Electrical Fundamentals-I Module 2

Electrical Fundamentals-I
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
Academic Services Unit
August 2012
© Institute of Applied Technology, 2012
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
Module Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
1. Define voltage and give its unit of measurement.
2. Describe the function of two types of voltmeters and give their
schematic symbol
3. Describe how to use a voltmeter to measure voltage
4. Describe the function of two multimeters: analog and digital.
5. Define series and parallel circuit
6. Describe the voltage characteristics in series and parallel circuits
7. Use a DMM to measure the voltage drop and current in series
and parallel circuit.
8. Define current and give its unit of measurement
9. Describe the function of two types of ammeters and give their
schematic symbol
10. Define resistance and give its unit of measurement
11. Describe the function of two types of ohmmeters and give their
schematic symbol
12. Measure resistance in series and parallel circuits
13. Describe two methods of measuring continuity
Module Contents:
Page No.
Voltage Measurement
Introduction to Series and Parallel Circuit
Current Measurement
Resistance Measurement
Two Methods of Measuring Continuity
Lab Activity 1
Lab Activity 2
Lab Activity 3
Review Exercise
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.1 Voltage Measurement
In order for anything to move, a force must be applied to it that is greater in
one direction than another. For example, if forces A and B (figure 2.1) are
equal the object will not move. If force A is greater than force B the object
will move to the right. If force A is less than force B the object will move to
the left. In other words, what causes the object to move is not the value of
the forces on it, but the difference between them.
Figure 2.1: Opposing Forces
Voltage is the force that causes electrons to move (!ow) in an electrical
circuit. Another name for voltage is electromotive force. The voltage value
is measured as a difference in potential (force) between two points (figure
The basic unit used to measure the voltage (potential difference) in a circuit
is the volt. The abbreviation for a volt is V.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.2: Potential Difference
Two Types of Voltmeters
A voltmeter is a device that measures the voltage between two points in an
electrical circuit. The value of this voltage is displayed on an analog display
or on a digital display, as shown in figure 2.3 and the schematic symbol
shown in figure 2.4.
Figure 2.3: Analog and Digital Voltmeters
Figure 2.4: Schematic Symbol of a Voltmeter
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
How to Use a Voltmeter
Two points are needed to measure voltage because voltage is the
difference between the potential of two points in an electrical circuit. The
value measured depends on what two points you use. In the circuit shown
in "gure 2.5, a power supply provides a source of both high and low
potential. The difference in potential (voltage) from one side of the power
supply to the other is the force that causes current to !ow. In this circuit:
Point A is the point of highest potential because it is closest to the
high potential terminal of the power supply.
Point C is the point of lowest potential because it is closest to the low
potential side of the power supply.
Point B is somewhere between A and C in potential because it is
separated by a resistor on each side.
Figure 2.5: Different Points Have Different Potentials
The actual voltage measured at any point depends on what other point you
use as a reference. If you measure from point A to point C, you will get a
higher value than measuring from point A to point B because point A is
farther from C than B in potential. (figure 2.6)
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.6: Measuring Potential of Point A with Reference to Points B and C
Most voltage comparisons will use one of these two methods.
1. Compare the point to a common reference of known value (e.g. A to
2. Measure the voltage across the component(s). (e.g. A to B)
In application, a known reference point is called a ground. Grounds are
usually a point connected to the power supply (such as point C above).
To measure the voltage between two points you must place the voltmeter
test leads as shown in "gure 2.7. The lead that is attached to the positive
terminal of the voltmeter should be attached to the point with the higher
(+) potential. The lead that is attached to the negative terminal of the
voltmeter should be attached to the point with the lower (-) potential.
In the example shown in "gure 2.7, the voltmeter is measuring the voltage
at the point between resistors R1 and R2 referenced to the ground of the
power supply, which is the negative terminal.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.7: Proper Placement of the Test Leads to Measure Voltage
Multimeters: Analog and Digital
A multimeter is a multi-purpose device that can measure voltage, current
and resistance. Multimeters are available with either an analog display or a
digital display. Figure 2.8 shows analog and digital multimeters.
Analog multimeters, are used when there are very fast changes in a
reading because the needle responds faster than a digital readout.
A multimeter with a digital display is called a digital multimeter (DMM). The
measurement readings of a DMM are much easier to read because they are
displayed in digital form, much like the readout on your calculator.
