Cooperative Learning What? Pass-N-Praise All 4s 3s 2s Pass-N-Praise is a strategy where students are involved in peer-reviewing and reviewing what they know at the same time. Students take turns answering a question, sharing information, and praising each other for the shared information. When? How? Why? Pass-N-Praise allows students to review what they know in a peer-reviewed situation where the risk is low, but the stakes are high. Divide students into pairs/triads/quads.! Explain to students that they are going to take turns to answer a question and checking each other’s work.! Have students use one piece of paper to sign their names at the top, forming a team.! Present students with a question/prompt. (Such as, how does the Bill of Rights protect your freedoms on a daily basis…)! Have the first student write his/her answer on the piece of paper that the team signed and then pass it to a partner.! Have the partner that now has the paper praise the answer using sentence stems such as:! I liked your answer of ___________ because… (Partner agrees that the response connects to the prompt and uses evidence)! I liked your answer of ___________, but have you considered ___________ because… (Partner disagrees and provides an alternate answer using evidence)! The reflector now becomes the answer giver and the process of reflection is handed of to the next team member.! Continue the process until all teams have done 2-3 complete rotations, depending on the prompt. Pass-N-Praise can be used anytime during the lesson cycle to include making predictions for a hook to reviewing previously learned material to connecting it to what students are currently examining. Can Address Garner’s Multiple Intelligence: VL LM BK VS Adapted from the research of Kagan, S. and Kagan, M. (1998) and Garner, Howard (1993-2004)! ®SAISD Social Studies Department Reproduction rights granted only if copyright information remains intact. NA MR IP AP EM Cooperative Learning - Pass-N-Praise! Page 1