ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Inventory Management of Spare Parts by Combined FSN and VED (CFSNVED) Analysis Vaisakh P. S., Dileeplal J., V. Narayanan Unni Abstract— Inventory management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing inventory. Inventory management of spare parts plays an important role in achieving the desired plant availability at an optimum cost. This paper presents a spare part classification method based on item movement in store department and criticality. FSN analysis is used to find out the fast moving, slow moving, and non-moving items in a store department and VED analysis is applied to non-moving items. Combined FSN and VED analysis is carried out to find the non-moving items which are less critical. Index Terms—Cause and Effect Diagram, FSN Analysis, Pareto Chart, VED Analysis. I. INTRODUCTION Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a large majority of companies. A considerable amount of funds is required to maintain the large size of inventories. It is therefore absolutely necessary to manage inventories efficiently in order to avoid unnecessary investment and the companies have to reduce the level of its inventories to a considerable level without any adverse effects on production and sales, by using simple inventory planning and control techniques. The reduction in “excessive” inventories carries a favourable impact on a company‟s profitability. Identifying the right kind of production and inventory management (P&IM) system for a manufacturing firm can be a difficult and complex task. Since the investment in a P&IM system is large and remains fixed over a considerable length of time, the correct system choice is critical to both a firm‟s short and long-term profitability. The process industries, consisting of firms that add value by mixing, separating, forming and/or chemical reactions by either batch or continuous mode, continue to have difficulty in realizing the benefits of many of the management system developments in the discrete industries [1]. The spare parts management plays an increasingly important role in factories. It not only directly influences the equipment‟s operation and yields rate, but also influences the slack risk and inventory level. Demand for spare parts is often difficult to forecast using historical data only. It is well known that spare parts management is difficult because the parts can be expensive, their demand is highly erratic and intermittent, yet their shortage costs can be very large [2]. Managing production and inventory for large-scale continuous processing plants is a key to success in the chemical process industry [3]. For many asset-intensive industrial plants, classification of the total spare parts assortment into relevant categories is a crucial task in order to control the wide and highly varied assortment. Spare parts differ strongly in terms of stock-out effects, item value and demand pattern. Herman Baets and Liliane Pintelon developed a multi-criteria classification method based on spare parts criticality. The different parameters influencing spare parts criticality are equipment criticality, probability of failure of the item, replenishment time, number of potential suppliers, availability of technical specifications and maintenance type. Based on these characteristics, spare parts are classified into three classes representing different levels of criticality (high, medium, low). The multi-criteria classification method is based on the AHP and the logic of decision diagrams. By combining these two techniques, numerous potential attributes influencing spares parts criticality are taken into account in an easy and rational manner [4]. The critical spare parts (CSP) are considerably expensive, and the price can be thousand dollars. The CSP also have the characteristics of huge demand variation, long purchasing lead time, and necessary for machine operations. When the machine works, the production efficiency would be reduced due to the decay and abrasion of CSP. If the number of CSP is insufficient to supply the production machine, it would be has low yield or break down, therefore the factories may face the extra costs and risks [5]. In this paper a combined FSN and VED analysis is carried out in the store department of a continuous chemical process industry for managing spare parts and reducing the higher inventory cost. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents problem description. The methodology is explained in section 3. The results and discussions are included in section 4 and the final conclusions are presented in section 5. II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION In a continuous chemical process industry there are nearly 40,000 inventory items including raw materials, spare parts and work in process inventory. These inventories need a proper inventory control system for minimizing the cost. On analysis of these, it is found that there is scope of improvement in the inventory management followed by the company. Table I shows the inventory cost of the company. The total annual cost of the company during the year 2011-12 is 75997.56 lakhs and the inventory cost turns on to be 39.42% of the total annual cost. According to industry wide standard, the inventory cost of a continuous chemical process industry should be in between 25 – 30% [6]. It is clear from 303 ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Table II Spare Parts Holding Cost Of the Company the calculation that, the inventory cost of the company (39.42%) is higher than the industry wide standard (25-30%). Components Cost (Lakhs) Its shows the inventory management of the company is not Obsolescence and storage facility cost 2334.50 proper, and the cost of inventory is on a higher side compared Deterioration or