Analog VOM
Digital Multimeter
Figure 2.8: Digital and Analog Multimeters
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.2 Introduction to Series and Parallel Circuit
Series Circuit
A series circuit is one in which there is only one path for current to travel,
as shown in "gure 2.9. The total current in a series circuit !ows through
each component. It starts at the positive terminal of the power supply and
!ows through one component after the other and then back to the negative
terminal of the power supply.
Figure 2.9: A Series Circuit
Parallel Circuit
A parallel circuit is a type of circuit that has more than one path for current
to !ow, as shown in "gure 2.10. The current !ows from the positive
terminal through the circuit until it reaches node 1. It then splits with part
of the current !owing through branch A and part of the current !owing
through branch B. The two branch currents then rejoin each other at node
2 and !ow back to the power supply’s negative terminal.
Figure 2.10: A simple parallel circuit
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Voltage characteristics in Series and Parallel Circuits
In a series circuit, the total voltage supplied by the power supply is divided
among the loads, as shown in "gure 2.11. Each load in the circuit uses a
certain amount of the voltage as the current travels through it. This leaves
less voltage available for the next load to use.
The voltage drop across any component is the difference in voltage
referenced to ground between the two terminals of the component. For
example, the voltage drop across load 1 is 4 volts because the voltages at
its two terminals referenced to ground are 10 V (VA) and 6 V (VB).
Figure 2.11: Loads in Series
When a parallel circuit is connected to a constant voltage power supply, as
shown in "gure 2.12, the same amount of voltage is available to each of
the branches of the circuit. In fact, the voltage available to each branch is
equal to the source voltage.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.12: Voltages in Parallel Circuit
As you can see in "gure 2.12, the voltage at points 1,2, and 3 referenced
to ground are equal since they are all actually the same point. The same is
true for points 4, 5, and 6. This means that the voltage drop across each
branch in a parallel circuit is always the same. In this case, the voltage
drop is 10 volts.
Conduct Lab Activity-1 on page-19.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.3 Current Measurement
Electrical Current is the !ow of electrons through a circuit. It carries the
electrical energy to the point of use. Current is measured in units of
amperes. The abbreviation symbol (amps) is an A following a numeric
value. For example, a current of 5 amperes is written as 5A.
Sometimes current values can be very small, such as 1/1000th of an amp
(0.001A). In this case, the unit used is milli-amp or mA (the pre" x milli
means 1/1000th). For example, 0.001A can be written as 1mA.
Current can either !ow in one direction (DC) or alternately in two directions
Two Types of Ammeter
An ammeter is a device that measures electrical current. It can have an
analog display, like the one in "gure 2.13, or a digital display.
Figure 2.13: Analog Ammeter
Figure 2.14 shows the schematic symbol for an ammeter.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.14: The Schematic Symbol for an Ammeter
How to Use an Ammeter
To measure current through a component, the ammeter is placed in series
with the component, as shown in "gure 2.15. This is different than
measuring voltage where a meter’s leads are connected across the
component (in parallel).
Caution: Incorrect connection of an ammeter can result in damage to the
ammeter and/or the power supply. Always make sure the ammeter is
connected in series.
Figure 2.15: Measuring Current vs. Measuring Voltage
Activity 1. Current Measurement Simulation
Perform Activity 3 by referring to page-45 of Amatrol-Basic Electrical Circuits,
Learning Activity Pack 2.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Current Characteristics in Series and Parallel Circuits
The current in a series circuit !ows from the positive terminal of the power
supply to the negative terminal through each component in the circuit.
Unlike voltage, the current does not change as it !ows through a series
circuit. The same amount of current !owing from the power supply’s
positive terminal !ows through each component, as shown in "gure 2.16.
Figure 2.16: Loads in Series
While it is common to connect input devices in series, it is not common to
connect loads in series. One reason is that if one of the loads fails while the
circuit is in operation, all of the loads will lose power.
Figure 2.17: Removing a Lamp from a Series Circuit
Many older Christmas tree light strings were connected in series. When one
light burned out, they were all out. You had to "nd out which light was
burned out and replace it.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
In contrast, the current in a parallel circuit is divided among the branches
of the circuit, as shown in "gure 2.18. The amount of current that !ows in
each branch depends on the amount of resistance in that branch.
Figure 2.18: Loads in Parallel
If loads are connected in parallel and one fails, the others will continue to
work, as shown by the lamps in "gure 2.19. This is because the same
current does not !ow through each branch. For this reason, newer strings
of Christmas lights are connected in parallel.
