Application Process User Screenshot Guide

Olympus Grant Application Guides
Screen-by-screen Instructions for Applying in the Online Grant Management System
Olympus Corporation of the Americas | Grants Administrators
May 2016
Welcome to the Olympus Grants Management System
• In May 2016, Olympus launched a new online Grants Management System to receive,
review, and respond to requests for grant support for programs in North America
• Once Registered in the system, review the complete eligibility guidelines on the Olympus
Grants Homepage,, and follow the
Proceed to Application Link to access the new Grants Management System
• System Functionality Notes
• Site is optimized for Internet Explorer 11
• Pop ups must be enabled (Pop up blocker must be turned off)
• How do I enable pop ups in my browser?
Internet Explorer:
• To navigate among tabs, use the Back and Proceed buttons at the bottom of the page
Page 2
Note- System is active in
English only at this time
Tip- Help, FAQ, and
Privacy Policy links
Enter your Email
Address & Password
Hit Enter on your
keyboard or click the
double arrow to log in
Tip- Forgot your password?
for Contact Us
and Terms of
Use links
Clickk the
th link
li k and
d enter
t the
exact email address used
during Registration. If the
email address is properly
registered in our system,
instructions for changing
your password
d will
ill b
promptly sent via email
Page 3
My Account displays user-provided information from
START HERE - Users should review My Account
prior to initiating new grant requests. Typos and
errors must be corrected and organization
made via My Account prior to starting a new application
Tip- User password may
be updated by clicking
Change Password
Password must be 8-12
Users with multiple accounts must also ensure they
are applying on behalf of the correct organization.
Applications cannot be transferred among organizations
Content of this page is continued on the next slide…
Page 4
Content on this page is continued from the previous slide
Click Submit New
Request to begin
an application
Tip- Users who have not yet initiated a grant request will see blank space in this area. Once an
application has been drafted, a listing will appear here showing the Request ID, Status, Title, etc.
If action is required, a blue Action Required link will instruct the user of the next step (e.g., for a
partially completed request, the link will say Please Complete Request)
Page 5
Click Medical Education,
Advocacy, or Donations to
initiate a new request of that type
Note-Sponsorship Requests are separate from the grants
process (not accepted through this system) but may be pursued
concurrently using the email address shown
Page layout is condensed here for clarity
Page 6
Slides 7-27 provide instruction specific to
Medical Education Request
Carefully review the Med
Ed instructions then click
Proceed to continue
Page 8
Medical Education Request –
General Information Tab
At this time, Other is the only
Disease State/ Treatment
available. Click to select it
Provide an executive summary that concisely
explains the program While an additional Letter of
Request is required on the Document Uploads tab, this
description should be a freestanding summary
capturing the general nature of your program
TIP- Incidental sponsorship benefits (e.g., $5K grants
are recognized at the silver level and receive a free
table display) should NOT be referenced as they are
not a factor in Grants Committee decision making
Select ALL Olympus grant support
requested for your program by holding
CTRL or Command on your keyboard
while clicking the desired options.
Financial and product support should be
sought in a single request
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 9
Medical Education Request –
General Information Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
If no financial grant support is requested from
Olympus, enter zero
This field will be carried over to the Budget tab
where you will show the line item allocation of
Olympus’ grant funds
Provide a working estimate of the program’s
overall expenses
Thi field
fi ld will
ill be
b carried
i d over to
t the
th B
d t ttab
where you will show line item detail of the overall
program expenses
If financial or product
support has been
secured or will be
sought from other
sources, please
provide a description
Total Anticipated Revenue will auto-calculate.
This total should represent all anticipated
income associated with the program
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 10
Medical Education Request –
General Information Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
Click the CMS Teaching Hospital List link to open the document
in Excel
Excel. You may need to select Open in a pop
up window
Review the list to determine if your requesting organization and
TIN are listed
If Yes, select your requesting
organization from the drop down list
Note that some organizations have
multiple entries. Please verify TIN match.
TIN and address are read-only
read only fields
IMPORTANT- Users must agree to comply with
Olympus’ post
program reconciliation requirements
including timely reporting on actual program
attendance, budget, and any indirect benefits provided
to health care professionals
Click Proceed
Page 11
Medical Education Request –
Request Information Tab
Describe the knowledge and/or practice
gaps to be addressed by the program
Response should answer the question,
“Wh is
i this
thi program needed?”
d d?”
