Radio Transmitters and Receivers


Texas Woman's University

University Policy Manual

Policy Name:

Policy Number:

Date Passed:

Date Reviewed:

Next Review:

Signed By:

Radio Transmitters/Receivers


December 1981

March 2012

March 2015

Chancellor and President

The use of Guinn Hall and Stark Hall on the Texas Woman’s University campus for radio transmitter or receiver devices will be limited to city, county, or state agencies and to organizations or entities that provide a public service.

All such units or devices shall be properly tagged to reflect full and current information as to ownership, frequency, use, and the names and addresses of any other entities or persons authorized to utilize the equipment. The owner and each non-university person servicing such equipment shall provide the University with a written statement, signed by an authorized representative, which would provide that the University is not liable for damages to the equipment from any source or to anyone servicing the equipment for any reason.

The transmitting or receiving facilities must not interfere with other two-way radio communications or radio or television reception and must be in compliance with all regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Aeronautical



The Vice President for Finance and Administration will review this Policy with recommendations forwarded through normal administrative channels to the Chancellor and

