Senior Design Projects Expo - Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Senior Design Projects Expo
Presented by
The Department of Mechanical Engineering
May 1st 2015
Lead Instructor: Dr. Kevin Kochersberger
List of Teams
Mechanical Engineering
Team Name
Team Name
FSAE - Formula SAE Race Car
Liquid Natural Gas Fueled Aircraft
BAJA – SAE Off-road Race Car
Light and Camera Stage for 3D Capture of Animal Flight
HEVT - Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Smithsonian Institution Digitization
Reduced Energy Tobacco Curing
Manufacturing Process for Producing Heat Flux Sensors
Tobacco Processing Automation
iSurf - Instrumented Surfboard
Crop Silage Production
Self Deploying Mart Acoustic Monitoring System
Robotic Bird/Bat
Hover Pallet
Hepatic Perfusion Sustainability Device
$50 Bicycle of Developing Nations
SMART Road Weather/Rain
Micron Probe Trolley
Orthopedic Exoskeleton Boot
Robotic Hazardous Response Unit
Boeing Unmanned to Manned Aircraft Docking
Frito Lay Auto Cart Shrink Wrapper
Boeing Rotor Downwash
Boeing Composite Shaft Health Monitoring System
I/V Fluid or Blood Transfusion Regulation System
Lockheed Martin Mobile Base for the Baxter Robot
Burn Evaluation System Team
Prevention of Bacterial Infection on Biomedical Implants
Portable Laser Scanning System
Volvo Asphalt Compaction Drum Wiper
VT Rally
Portable Dental Chair for International Dental Clinics
Design for Jet Engine Test Cell
VT Astrobotics
DreamVendor 2.5
Testing Apparatus to Evaluate Grip of Football Gloves
Improved Human-Powered Lifts for Tractor Operators
Formula SAE
Advisors: Dr. Robert West, Dr. William Baumann, Dr. Michael Agnew, Dr. Aurelien Borgoltz
A fictional manufacturing company has contracted us to develop
a small Formula-style race car. The prototype race car is to be
evaluated for its potential as a production item for a nonprofessional weekend autocross racer.
Wireless Telemetry
Pedal box
Line of Sight Testing
Carbon fiber
Technical approach
• System level management structure with several
subteams (engine, suspension, drivetrain,
aerodynamics, ergonomics, electrical)
• Statistical forecasting used to predict winning times
and establish overall vehicle goals
• Parts designed in NX and implemented into an
accurate full car model for assembly constraints
• Parts analyzed using finite element methods via
Abaqus software
• 50 hours of designed testing time allows for data
collection and validation of design assumptions
Vehicle Specifications
• Weight: 366 lb
• Lateral Acceleration: 1.8 g
• CG Height: 12.5 inch
• Engine: Yamaha WR450F
• ECU: MoTeC M400
• 0-60 in 3.2 sec
• Horsepower: 43 @ 9000 rpm
• Torque: 29 ft-lb @ 5000 rpm
• Torsional Stiffness: 920 lb-ft/deg
• Cost: $16,500
Baja SAE
Advisor: John Kennedy
Chris pillow, Joel Morrissett, James Kannan, Kells Lynch, Eric Thayer, Regan Lovelady, Brendon Keeler, Daniel McCall, Michael Strickler,
John Hutchinson, Nathan Torres, Paul Hill, Mike Wilkinson, Kabir Sodhi, Kevin Heald, William Catelvecchi, Jason Lekavich, Jared Deane, John
Telemetry: Ground speed,
engine speed, fuel gauge
Design, build, and race a single seated off-road race car. The car must
withstand the brutal nature of the off-road course including maneuverability,
suspension and traction, acceleration, a hill climb, and a 4 hour endurance
race. Each of the events contains obstacles including jumps, logs, stairs,
other cars, large grades, rough terrain, etc.
Custom transmission
for our specific needs
Custom gearbox to match
transmission ratios
Technical approach
Solidworks design based on past years and research
traversed offroad course
Solidworks FEA
Kinematic analysis for suspension
Fabrication via machining and welding
Testing at Auburn and in Augusta
Tuning of suspension and transmission
Minimal component
failure due to
unexpected loads
changes to be
ready for
competition in
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team
Chevrolet Camaro Performance Hybrid Design
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Doug Nelson
Vehicle Technical Specifications
Design and build a performance hybrid Chevrolet Camaro
Developed to meet Team Goals and consumer market needs
Petroleum Energy Consumption and Green House Gas Emissions
Safety, Performance and Consumer Acceptability
Cost and Innovation
Special thank you to our sponsors and competition organizers
Accel IVM-60 mph
Accel Events Torque Split
Cargo Capacity
Passenger Capacity
Total Vehicle Range
Petroleum Energy Use*
GHG Emissions*
7.9 s
49% F, 51% R
2.4 ft3
150 mi
750 Wh/km
250 g/km
HEVT Target
5.0 s
0% F, 100% R
>2.4 ft3
187 mi
150 Wh/km
175 g/km
Competing in EcoCAR3 Advanced Vehicle
Technology Competition
Hybrid Component Design
Selected Powertrain Design
25 Miles EV Range
Energy Storage
125 WTW Wh PEU/km
118kW Max Power
170 WTW g GHG/km
4.9 sec IVM – 60 MPH
12.6 kWh of Energy
25 Miles EV Range
76 mpgge Charge Depleting Mode
Post Transmission
Power: 134 hp or 100 kW
Torque: 370 ft-lb or 500 Nm
26 mpgge Charge Sustaining Mode
Year 1 (2014-2015) of this four year
competition is to develop a design to
meet Vehicle Technical Specifications
Reduced Energy Tobacco Curing
Advisor: Sunish Vadakkeveetil
Kevin Long, George Keidel, Taralyn Barnett, Stefan Topalov
The Flue-cured tobacco process requires a precise controlled
environment in order to produce the unique chemical and
physical properties that are desired for tobacco leaves. The
curing process is energy intensive and, with increasing propane
costs, farmers are interested in new technologies to reduce the
amount of energy consumed.
Requirements & Analysis
• Same barn structure, new technology, and
feasible for testing
• Increase yield efficiency: Current 8-10 lbs
cured tobacco per gallon of propane
• Significant energy loss due to fresh air
dampers, which are used for humidity
• Temperature and airflow data from the
dampers were collected for heat loss
A dehumidifier was implemented to
replace the fresh air dampers, in order
to remove moisture, prevent heat loss
and save energy.
An on/off temperature controller was
installed to replace the toggle switch,
which directs refrigerant flow to the
inside or outside condenser.
Two barns will be tested using different humidity control
methods. One will implement the new dehumidifier
system and one will use the existing fresh air dampers.
Due to the season, green hay will be used for testing.
Test data will be compared to
determine payback period, cost
efficiency and amount of energy
Goal: 18 lbs of cured tobacco per
gallon of propane
Special thanks to Dr. Reed and the Southern Piedmont
Agricultural Research and Extension Center
Automated Tobacco Pinning System
Advisor: Dr. David Reed
Joel Pugh, Jeremy Smith, Steven Staba, Mark Puccinelli, Ryan Vasas, Ismail Aleyao
The current method of pinning tobacco is a costly and time
consuming process. Pins are placed in tobacco boxes to hold the
leaves in place. Each pin is inserted individually by a worker.
