Ungrounded systems Wolfgang Hofheinz, E.Eng. Torsten Gruhn, E.Eng. Andy Moeschl, P.Eng./MBA the heart of a reliable supply of electrical power The advantages of modern manufacturing and process installations can only be exploited if the supply of electrical power is also reliable. Unexpected ground faults in the installation can result in undesirable failures of the supply. As early as the selection of the system used for the supply of electrical power along with the related protection devices and monitoring equipment, it is possible to lay the basis for a high level of protection for personnel and equipment, as well as for trouble-free operation. Electrical safety in the electrical power supply A virtually trouble-free, reliable electrical installation that ensures a high degree of safety for personnel, operational safety and installation safety is the primary objective of all installation managers in industrial facilities, hospitals and commercial buildings. The concept for the electrical installation must therefore • • • Take into account the safety of personnel and installations, Improve operational continuity and Contribute to the performance of the installation. For this purpose, optimally selected electrical power supplies and the related protection devices and monitoring equipment can: • • • • omprehensively protect individuals and the installation C against hazards due to electrical power, Provide immediate signalling and reaction to critical installation and operating states, Reduce maintenance, servicing and failure costs, Prevent or minimise interruptions in operation, Manage installation data to suit specific needs. Correctly selecting a power supply system The common requirements for installation safety and safety in operation are defined in EN 61140:2002+A1:2006. The following aspects are of crucial importance for the selection of a suitable electrical power supply system and the related protective measures in accordance with CEC 22.1:2012, NEC 250:2014 and HD 60364-4-41:2007: • • • • • Probability of isolation faults, Basic protection and fault protection, Continuity of the supply of electrical power, Technical and commercial aspects, Available experience. The layout of power supply systems and their connection to ground is described in more detail in CEC 22.1:2012, NEC 250:2014 and in HD 60364-1:2008. The main forms are the solidly grounded system (midpoint grounded), the impedance grounded system (midpoint grounded) and ungrounded system. In solidly grounded systems, one point is connected directly to ground and the exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are connected to this point via protective ground conductors. In impedance grounded systems, one point is connected to ground through an impedance (CEC describes the needed impedance as grounding resistor, grounding transformers, ground-fault neutralizers, reactors, capacitors or a combination of these and the exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are connected to the ground via protective ground conductors. In ungrounded systems all active parts are isolated from ground. The exposed conductive parts of the electrical installation are grounded either individually or jointly. To ensure an adequate level of protection for individuals and the installation, it is always necessary to co-ordinate the ground connection and the characteristics of ground conductors in conjunction with the type of system. The protective measures allowed are defined in CEC 22.1:2012, NEC 250:2014 and HD 60364-4-41:2007. 1 For the solidly grounded systems, residual current devices (RCDs / GFCIs) and overcurrent protection devices (e. g. circuit breakers) are the most common protection devices, the impedance grounded systems use monitors which can control the fault current to 10A or less and which de-energize the system when the continuity of the connection between the neutral point and the grounding electrode through the impedance is no longer given; while in an ungrounded system the usage of isolation monitoring devices (IMDs) with an active measuring principle (EN 61557-8:2007) is also required in the HD 60364-1:2008. CEC 22.1:2012 and NEC 250:2014 only speak of minimum standard “Wiring systems supplied by an ungrounded supply shall be equipped with a suitable ground fault detection device to indicate the presence of a ground fault” – this still allows the extremely unreliable three-light-system (dummy lights) to be used. Figure 3: ungrounded system in accordance with CEC 22.1:2012 In principle, the protection of personnel is to be given the highest priority in electrical installations. However, the control of the risk of the lack of availability of electrical power is becoming increasingly important. If an installation is unexpectedly shut down due an isolation fault, there are further aspects that should be taken into account: Placing individuals at risk, e.g. due to: • The sudden failure of the lighting, • The shutdown of equipment that is required for safety in operation. Figure 1: solidly grounded system in accordance with CEC 22.1:2012 Commercial risks, e.g. due to: • High cost as a consequence of a loss of production, in particular in areas in which re-starting is protracted and expensive, • Data loss in the information technology area, • Increased costs due to malfunctions and damage to installations or loads. Furthermore, sensitive loads can be disrupted by high fault currents; a