
สุรเชษฐ บุญรัตน. การติดตามวัตถุทามกลางวัตถุเคลื่อนที่ดวยกลองเคลื่อนที่ = Visually tracking an object among multiple
moving objects with dynamic camera. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 60 หนา.
(วพ 109410)
Somchart Fugkeaw. An object-oriented versioning approach for multidimensional database schema evolution.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E24467)
Object-oriented data model
Charnchai Supaartagorn. Using object-oriented data model to design an information system. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 116 p. (T E13157)
สุพัตรา สวัสดิ์รักเกียรติ. วิธีการรวมแบบจําลองขอมูลเชิงวัตถุโดยใชวิทยาการศึกษาสํานึกและการวิเคราะหความสัมพันธระหวาง
คลาส = A methodology for integration of object-oriented data models using heuristics and analysis of
relationships between classes. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 162 หนา. (วพ 110232)
Object-oriented databases
Chidchanok Songsiri. Object-oriented database mining : use of object-oriented concepts for improving data
classification technique. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 59 p. (T E21981)
Malee Wongsaroje. Object-oriented dynamic modeling in an integrated statistical database environment. Brussel :
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1995. 259 p. (T E8405)
Pichayotai Mahatthanapiwat. Access method of aggregation hierarchy as a tree in OODB. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 106 p. (T E19225)
Pyrush Bunthose. The object-oriented analysis and design for database application development : a case study of
the course registration and education processing system for Sirindhorn College of Public Health Chon Buri.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 206 p. (T E17592)
Rawat Tonglaung. Application of a computerized program for the out-patient medical records system case study
of Banpho hospital Banpho district Chachoengsao province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 121 p. (T
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 111]
Object-oriented databases (ตอ)
Sutasinee Kaewpuang-ngam. Development of a simulator for distillation columns. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1996. 168 p. (T E11355)
Thodsapol Chadchavalpanichaya. Development of optimum piping network design program using object-oriented
database. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. x, 85 p. (T E8353)
Object-oriented design
Tanongsak Gulyanon. Principle of compatibility and requirement analysis for timetable scheduling for Thai
university. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 125 p. (T E15407)
Object-oriented methods [Computer Science]
Suphong Chirawattanakij. Multidimensional object schema : an object-oriented approach in a multidimensional
database design. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 111 p. (T E15793)
Object-oriented methods [Computer science]
Jaturapith Somhom. An object-oriented analysis and design personnel information system using the Unified
Modeling Language [UML] : a case study of the Office of Ubonratchathani Province Public Health. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 253 p. (T E18318)
Phornphimon Tangchaisin. Dialog-based prototyping [DIBP]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 85 p. (T
Roschong Sakdumrong. Development of computer-aided chemical process flowsheet drawing. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 116 p. (T E14989)
Uraiwan Rukkawattanakul. Object persistence in an object-oriented application for a small and medium business.
Staffordshire : Staffordshire University, 2005. 76 p. (T E36904)
Object-oriented paradigm
ปยดา จิตตจํานงค. การออกแบบระบบสารสนเทศบุคลากรสําหรับขาราชการ โดย OBJECT ORIENTED PARADIGM. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2539. 194 หนา. (วพ 82509)
Object-oriented programming [Computer science]
Damrongsack Naparat. Business strategic simulation game for retailing business : a case study of CRC
International Co., Ltd. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 92 p. (R E20897)
Phiroon Kaewprasert. An object-oriented analysis and design of the electronic data management system with
Unified Modeling Language (UML) : a case study of the Royal Thai Government/World Health Organization
Documentation Center, Ministry of Public Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 176 p. (T E21246)
Pyrush Bunthose. The object-oriented analysis and design for database application development : a case study of
the course registration and education processing system for Sirindhorn College of Public Health Chon Buri.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 206 p. (T E17592)
Somkiat Chariyamethangkun. Web based dental case consultation system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
115 p. (T E17577)
Object-oriented software
Panarat Chiewvit. A design and development of unit testing tool for object-oriented software. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 128 p. (T E21106)
Object-oriented software requirements specification
Chaliaw Phetking. A design and development of object-oriented software requirements specification tool. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2000. 169 p. (T E15384)
Object-oriented software--Maintenance and repair
Matinee Kiewkanya. Measuring object-oriented software maintainability in design phase using structural
complexity and aesthetic metrics. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 125 p. (T E38352)
Object-oriented system development
Somkiat Chariyamethangkun. Web based dental case consultation system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
115 p. (T E17577)
Object-oriented technology
Sirirat Glinhom. A design and development of the student registration and evaluation system using objectoriented technology and relational database. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 141 p. (T E13690)
วชิรศักดิ์ วานิชชา. การเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการสรางภาพสเตอริโอกราฟค ดวยเทคโนโลยีเชิงวัตถุ = Efficiency improvement
technique for stereographics using object-oriented technology. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา
ธนบุรี, 2540. 55 หนา. (วพ 94212)
ศิริพร กองอํานวยสุข. การเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการเขาถึงขอมูลเชิงวัตถุ = Object query optimization. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 73 หนา. (วพ 98523)
สุพรรณี อํานาจมงคล. การออกแบบวัตถุสําหรับระบบบัญชีแยกประเภท = Design of objects for a general ledger system.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 166 หนา. (วพ 95207)
Objective analysis
Thongdum Pengyai. An assimilation scheme of atmospheric data for Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 80 p. (T E14043)
Objective Function
Tipparat Tiangtawat. Minimization of fuel gas consumption and waste management in incinerator. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 97 p. (R E20530)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 112]
Oblique magnetic field confiquration
Tanin Nutaro. Cosmic ray transport and acceleration near an oblique, spherical shock. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 131 p. (T E15733)
Obscene media
Chartinate Putananon. Effect of obscene media on male youth offenders in a Youth Correction Institute. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2008. 145 p. (T E39423)
Observation and Protection Center
Atichad Rochanahastin. The effect of a reality therapy oriented learning program on coping behavior of young
male offenders in training school of the observation and protection center of Suratthani province. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2002. 93 p. (T E18595)
Observation robot
ครรชิต ไมตรี. หุนยนตสํารวจอัตโนมัติ = Image processing system for automatic observation Robot. [ม.ป.ท. : ม.ป.พ.],
[2538]. 77 หนา. (ว 97572)
Observation room
Monthicha Krisbunchoo. Establishment of head injury nursing standards in the observation room. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 135 p. (T E16168)
Orasa Srianuntavanich. Some observations on the vesical motility in dogs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1977. 2
แผน (111 เฟรม). (T MF09792)
Kamnuan Klaiklueng. Obstacles in detection of gang robbeny cases of the police detctives in Metropolitan Police
Division 7,8 and 9 [Thonburi area]. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 77 p. (T E17468)
Obstetrical emergencies--Vietnam
Pham, Duc Duc. Delay to receive emergency obstetric care in Thai-binh, Vietnam : quality of care analysis and
socio-cultural, psychological factors affecting decision to seek care. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998.
145 p. (T E12176)
Obstetrics gynaecoligy
สายสุด โฉมสุข. การสรางบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอรชวยสอน วิชาสูตินรีเวช สําหรับนักศึกษาพยาบาล วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี
จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี = A construction of computer assisted instruction in obstetrics and gynaecology for nurse
students of Broromrajchonnee Nursing College, Suphanburi. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 131
หนา. (วพ 103428)
Basnet, Rama. Attitude and practice of mothers towards the utilization of traditional birth attendants in
Kabhrepalanchok district Nepal. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 74 p. (T E8996)
Obstracles effect
Suksawad Khoositthiphon. Problems and obstacles effect the duty of Provincial Police Region I : a case study in
Pathum Thani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 77 p. (T E20373)
Obstructive sleep apnea
Patcharee Boonmee. A study of sleep breathing disorders in the Thai population. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2004. 98 p. (T E24221)
Soontaree Chayawatcharakul. Sleep positions on airflow resistance during wakefulness in healthy Thai males.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 110 p. (T E35643)
occam 3 [Computer program language]
Wichian Chutimaskul. Data engineering in occam 3. Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 1994. 121 p. (T E9543)
Occlusal splints
Phanomporn Vanichanon. Effectiveness of repositioning splints and stabilization splints in the treatment of
symptomatic temporomandibular joint disk displacement with reduction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 81 p. (T E23031)
Occlusion [Dentistry]
Chanchai Porntongprasert. The maxillary first permanent molar rotation in acceptable occlusions among a young
northeast Thai sample. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 100 p. (T E15170)
Darunee Amagarn. An investigation of non-carious cervical lesions. Melbourne : University of Melbourne, 1997.
309 p. (T E11566)
Dhirawat Jotikasthira. Variation in dentofacial morphology in Thai and Norwegian adults with ideal occlusion.
Bergen : University of Bergen, 1989. 108 p. (T E40268)
Pikul Pitikultang. Correlations between skeletofacial variables and crown inclination in northern Thai adults with
good occlusion. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1999. 74 p. (T E15760)
Sornchai Kongthong. Craniofacial anthropology in class I group. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. vii, 89 p. (T
Srirat Swasdi-ampairaks. Lateral cephalometric analysis of anterior open bite and normal subjects in adults.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 82 p. (T E11706)
Toranin Charascharungkiat. Incisor position in Thai normal occlusion. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. v, 62 p.
(T E8204)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 113]
Occlusion [Dentistry]--Thailand, Northern
Somchai Duangtaweesub. Crown inclination and crown angulation of the northern Thai adults with good
occlusion. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1997. 80 p. (T E11804)
Occupation selection
ธีระพร พิไลวงศ. ปจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธกับความตั้งใจเลือกประกอบอาชีพ ภายใตภาวะวิกฤตทางเศรษฐกิจ ของนักศึกษาชั้นปที่
4 ในสถาบันราชภัฏ เขตภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = Factors related to the occupation selection intention under
economic crisis condition by the fourth year students in North Eastern Rajabhat Institutes. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 150 หนา. (วพ 109780)
Au, Bich Thuy. Cholinesterase screening test among organophosphate exposure of rice farmers in southern
Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 99 p. (T E20846)
Occupational accidents
Volakorn Mai-um. Factors related to occupational accidents at a soy sauce factory. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 104 p. (T E16280)
Occupational asthma
Somkiat Siriruttanapruk. The evaluation of shield : a surveillance scheme for occupational asthma in the west
midlands, UK. Birmingham : University of Birmingham, 1998. 320 p. (T E13546)
Occupational development
Sangthain Inpayung. Factors related to role of TAO executive committee in developing local occupation : case
study in Nakhonsawan. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 139 p. (T E17395)
Occupational diseases--Prevention
Siriwan Suamapanao. Factors related to role performance in occupational disease prevention of nurses in health
centers, Department of Health, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
113 p. (T E34422)
Occupational exposure
Narisa Kengtrong. Determination of serum ethylene glycol glycolic acid in subject exposed to ethylene and glycol.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 75 p. (T E16553)
Wannee Wannaphahun. Chromosome aberration in peripheral lymphocytes of hospital personnel occupationally
exposed to antineoplastic drugs. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 157 p. (T E15045)
Occupational group development project
Community Development Department. The evaluation report on occupational group development project
B.E.2514. Bangkok : Community Development Department, 1972. 89 p. (R E2624)
Occupational groups
Varisara Boonma. The success of OTOP occupational groups in a dimension of strong community. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 206 p. (T E34362)
Occupational health and safety
Thanu Udomwatana. Communication factors related to employee perceptions on the occupational health and
safety system. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 76 p. (T E23183)
Occupational health nursing
Sommanus Sirilont. Employees' satisfaction with occupational health nursing services in worklocations, Rayong
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 73 p. (T E32904)
Thitiporn Songkroh. Total dust concentration and factors associated with rispiratory symptoms among homebased cloth workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 115 p. (T E21667)
Occupational health services
Pirapong Saicheua. Determinants of hand injuries among industrial workers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998.
97 p. (T E11987)
Occupational hygiene
Information system development for occupational hygiene management in aspect of loss control. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 150 หนา. (วพ 103287)
Occupational injuries
Thanyaporn Aranyavalai. Survey of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Thai physical therapists in
Bangkok and perimeter areas. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 145 p. (T E19729)
Winit Leongsrisook. A study of the relationship between safety management quality and occupational injury rate
on state enterprises. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 69 p. (T E33438)
Occupational medicine physician
ประกอบการขนาดใหญ ในประเทศไทย = Occupational health administration and manager's expectation to
occupational physician's role among corporate enterprises in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย,
2541. 133 หนา. (วพ 102220)
Occupational minority
Asad, Anik. Social and cultural construction of exclusion of the Manta community in Bangladesh : an
anthropological study on denial of rights. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 126 p. (T E21888)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 114]
Occupational mobility
Chupensri Wongbuddha. A study of changes in urbanization and occupational mobility of the Thai labour force.
Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1988. 317 p. (T E8553)
Shrestha [Malla], Rameswari. The turnover rate and the reasons for turnover among graduate nurses from public
hospital in Nepal. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1992. xi, 101 p. (T E7452)
Occupational promoting policy
เคลื่อนไหว = A study of occupational promoting policy and the determinants of income of persons with
physical disability. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2542. 96 หนา. (วพ 112960)
Occupational risk
พรนภา จันทรวีระกุล. การศึกษาความสัมพันธของการประกอบอาชีพที่มีภาวะเสี่ยง ตอการเปนมะเร็งปอด = Case-control
study on relationship between occupational risk and lung cancer. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 69
หนา. (วพ 105448)
Occupational safety
ธํารงศักดิ์ ภูรัต. กลไกของรัฐในดานความปลอดภัยในสถานประกอบการ = State mechanism for safety in the workplace.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 161 หนา. (วพ 113368)
Occupational safety and health
Kogi, Kazutaka. Review of occupational safety and health management in Thailand. Kawasaki : Institute for
Science of Labor, [2002]. 57 p. (R E19097)
Sittidech Junsuksri. Occupational health, safety and environment related behavior among the employee : a case
study of the healthy workplace project in Banpoo Industrial Estate. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004.
127 p. (T E23959)
Occupational stress
Amornpun Singhapol. The relationship between sense of humor and occupational stress of pediatric nurses at
Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 103 p. (T E15896)
Aporntip Buapetch. Effects of the stress management program on occupational stress of industrial workers in
Songkhla province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 122 p. (T E20480)
Rathawadee Nimitkasemsupak. The use of healthtron for reducing occupational stress in the correction officers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 123 p. (T E23981)
Suteekarn Eaim-yingpanich. Occupational stress and stress management in the context of labor process under a
transformation of production system in the Thai textile industry. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 478
p. (T E15889)
Occupational training
Bamrungkiat Vinaipanij. Application of vocational training of the released prisoners of the Department of
Corrections for their future career : a case study of Thonburi Remand Prison. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 81 p. (T E21248)
Kalyanee Phumchusree. Working status of disabled persons after vocational training from the redemptroist
vocational school for the disabled, Pattaya. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18180)
Qi, Shan Ou. A Study on the need of refresher training programme for the village health workers. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (86 fr.). (T MF20254)
Vilailuk Chanwong. On-the-job training performance of students of selected Rajabhat Institutes, Thailand. Munoz,
Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2000. 158 p. (T E16249)
กรมพัฒนาฝมือแรงงาน. สภาพและความตองการเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการฝกอบรมของครูฝกฝมือแรงงานใหเปนเลิศทางเทคโนโลยี
= Needs' situation of skill development's instructors to increase their efficiency in training delivery.
กรุงเทพฯ : กรม, 2541. 122 หนา. (ว 99271 ฉ.1; 99272 ฉ.2)
จารุวัตร อ่ําขํา. สภาพและปญหาการฝกอาชีพ : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีหนวยบัญชาการอากาศโยธิน กองบัญชาการยุทธทางอากาศ
= Profiles and problems of occupational training : a case study in the Security Force Command under the
Headquarters of the Air Operation Division of the Royal Thai Air Force. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร,
2541. 169 หนา. (วพ 98193)
ลําใย สาเกตุ. การศึกษาเจตคติของผูตองขังตอการฝกอาชีพในเรือนจํากลางจังหวัดสมุทรปราการ = A study of convicted
prisoner's attitude towards occupational training in Changwat Samutprakan Central Prison. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 100 หนา. (วพ 98671)
สิริโสภา เตียนสํารวย. การปฏิบัติงานเพื่อพิทักษผลประโยชนแกสตรีที่เขารับการฝกอบรมวิชาชีพในศูนยสงเคราะหและฝกอาชีพ
สตรี. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 74 หนา. (วพ 99240)
สุวิมล วิมลกาญจนา. การติดตามผลการใชประสิทธิประโยชนดานอาชีพตามพระราชบัญญัติ การฟนฟูสมรรถภาพคนพิการ พ.ศ.
2534 = A follow-up on the utilization of vocational right and benefit in accordance with the Rehabilitation
of Disabled Person Act B.E. 2534. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 144 หนา. (วพ 98792)
สุวิสา พัฒนเกียรติ. การประเมินผลโครงการอบรมวิชาชีพสําหรับประชาชน ประจําป 2540 ของสํานักสงเสริมและฝกอบรม
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร = Evaluation on 1997 vocational training program of Extension and Training
Office, Kasetsart University. กรุงเทพฯ : สํานักสงเสริมและฝกอบรม มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 95 หนา. (ว
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 115]
Occupational training--Phitsanulok
ศักดิ์นคร สีหอแกว. สภาพและความตองการฝกงานอาชีพอิสระของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 3 ในโรงเรียนขยายโอกาสทาง
การศึกษา สังกัดสํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดพิษณุโลก = Profiles and needs for independent career
training of the third year secondary education students in the education opportunity expanding schools
under the Office of Phitsanulok Provincial Primary Education. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2542. 122
หนา. (วพ 98363)
Chatkeaw Thongsook. La Loi Roudy relative a l' egalite professionnelle et son application. Bangkok : Thammasat
University, 2003. 122 p. (T E20549)
Dararat Maneethorn. Occupational choices for the blinds : a case study in Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2003. 171 p. (T E23662)
Kesorn Chinda. Decision making in the type of occupation selection of students in agriculture certificate level
under the agricultural education reform for a better life project : college of agriculture and technology in
the northeastern region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 168 p. (T E15305)
Kogi, Kazutaka. Review of occupational safety and health management in Thailand. Kawasaki : Institute for
Science of Labor, [2002]. 57 p. (R E19097)
Tiam Srikhamjak. Development of occupational therapy program for psychiatric patients at the predischarge
stage. [Bangkok : Mahachulalongkorn University], 2002. 51 p. (R E22585)
Wisit Srisaard. Comparison between handwriting characteristics and writers' backgrounds for applying in forensic
science. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 51 p. (T E17456)
กรุงเทพมหานคร = Factors influencing the need to change job of nurses in the hospitals under the
Department of Medical Service, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร,
2541. 98 หนา. (วพ 98909)
ดํารงค วงษรักษ. การศึกษาวุฒิภาวะทางอาชีพของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 3 ในโรงเรียนขยายโอกาสทางการศึกษาขั้น
พื้นฐาน สังกัดสํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดอุทัยธานี = A study of vocational maturity of nine-grade
students in primary schools in the expanding opportunity of basic education project under jurisdiction of
the Office of Provincial Primary Education, Uthaitanee. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2542. 186 หนา. (วพ
พวงพยอม เหรียญทอง. การประกอบอาชีพแบบพึ่งตนเองของเกษตรกร = Self reliant occupation of farmers. ขอนแกน :
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 94 หนา. (วพ 97773)
พิบูลยสิทธิ์ โชคชัย. การสงเสริมอาชีพเสริมเกษตรชุมชนแบบพึ่งตนเองของขาราชการตํารวจชั้นประทวน = Promotion of
secondary occupation of community agriculture through self-reliant of the noncomissioned police officers.
ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 112 หนา. (วพ 100812)
อุทิศ เตชะพฤติ. การศึกษาความสัมพันธระหวางจุดหมายในอาชีพ และความผูกพันตอองคการ ของพนักงานระดับปฏิบัติการใน
องคการภาครัฐ และเอกชน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 97 หนา. (วพ 99183)
ชูเพ็ญศรี วงศพุทธา. การสํารวจอาชีพของแรงงานผูสูงอายุในจังหวัดเชียงใหม = Occupational study of elderly workers in
Chiang Mai. เชียงใหม : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 52 หนา. (ว 99642)
Occupations--Thailand, Northern
ลําเดือน นามเทพ. กระบวนการเรียนรูในการเขาสูอาชีพธุรกิจผาทอมือ ของสตรีชนบทในภาคเหนือ = Learning process and
trade career for cultural cloths handmade of rural women in the northern region. ลําปาง : สํานักงาน
ศึกษาธิการอําเภอเกาะคา, 2541. 97 หนา. (ว 98615)
วาณี เอี่ยมศรีทอง. ตุง : ภูมิปญญาทองถิ่นเพื่อพัฒนาเปนอาชีพ = Tung : a local wisdom for developing and occupation.
เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 57 หนา. (ว 100422)
Sunisa Daengniam. Antiformation of toxic compound by some antioxidants : matagenicity of 1-aminopyrene
treated with nitrite and occurrence of n-nitrosomorpholine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 102 p. (T
Ocean colour algorithms
Tachanat Bhatrasataponkul. Development of ocean colour algorithms for the Upper Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 96 p. (T E27748)
Ocean currents
Soopphaporn Pukasemvarangkool. Theoretical investigation of current induced by wing shear and waves in fluid
of finite depth = ทฤษฎีกระแสน้ําที่เกิดจากลมและคลื่นในน้ําที่มีความลึกจํากัด. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1985. 1 microfiche (44 fr.). (T MF20323)
Ocean currents--Climatic factors
Usa Wannasingha. Numerical simulation of the monthly mean currents in the gulf of Siam. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1993. vii, 68 p. (T E8344)
Ocean currents--Forecasting
Usa Wannasingha. Numerical simulation of the monthly mean currents in the gulf of Siam. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1993. vii, 68 p. (T E8344)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 116]
Ocean currents--Mathematical model
Supanee Suwannasilp. Numerical simulation of the monthly mean sea current in spherical coordinates in the
Andaman sea near Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 74 p. (T
Ocean-atmosphere interaction
Weller, Robert A.. Surface conditions and air-sea fluxes. Texas : Texas A&M University, 1993. 131 p. (R E8738)
Oceanographic buoys
ไหลเวียนของกระแสน้ําในอาวไทยจากแบบจําลองทางคณิตศาสตร = Analysis of sea surface temperature and
salinity from oceanographic buoys with circulation patterns in the Gulf of Thailand from mathematical
model. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 137 หนา. (วพ 104567)
Roll, Hans Ulrich. A focus for ocean research Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission history, functions,
achievements. Paris : Unesco, 1979. 64 p. (R E1046)
Oceanograpic characteristics
Sanu Aonngean. Using remote sensing information as predictors for specific parameters in the sea via bootstrap
resampling technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 90 p. (T E20140)
Ochna integerrima
Krisna Maskaw. Analgesis and antipyretic activities of the extracts from Ochna integerrima Merr.. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2000. 71 p. (T E16259)
Rawiwun Kaewamatawong. Free radical scavenging compounds from Ochna integerrima. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 204 p. (T E21783)
Ochra integerrima
Rungruedee Urngserichai. Flavonoids from Fissistigma polyanthoides and Ochna integerrima. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 140 p. (T E14921)
Somran Suddee. A taxonomic revision of tribe Ocimeae dumort.[Labiatae] in continental South East Asia. [S.l] :
Trinity College, University of Dublin, 2001. 408 p. (T E19168)
Suthin Juthangkoon. Development of novel in vitro systems for natural anthocyanin production. Illinois :
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995. 124 p. (T E9525)
Ocimum basilicum
Anchalee Tantivaterungdate. Effect of cha-om, Chinese bitter gourd, Thai bitter gourd and sweet basil on the
level of cytochrome P-450, the activities of aniline hydroxylase, aminopyrine demethylase, glutathione-Stransferase, UDP-gucuronyltransferase and the in vitro metabolic activation of carcinogens in rat liver.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 132 p. (T E9717)
Darunee Winarungsiyakorn. Antifertility effect of Thai dietary plant extracts in the malerat and nomster =
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 4 microfiches (198 fr.). (T MF20201)
Pathompong Penchaiya. Effects of controlled atmosphere, temperature and packaging on quality and storage life
of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003.
97 p. (T E22907)
วิรัชดา ภาคสม. คุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุโหระพาที่อายุและตําแหนงชอดอกตาง ๆ กัน = Seed quality of sweet basil (Ocimum
basilicum) as affected by seed age and inflorescence position. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2536. 1 แผน (15 เฟรม). (ว MF22084)
สุรพงศ โอวรารินทร. ผลของเด็ดยอดตอผลผลิตและคุณภาพของเมล็ดพันธุโหระพาชอดอกพวง = Effect of shoot pinching
on seed yield an quality of sweet basil (Ocimum bacilicum). กรุงเทพฯ : คณะเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2539. 1 แผน (15 เฟรม). (ว MF21885)
Ocimum canum
กฤษณา ภูตะคาม. การศึกษาวิจัยเมล็ดแมงลักและการพัฒนายาเตรียมเพื่อใชเปนยาระบาย = Studies on Hoary basil seeds
(Ocimum Canum Sims) and development of dosage forms for laxative. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม,
2537. 122 หนา. (ว 80428 ฉ.1; 80429 ฉ.2)
Ocimum canum--Seeds
Nutthagamol Buranaprapruk. Clinical outcome of nutrition counseling with Ocimum canum seed supplementation
in hypercholesterolemic subjects at Makarak hospital. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 106 p. (T
Ocimum sanctum
Ekachai Khumphant. Effect of ocimum sanctum leaf extract on the micronucleus formation induced by
cyclophosphamide in bone marrow cells of AS-30D hepatoma transplanted rats. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 75 p. (T E20135)
Porntip Thitapanich. Effect of ocimum sanctum leaf extract on the growth of AS-30D hepatoma transplanted in
Sprague-Dawley rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 60 p. (R E20136)
Sompoche Pojjanapimol. Characterization of aroma impact compounds in fresh, heat and dried holy bazil
(Ocimum sanctum) leaves. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 140 p. (T E26667)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 117]
Ocimum sanctum (ตอ)
Thanee Sukglin. Effect of ocimum sanctum leaf extract on micronucleus formation induced by chemical
mutagents in peripheral reticulocyte of ICR mice. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T E20116)
Winyou Niranartlamphong. A development of operation control information system [OCIS] for advertising
company. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 146 p. (T E17809)
Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai. Study of reflectance measurement based on optical coherence variation
technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E18731)
Pongpan Buatongtanakarn. The use of alcohols and organotin compound for improving the octane number of
gasoline. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. 61 p. (T E12784)
Octane number
Jiranoot Suebsook. A correlation for research octane number (RON) in hydrocarbons with C8+. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 88 p. (R E40122)
Piyaporn Thipsunet. Improvement of fuel oil from fluidized catalytic cracking unit with ethanol by etherification
reaction. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 90 p. (T E38233)
Somyot Bannakarnboworn. Isomerization of nutural gas liquid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 94 p.
(T E14655)
อรนุช ผิวเรืองนนท. การศึกษาผลกระทบทางเศรษฐศาสตรและทางเทคนิคของการกําหนดใหมีการจําหนายน้ํามันเบนซิน 3
ประเภท = The economic and technical impact of sell three gasoline grades. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 106 หนา. (วพ 110921)
Octane sulfonic acid
Nitithep Chaichuay. Determination of transition metals by high performance liquid chromatography. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 75 p. (T E12492)
อรรถกร ปาละสุวรรณ. การสังเคราะหพอลิไฮดรอกซีอัลคาโนเอต จากอาหารที่มีกลูโคสและออกตาโนเอต โดย Pseudomonas
oleovorans ATCC 29347 = Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from culture medium with glucose and
octanoate by Pseudomonas oleovorans ATCC 29347. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 106 หนา.
