Schematic Diagram Symbols • Wires Wires are connected with a dot at the junction. Wires that are not connected simply cross without a connection dot. If wires form a cross at their connection, it is better to stagger them forming ”t” junctions so that the connection is clear even if the connection dot is not. S S? 1 wires crossing but not connected preferred, to prevent ambiguity wires connected at center point 1 2 pushbutton switch archaic − don’t use n. single pole normally c S? v3.3 Figure 1: Wires earth ground • Power and v5.0 1 signal ground 2 pushbutton 1 switch R? power supply power supply connection connection Groundwires Symbols preferred, to crossing but wires connected to +5 volts to +3.3 volts prevent ambiguity not connected at center point archaic − don’t use 10k 10K Variable res called a pote Resistor v3.3 D? Z? earth ground D? 2 v5.0 D? signal ground R? power supply power supply connection connection to +5 volts to +3.3 volts 5.6V 1N5711 FigureLight 2: Power Symbols Emitting and DiodeGround (LED) Zener diode, Usually has Schottky diode rated voltage shown 1N4148 10k Standard Diode Resistor There are several symbols usedZ? for ground. Some conventions distinguish signal D? D?earth ground,D? ground, and chassis ground. However, these are often used interchangeably. Many different C? upon the country C? power symbols are of origin. The actual supply voltage C? also seen depending usually indicated. 5.6V 1N4148 1N5711 I? 1uFhas Light Emitting Diode (LED) Zener diode, Usually 1mA Schottky diode Standard Diode • Switches 100pf 0.1uF rated voltage shown polarized electrolytic capacitor kindsoroftantalum switches seen variable capacitor There are many different C? C? M? M preferred, to event ambiguity archaic − don’t use Motor S? B? 1 100pf 2 3V S? TP? 1uF n.c. Independent Current Source Most will resemble these samples. C? C S? n.o. netname 1 0.1uF 2 1 2 non−polarized polarized electrolytic variable capacitor capacitor or tantalum capacitor pushbutton single pole single throw single pole single throw Battery Test Point Connector switch normally closed switch normally open switch M R? power supply connection to +5 volts Motor 10k Resistor D? Independent Vo C Q? I? B Q? 1mA 2N4403 Independent Current E E Source Photo transistor M? v5.0 D? non−polarized capacitor in schematics. PNP transistor C TP? B? Figure 3: Switches 3V 2 R? 1 3 1 Battery Test Point C Q? netname B 2 R? E E Connector Photo transistor 10K Variable resistor, also called a potentiometer In 10k Photo resistor, its value is nominal and varies with light PNP tran S? S? 1 • Resistors 1 2 pushbutton preferred, to event ambiguity S? n.c. 1 2 single pole single throw n.o. 2 single pole single throw Resistors typically do notswitch have a rated wattage shown. In most schematics, the resistors are all of normally closed switch normally open switch archaic − don’t use the same wattage and this will be stated somewhere on the schematic. v5.0 2 R? power supply connection to +5 volts 1 10k Variable resistor, also called a potentiometer 1N5711 Schottky diode preferred, to prevent ambiguity wires connected at center point v3.3 Standard Diode earth ground 1 2 pushbutton switch archaic − don’t use Figure 4: Resistors 1N4148 • Diodes 1 Photo resistor, its value is nominal and varies with light D? wires crossing but not connected S? S? 10K Resistor ED) 3 10k D? R? R? 0.1uF n−polarized apacitor 3 v5.0 Inductor V? D? 10V Independent Current Source netname Connector Photo transistor Q? 2N4403 B E 1N5711 variable capacitor E C? Schottky diode Q? 2N4401 Figure 5: EC? Diodes 10K 1N4148 Q? Standard Diode Q? PNP transistor NPN transistor N−channel MOSFET 0.1uF polarized electrolytic or tantalum capacitor non−polarized capacitor BS250 P−channel MOSFET I? 1mA Independent Current Source C TP? B? 3V Q? netname Independent Voltage Q? 2N4403 B TITLE Battery FILE: Connector Test Point PAGE 2 V? 10V C E Motor 3 D? 2N7000 M? M 1 B 1uF 100pf R? Independent Voltage Source 5.6V Q? 2 Variable resistor called a potentio Resistor Transformer D? Light Emitting Diode (LED) C C Zener diode, Usually has C rated voltage shown C? single pole sing normally closed signal ground I? 1mA Z? 2 T? 1 R? power supply L? power supply There are many types of diodes. Hereconnection are a few of the most common. Zener diodes will often have connection 2 4 +5 volts to +3.3 volts both a part number and the rated voltage to aid in to understanding 4.7uHthe circuit operation. 