AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Notice Inviting Tender (Global) Tender No: (CNS-P)/07/2013-14 Tenders are invited by Executive Director (CNS-Planning) on behalf of Chairman, Airports Authority of India (AAI) for SITCM of CRITICAL OPERATIONS POWER SYSTEM (COPS) for Area Control Center, Tower Base Building & Tower Buildings of IGI Airport, New Delhi at an estimated cost of Rs. 25.00 Crore. Last date of submission of tender is 27th March 2014. ------------------------------------------------------------------For other details please visit our Website, e-Tender No. :- 1000003550 Executive Director, (CNS-Planning) Global Notice Inviting Tender Tenders are invited by Executive Director (CNS-Planning) on behalf of Chairman, Airports Authority of India (AAI) from the eligible bidders for the works as detailed below. 1. Details of works :Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance (SITCM) of Critical Operations Power System (COPS) for Area Control Centre (ACC), Tower Base Building (TBB) and Tower Building (TWR) of IGI Airport, New Delhi 2. Estimated Cost :INR 25.00 Crore 3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) :INR 50 Lakh or :USD 80684 4. Eligibility Criteria : 4.1 The bidder shall be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or its authorized representative (AR) or System Integrator (SI). 4.1.1 In the case of SI or authorized representative of OEM, credentials (financial turnover & experience as mentioned below) of bidder only will be considered for evaluating eligibility criteria. 4.1.2 In case of authorized representative, current authorization from OEM authorizing the bidder as its authorized representative shall be submitted. 4.1.3 In case of OEM, Proof of being Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) shall be submitted. Copy of company registration certificate as OEM with details of product line shall be submitted excluding commercially-off-the-shelf (COTS) items. AR & SI shall also provide OEM Registration certificate for the product offered excluding COTS items. 4.1.4 In case of SI, authorization of OEM(s) firms for the product for the current tender shall be submitted. 4.1.5 Bidder shall obtain certificate/undertaking from the respective OEM(s) to ensure availability of spares component for entire life of the item (estimated to be 10 years). 4.1.6 Bidder shall submit an undertaking stating that its firm or its partners or its directors have not been black listed and no case or complaint is pending against its firm or its partners regarding irregularities, in India or abroad, by any global international body like World Bank/International Monetary Fund/ World health Organization etc.. or any Indian State/Central Government Departments or Public Sector Undertaking of India. 4.1.7 System Integrator firm is one who sources sub-systems from one or more OEM(s) and integrates the same with its own indigenously manufactured/developed subsystems having direct system application, to supply fully functional system as per prescribed specifications. Besides authorization of each OEM declaring the bidder as system integrator for its product, detailed and valid agreement should exist between System Integrator and the OEM(s) defining clearly the role, responsibility, scope of work and contribution towards the tendered Equipment/System for each of them. 4.2 Annualized average financial turnover: Bidder should have annualized average financial turnover of at least INR 7.5 Crore or equivalent during last three financial years, ending 31st March or 31st December of previous year, as per practice prevailing in the country of the firm. As a proof of financial turnover, copy of abridged Balance Sheet along with Profit & Loss account of the firm (bidder) for last three years should be submitted. 4.3 Experience: The bidder (as defined in para 4.1) should have successfully executed orders for SITC of UPS of capacity 100 KVA or above and associated electrical and IT equipment, in line with any one of the following criteria either value criteria a1, a2, a3 or the quantity criteria b1, b2, b3 during last seven years. a. Value criteria: a1. One order of value more than or equivalent to INR. 20 Crores Or a2. Two orders each of value more than or equivalent to INR 12.50 Crores Or a3. Three orders each of value more than or equivalent to INR 10 Crores OR Quantity criteria: b1. One order of UPS of minimum total capacity 1500 KVA, consisting of minimum 100 KVA UPSs. Or b2. Two separate orders of UPS each of minimum total capacity 900 KVA, consisting of minimum 100 KVA UPSs. Or b3 Three separate orders of UPS each consisting of minimum total capacity 800 KVA ,consisting of minimum 100 KVA UPSs. 4.4 Performance/Experience Certificate: 4.4.1 Bidder must submit performance/experience certificate in respect of the works claimed against experience as mentioned under Para 4.3. These certificates should be issued by the end user agencies for whom the works have been carried out and endorsed by the bidder. Such performance /experience certificates shall clearly indicate the following: i. Value of order or contract, ii. Scope of order or contract, iii. Order or Contract No., Award date iv. Order or Contract Completion date. v. That the supplied & installed systems have performed satisfactorily after commissioning. 4.4.2 The scope of works in respect of works claimed against Para 4.3 above, should be substantiated by submission of appropriate documentation such as relevant portion of the contract. 4.5 The bidder (in case of Indian bidder only and foreign registered firm having permanent establishment) should have valid PAN/VAT/Sales Tax/Service Tax registration. 4.6 Overseas bidder shall submit the Permanent Account Number (PAN) within 30 days of award of contract. 4.7 Date of publishing of NIT in AAI E-Portal will be taken as reference for assessing the eligibility criteria. 4.8 The tender for the offered system cannot be submitted both by the OEM and its authorized representative. In such case, the application of OEM alone will be considered and the tender of the authorized representative will be rejected. 