(วพ 97185)
Janjira Hongrapiput. Liquid-liquid equilibria of 1-hexanol-ethanol-water, 1-octanol-ethanol-water, and 1-decanolethanol-water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 140 p. (T E18789)
Jeffries, William B.. Age of mangrove crab scylla serrata at colonization by stalked barnacles of the genus
octolasmis. Pennsylvania : Dickinson College, 1991. 1 vol. (R E9094)
Octopamine receptor
Suthasinee Somyong. Production and characterization of polyclonal antibodies against black tiger prawn aminergic
receptors. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 103 p. (T E35024)
Octyl methoxycinnamate
Pattaraporn Pangnakorn. Investigation of Cis-Trans photoisomerization of octyl methoxycinnamate by ATR-FTIR
spectroscopy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 63 p. (T E27746)
Supasorn Vanichvecharungrueng. Immobilization of the UV-filter chromophore onto silicone polimer. Bangkok :
Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 27 p. (R E21788)
Suphakarn Techapongsatorn. A randomized controlled trial comparing 2-octylcyanoacrylate with absorbable
subcuticular suture for surgical incision wounds closure and cost-effectiveness analysis. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 51 p. (T E40966)
Ocular toxicology
Areeporn Chongchitmate. Effect of mimosine on copper and zinc content of ocular tissues. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 146 p. (T E9709)
Matsumasa, Masatoshi. Distribution and shape of Dotilla myctiroides (Brachyura : Ocypodidae) Burrow in the
seagrass enhalus acoroides zone. [S.l.] : Tohuku University, 1992. 9 p. (R E9317)
Komai, Tomoyuki. Crabs of the genus macrophthalmus of Phuket Thailand (Crustacea : Decapoda : Ocypodidae).
[S.l. : s.n.], 1995. 46 p. (R E9316)
Kesinee Rattanakaran. Formation and reduction of mal-oder from natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E20558)
Oder-reducing substances
Kesinee Rattanakaran. Formation and reduction of mal-oder from natural rubber. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E20558)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 118]
Sirichai Divasiri. Taxomomy of broad-winged damselflies (calopterygidae : odonata) in Khao Yai National Park.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1993. (v), 108 p. (T E7097)
Apisit Thipaksorn. Diversity, distribution and Wolbachia infection of rice field odonate insects in Thailand. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2003. 115 p. (T E20812)
Odontogenic keratocyst
Watcharaporn Thosaporn. A comparative study of epithelial cell kinetics between the odontogenic keratocyst,
orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst, dentigerous cyst, and ameloblastoma. Chiang Mai : Department of
Odontology & Oral Pathology Chiang Mai University, [2003]. 22 p. (R E20339)
Somchai Intasotti. Virus detection and ultrastructural study an meristeros of Oncidium doubly infected with
Cymbidium mosaic and odontoglossum ringspot viruses. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (viii), 169
p. (T E7618)
Odontoglossum ringspot virus
Yuphin Khentry. Detection of Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV) and Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) in
Cultivated Dendrobium and protoplast culture of Dendrobium sonia "Bom 17". Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2005. 106 p. (T E28952)
Douangsavanh Pengmanivong. The tensile bond strength of ODONTOSIL silicone to a heat polymerizing acrylic
resin by four primers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 73 p. (T E40387)
Odontotermes feae
วิโรจน หลิบสุวรรณ. การศึกษาการทําใหเกิดโรคของไสเดือนฝอย Steinernema carpocapsae (weiser) ในปลวกงาน
Odontotermes fcae (Wasmann) = Pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema
carpocapsae (Weiser) in termites Odontotermes fcae (Wasmann). ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2539]. 26 หนา. (ว 84805)
Waraporn Rungruangkanokkul. The synthesis of odoram, a novel lactam from aglaia odorata lour. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xiv, 94 p. (T E6942)
Putcharin Chittiteeranon. Stability enhancement of fixolide by complexation with cyclodextrin. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 110 p. (T E37507)
Bancha Charumporn. An artificial olfactory system using metal oxide gas sensors and antificial neural networks.
Osaka : Osaka Prefecture University, 2004. 112 p. (T E24846)
Panisara Kunkitti. The expressions of oestrogen receptors alpha and progesterone receptors in the cervix of dogs
undergone open- and closed-cervix pyometra. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 46 p. (T E39079)
Oestrous cycle
Paisan Tienthai. Studies on the sperm reservoir of the pig oviduct : with special reference to intra-luminal fluid,
hyaluronan contents and sperm capacitation. Uppsala : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2003.
41 p. (T E22592)
Oeuvre romanesque
Warunee Udomsilpa. La poetique du corps dans l'oeuvre romanesque de marguerite yourcenar. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 279 p. (T E16620)
Of mice and men
Panithee Trachoo. A comparative study of the two translations of the novel Of Mice and Men. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2001. 71 p. (R E18078)
Off-farm activity
Molle, Francois. The impact of the access to irrigation water on the evolution of farming systems : a case study of
three villages in the Chao Phraya Delta. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2001. 75 p. (R E19934)
Off-farm income
Sant Wongwaitrakarn. Off-farm income of farm labor in Bangkok (case study of government lottery sellers).
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 61 p. (T E25056)
สิทธา ไชยเขตต. การแยกตัวอักษรลายมือเขียนภาษาไทยแบบออฟไลน โดยการแกะรอยเสน = Off-line handwritten Thai
characters segmentation using line tracing. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 84
หนา. (วพ 110928)
Off-road passenger vehicle
พันทิพา จิตรชัยวรพันธ. การวิเคราะหตลาดรถยนตนั่งตรวจการณในกรุงเทพมหานคร = An analysis of off-road passenger
vehicle market in Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 205 หนา. (วพ 103831)
วัฒนา เอี่ยมอธิคม. การนําสืบประวัติและการกระทําในอดีตของจําเลยในคดีอาญา = Examination of offender's history and
past-conduct in criminal cases. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 228 หนา. (วพ 112151)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 119]
Wittaya Pathomneela. Factors affecting the male adolescence's drug use (Amphetamine) in the Medical
Correctional Institution in Pathum Thani. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 162 p. (T E15402)
Pongapinun Chanklin. Appropriate method of death penalty for offenders in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2000. 135 p. (T E15437)
Seksit Sawanyathiput. Factor affecting to sexual abuse [RAPE] of male youth offenders in youth correction
institute. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18313)
Ekarin Itthiwatana. Cause of juvenile delinquency in eastern provinces : Cholburi, Rayong and Chantaburi.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 87 p. (T E15310)
Offenses against property
Chankanit Kritya Suriyamanee. Factors related to property offence of juveniles in Bangkok Metropolitan and
periphery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 202 p. (T E34317)
Keattibhom Sangsasitorn. Sentencing guidelines on offenses against property. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2002. 65 p. (T E17988)
Navin Sengsomvong. The relationship between offences against the Narcotic Act and offence against property in
female juveniles of Ban Pranee training center for the young women, Bangkok Metropolis. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 88 p. (T E17568)
Pitsanu Polabout. Factors affecting the crimes against properties of the male juveniles in the Central Observation
and Protection Centers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 140 p. (T E18505)
Offenses against the person
Ratchatawan Maliwan. Factors of self-control, social bond and differential association affecting to the assault
cases : a case study of delinquent juveniles in the Observation and Protection Centers and Training
School, Bangkok Metropolis and premises. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 141 p. (T E33863)
Office buildings
Kofoworola, Oyeshola F.. Life cycle energy and environmental assessment of commercial buildings in Thailand.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 93 p. (T E39387)
Tinawat Marukpitak. Energy efficient measures for hot water supply in office buildings. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 87 p. (T E20149)
Office buildings--Laos--Energy conservation
Sourigna Lexayavong. Building envelope improvement for energy conservation in office building in Lao PDR.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2008. 119 p. (T E39682)
Office of Accelerated Rural Development
Sommai Prijasilpa. Perceptions of human resources development by accelerated rural development
administrators. Illinois : Illinois State University, 1994. v, 146 p. (T E7901)
Office of Central Rubber Market
โชคชัย อัครลัดนาวณิช. การพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศเพื่องานบริการตลาดกลางยางแผนดิบ สํานักตลาดกลางยาพารา = The
development of the management information system for rubber auction market of Office of Center Rubber
Market. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 179 หนา. (ว 104916)
Office of Foreign Workers Administration
Panwalee Primkajeepong. Customer satisfaction with work permit application services at the Office of Foreign
Workers Administration. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 47 p. (R E38056)
Office of Professor Emeritus Dr.Natth Bhamarapravati
Anan Anantaphruti. Development of a document management system for office use case study : Office of
Professor Emeritus Dr. Natth Bhamarapravati, Center for Vaccine Development, Mahidol University, Salaya
Campus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 88 p. (T E14026)
Office of the Civil Service Commission of Thai Government
Pamornpan Wong-ngoen. The importance of information systems on recruitment and selection in the Office of the
Civil Service Commission of Thai Government : using the implementation of e-Registration. Southampton :
University of Southamton, 2005. 67 p. (T E36448)
Office of the Ombudsman
Phapivat Phatarathiyanon. The development of web-based database application for library management system
case study : the Office of the Ombudsman. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 242 p. (T E17372)
Office of the Royal Thai Police
Phuvis Phonphumiruk. The adoption of high ranking police officers on restructuring office of the Royal Thai Police
for environment illegal control : a case study of Provincial Police Region 7. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 125 p. (T E16900)
Office women--Bangkok
Chayada Piyapunsutti. Osteoporosis awareness and knowledge among Thai office women in Bangkok. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 2007. 45 p. (R E38046)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 120]
Official Information Act 1997
นงคนาถ หานวิไล. ผลของ พ.ร.บ. ขอมูลขาวสารของราชการ พ.ศ.2540 ที่มีตอการตัดสินใจเปดเผยขอมูลขาวสารของ
กองบัญชาการทหารสูงสุด = The effect of Official Information Act 1997 on decision making to provide
information of the Royal Thai Supreme Command Headquarters. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542.
155 หนา. (วพ 109176)
Official Information ACT, 1997
Kobchai Impreecha. The readiness for the operation according to the Official Information Act B.E.2540 (1997) of
Tambon Administrative Organization in Samut Sakhon province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 96 p.
(T E33518)
Official Information Act, B.E.2540
Chit-rapee Subsandee. Factors influencing public service accountability : the study of implementation on the
Official Information Act, B.E.2540 in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration,
2004. 313 p. (T E24271)
Wimolwan Kaeowijit. Desired practices and characteristics of officials according to National Health Security Act,
B.E.2545. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 96 p. (T E32952)
Officials of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand--Employees--Mortality
Sirikalyanee Meeritthi. Association between socioeconomic status and mortality among the officials of the
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 98 p. (T E20351)
Kittiporn Nitetwittayanukool. Study on economic and environment efficiency of offset and digital printing systems.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 72 p. (T E37904)
Offset ink
Pattamas Sukkaew. Selection of the optimum offset ink set for colour digital image reproduction by gamut
matching. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 192 p. (T E21515)
Offset printing
Kunnatee Kreprasertkul. Development of colour management system for producing a proof from colour copier as
an offset proof. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 147 p. (T E14958)
Pattamas Sukkaew. Selection of the optimum offset ink set for colour digital image reproduction by gamut
matching. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 192 p. (T E21515)
Offset-printing houses
สรกิจ โศภิตกุล. สถานภาพและความตองการของผูประกอบการโรงพิมพระบบออฟเซต : ศึกษาเฉพาะในภูมิภาคตะวันตก =
The status and needs of the owners of offset-printing houses : a case study in the western region. นครปฐม
: โรงพิมพมหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2541. 77 หนา. (ว 111466)
Offshore structures
Kittisak Kuntiyawichai. Assessment of fracture in offshore structures subjected to wave loading. Ubon Ratchathani
: Ubonratchathani University, 2005. 98 p. (R E30292)
Duangrat Klomsawat. Pharmacokinetics and intrapulmonary penetration of ofloxacin in Thai tuberculosis patients.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 124 p. (T E18116)
ศิริพร โอโกโนกิ. การพัฒนาอัตราเร็วในการละลายของยา ofloxacin โดยระบบ solid dispersion (ตอนที่ 1) = Dissolution
improvement of ofloxacin via solid dispersion system (part I). เชียงใหม : คณะเภสัชศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2542]. 148 หนา. (ว 99702 ฉ.1; 107016 ฉ.2)
ศิริพร โอโกโนกิ. การพัฒนาอัตราเร็วในการละลายของยา ofloxacin โดยระบบ solid dispersion (ตอนที่ 2) = Dissolution
improvement of ofloxacin via solid dispersion system (part II). เชียงใหม : คณะเภสัชศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 137 หนา. (ว 103045)
Kanchana Kongchak. Field evaluation of two diagnostic antigen tests for Wuchereria banchofti among various
groups in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 66 p. (T E18446)
Ogang laut
Thanattiya Potimu. The Melaka sultanate and its relationship with "pirates". Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2005. 87 p. (T E35574)
Ohmic contacts
ฐิตินัย แกวแดง. รอยตอแบบโอหมมิกของเซลแสงอาทิตยชนิดฟลมบางของ CuInSe2 = Ohmic contact of CuInSe2 thin
solar cell. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิทยาศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2539. 64 หนา. (ว
Ohmic heating
Pathma Ratana-arporn. Mathematical modelling for temperature prediction of model-food system during ohmic
heating in sterilization temperature range. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 145 p. (T E24872)
Teerin Chysirichote. Effects of moisture content and freezing rate on electrical conductivity of frozen and model
foods during ohmic tempering. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 97 p.
(R E31403)
ทิพาพร อยูวิทยา. การศึกษากระบวนการถายเทความรอน ในการแชแข็งอาหารแบบฉับพลัน = Heat transfer in individually
quick freezing process. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันพัฒนาและฝกอบรมโรงงานตนแบบ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาธนบุรี, [2538]. 76 หนา. (ว 98938)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 121]
Ohmic heating (ตอ)
อดิศักดิ์ สุขประเสริฐ. คุณสมบัติการนําไฟฟาของอาหารที่ใชในกระบวนการฆาเชื้อแบบ Ohmic = Electrical conductivity
property of foods for ohmic heating. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2541. 106 หนา.
(วพ 102336)
Addy Adisorn Vutikullird. The change and fluctuation in the price of oil and their effects on unemployment in the
United States of America. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 189 p. (T E40739)
Chaowalit Senanurakwarkul. A comparative study of the efficiency of oil adsorption between pulp and
polypropylene. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 59 p. (T E33192)
Chatrawee Pairatana. Optimal production and water flooding strategy for multi-layered reservoirs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 120 p. (T E40921)
Kamolrat Photi. Determination of oil and hydrocarbon from latex plants for liquid fuel. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2005. 84 p. (T E33185)
Natta Rattanapanya. Biodiesel production from oil of endophytic fungus. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2007. 94 p. (T E40793)
Nuntasak Chenboonthai. Coupled fluid flow and geomechanical analysis of stress-sensitive permeability anisotropy
on primary recovery. Socorro : New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1999. 131 p. (T E16139)
Thanis Surapapwong. Uncertainty estimation of oil in-place calculated from material balance equation. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 86 p. (T E40909)
Oil agglomeration
ปลันธนา แสงจันทร. การทําความสะอาดถานหินแมเมาะโดยการรวมกลุมกับน้ํามัน = Cleaning of Mae Moh coal by oil
agglomeration. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 100 หนา. (วพ 106531)
Oil analysis
Boonchuay Srithammasak. Direct analysis of Sulfur and head content in fuel oils by x-ray fluorescence technique
= การวิเคราะหโดยตรงเพื่อหาปริมาณกํามะถัน และตะกั่วในน้ํามันเชื้อเพลิง โดยเทคนิคการเรืองรังสีเอ็กซ. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1988. 2 microfiches (106 fr.). (T MF20405)
Manop Sritulyachot. Some studies on the location-allocation of rice bran crude oil extraction plants in Thailand.
Kharagpur : Indian Institutes of Technology, 1993. xix, 175 p. (T E7761)
Oil crops
Arai, Katsusuke. Studies on the exploitation and utilization of oil crops in Thailand. Bangkok : Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperative, 1982. 130 p. (R E444)
Oil fields--Chiang Mai--Surveys
Sutasana Srihiran. Surface resistivity measurement for oil exploration at Mae Soon Oil Pool Fang basin, Changwat
Chiang Mai = การวัดคาสภาพตานทานไฟฟาบนพื้นดินเพื่อการสํารวจน้ํามัน บริเวณแหลงน้ํามันแมสูน แองฝาง จังหวัด
เชียงใหม. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1986. 3 microfiches (167 fr.). (T MF20435)
Oil in water
Sombat Yongsupamongkol. Oil-in-water microemulsion assisted in-situ polymerization of methacrylic acid inside
cellulose. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 103 p. (T E15845)
Oil industries--Environmental aspects
Uraiphan Wuttishingchai. A new approach to improving environmental management in the oil & gas industry in
Thailand. Edinburgh : Heriot-Watt University, 1997. 314 p. (T E11586)
Oil industries--Production control
Kowit Samingkaew. Petroleum production control for optimum recovery. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1996. 148 p. (T E11834)
Oil palm
Prisana Sritasarn. Crude palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) as energy supplement in the diet for meat-type ducks.
Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 2000. 117 p. (T E16071)
Samrit Hirankitrangsee. Demand and supply analysis of palm oil in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1987. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20308)
Sureerat Tudtammakun. Study on lipase from mesocarp of oil-palm (Elaeis guineensis). Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 141 p. (T E10177)
Oil palm ash
Suchathit Viroonpinyo. Utilization of oil-palm ash for solidification/stabilization of chromium from steel blasting
dust. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 105 p. (T E24258)
Oil palm fibers
Romanie Wungdheethum. Study on eco-friendly pulping process for oil palm fiber. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of
Scientific and Technological Research, 2001. 27 p. (R E16748 c.1; E17184 c.2)
Oil palm meal
สุทธินันท วุฒิภาพ. ศึกษาการเจริญเติบโตของไกลูกผสมสามสาย (อายุ 4-20 สัปดาห) โดยใชกากผลปาลมผสมอาหาร
สําเร็จรูปสูตรตางๆ กัน = Study on growth of hybrid chicken [4-20 week old] by used oil palm seed meal.
กระบี่ : คณะวิชาสัตวศาสตร วิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยีกระบี่, [2542]. 42 หนา. (ว 108236)
Oil palm--Investments
Orawat Kiattichaiprasop. Investment analysis on smallholder oil palm plantation in Khuru Buri district, Phang-Nga
province 2002/2003. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 114 p. (T E23080)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 122]
Oil palm--Krabi--By-products
Areerat Katemanee. Appropriate technology evaluation for oil palm by-products utilization in Krabi province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 79 p. (T E34233)
Oil palm--Krabi--Classification
Jarunya Kitiphaisannon. Expert classification for age class identification of oil palm plantation in Krabi province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 69 p. (T E33270)
Oil palm--Malaysia
Yahaya, Mohd. Hesham. An economic analysis of smallholders' mini-estate projects in Peninsular Malaysia.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1990. (xiii), 151 p. (T E7660)
Oil products
Rattana Boonprasert. Product distribution from hydrocracking of styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer on HZSM-5.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 99 p. (T E23901)
Oil pump shaft
Therdsak Kangwarnyotsak. Influences of induction surface hardening process on mechanical properties of the oil
pump shaft. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 80 p. (T E15098)
Oil refineries
Jesada Kirdsawasdi. Effective shift handover in oil refiniery. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 118 p. (T
Natsuda Lerdpatchareekul. Optimization of combustion process for a steam boiler at an oil refinery. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2002. 71 p. (T E20088)
Oil Refinery Company
Sanong Chaobol. Integration of safe behavior audit and incident & injury free program for reducing incident
number of contractor employees in an Oil Refinery Company. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 85 p. (T
Oil resistance
Jantagarn Guaysomboon. A study of relationships between phase morphology, oil resistance, aging properties
and mechanical properties in chlorinated polyethyl and natural rubber blends. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 187 p. (T E19291)
Jarunee Thunyarittikorn. A study of relationship between mechanical properties, oil resistance, rheological
properties and phase size of rubber dispersed in NR/NBR blends. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 121
p. (T E17545)
Pimsuda Heamtanon. Improvement of adhesion between natural rubber and nitrile rubber by using adhesion
promoter compound based on chlorosulfonated polyethylene and chlorinated natural rubber. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2005. 170 p. (T E33281)
Sirichai Pattanawanidchai. A study of relationships of phase morphology, oil resistance, ageing properties and
mechanical properties in sulphur vulcanised chlorinated polyethylene and natural rubber blends. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2004. 145 p. (T E24328)
Oil sorbent
Thunyalux Ratpakdi. Removal of oil and grease from synthetic gas station runoff using local sorbents from plant
materials. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 87 p. (T E19780)
Oil spills
Amnaj Sudto. Information system for supporting oil spill combating strategies. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1998. 109 p. (T E13142)
Anukul Buranapratheprat. Hydlrodynamic model for investigation of oil spill in the gulf of Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 123 p. (T E12657)
Bordesorn Mungasatkit. Natural adsorbents in oil spill cleanup. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 168 p. (T
Oil tankers
Sophon Khanti-akom. Essays on the economic analysis of oil tanker transportation. [S.l.] : Texas A & M
University, 1992. 104 p. (T E39845)
เริญ ทิฎฐิวิสุทธิ์. การปรับปรุงกระบวนการวัดปริมาณน้ํามันของเรือขนสงน้ํามัน = Improvement of quantity measurement
procedure in an oil tanker. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 302 หนา. (วพ 111781)
Oil transportation
วัชระ รัตนโชติ. การพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศเพื่อการบริหารการขนสงน้ํามัน = Development of a management information
system for oil transportation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 102 หนา. (วพ 112511)
Oil well drilling rigs
Nimit Pornraksamanee. Economical strengthening of fixed platform subjected to lateral loads caused by additional
conductors. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 113 p. (T E18474)
Oil wells--Thailand, Northern
Belay, Getahun. Distribution and characteritics of petroleum source rocks in oil well IF 30 035 Ban Nong Yao Fang
Basin northern Thailand. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1992. vii, 165 p. (T E6528)
Oil-degrading bacteria
Duangkamol Charoenwong. Effect of carbon sources on biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas J-45. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2003. 93 p. (T E20487)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 123]
Oil-immersed distribution transformer
บุญเลิศ สื่อเฉย. การพัฒนาซอฟตแวรสําหรับออกแบบหมอแปลงจําหนายแบบจุมในน้ํามัน = Development of a software for
oil-immersed distribution transformer design. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง
, 2543. 168 หนา. (วพ 112928)
Oil-immersed transformer
สิริวิช ทัดสวน. การทดสอบอุณหภูมิของหมอแปลงไฟฟาแบบแชน้ํามัน ที่ภาระเปนเชิงเสนและภาระไมเปนเชิงเสน = Testing
of temperature of oil-immersed transformer at linear load and non-linear load. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยี
พระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 284 หนา. (วพ 112920)
Miniye Betru. Sedimentology petrology and geochemistry of coal and oil shall deposits in delbl-moye basin south
western ethiopia. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1992. xvii, 195 p. (T E6209)
Oil-soluble vitamins
Nuntana Candido. Formulation of intravenous lipid emulsion containing oil-soluble vitamins. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 253 p. (T E19631)
Oil-water separation
กัตติกา เทิดทูนธรรม. ประสิทธิภาพการแยกน้ํามันจากน้ําทิ้งสถานีจําหนายน้ํามันเชื้อเพลิงโดยวิธีการลอยตัวรวมกับคอรริวเกต
เพลต = Efficiency of oil/water separation from gas station by flotation and corrugated plates. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 65 หนา. (วพ 109743)
Oils and fats
Amporn Chomngam. Production of lube base oil from heavy distillated by hydroisomerization. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 126 p. (T E12193)
Chartchai Krittanai. De novo design of pore-forming peptides. Bangkok : Institute of Molecular Biology and
Genetics Mahidol University, 2001. 54 p. (R E19623)
Chatchalai Siasakul. Incremental frying oil life using adsorbent combinations. Bangkok : Silpakorn University,
2005. 74 p. (T E34814)
Chawhiwan Kaviruch. Effects of frying methods and types of cooking oil on total fat, cholesterol content and fatty
acid pattern of five species of commonly consumed marine fish. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 131
p. (T E18293)
Kessinee Unapumnuk. A study of the pyrolysis of tire derived fuels and an analysis of derived chars and oils.
Cincinnati : University of Cincinnati, 2006. 123 p. (T E36393)
Kittiyakorn Srisawan. Dissolution of sulphur powder in cutting oil within batch mixing tank using shear mixer.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 148 p. (T E18796)
Narong Chomchalow. Essential oils'80. Bangkok : Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technical Research, 1980. 65
p. (R E1428)
Nipaporn Thakerngwat. Application of the surfactant gradient approach for removal of contaminated oils from
subsurface. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 112 p. (T E37343)
Niyaporn Aroonrat. Formulation and hemolysis study of nonionic oil-in-water microemulsion. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 224 p. (T E19671)
Nongnuch Pongakarakun. Preparation and evaluation of hydrogenated vegetable oils as tablet lubricants. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1998. 179 p. (T E12181)
Nuntana Candido. Formulation of intravenous lipid emulsion containing oil-soluble vitamins. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 253 p. (T E19631)
Parita Thanasukarn. Effect of emulsifiers, sodium chloride, sucrose and oil types on physicochemical properties
and freeze-thaw stability of oil-in -water emulsion. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 115 p. (T
Prapaipit Teparot. Bioremediation of oil contaminated gravel. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 185 p. (T
Prasan Swatsitang. Fatty acid patterns of cooking oils, margarines and fish = ชนิดของกรดไขมันของน้ํามันปรุงอาหาร,
มารการีนและปลา. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1986. 3 microfiches (156 fr.). (T MF20507)
Prasert Hanmoungjai. Aqueous and enzymatic extraction of oil and protein from rice bran. [S.l] : University of
Reading, 2001. 142 p. (T E16021)
Rattana Prayanoi. Effect of heat on fatty acid composition of some selected fried foods. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 112 p. (T E9736)
Samrit Hirankitrangsee. Demand and supply analysis of palm oil in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University,
1987. 3 microfiches (126 fr.). (T MF20308)
Sirima Chinnasarn. Effects of protein gel structure on oil uptake in deep-fat frying process. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 97 p. (T E35230)
Srisuwan Naruenartwongsakul. Factors affecting oil barrier property of cellulose ethers in deep-fat fried product.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 182 p. (T E23249)
Sumalee Roopkom. Effects of base oil type and water content on properties of calcium grease. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 78 p. (T E38232)
Sunanta Ramanvongse. Preliminary assessment of fat content in krabok seeds. Bangkok : Applied Scientific
Research Corporation of Thailand, 1975. 7 p. (R E1625)
Thanit Thinnam. Improving efficiency of calibration support unit for oil and LPG testing instrument in multiterminals. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 188 p. (T E16842)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 124]
Oils and fats (ตอ)
Thunyalux Ratpakdi. Removal of oil and grease from synthetic gas station runoff using local sorbents from plant
materials. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 87 p. (T E19780)
Wanida Caichompoo. Antimicrobial activities of volatile oil and curcuminoids from curcuma longa. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 136 p. (T E13674)
Wanlop Wannawanich. Simulation of oil-loss in storage tanks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 113 p.