Instead of single pin insertion
a new panel of pins is introduced
Barn door tracks to move the
carrier, instead of fabricating
custom rails and rollers
Technical approach
• Autodesk Inventor used for FEA analysis
• Hydraulics used to provide motion
• Flow control valves used to control machine
Machine can pick up pin panel sucessfully 90% of the time
Panel of pins inserted into box successfully 98% of the time
Box can be pinned in approximately 1.5 minutes, as opposed
to a 3 minute pinning time using current methods
Senegal Silage Team
Advisor: Kevin Kochersberger
Josh Booth, Warren Elsea, Jacob Ford, Chase House, Julia Jordan, Eric Johnson, David Ko
Senegal experiences a 3
month wet season followed
by a 9 month dry season.
Livestock do not have enough
food and a large percentage
typically die; silage can
provide enough sustenance to
keep the animals alive
through the dry season. The
current silage harvesting
process in Senegal is tedious,
tiring, and uncomfortable.
Technical approach
• Test parts commissioned from local
artisans to determine Senegalese
manufacturing capabilities
• Farm visits and field tests to research
silage production
• Trip to Senegal to conduct customer
field tests and reviews
• Local integration efforts with
Senegalese universities
• Force simulation using LabVIEW
Detailed Design
The final design consists of two
main portions: the driving
mechanism, which is a human
powered hand crank which
drives the blade spring
mechanism, and the front,
which consists of the feed and
output chute.
Three team members traveled
to Senegal to work with US
AID, university students,
artisans, and farmers to gauge
the effectiveness of the current
design in the Senegalese
environment. After testing,
the team identified current
issues with the machine and
was given valuable information
regarding future design
Special thanks to Dr. Ozzie Abaye for her help
with this project
VT Bio-Inspired Research and Design (BIRD) Team
Advisors: Dr. Javid Bayandor, Dr. Francine Battaglia, Dr. Andrew Kurdila
Nizar Ajhar, Ian Anderson, Margarita Bottlick, Aly Kaderali, Nora Lam, Matthew Markland, Chris Naclerio, Callan
O’Meara, Connor O’Sullivan, Matt Perez, Sean Riedl, Kian Sharafi, Alex Thai, Ramy Zulficar
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Bird and bat flight serves as an inspiration for creating fully
articulated robotic prototypes
Truly understanding bird/bat flight can lead to the design of
flying vehicles capable of performing on a much higher
efficiency level at low Reynolds numbers
for full
Roundleaf bat
considered for
Robotic bat wing is 2.5x scale
Accurate kinematic motion
achieved through servo
Flexible 3D printed joints
allow for appropriate range
of motion in phalanges
Drive System
Variable Flap
Frequency Study
Separating Wingtip
Feather Study
Π1 = 𝐶Π2 𝛼 Π3 𝛽 + KΠ2 𝛾 Π3 𝛿 + 𝐸
Dimensional Analysis
Non-separating Separating
Can predict aerodynamic
forces using length and
Reynolds number
CL = 0.1433
CL = 0.5892
CD = -0.0164
CD = 0.0759
of Prototype
from Literature
Closely captures
the essence of
seagull 3-D
And a special thanks to our graduate researchers:
Jeffrey Feaster, Alex Matta, Brandon Horton, and Lu Chen
IMPACT Design Team
Advisor: Dr. Javid Bayandor
Andrew Hull, Bryan Johnson, Julie Orbin, Lucas Porter, John Kelley, and Sun Jae Kim
The objective of the IMPACT team is to create a detailed mission
and vehicle design for a reusable orbital transfer vehicle. The
constraints were to design the vehicle to transport 50,000 lbs of
payload from a propellant depot in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to a
gateway space station located at Earth-Moon Lagrange points one
or two (EML2)
Transfer to EML2
Deliver Payload
Return to LEO
Payload Bay
Highly Efficient
Two Stage
Modular Design
allowed the OTV
to be launched
in five modules
and assembled
with current
launch vehicles
Technical approach
• Developed a detailed Orbital Mechanics code in Matlab
• Conducted an in-depth stress and fatigue analysis to
ensure a durable craft that can withstand operational
and life cycle loading
• Designed a fully functional manned/ fully autonomous
unmanned module that can support four astronauts that
provide thermal, radiation, and impact protection
• Created a unique in-space propulsion system for the
required OTV orbital transfer
• The developed OTV can transfer from LEO to EML2
in 4.5 days and is able to support astronauts for up
to 52 days
• The payload bay has a capacity of more than
50,000 lbs that is propelled by a two stage
propulsion system using bipropellant LH/LOX
rocket engines
• The OTV is capable of completing
10 missions spanning 5 years
• Constructed a 3D scaled down modular OTV to ensure the
practicality of assembly in space through multiple launches
The technical support provided by the team manager Melina De La Hunt,
and the following researchers: Steven Chung, Josh Korsness, Liza
Kossobokova, Ravi Saripella, and Kian Sharafi is greatly acknowledged.
Precision Aerial Package Delivery
Cooperative Autonomous
Robotics Design
Advisor: Kevin Kochersberger
Tyler Clark, Bradley Edelin, Kevin Hetzer, and Nicholas Montgomery
The University Bookstore wants to deliver textbooks on move-in
day. To do this quickly and accurately, they need a precision
autonomous package delivery system with small aerial vehicles.
This project includes a competition to test this delivery system
and two vehicles to demonstrate delivery.
Autonomous Hexacopter
3D Printed
Computer Vision
with AR Tags
Technical approach
Designed vehicle to exceed thrust-to-weight
ratio of 2
Onboard GPS navigation with
Pixhawk Flight Control Unit
Passive-loading delivery system that can be
autonomously activated with a servo motor
ROS library for AR
Tag vision system
Thrust-to-Weight Ratio
5 lb.
16 lb.
10 min.
12 min.
3 mi.
5.5 mi.
Low Cost Cargo Bike for Developing Nations
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Kochersberger
Darren Barlow, Oliver Donkervoet, Charlotte Ebeling, Veronika Glitz, Wes Kurowski,
Jason Luci, Stephen Patterson, Matt Schmidt, Ben Seiden, RD Stoepker, and Alex Yi
Customer Needs
While bicycles are cheap and plentiful in the U.S., they are
actually expensive and not commonly available in many
developing nations. Rural farmers in the nations lack an
affordable mode of transportation to move produce to market
• Kickstand made from simple
PVC tube for comfortable
and safe loading
• DIY Chain tensioner to the
chain and keep it from falling off
• Coaster brake in the back for low
maintenance and V-brake in the
front assembled with bolts
instead of specialized parts
• Wrapped pedals for barefoot
• Plastic bottle fenders to keep
rider clean from any kickback
• Total cost of $114
• Puncture Resistance/Static
Load : >400 lbs
• Tire wear: 21g mass loss
after 43 miles
• A long bike with step through
frame that can support up to
100kg rider and 70kg load on
the back rack
Micron Probe Card Trolley Redesign Team
Client: Todd Emo
Bryan Beiglarbeigi, Jason Conder, Erik Nelson, Nick Nelson, Keanan Zafar
Redesign a Probe Card Trolley that will assist users in safely lifting,
securing, and transporting a probe card from the storage system
to the probe card tester (prober)
Spring loaded
mating system
allows a quick
connection to
the PC
trolley. Very
safe but
unused by
Drawer pull
design allows for
simple horizontal
movement of the
Card (PC)
Technical approach
• DC motor spins a threaded rod raising
and lowering the arm
• Lazy Susan is used to allow the arm to
turn 360 degrees
• Drawer pulls are used to give the arm
simple to control horizontal movement
• A spring loaded mating system greatly
simplifies the process of connecting the
PC to the trolley
• Ergonomics considerations greatly
affected the design including the type of
wheels used to increase maneuverability
Probe Card
Tester (Prober)
SafeSwap storage
system makes
transition of the PC to
a horizontal position
quick and easy
Vertical motion of the
arm is controlled with
a DC motor
Users can maneuver
the cart better with
four swiveling casters
• The new design completely eliminates
tedious and time consuming steps
making it a more user friendly and
practical trolley
• The entire design process was completed
with a budget of $3,314 compared to the
current trolley, which costs around
$43,000 each
• The new and improved trolley will be
presented at Micron’s Manassas plant on
May 4
And of course, a special debt of gratitude to our
client Todd Emo and Micron Technology.