4.9 The bidder as System Integrator can participate on behalf of only one set of OEM. 4.10 The bidder as authorized representative can participate on behalf of only one OEM. 4.11 An agent of the foreign firms can submit tender document on behalf of their Principal/OEM/, on submission of authorization certificate. However, tender document shall be digitally signed/ signed only by the Principal/OEM/ & not by the agent. 4.12 Foreign Firms shall enclose all details of their Indian agents/Firms/Representatives details. 4.13 No bidder firm or its subsidiary firm or its parent firm shall be allowed to submit alternate bids. Such bids shall be summarily rejected. Bidder firm shall submit an undertaking stating the same. 4.14 The bidder firm shall possess the required tools, plants, skilled manpower, etc. required for execution of the subject scope of work in the tender. 4.15 Any firm who wishes to sublet or outsource to any third party then it shall bring to notice of AAI in submittals to this bid itself. AAI may or may not agree or accept such intentions /proposals of outsourcing or subletting of scope of work in the tender. 4.16 Bidder firm shall also submit an undertaking that if any portion of the work is outsourced or subcontracted then it shall accept all AAI objections within the scope of work or shall change/replace subcontractor if required by AAI and shall undertake work itself without any compensation. 5 Concessions to the bidders registered with NSIC, shall be applicable as per the directives of Govt. of India. 6 Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the directives of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance. 7. The tender processing fee shall be Rs. 2, 500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Rupees only) and will be non-refundable. Tenderer processing fee shall be paid to AAI, online after registration. Bidders shall be allowed to register, login to AAI’s eProcurement portal and download tender document, free of cost. However bidders shall be allowed to submit their bids only after paying Tender Processing fee on-line through HDFC bank payment gateway. 8. E- Tendering 8.1 On-line E-Tendering: For all AAI tenders hosted on AAI e-procurement site, PQQ, Technical Bids and Financial Bid shall be submitted on-line only. However, documents which have to be submitted in originals like EMD and any other documents mentioned in the tender documents have to be submitted offline as advised in this tender document. Scanned copy of EMD to be submitted in original shall be uploaded along with PQQ document. 8.2 Bidder’s training support system: Detailed information in this regard have been provided to the bidders at AAI’s e-Procurement Portal under the Self Help Tab. Training support system for registered bidders is given inside the portal and visible to the registered bidders only. 8.3. For any technical assistance, bidders may contact as mentioned below: i) ii) Mr A.K .Sharma, Jt.GM (IT), AAI Telephone number: 011-24647596 (Direct), EPBAX no. 011-24632950, 3506 Mobile no. : 09868572601 E-mailId:,, Bidders shall contact IT Dept of AAI, Safdurjung Airport, New Delhi well in advance for any clarification regarding E-Tender procedure and requirements. 9. Tender document 9.1. The tender document consists of three sections. The bidder shall go through all these sections (Section A- General Information Guidelines; Section B- Terms & Conditions; Section C- Technical & Operational requirements) of the tender document and shall comply with each clause of all the three sections. 9.2. Bidders willing to participate may download the digitally signed tender document online from AAI’s e-Procurement portal at and submit digitally counter signed tender document on-line at the same portal. 9.3. The instructions in the tender document are binding on the bidder and submission of the tender shall imply unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions by the bidder. Schedule of Important Activities Date & Time Date of pre-bid conference 10th March, 2014, 1000Hrs Last Date for bidders’ queries to AAI 12th March, 2014 Last Date for response to bidders’ queries by AAI 20th March, 2014 Last Date for download of tender document 26th March 2014 1000 hrs Last Date for submission of PQQ, Technical and 27th March, 2014, 1430 hrs Price bids Date of opening of pre-qualification bid 03rd April, 2014, 1500 hrs Opening of Technical bids Opening of Price bids Will be notified Will be notified Bidder may upload tender on AAI E-Portal well in advance i.e 24 hrs before scheduled closing time of bid submission to avoid last minute hassles. For pre-bid conference, the bidders may contact O/o ED (CNS-P), AAI, CHQ, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi, India, as per above schedule (1000 hours on 1003-2014). Bidder may carry out site survey before pre-bid meeting. 9.4 Date of acceptance and opening of tender can be extended on sole discretion of Executive Director (CNS-P). 10. Amendment to Tender document 10.1 At any time, prior to scheduled date of submission of bids, AAI if it deems appropriate to revise any part of this tender or to issue additional data to clarify and interpretation of provisions of this tender, it may issue addendum / corrigendum to this tender. Any such addendum / corrigendum shall be deemed to be incorporated by this reference into this tender and binding on the bidders. Addendum / corrigendum will be notified through AAI’s e-Procurement portal at 11. Clarifications of Bid Documents 11.1 Bidder, requiring any clarification of the tender Document, may submit their clarifications, if any, through provision of AAI’s e-Procurement Portal at Request for clarifications received from bidders shall be responded by AAI till the scheduled date and time indicated in para.9.3 above or as extended thereto by AAI. Replies to Clarifications by AAI will be uploaded through AAI’s e-Procurement Portal. The bidders are advised to visit AAI’s e-Procurement portal at regularly. • Clarifications regarding tender, if any issued by AAI, shall be treated as part of tender document. • AAI makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response, nor does AAI undertake to answer all the queries that have been posted by the Bidders. • In order to provide reasonable time to bidders to take the amendments into account for preparing their bids, AAI may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids suitably if required. 