1/22/2016 Rotating Magnetic Field (Chap 3) Rotating Magnetic Field • In the DC machine previously studied, the rotor motion was produced through the interaction of two stationary magnetic fields combined with commutator action. • In AC machines, rotating motion is produced via rotating magnetic fields. We begin our study of rotating magnetic fields by considering the mmf distribution of a single N- turn coil carrying a current. • Consider the air gap flux shown in the following figure. Notice how the flux direction reverses on either side of the stator winding. Rotating Magnetic Field Rotating Magnetic Field • Notice that as additional stator windings are added the flux in the air gap produces a closer approximation to a sinusoid. We should now be able to convince ourselves that it is possible to create a nearly sinusoidal mmf distribution in the air gap. In any event the fundamental component of the mmf is given by = 4 ∙ () 4 − − − − ! 1 1/22/2016 Rotating Magnetic Field Rotating Magnetic Field If the current is = " cos a sinusoid, then & = '() cos cos() *+ where '() = ". ,- Now, since cos . cos / = &⁄0{cos(A-B) + cos(A+B)} & = '() {&⁄0 cos − 3 + &⁄0 cos( + )} & = 5 + 6 5 travels to the right 6 travels to the left & = '() {&⁄0 cos − 3 + &⁄0 cos( + )} Rotating MMF Rotating MMF Big Picture Result Flux distribution in 3 phase machine • The mmf of a single phase winding excited by an alternating current can be resolved into two traveling waves. • In a 3 phase machine, the individual phase windings are displace by 120°. Thus 3 spatial sinusoidal mmf waves separated by 120° are also produced. • Phasors & = '() {&⁄0 cos − 3 + &⁄0 cos( + )} & = 5 + 6 5 & 6 2 1/22/2016 Rotating MMF Flux distribution in 3 phase machine If each phase winding is supplied by an alternating current forming a 3Φ balanced set ( = " 3 7 = " 3 − 120° < = " 3 − 240° Then, , = (& + 7& + <& , = ( 5 + ( 6 + 7 5 + 7 6 + < 5 + < 6 Rotating MMF Flux distribution in 3 phase machine where from the previous single phase case ( 6 = &⁄0 '() cos + 3 and ( 5 = &⁄0 '() cos − 3 7 6 = &⁄0 '() cos + 3 − 240 and 7 5 = &⁄0 '() cos − 3 < 6 = &⁄0 '() cos + 3 + 240 and < 5 = &⁄0 '() cos − 3 , = {( 6 + 7 6 + < 6 } + {( 5 + 7 5 + < 5 } , = = 0 + {32 '() cos − 3 } , = 32 '() cos − 3 Rotating MMF Flux distribution in 3 phase machine , = 32 '() cos( − ) Rotating MMF Flux distribution in 3 phase machine • The angular velocity of the wave is 3 = 2 for a ‘P’ pole machine the rotational speed is 0 - 3' = 3 @(A⁄BC< A single positive travelling wave!! • (, )is a sinusoidal function of θ. At a fixed time (, )describes a sinusoid in space (around the air gap) • The angle ωt provides for motion of the entire wave around the air gap from pole to pole at a angular velocity ω =2. (where f is the electrical frequency) = 3' x 60s 1min 120 1rev 2 = 2π 2πrads 120 = 60 1 1O 2 3 1/22/2016 Phasor analysis of 3 φ MMF , = ( + 7 + < = '() 3 + '() cos − 120 cos(3 − 120) + '() cos( + 120)cos(3 + 120) At t = 0, -1/2 , 0 = '() + '() cos( − 120)cos(−120) + '() cos( − 120)cos(−120) -1/2 , 0 = '() − PQRS cos 0 − 120 − PQRS cos( 0 Phasor analysis of 3 φ MMF , 0 = ('() < 0) − ( PQRS , π/3 = ( ( , π/3 = 0 < 0) + ( U⁄ 0 '() PQRS 0 1 2 −1 < 60° U 3/2Fmax Atalatertime3 = 2/3=120° , , 23 = '() 120 + '() cos − 120 cos(120 − 120) + '() cos( + 120)cos(120 + 120) Phasors , 2π/3 = (−1/2'() < 0) + ('() < −120)+ (−1/2'() < +120) ( , 2π/3 = U⁄0 '() < 120° Fb 120° 60° 60°60° 3/2Fmax Fc Fb < 120) Phasor analysis of 3 φ MMF < −120) + (−'() < −120) Fc PQRS 0 + 120) 1 2 '() cos − 120 cos(60 − 120) + '() cos( + 120)cos(60 + 120) Phasors < −120) −( , 0 = 0 '() < 0° Phasor analysis of 3 φ MMF At a later time 3 = /3= 60° , , 3 = '() 60 + PQRS 0 Fa Fa 4