Figure 2.19: A Typical Parallel Light Circuit
Most circuits in commercial and residential buildings are wired in parallel.
Therefore, all of the outlets and sockets do not require something to be
plugged into them to complete the circuit. If series wiring is used, each
outlet and socket would need to have something plugged into it and be
turned on to complete the circuit.
Conduct lab activity 2 and 3 on pages 25 and 30
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.4 Resistance Measurement
Resistance is the measure of a component’s ability to resist the !ow of
current in a circuit. When current passes through a component that has
resistance, the current !ow is slowed. The units of measure for resistance
are ohms. Ohm is abbreviated by the uppercase Greek letter omega (#).
For example, a 30 ohm resistor is written as R = 30#.
Many resistors have a very high resistance. These higher values are usually
measured in kilo-ohms (K#) which means 1000 times the value, or megaohms (M#) which is 1,000,000 times the value. For example, a 15K#
resistor is 15,000 ohms.
An ohmmeter is a device that measures the resistance between two points
in an electrical current. An ohmmeter can also be either analog or digital.
Figure 2.20 shows the schematic symbol for an ohmmeter.
Figure 2.20: The Schematic Symbol for an Ohmmeter
How to Use an Ohmmeter
To measure resistance, the test leads of the ohmmeter are placed in
parallel with the component to be measured. The test lead connections for
measuring resistance are the same as for measuring voltage.
You measure across the component as shown in "gure 2.21. It does not
matter which lead is connected to each side of the component since
resistance has no polarity.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.21: Measuring Component Resistance
To measure a component when it is connected in a circuit you should
always turn off the power and disconnect one terminal of the component
from the circuit, as shown in "gure 2.22. Otherwise, you will get an
erroneous resistance measurement.
Figure 2.22: Measuring Resistance in a Circuit
Resistance Characteristics for Series and Parallel Circuit
When loads are connected in series, their individual resistances add
together to increase the total resistance in the circuit. As shown in "gure
2.23, the resistance of the circuit is larger with three resistors in series
than with just one resistor.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.23: Series Resistances increase Total Resistance
However, when loads are connected in parallel, the total amount of
resistance actually decreases when more resistors are added. In "gure
2.24, the total resistance of three 10# resistors in parallel is only 3.33#
while the total resistance of one resistor is 10#.
Figure 2.24: Parallel Resistance Decreases Total Resistance
Conduct lab activity 4 on page 36
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.5 Two Methods of Measuring Continuity
Continuity describes a situation in which there is a continuous or complete
path for current to !ow in an electrical circuit. Since all electrical
components in a circuit are connected with a conductor of some kind (wires
or conductive traces on a printed circuit board), wires must have continuity
or the circuit will not operate.
Figure 2.25: A Circuit Connected with Wires
Two methods to test for continuity using DMM:
Measuring Resistance
Using a Continuity Tester!
Measuring Resistance
If a conductor has continuity, the display shows a very small resistance
value such as 0.01 ohms. If the display shows an out-of-range indication,
there is an open in that conductor and there is no continuity. An open has
infinite resistance.
Using a Continuity Tester
A continuity tester, a function in DMM’s, indicates continuity with a buzzing
sound. When you place the leads across a conductor or component that has
continuity, a beeping or buzzing sound is made by the continuity tester.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.6 Lab Activity 1
To measure the voltage drop across each component in series and parallel
Connect the series circuit shown in figure 2.27.
Figure 2.27: Series Test Circuit
Perform the following substeps to turn on the power supply.
Place the AC/DC selector switch in the DC position.
Turn on the power supply.
Set the DMM to the highest DC voltage setting.
Place the test leads across resistor R1, as shown in figure 2.28. Make
sure the red test lead from the DMM is connected to the side of the
resistor connected to the positive (+) terminal of the power supply.
Measuring the voltage drop between two points is the same as
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
measuring with reference to ground.
Measured voltage = __________________________________(VDC)
It should be approximately be 2 VDC.
Figure 2.28: Measuring Voltage Dropped Across a Resistor
Adjust the voltage range on the DMM until you reach the lowest
voltage range that is still above the reading on the meter.
Repeat step 4 for resistors R2 and R3.
If the voltage is displayed with a negative sign, reverse the test
R2 Measured voltage = _______________________________(VDC)
R3 Measured voltage = _______________________________(VDC)
approximately 5 VDC. This is because their resistance is the same.
Also, because their resistance value is higher than R1, their voltage
drop is higher.