12. Each Bid shall accompany the earnest money deposit, in the form of :- 12.1 Demand Draft /Pay Order in INR 50 Lakh or USD 80684 in favor of “Airports Authority of India” payable at New Delhi from a Nationalized / Scheduled bank. OR 12.2 “EMD Bank Guarantee” from a Nationalized/Scheduled Bank (as per RBI Schedule) having office in India, in the prescribed Performa as per Annexure VI. 12.3 Authorized Partners/agents/representatives in India of foreign bidder firm can also submit EMD in Indian Rupees / US Dollars on behalf of their Foreign Principal bidders. 12.4 Hard copy of EMD shall be submitted in person or by post to the office of Executive Director (CNS-P), R. G. Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003 and must be received before opening of the PQQ bid without which the tender shall be summarily rejected. Scanned copy of Bank Guarantee or Demand Draft towards EMD shall be uploaded along with “PQQ” documents. 13. EMD Bank Guarantee: a. EMD Bank Guarantee (BG) shall be valid for a period of six months from the notified date of opening of the tender without any conditions by the bidder. In case of any extension of tender opening date, bidder shall arrange to extend validity of such EMD Bank Guarantee, suitably, within two weeks. b. Bidder shall provide name, designation, address, Fax & phone of the bank issuing BG for confirmation purpose. c. Bidder firm shall not change or alter or modify, in any way, the language /contents of Annexure V (Performa for submitting Eligibility requirements and Undertaking) & Annexure VI (EMD Bank Guarantee). d. Any bid submitted with changed or altered or modified language /contents of the said Annexure IV, V & VI then the Bid of the firm may be liable to be rejected. e. No interest or any other expenses, whatsoever, shall be payable by AAI on the EMD in any manner. f. Generally EMD in form of DD/Pay order in USD shall be en-cashed by AAI after converting it in to equivalent INR at the conversion rate applicable on the date of en-cashing the EMD. g. AAI is liable to return EMD amount in INR or in USD or in any currency equivalent to the amount submitted by bidders. h. All bank/conversion charges shall be to bidder’s account. i. Bidders shall provide to AAI requisite Bank Account details for return of EMD. j. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidder shall be returned, on award of contract to successful bidder and EMD of bidder who are not qualified in initial eligibility requirement or Technical qualification, EMD shall be refunded after Prequalification/Technical evaluation. k. If any successful shortlisted bidder, due any unsatisfactory reason in view of AAI, does not want to further participate in the tender then EMD in any form of such bidders shall be enchased and forfeited. l. 14. If due some reason AAI cancels this tender then EMD of all bidders without any interest shall be returned back. Composition of Bids and General Guidelines for bid process 14.1 Bidders shall up-load/submit their bids as per scheduled date & time through AAI’s e-Procurement portal at only. AAI’s e-Procurement system shall not allow bidders to submit their tender, after the scheduled date & time. Bidders shall submit tender before the deadline specified in Para.9.3 of this tender document. The Technical bids and the Financial bids will be opened online by AAI at the time and date to be notified by AAI to qualified bidders. All the Statements, documents, certificates etc., uploaded by the bidders shall be downloaded and verified for PQQ, technical evaluation and price bid evaluation. The clarifications, particulars, if any, required from the bidders, will be obtained through query provision available in AAI’s e-Procurement portal. The result of Technical bid & Financial bid evaluations shall be displayed on AAI’s e-Procurement portal and shall be visible to all the bidders who participated in this Tender. 15. On-line E-Tendering General Guidelines i. ii. System shall not permit upload of bids after the scheduled time of submission. The bidder may correct, modify or withdraw his bid after submission but prior to scheduled last date & time of submission of Technical and Price bids. iii. Subject to Clause “ii” above, no bid shall be modified subsequent to the schedule time of submission of bids. iv. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids AAI may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for the clarification / confirmation of compliance of its bid. The request for clarification / confirmation of compliance and the response shall be through query provision available in AAI E-Tendering portal. v. Bidders may submit their response to AAI queries through provision of AAI ETendering Portal Only vi. No post bid clarification / confirmation of compliance at the initiative of the bidder shall be entertained. vii. Bidder should not upload the file capacity of more than 10 MB in one file. Large file should split into smaller one not exceeding 10 MB for uploading. viii. The bid uploaded on AAI E-Tender portal will only be considered for evaluation. ix. No hard copy of the bid shall be entertained except EMD, as mentioned in tender document. 16. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons. AAI reserves the right to call-off process of short-listing of bidders at any stage without assigning any reason. 17. AAI shall not be responsible if bidder fails to upload the Tender in time. Executive Director, (CNS-Planning)