10k C? n.c. B E REVISION: Photo transistor OF PNP transistor DRAWN BY: NPN switch normally closed switch 1 10k Resistor R? R? 2 R? normally open switch 3 • Inductors and Transformers 10K Transformers oftenalso will have a small Variable resistor, 10k dot placed at one end of its windings. These are phasing dots Photo resistor, its valuepolarity is called a potentiometer which indicate the instantaneous voltage at each of the ”dotted” ends of the windings is nominal and varies with light the same. T? wires connected 1 at center point wires crossing but not connected 48 Diode v3.3 L? earth ground signal ground t Current Source C B v3.3 R? power supply 4 connection to +5 volts 10k S? S? n.c. Figure 1 6: Inductors 1 2 2 D? Z? D? 1 n.o. Resistor 2 D? pushbutton single pole single throw single pole single throw C preferred, to switch normallyQ? closed switch normally open switch archaic − don’t use Q? 5.6V 1N4148 1N5711 prevent ambiguity B Light Emitting Diode (LED) Q? Q? Zener Capacitors will sometimes have a voltage diode, Usually haslisted if it is critical. Often, all the capacitors on a Schottky diode Standard Diode 2N4403 will have 2N4401 schematic the same voltage rated voltage rating. shown If so, this will be stated somewhere on the schematic. 2N7000 BS250 v5.0 E E • Capacitors d power supply power supply transistor PNP transistor NPN transistor connection connection to +5 volts to +3.3 volts D? R? 2 R? MOSFET C? P−channel C? 1 3 R? N−channel MOSFET C? 10k 1uF 10K Variable resistor, also Resistor 0.1uF called non−polarized polarized electrolytic a potentiometer 100pf D? variable capacitor D? or tantalum capacitor capacitor Figure 7: Capacitors M? 1N4148 Light Emitting Diode (LED) TP? TITLE B? M Schottky diode Standard Diode • Independent Sources 3V FILE: I? 1mA 10k Photo resistor, its value is Independent nominal and varies with light Current Source C? OF Battery Test Point I? 1mA 0.1uF non−polarized capacitor Q? netname E Test Point Connector Photo transistor C B 2 REVISION: DRAWN BY: Connector L? E E 2 Photo transistor Inductor PNP tran Transformer Independent Voltage Source C C Figure 8: Independent Sources TP? Q? netname V? 10V Independent Current Source In 1 4.7uH 1uF rized electrolytic ntalum capacitor ttery PAGE Motor T? C 1N5711 C? 2 pushbutton switch archaic − don’t use S? Independent Voltage Source C es connected center Q? point E Inductor V? 10V 1 v5.0 power supply 2 connection Transformer to +3.3 volts 4.7uH I? 1mA preferred, to 3 prevent ambiguity S? Q? 2N4403 B E 3 transistor PNP C Q? Q? Q? 2N4401 B E NPN transistor 2N7000 N−channel MOSFET BS2 P−channel MOS L? ? C? 2 R? 1 I? 1mA 0.1uF • Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT’s) 10k 10K non−polarized electrolytic Independent Current Variable resistor, also 10k Source capacitor m capacitor Resistor 1uF Test Point S? C Q? T? 2N4403 1 B wires crossing but E not connected Connector B Q? 2N4401 3 preferred, to E prevent ambiguity wires connected E at center point • Metal nt Current Source PNP transistor NPN transistor v3.3 v5.0 2 4 4.7uH earth groundFigure signal 9:ground Bipolar power Junction Transistors power supply supply Inductor Transformerconnection connection V? 10V to +5 volts to +3.3 volts Oxide Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET’S) C Q? E transistor P−channel MOSFET N−channel MOSFET R? 10k E B D? D? D? TITLE Q? Q? FILE: Q? 5.6V 1N5711 Light Emitting Diode (LED) 2N4401 PAGE Zener diode, Usually has Schottky diode 2N7000 BS250 E rated voltage shown PNP transistor V c Resistor C Q? 2N4403 B 2 Q? pushbutton s switch BS250 archaic2N7000 − don’t use Independent Voltage Source Z? C 1 Q? Photo transistor L? I? 1mA Transformer Independent Voltage Source C Q? netname d Diode 4 Photo resistor, its value is nominal and varies with light C 148 Inductor V? 10V 3 called a potentiometer TP? 2 4.7uH R? R? NPN transistor N−channel MOSFET polarized electrolytic or tantalum capacitor non−polarized capacitor M? TITLE FILE: M PAGE OF Standard Diode DR P−channel MOSFET C? C? C? Figure 10: Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET’S) 1uF 0.1uF 100pf • Battery, Motor, Connections variable capacitor RE 1N4148 I? 1mA Independent Current Source C B? 3V TP? OF C Q? REVISION: netname Q? 2N4 B DRAWN BY: E Motor Indep Battery Test Point Photo transistor Figure 11: Motor, Battery and Connection Symbols 4 E Connector PNP transis