(T E14312)
Wimonrat Wisuttisak. Mutagenic potential of nitrite treated cooking oils used in frying some foods. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1998. 69 p. (T E13226)
ปาริชาติ หลายชูไทย. ครีมลางจานจากน้ํามันเหลือใช = Dishwashing paste from waste cooking oil. กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2542. 13 หนา. (ว 99542 ฉ.1; 100091 ฉ.2)
ศุภรินทร ไชยกลางเมือง. การแยกน้ํามันออกจากปโตรเลียมแวกซ = Oil separation from petroleum waxes. เชียงใหม :
คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 68 หนา. (ว 99411)
Oils and fats--Prices
Addy Adisorn Vutikullird. The change and fluctuation in the price of oil and their effects on unemployment in the
United States of America. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 189 p. (T E40739)
Oilseed plants
Arai, Katsusuke. Studies on the exploitation and utilization of oil crops in Thailand. Bangkok : Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperative, 1982. 130 p. (R E444)
Supoj Muenvanitchakul. Effects of different planting dates on growth, yield and oil content of sunflowers
(Helianthus annuss L.). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1989. xiii, 95 p. (T E7986)
Oilseed plants--Thailand, Northeastern
Gocho, Hideo. Some trials for improvement of oil crops suited to northeast Thailand. Khon Kaen : Agricultural
Development Research Center, 1989. 65 p. (R E6697)
Oilseed products
Naruemon Gateplean. Studies on biology of Mayau tree (aleurites montana wilson) and plausibility study of their
oils as an insulating oil. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 152 p. (T E9344)
Oilseed products--Ohio
Baldwin, E. Dean. Projected production of grain and oilseeds and consumption by livestock in Ohio for 1985,
1990, and 2000. Wooster : Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1981. vii, 79 p. (R E866)
Paisan Laosuwan. On-farm research methodology for extension : a case history from oilseed crops. Bangkok :
Thailand Institute of Seientific and Technological Research, 1992. 51 p. (R E11284)
Oilseeds--Ohio--Economic aspects
Baldwin, E. Dean. Projected production of grain and oilseeds and consumption by livestock in Ohio for 1985,
1990, and 2000. Wooster : Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1981. vii, 79 p. (R E866)
Oily sludge
จันทนา ไขถาวร. การบําบัดกากตะกอนปนเปอนน้ํามันรวมกับกากตะกอนชีวภาพโดยวิธีใหอากาศ = The treatment of
combined oils sludge and bio-sludge under aerobic condition. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลา
ธนบุรี, 2543. 132 หนา. (วพ 110844)
Oily waste sludge
Sirindhorn Khamniyom. Biodegradation of petroleum contaminated-sludge from the olefins plant : effects of
spiked microbial culture. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 184 p. (T E23760)
Oily wastewater
Nichakorn Khondee. Treatment of oily wastewater by chitosan immobilized bacteria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 125 p. (T E40881)
Tanasait Ngawhirunpat. Effect of skin enhancers on in vitro release and in vitro skin permeation of
betamethasone valerate creams. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 148 p. (T E8981)
Warapun Lekrut. Application of fats and waxes in combination with ethylcellulose as coating materials for
controlled release of diltiazem hydrochloride pellets using fluidized bed technique. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 167 p. (T E19470)
Siriporn Tongwichai. Release of tea seed cake extract from antifungal ointment preparations. Bangkok : National
Research Council of Thailand, 1983. 15 p. (R E1618)
Oka varicella vaccine
Supaporn Phumiamorn. Induction of humoral and cell-mediated immunity to hepatitis B surface antigen by a
novel adjuvant activity of Oka varicella vaccine. [S.l.] : Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University,
2003. 20 p. (R E22183)
Phitha Tanpairoj. Fair cash scheme based on Okamoto's divisible electronic cash. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1999. 81 p. (T E13563)
Kanitta Wanthawin. Antioxidation activity of okara tempe, a fermented product with Rhizopus oligosporus.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 109 p. (T E19659)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 125]
Panumart Rithichai. Studies on flower bud initiation and development of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). Kyoto :
Kyoto Prefectural University, 2003. 157 p. (T E24755)
Thirada Patipatpaopong. Extraction and characterization of okra Abelmoschus esculentus mucilage. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 94 p. (T E40741)
Okra--Diseases and pests--Control
Akanit Siripassaraporn. The application of neem extracts in the controlling of insect pests of okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus (L.) Moench) on farmer's field. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 55 p. (T E9137)
Soontri Chavananikul. Comparison of ECT combined with atypical neuroleptic versus atypical neuroleptic in
schizophrenic patients. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 158 p. (T E13489)
Thawatchai Leelahanaj. A comparison of olanzapine with haloperidol in amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder :
a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 69 p. (T E21558)
Olax scandens
Chonticha Kaewanuchit. In vitro susceptibility of Thai medicinal plants against clinical strains of Candida albicans.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 54 p. (T E15333)
Old age
Siripun Bootsri. The effectiveness of the progressive muscle relexation program to reduce stress among the
elderly in Wangnoi community, Ayutthaya province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 116 p. (T
Old age homes
Thanyaluck Horbunlerkit. The functional disability of elderly in Thamprakorn home care for the elderly, Chiangmai
province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1993. xi, 77 p. (T E6835)
Old age pension system
Tanit Loipimai. Development of old age system and impacts of demographic changes on old age pension system :
a comparative study of the United Kingdom and Germany. Nottingham : University of Nottingham, [2003].
68 p. (T E22085)
Old age--Bangkok
Suporn Wongvatunyu. The relationships between age, digit span short term memory scores, and P300 eventrelated potentials (ERPs) among subjects from the institutionalized elderly at Bangkhae Home. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1994. xiii, 144 p. (T E8317)
Old city
บรรณศาสตร สุขตระกูล. แนวทางการพัฒนายานการคาใจกลางเมืองเกา : กรณีศึกษา เมืองเชียงใหม = Development
guidelines for commercial district in the inner area of old city : a case study of Muang Chiang Mai.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 215 หนา. (วพ 108879)
Old-Age Pension Fund for Private Sector
Suwannee Tachapisuth. The effects of the old-age social security system for the private sector on
intergenerational and intragenerational redistribution among the covered group in Thailand. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 2002. 250 p. (T E18459)
Old-age social security system
Suwannee Tachapisuth. The effects of the old-age social security system for the private sector on
intergenerational and intragenerational redistribution among the covered group in Thailand. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 2002. 250 p. (T E18459)
Older adults
Suparb Aree-Ue. Osteoporosis knowledge, osteoporosis preventive behaviors, and bone mass in older adults living
in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai : Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University, 2002. 37 p. (R E19716)
Older patients
Suluck Vongterapak. Development of a teaching package for caregivers to care for older patients with stroke.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 112 p. (T E23966)
Older patients--Care
Natta Soranansri. Development of capabilities of caregivers for older patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 77 p. (R E35032)
Older persons
Linchong Pothiban. HIV/AIDS and older persons in northern Thailand development of a model package for
enhancing the quality of life of HIV/AIDS affected older persons. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006.
66 p. (R E35966)
Older prisoners
Panita Sornsri. The appropriate model for the welfare management of the older prisoners in Klongprem Central
prison. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 145 p. (T E19277)
Prakit Piya-asawajinda. Yellow oil formation at acid gas removal unit in ethylene plant. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1999. 61 p. (T E15246)
Chokchai Niampoka. Phytochemical study of Siphonodon celastrineus griff root. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 131 p. (T E34781)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 126]
Wanida Munbunjong. Radical olefination for the synthesis of bioactive compounds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 160 p. (T E35285)
Olefin metathesis
Piyasuda Sawangkam. Synthesis of tungsten-containing MCM-41 catalysts and their activity for olefin metathesis.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 109 p. (T E21564)
Olefin polymerization
Nawaporn Intaragamjon. Comparative study of solvent effect and activators with titanocene catalysts on
ethylene/alpha-olefins polymerization. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 129 p. (T E35451)
Kosita Rojtinnakorn. Olefination of carbonyl compounds catalyzed by copper oxide-pillared clay. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 64 p. (T E40958)
Wanida Munbunjong. Radical olefination for the synthesis of bioactive compounds. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 160 p. (T E35285)
Sarapee Thongsri. Universal masterbatch for olefinic and styrenic polymers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2000. 109 p. (T E15934)
Aticha Chaisuwan. Synthesis and characterization of tungsten-containing MCM-41 catalysts for metathesis of
olefins. Bangkok : Department of Chemistry Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 100 p. (R E20769c.1;
Dusanee Takoonmahatano. Methanol conversion to light olefins on type 34 silicoaluminophosphate catalysts.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. viii, 113 p. (T E8356)
Intira Sangvaraporn. Iron-containing MFI catalysts for conversion of methanol to olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 134 p. (T E35256)
Jarurat Waitayawan. The effect of aluminum on efficiency of mordenite catalyst for conversion of methanol to
olefins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 80 p. (T E21524)
Jiranuch Nittayathareekul. Rhodium complexes in zeolite Y as hybrid catalysts for hydroformylation of olefins.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 116 p. (T E14688)
Nuttapon Kangvalklai. Stability of ZSM-5 catalyst used for production of light olefins from mixed C4 hydrocarbons.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2007. 92 p. (T E38317)
Pennapa Klurvudtikul. Adsorption of olefins in BTX feedstock using clays. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2002. 88 p. (T E20237)
Pleawtein Jirakansuvan. Synthesis of light olefins from methanol on Co/ZSM-5 catalyst. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 87 p. (T E40133)
Sirinapa Arenamnart. Ethanol conversion to light olefins using mordenite catalysts. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 80 p. (T E27702)
Suekanya Jarupinthusophon. Catalytic oxidative cleavage of terminal olefins by metal stearate complexes.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 67 p. (T E27709)
Oleic acid
Benjawan Phetsuksiri. Thiorea and new derivatives : mode of action and effects on the expression of the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis desA3 gene. Nonthaburi : Thai National Institute of Health, 2003. 1 vol. (R
Prakit Piya-asawajinda. Yellow oil formation at acid gas removal unit in ethylene plant. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1999. 61 p. (T E15246)
Kamolphan Chayasoontorn. Plantwide control for continuous biodiesel process. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 84 p. (R E40695)
Widhunya Mathurasai. Development of oleoresin preparation from Thai black pepper. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1995. 84 p. (T E10245)
Nantasak Pinkaew. Taxonomy of Olethreutinae (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) of Thong Pha Phum national park,
Kanchanaburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 578 p. (T E34369)
Nunthiwat Larpcharoenwongsa. Synthesis of curcumin oligomers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 66
p. (T E40706)
Chanan Angsuthanasombat. Elucidation of molecular structure and ion-selectivity of Bacillus thuringiensis toxininduced channels in phospholipid membranes. Bangkok : Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics,
2007. 31 p. (R E35943)
Supaporn Likitvivatanavong. Functional characterisation of Asn183 in the transmembrane alpha5 critical for
toxicity of the Bacillus Thuringiensis Cry 4Ba toxin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 126 p. (T E33985)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 127]
Rattanan Tuangudomsap. Synthesis of poly(dialkylbenzalmalonate-4-vinyl ether). Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2006. 92 p. (T E38376)
Jongkol Akahat. MHC class II alleles and immune response to hepatitis B vaccination in Thais. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 85 p. (T E11703)
Supapart Chitjamnongchai. Detection of HIV-1 proviral DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by PCR and
32P oligonucleotide probe hybridization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 80 p. (T E10485)
Surasak Laloknam. Detection of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase gene by snythetic oligonucleotide probes.
Bangkok : Chulalognkorn University, 1997. 152 p. (T E12462)
Dusanee Kesavayuth. Market shares and non-price competition strategy in oligopoly market : a case study of
instant noodle market. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2001. 106 p. (T E16355)
Maneerat Ungsusriwong. Synthesis of oligosaccharides with immobilised alpha-mannosidase. Reading : University
of Reading, 1995. 54 p. (T E9583)
Pairote Wongputtisin. Selection of oligosaceharides from some local plants for utilizing as prebiotics. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2003. 129 p. (T E20761)
Polson Mahakhan. Enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides using amylase from non-sulfur purple photosynthetic
bacteria. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 243 p. (T E28915)
Rodjana Opassiri. Recombinant protein expression and functional characterization of glucanohydrolase from vice.
Nakhon Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2007. 73 p. (R E39226)
Weeranuch Pluemsab. Studies on the production of oligosaccharides. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 129 p.
(T E14501)
Wilaiwan Chotigeat. Expression of a human Sialytransferase into yeast = การแสดงออกของเอนไซม Sialytransferase
คนในยีสต. Songkhla : Prince of Songkla University, 1998. 18 p. (R E14423)
Wiraya Srisimarat. Improvement of oligosaccharide synthetic activity of beta-galactosidase in organic solvents by
using cyclodextrins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 94 p. (T E37909)
ดารารัตน ทองขาว. เลคตินจากพืชทองถิ่นที่ใชแทนคอนเอ ในการสังเคราะหออลิโกแซคคาไรด = Lectins from local plants
resembling Con A in oligosaccharide synthesis. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2541]. 49 หนา. (ว 100456
ฉ.1; 100461 ฉ.2)
Waraporn Piromlertamorn. Development of in-house multiplex PCR to detect microdeletions in the Y chromosome
of Thai males with oligospermia or azoospermia. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 95 p. (T
Soawaluk Meequamdee. Immunocytochemical localization of putative amino acid neurotransmitters of rat inferior
olive. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. vii, 133 p. (T E6453)
Olive oil
Mangkon Kitiphatmontree. The kinetic study of lipase-catalysed hydrolysis of olive oil in microemulsion-based
gels. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1997. 106 p. (T E12276)
Preeyaporn Pookrod. A study of the lipase-catalysed hydrolysis of olive oil in albumin organogels. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 1998. 117 p. (T E13395)
Thanong Leelawatanasuk. Relationship between magensium and iron content in some olivine and Raman
spectroscopy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 96 p. (T E25106)
Srithong Polvises. Data warehousing with an olap system : a case study for thesis operations of the School of
Nursing, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 103 p. (T E33324)
Omega-3 fatty acids
Jullajit Ongpreechakul. Study on the effects of mixed n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid-containing lecithins fed in
rats on lipoproteins and fatty acids in plasma. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 153 p. (T
Pimporn Innopakun. Effect of omega-3 fatty acid containing lecithins on production of larvae black tiger prawn
Penaeus monodon. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 117 p. (T E12810)
Sopana Chatnilbandhu. Fish meal-derived lecithin-rich fat emulsion and its application as a supplier of omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids to blood cells. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 126 p. (T E10752)
Supantitra Chanprasert. The modification of human platelet fatty acid composition induced by lecithin-rich.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 181 p. (T E19506)
วินัย ดะหลัน. การพัฒนาอิมัลชันลิพิดทางการแพทยโดยใชเลซิทินที่มีกรดไขมันชนิดโอเมกา 3 เปนตัวอิมัลซิฟายเออร =
Development of medical lipid emulsion with omega 3 containing lecithins as emulsifier. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสห
เวชศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 48 หนา. (ว 100023)
Apichit Kanokpongpaiboon. Stabilization of enteric coated omeprazole pellets. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000.
114 p. (T E14591)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 128]
Omeprazole (ตอ)
Pimpa Wongkusoltham. Effects of omeprazole on acid excretion in the kidneys of hypokalemic dogs. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xiv, 57 p. (T E7043)
Omkai Wildlife Sanctuary
เยาวเรศ จันทะคัต. การใชขอมูลดาวเทียมเพื่อศึกษาแนวโนมการใชที่ดินเขตรักษาพันธุสัตวปาอมกอยจังหวัดเชียงใหม และตาก
= Land utilization trend analysis using satellite data in Omkoi Wildlife Sanctuary, Changwat Chiang Mai and
Tak. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 100 หนา. (วพ 100733)
เดชา วิวัฒนวิทยา. การเพาะเลี้ยงหนอนไมไผในประเทศไทย = The study on bamboo caterpillar (Omphisa sp.) rearing
in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวนศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [2542]. 1 เลม (ไมปรากฏเลขหนา). (ว
ทิพวรรณ สิงหไตรภพ. การศึกษาความหลากหลายของหนอนเยื่อไผ (Omphisa sp.) โดยใช DNA fingerprinting technique
= The study of the bamboo borer (Omphisa sp.) variation by DNA fingerprinting technique. เชียงใหม : คณะ
วิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, [2542]. 13 หนา. (ว 100854)
Omphisa fuscidentalis
Jatuporn Tungjitwitayakul. Identification and characterization of diapause associated proteins in the bamboo
borer, Omphisa fuscidentalis. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2007. 125 p. (T E39354)
Ompok bimaculatus
วรวุธ สมฤทธิ์. การเพาะเลี้ยงปลาชะโอน = Studies on breeding and nursing of Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch). สุพรรณบุรี
: ฝายวางแผนและพัฒนา วิทยาลัยเกษตรกรรมสุพรรณบุรี, [2537]. 47 หนา. (ว 83157)
On screen display
อัษฎางค แทนสถติย. การพัฒนาทีวีไมโครคอนโทรลเลอร ที่สามารถถอดรหัสคําบรรยายภาพไทย-อังกฤษแบบซอนได =
Development of a television microcontroller with Thai-English closed caption decoding capability. กรุงเทพฯ
: จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 124 หนา. (วพ 104558)
On the Springboard
อรุณี ตฤณประภาษ. ผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 6 ในโรงเรียนประถมศึกษาในจังหวัด
ชลบุรี ที่ใชหนังสือเรียนชุด English is Fun และ On the Springboard. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540.
81 หนา. (วพ 89645)
On the springboard
ชําเลือง ตรีเดชา. การเปรียบเทียบศัพทที่ใชในแบบเรียน English is fun และ On the springboard และเจตคติตอวิชา
ภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนที่ใชแบบเรียนตางกัน = A comparision of the vocabularies those prevented in
elementary school textbooks-English is fun and on the springboard and attitudes toward English as related
to different textbooks. สุพรรณบุรี : หนวยศึกษานิเทศก สํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี, 2540. 85
หนา. (ว 100898 ฉ.1; 103321 ฉ.2)
On-farm diagnosis
Turkelboom, Francis. On-farm diagnosis of steepland erosion in northern Thailand : integrating spatial scales with
household strategies. Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1999. 309 p. (T E14395)
On-line analytical processing
Chaleaw Puapanniwat. Hierarchical join index in ROLAP. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 99 p. (T E16152)
Kuntarod Chumnungid. Developing a data warehouse in a statistical environment : labor force survey case study.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 147 p. (T E17100)
On-line approximator
นฤพล สวัสดิ์ธนกิจ. ระบบตรวจพบและวินิจฉัยความผิดพรองในกระบวนการโดยใชตัวประมาณออนไลน = Process fault
detection and diagnosis system using on-line approximators. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 73
หนา. (วพ 97051)
On-line barrier system
บุณณชนก คูบารมี. ความคิดเห็นของเจาหนาที่ตรวจคนเขาเมืองตอระบบตรวจคนเขาเมือง = The immigration officers'
opinions toward on-line barrier system. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 185 หนา. (วพ 99894)
On-line optimal control
Natthapong Shomchoam. On-line optimal control of ethanol production in a fed-batch reactor by using neural
network estimator. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 97 p. (T E35813)
On-line system
แกวตา บุญสม. ระบบคอมพิวเตอรออนไลนเพื่อชวยบริหารงบปฏิบัติการ ขององคการที่มีหลายสาขา. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2529. ฏ, 66 หนา. (วพ 60383)
On-line transaction processing
Srithong Polvises. Data warehousing with an olap system : a case study for thesis operations of the School of
Nursing, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 103 p. (T E33324)
On-lined filtration
Suwat Pabchanda. Determination of phosphorus in Bray II soil extracts using flow injection technique. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 86 p. (T E17143)
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย. โครงการศึกษาความเปนไปไดของการพัฒนา WWW-server สําหรับ on-line GIS. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 27 หนา. (ว 89749)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 129]
สุทธาทิพย เมืองสุข. การพัฒนาโปรแกรมฝกอบรมผูใหการเลี้ยงดูเด็กโดยการปฏิบัติงานในสถานการณจริง เรื่องการอบรมเลี้ยงดู
เด็กวัยทารกเปนกลุมในสถานรับเลี้ยงเด็ก บานเด็กออนจุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย = A development of on-the job
training program for caregivers on infant group care in Chulalongkorn University Child Care Center.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 170 หนา. (วพ 110269)
Onchocerca volvulus
Surang Triteeraprapab. Molecular cloning and characterization of OVT1 : a gene encoding an extracellular matrix
protein in Onchocerca volvulus. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University, 1995. 170 p. (T E10418)
Koffi, Ekanmian Gatien. Sustainability of onchocerciasis control program in Benin : a methodological approach.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 73 p. (T E12532)
Onwujekwe, Obinna Emmanuel. An approach for determining the ability and willingness of communities to
finance the control of onchocerciasis using ivermectin in Nigeria. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1995. 109 p. (T E10131)
Somchai Intasotti. Virus detection and ultrastructural study an meristeros of Oncidium doubly infected with
Cymbidium mosaic and odontoglossum ringspot viruses. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (viii), 169
p. (T E7618)
Kulthida Vaeteewoottacharn. Characterization of HPV16 oncogenes : genetic variation, localization and
transactivation function. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 185 p. (T E33410)
อภิวัฒน มุทิรางกูร. การศึกษาการเพิ่มจํานวนของยีนกอมะเร็งในมะเร็งหลังโพรงจมูก = Investigation of oncogene
amplification in nasopharyngeal cancer. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะแพทยศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, [2542]. 1 เลม
(ไมปรากฏเลขหนา). (ว 99801)
Oncohynchus mykiss
Dunn, Rachel. Modeling the dissolved oxygen concentration in trout fishery ponds : a study for a cleanor
production system. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 119 p. (R E24383)
Oncomelania quadrasi
Siriwan Jantataeme. Some effects of the molluscicide bis (Tri-N-Butyltin) oxide (TBTO) on the snail Oncomelania
quadrasi and the larval stages of its trematode parasite Schistosoma japonicum. Michigan : University of
Michigan, 1991. 47 p. (T E22520)
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Duangrat Dhesprasith. Plasma oestradiol-17 beta and testosterone patterns of female rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to different photoperiods. Gottingen : Georg-August-Universitat of
Gottingen, 1994. 127 p. (T E11161)
Pitchaya Chainark. Availability of genetically modified feed ingredient for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Tokyo : Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 2006. 103 p. (T E36593)
Prasan Pornsopin. Performance comparison of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under the specific
environmental condition in the highland of northern Thailand. Goettingen : Georg-August-University of
Goettingen, 2004. 73 p. (T E26594)
Rakpong Petkam. In vitro steroid hormone metabolism by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) embryos and
effect of o, p DDT and o, p DDE. [S.l.] : University of Guelph, 2003. 189 p. (T E22116)
Oncosperma Tigillarium
วิวัฒน หาญวงศจิรวัฒน. ความสัมพันธระหวางโครงสราง ทางกายวิภาค กับสมบัติ ของไมหลาวชะโอน. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. (10), 105 หนา. (วพ 55359)
Decha Tamdee. Comparison of efficacy between nalbuphine, tramadol, and ondansetron in treatment of
postanesthetic shivering after intrathecal morphine for cesarean delivery. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2002. 74 p. (T E21560)
One cycle control
Apinan Aurasopon. Asynchronous delta-sigma modulation in voltage source inverter control. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 92 p. (T E35201)
สกล ศรีจันทรงาม. วงจรแปลงผันไฟสลับเปนไฟตรงแบบชัคในโหมดการทํางานแบบกระแสไมตอเนื่อง = AC-DC converter in
discontinuous inductor current mode applied on CUK topology. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระ
นครเหนือ, 2542. 65 หนา. (วพ 110771)
One dimensional plasma
Chawisnach Engchatcharoen. Numerical simulation for motion of one dimensional plasma in an electromagnetic
field. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 86 p. (T E16351)
One Tambon One Product
Supan, Ernesto D.. The state of the art of competencies on management and empowerment of entrepreneurs in
selected villages in Chiang Mai, Thailand and Benguet, Philippines. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2008. 165 p. (T E39471)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 130]
One tambon one product
Duangruthai Mankhong. The effectiveness of one tambon one product (OTOP) news and information through
Thai daily newspapers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 159 p. (T E33919)
One Tambon One Product enterprises
Kanchana Sura. Factors influencing the success of One Tambon One Product mulberry paper enterprises in
Chiang Mai province. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2007. 260 p. (T E39501)
One Tambon One Product products
Farsai Chanjaruporn. Survey of the purchasing decision and opinions regarding herbal cosmetic One Tambon One
product (OTOP) products among undergraduate students in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
114 p. (T E33326)
One Tambon One Product Project
Napanon Bussaba. Success of food entrepreneurs in OTOP (One Tambol One Product) project in Nakhon Pathom
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 117 p. (T E34363)
Varisara Boonma. The success of OTOP occupational groups in a dimension of strong community. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2006. 206 p. (T E34362)
One tambon one product--Government policy
Devraj Rangsit. Implications of the One Tambon One Product policy on sustainable development in Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 125 p. (T E39313)
One tambon one product--Marketing
Nirunkiat Livkunupakan. One tambon one product empirical evidence and market orientation from five southern
border provinces of Thailand. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2006. 230 p. (T E38985)
One Tambon One Product--Pattani
Suthirus Choochuen. Problems in policy implementation : a case of OTOP in Pattani. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 129 p. (T E35064)
One time password
จักรกฤษณ นันทพินิต. การปรับปรุงความสามารถระบบรหัสผานแบบใชครั้งเดียวใหครอบคลุมผูใชเซิรฟเวอรหลายเครื่อง =
Improvement of one-time password system for users on multiple servers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 49 หนา. (วพ 103210)
One-Dimensional white noise model
Chaisingh Poo-rakkiat. One-Dimensional white noise model. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1981. 2 แผน (92
เฟรม). (T MF09687)
One-man bridge operation
Thiti Tingmai. The development of training and practice of navigation for advanced ships. Hambury : World
Maritime University, 1998. 102 p. (T E13612)
Somkiat Wongmacharoensin. Improved productivity in printed wiring board assembly by cellular manufacturing.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 220 p. (T E16989)
One-sided multivariate test
Samruam Chongcharoen. Powers of some one-sided multivariate tests with unknown population covariance
matrix. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2001. 67 p. (R E19925)
One-Step RT Real-Time PCR
Piyamat Jinnopat. Quantitation of HIV-RNA by One-Step RT Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 84 p. (T E27725)
One-time password
Anusorn Kanyaprasankid. Generating one-time password by web-based technology-new approach for
authentication on web-based service. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 153 p. (T E33360)
Karan Bobuatong. Effects of the zeolite framework on the adsorption of ethylene on alkali-exchanged zeolites : an
ONIOM study. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2003. 99 p. (T E21172)
Raina Wanbayor. Theory of chemisorptions of hydroxide and C1-C3 alkoxides on single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 109 p. (T E38348)
Rungroj Chanajaree. Adsorptions of methane and ethane molecules on silanol covered silicalite-1 [010] surface :
ab initio fitted potential. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 68 p. (T E37898)
Chedthapicharn Saenharn. Theoretical study of alcohols conversion to ethers and ethylene by H-ZSM-5 using
ONIOM method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 107 p. (T E40945)
ONIOM method
Bavornpon Jansang. Interaction of mordenite with aromatic hydrocarbon : a new embedded ONIOM study.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 86 p. (T E23081)
Onion chicken soup
Morakot Papassiripan. Mutagenicity of chicken soup, onion chicken soup and their nitrosated products using the
somatic mutation and recombination test. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 78 p. (T E21127)
Attasak Rattanasumrit. Theoretical study of keto-enol isomerization in H-ZSM-5 using DFT and oniom methods.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 142 p. (T E27832)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 131]
Onions (ตอ)
มาลินี วิไลพงศ. ผลของนิวตรอนพลังงานสูง ทีม
่ ีตอโครโมโซมของหอมหัวใหญ (Allium cepa) ที่เลี้ยงในอาหารสังเคราะห.
เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2531. 2 แผน (97 เฟรม). (ว MF13528)
Online activities
Pornsiri Muangsamai. Online activities and writing development. Bangkok : Faculty of Humanities Kasetsart
University, 2006. 123 p. (R E34657)
Online analytical processing
Suwakhon Sindhuwanich. The design and development of a data warehouse via World Wide Web : a case study
on agricultural statistics. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E18201)
Online analytical processing system
Santichai Wicha. Data warehouse with an OLAP system for demographic analysis : a case study of Doitung
demographic data. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 117 p. (T E34359)
Online arithmetic
Saravut Rangsunvigit. On-line fundamental arithmetic algorithms for three-dimensional vector system. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 51 p. (T E29081)
Online bibliographic searchings
Somporn Puttapithakporn. A qualitative analysis of user error in searching an online public catalog system.