You can also determine voltage drops across components by
measuring a point before and after each component with reference to
ground. The difference between the two voltage readings will be the
voltage drop for that component. Proceed to the next step to do this.
Perform the following substeps to determine the DC voltage drops in
the circuit in figure 2.29 by measuring voltages with reference to
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
ground. The DMM connections to measure the voltage at point A are
shown in figure 2.29 as a guide.
Figure 2.29: Measurement of Point Voltage Referenced to Ground
A. the voltage referenced to ground at the two points: before and
after resistor R1. These points are labeled A and B in figure 2.29.
Point A Voltage (before R1) = _____________________ (VDC)
Point B Voltage (after R1) = ______________________ (VDC)
B. Calculate the voltage drop across R1. This is the difference in
voltage between points A and B.
Voltage Drop R1 = ______________________________ (VDC)
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
The voltage should be 2 VDC. This should be the same as
measured in step 4.
C. Repeat substeps A and B for R2.
Point B Voltage (Before R2) = _____________________ (VDC)
Point C Voltage (After R2 = _______________________ (VDC)
Voltage Drop R2 = ______________________________ (VDC)
D. Repeat substeps A and B for R3.
Point C Voltage (Before R3) = _____________________ (VDC)
Point D Voltage (After R3) = ______________________ (VDC)
Voltage Drop R3 = ______________________________ (VDC)
Note: If there is only one load in a circuit, the voltage dropped
across it should always equal the source voltage.
Turn off the power supply.
Prepare the DMM to measure AC volts.
Place the AC/DC selector switch in the AC position.
Turn on the power supply.
Repeat step 4 to measure the AC voltage drop across resistor R1.
R1 Measured Voltage Drop = _________________________ (VAC)
Repeat step 7A to measure the AC voltage at points A and B with
respect to ground. Then calculate the voltage drop as you did in step
Point A Voltage = __________________________________ (VAC)
Point B Voltage = __________________________________ (VAC)
Voltage Drop R1 ___________________________________ (VAC)
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
The values may be slightly higher than those obtained in steps 4 and
6. The reason for this is discussed in the AC lessons. However, you
can see that AC and DC voltages react the same in a series circuit
with resistors.
Repeat steps 7C and 7D for R2 and R3.
Point B Voltage ____________________________________ (VAC)
Point C Voltage ____________________________________ (VAC)
Voltage Drop R2 ___________________________________ (VAC)
Point C Voltage ____________________________________ (VAC)
Point D Voltage ____________________________________ (VAC)
Voltage Drop R3 ___________________________________ (VAC)
Turn off the power supply.
Disconnect the circuit.
Connect the parallel circuit shown in figure 2.30.
In the next few steps, you will test the voltage drop characteristics of
parallel circuits.
Notice that the schematic in figure 2.30 shows the nodes a little
differently than how they are actually connected in the pictorial.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.30: Parallel Circuit
Place the AC/DC selector switch in the DC position and turn on the
power supply.
Prepare the DMM to measure DC volts.
Measure the voltage drop across each branch of the circuit.
You can do this by measuring the voltage across the terminals of
each component. For example, the voltage drop across branch 1 is
the voltage drop across resistor R1, as shown in figure 2.31.
Branch 1 Voltage Drop (R1) = ________________________ (VDC)
Branch 2 Voltage Drop (R2) = ________________________ (VDC)
Branch 3 Voltage Drop (R3) = ________________________ (VDC)
Notice that the voltage drop across each branch is the same. This is
true of parallel circuits. In this case, the voltage drop is the same as
the source voltage, which is approximately 12 VDC.
Turn off the power supply.
Now switch the power supply to AC.
Turn on the power supply.
Set the DMM to measure AC volts and repeat step 20.
Branch 1 Voltage Drop (R1) = ________________________ (VAC)
Branch 2 Voltage Drop (R2) = ________________________ (VAC)
Branch 3 Voltage Drop (R3) = ________________________ (VAC)
The voltage should be approximately 12 VAC. Again, AC and DC
voltages act the same in a parallel resistance circuit.
Turn off the power supply, disconnect all wires and store all
Turn off the DMM.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.7 Lab Activity 2
To measure current in both a series and a parallel circuit.
Perform the following substeps to measure the current of a series
circuit with a DMM.
A. Turn the Function/Range switch of the DMM to the OFF position.
B. Plug the red test lead into the 10A (right) terminal.
C. Plug the black test lead into the COM terminal.
D. Turn the Function/Range switch to the 10A position in the DC
Current section.