its prevention 1518.36 to other similar process industries where industry wide standard is justified. A cause and effect diagram is drawn for Handling and distribution 671.16 higher inventory cost in which possible causes are displayed. Transportation 198.02 This is shown in figure 1. Table I Inventory Cost Of the Company Inventory cost components Cost (Lakhs) Raw material ordering and purchase cost 8928.00 Raw material holding cost 8437.44 Spare parts ordering and purchase cost 7067.40 Spare parts holding cost 5525.40 Total inventory cost Taxes Insurance 387.16 416.20 29958.24 The raw materials (chemicals) in the company have a continuous consumption and it follows EOQ method. There is less scope of further cost optimization in raw materials. Optimization of spare parts cost will help to reduce inventory cost. The inventory spare parts holding cost of the company is 5525.4 lakhs. The various components of spare parts holding cost is given in table II and the percentage contributions of components are shown in figure 2. Pareto chart based on the data of spare parts holding cost components reveals that obsolescence and storage facility cost are the major causes of higher inventory holding cost of spare parts [7]. It is shown in figure 3. A combined FSN –VED (CFSNVED) analysis is performed for reducing the obsolescence and storage facility holding cost. Fig 2 Pie chart for spare parts holding cost Fig 3 Pareto chart for inventory holding cost III. METHODOLOGY Fig 1 Cause and Effect Diagram for Higher Inventory Cost Several methodologies have been adopted for inventory management of spare parts. A combined FSN and VED (CFSNVED) analysis for spare parts classification is shown in figure 4. FSN analysis is used to find out the non-moving items in store department and VED analysis is performed to classify non-moving items based on their criticality. Higher the stay of item in the inventory, the slower would be the movement of the material. Accordingly spare parts are classified in to three classes, via fast moving (F), slow moving (S) and non-moving (N) items based on their consumption and average stay in the inventory for a specified period using FSN analysis. 304 ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 FSN and VED analysis 1. FSN based on average stay 2. FSN based on consumption 3. Combined FSN FSN analysis Identifying non-moving items Classifying items to non-moving vital, non-moving essential, non-moving desirable Applying VED analysis to non-moving items Drive conclusion based on Combined FSN – VED analysis Result of FSN analysis and VED applied to non-moving items of FSN analysis Conclusion based on combined FSN- VED analysis Fig 4 Combined FSN-VED analysis Steps followed in the FSN analysis are Calculation of average stay and the consumption rate of the material in warehouse FSN Classification of materials based on average stay in the inventory FSN Classification of the material based on consumption rate Finally classifying based on above FSN analysis. Several factors contribute to the criticality of a spare part. If a spare is for a machine on which many other processes depend, it could be of very vital importance. Also if a spare is, an imported component for which procurement lead time could be very high its non-availability may mean a heavy loss. In general, criticality of a spare part can be determined from the production downtime loss, due to spare being not available when required. Based on criticality, spare parts are conventionally classified into three classes, viz. vital, essential and desirable Vital (V): Vital category items are those items without which the production activities or any other activity of the company, would come to a halt, or at least be drastically affected. In a process industry, most spare parts for the bottleneck machine or process will be of vital nature. Essential (E): A spare part will be considered essential if, due to its non-availability, moderate loss is incurred. Desirable (D): A spare part will be desirable if the production loss is not very significant due to its non-availability. Most of the parts will fall under this category The VED analysis helps in focusing the attention of the management on vital items and ensuring their availability by frequent review and reporting. Thus, the downtime losses could be minimized to a considerable extent. Combined FSN and VED (CFSNVED) analysis classifies the non-moving items in to non-moving vital (NV), non- moving essential (NE) and non-moving desirable classes (ND). IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS The list of materials for CFSNVED analysis is shown in Table III. FSN classification based on material average consumption rate and material average stay in inventory is shown in Table IV. FSN analysis reveals that 6 items were of „F‟ class, 44 items of „S‟ class and the remaining 44 items of „N‟ class. It shows that there are lot of spare parts which comes under non-moving category resulting in higher inventory cost. Higher inventory cost is mainly due to higher storage cost and inventory holding cost. Non-moving items need to be controlled in order to reduce inventory cost. A VED analysis is performed on the non-moving items, which are identified by the FSN analysis (Table IV). The non-moving items are classified in to vital (NV), essential (NE) and desirable (ND) items based on the criticality rate. Result of VED analysis on non-moving items is shown in Table V. Combined FSN and VED analysis shows that out of the 44 non-moving items, 26 items are of desirable category. ND items are less critical and their unavailability will not affect the production process. These ND items cause higher inventory holding cost at stores department and reducing the space availability as they are non-moving. So avoiding or eliminating the ND class items from store department will increase the space availability and reduce inventory holding cost, which in turn helps to attain industry wide standard. 