Indianapolis : Indiana University, 1994. 214 p. (T E8401)
Online bidding
Budinugroho, Suprapto. Comparative study of implementation of online bidding for contractor selection in
government construction projects. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 100 p. (T E35877)
Online chat groups
Urapa Prasertsaruay. Factors affecting internet chatting of Kasetsart University Laboratory School students.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 127 p. (T E18899)
Online commercial transactions
Watchara Neitivanich. Securing online commercial transactions by digital signatures : a comparative analysis of
the U.S. E-Sign Act and Thai E-Transactions Act. San Francisco : Golden Gate University, 2003. 510 p. (T
Online database
Aunnop Lekwerawat. Development of an on-line integrated images database system with multiple indexes.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 94 p. (T E32975)
Siriwan Siritaweechai. Instructors' perception on public relations of online database at Kasetsart University main
library. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 98 p. (T E27856)
Online databases
Wiparat Fhaikaew. Factors influencing the online databases usage among undergraduate CMU students at Central
Library, Chiang Mai University. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 66 p. (R E39635)
Online discussion
Mongkolchai Wiriyapinit. A case study of using online discussion to support learners through an online E-business
module. Warwick : University of Warwick, 2004. 308 p. (T E24717)
Online English learning
Nantiya Pateepsut. Experiences and attitudes towards online English learning (case study : the Bank of Thailand
staff). Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2006. 83 p. (T E31449)
Wipasiri Jaengsaengthong. The study of online reading strategies of graduate students majoring in English at
Naresuan University. Phitsanulok : Naresuan University, 2008. 65 p. (T E39722)
Online English placement testing system
Rodjana Nateemas. Development of an on-line English placement testing system : a case study of English
language development center. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 92 p. (T E33764)
Online information retrieval
บังอร กลับบานเกาะ. การคนคืนสารสนเทศออนไลน โดยใชจีเนติกอัลกอริทึม = Online information retrieval using genetic
algorithms. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 101 หนา. (วพ 113780)
Online inventory management
Chaiyos Indragumtornchai. On-line inventory management for electrical home appliance dealer. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 107 p. (T E22746)
Online learning
Nunthaluxna Sthapornnanon. Effect of social constructivist learning environment on student performance in online
community pharmacy course. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 198 p. (T E39314)
Online newspapers
กาญจนา กาญจนทวี. แรงจูงใจ พฤติกรรม และความพึงพอใจของผูอานหนังสือพิมพออนไลนไทย = Motivations, behavior
and satisfaction of readers of Thai on-line newspapers. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 139 หนา.
(วพ 109967)
Online project
Thipparat Ketwandee. The effects of the iEARN project on students' process of writing. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 149 p. (T E31417)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 132]
Online public access catalog
ภริตา เฉยศิริ. การใชบริการสืบคนสารสนเทศระบบโอเพค (OPAC) ของนักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง = Students usage
of online public access catalog service : a study at Ramkhamhaeng University. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 177 หนา. (วพ 111296)
Online public access catalogs
มหาวิทยาลัย ของนิสิตระดับปริญญาตรี สาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี = Using of online public access
catalog from Chulalongkorn University library information network database of scinece and technology
undergraduates. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 176 หนา. (วพ 102383)
Online purchase
Supeecha Panichpathom. An examination of the willingness to engage in an online purchase : the impact of an
individual buyer's trust of sensitive information exchange. Arlington : University of Texas at Arlington,
2000. 161 p. (T E16044)
Online registration system
Nuengruethai Chamchan. Development of web application program for an online registration system of a training
institution. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 179 p. (T E17476)
Online shopping
Hosein, Nasim Zaide. The impact of website design in Thailand on consumer trust and online shopping behavior.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 254 p. (T E34786)
Online social communication
Juthamas Tangsantikul. Women, friendship & strangers : understanding Thai women's experiences of online
social communication. Westminster : University of Westminster, 2003. 255 p. (T E24705)
Online writer recognition
Pitak Thumwarin. On-line writer recognition for Thai based on impulse response of FIR system characterizing
handwriting motion. [S.l.] : Tokai University, 2004. 85 p. (T E24833)
Only children
Busadee Banchongratsena. Parents' perception of the behavior of an only child. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2003. 105 p. (T E21658)
Visarut Ahkuputra. An acoustic study of syllable onsets : a basis for Thai continuous speech recognition system.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2002. 101 p. (T E20223)
Natenapa Sriharee. Semantic web services discovery using structural and rule-based behavioural service profiles.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 100 p. (T E35321)
Ngamnij Arch-int. Ontology-based approach for gathering the heterogeneous information sources. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 144 p. (T E23234)
Preecha Tangworakitthaworn. Finding subjective interestingness patterns by using Meta-Rules Guided mining
based on ontology. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 172 p. (T E34423)
Sucharee Sanghan. An ontology and semantic web service approach to adaptive e-learning service planning.
Bangkok : Shinawatra University, 2007. 71 p. (T E39627)
Vuong, Tran Xuan. A meta-logical framework for agent communication of semantic web information. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 2005. 197 p. (T E35389)
ONTOM method
Weerayuth Panyaburapa. The partial oxidation of unsaturated hydrocarbons with H2O2 over TS-1 investigated by
oniom method : formation of active site and reaction mechanism. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2006. 75
p. (T E36239)
โรงพยาบาลจุฬาลงกรณ พ.ศ.2540-2541 = Prevalence and clinical manifestation of onychomycosis from
Candida in out-patient skin clinic of Chulalongkorn hospital in 1997-1998. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 89 หนา. (วพ 101807)
Duangjai Boonkusol. Effects of vitrification on mouse embryonic gene activity, cytology of swamp buffalo oocyte
and subsequent development. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 87 p. (T E34190)
Jumnian Saikhun. Somatic cell cloning in swamp buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004.
120 p. (T E23847)
Petdao Petchuay. Cryopreservation of mature mouse oocytes by closed-system solid surface vitrification technique
and slow freezing technique. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 83 p. (T E39763)
Sirima Thongruay. The role of nitric oxide in swamp buffalo oocyte maturation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 129 p. (T E29094)
มงคล เตชะกําพุ. การผลิตตัวออนจากการปฏิสนธินอกรางกายของโอโอไซตที่เก็บจากรังไขลูกโค = Embryo production by
in vitro fertilization of calf oocyte. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 68 หนา. (ว 89958)
มงคล เตชะกําพุ. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอความสําเร็จในการปฏิสนธินอกรางกายในสุกร : ปจจัยที่เกี่ยวกับการเตรียมโอโอไซตและการ
เตรียมตัวอสุจิ = Factors influence the success of in vitro fertilization in pig : oocyte and sperm preparation.
กรุงเทพฯ : คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2539. 29 หนา. (ว 99789)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 133]
Oocyte maturation
Tuempong Wongtawan. In vitro oocyte maturation with or without granulosa cell co-cultrue and development of
embryos produced by somatic call nuclear transfer in domestic cats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001.
62 p. (T E17769)
Oolong tea
Prasit Suthamwong. Effect of roasting temperatures on degradation of polyphenol contents in Oolong tea.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2007. 109 p. (T E38455)
กรรณิการ ลินพิศาล. ผลกระทบของระบบ OPAC ตอผูใชบริการ ของสํานักหอสมุด มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม = The impact of
OPAC on CMU library users at Chiang Mai University Library. เชียงใหม : สํานักหอสมุด มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม,
2536. 88 หนา. (ว 58503; 73039 ฉ.2)
ภริตา เฉยศิริ. การใชบริการสืบคนสารสนเทศระบบโอเพค (OPAC) ของนักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง = Students usage
of online public access catalog service : a study at Ramkhamhaeng University. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 177 หนา. (วพ 111296)
มหาวิทยาลัย ของนิสิตระดับปริญญาตรี สาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี = Using of online public access
catalog from Chulalongkorn University library information network database of scinece and technology
undergraduates. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 176 หนา. (วพ 102383)
สุวรรณา บรรณจิตร. เปรียบเทียบผลสําเร็จในการสืบคนรายการบรรณานุกรมจากระบบโอแพก (OPAC) ของนักศึกษาที่ไดศึกษา
สารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ = A comparision of the success on student's OPAC searching
by self study and computer training at the Library and Information Center, Huachiew Chalermprakiet
University. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ, 2543. 106 หนา. (วพ 112239)
Open boundary
Kaboon Thongtha. On open boundary conditions for the numerical primitive equation oceanic model applied to
the Gulf of Thailand. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 81 p. (T E35848)
Open channel flow
เอกสิทธิ์ จิรายุวานนท. บทเรียนสําเร็จรูปทางคอมพิวเตอร เรื่อง การไหลในทางน้ําเปด = Computer assisted instruction for
open channel flow. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาครุศาสตรโยธา มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2542. 156
หนา. (ว 109996)
Open clusters
ยุพยงค สินทมครบุรี. การวิเคราะหคุณสมบัติทางกายภาพของกระจุกดาวเปด เอ็ม 41 โดยเทคนิค ซี ซี ดี ไฟโตเมตรี =
Analysis of physical properties of the open cluster M41 by CCD photometric technique. เชียงใหม :
มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 108 หนา. (ว 96748)
Open database connectivity
Somsak Suthawanvittaya. A prototype of agricultural information system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 175
p. (T E17354)
Open economy
Tanapong Potipiti. The dynamic responses to shocks : a comparison of a closed and an open economy. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 1999. 80 p. (T E14450)
Open heart surgery
Nuttinee Buntavong. Economic analysis of reimbursement policy for open heart surgery in Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 81 p. (T E19673)
Open learning system
Lon Chanborey. Development of an open learning system to support the training for Khmer localization. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, 2007. 113 p. (T E39838)
Open reading frame
Prae Plansangkate. Regulation and sequences of the light-responsive promoter of cyanobacterial ORF76 gene
overlapping with the htpG terminator. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 133 p. (T E33379)
Open source software
Jongjit Rittirong. A survey of current status and usage trend of open source operating systems in it-related
organizations in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 145 p. (T E20012)
Panadda Pradniwat. Competition strategy between proprietary and open source software and optimal copyright
protection in the presen of software piracy and network externalities. Bangkok : Thammasat University,
2007. 134 p. (T E38079)
Trakul Permpool. The using of open source for special library member service on web base technology case study
: Library Section of Queen Sirikit Central hospital Naval Medical Department Sattahip Chonburi. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 134 p. (T E17480)
Open space development
อภิศักดิ์ ไฝทาคํา. แนวทางการพัฒนาพื้นที่วางสาธารณะสําหรับชุมชนเมือง : กรณีศึกษา เมืองขอนแกน = The open space
development guidelines for urban communities : a case study of Khonkaen city. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 269 หนา. (วพ 108846)
Open spaces
Orniam Tangkitngamwong. The principle of landscape ecology for open space planning of Muang district,
Phetchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 198 p. (T E18231)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 134]
Open university
Atienza, Theresita V.. A research on open and distance learning institutions in Thailand : lessons for the
Philippines. [S.l,] : University of the Philippines, 2005. 1 vol. (R E33997)
Jadoonporn Kiratisehwe. The development of a lecturer's workload database system in an open university case
study : School of Science and Technology, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 39 p. (T E17017)
Viporn Katekao. Distance learning : a case study of Ramkhamhaeng and Sukhothai Thammathirat Open
Universities. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2001. 443 p. (T E18701)
Open wound dressing
Poonsuk Payaksiri. The effects of music on patients' pain level during open wound dressing. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 102 p. (T E17584)
Open-angle glaucoma
Roongthip Sukhawarn. Randomized, observer-blinded study comparing the effectiveness of latanoprost
monotherapy versus pilocarpine with timolol in open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 82 p. (T E16978)
Open-heart surgery
Siriporn Sangkhamal. The effect of the preoperative preparation program on anxiety in caregivers of one-month
to six-year-old children undergoing open-heart surgery. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 114 p. (T
Open-heart surgery patients
Sun, Tianjie. Stress appraisal and coping among open-heart surgery patients. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University,
2000. 94 p. (T E16499)
วีระพล รุงนิศากร. ความสัมพันธของสวนฐานกะโหลกและใบหนาสวนบนในโครงสรางโอเพนไบท = Relationship of cranial
base and upper facial structures in skeletal openbite. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 105 หนา.
(วพ 110338)
อรุณศรี นาคะวิสุทธิ์. ความคิดเห็นของผูประกอบการตอการทองเที่ยวเชิงนิเวศ กรณีศึกษา อาวพระนาง อําเภอเมือง จังหวัด
กระบี่ = Proprietors' opinion on ecotourism : a case study of Ao-Phranang Maung district Krabi province.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 135 หนา. (วพ 110948)
อารียภรณ รอดทัศนา. ความสัมพันธเชิงเหตุภาพระหวางการเปดประเทศกับการเจริญเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจ = The causal
relationship between openness and economic growth. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 105 หนา.
(วพ 113071)
Operant conditioning Theory
วิภา ทาโบราณ. ผลของการไดรับแรงเสริมตามทฤษฎีการวางเงื่อนไขผลการกระทําเพื่อปรับพฤติกรรมดานความรับผิดชอบ ของ
นักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 3 โรงเรียนสาธิตมหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน (ศึกษาศาสตร) = The effect of operant
conditioning theory on responsibility behavior modification of prathom suksa III students Demonstration
school, Khon Kaen University. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 120 หนา. (วพ 105700)
Operating cost
Nampet Assavasamrit. Unit cost of outpatient and inpatient services at Lom Kao Crown Prince hospital,
Petchaboon province fiscal year 1998. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 99 p. (T E14066)
Operating efficiency
Nattawoot Depaiwa. Effect of active auditory and visual feedback in manual machine tool operation. [S.l : s.n],
2003. 155 p. (T E22065)
Nattawoot Depaiwa. Study on active sensory feedback. [S.l : s.n], 2003. 72 p. (T E22064)
Operating room
Prakit Pansunannon. Development of an application program for an operation medical records system : a case
study at Trang hospital, Trang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E17882)
Operating rooms
Pannasa Ruksakunwanich. Perception and satisfaction toward quality of service in operating room among
personnel in Pathumthani hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 97 p. (T E34141)
Thitima Thomyawat. Analysis of total direct cost per unit of single major operation in Ratchaburi hospital for the
2000 fical year. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 170 p. (T E17635)
Yupin Lawonprasert. A study of anesthetic pollution in an operating room. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 3
แผน (132 เฟรม). (T MF09314)
Operating systems [Computers]
Djitt Laowattana. Research projects : Center of operation for Field roBOtics Development (FIBO). Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, [1997]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E12008)
Jongjit Rittirong. A survey of current status and usage trend of open source operating systems in it-related
organizations in Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 145 p. (T E20012)
Khantharat Anekboon. Distributed file service for operating system courseware. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2003. 127 p. (T E23017)
Pisut Tranchindavong. Exclusively transparent checkpointing under unix environments. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1996. 42 p. (T E10606)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 135]
Operating systems [Computers] (ตอ)
Pornpimol Sirimai. Implementation of intelligent tutoring systems for learning the course of operating system :
case study process synchronization. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 77 p. (T E20388)
Priyakorn Pusawiro. Development of screen-based file utilities on unix. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996.
73 p. (T E10630)
United States. Operating manual for use in abstracting and coordinate indexing ; research report. Columbus, Ohio
: BMI, 1964. 43 p. (R E10925)
Winyou Niranartlamphong. A development of operation control information system [OCIS] for advertising
company. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 146 p. (T E17809)
Operation control application
Winyou Niranartlamphong. A development of operation control information system [OCIS] for advertising
company. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 146 p. (T E17809)
Operation control information system
Winyou Niranartlamphong. A development of operation control information system [OCIS] for advertising
company. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 146 p. (T E17809)
Operation executive
Jantana Srisook. Vision of the operation executive in the dyeing factories to environmental management in
factories case study : Samutprakarn province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 119 p. (T E20468)
Operation nurses
Reanu Payngulume. The health-promoting behavior of operation nurses in hospital under Ministry of University
Affairs in Bangkok. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 112 p. (T E17088)
Operation parameters
Suwisa Promthong. Experimental study of carbon dioxide transfer across the reverse osmosis membrane.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2000. 83 p. (R E17538)
Operational control factors
Somsak Chueakittisak. Effect of operational control factors on the properties of Foi-tong. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 124 p. (T E12143)
Operational goal system
Sevilla, Jame S.. An operational goal system evaluation for projection selection. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1976. 150 p. (T E22498)
Operational planning
Pipat Buddharo. Competency in operational planning of health personnel in Krabi province. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 144 p. (T E18216)
Wilavan Phusing. Competeney on operational planning of health center head in Ubon Ratchathanee province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 76 p. (T E19259)
Operational transconductance amplifien
Sombat Vanichprapa. OTA-based control system of active power filter for harmonic and reactive power
compensation. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 183 p. (R E21997)
Operational transconductance amplifier
Roungsan Chaisricharoen. Practical 4-OTA simulated floating inductor and characteristics. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 68 p. (R E20531)
Vittawat Vivekaphirat. Realization of an OTA-based wide bandwidth current sensor circuit using a current sensor
for active power filter application. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 107
p. (R E37299)
Temperature compensation of translinear current conveyor and OTA. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอม
เกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 90 หนา. (วพ 103370)
Operations research
Chaovalit Ekabut. A survey of the applicability of operations research in the public services system in Bangkok.
Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1982. 1 vol. (T E22670)
Manickam, Ramesh Babu. Comparative performance of spraying mechanisms under normal application range of
speed and height of operations. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1987. 65 p. (T E22294)
Saowarose Prajamgid. Effectiveness of the training workshop among the local people towards coastal resource
conservation : a case study of Koh Lan, Chonburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 129 p. (T
Wannipa Bunrayong. Building potentials of the aging center committee in management of learning activities
through participatory action research. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 120 p. (T E39753)
Wipa Romphruek. An action research : a means to improve students' English language proficiency. Khon Kaen :
Khon Kaen University, 2002. 166 p. (R E19810)
Operative pain
Sarunya Howangsuwannakorn. Effects of foot reflexology on pain level, vital signs, and satisfaction in postabdominal surgical patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 105 p. (R E21417)
Operator theory
Assa-aree Sama-ae. Boundedness and continuity of superposition operator on Er (p). Songkhla : Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Prince of Songkla University, 2001. 15 p. (R E15757)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 136]
Paemala Udtanut. Expression of an organophosphate insecticide-degrading gene in cyanobacterium
Synechococcus PCC 7942. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 90 p. (T E33071)
Ophicephalus striatus
Jiraporn Kasornchandra. Characterization of a rhabdovirus isolated from the snakehead fish (Ophicephalus
striatus). Oregon : Oregon State University, 1991. 134 p. (T E7931)
Sarunya Laovitthayanggoon. Effects of cadmium level on chromosomal structure of snakehead-fish (Ophicephalus
striatus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 82 p. (T E34173)
Sitdhi Boonyaratpalin. Effect of MS-222 and sodium chloride in commercial fish handling. Bangkok : Department
of Fisheries, 1987. (6), 33 leaves. (R E4457)
กมลพร ทองอุไทย. โรคปลาชอนในบอ = Diseases of pond cultured snakehead (Ophicephalus striatus). กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2535. (16), 93 หนา. (ว 54465)
ชลอ ลิ้มสุวรรณ. วิธีการเกิดโรค และการทดลองใชสารเคมี รักษาโรคจากเชื้อบักเตรี Aeromonas hydrophila ในปลาดุกดาน
และปลาชอน. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะประมง มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2529. (6), 76 หนา. (ว 59192)
พงศศักดิ์ เหลาดี. โครงสรางระดับจุลภาคของพยาธิหัวหนาม Pallisentis sp. Van Cleave, 1928 (Acanthocephala :
Quadrigyridae) ในปลาชอน (Ophicephalus striatus, Bloch) = Ultrastructure of Pallisentis sp. Van Cleave,
1928 (Acanthocephala : Quadrigyridae) in striped snake-head fish (Ophicephalus striatus, Bloch). เชียงใหม
: มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2541. 92 หนา. (วพ 96578)
Ophiomyia phaseoli
ชนิดา อัมระนันทน. แมลงวันเจาะโคนกลาถั่วกับการแพรระบาดของโรคใบจุดนูนถั่วเหลือง = Beanfly in association with the
endemicity of soybean bacterial pustule. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 73 หนา. (วพ 104201)
Ophiophagus hannah
Charoonroj Chotwiwatthanakun. Production of potent polyvalent antivenom against Naja kaouthia, Ophiophagus
hannah and Bungarus fasciatus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 116 p. (T E14568)
Pakamas Wongtay. Protein composition and biological activities of king cobra [Ophiophagus hannah] venom.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 73 p. (T E40779)
Supa Chamapisit. Purification and immunochemical reactivity of the King cobra Ophiophagus hannah postsynaptic
neurotoxins. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 82 p. (T E10932)
Ophiopogon intermedius
พูนพิไล สุวรรณฤทธิ์. การเพิ่มปริมาณรากหญาแพรกหิน (Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don) โดยจุลินทรีย = Enhancing
growth of roots of Yaa Phraek Hin (Ophiopogon intermedius) D.Don by microorganisms. กรุงเทพฯ :
ภาควิชาจุลชีววิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, [2542]. 31 หนา. (ว 113882)
Ophiusa janata
Kunnika Dejchaiyasak. Ecological study of the castor semilooper, Ophiusa janata (L.) (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae),
and its parasites in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1989. (vi), 77 p. (T E7647)
Ophthalmic drugs
Varisada Silaon. Chloramphenicol for ophthalmic solution containing 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 115 p. (T E12139)
Ophthalmic solutions
Chantana Wessapan. Preservative effectiveness of ophthalmic solutions used in Thailand. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1986. 2 microfiches (102 fr.). (T MF20291)
Siriwan Ruengsawad. Improving stability of chloramphenicol eye drops via vehicle compositions. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1989. xviii, 181 p. (T E6988)
Somkiat Asawaphureekorn. Normative data of optic disc topography in Thai population : a study in Ubolrat
district, Khon Kaen province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 41 p. (T E19055)
Opical signal
Widjaja, Joewono. Study of digital recording of optical signals : part II compressed hologram. Nakhon Ratchasima
: Suranaree University of Technology, 2004. 17 p. (R E24555c.1; E24556c.2)
Opimal control
Pariwat Pacheenburawana. Global optimality conditions in mathematical programming and optimal control.
Kalamazoo : Western Michigan University, 2005. 90 p. (T E30271)
Chuleekorn Montana. Faculty members' opinions on the readiness of the nursing college, Praboromarajchanok
Institute, Ministry of Public Health in training management. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 107 p. (T
Eakanong Srisumaung. The studying of opinion of the TAO committee in Nakhonpathom towards public
participation in its work. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 74 p. (T E17115)
Narongsak Pichitchalothorn. Opinion of the staff towards the staff development of the Royal Thai Air Force
Academy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T E21257)
Partikorn Sornchai. The study of opinions of police officers towards the performance under the structure of
Metropolitan Police Station. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 104 p. (T E21276)
Tun Soonthonvipat. Opinion of the Administrative committee of the Tambol Administrative Organization in the 7
th provincial police area on the practice of the Tambol Community Police. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2001. 84 p. (T E17274)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 137]
Opinion (ตอ)
Yodpornpin Wiratkasem. The written language of opinion : an examination of "Postbag". Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2002. 159 p. (T E20290)
ประชาธิปไตย = The opinions and practices of government-official teachers in Kalasin province toward
political participation in democracy. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 112 หนา. (วพ 113109)
จันทนา จินดาพันธ. ความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับผลการเรียนรูจากการเรียนวิชา โครงงานเกษตร (ง 321, ง 322) ของนักเรียนโรงเรียน
มัธยมศึกษา กรมสามัญศึกษา สวนกลาง กลุมที่ 3 = Opinions on learning agricultural-project subject (work Ed
321, work Ed 322), of students in school cluster III of lower secondary schools, Bangkok Department of
General Education. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 123 หนา. (ว
จิตตินันท เดชะคุปต. ความคิดเห็นของผูปกครองเกี่ยวกับการจัดบริการสถานรับเลี้ยงเด็กในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร : ความตองการ
รูปแบบ และคุณภาพ = Parent's opinions about child care service in Bangkok : demand, provision and
quality. นนทบุรี : สาขาวิชาคหกรรมศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช, 2542. 140 หนา. (ว 111964)
จินดา แกวคงดี. การจัดการเรียนการสอนวิทยาศาสตรสิ่งแวดลอมที่สงเสริมการคิดอยางมีวิจารณญาณ = Organizing
environmental science learning activities to promote critical thinking. เชียงใหม : มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม,
2542. 146 หนา. (วพ 113189)
ฉัตรวรุณ ตันนะรัตน. การสํารวจความคิดเห็นของนักศึกษาในการรับฟงการบรรยายสรุปกระบวนวิชาพื้นฐานสื่อสารมวลชนทาง
วิทยุการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง = The achievement of radio educational program of fundamental
courses in mass communication, Ramkhamhaeng University. กรุงเทพฯ : ภาควิชาสื่อสารมวลชน มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2543. 90 หนา. (ว 113550)
ณัฐกานต นิกรพงษสิน. การศึกษาความคิดเห็น ความพึงพอใจและแนวโนมของผูประกอบการพาณิชยอิเล็กทรอนิกสในประเทศ
ไทย = The study of entrepreneurs' opinions, satisfaction, and the future trends of electronic-commerce in
Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2543. 207 หนา. (วพ 112601)
ณัฐสุชา เอี่ยมสมบูรณ. ความคิดเห็นของประชาชนตอการอนุรักษดอนหอยหลอด อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดสมุทรสงคราม = People's
opinion towards the conservation of Don Hoi Lod Amphoe Muang, Changwat Samut Songkhram. กรุงเทพฯ
: มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 118 หนา. (วพ 113340)
ดวงแกว ผุงเพิม
่ ตระกูล. ความคิดเห็นของนักวิชาการเกษตรตอขาวสารเกษตรในหนังสือพิมพไทยรัฐ = Opinion of the
agriculture specialists towards the agricultural informations in Thairath newspapers. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 131 หนา. (วพ 113466)
ทศพร ปทุมยา. ความคิดเห็นตอความพรอมขององคการบริหารสวนตําบลในการบริหารจัดการทรัพยากรปาไมในทองถิ่น : ศึกษา
กรณีอําเภอไทรโยค จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี = The opinion regarding the readiness of Sub-district Administration
Organization to the forestry administration and management : a case study of Sai-Yok district,
Kanchanaburi province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 133 หนา. (วพ 110952)
ทศพล บํารุงโชค. การบริหารหลักสูตรประกาศนียบัตรวิชาชีพ พุทธศักราช 2538 สาขาวิชาชางอิเล็กทรอนิกส ตามความคิดเห็น
ของอาจารยในวิทยาลัยเทคนิค ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = The teachers' opinions on the B.E.2538 certificate
level of an electronics curriculum administration in the northeastern technical colleges. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบัน
เทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 164 หนา. (วพ 112938)
ทศพล สุนทโรทก. ความคิดเห็นในการพัฒนาฟารมโคนมของผูบริหาร-อาจารย และนักศึกษาในวิทยาลัยเกษตรและเทคโนโลยี
กลุมภาคกลาง สังกัดกรมอาชีวศึกษา = Opinions on developing dairy farms of administrators, instructions and
students of agricultural and technological colleges in the central region under the Department of
Vocational Education. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 75 หนา. (วพ
ทัดคํา แสงสุกสวาง. ความคิดเห็นของเจาหนาที่ตํารวจตอการปฏิบัติงานดานการสืบสวนคดียาเสพยติด : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี
เจาหนาที่สืบสวน กองบังคับการตํารวจนครบาล 7 = Police's opinion on investigation narcotics performance : a
case study of investigation officers in Metropolitan Police Division 7. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2543. 159 หนา. (วพ 113320)
ธนา หยีหลาหนี. ปญหาการบริหารหลักสูตรวิชาชีพระยะสั้น ตามความคิดเห็นของผูบริหารและครู-อาจารยในวิทยาลัยการอาชีพ
กลุมภาคใต = Administrators and teachers' opinions on short course curriculum administrative problems in
southern region industrial and community education colleges. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจา
คุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 127 หนา. (วพ 113398)
ธรรมรัตน เมงพัฒน. ความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับการอนุรักษสิ่งแวดลอมที่เกี่ยวของกับวิชาชีพของนักเรียนอาชีวศึกษาในสถานศึกษา
เอกชน กรุงเทพมหานคร = Opinions concerning environmental conservation related to profession of
vocational students in the private institutions Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2543.
