Characterization of Nonconductive Polymer Materials Using FESEM Y.D. Yu*, M.P. Raanes and J. Hjelen Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway *corresponding author, One of the most challenging SEM characterization areas at our Electron Microscopy Lab [1] is currently found for characterizing nonconductive nano materials, especially for increasing demands from nano polymer research. This article gives an overview of using our Zeiss Ultra 55 and Supra 55VP SEMs for characterization of un-coated nonconductive materials. For conventional SEM imaging of nonconductive materials, specimens need to be coated for preventing the accumulation of electrostatic charge. However for porous nano-composite polymer [2], sputter coating would potentially have the impact on SEM imaging of the nanoenhanced particles. Fig. 1 shows a variable pressure (VP) SEM micrograph of the nano particle enhanced polymer from Zeiss Supra SEM. The SEM chamber gas pressure was carefully controlled to 8 Pa for achieving beam charge stabilization, and also for stabilizing the porous polymer by reducing shirking under electron irradiation. VPSEM resolution is strongly limited by the complicated beamspecimen interactions, and only the VPSE detector is available for SE imaging. To get higher resolution low voltage SE imaging is applied for the relative condensed polymer-particle characterization [3]. In low voltage mode by controlling the electron landing energy, a dynamic charge balance can be built for the incoming and outgoing electrons on the sample surface. At 1 kV, SE1 raises rapidly from a small interactive volume with a narrow angular distribution. Together with using collecting-efficient through-the-lens (In-lens for Zeiss) detector, the resolution at low voltage mode could reach at the nanometer level [4]. Fig. 2 shows a SEM micrograph of the polymer particles from Zeiss Ultra In-lens detector at 3 kV with a working distance (WD) of 3 mm, where the artifacts were caused from slightly over charging. As decreasing down to 1 kV and WD to 1 mm, the dynamic charge balance was nearly reached as shown in Fig. 3, which is the enlargement of the white rectangular region in Fig. 2. The horizontal streaks on the particles in Fig. 3 were also caused by tiny over charging from 1 kV incident beam, which could be fully removed by further decreasing to 0.5 kV as shown in Fig. 4. All of these micrographs were recorded by using a 10 μm in diameter aperture to limit beam divergence, which gives benefits to reduce both the beam spherical and chromatic aberrations, and further increasing depth of field at such a short WD. By using this optimized setting with the detailed surface information, a series of nanoindentation tests were carried out for understanding particle nano-mechanics [3]. Compositional characterization can also be performed at this low voltage mode by using the Zeiss EsB detector [5] through filtering potential control for collecting only low-loss BSE signals. The initial test result is shown in Fig. 5 with metallic coating, and the low-los BSE indicates coating segregation to the triple junction with the filtering grid of 330 eV. References [1] Y.D. Yu et al., Proc. the 14th EMC, ISBN 978-3-540-85225-4. (s. vol.2) (2008) 513. [2] L. Shao, PhD Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 2008. [3] J. Y. He et al., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42 (2009) 085405. [4] D.C. Joy and C.S. Joy, Micron, 27 (1996) 247. [5] K.W.Kim and H. Jaksch, Micron, 40 (2009) 724. The 17th International Microscopy Congress, International Federation of Societies for Microscopy, Rio de Janeiro, 19. 09. 2010 - 24. 09. 2010 Printer-friendly version Home M-11 Polymers, Molecular Crystals and Radiation-sensitive Materials General Information Scientific Program Symposia Plenary Lectures Presidential Symposium General Schedule Symposia Overview Pre-Congress IFSM School Satellite Events Call for Papers / Abstract Submission Accepted Abstracts Registration Micrograph Competition Presentation Guidelines Scholarships Exhibition Conference Venue Rio de Janeiro Materials Science and Nanotechnology Soft materials, including synthetic polymers, biological materials, and combinations of the two, can be structured over a broad range o f length scales, an d this structure c an be studied by a variety of imaging methods such as electron, X-ray, scanned-probe, and optical microscopies. Quantifying soft-materials structure, particularly at nano length scales, remains a challenge, however. Traditional methods of electron microscopy employ heavy element stains to generate Z-contrast. These have played a key role in structure-property studies for de cades and continue to do so in problems involving, for example, polymer blends, copolymers, and various types o f composite materials. I mportant alternative stain-free methods continue to emerge. Phase contrast imaging, originally rooted in defocus techniques, is seeing renewed impact at higher r esolution u sing e ither h olography o r one o f s everal new phase-plate approaches. D ifferential i nelastic scattering between often similar soft-materials components can also be assessed spectroscopically. Energy filtering and spectrum imaging, for example, have been increasingly used to solve soft-materials morphology problems and can be implemented with nanoscale resolution using electrons or X-rays. These alternative approaches have also enabled new experiments involving hydration/solvation using cryo or wet-cell techniques. At the same time, however, the new instrumentation and new techniques available to the soft-materials community has brought into increasingly clear perspective the fundamental limitations on the achievable dose-limited resolution when using energetic ionizing radiation to probe soft materials. Given the advances over the past decade in efficient detector technologies and rapid data-acquisition methods, these limitations increasingly center on the question of how to extract meaningful information from datasets that are inherently noisy due to the finite exposure many radiation-sensitive materials can withstand. This s ymposium will c oncentrate o n th e e merging n ew methods to microscopically study so ft-materials m orphology, n ew m orphologies e nabled b y h ierarchically st ructured soft materials, and new approaches to f urther enhance the achievable spatial resolution associated with dose-limited imaging of radiation-sensitive materials. Chairpersons: Matthew R. Libera Stevens Institute of Tecnology Hoboken, NJ, USA Caribay Urbina U. Central de Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela Invited Speakers: - Ray Egerton, University of Alberta, Canada - Fernando Galembeck, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Accomodation Travel Information Latest News Sponsors Social Events M11 &KDUDFWHUL]DWLRQRI1RQFRQGXFWLYH3RO\PHU0DWHULDOV8VLQJ)(6(0 <LQJGD<X0RUWHQ3HGHU5DDQHVDQG-DUOH+MHOHQ 7\SHRISUHVHQWDWLRQ2UDO Tourist Information 'D\RISUHVHQWDWLRQ7LPHRISUHVHQWDWLRQ Enquiries/Contact 5RRP6HJyYLD,,,3UHVHQWDWLRQFRGH0