Datasheet - Alpine Metal Tech

MD 300 / 320
distortion measurement and wheel positioning
MD 300 / 320
Distortion measurement and wheel positioning
The MD300/320 machine is used for 100% process control measurement of alloy
wheels before entering the CNC machining cell.
The rugged machine design is automatically loaded from an inbound conveyor. The Cell Robot picks up the
wheel from the MD300/320 machine and then continues to load the wheels for subsequent operations. The control cabinet is built into the machine frame. To shorten the installation and commissioning, the machine comes
completely cabled and tested on site. This also ensures a fast re-arrangement of the machine if there is a layout
change in the production area. The measurement of the design-side of the wheels is done with a laser scanner,
mounted on a moveable X/Y-slide arrangement. The MD300 measures mainly the deviation of the front side
clamping flange and the hub area. With the integrated wheel type recognition and individual type tolerance values, the machine can be used either in batch operation or at fully mixed production lines without any limitations.
With the MD320 at the entrance at a production cell, only wheels within tolerance will be produced and this will
increase the overall output of the cell. The optional measurement of the clamping flange flatness and subsequent
positioning on the chuck for clamping with the least wheel distortion at OP1 improves the overall wheel quality
and significantly reduces unbalance of even the most difficult wheels. With using the NUMTEC barcode system,
all measurements can be automatically linked for statistical reasons to a mold and a casting machine, which also
monitors’ the overall performance of the casting area.
A typical measurement cycle consists of the following steps:
• Automatically loading of the wheel from the conveyor
• Pneumatically centering and lifting the wheel.
• Wheel type recognition with NUMTEC barcode system and/or optional camera system
• Laser measurement and positioning for the robot gripper/load
• Take-over to the cell robot system including valve stem repositioning after OP1
• Communication and data transfer to cell plc system
As interface to the conveyor or robot cell, plc Profibus or Profinet can be used. All measurement values and statistical data can be accessed over a standard Ethernet interface and therefore available in the entire plant network.
Your advantages
►►Distortion Measurement
Automatic distortion measurement for individual correction of wheel deviation to increase product quality and
improve overall productivity rate of existing equipment.
►►mixed production
The machine can work with batch operation or fully flexible production lines with mixed wheel types.
►►numtec Barcode system / camera system
Wheel type recognition with Numtec Barcode or optionally with design recognition camera system.
►►statisticAl date and trend analyses
All measured wheel data is stored in a data base system. This included data base system can be used to generate trend analysis of your production, i.e. for casting and heat treatment lines.
With the laser flatness measurement of the front side clamping flange and the calculation of individual best
chucking orientation at the CNC lathe, massive improvements in the overall wheel quality can be reached. This
will directly result in less rework percentage and increased production of in specification wheels.
Robust turning unit
numtec laser unit
repositioning unit
Robot unloading
control cabinet
integrated into machine frame
Hub float measurement
With the integrated hub float measurement, the height of the hub area will be compared with the chucking area at the front side clamping flange and the deviation to
the nominal value will be detected. The generated data will be used in the following
1. Direct comparison of the deviation in respect of every single wheel type and
action depending on the individual quality criteria of each wheel type. This will
reduce overall machining costs by not spending machining time on any wheels
already out of tolerance prior to machining.
2. Generation of a correcting value for the 2nd OP. The measured deviation from
the nominal value will be transferred automatically to the cell plc and CNC
machine to be used as correction value at the machining process. With this
system, every wheel will be produced with individual offset values in the best
possible quality.