Robotic Hazmat Unit
Advisor: Dr. Alfred Wicks
Gerardo Bledt, Tommy Coleman, Chris Denny, Bryan Elam, John Gardiner, Andrew Palmer, Katey Smith, Chris Strakus, Nicholas Vidri
Current robots used in hazardous situations use complicated and
non intuitive controllers. These over complicated controllers
require several hours of user training and are also prone to
mistakes made by the user.
• Using gesture control instead of
more traditional control methods
like joystick controllers
• Wireless communication for
arm and head motion
• Immersive environment
created using the Oculus
Technical approach
• Communications and data processing via Matlab,
Arduino, and Open CV
• IMU’s were used in order to track motion of the
individual’s arms and head and translated into the
motion of the robot using Matlab
• Robot frame was built with 80/20 aluminum.
Motors used were a mix of Dnyamixel EX, Dynimixel
MX and small servos to ensure standardized
components are used
Oculus Rift graphical interface was programmed
using OpenCV to create an immersive environment
for the user
Robot was able to successfully move using
gesture control in both simulation and actual
Frito-Lay Automated Cart Wrapper
Advisor: Craig Isenbart, Rande Cherry
Jason Schwartz, Ankit Saigal, Jacob Lester, Madison Fenzel, Race Batton, Anthony D’Alessandro, Brandon Soto, Jacob MacLean-Blevins
The Frito-Lay distribution plant in Denver, CO runs roughly 600 ASN
carts though each day. Each cart could be wrapped in stretch wrap
to different specifications depending on height and destination.
Design and build a device to automatically wrap carts to each of the
ASN specifications in less than 30 seconds.
Technical approach
• FEA for maximum opposing tensile force deformation
Square peg, round hole bearing conversion
Wrap wall continuity, tensioning, and versatility
Results & Recommendations
• Resulting moment from tensile forces causes binding in linear guide,
causes torque safety failure even with bottom end constrained
• Unloaded testing shows significant wrap time decrease (max 15
• Large Stop/Go with interlocks and lockout switches
• Sharp sensor safety zones
• Recommend changing drive motor/gearing to increase torque
while maintaining travel speed along rail
• Recommend second iteration and further design to work implement
fully automatic with properly constrained wrapping arm
• Embedded cutter to lower injury possibility
HERMES Energy Harvesting Boot
Graduate Advisors: Nathan Sharpes, Eric Zamora Alvarez
Kristin Dunford, Cristian Garcia, Ryan Holasek, Paxton O’Toole, Andrew Shore, Kirk Smith
A typical US Soldier in Afghanistan carries 20 pounds of batteries
on a 72-hour patrol mission.
Buckle-based notification system
add 20 lbs per soldier
We aim to reduce this weight by allowing soldiers to recharge
batteries via harvesting of their gait energy.
Technical approach
UHMW PE, Impulse-Sealed Sacs
Custom Pelton Wheel Generator
Biomechanics experiments: 750N walking
force, 4000 N worst-case force
One-way valves to
rectify fluid flow
Biomechanics testing
Highest stress from jump test within
yield strength of sac material
Fluid-filled sacs
CFD Shows average jet velocity at 10 m/s
Voltage output is 0.3V peak-to-peak
IV Infusion Regulation System
Advisor: Dr. Lissett Bickford
Ben Drew, Dylan Hesse, John Kutz, Brian Magley, Jeff Turovskiy
In African clinics, where dehydration is a common ailment,
modern equipment cannot fulfill rehydration needs. The needs
for electricity and specialized parts prevent IV rehydration therapy
from being used effectively. Therefore, a solely mechanical device
must be designed to allow for IV therapy to save lives.
PVC Bearing
Bolt and
washer drop
Technical approach
• Standard IV bag and tubing set provides sterile
normal saline solution to rehydrate patients but
delivering a certain volume requires active
• Design for developing nations: low cost, easy to
assemble, constructed from commonly available
construction materials
• Usability: device function is straightforward, easy to
understand and can be easily reset
• Moment principles used to balance remaining mass
in bag with known mass and then trigger a cutoff
• After being set the system can run at high or
low flow rates and dispense a prescribed
volume of saline solution ± 20 mL
• Low cost device
(~$36) made solely of
hardware store parts
that requires no
• Drop mass used to kink tubing and cutoff the flow
A special thank you to Dr. Andre Muelenaer, Karen Lowdon R.Ph of Carilion Roanoke Memorial,
Keith Lipato, Jones Masiye, VT Student Engineers’ Council and the former VT INFUSE team.
Burn Evaluation System Team
Advisor: Thomas Diller
Burn Evaluation System
Evan Blake, Josiah Grady, Matt McKinney, Erik Morton, Thomas
Innovation Uniform air flow
A student, Burnie Burns, accidentally severely burned himself on
a lab hotplate. His burn must be evaluated quantitatively to
determine if extensive medical procedures will be necessary for
proper healing.
Using IR
camera tools to
analyze burns
• A Flir A655sc camera is used to collect temperature
data from the skin and a thermocouple is used for air
temperature measurements
• A compressed air line operates at 40 psi to create a
heat transfer event
• The measured air and skin temperature are used as
inputs to a MATLAB algorithm that utilizes a least
squares parameter estimation to estimate blood
perfusion and core temperature
• The polycarbonate housing was able
to send air flow uniformly over the
target burn area. The previous year’s
housing was not able to provide
• A polycarbonate housing is positioned above the skin
using an articulating arm. The housing holds the
camera and will distribute the thermal event evenly
across the analysis area
Pixel Number
• The Phantom Perfusion
Simulator (bottom right)
mimics blood flow
underneath skin by running
water through a sponge.
• By manually setting the
level of perfusion, the team
was able to use the system
to validate the success of
our model.
Phantom Perfusion
Pixel Number
Virginia Tech ChumpCar
Advisors: Dr. Steve Southward and Mr. Gordy Bryan
Tarek Alkhulaidy
Zachary Cantrell
Jeremy Carpenter
Jaeyoung Choi
Minseok Choi
Christopher Coleman
Jason Deacon
Andrew Edwards
Matthias Fisher
Nicole Hatch
Nathan Lauffenburger
Vincent Loparo
Design and modify a 1994 BMW E36 325i to safely and
competitively compete in the ChumpCar World Series 12 hour
Endurance Race.