Connect the series circuit with the DMM connected as shown in figure
This allows you to measure the current between the positive terminal
of the power supply and R1.
Figure 2.31: Series Circuit
Turn on the power supply and record the current reading.
Current Reading = ________________________________ (Amps)
It should be 0.38 Amps.
Turn off the power supply.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Now, move the meter between R1 and the lamp, as shown in figure
Figure 2.32: Series Circuit
Turn on the power supply and record the current reading.
Current Reading = ________________________________ (Amps)
The current at this point should be the same as in step 3 because the
same amount of current flows through each component in a series
Turn off the power supply.
Now, place the meter between the lamp and the ground terminal of
the power supply, as shown in figure 2.33.
Figure 2.33: Series Circuit
Turn on the power supply and record the current reading.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Current Reading = _______________________________ (Amps)
The current at this point should be the same as in steps 3 and 6.
This demonstrates that the current in a series circuit is the same at
any point in the circuit.
Turn off the power supply and disconnect the circuit.
In the following steps, you will measure the current at different
locations in a parallel circuit.
Perform the following substeps to measure the current between the
positive terminal of the power supply and the parallel loads.
A. Connect the parallel circuit, as shown in figure 2.34.
Figure 2.34: Parallel Circuit
B. Turn on the power supply and record the current reading.
Current Reading = ____________________________ (Amps)
The current should be approximately 1.58 amps.
The current measurement at this point is the total current for the
C. Turn off the power supply.
Perform the following substeps to measure the current in branch 1 of
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
the parallel circuit.
A. Place the meter in branch 1, as shown in figure 2.35.
Figure 2.35: Parallel Circuit
B. Turn on the power supply and record the reading.
Branch 1 Current Reading = _____________________ (Amps)
The current in branch 1 should be less than the current you
measured in step 11. Since current is split between the branches
of a parallel circuit, this is only part of the total current in this
circuit. The remainder of the current should be flowing in the other
C. Turn off the power supply.
Perform the following substeps to measure the current in branch 2 of
the circuit.
A. Place the meter between the lamp and the ground terminal of the
power supply, as shown in figure 2.36.
To do this, you will need to disconnect the wire between the lamp
and the ground terminal.
Placing the meter here allows you to measure the current that is
running through the lamp in branch 2.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.36: Parallel Circuit
B. Turn on the power supply and record the reading.
Branch 2 Current Reading = ____________________ (Amps)
The reading should again be less than the reading from step 11.
The current here is the remaining portion of the total current that
is not flowing through branch 1.
The amount of the total current that flows through each branch of
a parallel circuit depends on the resistance that is present in each
branch, as you will learn later.
C. Turn off the power supply.
D. Turn off the DMM and remove the test leads.
Disconnect the circuit and store all components.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.8 Lab Activity 3
To measure the resistance of each component in series and parallel circuits.
Connect the series circuit shown in figure 2.40.
Figure 2.40: Series Circuit
Perform the following substeps to measure the resistance of each
A. Disconnect the circuit from the positive terminal of the power
CAUTION: DO NOT make resistance measurements in a circuit if
the power is on. The meter can be damaged.
B. Set the DMM to measure resistance.
C. Disconnect the terminals of load 1 from the circuit.
D. Measure the resistance across load 1 (R1).
Resistance Load 1 = ___________________________ (Ohms)
Load 1 should be approximately 10 Ohms (if the 10-Ohm resistor)
or 25 Ohms (if the 25-Ohm resistor).
E. Reconnect the load’s terminal to the circuit.
F. Repeat substeps B-E to measure the resistance across load 2 (R2).
Resistance Load 2 = ____________________________ (Ohms)
Load 2 should be approximately 10 Ohms (if the 10-Ohm resistor)
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
or 25 Ohms (if the 25-Ohm resistor).
G. Repeat substeps B-E to measure the resistance across the load 3
Resistance Load 3 = ___________________________ (Ohms)
Load 3 should be approximately 10 Ohms (if the 10-Ohm resistor)
or 25 Ohms (if the 25-Ohm resistor).
Now measure the total resistance of the circuit, as shown in figure
Measured total resistance = ________________________ (Ohms)
Figure 2.41: Measuring Total Resistance
The measured total resistance should be higher than each of the
three individual resistances. Resistances in series circuits add
together to increase the total resistance of the circuit.