Tip- Descriptions of the ACGME competencies are at
Save an entry for each educational
bj ti off the
th program
To edit an entry, click the pencil icon;
to delete an entry, click the red X
Click Proceed
Page 12
Medical Education Request –
Delivery Format Tab
Each Activity in the program agenda/
curriculum must be entered
Tip-Totals in this
summary box will
update as new
activities are
For example
example, if the program has Friday and
Saturday didactic lectures for all participants,
Saturday hands on workshops for physician
specialists, and Monday supplemental hands
on sessions for residents, three Activities
must be entered
Add the first Activity
of the program
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 13
Medical Education Request –
Delivery Format Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
If you seek
Olympus and/or
product support
for this activity,
select Yes
If you selected Yes to the
product support question, links
and a document upload field
will appear. Click the relevant
link to download the correct form
and save it to your computer.
Complete all required fields in the
form—don’t forget to save again!
Then click Browse to upload the
Tipp Successfullyy uploaded
Product Support
pp Form will appear
Enter audience, credit, invite,
and attendance details into
the table. To add an additional
audience group, click the green
plus symbol
After all Activity, Product, and Audience
details are entered, click the disk icon to
save that
th t Activity.
A ti it
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 14
Medical Education Request –
Delivery Format Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
Scroll up to the top of
the page to see the
summary of the
activity just entered
Tip- Totals in this
summary box now
reflect the activity
Review the activity summary for accuracy. If
changes are required, click the pencil icon to
p the entry
y for editing.
g To delete the
entire activity, click the red X icon
To enter details for another
Activity, begin with Delivery
Format T
Type and
d repeat the
process outlined on slides 13-14
Page 15
Medical Education Request –
Budget Tab
WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS TAB? The budget tab will require a full accounting of all program costs and an allocation of the grant
funds you request from Olympus
1) Double check to make sure your
entries for Total Program Costs and
Requested Amount from Olympus on
the General Information tab are accurate
(If they are not, use the Back button at the
bottom of the page to navigate back and
correct them)
Tip- Values entered on the General
Information tab are shown here
Tip- As you enter costs and
allocate Olympus grant funds
on the budget subtabs below,
these fifields
ld will
ill automatically
ti ll
2) Enter accurate information below in
the Proposed Program Costs and
Requested Amount from Olympus
columns until the “calculated from tabs
below” values equal the numbers
provided on the General Information tab
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 16
Medical Education Request –
Budget Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
Tip- To say it another way, in
order to move past this page,
these two values must be
…and these two values must
be equal
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 17
Medical Education Request –
Budget Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
Tip- Red text reminds users of
categories where Olympus grant funds
cannot be used; however,
however complete
information on the Proposed Program
Costs for those categories is still
Requests will non-allowable costs
allocated to Olympus will not be
reviewed by the Grants Committee
…and these values must be
Tip- The Travel, Honoraria, and Meals tab
require detail on the Cost Per Item, Items Per
Person, and Number of People (e.g., for this
breakfast we show the per meal cost is $12.95
per person, served two times [the program is
two days]
days], and 115 people will be served
[participants, faculty, and staff] each time)
Tip- Comments are strongly encouraged for all fields
Comments are required each time the “Other” category
is used
Note- If costs vary (e.g., some flights are more
expensive than others), provide the average
cost per item so the Proposed Program Costs
reflects accurate overall costs for the line item
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 18
Medical Education Request –
Budget Tab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
Tip- Costs for cadavers or models should be entered under Meeting Logistics – Other.