106 หนา. (วพ 113807)
ธีรนุช โชคสุวณิช. การศึกษาวิเคราะหภาษาของบทความแสดงความคิดเห็นในหนังสือพิมพไทย (พ.ศ.2538-2540) = An
analytical study of the language of opinion articles in Thai newspapers (1993-1998). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 221 หนา. (วพ 112476)
นพรัตน สินมา. ความคิดเห็นของผูสื่อขาวอาชญากรรมหนังสือพิมพรายวัน ที่มีตอการปองกันและปราบปรามอาชญากรรมของ
เจาหนาที่ตํารวจ : ศึกษาเฉพาะในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร = The opinion of crime reporters of daily newspapers on
the police's role in crime prevention and suppression : a case study of Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 162 หนา. (วพ 113118)
กรุงเทพมหานคร = Opinions and expectations of music teachers of secondary schools in the Department of
General Education, Bangkok. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 135 หนา. (วพ 109093)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 138]
Opinion (ตอ)
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร = Students' opinions on extra curricula implemented at Kasetsart University
Laboratory school. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 121 หนา. (วพ 112553)
ปรีชา ชื่นสําราญ. ความคิดเห็นของคณะกรรมการบริหารงานฟารมธุรกิจเกี่ยวกับการดําเนินงานฟารมธุรกิจ ในวิทยาลัยเกษตรและ
เทคโนโลยีและวิทยาลัยประมง สังกัดกรมอาชีวศึกษา = Opinions of business farm officers on the college
business farm operation in agricultural and technological colleges and fishery colleges, Department of
Vocational Education. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 209 หนา. (วพ
จังหวัดสงขลา = Opinions of farmers toward the impact of waste from giant tiger shrimp culture in Ranot
district, Songkhla province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 87 หนา. (วพ 112616)
พรชัย อินทรฉาย. การศึกษาความคิดเห็นของอาจารยและนักเรียนในโครงการพิเศษที่มีตอโปรแกรมเสริมวิชาวิทยาศาสตร = A
study of teachers and students opinions on the special projects toward a supplementary science program.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 218 หนา. (วพ 111849)
ภารณี สูตะบุตร. ความคิดเห็นของผูบริหารโรงเรียนตอการมีสวนรวมขององคการบริหารสวนตําบล ในการจัดการศึกษาของ
โรงเรียนประถมศึกษา สังกัดสํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดปทุมธานี = Opinions of primary school principals on
participation of Sub-district Administrative Organization in administration of schools under the Pathum
Thani Provincial Primary Education Office. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 89 หนา. (วพ 113239)
รชนีกร มัคคสมัน. ความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับการบริหารงานดานบริการสุขภาพอนามัย ในวิทยาลัยเทคนิค = Opinions on health
care service administration in technical colleges. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหาร
ลาดกระบัง, 2543. 167 หนา. (วพ 112812)
สมุทรสาคร = Opinions of assistant district officers for Subdistrict Administration Organization on mangrove
forest resource conservation in Changwat Samut Sakhon. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 87
หนา. (วพ 112217)
วิทยาลัยอาชีวศึกษา = Desirable qualifications and characteristics of assistant directors according to the
opinions of administrators and teachers in vocational colleges. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจา
คุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 114 หนา. (วพ 113396)
วรรณดี สุทธินรากร. ความคิดเห็นของผูจางงานตอการปฏิบัติงานของบัณฑิตใหม ที่ผานบริการจัดหางานของกิจการนิสิต
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร = Opinions of employers toward working of graduates from job placement
service, the Division of Student Affairs, Kasetsart University. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหง
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 35 หนา. (ว 113972)
วรรณา ภาษาประเทศ. ความตองการบริการดานกีฬาและสุขภาพของนิสิตมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตรและความคิดเห็นของนิสิตที่
มีตอการจัดบริการดานกีฬาและสุขภาพของสํานักการกีฬา = Need of health and sports' service of Kasetsart
University students and students' opinions toward health and sports service at Sports Office. กรุงเทพฯ :
สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหงมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 12 หนา. (ว 113970)
วิเชียร พรหมมา. การเปรียบเทียบความคิดเห็นเกี่ยวกับปญหาการเรียนการสอนวิชางานเกษตรพื้นฐานของครูเกษตรในโรงเรียน
สังกัดกรมสามัญศึกษา และโรงเรียนขยายโอกาสทางการศึกษาสังกัดสํานักงานการประถมศึกษา ในจังหวัดชัยนาท =
Comparison on opinions concerning instructional problems of the basic agricultural work subject of the
teachers in secondary schools under the Department of General Education and primary schools under the
Office of Primary Education Commission in Chainat province. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจา
คุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 127 หนา. (วพ 111855)
วิศิษฐ จันทรโณทัย. ความคิดเห็นราษฎรที่มีตอโครงการปาพื้นบาน อาหารชุมชน ของปาโคกหนองนอ อําเภอบานใหมไชยพจน
จังหวัดบุรีรัมย = People's opinions toward food bank project of Kok Nong Nor forest, Amphoe Ban Mai Chai
Ya Pot, Changwat Buri Ram. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2544. 94 หนา. (วพ 113814)
วิษณุ ฉิมตระกูล. ความคิดเห็นของนักเรียนมัธยมศึกษาที่มีตอการปฏิบัติงานปองกันและปราบปรามยาเสพติดของเจาหนาที่
ตํารวจในโครงการโรงเรียนสีขาว : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีจังหวัดสมุทรสาคร = The opinions of secondary school
students toward work performance on drugs prevention and suppression of the police in the white school
project : a case study of Samut Sakhon province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 98 หนา. (วพ
วีรยุทธ วุฒิศิริ. ความคิดเห็นของทหารกองประจําการที่มีตอหลักสูตรการฝกทหารใหม : ศึกษากรณี กรมทหารปนใหญตอสู
อากาศยานที่ 1 = The opinion of privates toward basic training course : a case study of the First Antiaircraft
Artillery Regiment. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 183 หนา. (วพ 113354)
สงคราม สมุทรหลา. ความคิดเห็นของครูในสถานศึกษาสังกัดสํานักงานการประถมศึกษาจังหวัดอุตรดิตถ เกี่ยวกับสาเหตุการแพร
ระบาดและการปองกันการแพรระบาดของยาเสพยติดในสถานศึกษา = Opinions of Uttaradit school teachers in the
causes of drug diffusion and drug diffusion protection in schools. พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2544. 105
หนา. (วพ 113838)
สมเกียรติ สุจริตประภากร. การเปรียบเทียบผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนและความคิดเห็นของผูเรียนที่มีตอรูปแบบการนําเสนอแบบ
ฟูลเพจและแบบเฟรมเพจ = The comparison of the achievement and students' opinions toward full page and
frame page presentations. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2543. 247 หนา. (วพ 112630)
สมชาย ชัยคณานุกูล. ความคิดเห็นของขาราชการฝายปกครองในจังหวัดชลบุรีตอการชุมนุมเรียกรองของประชาชนระหวางป
พ.ศ.2536 ถึง 2540 = The opinion of administrative officials in the Chonburi province regarding the mass
demonstration between 1993-1997. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 117 หนา. (วพ 111367)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 139]
Opinion (ตอ)
สมพงษ ฟุงทวีวงค. ความคิดเห็นของคณะผูบริหารเทศบาลตําบลตอการบริหารงานของเทศบาลที่ไดรับการเปลี่ยนแปลงฐานะ
จากสุขาภิบาลเปนเทศบาลตําบล : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีเทศบาลตําบลในจังหวัดกาญจนบุรี = Subdistrict municipality
administrative board' opinions on administrative work of the new tranformed sanitary districts into
subdistrict municipalities : a case study of new subdistrict municipalities in Kanchanabauri province.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2543. 130 หนา. (วพ 111875)
สุขพิกุล พิสิฏฐพันธ. ความคิดเห็นของผูบริหารโรงเรียนประถมศึกษา สังกัดกรุงเทพมหานคร ในการสนับสนุนการดําเนินงาน
หองสมุด = Opinions of elementary school administrators under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
on library operation supporting. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ, [2542]. 181 หนา. (วพ 112186)
สุคนธ ธาระพุทธ. ความคิดเห็นของครูผูสอนที่มีตอการบริหารงานวิชาการของโรงเรียนเอกชนระดับประถมศึกษา กลุมคุรุสภา
กรุงเทพฯ เหนือ = Teachers's opinion towards academic affairs administration of private primary schools,
Northern Bangkok Teachers' Council Group. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 142 หนา. (วพ
สุธีร ชัยประเดิมศักดิ์. ความคิดเห็นของเจาหนาที่สงเสริมการเกษตรจังหวัดนราธิวาสตอระบบสารสนเทศการเกษตร = Opinions
of the agricultural extension officers in Narathiwat province to the agricultural information system.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 104 หนา. (วพ 112332)
สุพิน ทองไทย. ความคิดเห็นของครูโรงเรียนเอกชนในกรุงเทพมหานครที่มีตอการใชชุดฝกอบรมการพัฒนาวิชาชีพครูตามเกณฑ
มาตรฐานวิชาชีพครู ของคุรุสภา พ.ศ.2537 = Bangkok private school teachers' opinion toward training package
in professional development according to teachers council standard B.E.2537. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
เกษตรศษสตร, 2543. 89 หนา. (วพ 113242)
โสภา พิศมัย. ความคิดเห็นของพนักงานองคการโทรศัพทแหงประเทศไทย ที่มีตอโครงการลาออกกอนเกษียณอายุ = The
opinion of Telephone Organization of Thailand officer toward early retirement project. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 147 หนา. (วพ 113306)
อโณทัย เทวราชสมบูรณ. ความคิดเห็นของประชาชนตอสภาพแวดลอมของตึกแถวในกรุงเทพมหานคร = Opinion of people
to the environment of brick-rowhouse in Bangkok Metropolis. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543.
119 หนา. (วพ 113339)
อภิญญา นาคศิริ. พฤติกรรม กิจกรรมดูนก และความคิดเห็นของนักดูนกที่มีตอทรัพยากรนันทนาการ กรณีศึกษาอุทยานแหงชาติ
เขาใหญ = Behavior, bird-watching activity and bird watchers' opinions in recreation resources
management : a case study of Khao Yai National Park. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 160 หนา.
(วพ 113122)
อภินันท เครือกาบ. ความคิดเห็นของครูและผูบริหารโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษาในจังหวัดลพบุรีเกี่ยวกับงานแนะแนวในโรงเรียน =
Administrators' and teachers' opinions on guidance in action of the secondary schools in Changwat Lop
Buri. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 88 หนา. (วพ 112535)
อํานวย วิไลลักษณ. ความคิดเห็นของหัวหนาหมวดวิชาตอการบริหารงานธุรการในโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา สังกัดกรมสามัญศึกษา
จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี = Opinions of department heads on business affairs administration in secondary schools
under the Department of General Education, Changwat Suphan Buri. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร,
2543. 121 หนา. (วพ 112543)
Opinion analysis
Thotsaporn Maneeratana. An opinion analysis of farmer groups role in agricultural resources management on
coastal lands in Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 230 p. (T E20048)
Opinion articles
ธีรนุช โชคสุวณิช. การศึกษาวิเคราะหภาษาของบทความแสดงความคิดเห็นในหนังสือพิมพไทย (พ.ศ.2538-2540) = An
analytical study of the language of opinion articles in Thai newspapers (1993-1998). กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 221 หนา. (วพ 112476)
Opinion leader
สหรัฐอเมริกา = The communication role of opinion leaders in promoting Thai culture in Los Angeles, the
United States of America. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 129 หนา. (วพ 101425)
Komsant Ruamsanit. Opinion study of police officers toward police for people project : a case study of police
offices attached to Metropolitan Police Division 2 Metropolitan Police Bureau Royal Thai Police. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2003. 101 p. (T E21661)
Wanijda Areeratchakul. Opinions of educational administrators, teachers, parents and students in Nontaburi
province on the expansion of basic education at secondary schools. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999.
165 p. (T E13571)
Janejira Thirawat. Survey of opinions on competencies standards in dentistry for new dental graduates. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 380 p. (T E19701)
Prapaisri Chaingam. The opinions on making Baisri with banana leaves on sustainable local handicrafts. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 99 p. (T E17055)
Sugiyama, Shoko. Mass media and national identity in Thailand : newspapers and opinions on national
development (1910-32). Tokyo : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000. 125 p. (R E16308 c.1; E16309
Thera Kanchanarak. Training officers' opinions towards a desirable competency base of trainers case study :
Ministry of Education. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 85 p. (R E19045)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 140]
Opinions (ตอ)
ภัทราวุธ ลิ้มสมบูรณ. ความคิดเห็นของนักเรียนพลตํารวจที่มีตอผูบังคับบัญชาโรงเรียนตํารวจ ในดานการปกครอง การเรียนการ
สอน และการฝกอบรม = Opinions of police constable students towards the administrators of police schools
concerning administration, instruction and training. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 88 หนา. (วพ
มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ = Opinions of employers towards employee graduates of the Faculty of Business
Administration, Payap University. เชียงใหม : คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ, 2543. 96 หนา. (ว 110508)
Opioid receptors
Ladda Saleema. Opioid receptor gene expression in the inner ear of early postnatal rats. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 142 p. (T E20093)
Puangkaew Sarapoke. Immunohistochemical study of opioid receptor subtypes in the rat inner ear. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E20125)
Puongtip Winyaratana. Comparison of effectiveness among opioid antagonists in experimentally-induced
endotoxic shock in albino rats = การเปรียบเทียบประสิทธิภาพของยาตานโอปออยดในช็อคที่เหนี่ยวนําใหเกิดขึ้น
โดยเอนโดทอกซินในหนูขาว. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1986. viii, 45 leaves. (T E3090)
Saiphon Sawlom. Identification and characterization of different subtypes opioid receptors in bovine pinealocytes.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 117 p. (T E15441)
Tipa Toskulkao. Gene expression of opioid receptors and G-protein subunits in T lymphocytes of heroin users.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 254 p. (T E15317)
Tunda Suttitum. Neuro-immunological changes in the function of T-lymphocytes in heroin addicts. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1997. 186 p. (T E11381)
Wipaporn Jitjaijamjang. Opioid in mammalian pineal glands. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 144 p. (T
Opioids Receptors
Sutthasinee Poonyachoti. Roles of opioid and their opioid receptors on the neuromodulation of intestinal secretory
host defense mechanism. Bangkok : Faculty of Veterinary Science Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 33 p.
(R E21569)
Banthit Chetsawang. The mechanisms of opioid receptor mediation of melatonin synthesis in mammalian pineal
glands. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1998. 171 p. (T E12058)
Ladda Saleema. Opioid receptor gene expression in the inner ear of early postnatal rats. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 142 p. (T E20093)
Masarat Pariyanonth. The study of opioid receptors in bovine pineal gland. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991.
xvii, 126 p. (T E6454)
Puangkaew Sarapoke. Immunohistochemical study of opioid receptor subtypes in the rat inner ear. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T E20125)
Opisthorchia viverrini
Chanitra Thuwajit. Effects of excretory/secretory products(s) from Opisthorchis viverrini on co-culture cells in
vitro. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 27 p. (R E24084)
Ardool Meepool. Structure and histology of digestive, excretory and reproductive systems in fasciola gigantica.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 107 p. (T E8441)
Kantasewi, Asatara. Cellular immune response to opisthorchis viverrini : in-vitro study of mitogenic effect of
metacercarial and adult antigens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xvii, 68 p. (T E6425)
Maeya Ngamying. Enhancement of DEN-induced hepatocellular nodules development by opisthochis viverrini in
syrian golden hamsters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. xvii, 101 p. (T E6337)
Nongporn Hutadilok. Altered liver collagen metabolism in opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2
แผน (103 เฟรม). (T MF09166; E20064c.2)
Petchaboon Poophol. Survey of the occurrence of Opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae in fresh-water fish and rawfish products in Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 59 p. (T E9616)
Rungsunn Tungtrongchitr. Serun bile acids in opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2 แผน (72
เฟรม). (T MF09082)
Somchai Pinlaor. Oxidative and nitrosative DNA damage in hamsters infected with Opisthorchis viverrini during
acute, chronic and re-infection. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 62 p. (R E24082)
Sorujsiri Amornpunt. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against metabolic products
(excretory-secretary antigens) of the liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini). Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1989. vi, 102 p. (T E7574)
Wandee Apinhasmit. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies of the tegument and cytoskeleton of
Opisthorchis viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 351 p. (T E6283)
Warin Sangkitikomol. Comparison of the exposure to nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitroso compounds of
valunteers with and without opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (116 fr.).
(T MF19991)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 141]
Opisthorchiasis (ตอ)
Yupa Kerdpuech. Detection of a possible specific serum marker in opisthorchiasis-associated cholangiocarcinoma
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 101 p. (T E19371)
[Somsak Rujirawatana]. Synthesis and potential anthelmintic activity of praziquantel analogues against
Opisthorchis viverrini = การสังเคราะหและฤทธิ์ทางยาของอนุพันธพราซิแควนเทล ตอพยาธิใบไมตับ. [S.l. : s.n.,
1985]. 57 p. (R E9871 c.1; E9872 c.2)
Prateep Dhanakijcharoen. The effect of informing patients about illness and health education on re-infection of
opisthorchiasis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vi, 68 p. (T E8063)
Watana Hakham. The effectiveness of health education program on opisthorchiasis prevention among family
leaders in Nonkhun district Srisaket province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 108 p. (T E17234)
Opisthorchis viverrine
Wanphen Wannapapho. Induction of inflammatory cytokine expression in epithelial cells and cultured
cholangiocarcinoma cells in response to Opisthorchis viverrini antigen stimulation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 117 p. (T E23898)
Opisthorchis viverrini
Jiraporn Ruangsittichai. Molecular cloning of excretory-secretory antigens encoding genes from the liver-fluke,
Opisthorchis viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 138 p. (T E35701)
Krithakron Pratomvong. Studies on reinfection of Opisthorchis viverrini infection after biannual mass treatment at
Namon district, Kalasin province = การติดเชื้อซ้ําของโรคพยาธิใบไมในตับ (Opisthorchis viverrini) หลังจากการ
รักษา 2 ครั้งตอปที่อําเภอนามน จังหวัดกาฬสินธุ. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 2 microfiches (97 fr.). (T
Maeya Ngamying. Enhancement of DEN-induced hepatocellular nodules development by opisthochis viverrini in
syrian golden hamsters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. xvii, 101 p. (T E6337)
Montriya Awiruttapanich. Epidemiology of liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) in Pla Kao Na (Cyclocheilichthys
armatus). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 63 p. (T E28919)
Nitaya Poopyruchpong. Detection of Opisthorchis viverrini infection by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay using
partially purified antigens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 2 microfiches (98 fr.). (T MF20447)
Nitaya Sritong. Isoenzyme analyses of Opisthorchis viverrini and Fasciola gigantica by isoelectric focusing in
polyacrylamide gel. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. vi, 93 p. (T E8117)
Nithikoon Suksumek. Associations among Helicobacter pylori, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Opisthorchis viverrini
with hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 104 p. (T
Nopparat Songserm. Antibody to Opisthorchis viverrini : a possible marker for early detection of
cholangiocarcinoma, histopathological proven in hamsters with chronic opisthorchis and
cholangiocarcinoma. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 93 p. (T E29044)
Petchaboon Poophol. Survey of the occurrence of Opisthorchis viverrini metacercariae in fresh-water fish and rawfish products in Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 59 p. (T E9616)
Pittaya Papirom. Effect of selenium on hepatic antioxidant and phase II xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme systems
in hamsters infected with liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2000. 92
p. (T E15831)
Porawee Kodcharin. Genetic variation of Bithynia siamensis goniomphalos, first intermediate host of Opisthorchis
viverrinin in the basin of Mun and Chi rivers, Thailand by RAPD. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005.
84 p. (T E34565)
Porntip Ruangmanee. Oogenesis of Opisthorchis viverrini. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1995. 74 p. (T
Prasert Saichua. Detection and characterization of glycoconjugates in Opisthorchis viverrini and biliary epithelium
of susceptible and unsusceptible hosts. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 88 p. (T E26535)
Puangrat Yongvanit. Investigation of candidate genes involved in carcinogenesis of Opisthorchis viverrini
associated cholangiocarcinoma in hamster model. Khon Kaen : Research Center Khon Kaen University,
2005. 62 p. (R E24085)
Sorujsiri Amornpunt. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against metabolic products
(excretory-secretary antigens) of the liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini). Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1989. vi, 102 p. (T E7574)
Sumalee Apiratwarakul. Activity of hepatic antioxidant enzymes and plasma lipid peroxidation in hamsters infected
with liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini). Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1998. 104 p. (T E12157)
Supatra Boonmee. Proteomics of liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini : developmental stages in experimental
hamsters. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 88 p. (T E26529)
Supin Menayotin. Ultrastructural and histochemical studies of the nervous system of adult liver fluke, Opisthorchis
viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. 233 p. (T E8557)
Ubon Cha-on. Effect of liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) infection on the hepatic mixed function oxidase system
in hamsters. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 1996. 105 p. (T E10438)
Veerachai Eursitthichai. Molecular cloning of antigen encoding genes from Opisthorchis viverrini (Liver fluke) and
primary analysis of encoded proteins. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 167 p. (T E33045)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 142]
Opisthorchis viverrini (ตอ)
Virat Vongsangnak. Studies on pathology and CMI in hamsters infected with opisthorchis viverrini under poor
protein diet. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1980. 1 แผน (55 เฟรม). (T MF09135)
Wandee Apinhasmit. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies of the tegument and cytoskeleton of
Opisthorchis viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. xvii, 351 p. (T E6283)
Wilaiwan Chotigeat. Nature of collagen in hamster livers infected with Opisthorchis viverrini. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1984. 2 microfiches (111 fr.). (T MF19983)
[Somsak Rujirawatana]. Synthesis and potential anthelmintic activity of praziquantel analogues against
Opisthorchis viverrini = การสังเคราะหและฤทธิ์ทางยาของอนุพันธพราซิแควนเทล ตอพยาธิใบไมตับ. [S.l. : s.n.,
1985]. 57 p. (R E9871 c.1; E9872 c.2)
จิตรา ไวคกุล. การศึกษาแอนติเจนรวม ระหวางพยาธิใบไมตับ (Opisthorchis viverrini) และหอยโฮสตกึ่งกลาง (Bithynia
spp.) = Studies on antigens shared between opisthorchis viverrini and its snail host. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะ
เวชศาสตรเขตรอน มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2535. 40 หนา. (ว 55007)
ชูศักดิ์ นิธิเกตุกุล. การเคลื่อนที่ การเจริญเติบโต และการพัฒนาการของพยาธิใบไมตับ (Opisthorchis viverrini) ในแฮมสเตอร.
ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2538. 81 หนา. (วพ 72412)
ประพิมพร สมนาแซง. การศึกษาการปนเปอน ของตัวออนพยาธิใบไมตับ ในปลารา = The study on the contamination of
metacercariae of liver fluke in fermented fish. ขอนแกน : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2535. ซ, 86
หนา. (ว 55558)
ประภา โสฬสจินดา. ผลของปลาสมระยะติดตอของ Opisthorchis viverrini. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2537. ฌ, 68
หนา. (วพ 67252)
อัญชัน โชติกุล. อิทธิพลของความเย็นในชองแชแข็ง (-12ํc) ตอความคงรอดชีวิตและความสามารถในการติดเชื้อของตัวออน
พยาธิใบไมตับ (Opisthorchis viverini metacercariae) ในแฮมสเตอร. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2531. ฏ,
106 หนา. (วพ 59816)
Opisthorchis viverrini--Infection
Watcharin Loilome. Investigation of candidate genes involved in carcinogenesis of Opisthorchis viverrini
associated cholangiocarcinoma in hamster model. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2005. 149 p. (T
Skunrat Anantasirichinda. Ion exchange resin on the determination and separation of (opium alkaloid) addict's
urine. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1982. 2 แผน (93 เฟรม). (T MF09149; MF09264; MF09286)
Opium poppy
Anan Ounaroon. Molecular cloning and functional expression of three O-methyltransferases from Papaver
somniferum L.. [S.l.] : Martin-Luther-Universitat, 2002. 100 p. (T E22590)
Opium poppy--Analysis
Juraithip Wungsintaweekul. Large scale purification of 1, 2-dehydroreticuline reductase from the opium poppy
seedlings. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 100 p. (T E9961)
Opium trade--Burma
Sai Lone. The political economy of opium reduction in Burma : local perspectives from the Wa region. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 141 p. (T E41237)
Galtier, Bertrand. Survey of the opium growing areas using spot imagery phase II, final report. Pathum Thani :
Asian Institute of Technology, 1990. 66 p. (R E19827)
Oprx gene
Mayuree Fuangthong. Analysis of oprX gene and isolation-characterization of a Xanthomonas peroxide resistant
mutant. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 166 p. (T E10636)
Opti system
Suwimon Nuyongpak. Blood component preparation by the opti-system. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 53
p. (T E10174)
Optic disc topography
Somkiat Asawaphureekorn. Normative data of optic disc topography in Thai population : a study in Ubolrat
district, Khon Kaen province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 41 p. (T E19055)
Optic lobes--Anatomy
Kanokpan Bubphaniroj. N-acetyltransferase and melatonin levels in optic lobe of giant freshwater prawn,
Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. vi, 50 p. (T E7693)
Optic lobes--Penaeus monodon
Pattira Pongtippatee. Kinetics of the enzyme N-acetyltransferase in the optic lobe of the black tiger shrimp,
Penacus monodon. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. viii, 47 p. (T E8311)
Optic nerve
Somkiat Asawaphureekorn. Normative data of optic disc topography in Thai population : a study in Ubolrat
district, Khon Kaen province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 41 p. (T E19055)
Songpol Tornee. A comparative study on parametric and nonparametric discriminant analysis applied to data on
diabetic retinopathy in patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
1998. 104 p. (T E12132)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 143]
Optical absorption
เกรียงไกร จิรกวีกุล. การปลูกฟลมอะมอรฟสซิลิคอนและศึกษาการดูดกลืนแสงดวยวิธีซีพีเอ็ม = Deposition of amorphous
silicon and the study of its opitcal absorption by CPM. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 72 หนา.
(วพ 94278)
Optical activity
Somna Maheshwari. Vibration sensitivity in unidirectional polarimetric optical fiber current sensor. Pathumthani :
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2002. 66 p. (T E18141)
Optical amplifiers
Pasu Kaewplung. Performance improvement of fiber-optic transmission system by replacing electronic repeaters
with optical amplifiers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 135 p. (R E24059c.1; E24060c.2)
Optical beam steering devices
Adisorn Tuantranont. Optical phase modulation beam steering using silicon micromachined and hybrid integrated
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems [MEMS]. Colorado : University of Colorado, 2001. 253 p. (T E19163)
Optical biosensor
Palakorn Tantilipikara. Optical biosensor for microalbumin determination. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 60
p. (T E33175)
Optical brighteners
Montree Chandamnearnkij. Effects of antioxidants and their interactions on HDPE. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1998. 268 p. (T E19464)
Optical characters recognition
Suphakitti Julmanop. Thai handwriting recognition using deformable templates. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 54 p. (R E18821)
Optical coherence tomography
Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai. Study of reflectance measurement based on optical coherence variation
technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 154 p. (T E18731)
Optical communications
Suthichai Noppanakeepong. Study of shot noise control for high reliability optical communication. Tokyo : Tokyo
Institute of Technology, 1996. 97 p. (T E11037)
Tongtod Vanisri. High-speed, low-noise optical electronics for communication : a current-mode approach. London
: University of London, 1994. 188 p. (T E8394)
อิทธิชัย อรุณศรีแสงไชย. เครื่องกระจายการใหบริการรวมสําหรับบานผานโครงขายไฮบริดสายใยแสงและสายเคเบิล. กรุงเทพฯ
: คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, [2541]. 29 หนา. (ว 99848)
Optical contact
Nutsima Deechalao. Improvement of contact in ATR FT-IR spectroscopy. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2001. 114 p. (T E18964)
Optical equipment for satellite image interpretation
Somchai Kitisrivoraphan. Development of optical equipment for sattellite image interpretation. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 96 p. (T E19339)
Optical fiber communication
Pasu Kaewplung. Performance improvement of optical phase conjugation Transmission system by employing
distributed Raman amplification. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 61 p. (R E35932)
Pasu Kaewplung. Suppression of third-order dispersion and sideband instability in ultra-long-hual ultra-high-speed
optical fiber transmission using midway optical phase conjugation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2003. 195 p. (T E23056)
Optical fiber current sensors
Charoen Tangtrongbenchasil. Vibration sensitivity of fiber-optic current sensors. Pathum Thani : Sirindhorn
International Institute of Technology, 2003. 114 p. (T E20637)
Optical fiber line interface circuits
อิทธิชัย อรุณศรีแสงไชย. เครื่องตอเชื่อมสายใยแสงสําหรับการสื่อสารขอมูล = Optical fiber line interface circuits for data
communication. กรุงเทพฯ : คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, [2539].