Bryan Martin
Ryan Oberholzer
Stephanie Peterson
Ryan Petrasek
Increased rigidity
Dan Purvis
Zachary Russell
Scotty Schneider
Dan Solimano
Patrick Williams
Phillip Wood
Technical approach
• Live data processing via LabVIEW with wireless
Ethernet communication
• Fabricated
high flow
• Live data collection of fuel consumption, track
location, speed, battery voltage, and temperature
• 1-3/4" x 0.120” 1020 Steel Roll Cage with 360˚
• Fabricated
roll cage
• In car stand
Portable Laser Scanning System
Advisor: Dr. John Ferris
Jeffrey Brooks, Dylan Bryant, Christopher Fogwell, Brandon Torres
On a major road way, drivers complain about an unpleasant ride
to work daily. An independent road scanning system, capable of
scanning a single lane width (4.2m), that collects accurate data
about the macrostructure of the road in order to find defects that
affect the ride quality of the road.
Rigid mounting
Technical approach
• 5 Gocator 2375 lasers used to scan 4.2 m lane width
macrostructure with 2 Roline 1130 lasers to scan
the approximate wheel base area on the road
• Gocator laser triggering and synchronization using
Arduino Dues
• Accelerometer data processing and system
synchronization through Wavebook/516E A/D
• IMU and GPS data from vehicle and base station
used to locate laser scans in reference to the road
• MOXA gigabit Ethernet switch used to collect data
into Ethernet stream to be saved on a client
• Using the Roline 1130 lasers,
laser data synchronization
confirmed with run marker
and direct reading of laser
synchronization pulse within
sub-millisecond timing
• Lasers collected usable data for
wheel base examination
• Due to lead time to obtain sufficient funds, the Gocator lasers
will be implemented at the very end of the semester and
through the beginning of the summer
We would like to thank Dr. Ferris for the opportunity to
develop the newest iteration of the road profiling system.
VT Rally Team
Advisor: John Ferris
Chris Golightly, Martin O’Connell, Russell Gilbert, Carmen Damico, Lane Southard, Matthew Rauchenberger, Gus Paras, Cody Dunn,
Barkot Teklmichael, Ethan Wood, Daniel Watkins, Matthew King, Robby Boys, Christian Jemmison
Develop, design, raise funds for, source pars for and build an offroad race vehicle capable of competing in the Silverstate 300 race
in Las Vergas, Nevada. This is a 300 mile endurance race through
the desert.
Robust and
Powerful Engine
and Driveline
5-Link Solid
Aluminum Rear
Custom Chassis
Technical approach
• Vast Fundraising effort by entire team contacting
hundreds of corporate, private and public
• Chassis designed in Solidworks and analyzed using
finite element analysis to determine appropriate
design and to meet safety metrics
• Engine sourced from Ford Focus ST donated by
Ford Motor Company, provided a compact 4
cylinder design with high power and torque
• Customized transaxle, featuring 5 forward gears
and reverse along with auxiliary oil pump and
robust clutch components
• Over $100,000 in capitol and parts raised
• Chassis allowed for adequate room and structure for all
needed components
• Engine runs and
all clutch and
• Entire vehicle
assembled and
Jet Engine Test Cell
Advisor: Dr. Srinath Ekkad
Marianne Buhl, Tyler Capil, Robert Davis, Matt Ferguson, Thomas Garnett,
Vidhan Malik, Steven Paul, Eric Schneider, Charlie Simmons
Project Information
18 ft
Develop a design proposal to prepare an empty
test cell for the operation of a Rolls Royce 3007
Test Cell located at the Advanced Power
Propulsion Lab (APPL) in the CRC
Structures subteam designed components to transport and
secure jet engine.
Deflector Plate
Run dolly, provided by
Rolls Royce, holds engine
during operation
Truss structure, with inground steel structure,
used to support dolly
Mounting pillars connect
truss structure to run
Winch is used pull run
dolly up the ramps
Thermal Fluids
Prevent exhaust gas reingestion
Ensure safe operating conditions
inside the test cell
The aerodynamic analysis of the
augmentor tube and baffles is in
Designed a flat deflector plate to
minimize exhaust recirculation
within the cell
Validated that the ceiling vents are a
viable solution to regulate test cell
“May the thrust be with you”
Mounting Pillars
In-Ground Steel Frame
(covered by concrete)
Acoustical Design
Deflector plate
Allowable noise level is between
55 dB and 67 dB
The free field noise test results of the
engine shows that the engine emits
noise up to 110 dB at 150 ft
Concept: Baffles, silencer and ear plugs
Verified concept design based on
suppliers knowledge
Received quotes from possible
Allowable noise level
DreamVendor 2.5
Advisor: Dr. Christopher Williams
Michael Barclift, Eric Bruning, Bastian Dietrich, Daniel Fernandes, Shannon McKenzie, Todd Spurgeon
Final Design
The current DreamVendor can only print in one color, and that color
is completely dependent on what filament is loaded at the time of
print. This extrusion system must enable the DreamVendor to print
in at least two colors of the user’s choice.
Technical Approach
• Liquid colorant specifically manufactured to mix
with ABS plastic
• DSC testing to find glass transition temperature
of ABS and colorant
• ANSYS heat transfer analysis to determine
location of glass transition temperature
• Prototype testing and iterative design approach
to find optimal colorant insertion point and feed
• Bent needle attached to micro gear pump to
overcome backpressure of molten filament
• Clamped heater block design to allow use of
non traditional needles
Controls Diagram
Full Assembly
The extrusion system currently allows for color switching but needs
improvement in print quality before implementation on the
Agricapable Team: Human Powered Lift
Advisor: Dr. Donatus Ohanehi
Tyler Smith, Andrew Taylor, Eddie Ramirez, Santiago Cisneros, Cole Pearson, Zachary Keene, Nate Bottenfield
The average age of agricultural workers is currently 57 and
steadily increasing. A tractor lift is to be designed affordable, safe,
and engineered for use by disabled and aging agricultural
workers. The lift will be human powered and will be an adequate
solution for workers with the appropriate power to operate it.
Ball Screw Design
Gear Ratio
Platform for Stability
Technical approach
• Design and Stress Analysis completed on CAD
• Ball screw has a 5 mm pitch which is about 0.25
• Over multiple trials the average ascent time
was 37 seconds and the average descent
time was 42 seconds.
• The gear ratio allowed for 2 turns of the ball screw
nut to one turn of the handle
• The lift was successfully
tested with up to a 364
weight load
• Brackets for gear made from 10 gauge steel to
provide support during the transfer of power
• The final weight of the lift
itself was 112 lb
• Ultimately a full rotation of the handle allows for 0.5
inches of lift
Design of a Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Powered UAV
Alternative Fuel Plane
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Walter F. O’Brien
Patrick Bennett, Dan Gutermuth, Matt Loudin, Peter McDougall, Dan Dezzutti, Joseph Acevedo, Malte Diederich, Lucas Roumillat, Tom Finnigan
Design Problem
Fly an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 15 minutes using Liquid
Natural Gas liquefied on board with improved Engine Controls.
The Aviation Industry is looking for fuel alternatives:
Natural Gas provides less emissions than other fossil fuels while
having benefits in cost and safety.