Comments are required
Once all Program Costs have been
entered and the full Requested
Amount from Olympus has been
allocated, Click Save and Proceed
to Next Step
Page 19
Medical Education Request –
Document UploadsTab
WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS TAB? On this tab, requestors from US organizations will review the tax documents on file to
ensure they are up to date, and all requestors will upload required attachments. Optional attachments can also be added here
Requestors from US organizations must click the link to view the W-9 on file
If the W-9 is not signed and dated within the last two years, select the No radio button
A field will appear below to upload a new document
If yours is a nonUS organization,
select N/A
If your organization
is not accredited,
select N/A
Tip- If your organization was registered with multiple accreditations, a link will be
displayed for each certificate. If any of the certificates are out of date, you will be
required to upload a new certificate for each accreditation type
Tip- If your organization’s
W-9 is out of date, contact
your grants or development
ffi for
f an updated
d t d copy,
or download a blank form at for the
appropriate party to
complete and sign. Upload
the doc
ment on this page
and your organization’s
registration will be updated
so the new document is
available for all future
Content of this tab is continued on the next slide…
Page 20
Medical Education Request –
Document UploadsTab Continued
Content of this tab is continued from the previous slide
Click Browse to locate
the appropriate file on
your computer for each
of the four required
Requestors seeking
product support who have
additional information
h i product
delivery, or set up that
was not captured in the
required Product Support
Form are especially
encouraged to upload a
P d t and
d Logistics
L i ti
Details document
Tip- The remaining upload fields
are optional, but you are strongly
encouraged to attach any additional
information that may assist the
Grants Committee’s review
Use the existing fields where
applicable. To upload and name a
document under a different title, use
th Doc
D 1
3 fi
Tip- To add additional upload fields that allow you to name the documents, click Add Row
Click Save
and Proceed
Page 21
Medical Education Request –
Accreditation Details Tab
WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS TAB? On this tab, requestors will complete information about the accreditation status and
educational partners of the proposed program
If your program is accredited (offers specific
educational credit hours), select Yes
An additional field will appear
If your organization is not the accreditor,
select No
Additional required
fields will appear
information can be provided for the
organization that will award the program’s
credit hours. Multiple accreditors can be
IMPORTANT- Olympus will contact the accreditor via email, and
action will be required by the accreditor should an award be
made. Please inform the accreditor that he/she will be contacted
If your program has an educational partner
(other than the accreditor) select Yes
A field will appear for the partner’s name
Click Save
and Proceed
Page 22
Medical Education Request –
Authorized Signer and PayeeTab
WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS TAB? On this tab, requestors will complete information about the authorized signer and
payee address to be used should an award be made
If the authorized signer shown is the person who can sign
the Olympus Letter of Agreement (and the email address
shown is accurate), select Yes
If the information is not correct, select No and input the
correct information in the new fields that appear
IMPORTANT- Olympus will contact the authorized signer via email, and
action will be required
y the authorized signer
should an award be made.
Please inform the authorized signer that he/she will be contacted
If the address shown is the correct mailing address
to be used for delivery of a paper check, select Yes
If the address is not correct, select No and input the
correct information in the new fields that appear
PLEASE NOTE – Olympus will only make payment to
the Requesting Organization. You will not be able to
update the Organization Name
Tip- Olympus delivers checks to US organizations via FedEx
Checks to Canadian organizations are delivered via Purolator
PO Boxes are not accepted
Click Save
and Proceed
Page 23
Medical Education Request –
Request Review Page
WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS PAGE? On this page, the complete information and all attachments provided in the application
are available for review. Requestors can return to specific tabs of the application to make edits or submit the request
Carefully review the information shown on this page to ensure it is
accurate and complete. To edit any section, click the pencil icon to
return to that tab of the original application
Tip- After making any desired edits, use the Save and Proceed
button at the bottom of each page to return to this screen
t t off thi
d on th
this page iis continued
the nextt slide…
Page 24
Medical Education Request –
Request Review Page Continued
Content of this page is continued from the previous slide
At the bottom of the page, carefully review the
Agreement statement. If desired, click the bold
Compliance Commitment text to review that
document in a new window. (The Compliance
Commitment was displayed during Registration
includes an additional link to a sample Letter of
Agreement that you may wish to circulate for
your organization’s review)
Check the box to show your agreement with
Olympus’ terms and conditions
Tipp If desired, click Print to
print or save a copy of the full
application for your records
Click Proceed to Submit
your request
Page 25
Medical Education Request –
Request Confirmation Page
WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS PAGE? This page displays a confirmation of your successful grant request submission
Tip- Note your Request ID and use the number in
all correspondence with Grants Administrators
IMPORTANT- Please note that timely responses to follow up requests from
Olympus are required to keep review of your grant request on track
All product requests will receive follow up from Olympus as described
Please inform the Product/Equipment contact that he/she will be contacted
IMPORTANT- Kindly direct all grants inquiries to Grants Administrators
Olympus sales and marketing personnel are not permitted to participate in
the grants process and will not have any information regarding the status
of your request
Click Proceed to return
to your inbox
Page 26
Medical Education Request –
Request Confirmation Email
WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS EMAIL? Within minutes of your submission, you should receive an email confirmation of your
successful grant request submission
Tip- Emails from the Olympus Grants Management
System are sent from
Please add this email to your address book
Tip- If you don’t see the email in your inbox right away, please check your Spam
The email subject line is Olympus Grant Request [Your Request ID]-[Your Program Title]
Tip- Emails from the system are automated. Please do not use the reply function
Contact Grants Administrators at 484-896-3939 or
Page 27