Disconnect the circuit.
Connect the parallel circuit shown in figure 2.42.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
Figure 2.42: Parallel Circuit
Perform the following substeps to measure the resistance of each
branch of the parallel circuit in figure 2.42.
A. Disconnect the wire leading from the negative terminal of the
power supply to R1, as figure 2.42 shows.
When you measure the resistance of a branch in a parallel circuit
you must disconnect one side of the branch from the circuit.
B. Measure the resistance across R1, as shown in figure 2.43.
R1 = ______________________________________ (Ohms)
The resistance of R1, which is the resistance of branch 1, is
approximately 10 ohms.
Figure 2.43: Measurement of Resistance in a Parallel Circuit
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
C. Reconnect the wire from R1 to the ground terminal.
D. Repeat substeps A-C to measure the resistance in branch 2
(resistor R2).
R2 = _______________________________________ (Ohms)
The resistance of R2, which is the resistance of branch 2, is
approximately 25 ohms.
E. Repeat substeps A-C to measure the resistance in branch 3
(resistor 3).
R3 = _______________________________________ (Ohms)
The resistance of R3, which is the resistance of branch 3, is
approximately 25 ohms.
Measure the total resistance across the entire circuit, as shown in
figure 2.44.
NOTE: Make sure that the power supply IS NOT ON.
Figure 2.44: Total Resistance Measurement in a Parallel Circuit
Record the total resistance reading.
RT = __________________________________________ (Ohms)
The total resistance of the three loads in parallel should be
approximately 5.6 ohms. This value is lower than the lowest
resistance branch (branch 1) of the circuit.
In fact, the total resistance of any parallel circuit is always lower than
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
the resistance of the branch with the least resistance.
As you continue to add branches to a parallel circuit, the overall
resistance will continue to drop. If you remove a branch from a
parallel circuit, the overall resistance will increase.
Disconnect R3 from the circuit (remove a branch).
Measure the total resistance of the circuit across R1 and R2, as
shown in figure 2.45.
Figure 2.45: Total Resistance Measured with R3 Removed
Record the total resistance reading.
RT = __________________________________________ (Ohms)
The total resistance should now be 7.14 ohms. This is higher than
with the three resistors in parallel. However, the total resistance is
still lower than the lowest individual resistance (10 ohms).
Disconnect the circuit and store all components.
Turn off the DMM and remove the test leads.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
2.9 Review Exercise
Section A:
1. __________ is the existence of a potential difference between two
points in a circuit.
2. Voltage is measured in units called _________.
3. ______________is the abbreviation symbol used for voltage in
4. The measurement readings of a(n) ____________ are much easier to
read than an analog multimeter.
5. The black lead from the negative (common) terminal of the DMM
should be connected to the point with the ________ potential in the
6. The three basic units that can be measured using a multimeter are
________, current, and resistance.
7. A(n) ________________ is a common connection point, or a known
reference point, in an electrical circuit.
8. Current is measured in units called ________.
9. ___ is the abbreviation symbol for current.
10. When measuring current, the ammeter must be connected in _______
with the components of the circuit.
11. The current in a(n) ________ circuit fl ows from the positive terminal
of the supply to the negative terminal through each component in a
12. The current in a(n) __________ circuit is divided among the branches
of the circuit.
13. Resistance is measured in units called __________.
14. The symbol for ohms is ___.
15. Since all electrical components in a circuit are connected with a
conductor of some kind, the conductor must have _________ or the
circuit will not operate.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
16. A continuity tester is composed of a(n) _____________ and a
sounding device.
17. When measuring resistance, the user should measure ____________
the component.
18. When measuring the resistance of a component in a circuit, the user
should ____________ one side of the component from the circuit.
Section B:
Redraw the circuit below and add one more lamp connected in series.
a) Will the lamp become brighter or dimmer when more lamps are
connected in series?
b) What happen to the ammeter reading now?
c) If one of the lamps in the circuit fails what happen to the other
d) Repeat the questions with a lamp connected in parallel.
Module 2: Electrical Measurement
ATE 310– Electrical Fundamentals-I
a) What is the voltmeter reading across
R1 = ____________________
R2 = ____________________
R3 = ____________________
Will there be any effect in the voltmeter reading across R1 and R2
if the resistor R3 is now removed from the circuit? Why?
b) Ammeter is now connected in Branch 1, 2 and 3. What can you say
about the ammeter reading in each branch?
Module 2: Electrical Measurement