Natural Gas Fuel Delivery System
Natural gas liquefaction
Using Liquid Nitrogen Supply System
Cost Development projects good
future for Natural Gas
Technical approach
• Fuel is stored as LNG and passive heat transfer is
used to vaporize the fuel en route to the engine
• LNG has successfully been created
using the liquefaction system
• Liquefaction is done using gaseous Methane that is
cooled by Liquid Nitrogen
• Engine was modified to run safely on
Natural Gas with Oil Pin for fuel
• Methane is substituted for Natural Gas as Natural
Gas is 99% Methane and the Natural Gas additives
cause material degradation problems
• Fuel flow rate controlled using servo for
throttle position
• Airframe chosen based on maximum payload and
experience in other projects
• Fuel system is safely stored in the
• Fuel flow rate controlled using servo for throttle
• Fuel tank holds pressure safely to 150
PSI with a safety factor of 2
• Constant Liquid Nitrogen flowrate generated by
holding tank
• Flight test scheduled for April 30
Special thanks to Dr. O’Brien and the students/employees of the VT Airport lab!
Kimberly Bond, Cal Glover, Nick Krall, David Oetjen
Faculty Advisor: Rolf Mueller
Our project goal was to design and construct a
camera array using GoPros for tracking
dynamic changes in bat wings during flight,
and to sync those cameras in order to create
an accurate 3D model.
Altered third party system to
sync 40 GoPros using a
Dual Hero sync cable
Technical Approach
cables to carry
sync signals
Photoluminescent landmarks
used to track the bat increase
tracking accuracy and reduce
image processing errors
Cameras positioned
into 5 rings with 8
cameras each
Rigid 60x60 mm
extruded aluminum
frame supports full
cameras within 1 ms
Automating the Digitization of Smithsonian Artifacts
Advisor: Dr. Rolf Mueller
GTA: Tan Li
Ben Bilodeau, Brian Brillhart, Jessie Campbell, Abby Garrett, and Kris Rodriguez
The Smithsonian houses over 120 million specimens in storage.
Our project focuses on specimens in liquid storage of length and
diameter 2-8”. Current methods of digitization are labor intensive
and subject to weekly downtime. Automating the process will
involve an assembly process to move specimens in and out of
storage for scanning.
Sturdy acrylic tubing
and polypropylene
protection for each
Forklift interacts with
each component by
lifting rings so only
one gripper tool is
Basket mesh securely
holds specimen in
place with minimal
lid concept
Technical approach
• Project divided into 3 sub-sections: Storage canister, holding
basket, and forklift manipulation arm
• Basket utilizes ergonomic design to prevent unnecessary
stress on the lab technician
• A focus on material selection critical to micro-CT scanning
and ethyl alcohol preservation
• Simplify manipulation of components by using a simple
• Ease of use for IR position sensors & potentiometers
• Computational computer programs used to simulate
• Holding basket
securely holds
specimens of varying
• A good balance
between specimen
security and occlusion
• Efficient interaction
of robotic arm with
canister, canister lid,
and holding basket
This project was funded by the Virginia Tech Department of Mechanical
Engineering and by the Smithsonian Institution (Project 14-1253-12).
Manufacturing Process for Producing Heat Flux Sensors
Advisor: Dr. Thomas Diller
Ryan DeHeer, Tim Epley, Kolya Fearnow, Scott Haigler, Abdulmohsen Hussain, Christian Reid
Heat flux sensors are used to measure the rate of thermal energy
transfer. Currently, thin film heat flux sensors cost hundreds of dollars
because of their time consuming manufacturing process. Growth in
the heat flux sensor market can be achieved by lowering their price.
• Manufacturing process shifted from manual
machining of individual sensors to mass printing
of sensors
• Conductive inks enabled mass printing of high
resolution circuitry needed in a heat flux sensor
Technical approach
• Laser cut holes in Kapton to allow electrical
connection between both sides of the sheet
• Screen print conductive inks onto the two sides
of a kapton sheet using a custom made stand
• Soldered the leads to the printed circuit on top
of copper pads to increase connection strength
• Leads are fixed in place by cyanoacrylate glue
• The sensor is electrically insulated by a
protective silicone conformal coating layer
•Produced sensors have a
Mean sensitivity of 0.88 𝜇V/(W/m²)
Operational Range of -40 to 150 °C
Material Cost of $3/sensor
• RDF sensor
Sensitivity 1.86 𝜇V/(W/m²)
Cost $500 - $900
Instrumented Surfboard
Advisors: Dr. Chris Fuller and Dr. Cory Papenfuss
Brian Bramande, Matt Kubic, Tyler Morris, Derrick Smith
The Virginia Tech Instrumented Surfboard team strives to advance
technology in the sport of surfing by creating a engaging and
informational display of board performance.
Live on-board video display
Engaging GUI
Live board strain and position data
Technical approach
• Xbee Wireless communication between on-board
Arduino and shore-based LabVIEW GUI
• Array of 13 strain gauges used to relay strain in the
board to a live board model
• Accelerometer and gyroscope hardwired into onboard PCB track position of board in space
• Data redundancy in SD card in event of wireless
packet loss
• Wireless video streamed from GoPro with upgraded
transmitter and receiving network
• COMSOL finite-element model for further postprocessing analysis
• Successful live transmission of all data and
video from surfboard to shore in full-scale test
in Cape Hatteras, NC
• Achieved all customer needs
Team 26: Smart Acoustic Monitoring System
Advisors: Dr. Christopher Fuller (VT/NASA) and Dr. Stephen Rizzi (NASA)
Bruce Ayliff, Joseph Blochberger, Nathan Foy, Philip Norman, Tanner Smith
In order to measure and quantify acoustic signals from small UAS,
NASA utilizes phased microphone arrays deployed in the field.
These complex arrays can take up to two weeks to set up before
measurements can be taken. NASA and the NIA contracted with VT
to have a team of senior, undergraduate, mechanical engineers
develop a way to improve and shorten the process.
Open Source / Modular Parts Integration
3DR Pixhawk Auto
Pilot Controller
Arduino Uno
used for
Technical Approach
• Autonomous vehicle delivers microphone sensor
plates to field based array locations given by NASA
• Vehicle rides on 4 mecanum wheels, independently
driven by 4 DC motors, that allow forward/reverse,
rotational, and side to side movement
• Autonomous navigation is performed by a 3D
Robotics Pixhawk auto pilot controller and uBlox GPS,
with Mission Planner software for programming
• Cm accuracy of plate locations obtained by Swift
Navigation RTK/differential GPS Piksi kit
• Plates are deployed from the vehicle to the ground
via an 80/20 constructed frame and 3D printed holder
mechanism and 4 linear actuators
80/20 parts and
components for
easy assembly
Vex Pro parts
for drivetrain,
inspired by
First Robotics
• Successful deployment of 25+ plates on paved surfaces by the
80/20 constructed frame. Also, programmed to pick plates up
off ground. Holds up to 11 plates at time
• Stable vehicle platform drivable
by a RC transmitter
• RTK/Differential GPS kit installed
and determining cm accurate
relative position to a base
• Run time of 1.5-2 hours on 12 V
lead acid battery unit
Thanks to the NASA Langley Research Center for providing us
with the necessary parts and data to create this vehicle!