17 หนา. (ว 97554)
Optical fiber transmission system
สพล สิงหดารา. การสรางและหาประสิทธิภาพชุดการสอน วิชาหลักการเบื้องตน ของระบบสื่อสารดวยเสนใยแกวนําแสง สวนการ
ฝกอบรม องคการโทรศัพทแหงประเทศไทย = The construction and find efficiency of instructional package on
fundamental of optical fiber transmission system at training section of Telephone Organization of Thailand.
กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ, 2542. 96 หนา. (วพ 110799)
Optical fibers
Athikom Roeksabutr. Optical fiber acousto-optic phase modulators. New South Wales : University of New South
Wales, 1997. 188 p. (T E13262)
Charoenchai Boworntummarat. Wavelength routing and optical network layer protection approaches against
single link failures for multicast traffic on WDM networks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 202
p. (T E23309)
Parinya Tantaswasdi. Birefringence modulator. Bangkok : Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, 2003.
88 p. (R E20559c.1; E31364c.2)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 144]
Optical fibers (ตอ)
Pasu Kaewplung. Performance improvement of fiber-optic transmission system by replacing electronic repeaters
with optical amplifiers. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 135 p. (R E24059c.1; E24060c.2)
Pasu Kaewplung. Performance inprovement of long-haul ultra-high-speed optical transmission using midway
optical phase conjugation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (R E22191 c.1; E22192 c.2)
Thossaporn Kamolphiwong. Simulation and modeling of solutions generation in optical fiber. New South Wales :
University of New South Wales, 1998. 85 p. (T E13665)
Vuthichai Napasab. Studies on polarization-state control in coherent optical fiber communications = การศึกษาการ
University, 1988. 4 microfiches (211 fr.). (T MF20404)
Wuttipol Kankosol. Determining an optimal condition for wire bonding process of fiber optic receiver by design
and analysis of experiment. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok, 2005. 130
p. (T E30180)
Optical instruments--Design and construction
Pornvipa Aungkapanitchakit. Development of digital densitometer for medical applications. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 97 p. (T E9353)
Optical phase conjugation systems
Pasu Kaewplung. Performance inprovement of long-haul ultra-high-speed optical transmission using midway
optical phase conjugation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (R E22191 c.1; E22192 c.2)
Pasu Kaewplung. Suppression of third-order dispersion and sideband instability in ultra-long-hual ultra-high-speed
optical fiber transmission using midway optical phase conjugation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2003. 195 p. (T E23056)
Optical radiology
Pornvipa Aungkapanitchakit. Development of digital densitometer for medical applications. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1995. 97 p. (T E9353)
Optical sensor
Kanoksak Eam-O-Pas. Measurement of particle velocity using on optical sensor. Kansas : Kansas State University,
1995. 189 p. (T E9544)
Optical signals
Widjaja, Joewono. Study of digital recording of optical signals :part I. compressed specklegram. Nakhon
Ratchasima : Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology, 2002. 12 p. (R E20343c.1;
Optical switching
ธนะศักดิ์ พิพัฒนภิวงศ. การศึกษาการสวิตชดวยแสงโดยใชเสนใยแกวนําแสงชนิดไบรฟรินเจนซ ดวยวิธีการควบคุมการคัปปลิง
โหมดโพลาไรเซชัน = A study of optical switching using birefringent fibers by polarization mode coupling
control. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 124 หนา. (วพ 112774)
Optical tracking
Teeraporn Kusalanukhun. Optical three-dimensional coordination for medical applications. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2006. 85 p. (T E34177)
Optical transmission system
Pasu Kaewplung. Performance inprovement of long-haul ultra-high-speed optical transmission using midway
optical phase conjugation. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 65 p. (R E22191 c.1; E22192 c.2)
Optical tweezers
Jariya Buajarern. Fundamental studies of inorganic and organic aqueous aerosols using optical tweezers. Bristol :
University of Bristol, 2007. 185 p. (T E36429)
Optical Uetwork
ธัญพร เอี่ยมวสันต. การออกแบบโครงขาย WDM บนพื้นฐานของดครงสรางแบบวงแหวนหลายวง โดยใชฮิวริสติกอัลกอริทึม =
WDM network design based on the multi-ring structure using a heuristic algorithm. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณ
มหาวิทยาลัย, 2543. 123 หนา. (วพ 112466)
Optical wireless communication systems
Phanumas Khumsat. Free-space optical transceiver for medium-rate data. Songklha : Department of Electrical
Engineering Prince of Songkla University, [2005]. 81 p. (R E37883)
Optically active
Wanida Wiriyawaree. Synthesis and biological activities of optically active 4,6-diamino-1, 2-dihydro-1,3,5-triazine.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 203 p. (T E19828)
Optimal capacity
Rarm Itarat. A study on an optimal capacity of production for setting up a single-lever mixer factory in Thailand.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 120 p. (T E13883)
Optimal control
Linda Thanasinthana. Neural network-based optimal control strategy for a batch crystallization. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 86 p. (T E40172)
Pairote Sattayatham. Relaxed control for a class of strongly nonlinear impulsive evolution equations. Nakhon
Ratchasima : Suranaree University of Technology, 2007. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E37837)
Tipakorn Bawonnaowarux. Dynamic optimization of a fed-batch reactor with multiple feeds. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 70 p. (T E37820)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 145]
Optimal experimental design
Navara Chantarat. Response surface designs with qualitative factors applied to process improvement. Columbus :
Ohio State University, 2004. 24 p. (R E24823)
Optimal planning method
Damrong Sripraram. Optimal planning method for logging operation by mobile tower yarders. Tokyo : Tokyo
University of Agriculture and Technology Science of Resources and Environment, 2000. 154 p. (T E16008)
Optimal policies
Phomthep Suksirisumpun. The optimal policies for soled waste management with the effort to recycle. Bangkok :
Thammasat University, 2007. 41 p. (T E38082)
Optimal power flow
Chainarong Thitithamrongchai. Optimal power flow with application of parallel differential evolution. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 191 p. (T E38338)
Prat Suksakhon. Optimal generation and operation in an interconnected system using optimal power flow
solution. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2004. 207 p. (T E28936)
Optimal routing
Supachot Kanjanakontong. Finding the optimal bus travel plan between two points. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 53 p. (R E20535)
Optimal temperature control
Niwat Chanasuthiprapa. Optimal temperature control for ethanol fermentation in a batch reactor. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 82 p. (T E38970)
Charnwit Ruangchalermwong. Optimal disign of solar cell front-contact grid. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 70 p. (T E27886)
Chutima Montatip. Optimization of co-combustion in circulating fluidized bed combustor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2007. 113 p. (T E40874)
Dusadi Suriyapunpong. Optimization of granulation process and comparative evaluation of hydrochlorothiazide
granules and tablets produced by different granulators. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 158 p. (T
Eakchai Navapunyakul. A mathematical model study in growth kinetics of screened Lactobacilli sp. for probiotics
use. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 115 p. (T E18469)
Kanyaluk Ao-ekkasit. Algorithm development for dynamic optimization of heat exchanger network cleaning using
continuous time formulation approach. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 102 p. (T E41234)
Lulliya Srithongpim. The optimization of the CCII-based sallen and key low-pass filter. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 81 p. (R E14876)
Naruemon Wattanapongsakorn. Heuristic approaches for reliability and redundancy optimization for embedded
system with failure dependencies. Bangkok : Department of Computer Engineering King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 35 p. (R E20987)
Patcharaporn Washiraphan. Solving constrained nonlinear optimization problems using Tabu search. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 107 p. (R E21990)
จักรกฤษณ วิเศษจัง. ออปติไมเซชันของหนวยแยกอากาศ = Optimization of the air separation unit. กรุงเทพฯ :
จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 155 หนา. (วพ 109513)
Optimization method
Pienkit Dangprasirt. Development of diclofenac sodium controlled release tablet from solid dispersion by spray
drying using optimization method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 252 p. (T E9782)
Optimization techniques
Eakkaluck Tangprasert. Multi-objective design and optimization of outdoor wireless LAN system. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2006. 35 p. (R E37383)
Wiroj Phengprajit. Reliability optimization for embedded systems with genetic algorithm. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 46 p. (R E20329)
Optimization [Mathematics]
Napit Schunhsri. Assembly line balancing - a case study of a hard disk factory. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2000. 80 p. (T E15847)
Ruttapone Chanlongsawaitkul. An intelligent system to recommend appropriate correlations for vertical
multiphase flow. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 197 p. (T E39307)
Optimum combining systems
Sirichai Hemrungrote. Performance study of optimum combining systems with an SIRP channel and multiple
cochannel interferers. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2005. 76 p. (R
Optimum currency areas
Noradee Tantramongkol. Baht currency in Indochina. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 1995. 192 p. (T E9643)
Optimum reserve level evaluation
อรรถกร กรุณานนท. การประยุกตใชทฤษฎีฟซซีในการประเมินคาความเชื่อถือไดและกําลังผลิตสํารองที่เหมาะสมของระบบผลิต
ไฟฟา = The application of fuzzy theory in electrical power generation reliability and optimum reserve level
evaluation. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 132 หนา. (วพ 110015)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 146]
Optimum solution
Naratip Dabbaransi. The optimum solution for clean development mechanism (CDM) of municipal solid waste
incineration power plant at Nontaburi province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 128 p. (T
Option value
Panawan Wongusata. The voluation of mangrove plantation on the new mudflat at Samutsongkhram province.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 113 p. (T E15442)
Option [Finance]
Sunti Tirapat. Risk-based deposit insurance : an application to Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2000. 51 p. (R E14563)
Suttiwan Thammawat. Pneumococ : evaluation of in-house optochin disks, antimicrobial susceptibility and
preliminary epidemiological study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 136 p. (T E19304)
Mongkol Raksapatcharawong. Analysis and implementation of optoelectronic network routers. Southern California
: University of Southern California, 1998. 118 p. (T E13611)
Tongtod Vanisri. High-speed, low-noise optical electronics for communication : a current-mode approach. London
: University of London, 1994. 188 p. (T E8394)
Wirote Boonkosum. Visible-light amorphous silicon alloy thin film light emitting diodes and their applications in
optoelectronics. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 195 p. (T E10563)
Kattalee Kittiprasan. Efficacy of Centella asiatica in orabase in the treatment of oral lichen planus and oral
lichenoid lesions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33287)
ฉวีวรรณ พฤกษสุนันท. เปรียบเทียบการรักษาโรคแผลเปอยในชองปาก (แผลรอนใน) โดยใชยาทาสมุนไพรขมิ้นชันผสมในออ
ราเบส กับการใชออราเบสเปนกลุมควบคุม (ขั้นตอนการวิจัยทางคลีนิค ระยะที่ 3) = Randomized controlled trial
study in the treatment of aphthous ulcers by turmeric powder in orabase and compared with controlled
orabase (Clinical trial phase III). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, [2540]. 10 หนา. (ว 82920)
Jiraporn Sukhakul. A logic-based methodology for access control in Oracle multilevel database management
systems. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2001. 65 p. (T E17082)
สมเกียรติ บริบาลประสิทธิ์. การพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศระบบฝกงานและระบบทะเบียน โดยใช Case tools oracle
designer/2000 = The development of a student's activities and registration information system using the
oracle designer/2000 case tool. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2543. 124
หนา. (วพ 113770)
Oracle form 6
Busarakum Wangsirijit. Design and development of a web-based application for the Ministry of Interior annual
action provincial plan system case study : a development comparison using Oracle form 6 and Active
Server Pages (ASP). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 121 p. (T E24525)
นภาภรณ ทักษิณนิมิตร. การพัฒนาเว็บเพจ เรื่อง เทคโนโลยีฐานขอมูลของออราเคิล = The development of web page on
Oracle database technology. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาเจาคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2542. 190 หนา.
(วพ 106191)
Reanu Taweekunthum. Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of lidocaine hydrochloride oral mucoadhesive films.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 220 p. (T E19450)
Oral cancer
Anak Iamaroon. Aberration of transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway in oral cancer cells. Chiang Mai :
Faculty of Dentistry Chiang Mai University, 2004. 14 p. (R E24586)
Ruchadaporn Kaomongkolgit. Iron regulates MMP-9 expression in oral squamous carcinoma cell lines. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 135 p. (T E40286)
Runjuan Sukkavee. Risk factors of oral cancer among Thai people: a hospital-based case-control study. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1997. 127 p. (T E10596)
Suparp Kietthubthew. Genetic and environmental interactions on oral cancer in southern Thailand. Songkhla :
Prince of Songkla University, [1999]. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E14751)
Oral candidosis
Piyaporn Sakulmaiwatana. Species, genotype and drugs susceptibility of Candida isolates from patients with
candidemia, oral candidosis and Candida vaginitis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 153 p. (T E18248)
Oral care
Phenkhae Lapying. The demand analysis of oral care in rural area : a case study of Uthong district, Suphanburi.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 175 p. (T E15886)
Suree Sitticharoensuk. Development of clinical practice guideline for oral care of functionally dependent elderly
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 148 p. (R E35648)
Suvaparp Chantarasomboon. I.C.U. nurses' care of the oral thrush patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
76 p. (T E19263)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 147]
Oral care (ตอ)
Wimonwan Lertwongpaopun. The effects of an oral care program on stomatitis in acute myeloid leukemia
patients undergoing chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 129 p. (T E23673)
Oral care services
Ramadanura. Patients' satisfaction toward oral care services at Huayploo community hospital in Nakhon Chaisri
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 60 p. (T E17921)
Oral cavity
Siriwoot Sookkhee. Characterization and improvement of antimicrobial and dextranolytic lactic acid bacteria from
oral cavity. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 175 p. (T E17168)
Oral cephalexin
Lapasri Janthapadchothe. Pharmacokinetic studies of oral Cephalexin in healthy Thai volunteers and comparative
bioequivalence of two brands of oral Cephalexin. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. ix, 100 p. (T E7333)
Oral communication
Achariya Kosalakood. The use of upward compliance gaining strategies in Thai organizations. Bangkok : National
Institute of Development Administration, 1998. 106 p. (R E12870)
Chanit Tjinto. A study of English communication problems between the United Airlines' customer service
representatives and its customers at Don Muang Airport. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 86
p. (R E13309)
Chantisa Chanprasert. Using communication games to promote students' grammatical competence. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 144 p. (R E13401)
Dararat Nuchanart. The effects of self-assessment on the development of oral presentation skills. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1992. 124 p. (T E6915)
Duangphan Krisananon. The causes of communication problems in the secretary's telephoning in English.
Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1999. 92 p. (R E13308)
Jarupa Sodarak. Communication strategies used by foreign tourists and Thai hosts in bargaining for goods and
services in tourist areas of Phuket. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 1998. 769 p. (T E13446)
Jirapan Udomkit. Communication anxiety for the basic signal officers in the English classroom at the Signal school.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 174 p. (T E21186)
Kanyaruck Devakul Na Ayudhaya. Conversational maxims and their violations in comics : a case study of 'Beetle
Bailey' cmic strips. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2005. 138 p. (T E34543)
Kornkaew Chalothorn. The effectiveness of visual aids in cross language presentations. Bangkok : Ramkamhaeng
University, 1999. 103 p. (T E13774)
Kunlaya Saetan. The effect of role-play on students' self-confidence in using English for communication. Bangkok
: King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1991. 192 p. (T E6906)
Kwantip Sa-nguanpong. Horoscope writing styles of Chinese astrology : a case of the 1999 guide to Feng Shui.
Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 317 p. (T E16925)
Preena Kangkun. Narratives and identities : a look at talk among three generations of Chinese-Thai-Cambodian
Americans. Hawai : University of Hawai'i, 2006. 292 p. (T E36366)
Songsi Wichaidij. Maximizing learning opportunity for oral communication through role allocation in groups.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1992. 112 p. (T E6902)
Sutthirak Sapsirin. A study of trait factors of oral language ability in a computer-based speaking test for Thai
university students. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 204 p. (T E38957)
Suwipha Thongcumphao. Power dominance between the interviewer and the interviewees in a TV talk show.
Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1998. 60 p. (R E12867)
Tanamon Burudpakdee. The improvement of communicative competence on speaking English through the use of
role-play : an action research. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 92 p. (T E26520)
Vorachai Piata. Speaking proficiency of the English education students enrolling in the in-service training course in
Rajabhat Institute Loei, Chumphae Campus. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2004. 83 p. (R E26517)
Wanna Charoenchang. An investigation of Thai learners and native-speaker teachers of English' communication
strategies in classroom interactions with reference to two classroom contexts : B.C. and KMITT. Bangkok :
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1991. 116 p. (T E6904)
Worawanna Petchkij. A study of the problems of ward nurses in private hospitals in Bangkok in communicating
English with foreign patients. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2001. 114 p. (T E16679)
Yoopayao Muangmood. Helping learners develop fluency and self-confidence in speaking English. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1992. 86 p. (T E6903)
Oral contraception
Wanvipa Umpan. Relation between oral contraceptive use and breast cancer in women. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 88 p. (T E33080)
Oral contraceptive use
Wanvipa Umpan. Relation between oral contraceptive use and breast cancer in women. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 88 p. (T E33080)
Oral contraceptives
Dhungana, Keshab Raj. A hospital-based case-control study of oral contraceptive use as a risk factor for breast
cancer. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. viii, 119 p. (T E7363)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 148]
Oral contraceptives (ตอ)
Suwanna Phattarabenjapol. Oral contraceptive counseling at the faculty of pharmacy's drug store. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1995. 127 p. (T E9347)
Oral contraceptives, Male
Siriwan Prapong. Antifertility effect of sulfanilamide on ultrastructure and motility of epididymal spermatozoa in
rats. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xv, 187 p. (T E8029)
Oral contraceptives--Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya
Djoehraeni, R.H. Siti. Continuation rate of oral pill use among rural eligible women aged 15-49 in Ayudthaya
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xi, 149 p. (T E8081)
Oral diseases
Nonglak Satitkarn. The development of clotrimazole and triamcinolone acetonide mucoadhesive films for oral
diseases. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xii, 130 p. (T E7112)
สงคราม สมณวัฒนา. การศึกษาสวัสดิการเกี่ยวกับโรคในชองปากของพลทหารใหม ศูนยฝกทหารใหม กองทัพเรือ = The
welfare services on oral diseases for the navy recruits at the training center of the Royal Thai Navy.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2543. 131 หนา. (วพ 112032)
Oral English communication
Sirinit Chanawong. Oral English communication strategies employed by first-year medical students, Mahidol
University, in the 2004 academic year. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2007. 115 p. (T E37712)
Oral epithelial cells
Dhirawat Jotikasathira. The biological effect of magnet on the viability and growth of the cultured human oral
epithelial cells. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2005. 28 p. (R E23914)
Oral examinations--Phuket
Yaowaluk Bovonsantijid. Factors associated with the reliability of oral examination by teachers in Phuket Primary
School Oral Disease Surveillance Program. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. xi, 123 p. (T E8114)
Oral fluid
Vilai Chinveschakitvanich. Total IgG concentration in oral fluid specimen for anti-HIV screening test. Bangkok :
Institute of Health Research, Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 18 p. (R E13182 c.1; E13350 c.2)
Oral health
Kannika Sungworawongpana. The effectiveness of dental health education program on child caretakers' behaviors
for promoting oral hygiene care in preschool children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 226 p. (T
Nguyen, Thi Bach Yen. Economic analysis of school-based oral health programme at primary school in the North
of Vietnam. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 99 p. (T E9963)
Sanguan Kotamnives. Factors of importance for introduction and use of oral health information system at district
and provincial health agencies in 4 provinces of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 131 p. (T
Thongchai Vachirarojpisan. Equity in oral health in Thailand : case study in Kukot Municipality, Pratumtani
province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 119 p. (T E18064)
Wirat Eungpoonsawat. Oral health care delivery models for schoolchildren in Southern Thailand a health systems
analysis approach. Copenhagen : Faculty of Health Sciences University of Copenhagen, 2002. 120 p. (R
ทองทิพย สละวงษลักษณ. การประยุกตทฤษฎีแรงจูงใจเพื่อปองกันโรครวมกับแรงสนับสนุนทางสังคม ในการสงเสริมอนามัย
ชองปาก ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 3 อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดนครราชสีมา = An application of the protection
motivation theory and social support to promote oral health among phrathom suksa 3 students in Mueng
district Nakhonratchasima province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2541. 241 หนา. (วพ 94504)
สุรวุฒิ สุขสวัสดิ์. การประยุกตทฤษฎีแรงจูงใจเพื่อปองกันโรครวมกับแรงสนับสนุนทางสังคม ในการสงเสริมสุขภาพชองปากของ
นักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปที่ 5 ในโรงเรียนสังกัดกรุงเทพมหานคร = An application of the protection motivation
theory and social support to promote oral health among phra-thom-suksa fifth students in primary schools
under Bangkok Metropolitan. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 200 หนา. (วพ 109742)
Oral health behaviors
Nantawan Phuengwongyart. Dental health education program to promote oral health behaviors among grade five
students in Thanyaburi district, Pathum Thani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 125 p. (T
Oral health behaviour
Sulistianingsih, Wahya. Oral health behavior among primary school children in Nakhon Pathom province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 86 p. (T E17803)
Oral health care
Chutigarn Pilasri. The effectiveness of a dental health education program provided for guardians on preschool
child oral health care in Khuangnai, Ubonrachathani province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 131 p.
(T E18643)
Dao, Le Nam Trung. Oral health status and related factors among primary school chidren in Soc Son district,
Hanoi city, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 140 p. (T E39462)
Pham, Le Hung. Oral health care performance for inpatients among nurses at Hanoi City Hospitals, Vietnam.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 92 p. (T E39461)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 149]
Oral health delivery system
Wirat Eungpoonsawat. Oral health care delivery models for schoolchildren in Southern Thailand a health systems
analysis approach. Copenhagen : Faculty of Health Sciences University of Copenhagen, 2002. 120 p. (R
Oral health promotion
Sunan Chatarupa. The effectiveness of a dental health education program on oral health promotion among
primary school students in Saphaya district, Chainat province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 167 p.
(T E16338)
Walee Chukadee. The effectiveness of oral health promotion program provided for kindergarten students.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 177 p. (T E18005)
Oral health promotion program
Patcharin Lekswat. The effectiveness of an oral health promotion program applying community empowerment
among preschool children in Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 266 p. (T E17234)
Oral health service
Kanoknat Pancharoen. Oral health service utilization among government employees under social security scheme
in Maehongson province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 94 p. (T E33340)
Oral health services
Wungchun Kittipadakul. Client satisfaction towards oral health services under universal health coverage project in
Singburi province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 90 p. (T E23781)
Oral health status
พัชรี สมบัติโต. ความสัมพันธระหวางปจจัยสังคมเศรษฐกิจ พฤติกรรมทันตสุขภาพและสภาวะทันตสุขภาพผูสูงอายุ จังหวัดแพร
= The relationship between socioeconomic factors, health behavior and oral health status in the elderly in
Phrae province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2543. 119 หนา. (วพ 111041)
Oral history
Suriya Sudsawad. Archaeologists' fieldwork in the Northeastern Thailand archaeological project. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 163 p. (T E19642)
Oral hygiene
Kannika Sungworawongpana. The effectiveness of dental health education program on child caretakers' behaviors
for promoting oral hygiene care in preschool children. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 226 p. (T
Nguyen, Thi Bach Yen. Economic analysis of school-based oral health programme at primary school in the North
of Vietnam. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 99 p. (T E9963)
Panata Luengpattarawong. Dental service utilization among people with oral health problems in Huay-Yod
subdistrict, Huay-Yod district, Trang province, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 95 p. (T
Patcharin Lekswat. The effectiveness of an oral health promotion program applying community empowerment
among preschool children in Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 266 p. (T E17234)
Prapimpan Toowicharanon. The effects of chemotherapy and integrated nursing interventions on oral mucositis in
leukemia patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2000. 91 p. (T E14557)
Songchai Thitasomakul. Dental caries, oral hygiene and dietary habits : a study of 2 to 6 years old Buddhist and
Muslim Thai children. Aarhus : Faculty of Health Sciences University of Aarhus, 2001. 160 p. (T E19014)
Songvuth Tuongratanaphan. Biomedical science discourse and dentists' oral health promotion concepts : a case
study in Chiang Mai. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 140 P. (T E24201)
Sulistianingsih, Wahya. Oral health behavior among primary school children in Nakhon Pathom province,
Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 86 p. (T E17803)
Suree Sitticharoensuk. Development of clinical practice guideline for oral care of functionally dependent elderly
patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 148 p. (R E35648)
Thanwit Sukcharoen. Factors related to toothbrushing behavior of good oral hygiene patients with gingival
recession in Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 79 p. (T E13559)
Waranuch Suriyachan. Applying self-efficacy theory and social support to promote oral health for 1st grade
students; Suanmisakawan school. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 137 p. (T E23546)
สงคราม สมณวัฒนา. การศึกษาสวัสดิการเกี่ยวกับโรคในชองปากของพลทหารใหม ศูนยฝกทหารใหม กองทัพเรือ = The
welfare services on oral diseases for the navy recruits at the training center of the Royal Thai Navy.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2543. 131 หนา. (วพ 112032)
สุพรรณี ศรีวิริยกุล. การประเมินคูมือการดูแลทันตสุขภาพดวยตนเอง = Evaluation of a handbook of dental health self
care. กรุงเทพฯ : กรมอนามัย, 2537. 28 หนา. (ว 76051)
Oral hygiene promotion
Patcharin Lekswat. The effectiveness of an oral health promotion program applying community empowerment
among preschool children in Lampang province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 266 p. (T E17234)
Oral ibuprofen
Chanchai Raksasinborisut. Prophylaxis of patent ductus arteriosus with ibuprofen suspension in premature infant.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 194 p. (T E33027)
Oral inflammatory diseases
Phenphichar Wanachantararak. Study of salivary proteolytic enzyme inhibitors from Thai herbs in patients with
oral inflammatory diseases. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 108 p. (T E19390)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 150]
Oral leukoplakia
Nis Okuma. Immunohistochemical study of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in oral lichen planus,
premalignant and malignant lesions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 63 p. (T E34057)
Oral lichen planus
Kattalee Kittiprasan. Efficacy of Centella asiatica in orabase in the treatment of oral lichen planus and oral
lichenoid lesions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33287)
Nis Okuma. Immunohistochemical study of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in oral lichen planus,
premalignant and malignant lesions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 63 p. (T E34057)
Siriporn Chattipakorn. Differences in peripheral nerve innervation, inflammation and nociception in reticular or
hypertrophic type of oral lichen planus and in erosive or atrophic type of oral lichen planus. Chiang Mai :
Chiang Mai University, 2004. 25 p. (R E22346)
Supasawat Siripipatthanakul. Immunohistochemical study of S-100 positive Langerhans cells in oral lichen planus.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 64 p. (T E23828)
Oral lichenoid lesions
Kattalee Kittiprasan. Efficacy of Centella asiatica in orabase in the treatment of oral lichen planus and oral
lichenoid lesions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 93 p. (T E33287)
Oral literature
มารศรี สอทิพย. ลีลาเสียดสีในวรรณกรรมของลาว คําหอม = The style of satire in Lao Khomhom's literary works.
กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 210 หนา. (วพ 111920)
อิศราพร จันทรทอง. มนายปาเล : ภาพสะทอนความสัมพันธของพฤติกรรมทางสังคมและวัฒนธรรมในหมูชาวกูย = Manaipalae
: a reflection of the relation of social behavior and culture among the Kuis. สุรินทร : สถาบันราชภัฏสุรินทร,
2543. 112 หนา. (ว 110072ฉ.1; 167409ฉ.2)
Oral malodor
Kamolrat Hirunrat. The effect of herbal mouthwash on oral malador plaque and papillary bleeding index. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2004. 44 p. (T E24668)
Oral manifestations of general diseases
S. Pongsiriwet. Prevalence of oral manifestations of vertically HIV infected children in Chiang Mai, Thailand : a
pilot cross-sectional study. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, [2002]. 15 p. (R E18598)
Oral medicine--Laos
Sengphouvanh Ngonephady. Prevalence of oral diseases in Savannakhet province, Lao People's Democratic
Republic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 119 p. (T E13287)
Oral microflora
โสพิศ วงศคํา. การศึกษาผลของสารสกัดยอยตอเชื้อจุลินทรียในชองปาก = Effects of koi (Streblus asper) on oral
microflora. ขอนแกน : คณะแพทยศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, [2539]. 26 หนา. (ว 84815)
Oral mucosa
Parima Musikasukont. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression in oral premalignancies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
76 p. (T E34056)
Oral mucosal cell
Klintean Wunnapuk. Detection of oral mucosal cell micronuclei in students exposed to embalming solution vapor.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 114 p. (T E24919)
Oral mucositis
Phichanee Sanmanowong. The efficacy of glycerine Payayor in prevention and relief of oral mucositis among
patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 69 p. (T E34334)
Thantawan Natethong. The effects of ice-chips in the prevention and relief of oral mucositis in cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 54 p. (T E13942)
Oral pathogen
Piraporn Vichienroj. Antimicrobial activity of crude extract from Garcinia mangostana against selected oral
pathogens. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 66 p. (T E38286)
Oral poliovirus vaccine
Le, Thi Song Huong. A case-control study of the protective effect of oral poliovirus vaccine in Haipong province
from 1981-1993. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 90 p. (T E10624)
Oral presentation skills
Dararat Nuchanart. The effects of self-assessment on the development of oral presentation skills. Bangkok : King
Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1992. 124 p. (T E6915)
Oral reading miscues
Wisa Chattiwat. A psycholinguistic study of the oral reading miscues of Thai college students reading in English
and Thai. Columbia : University of Missouri-Columbia, 1990. 164 p. (T E40596)
Oral rehydration salt
Khan, Sher Baz. Perception and behavior of mothers on ORS utilization in diarrhoeal disease among children
under five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 101 p. (T E10087)
นฤมล รัชตโกมุท. ความรู ทัศนคติ และพฤติกรรมในการใชผงน้ําตาลเกลือแรของผูเลี้ยงดูเด็กอายุต่ํากวา 5 ป ที่มารับบริการ ณ
ศูนยบริการสาธารณสุข กรุงเทพมหานคร. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 88 หนา. (วพ 93024)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 151]
Oral rehydration solution
Nguyen, Thi Thanh Lan. Perception, knowledge and practice of mothers on oral rehydration solution in under five
years children with acute diarrhoea in Bentre province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p.
(T E17919)
Oral rehydration therapy
Pandam Pulungsih. Assessment of the effectiveness of oral ehydration therapy (ORT) against severe dehydration
in diarrhea : case control study. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1991. 3 microfiches (153 fr.). (T MF20280)
Yeahia, Saieef Uddin. Study on factors affecting the use of oral rehydration therapy by mothers in diarrhoeal
disease of under five years children in Kanchanaburi provincial hospital, Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1998. 70 p. (T E11999)
Oral rehydration therapy for children
Masdoeki, Roni Supriadi. Use of oral rehydration treatment by mothers in management of diarrhoea cases in
Samut Songkram Province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1988. 3 microfiches (133 fr.). (T MF20397)
Nguyen, Thi Thanh Lan. Perception, knowledge and practice of mothers on oral rehydration solution in under five
years children with acute diarrhoea in Bentre province, Vietnam. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 89 p.
(T E17919)
Nopporn Howteerakul. Prescribing patterns and quality of care for children under five years of age with diarrhoea
in Thailand. Newcastle : University of Newcastle, 1997. 1 vol (in various pagings). (T E11565)
Paudel, Radha Krishna. Utilization of ORS by mothers in the treatment of acute diarrhoeal diseases among
children under five years of age. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1997. 80 p. (T E10978)
Sairudee Vorakitphokatorn. The national study on the distribution of oral rehydration salts in Thailand. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1985. 112 p. (R E8945)
Oral rehydration therapy--Srisaket
Palloge, Salahuddin Andi. The relationships between knowledge, attitude and practice concerning diarrhoeal
diseases and oral rehydration salt utilization among village health volunteers and village health
communicators at Rasisalai district, Srisaket province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1990. x, 103 p. (T
Oral squamous cell
Udomrat Khemaleelakul. Co-expression of p53 and Ki67 and lack of EBV expression in oral squamous cell
carcinoma. Chiang Mai : Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Chiang Mai University, 2003. 25 p.
(R E20341)
Oral Squamous cell carcinoma
Nis Okuma. Immunohistochemical study of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in oral lichen planus,
premalignant and malignant lesions. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 63 p. (T E34057)
Oral squamous cell carcinoma
Parima Musikasukont. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression in oral premalignancies. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006.
76 p. (T E34056)
Oral surgery
Sajee Sattayut. A comparative study of the coagulative and cutting effect of Nd-YAG laser and electrosurgery.
Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 94 p. (R E19611)
Oral task presentations
Preeti Piyabhadra. Does evaluating peers' oral task presentations improve the quality and language use of the
evaluator's future presentations?. Bangkok : King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi, 1995. 149
p. (R E10523)
Oral thrush
Suvaparp Chantarasomboon. I.C.U. nurses' care of the oral thrush patients. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
76 p. (T E19263)
oral ulcer healing
Siripun Komolprasert. The effects of providing information on oral ulcer healing in the patients with head and
neck cancer during hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 65 p. (R E17854)
Paiphan Paejaroen. Microarthropod communities in eucalyptus and orchard planting areas. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 106 p. (T E17860)
Orange jasmine leaves
Arpapan Satayavibul. Use of orange jasmine Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack leaves for monitoring atmospheric
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 82 p. (T E22792)
Orange juice
Nongluk Chawankul. Simulation and optimisation of an agitated thin film evaporator for concentrating orange
juice using Aspen Plus TM. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 127 p. (T
Somchai Sakultharathorn. Quality control of an agitated thin film evaporator for concentrating orange juice.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 140 p. (T E15394)
Orange juices--Preservation--Quality
Wissanee Supraditaporn. Effect of nisin on the keeping quality of orange juices cv. Sai Nam Pung and cv. Khieo
Waan. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 105 p. (T E38687)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 152]
Orange plantation expansion
Hathairat Ieamsiri. Predicting the dry season crop water demand from land use change models case study : Nong
Khan irrigation project, the lower Mae Ping river basin. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2002. 91 p. (T E20652)
Chanikan Kantahan. Effect of chitosan coating on storability of tangerine orange. Bangkok : King Mongkut's
University of Technology Thonburi, 2003. 92 p. (R E23151)
Supatana Sakpiyaphan. Modelling consumer quality of oranges. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi, 2004. 137 p. (T E25160)
Patana Srisuruk. Indirectness in Thai society. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 1997.
81 p. (R E12260)
Thanasil Huanmanop. Surgical anatomy of orbital apertures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 55 p. (T
Orbital apertures
Thanasil Huanmanop. Surgical anatomy of orbital apertures. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 55 p. (T
Yuttakan Ratthanachai. Planetary orbit determination from observations by Gauss method. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 168 p. (T E19419)
Orcaella brevirostris
Hines, Ellen. Aerial surveys for the irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) on the eastern coast of the gulf of
Thailand. San Francisco : San Francisco State University, 2005. 13 p. (R E30274)
Orchard plantation
Vinai Krajring. Evaluation of the drip irrigation system for orchard plantation in Chanthaburi province, Thailand.
Munoz, Nueva Ecija : Central Luzon State University, 1999. 137 p. (T E13501)
Orchard prunning machine
มงคล กวางวโรภาส. การวิจัยและพัฒนาเครื่องกลไกที่ใชตัดแตงกิ่งไมผลชนิดทํางานดวยระบบนิวแมติกส = Research and
development of the pneumatically operated orchard prunning machine. นครปฐม : สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาแหง
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 35 หนา. (ว 93144)
Koy Ra. Variation in growth characteristics and seed production of improved Acacia mangium in advanced
generation seed orchard at Lad Krating plantation, Chachoengsao, Thailand. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2002. 75 p. (T E18455)
Chutima Kuekulvong. Antifungal activity against Sclerotium rolfsii by antagonistic microorganisms isolated from
soil and Dendrobium orchid. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 118 p. (T E40363)
Sharma, Khagendra Prasad. Effects of harvesting stages and preservative solutions on vase-life of Mokara
Madame panne cut orchid. Chiang Mai : Maejo University, 2008. 77 p. (T E40300)
Orchid export
สุเทพ รักจิตร. การวิเคราะหปจจัยที่มีผลกระทบตออุปทานและอุปสงคสงออกกลวยไมตัดดอกของประเทศไทยไปประเทศญี่ปุน
= An analysis of factors affecting supply of and demand for Thai orchid exports to Japan. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 110 หนา. (วพ 109522)
Orchid farms
Olarn Chankham. Behavior of chemical application in orchid farms on child health. Bangkok : Mahidol University,
2006. 53 p. (T E35750)
Sasiwan Dhunmigabovorn. Application of effective microorganisms for Dendrobium sp. cultivation : case study on
Sampran district, Nakhon Pathom province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 136 p. (T E34473)
Karnchana Rungruchkanont. Studies on seed germination and plant growth development of Thai wild orchid,
Aerides houlletiana and Acampe rigida. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 120 p. (T E10621)
Mao Minea. A study on seed germination and seedling development of Spathoglottis Bl. orchids. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 2004. 76 p. (T E22927)
Niramon Suntipabvivattana. Effects of sodium benzoate, cycloheximide and 1-methylcyclopropene on vase life of
Dendrobium "Walter Oumae"4N. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 2002. 158
p. (T E20265)
Pornpimon Athipunyakom. Mycorrhizal fungi of terrestrial orchids : isolation, identification and symbiotic
germination. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 106 p. (T E23173)
Orchids--Diseases and pests
Darunee Vongsasitorn. Comparison of Monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antibodies in detection of cymbidium
mosaic virus. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (ix), 121 p. (T E8236)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 153]
Orchids--Diseases and pests (ตอ)
Somchai Intasotti. Virus detection and ultrastructural study an meristeros of Oncidium doubly infected with
Cymbidium mosaic and odontoglossum ringspot viruses. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1992. (viii), 169
p. (T E7618)
Yano, Koji, ed.. The integrated management of the export orchid plants in Thailand. Yamaguchi : Faculty of
Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, 1995. 148 p. (R E11554)
Matura Sirijuntarut. In vitro studies on seed germination and plant growth of Vanda and Phaius. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2000. 99 p. (T E14986)
Theeraphon Phornsawatchai. Factors influencing in vitro tuber growth and development, and internal changes in
Pecteilis sagarikii Seidenf.. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 112 p. (T E39713)
Pattana Youpensuk. Growth rates and stability of Thai orchid exports in Japanese, Italian and American markets.
Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2000. 172 p. (T E16429)
พัชทรา มณีสินธุ. ผลของวัสดุหอและชองระบายอากาศที่มีตออุณหภูมิภายในกลองบรรจุดอกกลวยไม = Effect of wrapping
material and ventilation hole on temperature inside orchid packaging. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและ
เทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2540. 44 หนา. (ว 97628)
Orchids--Postharvest technology--Diseases and pests
Chamlong Lapasatukul. Efficacy of methyl bromide fumigation as a treatment for pests of orchid prior to export.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1995. 69 p. (T E9135)
Kaewalin Kunasakdakul. Dendrobium protoplast culture. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2002. 79 p. (T
Cholatis Srikanthimarak. E-procurement web application prototype for automotive industry. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2002. 99 p. (T E19265)
Order to delivery
Chaow Limpiwattakee. Business process reengineering of a paint factory to reduce delivery lead time. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 197 p. (T E38237)
Order tracking
Panida Rakmanee. A feasibility study of web-based for order tracking in supply chain management : a case study
in the fabric textile industry. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 276 p. (T E33497)
Order-preserving transformation semigroups
Pennapa Rungrattrakoon. Regularity and isomorphism theorems of some order-preserving transformation
semigroups. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 41 p. (T E23299)
Ordered structure
วินัย รักษาพันธ. การเพิ่มความแข็งของทองคํา 18 กะรัต โดยการทําใหเกิดโครงสรางที่เปนระเบียบ = Hardening of 18 carat
gold by ordered hardening. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 98 หนา. (วพ 108706)
Ordered subset expectation maximization
Surachai Ngamratanapaiboon. Performance evaluation of OSEM for bone SPECT imaging. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 46 p. (T E32991)
Orders transcription
Attaporn Thawornkul. Orders transcription development in male medical ward, Bangkok Metropolitan
Administration General hospital, Medical Service Department, 2002. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
139 p. (T E18215)
Ordinary crime prevention
Purachai Piumsombun. Management issues on ordinary crime control : a research study of the Bangkok and
Thonburi metropolis. Tokyo : United Nations University, 1985. 141 p. (R E40540)
Ordinary shower
สนมพร เต็งเจริญ. การเปรียบเทียบการใชน้ําอาบระหวางฝกบัวควบคุมโดยวงจรไฟฟาอิเล็กทรอนิกสกับฝกบัวธรรมดา = The
comparison on water consumption between electronic controlled and ordinary shower. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 105 หนา. (วพ 105977)
Arkoam Sanuwit. Attitudes of Thai female university students concerning the ordaining of women into the
monkhood. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2004. 61 p. (R E37232)
Payak Maneeanakekul. Vegetation and soil relationship in Northern Sadejnaikrom Kromlaung Chumphon Wildlife
Sanctuary. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 160 p. (T E21617)
Ordination [Buddhism]
Rittenberg, William. Buad Naag : the structure and performance of a Thai Buddhist ordination ceremony. Los
Angeles : University of California, 1977. 544 p. (T E12918)
Ordnance Department
Supattaree Boonpram. Prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss among army workers in the small arm
ammunition factory, Ordnance Department. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 84 p. (T E18111)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 154]
Ore deposits--Loei
Yutthana Suyasarote. Genetic model of the Bo Hin Khao barite deposit Tambon That Amphoe Chiang Khan
Changwat Loei. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1994. 195 p. (T E8469)
Ladawal Chotimongkol. Beneficiation process of high quality Koalin. Bangkok : TISTR, 1992. 240 p. (R E9069)
Oream's the general theory of nursing
Pataraumpai Pipatananond. Caregiver burden predictive model : an empirical test among caregivers for the
schizophrenic. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 321 p. (T E17869)
Hanif, Sofi. Masculinization by temperature manipulation of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.). Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2003. 58 p. (T E21979)
Jongkon Promya. Assessment of immunity stimulating capacity and meat, egg qualitys of hybrid Tuptim tilapia
ND56 (Oreochromis sp.) fed on raw Spirulina. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2008. 212 p. (T
Oreochromis aureus
Charoen Nitithamyong. Bioenergetics approach to the study of anabolic effects of 17 alpha-methyltestosterone in
blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus. Madison : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988. 123 p. (T E22379)
Suthida Chatvuitinun. Nutritive values and sensory acceptability of red tilapia : a comparative study of freshwater
and seawater cultured fish. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 102 p. (T E10055)
Oreochromis mossambicus
เจษฎา ธนกิจกร. การปรับปรุงความทนทานตอความเค็มในปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus) โดยวิธีการผสมขามชนิดกับปลา
หมอเทศ (Oreochromis mossambicus). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 88 หนา. (วพ 89029)
Oreochromis niloticus
Bangon Tangtong. Haematological alteration of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus after long-term low level
exposure to neem Azadirachta indica seed extract. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 186 p. (T
Chalida Khemvaranan. Acute toxicity of synthetic : basic and direct dyes in juvenile Nile tilapia [Oreochromis
niloticus] and their copper bioaccumulation. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 108 p. (T E18007)
Jirarach Srijunngam. Subchronic effects of neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss. seed extract on female reproductive
system of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 124 p. (T E13938)
Piyanut Peebua. Ecotoxicological assessment of pesticides and heavy metals in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 235 p. (T E34023)
Sirikul Vongsirisopak. Effects of water hardness and temperature on the toxicity of detergents to Puntius
gonionotus Bleeker and Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.). Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 163 p. (T
Sirinnapa Pumchae. Histopathology of nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus liver and kidney after long-term low level
exposure to distilled liquors 30 degree. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 104 p. (T E27761)
Teerada Thamamaruitkun. Study on the effects of triphenyltin hydroxide on Pla Nil (Oreochromis nilotica).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1995. 190 p. (T E8665)
Verapong Vuthiphandchai. Effect of dietary carbohydrate levels on growth, feed conversion efficiencies and body
composition of nile tilapia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1986. 68 p. (T E22479)
Wang, Shusen. Nutritive value of leucaena leaf meal in pelleted feed for tilapia. Bangkok : Asian Institute of
Technology, 1985. 50 p. (T E22480)
Wannee Jiraungkoorskul. Histopathological and biochemical effects of roundup, a glyphosate herbicide, to Nile
tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 263 p. (T E19362)
จารวี เอียดสุย. การสะสมของโลหะหนักในเนื้อปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus)) ที่เลี้ยงในบอบําบัดน้ําเสียของ
เทศบาลเมืองเพชรบุรี = Accumulation of heavy metals in the muscle of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus
(Linnaeus)) in treatment lagoon of Phetchaburi Municipality. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 91
หนา. (วพ 103725)
เจษฎา ธนกิจกร. การปรับปรุงความทนทานตอความเค็มในปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus) โดยวิธีการผสมขามชนิดกับปลา
หมอเทศ (Oreochromis mossambicus). กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2540. 88 หนา. (วพ 89029)
ประภาพร อุทารพันธุ. กิจกรรมทางชีวเคมีของตัวอสุจิในการปฏิสนธิของปลานิล = Biochemical activity of sperm in the
fertilization of tilapia. สงขลา : คณะวิทยาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร, [253-]. 29 หนา. (ว 53803)
มารุต สุขสมจิตร. การใชเวอรจิเนียมัยซินเปนสารเรงการเจริญเติบโตในปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus Linn) เพศผู.
กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2539. 71 หนา. (วพ 76971)
สุพิมพ ศิริสายัณห. การเจริญเติบโตของปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) ในบอบําบัดน้ําเสียชุมชนเทศบาลเมือง
เพชรบุรี = Growth of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus) in lagoon treatment of Petchaburi
Manucipality. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 269 หนา. (วพ 105113)
อัครพล วงศกังแห. ผลกระทบของสารสกัดจากเมล็ดสะเดา (Azadirachta indica) ตออัตราการฟกและการรอดตายของลูกปลา
นิล (Oreochromis niloticus) = Impact of extracted substance from neem seed (Azadirachta indica) on
hatching rate and survival of tilapia fry (Oreochromis niloticus). พิษณุโลก : มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร, 2542. 98
หนา. (วพ 105041)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 155]
Oreochromis niloticus--Generative organs
Jirarach Srijunngam. The effect of crude extract from the black Kwao Krua Mucuna macrocarpa Wall. on gonadal
structure and function of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn.. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 177 p. (T E34859)
Oreochromis nilsticus
นันทนา ปดทอง. ผลของสารสกัดจากใบตนหนวดปลาหมึก (Brassaia actinophylla Endl.) ตอเนื้อเยื่อผิวหนัง ระบบทางเดิน
อาหาร ระบบขับถาย และระบบหายใจของปลานิล (Oreochromis niloticus Linn.) = Histological changes in
integumentary, digestive, excretory, and respiratory systems of Oreochromis niloticus Linn. induced by
crude water extract of Brassaia actinophylla Endl.. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2543. 88 หนา. (วพ
Prae Plansangkate. Regulation and sequences of the light-responsive promoter of cyanobacterial ORF76 gene
overlapping with the htpG terminator. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 133 p. (T E33379)
ORF76 gene
Siam Popluechai. Analysis of the essence of ORF76 gene in Synechococcus PCC7942. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2004. 82 p. (T E23952)
Organ donation
นพดล ทองมั่น. การศึกษาความสัมพันธของลักษณะทางประชากรศาสตรและการเปดรับสื่อที่มีตอความรู ทัศนคติและพฤติกรรม
ตอเรื่องการบริจาคอวัยวะ ของประชาชนในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 238
หนา. (วพ 98957)
วรภัทร สังขนอย. ปจจัยที่มีผลตอการตัดสินใจบริจาคอวัยวะของญาติผูเสียชีวิต = Factors affecting the decision of family
to donate organs. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 205 หนา. (วพ 100484)
Organi ligands
Natdhera Sanmanee. Investigation of lead hydrolytic polymerization and interactions with organic ligands in the
soil/sediment-water environment. Texas : University of North Texas, 2002. 186 p. (T E22328)
Naparatn Rojtinnakorn. Sythesis of organic/inorganic hybrid materials for coating applications. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1999. 81 p. (T E14694)
Organic acids
Chanchana Payungwong. Interaction of organic acid in biogas production II : a modeling of synergism and/or
competition. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1998. 164 p. (R E13835)
Duangporn Sangplang. Efficacies of using a mixture of organic acids and chlorine dioxide in reducing the numbers
of Salmonella Typhimurium in processing of frozen chicken. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 113 p. (T
Jitchawalee Suwannangkoon. Efficacies of organic acids on the attachment and survival of Salmonella
typhimurium, campylobacter jejuni, and Listeria monocytogenes. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
2004. 122 p. (T E29085)
Natkamol Peungsamran. Effect of organic acids on the formations of silica nanomaterials. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2006. 53 p. (T E36240)
Nirawan Kitprapiumpon. Development of [R]-phenylephrine bonded silica for multimode liquid chromatography :
synthesis, chromatographic characterization and application in pharmaceutical analysis. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 2001. 110 p. (T E17424)
Parson Saradhuldhat. Organic acid metabolism and accumulation during pineapple fruit growth and development.
Hawai : University of Hawai'i, 2005. 109 p. (T E36407)
Pimporn Kammafoo. Interaction of organic acids on biogas production III : lactic acid degradation modeling.
Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 1999. 116 p. (R E15389)
Piyanete Sritharathikhun. Development of flow injection system for determination of total organic acid in fruit
juice and vegetable oil. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1996. 63 p. (T E10206)
Saisamorn Lumyong. L-malic acid production by fungi. Sapporo : Hokkaido University, 1993. 136 p. (T E9944)
Sucheera Chotikatum. Effects of medium chain fatty acids, organic acids and fructooligosaccharide on cecal
Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis colonization, physical and biological changes of intestine in broiler
chicks. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 91 p. (T E30158)
Sunsanee Sinlapadech. Effect of solvent strength on the chromatographic behavior of certain organic acids on a
multimodal phenylpropanolamine bonded silica column. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 236 p.
(T E10696)
Tanawat Prommanuwat. Improved simultaneous inorganic anions and organic ocids analysis in HSA components
of hard disk drive by gradient ion chromatography. Bangkok : Ramkhamhaeng University, 2003. 231 p. (T
Organic additives
Pantanee Intarat. The surface properties of the composite poly(epsilon-caprolactone) scaffold for tissue
engineering. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 81 p. (T E36056)
Organic aerosols
Jariya Buajarern. Fundamental studies of inorganic and organic aqueous aerosols using optical tweezers. Bristol :
University of Bristol, 2007. 185 p. (T E36429)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 156]
Organic amendments
Niyom Boonpikum. Effects of organic amendments, drainage and mulching on the reclamation of salt affected soil
in northeast Thailand. Los Banos : University of the Philippines, 1982. 138 p. (T E22501)
Organic anion
Sunhapas Soodvilai. The regulatory mechanism of organic anion transport via organic anion transporter 3 (OAT3).
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 129 p. (T E33644)
Organic anion transporter
Anusorn Lungkaphin. Expression and function of renal organic anion transporters in experimental diabetes mice.
Chiang Mai : Department of Physiology Chaing Mai University, 2008. 26 p. (R E41000)
Benjamas Punlungka. Expression of the rat organic anion transporter OAT1 in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2002. 137 p. (T E17993)
Nopporn Apiwattanakul. Transport properties of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and prostanoids by organic
anion transporter 1. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1999. 176 p. (T E14004)
Suphansa Sawamiphak. Expression of the rat organic anion transporter 1 (rOAT1) in the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 134 p. (T E33647)
Organic anion transporters
Chutima Srimaroeng. The interactions and transport of the natural sweetener, stevioside, and its metabolite,
steviol, by renal organic anion transporters. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 148 p. (T E33164)
Organic cation transporter
Santi Kaewmokul. Functional assessment of organic cation transporter 1 (rbOCT1) and organic cation transporter
2 (rbOCT2) in S2 segment of rabbit renal proximal tubule. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 151 p. (T
Organic chemical wastes
Weerayut Srichaisiriwech. Studies of perovskite-type metal oxide catalysts for oxidation of organic chemical
wastes. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2002. 138 p. (T E20087)
Organic chemicals
อรรถธีรา วรยิ่งยง. การบําบัดเคมีภัณฑอินทรียเหลือทิ้งโดยวิธีออกซิเดชัน = Organic chemical waste treatment by
oxidation methods. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 34 หนา. (ว 112989)
Organic composting
Nuavarat Subjarearn. The efficiency of some microbial activators in organic composting from market waste.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 141 p. (T E18185)
Organic Compounds
Kasree Namkane. Appropriate methods for volatile organic compounds and phenolic compounds analysis in water
and sediment samples. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2003. 100 p. (T E20663)
Organic compounds
Amornwong Srisurichan. Multi-wall carbon nanotube-polymethyl methacrylate composite for volatile organic
compound sensor. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2008. 66 p. (T E41225)
Angsumarn Chandarawongse. Soluble COD from primary sludge acidogenic anaerobic digestion as carbon source
supplement to anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (AnA2/O2 SBR) in biological nutrient removal. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2003. 172 p. (T E20510)
Anuruk Lorwongngam. Effect of co-sprayed materials on tableting properties of spray dried rice starches. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 1998. 152 p. (T E12092)
Aranya Thongchiew. Factors influencing the dispersion of organic pigments in polyethylene upon using a
continuous twin-screw kneader. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1996. 190 p. (T E11837)
Boonyarath Pratoomchat. Variations of organic and inorganic elements in haemolymph, epidermis and cuticle over
the molt cycle in Scylla serrata. Chonburi : Department of Aquatic Science, Burapha University, 2000. 49 p.
(R E15689 c.1; E15690 c.2)
Chanathip Boonprong. Synthesis of calcium aluminates via inorganic-organic polymerization. Khon Kaen : Khon
Kaen University, 2002. 134 p. (T E18401)
Chatdanai Jiradecha. Enhanced electrokinetic remediation of soils contaminated by low polarity organic
compounds. Illinois : Illinois Institute of Technology, 1998. 158 p. (T E13586)
Chularat Chanchana. Searching for organic compounds from Derris thorelii Craib. with antiviral (Herpes simplex)
activity. Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 1996. 110 p. (T E10226)
Dusit Ungthararuk. Electrochemical studies of some corrosion inhibitors on mild steel. Bangkok : Kasetsart
University, 2000. 81 p. (T E15540)
Gamolwan Tumcharern. Interaction of calix[4]arene derivatives towards anions and organic molecules. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 146 p. (T E13701)
Narisa Kamkaen. Study on the constituents of Usnea siamensis Wainio. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University,
1994. xviii, 155 p. (T E8290)
Nawin Viriya-empikul. Degradation of organic compounds using nanosited titania. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2004. 93 p. (T E28959)
Orawon Chailapakul. Electroanalysis of organic compound using a boron-doped diamond thin-film applied to flow
injection analysis. Bangkok : Faculty of Science Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 30 p. (R E23916)
Pranom Khaowmek. Development of headspace method for analysis of organic volatile impurities and other
residual solvents in drug. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 168 p. (T E9807)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 157]
Organic compounds (ตอ)
Prapaipit Chamsuksai. Photoreactions of organic compounds adsorbed on zeolites. Worcester : Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, 1989. 182 p. (T E39891)
Ratanawan Wibulswas. Removal of organic components from water by Montmorillonite clay. Nakorn Ratchasima :
Suranaree University of Technology, 2001. 53 p. (R E17320)
Ratcharoj Chareonsak. Organic/inorganic coating composites based on polyol-isocyanate/sol-gel system. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 56 p. (T E15520)
Tanarat Kietsakorn. Synthesis of N-(p-aminobenzoyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and derivatives. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 296 p. (T E22801)
Veeramol Vailikhit. Comparative oxidation of alcohols with cerium (IV) and chromium (VI) by spectrophotometry.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2000. 130 p. (T E15541)
Wichai Suriyakrai. Adsorption behavior of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in an aqueous solution by
mesoporous molecular sieves. Khon Kaen : Khon Kaen University, 2002. 99 p. (T E19413)
Organic compounds--Absorption and adsorption
Oranuj Lorphensri. Sorption and transport of polar organic compounds in groundwater. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2005. 195 p. (T E36000)
Organic compounds--Analysis
Sujinda Rojanasaksothorn. The development of headspace technique for analysis of some semivolatile organic
compounds in water = การพัฒนาเอดสเปสเทคนิคเพื่อใชวิเคราะหสารอินทรียกึ่งระเหยบางตัวในน้ํา. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1988. 3 microfiches (127 fr.). (T MF20476)
Organic compounds--Biodegradation
Sittisak Uparivong. Kinetic inspections on thermal decomposition of wood and related other biomass using
methods of numerical integration and least squares. Morioka : Iwate University, 1995. 208 p. (T E9527)
Organic compounds--Synthesis
Anontapat Kalapaphongse. Selective resolution of racemic menthol by lipases in the aqueous/organic solvent
system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 107 p. (T E12839)
Bongkoch Tarnchompoo. Synthesis of dihydro-3(2H)-furanones 8-methoxy-1-tetralones, 2-(2-arylethyl) imidazoles
and the use of anthracene adducts in organic synthesis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1992. xxix, 308 p.