3. Direct quality monitoring of the casting and heat treatment process. With a statistical analysis of all measured wheel parameters, the casting process can be
monitored over a long time period. All data is available in a standard data base
system in the machine PC.
measurement of clamping flange
Possible measuring position 1:
Top side clamping flange
Possible measuring position 2:
Inner area clamping flange
After the wheel type detection and the laser position measurement, the laser measures the front side clamping flange flatness. The sensor will measure the flatness 360°
around the wheel at the pre-defined clamping area for the 1st operation. Each 0.1°
around the wheel a height value will be stored. With the resulting 3600 measurement
values the exact deformation and flatness of the clamping flange will be calculated. The
deviation in this area will have a massive impact on the resulting wheel quality regarding
unbalance and radial run-out. Based on this knowledge, a calculation of acceptable
tolerance values individually for each wheel type can also be made in the casting area.
This results in:
1. An early detection of reject cast parts and just in time introduction of
counter-actions at the casting or heat treatment process.
2. Prevention of production steps on reject wheels in the area of casting and
machining areas.
3. Capacity increase of existing equipment due to immediately separation
of reject wheels
All measurement points from the flatness measurement will be used to calculate the
best angle position at the OP1 chucking system. The new rotation unit will turn the
wheel into the measured and calculated best angle position, the cell robot only has
to take the wheel and insert it into the OP1 chuck. For manual production lines, this
best position can also be marked with a color point so that the operator can use the
system also in manual operation.
REpositioning unit with camera system
Optionally, for use in robot cells with the flexible orientation system, a combined repositioning and valve hole positioning camera unit will be supplied. The unit consists
of a frame unit, a precise turning unit with centering pin and a camera system. The
robot will place the wheel prior to the drilling process (after OP1 or OP2) into the unit.
The MD320 will automatically bring the wheel back into zero position and then orient
the wheel to the proper positioning for the valve hole. After positioning, the robot will
lift the wheel around 20mm and the camera will again measure the exact valve angle,
this angle will then be used for correction in the drilling machine (either with robot or
with the CNC program).
MD 300 / 320
Technical data
Measurement principleLaser sensor, triangulation type
Measurement characteristics
- clamping flange flatness
- hub float , distortion
Measurement positions
- front side clamping flange
- hub area
Wheel type recognitionNUMTEC barcode system or Vision system
Turning unit
3 - 10 seconds / revolution
PHD gripper system with stepper motor
pneumatically vertical lifting unit, 220 mm
Machine controlIndustrial PC, Windows 7 embedded
Interface to robot
- parallel I/O, 24 VDC or Bussystem
- Profibus, Ethernet, Profinet
Machine capacity
approx. 60 wheels / hour
Wheel dimension
Wheel size:
Wheel weight:
from 14 - 24 inch in total (2 mechanical
clamping ranges, from 14-21 inch and 17-24
inch, manual change between the two ranges)
max. 45 kg
Electrical supply
3 x 400 VAC, 50 Hz, 2 KVA
Mechanical dimensions
1650 x 1510 x 2353 mm
Intuitive software
Frame Type
For operation and training of new wheel types. Software is available in several langua-
Precise positioning and centering for the cell
robot pick-up position
The machine can be ordered with access
doors on left or right side of machine frame
wheel type identification
hub float measurement
Remote Maintenance
Type recognition with NUMTEC barcode based on mold numbers or Vison System
The laser-measured distortion values will be
sent as correction values with Profibus / Profinet to cell plc and CNC machines
Integrated possibility for remote maintenance
access, if requested
camera system
rotation unit
Unballance / Quality
Design recognition with the Numtec camera
Camera system with rotation unit to return
wheel angle to zero and to make precise
positioning for valve hole prior to the drilling
ty improvements due to individual chucking
angles at OP1
sprue point control
Flow forming wheels
Color point
Depending on the installation location, the
machine can automatically detect if the sprue
is already drilled/punched out. (safety check
at cell entrance)
With an additional axis for the Numtec laser
scanner or with the optional Vision system,
flow forming wheels can be measured and
processed at the MD300/320
For manual operation, to indicate the best
chucking position at manually operated machining lines
Reduction of unbalance and general quali-
V 1.0
BuchbergstraSSe 11, 4844 regau, austria
TEL.: +43 / 7672 / 78134-0, FAX: +43 / 7672 / 25429