Matthew Tilashalski, Matthew
Nerkowski, Cory Beam, Kawin
Sripetchdanont, Chris Nelson,
Cooper Harmon, Ryan Schmidt,
Megan Riley, Nathan Smith,
Kyle Lefevre
Faculty Client:
Alan Kornhauser
GTA Advisor:
Rande Cherry
Current pallet jacks are cumbersome and difficult to maneuver. A
pallet system that uses air to lift a load comparable in weight to
current pallet jacks while providing improved maneuverability and
control. The system must not be constrained to compressed air
hoses to have equal mobility to current jacks.
Simple air distribution
Blower Mount
and Connection
and Controls
DC circuit design
Technical approach
• Use 4 centrifugal blowers in inflate 4 air casters on
underside of pallet to lift load
• Air flows to casters from blowers through PVC
piping internal to the pallet
• Blowers attached to lightweight, detachable unit
with variable speed blower controllers
• Blower unit connects to pallet using latches and has
a guide rod to help line up PVC pipe from blowers
• DC, battery powered electrical system has been
designed for future implementation. Estimated
battery life determined using power
• All acceptance criteria were met
• Lifted 850 lbf at max power
• Estimated battery life of 2 hours
• Max noise w/o cover of 85 dBA
• Connection made in 5.4 seconds
• Easily stopped in less than 1 foot
• Hover pallet requires
little effort to push and
is easy to maneuver
A special debt of gratitude to our brilliant advisor, Dr. Kornhauser
PACE Reconfigurable Shared-Use Mobility System
Advisor: Jan-Helge Bøhn
Michael Ferrer, Peter Hynson, Sky Van Iderstine, Richard MacGregor, Masih Nazarian, Michael Thompson, Kristopher Thor
In 2030, urban areas will be home to more than 60% of the
world’s population resulting in congestion, pollution, and a
transportation infrastructure that cannot meet the increased
demand for vehicle ownership. A reconfigurable electric
vehicle shall be designed to solve this problem by fulfilling a
variety of customer needs and promoting car sharing.
Technical Approach
• The 3-D modeling of the wheel modules and
the vehicle frame performed using Siemens
NX 8.5
• The vehicle powertrain performance was analyzed by
modeling road load forces over a city drive cycle using
detailed spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel
The REVolt is a
electric vehicle
that serves
multiple purposes
and uses all-inone wheel
• The wheel modules were
designed to incorporate the
steering, braking and
suspension systems to
maximize cabin space
• Using these wheel modules,
the vehicle’s length can be
kept under 2.7m while
providing space for up to 3
Hepatic Perfusion Sustainability Design Team
Advisor: Dr. Amrinder Nain
Graduate Advisors: Amritpal Gill, Brian Koons
Team Members: Omar Barkawi, Anthony Berlenbach, Jeff Lieb, Jeffrey McGuire
The team is tasked with designing a bioreactor device capable of
replicating liver function for an extended period of time. The
system must effectively transfer nutrients to liver cells to keep
them alive and functioning outside of the body.
Clear device chamber
and water bath for
visual flow feedback
• Perfusion of hepatocyte scaffolds with media
• Develop a system that can mimic the body’s
internal environmental conditions such as pH,
oxygen, nutrients, fluid flow, and temperature
• Sensor feedback system used to monitor real-time
conditions such as temperature and pH within the
seeded on
device trays
Technical approach
• Create nanofiber scaffolds from polymer material to
mimic the extracellular matrix of the human body
pH and temperature feedback at device
Successfully monitored
real-time pH and
measurements at device
Future cell viability results
to be determined from
upcoming test
Weather/Rain Capabilities – The Virginia Smart Road
Advisor: Jared Bryson
JP Haynes, Matt Donaldson, Matt Sewell, Ryan Gambino
The Virginia Smart Road simulates different forms of
weather depending on what the client wants to test. The
current rain nozzle setup causes the drivers to experience a
surge of rain as they drive between towers.
Purchased 3
nozzles to test
based off spray
pattern, droplet
size, and flow
Testing and Simulation
• Used Ansys to model the inner
streamlines of the nozzles
• Ran tower and collected water in 10 m
x 10 m grid
• Used collected water to determine
spray pattern and standard deviation to
compare to current nozzle
• 1F(PT) SSXP 80 S303 gave us
the best standard deviation and
spray pattern
• Slight surging in
middle that can be
fixed by increasing
Smart Road Compressor Team
Advisor: Kevin Kochersberger
Alex Greenfield, Matt Sboto, Kyle Stephens
Design Choices
The solutions we chose were adding larger, more
effective vibration absorbers to the feet and building
an enclosure around the compressor to mitigate the
We were tasked with
fixing acoustic and
vibration issues with a
compressor, pictured to
the right, which operates
within the smart road
Enclosure Design
We build the enclosure, seen to the
right, which was made out of rock
wool and steel struts. Rock wool is a
type of sound insulation which has a
very low heat resistivity, which is
ideal for keeping the compressor
from overheating during operation.
The figures to the right show the measurements of
the compressor running. The FFT shows multiple
different frequencies within the system, leading us
to purchase the feet seen below
And of course, a special debt of gratitude to
our brilliant advisor, Dr. Kochersberger
VTTI Smart Road Tower Team
Advisor: Jared Bryson
Joe Girgente, Kevin Hunt, Xikai Zhao
The rotating weather towers fit like a sleeve over a stationary
metal base that is cemented into the ground. A pin is used to lock
the tower to the base and a push bar is used to rotate the towers.
The hole through which the pin is inserted wears over time and
the towers rotate unexpectedly.
CAD-based drawings
handle for
easier use
tower, itself
Technical approach
• Autodesk Inventor used to model parts
• Custom gussets were designed and cut using a
water jet to fit the tight tolerances on our design
• Stock parts 3D CAD models downloaded from
McMaster-Carr to fit exactly in the model
• A variety of tools were used to measure tolerances
as close as possible
• Processes used in manufacturing our product
included water jet cutting, lathe and mill work,
welding, tapping, etc.
• Mechanism rotated entire
360 degrees smoothly and in
under 2 minutes. It is under
budget and meets our
minimum number of unique
parts goals.
• The product is small
enough not to
interfere with any of
the moving parts.
A special thanks to our advisor, Jared Bryson, and
our GTAs, Evan Smith and Emilio Jimenez.
Smart Road Distraction Test Team
Advisor: Jared Bryson
Max Peninger, Tommy Cummins, Brian Scheidemann, Ben Waterland
The Virginia Tech Smart Road has many ways of conducting the
Distraction Test, designed to measure a driver’s response to an
unexpected scenario while distracted. However, the Smart Road
is in need of a new, completely original way of conducting the
• All major components were tested
to ensure device worked properly
• Behind the head rest is where the
motor caused the most vibration
• All components
met specifications
• Concept generation and screening was used to
choose the best overall concept
• Solution incorporates using noise & vibration for the
test rather than a physical object
• Solenoid strikes metal repeatedly, creating a loud
• An eccentric motor is hooked up to the back of the
seat to create a vibration within the seat
• Cameras would be put into the test car to obtain a
measurable response time to the activation of the
Steps Towards Final Product
Given the additional month most teams had, the
following modifications would result in the final product:
• Wire the eccentric motor and
solenoid to the same source
• Hook up a signal generator to
operate the solenoid at an optimal frequency
• Test methods of activating
the device remotely
A lot of thanks and appreciation goes to our advisor,
Mr. Jared Bryson, for all the help he has provided
Orthopedic Exoskeleton Boot Senior Design Team
Advisor: Dr. Brian Lattimer
Mike Hembling, Matthew Henry, Tom Ehrenzeller, Nicholas Pluta, Jeff Mickle
Drop foot is a gait abnormality characterized by the inability to
raise the foot, or dorsiflex. This causes the patient to drag their
toes during limb advancement, creating a tripping risk. Patients
typically compensate with an exaggerated steppage gait that can
cause discomfort, as well as numbness of the foot and toes.