shut down can cause overvoltages and/or electromagnetic effects, malfunctions or even damage to sensitive equipment. In relation to the availability of the supply of electrical power, the behaviour of the electrical power supply in the event of a first isolation fault is of particular interest. Figure 2: impedance grounded system in accordance with CEC 22.1:2012 Comparison between grounded and ungrounded electrical power supplies Ungrounded systems are supplied either by a transformer or by an independent supply of power (e.g. battery, generator, etc.). The special aspect of these systems is that no active conductor is connected directly to ground. In the case of a fault to frame or ground fault, no short circuit current can flow as it would do in the grounded systems. Instead, as a consequence of the lack of a complete circuit, 2 there will only be a small fault current with a magnitude defined by the isolation resistances RF and the capacitance Ce of the conductors to ground. The difference between the grounded and the ungrounded system in the case of a fault can also be seen by comparing Figures 4 and 5. On the occurrence of a direct ground fault RF in a grounded system (here a solidly grounded system), a ground fault current IF equal to the short circuit current IK flows. The upstream fuse trips and operation is interrupted (Figure 5). The ungrounded system does the opposite. Here it is easy to see that in the case of an isolation fault 0 ≤ RF ≤∞ only the mostly very small, capacitive current flows through the cable capacitances Ce. The upstream fuse does not trip in this case such that the supply of power is also safeguarded in the case of a single-pole ground fault (Figure 4). ges. For this reason it is also used in many areas where a high degree of reliability and safety is required in the electrical power supply. Examples are control circuits in accordance with CEC 22.1:2012, NEC 250:2014 and EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, electrical power supplies for areas in the medical sector in accordance with CSA Z32:2008 and DIN VDE 0100-710 (VDE 0100-710):2002-11, mobile generators in accordance with HD 384.5.551 S1:1997 and many other areas. However, ungrounded (or floating) systems with isolation monitoring are also becoming more widespread in other areas such as electric vehicles, photovoltaic installations, industrial installations with regulated drives (ASD / VFD), complex manufacturing installations, information technology facilities (data processing centres), as an unexpected failure of the supply of electrical power can have enormous financial consequences, among others. On the operation of an ungrounded system it must be taken into account that on the first isolation fault, the originally ungrounded system changes into a system comparable with a solidly grounded system, and a second isolation fault may result in the tripping of the short circuit protection and as a result in shut down. However, it is clear from more than 60 years of our experience that a single-pole fault (first isolation fault) is the most probable type of fault (> 90%) and hazardous situations due to a second isolation fault are more unlikely. Nevertheless HD 60364-4-41: 2007 recommends rectification of the isolation fault quickly after its occurrence. Figure 4: ungrounded system with isolation monitoring (IMD = Isolation Monitoring Device) Figure 5: solidly grounded system with isolation fault RF In relation to the reliability of the supply of electrical power, the ungrounded system offers the most advanta- Information edge due to isolation monitoring In accordance with CEC 22.1:2012, NEC 250:2014 and HD 60364-4-41:2007 an ungrounded system is always to be equipped with a ground fault detector. Bender invented and uses the isolation monitoring device with an active measuring principle, so that symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults can be detected. The isolation monitoring device is connected between the active supply conductors and ground; it superimposes a DC measuring voltage on the system. In the event of an isolation fault, the isolation fault RF closes the measuring circuit between the system and ground, such that a DC measuring current Im proportional to the isolation fault is generated. This DC measuring current Im generates at the measuring resistor Rm a corresponding voltage drop that is evaluated by the electronics. If this voltage drop exceeds a specific value, which is equivalent to a drop in the isolation resistance below a specific value, a signal is output on annunciator LEDs and alarm contacts. The small system leakage capacitances Ce are simply charged to the DC measuring voltage and have no effect on the measurement after a brief transient effect. (Figure 6). 