305 ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Table III List of Materials for CFSNVED Analysis Material no Material Material no Material 1 Pump rotor 48 Castable medium drive 2 Plate inconel 49 Pipe rubber lined FD 100x3000 mm 3 Screw machine 50 Seal leat SS 150x450x1.2 mm 4 Clamps hose 51 Ring Rider 12 Y-7609007 5 Cap bear inner drive 52 Stud P coated 5/16 BSW 65 6 Socket soldering 53 Valve plug nickel FD 150 7 Bag product 550*420mm 54 Resin cotton exchanger 8 Tube assy 55 Sheet FRP BISP CORR 3 m 9 Bag product 585*500mm 56 Pipe CS SMLS ASTM A 106 S8080mm 10 Gear box for digester 57 Pipe PTFE lined FD 50x3000mm 11 Recycle gas cooler 58 Tube copper PVC JACKETED 20SWG 12 Inlet stand pipe 59 Gas SF in cylinder 13 Packing box for pump 60 Product classifier MOD C40 14 Hose PTEF 61 Pipe CS ER WIS 3589 x8mm 15 Motor gear 62 Bar round inconel 10 mm diameter 16 Tickle condenser 63 Bearing 7226 BYG 17 Peripheral wall assembly 64 Motor 0.37 KW RF 37DT 18 Roof panel 65 Chain roller 4 P with K2 attachement 19 Kit oil separator 66 Indion 1593 20 Distributor plate 67 Anchor SS310 flat type 21 Reactor cooling tube 68 Side couple for cable tray 22 Linear AR steel 69 Steel inconel 7/8x4 L 23 Bellow inconnel NB 18 70 Box ALU 150x150mm 24 Nozzle for grinding 71 Pipe FRP BISP FW 200mm 25 Gas frexon 72 Brick circle 108-117-3 chord 85/16 26 Connectors cell 73 Lathe HD all geared 27 Seal kit for pinch valve 74 Carrier bag P/N 167194 28 Cable sensor 75 Disc valve 2 stage P/N 165106 29 Fan pedestal 76 Valve ball Gemco mannel T type 8 30 Cable control copper 77 Transformer furnace 6.6Kv/200V 31 tickle storage tank 78 Tickle fee vaporizer cup900 NM/HR 32 pully tail array L2512 79 Bag product 590x535 mm 33 Pump shaft drive DRG 80 Tank F 201 Tickle feed tank 34 Tube bundle 2 stage LKE 81 Recycle gas cooler E 324/325 35 Chain roller 82 Carbon analyzer 36 Casing for 6x4-14A 20 83 Nozzle blade 37 Cable control copper 84 Pump Lawrence 8 DV G203/204 38 Plate heat exchanger E403 85 Rotor assembly 39 Economizer coil 86 Cement Durax 1700 40 Valve bleeder automatic 50 mm 87 Brick ark 9x4 1/2 41 Pipe glass lined jack 150x1010 mm 88 Ring rider 8 1/2 Y-79609005 42 Transmitter DP ELEO-10000 mm WC 89 Pallet wooden export quality 43 Pipe SS316 ERW ASTW A 358S 90 Podering gland CHA 1960 size 44 Air jet P/N 91 Saddle ceramics intalo x 50mm 45 Bag product 530x 470mm for RC804 92 Level switch for G 46 Ring pistion 20 1/2 Y7609024 93 Flat MS 25 x 3 mm 47 Channel FRP 100x50x8 mm 94 Motor 200 kW FT MTD 355 M 6 HI 100 rpm 306 ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Table IV FSN Combined Classification Material no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 FSN - Cons. N N N N F F N N N N N N N N N S S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N F N N N S N N N N N N Material no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 307 FSN - Stay N S S F F F N N S N F F N S S F F N N N S N N F F N N F F F S F N S S N F F N S S N F S F F F S F N F N F F F S F F S FSN N N N S F F N N N N S S N N N S S N N N N N N S S N N S S S N S N N N N S S N N N N S N S S S N F N S N S S S N S S N ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 Table IV (Continued) Material no 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 FSN - Cons. N N N N N N N N N N N N F N N N N N N F N N N N S N N S N N N N F N N Material no 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 FSN - Stay N S F F S N N F N F F F F F F S F F N F F F F F F S F F F F F N F S F FSN N N S S N N N S N S S S F S S N S S N F S S S S S N S S S S S N F N S Table V Result of VED applied to non-moving items NV Pump rotor Packing box for pump Gear box for digester Motor gear Transmitter DP ELE-10000 mm WC Indion 1593 Castable medium drive NE Screw machine Motor 0.37 KW RF 37DT Roof panel Kit oil separator Pipe CS SML ASTM A 106 S8080mm Rotor assembly Tube bundle 2 stage LKE Economizer coil Air jet P/N Bellow Inconnel NB 18 Hose PTEF Casing for 6x4-14A 20 Bag product 550*420mm Tube assy Plate Inconel Pipe glass lined jack 150x1010 mm Bag product 585*500mm Pipe CS ER WIS 3589 x8mm Linear AR steel Seal kit for pinch valve Saddle ceramics intalo x 50mm Product classifier MOD Pump shaft drive DRG Chain roller Casing for 6x4-14A 20 308 ND Flat MS 25 x 3 mm Stud P coated 5/16 BSW 65 Gas SF in cylinder Distributor plate Seal leat SS 150x450x1.2 mm Flat MS 25 x 3 mm Tickle fee vaporizer cup900 NM/HR Reactor cooling tube Side couple for cable tray Chain roller 4 P with K2 attachment Disc valve 2 stage P/N Tickle storage tank Connectors cell Valve bleeder automatic ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 7, January 2013 [4] Molenaers, Herman Baets, Liliane Pintelon & Geert V. CONCLUSION Combined FSN-VED analysis revels that there are lot of items under „non-moving – desirable‟ (ND) category. The 26 items under ND category should be discarded from the store in order to reduce spare parts holding cost. This will not affect the production process, since it is less critical. This will also increase the space availability in store department. Based on the analysis and results, suggestions are given in order to improve the inventory management. Better co-ordination among purchase, production, marketing and finance department will help in achieving greater efficiency in inventory management of spare parts. The company can avoid dumping of unnecessary spare parts in the store. Implementation of KANBAN system is appreciable for proper stock maintenance. Company can also implement „automatic storage and retrieval system‟ (AS/RS) and AGVs in stores department for better inventory management. 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