Adjustable Mechanical
Hard Stops
Does not interfere with
shoe’s utility
Form Molded
Technical Approach
• Walking-gait data collected through Vicon motion
capture system
• Selected SAFFiR actuator designed by TREC
• Fully machined exoskeleton boot
attached below the knee and at the shoe
• Testing conducted on a modified test
stand to validate zero-impedance mode
• Includes mechanical, electrical, and software safety
limits for user safety
• Universal joints do not impede natural ankle pitch
• Force data is collected using a Futek load cell ,while
position is detected through motor incremental
• Communicate directly with motor slug via external
• Direct communication
with the motor slug
can be achieved in
real time
A special thanks to our advisor, graduate advisors Tan Li,
John Seminatore, and Robert Griffin and the TREC Lab
Unmanned Aircraft to Manned Aircraft Docking System
Faculty Advisor: Kevin Kochersberger
Graduate Advisor: Tan Li
David McCracken, Martin Dally, Tyler Dick, Andrew Benton, Jason Scherer, Michael Disands, Tae Kim, Richard Wells, Rob Murrary
The range of modern UAVs is not always adequate to fulfill
specific missions. Furthermore, UAVs are expensive and strategic
assets that cannot be abandoned. There is a need for a system to
deploy and retrieve a UAV in midair to extend the range of the
Technical approach
• A downwash environment was created behind a
panel truck in attempt to mimic forces felt
below the rotors of a helicopter.
• A system of pitot tubes was attached to a boom
to collect data while driving.
• An air dam was attached to the top of the
truck’s frame to create the desired turbulent
A mating system designed to safely secure a range of UAV’s in turbulent
A fully functional “Drogue” prototype was manufactured from
ABS plastic, utilizing a steel solenoid pin system.
• The UAV enters the armed Drogue where a
sensor recognizes its position. The solenoids
activate, locking the UAV in place.
• Vital data was collected by the pitot tubes in
the recreated downwash environment.
Rotor Downwash
Sponsor/Client: The Boeing Company
Team Members: Connor Kimm, Aaron Epperson, Jared LaCelle, Khang Pham, Jiyang Bai, Andrew Nelson, Nick Agentis
Mission Statement: To design, manufacture, and implement a low cost system that is capable of safely measuring the downwash
velocity profile of an RMAX helicopter with and without ground effect
Study of Ground Effect
Design Solution
The final design will measure the rotor downwash of the RMAX helicopter in a 2D
polar coordinate plane while taking 3D pressure measurements. This method of
data acquisition was accomplished through the collaboration of three subsystems:
translational, rotational, and instrumentation. Symmetrically translating rods were
used to reduce the moment of inertia for take off and landing.
Rotor downwash is the change in direction
and magnitude of air underneath a
helicopter’s rotor as it produces lift. The
team will explore the rotor downwash for
two flight conditions: hover with and without
ground effect. Ground effect is important to
consider because of its substantial impact on
the downwash profile.
2013-2014 Design Specification
Moment of Inertia: 3.87 kg*m2
Weight: 26 lbs
Budget Used: $726.71
Instrumentation: Pressure Scanner
Translational System: Rack and Pinion
*No information was able to be
gathered from last year’s design
Design Verification
The out of ground effect flight data was similar to the CFD data
at the rotor tips but was considerably lower at about one radial
meter. This difference can be explained by the interference of
the RMAX’s fuselage that the CFD model was not able to take
into consideration due to program constraints.
Finite Element Analysis was performed on the
team’s final design to ensure the system would
not fail under normal flight loads. FEA also
allowed the team to predict where failures
would occur and approximate how much the
pitot tubes at the end of the carbon fiber arms
would deflect.
A CFD model was created to replicate the
air flow generated by the helicopter’s
spinning rotor blades in an quiescent
environment for each flight condition.
The CFD results will be used to help
validate the wind velocities gathered by
the system during actual flight testing.
The in ground effect flight data was much different than what was
predicted by the CFD model for the measurement location. This
opposing trend appeared due to recirculation of the downwash
bouncing off of the ground. This was not able to be generated in
the CFD model due to a mandatory frictionless surface condition
that had to be created.
2014-2015 Design Specification
Moment of Inertia: 1.89 kg*m2
Weight: 12.1 lbs
Budget Used: $416.85
Instrumentation: Pres. Sensor - Arduino
Translational System: Pulley + Line
Rotational System: Chain and Sprocket
The 2014-2015 Boeing Rotor Downwash team was able to design a
downwash data acquisition system that was 53% lighter, had a
51% less mass moment of inertia, and was manufactured for over
$300 less than the last year team’s design. This improved design
was able to be flown safely on a Yamaha RMAX helicopter, giving
new insight of the helicopter’s downwash profile that CFD models
are not yet capable of replicating.
Composite Shaft Health Monitoring Team
Anson Branner, Jeff Pope, Alex Karikari, Jacob Salai, Mostafa Abdallah, Lawrence Baker
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Pablo Tarazaga Graduate Advisor: Mohammad Albakri
The current method for inspecting the health of a helicopter drive
shaft requires visual examination by a technician, which can be
expensive, time consuming, and open to error. The goal of this
project is to develop a structural health monitoring system that
inspects the shaft for damage automatically.
Macro Fiber Composite (MFC):
Flexible piezoelectric sensor
MFCs couple the mechanical
system with the electrical system
changes as
damage occurs
MFCs are mounted on
the driveshaft and used
to detect damage.
Technical approach
• This project utilizes an impedance based method to
detect when damage occurs to the shaft.
• The mechanical impedance of the structure is coupled
to the electrical impedance of an attached piezoelectric.
Changes in this impedance can be correlated to
structural damage.
• An Arduino controls an Analog Devices impedance
board which measures this electrical impedance. The
Arduino then processes, stores, and analyzes the
• The components are battery powered and are mounted
on the shaft using a collar constructed of ABS plastic.
Collar CAD
model with
• The code can execute a test and process
the data in 1.5 minutes, orders of
magnitude faster than manual
• Holes were drilled at 8” increments along
the shaft to test system sensitivity, as
shown in the graph on the right
Thanks to our advisors
Dr. Pablo Tarazaga and
Mohammad Albraki
Baxter Autonomous Mobile Frame
Client: Lockheed Martin – Dr. Michael Hannan
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kochersberger
Douglas Goodwin, Marc Grissom, Patrick Izzo, Stephen Pearcy, Sheran Perera, Ethan Robinson, Kyle Wernicki, Ryan Wheeler, Andrew Wilson, Dingyu Zhang
Motivation: The Rethink Robotics
Baxter Robot is a manufacturing robot
optimal for performing low volume,
high mix production jobs. However, the
robot is designed to be mounted in a
stationary configuration.
Objective: To design a prototype
mobility platform for the Baxter robot
which allows it to perform its assigned
commands while navigating a factory.