3 EN 61557-8:2007 contains detailed requirements on the isolation monitoring device. The isolation monitoring device provides operators with the information edge they need to initiate appropriate planned maintenance measures in good time (Figure 7). ring devices that utilise the measuring technique of the superimposed DC measuring voltage. The reason for this situation is that in the case of a fault, these DC voltages from external sources are additional to the DC measuring voltage and therefore either result in a higher measuring current - and as a consequence in increased response sensitivity - or a lower measuring current - and as a consequence in the failure to trip (Figure 8). A further source of interference for isolation monitoring devices is system leakage capacitances that are often present in the form of interference suppression filters (EMC) between the grid and ground. On powering up the ungrounded system, these capacitances represent a low impedance connection to ground such that a high DC measuring current (charging current for Ce) flows briefly; as a consequence there is an alarm from the isolation monitoring device. Figure 6: Operating principle of isolation monitoring device Figure 8: Effect of DC voltages from external sources on the measuring voltage Figure 7: Information edge due to isolation monitoring Modern measuring technique for modern loads The measuring technique described above is appropriate if the connected loads are only purely AC loads. However, regulated drives (ASD / VFD) or loads with switched mode power supplies (e.g. PCs, dimmers, and electronic ballasts) are common these days. On the one hand this situation offers the advantage of less power loss, smaller dimensions and less weight, however, on the other hand the harmonics produced by switched mode power supplies and possible DC effects have become a problem. The DC components cause incorrect responses from isolation monito- To eliminate the effects on the isolation measurement due to DC voltages from external sources and system leakage capacitances, modern isolation monitoring devices use a pulsed DC measuring voltage. This measuring technique reacts to system leakage capacitances with variable pulse times that take into account the charging curve of Ce. The magnitude of the DC voltage from external sources is determined in a measuring cycle and can be taken into account in the measurement of the isolation resistance. In practice, this means that both DC voltages from external sources or even high system leakage capacitances no longer degrade the function of the isolation monitoring device or the result of the measurement. As a consequence it is possible to precisely determine the exact isolation resistance. One point: so-called ground fault relays that measure the displacement voltage to evaluate an isolation fault or the 4 ones using three lights or three voltmeters connected to the 3 phases to check for phase loss are not considered isolation monitoring devices in the context of EN 615578:2007 and are completely forbidden in the same standard because they do not detect symmetrical ground faults which can result for example by humidity. Devices for isolation fault location EDS In complex installations, i.e. in installations with a widely distributed supply of electrical power (such as the control voltage in a power station or substation, a large industrial application or railway signalling application), locating isolation faults can involve a high level of personnel resources and a considerable amount of time. This problem can be minimised by the usage of devices for isolation fault location in accordance with EN 61557-9. These devices locate isolation faults automatically during operation and indicate the faulty circuit via an LCD or other type of visualisation unit. The operator does not need to interrupt operation and the location of individual isolation faults is precisely indicated. With a separate version of this detection device it is easily possible to shut down a certain circuit when the user wants that. Summary These days’ complex manufacturing and process installations place high requirements on the supply of electrical power, as even a short power failure can result in downtimes and high costs. However on the usage of ungrounded systems with isolation monitoring, a tool is available to effectively and efficiently counter this problem. References: CEC 22.1-12 Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1:2012 – Safety Standard for Electrical Installations NEC 250:2014 National Electrical Code, Edition 2014 – The practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity IEEE C2:2007 National Electricity Safety Code, Edition 2007 EN 61557-8:2007 „Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 8: Isolation monitoring devices for IT systems EN 61557-9:2009 „Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 9: Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems HD 60364-4-41:2007 „Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-41: Protection for safety – Protection against electric shock EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009 Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1: General requirements HD 384.5.551 S1:1997 Electrical installations of building - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Chapter 55: Other equipment; Section 551: Low-voltage generating sets Figure 9: General layout of a device for isolation fault location for ungrounded systems EN 61140:2002+A1:2006 Protection against electric shock. Common aspects for installation and equipment HD 60364-1:2008 Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions Wolfgang Hofheinz: Schutztechnik mit Isolationsüberwachung, VDE-Schriftenreihe 114, 2nd Edition 2007, VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin – Offenbach Wolfgang Hofheinz former CTO of the Bender Group Managing Director of Bender Canada Andy Moeschl Torsten Gruhn Technical Support Engineer of Bender USA Figure 10: Isolation monitoring device for use in photovoltaic installations (Bender works photograph) 5