(T E7225)
Ganniga Turongsomboon. Exploratory work on titanium (II) mediated deoxygenation reactions. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1984. 2 microfiches (118 fr.). (T MF20085)
Lugkhana Suvaree. Synthetic utilities of alpha-hydroxybenzyl isoquinolines. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1981. 2
แผน (107 เฟรม). (T MF09391)
Poolsak Sahakitpichan. Synthetic studies of isoindolobenzazepine and homoprotoberberine alkaloids. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1990. v, 209 p. (T E8254)
Pranee Dinprasert. The use of glycolaldehyde dimer in organic synthesis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1989. iv,
88 p. (T E8130)
Saipin Sanghirun. Effects of some inhibitors on linamarin biosynthesis by cassava plantlets in tissue culture.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1993. xi, 99 p. (T E7203)
Wipa Plansangkate. Tandem bond formation involving alpha-halosulfonyl carbanions. Bangkok : Mahidol
University, 1993. iv, 304 p. (T E7232)
Organic dust
Phot Parkpoom. Relationship between staphylococcus and aspergillus and respiratory symptoms among the
scavengers and Phra Kanong district officers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 121 p. (T E18861)
Organic dyes
Narakorn Chanprasert. Photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes by titanium dioxide in an air-lift reactor.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 84 p. (T E37522)
Somchai Keawwangchai. Synthesis of electrochemical and optical anion sensors containing organic dyes. Bangkok
: Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 132 p. (T E37599)
Organic enrichment
Bamroonsak Chatananthawej. Ecological studies on benthic polychaetes with respect to organic enrichment
condition in Kung Krabaen Bay, Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 239 p. (T E19053)
Organic farming
Supachai Lorlowhakarn. Establishment of Thailand's national organic agriculture strategies : a case study in
organic asparagus production. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 258 p. (T E41202)
Organic fertilizer
Parinyarat Suwannao. The utilization of sludge cake from fruit industry to produce organic fertilizer pellet.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 87 p. (T E34073)
Organic fertilizers
Suphawadee Bouban. Effect of liquid organic fertilizers from fish and vegetables on developmental stages of
Musca domestica, L.. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 71 p. (T E18194)
พงศเทพ อันตะริกานนท. การผลิตปุยอินทรียจากของเหลือใชจากอุตสาหกรรมปลากระปอง = Organic fertilizer production
from canning fish industrial waste. กรุงเทพฯ : สถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยีแหงประเทศไทย, 2540. 63
หนา. (ว 97629)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 158]
Organic hybrid
Thapanon Settheeworrarit. Single crystal structures and thermal and magnetic properties of organic hybrid
vanadium oxide polymeric frameworks prepared by a hydrothermal technique. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai
University, 2007. 173 p. (T E38495)
Organic hydroperoxide
Chananat Klomsiri. Evaluation of the roles of Ohr and AhpC in organic hydroperoxide detoxification in
Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 138 p. (T E33542)
Mayuree Fuangthong. Analysis of oprX gene and isolation-characterization of a Xanthomonas peroxide resistant
mutant. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1996. 166 p. (T E10636)
Skorn Mongkolsuk. Genetics and physiological characterization of genes involve in detoxification of organic
hydroperoxides in phytopathogen, Xanthomonas.. Bangkok : Department of Biotechnology Mahidol
University, 2001. 29 p. (R E21465)
Skorn Mongkolsuk. Molecular and physiological characterization of family of organic peroxide sensor and
transcription regulators and how the system response to changes in the environment. Bangkok :
Laboratory of Biotechnology Chulabhorn Research Institute, 2005. 153 p. (R E30259)
Warunya Panmanee. The study of new family negative transcription regulator, organic hydroperoxide resistance
regulator (OHRR) in Xanthomonas campestris PV. Phaseoli. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 137 p. (T
Organic hydroperoxide resistance
Wipa Praituan. Characterization of a gene specified organic hydroperoxide resistance in xanthomonas. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1995. 151 p. (T E9348)
Organic hydroperoxides
Tatsanee Chuchue. OhrR1-ohr is the primary protective system against organic hydroperoxides in Agrobacterium
tumefaciens. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 161 p. (T E34431)
Organic ligands
P. Chairidchai. Zinc adsorption by a lateritic soil and zinc uptake by wheat in the presence of organic ligands.
Australia : University of Western Australia, 1991. xvii, 144 p. (T E6614)
Organic light emitting devices
Yingyot Infahsaeng. Characteristics and fabrication of organic light emitting devices base on tris (8hydroxyquinoline) aluminum. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 101 p. (T E33255)
Organic manures
Paudel, Krishna Prasad. The effect of organic manures and chemical fertilizers on production of lettuce (Lactuca
sativa L.). Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2004. 60 p. (T E31452)
Organic matter
Apichart Thunyahan. A mixture model application in the mapping of the total organic matter contents of
sediments in the Gulf of Thailand : using the SEAFDEC data of 1996. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003.
92 p. (T E21166)
Eiumnoh Apisit. Influences of organic matter on soil plow layer properties. Carolina : North Carolina State
University, 1977. 161 p. (T E22562)
Patma Vityakon. Long-term studies on organic matter build-up, nutrient transformation, and dynamics of fast
(microbial biomass) and slow (macroorganic matter) pools of organic matter in sandy soils as influenced
by qualities of plant residues added. Khon Kaen : Department of Land Resources and Environment Khon
Kaen University, 2004. 30 p. (R E24083)
ดวงสมร ตุลาพิทักษ. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบวิธีวัดปริมาณอินทรียวัตถุของดินในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ = A comparative
study on organic matter determination in soils of the northeast. ขอนแกน : คณะเกษตรศาสตร
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 20 หนา. (ว 106577)
มยุรี แจงประจักษ. การใชอินทรียวัตถุในการปรับปรุงดินปลูกขึ้นฉาย = Using organic matter as soil amendment for celery
(Apium graveolens Linn.) growing. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2543. 136 หนา. (วพ
สุรศักดิ์ ประชันกาญจนา. การปรับปรุงอินทรียวัตถุในดินโดยใชหิ่งเหย = Soil organic matter improvement by using HingHey (Crotalaria straita). ขอนแกน : ภาควิชาทรัพยากรที่ดินและสิ่งแวดลอม มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2542. 20 หนา.
(ว 106584)
Organic matter in soil
Kongkiat Panprommin. Biodegradation of organic matter contaminated sediment from shrimp farming by Bacillus
subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 74 p. (T E20115)
Varangkana Klinsukol. Effects of organic matter, soluble salts and characteristics of ball clays on their rheological
and casting properties. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 210 p. (T E12781)
Organic molecular markers
Tanasri Sihabut. Sampling artifacts of particulate organic species and their effects on receptor modeling results.
Philadelphia : Drexel University, 2005. 99 p. (T E36572)
Organic molecules
Acharawan Rattana. The interfacial chemistry of small organic molecules on aluminium substrates. Surrey :
University of Surrey, 2003. 307 p. (T E22042)
Matinee Jamkratoke. Synthesis of 1,3-alternate calix [4]-cyclen-benzo-crown-6 and its complexation with metal
cations and organic molecules. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 82 p. (T E16725)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 159]
Organic pasture
Thumrongsakd Phonbumrung. Environmental modeling of organic pasture management for beef production.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2008. 161 p. (T E40392)
Organic pigments
Ratchanu Buhngachat. Comparative studies of blending techniques and dispersibility of organic pigments in
medium density polyethylene power. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 139 p. (T E22794)
Organic soils
พจนีย มอญเจริญ. ผลของทองแดงตอการลีบของเมล็ดขาวที่ปลูกในดินอินทรียที่ไดทําการปรับปรุงแลว = Effect of copper on
sterility of rice grains under reclaimed organic soils. กรุงเทพฯ : กรมพัฒนาที่ดิน, 2536. 44 หนา. (ว 91217)
Organic solvents
Adulyarit Adulyapichet. Preparation of acrylic polymer microspheres of dextromethorphan hydrobromide using the
emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 153 p. (T E17861)
Kittima Chatrewongwan. Microextraction of the phenol and some derivatives in water. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 1988. xxiv, 178 p. (T E6990)
Narote Ruangraweewat. Chemical constituents of Croton oblongifolius Roxb. stem bark from Amphoe Bhurua,
Loei province. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 107 p. (T E19079)
Nongluk Eksuwan. Effects of noise and organic solvent exposure on upper limit of hearing in male workers.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2003. 81 p. (T E21709)
Panomsak Chientachakul. Kinetics of synthesis and organic solvent absorption-desorption of styrenic imbiber
beads. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 127 p. (T E13487)
Parawee Tonto. Effect of organic solvents on crystal shape and ultraviolet absorption of zinc oxide synthesized via
solvothermal method. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2004. 133 p. (T E27768)
Pawinee Kanasawad. Enzyme catalysis in organic solvent : lipase-catalyzed alcoholysis of triolein. Chiang Mai :
Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, 1992. 15 p. (R E7568)
Ratchada Rattanamung. Adsorption of organic solvent vapors on various activated carbons using the
chromatographic technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 100 p. (T E12714)
Rungrawee Yingyuad. Effects of types of zeolites on adsorption of organic solvent vapors using the gas
chromatographic technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 98 p. (T E12194)
Satida Krailas. Solvent productivity improvement in acctone-butanol fermentation by two-stage continuous
system. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1994. xvi, 111 p. (T E7612)
Sununta Atsawasuwan. Organic solvent resistance of glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan film. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2001. 77 p. (T E20556)
Supaporn Munsaithong. Determination of adsorption of toluene and xylene vapors on activated carbon from corn
cob using the gas chromatographic technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 83 p. (T
Tippawan Tephassadinnaayuttaya. Desorption of mixed organic solvents from activated charcoal by DMSO/CS2
mixture. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 116 p. (T E17177)
Vorawan Norasucha. Determination of adsorption of toluene and acetone vapors on perlite and pumice volcanic
rocks using the chromatographic technique. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 92 p. (T E12849)
Wiraya Srisimarat. Improvement of oligosaccharide synthetic activity of beta-galactosidase in organic solvents by
using cyclodextrins. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2006. 94 p. (T E37909)
ภาวินี จารุวรรณ. ผลของตัวทําลายอินทรีย และปริมาณน้ําตอการทํางานของเอนไซมไลเปส จาก Candida cylindracea =
Effect of organic solvents and water content on activity of Candida cylindracea lipase. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาธนบุรี, 2540. 104 หนา. (วพ 98513)
Organic substances
วรรณวิภา อิฐรัตน. การปรับปรุงสูตรอาหารสําหรับเพาะเมล็ดและเลี้ยงแคลลัสกลวยไม ดวยการใชสารอินทรียเปนองคประกอบ
พื้นฐาน = Improving orchid culture media for seed germination and callus culture by using organic
substances as basic components. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2540. 110 หนา. (วพ 107259)
Organic synthesis
Poonsakdi Ploypradith. Nitroalkenes and their applications in organic synthesis and total synthesis of natural
products. Bangkok : Chulabhorn Research Institute, 2003. 1 vol (in various pagings). (R E21100)
Organic volatile
Pranom Khaowmek. Development of headspace method for analysis of organic volatile impurities and other
residual solvents in drug. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1995. 168 p. (T E9807)
Organic waste
Kittiya Limpiponpaiboon. Carrying capacity of Pak Phanang river on organic waste loading. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 120 p. (T E34936)
Organic wastes
Amara Amornkaew. Preliminary study on the conversion of high-organic solid waste from market to biomass profit
(In such of potential animal as rats and broilers) = การศึกษาเบื้องตนเพื่อการแปรรูปขยะอินทรียเปนชีวมวลใน
สัตวทดลอง. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1987. 2 microfiches (120 fr.). (T MF20428)
Ampan Pintukanok. Production disposal and treatment of organic wastes and potentials of utilization of organic
wastes in Thailand. Tokyo : University of Tokyo, 1989. 223 p. (T E6322)
Kanya Rujiranontapong. A study of the utilisation of scrap rubber dusts as fillers for seven different
thermoplastics. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 1994. 231 p. (T E8437)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 160]
Organic wastes (ตอ)
Kriskorn Yoo-A. Composting of organic wastes from wastewater treatment plant of instant noodle factory.
Bangkok : Kasetsart University, 2005. 94 p. (T E26644)
Mananya Nikroth. Isolation of bacteria capable of removing organic wastes in intensive shrimp farms. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 1999. 120 p. (T E13853)
Phot Parkpoom. Relationship between staphylococcus and aspergillus and respiratory symptoms among the
scavengers and Phra Kanong district officers. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 121 p. (T E18861)
Pipat Teerachark. Effect of compost utilization on landfill management of organic waste contaminated with lead.
Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2005. 109 p. (T E35082)
Sorasith Vacharotayan. Sustained soil fertility in tropical region as affected by organic waste materials. Bangkok :
Kasetsart University, 1988. 240 p. (R E11131)
Teerada Ruamchat. Catalytic supercritical water oxidation for organic laboratory waste treatment. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2007. 160 p. (T E40939)
Organic wastes as soil amendments
Maleewan Teppoolpon. Decomposition and accumulation of organic matter in Thai upland soils and their effects
on plant growth. Kyoto : University of Tokyo, 1991. 283 p. (T E8263)
Watanabe, Mitsuaki. Studies on the improvement of soil productivity through incorporation of organic matter into
upland soil of Thailand. [S.l.] : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1989. 1 vol. (R E9295)
Organic wastes--Degradation
Krispol Jaijongrak. Leachate recirculation shceme for enhancing degradation of organic waste. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 2003. 85 p. (T E23067)
Patummart Chewha. Impact of nickel and zinc on degradation of organic waste. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2003. 131 p. (T E23319)
Organic water pollutants
Rahman, Mowdudur. Determination of heavy metals in sediment and water from Nam Mae Kuang northern region
industrial estate Lamphun. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 93 p. (T E9256)
Vasina Noraphallop. The Analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in water by microextraction and high
performance liquid chromatographic techniques. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1990. xx, 178 p. (T
W. Yentongchai. Analysis of volatile organic priority pollutants in water by headspace technique. Bangkok :
Chulalongkorn University, 1994. 55 p. (R E8678)
Yupin Peetragorn. Assessment of water quality by means of phenolic compounds around Chiang Mai city. Chiang
Mai : Chiang Mai University, 1995. 113 p. (T E9266)
Organics molecues
Pratan Ruekmetha. Interactions of pyridinocalix[4]arene with cations and organic molecules by quantum chemical
calculations. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 2000. 93 p. (T E16818)
Adisak Suasaming. The development of a web-based internal management system for a small and medium sized
organization case study : the College of Sports Science and Technology, Mahidol University. Bangkok :
Mahidol University, 2001. 191 p. (T E17528)
Castillo, Gelia T.. A small organization with a large mission. Stockholm : International Foundation for Science,
1993. 110 p. (R E12235)
Korakoj Petburikul. The mipact of corporate re-branding on brand equity and firm performance. Bangkok :
Ramkhamhaeng University, 2008. 197 p. (T E40815)
Kowin Viwathpongpan. Health decentralization policy to local administrative organization : an alternative model
for Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 192 p. (T E38427)
Pranee Chitakornkijsil. "American managment style in Thailand". Bangkok : National Institute of Development
Administration[NIDA], 1998. 119 p. (R E19089)
Prapasri Thongtawepol. Impact of procurement deregulation on the Government Pharmaceutical Organization's
products and structure. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1997. 120 p. (T E12748)
Roong Sivaratana. Organizational restructuring of test engineering to cope with HGA manufacturing requriement
at Seagate Technology, Teparuk. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn University, 1998. 100 p. (T E14233)
Saengtong Pongjaroenkit. Genetic regulation and organization of delta class glutathione S-transferases from
Anopheles dirus species B. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 175 p. (T E17169)
Wanlada Varakantsiri. Readiness of business organization for human resource development by Web-based
training. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 146 p. (T E17069)
นฤบล กาญจนวิบูลย. การวางแผนกําลังคน : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณีระบบการวางแผนสืบทอดตําแหนงผูบริหารองคการ =
Manpower planning : case study of succession planning system in organization. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัย
รามคําแหง, 2541. 161 หนา. (วพ 99075)
อารีย เพ็ชรรัตน. การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการรับรูลักษณะวัฒนธรรมองคการ และความรูสึกผูกพันตอองคการ ในองคการธุรกิจ
ประกันภัยไทย อเมริกันและญี่ปุน = The comparison between perception of organizational culture and
organizational commitment in Thai, American and Japanese insurance business organization. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 221 หนา. (วพ 99631)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 161]
Organization attitude
ดวงแกว กอแกว. ความสัมพันธระหวางการบริหารงานแบบมีสวนรวม ความพึงพอใจในการปฏิบัติงานความผูกพันในองคการและ
เจตคติตอองคการ : กรณีศึกษา ธนาคารกรุงเทพ จํากัด (มหาชน) สาขาบางกะป = The relationship between
participative management, job satisfaction, organization commitment and organization attitude : a case
study of Bangkok Bank Public Co., Ltd. Bangkapi branch. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 232
หนา. (วพ 113351)
Organization climate
บุญสง เดนเทศ. ความสัมพันธระหวางพฤติกรรมผูนํากับบรรยากาศองคการในธุรกิจประกันชีวิต = The relationships between
leadership behaviors and the organization climate in life insurance industry. กรุงเทพฯ :
มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 136 หนา. (วพ 102316)
สุรีรัตน พรวัฒนกุล. พฤติกรรมเชิงจริยธรรมของพยาบาลวิชาชีพ ในโรงพยาบาลจังหวัดนนทบุรี (ตามพระราชบัญญัติวิชาชีพการ
พยาบาลและการผดุงครรภ พ.ศ.2528) = Profession nurse ethical behaviors in hospitals in Nonthaburi province
indication in Nursing and Midwifery Professional Act B.E.2528. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 144
หนา. (วพ 105616)
Organization commitment
Shoowas Leangpansagul. The impact of job satisfaction on organizational commitment : a case study of
employees at ABC Manufacturing Company. Bangkok : Thammasat University, 2007. 42 p. (R E38072)
Varaporn Seehom. Exemplary leadership of head nurses affecting job satisfaction and organizational commitment
of staff nurses in general hospitals in the northern of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 122 p.
(T E34205)
Organization development
นพรัตน ศุภกิจโกศล. การมีสวนรวมในการพัฒนาองคการของสมาชิกกองอาสารักษาดินแดน : ศึกษากรณีกองรอยอาสารักษา
ดินแดนจังหวัดพะเยา = The participation of the members of volunteer defense corps in organization
development : a case study of volunteer defense in Phayao province. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง,
2542. 222 หนา. (วพ 107971)
Organization effectiveness
Nantanch Rungrusamiwatanakul. Factors affecting the transformed state owned enterprises' effectiveness.
Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2006. 229 p. (T E38433)
Organization effectiveness evaluation
พิสณุ ฟองศรี. การพัฒนารูปแบบการประเมินประสิทธิผลขององคการภาครัฐเกี่ยวกับการศึกษาอาชีพนอกระบบโรงเรียน = A
development of the organization effectiveness evaluation model for non-formal vocational education of
government organizations. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2542. 359 หนา. (วพ 108982)
Organization of securitization management
อัญญรัตน บัวจีบ. องคกรกํากับดูแลการแปลงสินทรัพยเปนหลักทรัพยที่เหมาะสมในประเทศไทย = The organization of
securitization management in Thailand. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยรามคําแหง, 2541. 168 หนา. (วพ 100317)
Organization Royalty
คมสัน ชัยเจริญศิลป. ความจงรักภักดีตอองคการของเจาหนาที่ตํารวจ กองตํารวจปาไม = Organization loyalty of the
officers of the Forestry Police Division. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2542. 67 หนา. (วพ 104771)
Organization structure
Pranee Chitakornkijsil. "American managment style in Thailand". Bangkok : National Institute of Development
Administration[NIDA], 1998. 119 p. (R E19089)
Pornsawan Plungwech. Organizational climate and working satisfaction of the employees in Corporate
Development Department at the Telephone Organization of Thailand. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002.
96 p. (T E18051)
Organizational behavior
Chuchai Smithikrai. A cross-cultural study of organization characteristics in Thailand and the United States : the
culture-specific VS the contingency theses. Lincoln, Nebraska [U.S.A] : University of Nebraska, 1993. 153
p. (T E6092)
Veera Komalsinghskul. A study of service mindset of CRM installed companies. Pathum Thani : Shinawatra
University, 2007. 118 p. (T E38447)
Organizational capabilities
Sompong Hanvajanawong. The effects of institutional factors, organization capabilities, and perceived advantages
to the adoption of cleaner technology by manufacturing firms in Thailand. Bangkok : Chulalongkorn
University, 2001. 140 p.. (T E19677)
Organizational change
Duangporn Sarasalin. A study of management of Dhammakaya temple. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2002. 135
p. (T E20129)
Witchuda Suphabvanich. Potential for development to a learning organization (LO) : the Provincial Electricity
Authority Training Division (PEATD) case study. Bangkok : King Mongkut's University of Technology
Thonburi, 2004. 100 p. (R E26608)
ชูชีพ พุทธประเสริฐ. การพัฒนาองคการในโรงเรียนมัธยมศึกษา จังหวัดเชียงใหม = Organization development of
secondary schools in Chiang Mai province. เชียงใหม : คณะศึกษาศาสตร มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม, 2542. 67 หนา.
(ว 100654)
หองสมุดงานวิจยั ศูนยขอสนเทศการวิจัย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแหงชาติ
บรรณานุกรมรายงานวิจัยและวิทยานิพนธ 2552 Revision-00 เลมที่ 35
National park management - Reactive power [Electrical engineering] [หนา 162]
Organizational change (ตอ)
ธนวิทย ขําศรี. พัฒนาการแหงการจัดองคกรของอํานาจตุลาการของไทย ตั้งแตพุทธศักราช 2417 ถึง พุทธศักราช 2475 =
Development of Thai judicial organization B.E.2417 to 2475. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 237
หนา. (วพ 100479)
Organizational chimate
วุฒิพงศ เมฆสกุล. ความสัมพันธระหวางบรรยากาศขององคการและความพึงพอใจในการทํางานของขาราชการสํานักงบประมาณ
= The relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction of civil servant of Bureau of the
Budget. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2543. 153 หนา. (วพ 113121)
Organizational citizenship behavior
Warunee Dityen. Organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction of the personnel at Faculty of Medicine,
Ramathibodi hospital. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005. 86 p. (T E33646)
Organizational Climate
Chanathorn Tubporn. Factors affecting the learning organization characteristics of Dramatic Arts College. Bangkok
: Mahidol University, 2004. 146 p. (T E23776)
Organizational climate
Amphan Chumpho. Factors related to the perception of organizational climate of police officers in the Police Cadet
Academy. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 129 p. (T E17452)
Boonchob Sarataphun. Effect of personality types, job satisfaction and teachers' perception of leadership
behaviour on organizational climate of secondary schools in Thailand. Chandigarh : Panjab University,
1999. 27 p. (T E16176)
Jiranun Ponmafuang. Perceived occupational health hazards, organizational climate, and turnover intention
among nurses : a case study in a hospital under the Thai Red Cross. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
113 p. (T E33858)
Liu, Ying. Nursing competency and organizational climate as perceived by registered nurses in Affiliated
Zhongshan hospital People's Republic of China. Chiang Mai : Chiang Mai University, 2006. 98 p. (T
Natthakun Hnujak. Leadership, organizational climate, job empowerment, and service quality management of
head nurses in regional and ceneral hospitals in the central region. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2005.
192 p. (T E28938)
Nopparat Morsup. Transformational leadership characteristics of chiefs of health centers affecting organizational
climate of health centers in Ratchaburi province. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2006. 155 p. (T E34421)
Wasantha Rajapakshe. Relationship between perceived climate of private universities in Thailand and academics
job performance and organizational commitment. Bangkok : [s.n.], 2006. 54 p. (R E34654)
Wasna Racha-intra. Organizational climate and institutional performance of Bangkok public secondary schools.
Manila : Technological University of the Philippines, 1992. xiii, 218 p. (T E6054)
กรวิกา พรมจวง. ความสัมพันธระหวางแบบของผูนํา สภาพแวดลอมในการทํางาน ขนาดขององคการกับบรรยากาศองคการของ
วิทยาลัยพยาบาล สังกัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข = Relationships between leadership style, work environment, and
size of the organization with organizational climate of Nursing Colleges under the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of Public Health. กรุงเทพฯ : จุฬาลงกรณมหาวิทยาลัย, 2541. 169 หนา. (วพ 101447)
จงกล พลตรี. พฤติกรรมการสนับสนุนของผูบริหารกับบรรยากาศความคิดสรางสรรคในองคการภาครัฐและภาคเอกชน จังหวัด
ขอนแกน. ขอนแกน : มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 250 หนา. (วพ 93323)
จุฑารัตน สุคันธรัตน. การรับรูบรรยากาศองคการ และความเครียดของบุคลากรในโรงพยาบาลตากสิน = Perceptions of
organizational climate and stress of personnel in Taksin hospital. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541.
150 หนา. (วพ 102387)
ชัยณรงค แกวอยู. บรรยากาศองคการกับการมีสวนรวมในการบริหารงาน : ศึกษาเฉพาะกรณี ขาราชการตํารวจ กองทะเบียนพล
กรมตํารวจ = Organizational climate and participation in management : a case study of Personnel Division
of the Royal Thai Police. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2541. 164 หนา. (วพ 103557)
นุชกร จันทรแปลง. ความสัมพันธระหวางการรับรูบรรยากาศองคการกับความพึงพอใจในงานของพนักงานบริษัท ซิว-เนชั่นแนล
จํากัด = The relationship between organizational climate perception and job satisfaction of workers in
Siew-National Co., Ltd. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร, 2542. 118 หนา. (วพ 102733)
พะวงพิศ วัฒนกิจ. ความสัมพันธระหวางบรรยากาศองคการของหองสมุดโรงเรียนกับโอกาสในการใชความคิดริเริ่มสรางสรรค
มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแกน, 2541. 74 หนา. (ว 94649)
เพชรรัตน สุวรรณธนานนท. บรรยากาศองคการของกลุมงานเวชกรรมสังคมในโรงพยาบาลทั่วไปและโรงพยาบาลศูนย = The
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Organizational clinate
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Organizational commitment
Dhira J. Ramdeja. Organizational commitment of Thai university instructors : a study of public and private
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Pattaya Pongsettakul. Job satisfaction and organization commitment among professional physicians working in
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Pimchanok Phengnaren. Factors related to the organization commitment of automobile company employees.
Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2004. 118 p. (T E24127)
Pureeka Piromraj. Ralationship between working environments, job stress, and organizational commitment.
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Sakda Siriphattrasophon. Public enterprise reform and organizational commitment : a comparative study on the
public energy enterprises in Thailand. Bangkok : National Institute of Development Administration, 2008.
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Sawalak Rumpoipol. The organizational commitment of staff in Maharaj Nakhonratchasima hospital. Bangkok :
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อุทิศ เตชะพฤติ. การศึกษาความสัมพันธระหวางจุดหมายในอาชีพ และความผูกพันตอองคการ ของพนักงานระดับปฏิบัติการใน
องคการภาครัฐ และเอกชน. กรุงเทพฯ : มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร, 2541. 97 หนา. (วพ 99183)
Organizational conmitment
Somkid Kaewprasit. Comparing the organizational commitments of managers a