Integrated with ROS
(Robot Operating System)
Technical approach
• Computing via Raspberry PI & Mac Mini
• Sensing via LIDAR, Limit Switches, & Ultrasonic
• Functioning Sensing System
able to detect obstacles at set
• Drive Train consists of two 24VDC 0.7 HP Drive
Motors with 10 Inch wheels
• 360 degree of rotation
• Frame built with heavy duty 80/20 aluminum with
machined T651 Aluminum & 5 Inch caster wheels
• Audio/Visual Warning Signals
• Wireless relay switches, and shutoff buttons cutoff
power to the motors in the event of an emergency
• Differential Drive Integrated
with Control System
• Robust, Durable Frame Design
• Capability to add additional
peripherals as needed
Heavy Duty Frame
w/ turntable for Baxter
Improving the STEP Process of Texturizing Surfaces to Prevent Bio-film Formation
Advisor: Bahareh Behkam
Ali Alsaleh, Andrew Myers, David Morris, Mitchell Sandoe, Paul Benedetto
It has been found that texturing objects with specifically
dimensioned nanofibers laid with controlled spacing creates an
energetically unfavorable surface for bacteria to adhere to.
Laying the nanofibers on surfaces with specific spacing and
diameter parameters can be done using the Spinneret based
Tunable Engineering Parameters (STEP) method, which is being
used currently at Virginia Tech by Dr. Behkam and Dr. Nain. The
present setup used to spin fibers does not yield uniform fiber
spacing and can be difficult to use. The design team is required to
reduce vibration of the spinning equipment used in the method ,
build a pressure control system, design new substrate holder and
build a controlled enclosure over the setup.
Technical approach
Pressure Control Pump
Substrate holder
Acrylic Enclosure
Brushless DC Motor
• Replacement of stepper motor with brushless DC
motor with Hall effect sensor to reduce vibration of
spinning equipment.
• High speed laser triangulation sensor is
used to quantify vibration before and
after implementing the design solutions
• Substrate holder designed with mass balance to
reduce vibration and with attachable heads to hold
verity of substrate shapes.
• Scanning electron microscopy imaging is
used to compare the fiber spacing
uniformity before and after implementing
the design solutions
• Enclosure designed to allow regulation of humidity
and other environmental factors for spinning fibers
• Create pressure in a syringe via a linear actuator
capable of high loads to allow continuous flow of
• The custom designed substrate holder
can hold at least 3 different shapes of
• Pressure control System can maintain and
control the pressure of the fiber in a user
friendly way.
50 um
Battery Operated Land Transport Team
Advisor: Dr. Richard Clark
Wade Baker, Scott Benson, Chase Clear, Kyle Harvey, George Karabelas, Ryan Knights, Matthew McLaughlin, Eddie Nieves, David Pyon,
Jackson Sale, Taiga Soejima, Jeremy Vogt, Alec Walsh, Brian Wuestewald
Modify BOLT II to
● Upgrade safety features
● Enhance serviceability
● Improve race performance
● Streamline data collection
Generate design and fabricate
chassis of BOLT III
Lighter Carbon Fiber Tail
Modular Battery Packs Custom Chassis Design
Improved Data Analysis Techniques
Technical Approach
• PCB design with Eagle
• Pressure-fit aluminum battery connections capable
of carrying 1300 Amps
• Chassis and tail designed in SolidWorks and Inventor
• Finite Element Analysis of structural components
(tail, chassis, battery box) using Inventor and Abaqus
• Instron tensile tests on carbon fiber coupons
• Data collection and analysis using Vector
Logger/CANalyzer , GPX Pro 8, and BikeSim
• A purpose-built chassis prototype
validated under various loading
scenarios using FEA.
• Wires disconnect making
maintenance easy
• Complete carbon fiber tail weighing
25% less than previous version
• Modular battery pack capable of
being removed and disassembled in
under 3.5 hours
• Preliminary full-bike computational
Modular Connections
Volvo Asphalt Compaction Drum Wiper Team (Team 38)
Industry Liaison: Robert Law
Graduate Advisor: Rande Cherry
Chris Anderson, Philip Helm, Nathan Filipowski, Christian Chase, Abraham Martinez
Analyses and Prototyping
The team was tasked with extending the current life of Volvo’s
current asphalt compaction drum wiper system without negatively
impacting lifetime cost (production cost + maintenance cost)
Changed tangent contact
to perpendicular contact
Clamping system
Preset pegs
Push rod to advance
Mounting bracket
integrates with current
volvo brackets
Safety locks
The prototype adequately
withstood machine vibration
Based on concept testing, the
projected life increase is 320%
For Improvement:
Thicker material
Improved clamping force in the center
Automated machining to ensure better tolerances
Development of a Portable Dental Chair for Outreach Dentistry Work
Client: Dr. Joe Gambacorta
Blake Ballard, Brian Chase, Joe Garrity, Kamin Horvath, Leslie Lyford, Sam Shea, Jahan Shiekhy, Diego Utrera, and Joshua Watkins
Innovative Features
BOCA (Buffalo Outreach and Community Assistance) is an
outreach dentistry program for areas without access to proper
dental care. However, they currently use plastic lawn chairs or
foldable sports chairs which lack proper support and adjustability.
This project sought to design a dental chair to fit in a checked
airline bag with support, adjustability, and ability to be easily
deployed in remote areas such as developing countries.
Design and Test Process
• Understood customer needs and translated into engineering
Adjustable (height and recline angle)
Portable, airline friendly
Easily disinfected
Accommodates range of patient heights/weights
Folds into itself, has custom sleeve and
wheels to act as a suitcase
Meets airline standards for checked
Easily repairable cushioning and straps
Adjustable for all typical dental
• Successfully built chair and sleeve fitting
requirements of conventional airline luggage
• Overall weight (bag included): 47 lbs
1st prototype
• Built proof of concept prototype out of wood and PVC piping
• Dimensions (LxWxH): 32 1/2” x 18 1/2” x 10”
• Height adjustability: 15 inches
• Recline angle adjustability: 75 degrees
• Built 1st prototype chair for testing and product refinement
• Built 2nd chair to include design/safety improvements as well
as boost aesthetic appeal
And special thanks to our
GTA manager Melina De La
Hunt, VWCC technician
Keoni Dade, and Rayco
VT Astrobotics
Advisor: Dr. Kochersberger, Dr. Shinpaugh, Dr. Westman
Team Members (ME): Nora Ali, Hojae Chung, Nils Störmer, Denver Walling
In order to establish a human presence on Mars, it is essential to
understand the Martian environment. Our task is to design and
build a robot capable of traversing on Martian terrain.
Additionally, the robot has to be able to mine, transport and
deposit Martian regolith and ice.
Technical approach
• 3D printed wheels and
module controlls boxes
•Wireless communication
•Hand rolled sheet
aluminum drum sections
•Multi compartment
drum with offset
•Internal channels to
guide an d contain
•Lightweight aluminum chassis for strength and
•Mining Drum to collect, store and deposit material
•All wheel drive for sufficient traction
•Integration of additive manufacturing techniques
•Self designed and build gearbox
Key Data:
•Weight: ~65 kg
•Max. Mining capacity: ~30 kg
•Max Speed: 1.5 m/s
•Dimensions: 1.5m x 0.75m x 0.75m
Test Results:
Data Transfer: 800 bytes
Power Consumption: 1066 W
Mechanical components: $3000
Electrical components: $1500