Diagnostic Description Green LED Red LED Control Fault (No Power) Off Off L1/Neutral Polarity Fault Flash Flash 1 Hour Lockout Alternating Flash Normal Operation On On Pressure Switch Closed Fault On Flash Pressure Switch Open Fault Flash On Open Limit Switch Fault Flash Off Diagnostic Description Yellow LED Low Flame Sensor Signal Continuous Flash Flame Present On Place label with flash codes near the III 11111111111111111111111 wiring ring diaf gram on the furnace door for f u t ure 7108790 SELECT INSTRUCTION **ATTENTION INSTALLERS** These instructions describe how to properly replace a single stage *G6/L1 control board (PN 624631) with a *G7 control board (PN 624690). These instructions only apply to *G7 single stage furnaces. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, personal injury, or death, turn off the electric power at the disconnect or the main service panel before making any electrical connections. When connecting the wires from the blower motor, please note which wire connects to the HEAT and COOL terminals on the *G7 control board. NOTE: If the motor does not have an orange wire, do not place any wire on the Medium Low terminal, this should be left empty. The 6 pin (P1) and the 9 pin (P2) wire plugs will connect directly to the 624690 control board, there is no need to change any wire position. Place label with flash codes near the wiring diagram on the furnace door for future reference. *G6/L1 Terminal (624631 Board) CAUTION: Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation. Verify proper operation after servicing. When replacing the *G6/L1 control board (PN 624631) with a *G7 control board (PN 624690), install all wires from the door switch and 24V transformer on the same pin locations they were removed from. This means the wire that was attached to the L1 terminal on the 624631 control board will need to be attached to the L1 terminal on the 624690 board, the wire on the XFMR terminal of the *G6/L1 board should be placed on the XFMR terminal of the *G7 board, etc. When connecting the wires from the thermostat, heat pump, AC unit, or air handler to the RCYGW terminals of the *G7 board, install all wires on the same terminals they were removed from. 180 120 90 60 I- co CT) 1' 3 EAC Black EAC Neutral White Neutral Black HIGH Blue Blower Motor MH COOUM1/M2/HEAT Orange ML Red LOW Ll Black L1 Neutral White Neutral HUM Black HUM Neutral White Neutral XFMR Black XFMR Neutral White Neutral 24V Black with white stripe 24V COM White with black stripe COM 6 Pin Connector P1 Multi P1 9 Pin Connector P2 Multi P2 Door Switch Humidifier 24V Transformer 0 CO CV 03 ° ° CD LOW ' XFMR CC ML [ BLOWER OFF DELAY EAC cn -5, 0 *G7 Terminal (624690 Board) Air Cleaner Li rn Wire Color COOL r tA u_ 1 MH I HIGH' EACI FEAT m. M3 M2 L1 HEAT I No XFMR ' COOL ET= FAN ] M1 HUM HUM — P2 P1 O 3)(2)1 )1j ! P2 (62[51(4)J C Y GW (6)(5) (4) c)(6)(9 [ P1 L_J 7 -[[1 ). C) < ;918 RCYGW j aXIJ NEUTRALS *G6/L1 Single Stage Control Board j [ 121® CX]01 *G7 Single Stage Control Board NEUTRALS +06 p ue+08 J Od OW`uollud,0 3-L£LOLL#am in O Yellow LED ius F lash 0 FAULT COND Diagnostic Descri pti on Cont rol F aulUN o Power) L l / Neut ral P olari ty F ault 1 H our Lockout Normal Operation P ressure Switch Closed Fault P ressureSwitch Open Fault OpenLi mit SwitchFault Diagnostic Descri ption Low Flame S ensor Signal Flame P resent U seco pperc ond u ct orsonl y. m WIRING DIAGRAM For 80+ and 90+ Model Furnaces I 1 ■./ E „. 0 } • ra_24. • LA sr_ri MAIM 1101.1.-00 14.1WIT. ROLL:trZPICM LIMIT ' 1 M. L 1110VI.:11.11 CA" **""' 1102-INMLY) Ifrira7 WV, SWITCH IMMO MOMS ONLY, I 7 u a' 00 g tj,, gg",,,- AIM MOM.) KACK 127ffl .011N0 RRidi 000s ROOM 11011/011.TAT .0 WWI,. WI 67111.1111. SAIRTI•VATIN MMACT YODELS ONL, oQ NLaeawnnrs.urn wQ Ith I I I FppppF O Qs Refer to the Installation Instructions provided with the furnace for the proper heating and cooling speeds for your application. .r. TO OUTDOOR UNIT II II FLAME SOP BLUE BLUE 3 OR SPEED MOTOR mow *nom ORANGE ORANGE 1- S 7 BLACK 1177 NEUTRALS •ve I I 03, . COW • *Hit iga ram lie 4 41!.! MOM Legend Fb CACI( 01ACK Field Wiring — — — — Factory Wiring: Low Voltage BLACK High Voltage ■ ■ STATUS RED LIGHT N FAULT CONDITION =3 ■ 13131:11211EICIEI III CIC11:9131E11:1EICSIO Power On ON Limit Circuit Open or External Load On "W" 1 FLASH Pressure Switch Is Open with Inducer On 2 FLASHES Pressure Switch Is Closed with Inducer Off 3 FLASHES Ignition Failure (Check Ground) WHITE 5 FLASHES False Flame or Gas Valve Relay Shorted Continuous Power OR RED ORANGE BLUE FAULT CONDITION BLACK Low Flame Sensor Signal BLUE Flame Present *G7 Wiring Diagram 4 FLASHES 115 VAC & Neutral Reversed or no Ground OFF FLAME YELLOW LIGHT Continuous Flash If any of the original wire as supplied with the furnace must be replaced, it must be replaced with wiring material having a temperature rating of at least 105° C. Use copper conductors only. ON `G6/L1 Wiring Diagram These wires ere not present on all models 7103550 (Replaces 7 03250) 111111 11111111